View Full Version : Jim Rome - Love Him or Hate Him?

April 18th, 2005, 08:34 PM
Any fans of Jim Rome out there? I know most of you either love him or hate him if you've ever listened to him. I've listened to him for almost nine years now and I love listening to the show. The callers and his style are just not matched by anyone on the airwaves. I've listened to radio show hosts that attempt to copy Rome, but it doesn't even come close.

Smackoff, May 6th! I'm excited. Are you?

April 18th, 2005, 09:08 PM
I am not in the hate column but not at all in the love column either. He drives me up a wall more than most except Max Kellerman (is that correct)? Can't stand him or his show.

April 18th, 2005, 09:28 PM
Listened once. Enough for me.

Reed Rothchild
April 18th, 2005, 11:47 PM
Rome is the best national radio guy on, period. He books the best interviews, asks the right questions, and gets the answers. The best part of the show is the callers and emailers. Even better is when he has a bad call, he gives them the very loud and annoying buzzer. Amazing.

I might have to buy the streamlink in order hear the entire smack off.

April 19th, 2005, 07:16 AM
What his key to success has been I think is the fact that he pushes buttons. I know as many people that listen to his radio show and watch "Rome is Burning" that hate him as well as love him. I will never forget his interveiw with Jim "Don't call me Chris" Everett. I did kinda like seeing him push Jim Rome over.

April 19th, 2005, 08:07 AM
Contrived drivel. He's a douche, I'm glad he's off the air on my sports radio station. I now get Kornheiser and Dan Patrick thank God.

Cap'n Cat
April 19th, 2005, 08:32 AM
Contrived drivel. He's a douche, I'm glad he's off the air on my sports radio station.

He is I-AA illiterate. Worse, he's derogatory towards I-AA. That's enough for me to turn him off, forever.

Agreed. Hope he dies in a fiery car crash.

April 19th, 2005, 08:50 AM
He is I-AA illiterate. Worse, he's derogatory towards I-AA. That's enough for me to turn him off, forever.

What has Jim Rome said that anti's I-AA? Just wondering because I've listened for years and have not heard anything that I would deem anti I-AA.

April 19th, 2005, 09:02 AM
I'm no CLONE but I do find him entertaining. I still love how he chided Jim Everett into a fight by calling him Crissy Everett. I haven't heard him rail on 1-AA yet so I have no opnion there. But once I do hear it, I am certain my tune could change.

Cap'n Cat
April 19th, 2005, 10:13 AM
What has Jim Rome said that anti's I-AA? Just wondering because I've listened for years and have not heard anything that I would deem anti I-AA.

Like a lot of these "bigtime" broadcasters, he is quick and frequent with the snarled lip, the sneer and the denigrating comment about I-AA when a I-A schedules one. He uses the words "cupcake", "patsy" and such to describe I-AA teams - and the whole division.

I hope he and his family get the ebola virus and all die on Christmas morning.

Have a nice day!!!!!

:) :) :) :) :) :)

April 19th, 2005, 11:15 AM
I find him mostly humerous and entertaining rather than a factual source. The problem with Rome is that his ego won't let him be wrong. I have heard his guests make good points and he blasts them if their view differs from his. He is great at smack though!

April 19th, 2005, 11:19 AM
I find him mostly humerous and entertaining rather than a factual source. The problem with Rome is that his ego won't let him be wrong. I have heard his guests make good points and he blasts them if their view differs from his. He is great at smack though!
Thanks for setting me up PutPut. I just realized who he reminds me of after reading your post. He is the exact same person as bill o'reilly just doing pseudo sports instead of pseudo news. Neither one lets the facts get in the way of their bull****. ;)