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Go Lehigh TU Owl
December 14th, 2018, 10:04 PM
TC is going to remember this game for a loooong time..

December 14th, 2018, 10:04 PM
I honestly don’t think I’ll go to another game to watch this hopeless cause of a “powerhouse”.
SDSU has always been this way, same damn thing every year dating back to the 60’s. Always been NDSU’s b**ch and always will be. Entz will pick up where Klieman left off and continue piss pounding SDSU.
I struggled with Montana's losses in the 2004 and 2009 title games. Both games the Griz had multiple TD leads, only to squander the games late. Yet, somehow they always rope me back in...

I guess I'm trying to say I empathize with you.

December 14th, 2018, 10:04 PM
What game are you watching? Where is the sloppy play?

Most penalties against them all season, I think is what the announcers said.

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December 14th, 2018, 10:04 PM
Dude, you are South Dakota State. What did you expect? You should be happy that people know you exist.
When you’re program has poured tens of millions into your program, you expect success.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
December 14th, 2018, 10:05 PM
What game are you watching? Where is the sloppy play?

Season high penalty yards (tons of false starts)? kick out of bounds, missed xp.....

The same as everyone else...

December 14th, 2018, 10:06 PM
When you’re program has poured tens of millions into your program, you expect success.

A semifinal appearance and 10-3 season is still a great success, considering 2 of those losses are to the #1 team...

December 14th, 2018, 10:07 PM
I struggled with Montana's losses in the 2004 and 2009 title games. Both games the Griz had multiple TD leads, only to squander the games late. Yet, somehow they always rope me back in...

I guess I'm trying to say I empathize with you.
At least Montana made it. SDSU made it to the D2 playoffs once and lost to Youngstown by 40. Our program tries to pretend we’re NDSU, it’s like Ole Miss pretending they’re Alabama. Or Iowa pretending they’re Ohio State.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
December 14th, 2018, 10:07 PM
When you’re program has poured tens of millions into your program, you expect success.

Throwing money at something entitles you to nothing. Takes a lot more than. NDSU's culture is unmatched....

SDSU has a great FCS program. But they like everyone else can't compete with NDSU...

December 14th, 2018, 10:08 PM
A semifinal appearance and 10-3 season is still a great success, considering 2 of those losses are to the #1 team...
2nd straight piss pounding in the semifinals. 100000000th straight piss pounding by NDSU in the playoffs. You’d think we could finally beat them.

December 14th, 2018, 10:08 PM
Taryon Christion is such a good ball player. This league and level of football will be lesser without him.

December 14th, 2018, 10:08 PM
Yep, for sure, its a fascinating topic. Hard to pin down how a college in North Dakota can pull this off. I honestly have no idea

Well first you have the benefit of talented coaching staffs and an athletic department that is devoted to the success of the football team. NDSU is a flagship university in a state with a smaller population. Flagships have inherent advantages over directional state universities and smaller private colleges. You may think that you don't have money or resources but at least you're not the red-headed step child in a state where the focus and resources go to the flagship(s).

Go Lehigh TU Owl
December 14th, 2018, 10:09 PM
Congrats NDSU!

Another dominating performance! #7 is right around the corner!!

December 14th, 2018, 10:10 PM
My selection of NDSU being the last team to score is taking a hit right now (Although I'm glad they aren't running it up).

December 14th, 2018, 10:11 PM
Throwing money at something entitles you to nothing. Takes a lot more than. NDSU's culture is unmatched....

SDSU has a great FCS program. But they like everyone else can't compete with NDSU...
I mentioned that in a previous post. NDSU has only had 3 losing seasons since the 60’s. I’m not saying we need 15 national titles, but at least 2-3 would’ve been nice. We went 44 years without a conference title, and people use the “ We’re a basketball school” excuse. Our MBB team hasn’t won a title since 1963, hadn’t made it since 1985.

December 14th, 2018, 10:11 PM
Throwing money at something entitles you to nothing. Takes a lot more than. NDSU's culture is unmatched....

SDSU has a great FCS program. But they like everyone else can't compete with NDSU...
True, but the money helps maintain and build the culture.

December 14th, 2018, 10:13 PM
Go to the Natty? Or just go tailgate and party and sell my tickets at a jacked up rate?


December 14th, 2018, 10:13 PM
Lol, touche. Fine, I'm in. Deal.


I will splash the pot whenever the **** I please.

You have a new PM with your nice new shiny avatar pic.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
December 14th, 2018, 10:14 PM
True, but the money helps maintain and build the culture.

I agree to an extent because my belief is the programs that really could end NDSU's run, as presently constructed, reside in the Ivy League. But lets not open that can of worms..

December 14th, 2018, 10:18 PM
I agree to an extent because my belief is the programs that really could end NDSU's run, as presently constructed, reside in the Ivy League. But lets not open that can of worms..
Princeton in my opinion was the 2nd or 3rd best FCS team this year. Maine got piss pounded by Yale and Princeton piss pounded Yale.
I wish they’d compete in the playoffs.

December 14th, 2018, 10:19 PM
I honestly don’t think I’ll go to another game to watch this hopeless cause of a “powerhouse”.
SDSU has always been this way, same damn thing every year dating back to the 60’s. Always been NDSU’s b**ch and always will be. Entz will pick up where Klieman left off and continue piss pounding SDSU.
Just let it go. No reason to get emotionally invested in 18 year old kids playing a game that's outside your control and means nothing in any real sense. That's the way of madness.

December 14th, 2018, 10:20 PM
I agree to an extent because my belief is the programs that really could end NDSU's run, as presently constructed, reside in the Ivy League. But lets not open that can of worms..

Princeton in my opinion was the 2nd or 3rd best FCS team this year. Maine got piss pounded by Yale and Princeton piss pounded Yale.
I wish they’d compete in the playoffs.
Princeton was probably top 5, have to throw EWU and SDSU in the discussion as well.

December 14th, 2018, 10:22 PM
Just let it go. No reason to get emotionally invested in 18 year old kids playing a game that's outside your control and means nothing in any real sense. That's the way of madness.
I’m not even the worst of SDSU fans.
I always overreact when a team of mine loses, I’m a fan of the Dallas Cowboys for God’s sake, so I’m sick of seeing my teams lose.

December 14th, 2018, 10:23 PM
As far as I’m concerned the best football program in SD is the Sioux Falls Cougars. 4 national titles.

December 14th, 2018, 10:27 PM
Congrats to the Jacks on a great season. They are the second best team in FCS in my opinion and it's a shame this couldn't have been played in Frisco.

December 14th, 2018, 10:29 PM
Congrats to the Jacks on a great season. They are the second best team in FCS in my opinion and it's a shame this couldn't have been played in Frisco.

So they'd have to travel thousands of miles to lose by 20+? That's just cruel.

December 14th, 2018, 10:32 PM
That Strong kid is really good and will be tough to deal with the next 3 years.xthumbsupx

Now you all know why Bison fans say we'd never trade Easton Stick for TC. Kids a winner.xnodx

Gil Dobie
December 14th, 2018, 10:34 PM
Keep your head up Jacks fans, you have one of the best programs in FCS. Just happened to be during a great Bison run. Keep the program improving and you may have a run of your own some day.

December 14th, 2018, 10:35 PM
Excited to see Chris Klieman and NDSU again in January

December 14th, 2018, 10:36 PM
So they'd have to travel thousands of miles to lose by 20+? That's just cruel.

Exactly. Would make it even sweeter!:D

December 14th, 2018, 10:37 PM
DIRTY PLAY by NDSU with no flag. Helmet to helmet targeting on SDSU qb...

BS it wasn't helmet to helmet. The kid put his shoulder into him.

December 14th, 2018, 10:38 PM
But clearly, Strong would only be fourth or fifth string on NDSU's team. According to a bunch of guys on Bisonville.

Truth hurts huh?

December 14th, 2018, 10:38 PM
You have a new PM with your nice new shiny avatar pic.

A bet is a bet. Just wish it didn't happen like that. SDSU needed to go into the half up 14-7 instead of the other way around.

December 14th, 2018, 10:40 PM
Hell of a game and tailgate. Hats off to SDSU. I was honestly nervous going into halftime. Not much beats playing your rival with the winner going to Frisco. Pierre Strong can straight up run the ball.

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December 14th, 2018, 10:43 PM
I love sports, I actually have a soft spot for teams/franchises that were great but never captured the ring. The Bills, The Vikings, The NBA when Jordan was playing, the 90’s Braves(yeah I know they got one, but cmon they should have had more) etc. Anyway, I group SDSU into this scenario. They are probably the only FCS program who rose to the occasion to challenge NDSU consistently

December 14th, 2018, 10:52 PM
Congrats to the Jacks on a great season. They are the second best team in FCS in my opinion and it's a shame this couldn't have been played in Frisco.

......2ND BEST....HAS YET TA BE DECIDED..............AN' DUH BIZONSSSSSS........MIGHT BE IT..........AWK!

December 14th, 2018, 10:54 PM
......2ND BEST....HAS YET TA BE DECIDED..............AN' DUH BIZONSSSSSS........MIGHT BE IT..........AWK!

No. The title game won't be close. If the spread is less than 17, bet the house.

December 14th, 2018, 10:56 PM
Best post on SDSUFans. "It's like watching the movie Groundhog day... "

SDSU your day will come, you guys just need to win enough to get on the other side of the bracket.

December 14th, 2018, 10:57 PM
A bet is a bet. Just wish it didn't happen like that. SDSU needed to go into the half up 14-7 instead of the other way around.

I appreciate that you held up your end of the bet. I took it pretty easy on you though.

December 14th, 2018, 11:01 PM
......2ND BEST....HAS YET TA BE DECIDED..............AN' DUH BIZONSSSSSS........MIGHT BE IT..........AWK!Mr. Chicken - I love you, man! Er, bird? But that's kind of funny.

The team that loses to the Bison in the championship game has yet to be decided. But I suspect SDSU is a stronger team than either of the other two. It's all opinion anyway.

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December 14th, 2018, 11:05 PM
I appreciate that you held up your end of the bet. I took it pretty easy on you though.

Agreed. I'm glad you went the humor route instead of the mean route. I think it's more fun than if you would have made me put up an NDSU logo or something. Kudos.

December 14th, 2018, 11:06 PM
Welp...that went pretty much how I envisioned it.


POD Knows
December 14th, 2018, 11:08 PM
They should have, it would have completely crushed their soul.Absolutely, there was no freaking way SDSU was going to stop them on that 4th down play. No way.

December 14th, 2018, 11:09 PM
It doesn’t matter who we play in the playoffs, we’ll still lose. We had shots with EWU in 2013, Montana in 2015, and JMU in 2017, and we s**t the bed in all 3. As long as we keep this coaching staff, we’ll never win anything.
Lets not forget the horror show that was 2009 against Montana. Stig should’ve been fired after that, that team had a shot at a title that year and ended up blowing a 27 point lead and lost by 13.
I hate SDSU, always end up the same in all sports. Chris Bono in Wrestling is the greatest coach in SDSU history regardless of sport, and it’s not even close. Took a piss poor program to the Top 15 in the nation.

Sleep it off dude. Good lord. Bono the greatest coach in SDSU history? He wasn’t even the best coach when he was at SDSU.

Look, Stig has completely changed this program. We were **** when we were D-2, now we have played in the semis in back-to-back years. No one thought that was possible when we moved up. Are any of us happy with how the season ended? Of course not. Our rise just happens to coincide with one of the greatest dynastys to ever exist in sports. This program has some momentum, we just need to get over the hump. It’ll happen some day, I truly believe it.

Congrats Bison on another trip to the ship. Make the MVCF proud in Frisco, I know you will.

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December 14th, 2018, 11:15 PM
Pierre Strong... yikes, he is a perfect fit for SDSU's running game. And he's a true freshman.

December 14th, 2018, 11:28 PM
Pierre Strong... yikes, he is a perfect fit for SDSU's running game. And he's a true freshman.I was happy. Stop that.

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December 14th, 2018, 11:29 PM
Hell of a game and tailgate. Hats off to SDSU. I was honestly nervous going into halftime. Not much beats playing your rival with the winner going to Frisco. Pierre Strong can straight up run the ball.

Sent from my SM-J727V using TapatalkI'd rather play them in Frisco.

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December 14th, 2018, 11:35 PM
Go to the Natty? Or just go tailgate and party and sell my tickets at a jacked up rate?


c'mon up!

December 14th, 2018, 11:39 PM
Hell of a game and tailgate. Hats off to SDSU. I was honestly nervous going into halftime. Not much beats playing your rival with the winner going to Frisco. Pierre Strong can straight up run the ball.

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You were on the TV crowd shot maybe 3 or 4 times.

December 14th, 2018, 11:40 PM
I'd rather play them in Frisco.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using TapatalkFrisco would have been a blast, but here at The Fargodome on Friday Night is really hard to beat. Great way to send Coach K off for his last game here at The Dome.

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December 14th, 2018, 11:41 PM
You were on the TV crowd shot maybe 3 or 4 times.It's the hockey jersey.

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December 14th, 2018, 11:41 PM
No. The title game won't be close. If the spread is less than 17, bet the house.

It prolly won't be. I think EWU SDSU would be a pretty good matchup though. Too bad that isnr the Semi gsme tomorrow

December 14th, 2018, 11:46 PM
It prolly won't be. I think EWU SDSU would be a pretty good matchup though. Too bad that isnr the Semi gsme tomorrowAgreed. I think EWU vs SDSU would be a GAME! Of course it wasn't much of a game a few years ago when they played. But this SDSU team is pretty solid overall.

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December 14th, 2018, 11:54 PM
Yeah I think this game should have been played in Frisco cuz I don't think EWU or Maine beats that SDSU team.

December 15th, 2018, 12:11 AM
Yeah I think this game should have been played in Frisco cuz I don't think EWU or Maine beats that SDSU team.

You can say something nice about SDSU! It is possible!

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December 15th, 2018, 12:14 AM
True, but the money helps maintain and build the culture.

NDSU, surprisingly, isn't even a top 15 in the FCS in regards to funding the football team.

NDSU simply brings a tradition of football excellence and a culture that supports it. We demand a lot from our team and in exchange we bring one of the best football experiences in the subdivision.

December 15th, 2018, 12:17 AM
Best post on SDSUFans. "It's like watching the movie Groundhog day... "

SDSU your day will come, you guys just need to win enough to get on the other side of the bracket.
We tried that in 2013 and 2017. Still didn’t make a difference. Heck in 2009 you guys didn’t even make the playoffs and we still lost.

December 15th, 2018, 12:19 AM
NDSU, surprisingly, isn't even a top 15 in the FCS in regards to funding the football team.

NDSU simply brings a tradition of football excellence and a culture that supports it. We demand a lot from our team and in exchange we bring one of the best football experiences in the subdivision.
When you’ve had nothing but success, you only continue to want success. That’s why 2008 and 2009 seemed like hell for NDSU.
SDSU has never had that drive for success.

December 15th, 2018, 12:33 AM
NDSU, surprisingly, isn't even a top 15 in the FCS in regards to funding the football team.

NDSU simply brings a tradition of football excellence and a culture that supports it. We demand a lot from our team and in exchange we bring one of the best football experiences in the subdivision.

If that was all it took programs like Nebraska and Montana would be relevant.

It takes a lot of things; mostly getting a good thing going and then giving it the time to thrive and the continuity to keep the wheels on the bus.

Thumper 76
December 15th, 2018, 12:35 AM
Anyone saying this was the championship game is full of ****. We were trash and played like it. Congrats on another W over us in the playoffs ndsu. ****ing gross. Absolute dog**** performance. Got our balls kicked in again.

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Thumper 76
December 15th, 2018, 12:48 AM
I was happy. Stop that.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

Oh stop.

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Professor Chaos
December 15th, 2018, 12:49 AM
Nothing to hang your heads about SDSU, like I said earlier in the week you guys were running into a buzzsaw… a very good team in the wrong place at the wrong time. This NDSU team is supremely talented, disciplined, and they're on a mission. I was really impressed with the way the Jacks were able to run the ball... when it was fairly close towards the end of the first half and even after NDSU went up 21-7 early on the 2nd half I was legit worried because the Jacks seemed to be getting 5 or more yards at will running the ball.

That said, and I hate to pile on a guy who took hits that would make me curl up in the fetal position, but Christion sliding a yard shy of the first down on that reverse pass late in the 1st half was a turning point I think. SDSU needed to get points on that drive and to have your leader essentially give up trying to get a 1st down at that point in the game instead of going for it had to leave a bad taste in the mouth for the entire team going into halftime. They had a chance in the 1st half when NDSU's offense was sluggish but after the break the Bison came out guns blazin' and it was lights out from there.

Regardless though good game Jacks... you made the Fargodome PA hold off on "In you're gonna play in Texas" until 4 minutes left in the game... that's better than most teams who've came into the Fargodome have done. I doubt SDSU is going anywhere as long as they get a QB that can sling it enough to keep teams honest. They've got good lines on both sides of the ball and a couple stud RBs... both these teams will look a lot different next year but I have little doubt that both will still be national title contenders in 2019.

December 15th, 2018, 12:59 AM
Pierre Strong... yikes, he is a perfect fit for SDSU's running game. And he's a true freshman.

Yeah...not happy about having to see that guy for another three years...

December 15th, 2018, 01:08 AM
How many starters does Sdsu return

December 15th, 2018, 01:28 AM
Nothing to hang your heads about SDSU, like I said earlier in the week you guys were running into a buzzsaw… a very good team in the wrong place at the wrong time. This NDSU team is supremely talented, disciplined, and they're on a mission. I was really impressed with the way the Jacks were able to run the ball... when it was fairly close towards the end of the first half and even after NDSU went up 21-7 early on the 2nd half I was legit worried because the Jacks seemed to be getting 5 or more yards at will running the ball.

That said, and I hate to pile on a guy who took hits that would make me curl up in the fetal position, but Christion sliding a yard shy of the first down on that reverse pass late in the 1st half was a turning point I think. SDSU needed to get points on that drive and to have your leader essentially give up trying to get a 1st down at that point in the game instead of going for it had to leave a bad taste in the mouth for the entire team going into halftime. They had a chance in the 1st half when NDSU's offense was sluggish but after the break the Bison came out guns blazin' and it was lights out from there.

Regardless though good game Jacks... you made the Fargodome PA hold off on "In you're gonna play in Texas" until 4 minutes left in the game... that's better than most teams who've came into the Fargodome have done. I doubt SDSU is going anywhere as long as they get a QB that can sling it enough to keep teams honest. They've got good lines on both sides of the ball and a couple stud RBs... both these teams will look a lot different next year but I have little doubt that both will still be national title contenders in 2019.

I don't agree at all. He pulled up hurt and then slid when he thought he had the first down. He clearly pulled up lame before the slide.

December 15th, 2018, 05:44 AM
1. Bison DB's played great
2. Bison DLine played very well
3. Bison OLine completely dominated, very impressive performance by the Rams. Blew holes open all game and Easton had plenty of time to throw each drop back.

Round of applause for the Jacks, program high watermark second year in a row. A lot to be proud of. Some impressive young guys on your squad. Not sad to see TC go xsmiley_wix

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 15th, 2018, 06:51 AM
My 2 $:

Hats off to the Bison OL. They completely curb stomped the Jacks DL to the tune of 439 yards rushing. The false starts were puzzling and not the norm and a couple of them were head scratchers.

ES is a stud and was the difference today. He willed the Bison team to victory. It has been a pleasure watching him compete in the FD for 4 years.

Shout out to the Bison crowd. They brought their A-game last night. My voice was shot in the 1st quarter but well worth it.

Stick has now tied former Bison QB Brock Jensen with the most wins by a QB. He will pass him in Frisco.

Bison defense played a great game. Still wondering how Grimsley and Hendricks didn't come up with that deep ball....double coverage.....I guess it happens....xnodx

Strong will be a good one. Good fit for the Jacks running game.

To me it doesn't matter which team NDSU plays in the chipper. Maine will try to "out physical" the Bison and that will not work. EWU's spread is nothing the Bison haven't seen before....wash/rinse/repeat. The question for EWU is can they stop NDSU's power and match them physically. From what I have seen from EWU is that they are better but not there yet. Both games will be like this one in terms of score.

Thank you 24 seniors and Coach K. These seniors are on a mission and they could go down as the best group yet. Coach K is nothing but class. His post game presser was awesome. K State is getting a very good coach and even better person.

Looking forward to Coach Entz continuing the domination starting next year at Target Field.

For the Jacks. It doesn't get old beating them...:D. Take care of business in the regular season. Win in CF and you are in the other bracket and probably winning today for Frisco.

Looking forward to my 7th trip to Frisco.....xnodx

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 15th, 2018, 07:00 AM
Also: Good to see AGS guys yesterday.

Upstatebison and his dad!!
Dewey - glad to finally meet you...xthumbsupx
CAS from BV
Thumper76 and a few other Jacks fans
Some other BV guys that don't post here

December 15th, 2018, 07:29 AM
Couple question for SDSU fans. There was a rumor going around that Rozeboom was playing last night with a cracked rib. It was said this happened before last nights game. Also during the game it was clear TC was playing dinged up and again some have said they believed he may have had a concussion. Seems I recall some other questionable player/injury situations in the past that some bunny fans have questioned Stig on for letting them play when they maybe shouldn't have. Can any bunny fans confirm the rumor on Rozeboom and TC from last nights game or the latter question about previous player injury situations? If they are true it really brings into question the coaching staffs accountability and regard for player safety. It was clear (at least to me) last night that Rozeboom wasn't his normal self and I say that prior to him looking like he got dinged up in a play that happened where he limped off the field in the second half of the game. Lastly I know people who have had cracked rib(s) and from their comments it's a bitch. Hurts to just breath. I can't even begin to imagine how anyone could play full speed in a tough physical football game with a cracked rib. If it's true I have to hand it to the kid I can't even imagine doing that and would also have to give a big thumbs down to Stig and the coaches for exposing a player to further injury (again if this is true).

December 15th, 2018, 07:32 AM
Also: Good to see AGS guys yesterday.

Upstatebison and his dad!!
Dewey - glad to finally meet you...xthumbsupx
CAS from BV
Thumper76 and a few other Jacks fans
Some other BV guys that don't post here

Had a great time at the tailgate and the game last night. Always good to meetup with you guys!!!xthumbsupx

Professor Chaos
December 15th, 2018, 07:38 AM
I don't agree at all. He pulled up hurt and then slid when he thought he had the first down. He clearly pulled up lame before the slide.
Could be, I didn't notice that in the stadium and haven't watched the TV replay. That seemed to he a very dumb play call in that situation given that he had just left the game for the 2nd time with the training staff on the previous drive. I guess you can't pull a senior All-American in a situation like that but if he was that hurt at that point he may have been doing his team more harm than good.

December 15th, 2018, 07:41 AM
Could be, I didn't notice that in the stadium and haven't watched the TV replay. That seemed to he a very dumb play call in that situation given that he had just left the game for the 2nd time with the training staff on the previous drive. I guess you can't pull a senior All-American in a situation like that but if he was that hurt at that point he may have been doing his team more harm than good.

Agree 100% last night watching TC play really begged the question on player safety in my previous post and just how important is it to the SDSU coaching staff???

December 15th, 2018, 07:56 AM
c'mon up!

Already have my room. I’ll be there

December 15th, 2018, 08:21 AM
Couple question for SDSU fans. There was a rumor going around that Rozeboom was playing last night with a cracked rib. It was said this happened before last nights game. Also during the game it was clear TC was playing dinged up and again some have said they believed he may have had a concussion. Seems I recall some other questionable player/injury situations in the past that some bunny fans have questioned Stig on for letting them play when they maybe shouldn't have. Can any bunny fans confirm the rumor on Rozeboom and TC from last nights game or the latter question about previous player injury situations? If they are true it really brings into question the coaching staffs accountability and regard for player safety. It was clear (at least to me) last night that Rozeboom wasn't his normal self and I say that prior to him looking like he got dinged up in a play that happened where he limped off the field in the second half of the game. Lastly I know people who have had cracked rib(s) and from their comments it's a bitch. Hurts to just breath. I can't even begin to imagine how anyone could play full speed in a tough physical football game with a cracked rib. If it's true I have to hand it to the kid I can't even imagine doing that and would also have to give a big thumbs down to Stig and the coaches for exposing a player to further injury (again if this is true).
Not sure about Rozeboom but he did look slower than usual. Christon has played awful since USD, could be an injury. That’s supposedly the reason he threw 6 picks against JMU last year.

December 15th, 2018, 08:23 AM
Agree 100% last night watching TC play really begged the question on player safety in my previous post and just how important is it to the SDSU coaching staff???
Our coaches aren’t very smart, I’d of subbed Christon out after that pathetic slide on 3rd down. Throw Kanin Nelson in, we had a great plan of run with Strong than throw it deep when the defense plays up to prevent the run.
To bad we didn’t try that more.

December 15th, 2018, 08:28 AM
I might have had a few drinks last night. Damn I look like a goofball on TV.

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Bison Fan in NW MN
December 15th, 2018, 09:03 AM
I might have had a few drinks last night. Damn I look like a goofball on TV.

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

You're trash talking was A+ last night.....xthumbsupx

POD Knows
December 15th, 2018, 09:05 AM
A bet is a bet. Just wish it didn't happen like that. SDSU needed to go into the half up 14-7 instead of the other way around.Christ, how long are you going to be saddled with the "Rabbit Gimp" avatar?

December 15th, 2018, 09:06 AM
You're trash talking was A+ last night.....xthumbsupxThank you. I try and full credit the Jag bombs to ensuring I could bring my A game. I'm always here to help and that is all I do

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Bison Fan in NW MN
December 15th, 2018, 09:07 AM
How long does Thumper have to keep that avatar?


December 15th, 2018, 09:11 AM
How long does Thumper have to keep that avatar?


POD Knows
December 15th, 2018, 09:13 AM
Also: Good to see AGS guys yesterday.

Upstatebison and his dad!!
Dewey - glad to finally meet you...xthumbsupx
CAS from BV
Thumper76 and a few other Jacks fans
Some other BV guys that don't post hereWe will have to settle our bet in Frisco!! Go Bison!

December 15th, 2018, 09:19 AM
You're trash talking was A+ last night.....xthumbsupx
Was kingpin in one of your seats last night?

December 15th, 2018, 09:20 AM

December 15th, 2018, 09:23 AM
Christ, how long are you going to be saddled with the "Rabbit Gimp" avatar?

1 year.

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 15th, 2018, 09:23 AM
Was kingpin in one of your seats last night?


December 15th, 2018, 09:30 AM
It was that dorky hockey sweater that made him easy to pick out of the crowd

December 15th, 2018, 09:38 AM
Christ, how long are you going to be saddled with the "Rabbit Gimp" avatar?

A full year. He made it a punishment for me and the rest of you guys that have to look at it. xlolx

December 15th, 2018, 09:44 AM
A full year. He madd it a punishment for me and the rest of you guys that have to look at it. xlolx

Kudo's to you for being a good sport about it xthumbsupx

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 15th, 2018, 09:52 AM
Kudo's to you for being a good sport about it xthumbsupx

No kidding...xlolx

That avatar is just.....not right....xlolx:D

December 15th, 2018, 09:55 AM
No kidding...xlolx

That avatar is just.....not right....xlolx:D

You're welcome. I paid the price by having to search for certain words in google that returned some pretty terrifying results.

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 15th, 2018, 10:03 AM
You're welcome. I paid the price by having to search for certain words in google that returned some pretty terrifying results.

Well, kudos to you to then....xthumbsupx

I still don't like that Wentz thread you started but I wont go there....

December 15th, 2018, 10:07 AM

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 15th, 2018, 10:10 AM
Interesting comment by Stig in the post game presser: ......... "we got handled a little bit"......really?

439 rushing yards I guess is a little bit.....xlolx

December 15th, 2018, 10:12 AM

December 15th, 2018, 11:07 AM
A full year. He madd it a punishment for me and the rest of you guys that have to look at it. xlolx

At least with this one I can tell what your team is from the picture. It's blue, it's a bunny...easy. I still get thrown off by Thumper's Bison "I lost a bet" picture.

December 15th, 2018, 11:14 AM
It was that dorky hockey sweater that made him easy to pick out of the crowdBison have yet to lose when I wear it. It also let's the other team know our hockey team is better than their football team.

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

December 15th, 2018, 11:15 AM
At least with this one I can tell what your team is from the picture. It's blue, it's a bunny...easy. I still get thrown off by Thumper's Bison "I lost a bet" picture.He gets to keep it for 3 more weeks. I finally won a bet against him.

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

December 15th, 2018, 11:18 AM
Bison have yet to lose when I wear it. It also let's the other team know our hockey team is better than their football team.

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

Someone needs to get a screenshot of you from the broadcast. I want to see that dorky hockey sweater.

December 15th, 2018, 11:19 AM
Someone needs to get a screenshot of you from the broadcast. I want to see that dorky hockey sweater.Give me a sec. I'll post it

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

December 15th, 2018, 11:19 AM
Someone needs to get a screenshot of you from the broadcast. I want to see that dorky hockey sweater.Not the best shot, but here is part of it.29737

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

December 15th, 2018, 11:20 AM
Someone needs to get a screenshot of you from the broadcast. I want to see that dorky hockey sweater.Here I am wearing it before the ISUr game.29738

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

December 15th, 2018, 11:26 AM
Here I am wearing it before the ISUr game.29738

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk
I can confirm the rumors, that shirt was in the building and looking just like it did in the picture.

December 15th, 2018, 11:50 AM
NDSU pretty much played the whole season without making Easton Stick part of the running game. It's a sign of how good SDSU is that NDSU had to unleash Stick before the title game again.

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 15th, 2018, 11:52 AM
NDSU pretty much played the whole season without making Easton Stick part of the running game. It's a sign of how good SDSU is that NDSU had to unleash Stick before the title game again.

What is so surprising about it. Win or go home.

He had 85 rushes before this game.

December 15th, 2018, 12:13 PM
What is so surprising about it. Win or go home.

He had 85 rushes before this game.

It was win or go home against Montana State and Colgate too... I bet only half of those 85 rush attempts were designed runs (i.e. half were scrambles or sacks) which makes for about 3 designed runs per game. He'd have about 170 designed runs if NDSU ran him at the same pace all season.

POD Knows
December 15th, 2018, 12:16 PM
It was win or go home against Montana State and Colgate too... I bet only half of those 85 rush attempts were designed runs (i.e. half were scrambles or sacks) which makes for about 3 designed runs per game.Going home wasn't an option or a possibility for NDSU in either of those games, no sense getting Stick banged up there. I would agree with you that the run playbook for Stick was changed in this game, maybe some if it was on the fly given the RB situation for NDSU in the second half, don't know. Whatever it was, it worked.

December 15th, 2018, 12:17 PM
Here I am wearing it before the ISUr game.29738

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

did you get that in the youth section?

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 15th, 2018, 12:18 PM
It was win or go home against Montana State and Colgate too... I bet only half of those 85 rush attempts were designed runs (i.e. half were scrambles or sacks) which makes for about 3 designed runs per game. He'd have about 170 designed runs if NDSU ran him at the same pace all season.

Neither of those teams were a threat defensively. Colgate's stats are padded with cupcake Patriot teams. SDSU is/was legit.

December 15th, 2018, 12:20 PM
Interesting comment by Stig in the post game presser: ......... "we got handled a little bit"......really?

439 rushing yards I guess is a little bit.....xlolx

What did you expect him to do? Bow down and worship at the Bison alter? At least he didn't complain about the dirty, really dirty hit on TC in the 1st. Stig doesn't make excuses.

This is why so many get tired of Bison fans. You really are obnoxious. You have a great program, I have a ton of respect for Klieman and a lot of respect for many of your players who do things with class. The fans? Weird, just plain obnoxious and weird.

Good luck. The Bison will roll in Frisco and they should. But when it ends... your athletic department is fast becoming a one trick pony, football. Your other revenue sports are dying. I am very much looking forward to Daum and Company hammering your Men's team. Your Women? Holy crap, it is going to be ugly, real ugly when you face SDSU and USD. Enjoy your time in the sun, come mid-January Bison depression will arrive again.

December 15th, 2018, 12:22 PM
did you get that in the youth section?**** off

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

December 15th, 2018, 12:26 PM
did you get that in the youth section?
It makes him look ripped xnodx

December 15th, 2018, 12:39 PM
did you get that in the youth section?
The sweatshirt or the mustache?

Thumper 76
December 15th, 2018, 12:39 PM
Couple question for SDSU fans. There was a rumor going around that Rozeboom was playing last night with a cracked rib. It was said this happened before last nights game. Also during the game it was clear TC was playing dinged up and again some have said they believed he may have had a concussion. Seems I recall some other questionable player/injury situations in the past that some bunny fans have questioned Stig on for letting them play when they maybe shouldn't have. Can any bunny fans confirm the rumor on Rozeboom and TC from last nights game or the latter question about previous player injury situations? If they are true it really brings into question the coaching staffs accountability and regard for player safety. It was clear (at least to me) last night that Rozeboom wasn't his normal self and I say that prior to him looking like he got dinged up in a play that happened where he limped off the field in the second half of the game. Lastly I know people who have had cracked rib(s) and from their comments it's a bitch. Hurts to just breath. I can't even begin to imagine how anyone could play full speed in a tough physical football game with a cracked rib. If it's true I have to hand it to the kid I can't even imagine doing that and would also have to give a big thumbs down to Stig and the coaches for exposing a player to further injury (again if this is true).

Agree 100% last night watching TC play really begged the question on player safety in my previous post and just how important is it to the SDSU coaching staff???
That’s funny, I haven’t heard any of this beside from bison fans with axes to grind against Stig xcoffeex

But if a player was playing dinged up for the bison he would be touted as a hero. Funny how that **** works.

NDSU pretty much played the whole season without making Easton Stick part of the running game. It's a sign of how good SDSU is that NDSU had to unleash Stick before the title game again.

Oh bologna. You kicked our asses and there was no sign of how good we were in any point of that ****ing game.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

December 15th, 2018, 12:39 PM
Not the best shot, but here is part of it.29737

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk


You just keep wearing that damn thing


December 15th, 2018, 12:45 PM
did you get that in the youth section?

Still taller than me probably.

December 15th, 2018, 12:45 PM
Going home wasn't an option or a possibility for NDSU in either of those games, no sense getting Stick banged up there. I would agree with you that the run playbook for Stick was changed in this game, maybe some if it was on the fly given the RB situation for NDSU in the second half, don't know. Whatever it was, it worked.

True about Montana State and Colgate - there was no need to run him in those games, but I still would have preferred to reveal "Running Stick" in the title game rather than the semis. Hopefully we get Dunn, Anderson, and Brooks back healthy for Frisco.

December 15th, 2018, 12:50 PM
That’s funny, I haven’t heard any of this beside from bison fans with axes to grind against Stig xcoffeex

But if a player was playing dinged up for the bison he would be touted as a hero. Funny how that **** works.

Oh bologna. You kicked our asses and there was no sign of how good we were in any point of that ****ing game.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No Thumper you are wrong on the notion that the Bison coaches would put a player in that was hurt. If you can't admit that both Rozeboom and TC really shouldn't have been out there (especially TC with the likely concussion) you are kidding yourself. The question has been asked about concussion protocol at the collegiate level and honestly I don't know how it compares to the pro's but looking at TC and his play before and after the two times he was laying on the turf if you can't admit he was at best dinged up and at worst playing with a concussion I can't help you. Hell the guy only missed one play on both I believe and everyone was touting his accuracy which I questioned when he gets jarred and all the bunny posters came out with charts and graphs about how he was so great. Yesterday I sure didn't see much for accuracy other than one long hope and a prayer which our D got burned on (credit to him and SDSU). I talked to one of my SDSU friends who watched the game down in Webster and he as much said TC in his opinion was playing with a concussion. Either way whether you like it or not it's a valid question on him playing after those hits. Gutsy kid yeah, smart coaching staff for letting him play well everyone can decide that for themselves.

December 15th, 2018, 12:51 PM
By the way look at our RB's for proof. They could easily have put one of the 3 rb's that got dinged up back in the game but they didn't.

December 15th, 2018, 12:53 PM
Here I am wearing it before the ISUr game.29738

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

Here we go... Here's one of them - Kingpin in the left. That's UpstateBison next to Kingpin in the middle making noise.


Bison Fan in NW MN
December 15th, 2018, 01:05 PM
What did you expect him to do? Bow down and worship at the Bison alter? At least he didn't complain about the dirty, really dirty hit on TC in the 1st. Stig doesn't make excuses.

This is why so many get tired of Bison fans. You really are obnoxious. You have a great program, I have a ton of respect for Klieman and a lot of respect for many of your players who do things with class. The fans? Weird, just plain obnoxious and weird.

Good luck. The Bison will roll in Frisco and they should. But when it ends... your athletic department is fast becoming a one trick pony, football. Your other revenue sports are dying. I am very much looking forward to Daum and Company hammering your Men's team. Your Women? Holy crap, it is going to be ugly, real ugly when you face SDSU and USD. Enjoy your time in the sun, come mid-January Bison depression will arrive again.

Does that make you feel better?


I could give 2 shi** if you think we are obnoxious.....good!

As for BB.....big deal, I'm not a BB fan.

Ya, 1 trick pony is right. VB, soccer, T & F and wrestling are good programs. Baseball is decent. Keep going genius.

December 15th, 2018, 01:12 PM
It makes him look ripped xnodx

Chiseled one-pack

December 15th, 2018, 01:22 PM
Does that make you feel better?


I could give 2 shi** if you think we are obnoxious.....good!

As for BB.....big deal, I'm not a BB fan.

Ya, 1 trick pony is right. VB, soccer, T & F and wrestling are good programs. Baseball is decent. Keep going genius.

Here's the thing about Basketball, you can suck during the regular season but if you win just enough to make the tourney and win that you get to go to March madness where barring next to a miracle you get bounced in the first game. Basketball is just a distraction of Winter until spring gets here and that's all it is. Teams in the Summit and most other conferences have virtually little to no shot at advancing after the first game and even if they make that they are almost surely to get bounced in the second round. So if that's your thing more power to you. Yeah it makes for conversation during the winter months but any bunny fan can come and talk to me when a team from the Summit ever wins it all and I'll sign over my house and retirement to you. I won't lose any sleep over becoming homeless and pennyless on that wager xlolx

December 15th, 2018, 01:23 PM
Chiseled one-pack

But it is chiseled :D

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 15th, 2018, 01:28 PM
Here's the thing about Basketball, you can suck during the regular season but if you win just enough to make the tourney and win that you get to go to March madness where barring next to a miracle you get bounced in the first game. Basketball is just a distraction of Winter until spring gets here and that's all it is. Teams in the Summit and most other conferences have virtually little to no shot at advancing after the first game and even if they make that they are almost surely to get bounced in the second round. So if that's your thing more power to you. Yeah it makes for conversation during the winter months but any bunny fan can come and talk to me when a team from the Summit ever wins it all and I'll sign over my house and retirement to you. I won't lose any sleep over becoming homeless and pennyless on that wager xlolx

We're all "obnoxious".....I might need my safe space now.....xlolx


December 15th, 2018, 02:19 PM
But it is chiseled .. like a 1/2 barrel :D


December 15th, 2018, 02:23 PM
We're all "obnoxious".....I might need my safe space now.....xlolx



Bison Fan in NW MN
December 15th, 2018, 02:25 PM

Look at the clown in the NDSU shirt and short hair....xlolx

Just watched the replay of the game. Not quite good as the real thing but still good....xthumbsupx

December 15th, 2018, 02:26 PM
Here's the thing about Basketball, you can suck during the regular season but if you win just enough to make the tourney and win that you get to go to March madness where barring next to a miracle you get bounced in the first game. Basketball is just a distraction of Winter until spring gets here and that's all it is. Teams in the Summit and most other conferences have virtually little to no shot at advancing after the first game and even if they make that they are almost surely to get bounced in the second round. So if that's your thing more power to you. Yeah it makes for conversation during the winter months but any bunny fan can come and talk to me when a team from the Summit ever wins it all and I'll sign over my house and retirement to you. I won't lose any sleep over becoming homeless and pennyless on that wager xlolx

Why is it that Bison fans get so bent out of shape when someone criticizes their maniacal focus on football (they are good at a few other sports but their top 10 most important sports are #1 Football, #2 Football, #3 Football ... #10 Football) but then turn around and criticize other schools that don't share that maniacal focus? Basketball is a great sport and for many schools it generates more money than football and helps fund other non-revenue sports.

December 15th, 2018, 02:28 PM
Why is it that Bison fans get so bent out of shape when someone criticizes their maniacal focus on football (they are good at a few other sports but their top 10 most important sports are #1 Football, #2 Football, #3 Football ... #10 Football) but then turn around and criticize other schools that don't share that maniacal focus? Basketball is a great sport and for many schools it generates more money than football and helps fund other non-revenue sports.

Lets see, championship, or one and done in a 64 team playoff?

December 15th, 2018, 02:29 PM
Bizon people can talk all the **** they want. They got the six flags and are looking for a roller coaster....

POD Knows
December 15th, 2018, 02:33 PM
Does that make you feel better?


I could give 2 shi** if you think we are obnoxious.....good!

As for BB.....big deal, I'm not a BB fan.

Ya, 1 trick pony is right. VB, soccer, T & F and wrestling are good programs. Baseball is decent. Keep going genius.
Really. The only NDSU teams that are bad currently are the men’s and women’s BB programs but if these SDSU LOSERS need to crawl into their BB safe spaces, let them. It is all they have at this time in the grief process.

December 15th, 2018, 02:39 PM
By the way look at our RB's for proof. They could easily have put one of the 3 rb's that got dinged up back in the game but they didn't.

I agree that TC and Rozeboom (especially TC) didn't look right but comparing SDSU playing them to NDSU not playing your RBs is disingenuous. NDSU has a slew of talented backs and your O-Line was creating huge holes so sending in a replacement was not going to be a big letdown. Plus they knew that if they kept it rolling that this wasn't their last game of the season. SDSU knew they needed the best game from both to have a shot and if I was either only unconsciousness would keep me from trying to play. Rozeboom's injury looked to me more like something that would limit you but that you could try to play through. I'm not sure how TC passed the concussion protocol.

While NDSU does have a slew of talented backs, Strong was the best back on the field last night. NDSU's backs had an incredible night but they had a lot more going for them than Strong did. The O-Line was creating huge holes, the SDSU defense isn't as good as NDSU's and also had to worry about Stick's arm and legs. Strong did what he did against one of if not the best defense in FCS and one that knew that he was SDSU's best chance at making a game of it. What he accomplished was beyond impressive.

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 15th, 2018, 02:40 PM
Really. The only NDSU teams that are bad currently are the men’s and women’s BB programs but if these SDSU LOSERS need to crawl into their BB safe spaces, let them. It is all they have at this time in the grief process.

This here.

NDSU's T & F teams are dominant in the Summit. Plus their throwing teams were the best in the country last year. Wrestling is getting there but they were a dominant D2 program. Jen Lopez will get VB back. Softball is a great program.

Just butthurt from a Jacks fan.

Jacks 0-4 in the playoffs against the Bison....xthumbsupx

December 15th, 2018, 02:45 PM
I agree that TC and Rozeboom (especially TC) didn't look right but comparing SDSU playing them to NDSU not playing your RBs is disingenuous. NDSU has a slew of talented backs and your O-Line was creating huge holes so sending in a replacement was not going to be a big letdown. Plus they knew that if they kept it rolling that this wasn't their last game of the season. SDSU knew they needed the best game from both to have a shot and if I was either only unconsciousness would keep me from trying to play. Rozeboom's injury looked to me more like something that would limit you but that you could try to play through. I'm not sure how TC passed the concussion protocol.

While NDSU does have a slew of talented backs, Strong was the best back on the field last night. NDSU's backs had an incredible night but they had a lot more going for them than Strong did. The O-Line was creating huge holes, the SDSU defense isn't as good as NDSU's and also had to worry about Stick's arm and legs. Strong did what he did against one of if not the best defense in FCS and one that knew that he was SDSU's best chance at making a game of it. What he accomplished was beyond impressive.

NDSU was playing 2 deep zone all night to prevent the big play. They gave up the runs because the focus was on the passing game and TC running.

As far as basketball it sucks as a sport and today's players have no clue how to play the game. It makes me want to puke. I would rather stare down a hole ice fishing than be forced to watch it.

POD Knows
December 15th, 2018, 02:46 PM
This here.

NDSU's T & F teams are dominant in the Summit. Plus their throwing teams were the best in the country last year. Wrestling is getting there but they were a dominant D2 program. Jen Lopez will get VB back. Softball is a great program.

Just butthurt from a Jacks fan.

Jacks 0-4 in the playoffs against the Bison....xthumbsupx
Actually. I need to clean up my post. I was really jumping that “29” jackrabbit ass hat but kind of threw their whole fan base under the bus

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 15th, 2018, 02:49 PM
Actually. I need to clean up my post. I was really jumping that “29” jackrabbit ass hat but kind of threw their whole fan base under the bus

He was butthurt with my comment on Stig's post game comment.

NDSU's OL curb stomped the Jacks defense and that is pretty obvious....xlolx

December 15th, 2018, 02:54 PM
NDSU was playing 2 deep zone all night to prevent the big play. They gave up the runs because the focus was on the passing game and TC running. Strong just got lucky because of the defense the Bison were playing. He accomplished nothing on his own and wouldn't even make the depth chart with the Bison. The Bison are perfect, can do absolutely no wrong and nothing is ever their fault. The Rabbits wouldn't even have scored without help from the officials. Stig is an alcoholic, Rozeboom is a dirty player and TC sucks.

As far as basketball it sucks as a sport almost as much as baseball which shouldn't even qualify as a sport and today's players have no clue how to play the game. It makes me want to puke. I would rather stare down a hole ice fishing than be forced to watch it.


December 15th, 2018, 02:55 PM
Oooohhh boy we have a game now. 28-2 xlolx
'LOL Ooops wrong thread.

Professor Chaos
December 15th, 2018, 03:48 PM
Why is it that Bison fans get so bent out of shape when someone criticizes their maniacal focus on football (they are good at a few other sports but their top 10 most important sports are #1 Football, #2 Football, #3 Football ... #10 Football) but then turn around and criticize other schools that don't share that maniacal focus? Basketball is a great sport and for many schools it generates more money than football and helps fund other non-revenue sports.
Because the connotation that NDSU's focus on football detracts from their support of other sports is ignorant. NDSU sponsors the minimum number of sports required in D1 but every sport they sponsor is fully funded. The recently did built a new $15M indoor track facility and gave a massive $35M facelift to the now-called Sanford Health Athletic Complex that benefits sports like men's/women's basketball and wrestling far more than it benefits football. NDSU offers FCOA to every scholarship athlete in every program and has done so for the last 2 years before this. SDSU doesn't do that. UNI doesn't do that. As far as I know only USD and UND do it in the Summit League/MVFC and I'm not sure either have it fully implemented yet.

Yes, it's true NDSU's women's basketball program is a dumpster fire and the men's program is quickly turning into one but the support is there for those programs to be successful if they can find coaches that know the difference between their ass and a hole in the ground. But NDSU's athletic department is doing just fine. The T&F teams dominate the Summit League, the Softball team dominates the Summit League, both golf teams won the SL title last year. In fact NDSU has won the Summit League Commisioner's Cup the last two years despite not having teams in all the SL sponsored sports and football isn't even included in that scoring system.

jacksfan29 is the definition of butthurt... why else bring up basketball in a football semifinal game thread discussion or act like Hendricks hit on Christion was blatantly dirty. You start flinging **** like that don't be surprised when it gets flung back at you.

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 15th, 2018, 03:52 PM
Because the connotation that NDSU's focus on football detracts from their support of other sports is ignorant. NDSU sponsors the minimum number of sports required in D1 but every sport they sponsor is fully funded. The recently did built a new $15M indoor track facility and gave a massive $35M facelift to the now-called Sanford Health Athletic Complex that benefits sports like men's/women's basketball and wrestling far more than it benefits football. NDSU offers FCOA to every scholarship athlete in every program and has done so for the last 2 years before this. SDSU doesn't do that. UNI doesn't do that. As far as I know only USD and UND do it in the Summit League/MVFC and I'm not sure either have it fully implemented yet.

Yes, it's true NDSU's women's basketball program is a dumpster fire and the men's program is quickly turning into one but the support is there for those programs to be successful if they can find coaches that know the difference between their ass and a hole in the ground. jacksfan29 is the definition of butthurt... why else bring up basketball in a football semifinal game thread discussion or act like Hendricks hit on Christion was blatantly dirty. You start flinging **** like that don't be surprised when it gets flung back at you.

Good response.


December 15th, 2018, 04:00 PM

Cute. Enjoy your weekend on Brokeback Mountain!!

December 15th, 2018, 04:15 PM
Because the connotation that NDSU's focus on football detracts from their support of other sports is ignorant. NDSU sponsors the minimum number of sports required in D1 but every sport they sponsor is fully funded. The recently did built a new $15M indoor track facility and gave a massive $35M facelift to the now-called Sanford Health Athletic Complex that benefits sports like men's/women's basketball and wrestling far more than it benefits football. NDSU offers FCOA to every scholarship athlete in every program and has done so for the last 2 years before this. SDSU doesn't do that. UNI doesn't do that. As far as I know only USD and UND do it in the Summit League/MVFC and I'm not sure either have it fully implemented yet.

Yes, it's true NDSU's women's basketball program is a dumpster fire and the men's program is quickly turning into one but the support is there for those programs to be successful if they can find coaches that know the difference between their ass and a hole in the ground. But NDSU's athletic department is doing just fine. The T&F teams dominate the Summit League, the Softball team dominates the Summit League, both golf teams won the SL title last year. In fact NDSU has won the Summit League Commisioner's Cup the last two years despite not having teams in all the SL sponsored sports and football isn't even included in that scoring system.

jacksfan29 is the definition of butthurt... why else bring up basketball in a football semifinal game thread discussion or act like Hendricks hit on Christion was blatantly dirty. You start flinging **** like that don't be surprised when it gets flung back at you.

Thanks for the info Professor. Very informative! The administration is focused on more than just football but I do think that many, many Bison fans think that football is THE sport and all the others are secondary. They don't understand and tend to get all high & mighty when other fanbases don't share their fanaticism.

I didn't think that Hendricks hit on Christion was dirty. I think he dropped his head and didn't see that TC was sliding when he lowered the boom which was stupid. It should have been penalized and probably should have been ejected. It was an uncharacteristically stupid play by a Bison player and he got lucky.

December 15th, 2018, 04:20 PM
Cute. Enjoy your weekend on Brokeback Mountain!!

NDSU has some great backs but IMO Strong was better last night. I don't think if you had put any of the NDSU backs on the SDSU side last night that any of them would have had as great of a game as Strong did.

If you want to continue to make excuses please leave this conversation to the adults and go back to the kiddy table (i.e. Bisonville) and take your weak gay jokes with you.

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 15th, 2018, 04:24 PM
NDSU has some great backs but IMO Strong was better last night. I don't think if you had put any of the NDSU backs on the SDSU side last night that any of them would have had as great of a game as Strong did.

If you want to continue to make excuses please leave this conversation to the adults and go back to the kiddy table (i.e. Bisonville) and take your weak gay jokes with you.

Strong takes every snap. Like most other teams, they use the same RB the whole game. Bisonwinagn is right on the 2 deep defense. Strong benefited from Ss playing deeper to keep the WRs in front of them.

NDSU rotates RBs, along with many other positions, so they are fresh.

Ya, the kid is good no doubt. But saying he is better than BA or any other RB is speculative at best.

Professor Chaos
December 15th, 2018, 04:28 PM
Thanks for the info Professor. Very informative! The administration is focused on more than just football but I do think that many, many Bison fans think that football is THE sport and all the others are secondary. They don't understand and tend to get all high & mighty when other fanbases don't share their fanaticism.

I didn't think that Hendricks hit on Christion was dirty. I think he dropped his head and didn't see that TC was sliding when he lowered the boom which was stupid. It should have been penalized and probably should have been ejected. It was an uncharacteristically stupid play by a Bison player and he got lucky.
Agreed that most NDSU fans are football first fans. The success of the football program also makes some of our fans have unrealistic expectations for the other programs and that's too bad. This year the men's basketball program deserves all the criticism it was getting but from 2012/13 to 2015/16 the men's basketball was winning 20 games a season but they still took a lot of flak because they got held to the same standard as the football program does. That's no excuse for the slide the men's program has been on over the last couple years but it goes to show how having a ridiculously successful and highly visible program will turn into kind of a black hole when it comes to where fans gravitate towards.

As for the hit on Christion I can understand the frustration from the SDSU side and I fully realize I'm biased but he slide way late. Hendricks had already committed to his target (which was low) when Christion started his slide. After watching the replay though I am surprised they didn't throw the flag because I've seen it thrown many times in that situation but I really wish the officials wouldn't bail out QBs for sliding late. Defenders are put into an impossible position when QBs slide late and officiating crews get flag happy.

Good example of a similar play was when Joe Flacco got obliterated by Kiko Alonso a couple years ago. The hit looks ugly and was flagged but if you watch when Alonso commits to his target and Flacco slides I didn't think there was anything dirty about it.


And Christion's slide was even later than Flacco's was in that case.

POD Knows
December 15th, 2018, 04:29 PM
NDSU has some great backs but IMO Strong was better last night. I don't think if you had put any of the NDSU backs on the SDSU side last night that any of them would have had as great of a game as Strong did.

If you want to continue to make excuses please leave this conversation to the adults and go back to the kiddy table (i.e. Bisonville) and take your weak gay jokes with you.
Most of the big runs Strong had last night we in space. He was running through big holes as well. You really have no idea what a Bison back would have done on the SDSU side of the ball. It is just speculation on your part. I would add that Strong was the best back NDSU faced this year but the best “runner” on the field last night was Stick

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 15th, 2018, 04:32 PM
Most of the big runs Strong had last night we in space. He was running through big holes as well. You really have no idea what a Bison back would have done on the SDSU side of the ball. It is just speculation on your part. I would add that Strong was the best back NDSU faced this year but the best “runner” on the field last night was Stick

Ill State RB is better IMO.

December 15th, 2018, 04:43 PM
Strong takes every snap. Like most other teams, they use the same RB the whole game. Bisonwinagn is right on the 2 deep defense. Strong benefited from Ss playing deeper to keep the WRs in front of them.

NDSU rotates RBs, along with many other positions, so they are fresh.

Ya, the kid is good no doubt. But saying he is better than BA or any other RB is speculative at best.

Reading comprehension is important. I didn't say he was better then the Bison backs period. In my first post I said that he "was the best back on the field last night" and later I posted that "IMO Strong was better last night. I don't think if you had put any of the NDSU backs on the SDSU side last night that any of them would have had as great of a game as Strong did." That is my opinion (or speculation if you like) and while Bison fans might not like it, it is a valid opinion. Yes the Bison defensive game plan might have had something to do with it but that is speculative as well. The Bison have a great defense and what Strong did against them is an incredible accomplishment regardless of their formations and game plan. The Bison also have a slew of incredibly talented backs, I liked Strong better last night and I probably like him better overall. No reason to get all butthurt because I'm not worshipping at the altar of the Bison backfield.

POD Knows
December 15th, 2018, 04:51 PM
Ill State RB is better IMO.
It is close. I think the Bison we more focused on stopping him in the ISU game and he still put up decent numbers i wasnt as impressed with his running back “skills” as I was with Strong. Strong is quicker and cuts
better. Plus Strong put up big numbers against the Bison in a playoff game which is a whole different deal

December 15th, 2018, 04:54 PM
Agreed that most NDSU fans are football first fans. The success of the football program also makes some of our fans have unrealistic expectations for the other programs and that's too bad. This year the men's basketball program deserves all the criticism it was getting but from 2012/13 to 2015/16 the men's basketball was winning 20 games a season but they still took a lot of flak because they got held to the same standard as the football program does. That's no excuse for the slide the men's program has been on over the last couple years but it goes to show how having a ridiculously successful and highly visible program will turn into kind of a black hole when it comes to where fans gravitate towards.

As for the hit on Christion I can understand the frustration from the SDSU side and I fully realize I'm biased but he slide way late. Hendricks had already committed to his target (which was low) when Christion started his slide. After watching the replay though I am surprised they didn't throw the flag because I've seen it thrown many times in that situation but I really wish the officials wouldn't bail out QBs for sliding late. Defenders are put into an impossible position when QBs slide late and officiating crews get flag happy.

Good example of a similar play was when Joe Flacco got obliterated by Kiko Alonso a couple years ago. The hit looks ugly and was flagged but if you watch when Alonso commits to his target and Flacco slides I didn't think there was anything dirty about it.


And Christion's slide was even later than Flacco's was in that case.

When I watched the play live, I thought it was a cheap shot but i changed my mind after seeing the replay. Christion's slide was way late and Hendricks had already committed to his target so it wasn't dirty. The problem is that once Christion slides he's defenseless and you can't hit him like that. Hendricks dropped his head (poor technique) and couldn't see that Christion was sliding in time to pull up. If he'd used proper technique he could have seen that Christion was sliding and attempted to pull up enough to avoid the flag that should have been thrown. He got lucky.

December 15th, 2018, 05:08 PM
Because the connotation that NDSU's focus on football detracts from their support of other sports is ignorant. NDSU sponsors the minimum number of sports required in D1 but every sport they sponsor is fully funded. The recently did built a new $15M indoor track facility and gave a massive $35M facelift to the now-called Sanford Health Athletic Complex that benefits sports like men's/women's basketball and wrestling far more than it benefits football. NDSU offers FCOA to every scholarship athlete in every program and has done so for the last 2 years before this. SDSU doesn't do that. UNI doesn't do that. As far as I know only USD and UND do it in the Summit League/MVFC and I'm not sure either have it fully implemented yet.

Yes, it's true NDSU's women's basketball program is a dumpster fire and the men's program is quickly turning into one but the support is there for those programs to be successful if they can find coaches that know the difference between their ass and a hole in the ground. But NDSU's athletic department is doing just fine. The T&F teams dominate the Summit League, the Softball team dominates the Summit League, both golf teams won the SL title last year. In fact NDSU has won the Summit League Commisioner's Cup the last two years despite not having teams in all the SL sponsored sports and football isn't even included in that scoring system.

jacksfan29 is the definition of butthurt... why else bring up basketball in a football semifinal game thread discussion or act like Hendricks hit on Christion was blatantly dirty. You start flinging **** like that don't be surprised when it gets flung back at you.

And congratulations on winning the Summit League Commisioner's Cup the last two years! That's another accomplishment to be proud of!

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 15th, 2018, 05:10 PM
Reading comprehension is important. I didn't say he was better then the Bison backs period. In my first post I said that he "was the best back on the field last night" and later I posted that "IMO Strong was better last night. I don't think if you had put any of the NDSU backs on the SDSU side last night that any of them would have had as great of a game as Strong did." That is my opinion (or speculation if you like) and while Bison fans might not like it, it is a valid opinion. Yes the Bison defensive game plan might have had something to do with it but that is speculative as well. The Bison have a great defense and what Strong did against them is an incredible accomplishment regardless of their formations and game plan. The Bison also have a slew of incredibly talented backs, I liked Strong better last night and I probably like him better overall. No reason to get all butthurt because I'm not worshipping at the altar of the Bison backfield.

Um...ok.....xrolleyesx...overjoyed this was straightened out....

December 15th, 2018, 07:12 PM
When I watched the play live, I thought it was a cheap shot but i changed my mind after seeing the replay. Christion's slide was way late and Hendricks had already committed to his target so it wasn't dirty. The problem is that once Christion slides he's defenseless and you can't hit him like that. Hendricks dropped his head (poor technique) and couldn't see that Christion was sliding in time to pull up. If he'd used proper technique he could have seen that Christion was sliding and attempted to pull up enough to avoid the flag that should have been thrown. He got lucky.

Do you really want to go there? So you're saying he should have done something to avoid something that didn't happen. That's a new one I've not seen argued yet. Congratulations you have taken the art of Bull**** to another level.

December 15th, 2018, 08:08 PM
Interesting comment by Stig in the post game presser: ......... "we got handled a little bit"......really?

439 rushing yards I guess is a little bit.....xlolx
How do you only get handled a little bit, or is that along the same lines as barely getting your ass kicked?

December 15th, 2018, 08:22 PM
SDSU is getting whipped up front.

This ia all that mattered. NDSU OL killed SDSU DL. Gme over

December 15th, 2018, 08:31 PM
Do you really want to go there? So you're saying he should have done something to avoid something that didn't happen. That's a new one I've not seen argued yet. Congratulations you have taken the art of Bull**** to another level.

Maybe I can simplify it for you:
1) First and foremost Christion was defenseless so Hendricks should have been flagged and probably ejected. He was lucky he wasn't.
2) His technique was bad - he dropped his head and couldn't see that Christion went into a slide.

Bull**** or not being lucky doesn't change my opinion that his technique was bad and he should have done it differently. Bison players are typically very solid technique-wise so I was surprised he dropped his head.

December 15th, 2018, 08:58 PM
Maybe I can simplify it for you:
1) First and foremost Christion was defenseless so Hendricks should have been flagged and probably ejected. He was lucky he wasn't.
2) His technique was bad - he dropped his head and couldn't see that Christion went into a slide.

Bull**** or not being lucky doesn't change my opinion that his technique was bad and he should have done it differently. Bison players are typically very solid technique-wise so I was surprised he dropped his head.

I was at the game and watched the replay of the game when I got home. Your opinion means nothing. The opinion of the referee's at the game is what matters. Clearly they didn't see it the way you saw it. To try to make an issue out of something that didn't happen and then claim if player A had done something that they didn't do a fictitious flag that wasn't thrown wouldn't get thrown. That is what you are saying and if you can't see how foolish trying to make an argument out of something that didn't happen just because you think it should have is taking BS to another level.

Let me make it clear for you so if you don't understand my point of how foolish your argument sounds lets say that the defensive player actually did get flagged by the refs for what you wanted him to be flagged for. Then to make the argument he should have done something different to avoid the penalty makes sense. Clearly that didn't happen.


December 15th, 2018, 09:16 PM
I agree that TC and Rozeboom (especially TC) didn't look right but comparing SDSU playing them to NDSU not playing your RBs is disingenuous. NDSU has a slew of talented backs and your O-Line was creating huge holes so sending in a replacement was not going to be a big letdown. Plus they knew that if they kept it rolling that this wasn't their last game of the season. SDSU knew they needed the best game from both to have a shot and if I was either only unconsciousness would keep me from trying to play. Rozeboom's injury looked to me more like something that would limit you but that you could try to play through. I'm not sure how TC passed the concussion protocol.

While NDSU does have a slew of talented backs, Strong was the best back on the field last night. NDSU's backs had an incredible night but they had a lot more going for them than Strong did. The O-Line was creating huge holes, the SDSU defense isn't as good as NDSU's and also had to worry about Stick's arm and legs. Strong did what he did against one of if not the best defense in FCS and one that knew that he was SDSU's best chance at making a game of it. What he accomplished was beyond impressive.

This is not accurate at all. How the defenses were playing against each respective offense was completely different. NDSU could have shut down Strong if the focus was on the run. It obviously was not. Deep zone was played all night at expense of the run game. Who made the tackles for NDSU in run support tells the story

December 15th, 2018, 09:58 PM
NDSU has some great backs but IMO Strong was better last night. I don't think if you had put any of the NDSU backs on the SDSU side last night that any of them would have had as great of a game as Strong did.

If you want to continue to make excuses please leave this conversation to the adults and go back to the kiddy table (i.e. Bisonville) and take your weak gay jokes with you.

Strong had 20 carries for net 135 yards. 1 TD. 6.75 ypc.
Anderson had 9 carries for net 79 yards. 2 TDs. 8.77 ypc.
Wilson had 2 carries for net 86 yards. 43 ypc.
Cofield had 6 carries for 77 net yards. 12.83 ypc.

Statistics disagree with your premise. Statistically, Wilson was the best RB last night.
Strong's yards per carry was actually the worst.

December 15th, 2018, 10:22 PM
Easton Stick had 147 yards on 16 carries (9.2 ypc) and 3 TDs.

Professor Chaos
December 15th, 2018, 10:26 PM
Easton Stick had 147 yards on 16 carries (9.2 ypc) and 3 TDs.
The best RB and QB on the field last night in the Fargodome was Easton Stick.

Thumper 76
December 15th, 2018, 10:37 PM
Do you really want to go there? So you're saying he should have done something to avoid something that didn't happen. That's a new one I've not seen argued yet. Congratulations you have taken the art of Bull**** to another level.

If the jerseys on the players were flipped this hit would be bitched about for the next ten years by bison fans as another dirty play against them.

Congrats on the win.

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December 15th, 2018, 10:42 PM
How do you only get handled a little bit, or is that along the same lines as barely getting your ass kicked?

Do you sarcasm much?

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December 15th, 2018, 10:45 PM
The best RB and QB on the field last night in the Fargodome was Easton Stick.
^ This, and it's not open for debate. He channeled Earl Campbell last night, running over fools.

December 15th, 2018, 10:49 PM
^ This, and it's not open for debate. He channeled Earl Campbell last night, running over fools.

Its debatable because Stick is not a RB.

December 15th, 2018, 10:49 PM
^ This, and it's not open for debate. He channeled Earl Campbell last night, running over fools.

He laid the wood to a few of them.

December 16th, 2018, 05:05 AM
Do you sarcasm much?

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All the time, you got a problem with it?

Gil Dobie
December 16th, 2018, 10:35 AM
If the jerseys on the players were flipped this hit would be bitched about for the next ten years by bison fans as another dirty play against them.

Congrats on the win.

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Only if it was by Rozeboom.

December 16th, 2018, 12:54 PM
All the time, you got a problem with it?

So was Stigglemeir

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December 16th, 2018, 01:28 PM
Its debatable because Stick is not a RB.

Just stop.

December 16th, 2018, 01:55 PM
Only if it was well after the play like the ankle-twisters.
If the jerseys on the players were flipped this hit would be bitched about for the next ten years by bison fans as another dirty play against them.

Congrats on the win.

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Thumper 76
December 16th, 2018, 01:57 PM
Only if it was well after the play like the ankle-twisters.

Um, his was before the whistle was blown? Like, by a lot? Goodness at least be honest about your bitching.

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December 16th, 2018, 05:10 PM
Wow! Lots of petty crap in this thread.
Strong looks like a good rb. Time will tell how good he is to become. The Bison have a bunch of good backs. Who is the best..I don't know and it's not worth arguing about.
Hendricks hit on TC was bang bang, not flagrant or targeting, flag worthy, maybe. The ankle twist a few years ago was not flagrant.
Stuff happens in football games. Get over it!

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 16th, 2018, 05:12 PM
Wow! Lots of petty crap in this thread.
Strong looks like a good rb. Time will tell how good he is to become. The Bison have a bunch of good backs. Who is the best..I don't know and it's not worth arguing about.
Hendricks hit on TC was bang bang, not flagrant or targeting, flag worthy, maybe. The ankle twist a few years ago was not flagrant.
Stuff happens in football games. Get over it!

Anything else?

December 16th, 2018, 05:46 PM
Anything else?

Well...damn, I think our offense this year is maybe the best we have seen at NDSU! One more game to play though.

December 16th, 2018, 09:22 PM
A full year. He made it a punishment for me and the rest of you guys that have to look at it. xlolx
If NDSU wins in Frisco, our bet is null/void.

December 16th, 2018, 09:37 PM
If NDSU wins in Frisco, our bet is null/void. So will he cheer for the Bison to win or would he rather just keep the avatar for a full year?

December 16th, 2018, 09:40 PM
So will he cheer for the Bison to win or would he rather just keep the avatar for a full year?
Yep, I am a pretty twisted person. Zero good choices for him.

December 16th, 2018, 09:40 PM
So will he cheer for the Bison to win or would he rather just keep the avatar for a full year?

It is similar to this. Would you rather have an avatar you detest or openly root for GFCC to win the FCS title?

December 16th, 2018, 09:44 PM
It is similar to this. Would you rather have an avatar you detest or openly root for GFCC to win the FCS title?


December 16th, 2018, 09:46 PM
http://basementrejects.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/saw-leg-cutting-off.jpgI am more than glad to keep my avatar for reasons that are not football related. Still miss my beagle though.

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

December 16th, 2018, 10:05 PM
I am more than glad to keep my avatar for reasons that are not football related. Still miss my beagle though.

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk
Its ok, you are into shaming people apparently. No problem.

December 16th, 2018, 11:43 PM
It is similar to this. Would you rather have an avatar you detest or openly root for GFCC to win the FCS title?

I would take the avatar I despise. Easy.


December 17th, 2018, 07:27 AM
I would take the avatar I despise. Easy.

DeweyIt's not even a question. I'd take the avatar any day of the week.

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

December 17th, 2018, 08:48 AM
So will he cheer for the Bison to win or would he rather just keep the avatar for a full year?

I can guarantee you that I will not root for the Bison in the championship, nor have I ever in any sporting event. However... I don't have to root for them to win to get rid of the avatar, NDSU just has to win. So, basically the avatar is as good as gone, because that game isn't going to be close.

Professor Chaos
December 17th, 2018, 10:04 AM
I can guarantee you that I will not root for the Bison in the championship, nor have I ever in any sporting event. However... I don't have to root for them to win to get rid of the avatar, NDSU just has to win. So, basically the avatar is as good as gone, because that game isn't going to be close.
So when NDSU plays USD who do you root for???

An earthquake??? :D

Thumper 76
December 17th, 2018, 10:12 AM
So when NDSU plays USD who do you root for???

An earthquake??? :D

Team meteor

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POD Knows
December 17th, 2018, 10:14 AM
Team meteor

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkC'mon, you guys would vote for USD given the Hobo Day/Homecoming week reciprocity love fest you guys have.

Evolution Prime
December 17th, 2018, 10:25 AM
C'mon, you guys would vote for USD given the Hobo Day/Homecoming week reciprocity love fest you guys have.

I would rather be given 1000 paper cuts and then be rolled around in salt before ever rooting for USD.

December 17th, 2018, 11:11 AM
I would rather be given 1000 paper cuts and then be rolled around in salt before ever rooting for USD.

Yep! On any given Saturday most NDSU fans second favorite team is whoever is playing UND that day.

December 17th, 2018, 12:36 PM
So when NDSU plays USD who do you root for???

An earthquake??? :D

Well, I did tweet this out when you two played this year. So I guess that's the only time.


December 17th, 2018, 07:00 PM
xlolx TC got the "c'mon man" treatment on the Monday night football pregame show for his weak ass slide short of the first down!!! Brutal way to end your career.

December 17th, 2018, 07:08 PM
xlolx TC got the "c'mon man" treatment on the Monday night football pregame show for his weak ass slide short of the first down!!! Brutal way to end your career.

Too bad, I would have liked to see that.

December 17th, 2018, 07:30 PM
Too bad, I would have liked to see that.


December 17th, 2018, 07:55 PM

At least ESPN didn't refer to them as USeD or the Coyotes. You got that going for you.

December 17th, 2018, 08:42 PM

December 18th, 2018, 07:07 AM

Ouch, not how you want to make it on Monday night football xlolx

POD Knows
December 18th, 2018, 07:30 AM
https://twitter.com/ajfelts7/status/1074834062555181057?s=21Nice block in the back on that play that didn't get called or maybe that isn't a penalty, I don't even know anymore.

December 18th, 2018, 07:55 AM
At least ESPN didn't refer to them as USeD or the Coyotes. You got that going for you.

He literally said "South Dakota" during the play.

December 18th, 2018, 01:58 PM
Nice block in the back on that play that didn't get called or maybe that isn't a penalty, I don't even know anymore.

Lol, I didn't notice that before. That's great.

POD Knows
December 18th, 2018, 04:48 PM
Lol, I didn't notice that before. That's great.We saw it from where we were sitting and screamed at the ref, he looked right at it and looked away. It was like, WTF, it was in the open field 5 yards in front of his freaking eyes.

December 18th, 2018, 04:49 PM
We saw it from where we were sitting and screamed at the ref, he looked right at it and looked away. It was like, WTF, it was in the open field 5 yards in front of his freaking eyes.

It turned out better for us anyway

December 18th, 2018, 04:50 PM
It turned out better for us anyway

It did....our whole group chortled when TC slid short....its even worse on video. xlolx

December 18th, 2018, 04:54 PM
It did....our whole group chortled when TC slid short....its even worse on video. xlolx


Final game results in a C'mon man

POD Knows
December 18th, 2018, 05:01 PM
It turned out better for us anywayThey missed the call, at that point in time, TC could have ran for 50, but he didn't. xlmaoxxlmaoxxlmaoxxlmaoxxlmaoxxlmaoxxlmaoxxlmaoxxl maoxxlmaoxxlmaoxxlmaoxxlmaoxxlmaox