View Full Version : Tebow

October 6th, 2007, 11:09 PM
What a jag off. Danced around runnin' his suck in Death Valley, then when he lost, he couldn't manage to keep his head up and tried to get away as others were shaking hands. Even went to the point of putting his lid on well after the game was over. xnonox

October 6th, 2007, 11:16 PM
Well, I did see him on TV talking to Matt Flynn after the game and he seemed to be being a reasonably good sport.

Anyway, what a great football game!

October 6th, 2007, 11:25 PM
Well, I did see him on TV talking to Matt Flynn after the game and he seemed to be being a reasonably good sport.

Anyway, what a great football game!

A great game it was!

October 6th, 2007, 11:39 PM
Well, I did see him on TV talking to Matt Flynn after the game and he seemed to be being a reasonably good sport.

Anyway, what a great football game!

Yeah, I guess I did see that but it didn't look sincere. I just wasn't impressed with how he carried himself during and after the game. The announcers commended his post TD antics.

October 7th, 2007, 12:25 AM
Definitely a GREAT game!!!!

It seemed as though the announcers enjoyed that garbage that Te-hoe was doing after the TD.

October 7th, 2007, 08:04 AM
What a jag off. Danced around runnin' his suck in Death Valley, then when he lost, he couldn't manage to keep his head up and tried to get away as others were shaking hands. Even went to the point of putting his lid on well after the game was over. xnonox

Remember he was home schooled.

October 7th, 2007, 08:51 AM
Definitely a GREAT game!!!!

It seemed as though the announcers enjoyed that garbage that Te-hoe was doing after the TD.
Gary Danielson is so pro-Tebow, my wife who's a Gator Alum hates to hear him call games. In his mind Tebow does no wrong. xnonono2x

October 7th, 2007, 03:56 PM
Gary Danielson is so pro-Tebow, my wife who's a Gator Alum hates to hear him call games. In his mind Tebow does no wrong. xnonono2x

Spot on. Man Danielson was such a dumbarse, the worst thing he did was when the Ref called PI on LSU, he said it was because the Ref was standing next to the Florida bench xlolxxnonono2x. Cmon Refs dont listen to that shat and to say they do is totally unfounded and insulting to refs. (my father was one for 20 years and was pissed when he heard that comment) Also Danielson kept thinking that Tebow was the second coming of Christ when he was on the field. They said "The last time I saw a guy control a game like this was Vince Young" Tebow is not even close to VY.

Here are "Superman's" stats from yesterday:
12/26 158 yds 2 TDs 1 INT
16 rushes 67 yds 1 TD

xeekxxeekxxeekx He's the greatest QB ever...well at least since Jimmy Clausenxrolleyesx

October 7th, 2007, 08:23 PM
Don't get me wrong, he's an incredible talent. The guy can play ball. But DAMN is he cocky!

Franks Tanks
October 7th, 2007, 08:29 PM
Don't get me wrong, he's an incredible talent. The guy can play ball. But DAMN is he cocky!

I really think Tebow is socially retarted. It almost seems he doesnt know how to act with class on the field. Every stinkin time he gains 3 yards he starts jumping around like an idiot. When things dont go his way he pouts like a child, just very immature. It surely is associated with the fact that we was home schooled and didnt socialize properly when young.

October 8th, 2007, 07:45 AM
Listening to Baton Rouge sports talk radio and I think there is explanation for some things we saw. About a week ago somebody got ahold of Tebow's cell phone number and passed it around. LSU fans had been repeatedly calling his cell phone and harrassing him all week. That comes from Jordy Hultberg, who is a well known TV sports personality around here who now has a morning drive talk show. The thing they were focusing on was when Tebow scored and did the "telephone" thing at the crowd. Plus the students were yelling F*** Tebow all game from start to finish.