View Full Version : UCLA QB Josh Rosen not big on "football and school"

August 8th, 2017, 05:03 PM
... he is the antithesis of what the Ivies' student-athletes have been doing so well... xchinscratchx


catamount man
August 8th, 2017, 08:44 PM
He does have a valid point. I still believe with all I have that D3 football is the perfect model for intercollegiate athletics as it pertains to the overall well being of the student who participates in athletics. Kid is honest and you gotta love that.

August 9th, 2017, 09:45 AM
The guy is right. In most of the top half of the P5, academics are not important (Stanford being the leading exception). Kids majoring in PE or ethnic studies (especially at UNC) are not receiving any significant benefit. I've long felt that many of theses players should be in a minor league program where they may be taught basic life skills. Great players who value an education have many options as is. The NBA and MLB have many players who have never attended a day of college. The NFL doesn't need to be different, although obviously few 18 year olds could survive on an NFL field and some type of development league would need to exist.

A useless college education is no better than no college education, and probably of less value than a technical degree.