View Full Version : So, it's that time again. Year 10 of my incessant 24 Foundation/LiveSTRONG begging...

January 24th, 2019, 03:22 PM
Last year I was pretty quiet until late in the game....this year, I'm trying to do a little more with the charity and with school and work, so I figure I'll start earlier...

This is year 10 for me, and it's been a wild, crazy ride. You guys have been instrumental in us raising more than $80,000.00 for the cause. I think we're somewhere around $82.5 now, but I'll have to double check on that...

This year marks a decade that I've been doing this and it also marks the 5th anniversary of the passing of Ann Hartline, who was the reason I started participating in the first place. To mark the occasion, I've signed up to ride for the Wind River Cancer Wellness Retreat team this year.

Wind River offers totally free retreats for cancer patients in the scenic and idyllic North Carolina Mountains. My friend Ann was in the inaugural class at Wind River, and often went back to talk to other patients and help to counsel them on some of the issues they face during treatment, convalescence and - unfortunately - when they have to deal with end of life issues.

Wind River is one of the 24HOB beneficiaries, along side LiveSTRONG and others, and I felt compelled to ride with them this year.

The 24 Foundation is also doing something a little different to accomodate my fundraising. They're going to apportion up to 25% of what I raise to go toward a qualifying charity that's in my area. Right now, we're working with Feist-Weiller Cancer Center which is part of the LSU Medical Center/LSU Medical School here in Shreveport. Oschner's, a non-profit hosptial out of New Orleans, is now administering LSU Medical Center and between the two of them, they see about 80% of the cancer patients in Louisiana, at least initially, and they see about 95% of the cancer patients who are in Louisiana's Charity Hospital System.

This helps open some more local fundraising options for me, so I can go door to door at businesses in my area and try to raise more money. Meanwhile, I can still do social media to raise money for LiveSTRONG and the other national beneficiaires, which is where you guys come in!

Last year was our best year ever, with nearly $12,000 raised. The year before we rasied about $15,000, but nearly $4,000 of that went to young Buck Ransom's ride, which was freakin awesome!

So...our two best back to back years were 2017 and 2018.

TheRevSFA was last year's largest donor, with well over $1600.00 donated, through direct donations and corporate match....He, Southern Bison and perpetual Northwestern donor HoustonDemon were all right around the $500.00 mark in direct donations.

Just those three guys were responsible for about $2700 in donations to the cause, but they were also indirectly responsible for much more because everytime they donated, it enabled me to spread the word, prompting more donations.

And, as a lot of us jockeyed for the top 10 toward the end of the campaign, those donations spurred 25 or 30 other fundraisers to push for more money.....I ended up in the top 10 by the slimmmest of margins, so you guys were ALL instrumental in helping us have our best year ever.

It was a pretty cool event and it was made even better by DerbyCityDuke's appearance. That was a real treat, as was getting fed and put up in lavish accomodations by SouthernBison.

This year, I'm going to try to get as close to $20K in funds raised as I can get. I'm back in school working on another degree, and that's about to get more intense, so I may not be able to participate at this level next year, so I'm going to try to make hay while the sun shines....If we could get to $20K or even close to it, that'll put us over $100K, in 10 years...which freaking rocks...

You guys have been awesome in your support, despite our difference in fan affiliation and even despite politics. Bison Tru, for instance, has taken time out from our spats in the Political threads to donate each of the last three years, which is pretty cool!

I hope you guys will consider supporting the ride again this year!

No donation is too small and they're all desperately needed AND Tax Deductible!


Derby City Duke
January 24th, 2019, 05:28 PM
I witnessed a small part of this event last year -- it is flat-out awesome. Seeing the passion, meeting some amazing people and hearing their stories inspire me everyday in my own fight. Thank you to every AGSer who donated to FPC's ride last year -- it is truly making a difference!

June 21st, 2019, 03:06 PM
So I've been freaking swamped with work this year....Have 3D scanner, will travel, and I haven't been active as much as usual either here on on Facebook...but...

The ride is in 5 weeks and I'm desperately needing some help to get back in the game...

The AGS support has been phenomenal though the years. Last year, just three AGSers were responsible for about $2700 in donations. There were more than that, of course, but that was a pretty amazing total for just three guys!

We could definitely use some of that again this year. Because of your fantastic generosity, the 24 Foundation agreed to reach outside their geographic footprint and they made a $10K grant to the Feist-Weiller Cancer Center here in Shreveport, which is part of LSU Health Sciences Center and Ochsner's Hospital. The money is being used in a pilot program geared toward increasing awareness and the need for testing in the impoverished and illiterate communities. This program is being looked at as a pilot program for making inroads with the impoverished, illiterate and disenfranchised. Your donations are helping real people fight real battles with cancer.

You guys should be proud of your support of the cause.

So..here I am, with hat in hand, asking for more help...

Any support at all that you guys could give would be greatly appreciated!


June 26th, 2019, 04:57 PM
So we've really picked up steam in the last week, since I went back to daily begging on FB. We went from about $2700 in total funds raised this year, to just shy of $5,000.00...which is about normal for this point in the process...The last month generally moves quickly..

But, we're $204 from $5K and a move into the top 10 in individual fundraising...and we're just $300 away from cresting a grand total of $85,000.00 raised since we started this.

Any help you guys could provide would be AWESOME!

If anybody wants the kill shot on $85K, there it is! ;)


ursus arctos horribilis
June 26th, 2019, 05:07 PM
So we've really picked up steam in the last week, since I went back to daily begging on FB. We went from about $2700 in total funds raised this year, to just shy of $5,000.00...which is about normal for this point in the process...The last month generally moves quickly..

But, we're $204 from $5K and a move into the top 10 in individual fundraising...and we're just $300 away from cresting a grand total of $85,000.00 raised since we started this.

Any help you guys could provide would be AWESOME!

If anybody wants the kill shot on $85K, there it is! ;)


I'll be in soon and also getting the word to some others that may not be on here much as of yet...it's coming just need a bit of time yet and we will all jump back in on your behalf.

Just keep bumping it up and letting us know cuz you know how traffic picks up steam over the next month plus too.xthumbsupx

June 26th, 2019, 05:31 PM

June 26th, 2019, 05:40 PM
I'll be in soon and also getting the word to some others that may not be on here much as of yet...it's coming just need a bit of time yet and we will all jump back in on your behalf.

Just keep bumping it up and letting us know cuz you know how traffic picks up steam over the next month plus too.xthumbsupx

Awesome! You guys rock!

June 26th, 2019, 05:42 PM

Huge thanks to Bisonoline for another of his fantastic contributions to the cause! He's another of the fantastic NDSU fans who've been supporting the ride since the very beginning!

And, I really appreciate the support more than I can adequately express.

You guys ROCK!

Geaux Bizon!

July 1st, 2019, 06:01 PM
Quick update, we've broken through the $5K barrier this year, busted through the $85.000 mark in cumulative fundraising and have broken into the top 10 after a fairly slow start....

So, we're picking up steam, but could really use some help to move up the ranks and maybe into the top five.

Any help you guys could provide would be greatly appreciated.


July 10th, 2019, 08:06 PM
With a little over two weeks to go, we're still barely in the top 10, but off the mark in total funds raised this year....

I know I'm asshole most of the time, but I sure could use some help raising some additional funds for the cause!


July 15th, 2019, 04:29 PM
Seems like I remember last year that they may have been talking about taking paypal for payments? It looks like that didn't happen.

ursus arctos horribilis
July 15th, 2019, 05:26 PM
I got in. I'm not done though so keep bumping this and so forth cuz I forgot about this until just seeing it bumped up.

July 15th, 2019, 06:07 PM
Yeah, I've asked multiple times about the Paypal thing and I get told that they'll look into it, but that's as far as it goes..

Huge THANKS to Ursus for yet another fantastic donation to the cause and for letting me use AGS as a fundraising vehicle. In years past he's given the posts about the ride prominent placement, made special donor badges for those who've supported the ride and even promoted donation by awarding single use ban hammers to those who've supported the ride.

That's just awesome anyway you slice it!

Ursus, thanks for the absolutely amazing support! I appreciate it more than i can adequately express!


ursus arctos horribilis
July 15th, 2019, 09:22 PM
Yeah, I've asked multiple times about the Paypal thing and I get told that they'll look into it, but that's as far as it goes..

Huge THANKS to Ursus for yet another fantastic donation to the cause and for letting me use AGS as a fundraising vehicle. In years past he's given the posts about the ride prominent placement, made special donor badges for those who've supported the ride and even promoted donation by awarding single use ban hammers to those who've supported the ride.

That's just awesome anyway you slice it!

Ursus, thanks for the absolutely amazing support! I appreciate it more than i can adequately express!

It is my pleasure to help you and the work you do. I know many others have the same feelings here and you are solid gold in my book for all your efforts. It is not easy to come with hat in hand and ask people for money even when it is a great cause and I hope you will continue to do it over the remainder of your effort this year and that our good members heed your call to the extent that they can.


As do you.

July 15th, 2019, 09:33 PM
Great Cause but I’m swamped in bills atm or I’d be all over this. I love these kinds of organizations.

July 18th, 2019, 12:01 AM
So now we're down to about a week left.....we're kinda behind schedule, but I've got faith that we'll close the gap a little before the ride. Most of that's on me. I've been swamped with work, so I haven't been as diligent with the solicitations this year...

Still, we're doing well, and we're over $5K in total this year. I think we might be able to get back to $8K, which is sorta the benchmark most years. We've been over $10K for the last several years, but that may be out of reach this year.

An off year was bound to happen sooner or later. Even NDSU's gotta reload from time to time! ;)

Still, I'd like to finish strong, so if you guys can help to the extent that you're able, that would be awesome!

Your tax deductible contribution help a wide variety of cancer fighting initiatives. It's desperately needed and greatly apprecaited.
