View Full Version : MVFC Megathread: 2019 Edition

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March 9th, 2019, 08:09 PM
I guess we now find out what attendance looks like when you biggest, and best, horse and attendance driver is it out after 1 game.............

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March 9th, 2019, 08:17 PM
I guess we now find out what attendance looks like when you biggest, and best, horse and attendance driver is it out after 1 game.............

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

You guys can take them now.

March 9th, 2019, 11:46 PM
Even got the nod from UMBC...


March 10th, 2019, 10:32 AM
**** the MVC.....leave them be. Build the Summit....all sports conference and move on.

I support this idea.

MVC & Summit need to straight up trade Omaha, Denver, ORU, and PFW for UNI, Illinois State, Indiana State, Southern Illinois, and Missouri State


Conference tournament in Des Moines

Sidenote; watching last nights loss to WIU was like watching a FB against NDSU. I could tell we were going to lose after about 10 minutes of watching. Kudos to WIU.

March 10th, 2019, 01:17 PM
I guess we now find out what attendance looks like when you biggest, and best, horse and attendance driver is it out after 1 game.............

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

Make up your mind are we talking about MVFC or basketball.. back basketball I guess. I think attendance is going to take a hit, but USD, UNO and NDSU fans now have a chance to setup. All of those fan bases have a history of supporting the school in other sports. Time to step it up in basketball. I noticed a group of UNO hockey fans at the game last night against UND. UNO has a solid team this year. If they make a run to the dance. I don't see that as a bad thing. Plus you still have USD vs SDSU on the ladies side that will pull in plenty of support.

In general, I would say things got a lot more interesting in Summit League.

March 10th, 2019, 01:28 PM
I forgot you run your men's and women's in the same building at the same time

How are attendance numbers counted in that?

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Professor Chaos
March 10th, 2019, 02:06 PM
I forgot you run your men's and women's in the same building at the same time

How are attendance numbers counted in that?

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
The sessions are separated, you need separate tickets for each session, and attendance is counted separately for each session. There's 2 sessions with 2 games each Saturday through Monday and the Tuesday has 2 single game sessions for the championship games.

March 10th, 2019, 02:24 PM
Even got the nod from UMBC...

Hah that's freaking great!
Well done WIU /hi-5

March 10th, 2019, 02:49 PM
My favorite part of MVC basketball is when Drake and Loyola realize they just combined to win 44 meaningless games

March 10th, 2019, 03:41 PM
Brutal loss for UNI. Had that one in the bag. Granted, not as brutal as SDSU, but they were on the doorstep of the big dance and had one foot in already.

March 10th, 2019, 08:52 PM
Brutal loss for UNI. Had that one in the bag. Granted, not as brutal as SDSU, but they were on the doorstep of the big dance and had one foot in already.
Almost as brutal as their choke job in the dance a few years ago. xlolx

Redbird 4th & short
March 11th, 2019, 06:10 AM
My favorite part of MVC basketball is when Drake and Loyola realize they just combined to win 44 meaningless games

http://www.anygivensaturday.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxITEhUTEhMVFhUVFhUVGBcYFxUVFRYVFhUWFxcVFR UYHSggGBolHRUVITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMsNyguLisBCgoKDg0O GhAQFy0dFx0rLS0tKystLS0tLS0tLS0rLSstLS0tLS0tLS0rLS 0rNystLS0tNy0tKzctKys3LSstK//AABEIAKgBLAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBAMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGAwQFBwABAgj/xABUEAACAQMDAQUCCQYICggHAAABAgMABBEFEiExBgcTQVEiYR QjMjVxdIGRoQhisbKzwTQ2QlJzg7TRFSQzcnWCkpPE8ERTY2SE w HxFiVDlKLC0//EABkBAAMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgMEBf/EACARAQEAAgMBAAMBAQAAAAAAAAABAhEDEiExEzJBYVH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AKwxWDiuUaliM1qhitXcnSm5OK7MnFBEy1cmtE1zuoN14oXknA qUk0m7KbhY3m3Gd/weXbj1zjpRr3CaNFPd3FxIoZrVYhGDghXlLkyAfzgI8A/nH3Yt1u0R/wAKDT/D4Nn8K8TdznxvC2bcdOM5z9lRcj08qQT9NuTkgAAEkk9AB1zT6 7hnClngnVQMlmikAHvJI4q0u93RIotW0y5jXa1xcIsuAAGaOaE q5/OIcgn80Uf96nzTe/0J/SKOx6UakzPahJLe5DoOG8CUqV65JxxUM8rBFXa58XmMBSS/ YOpr1BcfwFvqx/ZVXf5Pujp8Ea8cb5mcwox5McMYUBEz8nLFicdeKO1HWKil0e7j UvJZ3caAZLvbyqgA8yxHApGGXJUIGctwoQFmJAycKOfKvTWhdp jcX19aeHtFmYAH3ZL 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PNbrK5eT668P1Qk8pzSImNZWUoWzuyvSpB9KOdJ1UToEPVen21 qsqMpG2N8AnbfWvFkEcZ Kj6fnOerfZ0hlZTWVldmH6xw532pbQ5yCwyRuHPvx/70ymb2j9JrVZU4/s1z/SLL7rrDbCZf5Urcf5i8D8c0fE4GSTWVlTfrCm5uscZpzHJWVlI iwi3dOtN5bYg4NZWUitJmxYH1BpcW1ZWUwk7ezzTw2pAzWqyqQ RjuwDt6GnNzeDwWAJzjqAT NbrKV LgKW33OPTOam4ZWXO1CcZxyeSHwB04yvP/tWVlZ431WXw8m1CRQfi m7HJ5wwC XGQc 7FIXHanYSqgMQWHG49CcDIBwcY/9aysot0nEtb9onJwFBGeThhj28enmuT9nvFOpNSlKqWTAbbxhs jLOCeR6BTz0 0VlZWko7Ml1WTCqFG7bluvssV3BR6 hPrVe9ru76W uWuFnWAsqbl8JmywUZfIK89B59OtZWVHauiYzT//Z (https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjJ2_KQ-vngAhUSGKwKHZ2LAsQQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fmemegenerator.net%2Finstance%2F6 8512133%2Fcharlie-bit-me-ouch-charlie-that-really-hurt&psig=AOvVaw2wwsML3Gx1lEmWBYQEDfOx&ust=1552389042625368)https://sayingimages.com/wp-content/uploads/ouch-thats-gotta-hurt-meme.jpg (https://sayingimages.com/ouch-meme/)

March 11th, 2019, 09:32 PM
Turns out, without SDSU that vaunted SLT attendance is less than stellar

Less than half full and of those there it's 85% SDSU fans still. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190312/bb0a624c5aea4cc6019a1eb2a5ab1825.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190312/94531b594268753bfc0ff9aa350248b4.jpg

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

March 11th, 2019, 10:51 PM
Its going to be OK.... NDSU is in the championship game and its on ESPN. We all know how well NDSU travels. Relax enjoy the season.

Professor Chaos
March 11th, 2019, 11:18 PM
Turns out, without SDSU that vaunted SLT attendance is less than stellar

Less than half full and of those there it's 85% SDSU fans still. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190312/bb0a624c5aea4cc6019a1eb2a5ab1825.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190312/94531b594268753bfc0ff9aa350248b4.jpg

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
This surprises you?

March 12th, 2019, 06:24 AM
Turns out, without SDSU that vaunted SLT attendance is less than stellar

Less than half full and of those there it's 85% SDSU fans still. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190312/bb0a624c5aea4cc6019a1eb2a5ab1825.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190312/94531b594268753bfc0ff9aa350248b4.jpg

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

So you are telling me that when the tournament #1 seed which has its campus about an hour away lost the attendance would go way down. Wow, no kidding.


March 12th, 2019, 10:47 AM
Turns out, without SDSU that vaunted SLT attendance is less than stellar

It's a pretty known fact that SDSU carries the SLT attendance numbers... Not sure what you're proving here.

March 12th, 2019, 12:37 PM
It's a pretty known fact that SDSU carries the SLT attendance numbers... Not sure what you're proving here.Was told that the SLT had passed Arch Madness because the year they had their biggest fan base, less than an hour, from the arena, out drew Arch Madness the first year after it lost its largest base.

Attendance in StL has been down with sCUm and WSU out. But outside of SDSU games the SLT is averaging about half what Arch Madness did.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

March 12th, 2019, 07:15 PM
Was told that the SLT had passed Arch Madness because the year they had their biggest fan base, less than an hour, from the arena, out drew Arch Madness the first year after it lost its largest base.

Attendance in StL has been down with sCUm and WSU out. But outside of SDSU games the SLT is averaging about half what Arch Madness did.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

Just to be clear, my reply was to you on this statement -The idea they (CU and WSU) carried the conference has always been an interesting narrative.

My reply was to show only a simple example of the impact using "attendance" which has dropped around 50% in the last 6 years. I am sure that it will stabilize and maybe improve but I don't see how it can ever recover. Here is another example of the impact:

Again using attendance as the basis:

Take the last year of MVC total attendance with both CU and WSU (2013) -

Remove CU and WSU attendance (I used 2017 data for the both schools 478,500) - you have 742,795

Now add Loyola and Valpo
(74,184) into that number - you have 816,979. You would expect that be a reasonable approach to estimate the attendance for the MVC in 2018.

The actual MVC total attendance number for 2018 - 627,314. So, not only did the MVC lose CU and WSU attendance, there was a drop of over 23% on average at each school. That is a hard hit to a direct revenue source to pay those coaches at each school. Now some of that can be the individual schools product on the court. But, I believe most of it was the lack of having those marque games to motivate the individual fans to by tickets. IMO, the MVC is going to have a very hard time returning to 2013 levels. I hope they do - MVC success is a good thing for college basketball.

March 12th, 2019, 07:38 PM
The empty arena won't look good on ESPN2 tonight. haha

POD Knows
March 12th, 2019, 10:05 PM
The empty arena won't look good on ESPN2 tonight. hahaDude, there are empty arenas all over the place in all sort of these thing.

March 12th, 2019, 10:50 PM
Empty was watching Great West Championship USD vs UND at Utah Valley.

March 13th, 2019, 11:24 AM
Football school won. How bout that?

Bison Fan in NW MN
March 13th, 2019, 03:33 PM
Isn't there a college BB section somewhere on this site?


March 14th, 2019, 08:15 AM
Isn't there a college BB section somewhere on this site?


Apparently you found it

March 16th, 2019, 08:19 AM
Isn't there a college BB section somewhere on this site?


Apparently you found it

I think it is okay to lift the "non-football talk" ban during the months of February-July. Especially when it relates to March basketball.

March 16th, 2019, 02:31 PM
I think it is okay to lift the "non-football talk" ban during the months of February-July. Especially when it relates to March basketball.

But only if your team made the men's basketball NCAA tourney of that current year. xcoffeex

March 17th, 2019, 09:54 AM
But only if your team made the men's basketball NCAA tourney of that current year. xcoffeex

This is why you don't normally hear from me much from January to July.

March 17th, 2019, 06:21 PM
This is why you don't normally hear from me much from January to July.

I thought it was cause internet is sketchy in Forgotonia.

March 18th, 2019, 10:59 AM
I'd like to personally welcome the MVC to low major status. :D

March 18th, 2019, 05:08 PM
I'd like to personally welcome the MVC to low major status. :D


Thumper 76
March 25th, 2019, 11:34 AM
SDSU has had spring ball going on for a while now, though there won’t be much info from it with Zimmer being on the road with the women’s basketball team at the Dance. Initial reports are that Gibbs has been taking first team reps, but otherwise I don’t think anybody knows much of anything.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

March 25th, 2019, 08:25 PM
Here is the Bison Media Blog's look at the 2019 Bison position groups.



Redbird 4th & short
March 27th, 2019, 07:24 AM
Here is the Bison Media Blog's look at the 2019 Bison position groups.



xscanx Very dire situation, I'm thinking 1-11 ... OT win over Butler. Been a nice run though !!!


March 27th, 2019, 08:11 AM
xscanx Very dire situation, I'm thinking 1-11 ... OT win over Butler. Been a nice run though !!!

We're screwed. The depth chart put out has QB open.......yeah didn't even list one!

March 27th, 2019, 09:00 AM
We're screwed. The depth chart put out has QB open.......yeah didn't even list one!

Two 3* and one 2* QB's. All of them would be be starters on a lot of FCS teams. Plus a QB coach that has produced 3 pros in a row. Such dire circumstances.

Redbird 4th & short
March 27th, 2019, 11:10 AM
We're screwed. The depth chart put out has QB open.......yeah didn't even list one!

kidding aside for moment .. the only reason that even matters at this point is because of all the other lost personnel and coaching. If not for that, I doubt anyone in Bisonville would be losing a wink of sleep over your "current" QB uncertainty. But even having experienced a loss to your Bison in 2014, after similar situation coming out of your 2013 team .. I still do think, this is the most prone NDSU has been since the run started. You don't have a Carson Wentz waiting in the wings this time.

So you probably won't need OT to beat Butler, and you'll probably do better than 1-11 ... but I would not be surprised to see a 3 loss season at all. Then it's just a question of whether the new coach was able to bring it all together by playoffs.

I can hope ... right ????

https://i.chzbgr.com/full/6933490432/h9DCD01EB/ (https://icanhas.cheezburger.com/justcapshunz/tag/pretty-please)

March 27th, 2019, 11:10 AM
Going to be a fun year.

Redbird 4th & short
March 27th, 2019, 11:44 AM
Going to be a fun year.
BTW .. I'm not saying it won't come together for playoffs, much less that your reign is over. I just think the 2019 regular season will prove to be your toughest since 2010.

March 28th, 2019, 12:36 AM
BTW .. I'm not saying it won't come together for playoffs, much less that your reign is over. I just think the 2019 regular season will prove to be your toughest since 2010.
I agree. The only thing is the talent has gotten better. However, we don't know how good the new coaches are. I am concerned about our DC. Coaches will need to prove themselves.

Professor Chaos
March 28th, 2019, 08:35 AM
I agree. The only thing is the talent has gotten better. However, we don't know how good the new coaches are. I am concerned about our DC. Coaches will need to prove themselves.
I think both coordinators are going to have some growing pains. On one hand, it's nice to have coaches who are hungry to prove themselves. I'm sure it energizes the entire team because, let's be honest, without a shakeup like this it was only a matter of time before complacency set in with the coaching staff. On the other hand, having a first time HC, a first time OC, and a first time DC (although Braun was a co-DC at the D2 level) is kind of risky especially with a pretty tough OOC slate once they get past the Butler game.

March 28th, 2019, 09:15 AM
This will definitely be an interesting year for the Bison. For the first time in 10 years we don't know who the starting QB is going to be, we can speculate but until it's announced it's an unknown. The good news is we have the best QB coach in FCS if not all of college FB. He will have those guys ready to go and compete. Just a matter of who steps up and takes the reigns. I'm less worried about the players and more concerned with the coaching staff as a whole. They lost a lot of experience but there's something to be said for youthful exuberance too. New blood can be a good thing. Hopefully these guys prove to just as capable as our previous staffs. There's a new excitement this season to see what this years staff and team can do.

March 28th, 2019, 09:55 AM
Klieman did not leave the shelves empty on the recruiting classes front, let's put it that way.

We will see if this staff resonates with the kids. I'm cautiously optimistic the FCS is going to be grumpy come December.

Thumper 76
March 29th, 2019, 08:22 AM
Klieman did not leave the shelves empty on the recruiting classes front, let's put it that way.

We will see if this staff resonates with the kids. I'm cautiously optimistic the FCS is going to be grumpy come December.

I’m always grumpy come December anyways.

POD Knows
March 29th, 2019, 11:50 AM
I’m always grumpy come December anyways.
Why is that? WBB should have started by then.

Redbird 4th & short
March 29th, 2019, 04:39 PM
I’m always grumpy come December anyways.
some of us by November lately ...


April 8th, 2019, 11:22 AM
Looks like Seth Wilson is gone via severe knee injury from practice last week :(

April 8th, 2019, 11:16 PM
Looks like Seth Wilson is gone via severe knee injury from practice last week :(

Yep. Here is the article and video.



April 9th, 2019, 12:46 PM
Looks like Seth Wilson is gone via severe knee injury from practice last week :(

Injuries suck but I despise spring ball injuries like that. Sometimes I wonder why they even have it. I think training might be more beneficial.

April 10th, 2019, 12:10 AM
Injuries suck but I despise spring ball injuries like that. Sometimes I wonder why they even have it. I think training might be more beneficial.

It was a non contact injury so it could have happened during training as well.

April 10th, 2019, 10:25 AM
Damnit :(

Thumper 76
April 10th, 2019, 02:49 PM
Damnit :(

That sucks. Feel bad for the kid.

April 10th, 2019, 10:48 PM
It was a non contact injury so it could have happened during training as well.

ive adopted a "no training" policy in my personal life

April 11th, 2019, 09:33 AM
ive adopted a "no training" policy in my personal life

That sir is a good plan. I will follow your lead.

142 days until Bison football.


Bison Fan in NW MN
May 25th, 2019, 07:19 PM
Just throwing this out there because I am bored tonight.

My very early Valley rankings and these probably will change.

2. Ill State
4. UNI
5. Ind State
6. YSU
7. WIU
8. USD
9. MSU
10. SIU

May 25th, 2019, 07:57 PM
Just throwing this out there because I am bored tonight.

My very early Valley rankings and these probably will change.

2. Ill State
4. UNI
5. Ind State
6. YSU
7. WIU
8. USD
9. MSU
10. SIU

SDSU way to high. SIU too low.

Also Lehigh too low.

Bison Fan in NW MN
May 25th, 2019, 08:24 PM
SDSU way to high. SIU too low.

Also Lehigh too low.

Jacks will have a good running game and a ton back on defense....they will be right there.

SIU still plays no defense. Until then, they are at the bottom for me.

Redbird 4th & short
May 29th, 2019, 06:11 AM
Jacks will have a good running game and a ton back on defense....they will be right there.

SIU still plays no defense. Until then, they are at the bottom for me.
agreed, SDSU has proven it reloads as well as anyone. ANd SIU just doesn't seem to be able to pull things together on defense.

My top 4: NDSU, SDSU, ISUr, UNI

Next 4: ISUb, WIU, YSU, USD .. thinking YSU and USD will struggle more than usual this year.

Bottom 2: SIU, MoST

And given MVFC (3 teams went 7-2 overall and 6-1 OOC), CAA (3-6 overall, 2-5 OOC), and Southland (1-3 overall and OOC) playoff performance, I see MVFC returning to 4 or 5 playoff teams this fall. Idea that 6-4 ISUb didn't get in, while 2 other 4 loss teams did from Southland did make it ... that shouldn't happen again.

May 29th, 2019, 08:24 AM
I think ISUb will be as good but probably better than 2018. Our best 2 players are back and our entire O-Line is back and I think at least 4 are seniors (although I'll need them to prove they can move the LOS when the D knows the run is coming). Although we won 6 D1 games last year 4 of them were in the balance with the opponents having the ball and needing 1 score to win at the end of the 4th qtr. On the other hand, we lost 2 games that way. We have 7 home games and play Kansas as our money game. Our non-conference schedule is Dayton EIU and EKU all at home. We miss NDSU this year and play UNI and ISUr on the road. I would not be stunned if we won between 5 and 11 games. The only game I really dont think we could win is the UNI game and that is just because that is the 1 game every year I say that about. I'd put our over under at 8 and if I had to bet against it, I'd take the over. On the other hand, If we lose 1 of 2 players all bets are off.

Professor Chaos
May 29th, 2019, 08:29 AM
I think ISUb will be as good but probably better than 2018. Our best 2 players are back and our entire O-Line is back and I think at least 4 are seniors (although I'll need them to prove they can move the LOS when the D knows the run is coming). Although we won 6 D1 games last year 4 of them were in the balance with the opponents having the ball and needing 1 score to win at the end of the 4th qtr. On the other hand, we lost 2 games that way. We have 7 home games and play Kansas as our money game. Our non-conference schedule is Dayton EIU and EKU all at home. We miss NDSU this year and play UNI and ISUr on the road. I would not be stunned if we won between 5 and 11 games. The only game I really dont think we could win is the UNI game and that is just because that is the 1 game every year I say that about. I'd put our over under at 8 and if I had to bet against it, I'd take the over. On the other hand, If we lose 1 of 2 players all bets are off.
Nice to see the Sycs with an all D1 schedule. Even though a non-scholly Dayton is probably an easier opponent than a good D2 it sure seems to make a difference in the eyes of the selection committee when a team is on the bubble to have that extra D1 win against anyone.

May 29th, 2019, 08:41 AM
Nice to see the Sycs with an all D1 schedule. Even though a non-scholly Dayton is probably an easier opponent than a good D2 it sure seems to make a difference in the eyes of the selection committee when a team is on the bubble to have that extra D1 win against anyone.

Agreed, I think we just needed to buy a home game last year but in all honesty, if we would have gone with a FCS team we could have lost due to who we were starting at QB so it might have been moot.

If we can keep Mallory for 3 more years it would be nice.

Redbird 4th & short
May 29th, 2019, 08:53 AM
Agreed, I think we just needed to buy a home game last year but in all honesty, if we would have gone with a FCS team we could have lost due to who we were starting at QB so it might have been moot.

If we can keep Mallory for 3 more years it would be nice.
I think Professor's point is even though USUb played (like ISUr) patsy team that was a non-D-I team, 95% of FCS teams play 1 patsy game and win easily ... what does it matter that they happened to be a bad FCS team or a non-DI team .. you would have had a 7th win either way. ISUr did same thing ... we our roasted AD for it, but he was lucky it became moot point when we lost our 5th game to you guys to go 6-5 ... which was 5-5 against D-I. if we had beaten your ISUb and gone 7-4 and not gotten a bid, even while deserved, or AD would have gotten lit up on Redbird forum. We railed him as soon as the St Xavier game (very good NAIA team from Chicago) showed up on schedule. His response was to not even try rescheduling, he literally said "scheduling is hard" and refused to try to reschedule it .. no matter how many FCS teams we found that were also still looking for a game that weekend well into summer. He was more concerned with his budget (cheap buy game for local St Xavier team, 90 minute bus ride for them) than giving our team a best shot at playoffs .. he wanted a 6th profitable home game more than shot at playoffs apparently.

I accept the rule and mostly like it .. but fact remains and to Professor's point, what does it matter which patsy team you play and beat .. our SOS was still top 10 with the STX game.

May 29th, 2019, 09:21 AM
agreed, SDSU has proven it reloads as well as anyone. ANd SIU just doesn't seem to be able to pull things together on defense.

My top 4: NDSU, SDSU, ISUr, UNI

Next 4: ISUb, WIU, YSU, USD .. thinking YSU and USD will struggle more than usual this year.

Bottom 2: SIU, MoST

And given MVFC (3 teams went 7-2 overall and 6-1 OOC), CAA (3-6 overall, 2-5 OOC), and Southland (1-3 overall and OOC) playoff performance, I see MVFC returning to 4 or 5 playoff teams this fall. Idea that 6-4 ISUb didn't get in, while 2 other 4 loss teams did from Southland did make it ... that shouldn't happen again.Nice list. I'd put ISUb ahead of UNI though. In my experience, WIU usually has their best years when it's unexpected so they could be a surprise.

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

May 29th, 2019, 09:26 AM
I think Professor's point is even though USUb played (like ISUr) patsy team that was a non-D-I team, 95% of FCS teams play 1 patsy game and win easily ... what does it matter that they happened to be a bad FCS team or a non-DI team .. you would have had a 7th win either way. ISUr did same thing ... we our roasted AD for it, but he was lucky it became moot point when we lost our 5th game to you guys to go 6-5 ... which was 5-5 against D-I. if we had beaten your ISUb and gone 7-4 and not gotten a bid, even while deserved, or AD would have gotten lit up on Redbird forum. We railed him as soon as the St Xavier game (very good NAIA team from Chicago) showed up on schedule. His response was to not even try rescheduling, he literally said "scheduling is hard" and refused to try to reschedule it .. no matter how many FCS teams we found that were also still looking for a game that weekend well into summer. He was more concerned with his budget (cheap buy game for local St Xavier team, 90 minute bus ride for them) than giving our team a best shot at playoffs .. he wanted a 6th profitable home game more than shot at playoffs apparently.

I accept the rule and mostly like it .. but fact remains and to Professor's point, what does it matter which patsy team you play and beat .. our SOS was still top 10 with the STX game.

I understood what he said. Our biggest problem was that our wins during our 5 game win streak were wins that put a few of the teams into the "not a good win" column. I think you guys at 7-4 would have had a win over a FBS team. Our Quincy win wasnt considered a win over a good D2 team either.

May 29th, 2019, 10:56 AM
I also think the Top 4 will be NDSU, SDSU, then a toss up between UNI and ISUr. I have ISUb next. Then toss up with WIU and YSU. That leaves USD, MSU and SIU fighting it out for the basement. There will always be a surprise team, but it won’t be YSU. They just aren’t very good again. NDSU should win it again.

May 30th, 2019, 06:05 AM
Timelapse video of SIU's new turf...


May 30th, 2019, 08:15 AM
Timelapse video of SIU's new turf...


Pretty cool video.

Redbird 4th & short
May 30th, 2019, 10:14 AM
I understood what he said. Our biggest problem was that our wins during our 5 game win streak were wins that put a few of the teams into the "not a good win" column. I think you guys at 7-4 would have had a win over a FBS team. Our Quincy win wasnt considered a win over a good D2 team either.
gotcha ... I'm pretty sure you would beaten an FCS patsy regardless, and your SOS ranked #15 even with the D-II game. Still don't get why your 6-4 record was not viewed as playoff worthy as 4th team from MVFC, while Southland also got 3 teams in playoffs including 2 teams 6-4 records against clearly weaker SOS's. Then our teams went 7-2, Southland went 1-3, CAA (un precedented 6 teams !!!) went 3-6 ... I think argument for ISUb at 6-4 was pretty obvious before the playoffs started and even more blatantly obvious after the playoffs ended. Lamar was a hot 6-4 team, but so was ISUb (won 5 straight) and ISUb clearly played a tougher SOS.

In short, MVFC (ISUb this time) got screwed again last year ... hope commitee looks much closer at this come 2019 playoff time.

POD Knows
May 30th, 2019, 10:29 AM
gotcha ... I'm pretty sure you would beaten an FCS patsy regardless, and your SOS ranked #15 even with the D-II game. Still don't get why your 6-4 record was not viewed as playoff worthy as 4th team from MVFC, while Southland also got 3 teams in playoffs including 2 teams with 4 losses against clearly weaker SOS's. Our teams went 7-2, Southland went 1-3, CAA (un precedented 6 teams !!!) went 3-6 ... I think argument for ISUb at 6-4 was pretty obvious before the playoffs started and even more blatantly obvious after the playoffs ended. Lamar was a hot 6-4 team, but so was ISUb (won 5 straight) and ISUb clearly played a tougher SOS.

In short, MVFC (ISUb this time) got screwed again last year ... hope commitee looks much closer at this come 2019 playoff time.Love watered down playoffs, NDSU outscored their two non-MVFC foes 87-10 last year in the playoffs (excluding championship game). Keep 'em coming.

May 30th, 2019, 11:03 AM
Love watered down playoffs, NDSU outscored their two non-MVFC foes 87-10 last year in the playoffs (excluding championship game). Keep 'em coming.

although, in 2014 we made the round of 16 and wouldnt have been selected for a 16 team tournament. I think we would have had a real shot to do it last year if they would have sent us to SEMO since we were getting our #1RB back (we were down to #3 and 4 starting at half time of the 1st game of the win streak). Im a fan of the expanded playoffs. I watch more of the games the first weekend than I do the later rounds.

POD Knows
May 30th, 2019, 11:13 AM
although, in 2014 we made the round of 16 and wouldnt have been selected for a 16 team tournament. I think we would have had a real shot to do it last year if they would have sent us to SEMO since we were getting our #1RB back (we were down to #3 and 4 starting at half time of the 1st game of the win streak). Im a fan of the expanded playoffs. I watch more of the games the first weekend than I do the later rounds.I really wasn't referencing the 24 team tournament, my jab was directed at some of these conferences getting multiple teams in and then collapsing.

Redbird 4th & short
May 30th, 2019, 11:45 AM
I really wasn't referencing the 24 team tournament, my jab was directed at some of these conferences getting multiple teams in and then collapsing.
this x 100 ... and these were not weak autobids in 2018 ... it was actually the strongest group of auto-bids I've ever seen. These were bad at large bids selected by the committee and MVFC got screwed again. I'll admit, Colonial looked and was stronger (i.e. deeper) in 2018 ... but 6 teams ?? For CAA's 3 playoff wins ... Maine did step up and win 2 games (JSU and Weber St), but only other win was conf game .. JMU over Delaware, with JMU losing to Colgate by 3 in round of 16 .. same Colgate who next lost 35-0 to NDSU. All 4 other CAA teams were one and done .. Elon lost to Wofford (19-7), Towson lost to Duequense by 21 .. same Duquense who next lost to SDSU by 45 ... then Stoney Brook lost to SEMO by 14 .. same SEMO who lost to Weber St by 25.

I once did the math on how much Colonial teams benefit from not having to play all their in-conference teams because they have 12 teams and play only 8 games. On average this is worth over 1 extra win per year, not having to play all the top teams .. meaning all the 8-3 teams would (by sheer math) have been 7-4 teams if all CAA teams had to play everyone ... that is, when 2 good teams play each other, 1 has to come away with loss. Same in Big Sky (14 teams), but their top 3 were clearly deserving both before and after playoffs. As it happens, their 4th team Mont St destroyed 6-4 Incarnate Word. MVFC is consistently strongest and has only 10 teams .. we only don't play 1 team each year .. our 6-4 or 7-4 should mean more than it does in Colonial and Big Sky, and wayy way more than it does in Southland or Southern (i.e. 7-3 ETSU .. how many weak wins can one team have ??).

Bottom line, did the committee really believe that 6-4 in Southland is better than 6-4 in MVFC a ... seriously ??? And not just once, but twice ... both Lamar and IW got in at 6-4 and were one and done. Did the committee really believe that Colonial deserved a 6th team over MVFC getting a 4th team. How'd that work out for Southland and Colonial playoffs ?? All it did was pad our playoff record lead even further since 2010 ... no conference is even close to MVFC in playoff record since 2010. I'll pull up the playof records .. again with and without NDSU. Even excluding NDSU, no other conference will be close to MVFC ... though Big Sky fared well last year.

It all defied logic ... before and after the 2018 playoffs.

May 30th, 2019, 12:52 PM
I really wasn't referencing the 24 team tournament, my jab was directed at some of these conferences getting multiple teams in and then collapsing.

got ya

May 30th, 2019, 08:52 PM
I know it’s a bit early to talk underrated recruits In football for 2020-2022 but I thought I’d bring up a few potential MVFC targets from my area of Wisconsin as not a lot of people actually notice these players as quality,

Tyler Tenner - RB - Racine Lutheran Class of 2020: https://twitter.com/theonlyctenner/status/1122128294097321986?s=21

Here’s some clips of this kid from last years playoffs and you’ll see why he’s a D1 talent.

Seth Hultman OL/DL - Racine Lutheran Class of 2022- Started as a Freshman on a team that was Runner up in their division. His Metrics on rosters are no longer accurate. He’s grown from 5’8 to 6’2 this school year and is one of those type of kids Iowa would turn into a TE or something. Very Athletic kid for a Lineman and I wouldn’t be surprised to see him at a Valley school.

Tanner Keller - Waterford - Class of 2020 RB/DB - This part of the state is a goldmine for RB’s. This is your prototypical Speed back Thats hard to bring down. There’s tape out there somewhere but it’s becoming increasingly hard to find tape on these kids cause nobody is really taking the time to film some of these lesser known prospects.

There aren’t that many underrated prospects in this part of the state this year as a lot of the ones that were underrated now have scholarship offers. I doubt coaches actually read this board but these kids would be solid pickups for an MVFC school.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

May 31st, 2019, 10:51 AM
Jacks/Gophers game has been set for 8 P.M. on Thursday, August 29th. Will be televised nationally on FS1. Hopefully we can take an FBS scalp in front of a national audience. All depends on who we trot out at QB and how they perform.

June 2nd, 2019, 12:11 AM
Jacks/Gophers game has been set for 8 P.M. on Thursday, August 29th. Will be televised nationally on FS1. Hopefully we can take an FBS scalp in front of a national audience. All depends on who we trot out at QB and how they perform.

I will take MN. Avatar bet? ;)

Bison Fan in NW MN
June 2nd, 2019, 08:58 AM
Jacks/Gophers game has been set for 8 P.M. on Thursday, August 29th. Will be televised nationally on FS1. Hopefully we can take an FBS scalp in front of a national audience. All depends on who we trot out at QB and how they perform.

Row the Boat will be in full form.

I'm taking SDSU in this one. Strong Jr runs for over 200.....I'm calling it now....xnodx:)

June 3rd, 2019, 07:38 AM
Sycamores @ Jayhawks scheduled for 11AM on 8/31. I'd like to see us win this one. Probably the best chance of beating a P5 team we could have. I have to think starting the game at 10AM for ISUb wasn't overlooked as an advantage by KU.

edit: after realizing which way the earth rotates, I think this is a huge oversight by KU and I have us as 24pt favorites.

June 3rd, 2019, 09:06 AM
Sycamores @ Jayhawks scheduled for 11AM on 8/31. I'd like to see us win this one. Probably the best chance of beating a P5 team we could have. I have to think starting the game at 10AM for ISUb wasn't overlooked as an advantage by KU.

* 11am Central is 12 Noon Eastern

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

June 3rd, 2019, 09:36 AM
* 11am Central is 12 Noon Eastern

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

HAHAHA I must have been high when I wrote that.

June 3rd, 2019, 11:32 AM
I will take MN. Avatar bet? ;)

Ha, depending on what the spread is, I might be willing to take the points. We'll see what it's released. I'm not looking to take SDSU straight up with an unknown at the most important position on the field.

June 3rd, 2019, 12:47 PM
Ha, depending on what the spread is, I might be willing to take the points. We'll see what it's released. I'm not looking to take SDSU straight up with an unknown at the most important position on the field.

Not to mention a new OC too.

June 3rd, 2019, 11:06 PM
Not to mention a new OC too.

Honestly, I have more confidence in our offense with Eck in there compared to Eidsness. Obviously I shouldn't be complaining too much considering the offensive output over Eidsness' tenure, but at times I felt like the offense succeeded succeeded in spite of his play calling. I mean look at the weaponshe had at his disposal over the last 7 or 8 years. The same goes for the defense tbh. I might end up wishing we had both of them back, but I feel like we are in good hands and might be better off. Obviously it depends on how quickly the team adapts to new coaching as well, so we'll see.

June 11th, 2019, 07:01 AM
Bison redshirt sophomore quarterback Holden Hotchkiss is leaving the program.


Not too surprising as some here have speculated it will come down to Lance or Noland.


Redbird 4th & short
June 11th, 2019, 09:35 AM
Not to mention a new OC too.

Yep, the old OC went to NIU, who we play in our opener. NIU has all new coaches, which could have been to our advantage ... but he will know our defense very well. Normally, I would argue we (relative unknown FCS team to most FBS teams) have a pregame scouting advantage in this situation ... not so with our defense going into NIU game ... he will know us very well defensively.

As for SDSU, as much as i was a fan of TC, they will be just fine if they find a good game manager and develop him. I still think NDSU maye get upset a couple times in first half of season before they find their groove again ... lot of key losses on both sides and sidelines.

Bison Fan in NW MN
June 12th, 2019, 11:53 AM
Bison redshirt sophomore quarterback Holden Hotchkiss is leaving the program.


Not too surprising as some here have speculated it will come down to Lance or Noland.


D2 would be a good destination for him.

Good luck to him.

June 12th, 2019, 12:54 PM
D2 would be a good destination for him.

Good luck to him.

D2 would be a good destination for all of them. IMHO

Redbird 4th & short
June 12th, 2019, 01:24 PM
D2 would be a good destination for all of them. IMHO

Agreed .. but maybe it would be simplest if entire Bison team just dropped back down to D-II ??


Bison Fan in NW MN
June 14th, 2019, 08:48 AM
D2 would be a good destination for all of them. IMHO

Lance also? Really? Is that what you mean?

POD Knows
June 14th, 2019, 09:03 AM
Lance also? Really? Is that what you mean?I don't know, those knuckleballs he was tossing at the spring game weren't real pretty but we have been spoiled at QB.

June 14th, 2019, 11:34 PM
Lance also? Really? Is that what you mean?

All of them at the QB position anyway....

Bison Fan in NW MN
June 15th, 2019, 07:05 AM
All of them at the QB position anyway....

Well, polished QBs coming out of high school are few and far between and are FBS bound if they are close to it.

Lance will be fine IMO. Sure there will be growing pains but the kid will be a very good one at NDSU.

Professor Chaos
June 15th, 2019, 09:27 AM
All of them at the QB position anyway....
Weren't you also in the "there's no way Easton Stick is an NFL QB" camp about this time last year too? It's pretty tough to make any judgement on a guy like Trey Lance with his limited PT so far. I have high hopes for him though because he has a fantastic QB coach in Randy Hedberg. Noland would be fine I think but he doesn't have the ceiling that an athletic dual threat like Lance does. We'll have to wait and see what happens this fall but I'd consider the QB pisition more an unknown than a weakness.

Bison Fan in NW MN
June 15th, 2019, 09:36 AM
Weren't you also in the "there's no way Easton Stick is an NFL QB" camp about this time last year too? It's pretty tough to make any judgement on a guy like Trey Lance with his limited PT so far. I have high hopes for him though because he has a fantastic QB coach in Randy Hedberg. Noland would be fine I think but he doesn't have the ceiling that an athletic dual threat like Lance does. We'll have to wait and see what happens this fall but I'd consider the QB pisition more an unknown than a weakness.

Agree 100%

Kid is an athlete. There will be growing pains but his ceiling is huge.

June 15th, 2019, 09:38 AM
Weren't you also in the "there's no way Easton Stick is an NFL QB" camp about this time last year too? It's pretty tough to make any judgement on a guy like Trey Lance with his limited PT so far. I have high hopes for him though because he has a fantastic QB coach in Randy Hedberg. Noland would be fine I think but he doesn't have the ceiling that an athletic dual threat like Lance does. We'll have to wait and see what happens this fall but I'd consider the QB pisition more an unknown than a weakness.

I'm also the same guy that put Easton Stick on small college's radar even before he ever had an official start for NDSU. I had more confidence in him as a college QB than any of the guys the Bison have now.

Bison Fan in NW MN
June 15th, 2019, 10:20 AM
I'm also the same guy that put Easton Stick on small college's radar even before he ever had an official start for NDSU. I had more confidence in him as a college QB than any of the guys the Bison have now.

I had the most confidence in Brock. His toughness and leadership was well apparent before he even started.

I do agree with chaos, the QB spot is more of an unknown than a weakness.

Easy way to get your young QB comfortable with the offense: lean on the OL and run game and play good defense.

June 15th, 2019, 11:39 AM

For reference.....July 2015

Professor Chaos
June 15th, 2019, 12:36 PM
I'm also the same guy that put Easton Stick on small college's radar even before he ever had an official start for NDSU. I had more confidence in him as a college QB than any of the guys the Bison have now.
That definitely turned out to be accurate but I'm just curious how you can make a judgement on Lance when he hasn't taken a meaningful snap yet? Likewise how did you come up with that kind of an evaluation on Stick as a college QB before he ever took a snap? I remember Stick running wild in the 2015 spring game when he was only "live" QB but that was about the only game-like action he had at that point.

Bison Fan in NW MN
June 15th, 2019, 02:51 PM
That definitely turned out to be accurate but I'm just curious how you can make a judgement on Lance when he hasn't taken a meaningful snap yet? Likewise how did you come up with that kind of an evaluation on Stick as a college QB before he ever took a snap? I remember Stick running wild in the 2015 spring game when he was only "live" QB but that was about the only game-like action he had at that point.

If anything both Stick and Lance should be viewed in the same light as in potential. Both had FBS offers so that creates some type of higher expectation coming in.

June 15th, 2019, 02:53 PM

For reference.....July 2015

Does this attachment open for anyone? (post 374 above)
It does not for me, just like the images that are missing in other threads.

Thumper 76
June 15th, 2019, 03:13 PM
I’m just waiting for the word cloud on this thread

Redbird 4th & short
June 16th, 2019, 10:46 AM
I’m just waiting for the word cloud on this thread

blah blah blah
blah blah blah

POD Knows
June 16th, 2019, 10:55 AM
blah blah blah
blah blah blah

Without NDSU, the MVFC would just be like the CAA or Big Sky. You are welcome. xlolx

Redbird 4th & short
June 16th, 2019, 11:14 AM
Without NDSU, the MVFC would just be like the CAA or Big Sky. You are welcome. xlolx

I think we covered this already ....



One of the Traveling Wilburys


POD Knows
June 16th, 2019, 01:31 PM
I think we covered this already ....



One of the Traveling Wilburys

xnodxI needed to get the NDSU arrogance meter back up into the red, so to speak. It felt like we were becoming to humble on here. :D

Redbird 4th & short
June 16th, 2019, 03:27 PM
I needed to get the NDSU arrogance meter back up into the red, so to speak. It felt like we were becoming to humble on here. :D
did notice it got quieter than usual with all the word cluster talk .... for the record, I have zero animosity towards Bison program. But I do want to kick your arses .... just once !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xbowx

p.s. xshhhx this might be the year

Bison Fan in NW MN
June 16th, 2019, 08:08 PM
did notice it got quieter than usual with all the word cluster talk .... for the record, I have zero animosity towards Bison program. But I do want to kick your arses .... just once !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xbowx

p.s. xshhhx this might be the year

I would agree about this year but the Redbirds are notorious underachievers......

June 17th, 2019, 07:55 AM
I think we covered this already ....



One of the Traveling Wilburys


TL;DR can someone summarize it for me.

POD Knows
June 17th, 2019, 08:42 AM
TL;DR can someone summarize it for me.Well, somebody on this site has been calling the MVFC Paul McCartney and Wings, and somebody else said it was more like the Traveling Wilburys, and then they were all fighting over who gets to be Bob Dylan. That is about it.

Redbird 4th & short
June 17th, 2019, 09:00 AM
I would agree about this year but the Redbirds are notorious underachievers......
agree the last 3 years .. I prefer to spin it more as inconsistent, than underachiever. Each of the last 3 years .. there were so many weeks we clearly play like a top 10 team, then our pass game (or QB) goes into a funk, Spack (and OC) get very conservative offensively and narrow the playbook, then watch good defenses stack the box. That and we are also prone to 1 bad quarter where sh-t hits the fan, and we have to dig ourselves out of hole. 2018 was prime example of both the former and latter excuse.

As I've said ad nauseum ... 2019 comes down to our QB play in the short-intermediate pass game .. full offseason with our transfer QB Davis can only help. He is good in the pocket, good with deep ball, but just never really got in sync with WRs in pass game. The good news (and bad news) is QB Davis was so careful throwing the ball. he had 19 to 5 TD to Pick ratio, but completed only 55% of his passes. But once he got into MVFC play after some early success, his completion rate dropped closer to 50% .. too cautious about Picks and too unfamiliar being summer transfer .. not sure, probably both things ... but he never got in sync and our play calling got conservative and predictable. We'll see if full offseason with team and OC makes a difference. We've got a lot coming back on offense (and defense).

New Redbird player to watch this fall #7 backup Juco JR transfer RB Jeff Proctor ... undersized, but tough as nails, quick, and fast. He will replace Markel Smith as Robinson's primary backup and should similarly get 1/3rd of the reps. Very different kind of RB than Robinson ... I will be surprised if he doesn't have a couple 100+ yard games.

Professor Chaos
June 17th, 2019, 10:30 AM
Well, somebody on this site has been calling the MVFC Paul McCartney and Wings, and somebody else said it was more like the Traveling Wilburys, and then they were all fighting over who gets to be Bob Dylan. That is about it.
You can be Bob Dylan as long as I can be Holland Oates.


POD Knows
June 17th, 2019, 10:34 AM
You can be Bob Dylan as long as I can be Holland Oates.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbeLZqGuo2E:D Deal


Redbird 4th & short
June 17th, 2019, 10:56 AM
Well, somebody on this site has been calling the MVFC Paul McCartney and Wings, and somebody else said it was more like the Traveling Wilburys, and then they were all fighting over who gets to be Bob Dylan. That is about it.
But ISUr settled for being Tom Petty .. without objection .. so were Tom Petty damn it !!!!

June 17th, 2019, 03:46 PM
But ISUr settled for being Tom Petty .. without objection .. so were Tom Petty damn it !!!!

I would object because I'm a Petty fan but I think that Roy Orbison might be a better comparison for UNI due to their long-term success in the MVFC/Gateway.

POD Knows
June 17th, 2019, 04:08 PM
I would object because I'm a Petty fan but I think that Roy Orbison might be a better comparison for UNI due to their long-term success in the MVFC/Gateway.Here is how I see it, for what it is worth which is very little:

SDSU - Dylan, SDSU is currently at the top outside of NDSU, I guess that makes them Dylan
UNI - Orbison - kind of boring but pretty consistent,
ISUr - Petty, because if they can't be Petty they will whine :D
ISUb - Keltner, never heard of the guy, guess he is a good sessions guy,
WIU - Harrison, he is like the 3rd worst Beatle
YSU - Dhani Harrison , living off the coattails of somebody else, sort of like YSU and their glory days
South Dakota - Lynne- don't have a reason but at least USD isn't a roadie
SIU - Roadies
MSU - Roadies
UND - Future groupies

Redbird 4th & short
June 17th, 2019, 05:21 PM
Here is how I see it, for what it is worth which is very little:

SDSU - Dylan, SDSU is currently at the top outside of NDSU, I guess that makes them Dylan
UNI - Orbison - kind of boring but pretty consistent,
ISUr - Petty, because if they can't be Petty they will whine :D
ISUb - Keltner, never heard of the guy, guess he is a good sessions guy,
WIU - Harrison, he is like the 3rd worst Beatle
YSU - Dhani Harrison , living off the coattails of somebody else, sort of like YSU and their glory days
South Dakota - Lynne- don't have a reason but at least USD isn't a roadie
SIU - Roadies
MSU - Roadies
UND - Future groupies

Well considering we lost 4 straight in weeks 7-10 ... to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place MVFC teams in order (3 of 4 on road) ... to seal our fate in 2018 ... I think we get to be Petty for our rendition of "Free Fallin" last season.

Then again, Orbison's "Crying" might also apply here.

POD Knows
June 17th, 2019, 08:02 PM
Well considering we lost 4 straight in weeks 7-10 ... to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place MVFC teams in order (3 of 4 on road) ... to seal our fate in 2018 ... I think we get to be Petty for our rendition of "Free Fallin" last season.

Then again, Orbison's "Crying" might also apply here.That was the best analysis I could do waiting to get a car wash on my company truck. I actually had to look up the TW cast, I couldn't remember them all. I am a yuge Traveling Wilburys fan but I always forget that ELO guy and a couple others.

June 17th, 2019, 10:39 PM
WIU - Harrison, he is like the 3rd worst Beatle

Since the Beatles are the forefathers of today's popular music being the 3rd worst is good thing.

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

POD Knows
June 17th, 2019, 11:11 PM
Since the Beatles are the forefathers of today's popular music being the 3rd worst is good thing.

Sent from my XT1650 using TapatalkThe Beatles of forefathers of today's of today's popular music. WTF are you talking about. There was "popular" music before that POS boy band and media sensation showed up. Don't get me started on the Backstreet Boys of the 60's.

June 17th, 2019, 11:30 PM
The Beatles of forefathers of today's of today's popular music. WTF are you talking about. There was "popular" music before that POS boy band and media sensation showed up. Don't get me started on the Backstreet Boys of the 60's.I think you misunderstood me. The Beatles begat Michael Jackson, Wham and just about every other crappy popular artist since. They sucked. Being 3rd worst is like being 3rd from the bottom.

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

POD Knows
June 18th, 2019, 07:09 AM
I think you misunderstood me. The Beatles begat Michael Jackson, Wham and just about every other crappy popular artist since. They sucked. Being 3rd worst is like being 3rd from the bottom.

Sent from my XT1650 using TapatalkThis guy gets it. xthumbsupx

Redbird 4th & short
June 18th, 2019, 07:49 AM
Since the Beatles are the forefathers of today's popular music being the 3rd worst is good thing.

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
maybe so .. but without Beatles, we wouldn't have BTS ... so not so sure the whole forefathers thing was entirely a good thing.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/resizer/7bhUeJk_Ev0gOqf0DacTr_GXsxY=/1484x0/arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/6YX2FOJIHVFQ3DNJSHUXV2X6WA.jpg (https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjy9JeLiPPiAhVSRK0KHcmhBBUQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.washingtonpost.com%2Farts-entertainment%2F2019%2F05%2F16%2Fbts-pays-homage-beatles-late-show-channeling-legendary-groups-us-debut%2F&psig=AOvVaw07tvhlCGxFD0Es2yOzIcRO&ust=1560948380110685)

June 18th, 2019, 02:47 PM
I wish I sucked so much I ended up being worth $400,000,000

edit: That is a LOT of sucking

Redbird 4th & short
June 18th, 2019, 03:47 PM
I wish I sucked so much I ended up being worth $400,000,000

edit: That is a LOT of sucking

Then they should be able to afford better hair cuts !!!

Yote 53
June 24th, 2019, 03:40 PM
maybe so .. but without Beatles, we wouldn't have BTS ... so not so sure the whole forefathers thing was entirely a good thing.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/resizer/7bhUeJk_Ev0gOqf0DacTr_GXsxY=/1484x0/arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/6YX2FOJIHVFQ3DNJSHUXV2X6WA.jpg (https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjy9JeLiPPiAhVSRK0KHcmhBBUQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.washingtonpost.com%2Farts-entertainment%2F2019%2F05%2F16%2Fbts-pays-homage-beatles-late-show-channeling-legendary-groups-us-debut%2F&psig=AOvVaw07tvhlCGxFD0Es2yOzIcRO&ust=1560948380110685)

I've never heard of this...this group, but I can tell from looking at the picture that I would hate them. Seriously, I have this strong urge to punch these fools right in the mouth.

June 24th, 2019, 04:03 PM
It's k-pop

You'd hate it.

Redbird 4th & short
June 24th, 2019, 07:01 PM
ok so it's as bad as I/we all thought ... just watched an unwatchable sample of their recent Chicago concert. So they ripoff the Beatles haircuts, but dance like a bunch of asian Justin Biebers. The music .. ugh .. unlistenable combined with their unwatchable stage presence.

Again .. blame the Beatles !!! Hell, it's probably Yoko Ono's fault somehow .. she's asian and blamed for the Beatles breakup. So now maybe she's getting even and somehow bankrolled these idiot kids ... all to get even with Paul McCartney !!!!

It's a plausible theory .... I never believed Paul when he recanted anyway.

https://pics.me.me/paul-mccartney-yoko-ono-did-not-february-27-1971-break-8800586.png (https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjtqOHrqYPjAhVWa80KHRqqB0oQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fme.me%2Fi%2Fpaul-mccartney-yoko-ono-did-not-february-27-1971-break-5378433&psig=AOvVaw28Z4mkeoRvN0fBbeYcxp6k&ust=1561507168349268)https://www.anygivensaturday.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxMTEhUTExMVFRUXGSAaGBgYGCAaFxcZGRgZGCAeGB 4ZHSggGB8lGxgaIjEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0O Fw8PFysdFR0tKy0tKy0rKystKy0rLSstKy0tLTctLS0tLS0tLS 0tKzctKzctNys3NysrKy03Nzc3Lf/AABEIAM4A9QMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgMEBgcFAQj/xABMEAABAwIDBQQGBgUKBQQDAAABAgMRACEEEjEFEyJBUQZhcZ EHFDKBobEjQlLB0fBicpKT4RUkM1NUgrLT4vEXY6LC0kNzg7MW NET/xAAYAQEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQMCBP/EAB4RAQACAgMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAABEQIxEhNhIQMi/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwDRW 0bqELdcCFICnEJvlUotLemIJn6NsaxeeVSMRtwqWlAIQQ6EmFA 5hvi0QQU2kQZF7 fuH7QIhCFtnOqCQlIy8SXFZhKtIac7 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leW4A62lpQCsokNo/owopK4MGVmQCaDpvbbwyHgwvEMpeVENlxIWZ0hJM3ik43b FZUUu4lltQISQtxKSFKAIEE6kEH31Sdp4ZYYx2COGeXicQ84pp 1LRLat6qWnFPAZG90nKOIhQ3VgZEyfXG2sdtHeYV1/OllEtsl3P9B/Rqyg5AZmVQni1tQW3EbWQ24tLi2kNoaS4VFwBQClLTKkkcKOGy 5ucwi1/E7dYWHg0 y4tpJK0hwcMT7cSUCRBMWg1nOK2DiUYV9pbTi1jZDDJypK8ziX H8yElIOZQBFhe4POrR2m2cr1lBbaOUYDFNyhBgEnD5EWGphUJ7 jFB3H 0GGaQ0rEYhhoupBSFOpAVIHsFUZhJ1jpT O2xh2f6V9pvhz8awnhBSnNc6ZlJE9VDrVO2eThlqU/hX3Q9hWEIKGVOngbUlTKwkEt8RnihJzm9jS zGxHWn9nB5sks7PWhSozJbc3mHATm0zZQoa3CTyoO7tjtOhppL zSfWEKbccSptQIIabK4BEg5ogd9d5JkA1wOxWFU2w6lSCj dYkpBTl4FYl0pIB qUkEHQgirBQFFFFAUUUUBRRRQFFFFAUUVSsftZ9vbCU7w rbplC0Wyhx9eICV9ZztIR/8lBdaKpatruq2ulAcIwyEONlGiVONoadUuecB5KfFKqn4LtYVp bd9VeTh3QVNvcJlIQXApaQczaVpSSknqkGCQKCy0VTtnbOxmJw ycV6660 6gOtoSEert5hmSgpKCVpAIClEybkRYDr47az7eRAwqnV7vO4pK whlJ0ypW5GYkzAjQSYkUHaoqrDtmlacGWcO66cY0t1tIKUlIRu yQsk5U2c1n6tpJAMXC9qnm28U7iGipLeLSygIUCqHFtNhIASJy lYM6mY5UFzoquHtWGy8nEMLZU02l0DMle8StSkJCcp9srTlynm Rc60I7TLCltuYVaHtyt5pGdCg6G4zJCkEhKwVIEH7Ygm8BY6K4 F7QIdcw6GwVh9kvhQ0Q2MkE96isADuV0rouuqC0JDZKVBWZcgB ERAINzmk6aRQP0VUdldt961h8QrCut4d9SUJdUpJyrWcqcyQcw QVwkKjUgxBBq3UBRRRQFRsPgG0OOOJELdKSsyTJQkIFiYFhyqT RQFFFFAUUUUBRRRQFFFFAUUUUBRRRQFFFFAVXNrdm1PO4pecDf MNNotdDjLjziVnwU4k/wB2rHRQVbZ/ZZSVYZS1pUUJf35EjeOYopWopnQZgqAdBHSlbG2Hi2kMYdT7Zw zAyDKgh15tKChCHJJSkAEElPtFI0BIqz0UFSa2DjmmThGcSyGA Mjbim1F9pvQJEKyrUlNgoxoJB5 YnskoOtlssuNoZQylOJSp3dbsq kQJhSlBQzTBORN6t1FBU z3ZZ1g4HM4hQwjLrNgQVhws5VX0MNXHU2r1/sy8oPozt5HMW1iUGDmGR1pxSVctGoBHW9WuigrHaLsp624 VLSEO4dDQBTmhbbyngpQNlJkplPOCOdM7A7MpwrqsQtvAsBLZH 83YDfRSlrWriAhPsiwvJNottFBTPRxgAA/iEqK21uKbwxiAMK2tZQE9U51uQeactWx0OZ0ZSjdwrPIOabZcs WHOZ7qfooM57GbDxT2zsC0662MOkNOkZCHju1B1LZvlAC0p4ok hMRN60aiigKKKKAooooCiiigKKKKAooooCiiigKKKKAooooCii ig//2Q== (https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpics.me.me%2Fpaul-mccartney-yoko-ono-did-not-february-27-1971-break-8800586.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fme.me%2Fi%2Fpaul-mccartney-yoko-ono-did-not-february-27-1971-break-5378433&docid=HtZVCbKPYwKbUM&tbnid=vdnEoJv4gBtjmM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjE-N7RqYPjAhXWW80KHWBFCFQQMwhDKBEwEQ..i&w=500&h=420&itg=1&bih=511&biw=1152&q=yoko%20ono%20beatles%20breakup&ved=0ahUKEwjE-N7RqYPjAhXWW80KHWBFCFQQMwhDKBEwEQ&iact=mrc&uact=8)

Yote 53
June 25th, 2019, 02:53 PM
As long as we are talkng about The Beatles, they have found a way to bring their music to a new, younger generation of fans. My younger kids (5 & 2) are obssessed with the Netflix cartoon Beat Bugs which features Beatles music. My daughter walks around the house singing "All You Need is Love".

POD Knows
June 25th, 2019, 04:05 PM
As long as we are talkng about The Beatles, they have found a way to bring their music to a new, younger generation of fans. My younger kids (5 & 2) are obssessed with the Netflix cartoon Beat Bugs which features Beatles music. My daughter walks around the house singing "All You Need is Love".
Yea. I always thought their music appealed to the toddler demographic. Inane lyrics and all that. And Walruses, Yellow Subs.

June 27th, 2019, 08:17 PM
Looks like the Bison got another Wisconsin kid as a PWO


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June 28th, 2019, 11:09 PM
Bison killing it in Wisconsin with the recruits yet another one for 2020


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June 28th, 2019, 11:12 PM
Illinois State is also on the hunt in Wisconsin picking up a commit


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Redbird 4th & short
June 29th, 2019, 10:31 AM
Illinois State is also on the hunt in Wisconsin picking up a commit


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I think WI ranks about 4th or 5th on our roster in terms of our recruiting ... we currently have 7 from WI on our roster. We do very well in IL, IN, MO (in that order) .. then a smattering in WI, TX, FL. Though the FL connections have withered since Coach Dan Shula (grandson of Don) left programa couple years ago .. he played at St Thomas Aquinas and had so many connections with his name in FL. I think Spack would do like to do a little more in WI if he could.

June 29th, 2019, 06:10 PM
What day do championship presale tickets usually go out?

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

June 29th, 2019, 06:40 PM
I think WI ranks about 4th or 5th on our roster in terms of our recruiting ... we currently have 7 from WI on our roster. We do very well in IL, IN, MO (in that order) .. then a smattering in WI, TX, FL. Though the FL connections have withered since Coach Dan Shula (grandson of Don) left programa couple years ago .. he played at St Thomas Aquinas and had so many connections with his name in FL. I think Spack would do like to do a little more in WI if he could.

There’s some underrated kids in SE Wisconsin that a team like you guys could really take advantage of if your coaching staff took the time to really look at these guys.

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Redbird 4th & short
June 29th, 2019, 07:50 PM
There’s some underrated kids in SE Wisconsin that a team like you guys could really take advantage of if your coaching staff took the time to really look at these guys.

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meant to mention that we currently have 7 WI kids on our roster. So Spack does try there.

Bison Fan in NW MN
June 30th, 2019, 07:56 AM
What day do championship presale tickets usually go out?

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

Looks like late summer/early fall according to the NCAA


June 30th, 2019, 08:27 AM
What day do championship presale tickets usually go out?

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

It is usually mid August. I looked in my old emails and it was 23 August last year.


July 3rd, 2019, 07:10 PM
NDSU got another Wisconsin kid today


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July 6th, 2019, 02:16 PM
It is usually mid August. I looked in my old emails and it was 23 August last year.

DeweyThanks that's what I was looking for. I'm moving to Dallas, it would be a shame to not have tickets asap.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

July 7th, 2019, 12:00 AM
Thanks that's what I was looking for. I'm moving to Dallas, it would be a shame to not have tickets asap.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

Great, another ****ing Californian in Texas....JK


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July 7th, 2019, 09:49 AM
Great, another ****ing Californian in Texas....JK

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnTJjDXbt5s&feature=share (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnTJjDXbt5s&feature=share)

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Aren't you from Minnesota? xcoffeex xlolx

July 15th, 2019, 05:09 PM
Yotes extend HC Nielson through 2023.


July 15th, 2019, 05:32 PM
Yotes extend HC Nielson through 2023.


Very smart move. Hes a good one.

July 15th, 2019, 05:52 PM
Aren't you from Minnesota? xcoffeex xlolx

You can call me The Virginian

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July 15th, 2019, 06:11 PM
You can call me The Virgin

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Fyp. xcoffeex xlolx

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

July 15th, 2019, 06:31 PM
Fyp. xcoffeex xlolx

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

Says the pot...

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July 15th, 2019, 07:16 PM
Says the pot...

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So which Bison game are you coming back for?

July 16th, 2019, 04:29 PM
So which Bison game are you coming back for?

UC Davis... 1 vs 2 according to the poll just posted here. Girlfriend is coming with.

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July 16th, 2019, 05:16 PM
UC Davis... 1 vs 2 according to the poll just posted here. Girlfriend is coming with.

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I will see you in Delaware and Fargo. It will be fun. Prenup discussion yet? RevSFA has never presided over a wedding/marriage that has ended in divorce. Just saying....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

July 16th, 2019, 05:19 PM
UC Davis... 1 vs 2 according to the poll just posted here. Girlfriend is coming with.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

I will see you in Delaware and Fargo. It will be fun. Prenup discussion yet? RevSFA has never presided over a wedding/marriage that has ended in divorce. Just saying....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

See you both then at that game. The honey dealer told me that I'd have to find a ticket for the GFCC game, but outside of that, I'll make sure there are some Michgolden Lights.

July 16th, 2019, 05:56 PM
See you both then at that game. The honey dealer told me that I'd have to find a ticket for the GFCC game, but outside of that, I'll make sure there are some Michgolden Lights.

Wait, bfnwmn only has 4 tickets, what’s going on here?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

July 16th, 2019, 05:58 PM
I will see you in Delaware and Fargo. It will be fun. Prenup discussion yet? RevSFA has never presided over a wedding/marriage that has ended in divorce. Just saying....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Winterborn might come up to the Delaware game also with me.

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July 16th, 2019, 06:11 PM
Wait, bfnwmn only has 4 tickets, what’s going on here?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

I'm not worried. I find tickets quite easily so it's all good. Don't worry, as I am pretty sure he is not going to make you fly here and then not have a seat for you.

July 17th, 2019, 08:37 AM
So Indiana States beat writer voted them as conference champion and UNI 6th
Izzo had UNI 5th and didn't have our best players on his AC teams.

I'm not even sure why UNI should try this year.

July 17th, 2019, 02:28 PM
So Indiana States beat writer voted them as conference champion and UNI 6th
Izzo had UNI 5th and didn't have our best players on his AC teams.

I'm not even sure why UNI should try this year.
Have they been trying the last few?

July 17th, 2019, 05:33 PM
Have they been trying the last few?
I just spit a mouthful of Coors Banquet on my keyboard. LOL.

July 18th, 2019, 08:28 AM
So Indiana States beat writer voted them as conference champion and UNI 6th
Izzo had UNI 5th and didn't have our best players on his AC teams.

I'm not even sure why UNI should try this year.

Where did you get that info

Professor Chaos
July 18th, 2019, 08:44 AM
Where did you get that info
Guessing this was it: https://twitter.com/TribStarTodd/status/1150230315820097537

He picked Indiana St to finish in a 3-way tie for the title with Illinois St and NDSU but guessing on his official ballot he picked Indiana St 3rd based on his tie breaker list.

One little tidbit I'd like to add about everything NDSU lost last year. Ursus compiled some information from various SIDs around the country about returning starters/players that we're going to give all the AGS poll voters access to and while NDSU was one of the lowest (of those who responded) with only 7 returning starters they were one of the highest with 78 returning players from last year's roster.

I find myself even in the minority amongst Bison fans with this but I think this year's NDSU squad is still going to be very good (not 15-0 good but worthy of being preseason conference favorite good) with the low attrition they've had from their past few recruiting classes. They've proven time and time again they know how to develop players and the coaching turnover/transition was about as smooth as it possibly could've been given the circumstances. They retained 6 of the 11 coaches from the 2018 staff (including Entz) and their legendary S&C coach.

July 18th, 2019, 09:11 AM
Guessing this was it: https://twitter.com/TribStarTodd/status/1150230315820097537

He picked Indiana St to finish in a 3-way tie for the title with Illinois St and NDSU but guessing on his official ballot he picked Indiana St 3rd based on his tie breaker list.

One little tidbit I'd like to add about everything NDSU lost last year. Ursus compiled some information from various SIDs around the country about returning starters/players that we're going to give all the AGS poll voters access to and while NDSU was one of the lowest (of those who responded) with only 7 returning starters they were one of the highest with 78 returning players from last year's roster.

I find myself even in the minority amongst Bison fans with this but I think this year's NDSU squad is still going to be very good (not 15-0 good but worthy of being preseason conference favorite good) with the low attrition they've had from their past few recruiting classes. They've proven time and time again they know how to develop players and the coaching turnover/transition was about as smooth as it possibly could've been given the circumstances. They retained 6 of the 11 coaches from the 2018 staff (including Entz) and their legendary S&C coach.

got it. i havent been on twitter for a few days. I have hope for ISUb this year they are coming of an almost successful season but a good turnaround. They were in 2 losses to MSU and SDSU on the last drive of the game however 3 of their 6 wins were in doubt on the last drive of the game and 2 of the other wins were in doubt in the 4th qtr, 1 being well into the 4th.

One way I could call our beat guy's picking us as a tie at 1 is that we dont play NDSU however I think we have a reasonable shot to win every game we play this year except UNI. I always write that down as a loss until we play good against them for more than one game. (when I say every game, I mean every game is winnable not that we will win 11 games)

July 18th, 2019, 04:35 PM
Guessing this was it: https://twitter.com/TribStarTodd/status/1150230315820097537

He picked Indiana St to finish in a 3-way tie for the title with Illinois St and NDSU but guessing on his official ballot he picked Indiana St 3rd based on his tie breaker list.

One little tidbit I'd like to add about everything NDSU lost last year. Ursus compiled some information from various SIDs around the country about returning starters/players that we're going to give all the AGS poll voters access to and while NDSU was one of the lowest (of those who responded) with only 7 returning starters they were one of the highest with 78 returning players from last year's roster.

I find myself even in the minority amongst Bison fans with this but I think this year's NDSU squad is still going to be very good (not 15-0 good but worthy of being preseason conference favorite good) with the low attrition they've had from their past few recruiting classes. They've proven time and time again they know how to develop players and the coaching turnover/transition was about as smooth as it possibly could've been given the circumstances. They retained 6 of the 11 coaches from the 2018 staff (including Entz) and their legendary S&C coach.

I doubt many Bison fans think we've dropped a notch from last year. I can see us going 14-1 with the loss coming during the regular season against some conference team we should beat by 2 TD's. Always need that one game wake up call, but I think our guys still have it.

July 18th, 2019, 05:01 PM
Here's how my results came out.

1) NDSU 7-1 (NDSU wins tiebreaker with UNI)
2) UNI 7-1
3) INST 6-2 (INST wins tiebreaker with SDSU)
4) SDSU 6-2
5) ILST 5-3
6) WIU 3-5
7) USD 2-6 (USD wins tiebreaker with SIU)
8) SIU 2-6
9) YSU 1-7 (YSU and MSU don't play each other, so I'm not sure what the tiebreaker will be)
10) MSU 1-7

1) I think YSU will actually do better than 1-7. I'd say 3-5 bare minimum for them.
2) I doubt UNI will actually finish 7-1. 5-3 is probably more likely.
3) I picked SDSU to beat NDSU.
4) MVFC will either get 4 or 5 teams in the playoffs this season.
5) MSU showed improvement early last season. I think they could end up winning a few games.
6) USD should win more than 2 games.
7) My picks will probably completely change after the first couple of games. Every team in this league is probably capable of winning at least 3-4 conference games.

Games to watch (in order by times they'll be played, not importance): My picks in bold.

1) NDSU vs ILST- If ILST makes the upset they will instantly become title contenders.
2) UNI vs NDSU- UNI usually plays NDSU close, but since it's in Fargo, I doubt UNI will pull the upset.
2) SDSU vs INST- It's likely both teams will be 2-0 going into this game. Big game for both teams.
3) INST vs ILST- This could be a big game in the standings. However INST rarely has success at ILST in football.
4) NDSU vs SDSU- SDSU as of late has made their conference games interesting against the Bison. I expect the same to happen this season especially since SDSU is playing at home.
5) UNI vs ILST- Another big game in the MVFC season.
6) INST vs UNI- INST rarely has success against UNI.
7) ILST vs SDSU- SDSU probably has the edge since it's at home, but it could go either way.
8) UNI vs SDSU- In my projections UNI finishes 2nd because they win this game, but if SDSU wins they would be conference champions due to their tiebreaker win against NDSU. UNI tends to be tough at the end of the season and they seem to do well against SDSU usually. This game is a toss up in my view.

Professor Chaos
July 18th, 2019, 07:40 PM
I doubt many Bison fans think we've dropped a notch from last year. I can see us going 14-1 with the loss coming during the regular season against some conference team we should beat by 2 TD's. Always need that one game wake up call, but I think our guys still have it.
Yeah, I may be stretching it to say I'm in the minority given how humble our fan base typically is. :)

If there was a year for a drop off this would probably be it but I have a feeling there will be some disappointed fans/pundits out there if they think that NDSU is going to struggle to find their groove or year's past and drop 3 or more games in the regular season this year. I'll admit it if I'm wrong but we'll see.

July 18th, 2019, 07:45 PM
Yeah, I may be stretching it to say I'm in the minority given how humble our fan base typically is. :)

If there was a year for a drop off this would probably be it but I have a feeling there will be some disappointed fans/pundits out there if they think that NDSU is going to struggle to find their groove or year's past and drop 3 or more games in the regular season this year. I'll admit it if I'm wrong but we'll see.

From what Ive heard from people who are close to the team, this team shouldnt miss a beat. The oline is supposed to be nasty.

July 18th, 2019, 10:21 PM
Hmm... no one has posted this before but it's quite post-worthy.

ISU red will offer more beer and wine in the premium sections of its football stadium and now they have also expanded alcohol to the premium sections of its basketball arena.


Redbird 4th & short
July 19th, 2019, 09:44 AM
Hmm... no one has posted this before but it's quite post-worthy.

ISU red will offer more beer and wine in the premium sections of its football stadium and now they have also expanded alcohol to the premium sections of its basketball arena.


this is worth 1 extra win each year alone xdrunkyx

Kidding aside, we do struggle to convince our tailgaters to stop what they are doing to come into game .. this should help our attendance and create more "buzz" in side the stadium, in spite of our fair weather fan base. Homecoming doesn't always sell out entirely because people would rather stay with their tailgate and catch up with old friends ... oh, and drink.

Professor Chaos
July 19th, 2019, 09:59 AM
this is worth 1 extra win each year alone xdrunkyx

Kidding aside, we do struggle to convince our tailgaters to stop what they are doing to come into game .. this should help our attendance and create more "buzz" in side the stadium, in spite of our fair weather fan base. Homecoming doesn't always sell out entirely because people would rather stay with their tailgate and catch up with old friends ... oh, and drink.
We could borrow you our Fargodome security team (affectionately referred to as "the dome Nazis") to go through the tailgate lot and yell at people to tear down and get into the stadium about 30 minutes prior to kickoff.

Redbird 4th & short
July 19th, 2019, 10:17 AM
Guessing this was it: https://twitter.com/TribStarTodd/status/1150230315820097537

He picked Indiana St to finish in a 3-way tie for the title with Illinois St and NDSU but guessing on his official ballot he picked Indiana St 3rd based on his tie breaker list.

One little tidbit I'd like to add about everything NDSU lost last year. Ursus compiled some information from various SIDs around the country about returning starters/players that we're going to give all the AGS poll voters access to and while NDSU was one of the lowest (of those who responded) with only 7 returning starters they were one of the highest with 78 returning players from last year's roster.

I find myself even in the minority amongst Bison fans with this but I think this year's NDSU squad is still going to be very good (not 15-0 good but worthy of being preseason conference favorite good) with the low attrition they've had from their past few recruiting classes. They've proven time and time again they know how to develop players and the coaching turnover/transition was about as smooth as it possibly could've been given the circumstances. They retained 6 of the 11 coaches from the 2018 staff (including Entz) and their legendary S&C coach.

ISUb and USD seem like a stretch .. MVFC is too strong defensively at top every year with USD and ISUb finishing a distant 7th and 8th in total ypg .. and closer to 10th than to 6th. And then 9th and 8th in ypp. ISUb has a lot back and doesn't play NDSU again, so that bodes well for them being in top 4 or 5 finish. But defensively, then need to show a lot more if they expect to move into top 3.

TOTAL DEFENSE G Rush PassPlays Yards Avg/P TD Avg/G
1. North Dakota St. 8 879 1719 505 2598 5.1 14 324.8
2. Western Illinois 8 952 1671 561 2623 4.7 21 327.9
3. Illinois State 8 1096 1535 545 2631 4.8 22 328.9
4. Youngstown State 8 1401 1374 495 2775 5.6 27 346.9
5. Northern Iowa 8 1034 1765 530 2799 5.3 22 349.9
6. South Dakota St. 8 1404 1838 583 3242 5.6 26 405.2
7. South Dakota 8 1835 1788 588 3623 6.2 37 452.9
8. Indiana State 8 1848 1862 623 3710 6.0 28 463.8
9. Missouri State 8 1790 1971 584 3761 6.4 39 470.1
10 Southern Illinois 8 1828 2039 573 3867 6.7 40 483.4

Here's offensive stats, to present both sides of ball:

TOTAL OFFENSE G Rush PassPlays Yards Avg/P TD Avg/G
1. South Dakota St. 8 1767 1907 511 3674 7.2 41 459.2
2. North Dakota St. 8 2029 1610 526 3639 6.9 44 454.9
3. South Dakota 8 1101 2215 660 3316 5.0 27 414.5
4. Indiana State 8 1815 1444 536 3259 6.1 28 407.4
5. Southern Illinois 8 1616 1502 588 3118 5.3 24 389.8
6. Illinois State 8 1487 1624 536 3111 5.8 29 388.9
7. Western Illinois 8 880 2172 524 3052 5.8 23 381.5
8. Youngstown State 8 1333 1645 595 2978 5.0 20 372.2
9. Northern Iowa 8 1101 1789 550 2890 5.3 21 361.2
10 Missouri State 8 938 1654 561 2592 4.6 19 324.0

Offensively, ISUb was 4th in total ypg and 3rd in ypp, and has a lot coming back. Though they lose element of surprise with Boyle emerging like he did as season progressed last year .. so that will be interesting to see how teams game plan for him this season. We did well containing him in week 10, they got just 290 total yards,though we lost the game ... we usually do ok against dual threat and we knew much more about their offense and Boyle's stengths by game 10.

USD passed a lot .. 1st in total ypg but 7th in efficiency, and their run game was pretty weak .. 9th in ypp, 7th in ypg. No idea how much they have coming back, but I don't see how USD will move up much with their defense and weak run game.

Looking forward to seeing keepratings put his FCS data up.

July 19th, 2019, 01:56 PM

In case anyone is looking to proclaim their love for Casey's pizza publicly: https://ohhyoubetcha.com/collections/products/products/i-love-gas-station-pizza-pre-order

Redbird 4th & short
July 19th, 2019, 03:11 PM
We could borrow you our Fargodome security team (affectionately referred to as "the dome Nazis") to go through the tailgate lot and yell at people to tear down and get into the stadium about 30 minutes prior to kickoff.
we do that for certain premium lots, but not all of it ... so we could the help

Bison Fan in NW MN
July 22nd, 2019, 07:52 PM
From what Ive heard from people who are close to the team, this team shouldnt miss a beat. The oline is supposed to be nasty.

This here is what is being said, esp about the OL.

People more in the "know", say teams are going to get a lot of ground and pound with this OL.....they are going to be very good.

July 22nd, 2019, 08:55 PM
This here is what is being said, esp about the OL.

People more in the "know", say teams are going to get a lot of ground and pound with this OL.....they are going to be very good.

I cant imagine that if he fails it would be in year 1 after getting moved up to HC

Bison Fan in NW MN
July 22nd, 2019, 08:58 PM
I cant imagine that if he fails it would be in year 1 after getting moved up to HC


Coach Entz you mean? Not sure what you mean.

I was just talking about people saying NDSU is going to ground/pound teams this year with a new QB.

July 22nd, 2019, 10:33 PM
This here is what is being said, esp about the OL.

People more in the "know", say teams are going to get a lot of ground and pound with this OL.....they are going to be very good.

Much like the 2015 team when Stick took over. I like it.


Bison Fan in NW MN
July 23rd, 2019, 06:14 AM
Much like the 2015 team when Stick took over. I like it.


If Lance is the QB, then I bet the running game carriers the load until he gets up to speed. The transfer can sling it so we'll see who gets the nod. I'm sure both will play in the OOC.

Local radio guys keep pimping Davis and their QB but their defense is pretty mediocre at best. IMO, Davis is going to get run out of the FD. Same formula for the Bison. Run the ball and play good defense.

July 23rd, 2019, 09:37 AM
So many people are down on SDSU this year just because of TC.

TC was a wimp that couldn't break out of a wet paper bag. They will be a better team without him, IMO. When the cards were on the table, he folded.

SDSU will be in Frisco this year.

POD Knows
July 23rd, 2019, 10:25 AM
So many people are down on SDSU this year just because of TC.

TC was a wimp that couldn't break out of a wet paper bag. They will be a better team without him, IMO. When the cards were on the table, he folded.

SDSU will be in Frisco this year. #bookitFYP

July 23rd, 2019, 12:54 PM
So many people are down on SDSU this year just because of TC.

TC was a wimp that couldn't break out of a wet paper bag. They will be a better team without him, IMO. When the cards were on the table, he folded.

SDSU will be in Frisco this year.

Did you mean to post this in the "2019 FCS BOLD Predictions" thread?

July 23rd, 2019, 02:09 PM
Did you mean to post this in the "2019 FCS BOLD Predictions" thread?

No, it's not that bold.

July 23rd, 2019, 02:32 PM


July 23rd, 2019, 04:51 PM
No, it's not that bold.

Eh... saying that SDSU will be a better team without TC and that SDSU will be in Frisco this year all while SDSU will be starting a RSFr QB that has never seen the field... not to mention a new OC and DC. Pretty bold. If the new QB looks promising in the first 3 or 4 games and the O and D don't look like they've got a brand new system and are lost... then I'll drink that kool-aid.

POD Knows
July 23rd, 2019, 06:57 PM
https://name-badges.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/ISeeWhatYouDidThere-300x300.pngYea, yea, somebody gets it.

July 23rd, 2019, 07:45 PM
From what Ive heard from people who are close to the team, this team shouldnt miss a beat. The oline is supposed to be nasty.
Bison O-line vs everyone this year? xlolx

July 23rd, 2019, 07:56 PM
Bison O-line vs everyone this year? xlolx
Remember, all you have to do is run just a little faster than your 6 year old kids, wife, girlfriend, etc to escape bison, bears, mountain lions, wolves, etc

July 23rd, 2019, 08:02 PM
Remember, all you have to do is run just a little faster than your 6 year old kids, wife, girlfriend, etc to escape bison, bears, mountain lions, wolves, etc


Professor Chaos
July 29th, 2019, 11:00 AM
The preseason poll was released by the MVFC today: https://valley-football.org/documents/2019/7/29//2019_MVFC_Preseason_Poll.pdf?id=68

1. North Dakota State 392 (32)
2. South Dakota State 348 (4)
3. Illinois State 289 (3)
4. Indiana State 279 (1)
5. UNI 266
6. South Dakota 176
7. Youngstown State 153
8. Western Illinois 128
9. Southern Illinois 89
10. Missouri State 80

Seems pretty reasonable. I can't really argue about any team being more than 1 spot off if that. Whoever voted Indiana St #1 though... xeyebrowx

POD Knows
July 29th, 2019, 11:04 AM

Professor Chaos
July 29th, 2019, 11:13 AM
I'd say they've smartened up a bit from 2 years ago. Instead of try to freeze Bison fans out make a mint off of them... USD could take a lesson there.

POD Knows
July 29th, 2019, 11:18 AM
I'd say they've smartened up a bit from 2 years ago. Instead of try to freeze Bison fans out make a mint off of them... USD could take a lesson there.I tried to add comments to this but something happened and I couldn't do, but yea, I agree, if they can leverage these games and make some more money off of it then they should. It is a lot better than having a half full stadium.

Thumper 76
July 29th, 2019, 11:46 AM
I tried to add comments to this but something happened and I couldn't do, but yea, I agree, if they can leverage these games and make some more money off of it then they should. It is a lot better than having a half full stadium.

Wow now we’re going with half full for two years ago xlolx goodness

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

POD Knows
July 29th, 2019, 12:01 PM
Wow now we’re going with half full for two years ago xlolx goodness

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkWhat are you talking about you drunken Sconie?

Redbird 4th & short
July 29th, 2019, 12:26 PM
I know there is separate thread for this for all conferences, but here is is preseason conference poll for MVFC:

1. North Dakota State (32) ........................392
2. South Dakota State (4)..........................348
3. Illinois State (3)......................................289
4. Indiana State (1) ....................................279
5. UNI............................................... ...........266
6. South Dakota.........................................176
7. Youngstown State .................................153
8. Western Illinois......................................128
9. Southern Illinois......................................89
10. Missouri State..........................................80

No real surprises here other than WIU dropping to 8th maybe .. but hearing more chatter on USD and YSU improving this year, so someone has to drop. With lot of returnees for SDSU, ISUr, ISUb, and UNI ... plus NDSU inevitable reload ... this looks to be very strong year for MVFC, especially if USD and YSU bounce back some.

July 29th, 2019, 01:41 PM
No real surprises here other than WIU dropping to 8th maybe .. but hearing more chatter on USD and YSU improving this year, so someone has to drop.

Understandable, although I think WIU's defense is going to seriously surprise some people this year (in a good way). Offense is still a question mark though. I have a lot of confidence in our QB who will be taking over. Idk about our O-Line at this point though...that could be an issue. I'd have put WIU at around 5th, roughly equal to UNI, but ahead of USD and YSU, but outside of NDSU, I think everything's pretty much a "crap shoot" at this point.

July 29th, 2019, 02:41 PM

Coach Entz you mean? Not sure what you mean.

I was just talking about people saying NDSU is going to ground/pound teams this year with a new QB.

From what Ive heard from people who are close to the team, this team shouldnt miss a beat. The oline is supposed to be nasty.

I should have replied to the original post. I think Entz would have success regardless for the first 2 years.

Redbird 4th & short
July 29th, 2019, 03:04 PM
Understandable, although I think WIU's defense is going to seriously surprise some people this year (in a good way). Offense is still a question mark though. I have a lot of confidence in our QB who will be taking over. Idk about our O-Line at this point though...that could be an issue. I'd have put WIU at around 5th, roughly equal to UNI, but ahead of USD and YSU, but outside of NDSU, I think everything's pretty much a "crap shoot" at this point.
your defense was very stout last year .. think your were 3rd in overall defense .. not far behind NDSU and my ISUr. I know you lost the one stud, but would assume you'll be strong there again. I think your problem was your run game fell way off last year. How is that looking so far in offseason .. plus you have to replace QB McGuire, but sounds like you like his replacement so far.

Thumper 76
July 29th, 2019, 04:59 PM
What are you talking about you drunken Sconie?

Oh when you said half full stadium I thought you were referencing the last Marker Game in Brookings.

On that note, I found a great beer with a name that really gets to my roots. Called Yooper. I recommend it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

POD Knows
July 29th, 2019, 06:04 PM
Oh when you said half full stadium I thought you were referencing the last Marker Game in Brookings.

On that note, I found a great beer with a name that really gets to my roots. Called Yooper. I recommend it.

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkHey, I am going through the UP on my way out to the Delaware game (scenic route) I might check it out.

Redbird 4th & short
July 29th, 2019, 06:31 PM
Understandable, although I think WIU's defense is going to seriously surprise some people this year (in a good way). Offense is still a question mark though. I have a lot of confidence in our QB who will be taking over. Idk about our O-Line at this point though...that could be an issue. I'd have put WIU at around 5th, roughly equal to UNI, but ahead of USD and YSU, but outside of NDSU, I think everything's pretty much a "crap shoot" at this point.
I think NDSU and SDSU are both locks for top 2 or 3 .. agree everyone else is +/- 3 places crapshoot. In fact, I would put more confidence on SDSU finishing 2nd than I would on NDSU finishing 1st .. just based on how much each has returning.

Thumper 76
July 29th, 2019, 07:22 PM
Hey, I am going through the UP on my way out to the Delaware game (scenic route) I might check it out.

That’s a pretty good route to take.

Bison Fan in NW MN
July 29th, 2019, 08:03 PM
The preseason poll was released by the MVFC today: https://valley-football.org/documents/2019/7/29//2019_MVFC_Preseason_Poll.pdf?id=68

1. North Dakota State 392 (32)
2. South Dakota State 348 (4)
3. Illinois State 289 (3)
4. Indiana State 279 (1)
5. UNI 266
6. South Dakota 176
7. Youngstown State 153
8. Western Illinois 128
9. Southern Illinois 89
10. Missouri State 80

Seems pretty reasonable. I can't really argue about any team being more than 1 spot off if that. Whoever voted Indiana St #1 though... xeyebrowx

I don't think Youngstown finishes 7th. Way too low IMO. I bet they make the playoffs this year.

Thumper 76
July 29th, 2019, 08:35 PM
I don't think Youngstown finishes 7th. Way too low IMO. I bet they make the playoffs this year.

Just curious why you seem to be way higher on YSU than most everyone else

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

July 29th, 2019, 10:15 PM
your defense was very stout last year .. think your were 3rd in overall defense .. not far behind NDSU and my ISUr. I know you lost the one stud, but would assume you'll be strong there again. I think your problem was your run game fell way off last year. How is that looking so far in offseason .. plus you have to replace QB McGuire, but sounds like you like his replacement so far.

Defense - yeah, Saunders is off to the NFL, but we get back a decent amount of depth and experience, plus added quite a few decent-looking transfers on that side of the ball. If I had to guess, I think our DBs are going to be phenomenal this year, the rest should be pretty solid.

Offense - we've got 15 WRs listed on our roster which feels like a lot...so...not really sure what's going on with that. Our RBs struggled last year...lots of new names there...a couple of transfers...we'll see. QB Sampson looked promising what little he played against NDSU at the end of the game last year (threw an INT in the end zone, but at that point, he was going for risky throws in hopes of something good). Also had transfers from a JUCO in CA and from Richmond that both look decent. After looking through our roster a bit more, I think O-Line will be better than last year...lost only one guy who had decent playing time (one other who played in a few games)...lots of young talent that should have more experience this year.

Overall I think our defense will be able to keep us in most of our games and if our offense finds some rhythm, they'll pull out a few somewhat unexpected wins. Obviously ratings and things at this point aren't worth a ton, but going by Massey Ratings, we should win 6, lose 3, and have 3 games that are listed as essentially 50% chance (+/- 2% points)...ISUr, ISUb, and YSU. If you put much stock in that, then we're probably looking at anything from 9-3 down to 6-6 as being likely. My guess is 7-5.

July 30th, 2019, 08:46 AM
Not only is McGuire gone - 2900 pass yards and the one of only 3 rushers over 100 yards gained (excluding sacks) the teams leading all purpose yardage earner (and main man for a few years) Steve McShane is gone.

Max Norris is the only returning running back with over 80 yards rushing. To me Norris is a clone of Marcus Weymiller...not exactly a stellar go to back. The 7 or so other players who accounted for rushes last year return about 120 total yards of rushing.

Also gone are the #1 #2 #3 and #6 targets. No one else even had 10 receptions. Those 4 targets accounted for 152 receptions, 1,711 yards and 14 touchdowns out of the 252 receptions 2900 yards and 21 touchdowns on the season through the air.

All punt return yards are one.
Something like 65% of kick return yards are gone.
The teams top 6 or 7 points scorers are gone.

I mean - it's fair to question WIU right now. I haven't seen the keepers numbers yet but just browsing your stats and returners shows something like 85% of your total yardage, and all of your "top" players on offense are gone. I haven't even looked at the defense that closely

Having a good defense will only carry you so far. You still need an offense to win.

I'd say it's more safe to bet on the under of 5.5 for WIU rather than the over.

Professor Chaos
July 30th, 2019, 12:24 PM
MVFC Preseason Team (Offense)



July 30th, 2019, 12:26 PM
A short piece that gives some insight - and lack there of - into the QB situation at UNI


A quote from Farley in the article

UNI’s readiness for another strong schedule will certainly hinge on how the quarterback competition plays out. Given the unusual nature of four legitimate candidates vying for the job, Farley described how he’ll go about when to pare down the competition throughout camp.
“My best answer for that is really by instincts,” Farley said. “You’ve got to go by feel of how one (quarterback) starts to evolve over another, and then how to start separating (them). There’s got to come a time when the reps change so you get the guy ready that you need ready — there’s no question about that — but putting a timeline on it right now, I’ve based most of our stuff here based off watching them, getting a feel for them, and using your experience to figure out when that time is.

Thumper 76
July 30th, 2019, 04:49 PM
MVFC Preseason Team (Offense)



The MVFC’s tweet says ndsu got the most All Conference selections for the preseason with 9. They return 7 starters per what I read in HeroSports. That’s insane. I’m not even mad, I’m impressed.

Thumper 76
July 30th, 2019, 04:51 PM
A short piece that gives some insight - and lack there of - into the QB situation at UNI


A quote from Farley in the article

UNI’s readiness for another strong schedule will certainly hinge on how the quarterback competition plays out. Given the unusual nature of four legitimate candidates vying for the job, Farley described how he’ll go about when to pare down the competition throughout camp.
“My best answer for that is really by instincts,” Farley said. “You’ve got to go by feel of how one (quarterback) starts to evolve over another, and then how to start separating (them). There’s got to come a time when the reps change so you get the guy ready that you need ready — there’s no question about that — but putting a timeline on it right now, I’ve based most of our stuff here based off watching them, getting a feel for them, and using your experience to figure out when that time is.

Two qb system incoming :D

Professor Chaos
July 30th, 2019, 05:15 PM
The MVFC’s tweet says ndsu got the most All Conference selections for the preseason with 9. They return 7 starters per what I read in HeroSports. That’s insane. I’m not even mad, I’m impressed.
They're including the longsnapper (who was honorable mention on the offensive side) and I'm assuming the punter (who will be either first team or honorable mention on the defensive side). So they return 3 offensive starters, 4 defensive starters, and 2 specialists and all 9 of them are listed or mentioned on the MVFC Preseason team. Take it for whatever it's worth.

July 30th, 2019, 06:39 PM
Two qb system incoming :DExcuse me sir. We have 4 QBs and I'm not convinced we don't have an FBS transfer hiding behind Farley's wall of secrecy.

I expect a minimum of 3 to play in Ames, and won't be shocked if 4 play. That isn't even bit clenz saying that. That's my true God awful feeling.

Let's put it this way odds of number of QBs playing at Iowa State is

2: -180
3: +300
4: +800
1: +1500
>4*: +2000

*Includes wildcat
~wildcat not included in other odds.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

July 30th, 2019, 07:18 PM
Two qb system incoming :D
Ahem, I think you meant 4 QB system inc xdrunkyx

July 31st, 2019, 08:13 AM
Ahem, I think you meant 4 QB system inc xdrunkyx

Run them all out there at once as WRs, lateral pass the ball back and forth across the field until someone is open downfield. Like one of those "end-of-game" trick plays, except doing it at least once every set of downs.

July 31st, 2019, 08:24 AM
Run them all out there at once as WRs, lateral pass the ball back and forth across the field until someone is open downfield. Like one of those "end-of-game" trick plays, except doing it at least once every set of downs.
Welp, in typical Farley fashion the oldest, and only QB to have a snap in college, is one that did not have great passing stats in HS with almost none of his film involving him passing and 95% of the passes he threw were within 4 yards of the LOS....but a ton of film of him running. At 6'1 205-210 he'd make a great RB in this 4 qb system

The RS Freshman (who I would guess based on what I've heard was #1 out of spring ball...was an Iowa State commit in HS before signing with UNI) has film that reminds most who watch it of Johnny Manziel in college. Doesn’t have the attitude issues Johnny did/does but he’s built just like Johnny, looks just like him in a uniform (and probably isn’t helped by the fact he wore #2 in high school. If he was 6’2 instead of like 5’10 or 5’11 he’d have kept his Iowa State offer and had offers from more G5s and lower end P5s is my guess. He’s got the ability to move around quite a bit. Call him the slot guy in this 4 QB offense

The freshman from St. Louis is probably the one taking the snap. HS film reminds me of wathing Easton Stick. 6’3 or so 225lbs. Thrower first and foremost but when he runs he will run a couple guys over. Probably the best thrower on the roster.

The freshman from Atlanta is probably a WR. He’s still a pretty damn good passer based on HS stats, but at 6’4 190 and his ability to move he’s the most likely split out of the group.

July 31st, 2019, 08:26 AM
The freshman from Atlanta is probably a WR. He’s still a pretty damn good passer based on HS stats, but at 6’4 190 and his ability to move he’s the most likely split out of the group.

August 1st, 2019, 09:27 AM
1. NDSU single game tickets are sold out.


August 1st, 2019, 11:19 AM
Thank you SDSU for putting BFNWIMN and I in section 119 about 10 rows up for the game. Your generosity in keeping it one price and open to anyone was greatly appreciated.

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

August 1st, 2019, 11:33 AM
Thank you SDSU for putting BFNWIMN and I in section 119 about 10 rows up for the game. Your generosity in keeping it one price and open to anyone was greatly appreciated.

Sent from my SM-J727V using TapatalkHonestly though. Yeah

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

August 1st, 2019, 12:12 PM
Honestly though. Yeah

Sent from my Pixel 3 using TapatalkMoney talks and bull**** walks and I think they realized that after the last time the game was there. A full stadium leads to a greater revenue even if it means half of it will be wearing Green and Gold.

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

August 1st, 2019, 12:53 PM
Thank you SDSU for putting BFNWIMN and I in section 119 about 10 rows up for the game. Your generosity in keeping it one price and open to anyone was greatly appreciated.

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

The family and I are in section 119 as well.

30 days until the return of Bison football.

Frisco tickets should go on sale in about 3 weeks.


August 1st, 2019, 03:02 PM
The family and I are in section 119 as well.

30 days until the return of Bison football.

Frisco tickets should go on sale in about 3 weeks.

DeweyWell then, looks like we will be seeing you there. I am beyond pumped for this season. I've been by the stadium twice but never gone in so I am looking forward to seeing it.

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

Bison Fan in NW MN
August 1st, 2019, 05:09 PM
Thank you SDSU for putting BFNWIMN and I in section 119 about 10 rows up for the game. Your generosity in keeping it one price and open to anyone was greatly appreciated.

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

Nice work on getting a ticket!

- - - Updated - - -

Thank you SDSU for putting BFNWIMN and I in section 119 about 10 rows up for the game. Your generosity in keeping it one price and open to anyone was greatly appreciated.

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

Nice work on getting a ticket!

August 1st, 2019, 05:56 PM
Nice work on getting a ticket!

- - - Updated - - -

Nice work on getting a ticket!Glad to help however I can.

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

Bison Fan in NW MN
August 1st, 2019, 07:11 PM
NDSU will lean on their OL this season:

Radunz: 6-6 298
Jensen: 6-4 326
Schoening: 6-5 303
Johnson: 6-7 315
Volson: 6-6 309

This OL will be very good.

August 1st, 2019, 09:51 PM
Well then, looks like we will be seeing you there. I am beyond pumped for this season. I've been by the stadium twice but never gone in so I am looking forward to seeing it.

Sent from my SM-J727V using TapatalkIt's 100% the nicest stadium in the MVFC.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

August 1st, 2019, 11:21 PM
Well then, looks like we will be seeing you there. I am beyond pumped for this season. I've been by the stadium twice but never gone in so I am looking forward to seeing it.

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

Take a rental car...better yet, take someone else’s rental car.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Thumper 76
August 1st, 2019, 11:57 PM
Take a rental car...better yet, take someone else’s rental car.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Feeling dramatic today are we

August 2nd, 2019, 02:17 AM
Feeling dramatic today are weWho wants their Pontiac Aztec vandalized?

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

August 2nd, 2019, 04:01 AM
Southland Off-season thread: 55 pages
SoCon Off-season thread: 98 pages

MVFC 'MEGAthread': 48 pages

Weak sauce.

That is all. :D

August 2nd, 2019, 05:39 AM
Take a rental car...better yet, take someone else’s rental car.

Sent from my iPad using TapatalkWell my new car is not easily identifiable so I should be safe.

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

August 2nd, 2019, 05:40 AM
It's 100% the nicest stadium in the MVFC.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using TapatalkI have wanted to go inside and now I finally get my chance.

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

August 2nd, 2019, 05:41 AM
Feeling dramatic today are weIs it true tho? xlolx

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

Bison Fan in NW MN
August 2nd, 2019, 06:18 AM
Southland Off-season thread: 55 pages
SoCon Off-season thread: 98 pages

MVFC 'MEGAthread': 48 pages

Weak sauce.

That is all. :D

Weak sauce is right. Without the Bison crew on here, it would be only 2 pages....xrolleyesx

Bison Fan in NW MN
August 2nd, 2019, 06:22 AM
Take a rental car...better yet, take someone else’s rental car.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Should roll one of my freightliners down there with a 25 foot flatbed on it. Could set up some recliners on it and some tailgate chairs!! Real redneck stuff!!


August 2nd, 2019, 06:22 AM
Who wants their Pontiac Aztec vandalized?

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

POD Knows
August 2nd, 2019, 07:34 AM
I have wanted to go inside and now I finally get my chance.

Sent from my SM-J727V using TapatalkI got a tour of the indoor practice facility and the stadium a while back, never been to a game there and don't plan on going anytime soon but it is a really nice place.

August 2nd, 2019, 07:39 AM
Should roll one of my freightliners down there with a 25 foot flatbed on it. Could set up some recliners on it and some tailgate chairs!! Real redneck stuff!!

xthumbsupxIf you show up like that, you'd fit right in with the "culture" down there.

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

August 2nd, 2019, 07:40 AM
I got a tour of the indoor practice facility and the stadium a while back, never been to a game there and don't plan on going anytime soon but it is a really nice place.I know I will have to scrub my clothes clean due to being in Brookings but I am still looking forward to the Marker game.

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

POD Knows
August 2nd, 2019, 07:51 AM
I know I will have to scrub my clothes clean due to being in Brookings but I am still looking forward to the Marker game.

Sent from my SM-J727V using TapatalkYou know, I didn't go to the game in 09 and NDSU lost and I didn't go to the '17 game and we lost but I did go to the games in '11, '13 and '15 and we won. My powers are strong, I might need to go this year, position myself in the SE corner someplace, stand and help lead the Bison to certain victory.

August 2nd, 2019, 08:25 AM
You know, I didn't go to the game in 09 and NDSU lost and I didn't go to the '17 game and we lost but I did go to the games in '11, '13 and '15 and we won. My powers are strong, I might need to go this year, position myself in the SE corner someplace, stand and help lead the Bison to certain victory.#bookit

You need to be there then. No sitting allowed and the POD we have all been told about needs to make an arrival as well.

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

August 2nd, 2019, 10:05 AM
Should roll one of my freightliners down there with a 25 foot flatbed on it. Could set up some recliners on it and some tailgate chairs!! Real redneck stuff!!


Get a Joose wrap on it and a couple cases of Joose to hand out to those clad in blue

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

August 2nd, 2019, 11:03 AM
Get a Joose wrap on it and a couple cases of Joose to hand out to those clad in blue

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkI know Thumper was sharing the Joose this past December during the tailgate.

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

Bison Fan in NW MN
August 2nd, 2019, 12:19 PM
You know, I didn't go to the game in 09 and NDSU lost and I didn't go to the '17 game and we lost but I did go to the games in '11, '13 and '15 and we won. My powers are strong, I might need to go this year, position myself in the SE corner someplace, stand and help lead the Bison to certain victory.

Holy crap, you better make it down there for the game!!

- - - Updated - - -

Get a Joose wrap on it and a couple cases of Joose to hand out to those clad in blue

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


- - - Updated - - -

If you show up like that, you'd fit right in with the "culture" down there.

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk


August 7th, 2019, 02:05 PM
Has anyone heard or seen any mention of what the tv schedule is going to look like for MVFC games this season...like in terms of what's on ESPN+ and what's on ESPN3?
I don't see anything on the conference website nor on ESPN's upcoming schedule listing for anything other than FCS vs FBS games (like ISUr at Northern Illinois is listed, but no other MVFC games in the first weekend are listed.

August 7th, 2019, 02:12 PM
Has anyone heard or seen any mention of what the tv schedule is going to look like for MVFC games this season...like in terms of what's on ESPN+ and what's on ESPN3?
I don't see anything on the conference website nor on ESPN's upcoming schedule listing for anything other than FCS vs FBS games (like ISUr at Northern Illinois is listed, but no other MVFC games in the first weekend are listed.

YSU vs Samford is on ESPN 3pm EST 24 Aug 19

August 7th, 2019, 02:27 PM

I know this is for the 18 season, but it was posted on the 10th of August and it says the ESPN contract runs through the 2023-24 season, so my guess is that it will be a mixture again for the 19 season with confirmation of that in the next few days.

August 7th, 2019, 03:23 PM

I know this is for the 18 season, but it was posted on the 10th of August and it says the ESPN contract runs through the 2023-24 season, so my guess is that it will be a mixture again for the 19 season with confirmation of that in the next few days.

Thanks, I'll keep an eye out then. Just trying to figure out when I need to subscribe to ESPN+ and when to drop it.

Redbird 4th & short
August 7th, 2019, 04:12 PM
Has anyone heard or seen any mention of what the tv schedule is going to look like for MVFC games this season...like in terms of what's on ESPN+ and what's on ESPN3?
I don't see anything on the conference website nor on ESPN's upcoming schedule listing for anything other than FCS vs FBS games (like ISUr at Northern Illinois is listed, but no other MVFC games in the first weekend are listed.

correct, is this a problem ???


Redbird 4th & short
August 10th, 2019, 09:47 AM
keeprating site is up for FCS: http://www.keepratings.net/# ... check it out

Here is MVFC teams with their total FCS ranking ... also note how many are above average for # returnee starters

Off Starts
Def Starts
Tot Starts
Total rank

South Dakota State

South Dakota

Southern Illinois

Missouri State

Indiana State

Illinois State

Northern Iowa

Youngstown State

Western Illinois

North Dakota State

Off Starts
Def Starts
Tot Starts
Total rank


POD Knows
August 10th, 2019, 10:02 AM
keeprating site is up for FCS: http://www.keepratings.net/# ... check it out

Here is MVFC teams with their total FCS ranking ... also note how many are above average for # returnee starters

Off Starts
Def Starts
Tot Starts
Total rank

South Dakota State

South Dakota

Southern Illinois

Missouri State

Indiana State

Illinois State

Northern Iowa

Youngstown State

Western Illinois

North Dakota State

Off Starts
Def Starts
Tot Starts
Total rank



Redbird 4th & short
August 10th, 2019, 10:08 AM
I mentioned on the other thread called keepratings ... I don't understand his ranking column, so I just added off + def starters and ranked them. For example how is SIU ranked #3 ... they have just 5.1 starters returning on offense and 14.6 total .. while SDSU has 15.3 starters returning and is ranked #35 ??

Anyway, not sure how to interpret it .. so I just added up total starters and ranked myself. See other thread for my top 40 playoff contenders ranking from this list.

Redbird 4th & short
August 10th, 2019, 10:12 AM
further review .. I think keepratings ranking is defense returning production ranking only ... not offense or even defensive starters, probably tackles.