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December 15th, 2019, 06:25 PM
usually these late night stops are made to pick up the pilots girlfriend or something along those lines

Sometimes we would stop somewhere to pick-up live lobsters, or someplace where there was unbelievable bbq or steak or burgers and stuff like that.

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December 15th, 2019, 07:50 PM
Sometimes we would stop somewhere to pick-up live lobsters, or someplace where there was unbelievable bbq or steak or burgers and stuff like that.

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what about the free bottle of rum in St Croix...... Rotor heads are all over this

Derby City Duke
December 15th, 2019, 11:30 PM
Here's a thought. The plane needed fuel.

Possible that charter airlines would re-fuel somewhere where costs are less or where the company has some kind of deal instead of automatically re-fueling at the point of origin.

Where would they have been flying out of? Dulles?

No, their charter arrived and departed from Shendandoah Valley Airport, about 12-15 miles south of Harrisonburg.

Derby City Duke
December 15th, 2019, 11:39 PM
Ok, so I finally got to watch the game on ESPN3 (firing my cable company as the game didn't record on my DVR...very difficult to not check my social media accounts for 48 hours xnodx. Anybody who came to the house got the obligatory "I haven't watched the JMU game yet, don't say nuthin'!

Not sure how the 2 fumble calls got overturned by review. UNI should've gotten at least a field goal on the first one.

UNI's defense was lights out with few exceptions. Unfortunately those few moments got them down 10 points.

I thought UNI might've been able to run the ball a bit better given the sheer size of their OL. You don't win 8 games by being completely inept on offense. But 0 yards on 19 carries...yeesh.

I thought the JMU DEs were able to keep McElvain from getting any kind of rhythm in the pocket and Dimitri Holloway was a very bad man for the Dukes.

If JMU doesn't get the last TD I don't think UNI ever gets the ball across midfield. It took UNI 58:31 to run their first play in JMU territory.

I was very impressed with the UNI defense.

Hope DiNucci is truly OK. Looked like 3 yards and a cloud of ground up tire pellets after they went up 10-0.

Bottom line is we get to play again next weekend.

December 16th, 2019, 01:34 AM
firing my cable company as the game didn't record on my DVR...
was it really the cable company's fault or was it user error?

I thought UNI might've been able to run the ball a bit better given the sheer size of their OL. You don't win 8 games by being completely inept on offense. But 0 yards on 19 carries...yeesh.
Doesn't matter how big you are if you let defenders run right by you. the ineptitude of the O-line has perplexed UNI fans the whole season. And the multitude of injuries on the offensive side didn't help things at all either.
McElvain took a number of sacks that erased the few rushing yards that were gained. especially that 15 or so yard loss late in the game (that basically giftwrapped that last TD for JMU). But still, even taking sacks out of the equation, there was only 30-something rushing yards

December 16th, 2019, 06:23 AM
Sometimes we would stop somewhere to pick-up live lobsters, or someplace where there was unbelievable bbq or steak or burgers and stuff like that.

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Hehehe. Yup. Back when I was a CP in SAC we would fly to Pease in NH and bring back live lobsters and some shrimp in our T37.

December 16th, 2019, 06:32 AM
I'm just curious to the reasoning behind it. I'm not familiar with the logistics of chartered flights, so maybe there is something that I'm missing. But why would a layover be needed on a chartered flight?

Were there some mechanical or weather issues? If that's the case, it's probably better to be safe than sorry. Getting home a few hours later is better than being Marshall.

Well, having both flown for and worked in the biggest charter-like operation in the world, it was probably either a scheduled logistics or operations stop. Charter companies make $ anywhere they can and that includes picking up or delivering cargo. Or it could have been a crew swap as well. Just some possibilities, but this is not out of the ordinary. Without knowing all the details those would be the most likely reasons.

Derby City Duke
December 16th, 2019, 07:37 AM
was it really the cable company's fault or was it user error?

It's never the customer's fault! :D

That's my story and I'm stickin' with it!

December 16th, 2019, 06:44 PM
what about the free bottle of rum in St Croix...... Rotor heads are all over this
For some reason we never went there. A bunch of us rented a plane from the flying club and went over there a few times

Gil Dobie
December 16th, 2019, 06:59 PM
For some reason we never went there. A bunch of us rented a plane from the flying club and went over there a few times

There's always the Spotted Cow at St Croix Falls.

December 16th, 2019, 07:16 PM
There's always the Spotted Cow at St Croix Falls.
I guess, but didn’t have the range in the piper seminole from Puerto Rico

December 16th, 2019, 07:19 PM
There's always the Spotted Cow at St Croix Falls.

I drove through there last week.