View Full Version : Child gets hit by receiver at Colorado State scrimmage - video

April 24th, 2007, 01:00 AM
Don't know how many have seen this video, but it really got me PO'ed. Colorado State allows kids on the sidelines of scrimmages, and one got slammed into by a receiver. The kid needed stitches, but is OK.

Here is the video link:


My second thought was, "what the hell were the parents doing"?

April 24th, 2007, 01:16 AM
I saw this on tv and couldn't believe it. He was in the corner of the endzone (out of bounds) but still, why would you ever let your kid wander down there alone? He looked like he was really young too.

April 24th, 2007, 01:33 AM
I saw this on tv and couldn't believe it. He was in the corner of the endzone (out of bounds) but still, why would you ever let your kid wander down there alone? He looked like he was really young too.

They showed it here in Seattle on the local news and they said he was 4 years old. I understand how excited a 4 year old would get to be on the sidelines, but damn, this is what happens.

They actually played the video in semi-slo mo and the kid took the shot almost straight on - stitches on the left side of his forehead.

April 24th, 2007, 01:35 AM
Yeah you could see the blood on his forehead. After the kid gets creamed the dad runs in and tries to comfort the kid. How pi$$ed do you think that guys wife was when she saw that on the news?!

Fresno St. Alum
April 24th, 2007, 01:46 AM
CSU won't have them on the field anymore unless they want a lawsuit.

April 24th, 2007, 02:51 AM
What the H were the parents thinking letting their 4 year old down there. Are they nuts?

April 24th, 2007, 07:10 AM
What the H were the parents thinking letting their 4 year old down there. Are they nuts?

Yep. And negligent.

April 24th, 2007, 07:19 AM
What the H were the parents thinking letting their 4 year old down there. Are they nuts?


First thing I was thinking was, why didn't a parent grab the kid when they saw the ball coming that way, then I watched again, no parent around. xnonono2x

Stupid xsmhx

April 24th, 2007, 07:28 AM
They showed it here in Seattle on the local news and they said he was 4 years old. I understand how excited a 4 year old would get to be on the sidelines, but damn, this is what happens.

They actually played the video in semi-slo mo and the kid took the shot almost straight on - stitches on the left side of his forehead.

I saw it this morning. It pissed me off as well and all I could do is ask the same question I seem to almost always be asking about our society today...."Where is the father?"

The players, to their credit showed concern for the kid and got a trainer on the scene ASAP. That kid's father is a pussy.

Thankfully all is well.

April 24th, 2007, 07:46 AM
This was also shown on the Boston news stations.

April 24th, 2007, 07:52 AM
That was crazy on the parent's part.xnonono2x I've seen adults get slammed on the sidelines. No way that kid stood a chance.

April 24th, 2007, 08:36 AM
That was crazy on the parent's part.xnonono2x I've seen adults get slammed on the sidelines. No way that kid stood a chance.

I know, I was on the sidelines for more than a decade.

April 24th, 2007, 08:38 AM
I dunno guys, I probably would have had my kids on the field given the opportunity. They probably figured what are the chances that somebody would make a play at that exact spot at that exact moment. It was a freak accident and maybe a little careless, but it sounds like you guys would have the kid taken away by protective services. xeyebrowx

April 24th, 2007, 08:48 AM
I dunno guys, I probably would have had my kids on the field given the opportunity. They probably figured what are the chances that somebody would make a play at that exact spot at that exact moment. It was a freak accident and maybe a little careless, but it sounds like you guys would have the kid taken away by protective services. xeyebrowx

Agreed. :)

April 24th, 2007, 08:52 AM
I dunno guys, I probably would have had my kids on the field given the opportunity. They probably figured what are the chances that somebody would make a play at that exact spot at that exact moment. It was a freak accident and maybe a little careless, but it sounds like you guys would have the kid taken away by protective services. xeyebrowx

I don't disagree with that and I had my 3 y.o. son at field level at our spring game last season. Since our (now fired) A.D. had the game on the practice field and didn't have the decency to set up some stands, there was no other choice. However, I was next to my son the entire time and if the action had spilled over to where we were I'd have either moved him quickly or thrown my body over him for protection. That is what dads do. In this case I didn't see the father anywhere near the kid. What, was he talking to his bun-buddy about his golf game? Was he even there at the game? He certainly wasn't watching the game or his son. The guy lacks manhood and provides proof to the old saying that anyone with a penis can be a father but it takes someone special to be a dad.

xtwocentsx... $.01 after taxes

April 24th, 2007, 09:33 AM
I dunno guys, I probably would have had my kids on the field given the opportunity. They probably figured what are the chances that somebody would make a play at that exact spot at that exact moment. It was a freak accident and maybe a little careless, but it sounds like you guys would have the kid taken away by protective services. xeyebrowx
Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with a child being on the sidelines. I did it quite a few times growing up. My problem is that the kid seemed to be wandering around which is not cool.

April 24th, 2007, 09:39 AM
They showed it on Good Morning America today - brutal hit. But you gotta blame the Dad - nothing wrong with a kid being on the sidelines, but the parent has to be there at all times watching what's going on and getting him out of harm's way - that's what a Dad is for. Heck, same thing at a baseball game if you sit close and could get hit by a ball or bat - you gotta protect the kid and stop yammering with whomever he was chatting up.

April 24th, 2007, 09:46 AM
14 years.................Full Schollie.xlolx
Glad the kid is ok......................Took a "salt tablet" and brushed it off.xlolx

Seriously though.
I saw that and thought that kids neck was broke after they went into the wall.
Don't be too hard on the dad or whoever though.

Spring game.............Not going all out like a real game.
They probably figured the endzone was the safest place since not that much action happens down there.

That was brutal but KID's are not the fragil crystal doll's that society has made them out to be nowdays.
Personally.....................I see worse in sandlot football they play around here.
Just a mistake on a day of fun. xnodx

April 24th, 2007, 09:51 AM
Again, I dunno, I think you guys are being a little harsh. Every one of us has let our kids out of our sight for a second... that's all it takes for a freak accident like this. We're not talking about taking your kid to a NASCAR race and letting him wander out onto the track. xcoffeex

April 24th, 2007, 09:58 AM
Again, I dunno, I think you guys are being a little harsh. Every one of us has let our kids out of our sight for a second... that's all it takes for a freak accident like this. We're not talking about taking your kid to a NASCAR race and letting him wander out onto the track. xcoffeex

Nah, not being too harsh - it was a football game and the kid was all alone one foot from the playing field. It's not like letting the kid wander around the backyard or ride his bike up the sidewalk. Heck, look at the hit that JoePa took last year on the Penn State sideline. Heck, America's Funniest has video of people getting creamed on the sideline almost every episode. I'm not saying don't have the kid there, but hold his hand or at least be near him. If he was 8 or 9 years old, it's a different story, but this was a 4 year old - I got a kid that's almost 4 and I wouldn't trust him to stay out of trouble by himself on the sideline.

April 24th, 2007, 10:05 AM
I'm OK with the kid on the field, but totally blame the parents for no supervision.

Also, what if the kid really got hurt; broken bone, concussion, I'd feel guilty as hell if I was the CSU guy, even though he did nothing wrong.

April 24th, 2007, 10:05 AM
Again, I dunno, I think you guys are being a little harsh. Every one of us has let our kids out of our sight for a second... that's all it takes for a freak accident like this. We're not talking about taking your kid to a NASCAR race and letting him wander out onto the track. xcoffeex

xlolx xlolx xthumbsupx
That really would result in a divorce!

April 24th, 2007, 10:11 AM
Judging by Colorado State's record last year, maybe the dad felt the end zone was the safest place for his child to be.xlolx xlolx

April 24th, 2007, 10:12 AM
Judging by Colorado State's record last year, maybe the dad felt the end zone was the safest place for his child to be.xlolx xlolx

I believe you're thinking of NORTHERN Colorado. xeyebrowx xcoolx :D :D :D

April 24th, 2007, 10:19 AM
I believe you're thinking of NORTHERN Colorado. xeyebrowx xcoolx :D :D :D
Well the "Rams" were 4-8 last year xsmiley_wix

April 24th, 2007, 10:34 AM
Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with a child being on the sidelines. I did it quite a few times growing up. My problem is that the kid seemed to be wandering around which is not cool.

Exactly. Just this weekend my wife was carrying our son and was looking to the right, when a car was approaching quickly from her left. I said, "look out, LOok Out, LOOK OUT". I didn't just watch the car, I paid attention to my surroundings and first worried where my family was in regards to this danger.

That did not happen in this instance. The dad was watching the game and had no clue where his son was. Did you see how far away the boy had gotten from his father? It took way too long for him to come to the boy in my opinion.

I just think the father needed to pay better attention to where his son was.

April 24th, 2007, 11:05 AM
100% parents fault.

They got lucky. Could've been a helmet to the temple.

April 24th, 2007, 12:40 PM
i was on the sidelines for a griz scrimmage when i was 7 and a few times the players came right at me, i didn't know that i could move that fast. xnodx

April 24th, 2007, 01:39 PM
14 years.................Full Schollie.xlolx
Glad the kid is ok......................Took a "salt tablet" and brushed it off.xlolx

Seriously though.
I saw that and thought that kids neck was broke after they went into the wall.
Don't be too hard on the dad or whoever though.

Spring game.............Not going all out like a real game.
They probably figured the endzone was the safest place since not that much action happens down there.

That was brutal but KID's are not the fragil crystal doll's that society has made them out to be nowdays.
Personally.....................I see worse in sandlot football they play around here.
Just a mistake on a day of fun. xnodx

Man, what planet are you from?

4 yr old kid = 25 lbs. max, no helmet, pads, etc.;
player = 200+ lbs., helmet, pads, running wide open & crashing into wall.

in sandlot football, do they let 4 yr.olds play without pads & helmets? Nope.

The way society has made them out to be nowdays? What gibberish. You think society's in charge of that kid? Personally, I think the parents are responsible & should be held responsible for any injuries suffered.

I would not go so far as to call Child Protective Services, but the parents of that 4 yr. old need a good talking to & 40 lashes with a wet noodle.

April 24th, 2007, 01:48 PM
Thats a tough hit to take. In high school I tackeld someone along the sideline and right into the cheerleaders taking about 6 down. I had parents yelling at me after the game. Its not the players fault to watch where he is but the people around the field. I feel bad for that kid because he didn't know that standing there would get him hurt like that nor did his parents do anything to help him out any. I just don't feel bad for people who don't get out of the way and get nailed. Everyone likes to see a camera man get nailed.

April 24th, 2007, 01:50 PM
In high school I tackeld someone along the sideline and right into the cheerleaders taking about 6 down. .

Nothing like cheerleaders "going down"xsmiley_wix

April 24th, 2007, 01:51 PM
Amazing how sexist some people appear to be. All this talk of where the dad is, nothing in that video said anything about the kid being with his dad. You know it is possible for him to be with his mom..

April 24th, 2007, 02:57 PM
Amazing how sexist some people appear to be. All this talk of where the dad is, nothing in that video said anything about the kid being with his dad. You know it is possible for him to be with his mom..

...naw. she stayed home to clean the kitchen.xlolx

April 24th, 2007, 03:12 PM
Dam I laughed at that last comment.

April 24th, 2007, 04:10 PM
Everyone likes to see a camera man get nailed.

haha. yeah, as a camera man, I've been lucky so far. I get out of the way when they are coming. But I do have a huge blind spot....ugh

Fresno St. Alum
April 24th, 2007, 04:58 PM
Kornheiser said the kid took 30 stiches on PTI today.

April 24th, 2007, 05:37 PM
Amazing how sexist some people appear to be. All this talk of where the dad is, nothing in that video said anything about the kid being with his dad. You know it is possible for him to be with his mom..

How DARE they assume that a father is more likely to take his son to a football practice than a mother. Obviously they believe men are superior to women.

April 24th, 2007, 05:40 PM
Well since the draft is coming up.......wouldn't it be cool if in about 16 years or so, that kid is getting drafted, and they put that on his highlight video :D

April 24th, 2007, 06:03 PM
Amazing how sexist some people appear to be. All this talk of where the dad is, nothing in that video said anything about the kid being with his dad. You know it is possible for him to be with his mom..

I actually saw the interview with the mother and she was trying to defend her husband by saying that he "just looked away" for a moment. You could tell she was not at the practice.

Mountain Panther
April 24th, 2007, 07:25 PM
If all the CSU receivers hit the DBs that hard then the Rams should have a great year!

April 25th, 2007, 09:47 AM
I actually saw the interview with the mother and she was trying to defend her husband by saying that he "just looked away" for a moment.
That's because they had zealots like you guys here beating down their door to take the kid away from them. xrolleyesx :p