View Full Version : Penn: Penn Athletics Names The Pottruck Center for Student-Athlete Success; Leadershi

News from the FCS
January 27th, 2021, 10:30 AM

PHILADELPHIA–The University of Pennsylvania today announced a $6.3M leadership gift from alumnus David S. Pottruck W'70, WG'72, reinforcing his half-century of engagement with Penn Athletics. The majority of Dave's commitment to the Set The Future In Motion campaign will establish an endowment in an area of passion for him, leadership development. Dave's endowment gift to the Penn Athletics Wharton Leadership Academy will provide funding in perpetuity to a program that will shape Quaker student-athletes for generations to come. The Penn Athletics Wharton Leadership Academy currently falls under the purview of the Center for Student-Athlete Success, which in recognition of Dave's incredible generosity will be renamed the "The Pottruck Center for Student-Athlete Success."

More... (https://pennathletics.com/news/2021/1/27/penn-athletics-names-the-pottruck-center-for-student-athlete-success-leadership-gift-also-provides-critical-funding-to-the-penn-athletics-wharton-leadership-acad.aspx)