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Penguin Nation
February 13th, 2017, 08:16 AM
Uber-homers tend not to stick around here especially if their team isn't doing well. Uber-critical fans tend to get pushed out of their home boards. I've been to Redbirdfan and I've seen OBSF post here and I wouldn't put either in the extreme category. YSU's board is the most homerish in the Valley. Bisonville is the most bi-polar.
Nonhomers get admonished, banned, edited, or deleted. You've seen what happens when we criticize our AD.
February 13th, 2017, 10:16 AM
What's funny about ISUr fans saying they don't need a safe zone for posting is that anyone with half a brain to search message boards can prove that false.
Want to know why I know I keep them away? A small sampling of a search of my username on RBF
This first one is particularly funny
Clenz is a pud. He is the AGS version of toolie at bu fan . com. I picture him as the type who enjoys the aroma of his own flatulence. He is your typical anonymous poster who hides behind his screen name and takes pot shots at people knowing there are no ramifications to his actions. He is a uni fan so that should tell you a little about him.
That site is dominated by dbag ndsu fans. There are some fairly knowledgeable fans on AGS but you have to sift through a bunch cr*p to find them.
1. Everyone enjoys their own least a little.
2. I love all the "anonymous poster who hides behind a screen name" jabs. Especially form people like gobirds85 ( on RBF. I mean, y'all do realize my screen name is the exact opposite of message board anonymity, right? I write for AGS/TheFCSWedge using my real name. I link my twitter in my signature. I have a couple dozen AGS/CS members on my facebook page. I have met, and will meet, dozens of AGS/CS members from across the country.
I made the mistake of checking out the ISU-WIU thread on AGS. Wow, lots of hostility for ISU, especially from that clenz joker. Guessing he either couldn't get into ISU or had an ex who went here.
This one is from 4th and short....who just earlier in this thread said he didn't really have an issue with me
Clenz is an idiot. Caught him bs-ing once while he bashed ISU on AGS
.. what else is new with him ... and called him out 3 times citing his BS. He refused to respond to me on the topic. And he loves OSBF.
Seems the story changes when you're in a safe space echo chamber...
This next one is fun.....a poster named Santa Carson or something like that
Have shared some disagreements with guys like UNI fan clenz, but I also know that he brings a lot to the table.
Seems reasonable, right? Well, 14 days later by the same poster
CLENZ has a vendetta against all things Illinois State.
He should get out more. He's garbage.
That one seems like something I find when/if I search my name on Bisonville, SDSU Fans, Coyote Fans, Panther Nation, MSU Bear Nation, etc.... MAYBE it's not a vendetta against ISUr. Maybe it's someone having the balls to say things about every school and not hide about it.
And the ultimate proof ISU fans only want an echo chamber when I search my name on RBF?
It does seem to be OSBF's mission to slam ISU Redbird Football over on the national FCS message board (Any Given Saturday). OSBF, UNI fan Clenz and a couple of NDSU fans have been using ISU football as an absolute punching bag on the Any Given Saturday message board (think that anti-ISU thread is up to 31 pages and OSBF has about half the vile posts).
Agree with REALBird about AGS. I have never posted over there but was always interested in the extra FCS discussions. Tired of hearing all the bashing of ISU fans over there so think I'll take a break.
You guys say you want to "be the bully" and "Wear the black hat" but you don't. You run away with your tail tucked every-time you get challenged and when you challenge back we don't back down. You may get away with that on your echo chamber safe space, or on Bradley's message board but it doesn't work here.
You guys sure do talk about AGS quite a bit over there. Searching "AGS" returns well over 100 search results.
You run away so easily. You fight for about 10 minutes and then you run away until next November.
February 13th, 2017, 10:28 AM
While I would say there is some truth to that, aside from you, PanterRob, UNI88 and I may be missing a few. The board isn't filled ti the gills with UNI fans.
Maybe you guys have more who don't fit the "Novemberist/Decembrist" theme but we have to start somewhere. I'd say between 4th, Redbird007, myself and maybe a few others who have tried posting more, we've got a tough row to hoe when those fans of ours that were here (one in particular) doesn't like anything about our programs.
i could give a rats rip about most peoples feelings. Honestly, I'd rather be the assh*le in the room. I agree that the punishment hasn't always fit the crime, but HELL if we're the renegades of the MVFC embrace it. Where my black hat! LOLThe funny thing is, OSBF isn't the one giving ISU fans a bad name a having a tough "row to hoe". It's actually quite the opposite.
You'd rather be the asshole, but you don't stick around because you don't get too/aren't the biggest asshole in the room here. You aren't the "BMOC" like you get to be elsewhere. That **** doesn't fly here until you earn the right for it too. That takes years of posting 12 months out of the year. Not posting every once in a while over a long period of time.
Opinions of Novemberist and Decemberists don't mean ****. That's all ISUr has. That's all you'll ever have because you can't handle not being the bully.
This year was a prime example. Loads of **** before the season, then gone until the last week or two of the regular season and then poof gone against after thanksgiving until just recently because Teddy Hawkins being arrested for the 4th time and once again facing no punishment was brought up.
February 13th, 2017, 11:53 AM
ISUr fans don't like being called out.
That's all I know.
Also. Someone saying clenz hides behind a username. xlolx
February 13th, 2017, 11:59 AM
You guys are just a bunch of meanies. Where's my safe space?! xlolx
February 13th, 2017, 05:50 PM
The funny thing is, OSBF isn't the one giving ISU fans a bad name a having a tough "row to hoe". It's actually quite the opposite.
You'd rather be the asshole, but you don't stick around because you don't get too/aren't the biggest asshole in the room here. You aren't the "BMOC" like you get to be elsewhere. That **** doesn't fly here until you earn the right for it too. That takes years of posting 12 months out of the year. Not posting every once in a while over a long period of time.
Opinions of Novemberist and Decemberists don't mean ****. That's all ISUr has. That's all you'll ever have because you can't handle not being the bully.
This year was a prime example. Loads of **** before the season, then gone until the last week or two of the regular season and then poof gone against after thanksgiving until just recently because Teddy Hawkins being arrested for the 4th time and once again facing no punishment was brought up.
We can respectfully agree to disagree. The day I see him write a decent word about the program on this board, that will be the first in quite some time. The only mention of any ISUr recruit had to deal with a kid signed, and who then was charged with rape. Like I said, he doesn't like Spack.....So F******* what! But if you're going to call out his recruits, or judge him on the basis of the Coprich situation, at least be man enough to give credit where credit is due when the guy rescinds a scholarship for the same questionable behavior you openly criticize.
That is where I say, I don't care if I come off as an asshole. I think if you're man enough to call out the coach, be man enough to walk back your crap when you're wrong. No matter how infrequent it happens. LOL. At least say "It's a start. Something to build on."
As far as the rest of your post. Honestly, I'm never going to eat, sleep and **** AGS. I enjoy the knowledge on this board, I enjoy the banter on this board. I don't expect everyone to agree with me, and when we can't see eye to eye, I can agree to disagree. Even when it comes to OSBF. I work FT, I coach my kids basketball team, I participate on other message boards and sports forums. So if posting here 12 months a year is the requirement for acceptance, then I guess I'm an outsider, Novemberist, Decemberist, or whatever.
Being BMOC on a message board ain't my thing. Being a, have we really regressed back to high school or elementary school? See my above comment.
I can't imagine what it's like to be a coach and have to be responsible for 18-22 year olds. My closest experience as someone working for Illinois State & the University of Illinois is managing and employing students. I can't tell you how many kids came to work smelling like weed, how many honestly said "I only want the job for beer money, and to get free print jobs in the computer lab". How many gave me some lame ass excuse about why they missed work, or some who had to take off because they had a court date. College kids are *****ed up, and in my experience college athletes that I've employed are some of the poorest kids on campus. They do dumb *****. They steal. They drink. They get high. They sell drugs. Just like the other kids on campus.
I knew kids who stole credit cards working in the mailroom, kids who stole cars, committed sexual assault, brought firearms on campus. Oh the stories we could all tell, I'm sure there are some interesting ones. My point is, I didn't fire every kid who messed up. I might have dealt with it my own way that my boss may not have agreed with, but everything isn't always black/white, cut and dry.
Spack deserves the criticism for his handling of Coprich. Muller deserves the criticism for his handling of Hawkins. The AD department, does need to intervene when the punishment seems lax or not fitting of the crime. Totally agree with all of that.
I know he won't give Spack credit or even respond, so to's just circular talk between you and I.
POD Knows
February 13th, 2017, 07:01 PM
We can respectfully agree to disagree. The day I see him write a decent word about the program on this board, that will be the first in quite some time. The only mention of any ISUr recruit had to deal with a kid signed, and who then was charged with rape. Like I said, he doesn't like Spack.....So F******* what! But if you're going to call out his recruits, or judge him on the basis of the Coprich situation, at least be man enough to give credit where credit is due when the guy rescinds a scholarship for the same questionable behavior you openly criticize.
That is where I say, I don't care if I come off as an asshole. I think if you're man enough to call out the coach, be man enough to walk back your crap when you're wrong. No matter how infrequent it happens. LOL. At least say "It's a start. Something to build on."
As far as the rest of your post. Honestly, I'm never going to eat, sleep and **** AGS. I enjoy the knowledge on this board, I enjoy the banter on this board. I don't expect everyone to agree with me, and when we can't see eye to eye, I can agree to disagree. Even when it comes to OSBF. I work FT, I coach my kids basketball team, I participate on other message boards and sports forums. So if posting here 12 months a year is the requirement for acceptance, then I guess I'm an outsider, Novemberist, Decemberist, or whatever.
Being BMOC on a message board ain't my thing. Being a, have we really regressed back to high school or elementary school? See my above comment.
I can't imagine what it's like to be a coach and have to be responsible for 18-22 year olds. My closest experience as someone working for Illinois State & the University of Illinois is managing and employing students. I can't tell you how many kids came to work smelling like weed, how many honestly said "I only want the job for beer money, and to get free print jobs in the computer lab". How many gave me some lame ass excuse about why they missed work, or some who had to take off because they had a court date. College kids are *****ed up, and in my experience college athletes that I've employed are some of the poorest kids on campus. They do dumb *****. They steal. They drink. They get high. They sell drugs. Just like the other kids on campus.
I knew kids who stole credit cards working in the mailroom, kids who stole cars, committed sexual assault, brought firearms on campus. Oh the stories we could all tell, I'm sure there are some interesting ones. My point is, I didn't fire every kid who messed up. I might have dealt with it my own way that my boss may not have agreed with, but everything isn't always black/white, cut and dry.
Spack deserves the criticism for his handling of Coprich. Muller deserves the criticism for his handling of Hawkins. The AD department, does need to intervene when the punishment seems lax or not fitting of the crime. Totally agree with all of that.
I know he won't give Spack credit or even respond, so to's just circular talk between you and I.
The whole state of Illinois sucks balls. xcoffeex
February 13th, 2017, 07:10 PM
The whole state of Illinois sucks balls. xcoffeex
no argument from me
February 14th, 2017, 04:24 PM
The whole state of Illinois sucks balls. xcoffeex
It's a cesspool. I've seen cleaner Port-a-Potties. I'd love to get the hell out, but can't convince the other half. LOL.
POD Knows
February 14th, 2017, 04:41 PM
It's a cesspool. I've seen cleaner Port-a-Potties. I'd love to get the hell out, but can't convince the other half. LOL.
There is always northern Indiana. Actually, Illinois isn't that bad but you don't seem to be able to govern yourself. Why would anybody want to be a governor of that state, it is a one way ticket to jail.
February 15th, 2017, 09:06 AM
There is always northern Indiana. Actually, Illinois isn't that bad but you don't seem to be able to govern yourself. Why would anybody want to be a governor of that state, it is a one way ticket to jail.
especially since its the 2nd highest government position in the state
February 15th, 2017, 01:48 PM
There is always northern Indiana. Actually, Illinois isn't that bad but you don't seem to be able to govern yourself. Why would anybody want to be a governor of that state, it is a one way ticket to jail.
Seriously, I joke that it's one of the few states in the US that you get to elect who goes to prison next. LOL I have friends and family members who have moved just on the other side of the border in NW Indiana just to avoid Illinois' corruption.
February 15th, 2017, 01:55 PM
Seriously, I joke that it's one of the few states in the US that you get to elect who goes to prison next. LOL I have friends and family members who have moved just on the other side of the border in NW Indiana just to avoid Illinois' corruption.
February 15th, 2017, 04:32 PM
drove through there once . It looked a lot better when it was safely in the rearview mirror
February 15th, 2017, 05:52 PM
Ha....Ha...Ha. F*** No. May as well stay in Chicago.
February 15th, 2017, 06:42 PM
Ha....Ha...Ha. F*** No. May as well stay in Chicago.
Well, whatever. You said NW Indiana ya negative nancy. :D
February 16th, 2017, 07:12 PM
Well, whatever. You said NW Indiana ya negative nancy. :D
Most of the people I know bypass Hammond, IN just on the other side of the border, but stop just short of Gary, IN. Literally about a 15-20 minute drive will get you there from Hammond to Gary.
Munster, Highland, Schererville, Dyer, Griffith, Merrillville, Hobart area is where most of my family and friends live.
Gary is more like Chicago's AAA city for criminals ready to move up to the big leagues.
February 19th, 2017, 08:58 AM
If not I will enjoy games with friends and family and continue following FCS football as a whole.
hey, who are you callin an "as a whole"?!? :p
February 19th, 2017, 12:34 PM
Have any teams released spring game dates/times?
Missouri State hasn't announced theirs yet. We have what could be a four-way battle for starting QB, and a bunch of offensive linemen coming off redshirts.
February 19th, 2017, 05:47 PM
drove through there once . It looked a lot better when it was safely in the rearview mirror
Kind of like NE Jersey? ;)
February 19th, 2017, 06:03 PM
Have any teams released spring game dates/times?
Missouri State hasn't announced theirs yet. We have what could be a four-way battle for starting QB, and a bunch of offensive linemen coming off redshirts.
I think NDSU starts spring practice on March 22 and the green/gold game is April 22.
February 22nd, 2017, 10:10 AM
I think NDSU starts spring practice on March 22 and the green/gold game is April 22.
Not sure when spring practice starts for SDSU, but should be about the same time as the Spring Game is also April 22.
Redbird 4th & short
February 24th, 2017, 09:44 AM
What's funny about ISUr fans saying they don't need a safe zone for posting is that anyone with half a brain to search message boards can prove that false.
Want to know why I know I keep them away? A small sampling of a search of my username on RBF
This first one is particularly funny
1. Everyone enjoys their own least a little.
2. I love all the "anonymous poster who hides behind a screen name" jabs. Especially form people like gobirds85 ( on RBF. I mean, y'all do realize my screen name is the exact opposite of message board anonymity, right? I write for AGS/TheFCSWedge using my real name. I link my twitter in my signature. I have a couple dozen AGS/CS members on my facebook page. I have met, and will meet, dozens of AGS/CS members from across the country.
This one is from 4th and short....who just earlier in this thread said he didn't really have an issue with me
Seems the story changes when you're in a safe space echo chamber...
This next one is fun.....a poster named Santa Carson or something like that
Seems reasonable, right? Well, 14 days later by the same poster
That one seems like something I find when/if I search my name on Bisonville, SDSU Fans, Coyote Fans, Panther Nation, MSU Bear Nation, etc.... MAYBE it's not a vendetta against ISUr. Maybe it's someone having the balls to say things about every school and not hide about it.
And the ultimate proof ISU fans only want an echo chamber when I search my name on RBF?
You guys say you want to "be the bully" and "Wear the black hat" but you don't. You run away with your tail tucked every-time you get challenged and when you challenge back we don't back down. You may get away with that on your echo chamber safe space, or on Bradley's message board but it doesn't work here.
You guys sure do talk about AGS quite a bit over there. Searching "AGS" returns well over 100 search results.
You run away so easily. You fight for about 10 minutes and then you run away until next November.
you've got to be kidding with this post ? like we should all have to post year round on multiple fan boards because you have so much free time to do so ? we don't engage, we're too sensitive ? people like me who do engage the bashers, we're too sensitive too ?? we all think and act alike as a fan base .. really ??
get over yourself .. that you choose to ride an emotional rollercoaster of over-reactions and endlessly attacking others, is your business. but why are others obligated to engage by your standards .. you're an emotional wreck who prefers conflict .. and you are biased .. own it.
I will post when I want .. don't need anyone's permission or blessing.
Redbird 4th & short
February 24th, 2017, 09:54 AM
you've got to be kidding with this post ? like we should all have to post year round on multiple fan boards because you have so much free time to do so ? we don't engage, we're too sensitive ? people like me who do engage the bashers, we're too sensitive too ?? we all think and act alike as a fan base .. really ??
get over yourself .. that you choose to ride an emotional rollercoaster of over-reactions and endlessly attacking others, is your business. but why are others obligated to engage by your standards .. you're an emotional wreck who prefers conflict .. and you are biased .. own it.
I will post when I want .. don't need anyone's permission or blessing.
clenz .. to be clear, I never said I didn't have an issue with you .. you completely missed the context. I said, in the context of OSBF bashing Spack and you bashing Farley, I agreed with another poster that your bashing didn't seem like a personal vendetta against Farley. To be clear, I do have an issue you .. just not on that.
February 24th, 2017, 11:04 AM
you've got to be kidding with this post ? like we should all have to post year round on multiple fan boards because you have so much free time to do so ? we don't engage, we're too sensitive ? people like me who do engage the bashers, we're too sensitive too ?? we all think and act alike as a fan base .. really ??
get over yourself .. that you choose to ride an emotional rollercoaster of over-reactions and endlessly attacking others, is your business. but why are others obligated to engage by your standards .. you're an emotional wreck who prefers conflict .. and you are biased .. own it.
I will post when I want .. don't need anyone's permission or blessing. (
February 24th, 2017, 09:16 PM
clenz .. to be clear, I never said I didn't have an issue with you .. you completely missed the context. I said, in the context of OSBF bashing Spack and you bashing Farley, I agreed with another poster that your bashing didn't seem like a personal vendetta against Farley. To be clear, I do have an issue you .. just not on that.
I believe that was me and to be clear I brought up clenz not because of his criticism of Farley (which I understand) but as an example of a poster who tends to raise the hackles of Redbird fans but whose criticisms are based on knowledge and research and who is just as critical of other MVFC programs but while their posters might complain they don't throw and temper tantrum and threaten to leave forever.
you've got to be kidding with this post ? like we should all have to post year round on multiple fan boards because you have so much free time to do so ? we don't engage, we're too sensitive ? people like me who do engage the bashers, we're too sensitive too ?? we all think and act alike as a fan base .. really ??
get over yourself .. that you choose to ride an emotional rollercoaster of over-reactions and endlessly attacking others, is your business. but why are others obligated to engage by your standards .. you're an emotional wreck who prefers conflict .. and you are biased .. own it.
I will post when I want .. don't need anyone's permission or blessing.
You don't need to post on here all the time. Post when you have time and feel like it. Just don't get all butt hurt when clenz or someone else is critical of ISUr and threaten to leave. The "I'm going to take my ball and go home" schtick gets old. AGS is better with more posters representing more teams. Get some thicker skin and participate when you can.
Penguin Nation
February 25th, 2017, 08:23 AM
It's a cesspool. I've seen cleaner Port-a-Potties. I'd love to get the hell out, but can't convince the other half. LOL.
Show her the state income tax line (and city income tax if you have it) on your W2, and tell her we'll have that much less confiscated every single year. We moved from MN (huge income tax) to FL (zero income tax) and get to keep so much more of our property/income. The property tax is lower in FL also. IMO the weather's better too.
Redbird 4th & short
February 25th, 2017, 10:30 AM
I believe that was me and to be clear I brought up clenz not because of his criticism of Farley (which I understand) but as an example of a poster who tends to raise the hackles of Redbird fans but whose criticisms are based on knowledge and research and who is just as critical of other MVFC programs but while their posters might complain they don't throw and temper tantrum and threaten to leave forever.
You don't need to post on here all the time. Post when you have time and feel like it. Just don't get all butt hurt when clenz or someone else is critical of ISUr and threaten to leave. The "I'm going to take my ball and go home" schtick gets old. AGS is better with more posters representing more teams. Get some thicker skin and participate when you can.
you're telling me to do something I am already doing - so thanks for reaffirming I am allowed. and you confuse "butthurt" with me bashing and fact-checking people who reflexively bash ISU/Spack. am i allowed to fact-check or point out the hypocrisy of others or defend ISU without be labeled "butthurt" ? People love to mis-use that word around here.
I am quite certain there are some Spack bashers here who are stunned we have won the APR award 2 years in a row. which if you are truly trying to see both sides and understand my point, is the point of my defending Spack against people who try to misrepresent the integrity of our program. And my defense of Spack is going back several years before we won the APR the last 2 years. My point has never been I 100% agree with every Spack decision.
not "butthurt", not hiding in any "safe place", just defending my school's football program when I see fit.
Redbird 4th & short
February 25th, 2017, 10:34 AM
What's funny about ISUr fans saying they don't need a safe zone for posting is that anyone with half a brain to search message boards can prove that false.
Want to know why I know I keep them away? A small sampling of a search of my username on RBF
This first one is particularly funny
1. Everyone enjoys their own least a little.
2. I love all the "anonymous poster who hides behind a screen name" jabs. Especially form people like gobirds85 ( on RBF. I mean, y'all do realize my screen name is the exact opposite of message board anonymity, right? I write for AGS/TheFCSWedge using my real name. I link my twitter in my signature. I have a couple dozen AGS/CS members on my facebook page. I have met, and will meet, dozens of AGS/CS members from across the country.
This one is from 4th and short....who just earlier in this thread said he didn't really have an issue with me
uni88 .. here is post I was responding to from Clenz
February 25th, 2017, 12:12 PM
you're telling me to do something I am already doing - so thanks for reaffirming I am allowed. and you confuse "butthurt" with me bashing and fact-checking people who reflexively bash ISU/Spack. am i allowed to fact-check or point out the hypocrisy of others or defend ISU without be labeled "butthurt" ? People love to mis-use that word around here.
I am quite certain there are some Spack bashers here who are stunned we have won the APR award 2 years in a row. which if you are truly trying to see both sides and understand my point, is the point of my defending Spack against people who try to misrepresent the integrity of our program. And my defense of Spack is going back several years before we won the APR the last 2 years. My point has never been I 100% agree with every Spack decision.
not "butthurt", not hiding in any "safe place", just defending my school's football program when I see fit.It's like you don't understand how the APR actually works.
What's also funny is the basketball program, and coach, your fans defend so hard has the worst APR in the MVC and is right on the edge of facing scholarship reductions.
Redbird 4th & short
February 25th, 2017, 12:49 PM
It's like you don't understand how the APR actually works.
What's also funny is the basketball program, and coach, your fans defend so hard has the worst APR in the MVC and is right on the edge of facing scholarship reductions.
be specific .. what did I say that suggests I don't understand APR ? Its a cumulative score for each class over 4 year period based on retention, eligibility, and graduation. Meaning .. do you recruit, retain, keep eligible, and graduate your student athletes ? Do I know the formula specifics ... no. Do i know generally what it ir measures and why .. yes.
I also know we kicked a 3 star recruit who commited to us, and UNI scooped him right up. So it's not like we don't have standards for who we accept, and ultimately graduate.
I have never defended the ISU basketball program. I honestly don't follow it .. don't have the time or inclination .. similar to not having the time or inclination to follow and post on AGS regularly. I have only defended the football program, Spack, and the school in general.
Redbird 4th & short
February 25th, 2017, 02:14 PM
clenz ... and since you brought up ISU basketball APR .. yes, it is weak at 945, last in MVC, and a low point for men's basketball. But "right on the edge of facing scholarship reductions" ... according to who exactly ? Seriously... according to who ? They are currently 53rd from bottom, of which only 6 of the worst are currently being penalized.
Did you just make that up about our basketball team being on verge of losing scholarships ? Do you know how many sports programs across all D-I schools have APRs at or below 945 .. not just men's basketball .. all sports .. a fricking lot. Are they all on verge of losing scholarships ?
Muller is stuggling to find the right players to win and do things his way .. so yes, he has a lot of turnover every year and just this year hit a low point. Not defending him or his program .. I don't follow it and don;t have an opinion ... but that is killing his team's APR.
You "butt hurt" because their winning this year and UNI MBB is not ??
February 25th, 2017, 02:25 PM
clenz ... and since you brought up ISU basketball APR .. yes, it is weak at 945, last in MVC, and a low point for men's basketball. But "right on the edge of facing scholarship reductions" ... according to who exactly ? Seriously... according to who ? They are currently 53rd from bottom, of which only 6 of the worst are currently being penalized.
Did you just make that up about our basketball team being on verge of losing scholarships ? Do you know how many sports programs across all D-I schools have APRs at or below 945 .. not just men's basketball .. all sports .. a fricking lot. Are they all on verge of losing scholarships ?
Muller is stuggling to find the right players to win and do things his way .. so yes, he has a lot of turnover every year and just this year hit a low point. Not defending him or his program .. I don't follow it and don;t have an opinion ... but that is killing his team's APR.
You "butt hurt" because their winning this year and UNI MBB is not ??
MVFC thread....take the round bouncy ball **** elsewhere. xlolx
February 25th, 2017, 03:17 PM
you're telling me to do something I am already doing - so thanks for reaffirming I am allowed. and you confuse "butthurt" with me bashing and fact-checking people who reflexively bash ISU/Spack. am i allowed to fact-check or point out the hypocrisy of others or defend ISU without be labeled "butthurt" ? People love to mis-use that word around here.
I am quite certain there are some Spack bashers here who are stunned we have won the APR award 2 years in a row. which if you are truly trying to see both sides and understand my point, is the point of my defending Spack against people who try to misrepresent the integrity of our program. And my defense of Spack is going back several years before we won the APR the last 2 years. My point has never been I 100% agree with every Spack decision.
not "butthurt", not hiding in any "safe place", just defending my school's football program when I see fit.
You're missing the point of what I'm trying to say. I'm not saying you're allowed, I'm trying to encourage you to stick around and post more while also mocking (yes mocking) those thin skinned Redbird fans who get all bent out of shape when a fan of another team who has been critical of ISUr doesn't take their defense of the program as gospel that far outweighs any criticism.
The points that you and other Redbird fans bring up are usually valid but so are the criticisms that clenz and others bring up. You as fans think the positives outweigh the negatives and get frustrated when fans of other teams don't agree. The reality is that most of the positives and negatives are valid and which carries greater weight is a subjective opinion. Your belief that the positives outweigh the negatives doesn't make it fact. In the end, it doesn't really matter. You''re fans and will defend your school which is good just don't get upset if others don't agree with you.
I don't think what clenz does is bashing. It's usually valid criticism and stirs up some interesting debate and discussion which is a big part of what this site is about. He adds a lot of valuable knowledge and insight to the site and his opinions make it more interesting.
February 25th, 2017, 03:48 PM
clenz ... and since you brought up ISU basketball APR .. yes, it is weak at 945, last in MVC, and a low point for men's basketball. But "right on the edge of facing scholarship reductions" ... according to who exactly ? Seriously... according to who ? They are currently 53rd from bottom, of which only 6 of the worst are currently being penalized.
Did you just make that up about our basketball team being on verge of losing scholarships ? Do you know how many sports programs across all D-I schools have APRs at or below 945 .. not just men's basketball .. all sports .. a fricking lot. Are they all on verge of losing scholarships ?
Muller is stuggling to find the right players to win and do things his way .. so yes, he has a lot of turnover every year and just this year hit a low point. Not defending him or his program .. I don't follow it and don;t have an opinion ... but that is killing his team's APR.
You "butt hurt" because their winning this year and UNI MBB is not ?? sanctions kick in at 930. So yes, there are a **** ton of schools and programs across the nation on the verge of losing scholarships. There are a **** ton that have lost scholarships. There are a bunch that have had much more sever sanctions than just a handful of scholarships. The most recent article I can find lists 37 FCS programs being punished and 99 basketball programs. That's a third of both of those sports.
If Muller keeps going with guys like he has been the amount of wins ISU has will be irrelevant. The APR for ISU basketball was 973 when Muller took over. He's now in his 6th seasons, which means he's had a 2 4 year APR periods that he's been the coach for. Current APR is 945. The APR has dropped 30 points under Muller.
APR doesn't measure how academically prestigious your schools are. One could argue all they do is measure how good your program is as hiding the bad students on your program.
You keep bringing up Dwayne Collins like it shows UNI's admissions standards and academics are weak comapred to ISUR.
UNI's football APR is just 5 points behind ISUr.
How about the rest of UNI's sports?
MBB 995 (perfect is 1000)...averages about 995 over the last decade
WBB averages a score of 990
mens golf 6 straight 1000s
wrestling averages about a 985
softball averaging about 993
womens XC 7 straight perfect scores
womens golf 5 straight perfect scores
womens soccer averaging about 99
womens track averaging about 990
volleyball has never had anything other than a perfect 1000
Add on top of that UNI's entire athletic department averages something like a 3.2 GPA across all student athletics as well as having about 5 to 7 teams in the top 10 % in APR every single year for their sport.
Admission standards? Current freshman entering ISUr average about a 3.4 HS GPA and a ACT of about 23.7. Freshman entering UNI? Well, they are averaging a 3.35 GPA and about a 23.5 on the ACT. You want to know how little of a difference that is? That's like the difference in an A and a A- in one class through high school and maybe one point on one section of the ACT.
Redbird 4th & short
February 25th, 2017, 05:10 PM
APR sanctions kick in at 930. So yes, there are a **** ton of schools and programs across the nation on the verge of losing scholarships. There are a **** ton that have lost scholarships. There are a bunch that have had much more sever sanctions than just a handful of scholarships. The most recent article I can find lists 37 FCS programs being punished and 99 basketball programs. That's a third of both of those sports.
If Muller keeps going with guys like he has been the amount of wins ISU has will be irrelevant. The APR for ISU basketball was 973 when Muller took over. He's now in his 6th seasons, which means he's had a 2 4 year APR periods that he's been the coach for. Current APR is 945. The APR has dropped 30 points under Muller.
APR doesn't measure how academically prestigious your schools are. One could argue all they do is measure how good your program is as hiding the bad students on your program.
You keep bringing up Dwayne Collins like it shows UNI's admissions standards and academics are weak comapred to ISUR.
UNI's football APR is just 5 points behind ISUr.
How about the rest of UNI's sports?
MBB 995 (perfect is 1000)...averages about 995 over the last decade
WBB averages a score of 990
mens golf 6 straight 1000s
wrestling averages about a 985
softball averaging about 993
womens XC 7 straight perfect scores
womens golf 5 straight perfect scores
womens soccer averaging about 99
womens track averaging about 990
volleyball has never had anything other than a perfect 1000
Add on top of that UNI's entire athletic department averages something like a 3.2 GPA across all student athletics as well as having about 5 to 7 teams in the top 10 % in APR every single year for their sport.
Admission standards? Current freshman entering ISUr average about a 3.4 HS GPA and a ACT of about 23.7. Freshman entering UNI? Well, they are averaging a 3.35 GPA and about a 23.5 on the ACT. You want to know how little of a difference that is? That's like the difference in an A and a A- in one class through high school and maybe one point on one section of the ACT.
Clenz .. I've never bashed the integrity of your coach or football program or school .. never. I've just put yours in some perspective along side mine .. right ?? Show me otherwise .. that only in context of defending mine, have I ever said anything negative about yours.
February 25th, 2017, 06:45 PM
I think it's safe to say that if fans from another team have never come to your defense comma you might be living in a bubble. Just saying. :)
February 25th, 2017, 11:43 PM
perhaps we should change the thread title to MVFC fan drama soap opera
February 25th, 2017, 11:56 PM
perhaps we should change the thread title to MVC fan drama soap opera
February 26th, 2017, 09:56 AM
I guess once the CAA guys all leave you guys have noone left to beat up but each other..... haha
February 26th, 2017, 11:09 AM
Between this thread and the atmosphere locally, I've learned the following over the past couple of weeks.
The UNI and Illinois State communities hate each other.
The Missouri State community hates itself.
February 26th, 2017, 11:56 AM
Speaking of fanbases that don't like each other..... Storms a brewin folks.... ?oh=e5c7e1f52ef9dea3064a4a5e2174072e&oe=59723AEE
February 26th, 2017, 12:03 PM
Speaking of fanbases that don't like each other..... Storms a brewin folks.... ?oh=e5c7e1f52ef9dea3064a4a5e2174072e&oe=59723AEE
I'll keep it short, since most of the conniption is non-football related, but when a problem becomes very obvious, and a lot of people care about it, you will hear some absolutely idiotic thoughts on how to fix it.
February 26th, 2017, 01:34 PM
I'll keep it short, since most of the conniption is non-football related, but when a problem becomes very obvious, and a lot of people care about it, you will hear some absolutely idiotic thoughts on how to fix it.
Like badlanders being one of the final choices.... at an aviation school. 😃
Sent from the John using TapaTalk
February 26th, 2017, 03:32 PM
Meanwhile in Youngstown, the Penguins still hate these two mascots we never play anymore. We don't mind the rest of you in the MVFC though, except maybe that purple thing in Iowa.!/image/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_500/rivals14cut-05.jpg
February 27th, 2017, 12:03 PM
MVFC thread....take the round bouncy ball **** elsewhere. xlolx
gotta spread some rep around, but good one.
February 27th, 2017, 12:13 PM
Between this thread and the atmosphere locally, I've learned the following over the past couple of weeks.
The UNI and Illinois State communities hate each other.
The Missouri State community hates itself.
That's the thing....I don't hate UNI. I can agree to disagree with just about anyone. The funniest ***** is that 3 guys from my HS all went to UNI and ran track. One played football at UNI. One of my frat brothers transferred from UNI to ISU my second year there. It was so cool seeing how small the world is, that a kid from East Saint Louis who went to UNI knew several of my friends who went to school in the Burbs of Chicago.
Now I hate that damn fight song of theirs, and the MVC championship from a few years ago leaves a bad taste in my mouth. But having a civil and sometimes uncivil dialogue is part of being on a message board. Nothing is every that serious to the point where HATE comes into play when it comes to people I've never met and don't know.
I don't hate OSBF. I just strongly disagree with his tactics and agenda.
Carry on.
February 27th, 2017, 05:22 PM
That's the thing....I don't hate UNI. I can agree to disagree with just about anyone. The funniest ***** is that 3 guys from my HS all went to UNI and ran track. One played football at UNI. One of my frat brothers transferred from UNI to ISU my second year there. It was so cool seeing how small the world is, that a kid from East Saint Louis who went to UNI knew several of my friends who went to school in the Burbs of Chicago.
Now I hate that damn fight song of theirs, and the MVC championship from a few years ago leaves a bad taste in my mouth. But having a civil and sometimes uncivil dialogue is part of being on a message board. Nothing is every that serious to the point where HATE comes into play when it comes to people I've never met and don't know.
I don't hate OSBF. I just strongly disagree with his tactics and agenda.
Carry on.
At least we don't feel the need to spell things like Western Illinois fight song. :)
February 27th, 2017, 05:28 PM
That's the thing....I don't hate UNI. I can agree to disagree with just about anyone. The funniest ***** is that 3 guys from my HS all went to UNI and ran track. One played football at UNI. One of my frat brothers transferred from UNI to ISU my second year there. It was so cool seeing how small the world is, that a kid from East Saint Louis who went to UNI knew several of my friends who went to school in the Burbs of Chicago.
Now I hate that damn fight song of theirs, and the MVC championship from a few years ago leaves a bad taste in my mouth. But having a civil and sometimes uncivil dialogue is part of being on a message board. Nothing is every that serious to the point where HATE comes into play when it comes to people I've never met and don't know.
I don't hate OSBF. I just strongly disagree with his tactics and agenda.
Carry on.
February 27th, 2017, 07:17 PM
At least we don't feel the need to spell things like Western Illinois fight song. :)
Honestly, never paid attention to it. Actually more of a low key sign of respect. If I can remember your fight song your team probably annoyed the Hell out of me to no end.
I hate Indiana State's fight song, UNI and Bradley. The other Valley/MVFC schools I couldn't pick if you looped them repeatedly.
February 27th, 2017, 07:21 PM
At least we don't feel the need to spell things like Western Illinois fight song. :)
February 28th, 2017, 10:23 AM
At least we don't feel the need to spell things like Western Illinois fight song. :)
Hey, you're right...our fight song is weird.
It's also really difficult to learn for other bands that do that kind of thing though. Illinois did ok at it a couple of years ago, but I've heard plenty of Big 10 bands completely mess it up. I had friends in the UNI band back when I was an undergrad at WIU. I don't know if they still do this, but they'd learn visiting team's fight songs and they told me that ours was the hardest that they ever had to learn.
February 28th, 2017, 11:18 AM
Hey, you're right...our fight song is weird.
It's also really difficult to learn for other bands that do that kind of thing though. Illinois did ok at it a couple of years ago, but I've heard plenty of Big 10 bands completely mess it up. I had friends in the UNI band back when I was an undergrad at WIU. I don't know if they still do this, but they'd learn visiting team's fight songs and they told me that ours was the hardest that they ever had to learn.
I haven't heard a visiting team song in a loooong time.
February 28th, 2017, 11:19 AM
I haven't heard a visiting team song in a loooong time.
This would have been sometime around the late '90s probably.
February 28th, 2017, 07:33 PM
Man, 4th and ****ty took his ball and went home again, eh? He'll be back next time the Redbirds are looking good.
February 28th, 2017, 09:34 PM
I haven't heard a visiting team song in a loooong time.
I can't say I've heard our own fight song much since Cody Kirby was on campus.
February 28th, 2017, 09:50 PM
March 1st, 2017, 03:39 PM
Hey UNI Panther Nation down:
I'm not able to access it and I was just checking to see if someone got all upset and shut the whole thing down, or if it's just a temporary glitch.
March 1st, 2017, 07:35 PM
Hey UNI Panther Nation down:
I'm not able to access it and I was just checking to see if someone got all upset and shut the whole thing down, or if it's just a temporary glitch.
Not working for me either.
Professor Chaos
March 1st, 2017, 09:16 PM
Got a flyer in the mail today saying Casey's will be delivering in Fargo (at least in my area) starting March 6th!
Professor Chaos
March 1st, 2017, 09:28 PM
Hey UNI Panther Nation down:
I'm not able to access it and I was just checking to see if someone got all upset and shut the whole thing down, or if it's just a temporary glitch.
Not working for me either.
Works for me! I can learn everything I want to know about Olio2go authentic Italian olive oil!
March 1st, 2017, 09:37 PM
Works for me! I can learn everything I want to know about Olio2go authentic Italian olive oil!
Oh, well....that seems legit.
EDIT - Looks like it's back up now. Hope they got things figured out. I don't need to be reading about no damn olive oil.
Redbird 4th & short
March 2nd, 2017, 08:45 AM
Man, 4th and ****ty took his ball and went home again, eh? He'll be back next time the Redbirds are looking good.
i was back on this site sitting 6-5 before the playoff selection stating our case .. things weren't;t looking so rosy then .. but i was backing my Redbirds and predicted a playoff bid. I was also one of the lone optimists on my own forum when we were sitting 2-4 and 3-5, only to finish 6-5 with a bid and nearly beat a #10 on their home field.
I was also back on this thread in offseason .. right ?
So not the fair weather Novembrist you make me out to be. Just someone with a life that doesn't feel a need to spend full time on 2 different fan pages. But yes, I come and go from AGS .. freedom of speech .. aint America great !!
March 2nd, 2017, 09:18 AM
i was back on this site sitting 6-5 before the playoff selection stating our case .. things weren't;t looking so rosy then .. but i was backing my Redbirds and predicted a playoff bid. I was also one of the lone optimists on my own forum when we were sitting 2-4 and 3-5, only to finish 6-5 with a bid and nearly beat a #10 on their home field.
I was also back on this thread in offseason .. right ?
So not the fair weather Novembrist you make me out to be. Just someone with a life that doesn't feel a need to spend full time on 2 different fan pages. But yes, I come and go from AGS .. freedom of speech .. aint America great !!
This isn't specific to you...but...
So many people go "It's feedom of speech", referencing the 1st amendment, yet 99.9693% of the time it's used it is used incorrectly.
March 2nd, 2017, 10:12 AM
This isn't specific to you...but...
So many people go "It's feedom of speech", referencing the 1st amendment, yet 99.9693% of the time it's used it is used incorrectly.
March 2nd, 2017, 11:28 AM
Which is a word I use probably 15 times a day xlolxxlolx
March 2nd, 2017, 05:13 PM
Which is a word I use probably 15 times a day xlolxxlolx
Sadly, I must own this one as well. I heard my Mom say it so many times, then I used it once in college. Welp.......never again. It was a running joke at work for a while when a member of our team used it whenever he went on a rant.
March 2nd, 2017, 06:52 PM
Works for me! I can learn everything I want to know about Olio2go authentic Italian olive oil!
So it turns out anyone can try to take over a domain by trying to register it when the domain expires, this is automated. Many companies do this and then ask money to give back the domain. Happened to a friend's business. Wouldn't surprise me if this is the case.
March 17th, 2017, 11:51 AM
I need some Casey's before Patty's day festivities today.
POD Knows
March 17th, 2017, 12:06 PM
I need some Casey's before Patty's day festivities today.
Hey, a while back I said they put too much bacon on their breakfast pizza, I hope Casey's doesn't follow this site because my last two pieces of breakfast pizza had almost no bacon on them, it was an outrage, their is such a thing as too little bacon as well. Oh the humanity of it all.
March 17th, 2017, 08:34 PM
Hey, a while back I said they put too much bacon on their breakfast pizza, I hope Casey's doesn't follow this site because my last two pieces of breakfast pizza had almost no bacon on them, it was an outrage, their is such a thing as too little bacon as well. Oh the humanity of it all.
Its called revenge. I hope you have learned your lesson.
Thumper 76
March 17th, 2017, 08:53 PM
Its called revenge. I hope you have learned your lesson.
Nailed it! Karma is a bitch xlolx
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
March 18th, 2017, 02:51 PM
I haven't had their breakfast pizza in so long that I forgot how it tastes.
I don't remember bacon being on it, though. I went to a hood Casey's in the day, though, so maybe they only offered plain.
March 18th, 2017, 05:36 PM
Breakfast pizza sucks. Its not even pizza.
Thumper 76
March 18th, 2017, 05:41 PM
Breakfast pizza sucks. Its not even pizza.
It's comments like these that led to the loss to JMU this year for y'all.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
March 18th, 2017, 05:50 PM
It's comments like these that led to the loss to JMU this year for y'all.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Real NY Style pizza or GTFO. xlolx
March 18th, 2017, 06:14 PM
Real NY Style pizza or GTFO. xlolx
We are a middle American conference, with red blooded, pizza from a gas station fueled meathead fans and rosters filled with rural kids with German last names.
We derive our greatness from things like these.
March 18th, 2017, 06:19 PM
We are a middle American conference, with red blooded, pizza from a gas station fueled meathead fans and rosters filled with rural kids with German last names.
We derive our greatness from things like these.
......ya do? :D
March 18th, 2017, 06:22 PM
Greatness is by the slice...on a plain white paper plate. #foldit #MAGA #pepforprez
Thumper 76
March 18th, 2017, 06:29 PM
Real NY Style pizza or GTFO. xlolx
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
March 18th, 2017, 06:34 PM
......ya do? :D
I didn't mean the royal we.
We (as in Missouri State) have decided that things such as standards, profit and success do not matter. It's why my avatar is a solid black square and why I never expect to see our university be prominent in anything, academically or athletically.
March 19th, 2017, 12:25 AM
Breakfast pizza sucks. Its not even pizza.
How dare ye be speaking blasphemy about breakfast pizza.
March 19th, 2017, 12:42 AM
How dare ye be speaking blasphemy about breakfast pizza.
Stop me. xlolx Its not pizza. Its like the McMuffin's retarded brother.
POD Knows
March 19th, 2017, 09:58 AM
I didn't mean the royal we.
We (as in Missouri State) have decided that things such as standards, profit and success do not matter. It's why my avatar is a solid black square and why I never expect to see our university be prominent in anything, academically or athletically.
LOL, I was wondering why you didn't have a pic for your avatar, maybe the avatar should be a black hole or black circle.
POD Knows
March 19th, 2017, 10:00 AM
Stop me. xlolx Its not pizza. Its like the McMuffin's retarded brother.
STFU, now I need to go make some bagles, put some eggs on it, along with sausage, cheese and pizza sauce.
March 19th, 2017, 10:55 AM
LOL, I was wondering why you didn't have a pic for your avatar, maybe the avatar should be a black hole or black circle.
I'm not really sure what would be more appropriate. When the President of your alma mater says the university doesn't need your support in a press conference, and to be smug about it...I mean, I literally don't know how anyone can be more incompetent.
It is nice to know us alumni don't need to buy tickets, or donate, or do anything else to be active in the operations of our old university, since apparently everything is apparently already taken care of. Clearly, they don't need our help in solving every problem, since they are not willing to even address any of the problems.
March 19th, 2017, 05:04 PM
Stop me. xlolx Its not pizza. Its like the McMuffin's retarded brother.
I know where you golf. Are you hating on the McMuffin? What did that ever do to you?
Thumper 76
March 19th, 2017, 05:09 PM
Stop me. xlolx Its not pizza. Its like the McMuffin's retarded brother.
Welp, now you've done it.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
March 19th, 2017, 05:35 PM
I know where you golf. Are you hating on the McMuffin? What did that ever do to you?
Nope, just it's distant brother. xlolx
I'm waiting for someone to call an egg bake as breakfast lasagna and see if it changes lives. :D
March 19th, 2017, 05:36 PM
Welp, now you've done it.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh, NOW the line has been crossed. xlolx #dankmemes
March 19th, 2017, 07:51 PM
Nope, just it's distant brother. xlolx
I'm waiting for someone to call an egg bake as breakfast lasagna and see if it changes lives. :D
Deal, now I have a name for it finally.
POD Knows
March 19th, 2017, 08:14 PM
Nope, just it's distant brother. xlolx
I'm waiting for someone to call an egg bake as breakfast lasagna and see if it changes lives. :D
March 19th, 2017, 08:35 PM
Oh, of course that exists...... xlolx
Needs more bacon anyway.
March 20th, 2017, 10:26 PM
In SIU Saluki news--good news as red shirt Sr Austin Olsen (6-6, 315) will return for his last year of eligibility (he was going to graduate this spring and move to the job world). The three year starter will move to his Left Offensive Tackle and up and coming Devondre Seymour (6-8, 298) will move back to Right Offensive Tackle. Seymour was a Georgia signee after high school and transferred to SIU last year (4 star OT)
March 21st, 2017, 11:15 PM
Finally were able to officially announce our new DC, Tony Grantham (former LB coach at Louisville and younger brother of Todd Grantham, former DC and Louisville and current DC at Mississippi State):
He's got some big-time experience (as well as some FCS experience with Eastern Illinois) although this is his first DC gig. I'm pretty excited to see what he can do with our guys.
Obligatory Casey's Pizza:
March 22nd, 2017, 12:13 AM
Finally were able to officially announce our new DC, Tony Grantham (former LB coach at Louisville and younger brother of Todd Grantham, former DC and Louisville and current DC at Mississippi State):
He's got some big-time experience (as well as some FCS experience with Eastern Illinois) although this is his first DC gig. I'm pretty excited to see what he can do with our guys.
Obligatory Casey's Pizza:
Where's the bacon?
March 22nd, 2017, 12:28 AM
Where's the bacon?
It's taco pizza...don't want to overload on the breakfastness.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
March 22nd, 2017, 08:48 AM
It's taco pizza...don't want to overload on the breakfastness.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I thought this would be of interest to Leatherneck fans: Sophomore Landon Lenoir will start at one of SIU's WR's next year--he's the brother of your former star Lance Lenoir---he's really a lot better than I thought he'd be, frankly--he's just so smooth running routes---not as good as bro--yet
March 22nd, 2017, 09:03 AM
I thought this would be of interest to Leatherneck fans: Sophomore Landon Lenoir will start at one of SIU's WR's next year--he's the brother of your former star Lance Lenoir---he's really a lot better than I thought he'd be, frankly--he's just so smooth running routes---not as good as bro--yet
Yup, we're pretty well aware of Lance's brother. Glad he's doing well...just hope he doesn't against us ;)
March 22nd, 2017, 09:28 AM
Its funny how some of these siblings dont end up at the same school as their older brothers
March 22nd, 2017, 04:02 PM
Its funny how some of these siblings dont end up at the same school as their older brothers
Yea, seems to happen fairly often, I think. We have gotten a few sets of brothers all go to Western, but I can think of a decent number who have chosen a different school.
Jordan (WIU) and Nathan (NIU) Veloz are currently playing.
We had Mike (WIU) and Jimmy (EIU) Garoppollo a while back.
There was another set that I know of off the top of my head but can't think of the name (UNI folks will know who I'm talking about though). Older brother was at UNI, decided to leave after his Junior year to try for the NFL (just like a year or two ago), younger brother was playing for WIU for a couple of years.
Also, Mike Scifres (WIU) and his younger brother (can't remember his name, but he was a kicker at Missouri State).
And of course the previously mentioned Lenoir brothers.
March 22nd, 2017, 08:38 PM
Its funny how some of these siblings dont end up at the same school as their older brothers
could be that they wanted to get out of their older brother's shadows, go on their own path.
or perhaps other schools gave them better offers or academic offerings more to their liking or something
March 22nd, 2017, 09:57 PM
- - - Updated - - -
- - - Updated - - -
Lance casts a BIG shadow
March 22nd, 2017, 11:14 PM
Yea, seems to happen fairly often, I think. We have gotten a few sets of brothers all go to Western, but I can think of a decent number who have chosen a different school.
Jordan (WIU) and Nathan (NIU) Veloz are currently playing.
We had Mike (WIU) and Jimmy (EIU) Garoppollo a while back.
There was another set that I know of off the top of my head but can't think of the name (UNI folks will know who I'm talking about though). Older brother was at UNI, decided to leave after his Junior year to try for the NFL (just like a year or two ago), younger brother was playing for WIU for a couple of years.
Also, Mike Scifres (WIU) and his younger brother (can't remember his name, but he was a kicker at Missouri State).
And of course the previously mentioned Lenoir brothers.
March 23rd, 2017, 08:25 AM
Colton and Connor Underwood going to the different ISU's in the MVFC.
Maurice Turner (UNI) Billy Turner (NDSU)
March 23rd, 2017, 09:37 AM
My Casey's now offers delivery. :D
March 23rd, 2017, 11:34 AM
My Casey's now offers delivery. :D
This peaked my interest...had to check.
March 23rd, 2017, 11:41 AM
This peaked my interest...had to check.
I've had 2 Casey's delivering to my house for nearly 2 years.
March 23rd, 2017, 12:20 PM
I've had 2 Casey's delivering to my house for nearly 2 years.
So you're still 1 for 2 of the things I mentioned. :D
Thumper 76
March 23rd, 2017, 12:23 PM
So you're still 1 for 2 of the things I mentioned. :D
Oh man, UNI has a football program? Thought that was shut down...
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
March 23rd, 2017, 12:26 PM
So you're still 1 for 2 of the things I mentioned. :D
I've got the only thing that matters.
I can also see two Casey's from my parking lot at work - both deliver.
March 23rd, 2017, 03:07 PM
Now I have to go and get some breakfast pizza with extra bacon.
March 23rd, 2017, 07:42 PM
My Casey's now offers delivery. :D
I got a coupon flyer in the mail when the Casey's near my place started delivering. xthumbsupx
Feels good man
March 23rd, 2017, 07:50 PM
So Casey's has a Mac and Cheese pizza. YES FTW!
March 23rd, 2017, 08:08 PM
So Casey's has a Mac and Cheese pizza. YES FTW!
I just had a frozen Brew Pub mac n cheese. It was interesting. I'm guessing Caseys would be better
March 23rd, 2017, 08:35 PM
I just had a frozen Brew Pub mac n cheese. It was interesting. I'm guessing Caseys would be better
My favorite is from Mesa Pizza in Uptown. This is their Mac 'N' Cheese pizza. They infuse meth into their pizzas since once you have one, you crave more.
March 23rd, 2017, 08:40 PM
I got a coupon flyer in the mail when the Casey's near my place started delivering. xthumbsupx
Feels good man
Hate to break up the pie talk, but your boy Dylan Cole blew up at his pro day. I'd have to imagine he's locked himself in as a draft pick.
March 23rd, 2017, 10:15 PM
Hate to break up the pie talk, but your boy Dylan Cole blew up at his pro day. I'd have to imagine he's locked himself in as a draft pick.
I really hope he kills it in the League. Our defense was incomprehensibly terrible two years ago - he was literally the only man on that unit playing at a D-I level that year, and he probably kept our PPG allowed below 70.
I hate seeing dudes like him and Schaffitzel wasted on teams like we've had. It's worse because both are local boys.
March 23rd, 2017, 10:30 PM
I really hope he kills it in the League. Our defense was incomprehensibly terrible two years ago - he was literally the only man on that unit playing at a D-I level that year, and he probably kept our PPG allowed below 70.
I hate seeing dudes like him and Schaffitzel wasted on teams like we've had. It's worse because both are local boys.
He should at least make a roster on special teams play alone. Pretty freakishly gifted and a tackling machine.
March 24th, 2017, 09:19 AM
Hate to break up the pie talk, but your boy Dylan Cole blew up at his pro day. I'd have to imagine he's locked himself in as a draft pick.
Yea, dude is solid. I'm all for rooting for former MVFC players in the NFL, so I hope he does well.
March 24th, 2017, 05:57 PM
Oh man, UNI has a football program? Thought that was shut down...
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Only on the field.xcoffeex
March 25th, 2017, 07:46 PM
Here is an article from the Fargo Forum about the high number of seniors for the 2017 NDSU football team.
March 26th, 2017, 12:18 AM
Here is an article from the Fargo Forum about the high number of seniors for the 2017 NDSU football team.
Here is an article about the six-way battle for starting QB at MSU. In contrast, none of these men have taken a snap in a Division I game.
March 26th, 2017, 04:55 PM
Huslig sounds like he would be the odds on favorite for the job.
March 26th, 2017, 05:13 PM
Huslig sounds like he would be the odds on favorite for the job.
I agree, but I'm not sure that's a good thing. Huslig barely received any attention from D-I programs. His only offers prior to ours were from Alabama A&M and Delaware State, and he essentially committed to us when he received our offer.
Then again, I cannot remember the last time we had a player with on-field championship experience at the college level.
March 29th, 2017, 11:59 AM
Here is an article from the Fargo Forum about redshirt freshman wide receiver Sean Engel. The Bison are hoping he can become a playmaker this coming season. With his size, 6-5 and 211, he certainlyu has the physical tools to do it.
157 days until the return of NDSU football.
Thumper 76
March 29th, 2017, 12:47 PM
I agree, but I'm not sure that's a good thing. Huslig barely received any attention from D-I programs. His only offers prior to ours were from Alabama A&M and Delaware State, and he essentially committed to us when he received our offer.
Then again, I cannot remember the last time we had a player with on-field championship experience at the college level.
Dallas Goedert didn't receive a single offer from any FCS or higher school other than his walk on spot at SDSU and he's an OK player. Zach Zenner and Jake Wieneke weren't highly touted from what I remember. That's just recent SDSU guys. I'm willing to bet NDSU and many other programs just in the MVFC have a bunch of other stories similar.
Just sayin attention from DI programs doesn't mean squat for a lot of FCS stars.
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POD Knows
March 29th, 2017, 12:51 PM
Here is an article from the Fargo Forum about redshirt freshman wide receiver Sean Engel. The Bison are hoping he can become a playmaker this coming season. With his size, 6-5 and 211, he certainlyu has the physical tools to do it.
157 days until the return of NDSU football.
Looking forward to seeing what this guy can do, it is nice to get a receiver with some size. That is a rare commodity at NDSU for some reason.
March 29th, 2017, 12:52 PM
Dallas Goedert didn't receive a single offer from any FCS or higher school other than his walk on spot at SDSU and he's an OK player. Zach Zenner and Jake Wieneke weren't highly touted from what I remember. That's just recent SDSU guys. I'm willing to bet NDSU and many other programs just in the MVFC have a bunch of other stories similar.
Just sayin attention from DI programs doesn't mean squat for a lot of FCS stars.
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Joe Haeg who was just drafted and started a fair amount of the season for the Colts was a PWO. I believe UND flirted a partial to him, but it was pulled when they replaced OL coaches.
March 29th, 2017, 05:40 PM
Oh man, UNI has a football program? Thought that was shut down...
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Even hired another coach, at least according to the Idaho State Journal: Rob Phenicie, recently-promoted ISU OC and former Montana OC and QB coach in 2003-'09 under Bobby Hauck (
Not that UNI has announced anything. And word on Panthernation is that there will be no formal Spring game this year (something I suspect Farley approves), due to something called Georgia Florida Line on 4/21 in the Dome.
March 29th, 2017, 05:56 PM
Even hired another coach, at least according to the Idaho State Journal: Rob Phenicie, recently-promoted ISU OC and former Montana OC and QB coach in 2003-'09 under Bobby Hauck (
Not that UNI has announced anything. And word on Panthernation is that there will be no formal Spring game this year (something I suspect Farley approves), due to something called Georgia Florida Line on 4/21 in the Dome.
I am on the conspiracy side of that as well. Between the **** show with the coaching staff, the complete secrecy around the program right now, and the seat getting hot after last year I have to assume the less Farley can let the public see before next fall, the better.
The public stance is that the Dome is getting new turf (THANK GOD) and the Florida Georgia Line concert it so that a spring game just can't be worked. No sense in pulling turf out for the concernt, only to put it in for one or two practices/spring game to pull it back out again for the new stuff to go down.
The new turf is badly needed. UNI went cheap in 09 when the replaced it with the stuff they used. They then went cheap with not buying proper equipment to roll the turf which involved ****ing cutting the turf and voiding all warranty. The turf in the dome has never been square, had seems as wide as most feet, stitches from where it was cut and sewed together to keep it in place, etc... Apparently the Patty V (or someone in the office) told our new AD after the season finale last year "This turf is unacceptable. It needs to be taken care of by next year" and David Harris agreed and we are getting new turf. No word on what it is. On the design. On the system. Nothing. So, we'll see.
March 29th, 2017, 06:43 PM
Here is an article from the Fargo Forum about redshirt freshman wide receiver Sean Engel. The Bison are hoping he can become a playmaker this coming season. With his size, 6-5 and 211, he certainlyu has the physical tools to do it.
157 days until the return of NDSU football.
I posted something about him months ago and I'm damn serious when I say he will be, if Easton can get his game back and they open up the passing game, one of the better receivers in the Valley.
March 29th, 2017, 07:19 PM
Dallas Goedert didn't receive a single offer from any FCS or higher school other than his walk on spot at SDSU and he's an OK player. Zach Zenner and Jake Wieneke weren't highly touted from what I remember. That's just recent SDSU guys. I'm willing to bet NDSU and many other programs just in the MVFC have a bunch of other stories similar.
Just sayin attention from DI programs doesn't mean squat for a lot of FCS stars.
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I mean, Peyton was the starting QB for the national junior college champions. It isn't like he was hard to find last year.
He absolutely could be good. I don't think we'll know this year since the offensive line will be green. I am just hesitant to anoint the young man, considering the low regard even FCS programs held him in, even though he went to junior college and led his team to a championship.
It makes me wonder why, is all.
March 29th, 2017, 10:08 PM
I am on the conspiracy side of that as well.
Kind of a stretch to call it a conspiracy.
"Spring Games" are a joke anyway, at least that's been my impression of the ones at UNI the past few years.
Not worth the expense (or effort) of installing the turf for a (mildly) glorified scrimmage, where many of the starters don't even participate, and even if there is something or someone to get excited about in the scrimmage, chances are things will be totally different by the time the season rolls around.
March 29th, 2017, 10:40 PM
Kind of a stretch to call it a conspiracy.
"Spring Games" are a joke anyway, at least that's been my impression of the ones at UNI the past few years.
Not worth the expense (or effort) of installing the turf for a (mildly) glorified scrimmage, where many of the starters don't even participate, and even if there is something or someone to get excited about in the scrimmage, chances are things will be totally different by the time the season rolls around.
God dammit. Why are you such a wet ****ing blanket 24/7?
I mean, Jesus ****. It has to be exhausting to read everything on a message board and go "how can just find make the dumbest joke, point out the smallest ****ing detail flaw, and just in general **** all over the thread?"
Thumper 76
March 29th, 2017, 10:49 PM
Kind of a stretch to call it a conspiracy.
"Spring Games" are a joke anyway, at least that's been my impression of the ones at UNI the past few years.
Yeah, spring games are a joke, I mean, why would every team in the country essentially have one.
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March 29th, 2017, 10:58 PM
Yeah, spring games are a joke, I mean, why would every team in the country essentially have one.
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Make it an event.....NDSU ****ing televises theirs on statewide NBC...and it bumps playoff hockey. xlolx
Thumper 76
March 29th, 2017, 10:59 PM
Make it an event.....NDSU ****ing televises theirs on statewide NBC...and it bumps playoff hockey. xlolx
Oh man that might be considered a burn in a couple years when the UNDies actually matter here xcoffeex
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March 29th, 2017, 11:09 PM
Oh man that might be considered a burn in a couple years when the UNDies actually matter here xcoffeex
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They'll matter?
March 29th, 2017, 11:10 PM
The future.... xlolx
Check out freshmen Easton Stick at the 1hr 17 mark. :D
Thumper 76
March 29th, 2017, 11:10 PM
They'll matter?
Fair enough. They'll post here. By they I mean three.
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March 29th, 2017, 11:46 PM
God dammit. Why are you such a wet ****ing blanket 24/7?
I mean, Jesus ****. It has to be exhausting to read everything on a message board and go "how can just find make the dumbest joke, point out the smallest ****ing detail flaw, and just in general **** all over the thread?"
says the guy that goes on 15 page rants on ever topic on the board.
March 30th, 2017, 02:38 AM
Dallas Goedert didn't receive a single offer from any FCS or higher school other than his walk on spot at SDSU and he's an OK player. Zach Zenner and Jake Wieneke weren't highly touted from what I remember. That's just recent SDSU guys. I'm willing to bet NDSU and many other programs just in the MVFC have a bunch of other stories similar.
Just sayin attention from DI programs doesn't mean squat for a lot of FCS stars.
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there is a certain WALK ON to NDSU in the NFL right now, Strating for the Colts, a certain QB thats kind of a big deal, yeah....but thats whats great about FCS and good to see SDSU getting on the game and finding a few of these also, they are fun to watch AKA Zenner
Thumper 76
March 30th, 2017, 10:51 AM
there is a certain WALK ON to NDSU in the NFL right now, Strating for the Colts, a certain QB thats kind of a big deal, yeah....but thats whats great about FCS and good to see SDSU getting on the game and finding a few of these also, they are fun to watch AKA Zenner
The qb for the Colts? Is that your final answer?
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POD Knows
March 30th, 2017, 12:00 PM
Kind of a stretch to call it a conspiracy.
"Spring Games" are a joke anyway, at least that's been my impression of the ones at UNI the past few years.
Not worth the expense (or effort) of installing the turf for a (mildly) glorified scrimmage, where many of the starters don't even participate, and even if there is something or someone to get excited about in the scrimmage, chances are things will be totally different by the time the season rolls around.
We get thousands of people at the NDSU Spring Game, the freaking thing is televised. We tailgate, there are events prior to actual game, hell, we are having a "tailgate expo" this year so you can walk around and look at materials/merchandise to enhance your tailgating experience for the upcoming fall.
March 30th, 2017, 12:11 PM
The qb for the Colts? Is that your final answer?
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Joe Heag - Colts
Carson Wentz - Eagles
Joe was a walk on, Carson wasnt highly touted
March 30th, 2017, 12:23 PM
Oh man that might be considered a burn in a couple years when the UNDies actually matter here xcoffeex
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You said matter. (,d.cGw&psig=AFQjCNHmDJBDm6EqcqzYlFbsMiGDGEW10w&ust=1490977575120475)
Thumper 76
March 30th, 2017, 12:25 PM
Joe Heag - Colts
Carson Wentz - Eagles
Joe was a walk on, Carson wasnt highly touted
Thanks, the wording threw me off.
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March 30th, 2017, 02:17 PM
So we still tailgating this?
POD Knows
March 30th, 2017, 02:37 PM
So we still tailgating this?
Yea, I think I am going out early, don't know if I am going to set anything up, but I will drag some booze around and eat some food.
March 30th, 2017, 02:50 PM
Yea, I think I am going out early, don't know if I am going to set anything up, but I will drag some booze around and eat some food.
I will have to stroll over then. I could probably grab some bourbon and/or beer for this then.
March 30th, 2017, 07:01 PM
Even hired another coach, at least according to the Idaho State Journal: Rob Phenicie, recently-promoted ISU OC and former Montana OC and QB coach in 2003-'09 under Bobby Hauck (
Not that UNI has announced anything. And word on Panthernation is that there will be no formal Spring game this year (something I suspect Farley approves), due to something called Georgia Florida Line on 4/21 in the Dome.
And, nevermind ...
"Kramer out, Phenicie in as Idaho State coach"
March 30th, 2017, 10:49 PM
Kind of stealing this from the CAA boys thread, but give me your biggest question mark on your team going into next year? (Examples=Rbs, Lbs, ect.)
Also, to make this a MVFC thing, Casey's breakfast pizza. Do you order bacon, sausage, or hate life in general?
For Us, it has to be OL. Replacing three starters. It's probably the most consistent group that we seam to always find players for, but still a lot of new faces.
March 31st, 2017, 01:23 AM
Easton Stick: After, what I would call a "sophomore slump" he needs to bounce back and take control of the offense and be willing to go through his reads, not just his first target and then take off and run.
Extra Bacon since once can never have enough bacon.
March 31st, 2017, 08:52 AM
Kind of stealing this from the CAA boys thread, but give me your biggest question mark on your team going into next year? (Examples=Rbs, Lbs, ect.)
Also, to make this a MVFC thing, Casey's breakfast pizza. Do you order bacon, sausage, or hate life in general?
For Us, it has to be OL. Replacing three starters. It's probably the most consistent group that we seam to always find players for, but still a lot of new faces.
To continue the mope, I think our biggest question mark is at quarterback. The fans have anointed a favorite, but our coaching staff is apparently giving everyone at the position a shot - that means the four on campus now are getting first team reps in practice, and presumably the two who will arrive in the fall will get the same chance.
To name names, here are the six:
Peyton Huslig (6'3", 200) - Andover, KS by way of Garden City CC. As I have written before, a JUCO national champion. The assumed favorite among the 12 of us who care about Bears football.
Sam Hall (6'1", 190) - West Plains, MO. Redshirt freshman.
Brett Geisz (5'11", 200) - Eureka, MO. Sophomore. Former Lindenwood WR.
Mike Howland (6'3", 208) - Rochester, NY. Redshirt freshman. Formerly at UAB (of all places).
Dalton Hill (6'2", 180) - Lee's Summit, MO. True freshman, will be on campus this fall.
Anthony Monken (6'5", 210) - Libertyville, IL by way of Fresno City College. Junior. Related to coaches Jeff and Todd Monken. Will be on campus this fall.
One notable positive is that none of these young men are known to have severely abused any pets.
Also, add me to the bacon list
POD Knows
March 31st, 2017, 09:06 AM
Kind of stealing this from the CAA boys thread, but give me your biggest question mark on your team going into next year? (Examples=Rbs, Lbs, ect.)
Also, to make this a MVFC thing, Casey's breakfast pizza. Do you order bacon, sausage, or hate life in general?
For Us, it has to be OL. Replacing three starters. It's probably the most consistent group that we seam to always find players for, but still a lot of new faces.
I would agree on the OLine situation but we always seem to end up OK there. I thought our secondary was our weak link last year and think it will be again this year even though we have a lot of guys returning. We don't really have a shut down cornerback but it is sometimes amazing the year over year improvements guys can have at their age, so we will see.
I will be real curious to see the changes in the O with Polasek gone.
March 31st, 2017, 09:45 AM
Biggest question marks for us are probably: WR and DBs
We've got some good WRs, but haven't seen anything like Lenoir and Borsellino (who, if not for Lenoir, would have been the best Leatherneck receiver in the last 15 years). We have been transitioning towards an offense that uses TEs more for receiving and Coach Fisher has brought in some better receiving TEs. With QB Sean McGuire still only a Junior next year, I think the passing will be solid, but we'll just have to see who's going to step up on the receiving end.
Last year we got burned A LOT on big plays, which I think had a lot to do with the defensive schemes and where DBs were located on the field. We have a new defensive coordinator with some fairly impressive experience on his resume, and we have a few young guys (Fisher prioritized defense when he came in...that first group of guys were mostly redshirted last year and will be just hitting the playing field this year) who could challenge for spots. It remains to be seen whether that can all come together to be able to take a step forward.
And bacon vs sausage?
Thumper 76
March 31st, 2017, 10:30 AM
For SDSU the biggest question marks are definitely on the defensive side, mostly on the defensive line IMO. They need someone to step up as a big pass rush specialist. Also need to replace a couple of good DTs.
Lbs are also an area of concern but we have Rozeboom coming back so that's a huge plus. Mostly the whole defense needs to figure out how to get off the field on 3rd down.
And I go with sausage since they never seem to have the bacon good and crispy.
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March 31st, 2017, 11:06 AM
For SDSU the biggest question marks are definitely on the defensive side, mostly on the defensive line IMO. They need someone to step up as a big pass rush specialist. Also need to replace a couple of good DTs.
Lbs are also an area of concern but we have Rozeboom coming back so that's a huge plus. Mostly the whole defense needs to figure out how to get off the field on 3rd down.
And I go with sausage since they never seem to have the bacon good and crispy.
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Bold strategy bringing up his name around Bison fans
Thumper 76
March 31st, 2017, 12:18 PM
Bold strategy bringing up his name around Bison fans
Forgot to put a trigger warning in there....
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March 31st, 2017, 12:32 PM
Bold strategy bringing up his name around Bison fans
Forgot to put a trigger warning in there....
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Ohhhhhhhhhh muh triggers....... xlolx
Thumper 76
March 31st, 2017, 12:58 PM
Ohhhhhhhhhh muh triggers....... xlolx
Flannel Friday is awesome. I understand the jealousy xcoffeex
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March 31st, 2017, 02:00 PM
Kind of stealing this from the CAA boys thread, but give me your biggest question mark on your team going into next year? (Examples=Rbs, Lbs, ect.)
Also, to make this a MVFC thing, Casey's breakfast pizza. Do you order bacon, sausage, or hate life in general?
For Us, it has to be OL. Replacing three starters. It's probably the most consistent group that we seam to always find players for, but still a lot of new faces.
Is Farley bringing in a new OC or is he going with co-OCs at UNI?
Reading this story from yesterday, I don't know ...
March 31st, 2017, 04:21 PM
Biggest Question Mark?
Offensive Line, lost 4 of 5 starters from a unit that didn't play as well as expected last year.
Running Back, George Moreira (Gone), DeMarco Corbin (Gone), Jamal Towns (Gone). Only James Robinson and Hassan Muhammad-Rogers (converted QB) return to a backfield that was deep last year and considered a strength.
Linebackers, Bryce Holm who was a FB a two years ago gets thrust into FT action as the lone returning LB after the loss of Alejandro Rivera and Brent Spack.
Wide Receivers, Anthony Warrum was a blessing coming out of nowhere to put up the numbers he did his last two seasons. Spencer Schnell, Christian Gibbs and Anthony Fowler return, but one will have to step up in a big way to replace Warrum.
Offensive Coordinators - Hoping the co-offensive coordinator thing works out much better this year between Billy Dicken and Dan Clark. At times last year was difficult to watch and frustrating as neither seemed comfortable in their role.
March 31st, 2017, 04:34 PM
For SDSU the biggest question marks are definitely on the defensive side, mostly on the defensive line IMO. They need someone to step up as a big pass rush specialist. Also need to replace a couple of good DTs.
Lbs are also an area of concern but we have Rozeboom coming back so that's a huge plus. Mostly the whole defense needs to figure out how to get off the field on 3rd down.
And I go with sausage since they never seem to have the bacon good and crispy.
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Links or patties?
March 31st, 2017, 05:32 PM
Links or patties?
Links or GTFO. xlolx
Thumper 76
March 31st, 2017, 06:07 PM
Links or patties?
That's not an option on Casey's breakfast pizza
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March 31st, 2017, 06:11 PM
Links or patties?
Damn Canadians, putting sausage links and patties on your pizza
March 31st, 2017, 06:29 PM
Links or GTFO. xlolx
April 2nd, 2017, 10:00 AM
Here is an article about two brothers from West Fargo have who tried out for the NDSU football team and are now part of the team. I hope these two brothers continue on and eventually get the chance to run out the tunnel.
April 2nd, 2017, 07:13 PM
Gordon is my homie.....
Looking forward to the spring game....I'm kinda genuinely curious what the Bison are going to do at LB and at worries on OL. Rumblings that the Bison might even go the transfer route at the WR position. Weird times.
April 3rd, 2017, 10:53 PM
Here is an post on the Bison Media Blog about some of NDSU's success with small town players who played 9 man football.
POD Knows
April 4th, 2017, 09:25 AM
Here is an post on the Bison Media Blog about some of NDSU's success with small town players who played 9 man football.
He is the son of a friend of mine from back home. Good kid and has paid his dues, I hope he does well.
April 4th, 2017, 03:59 PM
Phil Hansen played 9-man football and played sevral years with the Buffalo Bills in the 90s. It's always nice to see home-grown players doing well in the FCS.
Here is an post on the Bison Media Blog about some of NDSU's success with small town players who played 9 man football.
April 9th, 2017, 09:28 PM
NDSU lands a really solid transfer from Illinois....
April 9th, 2017, 09:45 PM
Awesome get. My only concern is him going from 41 yards per game as a freshman to 12 as a sophomore, but the kid was getting playing time and he wasn't kicked off the team. Looked really good in the highlights I saw.
April 10th, 2017, 10:39 AM
Kind of stealing this from the CAA boys thread, but give me your biggest question mark on your team going into next year? (Examples=Rbs, Lbs, ect.)
Also, to make this a MVFC thing, Casey's breakfast pizza. Do you order bacon, sausage, or hate life in general?
For Us, it has to be OL. Replacing three starters. It's probably the most consistent group that we seam to always find players for, but still a lot of new faces.
For SIU, it is probably the defense in general, especially with Chase Allen gone. The offense should be fine.
Professor Chaos
April 10th, 2017, 10:44 AM
Awesome get. My only concern is him going from 41 yards per game as a freshman to 12 as a sophomore, but the kid was getting playing time and he wasn't kicked off the team. Looked really good in the highlights I saw.
I doubt anyone who really knows will say but it's very plausible that injuries and a new coaching staff/scheme was a real bad mix for him last year. It's also possible there were personal politics in play.
I'm not as high on it as some folks on BV seem to be but it's a position where NDSU could use a boost. RJ and Shepherd are both good WRs with great hands but I think they struggle to get open at times, especially against good press corners like JMU had. Hopefully this guy has the ability to be a difference maker in those situations.
April 10th, 2017, 05:13 PM
I'm not as high on it as some folks on BV seem to be but it's a position where NDSU could use a boost. RJ and Shepherd are both good WRs with great hands but I think they struggle to get open at times, especially against good press corners like JMU had. Hopefully this guy has the ability to be a difference maker in those situations.
100% AGREED. I hope he comes in and tears it up as he will see more 1 on 1 than he is probably used, assuming the run game is a potent as it has been. The recipe to beat the NDSU offense has been very simple for quite a while. Stop the run and have DB's that win the 1 on 1 battles. The passing game needs to be better and hopefully the new OC will provide that.
April 13th, 2017, 08:32 PM
Phil Hansen played 9-man football and played sevral years with the Buffalo Bills in the 90s. It's always nice to see home-grown players doing well in the FCS.
Phil had a great 10 year career with the Bills. Made the NFL all Rookie team, played in 3 Super Bowls and is in the Bills Hall of Fame! Not bad for a high school 9 man football player!
Bison Fan in NW MN
April 15th, 2017, 09:42 PM
I think Oakes was 11 man when Phil played there.
April 18th, 2017, 10:27 PM
Another Casey's Pizza here in Fargo going up. That makes 15 in the F-M area so far. Should guarantee us the MVFC championship now.
April 18th, 2017, 11:33 PM
MVC entry confirmed for NDSU.
April 19th, 2017, 12:03 AM
MVC entry confirmed for NDSU.
Don't ever do that to me again.
April 19th, 2017, 12:04 AM
MVC entry confirmed for NDSU.
That's racist. :D
April 19th, 2017, 12:09 AM
Don't ever do that to me again.
Yote 53
April 20th, 2017, 02:18 PM
MVC entry confirmed for NDSU.
LOL. Get in line. USD has a Chick-Fil-A on campus.
April 20th, 2017, 02:36 PM
LOL. Get in line. USD has a Chick-Fil-A on campus.
Yeah....but that campus is in Vermillion.
Professor Chaos
April 20th, 2017, 03:07 PM
LOL. Get in line. USD has a Chick-Fil-A on campus.
No HuHot though. Non-starter.
April 20th, 2017, 06:16 PM
LOL. Get in line. USD has a Chick-Fil-A on campus.
POD Knows
April 20th, 2017, 06:33 PM
LOL. Get in line. USD has a Chick-Fil-A on campus.
And one exit off of I-29
April 20th, 2017, 09:55 PM
So... Murray State is looking more likely to be moving from the OVC to the MVC. Do they stay as an affiliate football member of the OVC or do they get the nod into the MVFC?
April 20th, 2017, 09:58 PM
So... Murray State is looking more likely to be moving from the OVC to the MVC. Do they stay as an affiliate football member of the OVC or do they get the nod into the MVFC?
We just added one cupcake, why not another? BigSky 2.0. :Dxdrunkyx
April 20th, 2017, 10:38 PM
We just added one cupcake, why not another? BigSky 2.0. :Dxdrunkyx
You're going to get Sioux-ed for that remark
April 20th, 2017, 11:26 PM
LOL. Get in line. USD has a Chick-Fil-A on campus.
Ate there for lunch today. Was worth it.
April 21st, 2017, 09:51 PM
Yeah....but that campus is in Vermillion.
Good one!
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April 21st, 2017, 11:11 PM
UNI sells Chik-Fil-A in its basketball arena.
April 21st, 2017, 11:15 PM
We sell bacon on a stick.
April 21st, 2017, 11:16 PM
UNI sells Chik-Fil-A in its basketball arena.
April 24th, 2017, 04:02 PM
Highlights of SDSU's spring game.
April 24th, 2017, 05:48 PM
Whats up with all those defensive plays I saw??? Even scarier considering the offensive juggernaut you should be.
April 24th, 2017, 09:55 PM
The Bison seemed fairly pedestrian during the spring game....hard to gleen too much though based on how many sat out.
April 24th, 2017, 10:02 PM
The Bison seemed fairly pedestrian during the spring game....hard to gleen too much though based on how many sat out.
For the most part this. The Oline looked decent, but both starting DTs were out. A couple up and coming RBs had some nice runs with some broken tackles, but most of them were against 2s and 3s.
April 27th, 2017, 07:01 PM
Pre Season review from the Caribbean.... more of this is what FCS needs!
April 27th, 2017, 10:49 PM
Highlights of SDSU's spring game.
I went to the game, what a perfect day. It's amazing how casually un-****ing real Jake Wieneke continues to be.
April 28th, 2017, 10:27 AM
Our spring game was moved up to last night due to expected inclement weather - up to 6 inches of rain through Saturday!
Anyway, Peyton Huslig is at this point the presumed starting QB. He threw for 345 yds last night, without Malik Earl (#1 WR) playing. He was held out due to a thumb injury, more precautionary than anything.
We have two more QBs enrolling in the summer, but the battle appears to be settled as of now. Not much to report because not much was reported (like I'm going to watch that crap). If you do care about low quality Valley football, watch this:
April 28th, 2017, 11:23 AM
Pre Season review from the Caribbean.... more of this is what FCS needs!
We have plenty of trolls on here without you.
POD Knows
April 28th, 2017, 11:37 AM
Our spring game was moved up to last night due to expected inclement weather - up to 6 inches of rain through Saturday!
Anyway, Peyton Huslig is at this point the presumed starting QB. He threw for 345 yds last night, without Malik Earl (#1 WR) playing. He was held out due to a thumb injury, more precautionary than anything.
We have two more QBs enrolling in the summer, but the battle appears to be settled as of now. Not much to report because not much was reported (like I'm going to watch that crap). If you do care about low quality Valley football, watch this:
So what you are saying is bad offense does beat a bad defense.
April 28th, 2017, 11:58 AM
So what you are saying is bad offense does beat a bad defense.
The Bison offense already proved that last year
POD Knows
April 28th, 2017, 12:00 PM
The Bison offense already proved that last year
Touche and balls on :D
April 28th, 2017, 12:09 PM
Touche and balls on :D
I was there for that game, and I still don't know if it was a valiant defensive battle or a bumblefest. Either way, your team firmed up late and ours crumbled. In other words, textbook Bison football.
POD Knows
April 28th, 2017, 12:11 PM
I was there for that game, and I still don't know if it was a valiant defensive battle or a bumblefest. Either way, your team firmed up late and ours crumbled. In other words, textbook Bison football.
Our offense was enigmatic at best, never knew what you were going to get.
April 28th, 2017, 12:16 PM
Our offense was enigmatic at best, never knew what you were going to get.
I was able to tell early, but I was sure that excruciatingly long drive in the 3rd quarter would kill the game off. I still can't believe we got the turnover.
It did nothing for our offense, but I could tell just from that drive those Bison weren't up to the usual standard.
In any case, I'm more annoyed at what happened the next week, that game felt like a once in a decade program changing opportunity.
April 28th, 2017, 11:40 PM
The Patriots first pick, at #83, is Youngstown State DE Derek Rivers! Very proud of him. Clearly the World Champions saw great potential in him unlike.... xcoffeex
Redbird 4th & short
May 5th, 2017, 09:46 AM
only real question mark for ISU is OL .. and yes, that is a critical question mark.
Our defense should be very strong this year with our DL returning its entire 2 deep, plus younger guys pushing the 2nd string. Similar for DB group which returns all 4 starters, 7 of 8 from our 2 deep, and younger guys pushing 2nd string for reps. LB group is thin with experience, but big and can hit .. lost 3 starters, but MLB Bryce Holm played as much as the starters .. then have 4 star Juco Transfer Horton who can flat out hit, then add Wisconsin transfer (preferred walk-on) DeForest who has emerged in his 2nd year here .. bunch of 240 lb guys who can hit and move well for their size.
Our offense is set at all skill positions. QB Kolbe looks stronger and should be improved. WR position isstill deep .. we'll miss Warrum, but we had 3 guys in Top 8 in catches last year. RB position is in good shape with workhorse Robinson returning - we lost 2 younger studs (Moreira got injured and moved back home, Corbin possibly got pushed out), but had 3 star Markel Smith waiting in wings. He and Robinson will be a load in MVFC .. 225 lb guys who can move their feet. Other good news from spring reports is our coaches just learned that TE is eligible receiver .. so keep an eye on a now healthy Petkovich over the middle keeping those LBs and Safety honest.
But our offense outlook all comes down to replacing 4 of 5 OL starters .. 3 of whom are in NFL camps. We like our young guys, good size and upside, but they are inexperienced. Spack (and OC/OL coach Clark) have reloaded the OL twice like this in their 8 years .. so they will come around eventually .. question is how soon. Unlike last year, our schedule is toughest in weeks 8-11, which bodes well for our OL finding themselves in September. And our OL is getting great experience every day going against our DL.
If OL comes together in September and develops like we expect .. this will be a strong year for ISU and a top 10 run. If OL struggles into October, it will be touch and go like last year and we're looking at top 20 playing for our playoff lives again. Loving our defense .. not sure if it is their best starting group, but it is most certainly it's deepest under Spack regime.
Redbird 4th & short
May 10th, 2017, 12:06 PM
I feel like the top 3 and bottom 2 are pretty clear as offseason prognostications in May go.
Top tier: 1st to 3rd ... I would put SDSU, NDSU, ISUr as top 3 in that order. SDSU gets the nod because they have a lot coming back and also host both NDSU and ISUr this season. Then can see NDSU and ISUr tieing for 2nd. WIU has some tough road games, so they fall to middle tier.
Bottom Tier: 9th - 10th .. InSb, MoST .. just can't see how they emerge any better than this right now. Could be wrong about ISUb .. they could sneak up on middle of pack.
Middle Tier: 4th-8th .. no confidence at all in this order, as is the norm in middle of MVFC: WIU, UNI, USD, YSU, SIU. I do like WIU 4th and SIU surprised last year being more comeptitive than I would have guessed with their 1st year coach .. so these guys could move up in 2nd year. USD keeps getting more competitive, but can't seem to break thru in MVFC.
Biggest question marks in this group are YSU and UNI .. normally pen them in Top 4, but UNI lost most of their coaches. And YSU lost a lot of studs off that defense .. not just the 2 DEs but their very stingy secondary. Hard to recover from that in one off season.
May 10th, 2017, 01:37 PM
...I do like WIU 4th...
I'll take that. The schedule, just the way it worked out, is not going to be on our side, but I think we can swing 4th in the conference and maybe 2-1 OOC (possibly 3-0, but with all three as road games, and probably 2 out of the 3 as pretty tough opponents...I think we probably drop one), which I'm ok with at this point. As long as we're not losing the last three straight games in the season, that should get us in the playoffs.
May 10th, 2017, 02:57 PM
I feel like the top 3 and bottom 2 are pretty clear as offseason prognostications in May go.
Top tier: 1st to 3rd ... I would put SDSU, NDSU, ISUr as top 3 in that order. SDSU gets the nod because they have a lot coming back and also host both NDSU and ISUr this season. Then can see NDSU and ISUr tieing for 2nd. WIU has some tough road games, so they fall to middle tier.
Bottom Tier: 9th - 10th .. InSb, MoST .. just can't see how they emerge any better than this right now. Could be wrong about ISUb .. they could sneak up on middle of pack.
Middle Tier: 4th-8th .. no confidence at all in this order, as is the norm in middle of MVFC: WIU, UNI, USD, YSU, SIU. I do like WIU 4th and SIU surprised last year being more comeptitive than I would have guessed with their 1st year coach .. so these guys could move up in 2nd year. USD keeps getting more competitive, but can't seem to break thru in MVFC.
Biggest question marks in this group are YSU and UNI .. normally pen them in Top 4, but UNI lost most of their coaches. And YSU lost a lot of studs off that defense .. not just the 2 DEs but their very stingy secondary. Hard to recover from that in one off season.
I have the Trees as MSU's lone conference win. Our defense completely shut them down in the second half last year, and it wasn't because of Dylan Cole. Our edge rushers, Colby Isbell in particular shredded their offensive line and our secondary was as disciplined as I've seen under Stec. They may have more wins overall, but I think our guys match up well with them.
Bison Fan in NW MN
May 14th, 2017, 10:21 AM
I feel like the top 3 and bottom 2 are pretty clear as offseason prognostications in May go.
Top tier: 1st to 3rd ... I would put SDSU, NDSU, ISUr as top 3 in that order. SDSU gets the nod because they have a lot coming back and also host both NDSU and ISUr this season. Then can see NDSU and ISUr tieing for 2nd. WIU has some tough road games, so they fall to middle tier.
Bottom Tier: 9th - 10th .. InSb, MoST .. just can't see how they emerge any better than this right now. Could be wrong about ISUb .. they could sneak up on middle of pack.
Middle Tier: 4th-8th .. no confidence at all in this order, as is the norm in middle of MVFC: WIU, UNI, USD, YSU, SIU. I do like WIU 4th and SIU surprised last year being more comeptitive than I would have guessed with their 1st year coach .. so these guys could move up in 2nd year. USD keeps getting more competitive, but can't seem to break thru in MVFC.
Biggest question marks in this group are YSU and UNI .. normally pen them in Top 4, but UNI lost most of their coaches. And YSU lost a lot of studs off that defense .. not just the 2 DEs but their very stingy secondary. Hard to recover from that in one off season.
Pretty decent assessment on your tiers.
NDSU and SDSU will be the top 2 teams this year. With what NDSU has coming back, especially on defense (2 AAs candidates are back from injury) and the offense returning a ton also, I would put them #1 right now. SDSU will be tough at home but the Bison have done pretty well down there the last few times there.
YSU takes a big step back IMO. Losing a lot of talent.
SIU: Until they start playing defense, I am never going to pick them in the upper or even middle tiers.
WIU and USD are rising and will be better this year. Although USD's defense needs to significantly improve in order to be a contender IMO.
MSU and Ind State will be the doormats....again.
UNI is a question mark again, like they seem to be the last few years.
I'm looking forward to the trip down to Normal for the Bison/Redbird game. It could be a huge game to finish the year for both teams.
May 14th, 2017, 10:22 AM
Going into this season, I think the Bison are somewhere between the 2010 and 2011 teams. The defense is going to be pretty mortal in comparison to the championship years. Time will tell though.
Bison Fan in NW MN
May 14th, 2017, 10:27 AM
Going into this season, I think the Bison are somewhere between the 2010 and 2011 teams. The defense is going to be pretty mortal in comparison to the championship years. Time will tell though.
IMO, the defense is going to be lights out this year. Tanguay and DeLuca coming back is huge. The whole defensive backfield is back with another year of experience. DL is going to be scary good with the rotation and depth. DeLuca, Plank and Cox will be an awesome LB corp.
They have the potential to be one of the best units ever on defense. There will be some growing pains, like with all teams, but they are going to kick butt.
May 14th, 2017, 10:29 AM
IMO, the defense is going to be lights out this year. Tanguay and DeLuca coming back is huge. The whole defensive backfield is back with another year of experience. DL is going to be scary good with the rotation and depth. DeLuca, Plank and Cox will be an awesome LB corp.
They have the potential to be one of the best units ever on defense. There will be some growing pains, like with all teams, but they are going to kick butt.
Potential but young and with injury recovery/concerns. These guys are going to give up some points this year.....the Bison O is going to have to up their game.
Bison Fan in NW MN
May 14th, 2017, 10:39 AM
Potential but young and with injury recovery/concerns. These guys are going to give up some points this year.....the Bison O is going to have to up their game.
Agree on the injury concern. Tanguay and DeLuca will be full go come fall. DeLuca is full go right now I guess.
I think the defense is going to be lights out but we'll find out and see who is right/wrong....xthumbsupx:)
May 14th, 2017, 10:43 AM
Agree on the injury concern. Tanguay and DeLuca will be full go come fall. DeLuca is full go right now I guess.
I think the defense is going to be lights out but we'll find out and see who is right/wrong....xthumbsupx:)
I hope you are right. Think the Bison have a "grade A" secondary? I don't see Williams or Smith back there....or a Dudzik or Heagle....LB will be young...DL should be good/deep as long as Tanguay didn't lose a step. You could tell they REALLY missed him post injury. That was their last straw IMO before the playoff run.
May 14th, 2017, 11:28 PM
Going into this season, I think the Bison are somewhere between the 2010 and 2011 teams. The defense is going to be pretty mortal in comparison to the championship years. Time will tell though.
May 14th, 2017, 11:30 PM
I hope you are right. Think the Bison have a "grade A" secondary? I don't see Williams or Smith back there....or a Dudzik or Heagle....LB will be young...DL should be good/deep as long as Tanguay didn't lose a step. You could tell they REALLY missed him post injury. That was their last straw IMO before the playoff run.
Tre has a full season back there and looked solid in spring practices and if Grimsley can tackle, that will be a huge plus. Tanguay was the last thread holding that line together so that was tough to watch.
Redbird 4th & short
May 15th, 2017, 12:01 AM
Pretty decent assessment on your tiers.
NDSU and SDSU will be the top 2 teams this year. With what NDSU has coming back, especially on defense (2 AAs candidates are back from injury) and the offense returning a ton also, I would put them #1 right now. SDSU will be tough at home but the Bison have done pretty well down there the last few times there.
YSU takes a big step back IMO. Losing a lot of talent.
SIU: Until they start playing defense, I am never going to pick them in the upper or even middle tiers.
WIU and USD are rising and will be better this year. Although USD's defense needs to significantly improve in order to be a contender IMO.
MSU and Ind State will be the doormats....again.
UNI is a question mark again, like they seem to be the last few years.
I'm looking forward to the trip down to Normal for the Bison/Redbird game. It could be a huge game to finish the year for both teams.
our defenses are going to be similar .. talented and deep, But Bison getting the medical redshirt on DeLuca certainly gives your defense the edge; from what I read, can't argue with NCAA on that one. Our LB group is big and can hit, but lack FCS starter experience .. so we'll see how that develops.
As for our meeting in our last game .. should be huge game. We finish last 4 weeks: YSU away, WIU home, SDSU away, NDSU home. Got to hope and believe we can win at YSU and then home against WIU. But finishing with 2 teams that will be in top 5 in FCS means we have to get it done in weeks 1-9. Our challenge is getting our new OL ready. Unlike last year, the good news is softest part of schedule is weeks 1-4 plus a bye. No FBS game thanks to wus Barry Alvarez lobbying rest of Big 10 to ban FCS games .. so we picked up tough road game against NAU in week 5, followed by SIU away and USD home. So schedule worked out very well in terms of breaking in a new OL.
Note, for some strange reason, we almost always schedule our senior day the Saturday before Thanksgiving, guaranteeing the students will all have gone home for the the 1 week break .. this year against NDSU is no exception. I don't know why the hell we do this so often. We have tough enough time filling Hancock in November. I wish someone would explain this stupidity. I have no doubt your fans will have bought up most of the general admission tickets for that game.
May 16th, 2017, 08:08 PM
our defenses are going to be similar .. talented and deep, But Bison getting the medical redshirt on DeLuca certainly gives your defense the edge; from what I read, can't argue with NCAA on that one. Our LB group is big and can hit, but lack FCS starter experience .. so we'll see how that develops.
As for our meeting in our last game .. should be huge game. We finish last 4 weeks: YSU away, WIU home, SDSU away, NDSU home. Got to hope and believe we can win at YSU and then home against WIU. But finishing with 2 teams that will be in top 5 in FCS means we have to get it done in weeks 1-9. Our challenge is getting our new OL ready. Unlike last year, the good news is softest part of schedule is weeks 1-4 plus a bye. No FBS game thanks to wus Barry Alvarez lobbying rest of Big 10 to ban FCS games .. so we picked up tough road game against NAU in week 5, followed by SIU away and USD home. So schedule worked out very well in terms of breaking in a new OL.
Note, for some strange reason, we almost always schedule our senior day the Saturday before Thanksgiving, guaranteeing the students will all have gone home for the the 1 week break .. this year against NDSU is no exception. I don't know why the hell we do this so often. We have tough enough time filling Hancock in November. I wish someone would explain this stupidity. I have no doubt your fans will have bought up most of the general admission tickets for that game.
I'm glad we get both the Birds and Bison out of the way before October. I can allocate my alcohol budget accordingly.
Bison Fan in NW MN
May 16th, 2017, 08:12 PM
Tre has a full season back there and looked solid in spring practices and if Grimsley can tackle, that will be a huge plus. Tanguay was the last thread holding that line together so that was tough to watch.
The DL is going to be scary good this year.
9-10 guys can/will play.....huge depth!
May 16th, 2017, 08:31 PM
The DL is going to be scary good this year.
9-10 guys can/will play.....huge depth!
Just don't run that 3-3-5 in Cheney and the Bison have a chance to somewhat maybe contain Gubrud. Yeah I look forward to teams trying to run the ball on the Bison. See the Iowa game but what could be every game.
Bison Fan in NW MN
May 16th, 2017, 08:35 PM
Just don't run that 3-3-5 in Cheney and the Bison have a chance to somewhat maybe contain Gubrud. Yeah I look forward to teams trying to run the ball on the Bison. See the Iowa game but what could be every game.
If they do that worthless scheme again, I'm going to puke in that stadium out there.
Run base Tampa-2 and bring pressure on Gubrud. The front 4 should be able to get pressure on him.
IMO, the Bison beat them by at least 2 TDs.
May 16th, 2017, 08:42 PM
If they do that worthless scheme again, I'm going to puke in that stadium out there.
Run base Tampa-2 and bring pressure on Gubrud. The front 4 should be able to get pressure on him.
IMO, the Bison beat them by at least 2 TDs.
Well Polasek is not running the offense so that could help?
I could see them dominating if they let the D-Line run the contain and let DeLuca spy Gubrud to keep him from breaking big runs. Let the safeties play double coverage and that game should go the way of the Bison. I am excited for the game but am not looking forward to staring at a painful red turf for three hours.
May 16th, 2017, 09:05 PM
Well Polasek is not running the offense so that could help?
I could see them dominating if they let the D-Line run the contain and let DeLuca spy Gubrud to keep him from breaking big runs. Let the safeties play double coverage and that game should go the way of the Bison. I am excited for the game but am not looking forward to staring at a painful red turf for three hours.
I loved his passion for the game and respected him for that but I just want to see consistency. Either way, it should be a good game.
Redbird 4th & short
May 17th, 2017, 12:41 PM
If they do that worthless scheme again, I'm going to puke in that stadium out there.
Run base Tampa-2 and bring pressure on Gubrud. The front 4 should be able to get pressure on him.
IMO, the Bison beat them by at least 2 TDs.
New head coach, OC, and WR group in Cheney, but they have entire OL back ... I don't doubt Bison can find a way to pressure QB, but they're going to have new playbook presumably and you play them in week 2, after they play just 1 game against Texas Tech. Could be disadvantage on that front for Bison on road. Rooting for Bison .. but EWU will know more about Bison, than vice versa. Don't get me wrong ... I always root for MVFC teams in non-conf game and I would expect Bison win ... but if not, familiarity may be the difference in tough road game like this one.
Note, we travel to NAU against their stud QB in week 5 .. but they don't know us any better than we know them and they are not as good as EWU presumably.
May 17th, 2017, 02:49 PM
Note, we travel to NAU against their stud QB in week 5 .. but they don't know us any better than we know them and they are not as good as EWU presumably.
Not sure if much can be learned, but we head out there in week 2 (Sept. 9), and we played them back here in IL last year.
I know that transitive property is a pretty weak argument for which team is better than other teams, but you might be able to get a bit of insight as to how you might stack up by comparing ISU->WIU and WIU->NAU.
For reference, here's the stats from last year:
Lance Lenoir caught for 231 yards and 1 TD
Steve McShane ran for 162 yards and 2 TDs
Sean McGuire passed for 336 yards and 2 TDs
Our defense held them to 147 total yards rushing, but gave up 300 yards and 3 TDs through the air (we were really bad at that aspect last year though, if you Cookus was still playing at that point in the season).
Redbird 4th & short
May 17th, 2017, 03:17 PM
Not sure if much can be learned, but we head out there in week 2 (Sept. 9), and we played them back here in IL last year.
I know that transitive property is a pretty weak argument for which team is better than other teams, but you might be able to get a bit of insight as to how you might stack up by comparing ISU->WIU and WIU->NAU.
For reference, here's the stats from last year:
Lance Lenoir caught for 231 yards and 1 TD
Steve McShane ran for 162 yards and 2 TDs
Sean McGuire passed for 336 yards and 2 TDs
Our defense held them to 147 total yards rushing, but gave up 300 yards and 3 TDs through the air (we were really bad at that aspect last year though, if you Cookus was still playing at that point in the season).
thanks for tip .. I had not recalled your game against them. I will dig into your game stats for sure knowing QB Cookus played. That QB is legit, even if playing in the Big Sky airshow.
I do recall last year your run defense was pretty strong, but not so on pass defense.
How do yo like the new coach ... OC from Richmond I recall. Can he coach both sides of ball ? Can he recruit ?
May 18th, 2017, 03:43 AM
thanks for tip .. I had not recalled your game against them. I will dig into your game stats for sure knowing QB Cookus played. That QB is legit, even if playing in the Big Sky airshow.
I do recall last year your run defense was pretty strong, but not so on pass defense.
How do yo like the new coach ... OC from Richmond I recall. Can he coach both sides of ball ? Can he recruit ?
Yea, Cookus is really good. Thankfully our overall defense was a bit better (at least on that day) and we outran them in that track meet.
You are correct, Coach Fisher was the OC at Richmond before coming here last year. I definitely like him better as a person, and it seems like he can recruit pretty well, although most of that remains to be seen with only a few of his guys getting playing time last year as true freshmen. He's changed up a few things on the defense...Got a new DC and a few other staff...moving from 4-3 to 3-4 because the majority of our talent and experience is at LB right now (we honestly have like 5 LBs who are good enough to be starters). It seemed like the biggest issue with our pass defense last year (which was absolutely horrible) was where the guys were on the field and not being able to be in position to defend (SDSU TE's just can't defend him, no matter where you are). Maybe the new DC and new defensive schemes will fix that...but we just don't know yet. I do know that some change needed to be made and changes were we'll see how that works out.
It looks at this point like we'll be more of a run-first offense, with WRs Lance Lenoir and Joey Borsellino graduating. McGuire is a decent running QB, RB Steve McShane is only a junior, and we've got a redshirt freshman RB (Max Norris) who REALLY impressed people in spring practices. That, plus the investment we're making in TE's tells me that running and shorter, but more accurate, passes will likely be the norm for us.
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Redbird 4th & short
May 18th, 2017, 09:27 AM
Yea, Cookus is really good. Thankfully our overall defense was a bit better (at least on that day) and we outran them in that track meet.
You are correct, Coach Fisher was the OC at Richmond before coming here last year. I definitely like him better as a person, and it seems like he can recruit pretty well, although most of that remains to be seen with only a few of his guys getting playing time last year as true freshmen. He's changed up a few things on the defense...Got a new DC and a few other staff...moving from 4-3 to 3-4 because the majority of our talent and experience is at LB right now (we honestly have like 5 LBs who are good enough to be starters). It seemed like the biggest issue with our pass defense last year (which was absolutely horrible) was where the guys were on the field and not being able to be in position to defend (SDSU TE's just can't defend him, no matter where you are). Maybe the new DC and new defensive schemes will fix that...but we just don't know yet. I do know that some change needed to be made and changes were we'll see how that works out.
It looks at this point like we'll be more of a run-first offense, with WRs Lance Lenoir and Joey Borsellino graduating. McGuire is a decent running QB, RB Steve McShane is only a junior, and we've got a redshirt freshman RB (Max Norris) who REALLY impressed people in spring practices. That, plus the investment we're making in TE's tells me that running and shorter, but more accurate, passes will likely be the norm for us.
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so looked at some stats and NAU roster losses from 2016. Their offense adjusted pretty well to backup QB for most part, so their system must be pretty good. FYI fo your game, their defense is losing a lot of their top tacklers, including their stud pass rusher. I suspect they will have hard time getting of the field and they're going to be in a lot of high scoring games, especially in Big Sky. For us, that is good news being on road .. our OL new OL won'tt be tested too much in our week 5 game against them. And our defense should be clicking enough to win a higher scoring game like 38 to 31 type game. Playing at 7000 foot elevation wil be interesting .. that could take some adjustments ... and oxygen. I'm assuming they won't be able to run on us much at all, and will be hurrying it up and airing it out. We have very good depth this season on defense, especially with DL and DB groups .. so we will have guys to rotate in/out if needed .. and we tend to slow things down on offense .. always huddle and work the clock, rarely do hurry up unless absolutely needed .. at 7000 feet, I doubt that will change.
Thumper 76
May 18th, 2017, 02:28 PM
For SDSU I'm very curious to see how the defense performs next season. That's the part of the team that lost the most, but they weren't real good either. Also the spring game was played as a regular game and ended very low scoring, which I'm going to take as a good sign for the defense instead of a bad sign for the offense, especially with everyone that is returning. If the defense can get to above average this team should be very, very good.
May 18th, 2017, 03:47 PM
Playing at 7000 foot elevation wil be interesting .. that could take some adjustments ... and oxygen.
Maybe. If the team can get out there a couple of days early, do some drills, get used to it, they should be ok. If you're in shape, the hit is a lot less than it is for someone who isn't. I live at 700ft, but ran an 8 1/2 mile race at 9k ft after being out there for 2 days and didn't really have any issues.
Extra oxygen, extra water, they should be ok. Thankfully it's a dome, so they won't have the high-altitude sun beating down on them.
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May 21st, 2017, 06:10 PM
Tre has a full season back there and looked solid in spring practices and if Grimsley can tackle, that will be a huge plus. Tanguay was the last thread holding that line together so that was tough to watch.
If. Lol. Sorry had to.
May 21st, 2017, 06:18 PM
So I actually don't think our defense will be affected much by the departure of Dylan Cole, for two reasons:
1) Our defense was generally garbage with him, and
2) I like this young linebacker we have out of the Metroplex, by the name of McNeece Egbim.
(Leathernecks should recognize his name - he went off against your team last year)
It is true, he was inconsistent last year, but I'm not expecting constant all-world play from a redshirt freshman. I think, given time and experience he could be as good as Cole. His size (6-0, 210) and speed also means he can help the secondary out if necessary.
As a team, we will still suck, but I wanted to put a player forward that I am excited about.
May 22nd, 2017, 08:42 PM
Was backpacking in Wisconsin this past weekend, and stopped into a smalltown bar to get out of the rain for a bit.
Had a UNI shirt on, and met a guy at the bar with a WIU shirt on, talking with a couple folks whose kid plays/played at NDSU.
small world.
May 22nd, 2017, 10:01 PM
Was it Waupaca?
Was backpacking in Wisconsin this past weekend, and stopped into a smalltown bar to get out of the rain for a bit.
Had a UNI shirt on, and met a guy at the bar with a WIU shirt on, talking with a couple folks whose kid plays/played at NDSU.
small world.
May 23rd, 2017, 12:25 PM
Didn't want to go starting a thread for it, since it's not the "official" countdown, but as of today, we are 100 days out from the start of the football season for MVFC members South Dakota State, Indiana State, and Western Illinois. The rest of you guys's (that's youse guys if you're from Jersey or parts of Chicago or Boston) 100 day countdown starts on Thursday.
On Thursday, August 31st, we'll have Duquesne at South Dakota State, Western Illinois at Tennessee Tech, and Eastern Illinois at Indiana State.
May 23rd, 2017, 11:28 PM
Best Pizza north of the Mason Dixon line and east of the Rockies.
May 23rd, 2017, 11:29 PM
Ok Peyton....
Best Pizza north of the Mason Dixon line and east of the Rockies.
May 23rd, 2017, 11:34 PM
Next best pizza.....#1 with college students...
May 23rd, 2017, 11:38 PM
Best Pizza north of the Mason Dixon line and east of the Rockies.
May 23rd, 2017, 11:38 PM
Best Beer ever....
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