ursus arctos horribilis
June 14th, 2021, 02:11 PM
A Brief History of the AGS FCS Countdown
The countdown had its start in 1997 at the old ESPN I-AA forums, with GreatAppSt (GAS) inventing it. When the I-AA community there moved forward to start AGS in June 2003, GAS continued the countdown until his team moved to FBS in 2014, hereafter Tribe4SF (W&M fan) took over to continue the countdown through the 2018 season. Tribe4SF has asked bonarae to take the countdown over since that time.
bonarae is the current countdown master and also a Harvard/ETSU fan.
Here are the basic rules (these are a request by me not really rules but the term is being used loosely here) of the countdown.
Countdown will start 100 calendar days before the FIRST REGULAR SATURDAY of the FCS football season (i.e. if a season has an FCS Kickoff game of the season and there are any other games on the same week as that game, those games count as Week Zero games for this purpose), and will end on the first regular Saturday of the FCS football season.
Post only FCS players and coaches. You can post the coaches on any open days you have in your numerical roster as that day's submission. You can post your team or any other FCS team, provided that no other poster has done this for that team on the appropriate day’s thread.
You can post only on the appropriate day of the countdown. These threads are very likely to be locked upon the posting of the next days thread. Be on time or you miss out on it. DO NOT BUMP PREVIOUS THREADS and clutter up the board because you fell behind.
Threads will be titled as such going forward:
I request that you all use this layout:
-First Name, Last Name, Position
-Team, #
-Height, Weight
-Class/Playing Year
-High School & any other schools if necessary.
-Highlights of the player, if there are any (e.g. all-conference honors)
-Post links to the player/coach profile whenever possible.
This site is about promotion and discussion of the fine coaches & players that bring us what we all appreciate as a great level of this sport.
If you are new please put a good effort into this. It is not easy and I appreciate the work and pride you guys put into these.
Thank you to bonarae for taking over the chores to start the daily threads for this season. If bonarae does not have a thread started by noon ET then it is open to anyone to open that days thread for us.
This has been handed down from GAS to Tribe to bonarae now by the downstream person being the backup for the starter in case they were out for a day or two. Dewey is acting as bonarae's backup in case a fill is needed.
The countdown had its start in 1997 at the old ESPN I-AA forums, with GreatAppSt (GAS) inventing it. When the I-AA community there moved forward to start AGS in June 2003, GAS continued the countdown until his team moved to FBS in 2014, hereafter Tribe4SF (W&M fan) took over to continue the countdown through the 2018 season. Tribe4SF has asked bonarae to take the countdown over since that time.
bonarae is the current countdown master and also a Harvard/ETSU fan.
Here are the basic rules (these are a request by me not really rules but the term is being used loosely here) of the countdown.
Countdown will start 100 calendar days before the FIRST REGULAR SATURDAY of the FCS football season (i.e. if a season has an FCS Kickoff game of the season and there are any other games on the same week as that game, those games count as Week Zero games for this purpose), and will end on the first regular Saturday of the FCS football season.
Post only FCS players and coaches. You can post the coaches on any open days you have in your numerical roster as that day's submission. You can post your team or any other FCS team, provided that no other poster has done this for that team on the appropriate day’s thread.
You can post only on the appropriate day of the countdown. These threads are very likely to be locked upon the posting of the next days thread. Be on time or you miss out on it. DO NOT BUMP PREVIOUS THREADS and clutter up the board because you fell behind.
Threads will be titled as such going forward:
I request that you all use this layout:
-First Name, Last Name, Position
-Team, #
-Height, Weight
-Class/Playing Year
-High School & any other schools if necessary.
-Highlights of the player, if there are any (e.g. all-conference honors)
-Post links to the player/coach profile whenever possible.
This site is about promotion and discussion of the fine coaches & players that bring us what we all appreciate as a great level of this sport.
If you are new please put a good effort into this. It is not easy and I appreciate the work and pride you guys put into these.
Thank you to bonarae for taking over the chores to start the daily threads for this season. If bonarae does not have a thread started by noon ET then it is open to anyone to open that days thread for us.
This has been handed down from GAS to Tribe to bonarae now by the downstream person being the backup for the starter in case they were out for a day or two. Dewey is acting as bonarae's backup in case a fill is needed.