View Full Version : Furman @ Wofford (2nd round)

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Reign of Terrier
November 29th, 2017, 08:26 PM
It's a rich alumnus or alumni. I'm not sure, I assume it's the same person or people who put forth $$$ for us to go to Asheville for the Socon championship game.

When you think about it, if you're a school as small as Wofford/Furman/Citadel/VMI/Samford that's one advantage you can make for yourself in the playoffs; it's probably the most economic for small schools to get student turnout relative to the size of the student body.

November 29th, 2017, 08:31 PM
It's a rich alumnus or alumni. I'm not sure, I assume it's the same person or people who put forth $$$ for us to go to Asheville for the Socon championship game.

When you think about it, if you're a school as small as Wofford/Furman/Citadel/VMI/Samford that's one advantage you can make for yourself in the playoffs; it's probably the most economic for small schools to get student turnout relative to the size of the student body.

Very smart. Students are loudest group. I hate it lol

November 29th, 2017, 09:08 PM
I don’t think the number of seniors matters from a “wear you down” perspective. I do think that is the type of game Wofford wants, though.

I expect Wofford will try to limit Furman’s explosive plays and keep the Paladins within striking distance. Furman’s offense has the somewhat unique combination of being able to score quickly, but also has the advantage of a ground game that can melt a clock away late.

Listening to Ayers comments, I’ll be interested to see if Wofford’s defensive strategy varies from that employed by Samford and Elon. Those teams loaded the box against the run, but was burned by Furman’s downfield passing game. Wofford may keep their safeties back and rely on their front seven to stop the run. The game may be won or lost on who wins that battle
Seniors could make a difference in wear you down in terms of size v our young D imo. Our young d was worn down the first game v Woff. Thus the two pt conversion. They were gashing us at the end of the game. We have developed better O , and more d depth since then - a second line of defenders we trust. Still thin on d vs say two years from now w more recruiting. A little of the size could wear us down w their OL v our slightly thin d. Our d is improved. But it isn't what we may have in a yr or two

November 29th, 2017, 09:10 PM
In the regular season loss, we outplayed the Citadel in every category except the score. The post-season 14 point win was an evenly fought game that could have gone either way.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Yup. Our D won the first game, no question.

Reign of Terrier
November 29th, 2017, 09:25 PM
Yup. Our D won the first game, no question.

My point in all this was that a 10 point victory is by no means a blowout. I just think Wofford's gonna surprise people (again?), I don't care if it's by 1 or 10 or 100, I think we're gonna win this game (and usually I just imply it, I don't say it).

Having said that, if Furman wins, I'll be a good sport about it as they will have obviously deserved it. Both teams are good. Every win in December is a blessing. I'd rather not lose to Furman. I'd rather beat Furman in the first/second round and lose in the following round than lose to Furman in a championship game, if that makes sense.

November 29th, 2017, 09:55 PM
It's a rich alumnus or alumni. I'm not sure, I assume it's the same person or people who put forth $$$ for us to go to Asheville for the Socon championship game.

When you think about it, if you're a school as small as Wofford/Furman/Citadel/VMI/Samford that's one advantage you can make for yourself in the playoffs; it's probably the most economic for small schools to get student turnout relative to the size of the student body.

IF what I was advised regarding NCAA rules for these games/ticket sales/pricing/guarantee/gate split is correct & I was accurate in my ciphering, I believe that Wofford stands to lose about $500 - $1,000 of their portion of gate revenue (not a cost outlay) in excess of the minimum in order to admit their students for free.

So, not exactly the grand gesture of largesse that has been portrayed.
Heck, I spent more than that to go to 2 college games in Alabama 2 weeks ago!

JMU has 20,000 students & JSU has 8,000. They are both providing free admission to their students. Do you think someone committed to pay the NCAA up to $200k or thereabouts so the Dukes could offer this benefit to their students. I don’t.

Reign of Terrier
November 29th, 2017, 09:58 PM
IF what I was advised regarding NCAA rules for these games/ticket sales/pricing/guarantee/gate split is correct & I was accurate in my ciphering, I believe that Wofford stands to lose about $500 - $1,000 of their portion of gate revenue (not a cost outlay) in excess of the minimum in order to admit their students for free.

So, not exactly the grand gesture of largesse that has been portrayed.
Heck, I spent more than that to go to 2 college games in Alabama 2 weeks ago!

JMU has 20,000 students & JSU has 8,000. They are both providing free admission to their students. Do you think someone committed to pay the NCAA up to $200k or thereabouts so the Dukes could offer this benefit to their students. I don’t.

Cool story, students are still getting in free though Go SHD! xthumbsupx

November 29th, 2017, 11:20 PM
IF what I was advised regarding NCAA rules for these games/ticket sales/pricing/guarantee/gate split is correct & I was accurate in my ciphering, I believe that Wofford stands to lose about $500 - $1,000 of their portion of gate revenue (not a cost outlay) in excess of the minimum in order to admit their students for free.

So, not exactly the grand gesture of largesse that has been portrayed.
Heck, I spent more than that to go to 2 college games in Alabama 2 weeks ago!

JMU has 20,000 students & JSU has 8,000. They are both providing free admission to their students. Do you think someone committed to pay the NCAA up to $200k or thereabouts so the Dukes could offer this benefit to their students. I don’t.

Good point above w math - And still a good move by Woff etc v smart. What furman needs to do is bus some kids over, send emails encouraging kids to come etc! FUBeAR or any fu fans.. Have you heard that we are doing anything of the sort (I sure hope we did something) ?

November 30th, 2017, 05:04 AM
Seniors could make a difference in wear you down in terms of size v our young D imo. Our young d was worn down the first game v Woff. Thus the two pt conversion. They were gashing us at the end of the game. We have developed better O , and more d depth since then - a second line of defenders we trust. Still thin on d vs say two years from now w more recruiting. A little of the size could wear us down w their OL v our slightly thin d. Our d is improved. But it isn't what we may have in a yr or two

That’s possible. We are a lot better and deeper on defense than we were early in the season. Furman is a little unique in that we will rotate a completely new set of defensive linemen pretty regularly throughout a drive. We can do that because guys like Stokes, Lawrence, Vann, Hanff, etc. have shown they can handle the load. That keeps our primary guys (Reid, Tibbs, Okonya, Washington) fresher down the stretch.

November 30th, 2017, 06:33 AM
That’s possible. We are a lot better and deeper on defense than we were early in the season. Furman is a little unique in that we will rotate a completely new set of defensive linemen pretty regularly throughout a drive. We can do that because guys like Stokes, Lawrence, Vann, Hanff, etc. have shown they can handle the load. That keeps our primary guys (Reid, Tibbs, Okonya, Washington) fresher down the stretch.

thank for saying this… I feel like a broken record saying that Furman is playing two defensive line rotations. Since game one Furman has built very good depth on defense - except for linebacker - and that's another story.

Im starting to think Stokes is quicker than Reid… and that's saying something.

November 30th, 2017, 06:49 AM
thank for saying this… I feel like a broken record saying that Furman is playing two defensive line rotations. Since game one Furman has built very good depth on defense - except for linebacker - and that's another story.

Im starting to think Stokes is quicker than Reid… and that's saying something.

It's been interesting to watch. Having watched them do it for a few weeks, it's pretty evident that Furman is not matching up personnel with the offense. They are simply rotating their entire defensive line. Against Samford it was really noticeable because the Bulldogs move at such a fast pace that any substitutions have be done as soon as the play is over. Whistle blows and three men run off, three men run on.

If there is an "unheralded player of the year" award for Furman, it goes to Stokes. The NG in a 3-4 defense is rarely going to get his name called. He is going to be double teamed and pounded on all game. Stokes has been a wrecking ball in there. The drop off between he and an all conference player like Jaylan Reid is hardly noticeable. Both of those guys come in and anchor the defense.

The real eye opener on how athletic Stokes is was the sack on Mercer's Riley a few weeks ago. I don't know how many NGs can run down a big athletic QB in the open field, but it ain't many. You watch that play and can almost see that Riley was shocked at how fast Stokes closed that gap.


November 30th, 2017, 07:08 AM
I was standing right there on the sideline… Stokes kinda has a high gear, which is rare for a 6-1 285 NG.

November 30th, 2017, 07:19 AM
Good point above w math - And still a good move by Woff etc v smart. What furman needs to do is bus some kids over, send emails encouraging kids to come etc! FUBeAR or any fu fans.. Have you heard that we are doing anything of the sort (I sure hope we did something) ?

I think in this situation they would have to pay Wofford standard ticket price per student. I’ve never heard of situation as students getting free attendance at a road game, so I’m curious how that would work out.

November 30th, 2017, 08:37 AM
If you look at the economics of "free" tickets, it is not particularly expensive. We have a guarantee to pay the NCAA. Whether that money comes from an alumnus paying for tickets, the school paying for tickets, or the school just writing a check is not really important. We do lose revenue from students who would otherwise have paid, and, if the guarantee is met, we do have to share some of the money with the NCAA.

This type of scheme might be difficult at schools who routinely sell out games, and those whose enrollments are larger than their stadium capacity, but it is essentially unheard of for a SoCon school to turn away fans with cash in hand, so there isn;'t much of an issue.

For an away game, the school would have to pay full price, but, I suspect most FU students could come up with $10.

November 30th, 2017, 10:46 AM
Not a single player, but 1,500+ yards and 23 touchdowns is pretty impressive production out of one position.


November 30th, 2017, 11:26 AM
Not a single player, but 1,500+ yards and 23 touchdowns is pretty impressive production out of one position.


Add to this the #3 Back Morehead has 604 yards this season...
2,135 yards from the RB position top 3...not too shabby!

Reign of Terrier
November 30th, 2017, 11:33 AM
Wofford's top 3 rushers combine for about 1939 yards
Stoddard 743
McAfee 649
Morgan 547

And we played one less game.

I'm not doing this to burst anyone's bubble, but just to point out the fact that is what good production in an option offense looks like. If anything it indicates that both team's options are working well. For instance, Wofford has one guy run for 1400 yards in 14 games last year, but our second place rusher had less yards rushing than our third place rusher this year *with less games played* (chalk that up for another indication that our offense is better this year, but I digress)

November 30th, 2017, 12:01 PM
If you look at the economics of "free" tickets, it is not particularly expensive. We have a guarantee to pay the NCAA. Whether that money comes from an alumnus paying for tickets, the school paying for tickets, or the school just writing a check is not really important. We do lose revenue from students who would otherwise have paid, and, if the guarantee is met, we do have to share some of the money with the NCAA.

This type of scheme might be difficult at schools who routinely sell out games, and those whose enrollments are larger than their stadium capacity, but it is essentially unheard of for a SoCon school to turn away fans with cash in hand, so there isn;'t much of an issue.

For an away game, the school would have to pay full price, but, I suspect most FU students could come up with $10.

Correct me if my facts are wrong. I was recently advised in this area and I do not have an opinion regarding the credibility of my source.

I was told that the NCAA Minimum for these 2nd round games is $40,000

IF true, that means Wofford needs to sell 1,600 tickets at $25/seat to meet the minimum. From the ticket site, it appears Furman fans have purchased over 1,200 tickets already. I'm sure Wofford fans have purchased more than 500. So, from a revenue perspective that minimum has been realized and it will clearly be exceeded. I would imagine by quite a bit. 6,800 is close to the average attendance this year and FU@WC1's attendance in September was claimed as 7,327. So...if we assume attendance will be in that range...let's just say 7,000 (though I expect more)...and let's say, generously, that 1,000 of those attendees are Wofford students. So...6,000 @ $25 = $150,000 gate...well above the $40k minimum.

My understanding is that the NCAA takes 40k OR 75% of the gate, whichever is greater. So, that's $112,500 to the NCAA, leaving Wofford with $37,500 Gross Profit. Not sure how expenses are 'worked,' but I would imagine Refs and Security and Medical, etc. can be covered by that AND the $10/car parking revenue that Wofford will also be realizing (another $20-$25k) that I don't believe is split with the NCAA.

I also understand that seats/tickets must not be sold below the price which they were sold during the regular season. Wofford student tickets were Free during the year (if I'm not mistaken), so Free for the Playoff game is an acceptable price for Wofford Students as far as the NCAA is concerned.

So, if my understanding is correct, then no one has actually 'donated' money for student tickets to be Free for this game.

Wofford has just made the decision that they will, perhaps, accept less profit in ticket revenue. My estimate is about $500 less (after the NCAA would have taken their 75% cut of what they Students would have, maybe, paid)...if we assume any of the students were going to actually shell out the $10 and buy a ticket.

I'm probably too cynical, but it seems to me that, unlike JMU and JSU, which just followed the same policy for student tickets that they had all year (Free) without making a big deal about it, Wofford made the initial decision to upcharge their students $10 that they were NOT required to charge...and then sensed 2 things - FU fans were buying a lot of tickets and, perhaps, Woffy students were not going to turnout if they had to pay the $10. So...they made a good business (and Football support) decision...and decided not to charge students after all.

That's all well and good, I'm completely behind schools making good business and Football support decisions, but why present it as some magnanimous donor swooping in and enabling the school to provide this 'benefit' to their students. Seems rather disingenuous and somewhat patronizing to me. No?

Again - if my understanding of the NCAA policies are wrong, all of this may be completely off base.

November 30th, 2017, 12:03 PM
Wofford has always charged for student tickets for playoffs. This is the first time it is free.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

November 30th, 2017, 12:04 PM
Wofford's top 3 rushers combine for about 1939 yards
Stoddard 743
McAfee 649
Morgan 547

And we played one less game.

I'm not doing this to burst anyone's bubble, but just to point out the fact that is what good production in an option offense looks like. If anything it indicates that both team's options are working well. For instance, Wofford has one guy run for 1400 yards in 14 games last year, but our second place rusher had less yards rushing than our third place rusher this year *with less games played* (chalk that up for another indication that our offense is better this year, but I digress)

Again, Furman is not an "option" offense in the sense most people use it. There are some huge differences between what Wofford does offensively and what Furman does, even though they sort of look the same.

1. Furman will throw it a lot more than Wofford. I would argue that Furman is the second best passing team in the league. The Paladins cannot match Samford for sheer volume of throws, but 2,300+ yards, 18 touchdowns, 200 yards a game, and over 60% completions is a far cry from most "option" offenses.

2. Furman and Wofford also differ in ball distribution. The two Paladin fullbacks, Dirks and Wilcox have over 300 carries for 1500 yards. Wofford's two fullbacks, Stoddard and Nelson, have 230 carries for just over 1,000 yards. You don't make up that difference in a single game (especially considering Dirks did not play in week 1 and did not get significant carries until the NC State game)

Wofford uses their TBs a lot more than Furman. Morgan and McAffee have 174 carries for 1200 yards. Furman's two primary tailbacks, Morehead and Luke, have 105 carries for 735 yards. In fact, Furman's second non-Morehead tailback is often a WR and almost exclusively a blocker.

Also, the QBs are used differently. Blazejowski has 83 attempts for 372 yards. Goodson and Newman have 109 attempts for 541 yards. Newman is essentially a fourth running back.

At bottom, the numbers suggest Wofford is primarily concerned with using the fullback as a changeup to the outside pitch game. Furman is primarily concerned with using the outside pitch game as a changeup to their fullback's inside run.

I just think comparing what Furman does to what Wofford and the Citadel does just misses context. Furman is really diverse offense.

Reign of Terrier
November 30th, 2017, 12:06 PM
Yeah, that's right, they just said it was generously donated for no reasonxrolleyesx

Maybe it was an accounting trick, maybe it wasn't. I find it weird that you guys are fixating on this, like the fact that Wofford does this for their students or that an alumnus/the president of the college would do something like this is totally unbelievable.

Reign of Terrier
November 30th, 2017, 12:09 PM
Again, Furman is not an "option" offense in the sense most people use it. There are some huge differences between what Wofford does offensively and what Furman does, even though they sort of look the same.

1. Furman will throw it a lot more than Wofford. I would argue that Furman is the second best passing team in the league. The Paladins cannot match Samford for sheer volume of throws, but 2,300+ yards, 18 touchdowns, 200 yards a game, and over 60% completions is a far cry from most "option" offenses.

2. Furman and Wofford also differ in ball distribution. The two Paladin fullbacks, Dirks and Wilcox have over 300 carries for 1500 yards. Wofford's two fullbacks, Stoddard and Nelson, have 230 carries for just over 1,000 yards. You don't make up that difference in a single game (especially considering Dirks did not play in week 1 and did not get significant carries until the NC State game)

Wofford uses their TBs a lot more than Furman. Morgan and McAffee have 174 carries for 1200 yards. Furman's two primary tailbacks, Morehead and Luke, have 105 carries for 735 yards. In fact, Furman's second non-Morehead tailback is often a WR and almost exclusively a blocker.

Also, the QBs are used differently. Blazejowski has 83 attempts for 372 yards. Goodson and Newman have 109 attempts for 541 yards. Newman is essentially a fourth running back.

At bottom, the numbers suggest Wofford is primarily concerned with using the fullback as a changeup to the outside pitch game. Furman is primarily concerned with using the outside pitch game as a changeup to their fullback's inside run.

I just think comparing what Furman does to what Wofford and the Citadel does just misses context. Furman is really diverse offense. Newman is essentially a fourth running back.

I'm just tickled at how you guys are awed at the stats, when if you go back to any above-average option offense, the rushing stats are par the course with what you'd expect.

What makes Furman different is Blazejowski, particularly, his efficiency passing the ball, but in terms of productivity the run game is indistinguishable from an above-average option offense.

November 30th, 2017, 12:12 PM
Wofford has always charged for student tickets for playoffs. This is the first time it is free.

Fine if they charge. Fine if they don't charge. My 'issue' with this situation is how it has been presented.

Kind of like how politicians present tax cuts as a wonderful gift from them to you...when in fact, it just means the gubment is not going to steal so much of your own money from you.

The phrase, "You can pee in my ear, but don't tell me it's raining," also comes to mind.

November 30th, 2017, 12:13 PM
All honesty Wofford should still have to cover whatever percent they owe the NCAA of # of students they turn out to the game times $10, why would the NCAA allow them to get off scott free for letting those guys in free when the NCAA could have made money of those students, like they will be profiting off the Furman Students?

November 30th, 2017, 12:17 PM
I'm just tickled at how you guys are awed at the stats, when if you go back to any above-average option offense, the rushing stats are par the course with what you'd expect.

What makes Furman different is Blazejowski, particularly, his efficiency passing the ball, but in terms of productivity the run game is indistinguishable from an above-average option offense.

I believe we have about 100 more pass attempts than you guys on the season as well, so a better question is what is the average yards per carry for your top 3 total yard carriers

November 30th, 2017, 12:18 PM
Yeah, that's right, they just said it was generously donated for no reasonxrolleyesx

Maybe it was an accounting trick, maybe it wasn't. I find it weird that you guys are fixating on this, like the fact that Wofford does this for their students or that an alumnus/the president of the college would do something like this is totally unbelievable.

https://static3.fjcdn.com/thumbnails/comments/No+sir+i+dont+look+at+the+sesame+seeds+or+_262a5db bb255cffdd0b124a9bc34dbfe.png

November 30th, 2017, 12:22 PM
Wilcox 5.3
Dirks 4.7
Morehead 6.4

34.5 total points per game

November 30th, 2017, 12:25 PM
Furman averages 10.6 yards per pass completion on 218 attempts

November 30th, 2017, 12:44 PM
Lets point out:

FU and WC round 1 came down to 1 play

Furman crushes WCU, ETSU, UTC, Citadel

Wofford barely beats WCU, ETSU, UTC, Citadel

Both teams crush VMI, barley beat Mercer and barley lose to Samford

OOC Wofford plays 2 fcs games, both bad teams in PC and G Webb going 2-0
OOC Furman plays 3 fcs games, all 3 decent teams and go 2-1 (with the one close lose already avenged)

Its 100% fair to say Furman is playing better ball this year and the favorite

Reign of Terrier
November 30th, 2017, 12:48 PM
Fine if they charge. Fine if they don't charge. My 'issue' with this situation is how it has been presented.

Kind of like how politicians present tax cuts as a wonderful gift from them to you...when in fact, it just means the gubment is not going to steal so much of your own money from you.

The phrase, "You can pee in my ear, but don't tell me it's raining," also comes to mind.

Again, why do you care? The target audience here is Wofford students and alumni. This isn't the first time we've done this (see what we've done to Asheville for basketball). It doesn't really matter if it was an alumnus or the administration, what matters is that Wofford has a commitment to ensuring the students won't be prohibited by financial burdens to support school athletics. There's literally no point in lying about this.

The value proposition isn't "we're spending x thousand dollars on our students, look how awesome they are" it's "don't let money keep you from supporting the team, GO DO IT"

I feel like you're just salty that the Furman administration doesn't share such enthusiasmxcoffeex

I believe we have about 100 more pass attempts than you guys on the season as well, so a better question is what is the average yards per carry for your top 3 total yard carriers

Furman throws the ball about 18-25 times per game whereas Wofford passes it about 8-12.

Our top 3 backs ypc:
Stoddard: 4.9
McAfee: 7.2
Morgan: 6.5

November 30th, 2017, 12:58 PM
Lets point out:

FU and WC round 1 came down to 1 play

Furman crushes WCU, ETSU, UTC, Citadel

Wofford barely beats WCU, ETSU, UTC, Citadel

Both teams crush VMI, barley beat Mercer and barley lose to Samford

OOC Wofford plays 2 fcs games, both bad teams in PC and G Webb going 2-0
OOC Furman plays 3 fcs games, all 3 decent teams and go 2-1 (with the one close lose already avenged)

Its 100% fair to say Furman is playing better ball this year and the favorite

Plus all of this factored up, makes sense why we have a better Sagarin power rating as well

Reign of Terrier
November 30th, 2017, 01:01 PM
Lets point out:

FU and WC round 1 came down to 1 play

Furman crushes WCU, ETSU, UTC, Citadel

Wofford barely beats WCU, ETSU, UTC, Citadel

Both teams crush VMI, barley beat Mercer and barley lose to Samford

Its 100% fair to say Furman is playing better ball this year

It's also fair to point out that Chattanooga didn't develop a run game until the Citadel game (they averaged like 30 ypg in their first 7 games, about 100 in their final 4 against Citadel, Wofford, Samford and ETSU), turned the ball over 4 times against Furman, had their freshmen QB make his first start against Furman, and only turned the ball over once in regulation against Wofford.

There's also the bit where Furman played Western without Adams.

That leaves ETSU and the Citadel. The key difference is that Wofford played ETSU at their place, which they are empirically better than on the road, evident by the fact that they got whalloped on the road this year by FCS opponents (losing notably badly to Western and Furman). Meanwhile, they beat Mercer and VMI and played both Wofford and the Citadel tough at home (of all those teams, Wofford was the one to not lose the lead). And even then, Furman let ETSU throw for 400 yards on them. The difference between the two's performance was Furman's efficiency, namely their ability to pass the ball.

With the Citadel, I'll give you that Furman played more impressively, but the trend in Wofford/Citadel games is that it's gonna be close, no matter how good the teams are, because of the familiarity each has with the option. Furman runs the option, but it's much different and they aren't as reliant on it (they also played after a bye and on senior day and after Wofford exposed their pass defense, of all teams).

Football is a game where the transitive property is not your friend. None of this tells you how the teams will play each other.

Wofford won the Socon this year. Furman finished tied for second, but really third because they lost to everyone tied for second or above. It's not 100% fair to say that Furman is playing better ball, because their record isn't as good. There's an argument to be made, but there's enough reason to doubt it that saying it's "100% fair" is being a homer.

November 30th, 2017, 01:04 PM
It's also fair to point out that Chattanooga didn't develop a run game until the Citadel game (they averaged like 30 ypg in their first 7 games, about 100 in their final 4 against Citadel, Wofford, Samford and ETSU), turned the ball over 4 times against Furman, had their freshmen QB make his first start against Furman, and only turned the ball over once in regulation against Wofford.

There's also the bit where Furman played Western without Adams.

That leaves ETSU and the Citadel. The key difference is that Wofford played ETSU at their place, which they are empirically better than on the road, evident by the fact that they got whalloped on the road this year by FCS opponents (losing notably badly to Western and Furman). Meanwhile, they beat Mercer and VMI and played both Wofford and the Citadel tough at home (of all those teams, Wofford was the one to not lose the lead). And even then, Furman let ETSU throw for 400 yards on them. The difference between the two's performance was Furman's efficiency, namely their ability to pass the ball.

With the Citadel, I'll give you that Furman played more impressively, but the trend in Wofford/Citadel games is that it's gonna be close, no matter how good the teams are, because of the familiarity each has with the option. Furman runs the option, but it's much different and they aren't as reliant on it (they also played after a bye and on senior day and after Wofford exposed their pass defense, of all teams).

Football is a game where the transitive property is not your friend. None of this tells you how the teams will play each other.

Wofford won the Socon this year. Furman finished tied for second, but really third because they lost to everyone tied for second or above. It's not 100% fair to say that Furman is playing better ball, because their record isn't as good. There's an argument to be made, but there's enough reason to doubt it that saying it's "100% fair" is being a homer.

I just pointed out to you exactly why Furman is the favorite in this game, no reason for you to get defensive

November 30th, 2017, 01:05 PM
Wofford OOC was super weak so they get no points there at all

We crush 4 teams that you guys barely beat

Everything else is basically the same

THUS we are the favorite, check vegas xnodx

Reign of Terrier
November 30th, 2017, 01:06 PM
I just pointed out to you exactly why Furman is the favorite in this game, no reason for you to get defensive

I can understand arguments for the favorite, but better ball this year is easily contestable. 7-1 > 6-2. Your losses still count. Not everything bad that happens to you gets an asterisk.

November 30th, 2017, 01:08 PM
Lets point out:

FU and WC round 1 came down to 1 play

Furman crushes WCU, ETSU, UTC, Citadel

Wofford barely beats WCU, ETSU, UTC, Citadel

Both teams crush VMI, barley beat Mercer and barley lose to Samford

OOC Wofford plays 2 fcs games, both bad teams in PC and G Webb going 2-0
OOC Furman plays 3 fcs games, all 3 decent teams and go 2-1 (with the one close lose already avenged)

Its 100% fair to say Furman is playing better ball this year and the favorite

Playing better ball than who??? I keep seeing how much better you got over the season, and just BARELY eeked out a win over ELon (so how much better did they get comparably speaking to every other team??) ......Woffford has beaten Furman 3 times in a row and looking for the 4th straight on Saturday....I don't care how much you beat other teams by.....WE BEAT YOU......Point blank period. And it is going to happen again Saturday. And you guys can continue to point out how you throttled every team that Wofford edged out........This is playoff football.......Wofford has never been about style points.....ITs about getting the job done......And come Saturday all the pontificating comes to an end.......Give me the team that has been there and done that....and is loaded with experience and talent.......Believe me, the bright lights will be on Saturday and there will be pressure to make critical plays.....we will see what happens in those moments when it is winning time. WE KNOW what Wofford does in those moments......from picking off 2 point conversions on gadget plays, to stripping the receiver of the ball late to get the ball back, to making stops when you have to have it.......WE ARE GOING TO SEE.........


The SoCon Champs

November 30th, 2017, 01:08 PM
Furman -3

November 30th, 2017, 01:10 PM
I can understand arguments for the favorite, but better ball this year is easily contestable. 7-1 > 6-2. Your losses still count. Not everything bad that happens to you gets an asterisk.

My man you just typed an entire essay of asterisks on how Wofford barely won and Furman crushed so seems you are preaching to yourself on that one.

Reign of Terrier
November 30th, 2017, 01:10 PM
Furman fans put an exclamation point by the mistakes of Wofford and an asterisk by their successes, while putting an asterisk by their own mistakes and an exclamation point by their successes.

You see it with the Elon game: "it doesn't count, those came off turnovers"

It's the stereotypical case of having your cake and eating it too.

I've extended credit where it's due to Furman. They're a good team with a strong offense. They could well beat us. I won't say they're as good as Furman fans think until they beat NDSU in Fargo.

Wofford's made mistakes, sure, but we're not as bad as people think. I concede when I see our mistakes, I just don't think they are bad enough to keep us from winning.

November 30th, 2017, 01:12 PM
I'm just tickled at how you guys are awed at the stats, when if you go back to any above-average option offense, the rushing stats are par the course with what you'd expect.

What makes Furman different is Blazejowski, particularly, his efficiency passing the ball, but in terms of productivity the run game is indistinguishable from an above-average option offense.

Yeah, but your position just ignores that Furman is also one of the league's better passing teams.

So, Furman not only puts up rushing statistics comparable to good option offenses, but the also put up passing statistics comparable to the league's better passing teams.

November 30th, 2017, 01:12 PM
Feel free to bet on that line Boss........

No reason for you to be mad at your money.

Reign of Terrier
November 30th, 2017, 01:13 PM
My man you just typed an entire book of asterisks on how Wofford barely won and Furman crushed so seems you are preaching to yourself on that one.

It's all a matter of perspective.

The brute fact that Wofford is 7-1 and Furman is 6-2 (and the head to head matchup) indicates Wofford is better.

But if you squint and look at the performances in the games they've won, it suggests Furman's better

But if you squint further and look at the details of each game, compared with the strengths and weaknesses, it's pretty much even either way.

But hey, Furman fans are the only ones saying they are 100% clearly betterxcoffeex

Reign of Terrier
November 30th, 2017, 01:14 PM
Yeah, but your position just ignores that Furman is also one of the league's better passing teams.

So, Furman not only puts up rushing statistics comparable to good option offenses, but the also put up passing statistics comparable to the league's better passing teams.

I never said that wasn't the case, I'm just saying it should be reframed from "oh man our run game is out of this world" to "the combination of our run game and pass game is out of this world"

November 30th, 2017, 01:14 PM
It's all a matter of perspective.

The brute fact that Wofford is 7-1 and Furman is 6-2 (and the head to head matchup) indicates Wofford is better.

But if you squint and look at the performances in the games they've won, it suggests Furman's better

But if you squint further and look at the details of each game, compared with the strengths and weaknesses, it's pretty much even either way.

But hey, Furman fans are the only ones saying they are 100% clearly betterxcoffeex

The scoreboard tends to cease all that loose rhetoric

SoCon Champs

November 30th, 2017, 01:15 PM
Furman fans put an exclamation point by the mistakes of Wofford and an asterisk by their successes, while putting an asterisk by their own mistakes and an exclamation point by their successes.

You see it with the Elon game: "it doesn't count, those came off turnovers"

It's the stereotypical case of having your cake and eating it too.

I've extended credit where it's due to Furman. They're a good team with a strong offense. They could well beat us. I won't say they're as good as Furman fans think until they beat NDSU in Fargo.

Wofford's made mistakes, sure, but we're not as bad as people think. I concede when I see our mistakes, I just don't think they are bad enough to keep us from winning.

Who said the points don't count?

The reality is Furman surrendered (or Elon took away) two complete offensive possession. Elon had two drives the entire games that managed to get more than 50 yards. So, yes, surrendering the ball on the 25 yard line twice without running a single play isn't some sort of statistical footnote. It is highly relevant to why the score of the game was as close as it was.

You still have to hold teams out of the endzone regardless of where they start. The points still count regardless of where they start. However, the four quarters of that football game told us that Elon was going to have a really tough time scoring on Furman if they had to drive the field. That problem becomes a lot less pressing when Furman hands you the ball at the edge of the redzone twice.

November 30th, 2017, 01:16 PM
Furman fans put an exclamation point by the mistakes of Wofford and an asterisk by their successes, while putting an asterisk by their own mistakes and an exclamation point by their successes.

You see it with the Elon game: "it doesn't count, those came off turnovers"

It's the stereotypical case of having your cake and eating it too.

I've extended credit where it's due to Furman. They're a good team with a strong offense. They could well beat us. I won't say they're as good as Furman fans think until they beat NDSU in Fargo.

Wofford's made mistakes, sure, but we're not as bad as people think. I concede when I see our mistakes, I just don't think they are bad enough to keep us from winning.

Lets slow down, I never said Wofford was bad, or that Furman is def. going to win, just stating facts that have transpired on the season that make us the favorite, that's all

Yes you did stop us on the 2 pt. play, but if you look at the entire season of work, Furman has had the better season

Reign of Terrier
November 30th, 2017, 01:18 PM
Lets slow down, I never said Wofford was bad, or that Furman is def. going to win, just stating facts that have transpired on the season that make us the favorite, that's all

Yes you did stop us on the 2 pt. play, but if you look at the entire season of work, Furman has had the better season

If you look at the entire season of work Wofford won the socon and Furman didn't. That's unequivocally a better season.

November 30th, 2017, 01:19 PM
Lets agree to disagree

November 30th, 2017, 01:20 PM
If you look at the entire season of work Wofford won the socon and Furman didn't. That's unequivocally a better season.

They had a better season. That's why they are the home team Saturday.

November 30th, 2017, 01:22 PM
Nevertheless it really does not matter, whoever wins Saturday is the team that has had the better season

Reign of Terrier
November 30th, 2017, 01:22 PM
Lets agree to disagree

Nevertheless it really does not matter, whoever wins Saturday is the team that has had the better season

That's a matter of perspective. I think it only matters if the winner wins the title. I'd rather have a socon title than exit the playoffs in the third round compared to the second.

Reign of Terrier
November 30th, 2017, 01:24 PM
Honestly, regardless of the outcome on Saturday I'm proud of my team.

What bothers me is the lack of due credit by the opposition

and it only matters if you advance in the playoffs if you win the damn thing. I'll take a national title over a conference title any day, but I'd rather have a conference title than not.

November 30th, 2017, 01:26 PM
Nevertheless it really does not matter, whoever wins Saturday is the team that has had the better season

I would say that the last SoCon team left standing gets that bragging right.

November 30th, 2017, 01:28 PM
I would say that the last SoCon team left standing gets that bragging right.

Yep agree with you 100%, especially since its a head to head showdown!

November 30th, 2017, 01:34 PM
If you look at the entire season of work Wofford won the socon and Furman didn't. That's unequivocally a better season.


How could you possibly argue that Furman has had a better season with a worse record, finished behind Wofford, and lost head to head to Wofford? What planet are we on?

- - - Updated - - -

4 in a row coming soon....


November 30th, 2017, 01:40 PM

November 30th, 2017, 01:42 PM
why do you care?

Because I care about integrity...and I don't like to be told nor to see/hear people being told that it's raining when it's actually a smelly yellow fluid flowing into their ears.

That's the point that you can't seem to stop missing.

November 30th, 2017, 01:45 PM

Best post ever by 19!!!

November 30th, 2017, 01:49 PM
C'MON.....I have all types of greatest hits.......:Dxcoolxxcoolx

Reign of Terrier
November 30th, 2017, 01:54 PM
Because I care about integrity...and I don't like to be told nor to see/hear people being told that it's raining when it's actually a smelly yellow fluid flowing into their ears.

That's the point that you can't seem to stop missing.

No one is harmed by whatever justification they get for doing it.

Again, this wreaks of the jealousy Furple people have because their band can't come or whatever

November 30th, 2017, 02:02 PM
No one is harmed by whatever justification they get for doing it.

Again, this wreaks of the jealousy Furple people have because their band can't come or whatever


Reign of Terrier
November 30th, 2017, 02:03 PM

I know, quit crying because Wofford's administration wants students to be there, there's no point in crying over it!

November 30th, 2017, 02:26 PM

How could you possibly argue that Furman has had a better season with a worse record, finished behind Wofford, and lost head to head to Wofford? What planet are we on?

- - - Updated - - -

4 in a row coming soon....


Who had a better season is a bit of a subjective assessment, but I'm not sure anyone could argue that Furman had a better season than the team that won the conference.

None of the criticisms of either program should be shocking to anyone at this point. As Bill Parcel's said, "you are what your record says you are." Right now, the records say that both of these are good teams.

- - - Updated - - -

I know, quit crying because Wofford's administration wants students to be there, there's no point in crying over it!

Give me 1,000+ hearty Furman road fans over the entire Wofford student body. Bring 'em all I say.

November 30th, 2017, 02:29 PM
What is the all time series at right now?

November 30th, 2017, 02:51 PM
What is the all time series at right now?

Ayers is 9-15-1 against Furman. Furman leads the all time series 53-31-7. Furman is 20-20-2 in Spartanburg.

Wofford has won the last 3. Each of those games was close, with the biggest margin being 10. Of course, the last 5 years or so have seen some of the worst Furman teams in the program's history. Not sure that recent history will matter a whole bunch Saturday.

November 30th, 2017, 02:52 PM
Pack the house....you won't want to miss this one!!!

November 30th, 2017, 03:09 PM
No one is harmed by whatever justification they get for doing it. Machiavelli much?

...and, again...


Reign of Terrier
November 30th, 2017, 03:22 PM
Ayers is 9-15-1 against Furman. Furman leads the all time series 53-31-7. Furman is 20-20-2 in Spartanburg.

Wofford has won the last 3. Each of those games was close, with the biggest margin being 10. Of course, the last 5 years or so have seen some of the worst Furman teams in the program's history. Not sure that recent history will matter a whole bunch Saturday.

Wofford has also won 7 of the last 11 matchups and the only time Furman beat a Wofford team with a winning record against D1 competition was 2011 when they played in Greenville. Furman has also not beaten Wofford in spartanburg since 2006.

So, yeah, not much you can draw from this when the only comparable situation was 2004, when Furman was good and Wofford was good (but Wofford was not "playoff" good). Furman won that matchup, but again, a sample of one isn't a sample.

- - - Updated - - -

Machiavelli much?

...and, again...


You're proposing a conspiracy theory that makes no sense form anyone's perspective *unless* you're a salty Furman fan.

November 30th, 2017, 03:43 PM
You're proposing a conspiracy theory

I'm not sure that's what I'd call it, but I guess it fits.

I'm sure there were multiple decision-makers involved in the initial decision to upcharge Wofford's students the $10 that the NCAA does NOT require the school to charge.

And then I suppose, yes, there must have been multiple people involved with the decision to reverse the initial decision and not charge them more than the usual cost of their tickets as other seeded hosts are also not doing.

And, I suppose, yeah, there also must've been multiple people who came up with the hooey that some benefactor has 'made it rain' and the Wofford students are now going to get some amazing benefit due to this 'donation.'

Yep - they've done an excellent job of making themselves LOOK good. 1st class Spin Doctors up there in SparkleCity, no doubt.

November 30th, 2017, 03:48 PM
Wofford has also won 7 of the last 11 matchups and the only time Furman beat a Wofford team with a winning record against D1 competition was 2011 when they played in Greenville. Furman has also not beaten Wofford in spartanburg since 2006.

So, yeah, not much you can draw from this when the only comparable situation was 2004, when Furman was good and Wofford was good (but Wofford was not "playoff" good). Furman won that matchup, but again, a sample of one isn't a sample.

- - - Updated - - -

You're proposing a conspiracy theory that makes no sense form anyone's perspective *unless* you're a salty Furman fan.

The 2011 game is the one that Ayer's comments at the media luncheon brought to mind.

That 2011 Furman team is probably the closest comp to the current iteration of the Paladins - strong running game (Jerodis Williams and Tersoo Uhaa), a mobile and highly efficient QB (Chris Forcier), and, most importantly, a legitimate stretch-the-field TE (Colin Anderson).

What I remember well about that game is that Furman got the ball back with just over 4:00 minutes and a 5 point lead. Wofford had all three timeouts Furman proceeded to run the ball 8 straight times, forcing Wofford to spend all of their timeouts and essentially bleeding all of the clock.

What was notable is that even though Furman was running over and around the Wofford defense on that drive, the Terrier safeties took drop steps on every snap. My only explanation for that is they were paralyzed by the threat of Colin Anderson getting behind them and ending the game with one haymaker. Wofford stubbornly refused to commit more resources to the run, and it probably cost them the ball game. When Ayers mentioned how often Andy Schumpert can get behind a defenses' free safety, it immediately brought to mind that last drive as it was the last time Furman had a player that could do that to a defense.

November 30th, 2017, 04:07 PM
Well I'd gladly accept Furman trying to hammer away in the run game saturday...........I will welcome that with open arms, and so will the Wofford D Line.....and Mikel Horton will be playing in this one...he didn't play in the first game......

Furman ran for 170 yards in the first game, and that was a DL missing one of its best pieces.......

Conversely, Wofford ran for 284 yards in that first game........

November 30th, 2017, 04:13 PM
Well I'd gladly accept Furman trying to hammer away in the run game saturday...........I will welcome that with open arms, and so will the Wofford D Line.....and Mikel Horton will be playing in this one...he didn't play in the first game......

Furman ran for 170 yards in the first game, and that was a DL missing one of its best pieces.......

Conversely, Wofford ran for 284 yards in that first game........

Is Horton the one with Mono? When did he get it?

Ive had mono, makes you really weak for at least a month

November 30th, 2017, 04:14 PM
Is Horton the one with Mono? When did he get it?

Ive had mono, makes you really weak for at least a month

Yes....hes been out a month.

November 30th, 2017, 04:15 PM
Yes....hes been out a month.

Not good, I would not expect him to play a ton of snaps if that's all its been, mono sucks

November 30th, 2017, 04:17 PM
He is actually much better...and yes Mono sucks for sure.......But he is a Go for this one.

Reign of Terrier
November 30th, 2017, 04:45 PM
I'm not sure that's what I'd call it, but I guess it fits.

I'm sure there were multiple decision-makers involved in the initial decision to upcharge Wofford's students the $10 that the NCAA does NOT require the school to charge.

And then I suppose, yes, there must have been multiple people involved with the decision to reverse the initial decision and not charge them more than the usual cost of their tickets as other seeded hosts are also not doing.

And, I suppose, yeah, there also must've been multiple people who came up with the hooey that some benefactor has 'made it rain' and the Wofford students are now going to get some amazing benefit due to this 'donation.'

Yep - they've done an excellent job of making themselves LOOK good. 1st class Spin Doctors up there in SparkleCity, no doubt.

But you've yet to explain the reasoning behind just saying the tickets are free and adding the bit about an alumnus. Literally, there is no benefit from lying about that.

Again, you salty or nah?

November 30th, 2017, 05:20 PM
But you've yet to explain the reasoning behind just saying the tickets are free and adding the bit about an alumnus. Literally, there is no benefit from lying about that

Didn't you say your grad degree has something to do with marketing?

If you don't get how the chosen spin-hooey Santa Claus/Easter Bunny saves-the-day for all Woffy Student-hood from the big mean NCAA, who 'makes them' charge that $10, looks so much better for the powers-that-be at Wofford than the un-spun version - Woffy was originally trying to shakedown their students for a 10 spot, but relented when they feared heavy FU presence & light WC Student presence, then I'm just not sure you were paying attention in your PR201 Class.

November 30th, 2017, 05:35 PM
Didn't you say your grad degree has something to do with marketing?

If you don't get how the chosen spin-hooey Santa Claus/Easter Bunny saves-the-day for all Woffy Student-hood from the big mean NCAA, who 'makes them' charge that $10, looks so much better for the powers-that-be at Wofford than the un-spun version - Woffy was originally trying to shakedown their students for a 10 spot, but relented when they feared heavy FU presence & light WC Student presence, then I'm just not sure you were paying attention in your PR201 Class.

That's a great point, they were already selling those tickets for a week and a half after selection Sunday before they changed policy, they def. started to feel the incoming presence of 'Purple', otherwise why not have that from the get go!

November 30th, 2017, 05:38 PM
That's a great point, they were already selling those tickets for a week and a half after selection Sunday before they changed policy, they def. started to feel the incoming presence of 'Purple', otherwise why not have that from the get go!

Yep - Their favorite SparkleCity scribe confirmed this during his recent interview on Dan Scott's show earlier today.


Reign of Terrier
November 30th, 2017, 05:39 PM
Didn't you say your grad degree has something to do with marketing?

If you don't get how the chosen spin-hooey Santa Claus/Easter Bunny saves-the-day for all Woffy Student-hood from the big mean NCAA, who 'makes them' charge that $10, looks so much better for the powers-that-be at Wofford than the un-spun version - Woffy was originally trying to shakedown their students for a 10 spot, but relented when they feared heavy FU presence & light WC Student presence, then I'm just not sure you were paying attention in your PR201 Class.

No, the administration didn't risk "shaking down" the student body. The situation you're proposing implies a negative perception among the students when it comes to athletics, which just is not the case given the various ways in which the administration promotes athletics for student convenience (tickets and buses to Asheville, various buses to certain games, etc). Meanwhile, students always get into home games for free, no questions asked.

You're implying there was some sort of crisis communication here (students getting mad at the administration for not having tickets available) when there was no crisis. The mentioning of a wealthy donor in the announcement would actually be counter to a crisis communication situation you implied. If the administration "screwed up" they would be the ones taking credit wholeheartedly for "fixing it" and mentioning an alumni would actually be unhelpful to that end.

You don't need a marketing degree to understand the above, PR does the trick.

As for the actual logistics, here's some inside baseball: The announced donors in a student email were "several Wofford alumni, Campus Union, and WAR (Wofford Athletics and Recreation)" as well as in Coach Ayers announcement, which mentioned President Samhat.

If Wofford just took an L and ate the cost, those groups would not be announced, let alone involved. I know people on Campus Union, and every year there's a few grand that just sits there and WAR's budget is committed to this sort of stuff ($10 per student isn't crazy, heck they've paid for Waffle House and Bojangles for students and basketball games in the past). The most likely scenario is that President Samhat chipped in some dough (he makes a good bit of money and has been known to pay for such things in the past), some Wofford boostered chipped in some dough (Gibbs, Richardson, etc), and Campus Union and WAR chipped in as well.

The most likely scenario, given what we know about Wofford athletics and how we promote events, is the above. There is literally no motive to lie about this. The only reason you'd think there's this motive is if you suffer from some major penis envy because our school is doing this while yours creating a scheduling conflict with the Christmas parade in Greenville and your marching band. I know it sucks to see your rival more institutionally committed to football. I know! But that's the most likely explanation given the information we've been presented.

Reign of Terrier
November 30th, 2017, 05:41 PM
That's a great point, they were already selling those tickets for a week and a half after selection Sunday before they changed policy, they def. started to feel the incoming presence of 'Purple', otherwise why not have that from the get go!

There's a little more urgency when it comes to playing Furman than Elon or New Hampshire.

And last week was thanksgiving.

Trust me, the Wofford fans who troll these message boards don't make these decision. I texted one or two current students Monday, but I imagine I was not the only one who thought of this.

November 30th, 2017, 05:41 PM
No, the administration didn't risk "shaking down" the student body. The situation you're proposing implies a negative perception among the students when it comes to athletics, which just is not the case given the various ways in which the administration promotes athletics for student convenience (tickets and buses to Asheville, various buses to certain games, etc). Meanwhile, students always get into home games for free, no questions asked.

You're implying there was some sort of crisis communication here (students getting mad at the administration for not having tickets available) when there was no crisis. The mentioning of a wealthy donor in the announcement would actually be counter to a crisis communication situation you implied. If the administration "screwed up" they would be the ones taking credit wholeheartedly for "fixing it" and mentioning an alumni would actually be unhelpful to that end.

You don't need a marketing degree to understand the above, PR does the trick.

As for the actual logistics, here's some inside baseball: The announced donors in a student email were "several Wofford alumni, Campus Union, and WAR (Wofford Athletics and Recreation)" as well as in Coach Ayers announcement, which mentioned President Samhat.

If Wofford just took an L and ate the cost, those groups would not be announced, let alone involved. I know people on Campus Union, and every year there's a few grand that just sits there and WAR's budget is committed to this sort of stuff ($10 per student isn't crazy, heck they've paid for Waffle House and Bojangles for students and basketball games in the past). The most likely scenario is that President Samhat chipped in some dough (he makes a good bit of money and has been known to pay for such things in the past), some Wofford boostered chipped in some dough (Gibbs, Richardson, etc), and Campus Union and WAR chipped in as well.

The most likely scenario, given what we know about Wofford athletics and how we promote events, is the above. There is literally no motive to lie about this. The only reason you'd think there's this motive is if you suffer from some major penis envy because our school is doing this while yours creating a scheduling conflict with the Christmas parade in Greenville and your marching band. I know it sucks to see your rival more institutionally committed to football. I know! But that's the most likely explanation given the information we've been presented.



Hold on...I did see this "I know it sucks to see your rival more institutionally committed to football" as I was clicking out. Totally blown away with this news!! I thought El Cid had dropped Football after this year's whomping. Guess you have other news to share about FU's rival.

November 30th, 2017, 05:42 PM
That's a great point, they were already selling those tickets for a week and a half after selection Sunday before they changed policy, they def. started to feel the incoming presence of 'Purple', otherwise why not have that from the get go!

Reign of Terrier
November 30th, 2017, 05:45 PM


Hold on...I did see this "I know it sucks to see your rival more institutionally committed to football" as I was clicking out. Totally blown away with this news!! I thought El Cid had dropped Football after this year's whomping. Guess you have other news to share about FU's rival.

I would bet you $20 if you went to the random Furman student who paid attention to Furman athletics and asked them who their rival was, they would say Wofford before the Citadel.

You're old:D

November 30th, 2017, 05:47 PM
Man....if yall don't get over yourselves.....GTFOH....."Feeling the presence of the Purple"...xlolxxlolxxlolx OMG this game cannot get here soon enough. I want all of you back on here after around 5PM on Saturday. PLEEEEEEASE don't come up missing after all this talk........please come back to this post or the results post......

November 30th, 2017, 05:52 PM
You're old:D

I'd rather be old than drunk on black and old gold kool-aid and lost in the wilderness with you YT.

You still haven't grasped that there is NO COST to doing this. Only some lost revenue...and it's only around $500. 6 paragraphs of politburo-worthy propaganda in your last post...which have absolutely nothing to do with the truth of the situation. Rock on man - make the next one 10 paragraphs. I'm out. See you Saturday. I'll be the old guy in Purple.

November 30th, 2017, 05:56 PM
Man....if yall don't get over yourselves.....GTFOH....."Feeling the presence of the Purple"...xlolxxlolxxlolx OMG this game cannot get here soon enough. I want all of you back on here after around 5PM on Saturday. PLEEEEEEASE don't come up missing after all this talk........please come back to this post or the results post......

Wofford sells tickets for a week and a half at $10 per student

Realizes sales not going well on Wofford's end and FU planning on bringing a large group

Wofford then does an about face and makes changes to policy to try and get more fans to the game 3 days before gameday

This is not smack talking friend, these are obvious facts

Reign of Terrier
November 30th, 2017, 06:02 PM
Wofford sells tickets for a week and a half at $10 per student

Realizes sales not going well on Wofford's end and FU planning on bringing a large group

Wofford then does an about face and makes changes to policy to try and get more fans to the game 3 days before gameday

This is not smack talking friend, these are obvious facts

You do realize that it was Thanksgiving and students aren't in the habit of buying for tickets right? This is consumer behavior 101. I texted a student last week to see if he was going (regardless of opponent) and he said he was, I reminded him that tickets weren't free and his response was a blunt "oh"

November 30th, 2017, 06:05 PM
You do realize that it was Thanksgiving and students aren't in the habit of buying for tickets right? This is consumer behavior 101. I texted a student last week to see if he was going (regardless of opponent) and he said he was, I reminded him that tickets weren't free and his response was a blunt "oh"

Thanksgiving or not, Wofford has know they were going to be a top 8 seed for a good while now

The mild panic set in a day or 2 ago however, thus this ticketing maneuver

November 30th, 2017, 06:08 PM
He is actually much better...and yes Mono sucks for sure.......But he is a Go for this one.

Well, he’ll get a chance to test himself. Furman’s got the Jacobs Award winner and 500 lbs of fullback behind him.

Horton didn’t play in week 1 and neither did Kealand Dirks.

November 30th, 2017, 06:09 PM
Well, he’ll get a chance to test himself. Furman’s got the Jacobs Award winner and 500 lbs of fullback behind him.

Horton didn’t play in week 1 and neither did Kealand Dirks.


November 30th, 2017, 06:10 PM
Does anybody feel San Diego has a chance at all in their rematch against NDSU?

Reign of Terrier
November 30th, 2017, 06:11 PM
Thanksgiving or not, Wofford has know they were going to be a top 8 seed for a good while now

The mild panic set in a day or 2 ago however, thus this ticketing maneuver

keep telling yourself that lol

Reign of Terrier
November 30th, 2017, 06:13 PM
Roo Daniel will play as well, he didn't play in week one either

November 30th, 2017, 06:22 PM
Woff saw FU coming like


November 30th, 2017, 08:11 PM
thank for saying this… I feel like a broken record saying that Furman is playing two defensive line rotations. Since game one Furman has built very good depth on defense - except for linebacker - and that's another story.

Im starting to think Stokes is quicker than Reid… and that's saying something.
Stokes may be quicker. Reid is awesome but more of a run stopper

November 30th, 2017, 08:16 PM
He is actually much better...and yes Mono sucks for sure.......But he is a Go for this one.
Glad if he is better. Though I don't want to see him. But it's not real cool if he is a go that he is not listed on the two deep at all.. I would expect Ayers (a classy guy) to have listed him as possible on two deep if he is playing.

Woff sched was very favorable here at the end to being healthy. VMI. USC. off (which they earned). But the VMI and USC plus the off give a month to get healthy.
Is Datavious Wilson playing?

November 30th, 2017, 08:52 PM
Well, whoever wins, you will most likely be headed to Fargo. Which besides the noise and being inside will not be much different than in the Greenville/Sparklecity area next week. Supposed to be a low in the 20s a week from Sat. Cool. As it is, should be in the mid 50s around game time this week, light winds. Not bad.

November 30th, 2017, 09:04 PM
Well, whoever wins, you will most likely be headed to Fargo. Which besides the noise and being inside will not be much different than in the Greenville/Sparklecity area next week. Supposed to be a low in the 20s a week from Sat. Cool. As it is, should be in the mid 50s around game time this week, light winds. Not bad.

Yes. Quite a home field ad. Nice to see a logical post ( took a Citadel guy lol) - wa getting a lil' snarky around here. Win or lose I'll be on here that night or so. It's two good teams , no need for all the junk. Good game. Hope it's the better team that wins. Meaning not crazy turnovers or random stuff. Could be furman or could be woff.

November 30th, 2017, 09:10 PM
Yes. Quite a home field ad. Nice to see a logical post ( took a Citadel guy lol) - wa getting a lil' snarky around here. Win or lose I'll be on here that night or so. It's two good teams , no need for all the junk. Good game. Hope it's the better team that wins. Meaning not crazy turnovers or random stuff. Could be furman or could be woff.

Both teams are good. But for the sake of fan meltdowns, hope it is just a clean slobberknocker, sans the weird turnovers or mental bonehead errors like you said. We would never hear the end of it if one team implodes.

November 30th, 2017, 09:32 PM
Both teams are good. But for the sake of fan meltdowns, hope it is just a clean slobberknocker, sans the weird turnovers or mental bonehead errors like you said. We would never hear the end of it if one team implodes.

Agree. Don't want it to be a fluky type thing. Two teams that deserve accolades regardless - so is Wilson playing?

December 1st, 2017, 06:04 AM
Both teams are good. But for the sake of fan meltdowns, hope it is just a clean slobberknocker, sans the weird turnovers or mental bonehead errors like you said. We would never hear the end of it if one team implodes.

It'll be a bummer if the game is no good, but I'm not going to gripe if Furman brings the whomping stick.

December 1st, 2017, 06:08 AM
Agree. Don't want it to be a fluky type thing. Two teams that deserve accolades regardless - so is Wilson playing?

I don't imagine you are going to find out that answer until 2:00 Saturday.

I will note that the Wofford beat writer wrote a piece on Wofford's two backup linebackers. http://www.goupstate.com/news/20171128/wofford-counting-on-rountree-hinton-against-furman

Seems peculiar to write a feature bit on backups if you didn't expect to see a whole lot of them in the game on Saturday.

December 1st, 2017, 08:04 AM
I don't imagine you are going to find out that answer until 2:00 Saturday.

I will note that the Wofford beat writer wrote a piece on Wofford's two backup linebackers. http://www.goupstate.com/news/20171128/wofford-counting-on-rountree-hinton-against-furman

Seems peculiar to write a feature bit on backups if you didn't expect to see a whole lot of them in the game on Saturday.

thanks for this article, i hope we get the backup LBs. That said, I don't want anyone hurt. Good luck and I hope furman can win somehow

December 1st, 2017, 08:20 AM
thanks for this article, i hope we get the backup LBs. That said, I don't want anyone hurt. Good luck and I hope furman can win somehow

I have no idea what the actual injury report is. I just found it curious that Wofford's beat writer would do a full spread on the backup linebackers in the leadup to the team's biggest game of the season.

Reign of Terrier
December 1st, 2017, 08:46 AM
If I were to put the odds on it, I'd say both of the starting LBs will play/start (Clemmons and Wilson). I'd put a higher probability on Wilson. His injury was a bone bruise in the ankle and the rumor mill said he could have gone for the Carolina game but the coaches made the decision to hold him out. I have no idea about Clemmons but he seemed in good spirits a couple weeks ago when they popped his shoulder back in place.

December 1st, 2017, 08:59 AM
If I were to put the odds on it, I'd say both of the starting LBs will play/start (Clemmons and Wilson). I'd put a higher probability on Wilson. His injury was a bone bruise in the ankle and the rumor mill said he could have gone for the Carolina game but the coaches made the decision to hold him out. I have no idea about Clemmons but he seemed in good spirits a couple weeks ago when they popped his shoulder back in place.

I imagine Furman prepares for all of them to play (not that the preparation will drastically change regardless of who is out there).

Those will be interesting developments to follow. Furman's physical up front, and I imagine everyone will find out really quickly whether those guys are full speed. I imagine if they were iffy they'd probably be held out or limited in practice, so the first time you may see how they react in live speed is Furman's first offensive series.

December 1st, 2017, 09:34 AM
Should be a good ole fashion SoCon slug-fest, the thing that comes to mind about these SoCon playoff games against each other over the years is that they almost always come down to 4th quarter battles.

December 1st, 2017, 09:58 AM
If I were to put the odds on it, I'd say both of the starting LBs will play/start (Clemmons and Wilson). I'd put a higher probability on Wilson. His injury was a bone bruise in the ankle and the rumor mill said he could have gone for the Carolina game but the coaches made the decision to hold him out. I have no idea about Clemmons but he seemed in good spirits a couple weeks ago when they popped his shoulder back in place.
the irony is the depth chart lists Clemons but not Wilson. It also doesn't list Horton yet people say he may play. Ayers is a v classy coach - I would think they would list anyone who might play ... just my thoughts

December 1st, 2017, 10:07 AM
the irony is the depth chart lists Clemons but not Wilson. It also doesn't list Horton yet people say he may play. Ayers is a v classy coach - I would think they would list anyone who might play ... just my thoughts

I don't read too much into depth charts. I would wager that Coach Hendrix probably doesn't either as both sides in this game have been party line "we just have to execute what we do" statements. So, in that regard, it doesn't matter who is lining up on the other side.

In my experience (I noted this earlier), coaches will air on the side of listing a player that might not play instead of not listing a player that likely will.

Samford seemed to be a notable exception by only listing their "2017 Depth Chart" in their game notes. That looked to be just the depth chart heading into the season.

Reign of Terrier
December 1st, 2017, 10:13 AM
Our depth chart this year hasn't been reliable. For instance against ETSU it listed Jerasaty as the starter, but the starter was actually Roo Daniels at center.

December 1st, 2017, 10:30 AM
Our depth chart this year hasn't been reliable. For instance against ETSU it listed Jerasaty as the starter, but the starter was actually Roo Daniels at center.

They are rarely reliable. I'm just stating that generally you are more apt to list someone on the depth chart that might not play than not list someone who will.

It would be like not listing Roo Daniels and then him be the starter. If he's healthy enough to go on Saturday, he was probably healthy enough to at least be questionable on Monday. If he's questionable, you list him.

December 1st, 2017, 10:32 AM
They are rarely reliable.

Not really. Ours were almost spot on all year.

December 1st, 2017, 10:51 AM
They are rarely reliable. I'm just stating that generally you are more apt to list someone on the depth chart that might not play than not list someone who will.

It would be like not listing Roo Daniels and then him be the starter. If he's healthy enough to go on Saturday, he was probably healthy enough to at least be questionable on Monday. If he's questionable, you list him.

Do you recall any specific time this season an FU starter was not listed on the depth chart but still ended up starting or playing?

December 1st, 2017, 11:11 AM
Do you recall any specific time this season an FU starter was not listed on the depth chart but still ended up starting or playing?

It may have happened, but I don't recall it.

December 1st, 2017, 11:20 AM
Been a while since I watched this play. I've actually seen several teams run the same call recently, each converting the play. Navy did a few weeks ago. I think even UTC ran it successfully against Wofford (which was surprising) to get the game into overtime.

The play is there, we just missed a block.


Reign of Terrier
December 1st, 2017, 11:25 AM
They are rarely reliable. I'm just stating that generally you are more apt to list someone on the depth chart that might not play than not list someone who will.

It would be like not listing Roo Daniels and then him be the starter. If he's healthy enough to go on Saturday, he was probably healthy enough to at least be questionable on Monday. If he's questionable, you list him.

Meanwhile if you go the media notes, (page 3) http://woffordterriers.com/documents/2017/11/27/WOF_NCAA_game_notes_17.pdf

Horton is listed as having the injury but it's ambiguous as to whether or not he'll be back. Clemons and Wilson aren't discussed.

Our media notes are often a lot of cut and paste IMO

December 1st, 2017, 11:28 AM
Meanwhile if you go the media notes, (page 3) http://woffordterriers.com/documents/2017/11/27/WOF_NCAA_game_notes_17.pdf

Horton is listed as having the injury but it's ambiguous as to whether or not he'll be back. Clemons and Wilson aren't discussed.

Our media notes are often a lot of cut and paste IMO

It's not a critique of the SIDs. They do the best they can with the information that has been given.

I'm just suggesting most coaches (maybe they are required to) conservatively tend to list guys even if it is doubtful whether they play. I don't know what Wofford's tendencies are. It doesn't do them much good to disclose injury reports, though it's not hard to find that information out.

We'll find out Saturday.

December 1st, 2017, 11:41 AM
Not really. Ours were almost spot on all year.

Good, but those were the....

...NAH, I'll leave that lie. Too easy. Don't set me up like that, El Cid. I need to focus on dissin' the ratdogs this week.

December 1st, 2017, 11:49 AM
I should know this, but don't.

Will Woffy have replay capability tomorrow?

December 1st, 2017, 12:00 PM
I should know this, but don't.

Will Woffy have replay capability tomorrow?

and risk a potential loss to Furman by having it....now why would the short hair's do something like that?

December 1st, 2017, 12:01 PM
and risk a potential loss to Furman by having it....now why would the short hair's do something like that?

I think maybe it's required to host. No?

December 1st, 2017, 12:04 PM
I think maybe it's required to host. No?
post was tongue in cheek...not a serious question...
I though the NCAA require it for the Qtr or Semi Finals...dont know about 2nd round. But Elon did have it.

December 1st, 2017, 12:06 PM
post was tongue in cheek...not a serious question...
I though the NCAA require it for the Qtr or Semi Finals...dont know about 2nd round. But Elon did have it.

It WAS required for ALL Playoff games in 2012.


Hard to believe that 5 years later, it wouldn't be.

December 1st, 2017, 12:06 PM
According to this, http://www.jmusports.com/news/2015/9/1/Football_0901151437.aspx?print=true

Elon was already one of 3 teams in the CAA that had replay starting two years ago. So, they may have just had it.

Reign of Terrier
December 1st, 2017, 12:09 PM
Wofford will have replay. It was used repeatedly last year in our playoff game against Charleston Southern.

December 1st, 2017, 12:10 PM
Wofford will have replay. It was used repeatedly last year in our playoff game against Charleston Southern.

Yep - Just found the 2017 guidelines - Replay Required to host - http://www.ncaa.org/sites/default/files/2017DIFB_PrelimRdBidChecklist_20171016.pdf

More info - http://www.ncaa.org/sites/default/files/2017DIMFBL_PreChampsManual_20170914.pdf

Instant replay will be used at each game of all rounds of the championship. Instant replay equipment will be provided to eachsite using instant replay by DVSport. A comprehensive guide regarding instant replay will be sent to all teams participatingin the championship.Each stadium will be responsible for providing all audio/video cabling and ring-down phone connections from the broadcasttruck positions to the replay booth."

December 1st, 2017, 12:11 PM

Reign of Terrier
December 1st, 2017, 12:14 PM
I think everyone in the conference has the capability to use instant replay, it's just that few of them have the capability as outlined by the conference/NCAA guidelines where a specific room is constructed, etc etc.

Wofford's got pretty good cameras and the jumbotron, which means somewhere up in the press box there's some dude with a laptop/computer with all the camera angles easily accessible. The NCAA just wants it to where the ref can access it separately.

A few weeks ago I went to a talk with a former ACC/Big South ref and he said that for the big games where there are 2 dozen cameras the official just rings up the executive producer for the game to streamline them the best angle. We don't have that problem at FCS, where for most teams there's likely no more than 6-8 camera angles tops

December 1st, 2017, 12:36 PM
For all of you WC guys talking about how you went to the campus and saw the head- back up janitor's-intern and how they were focused on the game...and how Furman does not respect you and has offended your spirit because of a post from an injured OL after Wofford played a tight game with VMI....GET OVER IT.

Both Teams Coaches are focused, Both teams are focused, both teams Janitors are focused, and Both Teams are ready to play; having to "manufacture" a chip on your shoulder to play a game, based on...wait for it...A TWEET is really getting desperate.

I look for a hard fought 4-5-6 qtr game, with replay, and the winner will play the next pairing's winner.

it has been a good season either way...

I personally think FU wins 21-17. it is the Paladins that have improved more since 9/2 than WC...


December 1st, 2017, 12:44 PM
the Paladins that have improved more since 9/2 than WC...

Did you say "WC?"


So did a couple of Thursday's AJC Crossword's clues...and answers...

...just sayin' xlolx

BTW - the clue to 60 Across was "Pup,"...but I couldn't make "Terrier" fit in those last 4 letters. xlolx

Reign of Terrier
December 1st, 2017, 12:45 PM
For all of you WC guys talking about how you went to the campus and saw the head- back up janitor's-intern and how they were focused on the game...and how Furman does not respect you and has offended your spirit because of a post from an injured OL after Wofford played a tight game with VMI....GET OVER IT.

Both Teams Coaches are focused, Both teams are focused, both teams Janitors are focused, and Both Teams are ready to play; having to "manufacture" a chip on your shoulder to play a game, based on...wait for it...A TWEET is really getting desperate.

I look for a hard fought 4-5-6 qtr game, with replay, and the winner will play the next pairing's winner.

it has been a good season either way...

I personally think FU wins 21-17. it is the Paladins that have improved more since 9/2 than WC...


I will share some of the stuff I've seen/heard with you from social media via PM after the game this week if you'd like. Some of it isn't from twitter, but snapchat and I don't want to share on a public forum what some Furman players did on a private snapchat, but man I'm telling you I've not seen stuff like this before. We're not manufacturing a chip, it's quite authentically there.

Outside of 19's kid, I'm pretty sure very few if any of the players have much knowledge or care for these message boards (and for him, I'd think he has the former, not the latter). Put it more bluntly, they see each others tweets/snapchats/whatevers, not our message boards, and that's where it's coming from.

December 1st, 2017, 03:45 PM
Our depth chart this year hasn't been reliable. For instance against ETSU it listed Jerasaty as the starter, but the starter was actually Roo Daniels at center.
appreciate the answer bc I may want to kill Woff but I respect them (unlike a Marshall etc) - so I would hope they list what they think andI know its tough to gauge at first of week. At least give us one or two out -we are missing 3 starting LBs and possiblyOL now. (one advantage Woff was finishing w VMI, USC and off week! thats huge.. beat VMI either way, USC doesn't matter and you earned the off week , scares me w all the time to heal

December 1st, 2017, 11:49 PM
Gameday officially!

Furman side is almost sold out, we will have overflow Fruman fans sitting on the home side, this is gonna be an electric place to be!

December 1st, 2017, 11:56 PM
Gameday officially!

Furman side is almost sold out, we will have overflow Fruman fans sitting on the home side, this is gonna be an electric place to be!
Hope so but it looks like we sold 1200 of the 2500 or so visitors side in advance. That was what was allotted to furman. The rest will have to be walk up so not sure - and doubt - we could sell out visitors side but it will a good crowd of 1500+ (as others said even big GSU etc didn't sell out visitors )

December 2nd, 2017, 12:01 AM
Hope so but it looks like we sold 1200 of the 2500 or so visitors side in advance. That was what was allotted to furman. The rest will have to be walk up so not sure - and doubt - we could sell out visitors side but it will a good crowd of 1500+ (as others said even big GSU etc didn't sell out visitors )

Check the map brotha, tons more Furman tickets have been sold:

December 2nd, 2017, 12:04 AM
Looks like we already have sold about 2,000 tickets, I fully expect for the rest to easily be filled with the students/fans walk-up Furman will get tomorrow!

December 2nd, 2017, 01:08 AM
Looks like we already have sold about 2,000 tickets, I fully expect for the rest to easily be filled with the students/fans walk-up Furman will get tomorrow!

I see...

1,767 sold on the visitors side
573 available on the visitors side

76% of capacity on the visitors before ANY walk-ups or FU students that are coming on the bus(es) (right? - they can't buy theirs until they get there)

When we overflow the visitors side, should we just take over the Terrier Verandaaaaaaah instead of sitting on the Home side?


December 2nd, 2017, 06:39 AM
Going with Wofford and thinking I could regret it, tough game to pick as Furman was my sleeper but the let me down late at Samford

December 2nd, 2017, 06:51 AM
Going with Wofford and thinking I could regret it, tough game to pick as Furman was my sleeper but the let me down late at Samford

Furman played their fannies off against Samford. I think folks forget that Samford was a top 15 team playing at home with everything on the line. So, they were not a push over.

The Bulldogs came to play and made some of the most impressive efforts I’ve seen against Furman this year, so they definitely earned that win. Even then, Furman had the ball, down 6 with time on the clock. It just didn’t work out.

Frankly, I think we are better for that game. It did not adversely affect our playoff standing, as we ended up with the two teams we assumed we’d see anyway. Samford also runs a defensive scheme similar to Elon and similar to Wofford with similar personnel. I think having seen that sort of defensive look for two straight weeks is going to help against Wofford.

December 2nd, 2017, 07:16 AM
I see...

1,767 sold on the visitors side
573 available on the visitors side

76% of capacity on the visitors before ANY walk-ups or FU students that are coming on the bus(es) (right? - they can't buy theirs until they get there)

When we overflow the visitors side, should we just take over the Terrier Verandaaaaaaah instead of sitting on the Home side?


Oh yes! The Purple invasion is coming!

December 2nd, 2017, 07:17 AM
Furman played their fannies off against Samford. I think folks forget that Samford was a top 15 team playing at home with everything on the line. So, they were not a push over.

The Bulldogs came to play and made some of the most impressive efforts I’ve seen against Furman this year, so they definitely earned that win. Even then, Furman had the ball, down 6 with time on the clock. It just didn’t work out.

Frankly, I think we are better for that game. It did not adversely affect our playoff standing, as we ended up with the two teams we assumed we’d see anyway. Samford also runs a defensive scheme similar to Elon and similar to Wofford with similar personnel. I think having seen that sort of defensive look for two straight weeks is going to help against Wofford.

Not to mention a couple questionable 4th and 1 spots (1 being a touchdown) that could have easily swung that Samford game in our favor

Nevertheless its all about today, GO DINS!

December 2nd, 2017, 07:18 AM
Furman played their fannies off against Samford. I think folks forget that Samford was a top 15 team playing at home with everything on the line. So, they were not a push over.

The Bulldogs came to play and made some of the most impressive efforts I’ve seen against Furman this year, so they definitely earned that win. Even then, Furman had the ball, down 6 with time on the clock. It just didn’t work out.

Frankly, I think we are better for that game. It did not adversely affect our playoff standing, as we ended up with the two teams we assumed we’d see anyway. Samford also runs a defensive scheme similar to Elon and similar to Wofford with similar personnel. I think having seen that sort of defensive look for two straight weeks is going to help against Wofford.

you make a real good case for Furman, I can always flip the coin again...

December 2nd, 2017, 08:16 AM

December 2nd, 2017, 08:41 AM

“Schumpert comes around the corner there and the safety has to decide, ‘Is he coming to block me, or is he coming to run by me?’ Either way, you’re making him play softer,” Hendrix said. “I would imagine that’s been grilled in (Wofford), so we hope that maybe opens up some other things.”



December 2nd, 2017, 09:00 AM
FU still favored at -3.5


Mr. Taggart
December 2nd, 2017, 09:29 AM
you make a real good case for Furman, I can always flip the coin again...

Also worth noting that samford beat Wofford at Wofford's homecoming game.

December 2nd, 2017, 09:39 AM
FU still favored at -3.5


Which has more to do with the bets received so far than a teams ability at this point. Which I am sure you realize. That is why I have nothing to do with betting lines. Don't like them.

December 2nd, 2017, 09:58 AM
Which has more to do with the bets received so far than a teams ability at this point. Which I am sure you realize. That is why I have nothing to do with betting lines. Don't like them.

Furman is favored to win because more people think they are the better team ability wise and will win, even on the road

Reign of Terrier
December 2nd, 2017, 10:04 AM
Check the map brotha, tons more Furman tickets have been sold:

what I see here is that 2/3 of the visitors section have "high availability"

December 2nd, 2017, 10:04 AM
Furman is favored to win because more people think they are the better team ability wise and will win, even on the road

Again, no. More $...not necessarily people. I know it is a fine point, but it is true.

December 2nd, 2017, 10:06 AM
what I see here is that 2/3 of the visitors section have "high availability"

Click on and count the seats buddy, over 1800 of 2400 sold, walkup crowd and students start buying tickets at 12pm when Wofford ticket office opens, we will fill it up!

- - - Updated - - -

Again, no. More $...not necessarily people. I know it is a fine point, but it is true.

Just stop man, seriously

December 2nd, 2017, 10:08 AM
T-minus 3 hours until kickoff

December 2nd, 2017, 10:14 AM
Just stop man, seriously

I'll take that as an affirmation to my point.

Game time approaches......

Better be a good game or I might have to flip to the other ones.

December 2nd, 2017, 10:23 AM
I'll take that as an affirmation to my point.

Game time approaches......

Better be a good game or I might have to flip to the other ones.

Furman is favored to win at -3.5

No snide comments to justify that from the Citadel crowd required lol

December 2nd, 2017, 10:25 AM
Nice thread, up to 404 replies, no other round 2 thread has 260 at this point

Good chatting it up with you guys, focus shifts to the gridiron

Reign of Terrier
December 2nd, 2017, 11:39 AM
I'll be logging off for this one. In the event of a Wofford victory, I won't talk smack. There needs to be some de-escalation.

I may tune into the comments for halftime, but that's about it

December 2nd, 2017, 01:15 PM
5+ minute drive, 7 points to start. Wofford gets it done.

December 2nd, 2017, 01:19 PM
Nice thread, up to 404 replies, no other round 2 thread has 260 at this point

Good chatting it up with you guys, focus shifts to the gridiron

How soon before Furman starts to cheat?

December 2nd, 2017, 01:27 PM
Wofford looks a little bit sharper so far. Furman turns it over on downs.........but Wofford turns it over one play later.....at Wofford 35. Both sides fighting hard.

December 2nd, 2017, 01:36 PM
Wofford blocks FG and then goes three and out. First quarter just about done. Wofford 7-0.

December 2nd, 2017, 01:46 PM
Wofford D playing very good. Held Furman to FG. 7-3. Early 2nd.

December 2nd, 2017, 01:46 PM
Wofford D playing very good. Held Furman to FG. 7-3. Early 2nd.

That blocked FG might come back to haunt at this rate

December 2nd, 2017, 01:56 PM
Hard fought game. Wofford going for it on 4/1 in their territory with lead. I like it. If they get it, at this rate they may. Have a 7-8 minute drive.

The got it but had penalty. Punting now. Wow, what an error.

December 2nd, 2017, 02:00 PM
Wow Furman hit 44 us pass. Nice. Then tosses td pass.

10-7 Furman.

December 2nd, 2017, 02:00 PM
Wow Furman hit 44 us pass. Nice. Then tosses td pass.

10-7 Furman.

Furman QB looking like he will be able to do this all day long

December 2nd, 2017, 02:08 PM
Furman QB looking like he will be able to do this all day long

Momentum shifted a bit now. Furman D finally buckling down. 4 minutes to half and Furman could score again.

December 2nd, 2017, 02:18 PM
Wofford takes no time to march down field. TD is under review but they can punch it in if not. Impressive drive in 45 seconds. Now 14-10 Wofford, with 45 seconds in half. Wow. Good game.

December 2nd, 2017, 02:25 PM
Couple defensive lapses, but I’m comfortable with that first half. Furman tends to be a better second half team and gets the ball to start.

Wofford’s defense has been out on the field a long time, and that may pay dividends later in the game.

Of note, it does not look like Kealand Dirks is playing. I have no idea why, but that’s a huge absence for Furman.

Reign of Terrier
December 2nd, 2017, 02:26 PM
Halftime thoughts on this one:

Wofford has made a lot of mistakes and Furman is taking advantage. 2 drives were killed by penalties and one by turnover, other than that Furman isn't really stopping our offense (and admittedly that's a big caveat).

Wofford's defensive strategy seems to be "let them pass" because Furman is at 1.9 yards per rush. Wofford? 6.4. We're controlling the LOS, but Furman is offsetting that when they have the ball by taking advantage over our weak zone.

This game is just like the last one. Both teams are good. I'm glad we have the lead, I'm just frustrated that we've shot ourselves in the foot. We have to stay composed.

On the positive side of things, Brandon Goodson has 71 yards passing, giving him over 1000 on the year. I think he's the first Wofford QB since Ben Widmyer (2008) to have a 1000 yard passing season

December 2nd, 2017, 02:30 PM
Couple defensive lapses, but I’m comfortable with that first half. Furman tends to be a better second half team and gets the ball to start.

Wofford’s defense has been out on the field a long time, and that may pay dividends later in the game.

Of note, it does not look like Kealand Dirks is playing. I have no idea why, but that’s a huge absence for Furman.

Looks like 16-14 in TOP, favors Wofford. Both Ds been out on the field about equal.

December 2nd, 2017, 02:32 PM
Maybe somebody can refresh my memory; I know one of these schools sucks, but I can't remember which one.

December 2nd, 2017, 02:32 PM
Halftime thoughts on this one:

Wofford has made a lot of mistakes and Furman is taking advantage. 2 drives were killed by penalties and one by turnover, other than that Furman isn't really stopping our offense (and admittedly that's a big caveat).

Wofford's defensive strategy seems to be "let them pass" because Furman is at 1.9 yards per rush. Wofford? 6.4. We're controlling the LOS, but Furman is offsetting that when they have the ball by taking advantage over our weak zone.

This game is just like the last one. Both teams are good. I'm glad we have the lead, I'm just frustrated that we've shot ourselves in the foot. We have to stay composed.

On the positive side of things, Brandon Goodson has 71 yards passing, giving him over 1000 on the year. I think he's the first Wofford QB since Ben Widmyer (2008) to have a 1000 yard passing season

No doubt Wofford looked sharper for much of the game so far. But Furman can quick strike you in a heartbeat. Far from over. Masterful drive by Wofford at end of half. Ayers is a treasure.

December 2nd, 2017, 02:33 PM
Maybe somebody can refresh my memory; I know one of these schools sucks, but I can't remember which one.

The one that losing right now.......

December 2nd, 2017, 03:10 PM
Wofford scores. Now 21-10. Almost end of 3rd. With their D, that will make it hard for Furman.

December 2nd, 2017, 03:20 PM
Wofford dominating now with 14 minutes to go. Clock sucking drive coming up.

December 2nd, 2017, 03:27 PM
Worst place you want to be against Wofford. Down two scores with a turning clock.

They've outplayed us today.

December 2nd, 2017, 03:39 PM
Game over. 3 scores down with 5 minutes left.

December 2nd, 2017, 03:41 PM
Well, looks like the Terriers will have it today. All the credit to Wofford. They looked better in every facet of the game today. This is as good as I have seen them this season.

December 2nd, 2017, 03:42 PM
Well, looks like the Terriers will have it today. All the credit to Wofford. They looked better in every facet of the game today. This is as good as I have seen them this season.


December 2nd, 2017, 03:45 PM
Still game to go, but have to take the wife out for her birthday.

Congrats to Wofford. Echoing Paladinfan, absolutely outplayed us in every facet of the game today. As good as I can remember Wofford looking all year. Lemon played one heckuva game. Good luck whoever you guys play next!

As for Furman, it was a very good season. Better than most expected. A game like this shows we still have a lot of room to grow (which I think we will). Will need the next QB to step up, but feel good about what we have coming back.

December 2nd, 2017, 03:55 PM
Worst place you want to be against Wofford. Down two scores with a turning clock.

They've outplayed us today.

Yes. But Terrier 19 can’t say much. W all due respect when your guy gets a personal foul well.. let’s just let it go at that. ;). And I give all credit to Woff. Big credit. BUT stupid STUPID to use that fake FG bc if you are playing for a national title you need to save that play for Fargo. WHY WASTE THAT PLAY TODAY. Had a former NFL guy in front of me. He called that out to. Said ‘ well they just admitted they aren’t playing to win in Fargo... shoulda’ saved that play”. Good game. At lest now I can start betting again lol. Easy money but my jinx theory I wouldn’t bet and that was easy MONEY - under of 54 points. There was no way that was going to 54. No. Way

December 2nd, 2017, 03:58 PM
Yes. But Terrier 19 can’t say much. W all due respect when your guy gets a personal foul well.. let’s just let it go at that. ;). And I give all credit to Woff. Big credit. BUT stupid STUPID to use that fake FG bc if you are playing for a national title you need to save that play for Fargo. WHY WASTE THAT PLAY TODAY. Had a former NFL guy in front of me. He called that out to. Said ‘ well they just admitted they aren’t playing to win in Fargo... shoulda’ saved that play”. Good game. At lest now I can start betting again lol. Easy money but my jinx theory I wouldn’t bet and that was easy MONEY - under of 54 points. There was no way that was going to 54. No. Way

play the game you are in. Furman could have come back. Afterall, they are favored..

December 2nd, 2017, 04:00 PM
Yes. But Terrier 19 can’t say much. W all due respect when your guy gets a personal foul well.. let’s just let it go at that. ;). And I give all credit to Woff. Big credit. BUT stupid STUPID to use that fake FG bc if you are playing for a national title you need to save that play for Fargo. WHY WASTE THAT PLAY TODAY. Had a former NFL guy in front of me. He called that out to. Said ‘ well they just admitted they aren’t playing to win in Fargo... shoulda’ saved that play”. Good game. At lest now I can start betting again lol. Easy money but my jinx theory I wouldn’t bet and that was easy MONEY - under of 54 points. There was no way that was going to 54. No. Way

The “stupid” fake FG was to take the game to three scores. A FG up 11 makes the deficit 14 and gives Furman a shot to tie it. 3 scores late in the game is pretty much over.

You can’t make a biting remark about someone and follow it with “all due respect.” It isn’t respectful any way you slice it.

Reign of Terrier
December 2nd, 2017, 04:00 PM
No trash talk out of me from this one. Furman's a great team. that last offensive drive for Furman pretty much epitomized the problem that furman had today. Furman had 52 yards on 27 carries. Wofford's approach was basically "stop the run, make Blazejowski beat us"

It's not a disrespect to Blazejowski, it's just that Furman is not built to be a team that solely relies on the pass. Wofford made a lot of mistakes today (stupid penalties), but I'll take it. I'm proud of the effort and hope we can take it to the Bison next week.

Reign of Terrier
December 2nd, 2017, 04:01 PM
My hot take on Furman next year is that their defense will be really good, but the thing to watch will be QB play. You know they'll hit you in the face on every play, but I don't know how they'll replace Blazejowski.

December 2nd, 2017, 04:03 PM
No trash talk out of me from this one. Furman's a great team. that last offensive drive for Furman pretty much epitomized the problem that furman had today. Furman had 52 yards on 27 carries. Wofford's approach was basically "stop the run, make Blazejowski beat us"

It's not a disrespect to Blazejowski, it's just that Furman is not built to be a team that solely relies on the run. Wofford made a lot of mistakes today (stupid penalties), but I'll take it. I'm proud of the effort and hope we can take it to the Bison next week.

Pretty much the size of it. Kealand Dirks apparently was held out with a concussion, so our second FB was effectively a special teams guy that is most often a blocker. That hurt the run game a bit.

I sort of wish Furman had just abandoned the run all together and thrown it. As I expected, Wofford gave the Furman WRs a lot of room to maneuver.

As I noted on our forum, Furman is running Hendrix’s offense and defense with Fowler’s players. I’ll be interested to see how the team develops with a few recruiting classes and a couple years in the weight room. Wofford outmuscled us today.

December 2nd, 2017, 04:03 PM
The “stupid” fake FG was to take the game to three scores. A FG up 11 makes the deficit 14 and gives Furman a shot to tie it. 3 scores late in the game is pretty much over.

You can’t make a biting remark about someone and follow it with “all due respect.” It isn’t respectful any way you slice it.
said better than I did. Furman will be at the top of the SoCon in 2018. Great year. The conference is better when Furman is their best.

December 2nd, 2017, 04:04 PM
Yes. But Terrier 19 can’t say much. W all due respect when your guy gets a personal foul well.. let’s just let it go at that. ;). And I give all credit to Woff. Big credit. BUT stupid STUPID to use that fake FG bc if you are playing for a national title you need to save that play for Fargo. WHY WASTE THAT PLAY TODAY. Had a former NFL guy in front of me. He called that out to. Said ‘ well they just admitted they aren’t playing to win in Fargo... shoulda’ saved that play”. Good game. At lest now I can start betting again lol. Easy money but my jinx theory I wouldn’t bet and that was easy MONEY - under of 54 points. There was no way that was going to 54. No. Way

gofurman, you are way off base. But I'm not surprised.

19 had a rough start but made some great catches to set up the go ahead TD before the half. Also, I bet Wofford has more than 1 fake FG in their playbook so I doubt they are sweating using it now. It put the game out of reach. It was a good call. Not playing to win in Fargo? Who the heck even knows if they'll need a fake FG in ND? They play like they did today and they probably won't.

Also, no one cares about your betting.

December 2nd, 2017, 04:06 PM
No trash talk out of me from this one. Furman's a great team. that last offensive drive for Furman pretty much epitomized the problem that furman had today. Furman had 52 yards on 27 carries. Wofford's approach was basically "stop the run, make Blazejowski beat us"

It's not a disrespect to Blazejowski, it's just that Furman is not built to be a team that solely relies on the run. Wofford made a lot of mistakes today (stupid penalties), but I'll take it. I'm proud of the effort and hope we can take it to the Bison next week.

Furman made some bonehead mistakes as well. Wofford just played better all around.

Do think we'll be better on D next year....if we can learn to tackle in the open field. How the QB shakes out will determine a lot I think.

December 2nd, 2017, 04:07 PM
My hot take on Furman next year is that their defense will be really good, but the thing to watch will be QB play. You know they'll hit you in the face on every play, but I don't know how they'll replace Blazejowski.

Again, we don’t really know what the Furman offense will look like with a few recruiting classes. They are completely changing offensive systems this year, and are working on getting the personnel and players they want.

Blazejowski was really good for us this year, but I like who we have coming back. Harris Roberts will be a senior and has looked good in mopup duty this year. Jemar Lincoln, the freshman, I’ve heard is technically #2 on the depth chart but redshirted this year. He’s an electric runner from a big HS in South Georgia. Not sure how he works as a passer yet.

December 2nd, 2017, 04:07 PM
Yes. But Terrier 19 can’t say much. W all due respect when your guy gets a personal foul well.. let’s just let it go at that. ;). And I give all credit to Woff. Big credit. BUT stupid STUPID to use that fake FG bc if you are playing for a national title you need to save that play for Fargo. WHY WASTE THAT PLAY TODAY. Had a former NFL guy in front of me. He called that out to. Said ‘ well they just admitted they aren’t playing to win in Fargo... shoulda’ saved that play”. Good game. At lest now I can start betting again lol. Easy money but my jinx theory I wouldn’t bet and that was easy MONEY - under of 54 points. There was no way that was going to 54. No. Way

Sore loser. Look, my high school team got DRILLED in the state championship today...DEAL WITH IT!!!

Reign of Terrier
December 2nd, 2017, 04:08 PM
Furman reminds me of Wofford teams from 5 years ago in terms of their defensive philosophy. Short guys up front who can chase and other than that it's indistinguishable. Wofford's changed up our philosophy and went for size.

December 2nd, 2017, 04:09 PM
It was a good game. What is frustrating is that we didn't do anything particularly different today, we just did it well. This turned out to be our second largest winning point differential of the season, second only to VMI, despite playing one of our better opponents.

December 2nd, 2017, 04:10 PM
Furman made some bonehead mistakes as well. Wofford just played better all around.

Do think we'll be better on D next year....if we can learn to tackle in the open field. How the QB shakes out will determine a lot I think.

Certainly. I think all but one player on the entire two deep returns.

Furman started two true freshmen linebackers, one of whom didn’t even play linebacker in high school. I expect another year in the system will do a lot for them.

The good news is Furman can really start developing depth going forward.

December 2nd, 2017, 04:10 PM

Yes. That’s objectively MUCH better than Woff has played v Citadel and Chatt. Not close. That’s actually the Woff team
Many expected to roll over the SoCon. Only criticism is they need to cut out all the penalties. Man, sure Ayers will have a talk about that. Great effort Woff !!!!! Good win - Keep the heckling low. Great win.

December 2nd, 2017, 04:13 PM
Yes. That’s objectively MUCH better than Woff has played v Citadel and Chatt. Not close. That’s actually the Woff team
Many expected to roll over the SoCon. Only criticism is they need to cut out all the penalties. Man, sure Ayers will have a talk about that. Great effort Woff !!!!! Good win - Keep the heckling low. Great win.

That’s better my man. You’ve always been a good Furman poster.

December 2nd, 2017, 04:13 PM
Furman reminds me of Wofford teams from 5 years ago in terms of their defensive philosophy. Short guys up front who can chase and other than that it's indistinguishable. Wofford's changed up our philosophy and went for size.

Yes. I think that is going to change. Furman is recruiting bigger linebackers and some larger DTs.

The modern day SoCon sort of requires a bigger more physical defense.

Reign of Terrier
December 2nd, 2017, 04:14 PM
Either way, I'm just trying to find ways to give Furman credit because I've been sandbagging them all year. Wofford finally played a complete game on both sides of the ball

December 2nd, 2017, 04:16 PM
Either way, I'm just trying to find ways to give Furman credit because I've been sandbagging them all year. Wofford finally played a complete game on both sides of the ball

They looked good.

I said it week 1, but Goodson is the best throwing QB Wofford has had in years. The two outside backs are as fast as any I can remember.

December 2nd, 2017, 04:22 PM
Anyway, I’ve probably spent too many brain cells on Furman football this year, sort of glad to move along.

Best of luck to Wofford going forward.

Reign of Terrier
December 2nd, 2017, 04:22 PM
They looked good.

I said it week 1, but Goodson is the best throwing QB Wofford has had in years. The two outside backs are as fast as any I can remember.

Yeah, McAfee and Morgan (nicknamed "big play Blake) both had a game out of their mind.

Goodson is the first QB since Ben Widmyer in 2008 to throw for 1000 yards. He hasn't thrown an interception against FCS competition this year. He's also won the most playoff games of any QB since at least Ayers has been coach. He's a good one. He will be missed next year, even though I have confidence in QB Joe Newman

December 2nd, 2017, 04:34 PM
So, any doubt that Wofford is a top 10 team now???

December 2nd, 2017, 04:49 PM
Certainly. I think all but one player on the entire two deep returns.

Furman started two true freshmen linebackers, one of whom didn’t even play linebacker in high school. I expect another year in the system will do a lot for them.

The good news is Furman can really start developing depth going forward.

Also I do think Woff being healthy really helped. I think they win any way!!! . No asterick ok? Great job Woff. Just sayin’ the ability to play Roo and Mikel and Clemmons and Wilson helps a lot. And as we all know injuries are a killer in FCS. Woff has had a bad injury year a while back and so have we - one where it 12 guys are out ... and some of the health Woff earned by earning an off week. It also takes some luck - we had guys getting knicked up today. I didn’t see any Woff guys even get gimpy. That’s amazing. We had two guys have to go to the injury tent. Woff never put theirs up. Not a whine! Just a point that’s super key esp in FCS where next man up is good but only to a point. Great win. I honestly think that’s best game I have seen Woff play. Heard a Woff guy say ‘no way we go to OT w Chattanooga and beat Furman by 18. Weird ‘m

Reign of Terrier
December 2nd, 2017, 04:50 PM
So, any doubt that Wofford is a top 10 team now???

We're final 8, so we may as well be

December 2nd, 2017, 05:00 PM
Sore loser. Look, my high school team got DRILLED in the state championship today...DEAL WITH IT!!!
What ? Keep it classy. . I did. Great win for Woff. Great win. Legit point in fake FG. A PRO PLAYER said the same thing.

C’mon. Let’s keep it cool. Good win Woff !!! Great year for Furman !!!!! Next year looks great for both. Furman returns everyone on D.

December 2nd, 2017, 06:13 PM
I’m not gonna dig back through 46 pages of who knows what on this thread, so forgive me if I say anything redundant. But, got to make one more post before I go into my football hibernation cave.

What Wofford pulled off today was impressive. A team coming in, looking for revenge, riding high, all the reason in the world to be confident, with an overflow visiting crowd behind their backs. And Wofford just beat us.

The story, as it is often with Wofford, was line play. Wofford’s D-line pushed around like no other team this season. No other team gets close to that sort of domination against Furman this season, not even NC State.

Even so, Furman had chances to make this a game. But when you fail on 3 4th down attempts in enemy territory, drop an easy TD pass, and have a chip shot FG blocked, well, you don’t need to know the score to know what happened in that game.

Wofford made the plays they needed to make, almost every single time. Furman’s lone TD drive was the only time they played competently and confidently. Phenomenol coaching on Wofford’s side. Maybe not bad coaching on Furman’s side - chalk it up to youth or fatigue or whatever. But they didn’t get it done today.

Furman has a lot to look forward to, a lot to build on, but also a lot of questions to answer.

But this wasn’t supposed to be our year. If we eked out a winning season and nothing more, most all of us would have been satisfied. I hope they’re able to take more positive steps.

December 2nd, 2017, 06:18 PM
So, any doubt that Wofford is a top 10 team now???

Was there a large amount of people that didn't think they were top 10?


Reign of Terrier
December 2nd, 2017, 06:22 PM
Was there a large amount of people that didn't think they were top 10?


The short answer: yes

And to be honest with you...

They weren't unreasonable.

But I think we are undoubtedly playing our best ball. I don't know if that will translate into a victory in Fargo, but I'm proud of the effort they put forward today.

December 2nd, 2017, 06:23 PM
gofurman, you are way off base. But I'm not surprised.

19 had a rough start but made some great catches to set up the go ahead TD before the half. Also, I bet Wofford has more than 1 fake FG in their playbook so I doubt they are sweating using it now. It put the game out of reach. It was a good call. Not playing to win in Fargo? Who the heck even knows if they'll need a fake FG in ND? They play like they did today and they probably won't.

Also, no one cares about your betting.
“No one cares about your betting”. WRONG

Not being sore... but believe me several people care about my hypothetical 😀 betting. You are WRONG there. WRONG. WRONG. I just left an establishment in Sparkle City where I was just asked three times my opinion on that very subject. Within the hour. I hope you apologize for your clearly errant statement.

Maybe you want to say ‘ I don’t care about that. ‘. THAT statement may be true. But a lot of people care about that. I help make them money HYPOTHETICALLY. As I told em’ - bet everything you got on Woff Furman under 54.5. They are very very happy they did. To the tune of several K. Hypothetically ;)

Make sure you State actual FACTS wolfpacker. Please. I would expect more from you than to use phrases like ‘never’ or ‘no one’. Those phrases make you wrong quite often. Never say never. Never say ‘no one’

And that’s just RUDE to say you aren’t surprised I am off base. That’s ASS man. I am both one of the most ardent Furman fans and yet objective. Objective - Unlike most fans of most teams. I give HUGE credit to Wofford. They beat us fair and square !!! Well played except for penalties. And I figured they would - we had a super season and look strong moving forward. If you think I am off base you don’t know most fans. I make money (hypothetically) xactly because I am NOT off base 👍. That’s numeric proof that I am spot on more than the average guy in my analysis. Nothing proves I am on base more than numbers and $$$. Money talks. BS walks. How much you make on FCS? Hypothetically. ;).

December 2nd, 2017, 06:52 PM
The short answer: yes

And to be honest with you...

They weren't unreasonable.

But I think we are undoubtedly playing our best ball. I don't know if that will translate into a victory in Fargo, but I'm proud of the effort they put forward today.
Wofford is a team that worries me. It might be because the last time they came to Fargo they basically took us right down to the wire, and that memory is in my head. Their defense (3-4) is one that tends to give the Bison fits, and they seem to be operating their triple option very well, with a pass threat. I think this will be the game of the week, very close going into the later part of the 4th, and I would not be surprised if Wofford won it. I still however give the edge to NDSU.

December 2nd, 2017, 07:03 PM
Congrats to wofford. Proud of the paladins this year quite a turnaround

December 2nd, 2017, 07:37 PM
Congrats to wofford. Proud of the paladins this year quite a turnaround

So Dirks didn't play today be of a concussion? Good grief. Best FB we have imo. Just curious - Wasn't he the one who couldn't play v Woff or played very little the first time. ?

IE, Dirks kills it all year except wasn't a real part of our O in game one (we hadn't figured out who was best at RB and OL then).. and then today out w concussion ?

Anyway, Woff did a great job today. Great ! Best I have seen them play most all year. I have watched all of their games in most part.

And phenomenal turnaround by Furman from 3-8 to 8-5! Wow. From 8 losses to 8 wins. Coach of year, Jacobs blocking award and 16 returning starters. Next year looks great w everyone on D returning ! And much of O returning too

Reign of Terrier
December 2nd, 2017, 08:20 PM
Wofford is a team that worries me. It might be because the last time they came to Fargo they basically took us right down to the wire, and that memory is in my head. Their defense (3-4) is one that tends to give the Bison fits, and they seem to be operating their triple option very well, with a pass threat. I think this will be the game of the week, very close going into the later part of the 4th, and I would not be surprised if Wofford won it. I still however give the edge to NDSU.

I will make the bold prediction that Wofford's offense will at least score this time (but there's another thread for this I guess).

Wofford plays like an MVFC team. Strong run game and strong defense.

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 2nd, 2017, 08:23 PM
Wofford is a team that worries me. It might be because the last time they came to Fargo they basically took us right down to the wire, and that memory is in my head. Their defense (3-4) is one that tends to give the Bison fits, and they seem to be operating their triple option very well, with a pass threat. I think this will be the game of the week, very close going into the later part of the 4th, and I would not be surprised if Wofford won it. I still however give the edge to NDSU.

Wofford's only score was a pick 6. Looking forward to this matchup. LBs and SS will be busy in this game.

December 2nd, 2017, 08:37 PM
gofurman, you are way off base. But I'm not surprised.

19 had a rough start but made some great catches to set up the go ahead TD before the half. Also, I bet Wofford has more than 1 fake FG in their playbook so I doubt they are sweating using it now. It put the game out of reach. It was a good call. Not playing to win in Fargo? Who the heck even knows if they'll need a fake FG in ND? They play like they did today and they probably won't.

Also, no one cares about your betting.

" gofurman, you are way off base. But I'm not surprised." - Hope you apologize for this. That's just rude and no need for that. Note even the Wofford fans appreciate my posts (grad 94 said so above ). Hope you are big enough to apologize for this comment

Reign of Terrier
December 2nd, 2017, 08:38 PM
Wofford's only score was a pick 6. Looking forward to this matchup. LBs and SS will be busy in this game.

Our offense was pretty bad down the stretch that year. This offense is better. Whether or not it'll be good enough to win remains to be seen, but I think we'll get a score or two ;)

December 2nd, 2017, 08:56 PM
Great job Wofford! Real quick question for Woff fans. Objectively were you impressed w fan turnout for Furman? I honestly was pretty thrilled. I have been to 10+ games at Wofford including playoff games v GSU or App etc (15,000 students v our 2700) and that was one of the best visitor crowds I have seen. Maybe THE best.

Do you Agree? Or was my view distorted since I was in the crowd and not on the opposing side to have a better view?

Thanks for answer

December 2nd, 2017, 09:46 PM
Wow! What a great win by Wofford today! Though FU obviously missed Dirks, that doesn’t matter.

Go Porchyappers

Wofford’s Players CLEARLY do not expect to lose and that goes so so far in FCS Football.

very proud of 19 - so many clutch catches! If his Dad was a better poster, that young man might’ve been a pretty fair Football Player someday xsmiley_wix

Rep the SoCon ratdogs! You CLEARLY earned it!

Reign of Terrier
December 2nd, 2017, 09:51 PM
Great job Wofford! Real quick question for Woff fans. Objectively were you impressed w fan turnout for Furman? I honestly was pretty thrilled. I have been to 10+ games at Wofford including playoff games v GSU or App etc (15,000 students v our 2700) and that was one of the best visitor crowds I have seen. Maybe THE best.

Do you Agree? Or was my view distorted since I was in the crowd and not on the opposing side to have a better view?

Thanks for answer

Georgia Southern, when we had our playoff game with them in 2010 had more (filled up the far end of our side), but they also have probably 5x+ the alumni of Furman and 10x the free time due to lower employment rates (I kid, I kid).

Overall, gotta respect the turnout by the Purple faithful. It was probably a 50-50 split (wofford fans had the V lot, and more stands to fill, but didn't fill them as well) but Furman did a better job filling their end (if you want to check on it, there's a good shot of the Wofford stands on the second play of Furman's second drive). I wasn't at the game, but I wish I had made it.

December 3rd, 2017, 08:32 AM
As much as it pains me to say it… great game Wofford. I know you guys will rep the SoCon well in Fargo.

No one gave Furman a chance to have been playing in the second round of the playoffs before the season started.
CCH you have our hopes up. I'm so glad we have a coach that tells it like it is, he's been saying it since the Samford game.
Furman got exposed, we need to get bigger, stronger and faster. He's also commented on the problem of not having enough dynamic players. Those problems will be addressed in the weight room and through recruiting - I think Furman gets the job done.

Concerning the game yesterday… man our linebackers played their a$$es off, it was hard to watch McKoy coming off the field to the sidelines after a Wofford drive gasping for air. Eliis and McKoy had amazing rookie years - they will get better - and Furman in time will have some of these depth issues shored up.

I feel for PJ, he had a roller coaster career at Furman - but so proud of the way he played this season. Not sure what happened in the second half had some uncharacteristic missed throws - maybe it was the toll of the game.

My gut is Lincoln wins the QB job in the spring.

December 3rd, 2017, 08:37 AM
Furman QB looking like he will be able to do this all day long

sorry for posting that Furman fans

December 3rd, 2017, 12:38 PM
I am still waiting for FUWindBreaker's assessment of the game. Does PurpleRayCharlesGlasses have a witty word?

December 3rd, 2017, 12:43 PM
I am still waiting for FUWindBreaker's assessment of the game. Does PurpleRayCharlesGlasses have a witty word?

As with most folks that show up on the bandwagon, they are often quick to leave.

December 3rd, 2017, 01:01 PM
As with most folks that show up on the bandwagon, they are often quick to leave.


December 3rd, 2017, 01:05 PM
Game over, but impressive showing by the Furman fans yesterday.

https://twitter.com/tibbsfam/status/937050898538356736 (https://twitter.com/tibbsfam/status/937050898538356736)

Sir William
December 3rd, 2017, 02:34 PM
Congrats Terriers - you were the better team yesterday - especially in the second half - and no doubt the top team this year in the SoCon. Hats off to you!

Congrats to the Paladins and Paladin nation on on a great season! Already looking forward to 2018!

December 3rd, 2017, 03:40 PM
I am still waiting for FUWindBreaker's assessment of the game. Does PurpleRayCharlesGlasses have a witty word?

Lol. *** Notice I (gofurman) and Palafinfan were here immediately. Remember that next year - it shows who you can listen to and who is spouting off. ***. Every team has em. Even Woff and Furman.

- the very fact I was here posting after a Loss was more than 70% of bandwagon fans

Sadly you can kind of tell by the type of posts pre game who will return in a loss and who will not ... it’s pretty obvious. I hope Woff fans return IF they lose to NDSU. As you imply, that’s very telling

Nothing wrong w casual fans but I think you ought to come back and post at least once win or lose. More classy that way - it lets us all know who we should listen to more

December 3rd, 2017, 03:42 PM
Game over, but impressive showing by the Furman fans yesterday.

https://twitter.com/tibbsfam/status/937050898538356736 (https://twitter.com/tibbsfam/status/937050898538356736)

Objectively. That was REALLY impressive. I have seen App etc not bring many more fans to Woff despite 17,000 students and Furman w 2600. Attendance per ESPN was 5000+. I bet 2000 or so were Furman visitors.

December 3rd, 2017, 04:17 PM
Again, we don’t really know what the Furman offense will look like with a few recruiting classes. They are completely changing offensive systems this year, and are working on getting the personnel and players they want.

Blazejowski was really good for us this year, but I like who we have coming back. Harris Roberts will be a senior and has looked good in mopup duty this year. Jemar Lincoln, the freshman, I’ve heard is technically #2 on the depth chart but redshirted this year. He’s an electric runner from a big HS in South Georgia. Not sure how he works as a passer yet.

Wanted to comment on FU QB situation in a bigger sense real quick. We have been too much a passing team the past few years .. it’s not our MO or tradition. (W the exception of Ingle Martin 2004-2005 who could win any way he wanted and set FU all time TD record in TWO YEARS!).

Anyway, back to point, though we are more hybrid option than Wofford we still need a stronger running game that only requires 15 passes a game. Say 55 runs 15/20 passes or so. Just a rough number. Despite us wanting to throw a little bit more than Citadel and Wofford - Furman 20+% v 10 or 20%(?) - the point is we still need to STRENGTHEN OUR RUN GAME to where we can sustain running v great DL and not have to resort to an all pass offense v great run D. My point is the QB passing ability will always matter ( a big part of the game yesterday was Woff hitting passes some of their prior QBs couldn’t right before the half to go up 14-10)... but we shouldn’t need a superb passer. That should just be a desired bonus

I think we are two or three years away from that as Hendrix develops OL but I can see it coming !

December 3rd, 2017, 06:06 PM
Lol. *** Notice I (gofurman) and Palafinfan were here immediately. Remember that next year - it shows who you can listen to and who is spouting off. ***. Every team has em. Even Woff and Furman.

That’s why I was pissed at my own brethren FUWolfpacker for giving me heck about a post - the very fact I was here posting after a Loss was more than 70% of bandwagon fans

Sadly you can kind of tell by the type of posts pre game who will return in a loss and who will not ... it’s pretty obvious. I hope Woff fans return IF they lose to NDSU. As you imply, that’s very telling

Nothing wrong w casual fans but I think you ought to come back and post at least once win or lose. More classy that way - it lets us all know who we should listen to more

Like you, some of us have been here for more than a decade. I have been here in good days/seasons and in bad. I don't talk too much smack, but I enjoy good football conversation---minus the bandwaggoners.

December 3rd, 2017, 08:19 PM
Like you, some of us have been here for more than a decade. I have been here in good days/seasons and in bad. I don't talk too much smack, but I enjoy good football conversation---minus the bandwaggoners.

Exactly. And I don’t mind bandwagon as long as they come back and give credit to other team in a loss. , everyone’s playoff Season ends in a loss except one - no shame in losing in playoffs

December 4th, 2017, 07:51 AM
First and foremost congratulations on a great season and you have to feell great about the direction of the Furman program.

December 4th, 2017, 08:01 AM
Now to the game itself.......One of my favorites games that I have attended. Just because the atmosphere was very good and intense.

We as a team did not do anything out of the ordinary. Was a typical Wofford football game, this season. We got ourselves behind schedule with some untimely penalties, (RJ got us one early in the game that hurt a really promising drive). But where this team is different, was in the response before the half. To me that drive was the game, and exemplifies what is different about this Wofford group from the rest of the Wofford teams of the past. Wofford has the ability to quick strike if need be, they can hit the long ball if they choose, and Goodson is calm and poised and we are a very efficient passing team. That keeps teams honest, and that answer going into the half snatched back the momentum and got us back on schedule. And as we have done all season long, we make 2nd half adjustments and come out and play Wofford football. Was a very satisfying win, and has us right where we planned on being, a return trip to the Quarterfinals.

On Furman, Blaze is a tough kid, great career, LOOOOVE the Tight end Shumpert, kid can flat out ball. I think he got dinged up during the game, he started favoring his shoulder about midway through the game. The Reynard Ellis kid was great on defense. He made 4 million tackles.

BUt the difference in this game is what has been the difference against all teams. We dominated the Line of Scrimmage on both sides of the line. The Wofford Recipe. RUN THE BALL, STOP THE RUN, LIMIT BIG PLAYS AND TURNOVERS.

Reign of Terrier
December 4th, 2017, 08:06 AM
I agree with pretty much everything above

December 4th, 2017, 08:23 AM
Now to the game itself.......One of my favorites games that I have attended. Just because the atmosphere was very good and intense.

We as a team did not do anything out of the ordinary. Was a typical Wofford football game, this season. We got ourselves behind schedule with some untimely penalties, (RJ got us one early in the game that hurt a really promising drive). But where this team is different, was in the response before the half. To me that drive was the game, and exemplifies what is different about this Wofford group from the rest of the Wofford teams of the past. Wofford has the ability to quick strike if need be, they can hit the long ball if they choose, and Goodson is calm and poised and we are a very efficient passing team. That keeps teams honest, and that answer going into the half snatched back the momentum and got us back on schedule. And as we have done all season long, we make 2nd half adjustments and come out and play Wofford football. Was a very satisfying win, and has us right where we planned on being, a return trip to the Quarterfinals.

On Furman, Blaze is a tough kid, great career, LOOOOVE the Tight end Shumpert, kid can flat out ball. I think he got dinged up during the game, he started favoring his shoulder about midway through the game. The Reynard Ellis kid was great on defense. He made 4 million tackles.

BUt the difference in this game is what has been the difference against all teams. We dominated the Line of Scrimmage on both sides of the line. The Wofford Recipe. RUN THE BALL, STOP THE RUN, LIMIT BIG PLAYS AND TURNOVERS.

Hendrix was blunt in his post game comments saying something to the effect of "we just weren't good enough today." I really like Hendrix's straight forward no-nonsense approach.

He highlighted three plays in the first half that Furman just didn't make: (1) blocked FG, (2) dropped pass in the endzone, and (3) letting Wofford score right before half. That may have been the difference in Furman going into the half up 17-7 as opposed to down 14-10. Who knows what happens in the second half if Furman does better there.

I don't know what was going on with Schumpert. He was out there some, but certainly not out there every snap like he normally is. I assume he had an injury. It definitely hurt Furman to play without an all conference RB (Dirks) and have limited use of their all conference TE.

Wofford simply outplayed us and gives us a good benchmark on where our program needs to be going forward. Being in the postseason this year was invaluable experience for a young team that needs to develop depth and get bigger, faster, stronger to be able to compete at a national level.

December 4th, 2017, 08:30 AM
I am sure Dirks could have helped out, but the help you needed wasn't in the form of a RB, you needed help on the OL. Our D LINE flat out got after it and controlled the Line of scrimmage. There was no room for Backs to run without being hit in the backfield. Same thing with Blaze, who was contained with his running game. Teams that are run first play right into Wofford's hands with our D LINE. Pick your poison you want to try the interior with Mikel Horton, or try and get to the edge with Miles Brown and Tyler Vaughn. Not a good recipe to beat Wofford.

December 4th, 2017, 09:06 AM
I am sure Dirks could have helped out, but the help you needed wasn't in the form of a RB, you needed help on the OL. Our D LINE flat out got after it and controlled the Line of scrimmage. There was no room for Backs to run without being hit in the backfield. Same thing with Blaze, who was contained with his running game. Teams that are run first play right into Wofford's hands with our D LINE. Pick your poison you want to try the interior with Mikel Horton, or try and get to the edge with Miles Brown and Tyler Vaughn. Not a good recipe to beat Wofford.

Well, honestly, I have no idea why we struggled to throw the ball at the second half. I told my buddy I would be perfectly fine seeing Furman air it out 30+ times if Wofford was going to play 10 yards off our receivers. Blazejowski was great in the first half, and then just seemed to lose rhythm in the second.

December 4th, 2017, 09:07 AM
Well, honestly, I have no idea why we struggled to throw the ball at the second half. I told my buddy I would be perfectly fine seeing Furman air it out 30+ times if Wofford was going to play 10 yards off our receivers. Blazejowski was great in the first half, and then just seemed to lose rhythm in the second.

Trust me......we know all about that. We LOOOOOOOVE when teams stay dedicated to the run instead of just airing it out. Allows us to do what we do best.

December 4th, 2017, 09:10 AM
Trust me......we know all about that. We LOOOOOOOVE when teams stay dedicated to the run instead of just airing it out. Allows us to do what do best.

We still threw it, just the passes weren't there. A couple undershot, a couple over shot.

Truthfully, in the first half I thought Wofford was nuts for giving Furman as much room as they did in the passing game. The Paladins, in my view, are the second best passing team in the league behind Samford.

December 4th, 2017, 09:13 AM
We still threw it, just the passes weren't there. A couple undershot, a couple over shot.

Truthfully, in the first half I thought Wofford was nuts for giving Furman as much room as they did in the passing game. The Paladins, in my view, are the second best passing team in the league behind Samford.

See it was the quality of the passes you were having to throw. We didn't allow but a couple intermediate to long passes. We want you to throw underneath. We will give that up all day and make you execute that over and over. Its our defensive philosophy. It is why Samford has notoriously given us issues due to their efficiency at operating that underneath passing attack. Thats right up our alley. Your style isn't that way. You guys like to play action and hit for intermediate to deep balls off of play action. When you can't run, you can't play action effectively.

Reign of Terrier
December 4th, 2017, 09:48 AM
Well, honestly, I have no idea why we struggled to throw the ball at the second half. I told my buddy I would be perfectly fine seeing Furman air it out 30+ times if Wofford was going to play 10 yards off our receivers. Blazejowski was great in the first half, and then just seemed to lose rhythm in the second.

We still threw it, just the passes weren't there. A couple undershot, a couple over shot.

Truthfully, in the first half I thought Wofford was nuts for giving Furman as much room as they did in the passing game. The Paladins, in my view, are the second best passing team in the league behind Samford.

I said the opposite to Dungeonjoe at halftime (I couldn't tell you if it was a valid assessment based upon the facts or just wishful thinking at the time).

I didn't think passing every down worked to Furman's advantage or was sustainable. Blazejowski is a great QB, especially passing the ball and especially if you give him time to set his feet, but that's not what Furman's offense specialized this year.

Namely (and anyone better at football x's and o's can correct me here), it seems like the best defense against the option is the zone (the best approach is not to blitz linebackers, but to let them read and respond). So in the passing game you take advantage of holes in the zone (Wofford does this now) or you take advantage of man-defense when the safety is looking into the backfield and throw a bomb as someone runs by him(Furman did this a lot this year).

In option offenses, there usually aren't that many dropback passes. A lot of them are bootlegs in which the QB may or may not have time to set his feet; like he will if it's a bomb, but not if it's an intermediate pass. At the very least, that seemed to be what most of the Furman passes were this year: bootlegs in which Blazejowski set his feet and threw a bomb for 6, or when he was on the run and did a quick out (I made this observation in the first game).

Anyway, if Blaze sets his feet he's probably a 65%+ completion guy, but if your feet aren't set (no matter who you are), that percentage goes down. It's a risk trade off between hitting a big play to the soft spot of the zone on a bootleg and throwing an incomplete pass.

With Wofford, I assume we weren't going to go out of the zone and we were going to commit to stopping the run, so we allowed for the risk of those pass plays because we figured he'd miss a third of them or so (he finished 18 of 30, so not a crazy gamble). That combined with Furman's commitment to run game gave Wofford an optimal shot at forcing three and outs.

So, I think it was the same strength/weakness combination of Wofford's defense that allowed ETSU to score 24 on us and Chattanooga to not get three and outs that allowed us to shut down the scoring of Furman. Namely, the other two pretty much abandoned the run game or saw minimal success (Wofford didn't really commit to stopping them FWIW) but did a lot of dink and dunk drop back passes.

I like our chances against NDSU because I think their run game will be more successful than ETSU/Chatt and likely Furman, and I think their pass game will be comparable to ETSU/Chatt, but the success of the run game could minimize the use of the pass game.

December 4th, 2017, 09:54 AM
See it was the quality of the passes you were having to throw. We didn't allow but a couple intermediate to long passes. We want you to throw underneath. We will give that up all day and make you execute that over and over. Its our defensive philosophy. It is why Samford has notoriously given us issues due to their efficiency at operating that underneath passing attack. Thats right up our alley. Your style isn't that way. You guys like to play action and hit for intermediate to deep balls off of play action. When you can't run, you can't play action effectively.

That's been Wofford's defensive style forever. I don't think that surprised anyone. I even noted in the pregame leadup that Wofford was likely to run that sort of defense against Furman. Heck, if I knew it, Furman sure enough knew it.

You can still move the ball with intermediate passes. We threw for 164 yards I think in the first half. In the second half a lot of those completions weren't there. I don't think it was pressure on Blazejowski or anything Wofford was necessarily doing defensively, we just stopped hitting open receivers.

Cam Burnett did manage the rare feat of getting behind Wofford's secondary once on a 44 yard completion. Remember that kid's name. I've watched a lot of Furman football, and he is as impressive a freshman receiver as I can remember. Furman has produced a bunch of really good shifty smaller slot guys, but Burnette is 6'2 and can pick it. I imagine he will terrorize defenses for a long while.

Reign of Terrier
December 4th, 2017, 10:02 AM
I think the key to this one was Wofford stopped the run and Furman, though possibly capable of passing it, didn't feel comfortable doing sp.

December 4th, 2017, 10:04 AM
I said the opposite to Dungeonjoe at halftime (I couldn't tell you if it was a valid assessment based upon the facts or just wishful thinking at the time).

I didn't think passing every down worked to Furman's advantage or was sustainable. Blazejowski is a great QB, especially passing the ball and especially if you give him time to set his feet, but that's not what Furman's offense specialized this year.

Namely (and anyone better at football x's and o's can correct me here), it seems like the best defense against the option is the zone (the best approach is not to blitz linebackers, but to let them read and respond). So in the passing game you take advantage of holes in the zone (Wofford does this now) or you take advantage of man-defense when the safety is looking into the backfield and throw a bomb as someone runs by him(Furman did this a lot this year).

In option offenses, there usually aren't that many dropback passes. A lot of them are bootlegs in which the QB may or may not have time to set his feet; like he will if it's a bomb, but not if it's an intermediate pass. At the very least, that seemed to be what most of the Furman passes were this year: bootlegs in which Blazejowski set his feet and threw a bomb for 6, or when he was on the run and did a quick out (I made this observation in the first game).

Anyway, if Blaze sets his feet he's probably a 65%+ completion guy, but if your feet aren't set (no matter who you are), that percentage goes down. It's a risk trade off between hitting a big play to the soft spot of the zone on a bootleg and throwing an incomplete pass.

With Wofford, I assume we weren't going to go out of the zone and we were going to commit to stopping the run, so we allowed for the risk of those pass plays because we figured he'd miss a third of them or so (he finished 18 of 30, so not a crazy gamble). That combined with Furman's commitment to run game gave Wofford an optimal shot at forcing three and outs.

So, I think it was the same strength/weakness combination of Wofford's defense that allowed ETSU to score 24 on us and Chattanooga to not get three and outs that allowed us to shut down the scoring of Furman. Namely, the other two pretty much abandoned the run game or saw minimal success (Wofford didn't really commit to stopping them FWIW) but did a lot of dink and dunk drop back passes.

I like our chances against NDSU because I think their run game will be more successful than ETSU/Chatt and likely Furman, and I think their pass game will be comparable to ETSU/Chatt, but the success of the run game could minimize the use of the pass game.

Wofford did defensively exactly what I thought they would do. Their corners and safeties dropped on every snap. They loaded the box and blitzed everyone else in the backfield especially coming hard off the edges. It's the same defense they've run for years.

The downside is you give a lot of space underneath for receivers to operate. Furman has some good ones. The upshot is you are able to buckle down in the redzone where space becomes a premium.

At bottom, though, Wofford just beat us at the point of attack. We don't have enough top flight running backs in the system yet to attack the outside edges (pretty much only Morehead). Wofford did what Samford and Elon tried to do, and that was try to eliminate the run game and make Furman throw it. The Paladins, though running a lot of option, don't have a lot of "option" personnel on the roster. None of those primary players on offense were recruited to Furman to run that sort of offense. So, you exploit the mismatches.

A lot of folks note the "hybrid" nature of Furman's offense, but realistically it was an offense designed around the personnel on the roster. They were good at times, but had clear flaws against bigger stronger defenses. Over time, I think you will see Furman's recruiting level out those advantages for the defense.

December 4th, 2017, 10:18 AM
Which is exactly why when we saw all the hyperbole about how Furman was going to take advantage of us we were all looking around like ????? Wofford is exactly who we have always been on defense. WE will stop the run, force you to live one dimensional through the air as we feel the odds on executing at a high enough level to beat us isn't good odds. We ball control and limit possessions, each time you are stopped or have to punt, the game squeezes and shortens. If you aren't willing to full scale attack us through the air, and you are willing to live as a traditional offense with a balanced run / pass mix, then Wofford REALLY likes their chances. And this game played out exactly that way..

Reign of Terrier
December 4th, 2017, 10:23 AM
I think we're talking in circles now gentlemen.

December 4th, 2017, 10:31 AM
Which is exactly why when we saw all the hyperbole about how Furman was going to take advantage of us we were all looking around like ????? Wofford is exactly who we have always been on defense. WE will stop the run, force you to live one dimensional through the air as we feel the odds on executing at a high enough level to beat us isn't good odds. We ball control and limit possessions, each time you are stopped or have to punt, the game squeezes and shortens. If you aren't willing to full scale attack us through the air, and you are willing to live as a traditional offense with a balanced run / pass mix, then Wofford REALLY likes their chances. And this game played out exactly that way..

Look, I've watched Wofford a long time. I've got a perfectly comfortable understanding of what they do on defense.

I would note, of course, that all that didn't work against Samford, who beat Wofford throwing for 427 yards and rushing for only 10. It's not like you can't beat Wofford throwing the ball. Heck, Blazejowski lit up Wofford's defense a couple of years ago for 300+

I get what you are saying, and there's no question Wofford outplayed Furman Saturday, but the exemplars aren't necessary. They were a better team on Saturday.

December 4th, 2017, 10:36 AM
Duly Noted........

On to the next one.

December 4th, 2017, 10:52 AM
I am sure Dirks could have helped out, but the help you needed wasn't in the form of a RB, you needed help on the OL.

Pick your poison you want to try the interior with Mikel Horton, or try and get to the edge with Miles Brown and Tyler Vaughn.

For the record ONLY, FU was also missing starting RT, 6-7, 285 Bo Layton. Only a R-FR, but he did have 7 starts this season.

...and also for the record, as good as those 3 are (the best DL in FCS, IMHO), it's not just them. Those 4 LB's are also RockStars, with Wilson being a future NFL'er, IMHO!

More on the DL. Not taking anything away from Samford's former NG, Michael Pierce, but if he can find a home as a starting NG in the NFL (Ravens), I have to think at least 2 of those Woffy DL dudes should have a shot to be on someone's roster when they move on from SparkleCity