View Full Version : Five Days till we roll!

July 22nd, 2018, 09:46 AM
Pre-emptive thanks to Ursus for indulging me on creating a second thread about this year's 24HOB/LiveSTRONG ride.

Five days till we roll in Charlotte and we're at roughly $9,000 in total funds raised. Culmulatively, my donors have contribued $77,489.00

I'd love to get to $80K this year, as that would set the stage for hitting $100 K, next season, which would be year 10 of doing the ride. Time's growing short, so that might be a tough number to get to, but getting to $10K over the next five days is definitely doable! All it takes is a few donations here and there!

AGS donors have contributed somewhere north of $20K of that total. Honestly, I'm not sure how much, exactly, as the charity's moved to new server providers, etc. and not all of the data is available. Going from memory, you guys have contributed somewhere between $2200 and $3,500 each of the last 7 years. I'm gonna try to get an exact total, but whatever that ends up being, it's pretty feraking amazing considering it's all been online and due to the power of social media.

TheRev and Ursus really got things going with that first TheRev's challenge, and you guys have responded in amazing ways since. AG1, IBY and SouthernBison have bother been pretty phenomenal with their serial donations to the ride too! Lots of other AGSers have gotten into the act and what we've raised as exceeded my most optimistic expectations.

Next year's going to be my last to do Booty the way I currently do it. So, I'm hoping to finish strong this year, and then go out with one more big campaign next year.

After that, I'm going to focus more on local charities. I'll still do the 24HOB and I'll probably still make some posts here, but i don't anticipate I'll put quite as much time into it as I have. I think the local fundraising might be a more fertile fundraising opportunity.

Thank you guys for all of your support so far this year and if you've ever thought about donating, now would be a great time to do so. No donation is too small.

They're all desperately needed, greatly appreciated and totally tax deductible.

You guys ROCK!


July 22nd, 2018, 10:11 AM
And, just like that, thanks to Bisonoline for another of his fantastic donations to the cause! Oline's been contributing since early days of TheRev's Challenge!

Thanks for the fantastic continued support! I really appreciate it more than I can adquately express!

You ROCK! Geaux Bison!

July 22nd, 2018, 06:32 PM
So...thanks to some great Non-AGS donations and some corporate match, we're now less than $500 away from cresting $10K...

So...the kill shot on $10K is up for grabs now....

Just need a few more donations to get over the hump!

July 23rd, 2018, 12:57 PM
Okay....four days till we roll and we're just $289 away from cresting $10K!

Anybody wanna make a "Classic Mustang Donation" and chip in 289 to get us over the hump?

The kill shot on $10k would be pretty cool! Just sayin!


July 24th, 2018, 05:12 PM
Okay...here it is...the last solicitation for 24HOB donations to my ride. You guys survived another year of the incessant posts. We're still about $289.00 shy of cresting $10K, which is kind'va big deal with the 24HOB, so if you've ever considered donating, but havent had a chance to do so, now would be an awesome time to get in on the action.

Thanks to everybody who donated so far this year....By my count AGS members have donated $1,975.00 of our $9,711.00 total.

You guys are AWESOME! Thank you!

There's still time to make a few more donations!


July 24th, 2018, 05:38 PM
FPC When’s the last date for it to count this year?

July 24th, 2018, 07:16 PM
Thursday at 5 pm Eastern time...

I know I've bugged the **** out of you about the corporate match, but I just got an e-mail from a 24 Foundation volunteer/Intern and I'm not sure the right hand knows what the left hand is doing...They're telling me, at the 11th hour no less, that an e-mail from somebody in your corporate structure saying the match is approved would work....

It's the 11th hour, so if you don't have time, don't worry about it...

I'm not exactly happy with that end of it right now, and I've started and stopped about 10 different responses. I was gonna unload, but...I had to remind myself that it's a charity and they depend on volunteers and interns, so whatcha gonna do?? ;)

July 24th, 2018, 07:17 PM
Huge Thanks to Catbooster for his great donation to the cause! That ups the AGS contributions this year to an even $2000.00!

Catbooster, thank you! I really appreciate the support!

You ROCK! Geaux Cats!

July 24th, 2018, 07:57 PM
Thursday at 5 pm Eastern time...

I know I've bugged the **** out of you about the corporate match, but I just got an e-mail from a 24 Foundation volunteer/Intern and I'm not sure the right hand knows what the left hand is doing...They're telling me, at the 11th hour no less, that an e-mail from somebody in your corporate structure saying the match is approved would work....

It's the 11th hour, so if you don't have time, don't worry about it...

I'm not exactly happy with that end of it right now, and I've started and stopped about 10 different responses. I was gonna unload, but...I had to remind myself that it's a charity and they depend on volunteers and interns, so whatcha gonna do?? ;)

I will reach out to them tomorrow

July 24th, 2018, 08:18 PM

July 24th, 2018, 11:33 PM
Yuge Thanks to Ursus, for his fantastic donation to the ride! In addition to giving me broad lattitude with clogging up the bandwidth for my incessant solicitation posts, Ursus has been a great financial supporter of the ride!

Awesomeness......I'm humbled and honored to Ride for Ursus's Dad again this year!

Thank you!

You ROCK! Geaux Griz!

ursus arctos horribilis
July 25th, 2018, 12:01 AM
Yuge Thanks to Ursus, for his fantastic donation to the ride! In addition to giving me broad lattitude with clogging up the bandwidth for my incessant solicitation posts, Ursus has been a great financial supporter of the ride!

Awesomeness......I'm humbled and honored to Ride for Ursus's Dad again this year!

Thank you!

You ROCK! Geaux Griz!

Thanks brother, only a couple of weeks away from one year since he passed. It's been tough. I will gladly support anyone providing the smallest bit of comfort, advice and support for those suffering from this POS ****ing disease and their families.

ursus arctos horribilis
July 25th, 2018, 12:05 AM
I hope anyone else that can spare a small bit of coin would help brother Jay out as well in the next day if possible. Push him over the 10k fellers. I don't ask much. But I am asking now.

Get him there and beyond if you would.

July 25th, 2018, 12:08 AM
Yuge Thanks to Ursus, for his fantastic donation to the ride! In addition to giving me broad lattitude with clogging up the bandwidth for my incessant solicitation posts, Ursus has been a great financial supporter of the ride!

Awesomeness......I'm humbled and honored to Ride for Ursus's Dad again this year!

Thank you!

You ROCK! Geaux Griz!

So where are you at now?

ursus arctos horribilis
July 25th, 2018, 12:12 AM
So where are you at now?

He was at $9840 about a 1/2 hr. ago and I texted Alf who will probably put him over unless he's already in....I'm really late to the party this year.

I just wanted to see if some new blood would pitch in a few bucks and get him over the top. I know you dude and I know you've given a lot already. It is what you do.

July 25th, 2018, 08:19 AM
You guys are awesome! We're at $9840 right now...I'm pretty confident we'll get to $10K...

In fact, I'm so confident that yesterday's post was the last one I'm making about my ride..

Last year, I told you guys about Buck Ransom, who was a late add and we got him in a Yellow Jersey, which is kind of a big deal at the 24HOB. It was a phenomenal response in about three weeks.

In fact, the support for Buck was so phenomenal that the 24HOB got him to lead out the entire field on the opening parade lap...

Here's a pic of the start of last year's ride. You guys were phenomenal in helping get Buck, an 11-year old Leukemia patient, that sort of once in a lifetime experience.

https://scontent.fmem1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/26047386_10211620671009368_960964010460745549_n.jp g?_nc_cat=0&oh=e95bef15c1064b657d6ba314ed5741c6&oe=5BCF79DC

Pretty cool stuff.

This year, we had another late add. Gary West, of Charlotte isn't an 11-year old cancer survivor. He's early 70's as near as I can tell and he's fought cancer twice. Once for Prostate and once for Leukemia. Gary's currently undergoing chemo, but he wants to ride and give back.

Gary's story isn't as cute as Buck's was, but...it's compelling nevertheless.

There's a known correllation between exposure to ionizing radiation and a form of Leukemia known as CML, which is what Gary's had. And, like many CML patients, Gary was exposed to ionizing radiation when he was younger, during the 9 years he served on Nuclear Submarines between 1962 and 1971. There's a pretty marked spike in the Leukemia rates for US submariners who severd on early nuke boats.

Gary's pretty quick to downplay the link and says that He's never been told that's what caused the CML because there can be some causative agents, but from where I sit, the smart money's on just how much we didn't know in the early days of nuclear power.

So...Gary found out about the ride recently and wanted to get involved. He's a stand up guy and - even after fighting cancer twice, his major focus is trying to raise money for others.

"The VA's taking care of my treatment and medications," he says. "Let's raise money for those who don't have that kind of support."

Gary answered the call for his country in the 1960's, and he's answering the call to help cancer patients now, so if you guys are inclined to donate to the cause, do me a favor and instead of donating to my ride, donate to Gary's instead...


July 25th, 2018, 11:21 AM
So Bear and I donated at the same time. PFC is over 10k

July 25th, 2018, 11:21 AM
So Bear and I donated at the same time. PFC is over 10k

July 25th, 2018, 11:25 AM
So Bear and I donated at the same time. PFC is over 10k

Way to go REV! xthumbsupx

July 25th, 2018, 11:34 AM
Huge thanks to BOTH of you guys for the amazing support! We're now over $10K, and I anticipate some more donations will trickle in before the end of fundraising tomorrow, so there's a chance we'll stay in the top 10...

Geaux Bears and Axe 'Em Jacks!

And, seriously, TheRev, thanks for all that hard work way back in 2012. It continues to pay huge dividends.....

You guys are awesome!

July 25th, 2018, 11:41 AM
Okay, so this isn't - technically - another ask...but....culmulatively, we're at $78.669.00 in total funds raised since we started this.....$80K is only $1331 away....just sayin! ;)

ursus arctos horribilis
July 25th, 2018, 11:43 AM
Alf said he was gonna jump in and hadn't yet so maybe he'll pull that one closer.

July 25th, 2018, 12:04 PM

I've still got a couple of other regular donors who've posted that they're gonna get in the game, so...who knows! ;)

Right now, this is our third best showing ever....Last year was phenomenal.....$10589, plust about $3500 for Buck....

Then 2013 was pretty good, at $10,172.00. Right now, we're at $10,061....

Southern Bison
July 25th, 2018, 02:56 PM
Congrats FPC! Get on the road...we've got VIP passes to opening night of the Panthers' Training Camp at Wofford in 24 hrs!

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July 26th, 2018, 04:45 PM
Thank you to everybody who donated to the ride this year. We finished in the top 10 for second year in a row and with over $10K for second year in a row....$10,113.00

It's the third highest total we've had, behind last year and 2013.

You guys have been awesome, with more than $2,000 in AGS donations. I'll try to get an accurate recap after the ride.

But...seriously....Thank you.

AGS Rocks!

Nine years down, one to go!

Derby City Duke
July 26th, 2018, 10:08 PM
So Bear and I donated at the same time. PFC is over 10k

Well done gentlemen! Still hoping to make it to Charlotte for tomorrow evening's kickoff/opening lap.

Derby City Duke
July 26th, 2018, 10:11 PM
Thanks brother, only a couple of weeks away from one year since he passed. It's been tough. I will gladly support anyone providing the smallest bit of comfort, advice and support for those suffering from this POS ****ing disease and their families.

I'm really sorry about your dad; I will continue to fight this thing every day in his memory.

Southern Bison
July 26th, 2018, 10:17 PM
Well done gentlemen! Still hoping to make it to Charlotte for tomorrow evening's kickoff/opening lap.Look for a father & son in Bison gear. That's lil' SB & I.

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Derby City Duke
July 26th, 2018, 10:24 PM
Look for a father & son in Bison gear. That's lil' SB & I.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

I will probably be in my purple JMU 2018 Women's Lacrosse National Champs T-shirt -- I couldn't get a National Runner-up football shirt from SHSU...xdrunkyx

- - - Updated - - -

Look for a father & son in Bison gear. That's lil' SB & I.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

Where will you be hanging out?

Southern Bison
July 26th, 2018, 10:26 PM
I will probably be in my purple JMU 2018 Women's Lacrosse National Champs T-shirt -- I couldn't get a National Runner-up football shirt from SHSU...xdrunkyx

- - - Updated - - -

Where will you be hanging out?

Well played! We'll be by the start/finish line. I'll get FPC to take a break once we meet.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

July 27th, 2018, 12:12 AM
Thanks for doing this FPC.

And thanks to Ursus and everyone else here that supports it

ursus arctos horribilis
July 27th, 2018, 12:43 PM
I'm really sorry about your dad; I will continue to fight this thing every day in his memory.

I tip my cap to you for the effort.

Southern Bison
July 27th, 2018, 06:07 PM
FPC has started! He remembered his bicycle seat this year.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180727/df3fcfb7326bf3e672ea51b676cfc494.jpg

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

Derby City Duke
July 27th, 2018, 11:06 PM
What a great event! Got to hang with FormerPokeCenter, Southern Bison, and l’il SB. Geaux Pokes, Bison, and Dukes! Will add pics as soon as I figure out how...👀

Derby City Duke
July 27th, 2018, 11:23 PM
Ok; got to be smarter than the devices -- glad Mrs. DCD is with me! Thanks to Southern Bison and FPC for the warm welcome to Charlotte. For the record that's my 2018 Women's Lacrosse Nat'l Champs T-shirt.



July 30th, 2018, 08:35 PM
I got back from Charlotte this morning...and the event was pretty phenomenal.

Meeting Derby was clearly the highlight of the trip. He and his wife are really salt of the earth types. Very polite, down to earth and real. Ken's wife Tammy is very clearly a rock. She keeps him on the straight and narrow and provides the motivation on days when he doesn't have it.

They shared more of their story and Ken's current battle with cancer. His outlook and attitude are just absolutely amazing...I was really blown away that they took the time to come from Lexington, KY to watch the ride while he's undergoing Chemo.

I thought that was amazing.

Sometimes I get a little carried away with the competitiveness on the whole fundraising thing. I guess I rationalize it or justify it by looking at the fact that being competitive pushes the totals up and that's what you want in a charity.

So, somtimes I sort of have a tendancy to think about what patients go through in the abstract. I've watched friends battle the disease, as well as some pretty amazing people in the charity battle it, but I can't tell you how great it was to spend time getting to know DCD and his wife. It was a much-needed perspective change.

In the past I've told you guys about my friend Ann Hartline, and both Nadine Wall and Shay Hamer and how they all fought the disease with a grace and aplomb that I'm pretty convinced I wouldn't have.

Ken and his wife are cut from the same cloth and he's fighting the good fight.

One of the highlights for me, personally, was introducting Ken to my friends at Wind River and to a friend who's a LiveSTRONG Leader. What Wind River does for patients and caregivers is awesome and free, and LiveSTRONG provides excellent, free, cancer navigation servies and information on clinical trials.

I'm really hopeful that they'll both be able to help Ken and Tammy as they continue to fight this horrible disease.

Ken, thank you so much for making the trip to Charlotte and for coming on AGS and not only sharing your story with us, but for saying the kind words about the ride and the beneficiary charities.

I really appreciate all the fantastic donations to the cause. You guys are helping real people fight real battles.

I know I'm a pain in the ass with all this, but thank you guys for doing what you don and for supporting the ride.

I hope we'll get Ken to come back next year and - maybe - we'll get some other AGSers to come out and take part??

Again...Thank you all. You ROCK!