View Full Version : Southern University to host LSUs Spring game
February 18th, 2020, 05:24 PM
Game will be televised on ESPN, great opportunity for SU to showcase their campus.
February 18th, 2020, 08:36 PM
That is nice for Southern. Like you said, TV exposure.
February 19th, 2020, 08:40 AM
The comments from LSU fans about this are quite... SMH. :(
February 19th, 2020, 11:39 AM
The comments from LSU fans about this are quite... SMH. :(
While its cool how they aren't that far apart, I can see why they are pissed, going from their own parking lots to tailgate to their own stadium to watch. to......southern's facilities. From common student to the suite holders... I wouldn't be thrilled.....
February 19th, 2020, 11:44 AM
The comments from LSU fans about this are quite... SMH. :(
xlolx Would you expect anything different from LSU fans? (pricks, lol)
Go Lehigh TU Owl
February 19th, 2020, 12:01 PM
While its cool how they aren't that far apart, I can see why they are pissed, going from their own parking lots to tailgate to their own stadium to watch. to......southern's facilities. From common student to the suite holders... I wouldn't be thrilled.....
I agee! This is really weird. Usually the spring game is the program's first "public appearance" since the the previous season. It's a great chance for fans/alums to come back to campus, tailgate and just take it all in again. Since LSU is the defending champion I would have thought they'd especially want to keep the event at Tiger Stadium.
February 19th, 2020, 12:12 PM
Well, to be fair, the article below said that LSU's Death Valley isn't going to be ready to host the spring game anyway!
February 19th, 2020, 01:07 PM
The comments from LSU fans about this are quite... SMH. :(
TigerDroppings is a bastion of racism and ignorance. That small group of LSU fans do not represent the masses.
February 19th, 2020, 01:08 PM
While its cool how they aren't that far apart, I can see why they are pissed, going from their own parking lots to tailgate to their own stadium to watch. to......southern's facilities. From common student to the suite holders... I wouldn't be thrilled.....
The playing surface at Tiger Stadium will not be done by the Spring Game so the other choices all included the game not being in Baton Rouge at all.
February 19th, 2020, 01:24 PM
Which LSU donor wants to fork over the money for an equivalent venue? Get over it and find a way to enjoy.
Redbird 4th & short
February 20th, 2020, 12:41 PM
I agee! This is really weird. Usually the spring game is the program's first "public appearance" since the the previous season. It's a great chance for fans/alums to come back to campus, tailgate and just take it all in again. Since LSU is the defending champion I would have thought they'd especially want to keep the event at Tiger Stadium.
agreed .. while this is great deal for Southern, why would LSU do that to their fans ???
Redbird 4th & short
February 20th, 2020, 12:44 PM
Well, to be fair, the article below said that LSU's Death Valley isn't going to be ready to host the spring game anyway!
oh ... I should have read rest of thread first ...
February 20th, 2020, 01:24 PM
Redbird 4th & short
February 20th, 2020, 01:27 PM
are you besmerching the legendary Roseanne Roseannadanna ??? Or just me ?
February 20th, 2020, 01:36 PM
I'm simply adding Emily Litella's signature finishing flourish!
February 20th, 2020, 01:43 PM
31397;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxISERISExMVEhIQEhAQEhIVFQ8QEBAQFRUWFhUSFR UYHSggGBolGxUVITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMtNygtOjcBCgoKDg0O GxAQGisdHR0tLSstLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS03LT c3LS0tLS0tLS0tKzcrKysrKysrK//AABEIAMEBBQMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAABBQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAFAAIDBAYBB//EAEAQAAEDAgQDBgIIAwcFAQAAAAEAAhEDBAUSITFBUWEGEzJxg ZEioQcUIzNCUnLBU7HwFTRDYoKS0RdUZOHxFv/EABoBAAIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIDAAEEBQb/xAAjEQACAgICAgMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAQIRAyESMQRBEyJRYTIj/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwDyf6uE9tAKQBOC9GooyFf6qOalbaDmrdr b53EAxAlTV7Usc1szm2UcUTZTNqOacLTqizcKdzCgpW7nOLBEt 3UcUEmyk206pfUzz ZV64oOpkB0SdtVabhlQjh7qKCI2wP9Udz/AJqQ2zuBI9SidTD6jQSQIG qjoW7nzlEx1U4Iu2UWWzhxj1SNs4mSZRYYfV/L81DVpuacpGvJTgiWygaVTg8 6aaDzu4n1KJPtnjcaLop SXOUYlxTKdKhCe6norZAG6Y oOiyy8yK0hqxt9lTuqg2cR6qL6o8mSSVbFT uSfSqmdf8A6lPy0GoFJ9F48LiBylR06Lpkq6 uJ6bJ5Mol5SbLUCk9hUDhV/MfdFDTMbSoXrVGamLkqBr6dQ7uJ9Uu6c0fCSP3Vxy73LonKY3T eCQvkDhSfMyZ58Uyq2o7dxKvtY46hpIUYEmAJPJVxRTkVPtAPh 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6Mf7rS/QEklbMfkf6ibgLqSSSa0OCSSSosRSSSVkEkkkqLEFSvvCfIpJI ojMZjLT78/1xRh 4SSSX2dldAntX9w79JWN iv7 t6/wA0kla/yzPm9F3tj947yWDfuupK4dCvJExJ6SSMxkSlpJJIkBIJUfCFct 9kklqx9GeQStkYwrxhJJUIn0a 32SSSWWXYmPR/9k=
February 20th, 2020, 01:52 PM
Redbird 4th & short
February 20th, 2020, 05:49 PM
I'm simply adding Emily Litella's signature finishing flourish!
oh crap ... I had the right meme, but the wrong SNL character.
Redbird 4th & short
February 20th, 2020, 06:01 PM
oh crap ... I had the right meme, but the wrong SNL character.
so to make up for my screw up, I thought I'd share a classic from Emily Litella. And rather timely/topical considering were in the middle of one .. well not actually the one, but the other one: (
February 20th, 2020, 06:39 PM
Well, to be fair, the article below said that LSU's Death Valley isn't going to be ready to host the spring game anyway!
weird that they needed conference approval to hold a scrimmage somewhere. Though I suppose they want conference oversight so that they can nix an attempt to hold it somewhere that might be seen as a recruiting effort or something.
February 21st, 2020, 09:13 AM
Why didn't LSU just hold the game in New Orleans? While I like the idea of Southern hosting the game, their followers probably feel a 30k seat venue doesn't give them enough seats to watch the Tigers. Not to mention tailgating space and concession options they're used to at Tiger Stadium.
February 21st, 2020, 09:26 AM
LSU's spring game attendance record is 33,000, set way back in 2008....the most recent stat I could find was for 2016, when they had 21,000....third worst in the SEC. 2018 and 2019 were described as "disappointing."
Southern's 30,000 seat stadium will do just fine...
February 21st, 2020, 09:48 AM
so to make up for my screw up, I thought I'd share a classic from Emily Litella. And rather timely/topical considering were in the middle of one .. well not actually the one, but the other one: (
February 21st, 2020, 10:57 AM
LSU's spring game attendance record is 33,000, set way back in 2008....the most recent stat I could find was for 2016, when they had 21,000....third worst in the SEC. 2018 and 2019 were described as "disappointing."
Southern's 30,000 seat stadium will do just fine...
UGA Fans: F017%2Fthumb.jpg
February 21st, 2020, 11:03 AM
I think LSU's more concerned with what happens between August and January....they'll let UGA own the spring attendance battles ;)
February 21st, 2020, 11:34 AM
LSU's spring game attendance record is 33,000, set way back in 2008....the most recent stat I could find was for 2016, when they had 21,000....third worst in the SEC. 2018 and 2019 were described as "disappointing."
Southern's 30,000 seat stadium will do just fine...
Sheesh I don't feel bad about my Temple Owls and their 7-12k depending on the venue spring game attendance numbers lol. I guess the folks in baton Rogue only are about the real games not exhibition spring games.
February 21st, 2020, 04:14 PM
Why didn't LSU just hold the game in New Orleans? While I like the idea of Southern hosting the game, their followers probably feel a 30k seat venue doesn't give them enough seats to watch the Tigers. Not to mention tailgating space and concession options they're used to at Tiger Stadium.
Hold it where in New Orleans? The Dome is undergoing a massive renovation right now. Tailgating space and concessions aren't an issue either.
Go Lehigh TU Owl
February 21st, 2020, 04:21 PM
Why didn't LSU just hold the game in New Orleans? While I like the idea of Southern hosting the game, their followers probably feel a 30k seat venue doesn't give them enough seats to watch the Tigers. Not to mention tailgating space and concession options they're used to at Tiger Stadium.
I was just going to post the same thing! The Super Dome might have had a busy schedule but I'm sure something could have been worked out. Having a "celebration" of sorts spring game would best be conducted in the state's biggest city....
Go Lehigh TU Owl
February 21st, 2020, 04:22 PM
Hold it where in New Orleans? The Dome is undergoing a massive renovation right now. Tailgating space and concessions aren't an issue either.
Fair enough...basically LSU was SOL.....
February 21st, 2020, 04:25 PM
The Southern solution is perfect...Same city, so logistics aren't that big of an issue. The LSU crowd more than likely won't tax the stadium's capacity, except that with this being a National Championship year, there might be more bandwagoneers in attendance...but...this totally makes sense....and Southern likely gets paid in the process...
What's wrong with Win/Wins?
Hell, if Southern doesn't want the deal, send them to Lake Charles!
February 21st, 2020, 05:51 PM
After reading through this thread I just cant see what the concern is over where this game is going to be played. Its not even a real freaking game. Its the spring game for **** sake.
February 21st, 2020, 10:20 PM
Southern is plenty good enough to host LSU's spring game. Stadium is nice, with enough seating; plenty of parking, and a hop-skip-jump across town.
February 23rd, 2020, 12:34 AM
According to Chattown hosting this game will garner much more publicity than LSU winning the championship did.
February 24th, 2020, 09:16 AM
At Southern our stadium attendance record is 30K+, for big games we have had an estimated 50K on campus. LSU having their spring game at Southern won't bring that many here.
IMHO 12-20K as FPC pointed out spring football has never been big with Tiger fans
February 25th, 2020, 12:10 AM
The comments from LSU fans about this are quite... SMH. :(
The comments are golden but TRULY expected from that class of folk.
We @ PV will experience the same when we sacrifice our souls for a 550,000$ check @ txa&m university football field fall 2021 lol. xlolx :D lol aTm-Sys wants to keep the dinero in-house, so to speak.
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