View Full Version : Traditions and history
April 23rd, 2007, 12:09 AM
every tell what pregame/game event or cheers that your school has that is unique that nobody else has.....something like FSU flaming arrow @ center field, gator chomp, hook 'em horns.....yeah something your school has that is unique that nobody else has?
Fresno St. Alum
April 23rd, 2007, 12:14 AM
I know Fresno St. is FBS, but they do a thumbs up in tomahawk chop motion more in the rist than the whole arm
April 23rd, 2007, 12:25 AM
Yosef shoots his muskett after ASU scores.
April 23rd, 2007, 01:37 AM
We might not be the only school, but the Montana fires a cannon every time the Griz score.
April 23rd, 2007, 05:51 AM
we have a cock that crows when we score... :(
April 23rd, 2007, 07:37 AM
Our touchdown cannon crew used to consist of two smoothbore Civil War-era howitzers along with a squad of cadets with Springfield muskets. We got rid of the muskets a few years ago, I don't know why. When the cannons go off, they are pointed right at the north brick wall, and the blast is reflected back onto the visiting stands. It was always fun to watch the people in the visiting side near the cannons jump 'by the ripple' at the start of our games. Still the best touchdown cannons in college football, IMO.
Another tradition we have is that the Corps of Cadets marches onto the field and delivers a salute to both the home and visitor stands. When I was there, the Corps would then sprint into the stands while the knobs stayed on the field and make a tunnel for the team to run through. Now, the Corps sort of just trots/walks. Ahhhhh. the OLD Corps.
April 23rd, 2007, 07:46 AM
Our touchdown cannon crew used to consist of two smoothbore Civil War-era howitzers along with a squad of cadets with Springfield muskets. We got rid of the muskets a few years ago, I don't know why. When the cannons go off, they are pointed right at the north brick wall, and the blast is reflected back onto the visiting stands. It was always fun to watch the people in the visiting side near the cannons jump 'by the ripple' at the start of our games. Still the best touchdown cannons in college football, IMO.
Another tradition we have is that the Corps of Cadets marches onto the field and delivers a salute to both the home and visitor stands. When I was there, the Corps would then sprint into the stands while the knobs stayed on the field and make a tunnel for the team to run through. Now, the Corps sort of just trots/walks. Ahhhhh. the OLD Corps.
I loved the muskets followed by the cannon shots. It certainly did wake up the crowd!
My favorite ASU tradition is the band playing Bugler's Theme (aka the Olympic Theme) prior to each Mountaineer kick-off. Our group is attempting to get a few new ones started with the crowd saying say "Go Apps Go" (al la Georgia's cheer) after the ball is kicked and saying "Welcome to the Rock" along with Sean Connery on the intro video.
April 23rd, 2007, 08:14 AM
You are wanting unique?
Okay, the playing of "Jolie Blonde" at McNeese games. Nothing like it anywhere else.
The Gadfly
April 23rd, 2007, 08:25 AM
Did Catfish explain that we have a rooster crow . . . xeyebrowx . And they wonder why I want to change our mascot. That is the main reason: we can't find a way to rally around a chicken or create traditions (YES they are created) around a chicken mascot. xoopsx
Eyes of Old Main
April 23rd, 2007, 08:35 AM
Probably the most original thing Wofford has going (and somebody I don't know about might also be doing this) is playing the opening bell sequence of Hell's Bells by AC/DC before each 3rd when Wofford is on defense. It can get annoying to those on the home side, so I'm sure it is doubly so for the visitors.
That, plus playing Back in Black all the time must give the impression the Terriers have some sort of AC/DC fetish. But, like Coastal with their beach chicken, I guess there's only so much you can do with a small yappy dog.
April 23rd, 2007, 08:40 AM
the bell tolls on 3rd down (only when the sound system is actually working(which is rarely))
also the whole band opening sequence is a pretty good tradition and a lot of fun for the drunk students and fans and gets them going pretty good
April 23rd, 2007, 08:50 AM
Oh, I forgot. When the announcer says: And that's another Mountaineer FIRST DOWN! We all yell first down.
April 23rd, 2007, 09:13 AM
Another thing that is different at McNeese. Andre' Bailley plays "Charge" on his duck call in the Eastside stands after every McNeese first down. He also plays Jolie Blonde on it after McNeese touchdowns at away games when the McNeese Band is not there to play it.
April 23rd, 2007, 10:51 AM
Before every game the Cal Poly Mustangs file by the stone memorial to the victims of the 1960 Football Team plane crash and touch the stone.
April 23rd, 2007, 11:21 AM
Um.. our tradition is... getting beat by the Ivy League xrolleyesx xrotatehx
Really though... somethign called 'The most played College Football game in America' counts for something i suppose...
April 23rd, 2007, 07:19 PM
Texas State (
01-We have the cannon that booms after a score.
02- Crowd does bodysurf pushups for each TXST point on the board after a score
03- Alumni side yells "Texas", Student side yells "State". usually when on defense.
04- Every school in Texas has a hand sign, ours is called the "Heart of Texas"
05- Strutters. Texas State's dance team
06- Lighting the Star on Jackson Hall after a win.
April 23rd, 2007, 07:34 PM
At Tarleton (D2), we don't screw around with Tradition
Tarleton website (
I also discussed it on Central Arkansas's fanboard- UCAfans (
I will stick only to gameday traditions, but see the two links for the rest of them.
01- The Purple Poo. A masked spirit organization. That promotes school spirit
02- Raising the Spirit of Oscar P. This cheer is lead by the Purple Poo that causes all of the fans to drop to their knees beat the ground and chant "Heeey Oscar P!" (x3) then raise up.
03- Firing the cannon/ringing the bell. We used to fire a cannon after every touchdown, but the city filed an ordinance against it. Now we have a HUGE bell that some frat guys ring after each touchdown.
04- The Plowboys. A Spirit group that comes to all games dressed in purple chaps, white shirts, and cowboy hats. They lead the student section in some outlandish chants.
05- After a win we light the Smokestack purple. (The smokestack has long been part of the Tarleton legacy)
06- Handsign. The handsign looks like Texas Tech's gun slinger except it includes the middle finger as well.
07- At every kickoff the student body raises their hands above their head and does what can best be called 'spirit fingers' (or jazz hands) and chants "Heeeeey" from the time the ball is on the tee until it is in the air. Then they finishing by screaming "Oscar P!"
April 23rd, 2007, 08:16 PM
GSU players ride into the stadium in OLD ragged yellow school busses singing the Valley song that they have done since the first game played @ Paulson.
April 23rd, 2007, 08:36 PM
A tornado siren blows everytime we get a touchdown
A panther growl after every field goal or PAT
"And that's another Panther..." and the crowd yells "FIRST DOWN" with an arm movement.
UNI also used to throw toliet paper back and forth after touchdowns but that has been banned the past several years.
April 23rd, 2007, 08:44 PM
Well, UCA has the typical "It's another UCA..first down (crowd chants). Bet that one is in a ton of schools.
This year UCA sold tailgating spots along the road next to the stadium...they sold out within the first 12 hours or so. Phenomenal. Tailgaiting in masses is a new tradition at UCA. There has always been tailgating there, but not like this! Let's hope that tradition continues to grow just like the game attendance and football team itself!
Oh yeah, when UCA scores a touchdown, the loudsystem gives out a Bear growl...or it's a lion of the two...xlolx
April 23rd, 2007, 08:48 PM
Oh, we also have a cannon that fires after TD's but I don't consider that very unique. A lot of people have cannons.
April 23rd, 2007, 09:09 PM
This is postgame, but after each win (home or away) the Colonel team will gather and midfield to sing an old Applachian folk song called "Cabin on the Hill." The team these days tends to rap/chant it more than singa, but it's a tradition that dates back a long time.
I guess another thing is that EKU is one of a very small number of schools to recognize two official fight songs (niether of which refer to the "Colonels" since both songs predate the use of that mascot). "Hail, Hail Eastern Maroons" is played after touchdowns, followed by "Rally Maroon and White (Yea Eastern!)" after the PAT.
April 23rd, 2007, 09:10 PM
Oh, we also have a cannon that fires after TD's but I don't consider that very unique. A lot of people have cannons.
Yeah, I thought about putting our cannon for a second and thought the same thing. I wonder what % of schools actually do that.
April 23rd, 2007, 10:00 PM
Yale has a nice tradition of tattooing "Harvard sux" on their ball-sax!:p
April 23rd, 2007, 10:38 PM
Ohh, and after a road victory, the team goes and sings UNI Fight! with the fans that came!
April 23rd, 2007, 11:09 PM
The ASU marching band always gives a post game concert that ends with the song "Tennesee Waltz." You can always tell who are the band alumni (including me), we are the ones who tear up. sniff sniff
April 23rd, 2007, 11:55 PM
Um.. our tradition is... getting beat by the Ivy League xrolleyesx xrotatehx
Really though... somethign called 'The most played College Football game in America' counts for something i suppose...
Too true...
In addition, our team will stand facing the home stands while the band plays the Alma Mater...not if a lot of other schools do this...
and on occasion the Penn band will play over top of our Alma Mater... xrolleyesx
HIU 93
April 24th, 2007, 12:10 PM
1. The "Shake It" cheer and chant.
2. Fanfare
3. "Mooooooooooooooove the chains!!!!!"
4. Rock the Blue and White
5. "Neck"- unique to HBCUs
April 24th, 2007, 12:31 PM
SDSU Traditions
Yellow Chysamuthnyms (misspelled flower xsmhx ) with Blue SDS in center for Hobo Day.
Hobo Day - Yea, Homecoming, Man miss those Hobo Mobile Homes of yesteryear, they were great contraptions. xsmiley_wix
Recognizing our Ag College roots, Cereal Bowl and Beef Bowl games.
April 24th, 2007, 12:32 PM
one person mentioned we have the cannon but thats not unique. Before each game and during we always do the MONTANAAAA (and then the other side responds) GRIZZLIES!!! Also every time the griz are about to win a game or we put the game out of reach we play the "unofficial" griz fight song "Cotton eye joe." Hopefully this year we are going to have the fans yell at the end of the "griz nation" video:
April 24th, 2007, 12:44 PM
Sir Paladin rides onto the field (and stays on the horse most of the time) pregame as the band plays the fight song.
April 24th, 2007, 08:50 PM
UD usually has a band day when they play UMass. I'm not into marching bands much, but I found the clip on YouTube, so I figured I'd post it. This one says it is right after 9/11....
Some of the other band related traditions at UD is when just the tuba players play together, and also when the trumpet players go up in the stands and play for the fans during the game...
April 24th, 2007, 09:41 PM
The ASU marching band always gives a post game concert that ends with the song "Tennesee Waltz." You can always tell who are the band alumni (including me), we are the ones who tear up. sniff sniff
Never have understood how the Tennesee Waltz became the signature song of the Marching Mountaineers. Especially when a great tune like Appalachian Spring is available.
April 24th, 2007, 10:05 PM
Pre game is a total tailgate with the Gold Star Marching Band coming in from where the BSA is located (not sure where they start from) and then marching and playing into the FFD. Then if you get into the FFD early enough you see the students yelling "WE WANT BOHL!!" and then Coach Bohl runs across the entire field and continues to when he reaches the students and high fives every one in the first row and the students just erupt. Then when the GSMB gets into the FFD the PA says "THE GOLD STAR MARCHING BAND ISSSSSS IN THE HOUSE!!" THEN, before the game starts, a pre game intro goes on for about a minute with the lights going out and "Thunder Struck" coming on. The video then goes to the players in the locker room coming out onto the field and the PA announer yells "HERE COMES THE THUNDERING HERD!!!!" with fire works going off and the fight song going. At the end of the National Anthem the student sections raise their arms in a kind of a hook em horns sign and yells "AND THE HOME OF THEE...BISON!!!!!"
During every kickoff that the BISON have a player on special teams gets the students clapping slowly and then fast each time and end with putting their arms in the air in a spirit finger form and throw their arms down when the ball is kicked.
April 24th, 2007, 10:34 PM
1. Crowd chanting "Defense Jags"
2. Crowd chanting "Dog Day D"
3. Band playind "Do what you wanna" after a touchdown.
April 24th, 2007, 10:40 PM
JMU has a couple traditions. The entrance, and the cannon after we score. One of my favorite is when the offense gets a first down the announcer says first down JMU..the crowd says DUUUUUKES.
April 24th, 2007, 10:45 PM
Never have understood how the Tennesee Waltz became the signature song of the Marching Mountaineers. Especially when a great tune like Appalachian Spring is available.
as a former band member i really dont understand it either "tennesee" waltz? why???
April 25th, 2007, 07:20 AM
SDSU Traditions
Damn, how could I forget Cowbells?? McNeese has always had a tradition of ringing cowbells in the stand. And with the new video screen, portions of the SNL skit about cowbells are played several times during the game.
April 25th, 2007, 10:17 AM
I'm trying to remember what we do when a home touchdown is scored... hmmm... it's coming to me... wait...
I think the last time it happened we were all still in mourning from 9/11 so we politely applauded.
April 25th, 2007, 10:22 AM
1. The "whose house" .... "our house" cheer. EA sports even put it into the game (at least they did on NCAA FB 2004)
2. The eagle creek water ritual ... hasn't been done in a while, but still should be
3. Those infamous yellow school buses the players ride to the stadium in
April 25th, 2007, 10:42 AM
My favorite Southern tradition the Dancing Dolls ( xnodx :D The Human Jukebox ( known as the Marching Band from Jaguarland.
April 25th, 2007, 11:19 AM
1. The "whose house" .... "our house" cheer. EA sports even put it into the game (at least they did on NCAA FB 2004)
2. The eagle creek water ritual ... hasn't been done in a while, but still should be
3. Those infamous yellow school buses the players ride to the stadium in
I like the school bus xnodx
The Gadfly
April 25th, 2007, 11:32 AM
Here are some that our young program are trying to start:
The Strut
- when the Chants walk from the locker room to the field, before the game and after halftime, the fans rile the guys up.
- the nickname of the tailgating community @ Coastal home games.
The Pilgrimage
- the consolidation of the different tailgates to make a "super tailgate" at away games
The Chant Hand-sign
- Make the hand sign for "OK", but flatten out where the thumb and index finger meet. An alternate is doing the same "OK" sign but open up the circle.
"C-I . . . N-O!"
- A chant that means Coastal Is Number One
That's all that I know of as of now.
April 25th, 2007, 11:37 AM
as a former band member i really dont understand it either "tennesee" waltz? why???
I think, for all these years, the band was actually foreshadowing our "waltz" into Chatty, Tennessee for the last 2 NC's....or at least that's what I'll tell my kids......
SU Jag
April 25th, 2007, 06:46 PM
Too many to name!xnodx
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