View Full Version : Torre Rehired?

October 18th, 2007, 02:29 PM
Told by a fellow lawyer who knows a guy who went to law school with someone who is friends with someone in the Yankees' front office.

One-year deal with an option for 2d year at $7mil a year. Don't know who has the option.

October 18th, 2007, 02:37 PM
That's what E$PN was semi-reporting this morning. Cashman was in touch with Torre by phone from Florida and they figured if they were going to fire him they'd done it in person. So they figured it was contract negotiations.

October 18th, 2007, 02:45 PM
I thought I saw something on ESPN today saying he was down in Tampa meeting with people now...

October 18th, 2007, 02:49 PM
That's what E$PN was semi-reporting this morning. Cashman was in touch with Torre by phone from Florida and they figured if they were going to fire him they'd done it in person. So they figured it was contract negotiations.

I saw a report on ESPN before lunch that said Torre was going to Tampa but it didn't say there was a deal done.

This guy I spoke to claimed to have inside information which he said was coming from someone in the know.xtwocentsx

October 18th, 2007, 02:51 PM
Torre arrived early trhis afternoon in Tampa after flying down with Cashman

October 18th, 2007, 02:51 PM
Makes sense to bring him back. In that I don't think they could find anyone else who is better.

October 18th, 2007, 02:56 PM
It makes loads of sense to bring him back.
I don't undrestand why he put up with being treated like that.

I know I know...he's got 7 million reasons to put up with it.

What would he make in the broadcast booth?

October 18th, 2007, 03:01 PM
It makes loads of sense to bring him back.
I don't undrestand why he put up with being treated like that.

I know I know...he's got 7 million reasons to put up with it.

What would he make in the broadcast booth?

A lot less than a one year with option with the Yankees, that's for sure. It's the perfect way for Steinbrunner to keep Torre, and still show he's not happy with their performance by putting him on a "short leash".

Win-win, it sounds like.

October 18th, 2007, 03:08 PM
Please update the topic thread.

Joe Torre will NOT return as Yankees manager after turning down the 5 million (with opportunity for a 3 million bonus).

October 18th, 2007, 03:10 PM
So to clarify, it was a 1 year offer for 5 million.

Bonus structure:
1 million for an ALDS berth
1 million for an ALCS berth
1 million for a WS berth

So making it to the World Series would have resulted in a pay raise for Torre.

Also, if making the World Series, the Yankees would have a 1 year option vested at 8 million for 2009.

October 18th, 2007, 03:19 PM
Tough to see how he stays with the Yanks if he turns down that - they aren't going to keep him at the same salary. The bonus structure as shown would appear to be the best compromise I think Steinbrenner could make - he's not going to lose face and bring Torre back without a paycut or something incentive based. I think this may be it for Torre in NY if he's really turning that down.

October 18th, 2007, 03:20 PM
Hah. That's the last time I trust a fellow lawyer. ;)

Where are you getting your report?

October 18th, 2007, 03:22 PM
irs on espn.com


October 18th, 2007, 03:28 PM
talking about it on ESPN right now...

Steve Phillips says that Don Mattingly could be the leading candidate, or Joe Girardi...

October 18th, 2007, 03:29 PM
Joe Girardi is the guy

October 18th, 2007, 03:30 PM
Did the Yankees actually think that people wouldn't see right through this little game they played? It's fairly obvious to me that the Yankees decided NOT to bring Torre back over the course of the last few days.

Instead of outright firing him they attempted to save face here and offered him less money knowing damn well he wouldn't accept the pay cut. Now they can say, "we tried, but Joe didn't want to come back".

It's pure B.S. I'm glad for Torre. He's the real winner here. He's surely doesn't need the money, now he can take a broadcasting job for a couple of years and not have to deal with the constant Steinbrenner bullcrap.

Now that Torre is no longer the manager I think that this drastically reduces the chances that Rivera and Posada and to a lesser extent Arod come back to play for them next year.

October 18th, 2007, 03:32 PM
I agree.. A Rod was gone no matter what.

This makes Rivera and Posada's departure more likely then not.

October 18th, 2007, 03:32 PM
Torre may be betting that there'll be a backlash which will require the Yankees to improve the offer. That's a lot of money to leave on the table.

October 18th, 2007, 03:32 PM
Well, that was interesting...

I'm not totally surprised Joe turned down that deal. I can't believe he wouldn't accept less than 2 guaranteed years, incentives or otherwise. It's got to be pretty hard to take a paycut when he just pulled off quite a coup in managing that team into the postseason, and then to only be brought back for a single season? Hopefully there'll be another chance, but it seems like this is really the end of Joe Torre and the New York Yankees :(

Mattingly and Girardi are the leading candidates to replace him, and I would be shocked if anyone else gets seriously considered

October 18th, 2007, 03:33 PM
I guess Michael Kay thinks Torre will end up in Boston, and that would be even a bigger F! You to Steinbrenner

October 18th, 2007, 03:35 PM
I agree.. A Rod was gone no matter what.

This makes Rivera and Posada's departure more likely then not.

All three will be back next year.

October 18th, 2007, 03:38 PM
All three will be back next year.

I think djp needs to emerge and put up a bet on this.....maybe he can stick you with a sox avatar all next year xcoolx

October 18th, 2007, 03:41 PM
Torre in Boston?? Now, that would be something!

A-Rod won't be back, but that's a good thing for the Yankees. Pettite will be back, he won't get 16M elsewhere, they'll get Rivera back IMO & lose Posada.

October 18th, 2007, 03:46 PM
I guess Michael Kay thinks Torre will end up in Boston, and that would be even a bigger F! You to Steinbrenner

Boston would really let Francona go after this season? xeyebrowx

October 18th, 2007, 03:49 PM
They can win the next 7 games and I would think Francona would still be on the hotseat.

I mean really Crisp sucks and Drew cant hit the side of a barn....Wheres Ellsbury? oh on the end of the bench rotting away UGH!

October 18th, 2007, 03:52 PM
Torre will never go to Boston. He has too many business interests in New York. If he went to Boston, he loses a lot of good will in New York.

Posada will stay because he wants a big final contract. The Yankees will overpay him to stay. He has also has business interests in New York.

The same goes for Rivera.

As for Arod, the Yanks have $21.5 mil of the Rangers' money to throw into an extension deal. When you take $21.5 of someone else's money, and add it to the resources of the sport's richest team, that adds up to a contract extension so generous that Boras could say he did his job without testing the market.

Unless the Yanks secretly want to dump him and sign Mike Lowell, which would actually be a great baseball move IMO. But the Yanks need to field marquee names to satisfy the YES investors. Arod's name looks better on the marquee than "Mike Lowell, 3b."

October 18th, 2007, 03:53 PM
A Rod will opt out... Once that happens the Rangers money is gone.

October 18th, 2007, 04:01 PM
A Rod will opt out... Once that happens the Rangers money is gone.

That's why he won't opt out. The Yankees will extend Arod's contract to add years but they won't touch the next three years.

Remember Boras is Arod's agent for endorsements too. Where do you think his 10% of Arod's endorsement deals is worth most as Arod closes in on Barry Bonds' record? xchinscratchx

October 18th, 2007, 04:02 PM
They can win the next 7 games and I would think Francona would still be on the hotseat.

The man who took Boston to their first title in 86 years, then wins another after finishing with the best record in baseball would be on the hot seat? Please tell me that's sarcastic xrolleyesx

Crisp sucks and Drew cant hit the side of a barn

That's wonderboy Theo's brilliant decision-making, not Terry

October 18th, 2007, 04:03 PM

October 18th, 2007, 04:07 PM
The man who took Boston to their first title in 86 years, then wins another after finishing with the best record in baseball would be on the hot seat? Please tell me that's sarcastic xrolleyesx

That's wonderboy Theo's brilliant decision-making, not Terry

Its terrys choice to leave Ellsbury on the bench while Drew and Crisp continue to fail.

October 18th, 2007, 04:08 PM
Joe Girardi is the guy

Actually, expect it to be Mattingly. It goes without saying that replace a Yankee legend, you need to bring in another Yankee legend.

Giraradi is great though, but the Yankees want Mattingly to manage at some point and this is the opening. Mattingly has been groomed to take over since the promotion from hitting coach.

October 18th, 2007, 04:10 PM
Told by a fellow lawyer who knows a guy who went to law school with someone who is friends with someone in the MLB front office, or something like that.

Francona is out in Boston. Done no matter what. He will be replaced by Charlie Manuel.

Charlie Manuel is out in Philly. Done. He will be replaced by Terry Francona.


October 18th, 2007, 04:11 PM
Told by a fellow lawyer who knows a guy who went to law school with someone who is friends with someone in the MLB front office, or something like that.

Francona is out in Boston. Done no matter what. He will be replaced by Charlie Manuel.

Charlie Manuel is out in Philly. Done. He will be replaced by Terry Francona.


funny ****.

October 18th, 2007, 04:12 PM
Actually, expect it to be Mattingly. It goes without saying that replace a Yankee legend, you need to bring in another Yankee legend.

Giraradi is great though, but the Yankees want Mattingly to manage at some point and this is the opening. Mattingly has been groomed to take over since the promotion from hitting coach.

If the Yankees had serious interest in having Mattingly manage, he would have been in the minors managing this year getting experience. The Yankees arent going to hire someone with ZERO managing experience.

Col Hogan
October 18th, 2007, 04:12 PM
I think djp needs to emerge and put up a bet on this.....maybe he can stick you with a sox avatar all next year xcoolx

What would I bet on...That Torre is in Boston...That A-Rod, Posada and Rivera leave...

Joe Torre may be P.Oed at the Yankees for their pay-cut offer...but he bleeds Yankee blue...he'll never go to Boston...

I think joltinjoe is 2/3 correct...Posada and Rivera will return...

A-Rod...50-50 IMHO...

October 18th, 2007, 04:14 PM
Did the Yankees actually think that people wouldn't see right through this little game they played? It's fairly obvious to me that the Yankees decided NOT to bring Torre back over the course of the last few days.

Instead of outright firing him they attempted to save face here and offered him less money knowing damn well he wouldn't accept the pay cut. Now they can say, "we tried, but Joe didn't want to come back".

It's pure B.S. I'm glad for Torre. He's the real winner here. He's surely doesn't need the money, now he can take a broadcasting job for a couple of years and not have to deal with the constant Steinbrenner bullcrap.

Now that Torre is no longer the manager I think that this drastically reduces the chances that Rivera and Posada and to a lesser extent Arod come back to play for them next year.

Couldn't disagree more. It was an excellent move by the Yankees.

They offered Torre:
1) To remain the highest paid manager in baseball (Pinnella made 3.5 million in '07
2) To have the opportunity to make EVEN MORE in 2008 than he did in 2007

Regardless of how it played out, the Yankees made the right offers and Torre turned it down. Now there will be less of public relations issue and the next guy to take over will have fan support since Joe walked away.

October 18th, 2007, 04:18 PM
I called back my fellow lawyer who gave me my scoop.

Claims that it was a done deal and Torre came to Tampa to sign. Swears that was true and that something unforeseen happened. Even says the Yankee website had a story saying the signing was imminent, which was pulled shortly before 4 p.m.


So using my lawyerly skills, I quickly asked if he really had a scoop or did he happen to be on the website when the original story was posted ....

He fessed up. xliarx

Seriously, if the Yankee website was reporting that a signing was imminent, it does sound like something happened at the last minute.

Col Hogan
October 18th, 2007, 04:18 PM
Told by a fellow lawyer who knows a guy who went to law school with someone who is friends with someone in the MLB front office, or something like that.

Francona is out in Boston. Done no matter what. He will be replaced by Charlie Manuel.

Charlie Manuel is out in Philly. Done. He will be replaced by Terry Francona.


If...If that were to happen...I'm glad the windows don't open in my office building...I'd jump...

Instead, I'll burn my Sox Hat in protest.........xoopsx xoopsx

October 18th, 2007, 04:19 PM
Torre TURNED THA BOSS and THA YANKEE's DOWN..........HE's OUT!! (http://msn.foxsports.com/mlb/story/7349692?MSNHPHCP&GT1=10539)

Joe Torre is out as manager of the New York Yankees, rejecting a substantial pay cut after the team failed to make it past the first round of the playoffs for the third straight year.

Torre turned down a $5 million, one-year contract Thursday that still would have made him the highest paid manager in baseball.
Bench coach Don Mattingly is the leading contender to replace Torre, who led the Yanks to 12 straight playoff appearances and won four World Series championships. Yankees broadcaster Joe Girardi, the NL Manager of the Year with Florida in 2006, is another top contender

October 18th, 2007, 04:24 PM
If the Yankees had serious interest in having Mattingly manage, he would have been in the minors managing this year getting experience. The Yankees arent going to hire someone with ZERO managing experience.

Perhaps in your world, that might be the path to take. But the Yankees have only had Mazzilli manage in the minors before coming up to the majors (Milton Bradley hit a championship winning walk off homerun to beat Mazzilli's team).

When you look at the last 3 Yankee bench coaches, two have left to become managers: Girardi and Randolf.

October 18th, 2007, 04:28 PM
Perhaps in your world, that might be the path to take. But the Yankees have only had Mazzilli manage in the minors before coming up to the majors (Milton Bradley hit a championship winning walk off homerun to beat Mazzilli's team).

When you look at the last 3 Yankee bench coaches, two have left to become managers: Girardi and Randolf.

That said, I personally wouldn't mind seeing Girardi take the reigns. Or perhaps someone to take over for 2-3 years before Mattingly takes over...someone like Larry Bowa.

October 18th, 2007, 05:03 PM
history suggests that they will hire someone who has managed somewhere previously.

I looked back through Ralph Houk and of the 14 men who have managed the Yankees atleast 10 had prior experience either in the minors or with another team.

Four men I couldnt find info about possible minor league managing. Dick Howser, Gene Michael, Yogi Berra and Lou Pinella. None of those four spent significant time as Yankees manager. Pinella had a year between retiring as a palyer and taking over as the Yanks manager, he may have managed in the minors but im not sure.

October 19th, 2007, 07:12 AM
Couldn't disagree more. It was an excellent move by the Yankees.

They offered Torre:
1) To remain the highest paid manager in baseball (Pinnella made 3.5 million in '07
2) To have the opportunity to make EVEN MORE in 2008 than he did in 2007

Regardless of how it played out, the Yankees made the right offers and Torre turned it down. Now there will be less of public relations issue and the next guy to take over will have fan support since Joe walked away.

Although good points I have to stand by what I previously said. From everything I've read/heard Torre wanted a 2 year deal (maybe longer). Torre has to be so financially secure money can't really be his issue. It's the length of the deal. He wanted 2 years the Yankees knew this so they offered him this 1 year deal.

If the Yankees really wanted Torre to be their manager they would have offered him the 2 years.

October 19th, 2007, 12:39 PM
Although good points I have to stand by what I previously said. From everything I've read/heard Torre wanted a 2 year deal (maybe longer). Torre has to be so financially secure money can't really be his issue. It's the length of the deal. He wanted 2 years the Yankees knew this so they offered him this 1 year deal.

If the Yankees really wanted Torre to be their manager they would have offered him the 2 years.

If that were the case, Torre could have simply ASKED for a 2 year deal. Same terms: 5 million a year with the same incentives and if they reach the World Series in 2008, it's 8 million for 2009. Torre never countered the Yankees.

The Yankees did what they had to do and they wanted Torre back or else they would have offered him a salary cut with NO incentives. If Torre had been able to achieve what he and the Yankees wanted, making it to the World Series, Torre would have had a RAISE from the 7 million he made each of the past 3 years. And note, even at 5 million the Yankees are showing Torre enough respect to pay him 1.5 million base more than the next highest paid manager, Pinnella, who makes 3.5. A World Series trip would more than double Pinnellas #2 salary.

October 19th, 2007, 01:15 PM
If that were the case, Torre could have simply ASKED for a 2 year deal. Same terms: 5 million a year with the same incentives and if they reach the World Series in 2008, it's 8 million for 2009. Torre never countered the Yankees.

The Yankees did what they had to do and they wanted Torre back or else they would have offered him a salary cut with NO incentives. If Torre had been able to achieve what he and the Yankees wanted, making it to the World Series, Torre would have had a RAISE from the 7 million he made each of the past 3 years. And note, even at 5 million the Yankees are showing Torre enough respect to pay him 1.5 million base more than the next highest paid manager, Pinnella, who makes 3.5. A World Series trip would more than double Pinnellas #2 salary.
Were you at the meeting? How do you know he didnt counter asking for a multi year guaranteed deal and was refused? The Yankees lowballed him so they can try to say we gave hiom an offer and he refused... there not gonna come out and say, he asked for 2 or 3 years guaranteed but we refused.

October 19th, 2007, 01:15 PM
Klapisch just asked the big question: Do you think they made an offer to keep you or one they knew you'd refuse.

Torre left that to the reporters to decide.

October 19th, 2007, 01:16 PM
If that were the case, Torre could have simply ASKED for a 2 year deal. .

Why ask for something when it's so clear you're not wanted? I don't see the Yankees negotiating here, hell they spent almost a week discussing what to offer him. They knew before hand what Torre wanted and they ruthlessly and purposefully offered him what they knew he didn't want. The Yankees don't need to play hardball with one of their most popular employees.

October 19th, 2007, 01:18 PM
Were you at the meeting? How do you know he didnt counter asking for a multi year guaranteed deal and was refused? The Yankees lowballed him so they can try to say we gave hiom an offer and he refused... there not gonna come out and say, he asked for 2 or 3 years guaranteed but we refused.

No T, i wasn't at the meeting. But Michael Kay discussed this morning how after speaking with everyone in the room during the meeting, that no real negotiations ever happened. It was a 20 minute meeting. No "OK, we'll give you a second year but the money will be less..." or any other hypotheticals. Torre mentioned his unhappiness with the 1 year deal but didn't come back to the Yankees with a set alternative (such as the hypothetical I mentioned above).

October 19th, 2007, 01:21 PM
No T, i wasn't at the meeting. But Michael Kay discussed this morning how after speaking with everyone in the room during the meeting, that no real negotiations ever happened. It was a 20 minute meeting. No "OK, we'll give you a second year but the money will be less..." or any other hypotheticals. Torre mentioned his unhappiness with the 1 year deal but didn't come back to the Yankees with a set alternative (such as the hypothetical I mentioned above).

Again the Yankees low balled him basically so thye could be rid of him without firing him, if he countered the Yankees offer and was refused why would the Yankees admit that?

October 19th, 2007, 01:21 PM
Why ask for something when it's so clear you're not wanted?

Good question. But after listening to Kay this morning on NY 1050, he's convinced that the Yankees wanted Joe back, just on the terms they set with an incentive based contract similar to the ones he had up until 2004, when Swindell negotiated the 3 year 20 million deal putting Torre more than double the next highest paid manager at the time.

October 19th, 2007, 01:22 PM
Klapisch just asked the big question: Do you think they made an offer to keep you or one they knew you'd refuse.

Torre left that to the reporters to decide.

Could it be that Torre didn't answer the question because he is clearly classier than the Yankees? xconfusedx The only class left in that organization lie with Jeter, Rivera and Posada. xsmhx

October 19th, 2007, 01:23 PM
Could it be that Torre didn't answer the question because he is clearly classier than the Yankees? xconfusedx The only class left in that organization lie with Jeter, Rivera and Posada. xsmhx

And thats to be debated by Yankee fans if they both leave this offseason. Im not calling them classless, but my guess is a good number of Yankee fans will if they both tell Steiny to stick it xcoolx

October 19th, 2007, 01:24 PM
Could it be that Torre didn't answer the question because he is clearly classier than the Yankees? xconfusedx The only class left in that organization lie with Jeter, Rivera and Posada. xsmhx

And I wouldn't be surprised in the least if 2 of those 3 aren't on the Yankees next year.

October 19th, 2007, 01:29 PM
And thats to be debated by Yankee fans if they both leave this offseason. Im not calling them classless, but my guess is a good number of Yankee fans will if they both tell Steiny to stick it xcoolx

It's not their fault that Steiny is doing all he can to run some of the best people in baseball out of the organization. xsmhx Don't get me wrong, I can't stand the Yanks but I have extreme respect for some of the people in the organization, past and present. xnodx

Jeter, Posada, Rivera are saints compared to the douchebags A-Rod, Johnny, Giambi, etc.

October 19th, 2007, 01:34 PM
It's not their fault that Steiny is doing all he can to run some of the best people in baseball out of the organization. xsmhx Don't get me wrong, I can't stand the Yanks but I have extreme respect for some of the people in the organization, past and present. xnodx

Jeter, Posada, Rivera are saints compared to the douchebags A-Rod, Johnny, Giambi, etc.

im just saying some fans wont take kindly to them if they leave, regardless of the circumstances.

October 19th, 2007, 01:35 PM
Again the Yankees low balled him basically so thye could be rid of him without firing him, if he countered the Yankees offer and was refused why would the Yankees admit that?

I love it when people look at a contract for 5 million almost double the next highest paid guy, with an additional 3 million in incentives totaling 8 million is considered "low balling".

October 19th, 2007, 01:38 PM
Torre just made it clear that money wasn't involved in his suggestion (read between the lines it means 2 year deal) during the 20 minute meeting and that it was just conceptual and he never got into specifics with the Yankees.

October 19th, 2007, 01:43 PM
I love it when people look at a contract for 5 million almost double the next highest paid guy, with an additional 3 million in incentives totaling 8 million is considered "low balling".
im not calling tha value a lowball and I dont feel the value is why Torre said no. I think the 1 guaranteed year was a lowball.

October 19th, 2007, 01:51 PM
Joe Torre is a saint! He will be missed...

October 19th, 2007, 02:04 PM
BOOM! Torre just said he suggested how a structure on a contract could get him to stay and it was immediatly dismissed!

October 19th, 2007, 02:37 PM
Joe Torre is a saint! He will be missed...

I hope he does and gets whatever he wants out of life...
if chooses to manage again that would be great news for baseball

1) St. Louis Cardinals
2) New York Mets

I wonder..??

October 19th, 2007, 03:19 PM
I hope he does and gets whatever he wants out of life...
if chooses to manage again that would be great news for baseball

1) St. Louis Cardinals
2) New York Mets

I wonder..??

I don't see him coaching the Mets. Willie is obviously back next year, but rumors are running wild that the Mets are going to do everything possible to hire Jaramillo as their hitting coach/possible Willie replacement should **** go south (again).

October 19th, 2007, 04:20 PM
BOOM! Torre just said he suggested how a structure on a contract could get him to stay and it was immediatly dismissed!

That's what I said a few posts above yours and that money wasn't directly mentioned.

Torre did make it clear that on par with the 1 year situation was the incentive structure which he was not in favor of. ESPN is running with that story right now.

October 19th, 2007, 04:24 PM
I hope he does and gets whatever he wants out of life...
if chooses to manage again that would be great news for baseball

1) St. Louis Cardinals
2) New York Mets

I wonder..??

Both would be great opportunities for him and the teams. Would love to see that happen as well.

October 19th, 2007, 04:26 PM
That's what I said a few posts above yours and that money wasn't directly mentioned.

Torre did make it clear that on par with the 1 year situation was the incentive structure which he was not in favor of. ESPN is running with that story right now.

you were shooting off about how Torre never made a counter offer. Turns out he did and it was immediatly dismissed.

The Yankees had no intention of keeping him... He could have said Give me a three year deal guaranteed at 1 million per and he still would have been told no.

October 19th, 2007, 08:15 PM
my guess he is done anywhere

October 22nd, 2007, 12:01 PM
you were shooting off about how Torre never made a counter offer. Turns out he did and it was immediatly dismissed.

The Yankees had no intention of keeping him... He could have said Give me a three year deal guaranteed at 1 million per and he still would have been told no.

There were no financial terms offered by Torre, commonly called a counter offer. That's a fact.

And I didn't know you spent so much time with the Torre family and have been officially hired as his agent or are now working in the Yankees front office. Because only a person in such a role would have the credibility to make such a claim that the Yankees wouldn't have given Torre a 3 year 3 million contract. Congrats on the new job, Travis.

October 23rd, 2007, 11:41 AM
Based on the emails I got this morning, Girardi's interview supposedly went quite well. Despite comments from the Steinbrenner camp earlier that Mattingly was the favorite, Girardi might have impressed enough to take the lead. This could all be moot as Mattingly is interview right now.

One thing that seems to be the case is that the Yankees would still want Mattingly as bench coach even if Girardi were hired. Feel free to speculate, but it could be an extended grooming program for Mattingly should Girardi get the gig. The big question is would Girardi consider working as Yankees bench coach for a year to help out Mattingly as he waits for a more desirable managerial position to open.