View Full Version : T.O.'s here--But where's Westbrook?!

August 2nd, 2005, 11:01 PM
Flying under the radar with all the attention on T.O's shennanigans, Brian Westbrook is now officially holding out to show his displeasure with the Eagles 'inability' to negotiate a new longterm contract. Good ol' Andy aint happy. With all the distractions going on, this Eagles camp has the trappings of Oakland East.

August 2nd, 2005, 11:07 PM
Flying under the radar with all the attention on T.O's shennanigans, Brian Westbrook is now officially holding out to show his displeasure with the Eagles 'inability' to negotiate a new longterm contract. Good ol' Andy aint happy. With all the distractions going on, this Eagles camp has the trappings of Oakland East.

This is an unbelievable FU. I don't know who is responsible but Westbrook is MORE valuable than TO. After watching this guy burn us in person for 4 years I know that Westbrook has the best ability to kick in an extra gear and ACCELERATE. Westbrook probably has figured correctly that playing the good soldier will not get him anywhere and is now prepared to be the bad boy. To h*ll with TO sign Westbrook and move on.

August 3rd, 2005, 08:53 AM
Westbrook has chosen a poor role model. A contract is a contract. He only has a one-year deal, so he should focus on playing hard and negotiating a big multiyear deal after the season is over.

August 3rd, 2005, 10:07 AM
A contract is a contract. He only has a one-year deal, so he should focus on playing hard and negotiating a big multiyear deal after the season is over.
Exactly. The deal was signed a long time ago. If you're going to hold out, then you should have never taken the one year deal. SMFH at these players and even more at their agents. They haven't learned that Reid and Lurie don't play games. :bang:

August 3rd, 2005, 10:15 PM
I agree that a missing Westbrook is more critical than T.O. He is clearly the Eagles 'ultimate' weapon. Lines up anywhere on the field and creates tremendous problems for defenses. I have a 'gut sense' that this won't last long. He knows how important he is to the Eagles' success, and to drag this out to the point it damages the Eagles should be beyond his intent. He has a chance to 'own' Philadelphia-being from the area, and all, and I don't think he wants to risk that.

Mr. C
August 4th, 2005, 10:06 PM
If you are going to sign a contract, you better be prepared to live up to it. Shame on Owens and shame on Westbrook. Bad examples for former I-AA stars.