View Full Version : Next Three JMU Home Football Games Sold Out
JMU Duke Dog
September 7th, 2005, 12:25 PM
HARRISONBURG, Sept. 7, 2005 – James Madison University athletic officials announced Wednesday that the university’s next three home football games have been sold out. The games include a Sept. 17 contest with Delaware State, an Oct. 8 meeting with Maine, and an Oct. 29 game with Richmond.
JMU’s Oct. 8 Family Weekend game with Maine sold out in August, the earliest all tickets for a Dukes home game have been sold. The sellout for the Oct. 29 Homecoming game with Richmond is JMU’s earliest Homecoming sellout, and the sellout for the Sept. 17 Delaware State game is the first time that a JMU home game not affiliated with Family Weekend or Homecoming activities has sold out.
JMU’s athletic ticket office also has announced that a limited number of tickets for public sale – fewer than 500 for each game – are available for the Dukes’ other two remaining home games this season. JMU hosts Villanova Nov. 12 and Towson Nov. 19.
JMU is holding 6,000 student tickets for the Richmond game, and students may begin picking up those tickets Oct. 10 at the athletic office at the JMU Convocation Center. Student tickets for the Oct. 8 Family Weekend game will be available Sept. 26.
The Dukes opened their 2005 season last Saturday (Sept. 3) with a 56-0 victory over Lock Haven. The game was played before a crowd of 14,673, the largest crowd JMU has attracted for a season-opening home game.
JMU sold a program-record 3,700 season tickets for its 2005 football season, easily surpassing its record of 2,272, set in 2004.
JMU, which is the defending Division I-AA national champion and the No. 1 ranked team in The Sports Network’s Division I-AA poll, plays this Saturday in a 7 p.m. game at Coastal Carolina. Coastal Carolina is coming off a 10-1 season a year ago and opened its 2005 campaign with a 17-10 win over Elon.
September 7th, 2005, 12:33 PM
heck yes!!! and you better believe jmu fans are gonna be going crazy this year
p.s. there's nothing better than hearing thousands of fans yelling the "you suck!" chant at the top of their lungs, and if you don't know this chant, wait till you get to see jmu in action and you'll get to hear it :D
tribe ol
September 7th, 2005, 12:42 PM
Great attendance numbers. One question though, did you guys keep your UVA tickets in case JMU loses a game or two?
September 7th, 2005, 12:45 PM
haha, right...UVA....i'm working on lining up my VT tickets during a JMU away game ;)
tribe ol
September 7th, 2005, 12:49 PM
You mean you guys don't wear ties to the games in H'burg go with your thundesticks and other Wahoo-wanna-be accessories?
September 7th, 2005, 01:00 PM
95% of students prefer to roll up with alcohol instead of ties...jmu pregames before the game, and drinks at the game, so i doubt many people would be able to tie a tie for the game haha
September 7th, 2005, 01:04 PM
Is this something like the season ticket sell out of 3,700? What does JMU consider a sell out?
September 7th, 2005, 01:06 PM
Is this something like the season ticket sell out of 3,700? What does JMU consider a sell out?
50% capacity. :p
September 7th, 2005, 01:17 PM
What are the odds of scoring a couple of tickets for the Richmond game?
September 7th, 2005, 01:25 PM
sell out means sell out. all season tickets were sold a few weeks ago and the rest of the tickets are now sold out for these games, they had to turn away students for the lock haven game. 14,673 people....aka 108% stadium capacity
September 7th, 2005, 01:27 PM
p.s. there's nothing better than hearing thousands of fans yelling the "you suck!" chant at the top of their lungs, and if you don't know this chant, wait till you get to see jmu in action and you'll get to hear it
Wow, "you suck", now there's a creative chant. Did you guys get together to practice that one brfore the opener? :)
September 7th, 2005, 01:29 PM
Wow, "you suck", now there's a creative chant. Did you guys get together to practice that one brfore the opener? :)
you act like you don't remember hearing that last year when we beat you in the playoffs, i know we did it at least once that night ;) and no its not complex, but its effective and easy to remember, the ends the best part
September 7th, 2005, 01:30 PM
So all but 600 tickets have been sold to all of these? There is no GA tickets? What about the tickets for the other school. Are they all actually sold or just accounted for because they were given to the other school.
Im not trying to stir up anything just honest questions. Most programs have to build a fan base and you guys have just "discovered" fans in a already football rich area. Kinda odd.
September 7th, 2005, 01:37 PM
So all but 600 tickets have been sold to all of these? There is no GA tickets? What about the tickets for the other school. Are they all actually sold or just accounted for because they were given to the other school.
Im not trying to stir up anything just honest questions. Most programs have to build a fan base and you guys have just "discovered" fans in a already football rich area. Kinda odd.
As far as I know all tickets are sold, that is a good question about the tickets for other schools though, I guess they just count them as sold. And there were a lot of people standing around the fence also, so I'm guessing we hit like the fire code limit. I'm not saying we did, I'm just guessing thats why they had to turn away students. I'm not suprised we have so many people coming to games though. We have a lot of alumni that remain in the area that come back to see the games and with almost 17,000 students, its definitely not hard to fill up the student section when we start winning.
tribe ol
September 7th, 2005, 01:42 PM
Tell the truth, if JMU has 3+ losses heading in the last few games of the year will you be in Harrisonburg on Saturday's or Charlottesville?
September 7th, 2005, 01:46 PM
i'd be in blacksburg, why would i be in charlottesville? and if i had a choice between a jmu game or a tech game, i'd probably still go with jmu unless it was a really big game at tech. plus, i have a feeling jmu won't lose 3 games this season, though i could be wrong.
JMU Duke Dog
September 7th, 2005, 01:53 PM
My father went to UVA, my older brother went to VT, and my younger brother goes to W&M. I picked JMU over these other schools as JMU was the one offering the best undergraduate biotechnology program in this state. I never go to any of these other schools' games unless JMU is playing them that day. I support only JMU and get extremely disappointed in my fellow Dukes for supporting other schools even if they are I-A.
tribe ol
September 7th, 2005, 02:10 PM
If you read your own post it seems clear that you are admitting that you are a typical bandwagon JMU fan that will bail and run to Blacksburg/Charlottesville as soon as Mickey can say 6-5.
September 7th, 2005, 02:18 PM
tribe ol,
Not sure where you got this idea that JMU fans care so much about UVa football. In my four years at JMU, I did not know a single person who ever attended a UVa football game. And the comment about ties and thundersticks? Huh? As far as I know, it has never been acceptable to wear ties to a JMU football game. Sure we have thundersticks, but are those really a UVa thing as you claim? If UVa invented/popularized the thunderstick, then I stand corrected. I just don't understand your beef with JMU's ticket sales or your unhealthy obsession with UVa.
I truely hope that you don't represent the majority of JMU fans when you say that you would sometimes pick a Tech game over a JMU game. I will take JMU vs a DIII over Tech vs Top 25 I-A any day. Get your priorities straight dude!
September 7th, 2005, 02:20 PM
If you read your own post it seems clear that oyu are admitting that you are a typical bandwagon JMU fan that will bail and run to Blacksburg/Charlottesville as soon as Mickey can say 6-5.
true, it does sound like that. I've lived 10 min from JMU all my life, so I've grown up believing that the football is crap at JMU. 6-5 I would still go, it's not until we only win like 3 games a season that I stop going. I would sure as heck not bail and run to Charlottesville and as for the going to Blacksburg if there was a big game comment, my oldest brother and a lot of freinds are down there, so it's not just that I'm bailing on JMU, its that I'd get to see a lot of people I usually don't get to hang out with. I don't know if any of that made too much sense, i'll explain more if you want me too :)
tribe ol
September 7th, 2005, 02:31 PM
I have no beef with JMU's ticket sales. The UVA comments are derived form the fact that most of the people that I know that went to JMU are (or were, until recently) big UVA fans. They were generally embarassed to admit that they even followed JMU sports until the semi-finals last year, at which time they all came out of the woodwork wearing purple. The JMU fans sitting around me did not even know Fenner's name until I told them.
The reference to ties comes from the early and mi-90's, when it was common to see JMU fans at footballl games in ties (certainly not all of them, but some of them). Hence the old line about JMU standing for Just Missed UVA.
September 7th, 2005, 02:57 PM
It's great that JMU is selling out games in the wake of a NC season; it really is. But the real proof that a school has arrived in terms of support will happen over the long term. I'm a firm believer that the strength (or weakness) of your fanbase shows most when the team is not fielding contenders.
In the meantime, definitely enjoy what you have, ride the wave and hope that JMU continues to build fan loyalty. It's an all-too-rare commodity in I-AA.
JMU Duke Dog
September 7th, 2005, 08:43 PM
As long as JMU can stay competitive and have a good chance of making the playoffs then hopefully this newfound craziness for football here will continue and even grow from where it currently stands. I remember that football games were seen as uncool to attend in the 2003 season; however, it is obviously now the cool thing to do. I also hope that we see less merchandise of other schools such as UVA and VT merchandise around campus, but the main reason that awful stuff is seen around campus is because of the JMU girls having boyfriends at either UVA or VT due to the fact that JMU's student body is approximately 65% female.
September 7th, 2005, 08:48 PM
some of the posts on this thread are comical.....
NEWS bases GROW by fans who start out as bandwagon. Most fans were, at one time, band wagon fans.
10 years ago, Montana was in a stadium smaller than Bridgeforth. Now look.
And its not as if JMU has had terrible fan support in the past. We almost always average over 10,000. Even when we were 2-9, we still averaged a respectable 9500.
As long as JMU can remain competitive, our fan base will continue to grow. The excitement is there....we just needed a spark.
We will average 15,000 this year. There is enough demand to warrant a 20,000 seat stadium. You have better believe it is in the works.
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