View Full Version : I'm Not a Decembrist, Honest!
Derby City Duke
May 2nd, 2018, 09:59 PM
Even though I didn't join AGS as a member until last December, I had been reading it for about 6-7 months and had an understanding of what a 'Decembrist' was. I mostly have posted in the FCS board, though I've stuck a note or two into the lounge. In my initial post I announced my intent to NOT be a Decembrist, but that 'the doctors might have something to say' about it. I've been mostly absent since the end of February because...
...the docs have spoken: In my mid-50s I've been diagnosed with Stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer that includes an extra special small cell version...inoperable and my care plan is manage/control/palliative, not curative.
This has all come to light over the past 8 weeks and I am halfway through six 3-day sessions of chemo in order to try to control/manage this crap. I get two weeks between each round of chemo to recover. Last weekend I had a seizure-type episode and spent a few days in the hospital finding out my heart and brain are fine and there was no sepsis either (the fact there was a brain detected will come as a surprise to some). Next week I will get a new set of CT and full-body bone scans to see where we stand, then back to chemo the following week.
I've made it to Senior Prom with my students; graduation is the next milestone, in 31 days. Hope to make it to Bridgeforth for a regular season and playoff game this year, mostly because that will mean I'm still kicking.
I plan to be as active as I can for as long as I can, but I really have no real appreciation for how events will develop and play out.
I enjoy reading the banter (mostly good-natured) and have worked hard to be fair and objective in my comments -- I will continue to do so as I can. If the docs are 100% right, I will make sure somebody comes on to post a farewell. I only have one request - to not be remembered as a Decembrist.
I'm not sure if this is where this thread actually belongs, so if it gets moved, that's fine.
I'm glad I joined the AGS community! #ArmyStrong, kicking cancer's butt 1 day at a time.
May 2nd, 2018, 10:20 PM
Keep fighting the good fight DCD.
**** cancer.
May 2nd, 2018, 11:12 PM
DCDuke, hang in there. Hope to see you in Frisco or in the playoffs.
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May 3rd, 2018, 05:11 AM
Keep fightin', Duke!!
May 3rd, 2018, 06:12 AM
Good luck with the battle DCD.
May 3rd, 2018, 06:26 AM
Keep Fighting
May 3rd, 2018, 06:45 AM
Keep Fighting
Keep fighting, one day at a time.
May 3rd, 2018, 07:25 AM
Never give up, never ever give up!!!
May 3rd, 2018, 07:52 AM
Hope to see you in DECEMBER!
May 3rd, 2018, 10:45 AM
Sorry to hear that. Keep up the fight.
Going on a sugar free diet might help.
May 3rd, 2018, 11:31 AM
Hang in there. Keep fighting the good fight.
Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk
May 3rd, 2018, 11:34 AM
Keep fighting DCD. Prayers up. :)
May 3rd, 2018, 12:45 PM
Even though I didn't join AGS as a member until last December, I had been reading it for about 6-7 months and had an understanding of what a 'Decembrist' was. I mostly have posted in the FCS board, though I've stuck a note or two into the lounge. In my initial post I announced my intent to NOT be a Decembrist, but that 'the doctors might have something to say' about it. I've been mostly absent since the end of February because...
...the docs have spoken: In my mid-50s I've been diagnosed with Stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer that includes an extra special small cell version...inoperable and my care plan is manage/control/palliative, not curative.
This has all come to light over the past 8 weeks and I am halfway through six 3-day sessions of chemo in order to try to control/manage this crap. I get two weeks between each round of chemo to recover. Last weekend I had a seizure-type episode and spent a few days in the hospital finding out my heart and brain are fine and there was no sepsis either (the fact there was a brain detected will come as a surprise to some). Next week I will get a new set of CT and full-body bone scans to see where we stand, then back to chemo the following week.
I've made it to Senior Prom with my students; graduation is the next milestone, in 31 days. Hope to make it to Bridgeforth for a regular season and playoff game this year, mostly because that will mean I'm still kicking.
I plan to be as active as I can for as long as I can, but I really have no real appreciation for how events will develop and play out.
I enjoy reading the banter (mostly good-natured) and have worked hard to be fair and objective in my comments -- I will continue to do so as I can. If the docs are 100% right, I will make sure somebody comes on to post a farewell. I only have one request - to not be remembered as a Decembrist.
I'm not sure if this is where this thread actually belongs, so if it gets moved, that's fine.
I'm glad I joined the AGS community! #ArmyStrong, kicking cancer's butt 1 day at a time.
That's pretty powerful stuff. God Bless you for posting that. It helps the rest of us put our daily travails in perspective.
I wish I had the appropriate words. But, I know I don't. Based on your post, you've got an awfully well grounded perspective and a great outlook. There's a strength in what you write that comes through loud and clear. Never give up.
If you haven't considered it, take a look at They've got a totally free Patient Navigation program and they're dialed in with who's offering clinical trials and other research related treatment that might not be offered in a local care plan.
They've also got a ton of other helpful information and programs they can recommend that are helpful for patients and their care givers.
No worries on being a Decemberist. A real Decemberist doesn't realize that's what they are.
It's kinda like mental illness. If you're worried that you're possibly mentally ill (or a Decemberist) you're more than likely NOT one ;) Based on the strength in your post, I would humbly suggest that you consider a name change to NAD....(Not A Decemberist)
It works on a couple of levels!
We're pulling for you!
Best of luck to you. I have no doubt that there will be many in the AGS community who'll be praying, pulling and following your treatment closely.
I'm involved in a bicycling cancer-fighting charity. I generally ride in honor of cancer patients. I can see I'll be riding in a James Madison jersey for a portion of the ride this year.
Riding in Purple and Gold is difficult for me. It makes people think I'm an LSU fan! ;)
May 3rd, 2018, 12:49 PM
Damn dude....sorry to hear that.
ursus arctos horribilis
May 3rd, 2018, 01:00 PM
Derby, that is a tough thing and as FPC said your outlook is pretty uplifting in sad arena that touches so many of us.
So much is happening so fast with the cancer stuff that I can hold out hope that technology steps in and science gives you an extension in fighting this ****ing thing.
Wish I had something better to say to you as you deserve it but the whole thing is heartbreaking to hear and I want the best for you is all I can pass on I guess.
May 3rd, 2018, 01:14 PM
Keep fighting and stay strong.
May 4th, 2018, 05:55 AM
Thank you for sharing your story DCD. Keep fighting, surround yourself with what makes you happy in life and let’s hope the dukes provide us with some much needed distraction and happiness this fall.
May 4th, 2018, 06:27 AM
Keep on fighting!!!
May 4th, 2018, 12:01 PM
Sorry to hear about your health problems, Derby City. I'm rooting for you.
May 4th, 2018, 12:23 PM
If I wasn't a Vandal, I would be rooting for your Dukes. May your path be take you to fantastic places.
Thumper 76
May 4th, 2018, 03:03 PM
God bless DCD. We will all be happy with every extra day you get to post on here. Rest assured that the term Decemberist is the last thing to come to mind with your name and your legacy.
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POD Knows
May 4th, 2018, 03:37 PM
My thoughts and best wishes are with you.
May 4th, 2018, 05:22 PM
Keep fighting the good fight DCD! You got that Dukes Bison rematch to look forward to in Frisco next January! Sending positive thoughts your way!
May 4th, 2018, 06:52 PM
If I wasn't a Vandal, I would be rooting for your Dukes. May your path be take you to fantastic places.
You’ll find that the more you post on here and if you participate in our weekly poll, you’ll find yourself casually watching more FCS football nationally than you ever thought you would.
It’s not on nationally available tv networks much but free streaming options are becoming increasingly common.
May 4th, 2018, 08:17 PM
Hi DCD, kind of a newbie here myself but, like you, I also followed along for months checking out the site and familiarizing myself with the FCS teams. I enjoy the back and forth and the members seem to have a good time with it. This cancer thing is a battle that a couple of my friends have begun fighting within the last few months and their diagnosis is very similar to yours. I hate it for them and I hate it for you. I'll pray on my end and encourage, as others are, to fight on. It's never over till it's over and some have come through it. Pulling for you!
May 5th, 2018, 08:30 AM
F*** cancer. You got this, man.
May 6th, 2018, 07:37 AM
Fight the good fight Duke! Don’t EVER give up.
Seahawks Fan
May 6th, 2018, 11:58 AM
Keep up the good fight. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
May 11th, 2018, 08:48 AM
Even though I didn't join AGS as a member until last December, I had been reading it for about 6-7 months and had an understanding of what a 'Decembrist' was. I mostly have posted in the FCS board, though I've stuck a note or two into the lounge. In my initial post I announced my intent to NOT be a Decembrist, but that 'the doctors might have something to say' about it. I've been mostly absent since the end of February because...
...the docs have spoken: In my mid-50s I've been diagnosed with Stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer that includes an extra special small cell version...inoperable and my care plan is manage/control/palliative, not curative.
This has all come to light over the past 8 weeks and I am halfway through six 3-day sessions of chemo in order to try to control/manage this crap. I get two weeks between each round of chemo to recover. Last weekend I had a seizure-type episode and spent a few days in the hospital finding out my heart and brain are fine and there was no sepsis either (the fact there was a brain detected will come as a surprise to some). Next week I will get a new set of CT and full-body bone scans to see where we stand, then back to chemo the following week.
I've made it to Senior Prom with my students; graduation is the next milestone, in 31 days. Hope to make it to Bridgeforth for a regular season and playoff game this year, mostly because that will mean I'm still kicking.
I plan to be as active as I can for as long as I can, but I really have no real appreciation for how events will develop and play out.
I enjoy reading the banter (mostly good-natured) and have worked hard to be fair and objective in my comments -- I will continue to do so as I can. If the docs are 100% right, I will make sure somebody comes on to post a farewell. I only have one request - to not be remembered as a Decembrist.
I'm not sure if this is where this thread actually belongs, so if it gets moved, that's fine.
I'm glad I joined the AGS community! #ArmyStrong, kicking cancer's butt 1 day at a time.
Sorry to here this. I live in the Derby City also and also Army Strong!!
PM me if you'd like to meet up sometime. I have a fond spot in my heart for brothers in arms. Also I'm one of few YSU fans that think Dukes fans are pretty cool xbowx
May 11th, 2018, 10:43 AM
Just saw this thread and as a cancer survivor and fellow "Decemberist" my thoughts and prayers are with you! NEVER GIVE UP!
May 11th, 2018, 02:26 PM
Even though I didn't join AGS as a member until last December, I had been reading it for about 6-7 months and had an understanding of what a 'Decembrist' was. I mostly have posted in the FCS board, though I've stuck a note or two into the lounge. In my initial post I announced my intent to NOT be a Decembrist, but that 'the doctors might have something to say' about it. I've been mostly absent since the end of February because...
...the docs have spoken: In my mid-50s I've been diagnosed with Stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer that includes an extra special small cell version...inoperable and my care plan is manage/control/palliative, not curative.
This has all come to light over the past 8 weeks and I am halfway through six 3-day sessions of chemo in order to try to control/manage this crap. I get two weeks between each round of chemo to recover. Last weekend I had a seizure-type episode and spent a few days in the hospital finding out my heart and brain are fine and there was no sepsis either (the fact there was a brain detected will come as a surprise to some). Next week I will get a new set of CT and full-body bone scans to see where we stand, then back to chemo the following week.
I've made it to Senior Prom with my students; graduation is the next milestone, in 31 days. Hope to make it to Bridgeforth for a regular season and playoff game this year, mostly because that will mean I'm still kicking.
I plan to be as active as I can for as long as I can, but I really have no real appreciation for how events will develop and play out.
I enjoy reading the banter (mostly good-natured) and have worked hard to be fair and objective in my comments -- I will continue to do so as I can. If the docs are 100% right, I will make sure somebody comes on to post a farewell. I only have one request - to not be remembered as a Decembrist.
I'm not sure if this is where this thread actually belongs, so if it gets moved, that's fine.
I'm glad I joined the AGS community! #ArmyStrong, kicking cancer's butt 1 day at a time.
Really, the Novemberist/Decemberist tag is just a level of hazing most new members who join in football season have to endure. If you can make it through the first year, and not disappear for months at a time, the stigma usually fades. It only sticks around if you ONLY appear late in the season and then immediately disappear once your team gets knocked out of the playoffs.
Sorry to hear about the cancer diagnosis, hope chemo helps you recover.
May 16th, 2018, 03:12 PM
Stay strong DCD.
You and your family will be in our prayers.
You've already beaten the Decembrist label. Next goal - beat cancer.
Derby City Duke
May 17th, 2018, 10:11 PM
Fellow AGSers, thank you all so very much for the thoughts, prayers, and messages of support of our fight against cancer.
I am doing ok this week. It was a chemo week -- round 4 -- plus a hormone therapy shot, an immune booster injection, and a bone-strengthening injection. So lots of trips to the hospital this week. Monday I get new lab work-ups to see how I'm tolerating stuff. Hopefully better than round 3. That Saturday I suffered a seizure-type event that landed me in the hospital for 3 days. We (doc and wife and I) have concluded it was chemo-related as the EKG, ECG, brain MRI, EEG, and blood cultures (checking for sepsis / infection) all returned negative results -- everything seems to be working fine.
We did get some good news from the oncologist this week. The new bone scan and CT scans was very positive. No spread of the small-cell cancer from the original scans and the uptake rate on the bone scan was less than last time. Additionally, my pelvic lymph nodes had decreased in size as well. The original CT scan showed no cancer in my organs or lymph node involvement -- all the nodes were within the normal size parameters. This CT, however, showed the size decrease meaning that my lymph nodes were involvded, but the treatment seems to be working to this point.
The 'regular' prostate cancer seems to be under control as well.
As for the seizure? We've decided as a team that the risk of seizure is overridden by the current rewards of the chemo -- as Dr. Rez told us, '...without chemo, the cancer will kill you; with it the seizures might...'
Thanks again for the prayers and thoughts -- they are truly helping our fight. And fight on we will. xthumbsupx
Kicking cancer's @$$ for another day!
May 18th, 2018, 04:49 AM
Stay strong! Kick cancer's ass.
May 18th, 2018, 04:59 PM
Awesome news!
Redbird 4th & short
May 21st, 2018, 08:38 AM
my wife is in oncology .. she says after good treatment, she is 100% convinced the next most important thing is attitude. Keep fighting and living dude !!
Derby City Duke
June 29th, 2018, 03:25 PM
This past Wednesday marked my 18th, and last (as currently schedule) chemo treatment -- yep, the 6th of 6 3-day treatments is in the books! Went into the hospital for 5 days after Round 4 (suspected infection and high fever, but managed to stay out after round 5. The infusion port has made a world of difference!
I go for the next set of scans mid-July with a new meet with our oncologist the following week. Banking on positive reviews so we can make a trip out to Virginia to see my elderly mother and other family members, plus visit JMU's campus.
Hoping to finish off the trip with a jaunt south to Charlotte to meet up with FormerPokeCenter at the 24 Hours of Booty ride for Cancer.
Again, thanks for the support, thoughts, well-wishes, and prayers. They are making a difference. xthumbsupx:D xnodx
ursus arctos horribilis
June 29th, 2018, 04:21 PM
This past Wednesday marked my 18th, and last (as currently schedule) chemo treatment -- yep, the 6th of 6 3-day treatments is in the books! Went into the hospital for 5 days after Round 4 (suspected infection and high fever, but managed to stay out after round 5. The infusion port has made a world of difference!
I go for the next set of scans mid-July with a new meet with our oncologist the following week. Banking on positive reviews so we can make a trip out to Virginia to see my elderly mother and other family members, plus visit JMU's campus.
Hoping to finish off the trip with a jaunt south to Charlotte to meet up with FormerPokeCenter at the 24 Hours of Booty ride for Cancer.
Again, thanks for the support, thoughts, well-wishes, and prayers. They are making a difference. xthumbsupx:D xnodx
Sounds like a well earned respite DCD and hope you get to make that trip in full and meet up with FPC...and others.
June 29th, 2018, 05:04 PM
That would be awesome!
Last year we had a couple of AGSers, Southern Bison and UpState Bison, who made it to the ride.
The opening lap is pretty cool to watch. One of the teams even rides tandem cruisers and takes cancer patients and survivors on laps around the course. If you're up for that, I'm sure we can make that happen. On Saturday morning, the Survivor's Breakfast is a great event to attend, as well. It's probably cooler weather wise, then, too.
Anytime you could make it would be awesome though!
June 30th, 2018, 10:37 PM
Your posts here are courageous and inspirational ! Thanks very much for sharing your experiences with all of us. I'm sorry I missed your original message and wish you the very best. I sincerely hope your progress continues to be so positive.
Redbird 4th & short
July 1st, 2018, 03:37 PM
Your posts here are courageous and inspirational ! Thanks very much for sharing your experiences with all of us. I'm sorry I missed your original message and wish you the very best. I sincerely hope your progress continues to be so positive.
ditto above ... best wishes. stay connected and keep living your life !
July 2nd, 2018, 12:09 PM
Great news DCD. Keep it up.
Derby City Duke
July 20th, 2018, 10:50 AM
Just a brief update...
We met with the oncologist yesterday to discuss the results of my latest CT scan. He walked in and the first thing he said was "I'm sorry to have to tell you <pause for effect> that you'll have to grow your hair back!"
Translation: I'm not in remission (cancer still present) but there does not appear to be any active growth of cancer cells and my lymph nodes are clear.
I will continue to take my monthly hormone treatment and bone strengthening injections. Every 2 months I will get a CT scan and a bone scan. As long as they stay clear, NO CHEMO! xthumbsupx
The next key date comes during Christmas week, or 6 months from my last chemo treatment. If no spots appear until after that date, we would resume the same chemo regimen I've been on since March -- 6 3-day treatments over 16 weeks. If spots appear before then, we'll change the chemo type. This would be bad news because the new chemo's purpose would be only to slow the spread, not keep it at bay. That means my life expectancy is in a world of hurt.
So all in all a really good day yesterday!
If you can support FormerPokeCenter's efforts in Charlotte's 24 Hours of Booty/Livestrong efforts, that would mean a great deal to me! If you have already, thank you!
July 20th, 2018, 11:33 AM
Just a brief update...
We met with the oncologist yesterday to discuss the results of my latest CT scan. He walked in and the first thing he said was "I'm sorry to have to tell you <pause for effect> that you'll have to grow your hair back!"
Translation: I'm not in remission (cancer still present) but there does not appear to be any active growth of cancer cells and my lymph nodes are clear.
I will continue to take my monthly hormone treatment and bone strengthening injections. Every 2 months I will get a CT scan and a bone scan. As long as they stay clear, NO CHEMO! xthumbsupx
The next key date comes during Christmas week, or 6 months from my last chemo treatment. If no spots appear until after that date, we would resume the same chemo regimen I've been on since March -- 6 3-day treatments over 16 weeks. If spots appear before then, we'll change the chemo type. This would be bad news because the new chemo's purpose would be only to slow the spread, not keep it at bay. That means my life expectancy is in a world of hurt.
So all in all a really good day yesterday!
If you can support FormerPokeCenter's efforts in Charlotte's 24 Hours of Booty/Livestrong efforts, that would means a great deal to me! If you have already, thank you!
DCDCome on!!!!
Kick cancers ass and beat it to the ground. Don't stop doing that either!
Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk
July 20th, 2018, 12:05 PM
Just a brief update...
We met with the oncologist yesterday to discuss the results of my latest CT scan. He walked in and the first thing he said was "I'm sorry to have to tell you <pause for effect> that you'll have to grow your hair back!"
Translation: I'm not in remission (cancer still present) but there does not appear to be any active growth of cancer cells and my lymph nodes are clear.
I will continue to take my monthly hormone treatment and bone strengthening injections. Every 2 months I will get a CT scan and a bone scan. As long as they stay clear, NO CHEMO! xthumbsupx
The next key date comes during Christmas week, or 6 months from my last chemo treatment. If no spots appear until after that date, we would resume the same chemo regimen I've been on since March -- 6 3-day treatments over 16 weeks. If spots appear before then, we'll change the chemo type. This would be bad news because the new chemo's purpose would be only to slow the spread, not keep it at bay. That means my life expectancy is in a world of hurt.
So all in all a really good day yesterday!
If you can support FormerPokeCenter's efforts in Charlotte's 24 Hours of Booty/Livestrong efforts, that would means a great deal to me! If you have already, thank you!
Keep fighting the good fight.
ursus arctos horribilis
July 20th, 2018, 12:45 PM
Great new DCD. Give the ol' system a pep talk and tell it to carry on.xthumbsupx
July 20th, 2018, 01:10 PM
Great news
July 20th, 2018, 01:30 PM
Awesome news!
July 20th, 2018, 05:39 PM
Just a brief update...
We met with the oncologist yesterday to discuss the results of my latest CT scan. He walked in and the first thing he said was "I'm sorry to have to tell you <pause for effect> that you'll have to grow your hair back!"
Translation: I'm not in remission (cancer still present) but there does not appear to be any active growth of cancer cells and my lymph nodes are clear.
I will continue to take my monthly hormone treatment and bone strengthening injections. Every 2 months I will get a CT scan and a bone scan. As long as they stay clear, NO CHEMO! xthumbsupx
The next key date comes during Christmas week, or 6 months from my last chemo treatment. If no spots appear until after that date, we would resume the same chemo regimen I've been on since March -- 6 3-day treatments over 16 weeks. If spots appear before then, we'll change the chemo type. This would be bad news because the new chemo's purpose would be only to slow the spread, not keep it at bay. That means my life expectancy is in a world of hurt.
So all in all a really good day yesterday!
If you can support FormerPokeCenter's efforts in Charlotte's 24 Hours of Booty/Livestrong efforts, that would mean a great deal to me! If you have already, thank you!
You're an incredible person, keep that positive attitude!
July 20th, 2018, 09:08 PM
That's awesome news! The shoutout was pretty cool, too!
July 21st, 2018, 07:32 AM
All the best for you derby
everyone could learn Something from your bravery Sir!
Redbird 4th & short
July 21st, 2018, 04:23 PM
great to hear derby
if you're looking for input on hair styles .. I say go all in on 70's. here's a few to choose from depending on how follically challenged you are: Rcdg6haqwIPmhlYC33w 620 × 350 -
( m%2Fhub%2Fi%2Fr%2F2014%2F05%2F24%2F405ba9d2-22d3-4a71-9e20-1cdcfce14960%2Fthumbnail%2F620x350g2%2Fe9250cae770 ad371927a0dfc1fb45c37%2Fbee-gees-85216917.jpg& rammys-cbs-to-honor-the-bee-gees-with-tribute-concert%2F&docid=ZyeGi7r4WdoDjM&tbnid=GeQWg2BZJfdLyM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjYiP-3kLHcAhWf8oMKHYooC_0QMwjeASgMMAw..i&w=620&h=350&bih=515&biw=1366&q=bee%20gees&ved=0ahUKEwjYiP-3kLHcAhWf8oMKHYooC_0QMwjeASgMMAw&iact=mrc&uact=8)
July 21st, 2018, 05:08 PM
Great blessings!
July 21st, 2018, 05:54 PM
Keep bringing us good news and keep being positive. In the meanwhile, we offer our thoughts and so importantly PRAYERS.
July 23rd, 2018, 12:43 PM
Every day is miracle... some might seem like pretty crappy miracles, but still... miracles.
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