View Full Version : A&M-CC & C.Arkansas Get SLC's Attention

July 14th, 2005, 06:31 PM
From the CC Caller-Times. This is the big week for A&M-CC as they make their pitch to the conference. Best of luck to them as I know it is a big deal for their university.

I have faith the SLC and those involved in this process will make the best decision upon reviewing several of the universities mentioned in the past.
A&M-CC ready to prove its worth

Southland officials arrive today to evaluate program

By Lee Goddard Caller-Times
July 14, 2005

It's a lot of information packed into a short time frame, and it's a chance to brag without looking like a showoff.

Texas A&M-Corpus Christi moves center stage today when the Islanders play host to Southland Conference officials. If A&M-Corpus Christi does it right and finds a connection with the conference, the Islanders' non-conference days could be numbered.

It will be a unique chance for the university which, A&M-Corpus Christi athletic director Dan Viola said, has never hosted an official conference visit. The Mid-Continent Conference president dropped in for a basketball game once, and came by himself for a whirlwind tour, but this generally is uncharted territory for the Islanders.

In a span of roughly 24 hours, A&M-Corpus Christi must impress the four-member site-visit team, including Southland Conference commissioner Tom Burnett, and Randy Moffett, the president of Southeastern Louisiana and conference chairman of the board.


July 14th, 2005, 07:25 PM
Dinner at the Hooks game? Lunch on the ABC floor? That's right, try to impress them with facilities that the school does not even own. Their department facilities are crap, the administrative offices a joke straight out of an eighth grade gym and the school looks like a high school. Has academic standards of a high school as well. That and their basketball coach has a background that isn't too hot with following the rules.

Their president mentioned they might begin to consider football when enrollment numbers justify it. I think he was just playing the crowd.

I am much more excited about Central Arkansas joining that Corpus.

Sly Fox
July 15th, 2005, 10:38 PM
Ouch! Why the bitter attitude towards your brothers down on the Gulf.

But I do have to agree that it seems odd to bring Whataburger Field into the discussion unless they are going to get a lease for the springtime from the city. I don't see that happening. But I could be wrong.

July 16th, 2005, 06:37 AM
Acceptance in the fall, probably end of September or October, that is what we are now hearing from the SLC as they move forward with expansion visits, a trip to Central Arkansas forthcoming.
Visitors assess A&M-CC sports
Southland will make decision during fall
By Lee Goddard Caller-Times
July 16, 2005

The initial impression of Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi was positive for members of the Southland Conference's site-visit team. But the conference has a few questions before it will consider admitting the university.

The 24-hour visit by four Southland committee members concluded Friday, and the first glance looks good for the Islanders, who have been lobbying to get into the conference since January. Joining a conference would allow the Islanders to automatically qualify for NCAA postseason play, make finding opponents easier and cut travel costs.

Within seven to 10 days, the Southland will file a report to university President Flavius Killebrew, with questions. Expected to be listed are concerns about the quality of on-campus facilities, the prospect of A&M-Corpus Christi adding sports in the future and the ability to schedule events at the American Bank Center.
