View Full Version : What would you do if you caught Barry's 756 ball?

August 7th, 2007, 11:32 AM
I would sell it and make some money off of that dirt bag.

August 7th, 2007, 11:37 AM
Keep it for a while, then sell it.

August 7th, 2007, 11:57 AM
I'd sell it to bonds for $100,000 and an admission that he used steroids and/or human growth hormones.

August 7th, 2007, 12:00 PM
Sell it on ebay. No desire to keep it. That ball's peak value will be the day after he hits it. It's all downhill from there.

August 7th, 2007, 12:07 PM
Rub it and my hands on the ol' poopshoot, then sell it back to Bonds with a nice firm handshake?

"You know how long it takes for that smell to come off? Scrub all you want, it'll stick around for at least two days. How does he explain it to his colleagues and family? They'll think he doesn't know how to wipe his ass properly. "


August 7th, 2007, 12:08 PM
each time u post it on ebayu the bids will go to $999,999,999 lol I'd sell it of course, but probably at a well known auction house. THough if Bonds wanted to give me a million for it he can have it. After he hands over the money i'd throw it at his head... its so big from the roids theres no way I could miss :p

Better yet better make him pay me $2 million so I can give him a million in the lawsuit he would file lol

August 7th, 2007, 12:18 PM
I am now a fan of Bonds. I went to see the SF Giants AA team play the day after he hit HR #755, because I was the 755th fan through the gate I received 4 sky box tickets to the team's last home game on August 30th.

Keep juicin' Barry.

August 7th, 2007, 12:26 PM
I wouldn't want it. I'd sell it on ebay no doubt.

August 7th, 2007, 12:40 PM
Quit tell lie's ya'll.
Every one of you would do like the people that caught #754 and #755.
You would catch it and guard it with your life, then cash in.xlolx
Ain't none of you gonna throw away a minimum $500,000 free dollar's.xlolx

Heck.............#753 was caught at a Cub's game.xeekx
Didn't see that ball come back out on the field per tradition.xlolx

#755 was caught in San Diago..................That ball didn't come back either.xlolx

Barry said when he was stuck in that slump with everyone talking shat about him that not 1 of these hypocrit's are gonna throw back any of his homerun balls if he hit one on the road.


BTW: I'd catch it and make a bee-line over the outfield wall and wait for security on the field.
It would go to the highest bidder.
As for giving it back to BONDS, I'd just have to tell the brotha str8 up that I need this windfall and can't afford to give it to him......................It ain't personal.
I ain't no fool. xlolx

August 7th, 2007, 12:52 PM
Quit tell lie's ya'll.
Every one of you would do like the people that caught #754 and #755.
You would catch it and guard it with your life, then cash in.xlolx
Ain't none of you gonna throw away a minimum $500,000 free dollar's.xlolx

Heck.............#753 was caught at a Cub's game.xeekx
Didn't see that ball come back out on the field per tradition.xlolx

#755 was caught in San Diago..................That ball didn't come back either.xlolx

Barry said when he was stuck in that slump with everyone talking shat about him that not 1 of these hypocrit's are gonna throw back any of his homerun balls if he hit one on the road.


BTW: I'd catch it and make a bee-line over the outfield wall and wait for security on the field.
It would go to the highest bidder.
As for giving it back to BONDS, I'd just have to tell the brotha str8 up that I need this windfall and can't afford to give it to him......................It ain't personal.
I ain't no fool. xlolx

NOW you understand Marketing. You receive an "A" in this course. xthumbsupx

August 7th, 2007, 01:01 PM
NOW you understand Marketing. You receive an "A" in this course. xthumbsupx

Alway's did.
Problem is you don't understand COPYRIGHT LAWS.xlolx
There is a reason famous people get their likeness and name under this.

Why do you think NOBODY sell's BOOTLEG JORDAN, LaBRON, KOBE, etc., merchandise on a wide scale like that idiot that advertising the Vick Dog Chew Toy.
He begging a mofo to take every dollar he makes off those thing's plus extra.xlolx

August 7th, 2007, 01:59 PM
Quit tell lie's ya'll.
Every one of you would do like the people that caught #754 and #755.
You would catch it and guard it with your life, then cash in.xlolx
Ain't none of you gonna throw away a minimum $500,000 free dollar's.xlolx

Heck.............#753 was caught at a Cub's game.xeekx
Didn't see that ball come back out on the field per tradition.xlolx

#755 was caught in San Diago..................That ball didn't come back either.xlolx

Barry said when he was stuck in that slump with everyone talking shat about him that not 1 of these hypocrit's are gonna throw back any of his homerun balls if he hit one on the road.


BTW: I'd catch it and make a bee-line over the outfield wall and wait for security on the field.
It would go to the highest bidder.
As for giving it back to BONDS, I'd just have to tell the brotha str8 up that I need this windfall and can't afford to give it to him......................It ain't personal.
I ain't no fool. xlolx

xlolx xnodx

I'm no fan of Bonds. But I would sell that ball for as much as I could.

Bonds used steroids, sure, and he's a bit of a jerk too. But he's catching more flack than anyone else just because of who he is and what he's about to accomplish.

To me Henry Aaron will always be the HR champ until someone else comes along. Bonds is not innocent but let's keep things in perspective. The amount of vitriol aimed at Bonds -- is it really justified?

Big Mac, Sosa, and Palmiero are all guilty too. People may be downplaying their career stats but there is really no rage directed at them.

August 7th, 2007, 02:11 PM
Big Mac, Sosa, and Palmiero are all guilty too. People may be downplaying their career stats but there is really no rage directed at them.

Well, didn't they take down Big Mac's street sign in St. Louis for the street they named after him? And he's a long shot to make the Hall of Fame now whereas pre-steroid revelations he was a sure-fire first ballot HOF'er. And he's a persona-non-gratis pretty much everywhere, including St. Louis, now so he's kinda in exile. Palmiero's lost a ton of respect too, and if either of those guys were still playing baseball they'd be getting booed at most of the places they went too. However, they don't get the vitriol that Barry gets for two very simple reasons: 1) they aren't about to break Hank's record so they pale in comparison and 2) a lot of people hated Barry Bonds before they had the whole steroid angle to use. No one really despised McGwire, Sosa, or Palmeiro anywhere to the extent that Barry was disliked prior to their steriod - he was a prick and people didn't like him. Throw that and the steriod thing and the breaking Hank's record together and you get what you have, only the home fans really flocking to his chase. But Barry shouldn't be too upset, unlike McGwire and the home fans in St. Louis, where he doesn't even appear publicly anymore, Bonds will always have fans in SF and he will be in the HOF - he was worthy of it before the roids and he's still worthy of it now. Of course, he may be the first person to be booed when he gives his induction speech but that doesn't mean he's not a HOF'er.

Oh, and I'd take the ball and sell it in a heartbeat - and it has nothing to do with who's ball and who hit it - you'd be a fool to basically turn down hundreds of thousands of dollars. Even if you weren't selfish, you could at least give that windfall to charity. I doubt I'd be that selfless though. xthumbsupx

August 7th, 2007, 02:11 PM
I don't really understand all the Bonds hatred..?
Most high profile sports figures are A-holes and Bonds is no different, he simply refuses to pretend like he gives a ***** to appease the masses... in my book two points for Barry

(Tony Gwinn and Cal Ripken are rare)

second: it's the steroid era... he was hitting home runs off of pitchers on steroids - whats the difference... the entire era is tainted not Bonds...


August 7th, 2007, 02:12 PM
Big Mac, Sosa, and Palmiero are all guilty too. People may be downplaying their career stats but there is really no rage directed at them.

Surely you're not serious? Refusing to testify in front of Congress, only 25% of the HOF voting in 2007...No hablo ingles, I'll take a year off of baseball, now I'm not so bulky!...suspended for 10 games, I think I'll retire...

August 7th, 2007, 02:12 PM

Just one correction, the HOF has absolutely no ties with Major League Baseball - they are two entirely separate organizations who's only connection is they both deal with baseball. When Bud Selig downplays the event, it's MLB that is doing it, not the HOF.

August 7th, 2007, 02:17 PM
Just one correction, the HOF has absolutely no ties with Major League Baseball - they are two entirely separate organizations who's only connection is they both deal with baseball. When Bud Selig downplays the event, it's MLB that is doing it, not the HOF.

Yep. Sadly, a very common misconception. xcoolx

August 7th, 2007, 02:42 PM
Just one correction, the HOF has absolutely no ties with Major League Baseball - they are two entirely separate organizations who's only connection is they both deal with baseball. When Bud Selig downplays the event, it's MLB that is doing it, not the HOF.

Yep. Sadly, a very common misconception. xcoolx

HOF or MLB make no difference.xnonox

Why would either of these organizations have a right to this ball when neither want's anything to do with the PERSON holding the record.

Baseball act like Bonds is a walking virus and the HOF voters, Sportswriters and so-called "purist", well all you have to do is read the sport's rag's for their "shove it down people's throat's" opinion. xlolx

August 7th, 2007, 02:57 PM
I'd just give it back to him. It's his, and it'd be the classy thing to do. It'd also probably get me laid 100 times over after all the interviews on why I did it. xlolx

August 7th, 2007, 03:15 PM
Surely you're not serious? Refusing to testify in front of Congress, only 25% of the HOF voting in 2007...No hablo ingles, I'll take a year off of baseball, now I'm not so bulky!...suspended for 10 games, I think I'll retire...

But do these guys face the same level of public anger as Bonds? I don't think so.

August 7th, 2007, 03:18 PM
I'd just give it back to him. It's his, and it'd be the classy thing to do. xlolx

The ball is not his. Every stadium plays this bite; "any fan is welcome to keep any batted ball or bat that ends up in the stands"

Sell the ball and enrich your life or give to charity.

August 7th, 2007, 03:18 PM
However, they don't get the vitriol that Barry gets for two very simple reasons: 1) they aren't about to break Hank's record so they pale in comparison and 2) a lot of people hated Barry Bonds before they had the whole steroid angle to use. No one really despised McGwire, Sosa, or Palmeiro anywhere to the extent that Barry was disliked prior to their steriod - he was a prick and people didn't like him. Throw that and the steriod thing and the breaking Hank's record together and you get what you have, only the home fans really flocking to his chase.

But that's exactly what I said.

Bonds used steroids, sure, and he's a bit of a jerk too. But he's catching more flack than anyone else just because of who he is and what he's about to accomplish.

Oh, and I'd take the ball and sell it in a heartbeat - and it has nothing to do with who's ball and who hit it - you'd be a fool to basically turn down hundreds of thousands of dollars. Even if you weren't selfish, you could at least give that windfall to charity. I doubt I'd be that selfless though. xthumbsupx

It's not an issue of being selfish. I have some kids to get through college and I'd like to get a job where I can get home earlier than 7:30.

August 7th, 2007, 03:26 PM
But do these guys face the same level of public anger as Bonds? I don't think so.

The same level? Certainly not. But you said 'there is really no rage directed at them', meaning that you infer the public held no indifference towards them. But there was certainly rage and disdain towards all 3 of those players, whether it was after they retired, after they took a year off or after they were suspended for 10 games and then basically forced to retire. And there still is disdain and spite towards all 3 of them, just not at the same level as Bonds, for obvious reasons.

August 7th, 2007, 03:41 PM
The ball is not his. Every stadium plays this bite; "any fan is welcome to keep any batted ball or bat that ends up in the stands"

Sell the ball and enrich your life or give to charity.

We agree here.
But it would be nice if you are in a position MONEY WISE to actually give the ball back.

Sorry but I wouldn't give it back .
I would tell him why even though he has already said sell the ball.
No way would I, MIDDLE 5 Figure Income, could hand over that kind of money and screw myself out of some financial security.

No matter what side of the LIKE BONDS/DON't LIKE BONDS fence your on, you would be a fool to give it back.xnodx

August 7th, 2007, 03:48 PM
I would definitely SELL

August 7th, 2007, 04:41 PM
I'd inject the ball with 'roids and throw it back!:p

Seriously, I'd probably give it back to Bonds for my usual contingent fee.;)

Gil Dobie
August 7th, 2007, 04:52 PM
I'd sell it through a national auction house that had contacts with big money, like MacFarlane. I have no problem making money off the Walking Virus. xthumbsupx

August 7th, 2007, 06:20 PM
I'll dropkick it, then give it a leg drop.

Eyes of Old Main
August 7th, 2007, 08:11 PM
I'd sell it to bonds for $100,000 and an admission that he used steroids and/or human growth hormones.

Same here, but I think I could get more than $100K out of him.

August 7th, 2007, 10:40 PM
I'd sell it. And then I'd take the money and buy out all the Yankee season tickets so that their stadium would be EMPTY for a season.

August 7th, 2007, 11:40 PM
I'd trade it to Bonds for season tickets for an agreed upon time, along with a jersey and an autograph. He deserves the ball. I'd just want to be able to watch baseball in the good seats for free.

August 8th, 2007, 07:21 AM
Sell it for all you can get.

August 8th, 2007, 02:43 PM
Sell as quickly as possible before something drives down the demand for it. xcoolx

Gil Dobie
August 8th, 2007, 03:18 PM
The value would have been much more had a non-cheater broken the record. On the hobby market, Bonds memorabilia is cheap compared to other players of his ability.

August 8th, 2007, 11:33 PM
Option 5: Not catch it but still profit (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170137047214&fromMakeTrack=true)

August 9th, 2007, 02:21 PM
Option 5: Not catch it but still profit (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170137047214&fromMakeTrack=true)

the item has been taken down. what was it?

August 9th, 2007, 06:06 PM
i bet tod would give it to al gore.

what the hell? xeyebrowx

I'd put it up for auction. If Al Gore won, he'd get it. xnodx

August 9th, 2007, 09:02 PM
I'll dropkick it, then give it a leg drop.

Not Hogan enough. Standing kick to the chest, then an ATOMIC leg drop.