View Full Version : Longtime Sports Writer Joins SHSU Faculty

July 29th, 2005, 12:02 PM
Apparently, Houston Chronicle sports columnist and nationally reknown journalist and author Mickey Herskowitz is going to be joining the faculty of the Mass Communication department at Sam Houston State filling the Warner endowed chair position.

Mickey will be teaching a sports writing class this fall (about time they added one, too bad I'm missing it) and a class on featuring writing as well, according to my sources.

This is one helluva pickup for Sam Houston State for the Warner Chair position. This is an individual who members of the faculty, student body and community know for he is someone who has delivered the news for decades. Not just locally in the greater Houston area but national, as he has made appearances on national television shows and had countless articles, essays and books published across our great nation.

I've grown up reading his stuff for years and I am very excited about what Mr. Herskowitz can bring to the department in which I obtained my degree. Congrats Sam Houston State on such a quality hire for this position!

July 29th, 2005, 01:04 PM
Apparently, Houston Chronicle sports columnist and nationally reknown journalist and author Mickey Herskowitz is going to be joining the faculty of the Mass Communication department at Sam Houston State filling the Warner endowed chair position.

Mickey will be teaching a sports writing class this fall (about time they added one, too bad I'm missing it) and a class on featuring writing as well, according to my sources.

This is one helluva pickup for Sam Houston State for the Warner Chair position. This is an individual who members of the faculty, student body and community know for he is someone who has delivered the news for decades. Not just locally in the greater Houston area but national, as he has made appearances on national television shows and had countless articles, essays and books published across our great nation.

I've grown up reading his stuff for years and I am very excited about what Mr. Herskowitz can bring to the department in which I obtained my degree. Congrats Sam Houston State on such a quality hire for this position!

So this is the guy taking Logan's spot huh? Those are some big shoes to fill. Good luck to him and a great grab for the Sam Houston Mass Comm. department.

July 29th, 2005, 03:00 PM
TT. That is great news!!
Will this class be under the JRN classification? Or another prefix? Any idea when I might be able to register for it?

July 29th, 2005, 05:27 PM
TT. That is great news!!
Will this class be under the JRN classification? Or another prefix? Any idea when I might be able to register for it?

He will probably be teaching upper level journalism courses. That is what Logan taught. JRN 499, JRN 320, JRN 498 and courses like Editing. They may not continue with 499. Last semester was rumored to be the last one. Just look at the course catalog and it should tell you.

July 29th, 2005, 09:22 PM
Logan was in violation of the position's requirements. He had overdone his stay and the Dean covered up the fact there were requirements for the position, which were turned up. I had known about this and I brought it up. Got ahold of the documents too, made the Dean skirmish. Ah, I love activism!

So, yes he is filling Logan's spot and there's already registration open for his classes...

July 30th, 2005, 10:21 PM
Logan was in violation of the position's requirements. He had overdone his stay and the Dean covered up the fact there were requirements for the position, which were turned up. I had known about this and I brought it up. Got ahold of the documents too, made the Dean skirmish. Ah, I love activism!

So, yes he is filling Logan's spot and there's already registration open for his classes...

Hey, don't knock Logan. He was/is a great person and a wonderful and gifted professor. Sam Houston was lucky and should feel honored we had him for an extended period.

Did you fail his class? Is that why you put so much energy into this? Sounds like a lot of work just for plain "activism." You should be ashamed.

July 31st, 2005, 06:41 AM
Did you fail his class? Is that why you put so much energy into this? Sounds like a lot of work just for plain "activism." You should be ashamed.

Not at all. Part of my overall investigation into the MCM department that yielded lots of issues, which were later informed to the students. The university conducted it's own audit of the university's Radio TV and JRN programs which uncovered lots of wrong doing and led to some people eventually leaving. Most of my investigation was centered around tenure-related issues (people having articles removed as academic, commitees having votes overturned by Deans, people having tenure deadlines extended by Deans), racial discrimination accusations (that was a nasty mess) and some other interesting things.

Had no problem with Logan. Got an 'A' in his internship class after the internship class was given to him after some fraud issues there. It was the admin of the university that kept him at Sam for a year longer than he should've, as the Warner Endowed Chair states the position holder can hold the position for a year, perhaps two. The admin in question was my biggest adversary at Sam. Lucky for him, we both left after this spring semester.

And should I be ashamed when I spend thousands of dollars for my education, only to have unqualified individuals getting raises with the money I spend? When there are questionable money practices left and right (read the Radio/TV audit) that allow people to cheapen the degree that I have recieved by recieving short cuts? Or how about when the university violates state law and discriminates against me, forcing me to get the system office and a state rep to force the university to change a policy which was outdated by over a year? I think not...

July 31st, 2005, 06:42 AM
How do I sign up? :confused:

Come down to Sam for a semester. Follow the Bearkats! And enjoy Mickey's teaching...

Perhaps you can get credit for articles on AGS...

July 31st, 2005, 10:49 AM
Not at all. Part of my overall investigation into the MCM department that yielded lots of issues, which were later informed to the students. The university conducted it's own audit of the university's Radio TV and JRN programs which uncovered lots of wrong doing and led to some people eventually leaving. Most of my investigation was centered around tenure-related issues (people having articles removed as academic, commitees having votes overturned by Deans, people having tenure deadlines extended by Deans), racial discrimination accusations (that was a nasty mess) and some other interesting things.

Had no problem with Logan. Got an 'A' in his internship class after the internship class was given to him after some fraud issues there. It was the admin of the university that kept him at Sam for a year longer than he should've, as the Warner Endowed Chair states the position holder can hold the position for a year, perhaps two. The admin in question was my biggest adversary at Sam. Lucky for him, we both left after this spring semester.

And should I be ashamed when I spend thousands of dollars for my education, only to have unqualified individuals getting raises with the money I spend? When there are questionable money practices left and right (read the Radio/TV audit) that allow people to cheapen the degree that I have recieved by recieving short cuts? Or how about when the university violates state law and discriminates against me, forcing me to get the system office and a state rep to force the university to change a policy which was outdated by over a year? I think not...

If you got your degree in the area of Communications then having Logan a year longer did anything but cheapen it.

I agree with you on the other wrong doings having to do with the Dean (never liked him). How were you discriminated against and what "unqualified individuals" got unjust raises? PM is necessary.

July 31st, 2005, 03:09 PM
The university did not follow a state law change regarding religious holy day absences. Being the "BMOC" aka the Big Meshuganah on Campus, this directly impacted me and my organization. Every other school changed their policy and Sam thought they did. I gave them several changes. They ignored me. I wrote legislation through SGA. They sent a letter across the state saying I was wrong. The system office called me and then told me that I was right. The university never apologized, but changed their policy after several tries. I got local (student newspaper and Houston Chronicle) media coverage and even coverage in a newspaper out in the northeast.

In terms of unqualified individuals, the Chair of the Speech Communication program. He had not met the tenure requirements and was given an extension while others did not, despite others having already had their publications, while he did not. The other individuals had their publications thrown out in fact.

And Logan did not cheapen the degree, it was just wrong for the university to once more (which is the case on several occasions), break policy. The cheapening of the degree came from the previous internship coordinator. Read the audit for more on that...

July 31st, 2005, 09:21 PM
I worked with both the Item and the Houstonian last semester. I do not remember hearing anything like this or reading about it in the papers. Refresh my memory please.

August 1st, 2005, 06:44 AM
I worked with both the Item and the Houstonian last semester. I do not remember hearing anything like this or reading about it in the papers. Refresh my memory please.

It was in the fall 2004 semester. Billy Mau had a field day with it as it relates to me, making me a "pun" in his editorials for some time because I publicly asked for an apology. Even Randy Goins mocked the Jews in an editorial due to it.

It was front page early in the fall semester. Not sure the Item covered it, though I did pitch it. The Houston Chronicle picked up on it when they featured me for "Faces in the Crowd". And some paper from the northeast found out about it when they were doing an article on schools' religious holy day policies.