View Full Version : Georgetown love...
February 20th, 2007, 09:51 AM
I almost hijacked another thread until I realized this could be a topic worthy of it's own heading. I think Georgetown has been taking a beating as of late at the hands of my PL brethren. I, for one, think Georgetown is a perennial PL champ in the making. Yes, they have significant issues to workout. I think they will work them out because to do so, as they say, makes good business sense. And when they do...look out!
Of all the schools in the PL I don't think there is any arguing that Georgetown has the biggest name. I think this has as much to do with their B-Ball team as it does with their excellent academic reputation. Whatever...the name is there. I think their location couldn't be much better. Lastly a degree from Georgetown is a thing of which any student would be rightfully proud. If Georgetown's administration would simply make some visible demonstrations of thier support of the football team ($$) I think they can catapult themsleves to the upper echelon of the league in short oder. I think it will happen and I think it will happen relatively soon. As a PL fan I can't wait!
February 20th, 2007, 09:56 AM
I almost hijacked another thread until I realized this could be a topic worthy of it's own heading. I think Georgetown has been taking a beating as of late at the hands of my PL brethren. I, for one, think Georgetown is a perennial PL champ in the making. Yes, they have significant issues to workout. I think they will work them out because to do so, as they say, makes good business sense. And when they do...look out!
Of all the schools in the PL I don't think there is any arguing that Georgetown has the biggest name. I think this has as much to do with their B-Ball team as it does with their excellent academic reputation. Whatever...the name is there. I think their location couldn't be much better. Lastly a degree from Georgetown is a thing of which any student would be rightfully proud. If Georgetown's administration would simply make some visible demonstrations of thier support of the football team ($$) I think they can catapult themsleves to the upper echelon of the league in short oder. I think it will happen and I think it will happen relatively soon. As a PL fan I can't wait!
I agree. I think Georgetown has the reputation to pull it off. I was quite surprised to discover that Georgetown did not fund many scholarships (or equivalents) and had other non-athletic financial issues.
Now, the real question is what is the liklihood that the $$$ will occur.
February 20th, 2007, 09:59 AM
hmmmm ... other than carney, though, who has really knocked G-town? I've been consistent in saying what you said at the end, which is that if they decided to fund the program better they could be a beast to contend with, given their name and academic reputation.
they're our rivals and I love having them in the league, regardless of their funding.
February 20th, 2007, 10:10 AM
I'm unconditionally for Georgetown in the PL and confident that they will break through. In many ways, they are no different than any of the other PL FB programs, which have all endured hard times at one time or another (Example: Colgate 1988-1995). Go Hoyas!!
February 20th, 2007, 10:59 AM
hmmmm ... other than carney, though, who has really knocked G-town? I've been consistent in saying what you said at the end, which is that if they decided to fund the program better they could be a beast to contend with, given their name and academic reputation.
they're our rivals and I love having them in the league, regardless of their funding.
You're right...Carney is the main "offender". But i seem to remember a lot of people (perhaps outside of the PL as well) kind of joining in on the negatives of Georgetown's committment. I certainly thik there are valid concerns that need to be addressed and this is the perfect forum to discuss them. I just wanted to reiterate my genuine excitement that Georgetown is part of the PL. I'd love to duplicate the whole scenario with JHU.
February 20th, 2007, 11:02 AM
I agree. I think Georgetown has the reputation to pull it off. I was quite surprised to discover that Georgetown did not fund many scholarships (or equivalents) and had other non-athletic financial issues.
Now, the real question is what is the liklihood that the $$$ will occur.
I know nothing of the landscape at Georgetown, but would it be possible to get the right person in place to drum up alumni support? Seems to me there would be a lot of old Georgetown millionaires looking to support the Hoyas. I know Lafayette has had tremendous success on this front.
February 20th, 2007, 11:05 AM
I hope they do. The team and it's fans are class acts. They came down for a game last year and we really enjoyed meeting all the fans before the game and the sportsmanship shown by the team even though they were getting throttled was exemplary. I wish them the best and also hope the administration makes the commitment to the football problem they have made to the BB program.
February 20th, 2007, 04:41 PM
Geez, if I knew this was here I wouldn't have post this on the other thread: Georgetown maybe considering leaving the PL. Some friends who play sports for GU have heard this rumor for the past month. CAA maybe?
February 20th, 2007, 05:15 PM
I'm not sure how much business sense it makes to ramp up GU's FCS football efforts, considering they have a money maker in basketball.
February 20th, 2007, 06:17 PM
Awright. Awright. I can take a hint. I'm not sure why Georgetown deserves this love parade without producing any of the goods, but I admit to being one of, if not the, primary naysayer on this board. In deference to LBPop, who says in another thread that he sees a light at the end of the tunnel, and DFW, the Lone Star Hoya, who is generally one of the most erudite and rational people on this board, I hereby firmly resolve to tone down my comments about Hoya football. I will not even hold LB to his "5 wins, including 2 PL victories or bust" comments. I shall henceforth be biting my tongue, sheathing my poison pen, and honestly hoping for the best with our DC brethren. Go Hoyas!
February 20th, 2007, 06:20 PM
I've said this on several threads over the past year plus. G-town, with its academic reputation AND location should be able to recruit with the best of us. Just a matter of putting money into the program to make the recruits take a serious look.
February 20th, 2007, 06:47 PM
... Of all the schools in the PL I don't think there is any arguing that Georgetown has the biggest name...Yeah but only one letter bigger than Holy Cross and Lafayette. :p
February 20th, 2007, 07:14 PM
Awright. Awright. I can take a hint. I'm not sure why Georgetown deserves this love parade without producing any of the goods, but I admit to being one of, if not the, primary naysayer on this board. In deference to LBPop, who says in another thread that he sees a light at the end of the tunnel, and DFW, the Lone Star Hoya, who is generally one of the most erudite and rational people on this board, I hereby firmly resolve to tone down my comments about Hoya football. I will not even hold LB to his "5 wins, including 2 PL victories or bust" comments. I shall henceforth be biting my tongue, sheathing my poison pen, and honestly hoping for the best with our DC brethren. Go Hoyas!
Post what you want carney. Your depressing, haunting and suicidal-like realism is often the electric-buzzer-handshake that many of our PL threads need.
Keep on keepin' on.
February 20th, 2007, 07:50 PM
Post what you want carney. Your depressing, haunting and suicidal-like realism is often the electric-buzzer-handshake that many of our PL threads need.
Keep on keepin' on.
Depressing, haunting and suicidal - you've obviously been reading my mail, if not my thoughts. I am truly amazed at how much I enjoy most of the PL people who post at this site.
February 21st, 2007, 12:29 AM
Had it not been for a fateful meeting at Rehoboth Beach, I would be posting as a Hoya fan. My Dad returned from WW2 and was enrolled courtesy of the GI BILL at Georgetown and he had every intention of graduating from there as his older brother did. My father's decision to marry the tall West Point Nurse (who had previously dated Doc Blanchard) and to live in Wilm. De. with her precipitated his transfer to Delaware from Georgetown (YET ANOTHER DELAWARE TRANSFER!!!!!:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: )
With all of the monied people who are Georgetown Grads I have no idea why they can't raise the funds for a full Patriot contingent of equivalencies. A competiitve Hoya football team would get some ink in one of the great media markets of the country. A game or two with Navy wouldn't hurt and should not be out of the question if the team gets competitive.
Part of the problem is that GU graduates too many of the foreign diplomat types who appear not to care at all about football.
It seems everyone on this board sees GU as having great potential. Too bad we can't convince the folks at Georgetown. :bawling:
February 21st, 2007, 07:19 AM
LOVE?!?! For Georgetown?! After they REJECTED me?!?!? NEVER! :p
February 21st, 2007, 07:21 AM
Depressing, haunting and suicidal - you've obviously been reading my mail, if not my thoughts. I am truly amazed at how much I enjoy most of the PL people who post at this site.
I agree! Carney's role as the little Devil that sits on the PL shoulder pointing out all things negative is cemented on this board. No matter how dark and brooding you get we all know your heart is in the right place. Don't change Carney.
February 21st, 2007, 08:05 AM
I am truly amazed at how much I enjoy most of the PL people who post at this site.
HA! <dig noted> xlolx
keep on keepin' on carney.
PS - am I missing something (very poor sleep last night) or have the links to Georgetown's message board been removed from the voy boards at Laf, Lehigh, Colgate ... ?
Mr. C
February 21st, 2007, 08:16 AM
You know Georgetown was in a similar place with basketball in the late 1970s before a fellow named John Thompson arrived on the scene. The administration and the alumni didn't support the program and there was little financial investment in it. I think Georgetown won like three games the year before Thompson took over. He immediately changes things (though he was criticized by taking some less-than-model students and citizens) and the school started supporting basketball. I could see the same success happening in football, if they hired the right coach and got the money and other support they needed.
February 21st, 2007, 08:39 AM
Hmmmm ... interesting point Mr. C but I just don't see it since there were so many dynamics in place that helped their basketball program out that just aren't in place for football. First, their timing in making a great hire in Thompson took place right as NCAA hoops was about explode. Perhaps more important, the advent of the Big East put them in what was then arguably the best hoops conference in the country, again positioning them so well to ride the wave of popularity that the sport enjoyed, particularly post Magic-Bird in '79. They also obviously compete at the sports' highest level and the possibility always exists for that program to win a national championship and be recognized as the best at the highest level of the sport. I also think the monies involved to run a hoops program are much less than football and DFW has educated us on G-town's financial woes (not to mention that FBS football typically doesn't do THAT well in major metro areas) and I'd be surprised to see them try to use their football program to build part of their identity around or that they would think it's enough of a draw to invest heavily in it for its own sake.
That said, I do believe that they can get to those levels eventually but only if they broaden the activity and overall base of their football alums AND to somehow find a few heavy hitters (contributors) from that group that are willing to commit major $$ to the program. I know that this how we built our budget to where it is today and I think it also accounts for much of Lafayette's success in getting their facilities to where they are as well as Lehigh's long record of success given Goodman's contributions, among others I'm sure.
I'm sure this is a battle they're already waging but time will tell how successful they'll be. The only way we have the budget we do given our relatively poor record of success since joining the PL is because we basically have a very active and loyal base of alums who are willing to pony up some pretty big numbers on a regular basis. Without that, I'd be surprised if we still had a program ... or, if we did, if we would have dropped it down to less competitive levels by now. At the end of the day, hoops is the athletic program of choice that both Fordham & G-town are building their identities around (to the extent that any athletic program is part of their core identity). Making sure that the administration knows that decreasing the support of the program will make them lose the support of key alums is the primary driving factor behind whatever support our program has, though, and my guess is that it will be the path to success for the Hoyas as well, at least when it comes to funding on par with other PL schools. A few heavy hitters (or even one if his checkbook is large enough) can really do wonders for leverage, particularly since it sounds like they have the support of the AD who seems pro football or at least certainly not 'anti'.
Thoughts, DFW or Pop?
February 21st, 2007, 01:16 PM
Nice to be back. Had to go to my new alter ego because my computer won't let me use my original. Anyway. Reputation, which is a given, the issue for most will still be money. GU will always be able to get some outstanding student athletes each year but w/o funding there will not be enuf of them. Now Gu has the makings of a competitive team still a bit short on size and depth but their 1st string is about as good as the rest of us
February 21st, 2007, 02:59 PM
LOVE?!?! For Georgetown?! After they REJECTED me?!?!? NEVER! :p
I agree.. they can kiss my butt as well...
I don't want to see G'town at the top... it's already crowded up here... Pards and Lehigh, now HC, Colgate undoubtedly will be back... BU pulls surprises now and then.. and Fordham's recruiting is precipiating a rise... we need a doormat...
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