View Full Version : Pittsburgh Pens are staying

March 12th, 2007, 10:52 PM
Looks like after all the talk and back and forths, the Pens are apparently staying in the Burgh


Great news for the city and fans.


March 13th, 2007, 12:48 AM
Word around here was that Paul Allen brought the Rose Garden out of bankruptcy proceedings so the NHL could bring the Pens to Portland. Guess that is not happening.

I have to say, when I think of hockey cities, I think of Pittsburgh before I think of Portland. Then again, I think of Winnipeg before I think of Phoenix. I think of Hartford before I think of Tampa.

March 13th, 2007, 01:25 AM
Word around here was that Paul Allen brought the Rose Garden out of bankruptcy proceedings so the NHL could bring the Pens to Portland. Guess that is not happening.

I have to say, when I think of hockey cities, I think of Pittsburgh before I think of Portland. Then again, I think of Winnipeg before I think of Phoenix. I think of Hartford before I think of Tampa.

And I think of puking before I think of hockey. :pumpuke: :pumpuke: :pumpuke: xgiveadamnx

And that, fellow AGS'ers, is the FIRST and ONLY time I will ever use that infernal similie!

Mr. C
March 13th, 2007, 12:01 PM
Then why bother to post on this thread?

I think it is a good move to stay in Pittsburgh. I hate seeing franchises move and can't for the life of me see why teams leave hockey country and consider moves to the south. Houston didn't seem like a very good idea to me.

March 13th, 2007, 05:41 PM
Then why bother to post on this thread?

I think it is a good move to stay in Pittsburgh. I hate seeing franchises move and can't for the life of me see why teams leave hockey country and consider moves to the south. Houston didn't seem like a very good idea to me.

I agree on both accounts. I do not see the point of making a post that means nothing... If you dont like hockey, ignore the post . It is that simple.

I am very happy for the Pens staying, it is a great hockey town.

March 13th, 2007, 05:45 PM
I agree on both accounts. I do not see the point of making a post that means nothing... If you dont like hockey, ignore the post . It is that simple.

I am very happy for the Pens staying, it is a great hockey town.

Where were the Pens thinking of moving? I would much rather have them in Pittsburgh then someplace like San Antonio or Portland. I think its ridiculous that Phoenix, Anaheim & Tampa Bay have teams but Hartford, Quebec & Winnipeg couldn't keep theirs.

March 13th, 2007, 05:53 PM
The main talk was KC. They have a new area and it seems they do not have a team for it. It was reported as a very sweet deal. I really think the NHL and Beitmen (sp?) helped keeping the pens here. But lately Vegas and Huston were being talked about, though i think Huston backed out when KC upped their deal.

I am with you about the cities some teams are in. I still think it is strange anytime the Pens are playing in Fla.

March 13th, 2007, 07:12 PM
Actually the rumors up here in Canada was that a deal for a Toronto suburb team, most likely Kitchener/Waterloo. The owner of RIM (the blackberry company) actually put a deposite down on the purchase and then pulled out, essentially donating a few million to the Pens caufers. I grew up a Pens fan and spent a lot of time going to the igloo, would love to see the franchise move to where I am now, but if a new arena is in the works I am happy they are staying home.

Everyone here thought that it owuld have been a heck of a fight with the leafs to give up their monopoly but if NY can essenitlaly have 3 teams one would think Toronto could support two. Actually, it support three easily, never an empty seat for any game and tickets scalp in the $4-500 range for every game.

Did you know that half of the NHL's revenue is generated by the 6 Canadian teams, that was reported on TSN sports center last week?

The Sheriff
March 13th, 2007, 08:01 PM
I often wonder if the day will come that the NHL would again consider Winnipeg. If so, would the Minnesota Wild be against it. I imagine they would fight for the same fan base given Winnipeg's proximity to northern Minnesota and North Dakota (150 miles from Grand Forks).

I'm not old enough to know what it was like when the Jets and North Stars were around at the same time. (well I was, but didn't care much for market shares, etc)

Just a random thought because it seems like a shame that Winnipeg does not have a pro hockey team and many of the southern US cities do.