View Full Version : 2 Gonzaga players arrested
February 11th, 2007, 12:34 AM
Could actually hurt the Zags come selection Sunday since the committee looks at the team you will be putting on the floor if you are selected.
Go Lehigh TU Owl
February 11th, 2007, 12:43 AM
Zag's won tonight 60-49 in Heytvelt's absence, the other guy was redshirting so that should have no bearing on the team. Glad to see Few suspended them right away though rather then waiting until formal charges were pressed. Gonzaga is one of the most popular names in college basketball and i'd hate to see anything tarnish their image, i doubt this will with how they handled it. Hopefully the Zags and Heytvelt can put this behind them in time for the tourney because i think they could be very dangerous team come March. If nothing else the will be a top 5-10 team next year since everyone that plays other than Ravio is a Soph or Fr. From my persepctive Heytvelt shouldn't be thrown to the wolves because he made an error in judgement but didn't do anything too serious. I think a 5-10 game suspension and then be told even the slightest hiccup and he's gone from the school would be good enough. I know Notre Dame suspended a player for an entire year after he got caught with weed. I found that too harsh given what he did, i think a 5-10 game suspesion would have been enough.
February 11th, 2007, 12:46 AM
Weed and Shrooms! Yikes! Those boys should be kicked off the team and out of the school. I know that not everyone will agree, but if this happened at my school they would be drummed out.
I Bleed Purple
February 11th, 2007, 02:06 AM
Damn, I don't think I've heard a single reference to Gonzaga's actual nickname in the past month.
Zags is fine and all, but at least use their real nickname once in awhile.
February 11th, 2007, 08:57 AM
Damn, I don't think I've heard a single reference to Gonzaga's actual nickname in the past month.
Zags is fine and all, but at least use their real nickname once in awhile.
What is it?
February 11th, 2007, 10:34 AM
What is it?
February 11th, 2007, 10:46 AM
Weed and Shrooms! Yikes! Those boys should be kicked off the team and out of the school. I know that not everyone will agree, but if this happened at my school they would be drummed out.
When I lived in the North West Psych-Shrooms grew everywhere (seriously) and college kids picked them dried them and sold them fairly regularly...
I've seen freezers full (FULL) of Mushrooms ready for distribution...
It's a quiet problem up there - but it is a problem
February 11th, 2007, 11:15 AM
Weed and Shrooms! Yikes! Those boys should be kicked off the team and out of the school. I know that not everyone will agree, but if this happened at my school they would be drummed out.
Weed and shrooms huh? Sounds like a regular thursday to me ;)
Eyes of Old Main
February 11th, 2007, 04:27 PM
Kind of ironic since Gonzaga has always tried to portray themselves as the "Duke of the Northwest". No reason they shouldn't have been suspended.
As for Gonzaga on Selection Sunday, I just wish their strength of schedule would be considered a bit more. Sure, they play a few strong OOC's each year (and usually win some), but those are easy to get up for if you are them. They play NOBODY in conference and get seeded high based off reputation. Consequently, they always go out relatively early because they can't handle tough games in bunches. Maybe they are a good story, but definately overrated in my book. I realize they are very popular and that I'll be flamed for saying that, but it's true.
February 11th, 2007, 04:52 PM
As for Gonzaga on Selection Sunday, I just wish their strength of schedule would be considered a bit more. Sure, they play a few strong OOC's each year (and usually win some), but those are easy to get up for if you are them. They play NOBODY in conference and get seeded high based off reputation. Consequently, they always go out relatively early because they can't handle tough games in bunches. Maybe they are a good story, but definately overrated in my book. I realize they are very popular and that I'll be flamed for saying that, but it's true.
They play "a few strong OOC's each year?" This year they played, CLEARLY, the toughest non-conference schedule in the country. They have to compensate for the WCC schedule and I think this year they over compensated a little bit. This year they played North Carolina in New York, Butler in New York, Texas in Phoenix, Washington State in Pullman, Washington in Spokane, Georgia in Georgia, Duke in New York, Nevada in Seattle, Virginia in Charlottesville, and Stanford in Palo Alto. No one else in the country would touch that schedule - it's insane. That's why they're getting credit for their nonconference schedule
Go Lehigh TU Owl
February 11th, 2007, 04:53 PM
Kind of ironic since Gonzaga has always tried to portray themselves as the "Duke of the Northwest". No reason they shouldn't have been suspended.
As for Gonzaga on Selection Sunday, I just wish their strength of schedule would be considered a bit more. Sure, they play a few strong OOC's each year (and usually win some), but those are easy to get up for if you are them. They play NOBODY in conference and get seeded high based off reputation. Consequently, they always go out relatively early because they can't handle tough games in bunches. Maybe they are a good story, but definately overrated in my book. I realize they are very popular and that I'll be flamed for saying that, but it's true.
Yeah i'll flame you. In the past 8 tournaments they've made 4 sweet 16's and 1 Elite 8 which is pretty lofty company so i don't think they flame out of the tournament that often. Last year they lost a heartbreaker to UCLA and would most likely have been Memphis as UCLA was able to do. Also when you say they play a few strong out OOC games a year, that just isn't true. In an 11 game stretch this year they played North Carolina, Butler then played 7 straight against Texas, Washington State, Washington, Georgia, Duke, Nevada and finished it up with Virginia. They also went on the road and played Stanford a couple weeks ago and have Memphis at home next Saturday. They played arguably the toughest out of conference schedule in the country. Their conference is somewhat weak but they have sent multiple teams to the NCAA, in fact 3 in 2005. . They will be very good next year, perhaps their best team ever. They have a couple McDonald's All-Americans coming in plus they return every key player except for Ravio next year and will be a legitamate Final 4 contender. I think they can again reach the sweet 16 this year depending on what type of matchup they draw.
Eyes of Old Main
February 11th, 2007, 05:51 PM
If you are a top 4 seed, isn't the Sweet 16 expected? If you are a top 2 seed, isn't an Elite 8 expected?
I ackowledge their OOC schedule (and will admit I didn't realize they'd played as many tough teams as they have this year), but I still think they have a distinct advantage in positioning themselves as a "giant-killer" on their terms when they know they have a weaker conference slate. It's much easier to get up for a OOC game against UNC when you know your next games aren't against Duke, Maryland and the rest of the ACC.
Go Lehigh TU Owl
February 11th, 2007, 06:14 PM
If you are a top 4 seed, isn't the Sweet 16 expected? If you are a top 2 seed, isn't an Elite 8 expected?
I ackowledge their OOC schedule (and will admit I didn't realize they'd played as many tough teams as they have this year), but I still think they have a distinct advantage in positioning themselves as a "giant-killer" on their terms when they know they have a weaker conference slate. It's much easier to get up for a OOC game against UNC when you know your next games aren't against Duke, Maryland and the rest of the ACC.
Gonzaga hasn't been seeded as high as you might think. Starting in '99 they've been a 10, 10, 12, 6, 9, 2, 3, 3. So i think it even outs they performed pretty well.
I look at it that Gonzaga's OOC schedule is the equavalent of the UNC's conference schedule and the Zag's conference schedule is for the most part UNC's OOC schedule.
Eyes of Old Main
February 11th, 2007, 06:49 PM
I look at it that Gonzaga's OOC schedule is the equavalent of the UNC's conference schedule and the Zag's conference schedule is for the most part UNC's OOC schedule.
While the breadth of Gonzaga's OOC schedule may approach (but not equal) an ACC regular season schedule, it doesn't account for the fact that in-conference teams know you better and many get to see you twice. OOC teams on get one shot at Gonzaga.
And I don't think I'd compare UNC's OOC schedule against a WCC conference schedule. I'm not going to take the time to look up SOS's on both schools, but I just don't think you can make that comparison.
February 11th, 2007, 08:18 PM
Weed and Shrooms! Yikes! Those boys should be kicked off the team and out of the school. I know that not everyone will agree, but if this happened at my school they would be drummed out.
Agree with you 100%, Citdog. Talk about throwing an opportunity down the toilet. :nonono2:
February 12th, 2007, 12:27 PM
Getting back to the topic, it is difficult for Gonzaga to sweep this under the rug. I've kept track of the Zags program ever since they left the Big Sky in 1979 and this is by far the biggest problem the athletic deparment's had to deal with. The amount of pot was only enough for a misdemeanor charge. The big deal involves the mushrooms, which constitutes a felony charge. Gonzaga does have a policy for all its students, similar to most schools, that says basically any student knowingly committing a felony will be subject to disciplinary action including expulsion. Because of this, Heytfelt could very well have played his last game for Gonzaga, if he is indeed found guilty. It sounds like all involved will have further comment by Wednesday (2-14) on this matter.
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