View Full Version : This is why I hate the NBA

May 2nd, 2007, 04:43 PM

NEW YORK -- An academic study of NBA officiating found that white referees called fouls at a greater rate against black players than against white players, The New York Times reported on its Web site Tuesday night.

The study by a University of Pennsylvania assistant professor and Cornell graduate student also found that black officials called fouls more frequently against white players than black, but noted that that tendency was not as pronounced.

Who gives a crap!

May 2nd, 2007, 04:53 PM
I hate the NBA too, but I have to admit that the Dallas-Golden State series has been very entertaining.

May 2nd, 2007, 04:57 PM
So you hate the NBA because some grad student came up with a bull***** study to get attention?

May 2nd, 2007, 05:05 PM
So you hate the NBA because some grad student came up with a bull***** study to get attention?

The NBA is just saying the data was misinterpretedxrolleyesx

Why allow access to this bull**** in the first place

May 2nd, 2007, 05:42 PM
If I understand correctly, the people who conducted the "study" just looked at box scores to get their info, so the nba had nothing to do with them getting hold of the info.

The Gadfly
May 2nd, 2007, 06:12 PM
Never heard of it. What does NBA stand for anyway?

May 2nd, 2007, 06:21 PM
I agree. this is completely ridiculous.

May 2nd, 2007, 06:25 PM
The whole thing is stupid. But not as stupid as Stephen Jackson getting T'd nup and ejected for clapping. (no facial gestures or words).

May 2nd, 2007, 07:59 PM
Charles Barkley himself was on TV tonight and called it stupid.xnodx

May 3rd, 2007, 10:27 AM
So you hate the NBA because some grad student came up with a bull***** study to get attention?


Marcus Garvey
May 3rd, 2007, 10:43 AM
Charles Barkley himself was on TV tonight and called it stupid.xnodx

Hey, if Sir Charles said that, I believe it. If anyone is capable of sniffing out his own kind, it'd be him! :D

I have one more reason to hate the NBA:
I'm planning on seeing the D'Backs-Phillies game next Tuesday night. Well the Suns have a playoff game that same night. The arena and ball park are about 300 yards apart in downtown Phoenix. Parking will be a little tough, but not too bad. It's just that all the bars around the area are going to be jammed pack! :(

May 3rd, 2007, 12:17 PM
For people that "CLAIM" to hate the NBA...................PLEASE JUST STOP MAKING THREADS AND POSTING ABOUT IT.

Why talk about something you "claim" to hate.xlolx
Ya'll post more about the NBA than people that actually like the game. xlolx

BTW: The only thing Barkley can sniff out is one of these:

Gil Dobie
May 3rd, 2007, 01:09 PM
I'll watch and enjoy the NBA. Sometimes it goes in cycles between the NBA, NHL, NFL and MLB or others on what I am watching most often.

Badmouthing the NBA doesn't make any other sports league better

Stang Fever
May 3rd, 2007, 01:17 PM
There are more black players in the NBA then white. so I am not suprised, also there are more white refs then black

May 3rd, 2007, 01:27 PM
My NBA fandom waxes and wanes quite a bit. I do think the NBA tends to suffer from too much thuggery at times (perhaps no more than some other sports, but fewer guys on the roster makes it more noticable), but I've been a fan since Charlotte got the Hornets back in 88. xbawlingx

May 3rd, 2007, 02:01 PM
My NBA fandom waxes and wanes quite a bit. I do think the NBA tends to suffer from too much thuggery at times (perhaps no more than some other sports, but fewer guys on the roster makes it more noticable), but I've been a fan since Charlotte got the Hornets back in 88. xbawlingx

Describe just what THUGGERY IS.xlolx

Some announcer said this a few years ago and now it's a generic term.
A person wear's cornrows and a jersey and he is a thug.............xlolx
An ear ring...............Thug.
Car on 22" rims..............Thug.
Listen to rap.............Thug.
Walk with a "swagger" ..........Thug.

I know what a REAL THUG is and I have not seen one in the NBA.xlolx

May 3rd, 2007, 02:37 PM
Describe just what THUGGERY IS.xlolx

Some announcer said this a few years ago and now it's a generic term.
A person wear's cornrows and a jersey and he is a thug.............xlolx
An ear ring...............Thug.
Car on 22" rims..............Thug.
Listen to rap.............Thug.
Walk with a "swagger" ..........Thug.

I know what a REAL THUG is and I have not seen one in the NBA.xlolx
I agree it's become a generic term. But I know alot of folks that fit that discription that call themselves a thug. It's not even about behavior any more, being a thug is a look now. In Tampa or even Baton Rouge you'll see what I mean.

May 3rd, 2007, 02:37 PM
Describe just what THUGGERY IS.xlolx

Some announcer said this a few years ago and now it's a generic term.
A person wear's cornrows and a jersey and he is a thug.............xlolx
An ear ring...............Thug.
Car on 22" rims..............Thug.
Listen to rap.............Thug.
Walk with a "swagger" ..........Thug.

I know what a REAL THUG is and I have not seen one in the NBA.xlolx

Nope..none of that is thuggery to me. Sorry. xthumbsupx

Fighting, choking your coach, flipping the bird to fans..etc.

May 3rd, 2007, 02:44 PM
Nope..none of that is thuggery to me. Sorry. xthumbsupx

Fighting, choking your coach, flipping the bird to fans..etc.

Fighting......................Hockey and baseball.
Do I have to list all the violent fight's that have happen in the last month alone in those sports?
3 fight's in the NBA worth mentioning in 5 years, DETROIT, NEW YORK, and DENVER....................and the NBA is the poster child for fighting. xlolx

Chocking your coach..........................Latrell Spreewell did that over 8 years ago................ Let it go. xlolx
He ain't even in the league anymore. xlolx
He making his millions designing those "Thug" rims at his car shops now.

Flipping off the fans......................Name one sport that some loud mouth drunk "fan" don't deserve that at times.
Hell......................I flip off co-workers that get on my nerves. xlolx

May 3rd, 2007, 02:50 PM
You're barking at the wrong guy. xrolleyesx I like the NBA - always have. My interest had adjusted over the years. I'm a Bobcats fan and looking forward to the draft and the upcoming season (even though this one isn't finished yet.) xlolx

I knew the minute I said something, there would be someone trying to turn into a race issue. It's simply not for me. If you'd like to continue on with the persecution complex, be my guest. I'll just enjoy the basketball. xthumbsupx

May 3rd, 2007, 02:52 PM
I agree it's become a generic term. But I know alot of folks that fit that discription that call themselves a thug. It's not even about behavior any more, being a thug is a look now. In Tampa or even Baton Rouge you'll see what I mean.

I know.

It makes me laugh when I hear people doing the "parrot" routine, repeating what some desk jockey has said over the airwaves or wrote in print.

One person say something now, and the entire country repeat's it like they are expert's on something they know nothing about.

May 3rd, 2007, 02:54 PM
You're barking at the wrong guy. xrolleyesx I like the NBA - always have. My interest had adjusted over the years. I'm a Bobcats fan and looking forward to the draft and the upcoming season (even though this one isn't finished yet.) xlolx

I knew the minute I said something, there would be someone trying to turn into a race issue. It's simply not for me. If you'd like to continue on with the persecution complex, be my guest. I'll just enjoy the basketball. xthumbsupx

Dude........................I just ask you to describe THUGGERY to me.

The only one that bought up RACE in this thread is YOU.

May 3rd, 2007, 03:06 PM

NEW YORK -- An academic study of NBA officiating found that white referees called fouls at a greater rate against black players than against white players, The New York Times reported on its Web site Tuesday night.

The study by a University of Pennsylvania assistant professor and Cornell graduate student also found that black officials called fouls more frequently against white players than black, but noted that that tendency was not as pronounced.

Who gives a crap!

jstate83, the subject matter of this whole thread IS about race. No reason to criticize mountaineer.xnonono2x

May 3rd, 2007, 03:13 PM
jstate83, the subject matter of this whole thread IS about race. No reason to criticize mountaineer.xnonono2x

Thanks dude. xnodx xbowx I am done with the thread.

I've seen enough of these threads with folks arguing with Panther88, and others to realize anything I say is going to be spun back around to make me look like the bad guy. I'm simply walking away. xthumbsupx

May 3rd, 2007, 03:14 PM
You're barking at the wrong guy. xrolleyesx I like the NBA - always have. My interest had adjusted over the years. I'm a Bobcats fan and looking forward to the draft and the upcoming season (even though this one isn't finished yet.) xlolx

I knew the minute I said something, there would be someone trying to turn into a race issue. It's simply not for me. If you'd like to continue on with the persecution complex, be my guest. I'll just enjoy the basketball. xthumbsupx

Since this was posted to me....................I assume he meant ME. xnodx

Once again........................I asked about thuggery Foghorn.

And how am I critizing Mount by asking a question?


May 3rd, 2007, 03:17 PM
Thanks dude. xnodx xbowx I am done with the thread.

I've seen enough of these threads with folks arguing with Panther88, and others to realize anything I say is going to be spun back around to make me look like the bad guy. I'm simply walking away. xthumbsupx

Dude..................I just asked a question.
But if your that sensative, let's just put each other on ignore and we don't have to worry about it anymore.

Refraining from asking questions to "xrolleyesx opened minded xrolleyesx " people on AGS anymore.xnonono2x

I'll just post xlolx or xsmhx depending on the statements.xthumbsupx

Marcus Garvey
May 3rd, 2007, 03:29 PM
The "Thuggery" within the NBA is not so much violence on or off the court, but rather a perceived notion of anti-social behavior. Disrespect of authority, promotion "gangsta" culture, etc... High profile incidents like Sprewell (maybe it was 8 years ago, but it hasn't left the public's mind) and the Artest melee only foster that notion.

In other words, it's a message, as opposed to being acts of violence.

That word "perceived" is very important here. One can argue until he is blue in the face that there's nothing wrong with the image, if nobdoy gets hurt. But if the public perception is negative, it will impact the NBA in a bad way. That can hurt the bottom line: $$$$. That's why you'd never see an Allen Iverson type of personality playing on the Yankees. They're just as much about image as winning. They'd never bring in someone who would harm that.

Personally, I dislike the NBA because it's turned into a bunch of overpaid athletes trying to make the ESPN highlight reel, as opposed to team of basketball players playing to win games. If we could transplant the NBA of the late 70's/early 80's into today, I'd get Suns season tickets in a heartbeat... Of course I mean all those players minus the short tight uniforms, and the Boston Celtics (I hated that team!) :D

May 3rd, 2007, 03:57 PM
That word "perceived" is very important here. One can argue until he is blue in the face that there's nothing wrong with the image, if nobdoy gets hurt. But if the public perception is negative, it will impact the NBA in a bad way. That can hurt the bottom line: $$$$. That's why you'd never see an Allen Iverson type of personality playing on the Yankees. They're just as much about image as winning. They'd never bring in someone who would harm that.


Promotion approved the next day after the Dress Code Law came down by David Stern.
Promoting the very lifestyle that he DON'T WANT in the ARENA's or on the Bench.

Note the half naked women in the background.............Again............NBA Approved.

And this is just one example.
David Stern bought this league from taped delayed playoff games, late night entertainment on tv, and the brink of bankruptcy on the back of the HIP HOP world.
Pratically nobody was watching on TV outside of the "hood's" back then.

Why do you think they went HIP HOP crazy in the late 80's to now, pulling in those dollars.
If "Middle America" was the target, you would have seen more cornfields and "apple pie" than referances to the GOAT and Blacktop games.

Now all of a sudden, the NBA and the BILLIONS made from it wanna act so pure from MGNT UP.

OH....................MY Bad.

Change my answer to :D .

Marcus Garvey
May 3rd, 2007, 04:09 PM
David Stern bought this league from taped delayed playoff games, late night entertainment on tv, and the brink of bankruptcy on the back of the HIP HOP world.

Pratically nobody was watching on TV outside of the "hood's" back then.

What are you basing both those statements on? Do you have some statistics nobody knows about?
The "hip-hop"/NBA alliance (for lack of a better term really) has come about because the culture went "mainstream" (i.e, white "Middle-America" embraced it, to an extent). I don't recall any Patrick Ewing, Michael Jordan, or Magic Johnson posters in the late 80's/early 90's that embraced "hip-hop." The NBA was already up and coming. Hip-hop was not the savior of the NBA, but it helped make it even more popular.
Guess what? Now there's a backlash. How much it will hurt the NBA remains unknown. It may not affect them at all.

May 3rd, 2007, 04:28 PM
What are you basing both those statements on? Do you have some statistics nobody knows about?
The "hip-hop"/NBA alliance (for lack of a better term really) has come about because the culture went "mainstream" (i.e, white "Middle-America" embraced it, to an extent). I don't recall any Patrick Ewing, Michael Jordan, or Magic Johnson posters in the late 80's/early 90's that embraced "hip-hop." The NBA was already up and coming. Hip-hop was not the savior of the NBA, but it helped make it even more popular.
Guess what? Now there's a backlash. How much it will hurt the NBA remains unknown. It may not affect them at all.

The NBA was on the brink of bankruptcy when they drafted Bird and Magic.
That's not urban legend either.............That's documented fact.
The NBA was not even an afterthought to TV before this happened.

I REMEMBER WATCHING TAPE DELAYED BROADCASTS as late as the Supersonic's Championships with MR. MEAN.

Then they added the flare and flash of street ball with all the legends that went with the urban playgrounds.

Then HIP HOP came in the picture with the music and image that was sought after by the NBA MGNT.

Shoe companies took that image further and the NBA was a willing partner when those LIVE TV slot's started pouring in.

If people have a problem, then go back to the day's of the 2 handed set shot and tight short's.
The result would be the same as it was in the 70's and early 80's.

Go back and reasearch this.
PLEASE don't take my word for it.xnonox

May 3rd, 2007, 04:41 PM

D. Changing Times

In the late 1970s, the NBA experienced difficulty: The game was perceived as dull, the league's ticket sales decreased, revenue declined, and television ratings were as low as they had ever been. In March 1979, however, two collegiate players, forward Larry Bird of Indiana State University and guard Magic Johnson of Michigan State University, helped revive public interest in basketball. The two players, the stars of their teams, faced each other in the 1979 NCAA championship game, won by Michigan State. Both players went on to have distinguished NBA careers. In the 1980s Bird helped revitalize the Boston Celtics franchise, leading the team to three NBA titles (1981, 1984, 1986). Johnson did the same in Los Angeles, as he and Abdul-Jabbar guided the Lakers to five NBA championships.

That's when the HEAVY URBAN PROMOTION began.
Urban leeped into the HIP HOP relm when it blew up.

May 3rd, 2007, 06:12 PM
For people that "CLAIM" to hate the NBA...................PLEASE JUST STOP MAKING THREADS AND POSTING ABOUT IT.

Why talk about something you "claim" to hate.xlolx
Ya'll post more about the NBA than people that actually like the game. xlolx

BTW: The only thing Barkley can sniff out is one of these:

and a casino.

SU Jag
May 3rd, 2007, 06:32 PM
In the words of Charles Barkley "The NBAs only image problem is that the players are black". CMI-Interview from 05.

SU Jag
May 3rd, 2007, 06:33 PM
Describe just what THUGGERY IS.xlolx

Some announcer said this a few years ago and now it's a generic term.
A person wear's cornrows and a jersey and he is a thug.............xlolx
An ear ring...............Thug.
Car on 22" rims..............Thug.
Listen to rap.............Thug.
Walk with a "swagger" ..........Thug.

I know what a REAL THUG is and I have not seen one in the NBA.xlolx

To many thats what defines a thug! That and that alone!

May 3rd, 2007, 06:42 PM
and a casino.

You got that right.

"Bet" he lost his mind in Vegas during All-Star weekend. xlolx

I Bleed Purple
May 3rd, 2007, 07:36 PM
Personally, I dislike the NBA because it's turned into a bunch of overpaid athletes trying to make the ESPN highlight reel, as opposed to team of basketball players playing to win games. If we could transplant the NBA of the late 70's/early 80's into today, I'd get Suns season tickets in a heartbeat... Of course I mean all those players minus the short tight uniforms, and the Boston Celtics (I hated that team!) :D
Why not watch the Jazz game tonight?

May 3rd, 2007, 07:46 PM
The NBA has the "thug" stereotype, but I would say there are more "thugs" in the NFL than any other pro sport.

SU Jag
May 3rd, 2007, 08:17 PM
Slam magazine did a report of the whole "thug" stereotype and pro sports. People were quick to sandblast the NBA and NFL but their league's law run-ins were lower that MLB and the NHL but yet and still they were the scapegoats. Marshall Faulk, Ray Allen, Tory Holt, and someone else were interviewed about it. Holt said he beleived that most suburban whites equate thug to any young black male who looks like he is of the "hip-hop" generation or even an inner-city guy. Faulk said that most people dont view white guys as "thugs" just because reguardless of their law run-ins. I'll try to find it on the net!

May 3rd, 2007, 09:28 PM
The NBA released their data about this study and showed that two of the top three "foul getters" were white. Nick Collison and someone else i can't remember. The third was Amare. All the NBA players called this New York Times study crap and said it was dumb. It also paints a broad stroke on officials claiming they are all racist and dumb.

Those of you who said that they don't care about winning apparently haven't been watching the playoffs this year. People who believe the NBA is a thug league A) don't watch it B) have engrained stereotypes in their head C) ignore all the fights in the white dominated sports of baseball, and hockey.

May 4th, 2007, 12:59 AM
The "Thuggery" within the NBA is not so much violence on or off the court, but rather a perceived notion of anti-social behavior. Disrespect of authority, promotion "gangsta" culture, etc... High profile incidents like Sprewell (maybe it was 8 years ago, but it hasn't left the public's mind) and the Artest melee only foster that notion.

In other words, it's a message, as opposed to being acts of violence.

That word "perceived" is very important here. One can argue until he is blue in the face that there's nothing wrong with the image, if nobdoy gets hurt. But if the public perception is negative, it will impact the NBA in a bad way. That can hurt the bottom line: $$$$. That's why you'd never see an Allen Iverson type of personality playing on the Yankees. They're just as much about image as winning. They'd never bring in someone who would harm that.

Personally, I dislike the NBA because it's turned into a bunch of overpaid athletes trying to make the ESPN highlight reel, as opposed to team of basketball players playing to win games. If we could transplant the NBA of the late 70's/early 80's into today, I'd get Suns season tickets in a heartbeat... Of course I mean all those players minus the short tight uniforms, and the Boston Celtics (I hated that team!) :D

Are you serious..?
I had no idea, if I knew the NBA was that much fun I would have been watching...

I haven't watched an NBA game in 15 years.. it's just not my sport but I had no idea it was so controversial..? I watch boring sports like Baseball and Football


May 4th, 2007, 06:44 PM
You got that right.

"Bet" he lost his mind in Vegas during All-Star weekend. xlolx
xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx