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October 12th, 2018, 04:25 PM
Nice work on all of these you do...xthumbsupx

I'm not sold on USD yet. Up and down so far this year. Weber totally shut them down but I don't think UNI's defense is as good as Weber's.

If they win this one then I might start coming around....

I'm not really either, but they've performed better than I expected so far. I also know that I have an inherent bias against USD due to the whole situation with Coach Nielson, and I've been trying to lean away from that as much as possible without going overboard.

Redbird 4th & short
October 12th, 2018, 05:11 PM
SIU put up all of 14 points against Youngstown State last weekend. This weekend they're playing at Illinois State's Homecoming. YSU and ILSU are the two MVFC teams that Western has played this season and I've seen them both live in back-to-back weekends. The Redbird defense is WAY better than the Penguins defense. We put up 45 against YSU...16 at ILSU. SIU's DJ Davis is going to have a hard time running the ball against ISU, but SIU might get halfway decent yardage through the air. I just don't see them getting more than a couple of TDs.

Then again, I thought SDSU would blow out Indiana State...so what do I know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

WIU defense was tougher than we expected, other than RB James Robinson, we didn't do anything .. eespecially after you guys stacked the box 2nd half.

And our defense is a very pleasant surprise .. most fans knew we had the players but figured we would struggle first month finding ourselves. But the other factor you had no idea was this .... game was over before it started because this kid was 4-0 coming into the WIU game ... so you had very little chance against us .xsmiley_wix


October 13th, 2018, 05:44 PM
SIU put up all of 14 points against Youngstown State last weekend. This weekend they're playing at Illinois State's Homecoming. YSU and ILSU are the two MVFC teams that Western has played this season and I've seen them both live in back-to-back weekends. The Redbird defense is WAY better than the Penguins defense. We put up 45 against YSU...16 at ILSU. SIU's DJ Davis is going to have a hard time running the ball against ISU, but SIU might get halfway decent yardage through the air. I just don't see them getting more than a couple of TDs.

Then again, I thought SDSU would blow out Indiana State...so what do I know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Good call. I was way off.

October 13th, 2018, 07:08 PM
Unfortunately for us we are probably 2 plays from being 4-2 right now

October 13th, 2018, 07:46 PM
Unfortunately for us we are probably 2 plays from being 4-2 right now
You’re better clock management away from beating us. Couldn’t believe how bad that was handled.

October 13th, 2018, 08:09 PM
You’re better clock management away from beating us. Couldn’t believe how bad that was handled.

Cost us a chance at a FG today

Bison Fan in NW MN
October 13th, 2018, 09:43 PM
Good win for UNI at USD.

Beat SDSU next week at home and they could make a big run to end the season.

Professor Chaos
October 13th, 2018, 11:55 PM
Hopefully Illinois St enjoyed their Saluki flavored cupcake this week. Their next 3 games are @NDSU, vs SDSU, and @UNI. They could go anywhere from #1 in the FCS to falling off the playoff bubble with that stretch.

October 14th, 2018, 10:10 AM
ESPN gets confused by directional schools


October 14th, 2018, 11:02 AM
Hopefully Illinois St enjoyed their Saluki flavored cupcake this week. Their next 3 games are @NDSU, vs SDSU, and @UNI. They could go anywhere from #1 in the FCS to falling off the playoff bubble with that stretch.

plus they have to play us at home in a spoiler game after that, which I think always sucks

Redbird 4th & short
October 14th, 2018, 12:23 PM
The last thing I've seen was that Straub was expected to start. If he's not, the spread should be bigger than 14.
Straub started and played most of the game. Desomer came in to mix things possibly because Straub was struggling. We figured we could hodl their runvgame in check and did .. held Davis to 25 yards, 12 carries. But we are again pleasantly surprised with our young secondary .. they continue to defend pass coverage very well. Hard to tell if Straub was off his game due to possible concussion, but he couldn't fin receivers. But he ran without fear ... rough day from pocket with just 100 yards passing, but was trying to get yards with his feet and rarely slid. Other than a series or 2 mid game which Desomer came in for, he finished the game even down 51-3 ... which surprised me given reports of concussion symptoms last week. Again, have to respect how he gutted out a very tough game .. he kicked our arses last year.

October 14th, 2018, 12:28 PM
Hopefully Illinois St enjoyed their Saluki flavored cupcake this week. Their next 3 games are @NDSU, vs SDSU, and @UNI. They could go anywhere from #1 in the FCS to falling off the playoff bubble with that stretch.

Going to be a hell of a game this weekend. Heard the stache is no more, apparently he shaved it off after the win yesterday. Now what are we going to where to the game? Lol

Redbird 4th & short
October 14th, 2018, 12:38 PM
Going to be a hell of a game this weekend. Heard the stache is no more, apparently he shaved it off after the win yesterday. Now what are we going to where to the game? Lol
so as many of you know, ISUr can be inconsistent at times .. even fail to show up for games we should win more easily. I happen to know the players responded to Spack's challenge this week about whether or not we would show up for this game. So the players challenged Spack right back and said, if we win by 5 TDs or more, he had to shave it.

So while I think it was kind of stupid on the surface to do this against SIU, given our recent Dr Jeckyl and Mr Hyde performances the pas few years, I decided it was probably a good thing for our players since it was all about how "you have to show up and play" against teams you should beat.

And our defense showed up holding Straub to 100 passing yards and their RB to 25 yards. They were averaging 485 total yards per game going into our game .. and we held them to 200.

Redbird 4th & short
October 14th, 2018, 08:06 PM
Going to be a hell of a game this weekend. Heard the stache is no more, apparently he shaved it off after the win yesterday. Now what are we going to where to the game? Lol
the typo in your question threw me off .. so here's an idea for what to wear for ISUr game:

http://www.luxurybarber.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/how-to-heal-nicks-and-cuts-300x300.jpg (https://www.luxurybarber.com/blog/how-to-heal-nicks-cuts-and-razor-burn/)

October 15th, 2018, 12:07 PM
MVFC Week 7 In Review: http://thefcswedge.com/mvfc/mvfc-week-7-in-review-2/

October 16th, 2018, 08:38 AM
Wow, when is the last time Mo St. was favored in back to back weeks? Plus they have a chance to go 3 weeks in a row depending how SIU looks this week.

Professor Chaos
October 16th, 2018, 08:59 AM
Wow, when is the last time Mo St. was favored in back to back weeks? Plus they have a chance to go 3 weeks in a row depending how SIU looks this week.
They basically need to win these next 2 if they want to have any playoff aspirations. If they drop either of them they'll need to win 2 of 3 in their season ending gauntlet of @SDSU, vs NDSU, and @UNI and I doubt that's happening.

October 17th, 2018, 02:18 PM
Anyone want to make money? UNI is now an 8 point dog at home vs. SDSU. That is ridiculous. Also, Western Illinois is a 9 point dog against Mo St.!!! I know WIU's record isn't good, but they've had one of the toughest FCS schedules in the nation.

October 17th, 2018, 03:05 PM
Where's that one MoSt fan that used to be on here? He's missing his chance at boasting!xlolx

October 17th, 2018, 04:07 PM
Where's that one MoSt fan that used to be on here? He's missing his chance at boasting!xlolx

Yea he can come back now since Mo State beating ISU is now weeks ago. xnodx

October 17th, 2018, 04:08 PM
The ISUb SIU line has moved from ISUb+6 to +4.5

October 17th, 2018, 05:16 PM
Where's that one MoSt fan that used to be on here? He's missing his chance at boasting!xlolxGodSaveTheBears? Yeah, those posts were enjoyable.

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October 18th, 2018, 11:03 AM
Anyone want to make money? UNI is now an 8 point dog at home vs. SDSU. That is ridiculous.
That's what people were saying when UNI was 21 point dogs at home against NDSU, and look how that turned out.
(unless you're saying that it is ridiculous to think that UNI can stay within 8 points)

October 18th, 2018, 11:53 AM
That's what people were saying when UNI was 21 point dogs at home against NDSU, and look how that turned out.
(unless you're saying that it is ridiculous to think that UNI can stay within 8 points)

that last TD when the underdog has to go for it on their own 20yd line to win usually causes problems

October 18th, 2018, 12:07 PM
That's what people were saying when UNI was 21 point dogs at home against NDSU, and look how that turned out.
(unless you're saying that it is ridiculous to think that UNI can stay within 8 points)

Meh... UNI was up by 3 going into the 4th quarter... that was still a good bet. UNI just ***** the bed in the 4th and they still only missed the cover by 4 points.

I'm saying it's too big of a spread and UNI should be more like 3 point dogs at home.

Professor Chaos
October 18th, 2018, 12:36 PM
that last TD when the underdog has to go for it on their own 20yd line to win usually causes problems
And UNI did that twice in that game. The first time was warranted since they were down 11 and there was still about 5 minutes left. The second time when they were down 18 with a little over 2 minutes left (inside their own 40) was a little more of a head-scratcher.

October 18th, 2018, 02:17 PM
And UNI did that twice in that game. The first time was warranted since they were down 11 and there was still about 5 minutes left. The second time when they were down 18 with a little over 2 minutes left (inside their own 40) was a little more of a head-scratcher.

Clearly Farley bet on the UNI moneyline and hedged with the NDSU spread and had to make sure he made his money back. That's it. NCAA needs to investigate.

October 18th, 2018, 04:06 PM
Well, I've extrapolated the MVFC schedule for next year based on the schedules that have been released. You can check out the whole thing here if you want. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQhPX-V5qFn67f87s5R4MXsVzzbE6889Sp7A5xzCDvgO5XoLuYUOmUk_ zImZ3z0JPAbtCeRvvIm1iug/pubhtml?gid=385500660&single=true) There's a few gaps in the non-conference schedule, but this should be most of it for everybody.

Once we hit conference season on 10/5, here's how the schedules look for each team:
Illinois State - NDSU, @SIU, @WIU, INSU, UNI, @SDSU, MSU, @YSU
Indiana State - @USD, WIU, SDSU, @ILSU, SIU, @UNI, YSU, @MSU
Missouri State - @WIU, USD, @NDSU, UNI, SDSU, @SIU, @ILSU, INSU
North Dakota State - @ILSU, UNI, MSU, @SDSU, @YSU, WIU, USD, @SIU
Northern Iowa - YSU, @NDSU, USD, @MSU, @ILSU, INSU, @SDSU, WIU
South Dakota - INSU, @MSU, @UNI, SIU, @WIU, YSU, @NDSU, SDSU
South Dakota State - SIU, @YSU, @INSU, NDSU, @MSU, ILSU, UNI, @USD
Southern Illinois - @SDSU, ILSU, YSU, @USD, @INSU, MSU, @WIU, NDSU
Western Illinois - MSU, @INSU, ILSU, @YSU, USD, @NDSU, SIU, @UNI
Youngstown State - UNI, SDSU, @SIU, WIU, NDSU, @USD, @INSU, ILSU

October 18th, 2018, 05:54 PM
Well, I've extrapolated the MVFC schedule for next year based on the schedules that have been released. You can check out the whole thing here if you want. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQhPX-V5qFn67f87s5R4MXsVzzbE6889Sp7A5xzCDvgO5XoLuYUOmUk_ zImZ3z0JPAbtCeRvvIm1iug/pubhtml?gid=385500660&single=true) There's a few gaps in the non-conference schedule, but this should be most of it for everybody.

Once we hit conference season on 10/5, here's how the schedules look for each team:
Illinois State - NDSU, @SIU, @WIU, INSU, UNI, @SDSU, MSU, @YSU
Indiana State - @USD, WIU, SDSU, @ILSU, SIU, @UNI, YSU, @MSU
Missouri State - @WIU, USD, @NDSU, UNI, SDSU, @SIU, @ILSU, INSU
North Dakota State - @ILSU, UNI, MSU, @SDSU, @YSU, WIU, USD, @SIU
Northern Iowa - YSU, @NDSU, USD, @MSU, @ILSU, INSU, @SDSU, WIU
South Dakota - INSU, @MSU, @UNI, SIU, @WIU, YSU, @NDSU, SDSU
South Dakota State - SIU, @SIU, @INSU, NDSU, @MSU, ILSU, UNI, @USD
Southern Illinois - @SDSU, ILSU, YSU, @USD, @INSU, MSU, @WIU, NDSU
Western Illinois - MSU, @INSU, ILSU, @YSU, USD, @NDSU, SIU, @UNI
Youngstown State - UNI, SDSU, @SIU, WIU, NDSU, @USD, @INSU, ILSU

Nice work. Is next year a 12 game season?

October 18th, 2018, 05:56 PM
Nice work. Is next year a 12 game season?

It is, yes. Most of us appear to be doing 4 games, then a bye week, then the 8-game conference schedule.

Next year is also the last year on this rotation that we've been doing. I don't exactly know what the plan is for when UND joins yet.

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Thumper 76
October 18th, 2018, 07:29 PM
It is, yes. Most of us appear to be doing 4 games, then a bye week, then the 8-game conference schedule.

Next year is also the last year on this rotation that we've been doing. I don't exactly know what the plan is for when UND joins yet.

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkYou have SDSU playing SIU twice to start the season

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October 18th, 2018, 07:32 PM
You have SDSU playing SIU twice to start the season

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And...thats bad? ;)

Looks like it was a typo in the post...supposed to be YSU...fixed now. The spreadsheet appears to be correct, I think, but feel free to check it over in case I missed anything.

October 19th, 2018, 09:23 AM
Anyone want to make money? UNI is now an 8 point dog at home vs. SDSU. That is ridiculous. Also, Western Illinois is a 9 point dog against Mo St.!!! I know WIU's record isn't good, but they've had one of the toughest FCS schedules in the nation.

UNI now at +13.5... xconfusedx

October 19th, 2018, 09:44 AM
UNI now at +13.5... xconfusedxTransitive property from the NDSU games.


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October 19th, 2018, 01:27 PM
MVFC Week 8 Preview - http://thefcswedge.com/mvfc/mvfc-week-8-preview-3/

Thumper 76
October 19th, 2018, 01:57 PM
UNI now at +13.5... xconfusedx

That’s ****ing insane......

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October 19th, 2018, 02:05 PM
UNI now at +13.5... xconfusedx

That seems crazy. I think SDSU should be favored, but not by nearly two full TDs. In my preview, I had SDSU by 3, but 7 is reasonable. Probably would have been 10 without the injury to Wallace (I assume he's out for the season...I haven't heard anything for sure on that front, but that was pretty rough-looking...hip dislocation is what I read). Essentially two TD margin underdog, at home, on homecoming...I don't get that.

October 19th, 2018, 03:09 PM
UNI now at +13.5... xconfusedx
Too good to pass up, I have a few sawbucks on this. Expect Jacks to win but Panthers keep it close.

October 19th, 2018, 03:11 PM
UNI by 3 after choking a 24 point lead.

POD Knows
October 19th, 2018, 04:46 PM
Nope, SDSU, yuge and I mean yuge over that directional school north of the John Deere plant, yuge, I was surprised at the initial spread. It won't be close, ****ing #bookit.

October 19th, 2018, 08:07 PM
Too good to pass up, I have a few sawbucks on this. Expect Jacks to win but Panthers keep it close.

Aaaand it's at +17.5... That's it. Taking a 2nd mortgage.

October 19th, 2018, 11:43 PM
The ISUb SIU line has moved from SIU -6 to ISUb -2.5

Thumper 76
October 19th, 2018, 11:56 PM
That seems crazy. I think SDSU should be favored, but not by nearly two full TDs. In my preview, I had SDSU by 3, but 7 is reasonable. Probably would have been 10 without the injury to Wallace (I assume he's out for the season...I haven't heard anything for sure on that front, but that was pretty rough-looking...hip dislocation is what I read). Essentially two TD margin underdog, at home, on homecoming...I don't get that.

Dunno if you got to watch Wilson play the rest of that game, but there’s not much of a drop off tbh. Kid is a freak.

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October 20th, 2018, 01:16 AM
Dunno if you got to watch Wilson play the rest of that game, but there’s not much of a drop off tbh. Kid is a freak.

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You're not wrong. I watched a decent amount of that game after Wallace went out before I headed over to watch our game against NDSU. Wilson is really good.
I meant more along the lines of losing Wallace amounts to maybe a 3 point drop (in terms of the numbers in my head...kinda like WAR in baseball)...so like, the equivalent of trying to kick a 48 yard FG (and missing) instead of a 35 yard FG (and nailing it). Maybe Wallace gets you one extra first down that Wilson doesn't. Still favored...just favored by a little bit less.

Mentioned it in my preview article too...

Their top RB, Isaac Wallace, put up 82.6 ypg, but went down during the YSU game with what appears to be a (possibly career-ending) hip injury. They do have a few other RBs that are pretty solid though, with guys like CJ. Wilson getting 54 ypg with 1 TD and Mikey Daniel with just under 38 ypg and 4 TDs.
Then later...

The loss of the RB Wallace hurts, but they don’t rely on the run game as much as they do the passing game, plus they have pretty good depth in that position.

I should have mentioned more about how Wilson put up 119 yards and 1 TD after Wallace went down though. Would have made his impact clearer than mentioning his per game average, since he was probably backing up Wallace in most of the other games. True freshman too?...damn, you guys are pretty well set at RB for a while with Daniel back next year and Wilson for three more years.

October 20th, 2018, 04:57 PM
Leathernecks uniform/helmet combo today are freaking awesome! Well done WIU!

October 20th, 2018, 06:34 PM

When does this SIU magical turnaround we’ve heard of for 7 years start to happen?

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October 20th, 2018, 06:43 PM

When does this SIU magical turnaround we’ve heard of for 7 years start to happen?

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I never understood why they hired a coach who was on the coaching staff you just fired

October 20th, 2018, 07:11 PM
Aaaand it's at +17.5... That's it. Taking a 2nd mortgage.
Hell yeah! I triple dipped after the line moved again. Daddy likey :D

October 20th, 2018, 07:35 PM
I never understood why they hired a coach who was on the coaching staff you just fired

Or one that was 32 with no head coaching experience

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October 20th, 2018, 07:37 PM
You're not wrong. I watched a decent amount of that game after Wallace went out before I headed over to watch our game against NDSU. Wilson is really good.
I meant more along the lines of losing Wallace amounts to maybe a 3 point drop (in terms of the numbers in my head...kinda like WAR in baseball)...so like, the equivalent of trying to kick a 48 yard FG (and missing) instead of a 35 yard FG (and nailing it). Maybe Wallace gets you one extra first down that Wilson doesn't. Still favored...just favored by a little bit less.

Mentioned it in my preview article too...

Then later...

I should have mentioned more about how Wilson put up 119 yards and 1 TD after Wallace went down though. Would have made his impact clearer than mentioning his per game average, since he was probably backing up Wallace in most of the other games. True freshman too?...damn, you guys are pretty well set at RB for a while with Daniel back next year and Wilson for three more years.
Our coaches will find a way to screw it up.

Professor Chaos
October 20th, 2018, 08:21 PM
I decided rather than to start my own thread I'd just put my 2018 MVFC Playoff Outlook in the megathread this year to play off the good Casey's pizza mojo and since most everyone interested in reading this kind of stuff frequents this thread anyway.

Despite the league getting 5 playoff teams in 3 of the past 4 years it seems this year we may only get 4 and 3 is probably more likely than 5 since things would have to shake out almost perfectly for anyone other than the top 4 to make the field as of now. I've ordered teams based on who has the easiest path to the playoffs (or who is already there) to the toughest. Going into week 9 we still have all 9 of 10 teams with a shot although that number is likely to shrink very soon.


North Dakota St (7-0, 4-0)
Quality wins: Delaware, SDSU, @UNI, ISUr
Bad losses: None
Remaining games: @USD, YSU, @MSU, SIU
The Bison aren't technically a lock since if they lose their last 4 games they probably would be in a sweat but that has about a 1 in a million (so you're telling there's a chance?) chance of happening. I think they could drop a game and still be in the top 2 seeds and drop 2 games and probably still be seeded. Neeless to say they're in the catbird seat and an 11-0 regular season looks like a very likely possiblity at this point given their remaining schedule *knockonwood*.

Trending towards in

Illinois St (5-2, 2-2)
Quality wins: @Colorado St
Bad losses: MSU
Remaining games: SDSU, @UNI, @ISUb, YSU
The Redbirds are still in good shape despite their loss in Fargo today but they'll have a SDSU squad looking for a bounceback win coming to Normal next week and then a trip to the UNI-dome looming after that, both of which will be tough. If they win out I think they'll be in the top 4 seeds but they need to split these next two and win out after that if they want to avoid a Selection Sunday sweat since they have that NAIA win which will mean 7-4 will be more like 6-4 in the eyes of the committee. Regardless they're still in good shape for now.

Work left to do

South Dakota St (4-2, 2-2)
Quality wins: Montana St (being generous here due to margin of victory)
Bad losses: None
Remaining games: @ISUr, MSU, @SIU, USD
The Jackrabbits put themselves in kind of a tough spot with an unexpected loss in Cedar Falls today. They were trending towards a top 4 seed but now they'll need help to get back into that range. They've got a tough one coming up @ISUr and if they can win that one an 8-2 regular season is pretty likely which would should get them seeded. However, if they drop that one they'll need to win out just to get to 7 wins so a lot is riding on this game next week for them since their last 3 games are very winnable.

Northern Iowa (4-3, 3-1)
Quality wins: SDSU
Bad losses: None
Remaining games: @WIU, ISUr, @YSU, MSU
The Panthers picked up a huge homecoming win against SDSU today and, being in sole posession of 2nd place in the MVFC, their path to the playoffs just became a lot smoother. If they can win out they'll almost certainly be seeded but that Montana loss may come back to bite them when it comes to how high of a seed they can get. They need to win 3 of 4 to get in comfortably which is very doable given their remaining schedule.

Missouri St (4-3, 2-2)
Quality wins: ISUr
Bad losses: None
Remaining games: SIU, @SDSU, NDSU, @UNI
The Bears let a golden opportunity slip through their fingers today dropping a game to WIU (which may turn out to be a bad loss). They now need to win 3 of their last 4 to even be in the conversation and that'll be tough given their 3 game gauntlet to end the season. If they win out they're certainly in but this seems like an incredible long shot at this point.

Must win out

Western Illinois (3-4, 2-2)
Quality wins: None
Bad losses: None
Remaining games: UNI, @SIU, @USD, ISUb
The Necks had to win today in Springfield and they did. Things don't get any easier with UNI coming to town next week and they they're still in a must-win scenario but if they can get by that winning out seems very possible and at 7-4 on a hypothetical 5 game win streak would almost certainly be enough to get them an invite to the playoffs.

Indiana St (3-4, 1-3)
Quality wins: None
Bad losses: None
Remaining games: @YSU, USD, ISUr, @WIU
The Trees snapped their MVFC losing streak today and in doing so they kept their slim playoff hopes alive. Their remaining schedule isn't all that tough as the only upper half MVFC team they have left is ISUr but it's probably a tall order to expect them to reel off a 5 game win streak to end the year. Regardless, after a winless 2017 this 2018 campaign a big step in the right direction for this program.

South Dakota (3-4, 2-2)
Quality wins: None
Bad losses: @YSU
Remaining games: NDSU, @ISUb, WIU, @SDSU
The Coyotes put their playoff hopes on life support with a bad loss in Youngstown today. They need to win out and with NDSU coming to town next week they seem like they're destined for an early offseason this year. They've shown flashes this year, especially at home, but they've been way too inconsisent to believe that they'll be able to pull off an unlikely 4 game win streak to the end the year.

Youngstown St (3-4, 2-2)
Quality wins: None
Bad losses: Butler
Remaining games: ISUb, @NDSU, UNI, @ISUr
The Penguins stayed alive for the time being with a big home win over South Dakota today but their playoff hopes still are at slim to none given the fact that they'll need to win out and their remaining schedule is pretty brutal. For now they're alive but they'll need to show a lot more life than they have to this point in the season to stay there.


Southern Illinois (1-6, 0-4) - Not much is going right for the Salukis this year and at this point all they can do is play spoiler down the stretch.

October 20th, 2018, 08:43 PM
If SDSU is trending in then so the **** is UNI

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Professor Chaos
October 20th, 2018, 08:48 PM
If SDSU is trending in then so the **** is UNI

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That's fair. Both can only lose 1 more game but SDSU has a slightly easier remaining schedule IMO. UNI is definitely closer to SDSU than Missouri St when it comes to shaping up for the playoffs.

October 20th, 2018, 10:03 PM
That's fair. Both can only lose 1 more game but SDSU has a slightly easier remaining schedule IMO. UNI is definitely closer to SDSU than Missouri St when it comes to shaping up for the playoffs.

The schedules left are basically identical in total strength.

The only difference in record is SDSU doesn’t get their loss from Iowa State in their record. Plus UNI has a head to head by 2 scores.

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October 20th, 2018, 10:29 PM
Or one that was 32 with no head coaching experience

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he was 5-5 at Carbondale High School

October 20th, 2018, 10:37 PM
I don't know how to post a tweet on here, but anyway....

October 20th, 2018, 10:53 PM
he was 5-5 at Carbondale High School

Ah. How could I forget

Nothing like hiring a guy who couldn’t break .500 as a high school coach to be your D1 head coach at like 32 years old.

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F'N Hawks
October 20th, 2018, 11:39 PM

When does this SIU magical turnaround we’ve heard of for 7 years start to happen?

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But, haven't you heard about all the talent he has brought in?

Its his third year and they are getting worse. Never a good sign. Third year is when the improvement shines through.

Professor Chaos
October 21st, 2018, 07:38 AM
The schedules left are basically identical in total strength.

The only difference in record is SDSU doesn’t get their loss from Iowa State in their record. Plus UNI has a head to head by 2 scores.

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UNI should be ranked ahead of SDSU. I just think WIU and YSU are a bit tougher than USD and SIU so SDSU has the slightly easier road to 7 wins still. They'll both be in if they get to 7 wins or more and both very likely out if they can only get 6 wins or less so the head-to-head doesn't mean a whole lot in terms of playoff positioning unless they're both in the seeding conversation (which is definitely possible).

Bison Fan in NW MN
October 21st, 2018, 07:43 AM
But, haven't you heard about all the talent he has brought in?

Its his third year and they are getting worse. Never a good sign. Third year is when the improvement shines through.

Lennon took that program into the shi**er if you like it or not. His tenure as AD at Mary is a stellar one for the football team there....xlolx...not coaching but that program is worthless as well.

Looks like Hill needs to do a total rebuild there. But as usual, SIU doesn't play defense.

October 21st, 2018, 07:51 AM
Western has a week 3 win against a then #15 Montana. Probably would consider that a good win. Also, look at all of the stats for the MSU game. Western didn't just win they dominated in every category. It's sad for MSU that this is their best team since 2007...winning record beating two ranked opponents and they will never be considered a good win. Must be the Rodney Dangerfield syndrome.

Professor Chaos
October 21st, 2018, 07:57 AM
Western has a week 3 win against a then #15 Montana. Probably would consider that a good win. Also, look at all of the stats for the MSU game. Western didn't just win they dominated in every category. It's sad for MSU that this is their best team since 2007...winning record beating two ranked opponents and they will never be considered a good win. Must be the Rodney Dangerfield syndrome.
I don't think WIU will get any bonus points with the committee for that Montana win unless the Griz improve a lot over their last 4 games. It doesn't matter where a team was at when they were beat it matters where they're at now (with some rare exceptions where teams are gutted by injuries). That MSU loss, while not necessarily a bad loss yet for WIU, could be the difference between them making and missing the playoffs since they really should've won that game.

F'N Hawks
October 21st, 2018, 08:10 AM
Lennon took that program into the shi**er if you like it or not. His tenure as AD at Mary is a stellar one for the football team there....xlolx...not coaching but that program is worthless as well.

Looks like Hill needs to do a total rebuild there. But as usual, SIU doesn't play defense.

Clueless. You obviously have no idea how coaching changes should progress.

Bison Fan in NW MN
October 21st, 2018, 08:19 AM
Clueless. You obviously have no idea how coaching changes should progress.

Oh, enlighten us all Einstein.

Lennon gutted that program and I know that hurts your precious feelings. Truth hurts....xlolx

October 21st, 2018, 08:41 AM
The schedules left are basically identical in total strength.

The only difference in record is SDSU doesn’t get their loss from Iowa State in their record. Plus UNI has a head to head by 2 scores.

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UNI had won last years head to head by 3 scores, look how that worked out in the playoffs.

October 21st, 2018, 08:50 AM
At the halfway point in conference play 6 of the 10 teams are 2-2! Who knows how the 2nd half plays out.

Bison Fan in NW MN
October 21st, 2018, 08:57 AM
At the halfway point in conference play 6 of the 10 teams are 2-2! Who knows how the 2nd half plays out.

Well scanning Bisonville, the team is in dire straits for many of those guys. Enjoy a win. Comic show.

There are good teams out there and the Bison are not going to beat every team by 5 scores. No team is perfect and the Bison do have some kinks in the armor but reading BV is funny as he**. Good win and now on to USD.

Professor Chaos
October 21st, 2018, 09:25 AM
Well scanning Bisonville, the team is in dire straits for many of those guys. Enjoy a win. Comic show.

There are good teams out there and the Bison are not going to beat every team by 5 scores. No team is perfect and the Bison do have some kinks in the armor but reading BV is funny as he**. Good win and now on to USD.
Yeah, I'm not really sure what it would take to satisfy some people. NDSU will get every #1 vote in every poll there is this week and they've played, in my estimation, the 4 toughest teams in the conference going 4-0 but there's still plenty of bitching happening.

POD Knows
October 21st, 2018, 09:30 AM
Yeah, I'm not really sure what it would take to satisfy some people. NDSU will get every #1 vote in every poll there is this week and they've played, in my estimation, the 4 toughest teams in the conference going 4-0 but there's still plenty of bitching happening.The first 2 and half quarters the Bison played yesterday was the best football they played all year, but I have to admit, I was rolling my eyes for most of the 3rd quarter and the 4th quarter. I recognize that ISUr is a decent team but the Bison got put in a position where they had to finish that game with their starters, that should never have happened given the state of the game in the 3rd quarter. I am not really complaining but we had a chance yesterday to get some people that are down on the depth charts, a chance to play but that didn't really happen. There should have been no way that Stick played all 60 minutes of that game, NDSU had them broke and beaten but let them back in it. Credit to ISUr for staying in the game but let's face it, this is the NDSU MO when they get up on somebody.

October 21st, 2018, 09:38 AM
Yeah, I'm not really sure what it would take to satisfy some people. NDSU will get every #1 vote in every poll there is this week and they've played, in my estimation, the 4 toughest teams in the conference going 4-0 but there's still plenty of bitching happening.

This general attitude is a large part of the foundation of “hate” outside fans feel

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POD Knows
October 21st, 2018, 09:55 AM
This general attitude is a large part of the foundation of “hate” outside fans feel

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkSo you are an outside fan given your comments on UNI in the past??

October 21st, 2018, 07:25 PM
I don't think WIU will get any bonus points with the committee for that Montana win unless the Griz improve a lot over their last 4 games. It doesn't matter where a team was at when they were beat it matters where they're at now (with some rare exceptions where teams are gutted by injuries). That MSU loss, while not necessarily a bad loss yet for WIU, could be the difference between them making and missing the playoffs since they really should've won that game.

Yeah, it pretty much just comes down to how we finish out the season. We win out, finish 7-4, we're in. We drop one and finish 6-5...I think we're out most likely.
A case might be able to be made if we lost the UNI game by like a FG, then completely destroy SIU, USD, and INSU...but I think it'd still be a long shot, and it would depend greatly on what else is going on across the FCS with bubble teams.

October 22nd, 2018, 10:45 AM
MVFC Week 8 in Review: http://thefcswedge.com/mvfc/mvfc-week-8-in-review-2/

POD Knows
October 22nd, 2018, 10:52 AM
MVFC Week 8 in Review: http://thefcswedge.com/mvfc/mvfc-week-8-in-review-2/
The Bison play outside at Misery State so the Bison could end up with two outdoor games if we make it to Frisco, assuming we win out. Nice read BTW.

October 22nd, 2018, 11:11 AM
The Bison play outside at Misery State so the Bison could end up with two outdoor games if we make it to Frisco, assuming we win out. Nice read BTW.

That's what I meant...but when I reread it, it does sound a bit unclear. I updated the text a little.
What I meant to say was that NDSU has 2 outdoor regular season games (@WIU and @MSU). If everything goes NDSU's way, then they might get to 3 total.

POD Knows
October 22nd, 2018, 11:13 AM
That's what I meant...but when I reread it, it does sound a bit unclear. I updated the text a little.
What I meant to say was that NDSU has 2 outdoor regular season games (@WIU and @MSU). If everything goes NDSU's way, then they might get to 3 total.Yep, I probably read it wrong, stupid iPhone.xlolx

October 22nd, 2018, 11:20 AM
Yep, I probably read it wrong, stupid iPhone.xlolx
nah, it wasn't horribly clear to me when I reread it again myself.

Other random and probably mostly pointless information:

To compare with other dome teams:
UNI - 5 outside games
USD - 6 outside games

And for the teams already playing outside:
SDSU - 2 indoor games (@NDSU, @UNI...their only two losses so far)
MSU - 2 indoor games (@USD, @UNI)
ILSU - 2 indoor games (@NSDU, @ UNI)
WIU - 1 indoor game (@USD)
YSU - 1 indoor game (@NDSU)
SIU - 1 indoor game (@NDSU)
and Indiana State, hosting both UNI and USD and missing out on NDSU this year, is the lone MVFC team playing all of their games outside this season.

POD Knows
October 22nd, 2018, 11:27 AM
nah, it wasn't horribly clear to me when I reread it again myself.

Other random and probably mostly pointless information:

To compare with other dome teams:
UNI - 5 outside games
USD - 6 outside games

And for the teams already playing outside:
SDSU - 2 indoor games (@NDSU, @UNI...their only two losses so far)
MSU - 2 indoor games (@USD, @UNI)
ILSU - 2 indoor games (@NSDU, @ UNI)
WIU - 1 indoor game (@USD)
YSU - 1 indoor game (@NDSU)
SIU - 1 indoor game (@NDSU)
and Indiana State, hosting both UNI and USD and missing out on NDSU this year, is the lone MVFC team playing all of their games outside this season.Even though NDSU plays indoors a lot, we are a good outside, bad weather team.

October 22nd, 2018, 11:36 AM
Even though NDSU plays indoors a lot, we are a good outside, bad weather team.

Yeah, strong run game, good front lines, minimal reliance on the pass. If weather makes both teams have to run the ball every play, I think that nearly always helps NDSU a lot more than it's going to help their opponent. Jackrabbits don't seem to like playing indoors though.

POD Knows
October 22nd, 2018, 11:43 AM
Yeah, strong run game, good front lines, minimal reliance on the pass. If weather makes both teams have to run the ball every play, I think that nearly always helps NDSU a lot more than it's going to help their opponent. Jackrabbits don't seem to like playing indoors though.Except in Fargo, they always seem to show up there. We gave them a beating in the playoffs a year or two back but for the most part, those games there are tight.

October 22nd, 2018, 11:46 AM
This general attitude is a large part of the foundation of “hate” outside fans feel

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Maybe those "outside fans" should be more demanding of their programs.xcoffeex

Redbird 4th & short
October 22nd, 2018, 11:49 AM
Even though NDSU plays indoors a lot, we are a good outside, bad weather team.
the irony is NDSU is built for bad weather, yet plays indoors.

Thumper 76
October 22nd, 2018, 11:59 AM
Maybe those "outside fans" should be more demanding of their programs.xcoffeex

There it is xrolleyesx

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October 22nd, 2018, 12:03 PM
There it is xrolleyesx

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Truth hurts

October 22nd, 2018, 12:03 PM
There it is xrolleyesx

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I’m shocked it took as long as it did

I was pretty sure that statement is always just a ctrl+v for any bison fan.

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Thumper 76
October 22nd, 2018, 12:52 PM
Truth hurts


All these places care more than NDSU and haven’t won dick for years. Try again.

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October 22nd, 2018, 01:17 PM
So you hate NDSU fans because they expect their team to be great? Sounds logical.

Haters gonna hate

Professor Chaos
October 22nd, 2018, 01:34 PM
So you hate NDSU fans because they expect their team to be great? Sounds logical.

Haters gonna hate
The rub is at what point does it turn from "expecting their team to be great" to "expecting/being entitled to flawless football"? That's always the line that the Bisonville whiners and those whining about the Bisonville whiners don't seem to differentiate the same way.

Personally, I don't give a **** that the team has a tendency to "let off the gas". They've lost 1 game in the last 7 years when they had more than a 1 score lead at any point in the game (USD in 2015 - and I'd say there was more to that than just letting off the gas) and they've won about 100 of those games in that same timeframe. They play to win whether it's by 1 or by 51 and if some fans don't like it that they're not winning by more they shouldn't be surprised when fans of opposing fan bases call them spoiled and entitled (because they are!). xtwocentsx

October 22nd, 2018, 03:47 PM
The rub is at what point does it turn from "expecting their team to be great" to "expecting/being entitled to flawless football"? That's always the line that the Bisonville whiners and those whining about the Bisonville whiners don't seem to differentiate the same way.

Personally, I don't give a **** that the team has a tendency to "let off the gas". They've lost 1 game in the last 7 years when they had more than a 1 score lead at any point in the game (USD in 2015 - and I'd say there was more to that than just letting off the gas) and they've won about 100 of those games in that same timeframe. They play to win whether it's by 1 or by 51 and if some fans don't like it that they're not winning by more they shouldn't be surprised when fans of opposing fan bases call them spoiled and entitled (because they are!). xtwocentsx
Yeah, there's a difference between letting off the gas and being sloppy. It's never going to be flawless but you know the saying if you strive for perfection you can achieve excellence or something like that.:D

October 23rd, 2018, 11:55 AM
Just found out Keys (#3) is out for the season(career). that makes that the case for 2 of our 3 RBs this year.

FCS rankings
2 in rushing yards
3 in rushing ypg
2 in rushing TDs

Professor Chaos
October 23rd, 2018, 12:45 PM
Just found out Keys (#3) is out for the season(career). that makes that the case for 2 of our 3 RBs this year.

FCS rankings
2 in rushing yards
3 in rushing ypg
2 in rushing TDs
Man that sucks. That guy was a monster so far this year. I'd say he was a legit contender for MVFC OPOY. He's been on SCFBFan's Payton watch list for a few weeks now I think.

October 23rd, 2018, 01:11 PM
Just found out Keys (#3) is out for the season(career). that makes that the case for 2 of our 3 RBs this year.

FCS rankings
2 in rushing yards
3 in rushing ypg
2 in rushing TDs

That's brutal. I really enjoyed watching him play, I feel terrible for the kid. Tough break for ISUb.

Redbird 4th & short
October 23rd, 2018, 01:30 PM
Just found out Keys (#3) is out for the season(career). that makes that the case for 2 of our 3 RBs this year.

FCS rankings
2 in rushing yards
3 in rushing ypg
2 in rushing TDs
really sucks for him .. it was good to see you guys competing again. And as a football fan, I was really looking forward to watching him and our guy go at it head to head.

Just pulled up his Bio ... any chance or interest in him getting medical redshirt for 2015 ?

Saw action in 10 games, including three starts in the backfield...Finished second on the team in rushing with 208 yards on 68 attempts...Scored two touchdowns on the ground for the Sycamores...Caught six passes for 54 yards (9.0 average)...Rushed for a season high 44 yards against Western Illinois (11/11)...Also recorded his longest rush of the season against the Leathernecks with a 15-yard gain...Rushed for 30 yards and caught a pass for 13 yards at Tennessee (9/9)...Found the endzone at Liberty (9/16) and against Youngstown State (11/4).

Played in all 11 games for the Sycamores as a backup running back and special teams player...Third on the team with 311 rushing yards and one touchdown on 73 carries (4.3 yards per carry)...Had a long of 29 on the season...Had 11 catches for 83 yards, with a long reception of 23...Returned five kickoffs for a total of 106 yards with a long of 24...Ended with 505 total all-purpose yards...Had career-high 62 yards on nine carries at Minnesota...Had three games with at least nine carries and at least 50 yards rushing.

Did not play due to injury.

Valuable member of the scout team and practice squad...Made one rush attempt in the home opener against Tennessee Tech.

October 23rd, 2018, 01:55 PM
really sucks for him .. it was good to see you guys competing again. And as a football fan, I was really looking forward to watching him and our guy go at it head to head.

Just pulled up his Bio ... any chance or interest in him getting medical redshirt for 2015 ?

honestly im not sure. They said career ending so they have to know he is out for good. We also lost our solid backup last week who was a freshman with a spinal injury. career ending, i think they diagnosed him with spinal stenosis(sp?) so i think it was more about his body than the injury.

if we play our other running back as a starter, he wont make it 2 weeks imo because of his size.

Thumper 76
October 23rd, 2018, 02:08 PM
Just found out Keys (#3) is out for the season(career). that makes that the case for 2 of our 3 RBs this year.

FCS rankings
2 in rushing yards
3 in rushing ypg
2 in rushing TDs

God that really blows

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October 23rd, 2018, 02:27 PM
about the only thing that is keeping me from jumping out my third story window is the fact that im confident id survive and that heros ranked us with the #2 recruiting class in the MVFC.

October 23rd, 2018, 02:43 PM
Just found out Keys (#3) is out for the season(career). that makes that the case for 2 of our 3 RBs this year.

FCS rankings
2 in rushing yards
3 in rushing ypg
2 in rushing TDs

Holy hell...what?!?! I didn't hear about him being injured in the game last week. What happened? He was by far your best thing going this year.

October 23rd, 2018, 02:51 PM
Holy hell...what?!?! I didn't hear about him being injured in the game last week. What happened? He was by far your best thing going this year.

someone posted the tv or radio guys said cramps, he stayed in the game and would walk funny every now and again but had good plays throughout the game except at the end when we just needed a 1st down and were clearly not going to pass the ball. i was at the game and on our sideline side and at no point did his behavior indicate anything season ending.

- - - Updated - - -

i went from thinking we had a shot in all the games we had left to doubting we win again.

October 23rd, 2018, 02:59 PM
someone posted the tv or radio guys said cramps, he stayed in the game and would walk funny every now and again but had good plays throughout the game except at the end when we just needed a 1st down and were clearly not going to pass the ball. i was at the game and on our sideline side and at no point did his behavior indicate anything season ending.

- - - Updated - - -

i went from thinking we had a shot in all the games we had left to doubting we win again.

Yeah, I'm watching the last few minutes of the game right now (thank you ESPN+). Even on the last offensive play for ISU he was in there...was a fake handoff to him -> real handoff to Caton. The TV was even highlighting him just a bit earlier in the drive. I could see that he seemed to be walking around a little bit oddly, but it didn't look at all serious.

That really sucks, both for him and for the Sycamores in general.

October 23rd, 2018, 03:23 PM
honestly im not sure. They said career ending so they have to know he is out for good. We also lost our solid backup last week who was a freshman with a spinal injury. career ending, i think they diagnosed him with spinal stenosis(sp?) so i think it was more about his body than the injury.

if we play our other running back as a starter, he wont make it 2 weeks imo because of his size.
Sounds like a hip injury. Probably a labrum tear. NDSU's Lance Dunn suffered one last year but was able to make it back for the championship game. Although he still does not seem 100%. Tough injury for anyone and especially a RB. I feel terrible for the kid.

October 23rd, 2018, 03:53 PM
Sounds like a hip injury. Probably a labrum tear. NDSU's Lance Dunn suffered one last year but was able to make it back for the championship game. Although he still does not seem 100%. Tough injury for anyone and especially a RB. I feel terrible for the kid.

That was my thought. I definitely hope he is back to play in the championship game xlolx

October 24th, 2018, 03:46 PM
Weird parallels...
The two purple and gold MVFC teams both started the season playing at Montana FCS schools...both losing 26-23.
They then both headed back to their home states and took on the FBS "University of..." flagship schools of their own states, losing their games and putting up 14 points. Only difference in the scores there was Illinois scored 34 points, but Iowa scored 38.

Probably not news to some of you, but just weird quirk of the schedule and stuff.

October 24th, 2018, 03:58 PM
Official school yellow is also exactly the same yellow

The shade of purple is also almost identical. It’s like and and one half shade different on the scale.

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Redbird 4th & short
October 24th, 2018, 04:20 PM
Official school yellow is also exactly the same yellow

The shade of purple is also almost identical. It’s like and and one half shade different on the scale.

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Maybe UNi shold have consulted this guy ... https://www.cbsnews.com/news/heres-a-cute-story-steve-jobs-fixed-googles-app-logo-because-the-yellow-was-a-little-off/

Urgent Sunday morning call from Steve Jobs was ignored ... Here's a cute story, Steve Jobs fixed Google's app logo (because the yellow was a little off)


October 24th, 2018, 04:40 PM
This is a comp I did of the purple FCS schools a year or two ago

UNI is the far left. Then WIU. Then WCU I think. Then someone else. And the far right is some combo of Furman and ICA I think with their purple.


Redbird 4th & short
October 24th, 2018, 05:15 PM
maybe Steve Jobs didn't die .. maybe Steve Jobs is .... Clenz ???

October 24th, 2018, 07:34 PM
This is a comp I did of the purple FCS schools a year or two ago

UNI is the far left. Then WIU. Then WCU I think. Then someone else. And the far right is some combo of Furman and ICA I think with their purple.

I bet I can find UNI gear with all of these shades

October 25th, 2018, 07:03 AM
I bet I can find UNI gear with all of these shades

Thats just in the same style shirt too

UNI’s motto should be

UNI: if you can’t decide things either, come here. We can’t decide on a purple so we just use 10000000 of them.

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October 25th, 2018, 08:08 AM
Thats just in the same style shirt too

UNI’s motto should be

UNI: if you can’t decide things either, come here. We can’t decide on a purple so we just use 10000000 of them.

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im not impressed. we have about 30 shades of blue and we incorporate black, silver, gray and red with it.

and logos.....hold my beer

ursus arctos horribilis
October 26th, 2018, 01:23 PM
Week 9 MVFC preview:

Podcasts are on the same site if you want to give a listen as well.

Bison Fan in NW MN
October 26th, 2018, 09:52 PM
Let's go 02: get the freaking NDSU/USD game thread going....xeyebrowxxnodx

USD has given up (340 and 369) rushing yards to NDSU the last 2 games and their rush defense is suspect again.

Run the ball Bison. And keep the foot on the pedal.

October 27th, 2018, 02:04 AM
Let's go 02: get the freaking NDSU/USD game thread going....xeyebrowxxnodx

USD has given up (340 and 369) rushing yards to NDSU the last 2 games and their rush defense is suspect again.

Run the ball Bison. And keep the foot on the pedal.
The former will definitely happen.
The latter will definitely not happen.
...And you know this maaaaan xthumbsupx

October 27th, 2018, 11:08 AM
Good stuff as always Scott. No disagreements with takes on games. Montana state is in Bozeman. University of Montana is in Missoula.

October 27th, 2018, 01:31 PM
4 YSU offensive linemen downfield on their 1st TD today

Edit: my mistake. 3 linemen

October 27th, 2018, 04:39 PM
how close is Bo to getting fired

October 27th, 2018, 04:50 PM
Good stuff as always Scott. No disagreements with takes on games. Montana state is in Bozeman. University of Montana is in Missoula.

Well crap. Thanks for the assist, I'll go fix that. Sometimes I mix up Bozeman and Missoula, but I have no idea why my brain threw Brookings in there. I know that's you guys.

October 27th, 2018, 05:02 PM
Well crap. Thanks for the assist, I'll go fix that. Sometimes I mix up Bozeman and Missoula, but I have no idea why my brain threw Brookings in there. I know that's you guys.

Im sure its not a big deal you can have a beer together next time he is down in DeKalb

October 27th, 2018, 05:04 PM
Im sure its not a big deal you can have a beer together next time he is down in DeKalb

xlolx Yup

Professor Chaos
October 27th, 2018, 05:41 PM
NDSU can clinch the MVFC autobids already with a win next week. They've got a 2 game lead in the conference standings and they've already beaten everybody who only has 2 losses.

Bison Fan in NW MN
October 27th, 2018, 05:42 PM
NDSU can clinch the MVFC autobids already with a win next week. They've got a 2 game lead in the conference standings and they've already beaten everybody who only has 2 losses.



Professor Chaos
October 27th, 2018, 06:20 PM
2 teams playoff hopes were dashed in week 9 with South Dakota and Youngstown St taking losses they couldn't afford to take. There's still 7 MVFC teams with playoff aspirations but only 2 can feel very comfortable at this point. It seems more and more likely that the conference will get 4 bids with a small possibility of 5 but only getting 3 is still a possibility as well. Here's how they stack up going into the final 3 weeks of the season.


North Dakota St (8-0, 5-0)
Quality wins: Delaware, SDSU, @UNI, @WIU, ISUr
Bad losses: None
Remaining games: YSU, @MSU, SIU
The Bison are locked in after their win in Vermillion. I think they could drop a game and still be in the top 2 seeds and drop 2 games and probably still be seeded. Needless to say they're in the catbird seat with essentially a 2.5 game lead in the conference standings with 3 to play. An 11-0 regular season seems to be a likely possiblity at this point given their remaining schedule.

Trending towards in

South Dakota St (5-2, 3-2)
Quality wins: Montana St (being generous here due to margin of victory), @ISUr
Bad losses: None
Remaining games: MSU, @SIU, USD
The Jackrabbits picked up a huge win against Illinois St today and are now in great shape to not only make the playoffs but get a 1st round bye as a seeded team. I think they need to win 2 or 3 to assure themselves a spot in the field but winning out seems very likely to put them in the top 8. Their remaining schedule is very manageable with their toughest remaining game being a Missouri St team in a freefall coming to Brookings next week.

Work left to do

Illinois St (5-3, 2-3)
Quality wins: @Colorado St, WIU
Bad losses: MSU
Remaining games: @UNI, @ISUb, YSU
The Redbirds are suddenly kind of reeling after getting swept by the xDSUs. I think any chance they had at a seed went out the window today and they need to win out to avoid a sweat since they've got a sub-D1 win on their resume. I think if they only win 2 of 3 to get to 7-4 they'll probably be ok but they'll need a bit of help elsewhere on the bubble to ensure their spot. They've got a tough 2 game road trip coming up starting with a trip to Cedar Falls to face a UNI team that'll need to get back on track to right their own playoff chances and then a trip to Terre Haute to face a suddenly revitalized Indiana St squad.

Must win out

Western Illinois (4-4, 3-2)
Quality wins: UNI
Bad losses: None
Remaining games: @SIU, @USD, ISUb
The Necks kept their momentum going picking up a surprisingly lopsided win against a surging UNI team today. Their playoff hopes are suddenly revitalized with 2 games coming up against the 2 of the 3 bottom teams in the conference to this point and a winnable home game against Indiana St to close out the season. They still need to win out to get in but it's definitely doable for them.

Northern Iowa (4-4, 3-2)
Quality wins: SDSU
Bad losses: None
Remaining games: ISUr, @YSU, MSU
The Panthers lost any momentum they had from sweeping the South Dakota schools with their loss in Macomb today. They went from sole posession of 2nd place in the conference to faced with the proposition of having to win out just to make the playoffs. They have a very interesting matchup next week with a desperate Illinois St team coming to the UNI-dome. If they can win that one it seems pretty likely they can win out from there and get into the playoffs.

Indiana St (4-4, 2-3)
Quality wins: None
Bad losses: None
Remaining games: USD, ISUr, @WIU
The Trees are suddenly formidable with a very real shot at the playoffs following their win in Youngstown today. Their remaining schedule is no piece of cake and they'll need to win out to have any shot at the playoffs with a D2 win amongst their 4 victories but they have a very winnable game against USD next week and if they can win that anything is possible. Given where they came from last year just being in the playoff conversation as the calendar turns to November is a huge improvement for this program.

Missouri St (4-4, 2-3)
Quality wins: ISUr
Bad losses: SIU
Remaining games: @SDSU, NDSU, @UNI
The Bears are essentially out of it after taking a horrible loss at home to SIU today. Their remaining schedule is brutal and they need to win out to have any shot at the playoffs. For now they're still on the list of playoff contenders but they seem destined for the "Eliminated" category very soon.


South Dakota (3-5, 2-3) - The Coyotes saw their playoff hopes dashed today but they've got meaningful games remaining on the schedule so they can still impact the playoff race.
Youngstown St (3-5, 2-3) - The Penguins find themselves in the "Eliminated" section sooner than anticipated following a surprising home loss to ISUb today. We'll see how much effort they give from here on out with possibly a lame duck coach at the helm.
Southern Illinois (2-6, 1-4) - The Salukis win in Springfield today showed that they aren't just going to roll over and be an automatic win from here and out and they'll have more chances to wreak havoc in the MVFC playoff picture in the last 3 weeks.

Bison Fan in NW MN
October 27th, 2018, 06:23 PM
Nice work PC!

Bison Fan in NW MN
October 28th, 2018, 08:14 AM

8 teams in the Valley are either 3-2 or 2-3...xeekx

Another week of some big conference games:

Missouri State @ SDSU
USD @ Indiana State
Ill State @ UNI

Professor Chaos
October 28th, 2018, 08:53 AM

8 teams in the Valley are either 3-2 or 2-3...xeekx

Another week of some big conference games:

Missouri State @ SDSU
USD @ Indiana State
Ill State @ UNI
That ISUr/UNI game is definitely the game in the week in the MVFC this week. I said 2 weeks ago that ISUr's upcoming 3 game gauntlet could put them anywhere from #1 in the FCS to squarely on the playoff bubble and they're in danger of it being the latter. Likewise UNI needs to win or see their playoff hope slip away. Someone is going to salvage their season in that game and the other is going to be in a hurtbag.

October 29th, 2018, 08:06 AM
MVFC Week 9 in Review: http://thefcswedge.com/mvfc/mvfc-week-9-in-review-2/

Professor Chaos
October 29th, 2018, 08:18 AM
There's also a possibility that the MVFC goes "full nuclear" this weekend if SDSU, USD, Illinois St, and SIU all win. That would leave only 3 teams (NDSU, SDSU, and ISUr) with any legit playoff shot.

POD Knows
October 29th, 2018, 08:21 AM
MVFC Week 9 in Review: http://thefcswedge.com/mvfc/mvfc-week-9-in-review-2/


I think the Bison media folks messed up on this one. xnodx

October 29th, 2018, 08:22 AM
There's also a possibility that the MVFC goes "full nuclear" this weekend if SDSU, USD, Illinois St, and SIU all win. That would leave only 3 teams (NDSU, SDSU, and ISUr) with any legit playoff shot.

If ISUb wins they still have a shot at 7-4 with 2 losses happening within the last :20 of the game. I realize we have a D2 win but we will have potentially handed 2 teams the loss that keeps them out of the playoffs in the last 2 weeks.

Professor Chaos
October 29th, 2018, 08:30 AM
If ISUb wins they still have a shot at 7-4 with 2 losses happening within the last :20 of the game. I realize we have a D2 win but we will have potentially handed 2 teams the loss that keeps them out of the playoffs in the last 2 weeks.
At 7-4 ISUb is in IMO. I know grizband's thread about at-large availability has already "eliminated" ISUb and MSU because with a D2 win they can't get to 7 D1 wins but I think a 7-4 (5-3) MVFC team with a D2 win is going to be in good shape since the bubble doesn't seem to be shaping up to be exceptionally strong this year. I think the SOS factor will generally put any MVFC team in that scenario over say a 7 D1 win team from the SOCON, OVC, or Southland.

Beyond that to get to 7-4 ISUb will have to beat ISUr (which would put the Redbirds at 7-4 at best) and WIU (knocking them out of contention if they're still in it by that point) so they'd climb up to #3 or #4 in the MVFC pecking order by winning out which puts them in a pretty good spot to get an at-large invite.

POD Knows
October 29th, 2018, 08:32 AM
At 7-4 ISUb is in IMO. I know grizband's thread about at-large availability has already "eliminated" ISUb and MSU because with a D2 win they can't get to 7 D1 wins but I think a 7-4 (5-3) MVFC team with a D2 win is going to be in good shape since the bubble doesn't seem to be shaping up to be exceptionally strong this year. I think the SOS factor will help an MVFC team in that scenario over say a 7 D1 win team from the SOCON, OVC, or Southland.

Beyond that to get to 7-4 ISUb will have to beat ISUr (which would put the Redbirds at 7-4 at best) and WIU (knocking them out of contention if they're still in it by that point) so they'd climb up to #3 or #4 in the MVFC pecking order by winning out which puts them in a pretty good spot to get an at-large invite.Who gets in, a 7-4 ISUb team or UND at 7-4, I know who I think it should be given the SOS and quality wins, if it happens.

October 29th, 2018, 08:37 AM
Ive said before that we could beat each of USD, ISUr and WIU but I dont think we will win them all. If we happen to do it I wont sleep well the night before the selection show.

October 29th, 2018, 08:42 AM
I think the Bison media folks messed up on this one. xnodx

You mean how the photo is from a different game? I don't think that's a huge deal. Maybe they just didn't have a good photo from that run yet and used the only one they had for Cofield. It was an in-game tweet too, so they were probably limited on time.

There's also a possibility that the MVFC goes "full nuclear" this weekend if SDSU, USD, Illinois St, and SIU all win. That would leave only 3 teams (NDSU, SDSU, and ISUr) with any legit playoff shot.

With what SIU did to MSU last Saturday, our game against them next weekend feels like a "trap game". SIU has nothing to lose at this point and I'm sure they'd love to play spoiler to our playoff chances. Hopefully Coach Elliott has them ready, but I'm a lot more nervous about it than I was a week ago.

Professor Chaos
October 29th, 2018, 08:45 AM
Who gets in, a 7-4 ISUb team or UND at 7-4, I know who I think it should be given the SOS and quality wins, if it happens.
Yeah, most likely ISUb should get the invite in that scenario IMO. UND could make a case if SHSU goes on a run to finish 8-3 (which isn't a given since Incarnate Word and ACU aren't the cupcakes they used to be) or if Montana figures it out and ends the season on a surge (which doesn't seem likely). UND "should" finish 8-3 and make it in regardless so if they do drop one of their last 3 they're probably going to have an ugly loss in there to deal with as well.

POD Knows
October 29th, 2018, 08:46 AM
You mean how the photo is from a different game? I don't think that's a huge deal. Maybe they just didn't have a good photo from that run yet and used the only one they had for Cofield. It was an in-game tweet too, so they were probably limited on time.We demand and expect perfection in all facets of the game and with our media or something like that. xlolx I actually saw this someplace else and some people were ripping on it so I figured I would pile on, you know, the expectation of perfection and all that.

October 29th, 2018, 08:52 AM
We demand and expect perfection in all facets of the game and with our media or something like that. xlolx I actually saw this someplace else and some people were ripping on it so I figured I would pile on, you know, the expectation of perfection and all that.

Yeah, the people of Bisonville are fun. "We only beat them 56-3...we allowed a FIELD GOAL...UNACCEPTABLE!"

POD Knows
October 29th, 2018, 08:55 AM
Yeah, the people of Bisonville are fun. "We only beat them 56-3...we allowed a FIELD GOAL...UNACCEPTABLE!"Well, yea, you have to learn from your mistakes, can't be allowing these garbage points because of defense ranking and all that other stuff people brag about.

October 29th, 2018, 08:56 AM
We demand and expect perfection in all facets of the game and with our media or something like that. xlolx I actually saw this someplace else and some people were ripping on it so I figured I would pile on, you know, the expectation of perfection and all that.

I demand the same from ISUb. Kind of like how I told my wife I was demanding that I make the 7hr drive to Youngstown Saturday. Then I demanded that everyone leave me alone while I watched on ESPN+. Then I demanded that she go get me a beer. Then I demanded that she stop hitting me...

October 29th, 2018, 09:36 AM
I demand the same from ISUb. Kind of like how I told my wife I was demanding that I make the 7hr drive to Youngstown Saturday. Then I demanded that everyone leave me alone while I watched on ESPN+. Then I demanded that she go get me a beer. Then I demanded that she stop hitting me...

Then you demanded she stop the divorce.

I don't think it'll work - though.

October 29th, 2018, 09:40 AM
Then you demanded she stop the divorce.

I don't think it'll work - though.

lol as long as she doesnt read this forum....which shouldnt be a problem

October 29th, 2018, 10:04 AM
lol as long as she doesnt read this forum....which shouldnt be a problem


October 29th, 2018, 10:55 AM
lol as long as she doesnt read this forum....which shouldnt be a problemJust keep her away from the good stuff and all will be well.

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

October 30th, 2018, 07:38 AM
Here is the preview of the NDSU Youngstown State game.



October 30th, 2018, 08:10 AM
Here is the preview of the NDSU Youngstown State game.



with video:

Thumper 76
October 30th, 2018, 08:12 AM
with video:

xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx

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October 30th, 2018, 10:37 PM
with video:
That’s a seal, not a penguin.

October 31st, 2018, 08:18 AM
That’s a seal, not a penguin.



October 31st, 2018, 08:20 AM
That’s a seal, not a penguin.

Penguin or seal it doesn't matter. WHOOPING!


Professor Chaos
October 31st, 2018, 08:48 AM

October 31st, 2018, 08:55 AM

Not really. I mean if it was the NDSU Seals, maybe... I prefer this one...


October 31st, 2018, 01:18 PM


This is perfect - the seal looks just like Bo, eating his players alive.

October 31st, 2018, 01:50 PM
Not really. I mean if it was the NDSU Seals, maybe... I prefer this one...


Way too soft looking. No killer instinct at all in that picture. How are opposing teams supposed to feel look at that, that "thing"..... Unless we plan on beating them with laughter. xtroublexxtroublexxrolleyesx

October 31st, 2018, 02:21 PM
Way too soft looking. No killer instinct at all in that picture. How are opposing teams supposed to feel look at that, that "thing"..... Unless we plan on beating them with laughter. xtroublexxtroublexxrolleyesx

Idk, look at the way the Bison is looking back at the penguin... He knows that whenever he wants to, he can quit toying with the penguin and stomp it into the ground. Similar to what NDSU does to some teams... let them hang around in the first half and make them feel like they have a chance, then stomp their hearts out in the 3rd quarter.

Thumper 76
October 31st, 2018, 05:16 PM


Well now it’s a seal and not a bison! Good grief you’re terrible at this xsmhx

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October 31st, 2018, 05:48 PM
FCS: Sean McGuire And WIU Continue To Push Through Adversity In Last 4 Seasons
from Hero Sports: https://herosports.com/fcs/football-sean-mcguire-wiu-adversity-bzbz

October 31st, 2018, 11:38 PM
Well now it’s a seal and not a bison! Good grief you’re terrible at this xsmhx

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Its a Leopard Seal. Very dangerous.

November 1st, 2018, 07:36 AM

November 1st, 2018, 07:37 AM
Well now it’s a seal and not a bison! Good grief you’re terrible at this xsmhx

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Either way the end result is the same. A dead penguin. :D

POD Knows
November 1st, 2018, 07:49 AM
Its a Leopard Seal. Very dangerous.Some people call the Leopard Seal the "Bison" of the sea.

November 1st, 2018, 08:03 AM
MVFC Week 10 Preview: http://thefcswedge.com/mvfc/mvfc-week-10-preview-3/

November 2nd, 2018, 08:11 PM
Here is the NDSU gameday preview of Youngstown State.



Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

November 2nd, 2018, 09:53 PM
Its a Leopard Seal. Very dangerous.

Yes, I we used to see Leopard seals rip Penguins to shreads..... but I've seen alot, I was a Breaker Sailor....

November 2nd, 2018, 10:09 PM
Idk, look at the way the Bison is looking back at the penguin... He knows that whenever he wants to, he can quit toying with the penguin and stomp it into the ground. Similar to what NDSU does to some teams... let them hang around in the first half and make them feel like they have a chance, then stomp their hearts out in the 3rd quarter.

I like your thinking:D


Professor Chaos
November 3rd, 2018, 07:42 PM
Despite a pretty wild weekend the MVFC playoff picture stayed pretty much where most expected it to be after week 10. Only 1 team was eliminated but there's now only 2 teams (NDSU and SDSU) that can be feeling very comfortable right now. The conference could still get as many as 5 teams in but it could be a few as 2 depending on how it plays out these last 2 weeks. Here's how they stack up:


North Dakota St (9-0, 6-0)
Quality wins: Delaware, SDSU, @UNI, @WIU, ISUr
Bad losses: None
Remaining games: @MSU, SIU
The Bison have locked up a playoff spot as well as the MVFC autobid. Given the turmoil around the country I think they could drop their last 2 and still be seeded or drop one of them ans still be in the top 2. However, given their remaining schedule it doesn't seem likely that they lose either but they showed today that they're not invincible.

Should be in

South Dakota St (6-2, 4-2)
Quality wins: Montana St, @ISUr
Bad losses: None
Remaining games: @SIU, USD
The Jackrabbits are in great shape as they only need to win one of their last two to lock themselves into the field and they should be heavily favored in both. Given the losses by other top 10 teams this week like JMU and Wofford I think they're in good shape to be seeded if they can win out, perhaps as high as #4 depending on how things shake out amongst the Big Sky contenders.

Must win out

Western Illinois (5-4, 4-2)
Quality wins: Montana, UNI
Bad losses: None
Remaining games: @USD, ISUb
"Whew!" is all WIU can be saying after storming back to escape with a win in Carbondale. They still need to win out to get in, and if they do they shouldn't have much of a sweat come Selection Sunday, but their last 2 games aren't going to be gimmes especially that finale at home aginst an Indiana St team that could be riding a 4 game win streak by that point.

Northern Iowa (5-4, 4-2)
Quality wins: SDSU, ISUr
Bad losses: None
Remaining games: @YSU, MSU
The Panthers had to have it today against ISUr and they got it. They should be able to rest easier given their schedule softens up considerably in these last two games but depending on what YSU teams shows up at the Ice Castle next weekend they can't take anything for granted since they'll need to win out to get in. If they do win out they shouldn't have much of a sweat on Selection Sunday.

Illinois St (5-4, 2-4)
Quality wins: @Colorado St, WIU
Bad losses: MSU
Remaining games: @ISUb, YSU
The Redbirds are reeling after dropping 3 straight with their loss in Cedar Falls today and things aren't going to get much easier as they now need to go to Terre Haute to face a Indiana St team that's won 3 straight and has playoff hopes of their own. They now have no more margin for error and even if they win out I think they'll be in for a sweat on Selection Sunday with that NAIA win not doing them any favors but I think that FBS win against Colorado St should help them get over that with the bubble looking to be a little weak this year.

Indiana St (5-4, 3-3)
Quality wins: None
Bad losses: MSU
Remaining games: ISUr, @WIU
The Trees aren't going away as they gritted out a win against USD today but their remaining schedule will force them to up their game as they have no quality wins to this point and they'll need to battle two teams that should also have "win or go home" mentalities these last two weeks. If they can win out it's no sure thing they get an at-large invite with a sub-D1 win on their resume but I'd think with a 5-3 record in the MVFC and a 5 game win streak (not to mention they'd knock two teams off the bubble by winning out) they'd have to feel pretty good about their chances.


Missouri St (4-5, 2-4) - To no one's surprise given their recent trending the Bears were eliminated today after their loss in Brookings so they're now relegated to playing spoiler after a promising 1st half of 2018.
South Dakota (3-6, 2-4) - The Coyotes still have some fight in them but their defense just can't seem to close out games. All they have left to look forward to is a rivalry game against their in-state rival in their final game of the season.
Youngstown St (3-6, 2-4) - Well we got our answer today on whether the Penguins have quit and that's a resounding "no". They face an inconsistent UNI team at home next week with a chance to wreck some playoff chances in the process.
Southern Illinois (2-7, 1-5) - The Salukis almost pulled it off today against WIU but, as they have done much of the year, found a way to lose the game. They go to SDSU next week in what will be a very tough matchup for their porous defense.

November 3rd, 2018, 09:59 PM
It is crazy how many MVFC teams still have a shot at the playoffs.

Cannibalism at it's best right now.


Bison Fan in NW MN
November 3rd, 2018, 10:11 PM
UNI wins out they are in. #1 SOS
WIU wins out I think they are in.

Ill State is out IMO right now even if they win out.

3 or 4 are getting in IMO.

Professor Chaos
November 3rd, 2018, 10:44 PM
UNI wins out they are in. #1 SOS
WIU wins out I think they are in.

Ill State is out IMO right now even if they win out.

3 or 4 are getting in IMO.
Pending the results of the Idaho St game tonight I put together a list of all the at-large candidates across the FCS and it actually seems like the bubble will be stronger than I thought. The sub-D1 wins for the ISUs may come back to bite them if they get to 7-4. If WIU and UNI win out the MVFC almost certainly gets 4 bids though.

November 4th, 2018, 12:19 AM
I think either WIU and ISUr get in OR ISUb gets in. In theory if we split the next 2 weeks then the team that beats us gets in

November 4th, 2018, 03:30 AM
I think either WIU and ISUr get in OR ISUb gets in. In theory if we split the next 2 weeks then the team that beats us gets inIsn't Illinois State capped at 6 D1 wins? I think they are out no matter what at this point. They played an NAIA.

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November 4th, 2018, 04:16 AM
Isn't Illinois State capped at 6 D1 wins? I think they are out no matter what at this point. They played an NAIA.

since the playoffs were expanded, it is no longer a "requirement" to have 7 D-I wins. There have been teams that have gotten at-large bids with 6-4 records against D-I competition, and even some that went 6-5. It just depends how the field looks and whether the committee feels these 6 D-I win teams have a better resume than 7 D-I win teams who played a softer schedule overall.

November 4th, 2018, 08:15 AM
since the playoffs were expanded, it is no longer a "requirement" to have 7 D-I wins. There have been teams that have gotten at-large bids with 6-4 records against D-I competition, and even some that went 6-5. It just depends how the field looks and whether the committee feels these 6 D-I win teams have a better resume than 7 D-I win teams who played a softer schedule overall.

Especially when the 6 D1 win team is from the MVFC. We've seen it before and we'll see it again. Outside of the MVFC, a 6 D1 win team is going to be a pretty hard sell though.

November 4th, 2018, 04:49 PM
since the playoffs were expanded, it is no longer a "requirement" to have 7 D-I wins. There have been teams that have gotten at-large bids with 6-4 records against D-I competition, and even some that went 6-5. It just depends how the field looks and whether the committee feels these 6 D-I win teams have a better resume than 7 D-I win teams who played a softer schedule overall.When 6-5 teams were admitted in the past, what teams had better records that were left out? Did the 6-5 team win or come in second for their conference, etc?

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November 4th, 2018, 05:37 PM
The 6-5, or 7-4 teams with lower level wins in the 7, selected as at-larges were teams with some marquee wins, like a quality FBS win. IL St would have that, plus a WIU win. A loss by UNI, or Samford winning the SoCon, and a Jax St loss to Kenn St, and a series of 4 teams tying in the Southland could open the door for Redbirds at 7-4.

November 4th, 2018, 07:54 PM
Got a question for some of you smart people that I can't quite seem to decipher.

Currently, second place in the MVFC, purely by conference record, there is a 3-way tie between WIU, UNI, and SDSU.
In head-to-head matchups, WIU beat UNI, UNI beat SDSU, and SDSU and WIU do not play each other in the regular season.
Obviously a few things have to fall the right way for everyone involved, but say, for example, all three teams win out (which is possible, I think all three are favored in their remaining games) and finish with 6-2 conference records.
What does that mean for the order of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th in the conference?
Here's the official tiebreaking procedures: https://valley-football.org/news/2011/7/9/IMPORTED_STORY_6071_131417829814489914.aspx?path=f ootball

I drove 6 hours today, so my brain is a bit too far out of it right now to be able to figure it out.

Professor Chaos
November 4th, 2018, 08:19 PM
Got a question for some of you smart people that I can't quite seem to decipher.

Currently, second place in the MVFC, purely by conference record, there is a 3-way tie between WIU, UNI, and SDSU.
In head-to-head matchups, WIU beat UNI, UNI beat SDSU, and SDSU and WIU do not play each other in the regular season.
Obviously a few things have to fall the right way for everyone involved, but say, for example, all three teams win out (which is possible, I think all three are favored in their remaining games) and finish with 6-2 conference records.
What does that mean for the order of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th in the conference?
Here's the official tiebreaking procedures: https://valley-football.org/news/2011/7/9/IMPORTED_STORY_6071_131417829814489914.aspx?path=f ootball

I drove 6 hours today, so my brain is a bit too far out of it right now to be able to figure it out.
I think it would be:
2. UNI
4. WIU

WIU would be 4th since the each team's record against their 6 common opponents (ISUb, ISUr, MSU, NDSU, USD, and YSU) would be 5-1 for UNI and SDSU but only 4-2 for WIU (ISUr loss would come back to bite them). After that they'd go to the two team tie breaker between UNI and SDSU which UNI would obviously take due to the head-to-head win.

November 4th, 2018, 08:28 PM
I think it would be:
2. UNI
4. WIU

WIU would be 4th since the each team's record against their 6 common opponents (ISUb, ISUr, MSU, NDSU, USD, and YSU) would be 5-1 for UNI and SDSU but only 4-2 for WIU (ISUr loss would come back to bite them). After that they'd go to the two team tie breaker between UNI and SDSU which UNI would obviously take due to the head-to-head win.Farley once again ****ing steping on his own dick into a bull**** playoff appearance and second place finish.

As I said before the season with how it will go

Win enough games to keep his job and edge into the playoffs
Not enough to actually accomplish anything real

November 4th, 2018, 08:37 PM
Got a question for some of you smart people that I can't quite seem to decipher.

Currently, second place in the MVFC, purely by conference record, there is a 3-way tie between WIU, UNI, and SDSU.
In head-to-head matchups, WIU beat UNI, UNI beat SDSU, and SDSU and WIU do not play each other in the regular season.
Obviously a few things have to fall the right way for everyone involved, but say, for example, all three teams win out (which is possible, I think all three are favored in their remaining games) and finish with 6-2 conference records.
What does that mean for the order of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th in the conference?
Here's the official tiebreaking procedures: https://valley-football.org/news/2011/7/9/IMPORTED_STORY_6071_131417829814489914.aspx?path=f ootball

I drove 6 hours today, so my brain is a bit too far out of it right now to be able to figure it out.

Better question... Why does it matter at all? xdrunkyx

November 4th, 2018, 09:52 PM
I think it would be:
2. UNI
4. WIU

WIU would be 4th since the each team's record against their 6 common opponents (ISUb, ISUr, MSU, NDSU, USD, and YSU) would be 5-1 for UNI and SDSU but only 4-2 for WIU (ISUr loss would come back to bite them). After that they'd go to the two team tie breaker between UNI and SDSU which UNI would obviously take due to the head-to-head win.

This sounds like conjecture.

November 4th, 2018, 09:58 PM
This sounds like conjecture.
It's not at all.

It's actually exactly how it will play out if all the teams are 6-2 in conference.

November 4th, 2018, 11:16 PM
It's not at all.

It's actually exactly how it will play out if all the teams are 6-2 in conference.

For those that enjoy football talk, I include myself. None of this is relevant if UNI or WIU drop a game finishing out. As much as I like the conversation, it really makes me feel like teams are already looking at playoffs and not next week. More than a few times teams have been burned by that cavalier mindset.

November 4th, 2018, 11:40 PM
Better question... Why does it matter at all? xdrunkyx

Doesn't really, I was just curious.

For those that enjoy football talk, I include myself. None of this is relevant if UNI or WIU drop a game finishing out. As much as I like the conversation, it really makes me feel like teams are already looking at playoffs and not next week. More than a few times teams have been burned by that cavalier mindset.

I can guarantee that WIU is not looking past anyone (especially after narrowly escaping with a win last weekend). Our seniors are Coach Nielson's last class of recruits, so they'll be fired up for their last game against his team, and I'm sure that many of the guys remember last year's game when Acklin set all kinds of records, but WIU lost a heartbreaker on Homecoming.

This is just more idle curiosity by a few fans over on our message board wondering about it. I'm pretty sure that random musings on a message board makes essentially zero impact on how my team plays on the field.

Thumper 76
November 5th, 2018, 06:40 AM
For those that enjoy football talk, I include myself. None of this is relevant if UNI or WIU drop a game finishing out. As much as I like the conversation, it really makes me feel like teams are already looking at playoffs and not next week. More than a few times teams have been burned by that cavalier mindset.

Gotta love the “fans on a message board looking ahead=team overlooking people” mantra.

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November 5th, 2018, 08:10 AM
Gotta love the “fans on a message board looking ahead=team overlooking people” mantra.

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Yup, I didn't realize my name was on the depth chart for this week ;)

Also, it was much less "If we do this and that happens, then we could finish here in the conference" and much more that the guy who runs the pick-em game over at Leatherneck Nation had a thing at the start of the season where people predicted the order of finish in the conference from top to bottom. At the end of the season, he has to calculate who got the closest. The finishing placement of 3 teams who could possibly end up with identical conference records could make a big difference in who wins that. Many of the people who play that are folks around AGS, so many of you guys should be interested too, even if it's not your teams in the "mix".

EDIT - MVFC Week 10 in Review: http://thefcswedge.com/mvfc/mvfc-week-10-in-review-2/

November 5th, 2018, 09:16 AM
I spend my whole life overlooking things. its what you do when you arent doing anything else. there's plenty of time to contemplate the future.

Professor Chaos
November 7th, 2018, 01:31 PM
I mentioned this in another thread but ISUr is 0-3 since this happened:



November 7th, 2018, 02:07 PM
I mentioned this in another thread but ISUr is 0-3 since this happened:



November 7th, 2018, 02:43 PM
Looking at potential seed lines for SDSU, I've been trying to decide whether I would rather have a potential matchup with NDSU in Fargo or Frisco. Obviously both teams have to take care of business between now and then, but hypothetically, I'm thinking I would rather SDSU play NDSU in Fargo. Both Fargo and Frisco would be like home games for NDSU obviously. I think the familiarity of the dome would be a big deal for SDSU, especially with the confidence of having won there in 2016 and playing them close this year. With NDSU being so familiar with Frisco, I just think that SDSU would have a better chance at beating NDSU in Fargo than Frisco. What do NDSU fans think? Don't come at me with "we're not scared, we'll take you anywhere", I'm genuinely curious where you guys would rather match up with SDSU if it were to happen.

November 7th, 2018, 02:49 PM
I mentioned this in another thread but ISUr is 0-3 since this happened:



It's cause of me. BFINWMN can verify I put the hex on ISUr.

November 7th, 2018, 03:16 PM
Looking at potential seed lines for SDSU, I've been trying to decide whether I would rather have a potential matchup with NDSU in Fargo or Frisco. Obviously both teams have to take care of business between now and then, but hypothetically, I'm thinking I would rather SDSU play NDSU in Fargo. Both Fargo and Frisco would be like home games for NDSU obviously. I think the familiarity of the dome would be a big deal for SDSU, especially with the confidence of having won there in 2016 and playing them close this year. With NDSU being so familiar with Frisco, I just think that SDSU would have a better chance at beating NDSU in Fargo than Frisco. What do NDSU fans think? Don't come at me with "we're not scared, we'll take you anywhere", I'm genuinely curious where you guys would rather match up with SDSU if it were to happen.

I don't think it would matter a whole either way. Both teams know each other so well I think it would be a good game either place. Would be interesting to see what Stig could dream up over 3 weeks I suppose.xlolx

November 8th, 2018, 01:19 PM
I think there's only a couple of Indiana State fans around here, and I REALLY don't want to get into a big political discussion in the football forum, but I just wanted to warn any ISUb fans that are planning on coming over to Macomb for the game on 11/17 that the Westboro Baptist Church (the ones who go and protest at all kinds of stuff across the political "spectrum") is planning on protesting at the game (or probably as close as they can legally get). Sounds like ISUb has a player who is openly gay, and they've protested him before (including when he was still in HS) so probably the Sycamore fans know about this stuff already, but it's new to us. Anyway, just wanted to put the information out for anyone who happened to be coming over for the game...just be aware and stay safe.

November 8th, 2018, 02:17 PM
I think there's only a couple of Indiana State fans around here, and I REALLY don't want to get into a big political discussion in the football forum, but I just wanted to warn any ISUb fans that are planning on coming over to Macomb for the game on 11/17 that the Westboro Baptist Church (the ones who go and protest at all kinds of stuff across the political "spectrum") is planning on protesting at the game (or probably as close as they can legally get). Sounds like ISUb has a player who is openly gay, and they've protested him before (including when he was still in HS) so probably the Sycamore fans know about this stuff already, but it's new to us. Anyway, just wanted to put the information out for anyone who happened to be coming over for the game...just be aware and stay safe.
I'm kind of tempted to come to that game just to start some #### with the Westboro idiots.

Evolution Prime
November 8th, 2018, 02:29 PM
I'm kind of tempted to come to that game just to start some #### with the Westboro idiots.

I would love to too, but half of the family that runs that church are lawyers.

Thumper 76
November 8th, 2018, 02:39 PM
I think there's only a couple of Indiana State fans around here, and I REALLY don't want to get into a big political discussion in the football forum, but I just wanted to warn any ISUb fans that are planning on coming over to Macomb for the game on 11/17 that the Westboro Baptist Church (the ones who go and protest at all kinds of stuff across the political "spectrum") is planning on protesting at the game (or probably as close as they can legally get). Sounds like ISUb has a player who is openly gay, and they've protested him before (including when he was still in HS) so probably the Sycamore fans know about this stuff already, but it's new to us. Anyway, just wanted to put the information out for anyone who happened to be coming over for the game...just be aware and stay safe.God, thats just ****ty as hell. **** those guys xsmhx

Sent from my SM-T580 using Tapatalk

November 8th, 2018, 02:43 PM
I would love to too, but hand of the family that runs that church are lawyers.


They know exactly what they can and can't do legally, and they just love being able to sue groups for violating their free speech rights or pressing charges against someone who takes a swing at them. I'd prefer it if everyone just completely ignored them, but that's not going to be the case, so I just want everyone to be safe and anyone who is there to enjoy a football game...be able to just enjoy the game.

November 8th, 2018, 02:43 PM
God, thats just ****ty as hell. **** those guys xsmhx

Sent from my SM-T580 using Tapatalk

100% agreed. Hopefully everyone ignores them and doesn't even pay attention to them.


November 8th, 2018, 03:12 PM
I forgot about this guy because i thought he was a RB and wondered if he would fill in for Keys when he got hurt. I dont know why they are doing this at WIU instead of our place.

November 8th, 2018, 05:05 PM
**** those ****hole scumbags from WBC. People like WBC need to be ousted from the country with a one-way ticket.

November 8th, 2018, 09:40 PM
**** those ****hole scumbags from WBC. People like WBC need to be ousted from the country with a one-way ticket.
1. Agreed
2. Do i even want to know why you have that ignorant hosebeast as your avatar?

November 9th, 2018, 05:39 AM
1. Agreed
2. Do i even want to know why you have that ignorant hosebeast as your avatar?Lost a bet. It's up until inauguration day 2019.

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

November 9th, 2018, 06:42 AM
Lost a bet. It's up until inauguration day 2019.

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

Looks good on you

POD Knows
November 9th, 2018, 07:32 AM
I mentioned this in another thread but ISUr is 0-3 since this happened:


Coincidence???People don't understand, you cannot mess with stuff like this, their season was over the minute that first stache hair hit the blade.

POD Knows
November 9th, 2018, 07:34 AM
I would love to too, but half of the family that runs that church are lawyers.Yea, they are out there trolling for lawsuits, that is what they do. Ignore them and starve them out

November 9th, 2018, 07:54 AM
Looks good on youI have had worse, but I make everything just that much better when I don it.

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

November 9th, 2018, 10:42 AM
MVFC Week 11 Preview: http://thefcswedge.com/mvfc/mvfc-week-11-preview-3/

November 9th, 2018, 02:08 PM
Lost a bet. It's up until inauguration day 2019.

I didn't know Meatloaf was still touring.

November 9th, 2018, 02:13 PM
I didn't know Meatloaf was still touring.I actually have it for 6 months. It's going to be a long cold 6 months too

Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

November 10th, 2018, 01:42 PM
Farley fired yet?

November 10th, 2018, 01:56 PM
Farley fired yet?

I apologize for the quality.


November 10th, 2018, 02:06 PM
Farley fired yet?

Time for a change at UNI I believe.

November 10th, 2018, 02:22 PM
Meat grinder el-supremo in full effect today.
If all these scores hold, whooooa nellie

November 10th, 2018, 02:32 PM
Add our best receiver and DE to our out of commission list for this fame (ISUR)

November 10th, 2018, 02:55 PM
Farley fired yet?

Time for a change at UNI I believe.

Has been for five or six years now.

January 1st is when his buyout is halved and we see if David Harris is a real AD or a wanna-be.

November 10th, 2018, 03:29 PM
Meat grinder el-supremo in full effect today.
If all these scores hold, whooooa nellie

Is anyone besides the Bison going to make the playoffs? UNI and iLL State both probably bit the dust today.

November 10th, 2018, 03:33 PM
Is anyone besides the Bison going to make the playoffs? UNI and iLL State both probably bit the dust today.

SDSU probably will get in, even if they lose today. Otherwise...doesn't look like anyone else wants it.

November 10th, 2018, 03:33 PM
Is anyone besides the Bison going to make the playoffs? UNI and iLL State both probably bit the dust today.


Those 3 teams still have a shot at it.

POD Knows
November 10th, 2018, 03:35 PM
Is anyone besides the Bison going to make the playoffs? UNI and iLL State both probably bit the dust today.
Jacks and NDSU are the only teams that deserve a spot. Congrats for dragging the conference down you useless ****s

November 10th, 2018, 03:40 PM

Those 3 teams still have a shot at it.

A shot, yes, but WIU is losing and how much you want to bet WIU will beat ISUb next weekend...putting us all at 6-5.

Jacks and NDSU are the only teams that deserve a spot. Congrats for dragging the conference down you useless ****s

I'm not real happy about it either.

November 10th, 2018, 03:41 PM
A shot, yes, but WIU is losing and how much you want to bet WIU will beat ISUb next weekend...putting us all at 6-5.

I'm not real happy about it either.

I don't win bets. xlolx Just ask Thumper and AltTru.

I just grow better mustaches.

Bison Fan in NW MN
November 10th, 2018, 03:42 PM
Jacks and NDSU are the only teams that deserve a spot. Congrats for dragging the conference down you useless ****s

SIU has no defense....an annual comment.

They will come into the FD next week and throw the ball all over the field. Our pass rush should have a good day against this OL.

POD Knows
November 10th, 2018, 04:10 PM
Nice ****ing D and nice focus on offense for NDSU. Is it possible to play
60 complete minutes of football. Now we have to leave the first string O on the field to go three and out

November 10th, 2018, 04:11 PM
Nice ****ing D and nice focus on offense for NDSU. Is it possible to play
60 complete minutes of football. Now we have to leave the first string O on the field to go three and out

Klieman does not have a cutthroat mentality.

November 10th, 2018, 04:18 PM
SIU has no defense....an annual comment.

They will come into the FD next week and throw the ball all over the field. Our pass rush should have a good day against this OL.

SIU started the day with 9 starters out hurt, mostly on defense. The secondary is all second and third stringers. No way they could stop Christian today.

POD Knows
November 10th, 2018, 04:18 PM
Klieman does not have a cutthroat mentality.
Yea and we score a TD on the next drive. Missouri State looks bad. This conference is a train wreck. The bloom
is off.

November 10th, 2018, 04:19 PM
Yea and we score a TD on the next drive. Missouri State looks bad. This conference is a train wreck. The bloom
is off.


Bison Fan in NW MN
November 10th, 2018, 04:20 PM

As of now, the only teams deserving to be in the playoffs.

If Ind State wins next week and finishes 7-4 then they do also.

POD Knows
November 10th, 2018, 04:27 PM
Congrats all you other MVFC losers. We need UND to bring this stink back to respectability. Oh wait. They are losing to Portland.

November 10th, 2018, 04:33 PM
SDSU decides defense was not needed today, still beat SIU 57-38. With Elon losing this should push SDSU up in seeding.

November 10th, 2018, 04:34 PM
SDSU decides defense was not needed today, still beat SIU 57-38. With Elon losing this should push SDSU up in seeding.

Just enough to get sent directly to the Fargodome again...

Bison Fan in NW MN
November 10th, 2018, 04:35 PM
SDSU decides defense was not needed today, still beat SIU 57-38. With Elon losing this should push SDSU up in seeding.

Wouldn't surprise me if SDSU moves up to #2 or #3 by the end of the season with how all these teams are losing games. UC Davis is losing.

November 10th, 2018, 04:37 PM
Just enough to get sent directly to the Fargodome again...
More than likely, too bad the committee doesn’t realize how much money a SDSU-NDSU game in Frisco would bring. The 2016 Quarterfinal game was one of the most watched FCS games, I’d imagine a National Title game would do better.

- - - Updated - - -

Wouldn't surprise me if SDSU moves up to #2 or #3 by the end of the season with how all these teams are losing games. UC Davis is losing.
We’ll probably lose too USD and come in at 4 and get sent too Fargo.

November 10th, 2018, 04:41 PM
More than likely, too bad the committee doesn’t realize how much money a SDSU-NDSU game in Frisco would bring. The 2016 Quarterfinal game was one of the most watched FCS games, I’d imagine a National Title game would do better.

- - - Updated - - -

We’ll probably lose too USD and come in at 4 and get sent too Fargo.

They wont allow another all valley final.

November 10th, 2018, 04:43 PM
They wont allow another all valley final.

It makes too much sense to have potentially two of the best teams on the opposite side of the bracket.

POD Knows
November 10th, 2018, 04:45 PM
If this chase to the bottom continues and SDSU and NDSU have
to play each other prior to Frisco then screw that

Professor Chaos
November 10th, 2018, 04:53 PM
Well, it had a chance to be and it turned out it was "Nuclear Saturday" in the MVFC with 3 upsets of teams that had to win out, 2 of which to opponents who had already been eliminated. So not there's really only 3 teams with a legit playoff spot and I'd say there's probably just as good of a chance that the conference gets 2 bids as it it does to get more. I added another category in honor of everyone's favorite Bon Jovi song since it would get pretty boring to only have 3 teams to talk about at this point and the rest of the bubble didn't do a whole lot better today (so far) so it's not crazy to think that a 6-5 MVFC could be in contention for a playoff spot. Here's how the break down with 1 week to go:


North Dakota St (10-0, 7-0)
Quality wins: Delaware, SDSU, @UNI, @WIU
Bad losses: None
Remaining games: SIU
The Bison have locked up a playoff spot, the outright MVFC title, and likely a top 3 seed at this point. With hapless SIU as their final regular season game they seem to be on cruise control for the #1 seed so the most important thing at this point will be staying healthy in preparation for a playoff run.

South Dakota St (7-2, 5-2)
Quality wins: Montana St
Bad losses: None
Remaining games: USD
The Jackrabbits are locked into the field after their win today. They're in good shape to get seeded if they can win next week against in-state rival USD and I think could get as high as #3 if everything shakes out their way but I'd say they're very likely to be in either that #4 or #5 slot at 8-2 no matter what else happens. If they lose they'll almost certainly be playing on Thanksgiving weekend with a likely 2nd round date in Fargo if they win that one.

Must win

Indiana St (6-4, 4-3)
Quality wins: None
Bad losses: None
Remaining games: @WIU
What a turnaround for the Sycamores in 2018! All of a sudden they're up to 3rd in the MVFC pecking order and, given the rest of the turmoil across the bubble elsewhere in the country they seem in very good position to make the playoffs if they can win their final game despite not having any notable wins. Of course that will not be an easy out as they go to a Western Illinois team that will be looking for redepemption and will be desperately clinging to any faint glimmer of hope they have for the playoffs.

Living on a prayer

Western Illinois (5-5, 4-3)
Quality wins: Montana, UNI
Bad losses: @USD
Remaining games: ISUb
WIU had been living on the edge with their win last week and they toppled over that edge this week with a bad loss in Vermillion. The only reason I don't have them as eliminated is because they might have a shot at 6-5 given everything else that's happened on the bubble this week (and has the potential to happen next week). They also have an opportunity to soften the bubble even further with Indiana St coming to town with a legit playoff chance of their own next week. Regardless, they need to win (and probably win convincingly) and hope they get a lot of help to have any shot of getting into the playoff field.

Northern Iowa (5-5, 4-3)
Quality wins: SDSU
Bad losses: @YSU
Remaining games: MSU
It was an awful day all around for the Panthers in Youngstown today. They had everything to play for and Youngstown had nothing to play for but watching the game you would've thought the roles were reversed. If there is any glimmer of hope, the bubble had a rough day today across the FCS so there may be some hope for UNI if similar upsets along the bubble occur next week but it seems pretty unlikely.


Illinois St (5-5, 2-5) - I'm pretty sure Brock Spack will never shave his mustache again..
South Dakota (4-6, 3-4) - Well the Coyotes still have life and they have a meaningful game regardless of their lack of playoff prospects in Brookings next week with a chance to wreck the seed chances of their in-state rival.
Youngstown St (4-6, 3-4) - If the YSU team that has shown up the last couple weeks would've been there at the start of the season they'd probably be in the playoffs right now.
Missouri St (4-6, 2-5) - The Bears are in a big slide to end the year. They get UNI in their last game which may be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how the Panthers respond to their loss this week.
Southern Illinois (2-8, 1-6) - The Salukis seem ready to hit the offseason but their final game of the year is a trip to the Fargodome so they seem due for some more punishment before they can turn the page to 2019.

November 10th, 2018, 04:59 PM
Is Western Illinois a now win next week and in with 6 wins? Does UNI have a playoff hope to make the playoffs...obviously would need WIU to lose.


Bison Fan in NW MN
November 10th, 2018, 05:15 PM
Is Western Illinois a now win next week and in with 6 wins? Does UNI have a playoff hope to make the playoffs...obviously would need WIU to lose.


If Ind State loses to WIU next week, I bet only NDSU and SDSU get into the playoffs.

November 10th, 2018, 05:19 PM
Is Western Illinois a now win next week and in with 6 wins? Does UNI have a playoff hope to make the playoffs...obviously would need WIU to lose.


I think we'd have to crush Indiana State, hope UNI wins (to make our win over them look a little better) and get a lot of help from other bubble teams losing. I'm not really holding out hope at this point. If we can at least have a winning season, that'll be something...I guess.

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Bison Fan in NW MN
November 10th, 2018, 05:34 PM
I think we'd have to crush Indiana State, hope UNI wins (to make our win over them look a little better) and get a lot of help from other bubble teams losing. I'm not really holding out hope at this point. If we can at least have a winning season, that'll be something...I guess.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Watching the WIU/USD game....the Necks offense was in a real funk because USD doesn't have that good of defense. They looked like a top rated defense today.

With what was on the line for WIU, I thought they would have shown up today on offense.

November 10th, 2018, 05:36 PM
Crazy year for the Valley. With a lot of parity in the FCS this year and a weak bubble. Will a 6-5 Valley be considered?
Indiania State was written off a month a month ago. With a win next week they will be 7-4 with a five game winning streak. But, don't they have a sub D1 win?

Bison Fan in NW MN
November 10th, 2018, 05:40 PM
Ind State has a non counter win over Quincy.

November 10th, 2018, 05:41 PM
Watching the WIU/USD game....the Necks offense was in a real funk because USD doesn't have that good of defense. They looked like a top rated defense today.

With what was on the line for WIU, I thought they would have shown up today on offense.

I think McShane and Norris were both dinged up a bit. McShane especially didn't have that "zip" he usually does. LeSure has just completely forgotten how to catch a ball though, and the playcalling seemed more suited to a game where we were already up by 2 scores. Way too conservative and using way too much time, especially near the end.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Professor Chaos
November 10th, 2018, 06:47 PM
Crazy year for the Valley. With a lot of parity in the FCS this year and a weak bubble. Will a 6-5 Valley be considered?
Indiania State was written off a month a month ago. With a win next week they will be 7-4 with a five game winning streak. But, don't they have a sub D1 win?
I started a notebook of all the bubble teams around the country and I'd be fairly confident that at 7-4 (5-3) and riding a 5 game win streak that Indiana St would be in but they wouldn't be a lock I don't think.

Bison Fan in NW MN
November 11th, 2018, 08:33 AM
I started a notebook of all the bubble teams around the country and I'd be fairly confident that at 7-4 (5-3) and riding a 5 game win streak that Indiana St would be in but they wouldn't be a lock I don't think.

A 5 win streak to end the season would look pretty impressive considering some of the teams they beat.

Now if Ind State loses, I bet the Valley only gets 2 teams in. Too many bubble teams with a 7-4 record to take a 6-5 Valley team IMO.

Now the question would be if the committee would put SDSU and NDSU on opposite sides of the bracket?

I believe Frisco will be NDSU/SDSU if the committee does the right thing and puts them on opposite sides. Now will they do this?

Bison Fan in NW MN
November 11th, 2018, 08:37 AM

All of these teams have the defense to win the NC. Weber's offense is suspect IMO, so I would put them in a 2nd tier.

Davis and EWU?


Professor Chaos
November 11th, 2018, 08:39 AM
A 5 win streak to end the season would look pretty impressive considering some of the teams they beat.

Now if Ind State loses, I bet the Valley only gets 2 teams in. Too many bubble teams with a 7-4 record to take a 6-5 Valley team IMO.

Now the question would be if the committee would put SDSU and NDSU on opposite sides of the bracket?

I believe Frisco will be NDSU/SDSU if the committee does the right thing and puts them on opposite sides. Now will they do this?
The thing is Indiana St didn't really beat anybody in that win streak. They beat SIU, YSU, USD, and ISUr and none of them look all that impressive (ISUr is the only one with a chance to finish with a winning record. If they win next week that win will be over a 5-6 WIU and join a list of "meh" wins. On top of that they have a pretty ugly loss to Missouri St (who's likely to go 2-6 in conference) and then the D2 win that makes them look more like a 6 win team than a 7 win team. I'd tend to agree that they're probably in if they win next week but I think it's far from a slam dunk.

Another thing on Indiana St is they didn't play NDSU and playing a MVFC schedule without NDSU this year makes for a pretty marginal schedule in this conference compared to most years playing any group of 8 teams.

Bison Fan in NW MN
November 11th, 2018, 08:42 AM
The thing is Indiana St didn't really beat anybody in that win streak. They beat SIU, YSU, USD, and ISUr and none of them look all that impressive (ISUr is the only one with a chance to finish with a winning record. If they win next week that win will be over a 5-6 WIU and join a list of "meh" wins. On top of that they have a pretty ugly loss to Missouri St (who's likely to go 2-6 in conference) and then the D2 win that makes them look more like a 6 win team than a 7 win team. I'd tend to agree that they're probably in if they win next week but I think it's far from a slam dunk.

Another thing on Indiana St is they didn't play NDSU and playing a MVFC schedule without NDSU this year makes for a pretty marginal schedule in this conference compared to most years playing any group of 8 teams.

True but they have been in "playoff mode" for the last 5 weeks....right?

The Valley has cannibalized itself this year but all that says is that the Valley is average this year outside NDSU/SDSU.

November 11th, 2018, 08:52 AM
A 5 win streak to end the season would look pretty impressive considering some of the teams they beat.

Now if Ind State loses, I bet the Valley only gets 2 teams in. Too many bubble teams with a 7-4 record to take a 6-5 Valley team IMO.

Now the question would be if the committee would put SDSU and NDSU on opposite sides of the bracket?

I believe Frisco will be NDSU/SDSU if the committee does the right thing and puts them on opposite sides. Now will they do this?

Normlaly I’d agree, but if you really dive into the records and games next week, WIU or ISUb getting in is better than 50/50 IMO. There isn’t much better out there, with a little help, not a ton...MVFC gets a third team in. Project out some of the games next week and you can see the bubble really soften up pretty quickly.

Bison Fan in NW MN
November 11th, 2018, 09:00 AM
Normlaly I’d agree, but if you really dive into the records and games next week, WIU or ISUb getting in is better than 50/50 IMO. There isn’t much better out there, with a little help, not a ton...MVFC gets a third team in. Project out some of the games next week and you can see the bubble really soften up pretty quickly.

True and I agree but depending on next week of course, there will be a lot of 7-4 teams or even a 8-3 Monmouth out there. Will a 6-5 Valley team sway a majority on the committee?


November 11th, 2018, 09:09 AM
True and I agree but depending on next week of course, there will be a lot of 7-4 teams or even a 8-3 Monmouth out there. Will a 6-5 Valley team sway a majority on the committee?


It will be interesting for sure, a lot of the projected 7-4 teams have sub D1 wins, some will work itself out (Montana/Montana St)...8-3 Monmouth is a tough one...I mean they didn't beat anyone of note, got smashed by Kennesaw who nobody is really sure just how good they are etc.
It is a VERY fine line, need Elon and a few others to lose...Southland is close to working itself out. You might even see two 6-5 teams in this year or a 6-4 team this year. Things also get crazy, its going to be a fun Saturday of football.

POD Knows
November 11th, 2018, 09:12 AM
It will be interesting for sure, a lot of the projected 7-4 teams have sub D1 wins, some will work itself out (Montana/Montana St)...8-3 Monmouth is a tough one...I mean they didn't beat anyone of note, got smashed by Kennesaw who nobody is really sure just how good they are etc.
It is a VERY fine line, need Elon and a few others to lose...Southland is close to working itself out. You might even see two 6-5 teams in this year or a 6-4 team this year. Things also get crazy, its going to be a fun Saturday of football.Monmouth sucks and it would be a joke if they got in the playoffs.

November 11th, 2018, 09:17 AM

All of these teams have the defense to win the NC. Weber's offense is suspect IMO, so I would put them in a 2nd tier.

Davis and EWU?


You’re joking.

SDSU has played decent defense in like four games. When the defense is off, it is terrible.

I have a feeling if our Iowa State game wasn’t canceled they would have put 60 on us.