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NoDak 4 Ever
August 31st, 2014, 11:12 PM
Okay....that is awesome! I want one.

That may be the greatest thing I've ever seen.

August 31st, 2014, 11:53 PM
That may be the greatest thing I've ever seen.

Semi related note....


Crazy stereo/flat screen(s)...Bison paint or "clean" wrap (not too gaudy)...keep your eyes open sometime in the next year. Tailgate rig in the works....

Southern Bison
September 1st, 2014, 08:00 AM
Semi related note....


Crazy stereo/flat screen(s)...Bison paint or "clean" wrap (not too gaudy)...keep your eyes open sometime in the next year. Tailgate rig in the works....

C'mon BF02...if you're gonna do it, do it up right!!


September 1st, 2014, 08:31 AM
Attended Vanderbilt vs. Temple game on Thursday, I assume that fans fly their undergraduate flags with their Vandy flags- James Madison, Lehigh, William & Mary & Drake where all in the area around our tailgate.......I thought that was pretty neat- way better than the turds that fly UTK flags at the UTM tailgates

Martin, TN is Big Orange country even after their recent struggles? It never ends I guess.

September 1st, 2014, 11:16 AM
I can not explain my HATRED for the Voles, and Knuxvulle- but I will say Martin is 100% Vole Country for those that did NOT attend college- the rest are Ole Miss, Miss. State, Kentucky and Arkansas faithful with the educated transplants- and the fact that most people around here go to Murray, Martin, UTC, MTSU or to Ole Miss and State- I don't necessarily HATE the ones who go to UTK, several of them are my friends- it's more the ones that act just like the 'Bama fans they make videos about- Good Luck to the Mocs this season.........

September 2nd, 2014, 09:11 AM
In the heart of SEC country I have seen t-shirts for Maine and SIU in the last week, and a large rear truck window decal for WCU.

September 2nd, 2014, 09:49 AM
At Stone Mountain GA two weeks ago saw a Furman tee shirt.

September 6th, 2014, 10:10 AM
Bucknell Football shirt spotted in Charlotte airport this morning

September 6th, 2014, 10:19 AM
Lehigh banner on game day!

NoDak 4 Ever
September 6th, 2014, 10:23 AM
Lehigh banner on game day!

Bison Pride flag too!

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/p526x296/10635892_10152732374279532_2466059754521160771_n.j pg?oh=9e03b71bada5b92973c6613e063390a4&oe=54922135&__gda__=1419115662_199672a15a94c8ab9d2ddcd6cf32633 6

September 6th, 2014, 10:55 AM
Bison Pride flag too!

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/p526x296/10635892_10152732374279532_2466059754521160771_n.j pg?oh=9e03b71bada5b92973c6613e063390a4&oe=54922135&__gda__=1419115662_199672a15a94c8ab9d2ddcd6cf32633 6

You guys still win for hosting

October 9th, 2014, 12:10 PM
PantherRob slid down to the Big Easy for a mid-week stop through. So on the deadest night of the week, Tues, on Bourbon St., we had an SDSU guy in full SDSU colors, UNI, encountered fellow decked out in Montana Griz shirt, I parked behind an Old Dominion Alum's car, and another person was draped in U Mass (Lowell) hockey.

Bourbon St brings out all sorts! xthumbsupxxnodx

BTW AGS followers, if stopping through Nawlins, drop me a PM! Always looking for chance to talk FCS football.

October 18th, 2014, 11:39 PM
This guy either got his schedule mixed up or he's scouting for Montana. Saw him today at the Firestone Bar and Grill in Buellton, CA about an hour south of San Luis Obispo. 19878

October 19th, 2014, 08:10 AM
At the TSU game: Sweatshirts- NC A&T; Hampton; non-fcs: Winston Salem State; Morehouse; Tuskegee (HS preview day) TSU sold a ton of sweatshirts- forecast was for sunny with mid-70's; cloudy and low 60's

October 21st, 2014, 09:53 AM
A Wofford College sticker sighting in Moorhead, MN. Yes, the dent was my doing. Never forget. ;)


October 21st, 2014, 10:02 AM
Had a nice chat with fellow MVFC member SIU in the Kenner, LA Sam's Club lot. He had his SIU Salukis cap and I was in an SDSU Jacks shirt.

Gotta get better at selfies. xembarrassedx

October 21st, 2014, 10:48 AM
I was at a Rangers game last week and saw one Fordham and one William&Mary sweatshirt. Much as I love the Bison, I wasn't wearing any NDSU gear.

Also saw a Princeton bumper sticker in PA that was a picture of Prince followed by the word "Ton." Which made me chuckle.

October 21st, 2014, 12:30 PM

October 21st, 2014, 02:53 PM
I saw someone wearing an old school green NDSU long sleeved T-shirt in the Seattle Costco store.

October 21st, 2014, 03:19 PM
Chats with coaches in airports in recent weeks. CCSU coach last weekend, a Wofford coach 4-5 weeks ago on a Sunday they were off for the weekend - he was on the recruiting road.

October 21st, 2014, 09:21 PM

Lookings are free, touchings are gonna cost ya something.

October 21st, 2014, 09:28 PM
Had a nice chat with fellow MVFC member SIU in the Kenner, LA Sam's Club lot. He had his SIU Salukis cap and I was in an SDSU Jacks shirt.

Gotta get better at selfies. xembarrassedx

An SIU guy in Kenner? Was his last name Jordan??

October 22nd, 2014, 11:08 AM
Saw a VERY attractive young lady this morning walking down the hill with a Bucknell Bison shirt on.

October 22nd, 2014, 11:17 AM
Saw a VERY attractive young lady this morning walking down the hill with a Bucknell Bison shirt on.

Does this change your view of the PL?

October 22nd, 2014, 11:18 AM
Does this change your view of the PL?

Not the football but the view was nice......

December 4th, 2014, 10:48 PM
I just caught an elevator in my office building in Seattle with a guy who was wearing a Sam Houston jacket. His wife went to Sam Houston State. We chatted very briefly about the playoffs before I left him with "Eat 'em up, Kats!"

February 21st, 2015, 05:58 PM
I was in downtown Fargo today at Drekker brewery and a guy with an EWU hoodie and an NDSU hat came in. so Im guessing he's a EWU alum, who lives in Fargo and is in the middle of his transformation, al a Bruce Jenner

February 24th, 2015, 11:02 AM
I saw a car with ND plates and a VMI sticker on the rear window in the grocery store parking lot in Hazen, ND.

February 24th, 2015, 11:27 AM
I was in downtown Fargo today at Drekker brewery and a guy with an EWU hoodie and an NDSU hat came in. so Im guessing he's a EWU alum, who lives in Fargo and is in the middle of his transformation, al a Bruce Jenner

So...you're saying EWU is a gold-medal winning Olympic Athlete and NDSU is a wimpy, hen-pecked, reality-show loser woman-to-be?

I don't think the good peeps in Fargo are gonna take too kindly to your analogy.

February 24th, 2015, 09:07 PM
[QUOTE=FUBeAR;2214962]So...you're saying EWU is a gold-medal winning Olympic Athlete and NDSU is a wimpy, hen-pecked, reality-show loser woman-to-be?

I don't think the good peeps in Fargo are gonna take to kindly to your analogy.[/QUOTE


ursus arctos horribilis
June 12th, 2015, 06:38 PM
Bump for Southern Bison.

June 14th, 2015, 11:54 PM
I seen a couple in San Francisco airport with Sam Houston shirt on.

June 15th, 2015, 12:41 PM
The wife and I have befriended a couple that adopted a relatives baby. The first meeting I walked in wearing my Bison shirt, the adoptive father walked in wearing a UNI Panther shirt.

June 15th, 2015, 03:02 PM
I was at a gas station in Iowa when I see a guy wearing a hawkeye shirt and a UNI hat. I go over and mention that I have noticed his different apparel. He looks at me and says----dont ask. LOL

June 15th, 2015, 03:07 PM
I see Montana car plates and tshirts, hats in the Denver all the time, even more than Northern Colorado. Also have seen SDSU car plates a few times.

NoDak 4 Ever
June 15th, 2015, 03:42 PM
A new guy on my softball team showed up wearing a Western Illinois track shirt. Apparently he is a grad student there and part time coach for the track team. There are (obviously) a few KU grads and one K State grad on that same team. It was fun being the top football dog in that conversation.

June 15th, 2015, 07:02 PM
There is a guy running around Richmond, Kentucky with Cal Poly gear on ... oh, wait a minute, I think that guy is me.

We are visiting Richmond for a week. We drove through the Eastern Kentucky campus today, and it looks like a great place to go to school.

I understand that EKU is going to have an outstanding football team this year. Who knows, maybe the Mustangs and the Colonels will meet in the playoffs. If so, I'll see you then.

ursus arctos horribilis
June 17th, 2015, 12:19 PM
There is a guy running around Richmond, Kentucky with Cal Poly gear on ... oh, wait a minute, I think that guy is me.

We are visiting Richmond for a week. We drove through the Eastern Kentucky campus today, and it looks like a great place to go to school.

I understand that EKU is going to have an outstanding football team this year. Who knows, maybe the Mustangs and the Colonels will meet in the playoffs. If so, I'll see you then.

Cool Coover, I love checking out the other campuses when I travel as well. Always hit the bookstore and grab some gear as well.

June 17th, 2015, 01:56 PM
Our 1st day in Puerto Vallarta, I spotted an NDSU football by the pool. Went straight to swim up bar in sadness.

June 18th, 2015, 09:21 AM
I saw an ogre of a woman in a und shirt in philly yesterday. Also saw a woman with a Morgan State backpack.

NoDak 4 Ever
June 18th, 2015, 09:33 AM
I posted this on Bisonville just to see if someone knew him but I saw this last night on the Royals broadcast.

https://scontent-lax1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/v/t1.0-9/11401077_10100760311631529_6467378356593161207_n.j pg?oh=eaf6c30931e41889ee6e54b982a75bae&oe=56224119'

He had a sign that said he had driven 602 miles to get there. That and the hat had the Royals broadcasters speculating that he had come from ND. They also wondered why he was wearing a stocking cap when it was still about 80 degrees at 10 pm.

June 18th, 2015, 11:00 PM
I saw an ogre of a woman in a und shirt in philly yesterday.You shouldn't have said that ...the women was a typical UND undergrad, and possibly a campus beauty. Darrell would have told you, but I beat him here, myself.

June 19th, 2015, 12:02 PM
Like seeing this thread again.

Saw a person wearing a Montana State shirt in my local store in PA.

Saw an NDSU hat wearer in Philly.

There should be like a bonus point system on here for bizzare FCS sightings, like: "I saw a Marist car in Seattle" or "I saw a Northern Arizona shirt in Vermont."

NoDak 4 Ever
June 19th, 2015, 12:04 PM
Coming out of the gym yesterday I saw a car with a Georgia Southern sticker on it. I figured it was relevant because it looked more than 2 years old.

June 19th, 2015, 12:25 PM
Parked across the street from the office is a car with an Elon Football window stickerxconfusedx

My first thought was WTFxrotatehx

June 19th, 2015, 01:18 PM
Coming out of the gym yesterday I saw a car with a Georgia Southern sticker on it. I figured it was relevant because it looked more than 2 years old.

Was this 11am or 2pm??

June 20th, 2015, 12:21 AM
I went to Towson's campus. Put a stuffed bison on top of their bronze tiger mascot and took a photo wearing a bison jersey. I saw some people about on the campus, not one was wearing a single thing Towson. :( Very sad

I did get to see this though, better than nothing I guess:


June 20th, 2015, 09:40 PM
At a swim meet today in Boyertown, PA, I saw a parent in a North Dakota State shirt. I considered going up and asking him about his connection, but was too busy corralling kids. In an afternoon session, another parent had a Delaware Football shirt on, but that's less surprising because Delaware is in the Mid-Atlantic LSC.

NoDak 4 Ever
June 20th, 2015, 09:50 PM
I went to Towson's campus. Put a stuffed bison on top of their bronze tiger mascot and took a photo wearing a bison jersey. I saw some people about on the campus, not one was wearing a single thing Towson. :( Very sad

I did get to see this though, better than nothing I guess:

Holy ****, that's worse than the Sam Houston runner up shirt.

I think we broke the FCS. 2nd is being considered a quite mighty achievement for the field.

ursus arctos horribilis
June 20th, 2015, 10:53 PM
Holy ****, that's worse than the Sam Houston runner up shirt.

I think we broke the FCS. 2nd is being considered a quite mighty achievement for the field.

It was by teams that had never been there though and took more pride in 2nd than they should have. I think UM has 6 or 7 of those and we ain't proud of those in a way that we'd advertise anything like that. Maybe it has something to do with everybody needing a trophy too? i don't know how anyone does this sort of thing honestly.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
June 20th, 2015, 11:02 PM
What's there difference between hanging a finalist banner in football and a Final 4 banner in basketball? I have no problem with either. Heck Temple has a banner with NCAA Tournament appearances and Lehigh has a large plaque with FCS playoff visits. As do most schools.....

Towson does not have much historical success in football. I think it's a great way to remind current players, recruits and fans/alums of their historical season and what can be attained at Towson. Towson's run to the 2013 title game reminded me a lot of Colgate's in 2003. Colgate has far most history in football but both trips were equally magic carpet ride-esque. Colgate has a rather small "2003 National Finalist" plaque on their scoreboard....

NoDak 4 Ever
June 20th, 2015, 11:52 PM
It was by teams that had never been there though and took more pride in 2nd than they should have. I think UM has 6 or 7 of those and we ain't proud of those in a way that we'd advertise anything like that. Maybe it has something to do with everybody needing a trophy too? i don't know how anyone does this sort of thing honestly.

I didn't even know they made a second place trophy. I'm sure this is what it feels like when you get it.


Old Gregg
June 21st, 2015, 03:48 PM
Last night at the Black Lake I saw a Stony Brook hat! I saw it with my own eyes.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
June 21st, 2015, 04:51 PM
Last night at the Black Lake I saw a Stony Brook hat! I saw it with my own eyes.

Black Lake, NY? I spent a lot of great weekends there fishing.....

June 21st, 2015, 05:16 PM
I didn't even know they made a second place trophy. I'm sure this is what it feels like when you get it.


I hope most of your posts are just Schtick? I mean, they have to be, no one could feel this empowered by a team that they cheer for, could they??? Just give me a little signal or something and I'll understand what u r doing..

NoDak 4 Ever
June 21st, 2015, 06:08 PM
I hope most of your posts are just Schtick? I mean, they have to be, no one could feel this empowered by a team that they cheer for, could they??? Just give me a little signal or something and I'll understand what u r doing..
I absolutely meant that. I had zero idea they made a 2nd place trophy.

What's it to you anyway?

June 21st, 2015, 07:31 PM
Cruising lakes country in central Minnesota on the Harley seen a Montana St license plate holder, ND plates

June 22nd, 2015, 07:00 AM
Went to my local hang out last night and a friend of mine that graduated from ASU but is more of a tarheel fan actually had his ASU hat on. He saw me. Hollered hey FU and then started chanting ASU ASU ASU. I immediately walked over and told him I always loved that cheer. "Wish we were you! We wish were you!":D

June 22nd, 2015, 08:00 AM
She loves her Bison, that's for sure.

ursus arctos horribilis
June 22nd, 2015, 11:51 AM
I didn't even know they made a second place trophy. I'm sure this is what it feels like when you get it.


I don't think they do NoDak. I was just saying we've never made a big deal about that because it is embarrassing to be 2nd when you get there. It shouldn't be recognized as an achievement that gets a banner or a T shirt etc.

It's nice to have made it that far at least but that is it.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
June 22nd, 2015, 02:00 PM
I don't think they do NoDak. I was just saying we've never made a big deal about that because it is embarrassing to be 2nd when you get there. It shouldn't be recognized as an achievement that gets a banner or a T shirt etc.

It's nice to have made it that far at least but that is it.

Does Montana have a tournament appearance banner for basketball?

ursus arctos horribilis
June 22nd, 2015, 02:08 PM
Does Montana have a tournament appearance banner for basketball?

Possibly, I don't know. Don't remember seeing it but it's not really the same is it? I mean it's not like we don't have FCS Playoff appearances promoted so why wouldn't that be there too?

I can see putting it out that you made the playoffs etc. but the WE'RE #2!" thing is just ridiculous to me. I'm not saying it isn't talked about etc. buy memorializing it with a shirt or banner...c'mon man. That's just silly. If UM did/does this it is an embarassment.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
June 22nd, 2015, 02:58 PM
Possibly, I don't know. Don't remember seeing it but it's not really the same is it? I mean it's not like we don't have FCS Playoff appearances promoted so why wouldn't that be there too?

I can see putting it out that you made the playoffs etc. but the WE'RE #2!" thing is just ridiculous to me. I'm not saying it isn't talked about etc. buy memorializing it with a shirt or banner...c'mon man. That's just silly. If UM did/does this it is an embarassment.

It's all relative. Just about everyone hangs Final 4 banners even if they don't win the title. FBS teams usually have banners for all their major bowl wins even if they finished the season ranked 8th let a lone 2nd.

Personally, I think reaching a national final is a tremendous accomplishment. A school like Towson who has had so little football success has to promote it as much as possible. Towson may never come close to sniffing the title game again. I wouldn't promote it in a t-shirt or something like that but a not overly obnoxious banner at Johnny U. Stadium is fine. If nothing else, it is a sign of respect to the players who took the program to a level that many people thought was impossible. Often times a banner like that is purchased/donated by a former football alum.

ursus arctos horribilis
June 22nd, 2015, 03:02 PM
It's all relative. Just about everyone hangs Final 4 banners even if they don't win the title. FBS teams usually have banners for all their major bowl wins even if they finished the season ranked 8th let a lone 2nd.

Personally, I think reaching a national final is a tremendous accomplishment. A school like Towson who has had so little football success has to promote it as much as possible. Towson may never come close to sniffing the title game again. I wouldn't promote it in a t-shirt or something like that but a not overly obnoxious banner at Johnny U. Stadium is fine. If nothing else, it is a sign of respect to the players who took the program to a level that many people thought was impossible. Often times a banner like that is purchased/donated by a former football alum.

Yeah I guess I can see it that way but it was just give me a chill of embarrassment if I saw us doing it I suppose. Again though it is not about stating you made the tourney or anything so I get that part.

June 22nd, 2015, 05:53 PM
It's all relative. Just about everyone hangs Final 4 banners even if they don't win the title. FBS teams usually have banners for all their major bowl wins even if they finished the season ranked 8th let a lone 2nd.

Personally, I think reaching a national final is a tremendous accomplishment. A school like Towson who has had so little football success has to promote it as much as possible. Towson may never come close to sniffing the title game again. I wouldn't promote it in a t-shirt or something like that but a not overly obnoxious banner at Johnny U. Stadium is fine. If nothing else, it is a sign of respect to the players who took the program to a level that many people thought was impossible. Often times a banner like that is purchased/donated by a former football alum.

I follow a number of college teams and have been to quite a few arenas and gyms, and I can tell you that most of them at a minimum have a banner showing the years they made the NCAA (basketball) tournament and in many cases a second banner showing NIT appearances. Some schools (off the top of my head - Penn, Drexel, George Washington, American, Navy, probably a few others) have individual banners for seasons they won the league title/made the NCAA Tournament. Some schools, like St. Joe's in 2004, have banners for special accomplishments (undefeated regular season in the Hawks' case). Just about all schools have individual banners for Final Four appearances (Georgetown is a rare exception - they have one banner listing their 5 Final Four appearances - but that's probably because they play in a building also used by an NBA team and NHL team who have their own league and division title banners). Only the very top schools, like Kansas, only have banners for NCAA championships (though IIRC from my one visit to Allen Fieldhouse in February 2014, the Jayhawks also have smaller banners in a different spot for their non-champion Final Four teams).

Football obviously is probably treated differently, but even in that sport some schools honor teams that didn't win national titles. Penn State has a listing of years of special significance (basically their national titles, undefeated seasons, Big Ten titles, and the first post-Sandusky scandal season) at the top of the stands on the visitors' sideline on the facing of the club/luxury boxes. Lehigh has a listing of their Patriot League title seasons, playoff seasons, and 1977 Division II national title season on the facing of the clubhouse/locker room behind the north end zone. Villanova has flags on flagpoles for its league title seasons behind the seating areas and a wall in the west end zone honoring standout teams and players/athletes in football and track and field. I'm pretty sure Penn also has flags on flagpoles for its Ivy League champions around the top of Franklin Field.

June 23rd, 2015, 08:30 AM
http://www.anygivensaturday.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20871&stc=1 xdrunkyx

June 23rd, 2015, 10:20 AM
http://www.anygivensaturday.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20871&stc=1 xdrunkyx

Is the 1952 baseball team held in higher regard than the 1987 football team up there?

June 23rd, 2015, 12:58 PM
Is the 1952 baseball team held in higher regard than the 1987 football team up there?

In general. I'd say yes. HC is one of only about 10 schools to have won an NCAA hoops, NIT and an NCAA baseball championship.

Southern Bison
September 5th, 2015, 05:38 PM
Yep...there's a Bison in Greenville

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September 5th, 2015, 06:47 PM
I saw an SHSU sticker on a car in my parking garage.

September 5th, 2015, 06:50 PM
The other day in Fargo, I saw a younger gentleman who was wearing a Samford Bulldogs shirt.

Southern Bison
October 17th, 2015, 04:38 PM
CaryNCDuke, Big_Duke_88, & Southern Bison.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

October 17th, 2015, 06:46 PM
UND had a graduate recruitment booth on library walk this past thursday.

I was going to rile the guy up a little bit, but then I realized he was just a contractor who has probably never even been to UND.

October 20th, 2015, 05:06 PM
Tennessee-Martin at Dodger Stadium........???http://www.anygivensaturday.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21511&stc=1

ursus arctos horribilis
October 20th, 2015, 06:21 PM
CaryNCDuke, Big_Duke_88, & Southern Bison.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk


April 24th, 2016, 07:43 PM
Saw a tour bus (think old people touring the great sights of <fill in the blank>) painted completely in Lehigh colors with the athletic logo and "Lehigh University" in huge letters down the side westbound crossing the Woodrow Wilson Bridge south of DC this afternoon. I figured it was a team headed to Richmond or the like (we were eastbound). Got home tonight and looked at the team schedules, and none of the teams had events south of Philly this week. Any ideas?

April 24th, 2016, 07:45 PM
Not sure why I hadn't put two and two together here before

The owner/president of he company o work for had both daughters attend A
and graduate from Wofford the last few years.

April 24th, 2016, 10:26 PM
Saw a guy wearing a VMI shirt on the tennis court on Saturday.

April 25th, 2016, 07:44 AM
Saw a tour bus (think old people touring the great sights of <fill in the blank>) painted completely in Lehigh colors with the athletic logo and "Lehigh University" in huge letters down the side westbound crossing the Woodrow Wilson Bridge south of DC this afternoon. I figured it was a team headed to Richmond or the like (we were eastbound). Got home tonight and looked at the team schedules, and none of the teams had events south of Philly this week. Any ideas?


April 25th, 2016, 08:07 AM

April 25th, 2016, 11:20 AM
Saw a guy in a Griz hat at the children's pool three days ago.

April 25th, 2016, 11:22 AM
Also saw a Montana state license plate holder. I occasionally see USD stuff but it its really rare.

April 25th, 2016, 11:44 AM
Saw a guy in a Griz hat at the children's pool the days ago.


April 25th, 2016, 03:04 PM
Chatty sighting. Between the second and third periods of the last Rangers home playoff game of the year (hockey), I offered the young man standing by me some of our group's surplus cake pops. Turns out that the young man was former UTC player Buster Skrine.

Too bad he got to see a crappy game.

April 25th, 2016, 04:11 PM

Those of us who are well traveled know that the children's pool is an area for birthing (calving?/whelping?) seals, Mr. Chicken.

But it's good to know that you are not one of us xcoolx

https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/t31.0-8/13055184_10154108849812008_4541132806093465475_o.j pg

April 25th, 2016, 04:55 PM

April 25th, 2016, 05:04 PM

That sounds terribly dull. Here it is an ocean cove with hundreds of seals.

The Yo Show
April 26th, 2016, 05:37 PM
Not going to lie, the community pool where I used to live was supposed to be for kids... but drug dealers went there for drug deals. It became so frequent, they closed the community pool down. Now, the kids have no local pool. On the bright side, they aren't in the crossfire for a drug deal gone bad anymore. Possible silver lining.

April 26th, 2016, 06:30 PM
Yah, I had the same thought!

April 26th, 2016, 06:30 PM
That sounds terribly dull. Here it is an ocean cove with hundreds of seals.
Way more exciting then what I was thinking!

Southern Bison
May 28th, 2016, 11:00 AM
Playing a little golf at TPC Myrtle Beach with Jim Jackson, OVC Coordinator of Football Officiating.


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POD Knows
May 28th, 2016, 12:29 PM
Playing a little golf at TPC Myrtle Beach with Jim Jackson, OVC Coordinator of Football Officiating.


Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

The hat is bitchin' xthumbsupx

May 28th, 2016, 12:57 PM
Playing a little golf at TPC Myrtle Beach with Jim Jackson, OVC Coordinator of Football Officiating.


Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Myrtle Beach? Drag dude. Get out before you catch something...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

June 19th, 2016, 09:27 AM
Saw a woman in my favorite bar yesterday with a Northern Iowa Shirt on . I congratulated her on her good taste. and she said thanks she graduated from there and wait til you see the back. Which said "it is never too early to tailgate"xthumbsupx

June 19th, 2016, 03:26 PM
Saw a Richmond spiders hat with Fcs championship event stuff stitched on the back like it was bought at a championship here in Oaxaca.

June 25th, 2016, 12:21 PM
So this happened this morning while walking out of wally world, 3 kids got out of a Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate van (from the Lake Traverse Rez I assume which starts a couple miles north of my town), anyways, one was wearing a Fighting Sioux shirt, one was wearing a NDSU shirt, and one was wearing Jacks shirt.

June 25th, 2016, 03:13 PM
So this happened this morning while walking out of wally world, 3 kids got out of a Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate van (from the Lake Traverse Rez I assume which starts a couple miles north of my town), anyways, one was wearing a Fighting Sioux shirt, one was wearing a NDSU shirt, and one was wearing Jacks shirt.

Were they all chasing a Coyote?

June 27th, 2016, 09:36 AM
My wife and I met a nice couple (probably in their early 40s) from northern Minnesota this past weekend at our B&B in Cape Charles, VA. As it turn out, both were NDSU grads, and he wore his NDSU t-shirt one day. They both follow Bison football, but I don't think they're season ticketholders.

June 27th, 2016, 10:31 AM
Saw a Montana hat at a minor league baseball game in Illinois.

July 14th, 2016, 12:22 PM
Iowa plates with a NDSU sticker on the window, in Fargo

July 14th, 2016, 02:27 PM
Iowa plates with a NDSU sticker on the window, in Fargo
An NDSU fan/ student in Fargo? Shocker.

July 14th, 2016, 03:21 PM
The hat is bitchin' xthumbsupx


July 14th, 2016, 08:30 PM
My wife and I met a nice couple (probably in their early 40s) from northern Minnesota this past weekend at our B&B in Cape Charles, VA. As it turn out, both were NDSU grads, and he wore his NDSU t-shirt one day. They both follow Bison football, but I don't think they're season ticketholders.

There are several hundred thousand people who follow bison football, only like 12,000 can have season tickets.

July 14th, 2016, 08:33 PM
My wife and I met a nice couple (probably in their early 40s) from northern Minnesota this past weekend at our B&B in Cape Charles, VA. As it turn out, both were NDSU grads, and he wore his NDSU t-shirt one day. They both follow Bison football, but I don't think they're season ticketholders.

An NDSU fan/ student in Fargo? Shocker.

some people aren't allowed out of Fargo, so that is exciting.

July 15th, 2016, 12:20 PM
An NDSU fan/ student in Fargo? Shocker.
Lady was in her 40's.

July 15th, 2016, 01:21 PM
Lady was in her 40's.

That doesn't mean she isn't a fan, and it doesn't mean she isn't a student either.

POD Knows
July 15th, 2016, 02:11 PM

Both hats are bitchin' I am a Titleist guy myself.

July 15th, 2016, 04:15 PM
Virginia plates with William and Mary on the car, in Fargo.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
July 15th, 2016, 04:22 PM
I saw an Eastern Kentucky and Stephen F Austin t-shirt at a NASCAR race last weekend at Kentucky Speedway.

July 15th, 2016, 04:29 PM
I saw a good looking JSU fan in the mirror this morning. :D

July 15th, 2016, 04:40 PM
JSU Cocky? shirt spotted here at Home Depot here in Atlanta.

July 18th, 2016, 03:02 PM
Was in Kalamazoo and saw S F Austin window sticker.

POD Knows
July 18th, 2016, 03:25 PM
Was in Kalamazoo and saw S F Austin window sticker.

Stolen car??

July 18th, 2016, 03:33 PM
Stolen car??

Had Michigan plates.

POD Knows
July 18th, 2016, 03:34 PM
Had Michigan plates.

Stolen license plates?

July 18th, 2016, 03:35 PM
Stolen license plates?

xlolx I was just going to type this.

July 18th, 2016, 08:56 PM
Hah i have a friend from kzoo that used to steal cars and sell them in Detroit.

July 19th, 2016, 09:03 AM
Hah i have a friend from kzoo that used to steal cars and sell them in Detroit.

Whole city is a pretty big stink hole.

July 19th, 2016, 10:09 AM
Whole city is a pretty big stink hole.

Downtown kzoo is alright, Indianapolis is worse imo.

July 21st, 2016, 10:21 AM
Downtown kzoo is alright, Indianapolis is worse imo.

Have to disagree. Indy worse than Kzoo?

POD Knows
July 21st, 2016, 10:40 AM
Have to disagree. Indy worse than Kzoo?

The company I work for a major convention in downtown Indy, I thought it was pretty decent, we stayed right next to the dome.

July 21st, 2016, 11:12 AM
The company I work for a major convention in downtown Indy, I thought it was pretty decent, we stayed right next to the dome.

Oh man, Indianapolis is horrendous. The whole city is a piece of junk, there are like 2 nice blocks downtown and that's it. The only way you can actually go somewhere in that metro that feels like it is from this millennium is if you go up north on the extreme edge of the city. Though it isn't just Indianapolis, the whole state of Indiana is a flaming pile of garbage. Of the 46 states that I've been to, Indiana is the worst.

POD Knows
July 21st, 2016, 11:23 AM
Oh man, Indianapolis is horrendous. The whole city is a piece of junk, there are like 2 nice blocks downtown and that's it. The only way you can actually go somewhere in that metro that feels like it is from this millennium is if you go up north on the extreme edge of the city. Though it isn't just Indianapolis, the whole state of Indiana is a flaming pile of garbage. Of the 46 states that I've been to, Indiana is the worst.

Yea, we only went where we could walk and that was the downtown area, seemed OK to me, nothing special but not bad.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
July 21st, 2016, 11:25 AM
Oh man, Indianapolis is horrendous. The whole city is a piece of junk, there are like 2 nice blocks downtown and that's it. The only way you can actually go somewhere in that metro that feels like it is from this millennium is if you go up north on the extreme edge of the city. Though it isn't just Indianapolis, the whole state of Indiana is a flaming pile of garbage. Of the 46 states that I've been to, Indiana is the worst.

DAMN!! Have you been to New Jersey?!?!

I've been to Indiana a few times. I really liked it! The only area I was not a fan of is the northwest corner which is basically metro Chicago. I thought Indianapolis was a fairly nice midwestern city. I reminded me of a bigger Louisville but with better golf courses and a famous auto track instead of horse track. The southern part of the state where Hoosier National Forrest is beautiful! I'd love to get back to French Lick Resort.

I like Ohio and Michigan too! I'd move to Traverse City tomorrow if I could. Now that I'm back in the Northeast I travel through Ohio, Michigan and Indiana through Chicago down towards Louisville quite a bit.

July 21st, 2016, 11:30 AM
DAMN!! Have you been to New Jersey?!?!

I've been to Indiana a few times. I really liked it! The only area I was not a fan of is the northwest corner which is basically metro Chicago. I thought Indianapolis was a fairly nice midwestern city. I reminded me of a bigger Louisville but with better golf courses and a famous auto track instead of horse track. The southern part of the state where Hoosier National Forrest is beautiful! I'd love to get back to French Lick Resort.

I like Ohio and Michigan too! I'd move to Traverse City tomorrow if I could. Now that I'm back in the Northeast I travel through the Ohio, Michigan and Indiana through Chicago down towards Louisville quite a bit.

I've been all over NJ ;) It is an odd state for sure, but I prefer it to Indiana. (plus I more or less consider Philly and NYC as a boon to NJ)

July 21st, 2016, 01:09 PM
I've been all over NJ ;) It is an odd state for sure, but I prefer it to Indiana. (plus I more or less consider Philly and NYC as a boon to NJ)
Someone's obviously never been to Camden. :D

Philly is garbage when you wander away from area around Independence Hall.

July 21st, 2016, 01:47 PM
MSU Bobcats license plate downtown yesterday and a Coastal Carolina shirt last Friday @ the Fargo Street Fair. One...okay, maybe two...NDSU shirts as well.

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POD Knows
July 21st, 2016, 01:50 PM
MSU Bobcats license plate downtown yesterday and a Coastal Carolina shirt last Friday @ the Fargo Street Fair. One...okay, maybe two...NDSU shirts as well.

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The person wearing the Costal Carolina shirt probably thought it was some country band like those other "geographical" C/W acts.

July 21st, 2016, 01:56 PM
Do "geographical" country bands catch as much flack as "directionally" themed FCS schools do? Things to ponder... The lady in the shirt had a Southern accent. Her fandom seemed legit.

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July 21st, 2016, 09:12 PM
Ran into a young man at Six Flags Great America outside Chicago in an Elon t shirt. Asked him about it and he's starting his Freshman year this Fall.

Forgot to mention that I ran into an Montana State fan in Orlando over Spring Break. Talked about FCS football and he'll be rooting for UNI on September 10.

Franks Tanks
July 22nd, 2016, 09:20 AM
Someone's obviously never been to Camden. :D

Philly is garbage when you wander away from area around Independence Hall.

Gary, Indiana is probably worse than Camden. Every old industrial state has a city or two like Camden.

Philly is actually a very livable city. Yes, it has deplorable and unsafe hoods like every major city, but many areas are cleaning up quickly. Large areas of Northeast and South Philly are still home to many working and middle class households. And the positive thing is that the areas experiencing gentrification are still generally affordable. Yes, the new condo's will be outrageous, but an older but well kept home in the "trendy" areas are still pretty affordable.

POD Knows
July 22nd, 2016, 09:22 AM
Gary, Indiana is probably worse than Camden. Every old industrial state has a city or two like Camden.

Philly is actually a very livable city. Yes, it has deplorable and unsafe hoods like every major city, but many areas are cleaning up quickly. Large areas of Northeast and South Philly are still home to many working and middle class households. And the positive thing is that the areas experiencing gentrification are still generally affordable. Yes, the new condo's will be outrageous, but an older but well kept home in the "trendy" areas are still pretty affordable.

Hell, is Camden even the worst city in Jersey?

July 22nd, 2016, 09:26 AM
Ran into a young man at Six Flags Great America outside Chicago in an Elon t shirt. Asked him about it and he's starting his Freshman year this Fall.

Forgot to mention that I ran into an Montana State fan in Orlando over Spring Break. Talked about FCS football and he'll be rooting for UNI on September 10.

A bitter bunch, those Cat fans.

Franks Tanks
July 22nd, 2016, 09:32 AM
Hell, is Camden even the worst city in Jersey?

I think Camden has the highest crime rate, but Newark and Trenton aren't a whole lot better. Paterson is pretty tough too, but probably not quote as bad as the 3 mentioned prior. Some may say Atlantic City is the worst, and it some ways it may be.

POD Knows
July 22nd, 2016, 09:37 AM
I think Camden has the highest crime rate, but Newark and Trenton aren't a whole lot better. Paterson is pretty tough too, but probably not quote as bad as the 3 mentioned prior. Some may say Atlantic City is the worst, and it some ways it may be.

Bought a car on Ebay, got a one way airline ticket, flew to Newark to get the car, had to go to Elizabeth, NJ to get some tag so I could drive the thing, spent 3 hours at the DMV, jumped in the car and the hell out of Dodge. Kissed the ground when I got to PA.

July 22nd, 2016, 09:46 AM
Bought a car on Ebay, got a one way airline ticket, flew to Newark to get the car, had to go to Elizabeth, NJ to get some tag so I could drive the thing, spent 3 hours at the DMV, jumped in the car and the hell out of Dodge. Kissed the ground when I got to PA.

Elizabeth is nice, lots of mom and pop restaurants

July 22nd, 2016, 09:48 AM
Someone's obviously never been to Camden. :D

Philly is garbage when you wander away from area around Independence Hall.

Philly is just fine.....there isn't a metro area in the country that doesn't have "no go" zones. There are very cities I haven't been too, and if you want to find trouble in any of them, you will find it.

POD Knows
July 22nd, 2016, 09:49 AM
Elizabeth is nice, lots of mom and pop restaurants

Yea, I guess I didn't see that part of town, I was at the DMV and it was the only building as far as the eye could see that wasn't covered in graffiti.

July 22nd, 2016, 09:50 AM
Yea, I guess I didn't see that part of town, I was at the DMV and it was the only building as far as the eye could see that wasn't covered in graffiti.

lol does graffiti scare you?

July 22nd, 2016, 09:55 AM
The part of Elizabeth I spent time in was pretty residential. It was definetly lower income and had some graffiti, but it had some good Italian restaurants. There is graffiti Pretty much everywhere with even a slight population density.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
July 22nd, 2016, 09:56 AM
Gary, Indiana is probably worse than Camden. Every old industrial state has a city or two like Camden.

Philly is actually a very livable city. Yes, it has deplorable and unsafe hoods like every major city, but many areas are cleaning up quickly. Large areas of Northeast and South Philly are still home to many working and middle class households. And the positive thing is that the areas experiencing gentrification are still generally affordable. Yes, the new condo's will be outrageous, but an older but well kept home in the "trendy" areas are still pretty affordable.

I couldn't wait to get out of SEPA after I finished college. I had a chance to move back there 2 years and work at one of the "name" clubs and refused. It's miserably hot down there in the summer. The actual city smells during the summer. The air quality reaches Chernobyl levels for a large part of the summer. The highway/road system is ridiculously outdated. At least the state finally made the first few miles of the Northeast Extension 3 lanes! Plus, the cost of living is still pretty damn high to live in any of the desirable locals. Especially for someone who will always be on a single income.

I never felt unsafe when I was in school. Temple is obviously is a rough area (much more so when I was there) and never encountered any issues. Still, there are some of the most depressed, crime riddled areas in the entire country located in Philly.

You couldn't pay me enough to live in metro NYC, Boston, Baltimore or DC either.

Franks Tanks
July 22nd, 2016, 10:01 AM
I couldn't wait to get out of SEPA after I finished college. I had a chance to move back there 2 years and work at one of the "name" clubs and refused. It's miserably hot down there in the summer. The actual city smells during the summer. The air quality reaches Chernobyl levels for a large part of the summer. The highway/road system is ridiculously outdated. At least the state finally made the first few miles of the Northeast Extension 3 lanes! Plus, the cost of living is still pretty damn high to live in any of the desirable locals. Especially for someone who will always be on a single income.

You couldn't pay me enough to live in metro NYC, Boston, Baltimore or DC either.

I don't love Philly either, and yes it isn't cheap, but prices are great compared to DC, Boston and NYC. Yes, I understand prices are higher because more people find it desirable to live in those cities, but Philly can provide the experience of living in a big city for costs that are much lower than other large east coast cities.

POD Knows
July 22nd, 2016, 10:01 AM
lol does graffiti scare you?

I live by Fargo, ND, there is no graffiti up here. Graffiti doesn't scare me, people that want to rob a middle aged, unarmed man give me pause. Actually, everything when fine when I was over there, meet only nice people, the lady at the DMV was hilarious, it was just a real ****ty part of town. The hotel I stayed at in Newark was surrounded by razor wire, I don't think I have ever seen that before and I get around quite a bit.

July 22nd, 2016, 10:02 AM
https://www.google.com/maps/@40.7141205,-74.1884999,3a,75y,116.22h,71.37t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sdazZj8l5L0JMLoX4OcZhjg!2e0!7i1 3312!8i6656?hl=en

I'm assuming this is the MVA you went to.....looks like an up and coming neighborhood. xlolx

POD Knows
July 22nd, 2016, 10:09 AM
https://www.google.com/maps/@40.7141205,-74.1884999,3a,75y,116.22h,71.37t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sdazZj8l5L0JMLoX4OcZhjg!2e0!7i1 3312!8i6656?hl=en

I'm assuming this is the MVA you went to.....looks like an up and coming neighborhood. xlolx

Could be, could you photo shop some graffiti on the buildings and put 50 homeless people outside, it was quite a while ago when I was there, it looks like they cleaned up the neighborhood.

Franks Tanks
July 22nd, 2016, 10:09 AM
Bought a car on Ebay, got a one way airline ticket, flew to Newark to get the car, had to go to Elizabeth, NJ to get some tag so I could drive the thing, spent 3 hours at the DMV, jumped in the car and the hell out of Dodge. Kissed the ground when I got to PA.

Ya, there are several old cities in NJ that look pretty rough. Some are dangerous, some don't look very pretty but are pretty safe and more expensive that you think (Jersey City, and well really all of Hudson County).

I would agree that the industrial parts of North/Central Jersey are as ugly as anywhere, but the older suburban towns and NJ country side are really nice (like Morris and Somerset county)

July 22nd, 2016, 10:15 AM
Newark is like a red headed step child... That is all

July 22nd, 2016, 12:40 PM
A bitter bunch, those Cat fans.
We had a good conversation - talked about the Bobcats under Ash and their prospects moving forward, UNI's history against Sky teams and struggles vs. Montana.

July 22nd, 2016, 05:36 PM
Ya, there are several old cities in NJ that look pretty rough. Some are dangerous, some don't look very pretty but are pretty safe and more expensive that you think (Jersey City, and well really all of Hudson County).

I would agree that the industrial parts of North/Central Jersey are as ugly as anywhere, but the older suburban towns and NJ country side are really nice (like Morris and Somerset county)

In certain parts Jersey City is really nice. The best and cheapest hotel I stayed in on the east coast was in Jersey City. If that hotel was an apartment in La Jolla it would be $4,500 a month.

Southern Bison
July 28th, 2016, 06:19 PM
Lil' SB & I at Opening Night of Panthers training camp at Wofford...we're representin'!



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July 28th, 2016, 07:34 PM
Went to see Gregg allman last night. Saw Justin hill there. Qb that beat North Carolina in1999. I think the qb in the 2001 nc game but will have to verify that. Good memories

July 28th, 2016, 08:55 PM
Went to see Gregg allman last night. Saw Justin hill there. Qb that beat North Carolina in1999. I think the qb in the 2001 nc game but will have to verify that. Good memories

You certain about that?:D

July 29th, 2016, 01:53 AM
It has nothing to do with football but amazingly former Moc Stephen Jaeger carded an astonishing 58 in the opening round of the web.com event. The first ever in a pga tour sanctioned event. Just the second ever on any major professional tour.

July 29th, 2016, 04:28 AM
You certain about that?:D
Absolutely better to be there and lose than not to get close like the last ten yearsxbawlingx

August 14th, 2016, 06:02 PM
Saw a Portland State shirt at the Montana Brewers Association rendezvous yesterday.

August 14th, 2016, 10:54 PM
I saw a Lamar University sticker on the back window of a car between Minneapolis and Duluth. I so saw a Richmond Spiders shirt in Duluth.


August 29th, 2016, 07:46 AM
A local store here in Newark that carries college branded gear has started carrying South Dakota State shirts. No UD or DSU stuff, haha. I bought one of the yellow ones, the SDSU shirts were the cheapest things on any of their shelves at only $3, so I'm guessing it's leftovers from some other store that is shuffling around the country and figured what the hell, for $3 I'll rock one at the gym or something.


August 29th, 2016, 10:29 AM
A local store here in Newark that carries college branded gear has started carrying South Dakota State shirts. No UD or DSU stuff, haha. I bought one of the yellow ones, the SDSU shirts were the cheapest things on any of their shelves at only $3, so I'm guessing it's leftovers from some other store that is shuffling around the country and figured what the hell, for $3 I'll rock one at the gym or something.


Maybe they stocked up for the game in 2010.

Thumper 76
August 29th, 2016, 10:42 AM
A local store here in Newark that carries college branded gear has started carrying South Dakota State shirts. No UD or DSU stuff, haha. I bought one of the yellow ones, the SDSU shirts were the cheapest things on any of their shelves at only $3, so I'm guessing it's leftovers from some other store that is shuffling around the country and figured what the hell, for $3 I'll rock one at the gym or something.


Wow that's a steal! And suck on that Bison fans xlolx

Mayville Bison
August 29th, 2016, 11:25 AM
Wow that's a steal! And suck on that Bison fans xlolx

Can't own South Dakota, but you sure own Newark xthumbsupx

August 29th, 2016, 01:29 PM
Can't own South Dakota, but you sure own Newark xthumbsupx

26 - 3...
I disagree.

Thumper 76
August 29th, 2016, 01:58 PM
26 - 3...
I disagree.

Hope there's a rematch sometime in the future. I think that score would be flipped :D

September 1st, 2016, 05:14 PM
Couple in NDSU gear here at the JSU/UNA game.

September 1st, 2016, 05:55 PM
Couple in NDSU gear here at the JSU/UNA game.

Mae converted some of your fans... ... ...

September 2nd, 2016, 12:14 AM
Mae converted some of your fans... ... ...
They were here last year too though.

September 3rd, 2016, 07:01 PM
There are 2 unh fans beside me at qualcomm.

September 3rd, 2016, 07:04 PM

They bought good seats. $15 pfffft

September 3rd, 2016, 11:09 PM
A local store here in Newark that carries college branded gear has started carrying South Dakota State shirts. No UD or DSU stuff, haha. I bought one of the yellow ones, the SDSU shirts were the cheapest things on any of their shelves at only $3, so I'm guessing it's leftovers from some other store that is shuffling around the country and figured what the hell, for $3 I'll rock one at the gym or something.


Looking great there Supe!

September 16th, 2016, 01:16 PM
Was heading into a grocery store an hour or so ago, when around the corner ran a bunch of young women in green and gold. Turns out it was the NDSU women's soccer team. And no hotness in the bunch.

September 16th, 2016, 04:20 PM
Was heading into a grocery store an hour or so ago, when around the corner ran a bunch of young women in green and gold. Turns out it was the NDSU women's soccer team. And no hotness in the bunch.

they are the pride of Canada.

September 17th, 2016, 10:58 PM
This is kind of backwards, but still noteworthy. I posted in another thread too, but thought it was worthy to post here as well.

I was at the Portland State game in Husky Stadium tonight, wearing a green Bison shirt. Everywhere I went, I was getting high fives and congratulations from Washington fans. I overhead at least a few conversations around me before people even saw my shirt and they were talking about the NDSU win today with excitement. And correcting each other on the pronunciation of "Bison"!

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September 17th, 2016, 11:07 PM
I saw a large guy, looked like an ex-football player, at Walmart in Fargo. He had Indiana plates and ISUr stickers on the car. This was today.

Southern Bison
September 29th, 2016, 11:21 AM
So I'm having lunch and a guy sits down at the bar next to me wearing an FCS shirt...one that should've been sent to a charity in Africa or South America.

Said he bought it a Marshall's in Charlotte.
Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

September 29th, 2016, 11:40 AM
So I'm having lunch and a guy sits down at the bar next to me wearing an FCS shirt...one that should've been sent to a charity in Africa or South America.

Said he bought it a Marshall's in Charlotte.
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September 29th, 2016, 04:53 PM
Bought it at marshall's... right.

More like made it himself on his Tshirt printing machine.

September 29th, 2016, 05:46 PM
Saw a William & Mary sticker on a car this morning in Boulder.

September 29th, 2016, 11:49 PM
So I'm having lunch and a guy sits down at the bar next to me wearing an FCS shirt...one that should've been sent to a charity in Africa or South America.

Said he bought it a Marshall's in Charlotte.
Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Under armor logo on a cotton t-shirt?

September 30th, 2016, 09:48 AM
Under armor logo on a cotton t-shirt?

Under Armour sponsored the game.

Penguin Nation
October 5th, 2016, 08:55 AM
There is a guy wearing an SIU shirt on the Dan patrick Show rn.

FWIW, I'm not so sure I'm not the guy referred to in the first post. I was wearing my Penguin pride in NC all the time back then.

October 7th, 2016, 09:25 PM
Was watching a documentary called "Man vs Snake" and a guy was wearing a UNI sweatshirt.

October 10th, 2016, 02:00 AM
Clenz, you are finally in the 3 percent! :D

October 10th, 2016, 03:49 AM
Clenz, you are finally in the 3 percent! :D

Should be a photo of Chris Klieman talking to Andre Martin in that banner.

Thumper 76
October 10th, 2016, 02:40 PM

Not sure if this counts but Jeff Van Gundy came by SDSU to help with the team.

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October 10th, 2016, 04:25 PM

Not sure if this counts but Jeff Van Gundy came by SDSU to help with the team.

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Who? I actually had to look up who that was and then I realized it was basketball and that is why I did not know.

October 10th, 2016, 04:28 PM

Not sure if this counts but Jeff Van Gundy came by SDSU to help with the team.

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Love JVG! He is a great coach and a funny guy. His game analysis is great.

November 18th, 2016, 07:05 PM
White SUV just drove passed here in Jacksonville sporting a NDSU flag.

November 18th, 2016, 07:42 PM
White SUV just drove passed here in Jacksonville sporting a NDSU flag.

There is a NDSU grad that lives here.

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November 18th, 2016, 08:30 PM
White SUV just drove passed here in Jacksonville sporting a NDSU flag.
Classing up the city!

November 18th, 2016, 09:12 PM
White SUV just drove passed here in Jacksonville sporting a NDSU flag.

There is a group of ndsu engineers who live in Bama. I bet that's them.

November 19th, 2016, 04:48 AM
White SUV just drove passed here in Jacksonville sporting a NDSU flag.

I though OJ was still in jail

November 19th, 2016, 06:33 AM
I haven't met him or seen him personally, but someone told me that there is a NDSU guy in Karawaci.

November 19th, 2016, 07:54 AM
There is a group of ndsu engineers who live in Bama. I bet that's them.
I've seen them before, it's just a guy and his wife based on who I've seen around here. I haven't seen anyone beside the two of them but maybe. Do you know what kind of engineers they are?

November 19th, 2016, 08:35 AM
I though OJ was still in jail

OJ wasn't good enough to play football at NDSU:D


November 19th, 2016, 10:37 AM
Saw a couple that were wearing Maine sweatshirts here in Lynchburg.

December 7th, 2016, 09:28 AM
There is a guy wearing a Seawolves sweatshirt in the third row at the Boston Major.

POD Knows
December 7th, 2016, 10:51 AM
There were a couple Jackrabbit fans wearing Jackrabbit apparel at
a football game in Brookings last Saturday. They looked cold and scared.

Southern Bison
December 11th, 2016, 04:35 PM
Proud of Kyle Emanuel as a Bison in the NFL! It was a privilege to cheer him on in Charlotte!

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December 12th, 2016, 08:21 AM
I saw a 10 year old kid wearing a NDSU Bison shirt at the Ford Museum this past summer and felt like strangling him. Just kidding, it was nice to see someone so young repping an FCS school on vacation.

December 12th, 2016, 10:32 AM
Saw a student this morning wearing a Harvard shirt. I asked her about it and she said that she went to a summer camp there.

December 12th, 2016, 08:10 PM
Saw a Fighting Sioux hockey sweater outside of Madison Square Garden last night. Gave them a friendly Go Bison as I walked by.

Not sure why'd you wear a UND thing to a Rangers-Devils game (maybe lost a bet?)

December 12th, 2016, 09:48 PM
Saw a Fighting Sioux hockey sweater outside of Madison Square Garden last night. Gave them a friendly Go Bison as I walked by.

Not sure why'd you wear a UND thing to a Rangers-Devils game (maybe lost a bet?)

Travis Zajac? Hell of a player.

December 12th, 2016, 09:49 PM
He is a solid 40-60pts per season kind of player with grit and toughness to centre a #1 line

December 23rd, 2016, 09:15 AM
Idaho just finished a heck of a season....


I guess the players got hot when they heard of the move down to 1-AA.....and finished 9-4.

BirdFan 4Life
December 23rd, 2016, 10:12 AM
Saw a couple wearing Ugly Christmas Sweaters for NDSU at Patties bar in Old Town Scottsdale last weekend. They were dancing up a storm and having a jolly good time. Hopefully they were just visiting and don't actually live here xxmasx

POD Knows
December 23rd, 2016, 10:14 AM
Saw a couple wearing Ugly Christmas Sweaters for NDSU at Patties bar in Old Town Scottsdale last weekend. They were dancing up a storm and having a jolly good time. Hopefully they were just visiting and don't actually live here xxmasx

There are Bison fans all over the place down there, I probably personally know 20 to 30 in the Scottsdale area alone.

December 23rd, 2016, 12:29 PM
Saw a couple wearing Ugly Christmas Sweaters for NDSU at Patties bar in Old Town Scottsdale last weekend. They were dancing up a storm and having a jolly good time. Hopefully they were just visiting and don't actually live here xxmasx

Now that is a busy sweater. LOL

December 23rd, 2016, 05:43 PM
Idaho just finished a heck of a season....


I guess the players got hot when they heard of the move down to 1-AA.....and finished 9-4.

Yes, that famous potato bowl turned into a shootout. Looked like a blowout by Idaho at the half, but csu came fighting back. There may be some new competition in the big fluffy come 2018!

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December 23rd, 2016, 05:44 PM
Saw a couple wearing Ugly Christmas Sweaters for NDSU at Patties bar in Old Town Scottsdale last weekend. They were dancing up a storm and having a jolly good time. Hopefully they were just visiting and don't actually live here xxmasx

I couldn't wear that...

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July 24th, 2017, 09:58 PM
The father of the Island Ninja on American Ninja Warrior is wearing a Cal Poly hat.

August 4th, 2017, 06:19 AM
A Youngstown State Hall of Famer and 15 year NFL veteran now lives in Greenville. Cliff Stoudt - YSU QB in the 70s. (Yes I know YSU was D2 in those days but this still counts).

Got to talk to him for about 15 mins. Some Great stories. Good guy. One of his sons played for Clemson. (which may be one of the many reasons he is in Greenville now). Forgot to ask him to show me one of his Super Bowl Rings.

August 4th, 2017, 06:32 AM
Driving to work in this morning in Greenville, NC I saw a UC Davis window decal on an SUV in the next lane over.

August 4th, 2017, 07:30 AM
My Walmart in town has some Kennesaw State wallets mixed in with all their SDSU stuff.

August 4th, 2017, 07:52 AM
My Walmart in town has some Kennesaw State wallets mixed in with all their SDSU stuff.

Walmarts are dumb. They have SEMO stuff in the JSU section at the Walmart in Jacksonville.

August 4th, 2017, 08:50 AM
My Walmart in town has some Kennesaw State wallets mixed in with all their SDSU stuff.

A couple days ago I saw a young guy wearing a SDSU T-Shirt in Harrisonburg, VA. He didn't have clue about the University or the football program and had never been anywhere near South Dakota.

August 5th, 2017, 09:21 AM
Walking a trail in Torrey Pines a couple of weeks ago, a gent wearing a UNH shirt passed me in the other direction.

August 5th, 2017, 10:06 AM
Walmarts are dumb. They have SEMO stuff in the JSU section at the Walmart in Jacksonville.

Weird...makes me wonder if the Walmart in Decatur sells Missouri State merchandise.

November 28th, 2017, 04:07 PM
Saw a ND Sioux sticker on a car tooling around Mt Pleasant SC today. Also had a Georgia Southern sticker, eewe.

November 28th, 2017, 09:05 PM
Saw an SIU sweatshirt in Reynolds,IL today.

November 28th, 2017, 09:08 PM
My tailgate buddy was down in Carbondale Ill. (SIU) and they were selling NDSU gear at Walmart.

Pards Rule
November 29th, 2017, 10:07 AM
A couple days ago I saw a young guy wearing a SDSU T-Shirt in Harrisonburg, VA. He didn't have clue about the University or the football program and had never been anywhere near South Dakota.

Goodwill or garage sale find??

November 29th, 2017, 10:36 AM
My tailgate buddy was down in Carbondale Ill. (SIU) and they were selling NDSU gear at Walmart.

My sister sees UNI stuff in Greensboro, NC at thrift stores all the time.

November 29th, 2017, 10:39 AM
Found this rare FCS gem...can anyone guess what school it represents? xlolx



November 29th, 2017, 12:31 PM
Found this rare FCS gem...can anyone guess what school it represents? xlolx



Looks like a Div2 gem to me where some cheap student put some iron on uca logos on the sleeves.

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November 29th, 2017, 12:34 PM
Found this rare FCS gem...can anyone guess what school it represents? xlolx



That would be Division 2 Winona State University out of Winona Minnesota. I believe they are in the Northern Sun conference (NSIC).


November 29th, 2017, 12:41 PM
That would be Division 2 Winona State University out of Winona Minnesota. I believe they are in the Northern Sun conference (NSIC).


Oh..I thought they'd be called the Ryders...xlolx


February 26th, 2018, 03:22 PM
There were some JMU football moms outside in the Today show audience this morning.

February 26th, 2018, 04:24 PM
Met all kinds of FCS fans: JMU, Towson, Nova fans in Punta Cana.

They saw my NDSU gear and just rolled their eyes. :D

February 26th, 2018, 04:39 PM
Found this rare FCS gem...can anyone guess what school it represents? xlolx

Dewey is right. Winona is in with us in the NSIC. They are the Warriors and have a Trojan/Spartan type head. I have NO idea why they would have a bear on there- it has nothing to do with their school. I'll have to ask some Winona guys.

February 26th, 2018, 07:59 PM
Ran into two separate bison fans two days ago. One was in slovang walking down the street, he gave me a go bison and the horns. The other was in Venice at a restaurant.

I quit experiencing this because I've nearly stopped wearing bison gear. I should work it back into my wardrobe where it makes sense.

I used to get it on every trip, even when the trips involved flying across the ocean.

I guess I also saw about 100 bison fans at SDSU but that was during a softball tournament where ndsu was playing. I did think it was pretty cool that the crowd for North Dakota State vs San Diego State was more than 50% bison. Of course it was softball so the crowd was only like 150-200 people.

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Bison Fan in NW MN
February 27th, 2018, 05:01 PM
Have a beekeeper buddy of mine from Oregon that is a huge Ducks fan out here in CA doing work by me. He's thinks the Ducks are in for a tough game when the Bison come in a couple of years.....i told him be ready for a loss!!

POD Knows
February 27th, 2018, 06:11 PM
Have a beekeeper buddy of mine from Oregon that is a huge Ducks fan out here in CA doing work by me. He's thinks the Ducks are in for a tough game when the Bison come in a couple of years.....i told him be ready for a loss!!Nah, we will lose, we are no match for high quality FBS programs. xcoffeex

February 27th, 2018, 06:55 PM
Have a beekeeper buddy of mine from Oregon that is a huge Ducks fan out here in CA doing work by me. He's thinks the Ducks are in for a tough game when the Bison come in a couple of years.....i told him be ready for a loss!!Good to see you back on the board.

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February 27th, 2018, 09:59 PM
In my little gated neighborhood in the middle of the NC mountains, I have recently seen both a UNH and UTC stickers on cars. Neither one is too much of a surprise as we are somewhat close to Chattanooga and we are also overrun with Yankees.xlolx Mainly form NY and Ill, but NH is not a stretch.

May 15th, 2018, 03:18 PM
Driving on South Blvd in Charlotte this morning, I saw a green Ford truck with a NDSU sticker on the back glass and a NDSU front plate. I know there are a few Bison fans down here, I figure it's one of them.

Southern Bison
May 16th, 2018, 10:22 AM
Driving on South Blvd in Charlotte this morning, I saw a green Ford truck with a NDSU sticker on the back glass and a NDSU front plate. I know there are a few Bison fans down here, I figure it's one of them.That's yours truly!

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May 16th, 2018, 04:27 PM
At a local overstock store there are FCS hoodies everwhere. NDSU etc. Run about $10 a piece with tax.



El Cid 80
May 17th, 2018, 07:45 AM
Saw a Car in the Home Depot with Mercer stickers in Stuart Florida

May 17th, 2018, 08:51 AM
They're selling Northern Iowa and Tennessee Tech shirts here in our local Wal-mart. xlolx

May 18th, 2018, 02:21 PM
I went to the Ford Museum in Michigan last year and saw some kids wearing Bison t-shirts.

May 25th, 2018, 09:41 AM
That's yours truly!

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Right on brother. I knew there was a Bison contingent here. Don't you fellas meet up somewhere in S. Charlotte for games? I might have to come out one Saturday.

May 25th, 2018, 09:49 AM
We watch the NDSU games at Jocks and Jills. Come join us some Saturday this fall.

Southern Bison
May 25th, 2018, 09:50 AM
Right on brother. I knew there was a Bison contingent here. Don't you fellas meet up somewhere in S. Charlotte for games? I might have to come out one Saturday.Jocks & Jills on Tyvola Rd. by the airport.

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May 25th, 2018, 09:53 AM
Jocks & Jills on Tyvola Rd. by the airport.

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I might just do that. I'm in Fort Mill so that itsn't too far at all.

Southern Bison
May 25th, 2018, 09:55 AM
I might just do that. I'm in Fort Mill so that itsn't too far at all.My "2nd office" is the Wing King in FM. Best wings in the city!

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May 25th, 2018, 10:04 AM
My "2nd office" is the Wing King in FM. Best wings in the city!

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I haven't been and it's right down the road from me. Now I have to try it.

May 25th, 2018, 05:36 PM
We watch the NDSU games at Jocks and Jills. Come join us some Saturday this fall.

Is that where Steve Mc Millian goes?

Southern Bison
May 26th, 2018, 10:01 AM
Is that where Steve Mc Millian goes?Sure is...Mac is one if our regulars.

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May 26th, 2018, 01:09 PM
Sure is...Mac is one if our regulars.

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Tell him Hi from old #56.

May 28th, 2018, 10:57 AM
I was at Walmart at American Fork, Utah on Saturday and they had five 3' x 5' NDSU flags in the clearance section.

POD Knows
May 28th, 2018, 02:07 PM
I was at Walmart at American Fork, Utah on Saturday and they had five 3' x 5' NDSU flags in the clearance section.They have UND flags in the clearance sections in Fargo, but nice dig nonetheless. xthumbsupx