View Full Version : AGS Poll Perfection List - A Guide, & Tip of the Cap - 2021

ursus arctos horribilis
November 7th, 2021, 06:13 PM
AGS Poll Perfection is an achievement earned by voters that do not miss any required votes in a season. Voting every week of the season and then the final vote after the NC is crowned are required. The preseason vote is not a required vote. This vote, if made, can take the place of one miss during the regular season so it acts as a safety valve if you a voter must miss a vote.

Level: Green
https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/g5nrqCfw5KKZONblqQ1NAd78hqljkb9boi1sm5YReKA0A1Nkr4 kaZtzkGQvEn4VZ7D2g3Uil8Iabxvp-70wnIiImN3AqIJ_8F3pND_5CHO3bU2jGjds-jvkOVNEya0r9bFZ44f5s

This is the entry level for AGS Poll perfection. It is one season of perfection. There are hundreds of voters in the history of the AGS Poll that never reached this level. It ain’t easy.

Level: Blue
https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/exEgaS6qsMlZBgNnmkPvrws4RiiRIo67aCQnMZZyh9uw44ckD4-I52cz6ZpK46rdLyD7U8pbgeRz0Wv8OF8UBDBqVb7PQvrVPvqFr iDoksDKWqOxphF5aU4Vdpbz406ya0FnkSk9

This is the Sophomore year for AGS Poll perfection. It is two consecutive seasons of perfection. As before on Green there are probably another 100 or so that never reached this level.

Level: Black

Starting to get interesting here. Once a voter reaches this level for AGS Poll perfection they are really worthy of some respect for an effort that few will/can make. This level of dedication means that they have at least 3 years of perfection. This badge sticks with the voter until after they have achieved 4 consecutive years of never missing a vote.

Level: Silver
https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/O264KMXmcEno2iMJ3KJx0BaLRiMOpeP_9Oc_mhlAeY1emfna3U sZ_JWJ3LWEx43BeJvnLG9A6nNhvHGSnO1SRTbTJMExKf3TgLHT oOx3ba6LLAi-uccaWkKpxfN2vDCVPoT5inyi

To have reached the silver level here at AGS you will have put together 5,6, or 7 years of never missing a vote. That is a fairly resounding level of consistency that again just becomes a task that even fewer voters can achieve. These folks have a dedication to our poll and this site that is truly amazing.

Level: Gold
https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/zHV1wVAqCpn9aojeRs2hLbeJ703YKBb-LyWswZ5s5DYfZ7fZ0ToT4so5o8cSmMwp8sfKKNOND9SP_EpEaH kMW-OsSX5iVUwC0fViVBNKMhhtevsX6fqkgVh-GnDweSe6ARU8LUdb

If you have made the effort of voting every week for 8 or 9years then you are near the top of the heap here at AGS as far as studying and putting in a vote, without missing one in a long, long time. It is hard to come up with a proper superlative to place on these folks. They are the driving force and have been the backbone that our poll has been built on over the last decade. They have done everything they could every year to make sure that AGS has the best representation of the true top 25 in the FCS over the last decade.

They have reached the penultimate level that can be achieved here at AGS.

So, thank you is really all I can say.

So what's left? AGS Poll HOF is all that is left. It takes 10 straight yrs. of not missing a vote. Hall of Fame is all that needs to be said here. Well done voter!


If you miss a vote and tube a season with all the other levels you take a step back. That does not happen here. If you reach this level this stays with you forever or at least AGS forever.:D

I will begin fitting the users that have attained this with their new bar very soon. I wanted those of you out there that wonder what these all mean to have an updated guide as to who has contributed and how much effort they have put in. I think all of you voters do a great job and it is a pleasure to have this sort of weekly get together with you all.

With only 2 or 3 more votes a lot of those Gold userbars will be going HOF after the season too.

November 7th, 2021, 09:56 PM
I would like to thank all the people in the balcony……opps wrong acceptance speech. Every year I say will be my last year. There is nothing like FCS Football. Love it?

November 8th, 2021, 06:37 AM
I would like to thank all the people in the balcony……opps wrong acceptance speech. Every year I say will be my last year. There is nothing like FCS Football. Love it?
At least now if you decide to retire, you will be recognized in perpetuity (or at least AGS perpetuity) as a fine contributor to a noble cause.

November 8th, 2021, 01:48 PM
Thanks Ursus!

Go Lehigh TU Owl
November 8th, 2021, 06:03 PM
Got some Hall of Famers here I see.....xbeerchugx

November 8th, 2021, 06:07 PM
Hooray! I now have more HoF inductions than Barry Bonds! xthumbsupx

November 8th, 2021, 09:27 PM
Thanks, man! I feel real fancy, now. This calls for a nice bourbon!

The Cats
August 20th, 2024, 10:12 PM