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Go Lehigh TU Owl
June 23rd, 2018, 09:04 PM
Not bad at all. A 3* DL in Laurencelle;a decommit from Army in Rajkowsky at Rover; Rybka ,a NJ 1st team A-S DT who decommitted from Rutgers and Army; Markus an A-S DE from Georgia and Foley at LB .a DPOY.

Talent was not our biggest problem last year on D. New system,new coaches and injuries were major factors. Five years of increasingly bad defense hopefully bottomed out last year. Regardless of reasons Coen is firmly on the hot seat if the defense does not improve markedly this coming season.

I think talent was part of the problem. The DL and LB's were physically outmanned far too often. Lehigh's DL has struggled since Chagani graduated following the 2012 season. Cavenas was good but he was forced to play out of position most of his career due to subpar DL talent. The LB's were all in the 6'1 215/220 range which caused them to struggle filling the gaps. The only area where I thought coaching could have helped is the secondary. I felt the coverage skills/athleticism was there in the backend but the ball skills were below average.

I'm hoping for an improvement but I don't see it getting past the 2016 level. Why Coen doesn't bring in 1 or 2 transfers is beyond me. There had to have been 1or 2 disgruntled 6'2 390+ DL in the country over the last 2 or 3 years who would have loved a chance at getting a Lehigh degree.

Lafayette got a solid DL from 'Cuse recently. Fordham has successfully used transfers the last 5-6 years.

June 23rd, 2018, 09:12 PM
There had to have been 1or 2 disgruntled 6'2 390+ DL in the country over the last 2 or 3 years who would have loved a chance at getting a Lehigh degree.

This comment made my night! Literally laughing out loud at my kitchen table...

Go Lehigh TU Owl
June 23rd, 2018, 09:16 PM
This comment made my night! Literally laughing out loud at my kitchen table...

Well maybe not 390+ pound DL. xlolx Perhaps 290+ xsmiley_wix

June 23rd, 2018, 09:42 PM
Agree partly owl. I am also a bit puzzled by our seeming lack of interest in transfers. Note Pards also got a 6'4 245 DE from Army. Rumor is there are a few more transfers.
In any event , if you are right about lack of improvement Sterrett may have little choice but to get a new head coach.

June 26th, 2018, 12:03 PM
Following this thread over at Hoyatalk, may post there later this evening. Other PL fans, agree or disagree?


June 26th, 2018, 02:03 PM
It is the "what if" debate. Agree with the implied sadness and frustration thread indicates. The problem and solution stiil reside with GU administration. Nothing that we havent been saying from the outside.Funding certainly an issue. Consensus that even with 40 or so need grants the " sleeping giant" would stir and at the very least be competitive. Funding alone is not the answer. Look at Lafayette and to a lesser extent Holy Cross. Both fully funded but given no administration support. In Pards' case, football had an actively hostile administration. Unless GU actively supports football more than at present, money alone wont elevate the program.
Admit I remain puzzled about how 50 million dollars did so little for stadium.

June 26th, 2018, 02:21 PM
Any idea what 'Nova's budget is v Gtown? If I'm Gtown I would be asking why the heck we would add an add'l nickel or more time/energy to the program if a peer who is generally regarded as successful in the subdivision barely outdraws us. I read those posts and worry about the future of football at both schools. And, yes, I do have similar concerns at Fordham where I think we oddly have more institutional support than at either place. Football in the Northeast ain't what it used to be imo.

June 26th, 2018, 02:54 PM
Any idea what 'Nova's budget is v Gtown? If I'm Gtown I would be asking why the heck we would add an add'l nickel or more time/energy to the program if a peer who is generally regarded as successful in the subdivision barely outdraws us. I read those posts and worry about the future of football at both schools. And, yes, I do have similar concerns at Fordham where I think we oddly have more institutional support than at either place. Football in the Northeast ain't what it used to be imo.
Yup. Easier to just watch games on TV. The binge watching generation of college kids shows little desire to actually go outside. Up to Colleges to make game a desired destination for this generation. How??

June 26th, 2018, 03:05 PM
Lafayette got a solid DL from 'Cuse recently.

Who is ineligible for the current season.

June 26th, 2018, 03:23 PM
Yup. Easier to just watch games on TV. The binge watching generation of college kids shows little desire to actually go outside. Up to Colleges to make game a desired destination for this generation. How??

Go after the kids and families. Parents are always looking for things to do with the kids. Get some bouncy houses, have some competitions for the older kids. Get the community involved and maybe win a few games. This isn't rocket science, yet it's rarely attempted. Hell, I got my wife in a Princeton game just because they had stuff to do for our daughter inside.

June 26th, 2018, 03:36 PM
Go after the kids and families. Parents are always looking for things to do with the kids. Get some bouncy houses, have some competitions for the older kids. Get the community involved and maybe win a few games. This isn't rocket science, yet it's rarely attempted. Hell, I got my wife in a Princeton game just because they had stuff to do for our daughter inside.

Kinda figured you'd be on board with that one Pops. Agree tho. For us, let the students tailgate. Lehigh has become an almost overbearing nanny state.Events. A few years back, I went to a CCSU game. They had a carnival, rides games zeppolli before the game. Post game a mini concert by a group I never heard of :) . Kids loved it. The area was packed all day. Make Goodman a destination.

June 26th, 2018, 03:49 PM
Kinda figured you'd be on board with that one Pops. Agree tho. For us, let the students tailgate. Lehigh has become an almost overbearing nanny state.Events. A few years back, I went to a CCSU game. They had a carnival, rides games zeppolli before the game. Post game a mini concert by a group I never heard of :) . Kids loved it. The area was packed all day. Make Goodman a destination.

Yeah, we have another little guy on the way too. We better have a good defense by the time he is ready to watch football. Can't have him exposed to this crap at a young age.

June 26th, 2018, 04:05 PM
Yeah, we have another little guy on the way too. We better have a good defense by the time he is ready to watch football. Can't have him exposed to this crap at a young age.

That would indeed be child abuse. Congrats on #2. 2 is ever so much easier than 1.xthumbsupx
Coach K#2 is having a positive impact. Fingers crossed.

June 26th, 2018, 07:41 PM
Any idea what 'Nova's budget is v Gtown? If I'm Gtown I would be asking why the heck we would add an add'l nickel or more time/energy to the program if a peer who is generally regarded as successful in the subdivision barely outdraws us.

Villanova: $6,650,278
Georgetown: $2,117,506

June 26th, 2018, 08:28 PM
Villanova: $6,650,278
Georgetown: $2,117,506

Sort of captures the lack of admin support in a nutshell.
Wher's the stadium money?

June 26th, 2018, 09:44 PM
Who's getting their money's worth?
(National ranking out of 123 schools)

4. Fordham University $7,060,178
9. Lafayette College $6,581,062
11. College of the Holy Cross $6,162,749
13. Colgate University $5,899,143
14. Bucknell University $5,672,257
18. Lehigh University $5,301,592
111. Georgetown University $2,117,506

June 26th, 2018, 10:26 PM
Who's getting their money's worth?
(National ranking out of 123 schools)

4. Fordham University $7,060,178
9. Lafayette College $6,581,062
11. College of the Holy Cross $6,162,749
13. Colgate University $5,899,143
14. Bucknell University $5,672,257
18. Lehigh University $5,301,592
111. Georgetown University $2,117,506

I do wonder about these numbers. Lehigh has sunk to last in spending among the schollie group. Wasnt that long ago when we were about even with FU and Gate. Different accounting methods do warp the numbers but I wonder by how much?

June 26th, 2018, 11:02 PM
FCS football is a tough sell, particularly in 2018.

Holy Cross was successful (in terms of a following/attendance) in the 1980s at the FCS-level due to a few different factors: 1. Different world in terms of television. Holy Cross football was on ABC TV as much as schools like Penn St, Syracuse, BC etc due to the rules of broadcasting games at that time. This gave HC a sort of legitimacy to non-alum fans. 2. We were successful on the field with standout players who brought the school national attention like LSU-transfer Gil Fenerty and later Gordie Lockbaum. 3. We still played BC annually as well as other FBS programs like Army, near annually. 4. Holy Cross still had an alumni-base and local population that viewed going to a HC game at Fitton as something that was well worth doing.

Just about all of those factors no longer exist anymore...FCS football (and PL football in particular) just doesn't generate the interest in Holy Cross football with many as it did 30+ years ago. Throw on the societal changes from 1988 to 2018 (internet, families busy with youth sports etc) and it makes it an even harder mountain to climb.

As I said....it's a very tough sell today. Maybe solved around the edges by night games, making the game-day experience better etc but I'm not optimistic that things will change that much (in terms of support/fan following etc) moving forward.

June 27th, 2018, 08:01 AM
I often wonder about the families are busy/youth sports angle. Both my brother and I were playing sports on Saturdays 30-40 years ago. I just don't see a huge change.

June 27th, 2018, 09:11 AM
I often wonder about the families are busy/youth sports angle. Both my brother and I were playing sports on Saturdays 30-40 years ago. I just don't see a huge change.

Night games may help early in the season. Fan interest for HS gamesvin the LV still high. Hell not unusual for Parkland to outdraw LU during the season. LU rather set against lights for Goodman. The refrain is that it is too expensive.due to the cost of permanent lighting for walkways and parking areas. A disengenuous argument. Mobile light fixtures are inexpensive and would adequately light the needed areas. I've seen them at HS and College facilities. Priced them a few years back. Actually cost much less than Goodman lights.
I see Lehigh has made efforts to attract more students with some success. Location is a real problem. The setting is magnificent but the transportation system for students is inconvenient and haphazard at times. Plus LU does little to offer any other reason to make the trip. Tailgating for students has essentially been legislated out of existence.

June 27th, 2018, 09:17 AM
I often wonder about the families are busy/youth sports angle. Both my brother and I were playing sports on Saturdays 30-40 years ago. I just don't see a huge change.

Kids play sports in the South and it doesn't seem to hurt attendance. I think it's an excuse for a school's poor presentation.

Sader87 used an interesting term above: "legitimacy". Fans today expect a certain level of institutional competence on and off the field, from the pre-game experience to the in-stadium amenities to the overall quality of play. Does standing in a parking lot outside Andy Kerr Stadium bring in the fans? Do 15 kids wandering around aimlessly in Columbia blue rugby jerseys count as a halftime performance? For a generation weaned on video and texting, does the lack of a video board render stadiums obsolete from the start?

PL schools aren't just competing with the Ivy, they're competing with the Big 10 game on ESPN and the SEC on CBS. Watching fans whoop it up at Alabama or seeing "Script Ohio" looks like fun, and it is...and then you're looking at driving instead to a half-empty Patriot Leaque stadium where there's middling student interest, no fan-friendly activity, music best suited to your father's graduating class, and a concession stand that looks like it was out of the 1960's. You know what? You stay home and wait for the Alabama game.

HBCU schools use marching bands to bring the crowds. Schools like JMU invest in a robust in-stadium experience. Others simply hold on to what's left--Harvard-Yale is the last remnant of when Ivy games mattered, because the spectacle of The Game was worth showing up for. And for the PL teams, what do they sell? With apologies to Rev. Brooks, sports without some form entertainment is a mere competition, along the lines of a swim meet. Anyone going to swim meets these days?

June 27th, 2018, 09:55 AM
Tailgating for students has essentially been legislated out of existence.

And that right there is the problem, and will be for 30 years to come. The school has eliminated the Saturdays at the football game from an entire generation's college experience. Instead, they sit on the other side of the mountain, drink, watch college gameday, and watch a few games on TV.

June 27th, 2018, 10:04 AM
And that right there is the problem, and will be for 30 years to come. The school has eliminated the Saturdays at the football game from an entire generation's college experience. Instead, they sit on the other side of the mountain, drink, watch college gameday, and watch a few games on TV.


June 27th, 2018, 10:23 AM
Lehigh has always been a self insurer. I do understand the real issues presented for LU by the binge drinking craze that started about a decade ago. Unfortunately their responses have been shortsighted and really ill considered. For example, LU basically shut down all alcohol and parties on campus. So rather than keeping kids in a relatively safe area on campus, the administration forced kids into town. So now all campus parties are in south Bethlehem and completely unsupervised. While LU has made studies over the last few years to correct the situation . Little has been accomplished to promulgate a common sense approach to bring kids back on campus. Weekends on campus are dead. The Hill is a ghost town. While talking of remedies, LU has closed 5 frats and a sorority for underage alcohol. Rather a mixed message. LU's answer . As new beds are added they will force juniors back on campus.
College kids are going to drink. A fact of life. Forcing them off campus to party makes it more dangerous. Making more students stay on campus will change nothing.They will still party in town. The more you remove kids social life away from school, the less interested they are in all events on campus, including sports.

June 27th, 2018, 12:57 PM
While the "parents with kids" is probably on the lower end of the problems with PL football attendance, I know anecdotally it has stopped many friends with kids from attending games at Fitton ovah the last 10-20 years. The "youth leagues" for many sports have changed during this time...often little Billy or Sally is playing in a soccer or lacrosse game not across town on a Saturday morning but in a location many, many miles away from town sometimes. This necessitates a game being played at night or a late afternoon kickoff if one were able to squeeze both in...something HC has been mostly reluctant to do so far.

June 27th, 2018, 06:09 PM
It is the "what if" debate. Agree with the implied sadness and frustration thread indicates. The problem and solution stiil reside with GU administration. Nothing that we havent been saying from the outside.Funding certainly an issue. Consensus that even with 40 or so need grants the " sleeping giant" would stir and at the very least be competitive. Funding alone is not the answer. Look at Lafayette and to a lesser extent Holy Cross. Both fully funded but given no administration support. In Pards' case, football had an actively hostile administration. Unless GU actively supports football more than at present, money alone wont elevate the program.

Admit I remain puzzled about how 50 million dollars did so little for stadium.

Same here.

June 27th, 2018, 08:14 PM
Same here.

Wasn't it $50M for stadium upgrades and other improvements around campus? Or am I just misremembering?

June 27th, 2018, 08:50 PM
Wasn't it $50M for stadium upgrades and other improvements around campus? Or am I just misremembering?

DFW some time back said something about the money was for a list of items. I dont really recall the specifics. Guess he'll tell us.

June 28th, 2018, 06:06 AM
I don't presume to know what wasn't disclosed, but consider three things:

1. The stadium design is not a $50M plan, and is significantly reduced from that proposed as a $22M effort in 2004.

2. The stadium was not the sole focus of the announced gift.

3. A gift can be an outright check, but at eight figures that's unlikely. It could be over five years. Or ten. Or twenty. Or more.


June 28th, 2018, 08:14 AM
Continuing this way too long thread of shameless self-absorption, at Lafayette

The Study has officially been buried in a mayonnaise jar under Funk and Wagnalls' back porch, never to see the light of day.

The new AD, who was to open the door to grand new vistas, has promised us a Soviet style five year plan.

The D-3 express keeps chugging to its destination.

June 28th, 2018, 08:33 AM
Continuing this way too long thread of shameless self-absorption, at Lafayette

The Study has officially been buried in a mayonnaise jar under Funk and Wagnalls' back porch, never to see the light of day.

The new AD, who was to open the door to grand new vistas, has promised us a Soviet style five year plan.

The D-3 express keeps chugging to its destination.

Thought I saw a quote from her that the plan was being implemented but was not going to be published. True? Any scoop on why no publication. I mean other than the mayonaise jar. Nice touch there :)

June 28th, 2018, 08:49 PM
The Study has officially been buried in a mayonnaise jar under Funk and Wagnalls' back porch, never to see the light of day.

What is more discouraging?

A) The subreference to a classic bit from the Tonight Show is unknown to anyone under the age of 30;
B) That same audience may never have heard of Funk & Wagnalls; or,
C) They may never have heard of the Study, either.

Son of Eli
June 29th, 2018, 02:03 AM
This may already be old news to you guys, but I didn't see it the thread. Tom Gilmore has taken a position as a Defensive Analyst on the Wake Forest staff:


June 29th, 2018, 08:03 AM
This may already be old news to you guys, but I didn't see it the thread. Tom Gilmore has taken a position as a Defensive Analyst on the Wake Forest staff:

Thanks Eli. We did indeed catch it. Buried somewhere here. Just Lehigh guys looking out for one another( Clawson Higgins and TG coached here)

June 29th, 2018, 08:09 AM
This may already be old news to you guys, but I didn't see it the thread. Tom Gilmore has taken a position as a Defensive Analyst on the Wake Forest staff:

Thanks Eli. We did indeed catch it. Buried somewhere here. All coached at Lehigh. Clawson then to Fordham. Gilmore to Cross. Higgins to NFL.

June 29th, 2018, 08:12 AM
Thought I saw a quote from her that the plan was being implemented but was not going to be published. True? Any scoop on why no publication. I mean other than the mayonaise jar. Nice touch there :)

Only an opinion based on a lifetime of wallowing in this mess, but the "no publication" probably comes from the fact that the powers that be do not like the conclusions. "Implementation" means that they'll do a little of this and a lot less of that and, if asked why, they point to The Study.

June 29th, 2018, 08:28 AM
This may already be old news to you guys, but I didn't see it the thread. Tom Gilmore has taken a position as a Defensive Analyst on the Wake Forest staff:


So Lehigh's coaching staff from the 90s is at Wake Forest now.

June 29th, 2018, 05:26 PM
Yeah, we have another little guy on the way too. We better have a good defense by the time he is ready to watch football. Can't have him exposed to this crap at a young age.

Congratulations! What life is all about.

July 2nd, 2018, 07:36 AM
Oh well, Monday in NYC. Another 90+ day. Lost a shoe this AM crossing the street. Melting tar just ate it. :)
Hero Sports putting out an FCS way too early verbals list. PL has under 10 verbals now. I need some football soon. :)

July 2nd, 2018, 01:40 PM
Oh well, Monday in NYC. Another 90+ day. Lost a shoe this AM crossing the street. Melting tar just ate it. :)
Hero Sports putting out an FCS way too early verbals list. PL has under 10 verbals now. I need some football soon. :)

Hot as Hell in NJ.

July 2nd, 2018, 02:01 PM
Hero Sports released top 50 early FCS verbals.
Holy Cross 3
Colgate 1
Lehigh 1
Well its a start anyway. :)
Brian an excellent FCS reporter.

July 6th, 2018, 01:25 AM
Thanks for posting. 2018 will be upon us before we know it, so 2019 recruiting is a good topic for discussion.

July 6th, 2018, 09:31 AM
Symptomatic of my deep ennui this Friday, I offer the following Dept of Education college rankings.Not as accurate as Payscale.com but what the hell. :)

Georgetown. 90,100
Lehigh. 77,200
Lafayette. 67,500
Bucknell. 66,200
Holy Cross. 65,200
Loyola. 64,800
BU. 62000
Fordham. 57,400

July 6th, 2018, 11:22 AM
Bison137 counts three Bucknell verbals on the Bison board, as of 6/22, two of which date back to March.

July 6th, 2018, 11:43 AM
Thanks Bison. Missed the post. Camps ramp up again this weekend. Hope for some new football news.

July 6th, 2018, 04:30 PM
Symptomatic of my deep ennui this Friday, I offer the following Dept of Education college rankings.Not as accurate as Payscale.com but what the hell. :)

Georgetown. 90,100
Lehigh. 77,200
Lafayette. 67,500
Bucknell. 66,200
Holy Cross. 65,200
Loyola. 64,800
BU. 62000
Fordham. 57,400

I think you forgot somebody....

July 6th, 2018, 04:52 PM
I think you forgot somebody....
Georgetown. 90,100
Lehigh. 77,200
Lafayette. 67,500
Bucknell. 66,200
Holy Cross. 65,200
Loyola. 64,800
BU. 62000
Colgate $61,300
Fordham. 57,400

July 6th, 2018, 05:10 PM
Sorry Go and thanks DFW. Unintentional. A true senior moment. I will post Payscale to atone for my blunder. :)

July 6th, 2018, 10:34 PM
Sorry Go and thanks DFW. Unintentional. A true senior moment. I will post Payscale to atone for my blunder. :)

No sweat, RichH2!

July 7th, 2018, 10:08 AM
My mea culpa :)

Payscale Patriot salary ratings

School/Early career/Mid career
#5 Army 75,100 144,300
#6 Navy 75,000 143,800
#16 Colgate 61,400 137,700
#23 Lehigh 65,400 133,900
#31 Hoyas 61,400 129,500
#43 Bucknell 62,300 124,700
#50 Pards 61,500 123,800
#54 Cross 56,000 119,700
#87 Loyola 55,100 114,200
#92 BU 56,100 113,500
#106 Fordham 54,400 111,300

July 7th, 2018, 11:57 AM
Well, we're winning off the field at least xdrunkyx

July 7th, 2018, 08:09 PM
Hero Sports claims Georgetown could go as high as 4-7 this year. That's very optimistic given the systemic problems with talent and offense.


July 8th, 2018, 08:51 AM
Kinda agree DFW but he's right that Hoya D will keep you in games for as long as it remains healthy. New OC may breathe some life into your O if he can find a QB and a couple of serviceable wideouts.

July 8th, 2018, 12:07 PM
So back to football. :)
PL openers. Massey predictions.

Charlotte -Fordham. 34-20
Hoyas- Marist. 21-20
Sacred Heart-Pards. 24-17
Lehigh-St.Francis. 34-30
Colgate-Holy Cross. 27-17
Bucknell-Sacred Heart 24-21 (9/8)

July 8th, 2018, 01:18 PM
Whither the Patsy Ratings? The Committee is anxious to issue its report.


July 8th, 2018, 01:47 PM
He's in Ireland right now.xdrunkyx xthumbsupx
When he and his family return we should be starting them.
The committee has completed their review and various appeals. Nothing left but final editorial spell check :).

the last indian
July 10th, 2018, 09:21 AM
Bucknell loses Abdullah on D and DeFloria at RB. They still don't have a quarterback or the look of a program that's ready to take the next step.

On paper it's hard not to see the league being pretty bad again. Holy Cross will be going through a transition phase. Fordham loses Edmonds and Anderson and Breiner's status still seems a bit uncertain. Lafayette has to be better on offense but the defense takes quite a few hits. It will be 9 years since their last winning season when next year kicks off! So Lafayette still has to get over the hump. Georgetown seems hopeless. Colgate will be good but until they win some meaningful OOC games their margin for error is extremely small. Like Lehigh, the Raiders graduate several key players (Holland, Afriyie, Paulish). Until there's major changes on defense Lehigh's ceiling will only be so high. Good PL program, irrelevant nationally....

No preseason Top 25 team and no real threat on the national stage once again in 2018.

Holland will be back Had a red shirt several years ago. Also have 2 very capable back ups at RB.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
July 10th, 2018, 09:51 AM
Holland will be back Had a red shirt several years ago. Also have 2 very capable back ups at RB.


That post was made right when the season ended or maybe before. Holland is nice piece to return.

July 10th, 2018, 09:58 AM
So back to football. :)
PL openers. Massey predictions.

Charlotte -Fordham. 34-20
Hoyas- Marist. 21-20
Sacred Heart-Pards. 24-17
Lehigh-St.Francis. 34-30
Colgate-Holy Cross. 27-17
Bucknell-Sacred Heart 24-21 (9/8)

Bucknell opens hosting W&M on 9/1. Don't know why Massey doesn't include the game.

July 10th, 2018, 10:52 AM
Bucknell opens hosting W&M on 9/1. Don't know why Massey doesn't include the game.

I know. Could not find it there. Sent them a note to update. Will check back later this week

July 11th, 2018, 11:48 AM
PL Game(s) of the Week, to be broadcast on over-the-air affiliates of Stadium.

Lots of Fordham (five games in seven weeks):

September 1 – Holy Cross at Colgate (1 p.m.)
September 8 – Sacred Heart at Bucknell (3 p.m.)
September 22 – Lafayette at Colgate (1 p.m.)
October 6 – Georgetown at Fordham (1 p.m.)
October 13 – Cornell at Colgate (12 p.m.)
October 20 – Bryant at Fordham (1 p.m.)
October 27 – Lafayette at Fordham (1 p.m.)
November 3 – Bucknell at Lehigh (12:30)
November 10 – Fordham at Holy Cross (12 p.m.)
November 17 – Fordham at Bucknell (12 p.m.)


July 11th, 2018, 12:07 PM
PL Game(s) of the Week, to be broadcast on over-the-air affiliates of Stadium.

Lots of Fordham (five games in seven weeks):

September 1 – Holy Cross at Colgate (1 p.m.)
September 8 – Sacred Heart at Bucknell (3 p.m.)
September 22 – Lafayette at Colgate (1 p.m.)
October 6 – Georgetown at Fordham (1 p.m.)
October 13 – Cornell at Colgate (12 p.m.)
October 20 – Bryant at Fordham (1 p.m.)
October 27 – Lafayette at Fordham (1 p.m.)
November 3 – Bucknell at Lehigh (12:30)
November 10 – Fordham at Holy Cross (12 p.m.)
November 17 – Fordham at Bucknell (12 p.m.)


Wondered why LU with only 1 game. Since LU has a separate TV deal apart from Stadium, there were conflucts in availability for Stadium.

The Boogie Down
July 18th, 2018, 11:04 PM
PL Game(s) of the Week, to be broadcast on over-the-air affiliates of Stadium.

Lots of Fordham (five games in seven weeks):

Let's hope the cameras are placed over the baseball diamond and not the press box.

July 19th, 2018, 02:04 PM
Any idea what the Stadium affiliates are in the Boston and/or Providence markets? Thanks.

July 19th, 2018, 02:54 PM
Stadium.com has a channel finder link. You can stream via computer or phone( with app). Its listed on ROKU, Directv. I usually stream on computer or phone. Works quite well.

Ramblin' Man
July 20th, 2018, 01:46 AM
Let's hope the cameras are placed over the baseball diamond and not the press box.

I don't give a damn were they place the cameras, as long as they show Fordham victories.

July 25th, 2018, 08:47 PM
My mea culpa :)

Payscale Patriot salary ratings

School/Early career/Mid career
#5 Army 75,100 144,300
#6 Navy 75,000 143,800
#16 Colgate 61,400 137,700
#23 Lehigh 65,400 133,900
#31 Hoyas 61,400 129,500
#43 Bucknell 62,300 124,700
#50 Pards 61,500 123,800
#54 Cross 56,000 119,700
#87 Loyola 55,100 114,200
#92 BU 56,100 113,500
#106 Fordham 54,400 111,300

Putting LC in a better light:


(https://www.thrillist.com/news/nation/colleges-with-highest-earning-graduates-in-every-state)"Career search site Zippia analyzed scores of data to determine which school in each state graduates the highest earners, on average. Specifically, they looked at the most recent College Scorecard data on four-year institutions, zeroing in on the mean earnings of graduates a decade after they first started school."

PA - Lafayette College $81,000


July 26th, 2018, 08:55 AM
Thanks Andy. The point, of course, is that PL grads succeed.
Some PL notes.
PL has expanded replay to all games , except Hoya home games this year. GU will add it in 2019.
Camps are opening next week. Thank God.
Holy Cross has the early lead in recruiting with 6 verbals. Colgate and Bucknell tied at 5.

July 26th, 2018, 11:21 AM
PL coaches pick Gate as favorite with LU in 2nd. Bragalone Offense POY. Gate dominates All PL D team. Shockingly not a single Lehigh player on that team. :)

Go Lehigh TU Owl
July 26th, 2018, 11:47 AM
PL coaches pick Gate as favorite with LU in 2nd. Bragalone Offense POY. Gate dominates All PL D team. Shockingly not a single Lehigh player on that team. :)

I'd wager money that either Christiano or Portorreal make the postseason 1st team list at WR. I don't want to take away from Longi, Ives or Bell but that's not the strongest 1st Team WR group I've seen. Bell has done a nice job as a converted QB and Ives is a big target but neither are big time FCS WR's imo. Longi is really good and can get open on nearly every play.

Someone from Lehigh's secondary will make a push as the season goes on. There's some legit talent back there. I still think the front 7 is in trouble....

As whole the 1st team PL defense is really good. Wheeler, Tate, Powe, Brady, Castillo, Daramy-Swaray and Wisniewski could make a run at 1st team in any conference.

July 26th, 2018, 11:57 AM
I'd wager money that either Christiano or Portorreal make the postseason 1st team list at WR. I don't want to take away from Longi, Ives or Bell but that's not the strongest 1st Team WR group I've seen. Bell has done a nice job as a converted QB and Ives is a big target but neither are big time FCS WR's imo. Longi is really good and can get open on nearly every play.

Someone from Lehigh's secondary will make a push as the season goes on. There's some legit talent back there. I still think the front 7 is in trouble....

As whole the 1st team PL defense is really good. Wheeler, Tate, Powe, Brady, Castillo, Daramy-Swaray and Wisniewski could make a push for 1st team in any conference.
Bibbens should be added in also at WR and Riccotilli at OL.
Agree on front 7 on D. Rybka will be a force. 2ndary and Rover may be best unit, if tackling improves and they stay healthy.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
July 26th, 2018, 12:06 PM
Bibbens should be added in also at WR and Riccotilli at OL.
Agree on front 7 on D. Rybka will be a force. 2ndary and Rover may be best unit, if tackling improves and they stay healthy.

Lehigh is loaded at WR. There's not that absolute proven commodity like TP or Casey but there's still elite FCS talent. Riccotilli should be on the list over Fournier if nothing else. Despite the loss of the OL coach, Lehigh will still be very good in the trenches. Colgate's OL will also be very good. Woolford and Hartzman are nasty....

Lehigh "ONLY" has 3 1st team preaseason players. O/U postseason 6.5.....

July 26th, 2018, 12:18 PM
Thanks Andy. The point, of course, is that PL grads succeed.
Some PL notes.
PL has expanded replay to all games , except Hoya home games this year. GU will add it in 2019.

No guarantees for 2019. After all, I'm still waiting for that new seating from 2005.

You can't win with just defense. Last year's Georgetown team averaged 4.3 points at the half. With one QB on the roster with any prior college experience (eight games), and one RB with any prior experience (103 career yards in three seasons), you can do the math.

July 26th, 2018, 01:25 PM
Takeaway from PL Media day for me. Normal hype and pablum. What struck me was the energy from Coen. We havent seen that from him in years. Definitive.Excited. i hope his energy translates to his team.

July 26th, 2018, 09:22 PM
Takeaway from PL Media day for me. Normal hype and pablum. What struck me was the energy from Coen. We havent seen that from him in years. Definitive.Excited. i hope his energy translates to his team.

This is what makes our "warm library league" great. Pablum? I have a Phd and scored 650 on my verbal SAT...and I admit I had to look that word up. Nicely done!!

Go Lehigh TU Owl
July 26th, 2018, 10:27 PM
W&M was picked 11th in the CAA. No excuses Colgate....xsmiley_wix

July 27th, 2018, 08:19 AM
W&M was picked 11th in the CAA. No excuses Colgate....xsmiley_wix

Dont believe Gate will need any excuses vs Tribe. Hunt has a veteran team with talent.If they stay healthy ,9-2 is possible for them.

July 27th, 2018, 08:27 AM
Noticed this AM Chesney just added his third 3* verbal in Sean Morris . 7 verbals already. On his way to building a powerhouse.

July 27th, 2018, 09:32 AM
September 8 – Sacred Heart at Bucknell (3 p.m.)

How does this game get the nod over Villanova-Lehigh????

July 27th, 2018, 12:01 PM
September 8 – Sacred Heart at Bucknell (3 p.m.)

How does this game get the nod over Villanova-Lehigh????

Because SHU and Bucknell should be a close hard fought game. If VU-LU is close, then VU will have a stinker of a year.

July 27th, 2018, 12:18 PM
Noticed this AM Chesney just added his third 3* verbal in Sean Morris . 7 verbals already. On his way to building a powerhouse.

There hasn't been a powerhouse in the PL since the Lehigh teams of 1998-01 and the 2003 Red Raiders.

And pardon a simple question, but how is the AI defined at Mt. St. James if the school is SAT optional? To, me "SAT optional" is waving the white flag that it is not competitive with those that do.

"Why are colleges tempted to waive their test requirement? Statistics have shown that college applicants who choose not to submit test results scored, on average, score 100 to 150 points lower than those students who did divulge their SAT scores. Therefore, by not including the SAT scores of these students, if admitted, test optional colleges are able to artificially boost their average SAT score for admitted students, which makes them appear more selective and move higher in the rankings race."


July 27th, 2018, 12:52 PM
Not saying he will have one but he is recruiting for one. He has a lot of catching up to do yet. We'll see how he does over the next few years.
Didnt know Cross was SAT optional. Some questions. Are any of his recruits going that way? If so how do you compute class profile for PL vetting? Imagine this issue has come up before. I'll see what I can find out.

July 27th, 2018, 02:05 PM
Takeaway from PL Media day for me. Normal hype and pablum. What struck me was the energy from Coen. We havent seen that from him in years. Definitive.Excited. i hope his energy translates to his team.

Rich -were you there because I could not find any video/media of Andy and I'd really like to see this new-old Andy Coen because he's been in hiding since Yankee Stadium.

July 27th, 2018, 02:12 PM
Rich -were you there because I could not find any video/media of Andy and I'd really like to see this new-old Andy Coen because he's been in hiding since Yankee Stadium.

No, but the benefit of talking to those that did.. And that's who they heard. Not the Andy of the last few years. Focused. Optimistic. Not the vague guy we've had.

July 27th, 2018, 02:20 PM
No, but the benefit of talking to those that did.. And that's who they heard. Not the Andy of the last few years. Focused. Optimistic. Not the vague guy we've had.

Ok, but after seeing him somewhat listless the last few years, I'm going to be in the "won't believe it, until I see it" camp. I hope your report proves correct. I also hope there is some fire on defense.

July 27th, 2018, 02:43 PM
Ok, but after seeing him somewhat listless the last few years, I'm going to be in the "won't believe it, until I see it" camp. I hope your report proves correct. I also hope there is some fire on defense.

Gotta admit I am hopeful but also in the show me phase. IMO biggest add for this year is Coach Kashurba. I expect to see much better cohesion this year. Will we tackle any better is my biggest concern

Go Lehigh TU Owl
July 27th, 2018, 04:31 PM
There hasn't been a powerhouse in the PL since the Lehigh teams of 1998-01 and the 2003 Red Raiders.

And pardon a simple question, but how is the AI defined at Mt. St. James if the school is SAT optional? To, me "SAT optional" is waving the white flag that it is not competitive with those that do.

"Why are colleges tempted to waive their test requirement? Statistics have shown that college applicants who choose not to submit test results scored, on average, score 100 to 150 points lower than those students who did divulge their SAT scores. Therefore, by not including the SAT scores of these students, if admitted, test optional colleges are able to artificially boost their average SAT score for admitted students, which makes them appear more selective and move higher in the rankings race."


Lehigh in 2011 was every bit as good as those late 90's, early 00's teams. I believe they finished 5th/6th in all the major polls including this one. Had they not had the misfortune of playing NDSU in Fargo they could have made a run to Frisco. Lehigh in 2012 wasn't far off Better than 2010 but not quite as good as 2011. Fordham in 2013 was also an elite FCS team imo.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
July 27th, 2018, 04:37 PM
Gotta admit I am hopeful but also in the show me phase. IMO biggest add for this year is Coach Kashurba. I expect to see much better cohesion this year. Will we tackle any better is my biggest concern

I think the problems extend well beyond tackling on defense. I know Coen has been stressing that but from what I saw last year the biggest issues were huge running lanes for opposing backs. The edge containment was horrific all year. Teams were able to exploit the edges of the defense with virtually no resistance.

July 27th, 2018, 05:23 PM
I think the problems extend well beyond tackling on defense. I know Coen has been stressing that but from what I saw last year the biggest issues were huge running lanes for opposing backs. The edge containment was horrific all year. Teams were able to exploit the edges of the defense with virtually no resistance.

That is why Kashurba is here. He has the LBs and R. Most of the huge runs( often to 2nd string RBs) were off the LOT or that End. We failed all year to control or even compete on that edge. That is not to say we stopped runs elsewhere but the damage was not as enormous. Diagree a bit on tackling tho. A lot of those runs should have been 6 or 7 yds. How often did we see RBs run through attempted tackles by DBs and LBs. Still have visions of Gate RB running thru 3 Lehigh defenders. Tackling.
Kashurba has already made a difference in the back 7. We'll see how much in game 1.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
July 27th, 2018, 05:42 PM
That is why Kashurba is here. He has the LBs and R. Most of the huge runs( often to 2nd string RBs) were off the LOT or that End. We failed all year to control or even compete on that edge. That is not to say we stopped runs elsewhere but the damage was not as enormous. Diagree a bit on tackling tho. A lot of those runs should have been 6 or 7 yds. How often did we see RBs run through attempted tackles by DBs and LBs. Still have visions of Gate RB running thru 3 Lehigh defenders. Tackling.
Kashurba has already made a difference in the back 7. We'll see how much in game 1.

The DL and LB's must get tougher at the point of contact. There were times they were physically overwhelmed last year. Coaching can hide some physical deficiencies but when you play topshelf teams you're going to get exploited. Cavenas was forced to play DE far too often in his career which was a major issue. What do you think the DL rotation will be? You know teams are going to test the front 7 from the start. Villanova and Navy had the personnel that will embarrass them if they're not improved. St. Francis has had some capable offense skill guys in recent years. I'm sure Kashurba is a very good coach but he's walking into a mess. Just for the unit to reach mediocre a huge effort is needed. They were legitimately the worst defense in the country and worst defense in school history.

I get the DB's tackling wasn't the best but they were dealing with RB's in the 2nd and 3rd level of the defense all year. Coach K's defense (and any good defense) swarms to the ball. Lehigh was constantly relying on their defenders to stop skill players in space. Lafayette ran sweeps with their WR with tremendous success in the first half last year by attacking this weakness.

It took Cecchini 2 years to get the offense rolling. 2010 it was just good enough. They road the defense to a 10 win season and victory over UNI in the playoffs. He inherited a pretty bad situation but it wasn't anywhere close to the dumpster that is the defense. Plus he was the OC. Kashurba is not the DC so how much impact will he ultimately have?

July 27th, 2018, 08:37 PM
I think the problems extend well beyond tackling on defense. I know Coen has been stressing that but from what I saw last year the biggest issues were huge running lanes for opposing backs. The edge containment was horrific all year. Teams were able to exploit the edges of the defense with virtually no resistance.

The problem with our defense was our defense. As in all of it.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
July 27th, 2018, 09:18 PM
The problem with our defense was our defense. As in all of it.

Season opener is 5 weeks from tomorrow. They are what they are at this point. No miracle recruit or transfer is going to save the defense. They need to get on the same page in camp then start prepping for St. Francis. This has to be the biggest year in Coen's tenure. If he can't get the D turned around and get the ship righted to a winning season it's time imo. Sterrett isn't getting any younger....

July 27th, 2018, 09:22 PM
The problem with our defense was our defense. As in all of it.

No speed in defensive backfield is what I’ve seen the past 2 seasons. Zero tackling from most.

Only a pathetic Villanova offense kept the scores against the defense under 40.

July 27th, 2018, 10:29 PM
Ok, but after seeing him somewhat listless the last few years, I'm going to be in the "won't believe it, until I see it" camp. I hope your report proves correct. I also hope there is some fire on defense.

Maybe some of the noticed enthusiasm of the new coaches have had an impact on Andy.

July 27th, 2018, 10:33 PM
There hasn't been a powerhouse in the PL since the Lehigh teams of 1998-01 and the 2003 Red Raiders.

And pardon a simple question, but how is the AI defined at Mt. St. James if the school is SAT optional? To, me "SAT optional" is waving the white flag that it is not competitive with those that do.

"Why are colleges tempted to waive their test requirement? Statistics have shown that college applicants who choose not to submit test results scored, on average, score 100 to 150 points lower than those students who did divulge their SAT scores. Therefore, by not including the SAT scores of these students, if admitted, test optional colleges are able to artificially boost their average SAT score for admitted students, which makes them appear more selective and move higher in the rankings race."


I think the 2011 Mountain Hawks with Lum and Spadola was pretty formidable.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
July 30th, 2018, 03:37 PM
Colgate is #36 in the preseason AGS Poll. That's lower than the MEAC, SWAC and Pioneer representative in the voting. Only the NEC, who wasn't represented at all, faired worse.

July 30th, 2018, 04:59 PM
Herosports just posted its top 100 FCS recruits
Holy Cross
12. McMurtrie. OL
23. Morris. TE
39. Blessing. OL
74. Molton. DB
89. Butash. QB

34. Ekwughalu

95. Copeland. QB
Perspective Ivies have 22 on this list.

July 30th, 2018, 05:41 PM
For the first time in recent memory Lehigh released its 2019 schedule early. Almost wish Sterrett didnt.
UC Davis
St Francis
Sacred Heart
No Ivies.
I like the trip out West but 3 NEC games. Post Mayes and Bragalone makes some sense I guess but I dont believe it is a smart move for the progam. The NEC games should be competitive but the appearance of scheduling down while other PL teams are scheduling up is troubling.

July 30th, 2018, 06:32 PM
For the first time in recent memory Lehigh released its 2019 schedule early. Almost wish Sterrett didnt.
UC Davis
St Francis
Sacred Heart
No Ivies.
I like the trip out West but 3 NEC games. Post Mayes and Bragalone makes some sense I guess but I dont believe it is a smart move for the progam. The NEC games should be competitive but the appearance of scheduling down while other PL teams are scheduling up is troubling.


When's the last time we didn't play Princeton? Or any Ivy at all for that matter?

July 30th, 2018, 06:40 PM

When's the last time we didn't play Princeton? Or any Ivy at all for that matter?

1960 was the last no Ivy year. A lot of years tho with just Penn.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
July 30th, 2018, 08:00 PM
For the first time in recent memory Lehigh released its 2019 schedule early. Almost wish Sterrett didnt.
UC Davis
St Francis
Sacred Heart
No Ivies.
I like the trip out West but 3 NEC games. Post Mayes and Bragalone makes some sense I guess but I dont believe it is a smart move for the progam. The NEC games should be competitive but the appearance of scheduling down while other PL teams are scheduling up is troubling.

If nothing else the H&H obligations will be finished with Wagner and SFU. Is 'Nova done after next year or was that extended beyond this year's and next year's games? If so that should be 3 games off the slate for 2020. My guess is the Sacred Heart game will be at home next year?

I like the Big Sky game but UC Davis doesn't exactly stir the FCS masses like EWU or the Montana schools do.

One thing that Sterrett seems to do that other PL AD's don't is demand H&H's. I'm not for going the 4 home game route but show a little guts and do a 1-off road game. EWU wasn't scared to take a trip to the Bronx last year knowing the Rams weren't headed to Cheney.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
July 30th, 2018, 08:06 PM

When's the last time we didn't play Princeton? Or any Ivy at all for that matter?

Not having an IL game truly sucks! One thing I've grown to love over the years are the IL OOC games. Lehigh's desire to play the better Ivies (Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Penn) over the years has been great! They're great opponents and make for terrific road trips. I can't wait to get back to Princeton Stadium this year!

July 30th, 2018, 09:42 PM
Not having an IL game truly sucks! One thing I've grown to love over the years are the IL OOC games. Lehigh's desire to play the better Ivies (Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Penn) over the years has been great! They're great opponents and make for terrific road trips. I can't wait to get back to Princeton Stadium this year!

Besides 1960 no Ivy in 83 and 84.
Joe usually insists on H & Hs. Thats why no UD. They offered a 2 for 1. Joe refused.
Penn and Princeton are my favorites. Hopefully 19 is just a 1 off year with them.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
July 30th, 2018, 09:57 PM
Besides 1960 no Ivy in 83 and 84.
Joe usually insists on H & Hs. Thats why no UD. They offered a 2 for 1. Joe refused.
Penn and Princeton are my favorites. Hopefully 19 is just a 1 off year with them.

You have to take the 2 for 1 with Delaware at this point. The Hens haven't visited Goodman since 1997. Before that I think it was 1987 at Taylor. Lehigh has played two regular season and two playoff games down there since Blue Hen's November '97 trip north. A home game with UD would have stirred some interest with the older alums assuming Lehigh has a good product on the field.

Colgate Raider Redux
July 31st, 2018, 09:56 AM
One thing that Sterrett seems to do that other PL AD's don't is demand H&H's. I'm not for going the 4 home game route but show a little guts and do a 1-off road game. EWU wasn't scared to take a trip to the Bronx last year knowing the Rams weren't headed to Cheney.

The Lehigh 2019 schedule seems like a regression in the effort to distinguish the PL's niche in the scholly era.
Lehigh had more interesting schedules a couple of years ago. Separate from other aspects of progress in PL FB progams, Colgate, Fordham and Holy Cross seem to have institutional and program identity objectives guiding their scheduling.

This is an important part of the program. I think this 2019 schedule really "sells Lehigh short."

Go Lehigh TU Owl
July 31st, 2018, 10:06 AM
The Lehigh 2019 schedule seems like a regression in the effort to distinguish the PL's niche in the scholly era.
Lehigh had more interesting schedules a couple of years ago. Separate from other aspects of progress in PL FB progams, Colgate, Fordham and Holy Cross seem to have institutional and program identity objectives guiding their scheduling.

This is an important part of the program. I think this 2019 schedule really "sells Lehigh short."

I feel like they got stuck trying to fulfill their H&H obligations which led to a less than ideal slate of games. I personally have no issue with 1 or even 2 NEC games if the other 3 OOC games are sexy. However, 3 is simply over the top blah imo. I'm personally tired of seeing 'Nova too.

July 31st, 2018, 10:25 AM
For the first time in recent memory Lehigh released its 2019 schedule early. Almost wish Sterrett didnt.
UC Davis
St Francis
Sacred Heart
No Ivies.
I like the trip out West but 3 NEC games. Post Mayes and Bragalone makes some sense I guess but I dont believe it is a smart move for the progam. The NEC games should be competitive but the appearance of scheduling down while other PL teams are scheduling up is troubling.

Trying to digest this schedule, acid reflux. Don't like no Ivy games whatsoever. I'm ok with one NEC game, but not three. Like the trip to California, definitely a changeup.

July 31st, 2018, 10:46 AM
For the first time in recent memory Lehigh released its 2019 schedule early. Almost wish Sterrett didnt.
UC Davis
St Francis
Sacred Heart
No Ivies.
I like the trip out West but 3 NEC games. Post Mayes and Bragalone makes some sense I guess but I dont believe it is a smart move for the progam. The NEC games should be competitive but the appearance of scheduling down while other PL teams are scheduling up is troubling.

I've been clamoring for Lehigh to mix up the scheduling from its recent boring slate, but this is even worse. I don't mind playing an NEC team every year and could live with 2 every few years, but this schedule has no sex appeal whatsoever; neither from a geographical perspective or an opponent perspective. Going to UC Davis makes no sense. I'm assuming that is a one-off, but Sterrett and Coen could not have put together a less appealing slate IMO.

July 31st, 2018, 11:36 AM
owl is probably right that 2 of the NEC games are finishing H&Hs. OK. Dont get adding yet another one tho. Nova is same old same old but a good game for us. Davis at least is something new. Whatever the reasons the OOC is blah. A 4-1 would be nice but given the current state of the program certainly not something we can count on.

July 31st, 2018, 01:23 PM
Herosports just posted its top 100 FCS recruits
Holy Cross
12. McMurtrie. OL
23. Morris. TE
39. Blessing. OL
74. Molton. DB
89. Butash. QB

34. Ekwughalu

95. Copeland. QB
Perspective Ivies have 22 on this list.
A combination of the new indoor facility, future FBS opponents and a newly energized coaching staff led to this imo....not sure what % I'd apply to those 3 reasons.

July 31st, 2018, 03:02 PM
The Lehigh 2019 schedule seems like a regression in the effort to distinguish the PL's niche in the scholly era.
Lehigh had more interesting schedules a couple of years ago. Separate from other aspects of progress in PL FB progams, Colgate, Fordham and Holy Cross seem to have institutional and program identity objectives guiding their scheduling.

This is an important part of the program. I think this 2019 schedule really "sells Lehigh short."

Or doesn't sell Lehigh at all.

July 31st, 2018, 03:28 PM
early publishing of 2019 schedule was due to getting signed contracts in place early, per Joe they are close on getting contracts in place for 2020 and 2021 so we may see those schedules earlier than in the past also

curious why no Ivies in 2019, did we not have room due to H&H commitments or did Ivies not want to schedule us?

previous complaints were boring schedule, same old opponents, now it is boring schedule no Ivies, no pleasing some folks I guess, personally I like Nova on the schedule, miss Penn and Princeton, UC Davis is interesting change of pace, very few previous meetings with Davis and the NEC teams so at least they are not the same old CCSU and Monmouth

July 31st, 2018, 03:37 PM
early publishing of 2019 schedule was due to getting signed contracts in place early, per Joe they are close on getting contracts in place for 2020 and 2021 so we may see those schedules earlier than in the past also

curious why no Ivies in 2019, did we not have room due to H&H commitments or did Ivies not want to schedule us?

previous complaints were boring schedule, same old opponents, now it is boring schedule no Ivies, no pleasing some folks I guess, personally I like Nova on the schedule, miss Penn and Princeton, UC Davis is interesting change of pace, very few previous meetings with Davis and the NEC teams so at least they are not the same old CCSU and Monmouth
Well, perhaps the best of a bad deal
Switching NEC teams is different true but not better.
Good news on 20 and 21. My guess is they will ease the angst of the 19 schedule. :)

Go Lehigh TU Owl
July 31st, 2018, 06:41 PM
early publishing of 2019 schedule was due to getting signed contracts in place early, per Joe they are close on getting contracts in place for 2020 and 2021 so we may see those schedules earlier than in the past also

curious why no Ivies in 2019, did we not have room due to H&H commitments or did Ivies not want to schedule us?

previous complaints were boring schedule, same old opponents, now it is boring schedule no Ivies, no pleasing some folks I guess, personally I like Nova on the schedule, miss Penn and Princeton, UC Davis is interesting change of pace, very few previous meetings with Davis and the NEC teams so at least they are not the same old CCSU and Monmouth

I haven't been much of a complainer regarding the schedule. In fact, I'm usually the one to point out that Lehigh has played some really good teams in recent years. For some reason there's a belief they've played cupcakes due to the misfortunes of 2012. With that context in mind, next year's schedule is far from the norm if nothing else. Yes, the CAA Stalwart of Villanova is there but outside of that you have a rather random Big Sky team and 3 middling NEC programs. I've been a proponent of scheduling Duquesne. Even Pioneer contender Dayton would make for a decent weekend trip. But instead it's 3 NEC teams that will likely be well off the national radar.

No matter the opponents Lehigh needs to win these games. They couldn't beat Wagner last year for heaven's sake. I know the NEC has improved some but a quality FCS program should take care of Wagner, St. Francis and Sacred Heart without much trouble.

Doc QB
August 1st, 2018, 10:02 AM
I know the NEC has improved some but a quality FCS program should take care of Wagner, St. Francis and Sacred Heart without much trouble.

We need to be really careful here, my LU brethren. We have not performed well OOC the past few years and should probably not look down upon the NEC, regardless of national relevance or our own personal tastes. Would the Ivies and CAA and a more tasty, bigger conference OOC foe make us happy...sure. But just look how programs like Stony Brook, Albany, and even Monmouth have passed us by. We are in some danger of it happening with a few NEC programs if we continue to struggle against the them early in our season. We may then not be the quality program we aspire to be. Its time to take care of business on the field and maybe temper our message board comments somewhat.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 1st, 2018, 10:39 AM
We need to be really careful here, my LU brethren. We have not performed well OOC the past few years and should probably not look down upon the NEC, regardless of national relevance or our own personal tastes. Would the Ivies and CAA and a more tasty, bigger conference OOC foe make us happy...sure. But just look how programs like Stony Brook, Albany, and even Monmouth have passed us by. We are in some danger of it happening with a few NEC programs if we continue to struggle against the them early in our season. We may then not be the quality program we aspire to be. Its time to take care of business on the field and maybe temper our message board comments somewhat.

I think that was the point of my comments. IF Lehigh was a quality FCS program at the moment those games wouldn't cause to much angst. As it is I could easily see Lehigh going 1-2 in those games. It would not surprise me if they lost to St. Francis to open the year and posted another 0-5 OOC record.

August 1st, 2018, 12:29 PM
We need to be really careful here, my LU brethren. We have not performed well OOC the past few years and should probably not look down upon the NEC, regardless of national relevance or our own personal tastes. Would the Ivies and CAA and a more tasty, bigger conference OOC foe make us happy...sure. But just look how programs like Stony Brook, Albany, and even Monmouth have passed us by. We are in some danger of it happening with a few NEC programs if we continue to struggle against the them early in our season. We may then not be the quality program we aspire to be. Its time to take care of business on the field and maybe temper our message board comments somewhat.

Agree. I think these will be good games for us . My point is that is the issue. NEC has gotten much better and deeper with their flexible aid program. It bothers me that our program is not as good as it was or should be now. Lots of reasons I suppose but regardless we have not progressed in the last 4 years. Back to bavk titles says more about the PL than anything positive for us. Great O usually but mediocre results given the catastrophe we hahe had on the other side of the ball. Given the stars we lose 3 NEC games may be more competitive than CAA or Ivy games.
That said I am not as pessimistic as owl about tbe coming season. 0-5 possible but I dont think probable. If we can stay healthy thru the first 3 games, the advantages of playing up will be evident for the balance of our schedule. We may not repeat but I think we have a good chance at a winng record.

August 1st, 2018, 01:46 PM
Lehigh OOC:

St. Francis
@ Navy
@ Penn
@ Princeton

I'm guessing 1-4 as the offense cannot score enough to overcome the Lehigh "defense."

August 1st, 2018, 03:58 PM
W&M was picked 11th in the CAA. No excuses Colgate....xsmiley_wix

Let's face it, there are no guarantees. W & M is always tough in Williamsburg. I have seen some pretty damn good Colgate teams go down there and get hammered over the years.

August 1st, 2018, 04:05 PM
Zero Ivy League games for Lehigh and only one for Colgate is a sign of the times for the Ivy and especially Princeton, which is increasingly watering down its non-conference football schedules.

August 1st, 2018, 04:26 PM
early publishing of 2019 schedule was due to getting signed contracts in place early, per Joe they are close on getting contracts in place for 2020 and 2021 so we may see those schedules earlier than in the past also

curious why no Ivies in 2019, did we not have room due to H&H commitments or did Ivies not want to schedule us?

previous complaints were boring schedule, same old opponents, now it is boring schedule no Ivies, no pleasing some folks I guess, personally I like Nova on the schedule, miss Penn and Princeton, UC Davis is interesting change of pace, very few previous meetings with Davis and the NEC teams so at least they are not the same old CCSU and Monmouth

Very true. Some people will never be satisfied. I miss Princeton, but havng Nova and UC Davis is interesting. I think the UCD game will be used to connect with the LU Alumni in the SF area where Lehigh has partnered with NASDAQ in creating an enterprising relationship.

August 1st, 2018, 04:35 PM
Lehigh OOC:

St. Francis
@ Navy
@ Penn
@ Princeton

I'm guessing 1-4 as the offense cannot score enough to overcome the Lehigh "defense."

It starts and ends with the D. If improved, that stretch could be 4-1 or 3-2. If no difference than years past, 2-3 or 1-4 quite possible. Biggest Question mark team we've had recently.

August 1st, 2018, 06:42 PM
It starts and ends with the D. If improved, that stretch could be 4-1 or 3-2. If no difference than years past, 2-3 or 1-4 quite possible. Biggest Question mark team we've had recently.

Mostly on D but a few on O also. Mayes was sacked 31 times last year. Majority because of the injuries on the OL. The kids who stepped up last will be our OL this year. Plus replacing Casey and Pelletier is not likely at the same level. We will be good but not quite as powerful. St.Francis will show us where we stand.

August 1st, 2018, 10:30 PM
Very true. Some people will never be satisfied. I miss Princeton, but havng Nova and UC Davis is interesting. I think the UCD game will be used to connect with the LU Alumni in the SF area where Lehigh has partnered with NASDAQ in creating an enterprising relationship.

I'm ok with UC-D, tired of Nova, annoyed at no Princeton or Penn, and sick of NEC games.

August 2nd, 2018, 06:04 AM
I'm ok with UC-D, tired of Nova, annoyed at no Princeton or Penn, and sick of NEC games.

if we keep playing Nova maybe they will finally decide to join the PL, :D

August 2nd, 2018, 06:05 AM
I'm ok with UC-D, tired of Nova, annoyed at no Princeton or Penn, and sick of NEC games.

Nothing wrong with Nova. I’ll take that game every year. I’d rather play 2-3 CAA every year. Primes you for PL games and possibly playoffs.

August 2nd, 2018, 08:54 AM
Three scheduling approaches that don't involve playing the same teams every year:

1. Schedule for wins. Up to four non-conference home games a year out of five, get lots of one-offs with less familiar teams that will take a guarantee in lieu of home and home series. Minimizes travel costs, improves W-L record to impress committee.

2. Schedule for strength: Go on the road: schedule a I-A opener every year, a Midwestern or West Coast trip every two years, and a home and home with a CAA team or two. Consider one Ivy opponent to Homecoming but that's it. No NEC or Pioneer, period.

3. Schedule for visibility: Get opponents in high-traffic recruiting areas not covered by PL: Chicago, Florida, Texas. Get a I-A opponent outside Northeast, such as a Conference USA or Sun Belt school. Add games vs. SoCon and MVFC schools. Build perception of "we'll play you anytime, anywhere".

August 2nd, 2018, 12:50 PM
Boring to some maybe but I like having mostly the same OOC opponents most years....HC is geographically fortunate to have the 4 Ivies relatively nearby, a couple of CAAs (UNH and URI) close by and FBS schools (BC, UConn, UMass and Army) a shortish bus ride away.

Holy Cross has also played most of those schools on a fairly consistent basis for 50-100 years so there is some interest/history to the games.

I wouldn't mind an "out of the box" (Montana, Cal-Poly etc) opponent every year or every other year though.

August 2nd, 2018, 07:29 PM
Nothing wrong with Nova. I’ll take that game every year. I’d rather play 2-3 CAA every year. Primes you for PL games and possibly playoffs.

Nothing wrong with a CAA game, just bored of Nova.

August 3rd, 2018, 09:50 PM
Nothing wrong with a CAA game, just bored of Nova.

The Nova games with an exception or two have been very entertaining and exciting. If the Blue Chickens refuse to come to Bethlehem, the Wildcats make a nice substitute that can turn into a good rivalry.

August 4th, 2018, 02:44 AM
Three scheduling approaches that don't involve playing the same teams every year:

1. Schedule for wins. Up to four non-conference home games a year out of five, get lots of one-offs with less familiar teams that will take a guarantee in lieu of home and home series. Minimizes travel costs, improves W-L record to impress committee.

2. Schedule for strength: Go on the road: schedule a I-A opener every year, a Midwestern or West Coast trip every two years, and a home and home with a CAA team or two. Consider one Ivy opponent to Homecoming but that's it. No NEC or Pioneer, period.

3. Schedule for visibility: Get opponents in high-traffic recruiting areas not covered by PL: Chicago, Florida, Texas. Get a I-A opponent outside Northeast, such as a Conference USA or Sun Belt school. Add games vs. SoCon and MVFC schools. Build perception of "we'll play you anytime, anywhere".

#2 is Colgate's traditional approach, except for many years we also played most of the Ivies, except Cornell, exclusively on the road. With the loss of annual games with several Ivy opponents, we are now playing the CAA and SoCon.

August 4th, 2018, 09:31 AM
#2 is Colgate's traditional approach, except for many years we also played most of the Ivies, except Cornell, exclusively on the road. With the loss of annual games with several Ivy opponents, we are now playing the CAA and SoCon.

Sterrett's scheduling history fits in none of the categories. His overall plan calls for almost exclusively H&Hs in our OOC. He neither schedules up or down. Prefers a mix of Ivy,NEC and CAA.Not a fan of FBS or out of the northeast FCS. He did try and almost get Cuse. He scheduled PSU. Game was cancelled once sanctions were lifted and Franklin hired. This year an anomaly with Navy.The Ivies will be back in 20. UC Davis is the oddball for us in 19. I am glad we scheduled them, just surprised Joe did. NEC games are likely capping 2 H&Hs and starting a new one.

August 4th, 2018, 07:14 PM
Boring to some maybe but I like having mostly the same OOC opponents most years....HC is geographically fortunate to have the 4 Ivies relatively nearby, a couple of CAAs (UNH and URI) close by and FBS schools (BC, UConn, UMass and Army) a shortish bus ride away.

Holy Cross is indeed fortunate to have both supply and demand of Northeastern teams that make for abundant choices when they schedule. Put another way, they don't need to play Eastern Illinois or UC Davis.

Scheduling is one of Georgetown's many problems--it has never had a consistent set of opponents. Consider the following:

25 years ago, the schedule included Iona, Siena, St. Peter's, St. John's, and Canisius. None are around today.

50 years ago, fans watched games with Seton Hall, Fordham, St. Peter's, Catholic and Iona.

75 years ago (actually 76, as the 1943 team was suspended to WWII), the 1942 schedule included an eclectic list that included Temple, Ole Miss, Auburn, Boston College, North Carolina State, Manhattan and Detroit.

Absent Fordham, there isn't a single remaining opponent that has been consistently played at any time over the last 75 years. Local games would help but that's not happening. Georgetown isn't playing Maryland and Navy, George Washington and American don't play football, Howard doesn't want to play, Georgetown has never played Morgan State, Towson not since it left the PL, and the closest opponent to rally local interest is...uh...Lehigh.

It also begs the question of who wants to play Georgetown right now. When the future Ivy schedules are released this month, we could see that GU may not be on the rotation some think it is.

August 4th, 2018, 08:22 PM
Sterrett's scheduling history fits in none of the categories. His overall plan calls for almost exclusively H&Hs in our OOC. He neither schedules up or down. Prefers a mix of Ivy,NEC and CAA.Not a fan of FBS or out of the northeast FCS. He did try and almost get Cuse. He scheduled PSU. Game was cancelled once sanctions were lifted and Franklin hired. This year an anomaly with Navy.The Ivies will be back in 20. UC Davis is the oddball for us in 19. I am glad we scheduled them, just surprised Joe did. NEC games are likely capping 2 H&Hs and starting a new one.

Joe has tried to schedule 'up' with a number of schools, but not every year. I know he has tried several regional games with Big South and SoCon, but scheduling with schools who also are looking for OOC games that are 'paydays' has interfered. We've had H & H with Liberty, Wofford, JMU and a stretch with Villanova now for several years. I dare say some of the Ivy games with Yale, Harvard, Penn and Princeton are certainly not playing 'down'. Part of the problem has been WHEN teams want to play. Both he and Andy do not want to play against 'up' competition as a season opener as, without redshirting, there is a distinct disadvantage. Such a game by weeks 3-5 is what is sought so the true freshman have had their feet under them for almost two months. Overall, we as fans want to see us play some more 'name' OOCs, but the fans' wants, while in the calculus, is not a driving consideration. The UC-Davis game makes sense because of a significant SF alumni base and Lehigh's recent involvement with the NASDAQ project. The school likes to make such regional games every so often for 'showing the flag' around the country.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 4th, 2018, 09:00 PM
Sterrett's scheduling history fits in none of the categories. His overall plan calls for almost exclusively H&Hs in our OOC. He neither schedules up or down. Prefers a mix of Ivy,NEC and CAA.Not a fan of FBS or out of the northeast FCS. He did try and almost get Cuse. He scheduled PSU. Game was cancelled once sanctions were lifted and Franklin hired. This year an anomaly with Navy.The Ivies will be back in 20. UC Davis is the oddball for us in 19. I am glad we scheduled them, just surprised Joe did. NEC games are likely capping 2 H&Hs and starting a new one.

If it's true Sterrett turned down a 2 for 1 with Delaware then some frustration should be tossed his way. I'm all about making sure Lehigh hosts quality programs at home in proportional amounst but every now and again you need to swallow your pride and do something for the "good of the program". Getting the Blue Chickens on your home turf is worth making 2 trips down there. Plus, it's not like UD has been dominating anyone for the last 5-6 years.

I don't understand why they can't get games with Richmond, William & Mary, Towson, Wofford, The Citadel, Furman, Youngstown State, Duquesne, Maine or Stony Brook.

Getting a H&H with JMU was impressive. That's like getting the Montana or Dakota schools to visit you. It's a shame they blew the 2014 game...

I would still love to get a candid response from Sterrett regarding his thoughts on hosting playoff games. He wants to be equal until it's time to dish out some money to bid?

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 4th, 2018, 09:09 PM
Joe has tried to schedule 'up' with a number of schools, but not every year. I know he has tried several regional games with Big South and SoCon, but scheduling with schools who also are looking for OOC games that are 'paydays' has interfered. We've had H & H with Liberty, Wofford, JMU and a stretch with Villanova now for several years. I dare say some of the Ivy games with Yale, Harvard, Penn and Princeton are certainly not playing 'down'. Part of the problem has been WHEN teams want to play. Both he and Andy do not want to play against 'up' competition as a season opener as, without redshirting, there is a distinct disadvantage. Such a game by weeks 3-5 is what is sought so the true freshman have had their feet under them for almost two months. Overall, we as fans want to see us play some more 'name' OOCs, but the fans' wants, while in the calculus, is not a driving consideration. The UC-Davis game makes sense because of a significant SF alumni base and Lehigh's recent involvement with the NASDAQ project. The school likes to make such regional games every so often for 'showing the flag' around the country.

The point regarding the red-shirts are so true. I've said the same thing regarding FBS games. Like it or not, the PL still not playing with a full deck when it comes to redshirting, COA, roster sizes and transfers. You can wish and hope but those two things won't save your team from getting run off the field....

August 4th, 2018, 10:21 PM
The point regarding the red-shirts are so true. I've said the same thing regarding FBS games. Like it or not, the PL still not playing with a full deck when it comes to redshirting, COA, roster sizes and transfers. You can wish and hope but those two things won't save your team from getting run off the field....

Redshirting moves forward when HC and LC understand that's it's OK to attend school for an extra semester and still earn a degree.

August 5th, 2018, 03:45 PM
Redshirting moves forward when HC and LC understand that's it's OK to attend school for an extra semester and still earn a degree.

Bucknell is much further behind when it comes to redshirting than are HC or LC. Bucknell has not had even one 5th year player for over 15 years. During that time, all of the others - except Georgetown - have likely all had 50+. BU administration makes it almost impossible for a player to return for a fifth year.

Doc QB
August 6th, 2018, 07:22 AM
Bucknell is much further behind when it comes to redshirting than are HC or LC. Bucknell has not had even one 5th year player for over 15 years. During that time, all of the others - except Georgetown - have likely all had 50+. BU administration makes it almost impossible for a player to return for a fifth year.
B137, is that true of all sports or is football singled out? Hoops too? That's a shame its so restrictive, not like you have a bunch of basketweaver majors who may 'need' the extra semester...good students too may need 4.5 or 5 years.

- - - Updated - - -

Bucknell is much further behind when it comes to redshirting than are HC or LC. Bucknell has not had even one 5th year player for over 15 years. During that time, all of the others - except Georgetown - have likely all had 50+. BU administration makes it almost impossible for a player to return for a fifth year.
B137, is that true of all sports or is football singled out? Hoops too? That's a shame its so restrictive, not like you have a bunch of basketweaver majors who may 'need' the extra semester...good students too may need 4.5 or 5 years.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 6th, 2018, 09:39 AM
Bucknell is much further behind when it comes to redshirting than are HC or LC. Bucknell has not had even one 5th year player for over 15 years. During that time, all of the others - except Georgetown - have likely all had 50+. BU administration makes it almost impossible for a player to return for a fifth year.

That makes sense given Bucknell's track record in the PL, 1 title. The PL football programs love to make things harder on themselves....

August 6th, 2018, 10:07 AM
Joe has tried to schedule 'up' with a number of schools, but not every year. I know he has tried several regional games with Big South and SoCon, but scheduling with schools who also are looking for OOC games that are 'paydays' has interfered. We've had H & H with Liberty, Wofford, JMU and a stretch with Villanova now for several years. I dare say some of the Ivy games with Yale, Harvard, Penn and Princeton are certainly not playing 'down'. Part of the problem has been WHEN teams want to play. Both he and Andy do not want to play against 'up' competition as a season opener as, without redshirting, there is a distinct disadvantage. Such a game by weeks 3-5 is what is sought so the true freshman have had their feet under them for almost two months. Overall, we as fans want to see us play some more 'name' OOCs, but the fans' wants, while in the calculus, is not a driving consideration. The UC-Davis game makes sense because of a significant SF alumni base and Lehigh's recent involvement with the NASDAQ project. The school likes to make such regional games every so often for 'showing the flag' around the country.

I'm encouraged with your report that Joe has tried to schedule up, even if the results haven't borne fruit yet. I understand the argument for why the lack of redshirting makes early season tilts against 'up' competition more problematic, but unless there is a change to PL policy in that regard in the offing, it seems like they should bite the bullet and schedule the game. I don't think it should preclude setting up good games. Lehigh and the PL has been playing at a disadvantage since the inception of the League, so I don't see why Lehigh should forego marquee match-ups now.

With respect to UC-Davis, it is a nice change of pace, but not attendable (sp?) by the fan base and while there may be a decent LU alumni presence in the Bay Area, a game at UC-Davis isn't likely to draw too many of them (have you seen where UCD is relative to SF and the SF peninsula?) Anyway, it seems like LU has the most lackluster schedules (sans G'Town) in the PL.

August 6th, 2018, 04:27 PM
If it's true Sterrett turned down a 2 for 1 with Delaware then some frustration should be tossed his way. I'm all about making sure Lehigh hosts quality programs at home in proportional amount but every now and again you need to swallow your pride and do something for the "good of the program". Getting the Blue Chickens on your home turf is worth making 2 trips down there. Plus, it's not like UD has been dominating anyone for the last 5-6 years.

strongly disagree, not getting bullied by blue egg layers, stick the 2 for 1 where the sun don't shine

August 6th, 2018, 05:04 PM
B137, is that true of all sports or is football singled out? Hoops too? That's a shame its so restrictive, not like you have a bunch of basketweaver majors who may 'need' the extra semester...good students too may need 4.5 or 5 years.

- - - Updated - - -

B137, is that true of all sports or is football singled out? Hoops too? That's a shame its so restrictive, not like you have a bunch of basketweaver majors who may 'need' the extra semester...good students too may need 4.5 or 5 years.

It is generally true for all sports - although they will possibly grant an exception if a really good academic reason can be advanced. But if the reason for a 5th year is largely an athletic one, then no chance. Basketball managed to get two players approved for a 5th year in the last decade (Stephen Tyree 2010, torn ACL; and Brian Fitzpatrick 2013, transfer from Penn - no scholarship until 5th year), but it took the better part of a year and involvement by some of the top administrators before approval. The only other 5th year players I know of in any sport were a couple of transfers who needed an extra semester because not all of their credits were accepted.

Having said that, there is a chance a 5th year player will be on the roster in 2019, i.e. All-American punter Alex Pechin, who missed a year with a torn hamstring. Pechin is a 5-year engineer, so his normal academic path is for five years. Has a 3.90 GPA as a biomedical engineer and a business major, and was the PL Scholar-Athlete of the Year last year. He has the type of resume Bucknell's administration likes to see to allow a 5th year.

August 7th, 2018, 04:37 AM
It is generally true for all sports - although they will possibly grant an exception if a really good academic reason can be advanced. But if the reason for a 5th year is largely an athletic one, then no chance. Basketball managed to get two players approved for a 5th year in the last decade (Stephen Tyree 2010, torn ACL; and Brian Fitzpatrick 2013, transfer from Penn - no scholarship until 5th year), but it took the better part of a year and involvement by some of the top administrators before approval. The only other 5th year players I know of in any sport were a couple of transfers who needed an extra semester because not all of their credits were accepted.

Having said that, there is a chance a 5th year player will be on the roster in 2019, i.e. All-American punter Alex Pechin, who missed a year with a torn hamstring. Pechin is a 5-year engineer, so his normal academic path is for five years. Has a 3.90 GPA as a biomedical engineer and a business major, and was the PL Scholar-Athlete of the Year last year. He has the type of resume Bucknell's administration likes to see to allow a 5th year.

As they should.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 7th, 2018, 06:39 AM
strongly disagree, not getting bullied by blue egg layers, stick the 2 for 1 where the sun don't shine

Lehigh/Sterrett get bullied when it comes to hosting playoff games. At this point a 2-1 would be a win based on history. I promise you, if Lehigh and UD meet in the playoffs as unseeded teams the game will be at UD. Lehigh will CHOOSE to back down and go on the road....again....

August 7th, 2018, 08:27 AM
[QUOTE=Go Lehigh TU owl;2653751]Lehigh/Sterrett get bullied when it comes to hosting playoff games. At this point a 2-1 would be a win based on history. I promise you, if Lehigh and UD meet in the playoffs as unseeded teams the game will be at UD. Lehigh will CHOOSE to back down and go on the road....again....[/Q
If ESPN permits a noon start , I have no doubt Sterrett will bid for the game.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 7th, 2018, 09:10 AM
[QUOTE=Go Lehigh TU owl;2653751]Lehigh/Sterrett get bullied when it comes to hosting playoff games. At this point a 2-1 would be a win based on history. I promise you, if Lehigh and UD meet in the playoffs as unseeded teams the game will be at UD. Lehigh will CHOOSE to back down and go on the road....again....[/Q
If ESPN permits a noon start , I have no doubt Sterrett will bid for the game.

Placing an arbitrary bid and placing a bid that will secure a home game are two different things. I highly, HIGHLY doubt Lehigh would outbid Delaware for a home playoff game. They couldn't outbid UNH...

August 7th, 2018, 11:42 AM
[QUOTE=Go Lehigh TU owl;2653751]Lehigh/Sterrett get bullied when it comes to hosting playoff games. At this point a 2-1 would be a win based on history. I promise you, if Lehigh and UD meet in the playoffs as unseeded teams the game will be at UD. Lehigh will CHOOSE to back down and go on the road....again....[/Q
If ESPN permits a noon start , I have no doubt Sterrett will bid for the game.

Simple question: what if neither team bids for the game? If there are insufficient bidders from those selected in the field, what happens?

August 7th, 2018, 11:49 AM
word on our board is that HC is off to a blazing start to the next recruiting class and we're not that far behind (but clearly HC is on top and on fire). We just picked up a consensus 3 star DB yesterday to help close the gap on them but it's a clear lead. HC fans, what's the word?

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 7th, 2018, 12:07 PM

Simple question: what if neither team bids for the game? If there are insufficient bidders from those selected in the field, what happens?

I'm sure the committee can be a little "creative" with the pairings.

August 7th, 2018, 01:05 PM
word on our board is that HC is off to a blazing start to the next recruiting class and we're not that far behind (but clearly HC is on top and on fire). We just picked up a consensus 3 star DB yesterday to help close the gap on them but it's a clear lead. HC fans, what's the word?

Not a recruiting guru by any stretch but it seems we are off to a good start due to a few factors above and beyond the glory of playing and attending school on Mt St James: the addition of the new Luth Indoor faciility (on a par with many FBS programs), a very energetic new head coach who many say is a great recruiter and very challenging future OOC games at BC, Syracuse, Navy etc.

August 7th, 2018, 01:51 PM
Not a recruiting guru by any stretch but it seems we are off to a good start due to a few factors above and beyond the glory of playing and attending school on Mt St James: the addition of the new Luth Indoor faciility (on a par with many FBS programs), a very energetic new head coach who many say is a great recruiter and very challenging future OOC games at BC, Syracuse, Navy etc.

Come to Holy Cross and you'll play the likes of Syracuse, Navy and our long time rival BC.

Come to Lehigh and you'll play the likes of Monmouth, Wagner, the only real longtime rivalry Lafayette.

Which one of those pops out at you?

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 7th, 2018, 02:32 PM
Come to Holy Cross and you'll play the likes of Syracuse, Navy and our long time rival BC.

Come to Lehigh and you'll play the likes of Monmouth, Wagner, the only real longtime rivalry Lafayette.

Which one of those pops out at you?

If that truly mattered the teams who often play 2-3 FBS games year would be crushing it. But they're not. We'll see how enthused those HC kids are after they get run off the field by Syracuse, Navy and BC. How excited do you think the Lehigh players will be after Navy blows them out this year? If playing up mattered that much they would have accepted a walk on role at a FBS school . As it is, 90+% of the games those recruits play are going to be against "lowly" FCS competition. Colgate has been playing FBS games for the last 5-6 years and I don't see any appreciable improvement in their program from it.

Until these recruits sign on the dotted line I wouldn't put much weight on the rankings. All it takes is an injury this fall or someone getting in their ear....

August 7th, 2018, 02:56 PM
If that truly mattered the teams who often play 2-3 FBS games year would be crushing it. But they're not. We'll see how enthused those HC kids are after they get run off the field by Syracuse, Navy and BC. How excited do you think the Lehigh players will be after Navy blows them out this year? If playing up mattered that much they would have accepted a walk on role at a FBS school . As it is, 90+% of the games those recruits play are going to be against "lowly" FCS competition. Colgate has been playing FBS games for the last 5-6 years and I don't see any appreciable improvement in their program from it.

Until these recruits sign on the dotted line I wouldn't put much weight on the rankings. All it takes is an injury this fall or someone getting in their ear....

A whole lot better than they felt last year after the Monmouth and Wagner games.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 7th, 2018, 03:07 PM
A whole lot better than they felt last year after the Monmouth and Wagner games.

No chance! Programs like Ohio State and Notre Dame equate playing Navy to a 3 hour root canal. There's some good quotes out there regarding preparing and playing Navy. Army is no joke either now that Monken got them turned around. They're a great season finale for Colgate...lol

“The only time Urban ever really got mad at me was when he played Navy that year,” Jarmond recalled. “He was like, ‘Martin, don’t do that.’ Because it was right before Virginia Tech. It’s a fluky offense right before Virginia Tech.
“That was probably one of the few times in the last four years where he was like, ‘Listen, you do what you do. But don’t have me playing a team like [Navy] before a Virginia Tech or one of those major teams.’ ”


When Navy wanted to switch this game from late August to right in the middle of the OOC Lehigh should have asked for a buyout.

August 7th, 2018, 03:21 PM
A whole lot better than they felt last year after the Monmouth and Wagner games.

Exactly. Suggest one asks the players and not Go Lehigh TU Owl about this.

August 7th, 2018, 03:24 PM
If that truly mattered the teams who often play 2-3 FBS games year would be crushing it. But they're not. We'll see how enthused those HC kids are after they get run off the field by Syracuse, Navy and BC. How excited do you think the Lehigh players will be after Navy blows them out this year? If playing up mattered that much they would have accepted a walk on role at a FBS school . As it is, 90+% of the games those recruits play are going to be against "lowly" FCS competition. Colgate has been playing FBS games for the last 5-6 years and I don't see any appreciable improvement in their program from it.

Until these recruits sign on the dotted line I wouldn't put much weight on the rankings. All it takes is an injury this fall or someone getting in their ear....

Colgate has been playing FBS/I-AA games most seasons since the divisions were split with few exceptions, save the Dave Roach years.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 7th, 2018, 03:24 PM
Exactly. Suggest one asks the players and not Owl about this.

Absolutely! Ask the players and coaches!! There's plenty great write-ups regarding playing Navy!! From the cut blocking to the triple-option to their relentless tenacity for 60 minutes. It's no fun whatsoever! Hell they're in Temple's conference and we've had success again them!!

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 7th, 2018, 03:31 PM
Colgate has been playing FBS/I-AA games most seasons since the divisions were split with few exceptions, save the Dave Roach years.

Fair enough. I remember sporadic FBS in the 90's and early 00's but certainly not every year. Either way, outside of Buffalo lots of lopsided losses. But that's fine! You know I love people who enjoy receiving buttkickings xlolx. I hope the Raiders enjoy their loss against Army to conclude their regular season...

August 7th, 2018, 03:38 PM
Absolutely! Ask the players and coaches!! There's plenty great write-ups regarding playing Navy!! From the cut blocking to the triple-option to their relentless tenacity for 60 minutes. It's no fun whatsoever! Hell, they're in Temple's conference and we've had success against them!!

1) Cut Blocking - nearly every Wishbone team, and many teams who run a more conventional offense do this, and the refs often do not catch it. Goes with the territory.

2) Wishbone Offense - Colgate ran the 'Bone exclusively for a number of years and kept elements of it when they subsequently ran the Delaware Wing-T under Fred Dunlap, followed by a semi-Wishbone and a tight-spread (much like a Single Wing) under Dick Biddle and now Dan Hunt.

3) Relentless Tenacity - did not know this was a problem.

August 7th, 2018, 03:42 PM
Fair enough. I remember sporadic FBS in the 90's and early 00's but certainly not every year. Either way, outside of Buffalo lots of lopsided losses. But that's fine! You know I love people who enjoy receiving buttkickings xlolx. I hope the Raiders enjoy their loss against Army to conclude their regular season...

I still remember being in Andy Kerr Stadium on the cold November 1982 day when Colgate upset Temple and Coach Hardin resigned in the locker room at Reid Athletic Center.

Colgate may not have won too many of those "stretch" games over the years, but we've been in there pitching.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 7th, 2018, 03:46 PM
1) Cut Blocking - nearly every Wishbone team, and many teams who run a more conventional offense do this, and the refs often do not catch it. Goes with the territory.

2) Wishbone Offense - Colgate ran the 'Bone exclusively for a number of years and kept elements of it when they subsequently ran the Delaware Wing-T under Fred Dunlap, followed by a semi-Wishbone and a tight-spread (much like a Single Wing) under Dick Biddle and now Dan Hunt.

3) Relentless Tenacity - did not know this was a problem.

Hardly anyone runs the offense to the precision of Navy when they have a talented, returning QB. NOTHING anyone sees in the PL or FCS in general prepares you for it. It's obviously not indefensible but for lesser teams like Lehigh, Colgate or the vast majority of FCS, it's a HUGE problem.

Relentless tenacity means they'll try to embarrass you for 60 minutes. They run their stuff and that's it no matter the score. They won't take the foot off the pedal or change up play calling just like every other program. And that includes Colgate and Lehigh.

August 7th, 2018, 03:49 PM
Fair enough. I remember sporadic FBS in the 90's and early 00's but certainly not every year. Either way, outside of Buffalo lots of lopsided losses. But that's fine! You know I love people who enjoy receiving butt kickings xlolx. I hope the Raiders enjoy their loss against Army to conclude their regular season...

Yes, and I remember you saying that you would laugh out loud if or when Lehigh were trounced by the Mids. Oh, how I hope the Engineers play their butts off and the score is, say. 28 - 27 Lehigh in the final period. I want to hear you laugh then.

The Engineers will not need you that afternoon. I will be happy to root for them to win on your behalf.

P.S. Colgate will enjoy the experience as they always do at West Point. The Black Knights are an old Colgate rival. And if the Engineers or Red Raiders happen to sneak into the tournament, they will be better clubs for having stepped up against Navy and Army.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 7th, 2018, 03:51 PM
I still remember being in Andy Kerr Stadium on the cold November 1982 day when Colgate upset Temple and Coach Hardin resigned in the locker room at Reid Athletic Center.

Colgate may not have won too many of those "stretch" games over the years, but we've been in there pitching.

And I was in the the Lincoln Financial stands on a hot, early September evening in 2009 when Villanova beat Temple. They went on to win the FCS title while we posted a 9-3 record. They beat us in 2003 too.

Ironically, Chaney was hired in 1982 so they should have shutdown the program following the loss to Colgate and moved hoops to the Big East. Temple football obviously has been a joke for the vast majority of its existence.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 7th, 2018, 03:55 PM
Yes, and I remember you saying that you would laugh out loud if or when Lehigh were trounced by the Mids. Oh, how I hope the Engineers play their butts off and the score is, say. 28 - 27 Lehigh in the final period. I want to hear you laugh then.

FYI - the Engineers will not need you that afternoon. I will be happy to root for them to win on your behalf.

I'm going to be in Ann Arbor for the Michigan-SMU game that day. I'll be LOL'ing as I get the updates on my phone. Hopefully Temple is able to take care of Maryland that day. If nothing else I don't want my teams to go 0-2 against the "Old Line State".

August 7th, 2018, 04:46 PM
Hardly anyone runs the offense to the precision of Navy when they have a talented, returning QB. NOTHING anyone sees in the PL or FCS in general prepares you for it. It's obviously not indefensible but for lesser teams like Lehigh, Colgate or the vast majority of FCS, it's a HUGE problem.

Relentless tenacity means they'll try to embarrass you for 60 minutes. They run their stuff and that's it no matter the score. They won't take the foot off the pedal or change up play calling just like every other program. And that includes Colgate and Lehigh.

Nothing beats a worthy challenge.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 7th, 2018, 07:29 PM
Nothing beats a worthy challenge.

Only if it's a worthy adversary. Navy vs Temple or NDSU Yes, Navy vs Lehigh or Colgate No. The results speak for themselves. Get better and change the results. Otherwise accept the check and your role as a cupcake....

August 7th, 2018, 07:56 PM
1) Cut Blocking - nearly every Wishbone team, and many teams who run a more conventional offense do this, and the refs often do not catch it. Goes with the territory.

Guys - I'm not trying to be a wise-A$$ here...but are you speaking about "crack-back" blocking? Cut blocks have been perfectly legal for decades...there's nothing for the ref to catch.

August 7th, 2018, 08:34 PM
Guys - I'm not trying to be a wise-A$$ here...but are you speaking about "crack-back" blocking? Cut blocks have been perfectly legal for decades...there's nothing for the ref to catch.

Cuts are indeed legal..Think what they are referring to are high-lows by OL on DL which are not legal.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 7th, 2018, 08:43 PM
Cuts are indeed legal..Think what they are referring to are high-lows by OL on DL which are not legal.

Definitely talking about the high/lows. But also the constant cutting that you don't know where it's coming from. The blocking assignments are vastly different than in other offenses. It's nothing like you see against other opponents.

August 7th, 2018, 09:02 PM
Guys - I'm not trying to be a wise-A$$ here...but are you speaking about "crack-back" blocking? Cut blocks have been perfectly legal for decades...there's nothing for the ref to catch.

Yes, essentially, as well as what is called a "high-low". And I maintain that it goes with the territory at all levels of football. That stuff about "it's nothing like you see against other opponents" is not correct. I see a lot of it in FBS games at Rutgers Stadium and Princeton is not above it, either.

August 7th, 2018, 09:07 PM
Only if it's a worthy adversary. Navy vs Temple or NDSU Yes, Navy vs Lehigh or Colgate No. The results speak for themselves. Get better and change the results. Otherwise accept the check and your role as a cupcake....

Again, I believe the Engineer players would disagree.

August 7th, 2018, 09:29 PM
Is the argument to not play the service academies or to not play FBS schools? Or both?

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 7th, 2018, 09:38 PM
Again, I believe the Engineer players would disagree.

Disagree with what? You seem to think wanting and hoping matters. As if Colgate's or Lehigh's uber prideful players who relish the opportunity to challenge themselves can overcome the fact they're part of decent but not great FCS program that somehow will compete with teams from a completely different subdivision because they're "going to try really hard". That emotional nonsense means jack squat once the game begins. Until the results change and these games get closer you have zero ground to stand on. Your argument is flat out silly.

You continue to talk up these FBS games that Colgate gets their ass kicked when you can't even beat decent FCS competition in the OOC. It doesn't make any sense.

You're like the guy who steps into a ring knowing he's going to get his ass kicked, gets his ass kicked to the point you leave on the stretcher and then want people to respect you because you took the beating. I'm the guy laughing to the bank as you're being carried out unconcious. We're both making money but mine came easy and pain free....

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 7th, 2018, 09:41 PM
Is the argument to not play the service academies or to not play FBS schools? Or both?

My point is schedule games you can compete in (2 possession/4 quarter games). Otherwise you're a cupcake looking for a payday. I'm a fan of the Fordham-Charlotte game this year! I've said from day 1 I think the Rams have a legit shot!

It just boggles my mind people are worrying about FBS games when we can't get a preseason Top 25....errr Top 30 FCS team. Or send a representative to the playoffs that can do better than 0-5 against FCS competition in the OOC. First, lets try to post winning records against peer FCS competition before worrying about FBS games. It's comical...

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 7th, 2018, 10:24 PM
Yes, essentially, as well as what is called a "high-low". And I maintain that it goes with the territory at all levels of football. That stuff about "it's nothing like you see against other opponents" is not correct. I see a lot of it in FBS games at Rutgers Stadium and Princeton is not above it, either.

The blocking schemes in an option offense like the academies run or Kennesaw State/The Citadel run are radically different. They simply are. If you think preparing for NAVY and what they do is status quo for a coaching staff you're flat out wrong.

Article Headline "Owls Ready Themselves for Cut-Blocking From Navy's Triple-Option Offense"

"When Navy brings its triple-option offense to Boca Raton next week, it will also bring cut-blocking to FAU Stadium. The Owls began preparing for the tactic this week during practice, drilling it on the defensive side of the ball.On Wednesday morning, the Owls’ defensive line fought off 8-pound medicine balls tossed at their legs. The linebackers had to engage an oversized ball (about thigh-high) before avoiding a diving block at their knees and ankles."

More good reading material regarding Navy's offense and preparation....



I enjoy the back and forth "Go...Gate" but you're flat-out wrong here.....

August 8th, 2018, 02:17 AM
The blocking schemes in an option offense like the academies run or Kennesaw State/The Citadel run are radically different. They simply are. If you think preparing for NAVY and what they do is status quo for a coaching staff you're flat out wrong.

Article Headline "Owls Ready Themselves for Cut-Blocking From Navy's Triple-Option Offense"

"When Navy brings its triple-option offense to Boca Raton next week, it will also bring cut-blocking to FAU Stadium. The Owls began preparing for the tactic this week during practice, drilling it on the defensive side of the ball.On Wednesday morning, the Owls’ defensive line fought off 8-pound medicine balls tossed at their legs. The linebackers had to engage an oversized ball (about thigh-high) before avoiding a diving block at their knees and ankles."

More good reading material regarding Navy's offense and preparation....



I enjoy the back and forth "Go...Gate" but you're flat-out wrong here.....

Sorry, pal, but I'm not wrong, and I again suggest you check with the Engineer players. I also believe that if you canvassed other members of the page, especially those who played the game, you would find that they concur with me.

August 8th, 2018, 03:58 AM
Sorry, pal, but I'm not wrong, and I again suggest you check with the Engineer players. I also believe that if you canvassed other members of the page, especially those who played the game, you would find that they concur with me.

I tend to agree with you on this. Play the best, test yourself, get better. Watching Lehigh’s defense the last 4 years though, this is gonna be a rough game against Navy. I’d much rather see some of our better teams of the past play this game.

Doc QB
August 8th, 2018, 08:02 AM
I tend to agree with you on this. Play the best, test yourself, get better. Watching Lehigh’s defense the last 4 years though, this is gonna be a rough game against Navy. I’d much rather see some of our better teams of the past play this game.

Agree. Despite league titles, not sure we put out a defense the last few years that makes us competitive in this one. Timing just isn't really good. That being said, I do respect what 'Gate and Cross are doing, scheduling, traveling, facility upgrades. Hoping I'm wrong about Annapolis, pleasantly surprised after game, and that long term we don't get stagnant with scheduling and facility upgrades the rest of the league seems to embrace.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 8th, 2018, 09:02 AM
Sorry, pal, but I'm not wrong, and I again suggest you check with the Engineer players. I also believe that if you canvassed other members of the page, especially those who played the game, you would find that they concur with me.

Given the fact Lehigh hasn't played an academy since 1995 and Navy since 1987 the number of folks to ask is pretty small. But until you back up your stance with coach and player quotes like I did you have no ground to stand on. I've literally provided legit articles relating to things you're contesting (cut blocking and preparing for the Navy "style") and you STILL refuse to accept it. You really are the guy who can get his butt kicked in anything (football, golf, debate club) and you'll brag about your "toughness and competitive spirit".

August 8th, 2018, 10:51 AM
My point is schedule games you can compete in (2 possession/4 quarter games). Otherwise you're a cupcake looking for a payday. I'm a fan of the Fordham-Charlotte game this year! I've said from day 1 I think the Rams have a legit shot!

It just boggles my mind people are worrying about FBS games when we can't get a preseason Top 25....errr Top 30 FCS team. Or send a representative to the playoffs that can do better than 0-5 against FCS competition in the OOC. First, lets try to post winning records against peer FCS competition before worrying about FBS games. It's comical...

There's so much to address in this post and the overall conversation that I'm not sure where to start.

I guess I'll begin with generally agreeing with what you wrote above. That said, I do think go...gate is correct that the players love scheduling FBS/P5 schools and it helps with recruiting. Moorhead and other Fordham coaches have told me that directly.

I think the academies are a different animal altogether. Moorhead hated it due to the style of play. There is nothing in the preparation for that game that will help you for the rest of the season. Absurdly, we played Army in his second year as our last game of the season. Ugh - it was brutal at a time when we should have been preparing for the playoffs. Instead we suffered a bunch of injuries including Dan Light blowing out his knee on a KO return which was the difference between him being a free agent and him being drafted. Just brutal and had us limp into the playoffs instead of roaring into them. As a fan I love the experience of playing at West Point or Annapolis but I don't see the upside for the players or staff/team.

While I don't disagree with your quoted piece above, TU, I do wonder if it needs to happen in such linear fashion that the program improves and then schedules tougher FCS opponents, then they start winning those games and then (and only then) should they be considering FBS/P5 games. At least that's how I'm reading your position here and I'm just not sure it needs to happen so sequentially. What I see HC doing now is something I love and am envious of. They're upgrading facilities, taking a stretch P5/FBS game each year which is allowing a young, hungry staff the opportunity to recruit at a level HC hasn't seen since the late 80's imo. I'm not sure what their game day coaching will be like but put me down for feeling like HC is going to be much improved this year and then start competing for titles, year in and year out after that. In that scenario, you never know if a confident HC squad could give an average BC team who may be overlooking them a game. Now, is a beat-down by BC worth it for the uptick in recruiting? I really have no idea and would think not but it's really something only the staff can answer for sure.

In Moorhead's second year we knocked off #8 Nova and then beat your Temple Owls on that last second ESPN highlight play from Nebrich - Ajala (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oAUmUG78DQ). They were awesome wins and it was made better since it was back-to-back. I do have to say, though, that it was the FBS win over Temple that really stuck with and resonated with the fans and team. That has to mean something, no?

Anyway, fwiw, you guys are both bringing up great points and just talking past one another imo. You're right that building a successful program is more important and you shouldn't sacrifice smart progress or take your eyes off of that goal just to get a paycheck and a beating. Go..gate is right imo that players like it and it helps with recruiting. At least based upon what the coaches told me.

August 8th, 2018, 11:02 AM
Given the fact Lehigh hasn't played an academy since 1995 and Navy since 1987 the number of folks to ask is pretty small. But until you back up your stance with coach and player quotes like I did you have no ground to stand on. I've literally provided legit articles relating to things you're contesting (cut blocking and preparing for the Navy "style") and you STILL refuse to accept it. You really are the guy who can get his butt kicked in anything (football, golf, debate club) and you'll brag about your "toughness and competitive spirit".
Over the top owl. Cut and chop or high/low blocks essentially involve taking the DL's knees out. Cut blocking is legal altho a major cause of D knee injuries. Cuts are only permissible if the block is away from the original position of the ball.OLmen have a tendency to forget that part of the rule and refs rarely call it.
Not the point here tho. Regardless oc blocking schemes should Lehigh play a team like Navy? While I am not a fan of.FBS money games where there is no other context other than money, Navy is a PL member. The fact that thevgame is likely an L is not the the determining factor. For most fans and all the players, it is an exciting challenge. It will also be a standard for players to measure themselves against. The diference in this game is depth of talent and the higher FBS game speed that Lehigh will have to contend with. I am looking forward to the game.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 8th, 2018, 11:32 AM
Over the top owl. Cut and chop or high/low blocks essentially involve taking the DL's knees out. Cut blocking is legal altho a major cause of D knee injuries. Cuts are only permissible if the block is away from the original position of the ball.OLmen have a tendency to forget that part of the rule and refs rarely call it.
Not the point here tho. Regardless oc blocking schemes should Lehigh play a team like Navy? While I am not a fan of.FBS money games where there is no other context other than money, Navy is a PL member. The fact that thevgame is likely an L is not the the determining factor. For most fans and all the players, it is an exciting challenge. It will also be a standard for players to measure themselves against. The diference in this game is depth of talent and the higher FBS game speed that Lehigh will have to contend with. I am looking forward to the game.

I know what cut blocks are. It's how Navy implores them within their scheme relative to the rest of the college football world. Google the topic there's plenty of great information! Reading up on Navy under Niumatolo is fascinating. I'm so glad he didn't go to BYU! I obviously follow AAC/NAVY football just as much as Lehigh and FCS because of Temple so I have a huge interest in it.

I have no issue with teams playing FBS games for whatever reason. But when you're outclassed and everyone knows you're outclassed accept it. It's two completely different subdivisions. One division is playing down while one is playing up. When you have a good to great team and the FBS teams is terrible like in the case with Buffalo, Temple and Army then there's a chance. Lehigh is going to get their butts kicked by Navy, I think 65-20'ish. Malcom Parry is the new Keenan Reynolds. They will be a fringe FBS Top 25 team this year. My biggest gripe with this game is that Lehigh allowed it to be moved. Had it been in late August away from everything it stands on its own and when it's over there's still 10 games left. Now Lehigh plays 'Nova then has to go down to Annapolis and deal with that headache before trekking to Philly to play Penn.

We'll see how it plays out for everyone.

August 8th, 2018, 11:51 AM
Given the fact Lehigh hasn't played an academy since 1995 and Navy since 1987 the number of folks to ask is pretty small. But until you back up your stance with coach and player quotes like I did you have no ground to stand on. I've literally provided legit articles relating to things you're contesting (cut blocking and preparing for the Navy "style") and you STILL refuse to accept it. You really are the guy who can get his butt kicked in anything (football, golf, debate club) and you'll brag about your "toughness and competitive spirit".

Read the two posts previous to yours from former players before you go claiming your title.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 8th, 2018, 12:09 PM
Read the two posts previous to yours from former players before you go claiming your title.

They know Lehigh is in trouble against Navy. They admit Lehigh doesn't have the horses to compete with them. I agree with them that Lehigh's scheduling has been a bland relative to their PL peers. But the complaints aren't because of FBS opponents rather 3 NEC games next year and no Ivies. If it's Villanova, UC Davis, Wagner, Yale and Illinois State there's no complaints. It's hard to argue with Lehigh's schedule this year relative to their PL peers. I also agree about the facility upgrades. That topic has been widely discussed. Especially, the need for lights.

When people say they want to play the "best" what does that mean? Does that mean the best in FCS or the best in college football? Because no one in the PL is really scheduling the "best" on a continuous basis. There's no elite SEC, Big 12, Big 10, PAC 12 or ACC opponents scheduled. There's no barnstorming FCS scheduling either. The PL is scheduling mostly middling to bad FBS opponents and still losing by large margins. The leagues record against just about anyone in FCS lately has been poor too. Navy is the best FBS program the PL teams have played and the games have been blowouts. Even the Army games are starting to get really ugly. Army 64 Fordham 6 last year and Army 62 Lafayette 7 in 2016.

August 8th, 2018, 12:29 PM
I know what cut blocks are. It's how Navy implores them within their scheme relative to the rest of the college football world. Google the topic there's plenty of great information! Reading up on Navy under Niumatolo is fascinating. I'm so glad he didn't go to BYU! I obviously follow AAC/NAVY football just as much as Lehigh and FCS because of Temple so I have a huge interest in it.

I have no issue with teams playing FBS games for whatever reason. But when you're outclassed and everyone knows you're outclassed accept it. It's two completely different subdivisions. One division is playing down while one is playing up. When you have a good to great team and the FBS teams is terrible like in the case with Buffalo, Temple and Army then there's a chance. Lehigh is going to get their butts kicked by Navy, I think 65-20'ish. Malcom Parry is the new Keenan Reynolds. They will be a fringe FBS Top 25 team this year. My biggest gripe with this game is that Lehigh allowed it to be moved. Had it been in late August away from everything it stands on its own and when it's over there's still 10 games left. Now Lehigh plays 'Nova then has to go down to Annapolis and deal with that headache before trekking to Philly to play Penn.

We'll see how it plays out for everyone.

So we go o'fer in the OOC again. So what? If nothing else, if we somehow make it back to the playoffs the players will have seen game speed well above what the PL plays and won't be totally shocked come the first round.

August 8th, 2018, 12:30 PM
They know Lehigh is in trouble against Navy. They admit Lehigh doesn't have the horses to compete with them. I agree with them that Lehigh's scheduling has been a bland relative to their PL peers. But the complaints aren't because of FBS opponents rather 3 NEC games next year and no Ivies. If it's Villanova, UC Davis, Wagner, Yale and Illinois State there's no complaints. It's hard to argue with Lehigh's schedule this year relative to their PL peers. I also agree about the facility upgrades. That topic has been widely discussed. Especially, the need for lights.

When people say they want to play the "best" what does that mean? Does that mean the best in FCS or the best in college football? Because no one in the PL is really scheduling the "best" on a continuous basis. There's no elite SEC, Big 12, Big 10, PAC 12 or ACC opponents scheduled. There's no barnstorming FCS scheduling either. The PL is scheduling mostly middling to bad FBS opponents and still losing by large margins. The leagues record against just about anyone in FCS lately has been poor too. Navy is the best FBS program the PL teams have played and the games have been blowouts. Even the Army games are starting to get really ugly. Army 64 Fordham 6 last year and Army 62 Lafayette 7 in 2016.

I agree that we are a longshot at best against Navy, but playing Navy has a heck of a lot more cache than playing Illinois State.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 8th, 2018, 12:41 PM
So we go o'fer in the OOC again. So what? If nothing else, if we somehow make it back to the playoffs the players will have seen game speed well above what the PL plays and won't be totally shocked come the first round.

I must live in a different world.

So what if they go O'fer in the OOC game? That would be horrible!! Especially if they were to win the league! It would be a disastrous indictment to have a league champion, playoff rep, head into the postseason on a 13 game OOC losing streak (dating back to the UNH playoff loss).

Not totally shocked by the game speed? If they head into the playoffs not having won an OOC game in over 2 years (at that point) being abreast of the "game speed" is not going to help them...lol. Me thinks I they struggle with St. Francis's "game speed" in a loss then Delaware's or UNH's will also be too much.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 8th, 2018, 12:50 PM
I agree that we are a longshot at best against Navy, but playing Navy has a heck of a lot more cache than playing Illinois State.

If Lehigh wants to be a relevant FCS program, what would matter more a win over a Top 25 FCS Illinois State from the MVFC or a token loss to FBS Navy from the AAC? What will help them secure a seed, certain home playoff game? Gain them and the league national respect? Ultimately, prove their merit amongst their peers? Sure if they beat Navy it is unbelievable. Just like if Temple makes the college football playoff. I just don't see the "cache" in losing to a team that isn't from your subdivision. If Lehigh was heading into the season with a Top 10 ranking and an elite, disciplined defense I'd feel better about it. Hell, I thought Colgate had a puncher's chance against Buffalo last year and that game was over before half.

August 8th, 2018, 01:24 PM
If Lehigh wants to be a relevant FCS program, what would matter more a win over a Top 25 FCS Illinois State from the MVFC or a token loss to FBS Navy from the AAC? What will help them secure a seed, certain home playoff game? Gain them and the league national respect? Ultimately, prove their merit amongst their peers? Sure if they beat Navy it is unbelievable. Just like if Temple makes the college football playoff. I just don't see the "cache" in losing to a team that isn't from your subdivision. If Lehigh was heading into the season with a Top 10 ranking and an elite, disciplined defense I'd feel better about it. Hell, I thought Colgate had a puncher's chance against Buffalo last year and that game was over before half.

Win some of your OOC games and install lights (LU can afford them). One (or maybe even, God Forbid, two) games against FBS teams won't make that big a difference, and programs DO get respect for challenging themselves.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 8th, 2018, 01:32 PM
Win some of your OOC games and install lights (LU can afford them). One (or maybe even, God Forbid, two) games against FBS teams won't make that big a difference, and programs DO get respect for challenging themselves.

Amen to winning OOC games! The PL's two best programs historically, Lehigh and Colgate, have had varying degrees of suckage in the OOC lately. Colgate hasn't had a winning OOC record since '12 while Lehigh has endured two (0-5 in '17 and a 1-4 in '14) horrific years. Both programs desperately need to step up their game to help their and the league's image. Fordham has faired the best in recent years in the OOC. They even managed a win over CCSU last year!

Hopefully this is the year Colgate finally takes that next step under Hunt. I thought 2016 could be that year but it wasn't to be. With W&M, UNH and Furman ontap it'll be a great flatform for the Raiders to show FCS nation what they got! Lehigh needs to go at least 3-2 to earn any type of respect.

August 8th, 2018, 01:34 PM
Amen to winning OOC games! The PL's two best programs historically, Lehigh and Colgate, have had varying degrees of suckage in the OOC lately. Colgate hasn't had a winning OOC record since '12 while Lehigh is two (0-5 in '17 and a 1-4 in '14) horrific years. Both programs desperately need to step up their game to help their and the league's image. Fordham has faired the best in recent years in the OOC. They even managed a win over CCSU last year! Hopefully this is year Colgate finally takes that next step under Hunt. I thought 2016 could be that year but it wasn't to be. With W&M, UNH and Furman untap it'll be a great flatform for the Raiders to show FCS nation what they got!

From your lips to God's ears.....

August 8th, 2018, 02:45 PM
We will more than likely lose very badly to BC this year....I don't think a single Holy Cross alumnus will be upset about it.

It is what it is...with roster restrictions, no formal red-shirting policy, admissions restrictions etc etc....the days of vying for an FCS national title are in the past for the Patriot League.

The occasional game against historic rivals like BC, Syracuse, UConn etc are much more exciting to HC alums/fans (of a certain age perhaps) than the hope of a deep run in a very 2nd-tier/flawed playoff system.

August 8th, 2018, 07:27 PM
If Lehigh wants to be a relevant FCS program, what would matter more a win over a Top 25 FCS Illinois State from the MVFC or a token loss to FBS Navy from the AAC? What will help them secure a seed, certain home playoff game? Gain them and the league national respect? Ultimately, prove their merit amongst their peers? Sure if they beat Navy it is unbelievable. Just like if Temple makes the college football playoff. I just don't see the "cache" in losing to a team that isn't from your subdivision. If Lehigh was heading into the season with a Top 10 ranking and an elite, disciplined defense I'd feel better about it. Hell, I thought Colgate had a puncher's chance against Buffalo last year and that game was over before half.

relevant to who? The few dozen posters on this message board? Nobody outside of a select few know much if anything about FCS. Even fewer know who is good and who is not. Every college football fan in america knows who Navy is and most watch at least one of their games every year.

You state that you'd be OK with this game if Lehigh's program were peaking instead of ebbing right now. When do you think this game was set up? I guarantee it wasn't in the last two years. FBS "Name" teams fill their OOC schedules at least 4-5 years out, and yes, Navy is an FBS "Name" that everybody knows.

August 8th, 2018, 07:28 PM
Amen to winning OOC games! The PL's two best programs historically, Lehigh and Colgate, have had varying degrees of suckage in the OOC lately. Colgate hasn't had a winning OOC record since '12 while Lehigh has endured two (0-5 in '17 and a 1-4 in '14) horrific years. Both programs desperately need to step up their game to help their and the league's image. Fordham has faired the best in recent years in the OOC. They even managed a win over CCSU last year!

Hopefully this is the year Colgate finally takes that next step under Hunt. I thought 2016 could be that year but it wasn't to be. With W&M, UNH and Furman ontap it'll be a great flatform for the Raiders to show FCS nation what they got! Lehigh needs to go at least 3-2 to earn any type of respect.

Lehigh needs to win some playoff games to earn any type of respect.

August 8th, 2018, 08:28 PM
relevant to who? The few dozen posters on this message board? Nobody outside of a select few know much if anything about FCS. Even fewer know who is good and who is not. Every college football fan in america knows who Navy is and most watch at least one of their games every year.

You state that you'd be OK with this game if Lehigh's program were peaking instead of ebbing right now. When do you think this game was set up? I guarantee it wasn't in the last two years. FBS "Name" teams fill their OOC schedules at least 4-5 years out, and yes, Navy is an FBS "Name" that everybody knows.


the last indian
August 9th, 2018, 11:26 AM
I must live in a different world.

So what if they go O'fer in the OOC game? That would be horrible!! Especially if they were to win the league! It would be a disastrous indictment to have a league champion, playoff rep, head into the postseason on a 13 game OOC losing streak (dating back to the UNH playoff loss).

Not totally shocked by the game speed? If they head into the playoffs not having won an OOC game in over 2 years (at that point) being abreast of the "game speed" is not going to help them...lol. Me thinks I they struggle with St. Francis's "game speed" in a loss then Delaware's or UNH's will also be too much.

So what was LU record last year when they went to the playoffs? Was that horrible?

August 9th, 2018, 12:28 PM
We will more than likely lose very badly to BC this year....I don't think a single Holy Cross alumnus will be upset about it.

It is what it is...with roster restrictions, no formal red-shirting policy, admissions restrictions etc etc....the days of vying for an FCS national title are in the past for the Patriot League.

The future is not preordained. If HC fans want change, ask for it. If it is more comfortable reliving the days when Jack Lentz could fill Fitton Field, well, don't expect much in return in 2018.

August 9th, 2018, 02:04 PM
The future is not preordained. If HC fans want change, ask for it. If it is more comfortable reliving the days when Jack Lentz could fill Fitton Field, well, don't expect much in return in 2018.

It's just a different era now....we are no longer "Worcester's team".... most of the current students and graduates in the last 20 odd years barely know we have a football team at the D1 level...times have changed, for many, Saturdays no longer revolve around tailgating at Fitton starting at 10 in the morning and sticking around long after the game had ended.

To most in the area, Holy Cross football is really no different than Assumption or Worcester State football today.

Chesney and co. to their credit are trying to change this attitude/belief but after almost 30 years in the hinterlands of D1 football, it's an awfully steep climb imo.

August 9th, 2018, 08:01 PM
Amen to winning OOC games! The PL's two best programs historically, Lehigh and Colgate, have had varying degrees of suckage in the OOC lately. Colgate hasn't had a winning OOC record since '12 while Lehigh has endured two (0-5 in '17 and a 1-4 in '14) horrific years. Both programs desperately need to step up their game to help their and the league's image. Fordham has faired the best in recent years in the OOC. They even managed a win over CCSU last year!

Hopefully this is the year Colgate finally takes that next step under Hunt. I thought 2016 could be that year but it wasn't to be. With W&M, UNH and Furman ontap it'll be a great flatform for the Raiders to show FCS nation what they got! Lehigh needs to go at least 3-2 to earn any type of respect.

What's a flatform ? Falling flat when on a platform?

August 9th, 2018, 08:05 PM
UNH picked up a graduate student transfer from Lafayette. An OT names Cam Smith. Any thoughts on how good an acquisition he will be ?

August 9th, 2018, 09:29 PM
UNH picked up a graduate student transfer from Lafayette. An OT names Cam Smith. Any thoughts on how good an acquisition he will be ?
Lost most of his senior year to injury. Was a 2 year starter.
Caveat tho Pard's OL has been quite bad for years.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 9th, 2018, 11:00 PM
So what was LU record last year when they went to the playoffs? Was that horrible?

It was 5-6 and yes it was horrible for both Lehigh and PL! Colgate didn't get a sniff of an at-large bid due to the overall weakness of the league. Watching the offense was fun last year but overall I did not find the season enjoyable. They basically backed their way into the playoffs thanks to Holy Cross, Bucknell and Lafayette being incapable of beating a middling Lehigh team in November.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 9th, 2018, 11:07 PM
What's a flatform ? Falling flat when on a platform?

Lately Colgate has fallen flat when on an OOC platform. Freudian slip perhaps....

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 10th, 2018, 07:50 AM
Bucknell Wedge Preview


Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 10th, 2018, 09:04 AM
The Wedge Colgate Preview


August 10th, 2018, 09:34 AM
Bucknell Wedge Preview


This is wildly inaccurate when it comes to expected starters. No research at all apparently.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 10th, 2018, 09:49 AM
This is wildly inaccurate when it comes to expected starters. No research at all apparently.

Care to expand? It's not about who will be the starters. There isn't a preview in the world that's "accurate" in that fashion. Unless you do it the day of game 1. It's about providing people with names that should see significant time and have an impact. Starters change week to week....

August 10th, 2018, 10:47 AM
This is wildly inaccurate when it comes to expected starters. No research at all apparently.

Freshnock will be a back up eh?

August 10th, 2018, 12:28 PM
Care to expand? It's not about who will be the starters. There isn't a preview in the world that's "accurate" in that fashion. Unless you do it the day of game 1. It's about providing people with names that should see significant time and have an impact. Starters change week to week....

One example is that the article is mistaken on at least two starters on the OL, listing starters who aren't even in the mix. In any case, the OL will be better than last year but not a strength. Also the article talks about what Chiarolanzio needs to do to hold onto the starting QB job, when in fact he lost the starting job in the spring. Bitikofer was #1 on the depth chart after the spring. It is also unlikely Earle will see much playing time at QB as a frosh.

Not sure why LB Simeon Page is referred to as a DE. He was a LB last year, made All-PL as a LB, and is listed on this year's roster as a LB. True, he sets up at multiple spots but very rarely as a DE. Also to call Moore-Greene a "special teams ace" is silly. He was on one special teams unit - KR return - and was OK there but nothing special. He didn't return punts or cover any kicks. Also Max Bunzel, the pick for "freshman to watch" - called a player who could "find himself on the field early in the season" at LB - was very lightly recruited out of HS and wasn't even announced as a recruit until May - which is the norm for walk-ons. Maybe he'll earn some time covering punts but it is very unlikely he will be on the field at LB or be the top BU freshman.

No mention at all of what may be the key to the Bison defense - whether two DT's who have started in the past, Alex Jordan, and Nick Zarkoski, will be recovered from offseason surgery. With them, the DL could be OK. Without them, it will be weak. However, despite what the article says, LB will not be a weakness if players stay healthy. One other thing - Aaron Brown is said to be a starter at safety when he's not even on the team. And no mention in the safety discussion of Joe Lauro, who has started the past two years and will start again if healthy.

As for the kicking game, it says "Bucknell does need to replace reliable place kicker Josh Burdick.". Burdick, whose first name actually is John, was reliable only on very short attempts - going 14-20 on FGs despite almost never being asked to attempt a kick of over 41 yards and making 14 of 17 PAT's. The average length of his made FG's was 30 yards, and he was 1-5 from beyond 38 yards. His lack of leg strength meant the Bison often went for a 1st down on 4th and long from between the 24 and 35, and they actually punted on occasion when inside the 35. For his career, btw, Burdick went 18-32 on FG's. This position will probably be a weakness for about the fourth straight year. Pechin is a good FG kicker, but after losing a year to a torn hamstring, they have opted to limit him to punting - where he is a All-American.

August 10th, 2018, 12:29 PM
Freshnock will be a back up eh?

Nope. Never said that or implied that. If he stays healthy, he will get almost all the carries. By both measurements, he was their best RB last year. And Marquis Carter will be the backup.

August 10th, 2018, 12:32 PM
Bucknell is considerably underrated. I've got them 3rd this season.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 10th, 2018, 01:42 PM
One example is that the article is mistaken on at least two starters on the OL, listing starters who aren't even in the mix. In any case, the OL will be better than last year but not a strength. Also the article talks about what Chiarolanzio needs to do to hold onto the starting QB job, when in fact he lost the starting job in the spring. Bitikofer was #1 on the depth chart after the spring. It is also unlikely Earle will see much playing time at QB as a frosh.

Not sure why LB Simeon Page is referred to as a DE. He was a LB last year, made All-PL as a LB, and is listed on this year's roster as a LB. True, he sets up at multiple spots but very rarely as a DE. Also to call Moore-Greene a "special teams ace" is silly. He was on one special teams unit - KR return - and was OK there but nothing special. He didn't return punts or cover any kicks. Also Max Bunzel, the pick for "freshman to watch" - called a player who could "find himself on the field early in the season" at LB - was very lightly recruited out of HS and wasn't even announced as a recruit until May - which is the norm for walk-ons. Maybe he'll earn some time covering punts but it is very unlikely he will be on the field at LB or be the top BU freshman.

No mention at all of what may be the key to the Bison defense - whether two DT's who have started in the past, Alex Jordan, and Nick Zarkoski, will be recovered from offseason surgery. With them, the DL could be OK. Without them, it will be weak. However, despite what the article says, LB will not be a weakness if players stay healthy. One other thing - Aaron Brown is said to be a starter at safety when he's not even on the team. And no mention in the safety discussion of Joe Lauro, who has started the past two years and will start again if healthy.

As for the kicking game, it says "Bucknell does need to replace reliable place kicker Josh Burdick.". Burdick, whose first name actually is John, was reliable only on very short attempts - going 14-20 on FGs despite almost never being asked to attempt a kick of over 41 yards and making 14 of 17 PAT's. The average length of his made FG's was 30 yards, and he was 1-5 from beyond 38 yards. His lack of leg strength meant the Bison often went for a 1st down on 4th and long from between the 24 and 35, and they actually punted on occasion when inside the 35. For his career, btw, Burdick went 18-32 on FG's. This position will probably be a weakness for about the fourth straight year. Pechin is a good FG kicker, but after losing a year to a torn hamstring, they have opted to limit him to punting - where he is a All-American.

good info but you're speaking in hypotheticals with injuries and potential starters as well. it's an inexact science. the brown error is a miss.

the QB info is spot on. said nothing about chiarolanzo being the starter this year. just that he was the incumbent and might be unseated.

burdick was good by PL standards. solid kicker!

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 12th, 2018, 01:59 PM
CSJ take on the PL....


August 12th, 2018, 03:41 PM
CSJ take on the PL....


Maybe Georgetown would have finished higher if they hadn't moved their home games to Jacksonville, FL...



August 12th, 2018, 04:02 PM
Maybe Georgetown would have finished higher if they hadn't moved their home games to Jacksonville, FL...



Probably would boost attendance. :)

August 13th, 2018, 06:35 AM
time for a new thread, no longer "way to early" unless we start talking about 2019, how about "Patriot League game #1"

August 13th, 2018, 11:15 AM
time for a new thread, no longer "way to early" unless we start talking about 2019, how about "Patriot League game #1"

If we are supposed to be a league that values the scholar in scholar-athlete, is it too much to ask to spell too correctly in the thread's headline? xdrunkyx

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 13th, 2018, 11:29 AM
time for a new thread, no longer "way to early" unless we start talking about 2019, how about "Patriot League game #1"

We must outlast the MVFC preseason thread! The have a title sponsors yet are miles behind us. Why? They might have the better football but we're clearly more dedicated to the cause! That's nice for saying we're all nuts....

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 13th, 2018, 11:34 AM
If we are supposed to be a league that values the scholar in scholar-athlete, is it too much to ask to spell too correctly in the thread's headline? xdrunkyx

Nah, perfect representation of PL football. Almost nailed it, but not quite. Yet we have far more posts in our preseason thread than the MVFC guys without the help of a corporate title sponsor.

August 13th, 2018, 11:34 AM
We must outlast the MVFC preseason thread! The have a title sponsors yet are miles behind us. Why? They might have the better football but we're clearly more dedicated to the cause! That's nice for saying we're all nuts....

Dont know whether we're "nutts" but we are surely are takative. Perhaps even compulsively verbose.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 13th, 2018, 11:35 AM
Dont know whether we're "nutts" but we are surely are takative. Perhaps even compulsively verbose.

lol...amazing how typos can happen. All "fixed"...xsmiley_wix

August 13th, 2018, 11:38 AM
In honor of our Holy Cross fans, courtesy of eBay, the game program from 50 years ago:


August 13th, 2018, 09:04 PM
In honor of our Holy Cross fans, courtesy of eBay, the game program from 50 years ago:


Really well done. :)

August 13th, 2018, 09:42 PM
BC blows and everybody knows.....

August 14th, 2018, 04:53 AM
One example is that the article is mistaken on at least two starters on the OL, listing starters who aren't even in the mix. In any case, the OL will be better than last year but not a strength. Also the article talks about what Chiarolanzio needs to do to hold onto the starting QB job, when in fact he lost the starting job in the spring. Bitikofer was #1 on the depth chart after the spring. It is also unlikely Earle will see much playing time at QB as a frosh.

Not sure why LB Simeon Page is referred to as a DE. He was a LB last year, made All-PL as a LB, and is listed on this year's roster as a LB. True, he sets up at multiple spots but very rarely as a DE. Also to call Moore-Greene a "special teams ace" is silly. He was on one special teams unit - KR return - and was OK there but nothing special. He didn't return punts or cover any kicks. Also Max Bunzel, the pick for "freshman to watch" - called a player who could "find himself on the field early in the season" at LB - was very lightly recruited out of HS and wasn't even announced as a recruit until May - which is the norm for walk-ons. Maybe he'll earn some time covering punts but it is very unlikely he will be on the field at LB or be the top BU freshman.

No mention at all of what may be the key to the Bison defense - whether two DT's who have started in the past, Alex Jordan, and Nick Zarkoski, will be recovered from offseason surgery. With them, the DL could be OK. Without them, it will be weak. However, despite what the article says, LB will not be a weakness if players stay healthy. One other thing - Aaron Brown is said to be a starter at safety when he's not even on the team. And no mention in the safety discussion of Joe Lauro, who has started the past two years and will start again if healthy.

As for the kicking game, it says "Bucknell does need to replace reliable place kicker Josh Burdick.". Burdick, whose first name actually is John, was reliable only on very short attempts - going 14-20 on FGs despite almost never being asked to attempt a kick of over 41 yards and making 14 of 17 PAT's. The average length of his made FG's was 30 yards, and he was 1-5 from beyond 38 yards. His lack of leg strength meant the Bison often went for a 1st down on 4th and long from between the 24 and 35, and they actually punted on occasion when inside the 35. For his career, btw, Burdick went 18-32 on FG's. This position will probably be a weakness for about the fourth straight year. Pechin is a good FG kicker, but after losing a year to a torn hamstring, they have opted to limit him to punting - where he is a All-American.

Looking forward to Sept. 1 in Lewisburg. Good contingent of Tribe fans making the trek. Wanted to play Bucknell Golf Course that morning, but it's their club championship. Playing at White Deer instead.

Game will give Tribe fans a read on whether the offense will take a step forward after dismal 2017. Defense is again the strength with 8 starters back and considerable depth.

August 14th, 2018, 08:19 AM
In honor of our Holy Cross fans, courtesy of eBay, the game program from 50 years ago:


That is one spooky armored helmet

August 14th, 2018, 12:35 PM
Love that helmet....sadly, nevah to be seen again on anything HC related.


Colgate Raider Redux
August 14th, 2018, 01:44 PM
We will more than likely lose very badly to BC this year....I don't think a single Holy Cross alumnus will be upset about it.

It is what it is...with roster restrictions, no formal red-shirting policy, admissions restrictions etc etc....the days of vying for an FCS national title are in the past for the Patriot League.

The occasional game against historic rivals like BC, Syracuse, UConn etc are much more exciting to HC alums/fans (of a certain age perhaps) than the hope of a deep run in a very 2nd-tier/flawed playoff system.

I agree with Lehigh TU owl’s premise, expressed via multiple posts, that PL FB teams need to improve their O.O.C. performance. Improved O.O.C. performance bolsters credibility and refines the PL niche as well as that of individual PL FB Programs. His related premise that PL FB teams should have clear objectives for evaluating FBS games’ outcomes deserves some elaboration.

THAT SAID, Lehigh TU owl’s cold W-L stats don’t provide a broad perspective on what distinguishes the genesis of different PL institutions FB scheduling. Nor does it explain the varied inclusion of FBS games by different PL institutions.

The decades and years immediately preceding the PL’s embrace of FB schollies featured an ebb and flow of some PL institutions’ support for athletics/football. During that time, there had been an on going debate in the national collegiate world about the impact of athletics on the brands of colleges. During this period some PL schools maintained long term though-irregular series with FBS schools. In these cases, these schools became “FBS” when college football was divided into the predecessors of the FCS and FBS. Other PL schools had/have limited ongoing series with FBS schools. The case can be made that maintaining tradition with micro-regional FBS rivals adds significant value to the FB enterprise and the school brand. I can’t quantify the difference to individual institutions’ brands between a tradition-based FBS game and a random FBS game. With that in mind, generalizations about the wisdom of individual PL schools’ choices about O.O.C. opponents need to be more nuanced.

I’ve included the actual historical record of opponent series of four PL schools: Lehigh, Colgate, Holy Cross and Fordham. As a Colgate alum with actual FB playing experience, the nuances of FB traditions are significant to me. It's especially significant as we celebrate Colgate’s 200th year in 2019, https://200.colgate.edu

LEHIGH: Series with Opponents P.14

COLGATE: Series with Opponents ( P: scroll down 28 pages after the cover )

HOLY CROSS: Series with Opponents P 104

FORDHAM: Series with Opponents P 126

August 14th, 2018, 07:08 PM
I would certainly like Georgetown to join the aforementioned traditions but they've first got to win some games. Eighteen losses in its last 19 games builds no rivalries.

August 15th, 2018, 02:39 PM
A single-stop post previewing Bucknell- I will edit to add future posts in the series:
Fullback/Tight End: https://bucknellbison.com/news/2018/8/6/bucknell-football-preview-tight-end-fullback.aspx?path=football
Cornerback: https://bucknellbison.com/news/2018/8/8/football-position-preview-cornerback.aspx?path=football
Offensive Line: https://bucknellbison.com/news/2018/8/9/football-position-preview-offensive-line.aspx?path=football
Linebacker: https://bucknellbison.com/news/2018/8/10/football-position-preview-linebacker.aspx?path=football
Wide Receiver: https://bucknellbison.com/news/2018/8/13/football-position-preview-wide-receiver.aspx?path=football
Safety: https://bucknellbison.com/news/2018/8/17/football-position-preview-safety.aspx

August 15th, 2018, 02:42 PM
I agree with Lehigh TU owl’s premise, expressed via multiple posts, that PL FB teams need to improve their O.O.C. performance. Improved O.O.C. performance bolsters credibility and refines the PL niche as well as that of individual PL FB Programs. His related premise that PL FB teams should have clear objectives for evaluating FBS games’ outcomes deserves some elaboration.

THAT SAID, Lehigh TU owl’s cold W-L stats don’t provide a broad perspective on what distinguishes the genesis of different PL institutions FB scheduling. Nor does it explain the varied inclusion of FBS games by different PL institutions.

The decades and years immediately preceding the PL’s embrace of FB schollies featured an ebb and flow of some PL institutions’ support for athletics/football. During that time, there had been an on going debate in the national collegiate world about the impact of athletics on the brands of colleges. During this period some PL schools maintained long term though-irregular series with FBS schools. In these cases, these schools became “FBS” when college football was divided into the predecessors of the FCS and FBS. Other PL schools had/have limited ongoing series with FBS schools. The case can be made that maintaining tradition with micro-regional FBS rivals adds significant value to the FB enterprise and the school brand. I can’t quantify the difference to individual institutions’ brands between a tradition-based FBS game and a random FBS game. With that in mind, generalizations about the wisdom of individual PL schools’ choices about O.O.C. opponents need to be more nuanced.

I’ve included the actual historical record of opponent series of four PL schools: Lehigh, Colgate, Holy Cross and Fordham. As a Colgate alum with actual FB playing experience, the nuances of FB traditions are significant to me. It's especially significant as we celebrate Colgate’s 200th year in 2019, https://200.colgate.edu

LEHIGH: Series with Opponents P.14

COLGATE: Series with Opponents ( P: scroll down 28 pages after the cover )

HOLY CROSS: Series with Opponents P 104

FORDHAM: Series with Opponents P 126

Agree Redux. Improving our competitiveness is first and foremost. Turns out our learning curve for schollie was longer and steeper than any anticipated. We all should be beyond that now. My era we played teams that are now FBS. For myself, I would love to play Rutgers and UD again Not right now :) but in a couple of years.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 15th, 2018, 10:03 PM
The Wedge's Fordham preview


Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 15th, 2018, 10:58 PM
Agree Redux. Improving our competitiveness is first and foremost. Turns out our learning curve for schollie was longer and steeper than any anticipated. We all should be beyond that now. My era we played teams that are now FBS. For myself, I would love to play Rutgers and UD again Not right now :) but in a couple of years.

Lehigh should not be afraid to play Rutgers or Delaware this year. I much rather face the Scarlet Knights than Navy. I could actually see a competitive game, 40-27'ish, against Rutgers. Delaware is basically a slightly more refined version of Villanova heading into the season.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 15th, 2018, 11:15 PM
A single-stop post previewing Bucknell- I will edit to add future posts in the series:
Fullback/Tight End: https://bucknellbison.com/news/2018/8/6/bucknell-football-preview-tight-end-fullback.aspx?path=football
Cornerback: https://bucknellbison.com/news/2018/8/8/football-position-preview-cornerback.aspx?path=football
Offensive Line: https://bucknellbison.com/news/2018/8/9/football-position-preview-offensive-line.aspx?path=football
Linebacker: https://bucknellbison.com/news/2018/8/10/football-position-preview-linebacker.aspx?path=football
Wide Receiver: https://bucknellbison.com/news/2018/8/13/football-position-preview-wide-receiver.aspx?path=football

Good stuff!! xthumbsupx

August 16th, 2018, 10:15 AM
Lehigh should not be afraid to play Rutgers or Delaware this year. I much rather face the Scarlet Knights than Navy. I could actually see a competitive game, 40-27'ish, against Rutgers. Delaware is basically a slightly more refined version of Villanova heading into the season.
Yup, Navy out of our league by a wide margin ,albeit in our league for all other sports. :) This game scheduled 4-5 years ago. Unfortunately our senior class did not turn out as well as coaches likely anticipated. Some truly great players but way too many misses. Agree Rutgers would be a closer matchup as would UD this year. Not next year or the year after though. We need at least one or two more recruit classes as good or better than our current frosh and soph groups.

August 16th, 2018, 02:00 PM
The Wedge's Fordham preview

Well done

August 20th, 2018, 05:46 PM
A single-stop post previewing Bucknell- I will edit to add future posts in the series:
Fullback/Tight End: https://bucknellbison.com/news/2018/...?path=football (https://bucknellbison.com/news/2018/8/6/bucknell-football-preview-tight-end-fullback.aspx?path=football)
Cornerback: https://bucknellbison.com/news/2018/...?path=football (https://bucknellbison.com/news/2018/8/8/football-position-preview-cornerback.aspx?path=football)
Offensive Line: https://bucknellbison.com/news/2018/...?path=football (https://bucknellbison.com/news/2018/8/9/football-position-preview-offensive-line.aspx?path=football)
Linebacker: https://bucknellbison.com/news/2018/...?path=football (https://bucknellbison.com/news/2018/8/10/football-position-preview-linebacker.aspx?path=football)
Wide Receiver: https://bucknellbison.com/news/2018/...?path=football (https://bucknellbison.com/news/2018/8/13/football-position-preview-wide-receiver.aspx?path=football)
Safety: https://bucknellbison.com/news/2018/...ew-safety.aspx (https://bucknellbison.com/news/2018/8/17/football-position-preview-safety.aspx)
Quarterback: https://bucknellbison.com/news/2018/8/20/football-position-preview-quarterback.aspx
Defensive Line: https://bucknellbison.com/news/2018/8/24/football-position-preview-defensive-line.aspx

August 22nd, 2018, 02:14 AM
Bumping as well. Opener only a week and a half away!

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 22nd, 2018, 09:14 AM
The Wedge's Georgetown preview


August 22nd, 2018, 09:18 AM
The Wedge's Georgetown preview


Needs some editing.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 22nd, 2018, 09:29 AM
Needs some editing.

Didn't notice anything.

Georgetown needs some serious help on offense! They and Bucknell have a serious dearth of talent at the skill positions....

August 22nd, 2018, 10:25 AM
Hoyas' issue is, as usual, depth. They should be able to stay with most of their OOC games for a while. Pretty good starting D. O has a decent OL and WRs. Need a QB who can manufacture plays not just manage the O. 2 to 3 Ws very possible. If they can stay healthy and D does not have to be on the field continuously they could pick up a couple of PL Ws. Would not be surprised with a frosh QB.

August 22nd, 2018, 06:48 PM
Looking forward to when the games start!

August 22nd, 2018, 07:01 PM
Looking forward to when the games start!
You and me both . New season and exciting times.

August 22nd, 2018, 07:33 PM
Looking forward to when the games start!

You bet. :)

August 22nd, 2018, 07:33 PM
Didn't notice anything.

Some of the sentences needed a second look. For example, the first one:

"Georgetown enters the 2018 season riding a dubious 15 game conference losing streaking."


"Georgetown’s decision to stick with the need-base system while the rest of the Patriot League went to the full-scholarship model 7 years ago was suppose create a major competitive disadvantage."

OK, the best of us can miss a word here and there (myself included), but the site just missed on a few players.

"Freshmans Lorenzo Linsey and Jack Elliott come to D.C. with impressive resumes." (Elliott is a walk-on.)

"Juniors Jay Tolliver and Christian Stafford turn to see significant time in the backfield." (There is no Christian Stafford, but a sophomore named Jackson Saffold.)

"Blaise Brown, Jethro Francois and Leon Agnee will fight it out for playing time at the two safety positions." (It's Agee.)

"Needless to say, Pence has his work cut out for himself." (He does, but it's Spence, not Pence.)

The tone of the article is a little more realistic than Emory Hunt, who predicted the Hoyas will go 3-3 in league play, but there are a lot of editable mistakes that just needed some attention.

August 24th, 2018, 10:10 PM
Some of the sentences needed a second look. For example, the first one:

"Georgetown enters the 2018 season riding a dubious 15 game conference losing streaking."


"Georgetown’s decision to stick with the need-base system while the rest of the Patriot League went to the full-scholarship model 7 years ago was suppose create a major competitive disadvantage."

OK, the best of us can miss a word here and there (myself included), but the site just missed on a few players.

"Freshmans Lorenzo Linsey and Jack Elliott come to D.C. with impressive resumes." (Elliott is a walk-on.)

"Juniors Jay Tolliver and Christian Stafford turn to see significant time in the backfield." (There is no Christian Stafford, but a sophomore named Jackson Saffold.)

"Blaise Brown, Jethro Francois and Leon Agnee will fight it out for playing time at the two safety positions." (It's Agee.)

"Needless to say, Pence has his work cut out for himself." (He does, but it's Spence, not Pence.)

The tone of the article is a little more realistic than Emory Hunt, who predicted the Hoyas will go 3-3 in league play, but there are a lot of editable mistakes that just needed some attention.
I think that was a Freudian slip. Author was temporarily thinking of of next year....xsmiley_wix

Go Lehigh TU Owl
August 27th, 2018, 09:32 AM


August 27th, 2018, 10:33 AM
It's been a very tight lipped summer camp atop Mt St James....no word as of yet as to the QB starting at Colgate. Chevalier (LB) is out for the season with an injury...ACL I believe....other than that, not much.