May 10th, 2007, 10:43 AM
Yikes.. I'd love to be in the locker room today when Schilling see's him...
Papelbon, in his weekly appearance on Fox Sports Net’s “Friendly’s Scoop” segment (watch video here (http://link.brightcove.com/services/link/bcpid716692097/bclid715977971/bctid883072620)), chimed in on Schilling’s comments when he was asked if this was the best baseball team he’s been around in his professional career.
“Yeah, I would definitely say so,” said Papelbon. “This is the most balanced team I’ve probably ever been on and the most professional team… besides the things that Schill said yesterday about Barry, that wasn’t too professional, but we’re just a really balanced team. We’re good because we pick each other up.”
And on Bonds
Papelbon was asked if will be paying attention as Barry Bonds approaches the all-time home run record.
“Yeah definitely,” said Papelbon. “He’s doing it for baseball. And I think it’s good for baseball. And I think that he’s going out there and crushing home runs and getting baseball back to where it was in the late 1990s and such that, hey, fans are going to come out and see the home runs, there’s no doubt about it. And fans will come see good pitching. And I think he’s doing great for the game itself, so I can’t complain.”
Papelbon, in his weekly appearance on Fox Sports Net’s “Friendly’s Scoop” segment (watch video here (http://link.brightcove.com/services/link/bcpid716692097/bclid715977971/bctid883072620)), chimed in on Schilling’s comments when he was asked if this was the best baseball team he’s been around in his professional career.
“Yeah, I would definitely say so,” said Papelbon. “This is the most balanced team I’ve probably ever been on and the most professional team… besides the things that Schill said yesterday about Barry, that wasn’t too professional, but we’re just a really balanced team. We’re good because we pick each other up.”
And on Bonds
Papelbon was asked if will be paying attention as Barry Bonds approaches the all-time home run record.
“Yeah definitely,” said Papelbon. “He’s doing it for baseball. And I think it’s good for baseball. And I think that he’s going out there and crushing home runs and getting baseball back to where it was in the late 1990s and such that, hey, fans are going to come out and see the home runs, there’s no doubt about it. And fans will come see good pitching. And I think he’s doing great for the game itself, so I can’t complain.”