View Full Version : T.O., T.O., T.O.,T.O.,T.O.,T.O.,T.O.,T.O.,..

August 27th, 2005, 09:24 AM
Such was the chanting last night at the Linc. In an amazing 'return to yesteryear', Terrell Owens, on his first play in the preseason, caught a 64-yard TD bomb from McNabb leading to a 5 reception, 135 yd receiving night. The Eagles thrashed Cincinnati much worse than the final 27-17 score indicates. Greg Lewis also made a fantastic one-hand TD catch in the endzone, indicating he may well rise to the challenge of becoming the #2 wr.
It was noted that there appeared to be no communication between McNabb and Owens along the sideline throughout the game. Will this 'business like' attitude work for the next 5 months?

August 27th, 2005, 11:13 AM
I noticed TO celebrating by himself too, while Mcnabb celebrated with the team. TO's ego will eventually get the best of him. jmo

August 27th, 2005, 12:14 PM
Nothing like a little combustible team chemistry. :rolleyes:

August 27th, 2005, 08:12 PM
I noticed TO celebrating by himself too, while Mcnabb celebrated with the team. TO's ego will eventually get the best of him. jmo

I can not wait. I hate showboats! :mad: