View Full Version : Rumor Mongering and App State
Mr. C
April 19th, 2007, 05:01 PM
There has been a lot of wild rumors and speculations on several message boards in regards to some players at Appalachian State and there has been some tremendously off-base stuff being written about certain players, which have been very unfair to these people. I had waited to say much of anything about these reports until I had some factual evidence. I talked to some extremely credible sources this week that finally cleared up things for me.
Fact: there was a minor fight among some students at an establishment in Boone, known as the Library. Fact: there were some athletes from a couple of ASU teams that got into an altercation with each other and security at the Library called in police to break it up. The police broke up the altercation and that was pretty much it. There have been no police reports that have come out and there has been nothing officially reported in the media.
There were some very unreliable mesage boards that were throwing out a bunch of untruths and implicating and slandering certain players for things that DIDN'T happen. In one case, a player was accused of stabbing another person. This was TOTALLY untrue, according to my extremely reliable sources. In fact, the person who was slandered by this false information was one of TWO players who attempted to break up the fight and just got caught in the middle of things.
The people who slandered and libeled this kid and those that perpetuated these untrue rumors ought to be deeply ashamed of themselves. It is a sad fact that when you are a star player, you sometimes have to dealt with such falsities. I had my doubts all along about any of this being true, because the kid who was being implicated by these rumors is such a mild-mannered, good person. ASU has not suspended anyone for this overblown incident and what discipline that needed to be handed down to those who were truly involved in the fight was handed down internally.
It is time to put these rumors to rest once and for all.
April 19th, 2007, 05:12 PM
There has been a lot of wild rumors and speculations on several message boards in regards to some players at Appalachian State and there has been some tremendously off-base stuff being written about certain players, which have been very unfair to these people. I had waited to say much of anything about these reports until I had some factual evidence. I talked to some extremely credible sources this week that finally cleared up things for me.
Fact: there was a minor fight among some students at an establishment in Boone, known as the Library. Fact: there were some athletes from a couple of ASU teams that got into an altercation with each other and security at the Library called in police to break it up. The police broke up the altercation and that was pretty much it. There have been no police reports that have come out and there has been nothing officially reported in the media.
There were some very unreliable mesage boards that were throwing out a bunch of untruths and implicating and slandering certain players for things that DIDN'T happen. In one case, a player was accused of stabbing another person. This was TOTALLY untrue, according to my extremely reliable sources. In fact, the person who was slandered by this false information was one of TWO players who attempted to break up the fight and just got caught in the middle of things.
The people who slandered and libeled this kid and those that perpetuated these untrue rumors ought to be deeply ashamed of themselves. It is a sad fact that when you are a star player, you sometimes have to dealt with such falsities. I had my doubts all along about any of this being true, because the kid who was being implicated by these rumors is such a mild-mannered, good person. ASU has not suspended anyone for this overblown incident and what discipline that needed to be handed down to those who were truly involved in the fight was handed down internally.
It is time to put these rumors to rest once and for all.
April 19th, 2007, 05:27 PM
You're a handy (inside) source for us here at AGS Mr. C..!
I certainly appreciate you.. xnodx
April 19th, 2007, 05:29 PM
I heard someone stabbed a teacher last night!!!!
Mr. C
April 19th, 2007, 05:33 PM
I heard someone stabbed a teacher last night!!!!
Here we go again. xspankx xspankx xspankx xspankx xspankx
April 19th, 2007, 05:49 PM
haha i'm just playin around Mr C
April 19th, 2007, 05:50 PM
I think GASO maybe be a RU4GSU in another nom de guerre!
April 19th, 2007, 05:59 PM
Not so fun is it Mr.C
April 19th, 2007, 06:17 PM
Very nice Mr. C. We should all think twice before rumor mongering.
April 19th, 2007, 06:19 PM
Not so fun is it Mr.C
Are you referring to the rumors that catnation started about Griz players being involved in drug deals?
April 19th, 2007, 06:42 PM
Are you referring to the rumors that catnation started about Griz players being involved in drug deals?
That piture is way Hot xeekx xeekx -- What did you write anyway ?xsmashx
April 19th, 2007, 07:30 PM
That piture is way Hot xeekx xeekx -- What did you write anyway ?xsmashx
Not important. xthumbsupx :D
April 19th, 2007, 08:54 PM
I heard someone stabbed a teacher last night!!!!
There have been better weeks to crack that one.:(
April 19th, 2007, 09:03 PM
There has been a lot of wild rumors and speculations on several message boards in regards to some players at Appalachian State and there has been some tremendously off-base stuff being written about certain players, which have been very unfair to these people. I had waited to say much of anything about these reports until I had some factual evidence. I talked to some extremely credible sources this week that finally cleared up things for me.
Fact: there was a minor fight among some students at an establishment in Boone, known as the Library. Fact: there were some athletes from a couple of ASU teams that got into an altercation with each other and security at the Library called in police to break it up. The police broke up the altercation and that was pretty much it. There have been no police reports that have come out and there has been nothing officially reported in the media.
There were some very unreliable mesage boards that were throwing out a bunch of untruths and implicating and slandering certain players for things that DIDN'T happen. In one case, a player was accused of stabbing another person. This was TOTALLY untrue, according to my extremely reliable sources. In fact, the person who was slandered by this false information was one of TWO players who attempted to break up the fight and just got caught in the middle of things.
The people who slandered and libeled this kid and those that perpetuated these untrue rumors ought to be deeply ashamed of themselves. It is a sad fact that when you are a star player, you sometimes have to dealt with such falsities. I had my doubts all along about any of this being true, because the kid who was being implicated by these rumors is such a mild-mannered, good person. ASU has not suspended anyone for this overblown incident and what discipline that needed to be handed down to those who were truly involved in the fight was handed down internally.
It is time to put these rumors to rest once and for all.
I understand your frustration. Over on E-Griz there were rumors flying everywhere that Craig Chambers was kicked off the team because he was verbally abusive to coaches. Tons of things flew around before everything was cleared up and needless to say Craig is still on the team. Rumors are some of the things that are expected in the offseason but to drag a good kids name through the mud just based on what "one person heard" is not good. These guys are just college kids not pros they deserve at least some privacy and respect.
April 19th, 2007, 09:26 PM
Mr. C upset about slander? Delicious.
Mr. C
April 19th, 2007, 09:31 PM
Get a clue dude! If you had taken ANY law classes, you would (or should) know that TRUTH is an absolute defense against libel and slander. You want to tell me where I haven't been truthful about something?
April 19th, 2007, 10:36 PM
Doesn't even have to be the truth, if there was no malicious intent.
April 20th, 2007, 12:22 AM
Do you expect Moore to hand down punishment? It seems that if the altercation were that "minor" then the police wouldn't have been involved. (I say that completely not trying to start something, only to ask a question)
Mr. C, I totally agree with you. Keep up the good work
April 20th, 2007, 01:30 AM
Leave it to Mr. C. to get the truth out! xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx
I hadn't heard anything about this, I'm glad the first I've heard is the truth.
As far as the police being involved, the smart thing to do is to get them involved BEFORE it gets out of hand. If there were no charges filed, it must be because nobody really got too out of hand, and nobody wanted to file charges.
Good to know this is all worked out. We need all of ASU's players on the field so Montana can whip them in Chatty fair and square. :D :D :D
April 20th, 2007, 01:50 AM
That's funny, UNI has a bar on The Hill called the Library. Go figure ASU has one too!
"Hey mom, I'm going to the Library. I'll call you later."
I'm so original! xlolx
April 20th, 2007, 02:40 AM
That's funny, UNI has a bar on The Hill called the Library. Go figure ASU has one too!
"Hey mom, I'm going to the Library. I'll call you later."
I'm so original! xlolx
Albuquerque has one, too. Not too far from UNM. xnodx
April 20th, 2007, 05:53 AM
There has been a lot of wild rumors and speculations on several message boards in regards to some players at Appalachian State and there has been some tremendously off-base stuff being written about certain players, which have been very unfair to these people. I had waited to say much of anything about these reports until I had some factual evidence. I talked to some extremely credible sources this week that finally cleared up things for me.
Fact: there was a minor fight among some students at an establishment in Boone, known as the Library. Fact: there were some athletes from a couple of ASU teams that got into an altercation with each other and security at the Library called in police to break it up. The police broke up the altercation and that was pretty much it. There have been no police reports that have come out and there has been nothing officially reported in the media.
There were some very unreliable mesage boards that were throwing out a bunch of untruths and implicating and slandering certain players for things that DIDN'T happen. In one case, a player was accused of stabbing another person. This was TOTALLY untrue, according to my extremely reliable sources. In fact, the person who was slandered by this false information was one of TWO players who attempted to break up the fight and just got caught in the middle of things.
The people who slandered and libeled this kid and those that perpetuated these untrue rumors ought to be deeply ashamed of themselves. It is a sad fact that when you are a star player, you sometimes have to dealt with such falsities. I had my doubts all along about any of this being true, because the kid who was being implicated by these rumors is such a mild-mannered, good person. ASU has not suspended anyone for this overblown incident and what discipline that needed to be handed down to those who were truly involved in the fight was handed down internally.
It is time to put these rumors to rest once and for all.
Thanks for clearing this up. As a result of your obvious integrity, you just sold another 2005 Nat Chmpionship book, maybe two (one for me and one for my son).
April 20th, 2007, 05:56 AM
Do you expect Moore to hand down punishment? It seems that if the altercation were that "minor" then the police wouldn't have been involved. (I say that completely not trying to start something, only to ask a question)
Mr. C, I totally agree with you. Keep up the good work
Coach Moore has kicked more than one player off the team in his 20 yr tenure at App. Any good coach has had to do the same, even at holier than thou places like Furman.
April 20th, 2007, 07:06 AM
Thanks for clearing this up. As a result of your obvious integrity, you just sold another 2005 Nat Chmpionship book, maybe two (one for me and one for my son).
I am buying one or two also.
xbowx xbowx xbowx xbowx
xbowx xbowx xbowx xbowx
Mr. C.'s believers
April 20th, 2007, 07:27 AM
No...No...No...They have it all wrong.....
Some surfer dude stabbed Mr. Hand.
April 20th, 2007, 07:55 AM
Do you expect Moore to hand down punishment? It seems that if the altercation were that "minor" then the police wouldn't have been involved. (I say that completely not trying to start something, only to ask a question)
Mr. C, I totally agree with you. Keep up the good work
As you probably have seen on your visits up to Boone, it's not a very big town and not a lot of action going on law wise. The Boone cops just travel around, driving the hot spots looking for something to keep them awake at night. Seeing that there is only about 4 main roads in Boone and even more limited night life located on about 2 of them, if the cops see a mass of people outside a bar then they will stop no matter what. This is probably why the cops showed up at the Library that night.
I used to be a bouncer in Boone at a couple of bars, and believe me they get very bored and keep a close eye on anything they can pull up to and get out of their cars for. I had a couple of them tell me that they just wait outside for anyone to yell and pounce when they could, that they are that bored and don't have much to do.
April 20th, 2007, 08:07 AM
As you probably have seen on your visits up to Boone, it's not a very big town and not a lot of action going on law wise. The Boone cops just travel around, driving the hot spots looking for something to keep them awake at night.
i.e., the often-ignored 4-way stop sign behind Blockbuster Video.
Only a few blocks from the Drinking Library (as my brother and his roomates call it to distinguish between it and the Reading Library).
April 20th, 2007, 08:15 AM
i.e., the often-ignored 4-way stop sign behind Blockbuster Video.
Only a few blocks from the Drinking Library (as my brother and his roomates call it to distinguish between it and the Reading Library).
That and the stop sign at the Horn in the West (think that is what it is called) play & student parking lot behind the Library. I had 4 of my friends pulled and unfortunately they got DUI's there.
April 20th, 2007, 10:26 AM
Coach Moore has kicked more than one player off the team in his 20 yr tenure at App. Any good coach has had to do the same, even at holier than thou places like Furman.
you want to limit the ad hominum attacks, or just answer the question?
April 20th, 2007, 10:52 AM
Thugs in Boone, NC?........... impossible.... only hill-billies can survive there
April 20th, 2007, 11:09 AM
Thanks for clearing this up. As a result of your obvious integrity, you just sold another 2005 Nat Chmpionship book, maybe two (one for me and one for my son).
Mr. C... I didnt know about this book... where can I get one???
April 20th, 2007, 11:39 AM
FACT: The library waitresses wear hot school girl uniforms to corrupt young men and turn them against one another! :D xoopsx
April 20th, 2007, 11:45 AM
Mr. C... I didnt know about this book... where can I get one???
It is available for pre-order through Amazon...
April 20th, 2007, 11:46 AM
FACT: The library waitresses wear hot school girl uniforms to corrupt young men and turn them against one another! :D xoopsx
you mean like this girl?
April 20th, 2007, 11:54 AM
Yep! xthumbsupx xsmiley_wix
April 20th, 2007, 12:16 PM
I heard someone stabbed a teacher last night!!!!
I heard the coach at GSU was having a homosexual affair with one of the assistants. So there.xrolleyesx xrolleyesx :D :D :D
April 20th, 2007, 12:18 PM
you want to limit the ad hominum attacks, or just answer the question?
Oh you mean the staff at Furman has never kicked a player off permanently for disciplinary reasons??
I knew coach Art Baker personally, BTW. One of the most respected coaches ever in the SoCon. I know for certain that he did.
April 20th, 2007, 10:31 PM
Thugs in Boone, NC?........... impossible.... only hill-billies can survive there
Mr. C
April 20th, 2007, 10:48 PM
Oh you mean the staff at Furman has never kicked a player off permanently for disciplinary reasons??
I knew coach Art Baker personally, BTW. One of the most respected coaches ever in the SoCon. I know for certain that he did.
Not to sling any mud in this argument, but I was extremely disappointed in Bobby Lamb (who is one of my favorite coaches in all of FCS and a fellow who has always treated me about as well as ANY coach I've worked with, win or lose) when he didn't give several players (including a couple of star players) more of a suspension when they stole some university property several years back. They deserved more than the slap on the wrist they received.
Mr. C
April 20th, 2007, 10:51 PM
It is available for pre-order through Amazon...
You will get a better deal, as well as getting the book more quickly, by ordering directly from the author. PM me for more information.
April 21st, 2007, 09:56 AM
you want to limit the ad hominum attacks, or just answer the question?
Read David Coulson's post from further on this board. Here it is.
"Not to sling any mud in this argument, but I was extremely disappointed in Bobby Lamb (who is one of my favorite coaches in all of FCS and a fellow who has always treated me about as well as ANY coach I've worked with, win or lose) when he didn't give several players (including a couple of star players) more of a suspension when they stole some university property several years back. They deserved more than the slap on the wrist they received."
You need more????
Death Dealer
April 22nd, 2007, 10:11 PM
Oh you mean the staff at Furman has never kicked a player off permanently for disciplinary reasons??
I knew coach Art Baker personally, BTW. One of the most respected coaches ever in the SoCon. I know for certain that he did. I think he was talking about the "holier than thou" comment. Peace brother 2006! I'm glad to hear that the rumors are untrue, though to be honest, I rarely believe that stuff until it is proven true. Glad to see nobody got into any serious trouble, it'd be a shame if one of them got his college football career messed up over being a "college student"...after all, that's what these kids are right?
April 23rd, 2007, 06:48 AM
Good points, DD. Totally agree. BTW. How's the practice going?
April 23rd, 2007, 09:47 AM
Read David Coulson's post from further on this board. Here it is.
"Not to sling any mud in this argument, but I was extremely disappointed in Bobby Lamb (who is one of my favorite coaches in all of FCS and a fellow who has always treated me about as well as ANY coach I've worked with, win or lose) when he didn't give several players (including a couple of star players) more of a suspension when they stole some university property several years back. They deserved more than the slap on the wrist they received."
You need more????
Death Dealer is right. I was refering to the "holier than thou" dig.
Those suspensions a few years ago were, I think, three or four games each. Those two players also happened to be our best offensive and one of our better defensive players. You think it's easy to suspend Ike West (one of the top recievers in SoCon history) in the middle of a season? I applauded him for doing it. I can assure you that Bobby Lamb is more in touch with what is going on with his team than Mr. Coulson.
Death Dealer
April 23rd, 2007, 03:29 PM
Good points, DD. Totally agree. BTW. How's the practice going?
Thanks. Practice is doing great, thanks for asking.xthumbsupx
And don't let my mild manner and kind words confuse you 2006! I still hate you guys!!!!xlolx xsmiley_wix xlolx
and I know the feelings mutual!xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx
April 23rd, 2007, 04:29 PM
[QUOTE=Death Dealer]Thanks. Practice is doing great, thanks for asking.xthumbsupx
And don't let my mild manner and kind words confuse you 2006! I still hate you guys!!!!xlolx xsmiley_wix xlolx
The FU's are getting real funny.
I know what the FU's mean by asking what some APP's write about the FU elitest additude. I went to high school that had the same air and now i am a YOSEF and many APPs think that is elitest.
AND I still hate YOU GUYS, TOO!!! xlolx xlolx xlolx
SEE ya in Oct.
April 23rd, 2007, 04:32 PM
[Qoute=phillyapp]The FU's are getting real funny.
I know what the FU's mean by asking what some APP's write about the FU elitest additude. I went to high school that had the same air and now i am a YOSEF and many APPs think that is elitest.
AND I still hate YOU GUYS, TOO!!! xlolx xlolx xlolx
SEE ya in Oct.[/QUOTE]
should be a great match
April 23rd, 2007, 04:34 PM
The FU's are getting real funny.
I know what the FU's mean by asking what some APP's write about the FU elitest additude. I went to high school that had the same air and now i am a YOSEF and many APPs think that is elitest.
AND I still hate YOU GUYS, TOO!!! xlolx xlolx xlolx
SEE ya in Oct.
should be a lot of fun down there in greenville
April 23rd, 2007, 04:41 PM
should be a lot of fun down there in greenville
I hope a few more Palladin's show up. Two years ago it was close in attendance. I figure a full APP side.
Can't wait, great road game.
April 23rd, 2007, 04:45 PM
I hope a few more Palladin's show up. Two years ago it was close in attendance. I figure a full APP side.
Can't wait, great road game.
It wasn't close. ASU had about 2-3K there max, and Furman had at least 12K fans in attendance. We should bring at least that many again this year.
April 23rd, 2007, 04:47 PM
It wasn't close. ASU had about 2-3K there max, and Furman had at least 12K fans in attendance. We should bring at least that many again this year.
i was there and must agree... yes we had a ton of people there... and they had plenty of empty seats around... but really the two sides werent close... i would expect even more this year from both sides!!!
April 23rd, 2007, 06:45 PM
this board is for rumors too AND debunking rumors...
Mr. C
April 23rd, 2007, 09:46 PM
Death Dealer is right. I was refering to the "holier than thou" dig.
Those suspensions a few years ago were, I think, three or four games each. Those two players also happened to be our best offensive and one of our better defensive players. You think it's easy to suspend Ike West (one of the top recievers in SoCon history) in the middle of a season? I applauded him for doing it. I can assure you that Bobby Lamb is more in touch with what is going on with his team than Mr. Coulson.
I looked through the archives and found the story announcing the suspensions in 2004. For the record, the incident occured before the season and the suspensions were only for three NON-CONFERENCE games, one that Furman had almost NO chance of winning (Clemson). There was a third player involved, but he wasn't mentioned in this incident. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I would have leaned towards suspending them for the entire season, whether they were among your best players, or not. I know for a fact that A LOT of eyebrows were raised when they only received three-game suspensions.
Here is the archived story:
Greenville, S.C. -- Furman University head football coach Bobby Lamb announced today that juniors Willis Sudderth and Isaac West have been suspended for the Paladins' first three games as part of disciplinary action by the university.
Sudderth, a tight end from Lilburn, Ga., and West, a split end from Augusta, Ga., were charged on July 31 with removing a tent from campus. In addition, Sudderth was charged with possession of a controlled substance after small amounts of marijuana were found in his vehicle.
The suspensions will keep Sudderth and West on the sideline for the Paladins' season opener against Elon (Aug. 30) and games against Clemson (Sept. 6) and Richmond (Sept. 20). In addition, both players will be required to perform community service and undergo counseling in Greenville County's first-offender program.
In addition, Furman has imposed sanctions on Sudderth and West. The university, however, is prohibited by federal law from releasing confidential information about students.
"The university has examined this matter thoroughly and we are satisfied that everyone has been held accountable for their actions," said Dr. Harry Shucker, Furman's vice president for student services. "Our on-campus investigation revealed that a third party -- a non-student athlete at Furman was also involved, which exonerated Willis of the drug charge. The university's disciplinary action is entirely consistent with other student cases we've handled in the past."
Sudderth and West were suspended indefinitely by Lamb on Aug. 5 and have yet to practice with the team. They will work out with the squad for the first time on Wednesday but will be relegated to practice with the scout team, composed primarily of freshmen and reserves, until Sept. 22, according to Lamb.
"These suspensions are a result of unacceptable behavior by two young men who represent our football program and university community," said Lamb on Tuesday. "We expect our players to be model citizens and to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the great trust placed in them by our university. I'm confident that lessons have been learned through this process and that these young men will work their way back into good standing."
A two-time All-Southern Conference selection, Sudderth caught eight passes for 103 yards and a touchdown in 2002, and West totaled 39 receptions for 708 yards and a team high seven touchdowns a year ago despite missing three games with a fractured collarbone.
April 24th, 2007, 02:58 AM
Excellent research, David. Once again, some Paladin spin is unwound!!!
Reminds me of the ol' Dean "sMyth" disciplinary actions. He used to say: "Well this player won't start for disciplinary reasons."
Yep, the player didn't start but went in at the first opportunity. Typically missed only like the first couple times the team went down court.
April 24th, 2007, 07:46 AM
I looked through the archives and found the story announcing the suspensions in 2004. For the record, the incident occured before the season and the suspensions were only for three NON-CONFERENCE games, one that Furman had almost NO chance of winning (Clemson). There was a third player involved, but he wasn't mentioned in this incident. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I would have leaned towards suspending them for the entire season, whether they were among your best players, or not. I know for a fact that A LOT of eyebrows were raised when they only received three-game suspensions.
Here is the archived story:
Greenville, S.C. -- Furman University head football coach Bobby Lamb announced today that juniors Willis Sudderth and Isaac West have been suspended for the Paladins' first three games as part of disciplinary action by the university.
Sudderth, a tight end from Lilburn, Ga., and West, a split end from Augusta, Ga., were charged on July 31 with removing a tent from campus. In addition, Sudderth was charged with possession of a controlled substance after small amounts of marijuana were found in his vehicle.
The suspensions will keep Sudderth and West on the sideline for the Paladins' season opener against Elon (Aug. 30) and games against Clemson (Sept. 6) and Richmond (Sept. 20). In addition, both players will be required to perform community service and undergo counseling in Greenville County's first-offender program.
In addition, Furman has imposed sanctions on Sudderth and West. The university, however, is prohibited by federal law from releasing confidential information about students.
"The university has examined this matter thoroughly and we are satisfied that everyone has been held accountable for their actions," said Dr. Harry Shucker, Furman's vice president for student services. "Our on-campus investigation revealed that a third party -- a non-student athlete at Furman was also involved, which exonerated Willis of the drug charge. The university's disciplinary action is entirely consistent with other student cases we've handled in the past."
Sudderth and West were suspended indefinitely by Lamb on Aug. 5 and have yet to practice with the team. They will work out with the squad for the first time on Wednesday but will be relegated to practice with the scout team, composed primarily of freshmen and reserves, until Sept. 22, according to Lamb.
"These suspensions are a result of unacceptable behavior by two young men who represent our football program and university community," said Lamb on Tuesday. "We expect our players to be model citizens and to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the great trust placed in them by our university. I'm confident that lessons have been learned through this process and that these young men will work their way back into good standing."
A two-time All-Southern Conference selection, Sudderth caught eight passes for 103 yards and a touchdown in 2002, and West totaled 39 receptions for 708 yards and a team high seven touchdowns a year ago despite missing three games with a fractured collarbone.
Mr. C, this topic has no real answer. It is a matter of opinion.Justice is always debated, and usually unfair in one way or another. Being Holier than thou is not something anybody/team need defend. You have stated your respect for all the SoCon coaches.
April 24th, 2007, 07:50 AM
why is this relevant?
we are talking about what didnt happen at the library correct???
April 24th, 2007, 08:40 AM
why is this relevant?
we are talking about what didnt happen at the library correct???
Go back and read the thread before the holier than comments and you might pick up the train of thought. Obviously David was able to do so.
It seems some of the private schools think that only the state schools have disciplinary problems to deal with. David quickly showed an example of how this isn't true.
April 24th, 2007, 09:31 AM
Go back and read the thread before the holier than comments and you might pick up the train of thought. Obviously David was able to do so.
It seems some of the private schools think that only the state schools have disciplinary problems to deal with. David quickly showed an example of how this isn't true.
TOUCHE' xthumbsupx
April 24th, 2007, 11:10 AM
IIRC the tent was a Falcons training camp tent/canopy, most likely with a value far-exceeding a typical camping tent. The release failed to mention that.
April 24th, 2007, 11:20 AM
BINGO. Their spin machine rivals the Clintons.
Death Dealer
April 24th, 2007, 12:57 PM
Go back and read the thread before the holier than comments and you might pick up the train of thought. Obviously David was able to do so.
It seems some of the private schools think that only the state schools have disciplinary problems to deal with. David quickly showed an example of how this isn't true.
Geez 2006, sometimes you go too far dude. There was one comment by one FU poster. You generalize too much man. I clearly came out in favor of the App players and even stated that they were just being college students and that it was no big deal. There is not some great rift between us here. One guy making a dumb comment does not make a "train of thought". Whether BL should have suspended those kids for longer is debatable, but that doesn't make some sort of "spin machine" a reality at Furman, or make us somehow "holier than thou" or in any way make us think we are above the fray! Come on dude, call off the dogs, please?xpeacex xpeacex xpeacex xpeacex
April 24th, 2007, 01:02 PM
Can you all please stop the smack? There has been no public confirmation from App St. so this is all still rumor.
April 24th, 2007, 01:40 PM
xhurrayx xhurrayx xhurrayx
gotta love rumors!!!
Death Dealer
April 24th, 2007, 03:08 PM
Can you all please stop the smack? There has been no public confirmation from App St. so this is all still rumor.
Actually Ralph, the only "smack" is being directed towards Furman because of some perceived bias we have against public schools!xchinscratchx
April 24th, 2007, 03:18 PM
[QUOTE=Mr. C]I looked through the archives and found the story announcing the suspensions in 2004. For the record, the incident occured before the season and the suspensions were only for three NON-CONFERENCE games, one that Furman had almost NO chance of winning (Clemson). There was a third player involved, but he wasn't mentioned in this incident. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I would have leaned towards suspending them for the entire season, whether they were among your best players, or not. I know for a fact that A LOT of eyebrows were raised when they only received three-game suspensions.
Mr. C
Just a question but would you also lean toward the entire season if the team was Appy instead of Furman and one of the players was Armanti Edwards?
Horseshoe App
April 24th, 2007, 03:21 PM
Death Dealer,
Just a little input. I was at the Miracle on the Mountain when App beat Furman(go for 2). I was watching the goalpost go out the gate and into the Duck pond. All kinds of ASU students were jumping in the pond. I was standing beside a Furman student and his parents. His dad looked at his son and told him, "This is why I did not let you go to a state school." While I say 95% of Furman folks like state schools, their are a few who don't.
Death Dealer
April 24th, 2007, 03:34 PM
Death Dealer,
Just a little input. I was at the Miracle on the Mountain when App beat Furman(go for 2). I was watching the goalpost go out the gate and into the Duck pond. All kinds of ASU students were jumping in the pond. I was standing beside a Furman student and his parents. His dad looked at his son and told him, "This is why I did not let you go to a state school." While I say 95% of Furman folks like state schools, their are a few who don't. Horseshoe, that guy was an @$$hole and will probably raise an @$$hole for a son, but he is not representative of the average Furman fan. I could go around saying that all App St. fans are maniacs because of the drunk kids that tried to turn over my buddies land rover after that same game. But I know enough Appy fans to know that isn't true. In fact I have an Appy alum in my immediate family (I know, I know..I couldn't talk any sense into her back then and I still can't today!xoopsx xsmiley_wix ) And any buttwipe who implies that she is any less of the miracle that she is for attending a public school (other than yours trulyxlolx ) will get a foot up there @$$. Seems some Appy fans are just as good at stereotyping us to fit in there small minded view of what they want us to be as that @$$hole Fuman dad you met that day by the duckpond.
April 24th, 2007, 03:37 PM
Death Dealer,
Just a little input. I was at the Miracle on the Mountain when App beat Furman(go for 2). I was watching the goalpost go out the gate and into the Duck pond. All kinds of ASU students were jumping in the pond. I was standing beside a Furman student and his parents. His dad looked at his son and told him, "This is why I did not let you go to a state school." While I say 95% of Furman folks like state schools, their are a few who don't.
Congradulations on your first POST, You are no longer a watcher.xhurrayx xhurrayx xhurrayx xhurrayx xhurrayx
April 24th, 2007, 03:40 PM
Death Dealer,
Just a little input. I was at the Miracle on the Mountain when App beat Furman(go for 2). I was watching the goalpost go out the gate and into the Duck pond. All kinds of ASU students were jumping in the pond. I was standing beside a Furman student and his parents. His dad looked at his son and told him, "This is why I did not let you go to a state school." While I say 95% of Furman folks like state schools, their are a few who don't.
representin' the big city of Horse Shoe! xthumbsupx
April 24th, 2007, 03:42 PM
Horseshoe...he is not representative of the average Furman fan.
that's not what he was implying. he said:
While I say 95% of Furman folks like state schools, their are a few who don't.
Death Dealer
April 24th, 2007, 03:57 PM
that's not what he was implying. he said:I knew what he was saying, my post was defending my earlier post that he responded to. I was also kinda commiserating with him about the dork dad by the duckpond (I despise elitists like that guy). Again, this thread somehow went from one that was badmouthing the tendency of some folks to unfairly single out athletes and start rumors about them to one that was bashing Furman, all based on one guys single post. WTF? Thanks though.
April 24th, 2007, 07:53 PM
I knew what he was saying, my post was defending my earlier post that he responded to.
Ok, then. no problems here.
April 24th, 2007, 08:02 PM
[QUOTE=Mr. C]I looked through the archives and found the story announcing the suspensions in 2004. For the record, the incident occured before the season and the suspensions were only for three NON-CONFERENCE games, one that Furman had almost NO chance of winning (Clemson). There was a third player involved, but he wasn't mentioned in this incident. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I would have leaned towards suspending them for the entire season, whether they were among your best players, or not. I know for a fact that A LOT of eyebrows were raised when they only received three-game suspensions.
Mr. C
Just a question but would you also lean toward the entire season if the team was Appy instead of Furman and one of the players was Armanti Edwards?
I know you asked Mr. C your question, but I wanted a shot at it. If Jerry Moore had that hypothetical choice to make, Edwards would be suspended FOR THE ENTIRE SEASON. Anyone who thinks otherwise, does not know Coach Moore. Just ask the starters he let go in the summer before our awful '04 season.
Mr. C
April 24th, 2007, 08:12 PM
[QUOTE=Mr. C]I looked through the archives and found the story announcing the suspensions in 2004. For the record, the incident occured before the season and the suspensions were only for three NON-CONFERENCE games, one that Furman had almost NO chance of winning (Clemson). There was a third player involved, but he wasn't mentioned in this incident. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I would have leaned towards suspending them for the entire season, whether they were among your best players, or not. I know for a fact that A LOT of eyebrows were raised when they only received three-game suspensions.
Mr. C
Just a question but would you also lean toward the entire season if the team was Appy instead of Furman and one of the players was Armanti Edwards?
From what I know of Armanti, who is a really good kid, I would be shocked if he did something like that (just as surprised as I would be if something like that happened to his cousin, Renaldo Gray, another really good kid — someone did something right raising these kids). But whoever it was that would do something like that, I would hold to my original thought and recommend a year's suspension. I've seen too many guys who got slapped on the wrist for serious problems and they just turned around and did it again. You have to make a stand on some things. Remember Lawrence Phillips, Marcus Vick, quite a few other guys like that? If someone had taken care of business with those guys early on, maybe they wouldn't have turned out to be thugs. I guess I'm just old school about stuff like that.
Mr. C
April 24th, 2007, 09:19 PM
I know you asked Mr. C your question, but I wanted a shot at it. If Jerry Moore had that hypothetical choice to make, Edwards would be suspended FOR THE ENTIRE SEASON. Anyone who thinks otherwise, does not know Coach Moore. Just ask the starters he let go in the summer before our awful '04 season.
Actually, to be honest, I think Coach Moore let some discipline slip for awhile and then had to take a harder stand. He kicked RB Alan Atwater off the team after a series of drug offenses. Atwater got arrested on additional, more serious stuff after he left ASU. Coach Moore dismissed a fine punter Matt Dodge after the first national championship season after some unnamed violations. There have been others sent packing, too.
Horseshoe App
April 25th, 2007, 08:35 AM
I knew what he was saying, my post was defending my earlier post that he responded to. I was also kinda commiserating with him about the dork dad by the duckpond (I despise elitists like that guy). Again, this thread somehow went from one that was badmouthing the tendency of some folks to unfairly single out athletes and start rumors about them to one that was bashing Furman, all based on one guys single post. WTF? Thanks though.
Death Dealer,
In no way am I bashing Furman Fans. I thought it was sort of funny when the father said that. I know most Furman fans are very cool people. My neighbor is a Furman alumni. We have great fun picking at each other when games between our schools roll around(he even got a good laugh when I hung a Appalachian banner on his front porch after last years game). I was just trying to show you, as you said, their are a few elitists who can be very arrogant. This is true with every school.xpeacex
April 25th, 2007, 09:20 AM
Death Dealer,
In no way am I bashing Furman Fans. I thought it was sort of funny when the father said that. I know most Furman fans are very cool people. My neighbor is a Furman alumni. We have great fun picking at each other when games between our schools roll around(he even got a good laugh when I hung a Appalachian banner on his front porch after last years game). I was just trying to show you, as you said, their are a few elitists who can be very arrogant. This is true with every school.xpeacex
April 25th, 2007, 09:23 AM
Actually, to be honest, I think Coach Moore let some discipline slip for awhile and then had to take a harder stand. He kicked RB Alan Atwater off the team after a series of drug offenses. Atwater got arrested on additional, more serious stuff after he left ASU. Coach Moore dismissed a fine punter Matt Dodge after the first national championship season after some unnamed violations. There have been others sent packing, too.
coach moore has done a very good job with discipline here recently
Death Dealer
April 25th, 2007, 09:52 AM
Death Dealer,
In no way am I bashing Furman Fans. I thought it was sort of funny when the father said that. I know most Furman fans are very cool people. My neighbor is a Furman alumni. We have great fun picking at each other when games between our schools roll around(he even got a good laugh when I hung a Appalachian banner on his front porch after last years game). I was just trying to show you, as you said, their are a few elitists who can be very arrogant. This is true with every school.xpeacexHey Horseshoe, that's cool by brother. I understood what you were saying. It's a shame some people can't let the game be what it is and enjoy it for it's purity. I love good football, by whoever is playing. I sit about two rows in front of this guy at FU games who, no matter what, yells and rants at the officials on every call, screams at the coaches, and yells insults at the opposing side the whole game. Last year I finally just turned to him at one point and told him to stuff something in the fat pie hole of his so the rest of us could enjoy the game, and everbody around me started clapping. But did he shut up? No!!! Don't get me wrong, I yell and scream for my 'dins as much as anyone in the stands, but this guy is annoying! And there are fans like that on every side....they're the ones that relish rumors like this crap at the library....all you can do is shake your head and move one...they'll never change.
April 25th, 2007, 10:54 AM
I was just trying to show you, as you said, their are a few elitists who can be very arrogant. This is true with every school.xpeacex
It's also true that there are alum and students of public schools that are very bitter toward selective private universities. I've been reading this board and others for a few years now and see this bias over and over. Any time a poster identified with a private school writes something not positive about one of these regional publics you can bet "elitist" will appear. It's knee jerk and it's stupid and it's every bit as unfair as the comment made by the duck pond guy.
April 25th, 2007, 04:07 PM
Hey Horseshoe, that's cool by brother. I understood what you were saying. It's a shame some people can't let the game be what it is and enjoy it for it's purity. I love good football, by whoever is playing. I sit about two rows in front of this guy at FU games who, no matter what, yells and rants at the officials on every call, screams at the coaches, and yells insults at the opposing side the whole game. Last year I finally just turned to him at one point and told him to stuff something in the fat pie hole of his so the rest of us could enjoy the game, and everbody around me started clapping. But did he shut up? No!!! Don't get me wrong, I yell and scream for my 'dins as much as anyone in the stands, but this guy is annoying! And there are fans like that on every side....they're the ones that relish rumors like this crap at the library....all you can do is shake your head and move one...they'll never change.
I am voting DEATH as FU spokesman of the year. I personally am working on the APP undergrads to enjoy the game and keep the F-bombs xnonox to themselves and IF they have something to say to an opposing fan, make it funny, NOT RUDE.:)
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