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March 12th, 2019, 08:04 AM
Spring starts today. But this new staff will be running spring practices in stealth mode. The media will be limited to warmups and individual position drills not the team practice. No videoing of practice. Interviews only on Tuesday. From what I hear, the public will be allowed to practices. The two scrimmages will be closed to both the public and the media. The only scrimmage that will be open will be the Spring Game that concludes the spring practices.

I guess this new staff doesn't want people seeing all the changes they are making to the offense and the defense. This is definitely a change from the way things were with other staffs in the past.

[stealth mode: on]


March 12th, 2019, 11:33 AM
Doc, hopefully you guys will get more as the staff gets settled, although our current staff is still careful with what they let us know. Most of our practices are closed, we can watch from the outside. Our media access is limited. After a little while, they will give some basic position preview videos as a teaser, but they are VERY general. Basically, we just have to gather our information together as individual fans. It was very nice that they opened up the first scrimmage for us to watch last Friday. It was great to see. Still WAY too early to tell, but most of us like where we are at for this time of year. We hear positive comments by some of our defensive players about the new DC and have seen good things from him in our players. We are still waiting on the CB coach decision. We have heard one name, but nothing beyond Twitter evidence......

SFA 93
March 14th, 2019, 08:09 AM

March 14th, 2019, 09:53 AM

It hasn't happened yet? xeyebrowx

March 14th, 2019, 04:19 PM
Apparently in 1935 we were the ASTC Polar Bears: xlolx


SFA 93
March 14th, 2019, 09:19 PM

March 19th, 2019, 01:56 PM
I may have to stay off this thread. The SFA hype train is going to be stronger than normal this pre-season. I figure it will stay that way until late October so everyone get ready.

Sam's first day in pads started yesterday.


March 19th, 2019, 02:11 PM

Hitting the weights like UND?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

March 20th, 2019, 09:28 AM
McNeese's Top Secret spring training camp continues with all of the media restrictions. Edit: Even at McNeese's Pro Day, no media is allowed. ?????

Even with the coach interview, he says a lot but he really doesn't say anything. ;)



March 20th, 2019, 10:31 PM
Cultural misappropriation.

March 23rd, 2019, 08:48 AM
McNeese has their first spring scrimmage today but it is a closed scrimmage and media and fans aren't allowed. So, I don't know if we will get much information from it.

March 23rd, 2019, 10:00 AM
McNeese has their first spring scrimmage today but it is a closed scrimmage and media and fans aren't allowed. So, I don't know if we will get much information from it.

A closed scrimmage? Were the practices open? If not, does that mean McNeese has returned to the gold standard Crimson Tide level of the SLC? xconfusedx

March 23rd, 2019, 04:34 PM
A closed scrimmage? Were the practices open? If not, does that mean McNeese has returned to the gold standard Crimson Tide level of the SLC? xconfusedx

I am a week ahead. Scrimmage is not until next Saturday but still closed. Practices are open to the public (not the scrimmages) but the media can only cover Tuesday practices and can only video during warmups and position drills. Can't video any team practice or scrimmages.

I got a feeling next season will be like basketball this season. We did a complete reboot in basketball before this season. I do think the new basketball coach will get things turned around but only time will tell.


March 25th, 2019, 03:51 PM
UCA has been practicing for a few weeks now.

H.C. Nathan Brown got a few minutes with a local news station. He gave some great insights on the team with video looking at QBs, RBs, Line, and Defense. Short video but well worth the watch. Even talks about the transfers. xlolx


March 25th, 2019, 08:24 PM
A shot of a McNeese practice.

Yeah, I know you can't see them. They are in stealth mode. ;)



March 26th, 2019, 09:46 AM
I know most colleges and universities are doing off season prospect camps. Some regional. UCA has one with Memphis (Current Memphis head coach was former UCA WR Mike Norvell so it makes sense)


SFA 93
March 26th, 2019, 06:19 PM

March 27th, 2019, 08:27 AM
Man O Man....The SFA hype train is extra special this year.

SFA 93
March 27th, 2019, 11:07 AM

4 home and 8 away

March 27th, 2019, 12:24 PM
4 home and 8 away

Feel your pain. UCA has only ONE home game from August 29th til Oct. 12th. Many of ours come at the end of the season. xbawlingx

March 28th, 2019, 11:46 AM
UCA's first game of the season against Western Kentucky has been moved from Saturday August 31 to Thursday August 29th.

So much for a road trip. Gotta work. Sux. xsmhx

March 29th, 2019, 12:47 PM
Woah...I can't recall ever seeing this. An in-state SEC school even bothering to associate with us....radical.


SFA 93
March 29th, 2019, 02:18 PM

March 29th, 2019, 02:42 PM

Love it! The two bottom feeders in the SEC going ANYWHERE they can to get recruits! xlolx Ark and Vandy are going to need some serious help next year.

April 2nd, 2019, 07:58 AM
Woah...I can't recall ever seeing this. An in-state SEC school even bothering to associate with us....radical.

Cool, I see Harding is there as well; my undergrad almamater.....

April 2nd, 2019, 08:16 AM
Cool, I see Harding is there as well; my undergrad almamater.....

Ah so you know how second class all the other schools in the state are compared to "he who shall not be named". xlolx

April 2nd, 2019, 08:36 AM

But before that!


Here's how I have my day planned:


April 2nd, 2019, 09:04 AM
Ah so you know how second class all the other schools in the state are compared to "he who shall not be named". xlolx

LOL, yep :)

April 2nd, 2019, 03:42 PM
Well, from a friend of mine who is an official and who ref'ed McNeese 1st scrimmage (it was closed to the public and the media), said, the McNeese fans who wanted change, are definitely going to get it The fans aren't going to recognize the McNeese offense because it is totally different from what we ran in the past. Whether is will be a good change or not, time will only tell. It also very up tempo, even at practice. They were even getting on the officials for not spotting the ball fast enough.


SFA 93
April 2nd, 2019, 05:03 PM
QB: #2 Trae Self 6-4; 190 (Jr.) looks to be the front runner at QB for the Jacks with Blumrick as the backup early in the spring.

SFA 93
April 2nd, 2019, 05:05 PM

April 5th, 2019, 03:07 PM
We'll be playing NAIA Arizona Christian on September 7th as the 1st of our 6 home games. Would've preferred an FCS team but at least it'll be a team we know we can dominate and shake some rust off against. Also if we take care of business with the rest of our schedule it shouldn't effect us making the playoffs. Just look at Lamar last year.

April 7th, 2019, 10:28 AM
Was able to make it out to the McNeese's second spring scrimmage and got in by using the double secret password (was shooting photos for the SID). I can't tell you anything about the scrimmage or I would have to kill you afterwards. I wasn't totally impressed as they have a long way to go with installing this offense.

Here a few shots:

https://live.staticflickr.com/7811/40590251023_d12e7976c4_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/24QPDuc)McNeese Second Spring Scrimmage in 2019 (https://flic.kr/p/24QPDuc) by Richard Martin (https://www.flickr.com/photos/115772304@N02/), on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/7904/47556294961_3b45fb34bb_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2fsorE2)McNeese Second Spring Scrimmage in 2019 (https://flic.kr/p/2fsorE2) by Richard Martin (https://www.flickr.com/photos/115772304@N02/), on Flickr

McNeese Second Spring Scrimmage in 2019 (https://flic.kr/p/2fsorE2) by Richard Martin (https://www.flickr.com/photos/115772304@N02/), on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/7808/46640801075_8db81c67e9_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2e4uidF)McNeese Second Spring Scrimmage in 2019 (https://flic.kr/p/2e4uidF) by Richard Martin (https://www.flickr.com/photos/115772304@N02/), on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/7862/47556294631_a2bf3c56c8_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2fsoryk)McNeese Second Spring Scrimmage in 2019 (https://flic.kr/p/2fsoryk) by Richard Martin (https://www.flickr.com/photos/115772304@N02/), on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/7925/47556294581_2464e05368_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2fsorxt)McNeese Second Spring Scrimmage in 2019 (https://flic.kr/p/2fsorxt) by Richard Martin (https://www.flickr.com/photos/115772304@N02/), on Flickr

April 8th, 2019, 09:07 AM
Great review of the Spring game:


April 9th, 2019, 09:27 AM

April 15th, 2019, 09:45 AM
I was really sorry to miss our Spring game this year. I was out for 3 weeks seeing my family. I have heard good things though. Our coaching staff has switched a few players around to new positions and those switches seam to be working out well. Our new DC is also fitting in well with staff and players. I have heard he tends to be more of a zone defense guy. That will be interesting to watch. Last year we did play a lot of zone, but also switched back and forth many times. We have improved depth on our OL, but still looking for a couple of key guys. So, if our defense is improved to match better offensive weapons I am happy. Most everyone here seems to be of the mind that we are ahead of last year. It will be interesting to see what happens during conference play though. I'm not really happy with scheduling an NAIA OOC game, but if we aren't going to pay squat for a decent team to come play us I can't expect much. I think the NAIA game could very well come back to bite us later.

April 16th, 2019, 11:14 AM
Aside from the typical sloppiness that goes with most spring games, I was pleased with ours and pleased with how the spring went overall. Offensively, we have a chance to be as good as we've ever been. We're much improved on the O-line, and have speed and depth at the WR position, including Tight End. Juwan Petit-Frere had a great spring, Bransen Schwebel is a stud at TE and getting NFL attention, and Lorenzo Nunez making the complete transition to WR is taking well to the change of position. Plus we have Austin Mitchell and C.J. Turner back, and add another deep threat in Anthony Spurlock. At RB, Marcus Cooper is back to 100% and we return Devonte Williams. The QB competition was intense and should carry over into the fall. Both front runners (Chason Virgil and Cole Kelley) had strong springs and plenty capable of leading the offense.

Defensively, it's more wait-and-see but should be improved, if for no other reason, we can't play much worse. Lance Guidry has brought a new scheme and renewed enthusiasm, and it feels like we're back to normal on that of the ball. We're improved up front on the D-line. We add U Virginia transfer DL, Steven Wright, who had to sit out last year, and Isaac Adeyemi-Berglund and Josh Carr will slide down to DE in the four man front. Plus we have just about everybody else back ... pass rush shouldn't be an issue. We have two good corners and some good young safeties but are thin at LB ... will likely need to hunt for a transfer LB or two over the off-season, or rely on help from a couple of incoming freshmen.

April 16th, 2019, 12:32 PM
Spring ball is over.

Recruiting is underway.

Recruits get to see a campus that looks like THIS in the Spring! Nice.


April 16th, 2019, 04:14 PM
McNeese update: We had a Spring Game (really just a scrimmage). I didn't get to go and take photos. And from what I hear, we have a lot of room for improvements.

That is all.

April 22nd, 2019, 03:45 PM
Well, they are definitely changing things up at McNeese.



April 23rd, 2019, 04:17 PM
Well, they are definitely changing things up at McNeese.


Doc was the original set up so that the team would be in front of the student section?

April 24th, 2019, 08:27 AM
Well, they are definitely changing things up at McNeese.



So if the home team is flipping sides of the field, does that mean the visiting fans will sit on the opposite side now? xeyebrowx

April 24th, 2019, 09:57 AM
Doc was the original set up so that the team would be in front of the student section?

Part of it was. Been that way for forever.


April 24th, 2019, 10:00 AM
So if the home team is flipping sides of the field, does that mean the visiting fans will sit on the opposite side now? xeyebrowx

Yes, they are flip flopping the visiting fans sections and the McNeese player family sections. Visiting fans will be on the north end of the eastside stands. Probably be in section A.


April 24th, 2019, 11:11 AM
Yes, they are flip flopping the visiting fans sections and the McNeese player family sections. Visiting fans will be on the north end of the eastside stands. Probably be in section A.


McNeese is my favorite SLC roadie....food and hospitality.

April 24th, 2019, 12:47 PM
I have only been able to go see a road game at McNeese once, but it was a great experience. I think it will continue to be that way.

April 24th, 2019, 02:37 PM
Cowboy Stadium is a dump...(So is Homer Bryce)

but I do love McNeese fans

April 24th, 2019, 02:46 PM
That dump word...I'm not sure it means what you think it means...

https://scontent.fmem1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/32545745_10155757561423406_2136310032881418240_n.j pg?_nc_cat=105&_nc_ht=scontent.fmem1-1.fna&oh=ff0e04a43deb7fd48549351fc00c10a6&oe=5D3961A0

https://scontent.fmem1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/10445993_10152349397038406_138712180106724379_n.jp g?_nc_cat=110&_nc_ht=scontent.fmem1-2.fna&oh=cf8a75c8f616aec1c842def85a09c6cb&oe=5D70F04E

https://scontent.fmem1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/60207_10152343882758406_7742560399866481560_n.jpg? _nc_cat=100&_nc_ht=scontent.fmem1-1.fna&oh=755f873fad21979e49c34a4185a8f1bc&oe=5D3796DC

April 24th, 2019, 02:57 PM
Cowboy Stadium is a dump...(So is Homer Bryce)

but I do love McNeese fans

When's the last time you have been over here??


April 24th, 2019, 09:42 PM
When's the last time you have been over here??


Mid 2000s. I know...I also tried to yank your chain a bit too.

Only times I’ve hit up lake chuck in recent years have involved trips to Darrel’s and to L’Auberge

April 25th, 2019, 07:47 AM
Mid 2000s. I know...I also tried to yank your chain a bit too.

Only times I’ve hit up lake chuck in recent years have involved trips to Darrel’s and to L’Auberge

A lot of cosmetic work has been done to the stadium since then. New fencing around the field, new turf, signage, pressure washing, etc. It is looking better than it has in awhile.

Of course, they did add that ugly ass yellow handicap ramp down to the field on the north end.


April 29th, 2019, 04:08 PM
SLC players getting their shot at the big time: Free agency or camps (hopefully I won't miss any from that list)

Justin Alexandre, DL, Incarnate Word- Jets
Silas Stewart, LB, Incarnate Word- Ravens
Derick Roberson, EDGE, SHSU- Titans
BJ Blunt, LB, McNeese- Redskins
Davion Davis, WR, SHSU- Vikings
Damiion Jeanpiere Jr, WR, Nicholls State- Panthers
Chris Wilkerson, LS, SFA- 49ers
Jazz Ferguson, WR, NWST- Seahawks

May 10th, 2019, 09:10 AM
ACU has already offered 18 players from Arizona and I'm sure there will be many more before it's all said and done. This can be attributed to our new DC Clint Brown who recruited heavily there when he was at SDSU. I'm interested to see how many sign with ACU and how strong this pipeline can become.

May 10th, 2019, 10:21 AM
ACU has already offered 18 players from Arizona and I'm sure there will be many more before it's all said and done. This can be attributed to our new DC Clint Brown who recruited heavily there when he was at SDSU. I'm interested to see how many sign with ACU and how strong this pipeline can become.

NIce! AZ is a great state for athletes. One of our best basketball players came from there..and our basketball coach! The best thing to happen to us was when our previous coach opened a recruiting avenue to Florida and Alabama. We already recruited Texas and Louisiana but got stagnant. Mississippi and Florida have been two strong states for us.

SFA 93
May 18th, 2019, 07:00 AM
A FCS TOP 25 Pre-Season Poll

1. JMU
4. EWU
5. Jacksonville St.
6. Weber State
7. UC Davis
8. Wofford
9. Towson
10. Maine
11. Colgate
12. Nicholls
13. Indiana State
14. Furman
15. Illinois State
16. Montana State
17. Delaware
18. Elon
19. North Carolina A&T
20. Northern Iowa
21. Montana
22. Southeast Missouri
23. Duquesne
24. San Diego
25. Monmouth

May 20th, 2019, 08:21 AM
A FCS TOP 25 Pre-Season Poll

1. JMU
4. EWU
5. Jacksonville St.
6. Weber State
7. UC Davis
8. Wofford
9. Towson
10. Maine
11. Colgate
12. Nicholls
13. Indiana State
14. Furman
15. Illinois State
16. Montana State
17. Delaware
18. Elon
19. North Carolina A&T
20. Northern Iowa
21. Montana
22. Southeast Missouri
23. Duquesne
24. San Diego
25. Monmouth

I find it interesting that only one Southland team is in the top 25 here. While Nicholls is rightly considered the best team going in to this season, the entire upper half of the Southland has gotten quite a bit better the last few years. I don't want to **** on any other program, but I have a hard time buying into the assumption of this poll that Duquesne, San Diego and Monmouth, among others, is better than Central Arkansas, McNeese, SHSU and Lamar. Just like every other poll, I guess everybody is entitled to their opinion. I predict at least three Southland teams will eventually end up in the top 25 by the end of the season. Not sure which ones, though.

May 20th, 2019, 09:36 AM
With a complete reboot of the McNeese football program, I don't know what to expect from McNeese next season. It could end up being like this past basketball season after the complete reboot of the basketball program. Not very good but the future looks hopefully promising.


May 20th, 2019, 09:51 AM
With a complete reboot of the McNeese football program, I don't know what to expect from McNeese next season. It could end up being like this past basketball season after the complete reboot of the basketball program. Not very good but the future looks hopefully promising.


I hope to see McNeese back strong again. I know with nearly everyone coming back to UCA, including those at the critical QB position, UCA will have a better record than last year. But looking at the schedule it appears it may just be a payday year. That's cool. It's not like we get too many home games anyway. xbawlingx xlolx

May 20th, 2019, 02:19 PM
Massey predicts the SLC will finish like this.....

1. (20) Nichols 11-1
2. (40) UCA 7-5
3. (42) Lamar 8-3
4. (44) UIW 8-4
5. (50) ACU 6-6
6. (53) SHSU 6-6
7. (56) SLU 4-8
8. (60) McNeese 6-5
9. (67) NWLA 3-9
10. (81) SFA 1-11
11. (107) HBU 2-10


when you look more closely at projected close scores , the SLC is likely to be a bareknuckled brawl. On Any Given Saturday was never more appropriate than for the SLC in 2019.

May 20th, 2019, 11:15 PM
I find it interesting that only one Southland team is in the top 25 here. While Nicholls is rightly considered the best team going in to this season, the entire upper half of the Southland has gotten quite a bit better the last few years. I don't want to **** on any other program, but I have a hard time buying into the assumption of this poll that Duquesne, San Diego and Monmouth, among others, is better than Central Arkansas, McNeese, SHSU and Lamar. Just like every other poll, I guess everybody is entitled to their opinion. I predict at least three Southland teams will eventually end up in the top 25 by the end of the season. Not sure which ones, though.

Agreed. Nichols should be considered the favorite but I’m not sure they are clearly that much better than half a dozen other teams. After all, Nicholas lost 4 starters off their OLine and most of their D Line. Sam returns 18 starters. Lamar has some work to do on its D, but returns 9:starters from its potent offense. UCA and UIW get their QB’s back off injuries. ACU returns 16 starters off a team that beat Nichols.

May 21st, 2019, 08:32 AM
Seriously looking forward to powerhouse Nichols coming to PV.

The game is very important to our coaching staff’s future employment. Staff has responded wonderfully in year #2 w/ great recruiting during the 2nd cycle.

I hope PV can give Nichols the challenge it deserves. Lastly, our deep-snappers have improved tremendously via weightroom strength and seeing the university psychologist for mental strengthening lol. No excuses for loss this year.

May 21st, 2019, 11:29 AM

https://herosports.com/colleges/teams/central-arkansas-mens-football (https://herosports.com/colleges/teams/central-arkansas-mens-football)

Coming off back-to-back First Team All-Southland Conference honors, Terrell is set for a huge senior season. Last year, he totaled 48 tackles, 16 tackles for loss, 8.5 sacks and five quarterback hurries. In his career, Terrell has 130 tackles, 46.5 TFLs and 21 sacks.

No doubt about it.

May 23rd, 2019, 10:17 AM
ACU is reportedly landing 2 FBS transfers in 6'5 WR Brendan Harmon from Rice and 6'7 OL Levon Livingston from SMU. Big gets both literally and figuratively

May 23rd, 2019, 10:41 AM
ACU is reportedly landing 2 FBS transfers in 6'5 WR Brendan Harmon from Rice and 6'7 OL Levon Livingston from SMU. Big gets both literally and figuratively

Livingston plus the previously announced commitment of grad transfer center Nico Nico Russolillo, a two year starter for FCs playoff team Towson, plus a couple of big jucos and three returning starters and some promising freshmen redshirts should finally give us the depth Dorrel has been after.

May 23rd, 2019, 10:42 AM
ACU is reportedly landing 2 FBS transfers in 6'5 WR Brendan Harmon from Rice and 6'7 OL Levon Livingston from SMU. Big gets both literally and figuratively

I've got a feeling that you guys will be a handful this season...

May 23rd, 2019, 11:17 AM
New SLC rules for football:

An eighth on-field football official, known as the center judge, beginning with the 2021 season.

The Southland also approved a new intra-conference transfer policy that establishes that undergraduate transferring student-athletes in all sports shall be ineligible for competition at the institution to which they transfer during the first year in residence. There shall be no additional restrictions in this revised policy that becomes effective August 1, 2019.

Dr. Dana Hoyt, president at Sam Houston State, presided over her final meeting as Chair of the Southland Conference Board of Directors, and will be succeeded by Dr. Houston Davis, president at Central Arkansas, for a two-year term. Dr. Chris Maggio, president of Northwestern State will begin a two-year term as the Board's new Chair-elect.


May 23rd, 2019, 12:21 PM
I've got a feeling that you guys will be a handful this season...

The Athlon Sports preseason top 25 only had one SLC team ranked, Nichols at #11. I’m of the opinion that while we don’t have any clear cut top 10 teams, the Southland has six teams that are worthy of top 25 consideration and if the question marks are removed a the season goes along half of those six may make it to the post season. ACU is one of those teams.

May 23rd, 2019, 04:17 PM
The Athlon Sports preseason top 25 only had one SLC team ranked, Nichols at #11. I’m of the opinion that while we don’t have any clear cut top 10 teams, the Southland has six teams that are worthy of top 25 consideration and if the question marks are removed a the season goes along half of those six may make it to the post season. ACU is one of those teams.
I can think of 7 teams that could make noise. Should be an interesting year.

May 24th, 2019, 12:05 PM
It's early, and things could change because of transfers, injuries, etc., but this is my early prediction of how the Southland will finish.

1. Nicholls
2. UCA
3. ACU
5. UIW
6. Lamar
7. McNeese
8. SFA
10. NWST
11. HBU

If Nicholls falters, the conference could experience a palindrome war for supremacy....

May 24th, 2019, 07:15 PM
I am in agreement with many here that the SLC is going to be a contender this season. I think McNeese and SFA could still make surprises even in the midst of changes. Cartel is really good, but he didn't have a better record than Dorrel. He did do a wonderful job of turning Commerce around. Still DI is a whole new ball game. We have learned that and so has Dorrel. He is doing a great job in Abilene and think this year will only continue his fruits. Nicholls will be tough, but just how tough? I don't think I am ready to make any predictions yet. As far as us, the first two games aren't going to be very good to judge much just like last year. We saw more strength than we had in the past when we played Baylor. We also saw flashes of what was to come. We did well, but the following week we played decent against an ok DII team that wasn't enought to further my hopes. It wasn't until the season progressed and we stayed strong that I started really feeling a change in us. This year we have a similar start with UNT and Arizona Christian ( an NAIA team...). I won't start feeling good until we play more of ya'll in conference play.

May 30th, 2019, 03:10 PM
Rice WR Brendan Harmon is for sure transferring to ACU but SMU OL Levon Livingston is not. He will allegedly be going to another SLC school though.

June 5th, 2019, 09:11 PM
It would be fun if HBU defies all expectations and actually has a winning season for once.

SFA 93
June 6th, 2019, 07:49 AM
The same could be said for SFA ha-ha.

June 6th, 2019, 08:11 AM
The same could be said for SFA ha-ha.

Massey has a bleak outlook on SFA for 2019. 1 win against a D2 team. https://www.masseyratings.com/team.php?t=7600&s=308075

SFA 93
June 6th, 2019, 01:13 PM
Yes, and that one win prediction is against Tarleton State, a powerhouse Div. II team that could very well win that game.

0-12 is a possibility for SFA this season, it is just hard to know with an all new coaching staff, new offensive and defensive playbook, half of the team now with new players, tons of JUCO, transfers and freshmen.

Most Lumberjack fans just want to see growth and getting better with each game this season.

Get your licks in now because I see a turn around for this program down the road in a couple.

Looking for a 2007 season to 2009 season type complete turn around.

SFA 93
June 7th, 2019, 10:57 AM

June 7th, 2019, 02:26 PM
'93, that is a pretty view. I am jealous, would love to do some bass fishing while waiting for our games to start ;)

SFA 93
June 7th, 2019, 04:54 PM
During game day that is covered with tents and tailgating. (Ag Pond)

June 10th, 2019, 02:35 PM
Yes, and that one win prediction is against Tarleton State, a powerhouse Div. II team that could very well win that game.

0-12 is a possibility for SFA this season, it is just hard to know with an all new coaching staff, new offensive and defensive playbook, half of the team now with new players, tons of JUCO, transfers and freshmen.

Most Lumberjack fans just want to see growth and getting better with each game this season.

Get your licks in now because I see a turn around for this program down the road in a couple.

Looking for a 2007 season to 2009 season type complete turn around.

I'm sure SFA will be pretty competitive this season. Nobody gave UIW a chance before last season began and look how that turned out. A great coach and coaching staff can work wonders overnight by changing the culture of a program and by getting the players to believe in themselves and each other. I expect SFA to have a solid turnaround this season. Maybe not compete for the conference title right off the bat, but definitely upset a few teams (not UIW hopefully lol).

SFA 93
June 10th, 2019, 07:23 PM
I have no doubt he will turn it around just not that fast with only 4 home games.

If SFA pulls a UIW for 2019 I would have no problem with that.

June 10th, 2019, 08:58 PM
I have no doubt he will turn it around just not that fast with only 4 home games.

If SFA pulls a UIW for 2019 I would have no problem with that.

4 home games. THAT sucks.

SFA 93
June 10th, 2019, 10:10 PM

SEPT. 7 (SAT.) 6 P.M. Tarleton State (Div. II)
SEPT. 21 (SAT.) 6 P.M. Nicholls
OCT. 26 (SAT.) 3 P.M. McNeese State (Home Coming)
NOV. 9 (SAT.) 3 P.M. UIW

That's it!


@Southern Utah
Sam Houston State (Houston)
@Northwestern State

June 10th, 2019, 10:29 PM
Looks like the SFA athletic administration gave the fans a middle finger. xlolx

June 10th, 2019, 10:34 PM

SEPT. 7 (SAT.) 6 P.M. Tarleton State (Div. II)
SEPT. 21 (SAT.) 6 P.M. Nicholls
OCT. 26 (SAT.) 3 P.M. McNeese State (Home Coming)
NOV. 9 (SAT.) 3 P.M. UIW

That's it!


@Southern Utah
Sam Houston State (Houston)
@Northwestern State

Four home, eight away- how in the world did that happen?

SFA 93
June 11th, 2019, 07:38 AM
Well it's usually 5 home games a season (it would be 6 ever other season if not for the annual BOTPW in Houston)

The money game is always going to be a road game, and we played Lamar, ACU, UCA, and Northwestern State at home last season.

It's that we started back up with SLU this season and the home and home begins at Hammond taking away another home game.

In 2014 we had 7 home games (4 in a row from Sept. 6 to Oct. 4) that was nice.

But yes it had been at least 6 home games a season until after 2014 and ever since then it has been down to 5 and this season for the first time ever, that I can think of in my lifetime it is just 4.

SFA should lease out Home Bryce Stadium this season to high schools and JUCO's as it will be vacant from Sept. 22 to Oct. 25 and Oct. 27 to Nov. 8 and done after Nov. 9

June 11th, 2019, 08:29 AM
So tickets to home games this year are going to be CHEAP with a D2 in there huh?

SFA 93
June 11th, 2019, 09:34 AM
Season tickets are $73.00 to $90.00 total for the 4 games so that's $18.25 a game if you go with the $73.00 seats

Single game ticket prices have not yet been posted.

June 11th, 2019, 09:50 AM
Season tickets are $73.00 to $90.00 total for the 4 games so that's $18.25 a game if you go with the $73.00 seats

Single game ticket prices have not yet been posted.

Our single game tix are $15 each.

Reserved seating season tix are $115 with donation to athletic club.

SFA 93
June 11th, 2019, 08:07 PM
Got a couple more transfers today bringing the total to 12

QB: #2 Trae Self 6-4; 190 (Jr.) JUCO
QB: #4 Reece Shaw 6-5; 200 (Jr.) JUCO
QB: #00 Preston Weeks 6-5; 230 (R/Fr.) Baylor

WR: #00 James Sowards 6-4; 200 (R/Fr.) SMU
WR: #00 Larry Jones III 5-9; 185 (Jr.) JUCO
TE: #00 Josh Weeks 6-3; 255 (Sr.) UTEP

OL: #00 Tyler Hall 6-4; 295 (Jr.) Arkansas
OL: #00 Zach Ingram 6-7; 280 (Jr.) JUCO
OL: #00 Jack York 6-6; 300 (R/Fr.) Minnesota

DE:#00 Joshua Collins 6-6; 230 (Jr.) JUCO
DE:#00 Damien DeGruy 6-3; 246 (So.) Fresno State

CB:#00 Antonio Howard 5-10; 195 (Sr.) Texas A&M

June 12th, 2019, 01:01 PM
Saw the APR thread for the MVFC and thought I'd look up the Southland's for the 2017 - 2018 year since that's the latest one they have on their website: HBU gets the win! https://web3.ncaa.org/aprsearch/aprsearch

Houston Baptist University (http://web3.ncaa.org/aprsearch/public_reports/apr2018/287_2018_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

Northwestern State University (http://web3.ncaa.org/aprsearch/public_reports/apr2018/508_2018_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

University of Central Arkansas (http://web3.ncaa.org/aprsearch/public_reports/apr2018/1004_2018_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

Nicholls State University (http://web3.ncaa.org/aprsearch/public_reports/apr2018/483_2018_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

Stephen F. Austin State University (http://web3.ncaa.org/aprsearch/public_reports/apr2018/676_2018_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

Sam Houston State University (http://web3.ncaa.org/aprsearch/public_reports/apr2018/624_2018_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

Southeastern Louisiana University (http://web3.ncaa.org/aprsearch/public_reports/apr2018/655_2018_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

University of the Incarnate Word (http://web3.ncaa.org/aprsearch/public_reports/apr2018/2743_2018_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

Abilene Christian University (http://web3.ncaa.org/aprsearch/public_reports/apr2018/2_2018_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

McNeese State University (http://web3.ncaa.org/aprsearch/public_reports/apr2018/402_2018_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

Lamar University (http://web3.ncaa.org/aprsearch/public_reports/apr2018/346_2018_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

June 12th, 2019, 01:05 PM
Well, we aren't conference champs yet, but it was nice to see out football team make progress on their APR. The ACU team made the most improved APR in the SLC. For us ACU fans this has been an issue for us because we saw our team really drop off going back into our D2 days. Then, come back and bite us with sanctions. One of our decisions to move to DI was to help our athletics improve academically overall and not let a few select sports help carry us. Maybe too harsh of a comment but true. Then I saw the below news feed on the SLC Academic Symposium. I really like the idea. I want our students athletes to be successful on and off the field; before and after graduation.


June 12th, 2019, 01:05 PM
Got a couple more transfers today bringing the total to 12

QB: #2 Trae Self 6-4; 190 (Jr.) JUCO
QB: #4 Reece Shaw 6-5; 200 (Jr.) JUCO
QB: #00 Preston Weeks 6-5; 230 (R/Fr.) Baylor

WR: #00 James Sowards 6-4; 200 (R/Fr.) SMU
WR: #00 Larry Jones III 5-9; 185 (Jr.) JUCO
TE: #00 Josh Weeks 6-3; 255 (Sr.) UTEP

OL: #00 Tyler Hall 6-4; 295 (Jr.) Arkansas
OL: #00 Zach Ingram 6-7; 280 (Jr.) JUCO
OL: #00 Jack York 6-6; 300 (R/Fr.) Minnesota

DE:#00 Joshua Collins 6-6; 230 (Jr.) JUCO
DE:#00 Damien DeGruy 6-3; 246 (So.) Fresno State

CB:#00 Antonio Howard 5-10; 195 (Sr.) Texas A&M
Isn’t Sawyer still in the program? Whats with all the OB transfers?

June 12th, 2019, 01:08 PM
Well, we aren't conference champs yet, but it was nice to see out football team make progress on their APR. The ACU team made the most improved APR in the SLC. For us ACU fans this has been an issue for us because we saw our team really drop off going back into our D2 days. Then, come back and bite us with sanctions. One of our decisions to move to DI was to help our athletics improve academically overall and not let a few select sports help carry us. Maybe too harsh of a comment but true. Then I saw the below news feed on the SLC Academic Symposium. I really like the idea. I want our students athletes to be successful on and off the field; before and after graduation.


Exactly the point of the division I benefit. UCA was in the 940s just a few years ago and have moved up slowly. It takes time but well worth it for student success!

University of Central Arkansas (http://web3.ncaa.org/aprsearch/public_reports/apr2018/1004_2018_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

University of Central Arkansas (https://web3.ncaa.org/aprsearch/public_reports/apr2017/1004_2017_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

University of Central Arkansas (http://web1.ncaa.org/app_data/apr2012/1004_2012_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

University of Central Arkansas (https://web3.ncaa.org/aprsearch/public_reports/apr2016/1004_2016_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

University of Central Arkansas (http://web1.ncaa.org/app_data/apr2011/1004_2011_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

University of Central Arkansas (http://web1.ncaa.org/app_data/apr2015/1004_2015_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

University of Central Arkansas (https://web1.ncaa.org/app_data/apr2013/1004_2013_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

University of Central Arkansas (https://web1.ncaa.org/app_data/apr2014/1004_2014_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

University of Central Arkansas (https://web1.ncaa.org/app_data/apr2010/1004_2010_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

University of Central Arkansas (http://web1.ncaa.org/app_data/apr2009/1004_2009_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

University of Central Arkansas (http://web1.ncaa.org/app_data/apr2008/1004_2008_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

University of Central Arkansas (http://web1.ncaa.org/app_data/apr2007/1004_2007_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

Showing 1 to 12 of 12 entries

SFA 93
June 12th, 2019, 01:47 PM
No, Sawyer has graduated.

Yes we have a ton of QBs, but some of them will play other positions.

Right now the battle for starter is between Self and Arnold followed by Blumrick and Shaw.

Rikel and Foskey will probably RS and get a shot at QB next season but more likely will play at DB or WR, Rikel for sure as he has blazing speed.

Somebody always leaves as well.

QB: #10 Jake Blumrick 6-2; 206 (Sr.)
QB: #2 Trae Self 6-4; 190 (Jr.)
QB: #4 Reece Shaw 6-5; 200 (Jr.)
QB: #15 Cam Arnold 6-1; 205 (R/Fr.)
QB: #00 Preston Weeks 6-5; 230 (R/Fr.)
QB: #00 Peyton Culberson 6-5; 220 (Fr.)
QB: #00 Lawton Rikel 6-1; 175 (Fr.)
QB: #00 Josh Foskey 6-0; 217 (Fr.)

June 12th, 2019, 01:52 PM
Exactly the point of the division I benefit. UCA was in the 940s just a few years ago and have moved up slowly. It takes time but well worth it for student success!

University of Central Arkansas (http://web3.ncaa.org/aprsearch/public_reports/apr2018/1004_2018_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

University of Central Arkansas (https://web3.ncaa.org/aprsearch/public_reports/apr2017/1004_2017_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

University of Central Arkansas (http://web1.ncaa.org/app_data/apr2012/1004_2012_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

University of Central Arkansas (https://web3.ncaa.org/aprsearch/public_reports/apr2016/1004_2016_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

University of Central Arkansas (http://web1.ncaa.org/app_data/apr2011/1004_2011_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

University of Central Arkansas (http://web1.ncaa.org/app_data/apr2015/1004_2015_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

University of Central Arkansas (https://web1.ncaa.org/app_data/apr2013/1004_2013_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

University of Central Arkansas (https://web1.ncaa.org/app_data/apr2014/1004_2014_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

University of Central Arkansas (https://web1.ncaa.org/app_data/apr2010/1004_2010_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

University of Central Arkansas (http://web1.ncaa.org/app_data/apr2009/1004_2009_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

University of Central Arkansas (http://web1.ncaa.org/app_data/apr2008/1004_2008_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

University of Central Arkansas (http://web1.ncaa.org/app_data/apr2007/1004_2007_apr.pdf?v=1560362265835)

Showing 1 to 12 of 12 entries

Yeah, we still have a ways to go, but at least it is a priority for Dorrel...

Academic Year
Multi-Year Rate

Abilene Christian University (https://web1.ncaa.org/app_data/apr2014/2_2014_apr.pdf?v=1560365379783)

Abilene Christian University (http://web1.ncaa.org/app_data/apr2015/2_2015_apr.pdf?v=1560365379783)

Abilene Christian University (https://web3.ncaa.org/aprsearch/public_reports/apr2016/2_2016_apr.pdf?v=1560365379783)

Abilene Christian University (https://web3.ncaa.org/aprsearch/public_reports/apr2017/2_2017_apr.pdf?v=1560365379783)

Abilene Christian University (http://web3.ncaa.org/aprsearch/public_reports/apr2018/2_2018_apr.pdf?v=1560365379783)

Showing 1 to 5 of 5 entries

June 12th, 2019, 04:11 PM
Yeah, we still have a ways to go, but at least it is a priority for Dorrel...

Academic Year
Multi-Year Rate

Abilene Christian University (https://web1.ncaa.org/app_data/apr2014/2_2014_apr.pdf?v=1560365379783)

Abilene Christian University (http://web1.ncaa.org/app_data/apr2015/2_2015_apr.pdf?v=1560365379783)

Abilene Christian University (https://web3.ncaa.org/aprsearch/public_reports/apr2016/2_2016_apr.pdf?v=1560365379783)

Abilene Christian University (https://web3.ncaa.org/aprsearch/public_reports/apr2017/2_2017_apr.pdf?v=1560365379783)

Abilene Christian University (http://web3.ncaa.org/aprsearch/public_reports/apr2018/2_2018_apr.pdf?v=1560365379783)

Showing 1 to 5 of 5 entries

I heard we might be looking into real time tracking of student grades and attendance. I'm sure they have a tight leash on them now but apparently this new program will give real time status of each athlete and their progress. The goal is always to get them to graduation first and foremost but we also want to treat them like adults. What we have been doing has been successful as shown by our increasing APR, but if they go the new route then if a student runs into a class issue the advisers will be able to connect with them immediately and give them the help they need. Hope they go that route! The NFL is a good goal but only 1% make it...so that means the rest have to get that degree!

June 12th, 2019, 04:50 PM
I heard we might be looking into real time tracking of student grades and attendance. I'm sure they have a tight leash on them now but apparently this new program will give real time status of each athlete and their progress. The goal is always to get them to graduation first and foremost but we also want to treat them like adults. What we have been doing has been successful as shown by our increasing APR, but if they go the new route then if a student runs into a class issue the advisers will be able to connect with them immediately and give them the help they need. Hope they go that route! The NFL is a good goal but only 1% make it...so that means the rest have to get that degree!

I actually like this idea. To me it is part of investing in the student athlete and helping provide help when and where they need it. I would hope this wouldn't be seen as too restrictive and/or intrusive. If we can also attach this to the right sources then we can help before it gets too late; keep the student in the class and keep the student on the field/court/course. When I look at our APRs I feel like we failed our student athletes in the past. I am with you in that the number that make it to the NFL, CFL or any pother professional league are way too far and few between. Still, even if they DO make it, we have a responsibility to ensure we get them there with the tools to go even further. I told our posters that I really hope ACU send a variety of staff to the symposium and they can develop what they need to make our kids successful. I like that our conference is making it a priority.

SFA 93
June 13th, 2019, 12:26 PM
Nicholls upgrade looks real nice.


June 13th, 2019, 02:31 PM
Nicholls upgrade looks real nice.


Woah! A $2.5 million gift to help toward the $6 million project. NICE! xthumbsupx

June 13th, 2019, 03:02 PM
Woah! A $2.5 million gift to help toward the $6 million project. NICE! xthumbsupx

It's a bigger project than that. My understanding is phase 1 will include the new field house/locker room facility for football only, with phase 2 coming later, which is an indoor training facility for all sports. Sounds like it'll be over 10 million when completed. The state is kicking in over 8 million total. Good to know because we're in the market for new facilities as well.

June 13th, 2019, 03:26 PM
Wait?? What??? An actual glimmer of information put out about the McNeese football program. I guess they unclassified it. ;)



June 13th, 2019, 08:37 PM
Nicholls upgrade looks real nice.


Sweet, Congrats Nicholls. Thanks for sharing '93.

June 13th, 2019, 08:40 PM
Wait?? What??? An actual glimmer of information put out about the McNeese football program. I guess they unclassified it. ;)



Another nice share, although a bit more scary xthumbsupx

SFA 93
June 13th, 2019, 10:53 PM
SFA gets another transfer

RB: Da'Leon Ward 5-10; 180 Dallas, Texas (Skyline/Texas Tech) (Jr.) *** #38 RB #86 State
Offers from Texas Tech, Boise State, TCU, Louisville, UNLV, Air Force

Career - GP:18;ATT:182;YDS:769;AVG:4.2;TD:6;REC:44;YDS:327; TD:1

- All-Big 12 Freshman 2nd Team
- Led Texas Tech in rushing his freshman year
- Named to 2018 Doak Walker Watch List
- 2X District 9-6A POY



June 17th, 2019, 11:33 AM
"This fall, the Southland is going to be a gauntlet. Trips to 9-win North Texas and the SEC's Mississippi State will be the usual FBS challenges, but don't be surprised if ACU gives both fits for at least a good chunk of both contests. The firepower is here. The offense is going to score a lot of points this year, and the defense is clutch on third downs, in the redzone and on run defense ... and don't be surprised to see the attendance at ACU top the 10,000-fans per game mark (8,991 per game last year). There's a buzz about this program and it'll be interesting to see where things go this fall."


Has our degree of separation been that much better than other SLC teams? I really don't know yet. This Fall will be interesting. I had said that I don't count SFA or McNeese out. The top predicted SLC teams will also be tough to contend with. I am not sure how well we run the gauntlet, but at least I feel that gauntlet is truly an accurate description this year.

June 17th, 2019, 02:05 PM
"This fall, the Southland is going to be a gauntlet. Trips to 9-win North Texas and the SEC's Mississippi State will be the usual FBS challenges, but don't be surprised if ACU gives both fits for at least a good chunk of both contests. The firepower is here. The offense is going to score a lot of points this year, and the defense is clutch on third downs, in the redzone and on run defense ... and don't be surprised to see the attendance at ACU top the 10,000-fans per game mark (8,991 per game last year). There's a buzz about this program and it'll be interesting to see where things go this fall."


Has our degree of separation been that much better than other SLC teams? I really don't know yet. This Fall will be interesting. I had said that I don't count SFA or McNeese out. The top predicted SLC teams will also be tough to contend with. I am not sure how well we run the gauntlet, but at least I feel that gauntlet is truly an accurate description this year.

ACU is going to have it tough this year. What games do you think they will win?

June 17th, 2019, 02:14 PM
ACU is going to have it tough this year. What games do you think they will win?

Earlier on our board I said we will win anywhere from 5-8 games. I put a lot on how we split a few key games. Anything can happen but the following is my immediate guess for our wins (p.s. don't quote me on them later...): AzCU, McNeese, UIW, HBU, SFA, SHSU and SLU. I think the road games will be tough. We beat Nicholls last year, but have them down in voodoo land this year. Some of the others I am giving us home field advantage and how we played against them last year. If we do this, we end up at 7-5... The other very winnable game to me is Lamar, I just don't have much comparison with them and it would be after a tough road game against UIW. That would put us at 8-4. We could also lose UIW but win Lamar.

June 17th, 2019, 02:39 PM
Earlier on our board I said we will win anywhere from 5-8 games. I put a lot on how we split a few key games. Anything can happen but the following is my immediate guess for our wins (p.s. don't quote me on them later...): AzCU, McNeese, UIW, HBU, SFA, SHSU and SLU. I think the road games will be tough. We beat Nicholls last year, but have them down in voodoo land this year. Some of the others I am giving us home field advantage and how we played against them last year. If we do this, we end up at 7-5... The other very winnable game to me is Lamar, I just don't have much comparison with them and it would be after a tough road game against UIW. That would put us at 8-4. We could also lose UIW but win Lamar.

Nice. Massey has your percents like this: (doesn't show your division II game)


June 17th, 2019, 02:47 PM
Nice. Massey has your percents like this: (doesn't show your division II game)


It's not even a DII game, but NAIA, ugh.... I hope we have some donors start chipping in so we can schedule good FCS OOC games. I think our side tried to fill that slot at the last minute with a low payout. I always thought NAU would be a good home & away series, then also PVAM.

June 17th, 2019, 03:56 PM
It's not even a DII game, but NAIA, ugh.... I hope we have some donors start chipping in so we can schedule good FCS OOC games. I think our side tried to fill that slot at the last minute with a low payout. I always thought NAU would be a good home & away series, then also PVAM.

Yeah, our first year or two we had an NAIA...Bacone college if I remember. xlolx

June 18th, 2019, 04:53 AM
ACU is going to have it tough this year. What games do you think they will win?

We could lose 8 conference games (I don’t see a loss to HBU this year). We could win 9 conference games. We have the talent and depth to be competitive in every game. So do a lot of other teams.

June 18th, 2019, 07:35 AM
We could lose 8 conference games (I don’t see a loss to HBU this year). We could win 9 conference games. We have the talent and depth to be competitive in every game. So do a lot of other teams.

Don't you hate not knowing. xlolx As fans we want some confidence in matchups during the year. In the SLC if you lose your FBS and two SLC games, you're pretty much out of the playoff picture...usually. Two SLC losses and you usually don't win the conference either. After that its just usually playing for pride. Been there. Done that. xbawlingx

June 18th, 2019, 08:38 AM
Don't you hate not knowing. xlolx As fans we want some confidence in matchups during the year. In the SLC if you lose your FBS and two SLC games, you're pretty much out of the playoff picture...usually. Two SLC losses and you usually don't win the conference either. After that its just usually playing for pride. Been there. Done that. xbawlingx
This is the best ACU team of the D1 era. Yet The NAIA team we face and Houston Baptist games are the only contests I have much confidence in going into the season.

Take Nicholls, for example. We beat Nicholls at home, sacking Fourcade five times and ripping off several long runs against their D. They lost four starters off their O Line and most of their D line. We return virtually everyone who was instrumental in beating them. Am I confident we will beat them again this year? Not at all. I don’t know who they have recruited for the trench positions. I do know we face them on the road this year and they will be looking for payback.

SFA beat us by three on the road last year. We improved as the year went on. They didn’t. We get them at home this year and we will be looking to avenge the loss. BUT, they have a bright young new coach and a ton of incoming talent. I’d like to be confident here, but I have an uneasy feeling they are going to exceed expectations and sneak up on a couple of front runners.

I could go down our entire schedule and lay out a similar scenario of pluses and minuses or unknowns.

June 18th, 2019, 08:58 AM
This is the best ACU team of the D1 era. Yet The NAIA and Houston Baptist games are the only contests I have much confidence in going into the season.

Take Nicholls, for example. We beat Nicholls at home, sacking Fourcade five times and ripping off several long runs against their D. They lost four starters off their O Line and most of their D line. We return virtually everyone who was instrumental in beating them. Am I confident we will beat them again this year? Not at all. I don’t know who they have recruited for the trench positions. I do know we face them on the road this year and they will be looking for payback.

SFA beat us by three on the road last year. We improved as the year went on. They didn’t. We get them at home this year and we will be looking to avenge the loss. BUT, they have a bright young new coach and a ton of incoming talent. I’d like to be confident here, but I have an uneasy feeling they are going to exceed expectations and sneak up on a couple of front runners.

I could go down our entire schedule and lay out a similar scenario of pluses and minuses or unknowns.

I was really surprised ACU lost to UCA at your place last year. We were injury riddled and really had very little chance IMO. But when your Oline only got 6 yards net rushing I was like...what?! You got over 200 against Baylor, IUW, SLU, and almost SAM ( a team we lost 2 QBs and a game to ...but a team you beat! ) It appears the types of defenses your team does not do well against have the same philosophies. McNeese allowed the Cats 1 yard rushing all game. UCA allowed the Cats 6 yards rushing all game. Both of those teams usually have fast lines that play quick to the ball and take angles that cut off RBs. But that also lends to either good passing games by their opponents or the defenses have field days and tee up their opponents. Sort out that line play and ACU will be a player soon enough.

SFA 93
June 18th, 2019, 02:10 PM
I guess it is possible that Coach Carthel and staff could get the team on the right side of winning his first season, as he did do it on the Div. II level.

We will see if his formula works on this level.

Like I've said before I'll believe it when I see it.

Carthel's History

TEXAS A&M COMMERCE (Before Carthel)
2011 (1-9)
2012 (1-9) averaged less than 19 points a game
2013 (7-4; 2-4) 5th Place LSC (Carthel Hired)
2014 (9-3; 6-1) LSC Champions; Heart of Texas Bowl Champions
2015 (8-4; 6-0) LSC Champions; NCAA Playoffs (First time since 1991)
2016 (11-2; 7-1) LSC Champion; NCAA Playoffs
2017 (14-1; 7-1) National Champion; 2nd Place LSC
2018 (10-3; 7-1) 2nd Place LSC; NCAA Playoffs

2013 SEASON (7-4) <4-1 on the road> First winning season since 2001
W: Sul Ross State 51-6
W: #22 Delta State 45-37 (AT&T Stadium; 20K fans)
L: @West Texas State 28-62
L: Midwestern State 24-30
W: @Southeastern Oklahoma 31-29
W: @Texas A&M – Kingsville 41-28
W: McMurry 65-43
W: @Tarleton State 22-20 (Rival Game; first win since 2006)
L: Angelo State 20-25
W: @Houston Baptist 55-21
L: Eastern New Mexico 35-42

Rival Games
Record against Tarleton State 6-2
Record against Texas A&M – Kingsville 7-0

Record Against Ranked Teams (9-10)
W: #22 Delta State 45-37 (2013)
L: #23 Midwestern State 24-30 (2013)
W: #23 Tarleton State 22-20 (2013)
L: #10 Delta State 44-51 (2015)
W: #16 Angelo State 38-35 (2015)
L: #10 Midwestern State 33-27 (2015)
L: #2 Ferris State 30-48 (2015)
L: #7 Midwestern State 25-26 (2016)
L: #1 Grand Valley State 32-55 (2016)
W: #6 North Alabama 8-7 (2017)
L: #10 Midwestern State 42-47 (2017)
W: #12 Winona State 20-6 (2017)
W: #7 Central Washington 34-31 (2OT) (2017)
W: #1 Minnesota State – Mankato 31-21 (2017)
L: #22 Colorado State – Pueblo 13-23 (2018)
W: #4 Midwestern State 20-19 (2018)
L: #16 Tarleton State 21-47 (2018)
W: #3 Minnesota Duluth 33-17 (2018)
L: #2 Tarleton State 28-34 (2018)

Record against the SLC
W: Houston Baptist 55-21
L: Stephen F. Austin 17-38
L: #8 Sam Houston State 24-38 (24-24 late in the 3rd)

June 19th, 2019, 07:30 AM
I was really surprised ACU lost to UCA at your place last year. We were injury riddled and really had very little chance IMO. But when your Oline only got 6 yards net rushing I was like...what?! You got over 200 against Baylor, IUW, SLU, and almost SAM ( a team we lost 2 QBs and a game to ...but a team you beat! ) It appears the types of defenses your team does not do well against have the same philosophies. McNeese allowed the Cats 1 yard rushing all game. UCA allowed the Cats 6 yards rushing all game. Both of those teams usually have fast lines that play quick to the ball and take angles that cut off RBs. But that also lends to either good passing games by their opponents or the defenses have field days and tee up their opponents. Sort out that line play and ACU will be a player soon enough.

Interesting point about which teams we do and don’t match up well against. The two games that surprised me the.most last year were UCA and Nicholls. I was surprised by how dominant we were in the trenches v Nicholls and how we were dominated by UCA’s D line.

June 20th, 2019, 05:31 AM
Nice to get a little attention


June 25th, 2019, 04:35 PM
McNeese has released game times for its home games, and a big shocker (but not really as clues had been given) the later games of the season will have game times of 4 PM rather than the customary 6 PM starts: https://mcneesesports.com/news/2019/6/25/football-game-times-set-for-coming-season.aspx

Beginning with the October 5th game, all games both home and on the road, except for UCA, will have afternoon starts. Even McNeese's Homecoming has an afternoon start.
I know this is going to rile up some fans.

ACU fans, when do you think your home game times will be set?

June 26th, 2019, 09:35 AM
McNeese has released game times for its home games, and a big shocker (but not really as clues had been given) the later games of the season will have game times of 4 PM rather than the customary 6 PM starts: https://mcneesesports.com/news/2019/6/25/football-game-times-set-for-coming-season.aspx

Beginning with the October 5th game, all games both home and on the road, except for UCA, will have afternoon starts. Even McNeese's Homecoming has an afternoon start.
I know this is going to rile up some fans.

ACU fans, when do you think your home game times will be set?

The 2019 schedule on the UCA website says 6pm. It is the same for ACU if that is what you meant. So, both of the far away games, which I wish were day games, are both at 6pm. Figures.


June 26th, 2019, 12:34 PM
The 2019 schedule on the UCA website says 6pm. It is the same for ACU if that is what you meant. So, both of the far away games, which I wish were day games, are both at 6pm. Figures.


Correct, most of our usual game times are at 6pm and so far that is the way our schedule is listed.

June 26th, 2019, 06:10 PM
I do know the difference between the two dyslexic schools, Doc. However, I may be losing my mind because I swear the times were not listed when I posted what I did because I had just gone to the ACU website to look. I would not have asked if it were there.

Maybe you and CBuck will get lucky and the conference will pick up those games to be televised and want an afternoon game. Fingers crossed!

June 26th, 2019, 08:21 PM
I do know the difference between the two dyslexic schools, Doc. However, I may be losing my mind because I swear the times were not listed when I posted what I did because I had just gone to the ACU website to look. I would not have asked if it were there.

Maybe you and CBuck will get lucky and the conference will pick up those games to be televised and want an afternoon game. Fingers crossed!

Would much prefer to see you guys come up and watch with us!!

June 27th, 2019, 12:48 PM
Doc and CBuck will be there no matter what time the game is. But I'm sure they would both be happier with an afternoon game.

As for my earlier post, this was recently tweeted: David E. Berry (https://twitter.com/dBerrySports)‏ @dBerrySports (https://twitter.com/dBerrySports) 1h1 hour ago (https://twitter.com/dBerrySports/status/1144281207133413377)More

The last @McNeeseFootball (https://twitter.com/McNeeseFootball) game-time of the season is in place. The Cowboys will travel to play @ACUFootball (https://twitter.com/ACUFootball) on Sept. 21 and the game is scheduled to kickoff at 6 p.m.

So while "everyone" may have known when the game would be, it was just recently posted on the ACU website.

June 27th, 2019, 02:05 PM
Doc and CBuck will be there no matter what time the game is. But I'm sure they would both be happier with an afternoon game.

As for my earlier post, this was recently tweeted: David E. Berry (https://twitter.com/dBerrySports)‏ @dBerrySports (https://twitter.com/dBerrySports) 1h1 hour ago (https://twitter.com/dBerrySports/status/1144281207133413377)More

The last @McNeeseFootball (https://twitter.com/McNeeseFootball) game-time of the season is in place. The Cowboys will travel to play @ACUFootball (https://twitter.com/ACUFootball) on Sept. 21 and the game is scheduled to kickoff at 6 p.m.

So while "everyone" may have known when the game would be, it was just recently posted on the ACU website.

We are notoriously slow with getting info out...

June 27th, 2019, 02:53 PM
We are notoriously slow with getting info out...

So far, with this new staff, getting any info out about the McNeese football team is like getting light out of a black hole. ;)


June 27th, 2019, 08:53 PM
We are notoriously slow with getting info out...

We are slower than you!

June 28th, 2019, 10:41 PM
Our QB, Luke Anthony, was lucky enough to be chosen as a camp counselor at the Manning Passing Academy this year. How cool for him to be able to be with and pick the brains of some great QBs; past and present...as well as teach. We knew it a while back, but still waiting to hear stories...... I know Cody Orgeron is also there. Any other?


June 28th, 2019, 10:46 PM
Our QB, Luke Anthony, was lucky enough to be chosen as a camp counselor at the Manning Passing Academy this year. How cool for him to be able to be with and pick the brains of some great QBs; past and present...as well as teach. We knew it a while back, but still waiting to hear stories...... I know Cody Orgeron is also there. Any other?


Chason Virgil is there from Southeastern Louisiana, as well as Eppler from Northwestern State and Fourcade from Nicholls. Southland pretty well represented.

June 28th, 2019, 11:01 PM
Chason Virgil is there from Southeastern Louisiana, as well as Eppler from Northwestern State and Fourcade from Nicholls. Southland pretty well represented.

That is really good to hear.

June 29th, 2019, 05:26 PM
Chason Virgil is there from Southeastern Louisiana, as well as Eppler from Northwestern State and Fourcade from Nicholls. Southland pretty well represented.

Orgeron from McNeese is there, too!

June 29th, 2019, 05:30 PM
Orgeron from McNeese is there, too!He was already mentioned I believe

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

June 30th, 2019, 03:53 PM
He was already mentioned I believe

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk


June 30th, 2019, 03:54 PM
Street and Smith’s prediction for the SLC

Sam Houston

SFA 93
July 1st, 2019, 06:40 AM
UCA #9?

UCA hasn't done worse than what...3rd or 4th in football since joining the SLC, no matter the coach or who they lose, they always seem to be in the thick of things.

Wonder what they are looking at?

July 1st, 2019, 09:53 AM
UCA #9?

UCA hasn't done worse than what...3rd or 4th in football since joining the SLC, no matter the coach or who they lose, they always seem to be in the thick of things.

Wonder what they are looking at?

Yep. I think both UCA and SFA are too low.

July 1st, 2019, 12:14 PM
Street and Smith’s prediction for the SLC

Sam Houston

Oh dear....what will we ever do? xbawlingxIs it time to sandbag like the Cowboy fans do? xlolx

I mean if we haven't won the conference then we've likely always come in second, tied for second, or a random 4th or so place. But 9th? xsmhx Not in our worst year. We ain't HBU.

July 1st, 2019, 12:29 PM
They have taken all the fixed hardware off the videoboard and are reinforcing the crossbeams. Here's a pic of right before they finished removing the lower hardware. I think this sucker will be bigger than the frame! xlolx

https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/65242440_2001778179927490_1549790608904683520_n.jp g?_nc_cat=102&_nc_oc=AQkw6rpD2Zil1sfDoCxHJYzLt0zOTjMnhUDf30xJzwg zy28pyWFS5c6cqACg_0DvsJM&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.xx&oh=bc7cba971c069cd6dabb1907e8bc0887&oe=5DB641BB

July 1st, 2019, 12:49 PM
Game time change for McNeese at UCA -- Now 4 PM https://twitter.com/dBerrySports/status/1145749197402136576

July 1st, 2019, 12:53 PM
Game time change for McNeese at UCA -- Now 4 PM https://twitter.com/dBerrySports/status/1145749197402136576

xlolx Won't do you any good. Just missed a great opportunity to play on the stripes EARLY. Oct. 12? The deer own our fans.

2019-20 Deer Season DatesArchery: Sept. 28, 2019-Feb. 29, 2020
Private Land Antlerless Only Modern Gun Deer Hunt: Oct. 12-16, 2019
Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 14-16, 2019
Special Youth Modern Gun Deer Hunt: Nov. 2-3, 2019 and Jan. 4-5, 2020
Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 1 and Dec. 26-28, 2019

July 1st, 2019, 09:43 PM
Street and Smith’s prediction for the SLC

Sam Houston

Switch Lamar and UCA and it’s good.

SFA 93
July 4th, 2019, 12:01 PM
Another JUCO transfer for SFA.

OL: Terrin Robinson 6-7; 315 Mobile, Alabama (Davidson/Independence CC) (So.)
Offers from SFA, UCA, North Alabama, Campbell, Jackson State, Arkansas Pine Bluff, Youngstown State, Miss. Valley State

SFA 93
July 7th, 2019, 09:52 AM




More to come...

July 7th, 2019, 12:50 PM




More to come...

Thank you, '93!

July 7th, 2019, 12:52 PM





More to come...

You didn’t include ACU. FIFY. An understandable oversight. We have grown used to being overlooked.

July 8th, 2019, 08:58 AM
I hope some other SLC fans will become voters in the AGS poll. Last year was my first year. Ursus is great with this and other pollsters helped out a great deal with suggestions about keeping an excel sheet or Google doc with your weekly picks. I don't know all the the handles for SLC fans, but it looks like there are 5 or six who vote in the poll. I normally put my ballot together on Sunday mornings, but the final ballot is not usually due until Monday at noon. Ursus posts a "How they fared" so you can see many, many kinds of statistics to help you in making your poll, such as strength of schedule and the like. If you have made a glaring mistake or some questionable vote, Ursus will send you an email so that you can correct your poll if necessary before the final deadline for that week.

For some of you regulars, please add to or correct me if I have given incorrect information. I just want the SLC to be more represented in the great poll.

This a a post about the pollsters. Some SLC fans on here have been faithfully doing this for several years! Awesome! https://www.anygivensaturday.com/showthread.php?230352-AGS-Poll-Perfection-List-A-Guide-amp-Tip-of-the-Cap

July 8th, 2019, 10:10 AM
I hope some other SLC fans will become voters in the AGS poll. Last year was my first year. Ursus is great with this and other pollsters helped out a great deal with suggestions about keeping an excel sheet or Google doc with your weekly picks. I don't know all the the handles for SLC fans, but it looks like there are 5 or six who vote in the poll. I normally put my ballot together on Sunday mornings, but the final ballot is not usually due until Monday at noon. Ursus posts a "How they fared" so you can see many, many kinds of statistics to help you in making your poll, such as strength of schedule and the like. If you have made a glaring mistake or some questionable vote, Ursus will send you an email so that you can correct your poll if necessary before the final deadline for that week.

For some of you regulars, please add to or correct me if I have given incorrect information. I just want the SLC to be more represented in the great poll.

This a a post about the pollsters. Some SLC fans on here have been faithfully doing this for several years! Awesome! https://www.anygivensaturday.com/showthread.php?230352-AGS-Poll-Perfection-List-A-Guide-amp-Tip-of-the-Cap

I'd love to vote in the weekly poll but as I've stated before I really don't know much about the other conferences and who's hot and who's earned what based on the strength of their schedule. I do however applaud those who research it weekly and put in their two cents. It's not an easy poll to participate in and reposting your poll tends to get a bunch of slams from other posters. I think the SLC typically has two teams top 15 and 3 or 4 in top 25..but apart from that not so much. Where they move in it really doesn't matter.

July 8th, 2019, 10:57 AM
I hope some other SLC fans will become voters in the AGS poll. Last year was my first year. Ursus is great with this and other pollsters helped out a great deal with suggestions about keeping an excel sheet or Google doc with your weekly picks. I don't know all the the handles for SLC fans, but it looks like there are 5 or six who vote in the poll. I normally put my ballot together on Sunday mornings, but the final ballot is not usually due until Monday at noon. Ursus posts a "How they fared" so you can see many, many kinds of statistics to help you in making your poll, such as strength of schedule and the like. If you have made a glaring mistake or some questionable vote, Ursus will send you an email so that you can correct your poll if necessary before the final deadline for that week.

For some of you regulars, please add to or correct me if I have given incorrect information. I just want the SLC to be more represented in the great poll.

This a a post about the pollsters. Some SLC fans on here have been faithfully doing this for several years! Awesome! https://www.anygivensaturday.com/showthread.php?230352-AGS-Poll-Perfection-List-A-Guide-amp-Tip-of-the-Cap

Last year was my third season to vote. I’m learn more each year about how to develop a poll using available tools.

Preseason is hard because limited information is available. I’ve already started work on my preseason poll by looking at the median rank for the 40 plus schools mentioned in at least one of the five preseason polls currently out there. Then I looked at the Stats FCS Spring Outlook summary to determine how many starters each school returns as well as key recruits. Third, I looked at schedules.

I ding schools for coaching changes, loss of a lot of players, especially QB and all conference all American players and give pluses for a quality coaching staff, previous success, a top 20 QB, lots of returning starters and a cushy schedule. I try to have a solid rationale for significant variation from the median rank.

I’m not going to post my entire poll other than to say NDSU isn’t #1 in my poll since they lost 15 starters, including their QB and changed coaches. I’ll add that Nicholls doesn’t get my vote for first place in the SLC. As the saying goes, it all begins in the trenches and Nicholls lost four starters off the OL and 4 of the top 6 off the D Line.

I may change my mind before the season starts but right now I have Eastern Washington in the top spot and UCA as the best team in the Southland. I don’t have any SLC schools in my top 10 but 4 in the 11-25 group. And, yes, ACU is one of the four. I might be a little biased but I see the Wildcats as one of the better teams this year.

July 8th, 2019, 11:11 AM
I'd give Nicholls the nod in the SLC. I've followed SLC play since 2006 or so and the QB is the biggest marker of success in this league. Transfer QBs have had a field day. Fourcade for Nicholls will be big again. Kid is out of his mind.

and on and on and on.. that QB makes a BIG difference. UCA and Nicholls have an early season matchup. Will be fun to watch!

July 8th, 2019, 11:38 AM
I'd give Nicholls the nod in the SLC. I've followed SLC play since 2006 or so and the QB is the biggest marker of success in this league. Transfer QBs have had a field day. Fourcade for Nicholls will be big again. Kid is out of his mind.

and on and on and on.. that QB makes a BIG difference. UCA and Nicholls have an early season matchup. Will be fun to watch!

As good as Fourcade might be, he has to have protection. We sacked him five times last year and their line does not look as good on paper this year as last, I’m going with your QB and better protection up front.

SFA 93
July 8th, 2019, 12:27 PM
https://m.herosports.com/fcs/footbal...southland-ajaj (https://m.herosports.com/fcs/football-2019-preview-abilene-christian-southland-ajaj)

https://herosports.com/fcs/football-...southland-ajaj (https://herosports.com/fcs/football-2019-preview-houston-baptist-southland-ajaj)

https://herosports.com/fcs/football-...southland-ajaj (https://herosports.com/fcs/football-2019-preview-incarnate-word-uiw-southland-ajaj)

https://herosports.com/fcs/football-...tm_medium=Link (https://herosports.com/fcs/football-2019-preview-lamar-southland-conference-ajaj?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Link)


https://herosports.com/fcs/football-2019-preview-mcneese-state-southland-ajaj (https://herosports.com/fcs/football-2019-preview-mcneese-state-southland-ajaj)

July 8th, 2019, 04:24 PM
So far I have not tried to push myself into voting. Like others, I don't feel qualified enough on the other conferences and teams to feel I would be a consistent quality vote. I try to learn about any given situation or game before commenting on other teams and conference threads. Still I feel being a halfway educated and introspective commenter is not quite the same as voting in a way as to give the AGS Poll the respect it deserves: 1) My forte lies in other areas. 2) Between that and work, my attention is spent on my family overseas.

July 9th, 2019, 12:45 PM
So far I have not tried to push myself into voting. Like others, I don't feel qualified enough on the other conferences and teams to feel I would be a consistent quality vote. I try to learn about any given situation or game before commenting on other teams and conference threads. Still I feel being a halfway educated and introspective commenter is not quite the same as voting in a way as to give the AGS Poll the respect it deserves: 1) My forte lies in other areas. 2) Between that and work, my attention is spent on my family overseas.

You learn fast. Nobody expects you to be an expert of every conference and team. What does happen is that you find resources (many are shared by AGS members) that help you create an efficient system that works for you. I, too, was reticent to join the poll, but since I have it is one of the highlights of my week. I'm not an expert but I feel like I know enough and do enough research to make my vote legitimate.

July 9th, 2019, 05:01 PM
Yes, you don't have to be an expert. You can use the previous week's poll, and as Daytripper says, on Sunday people post excel sheets and Google docs with easy to read stats of teams, if they won or lost, stength of schedule, and so much of that is IN ONE PLACE. You don't have to search all over the place. But if you want, you can check Sagarin and Massey for help.

The poll is a drop down list. You click your top teams and click submit. Very easy! Ursus will email you (nicely) if he sees something questionable. He emailed me a couple of times because I had dropped a team I had previously ranked out of my poll or, in the case of the SLC, (which was a wild mess) I was putting UIW and Lamar in when others weren't. If Ursus emails you, you don't have to change and you can explain why you did what you did. I did make a goof or two and did make corrections.

If you just don't have the time, I understand. The hardest poll is the preseason poll. Last year was my first year and so I was reading posts here and checking preseason conference polls as they came out. I would read about some of the teams I wasn't sure about. That caused me some problems because some of their fans were sandbaggers like Doc. Oh, well.

It is fun to compare how you think about teams compared to others. And you do NOT have to post your poll. Only do so if you want.

Here is a thread on how to sign up. That is very easy to do as well: https://www.anygivensaturday.com/showthread.php?230377-2019-Poll-Registration-Now-Open&p=2779340#post2779340

July 10th, 2019, 08:34 AM
I have never participated in the AGS poll because my taking photos at games and culling and processing those photos takes a lot of my time Sunday and into Monday. That doesn't leave me a lot of time to do the research I feel I would need to do to do an informed job of ranking the teams. And I am not going to do a half-assed job so I chose a long time ago to not participate in the AGS Poll


Edit: And don't bother asking McNeese fans about how the Cowboys will do this season. With all the changes in the program and the secrecy that has evolved, we have no clue what is going to happen next season. It could be good or it could be very bad.

July 10th, 2019, 10:23 AM
Starting to put on the panels for the new videoboard. Also noticed they have advertised the position for gameday videoboard tech on the UCA website. Hope we get one before the season starts. Sure would suck to have a nice board with nothing on it! xlolx

https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/66580115_2025266727578635_6789765896752594944_n.jp g?_nc_cat=107&_nc_oc=AQmKdZFp_eJUuCwVigpA7u_NdBPZ30evwxeni_8AvAg 8-NjAEPt8EHi7iyqU83lW57w&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.xx&oh=5927cfc106cb51d2968f6fd02e4cbdb8&oe=5DB9B8D4

SFA 93
July 10th, 2019, 04:22 PM
2019 Dave Campbell's 50 Most Important College Football Players in Texas

SLC Players who made the list

22.) LB: Jeramiah Chambers (ACU)
24.) QB: Jon Copeland (UIW)
27.) WR: Nathan Stewart (SHSU)
47.) WR: Tamrick Pace (SFA)


July 11th, 2019, 07:39 AM
I have never participated in the AGS poll because my taking photos at games and culling and processing those photos takes a lot of my time Sunday and into Monday. That doesn't leave me a lot of time to do the research I feel I would need to do to do an informed job of ranking the teams. And I am not going to do a half-assed job so I chose a long time ago to not participate in the AGS Poll


Edit: And don't bother asking McNeese fans about how the Cowboys will do this season. With all the changes in the program and the secrecy that has evolved, we have no clue what is going to happen next season. It could be good or it could be very bad.

Doc, my posts were certainly not directed at you as I know your hands are full with all the great photo work you do! Still hoping to get a few other SLC fans to give it a shot.

SFA 93
July 11th, 2019, 09:51 AM
https://m.herosports.com/fcs/footbal...southland-ajaj (https://m.herosports.com/fcs/football-2019-preview-abilene-christian-southland-ajaj)

https://herosports.com/fcs/football-...southland-ajaj (https://herosports.com/fcs/football-2019-preview-houston-baptist-southland-ajaj)

https://herosports.com/fcs/football-...southland-ajaj (https://herosports.com/fcs/football-2019-preview-incarnate-word-uiw-southland-ajaj)

https://herosports.com/fcs/football-...tm_medium=Link (https://herosports.com/fcs/football-2019-preview-lamar-southland-conference-ajaj?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Link)

https://herosports.com/fcs/football-...southland-ajaj (https://herosports.com/fcs/football-2019-preview-central-arkansas-southland-ajaj)

https://herosports.com/fcs/football-2019-preview-mcneese-state-southland-ajaj (https://herosports.com/fcs/football-2019-preview-mcneese-state-southland-ajaj)


July 11th, 2019, 11:23 AM
The SLC just released their preseason all-conference teams:

First Team All-Conference Offense


Chase Fourcade*
Metairie, La.

Carlos Blackman*
Central Arkansas
Gosnell, Ark.

Billy McCrary*
Abilene Christian
Austin, Texas

Bransen Schwebel*
Southeastern Louisiana
Amite, La.

Nathan Stewart*
Sam Houston State
Dallas, Texas

Dai’Jean Dixon*
New Orleans, La.

Juwan Petit-Frere*
Southeastern Louisiana
Orlando, Fla.

Hunter Watts*
Central Arkansas
San Antonio, Texas

Brandon Floores*
La Vernia, Texas

Terence Hickman II*
Converse, Texas

Grant Burguillos*
Mandeville, La.

P.J. Burkhalter
Franklinton, La.

Storm Ruiz
Stephen F. Austin
League City, Texas

Winston Jones*
Thibodaux, La.

First Team All-Conference Defense


Sully Laiche*
Grammercy, La.

Chris Terrell*
Central Arkansas
Pensacola, Fla.

Chris Livings*
Lake Charles, La.

Daniel Crosley*
DeRidder, La.

Jeremiah Chambers*
Abilene Christian
Austin, Texas

Evan Veron*
LaPlace, La.

Allen Pittman*
St. Rose, La.

Hayden Bourgeois*
Northwestern State
Church Point, La.

Zyon McCollum*
Sam Houston State
Galveston, Texas

Colby Burton*
League City, Texas

Juan Jackson*
Central Arkansas
Gardendale, Ala.

Darren Evans*
Baton Rouge, La.

Juwan Petit-Frere*
Southeastern Louisiana
Orlando, Fla.

Devonte Williams*
Southeastern Louisiana
Columbia, Md.

Second Team All-Conference Offense


Jon Copeland*
Argyle, Texas

Dontrell Taylor*
White Castle, La.

Myles Wanza
Houston, Texas

Woody Brandom
Sam Houston State
Corona, Calif.

Tamrick Pace
Stephen F. Austin
Brownsboro, Texas

Jerreth Sterns
Houston Baptist
Midlothian, Texas

Josh Fink
Abilene Christian
Coppell, Texas

Jair Joseph
Napoleonville, La.

Chris Zirkle
Northwestern State
League City, Texas

Toby Sanderson
Central Arkansas
Edmond, Okla.

Kade Parmelly
Abilene Christian
Abilene, Texas

Uzoma Okere
Grand Prairie, Texas

Elvin Martinez
Huntsville, Texas

David Balcomb
Gordon, Australia

Second Team All-Conference Defense


Erick Fowler*
Sam Houston State
Austin, Texas

Isaac Adeyemi-Berglund
Southeastern Louisiana
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

O’Shea Jackson
Northwestern State
Arlington, Texas

Andre Walker
Houston Baptist
Slidell, La.

Caleb Johnson
Houston Baptist
San Diego, Calif.

Hunter Brown
Sam Houston State
Weston, Fla.

Royce See
Sam Houston State
Shepherd, Texas

Khristian Mims*
Baton Rouge, La.

Bolu Onifade*
Abilene Christian
Oklahoma City, Okla.

Alize Ward*
Stephen F. Austin
San Diego, Calif.

Jackie Harvell
Central Arkansas
Gurdon, Ark.

Robert Rochell
Central Arkansas
Shreveport, La.

Myles Ward
Northwestern State
Harvey, La.

Austin Mitchell
Southeastern Louisiana
Plaquemine, La.

* Automatic selection; returning all-conference player

July 11th, 2019, 11:30 AM
How do y'all feel about returning all-conference players automatically being named to the preseason all-conference team? I understand the logic behind it...if they were all-conference last year, then they're most likely to be all-conference again. However, I feel like it's a lazy way to assemble the preseason all-conference team and it leaves out key transfers from FBS schools who will likely impact their respective teams in an all-conference way. But then again who cares it's just a preseason prediction that doesn't really matter anyway I suppose. Just my two cents.

July 11th, 2019, 11:48 AM
How do y'all feel about returning all-conference players automatically being named to the preseason all-conference team? I understand the logic behind it...if they were all-conference last year, then they're most likely to be all-conference again. However, I feel like it's a lazy way to assemble the preseason all-conference team and it leaves out key transfers from FBS schools who will likely impact their respective teams in an all-conference way. But then again who cares it's just a preseason prediction that doesn't really matter anyway I suppose. Just my two cents.

As a conversation piece, I have no problem with promoting returning players who were productive the year before. I hear ya on transfers and newcomers, and there are circumstances where maybe they should be considered, but we have no idea who will emerge and make all-conference type impact. We can guess but that's all it is.

July 11th, 2019, 01:07 PM
OL Hunter Watts

He's already getting looks from Pro scouts and teams. He's got great hands and strength. Solid at his position. Hate to lose the kid next year.

July 11th, 2019, 01:27 PM
Sorted by total pre-season all-conference players per team.

Team Total 1st Team 2nd Team
Nicholls 11 8 3
UCA 7 4 3
SELA 6 4 2
SHSU 6 2 4
UIW 5 2 3
ACU 5 2 3
NWST 4 1 3
McNeese 3 3 0
Lamar 3 1 2
SFA 3 1 2
HBU 3 0 3

If a person were predicting the final conference standings, would this be a good measure?

July 11th, 2019, 01:57 PM
Sorted by total pre-season all-conference players per team.

Team Total 1st Team 2nd Team
Nicholls 11 8 3
UCA 7 4 3
SELA 6 4 2
SHSU 6 2 4
UIW 5 2 3
ACU 5 2 3
NWST 4 1 3
McNeese 3 3 0
Lamar 3 1 2
SFA 3 1 2
HBU 3 0 3

If a person were predicting the final conference standings, would this be a good measure?

I don't think SELA will finish that high and I don't think Lamar will finish that low. But then again who knows? It's going to be one heck of an entertaining season.

July 11th, 2019, 02:01 PM
I don't think SELA will finish that high and I don't think Lamar will finish that low. But then again who knows? It's going to be one heck of an entertaining season.

I dont know where we'll finish but we'll be a lot better than last year.

July 11th, 2019, 02:16 PM
I dont know where we'll finish but we'll be a lot better than last year.

Amen to that. I knew last year was going to be a rebuilding year with the talent we lost but I had no idea we'd lose to McNeese and SHSU by a total of 5 points and one overtime...making us nearly 8-3 overall has we won those. But fate. Here's to another GREAT year in the SLC for ALL teams! xthumbsupx

July 11th, 2019, 02:36 PM
Amen to that. I knew last year was going to be a rebuilding year with the talent we lost but I had no idea we'd lose to McNeese and SHSU by a total of 5 points and one overtime...making us nearly 8-3 overall has we won those. But fate. Here's to another GREAT year in the SLC for ALL teams! xthumbsupx

There's a fine line for most everybody. Talent aside, teams that stay healthy, motivated and have a bit of luck in their corner, tend to do well. Those that don't, start looking to next year. It's next year, and a new year for us all ... until about week four or five. :)

July 11th, 2019, 03:37 PM
There's a fine line for most everybody. Talent aside, teams that stay healthy, motivated and have a bit of luck in their corner, tend to do well. Those that don't, start looking to next year. It's next year, and a new year for us all ... until about week four or five. :)

Yeah those TWO FBS games for most of us may thin out the herd a little.

July 11th, 2019, 03:46 PM
Yeah those TWO FBS games for most of us may thin out the herd a little.

At least yours are somewhat winnable. But take care of business during conference play and it won't matter.

July 11th, 2019, 04:05 PM

I think it would end up hurting both teams if the coaches secretly agreed to let the FBS school win. Both teams wouldn't get better that way. Gotta let the boys play. Sounds like the coach just wanted to test out his passing attack, got too cute and it ended up costing UCA the game. But that's just me.

July 11th, 2019, 05:15 PM
I dont know where we'll finish but we'll be a lot better than last year.

We don't know how McNeese will finish this year, also. But, at least you know your guys will be better this season. Right now, McNeese fans don't have a clue.


SFA 93
July 12th, 2019, 10:02 AM
2019 HERO Sports Top 25


SLC getting a lot of love

#13 Nicholls
#16 Central Arkansas
#20 Sam Houston State

The Next Best

July 12th, 2019, 03:08 PM
2019 HERO Sports Top 25


SLC getting a lot of love

#13 Nicholls
#16 Central Arkansas
#20 Sam Houston State

The Next Best

That looks a lot like how I have the SLC in my very early and unfinished AGS preseason poll.

July 13th, 2019, 10:48 AM
From the Daily Comet, Nicholls football games ranked from least to most important: https://www.dailycomet.com/sports/20190712/all-2019-nicholls-football-games-ranked-from-least-to-most-important

July 13th, 2019, 11:14 AM
#8 Nicholls hasn’t beaten UCA in a decade.
#1 No team has given Nicholls more trouble than Sam Houston except Nicholls beating them last year.

Louisiana math? xlolx

July 13th, 2019, 02:57 PM
Will Nicholls really be as physically dominant this year? I am not convinced.

July 13th, 2019, 03:06 PM
Will Nicholls really be as physically dominant this year? I am not convinced.

They weren't physically dominant last year. They took advantage of a down year in the SLC. The league will be better this year.

July 13th, 2019, 05:04 PM
You think the SLC was down last year? Why, because the usuals weren't quite as dominant? I disagree. The SLC will be better this year but it ain't a simple bounce back from last year....

July 13th, 2019, 05:09 PM
You think the SLC was down last year? Why, because the usuals weren't quite as dominant? I disagree. The SLC will be better this year but it ain't a simple baounce back from last year....

Yes. Way down. I do agree it will be better this year.

July 13th, 2019, 05:10 PM
Yes. Way down. I do agree it will be better this year.

We'll agree to disagree on that one.

July 13th, 2019, 05:17 PM
We'll agree to disagree on that one.

No problem.

July 13th, 2019, 08:51 PM
Thanks for sharing. Hope Stewart has his 4th 1000 yd season!

July 13th, 2019, 08:59 PM
The new season. We could be really good are another meh year. If Oline is healthy, if qb position is stable if running game is better then I believe D will be better however Dline will be a question to me. Oh hell I have no clue but can’t wait to find out. I’m ready for some football.

July 13th, 2019, 10:11 PM
The new season. We could be really good are another meh year. If Oline is healthy, if qb position is stable if running game is better then I believe D will be better however Dline will be a question to me. Oh hell I have no clue but can’t wait to find out. I’m ready for some football.

A lot of us are in a similar boat. Lots of ifs that could make or break a season. It'll be interesting to see who emerges and who stumbles. Can the league perform well enough to get a fourth playoff team? Maybe a top seed?

July 14th, 2019, 12:38 AM
As good as Fourcade might be, he has to have protection. We sacked him five times last year and their line does not look as good on paper this year as last, I’m going with your QB and better protection up front.Fourcade rocks but the real pain in the ass for McNeese was the great WR that is now gone. They have not replaced him (even with the receiver they have on the preseason all-conference team) so time will tell.

Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

July 14th, 2019, 06:16 AM
From the Huntsville Item - 5 games that could define the Kats' season: https://www.itemonline.com/sports/sam_houston_state_university_bearkats/games-that-could-define-the-kats-season/article_2010ba84-9ca6-5bc9-ad08-e0b0caeadff6.html

Worth noting that as good or bad as McNeese may be, the Cowboys are still a measuring stick for most many SLC foes.

As for the argument about the SLC last year, I think overall it was better. Yes, McNeese and Sam Houston struggled, but many other programs definitely were on the rise. Was it a fluke? We will see.

July 14th, 2019, 11:51 AM
We at PV are sincerely looking forward to the Fourcade led Nicholls St team making an appearance at Panther Stadium.

During our last meeting, our then inexpereinced staff couldn’t slow down or stop Mr Fourcade/NSU crew AND our team couldn’t sustain anything offensively. This should be an exciting game from 2 competing conferences that recruit in the same geographic footprint.

SFA 93
July 14th, 2019, 06:45 PM
https://m.herosports.com/fcs/footbal...southland-ajaj (https://m.herosports.com/fcs/football-2019-preview-abilene-christian-southland-ajaj)

https://herosports.com/fcs/football-...southland-ajaj (https://herosports.com/fcs/football-2019-preview-houston-baptist-southland-ajaj)

https://herosports.com/fcs/football-...southland-ajaj (https://herosports.com/fcs/football-2019-preview-incarnate-word-uiw-southland-ajaj)

https://herosports.com/fcs/football-...tm_medium=Link (https://herosports.com/fcs/football-2019-preview-lamar-southland-conference-ajaj?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Link)

https://herosports.com/fcs/football-...southland-ajaj (https://herosports.com/fcs/football-2019-preview-central-arkansas-southland-ajaj)

https://herosports.com/fcs/football-2019-preview-mcneese-state-southland-ajaj (https://herosports.com/fcs/football-2019-preview-mcneese-state-southland-ajaj)

https://herosports.com/fcs/football-...southland-ajaj (https://herosports.com/fcs/football-2019-preview-nicholls-state-southland-ajaj)


July 15th, 2019, 03:20 PM
FRISCO, Texas – The 2019 season will unofficially kick off Thursday with the Southland Conference Football Media Day at the Hilton Houston Post Oak by the Galleria (http://www3.hilton.com/en/hotels/texas/hilton-houston-post-oak-by-the-galleria-IAHWSHH/index.html). Press conferences and student-athlete interviews will air live on ESPN3 (http://sland.social/2019FMD), with the morning broadcast beginning at 9 a.m. CT and afternoon show starting at 1:15 p.m.

https://www.southland.org/news/2019/7/15/thursdays-southland-conference-football-media-day-to-air-live-on-espn3.aspx?fbclid=IwAR2f2kIXd7RduesTTWyaVUBIh4SCVB bkfhPjojND-e4u1Rb-BWLXiOerINs

July 15th, 2019, 04:26 PM

July 16th, 2019, 07:28 AM


July 17th, 2019, 11:42 AM
https://www.southland.org/news/2019/7/15/thursdays-southland-conference-football-media-day-to-air-live-on-espn3.aspx?fbclid=IwAR2f2kIXd7RduesTTWyaVUBIh4SCVB bkfhPjojND-e4u1Rb-BWLXiOerINs

Just a reminder that Southland media day is Tomorrow (July 18th) on ESPN3 http://www.espn.com/watch?id=df307ce6-16e2-4425-97ac-f303d647d989

9:00 - Southland Commissioner Tom Burnett
9:30 - Nicholls Coach Tim Rebowe
10:00 - UIW Coach Eric Morris
10:30 - UCA Coach Nathan Brown
11:00 - NWST Coach Brad Laird
11:30 - ACU Coach Adam Dorrell
1:15 - SELA Coach Frank Scelfo
1:45 - SFA Coach Colby Carthel
2:15 - McNeese Coach Sterlin Gilbert
2:45 - Lamar Coach Mike Schultz
3:15 - SHSU Coach KC Keeler
3:45 - HBU Coach Vic Shealy

July 17th, 2019, 01:22 PM
Just a reminder that Southland media day is Tomorrow (July 18th) on ESPN3 http://www.espn.com/watch?id=df307ce6-16e2-4425-97ac-f303d647d989

9:00 - Southland Commissioner Tom Burnett
9:30 - Nicholls Coach Tim Rebowe
10:00 - UIW Coach Eric Morris
10:30 - UCA Coach Nathan Brown
11:00 - NWST Coach Brad Laird
11:30 - ACU Coach Adam Dorrell
1:15 - SELA Coach Frank Scelfo
1:45 - SFA Coach Colby Carthel
2:15 - McNeese Coach Sterlin Gilbert
2:45 - Lamar Coach Mike Schultz
3:15 - SHSU Coach KC Keeler
3:45 - HBU Coach Vic Shealy

Can't wait! I'm going to attempt to listen to ALL of them pending work interference. xlolx

I've enjoyed driving by UCA on my way to work in the mornings and seeing the progress on the videoboard and seeing the players out on their own getting into shape or practicing techniques. I have decided to NOT tailgate this year because most of our home games come in the second half of the season but I will make a couple of road trips instead. Wish one of them could be the Hawaii game!

July 17th, 2019, 02:26 PM
Just a reminder that Southland media day is Tomorrow (July 18th) on ESPN3 http://www.espn.com/watch?id=df307ce6-16e2-4425-97ac-f303d647d989

9:00 - Southland Commissioner Tom Burnett
9:30 - Nicholls Coach Tim Rebowe
10:00 - UIW Coach Eric Morris
10:30 - UCA Coach Nathan Brown
11:00 - NWST Coach Brad Laird
11:30 - ACU Coach Adam Dorrell
1:15 - SELA Coach Frank Scelfo
1:45 - SFA Coach Colby Carthel
2:15 - McNeese Coach Sterlin Gilbert
2:45 - Lamar Coach Mike Schultz
3:15 - SHSU Coach KC Keeler
3:45 - HBU Coach Vic Shealy

Hopefully we get more in-depth questions and followups this year.

July 17th, 2019, 02:31 PM
Hopefully we get more in-depth questions and followups this year.

Keeler usually has a sound bite or two. He likes to talk.

July 17th, 2019, 03:52 PM
Keeler usually has a sound bite or two. He likes to talk.

Yeah but we need to get better, more informed questions to provoke better answers from coaches and players across the board. This event has been pretty vanilla the last few years.

July 17th, 2019, 03:56 PM
Yeah but we need to get better, more informed questions to provoke better answers from coaches and players across the board. This event has been pretty vanilla the last few years.


July 18th, 2019, 06:48 AM
It's MEDIA DAYS! xthumbsupx


July 18th, 2019, 06:50 AM

July 18th, 2019, 06:57 AM
University of Central Arkansas President Houston Davis has been named chair of the Southland Conference Board of Directors for 2019-21. The two-year appointment was announced at the Southland Conference 2019 Spring Meeting in Frisco, Texas.


Davis came to UCA last year after being at Kennesaw State so he doesn't have a deep history here.

July 18th, 2019, 09:05 AM
Pre-Season Rankings


July 18th, 2019, 09:26 AM
I am not getting anything on ESPN Watch. It shows no live events currently and try to search for the SLC media day and nothing.

July 18th, 2019, 09:48 AM
I am not getting anything on ESPN Watch. It shows no live events currently and try to search for the SLC media day and nothing.

Not a surprise.

July 18th, 2019, 09:56 AM
Pre-Season Rankingsthat

https://www.southland.org/news/2019/7/18/nicholls-voted-to-top-spot-in-2019-football-preseason-poll.aspxACU with a 1st place vote. I hope we can prove that one person right by season's end.

July 18th, 2019, 10:31 AM
I am not getting anything on ESPN Watch. It shows no live events currently and try to search for the SLC media day and nothing.

Do you have ESPN+??


July 18th, 2019, 11:05 AM
Do you have ESPN+??


No, that is part of the issue, but I am usually able to watch games on ESPN3 on my laptop, so thought I could do the same with this. I could find it on my ESPN app on the phone but having issues opening the actual stream; could also be our wifi security settings.

July 18th, 2019, 11:30 AM
No, that is part of the issue, but I am usually able to watch games on ESPN3 on my laptop, so thought I could do the same with this. I could find it on my ESPN app on the phone but having issues opening the actual stream; could also be our wifi security settings.

I was under the impression that you have to fork out the $4.99 a month to view content on ESPN+


July 18th, 2019, 11:34 AM
I am not getting anything on ESPN Watch. It shows no live events currently and try to search for the SLC media day and nothing.


July 18th, 2019, 11:44 AM
ACU with a 1st place vote. I hope we can prove that one person right by season's end.

I really like Dorrel. Wouldn't be surprised if you guys were in the playoffs this year.

July 18th, 2019, 11:51 AM
Disregard what I was saying. I see it is on ESPN3 and not ESPN+ like I thought for some reason.

Edit: The story on the McNeese athletic website said it was going to be on ESPN+ so that where I got it. Didn't just imagine it.


July 18th, 2019, 12:03 PM
Disregard what I was saying. I see it is on ESPN3 and not ESPN+ like I thought for some reason.

Edit: The story on the McNeese athletic website said it was going to be on ESPN+ so that where I got it. Didn't just imagine it.


Come on, Doc... I gave you the link!... xeyebrowx:D

July 18th, 2019, 12:45 PM
ACU with a 1st place vote. I hope we can prove that one person right by season's end.

While I think ACU has more potential then their spot in this poll, giving a team ranked 7th a first place vote seems kind of strange. Yes, the season hasn't started yet and who knows. But ACU isn't the third or fourth or fifth or sixth team with potential according to the poll. I guess I think teams 1-3 and maybe 4 should typically get the votes because of their likelihood of winning the conference USUALLY...not always.

July 18th, 2019, 01:52 PM
While I think ACU has more potential then their spot in this poll, giving a team ranked 7th a first place vote seems kind of strange. Yes, the season hasn't started yet and who knows. But ACU isn't the third or fourth or fifth or sixth team with potential according to the poll. I guess I think teams 1-3 and maybe 4 should typically get the votes because of their likelihood of winning the conference USUALLY...not always.

Votes are individual and obviously there was a head coach or SID (possibly Nicholls) who felt they were deserving. Obviously the rest of the league did not. You don't take their vote away just because no one else agrees. I would add that there isn't much separation from the top and bottom of the league, outside of HBU. Doesn't take much to flip a few games and teams that can stay healthy and have some good luck along the way will be in contention in the end. It could be anybody.

July 18th, 2019, 01:57 PM
Come on, Doc... I gave you the link!... xeyebrowx:D

I knew it said ESPN3, but none of the links I clicked on would pull up the video stream. I could find it on my phone app, but wouldn't play and kept asking for a reauthentication. That made me think either our wifi was getting too busy or I was getting stuck behind our firewall.

SFA 93
July 18th, 2019, 02:44 PM
60 freshmen for SFA.

Tough going for Blumrick.

Our QB situation

QB: #2 Trae Self 6-4; 190 (Jr.) JUCO transfer
(Looks to be the starter, but I could see Cam taking over at sometime during the season)
QB: #15 Cam Arnold 6-1; 205 (R/Fr.)
QB: #00 Preston Weeks 6-4; 230 (R/Fr.) Baylor transfer
QB: #4 Reece Shaw 6-5; 200 (Jr.) JUCO transfer
QB: #00 Peyton Culberson 6-5; 220 (Fr.)

July 18th, 2019, 02:49 PM
Votes are individual and obviously there was a head coach or SID (possibly Nicholls) who felt they were deserving. Obviously the rest of the league did not. You don't take their vote away just because no one else agrees. I would add that there isn't much separation from the top and bottom of the league, outside of HBU. Doesn't take much to flip a few games and teams that can stay healthy and have some good luck along the way will be in contention in the end. It could be anybody.

No one is taking a vote away from ACU for sure. So much potential. Obviously one SID or whoever thought much of them. Good for them. I honestly think this conference this year may be so close that Ws and Ls for most will be about even...parity. xlolx

- - - Updated - - -

60 freshmen for SFA.

Tough going for Blumrick.

Our QB situation

QB: #2 Trae Self 6-4; 190 (Jr.) JUCO transfer
(Looks to be the starter, but I could see Cam taking over at sometime during the season)
QB: #15 Cam Arnold 6-1; 205 (R/Fr.)
QB: #00 Preston Weeks 6-4; 230 (R/Fr.) Baylor transfer
QB: #4 Reece Shaw 6-5; 200 (Jr.) JUCO transfer
QB: #00 Peyton Culberson 6-5; 220 (Fr.)

I was depressed after listening to the SFA coach. xlolx But most teams have been there. SFA won't stay there long. EVER.

July 18th, 2019, 02:49 PM
Come on, Doc... I gave you the link!... xeyebrowx:D

I was watching it from the beginning with my ESPN app on Roku. I was just giving him wrong information about ESPN+ which I got from the McNeese website. Who would have ever thought that. ;)

July 18th, 2019, 02:51 PM
I was watching it from the beginning with my ESPN app on Roku. I was just giving him wrong information about ESPN+ which I got from the McNeese website. Who would have ever thought that. ;)

First the practices were confidential.
Now McNeese doesn't want it's press conferences public? xlolx

July 18th, 2019, 02:51 PM
Typical SLC Media Day. A lot of coaches talking but not really saying much. ;) ;)


July 18th, 2019, 02:55 PM
[QUOTE=BEAR;2781682]No one is taking a vote away from ACU for sure. So much potential. Obviously one SID or whoever thought much of them. Good for them. I honestly think this conference this year may be so close that Ws and Ls for most will be about even...parity. xlolx

- - - Updated - - -

It was nearly that last year with only three losses separating the champion and the eighth and ninth place team.

July 18th, 2019, 03:11 PM
[QUOTE=BEAR;2781682]No one is taking a vote away from ACU for sure. So much potential. Obviously one SID or whoever thought much of them. Good for them. I honestly think this conference this year may be so close that Ws and Ls for most will be about even...parity. xlolx

- - - Updated - - -

It was nearly that last year with only three losses separating the champion and the eighth and ninth place team.

Two years ago UIW won one game, Lamar two. Not unrealistic that ACU can win the conference.

July 18th, 2019, 03:15 PM

Two years ago UIW won one game, Lamar two. Not unrealistic that ACU can win the conference.

Not unrealistic that anyone could win it, except for maybe HBU. Even then, you never know, not sure who they've brought in transfer-wise.

July 18th, 2019, 03:32 PM
First the practices were confidential.
Now McNeese doesn't want it's press conferences public? xlolx

Even if you watched it, Sterling Gilbert didn't give away any of the "confidential top secrets". ;)


July 18th, 2019, 03:35 PM
Typical SLC Media Day. A lot of coaches talking but not really saying much. ;) ;)


Keeler said this may be the best defense since he has been here... maybe as good as his NC Delaware D. Said Dare won't compete for QB because of hip injury. RB may be the deepest position. He said that the locker room wasn't real good last year. He spent the most time talking about the new strength coach and dietitian.

July 18th, 2019, 04:00 PM
HBU coach, with FBS experience, sounds sooooooooooo nervous!

July 18th, 2019, 04:04 PM
HBU coach, with FBS experience, sounds sooooooooooo nervous!

No matter how much experience you have, some people aren't comfortable in front of a camera or a large group. It's not easy.

July 18th, 2019, 04:45 PM
No matter how much experience you have, some people aren't comfortable in front of a camera or a large group. It's not easy.

That's true. I give the guy credit. He's going into a tough job. But I'm sure Kansas got him ready.

July 18th, 2019, 05:20 PM
Disregard what I was saying. I see it is on ESPN3 and not ESPN+ like I thought for some reason.

Edit: The story on the McNeese athletic website said it was going to be on ESPN+ so that where I got it. Didn't just imagine it.


#FakeNewsMcNeese Can't believe anything from those guys!

July 18th, 2019, 06:14 PM
McNeese Press Release about SLC Football Media Day: https://mcneesesports.com/news/2019/7/18/slc-media-day-unofficially-kicks-off-2019-football-season.aspx

July 18th, 2019, 06:19 PM
Carthel of SFA takes the prize as the funniest! He had some good one-liners!

SFA 93
July 18th, 2019, 07:04 PM
I’m country as a syrup sandwich

- Cody Carthel

July 18th, 2019, 09:51 PM
UCA will win the conference this year We will be lucky to finish 6th.

July 18th, 2019, 10:26 PM
UCA will win the conference this year We will be lucky to finish 6th.

If Breylin Smith stays healthy, you are likely right.

SFA 93
July 19th, 2019, 09:05 AM
The Tiers of the Conference IMO (with Lamar winning it all)

Central Arkansas
Abilene Christian
Sam Houston State
Northwestern State (My dark horse)
McNeese State
Southeastern Louisiana
Stephen F. Austin

July 19th, 2019, 09:23 AM

July 19th, 2019, 10:14 AM
https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/67206533_2042930349145606_1667178249857269760_n.jp g?_nc_cat=104&_nc_oc=AQnnCaBYm0QbbJQ11y1H-Q4ek9k_ae5_-29j_5_oe8yceGS6WZxueWcdohoJ0UasE3E&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.xx&oh=35830662d116613c23ffc6e562f9eaa1&oe=5DA7E4EA

July 19th, 2019, 10:25 AM
HeroSports' take on SLC media day and possibilities this year.

"Last year was a teaser to a newer brand of Southland (has a ring to it, doesn't it?)."
"Hold off on the eye-rolling for a sec, oh ye of little Southland faith ... primarily those fans who reside in Missouri Valley and CAA realm. "
"So why is it crazier now than it was a few years ago? Is it because Sam Houston State and Central Arkansas were a bit down last year? Or was it because the Lamars, the Incarnate Words and the Abilene Christians suddenly threw themselves in the top tier and knocked off teams they hadn't beaten recently (if ever)."


Bottom line, I am happy to see the parity and can't wait to see how the season plays out because all of this makes for good football...

July 19th, 2019, 10:27 AM
https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/67206533_2042930349145606_1667178249857269760_n.jp g?_nc_cat=104&_nc_oc=AQnnCaBYm0QbbJQ11y1H-Q4ek9k_ae5_-29j_5_oe8yceGS6WZxueWcdohoJ0UasE3E&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.xx&oh=35830662d116613c23ffc6e562f9eaa1&oe=5DA7E4EA

The board is looking really nice!!

July 19th, 2019, 11:27 AM
HeroSports' take on SLC media day and possibilities this year.

"Last year was a teaser to a newer brand of Southland (has a ring to it, doesn't it?)."
"Hold off on the eye-rolling for a sec, oh ye of little Southland faith ... primarily those fans who reside in Missouri Valley and CAA realm. "
"So why is it crazier now than it was a few years ago? Is it because Sam Houston State and Central Arkansas were a bit down last year? Or was it because the Lamars, the Incarnate Words and the Abilene Christians suddenly threw themselves in the top tier and knocked off teams they hadn't beaten recently (if ever)."


Bottom line, I am happy to see the parity and can't wait to see how the season plays out because all of this makes for good football...

The key is for the Southland to win their OOC games. We need some revenge on North Dakota. I'm sure they are working out like mad men in the weight room, so I hope we're ready.

July 19th, 2019, 12:30 PM
The key is for the Southland to win their OOC games. We need some revenge on North Dakota. I'm sure they are working out like mad men in the weight room, so I hope we're ready.

Could we get lucky with UNT, possibly. I don't see that with Mississippi State..... Even with UNT, we just hopet to beat the spread again.

I would love for you guys to avenge that 1 point loss...and I think you wil.

July 19th, 2019, 01:32 PM
Could we get lucky with UNT, possibly. I don't see that with Mississippi State..... Even with UNT, we just hopet to beat the spread again.

I would love for you guys to avenge that 1 point loss...and I think you wil.

UNT is good. We lost to UND last year because of poor QB play from our transfer (who is out now). If Brock had played the whole game, I think we win. I also think we have a shot against New Mexico in our opener. They were the FBS team we beat in our undefeated (until Frisco) 2011 season.

July 19th, 2019, 04:40 PM
Words cannot describe the excitement we have hosting the predicted SLC winner, Nicholls St, at our place. PV is predicted to be the 2nd place SWAC W finisher behind Southern U.

I'm not sure where we stand w/ the identified weaknesses evident last fall, in terms of upgrading. No disrespect to our starters last fall who are returning but it's my understanding that MANY of them are being pushed by a few transfers and current freshmen who enrolled early.

July 19th, 2019, 04:41 PM
Could we get lucky with UNT, possibly. I don't see that with Mississippi State..... Even with UNT, we just hopet to beat the spread again.

I would love for you guys to avenge that 1 point loss...and I think you wil.

ACU is assuredly up and coming but that UNT-Denton hurdle is very high. They have slightly returned to form.

July 19th, 2019, 04:50 PM
Words cannot describe the excitement we have hosting the predicted SLC winner, Nicholls St, at our place. PV is predicted to be the 2nd place SWAC W finisher behind Southern U.

I'm not sure where we stand w/ the identified weaknesses evident last fall, in terms of upgrading. No disrespect to our starters last fall who are returning but it's my understanding that MANY of them are being pushed by a few transfers and current freshmen who enrolled early.

Good luck against Nicholls. That will be an early measure of how good you guys are. I want you to beat them because they are Nicholls. I don't want you to beat them because they are SLC and it would be a OOC loss.

July 19th, 2019, 04:54 PM
Information for McNeese and Southern fans regarding ticket sales and tailgating for Jag fans for the August 31st tussle: https://mcneesesports.com/news/2019/7/19/football-mcneese-southern-tickets-on-sale-now.aspx

July 19th, 2019, 05:16 PM
Information for McNeese and Southern fans regarding ticket sales and tailgating for Jag fans for the August 31st tussle: https://mcneesesports.com/news/2019/7/19/football-mcneese-southern-tickets-on-sale-now.aspx

This will sell out, I bet.

July 19th, 2019, 05:22 PM
This will sell out, I bet.

I imagine! One Saturday morning as I was heading from Houston to LC for a football game, I kept passing vehicle after vehicle with flags flying and such heading the other direction and was wondering what was going on -- found out that it was the Jaguar Nation heading to TSU or Prairie View. They can pack a stadium fast!

July 19th, 2019, 07:28 PM
UNT is going to be a HUGE hurdle, still.......


July 21st, 2019, 03:00 AM
Could we get lucky with UNT, possibly. I don't see that with Mississippi State..... Even with UNT, we just hopet to beat the spread again.

I would love for you guys to avenge that 1 point loss...and I think you wil.

UNT beat UIW by 40 plus points last year. If ACU plays a close game vs the Mean Green I’ll take that as an omen of good things to cone once we start SLC action.

July 22nd, 2019, 07:48 AM
Love seeing the players out there running in the morning. It's getting close!

I think it's Nicholls to lose this year. But we face them Oct. 5th as our second conference game of the year at their place. Ugh. :(