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Professor Chaos
October 11th, 2017, 12:09 PM


UND when they join

NDSU's writers a few weeks back went on a tear against UNI (they've done that a few times recently according to my Fargo sources) and one of the things they mentioned was UNI not doing FCOA. Which is a lie. We've had it for a couple years now. We, unlike the others, didn't feel the need to make a giant press release out of it.
Doesn't UNI do FCOA only for men's basketball and women's volleyball (and it's covered by private donors for women's basketball)? That's why I would assume UNI doesn't want to broadcast it that much... and why there's confusion about them offering it (no idea what Fargo writers were writing it on but if it's in reference to football UNI doesn't offer FCOA as I understand it).

October 11th, 2017, 12:12 PM
That is how I understood it for UNI too.

USD and NDSU are the only ones offering FCOA in the MVFC until UND joins. SDSU does it to on a limited basis and not for all sports.

October 11th, 2017, 12:41 PM
Doesn't UNI do FCOA only for men's basketball and women's volleyball (and it's covered by private donors for women's basketball)? That's why I would assume UNI doesn't want to broadcast it that much... and why there's confusion about them offering it (no idea what Fargo writers were writing it on but if it's in reference to football UNI doesn't offer FCOA as I understand it).

UNI offers FCOA in volleyball, mens and womens basketball, volleyball and football. I haven't really asked in a while, but we may be close to the full AD at this point.

Wrestling coaching positions are 100% endowed through outside sources.
Mens basketball coaching salaries are 100% paid by outside sources.
I believe volleyball is largely covered as well.

Feel free to not believe me because we didn't go out of our way to make it a massive deal, that's your choice. It's wrong, but it's your choice.

If you want to get semantic and say "the whole athletic deparment doesn't so you don't and blah blah blah". Fine. That's petty and cherry picking, but so be it.

UNI's athletic department (and coaches) doesn't give much to the media for anything. There's a few reasons for it. Just because people in South Dakota or Fargo don't know about it doesn't mean it's not a thing.

Professor Chaos
October 11th, 2017, 12:53 PM

UNI offers FCOA in volleyball, mens and womens basketball, volleyball and football. I haven't really asked in a while, but we may be close to the full AD at this point.

Wrestling coaching positions are 100% endowed through outside sources.
Mens basketball coaching salaries are 100% paid by outside sources.
I believe volleyball is largely covered as well.

Feel free to not believe me because we didn't go out of our way to make it a massive deal, that's your choice. It's wrong, but it's your choice.

If you want to get semantic and say "the whole athletic deparment doesn't so you don't and blah blah blah". Fine. That's petty and cherry picking, but so be it.

UNI's athletic department (and coaches) doesn't give much to the media for anything. There's a few reasons for it. Just because people in South Dakota or Fargo don't know about it doesn't mean it's not a thing.
Fair enough. But I think's dumb from a recruiting perspective to not have it written somewhere publicly that you offer FCOA in football (only place I found that mentions FCOA at UNI is this article (http://wcfcourier.com/sports/college/uni/uni-takes-cost-of-attendance-plunge/article_19503151-9cd9-50cb-8c08-7b3a9f836293.html) which is 2 years old and states that football wasn't included at that time). To handle it on a "need to know" basis for recruits seems to just invite possibilities for potential recruits to slip away.

October 11th, 2017, 01:03 PM

UNI offers FCOA in volleyball, mens and womens basketball, volleyball and football. I haven't really asked in a while, but we may be close to the full AD at this point.

Wrestling coaching positions are 100% endowed through outside sources.
Mens basketball coaching salaries are 100% paid by outside sources.
I believe volleyball is largely covered as well.

Feel free to not believe me because we didn't go out of our way to make it a massive deal, that's your choice. It's wrong, but it's your choice.

If you want to get semantic and say "the whole athletic deparment doesn't so you don't and blah blah blah". Fine. That's petty and cherry picking, but so be it.

UNI's athletic department (and coaches) doesn't give much to the media for anything. There's a few reasons for it. Just because people in South Dakota or Fargo don't know about it doesn't mean it's not a thing.

I saw the article and I am trying to find it now but I don't recall it being negative to UNI or other schools that were believed to not off FCOA for football. If you say UNI is offering FCOA for football that is enough evidence for me. So wait the Fargo Forum didn't do their due diligence in an article (WHAT!?).


October 11th, 2017, 01:15 PM
I believe you Clenz that they have it.

Not sure how announcing it is "wrong" however? It's a huge recruiting advantage. The last I knew not very many FCS schools (less than 10) were offering it. There have been numerous recruits who chose USD over other schools because of it and have made it known.

If you are putting the amount of money into something like FCOA you are going to let it be known. Same as a school that pays their coaches more are going to let it be known etc.

October 11th, 2017, 01:18 PM
You do you realize that you can let recruits know about FCOA without issuing a press release, right?

October 11th, 2017, 01:20 PM
i dont think making some announcement is critical to recruiting. im pretty sure anyone I wanted to recruit with it could easily be informed of it.

"We pay FCOA" see how easy that would be to text?

October 11th, 2017, 01:20 PM
Again, why would you want to do that? It's an amazing advantage for your university and speaks to the overall health of your university. I would have 40 press conferences about it.

October 11th, 2017, 01:21 PM
There is also being a state school in a state where the general public loves to be outraged over any money being spent by UNI. There's no reason to bring Random Jackass Hawkeye Fan down the road into a tizzy because UNI offered a football player the 3K, or whatever FCOA is at UNI, on top of their scholarship

Those with the smallest dicks often scream loudest about how big they are.

October 11th, 2017, 01:24 PM
It's not like the media can't find out if they really want to.....

October 11th, 2017, 01:25 PM
FWIW, UNI is also offering 4 year scholarships. Want proof of both? This tweet was from December 2015



Professor Chaos
October 11th, 2017, 01:32 PM
You do you realize that you can let recruits know about FCOA without issuing a press release, right?

i dont think making some announcement is critical to recruiting. im pretty sure anyone I wanted to recruit with it could easily be informed of it.

"We pay FCOA" see how easy that would be to text?
That works for kids you're actively recruiting but what about kids who decide not to attend your prospect camps because they'd rather go to a camp for a school that offers FCOA? I'm not saying that's a huge number of potential recruits but you better believe that the parents of these kids (who are most likely paying for them to go to the prospect camp) are well aware of the benefits of an extra couple thousand dollars per year provides. Beyond that there could be negative recruiting pitches given by opposing schools saying "don't bother to talk to them... they don't offer FCOA" and the recruit would have nothing to refute them with.

Or if you're going to send it out in every recruiting letter you send I'm not really sure what the difference is putting it on your athletics web site.

October 11th, 2017, 01:33 PM
My issue with FCOA is that the NCAA didn't make it universal across the board. That total varies so much, and it doesn't actually seem to be tied to actual cost of living in an area. It likely will result in schools upping whatever goes into FCOA to be able to offer more for that.

October 11th, 2017, 01:34 PM
Kids aren't skipping prospect camps over the thought of who offers FCOA. Why? Those are all about exposure.

October 11th, 2017, 01:35 PM
There is also being a state school in a state where the general public loves to be outraged over any money being spent by UNI. There's no reason to bring Random Jackass Hawkeye Fan down the road into a tizzy because UNI offered a football player the 3K, or whatever FCOA is at UNI, on top of their scholarship

Those with the smallest dicks often scream loudest about how big they are.
It's a well known fact that UNI has the biggest dicks.xlolx

Professor Chaos
October 11th, 2017, 01:38 PM
Kids aren't skipping prospect camps over the thought of who offers FCOA. Why? Those are all about exposure.
I'm saying if they have a choice to go to UNI's camp or NDSU/USD's camp that's happening at the same time.

Whatever... it doesn't make a big difference to me whether they want to announce that it's available or not because neither me or my kids are being recruited there. It's just not what I would do but I'm sure they have their reasons.

Yote 53
October 11th, 2017, 01:44 PM
Fair enough. But I think's dumb from a recruiting perspective to not have it written somewhere publicly that you offer FCOA in football (only place I found that mentions FCOA at UNI is this article (http://wcfcourier.com/sports/college/uni/uni-takes-cost-of-attendance-plunge/article_19503151-9cd9-50cb-8c08-7b3a9f836293.html) which is 2 years old and states that football wasn't included at that time). To handle it on a "need to know" basis for recruits seems to just invite possibilities for potential recruits to slip away.

Yeah, I don't get this either. I was reading as recently as this summer that UNI football had some recruiting restrictions due to budget issues and were focusing primarily on in-state recruits because the AD paying scholarship for out-of-state tuition was too much. I would think that would limit their player recruiting pool when you have to limit who you can recruit according to where they live instead of recruiting the best available. Maybe that's why they are doing it that way, to free up money for FCOA by recruiting more in-state.

Yote 53
October 11th, 2017, 01:48 PM
There is also being a state school in a state where the general public loves to be outraged over any money being spent by UNI. There's no reason to bring Random Jackass Hawkeye Fan down the road into a tizzy because UNI offered a football player the 3K, or whatever FCOA is at UNI, on top of their scholarship

Those with the smallest dicks often scream loudest about how big they are.

Well then you need to stop having idiot lawmakers say they are going to propose legislation saying they are going to force Iowa and Iowa State to share their athletic revenues with UNI because they are in major conferences and have so much money and UNI has so little they can't make ends meet. I mean, yeah, if I am random Hawkeye or Cyclone fan and I read that in the paper I would want UNI athletics shut down too.

October 11th, 2017, 01:54 PM
Well then you need to stop having idiot lawmakers say they are going to propose legislation saying they are going to force Iowa and Iowa State to share their athletic revenues with UNI because they are in major conferences and have so much money and UNI has so little they can't make ends meet. I mean, yeah, if I am random Hawkeye or Cyclone fan and I read that in the paper I would want UNI athletics shut down too.
UNI can't control that. The guy that does that is from NW Iowa (Sibley). He has zero connection to UNI. He didn't go to UNI. As far as anyone knows he has no family that went to UNI.

UNI has come out against that proposal and called it ludicrous.

It doesn't really what UNI does, 99% of Hawkeye fans are ignorant to anything outside of Iowa City (and honestly, most things inside Iowa City). They'll take the same rhetoric that the DSM Register prints every July like clockwork when there is nothing else to write about and bang that drum until football season starts. Then it all goes away until the next year when that process repeats itself.

Remember, until Texas kept the B12 from falling apart and that 20M media deal form that in 2012, Iowa State was taking money from the state as well.

October 11th, 2017, 03:20 PM
OK I understand from UNI's standpoint why they don't want to advertise it but I still don't understand why it is "wrong" for the very few other schools that are offering FCOA to announce it?

She we also stop announcing facility upgrades, donations, and endowment numbers because it is wrong?

October 11th, 2017, 04:43 PM
OK I understand from UNI's standpoint why they don't want to advertise it but I still don't understand why it is "wrong" for the very few other schools that are offering FCOA to announce it?

She we also stop announcing facility upgrades, donations, and endowment numbers because it is wrong?

I'm all for USD announcing a football facility upgrade. Will it ever happen?

October 12th, 2017, 08:29 AM
I'm all for USD announcing a football facility upgrade. Will it ever happen?

Just got approval from the BOR last week. Being done in phases. First phase starts after the football season ends in 2018. A large portion of the 25 million they need for that phase is already raised.

To include new locker rooms, meeting rooms, permanent seating on the west side of the dome, all weather turf practice fields next to the Dome. Some things I've also heard but not sure if they are confirmed happening is end zone seating on the north side and a connector between the East and West sides which would also be on the North end of the Dome.

Professor Chaos
October 12th, 2017, 09:01 AM
Just got approval from the BOR last week. Being done in phases. First phase starts after the football season ends in 2018. A large portion of the 25 million they need for that phase is already raised.

To include new locker rooms, meeting rooms, permanent seating on the west side of the dome, all weather turf practice fields next to the Dome. Some things I've also heard but not sure if they are confirmed happening is end zone seating on the north side and a connector between the East and West sides which would also be on the North end of the Dome.
In other words... they're putting lipstick on the pig.

October 12th, 2017, 09:40 AM
In other words... they're putting lipstick on the pig.
That all sounds almost exactly like the renos UNI did like 15 years ago. Which makes sense considering the Dakota Dome is literally a smaller knock off version of the UNIDome.

We already had the permanent seating thing (a bonus of doing things full scale)

I'm curious as to where the new locker room and weight room will be. I wonder if they'll be under the concourse that connects the east and west side....

UNIDome north endzone pre 2004 reno starting

UNIDome post locker room/weight room/concourse completion


UNIDome opened in 1976
DakotaDome opened in 1979

UNIDome went from air supported to fixed roof in 1998
DakotaDome went from air supported to fixed roof in 2001

UNI hired the firm to design blueprint and build the dome in the early 70s
USD hired the exact same firm to do the exact same thing, but smaller (true story) in the mide 70s

I smell a trend here.

Oh...we can look at basketball arenas. I won't go into pictures, but they did with their basketball arena what they did with the football stadium. Only thing is they didn't add the suites that UNI did up top and they shifted the "club suite" from an endline section to midcourt floor level.

October 12th, 2017, 09:48 AM
In other words... they're putting lipstick on the pig.

It's a full revamp of the Dome. New plumbing, updating and adding new bathrooms and concession stands etc.

Not sure how that is all lipstick on a pig? They have the same limitations NDSU does with expanding the Fargodome as I understand it.

October 12th, 2017, 09:54 AM
It's a full revamp of the Dome. New plumbing, updating and adding new bathrooms and concession stands etc.

Not sure how that is all lipstick on a pig? They have the same limitations NDSU does with expanding the Fargodome as I understand it.
Aslo true - there is only so much you can do with a Dome...or in NDSU's case a shopping mall.

I know capitol funding is happening at UNI right now for a massive overhaul to the UNIDome. The renderings are interesting. No idea how it will look in real life when it happens, but only so much you can do unless you completely take the top off the building and recreate a brand new domed structure. Which given the cost of that you're better off just building a brand new building from scratch.

October 12th, 2017, 09:55 AM
USD already has a new weight room. Was completed with the new basketball arena. Locker rooms would be under the west side of the Dome. They will also be removing the pool from the Dome to make the concourses wider and building a new pool in the recently built wellness center that is close to the Dakotadome.


Professor Chaos
October 12th, 2017, 10:12 AM
It's a full revamp of the Dome. New plumbing, updating and adding new bathrooms and concession stands etc.

Not sure how that is all lipstick on a pig? They have the same limitations NDSU does with expanding the Fargodome as I understand it.
I'm just not a fan of sinking a bunch of money into old buildings. The Dakota Dome is 38 years old at this point. I understand it costs much more to build new (and takes longer) but at a certain point it becomes a better investment in the long run to start over.

After seeing NDSU go through the process of sinking $40M into completely renovating the basketball arena I wish they would've just built a new one. They did a whole lot more than just a basketball arena for the whole project but after being in the new arena for a year it just seems to me like they put lipstick on the pig there too. It is a massive improvement over what they had and it was a chore and a half to even get that done but the promises that it would be a jewel of mid-major basketball were greatly over-exaggerated.

NDSU is going to have the same problem with the Fargodome. The Fargodome Authority has sunk a pretty decent chunk of change into new lighting and new video boards in recent years (and there's even a proposal to add a convention center onto it) so they don't seem to have any plans to look at something larger even though NDSU has clearly outgrown it. NDSU has added politics involved in that the city owns the building so I realize there's a lot more factors in play here but just my two cents on it.

October 12th, 2017, 10:23 AM
I don't disagree with building new altogether but it's just too expensive. The reno may take 30-50 million versus 150 million at least to build another dome after we just spend 100 million on the wellness center and new basketball arena, weight room, and training facilities.

If they get the dome to 16k, and add everything they are talking about they will get another 40 years out of it.

October 12th, 2017, 10:43 AM
I'm just not a fan of sinking a bunch of money into old buildings. The Dakota Dome is 38 years old at this point. I understand it costs much more to build new (and takes longer) but at a certain point it becomes a better investment in the long run to start over.

After seeing NDSU go through the process of sinking $40M into completely renovating the basketball arena I wish they would've just built a new one. They did a whole lot more than just a basketball arena for the whole project but after being in the new arena for a year it just seems to me like they put lipstick on the pig there too. It is a massive improvement over what they had and it was a chore and a half to even get that done but the promises that it would be a jewel of mid-major basketball were greatly over-exaggerated.

NDSU is going to have the same problem with the Fargodome. The Fargodome Authority has sunk a pretty decent chunk of change into new lighting and new video boards in recent years (and there's even a proposal to add a convention center onto it) so they don't seem to have any plans to look at something larger even though NDSU has clearly outgrown it. NDSU has added politics involved in that the city owns the building so I realize there's a lot more factors in play here but just my two cents on it.

The basketball arena is nice, but I also wish they would of started from scratch. I realize they had to do something but what would of happened if they limped it along for a few more years and then did something fresh?

As for the dome, well my opinion is sometimes you just have to cut hay. Leave it how it is and start saving/fundraising for a new place. The interesting thing is if I understand it right, NDSU owns the land but the city of Fargo owns the building. What happens if NDSU has the cash and wants to build in the same spot? Granted by that time the dome will probably be at the end of its useful life and the way ND politics are being ran before enough money is raised.

Professor Chaos
October 12th, 2017, 10:55 AM
The basketball arena is nice, but I also wish they would of started from scratch. I realize they had to do something but what would of happened if they limped it along for a few more years and then did something fresh?

As for the dome, well my opinion is sometimes you just have to cut hay. Leave it how it is and start saving/fundraising for a new place. The interesting thing is if I understand it right, NDSU owns the land but the city of Fargo owns the building. What happens if NDSU has the cash and wants to build in the same spot? Granted by that time the dome will probably be at the end of its useful life and the way ND politics are being ran before enough money is raised.
I'm pretty sure city has like a 99 year lease on the land for $1 a year or something like that so I don't think NDSU is going to be able to strong arm them there without some legal shenanigans. Honestly, with the type of capital they'd need to raise to build a new dome they'd need the city to partner with them on it anyway (unless an "Engelstead" is somehow created by NDSU that's willing to donate $100M).

It's a tough spot since schools the size of NDSU and USD can't just snap their fingers and raise that kind of money. The new basketball arena has underwhelmed me but anyone with eyes could see that something needed to be done given the state of the old BSA. It's probably a similar mindset for the Dakota Dome in Vermillion.

October 12th, 2017, 11:37 AM
After seeing NDSU go through the process of sinking $40M into completely renovating the basketball arena I wish they would've just built a new one. They did a whole lot more than just a basketball arena for the whole project but after being in the new arena for a year it just seems to me like they put lipstick on the pig there too. It is a massive improvement over what they had and it was a chore and a half to even get that done but the promises that it would be a jewel of mid-major basketball were greatly over-exaggerated.

SDSU is about to embark on updating and renovating Frost Arena. I'm a bit concerned about the limitations of the existing structure, but like others are mentioning, it's tough to start from scratch due to the age of the building and the cost to replace. Here is a new rendering. Looks a lot better than it is now. Will be interesting to see how it looks when it's done though.

http://www.crawfordarch.com/wp-content/plugins/vslider/timthumb.php?src=%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F07%2F001_Frost_preview. jpg&w=700&h=400&zc=1&q=80

October 12th, 2017, 11:54 AM
That raised endline seating is tough to pull off. It either looks really good or just horrendously bad. 95% of the places that have it fall on the horrendous side of it. Hopefully it works for SDSU.

Professor Chaos
October 12th, 2017, 12:04 PM
That raised endline seating is tough to pull off. It either looks really good or just horrendously bad. 95% of the places that have it fall on the horrendous side of it. Hopefully it works for SDSU.
At least their aisles will still work where they're placed that way at an offset from the basket. One of the things that baffled me about the new NDSU arena is they have floor level seats directly behind the basket. No one sits there obviously because all you can see is the back of the basket but it baffles me why they don't have an aisle coming down directly behind the basket so as to use that space where no one will sit for something useful. I thought that was part of basketball arena design 101.

October 12th, 2017, 12:07 PM
The basketball arena is nice, but I also wish they would of started from scratch. I realize they had to do something but what would of happened if they limped it along for a few more years and then did something fresh?

As for the dome, well my opinion is sometimes you just have to cut hay. Leave it how it is and start saving/fundraising for a new place. The interesting thing is if I understand it right, NDSU owns the land but the city of Fargo owns the building. What happens if NDSU has the cash and wants to build in the same spot? Granted by that time the dome will probably be at the end of its useful life and the way ND politics are being ran before enough money is raised.
They limped along for a decade. They had to do something. The SHAC is pretty much a complete rebuild. They had to cut some corners but it is what it is.

October 12th, 2017, 12:09 PM
At least their aisles will still work where they're placed that way at an offset from the basket. One of the things that baffled me about the new NDSU arena is they have floor level seats directly behind the basket. No one sits there obviously because all you can see is the back of the basket but it baffles me why they don't have an aisle coming down directly behind the basket so as to use that space where no one will sit for something useful. I thought that was part of basketball arena design 101.
Yeah, places that get that wrong blow my mind.

UNI has an aisle on the student section side and the tunnel to the locker rooms on the other side.


October 12th, 2017, 12:35 PM
That is how I understood it for UNI too.

USD and NDSU are the only ones offering FCOA in the MVFC until UND joins. SDSU does it to on a limited basis and not for all sports.

Actually USD is not currently offering it for all sports. The way it was announced by USD, in response to NDSU's announcement made it sound like they were, but the Board of Regents document on the issue gives another story (see below link).

USD will not be offering to all athletes until 2019. SDSU began offering it to basketball immediately in 2015, the remaining sports, including FB have a pool of money which they can offer to scholarship athletes based on need. That began in 2016 and as funds come in that pool of money grows. From my understanding Sell's intent is to have the funds, private, fully in place by 2019 so all scholarship athletes will be receiving FCOA, much like what USD are doing, Sell just did not feel the need to publicize it like the USD Ad felt he needed to do. As said above, the only difference is USD needed the publicity so they shouted it from the roof tops. SDSU chose to quietly begin implementation.


October 12th, 2017, 01:42 PM
Actually USD is not currently offering it for all sports. The way it was announced by USD, in response to NDSU's announcement made it sound like they were, but the Board of Regents document on the issue gives another story (see below link).

USD will not be offering to all athletes until 2019. SDSU began offering it to basketball immediately in 2015, the remaining sports, including FB have a pool of money which they can offer to scholarship athletes based on need. That began in 2016 and as funds come in that pool of money grows. From my understanding Sell's intent is to have the funds, private, fully in place by 2019 so all scholarship athletes will be receiving FCOA, much like what USD are doing, Sell just did not feel the need to publicize it like the USD Ad felt he needed to do. As said above, the only difference is USD needed the publicity so they shouted it from the roof tops. SDSU chose to quietly begin implementation.

Great post.

That's the exact approach UNI took to it.

MBB, WBB and VB got it immediately. Football got it a year later on need base. I'm thinking most sports have it now on a need base.

UNI will make it "officially official" when it matters. Before that, media D sucking over offering it isn't a thing UNI cares about.

October 12th, 2017, 01:50 PM



All 17 of USD's sports started in 2016.

The jealousy of jacks fans still amazes me. How did USD announce FCOA any different than the mighty bunny turds? The local media markets all picked up the stories for both schools. You act like USD tried getting it on ESPN or did something different. Grow up. Quit proving why every other fan base hates you.

October 12th, 2017, 02:00 PM
UNIDome post locker room/weight room/concourse completion

Why are the seats different colors? I get differentiating the sections and I could see if they were UNI colors, but the red makes no sense. They must have kept the seats from the original? The old Dakotadome seats were hideous, I'm glad they are all red now.

October 12th, 2017, 02:03 PM
Who's need gets dealt with for FCOA. Id be hoping it was the team's need for certain players.

October 12th, 2017, 02:35 PM
Why are the seats different colors? I get differentiating the sections and I could see if they were UNI colors, but the red makes no sense. They must have kept the seats from the original? The old Dakotadome seats were hideous, I'm glad they are all red now.

Original colors and likely original seats, I think.

I recall the first year, before seats were even installed. But I honestly don't remember the seats ever not being these colors since installed.

I used to walk those steps selling popcorn and drinks. Made $6+ profit my first night, which seemed okay as a 13-year-old for a few hours inside and getting to kind of watch the game (I was not the best vendor they had).

October 12th, 2017, 02:52 PM
Why are the seats different colors? I get differentiating the sections and I could see if they were UNI colors, but the red makes no sense. They must have kept the seats from the original? The old Dakotadome seats were hideous, I'm glad they are all red now.
Original seats. It was the mid 70s. You do the math.

What many don't realize is that it's not the full seat, it's just the back.

As for why they haven't been replaced? No one is really sure yet. Our previous AD stated it was cost prohibitive to take them off and have them painted for the ROI. I think he quoted $500k to have someone take seat backs off and paint them and re-install them. Not that the $500k itself was the issue, it sounded like the ROI wasn't worth the short term costs when funding for other capitol investments. They also aren't just screwed in. The seats are riveted to the upright. Takes extra work to get them out.

The idea of just replacing them was shot down. ADA standards have changed since the 70s. To "install new seats" means new ADA standards have to be met. Means taking seats out of the dome. The Walkup Skydome at NAU (similar to both UNI and Dakota domes) put new seats in a handful of years ago. Had to meet to seat standards. Went from over 15,000 seats to 10,000 seats. I'm not a math wizard, but based on that they had to add about 7" per seat to make it to new ADA standard. If my math isn't wrong (and it easily could be) going that route would take the UNIDome down to about 11,000 seats.

Yes, it's cheating the code, but everyone does similar things.

We could just take them out completely and put seat numbers on the metal bench and not have to change seating capacity. However, once fans have something, to take it away isn't possible without massive freak outs.

October 12th, 2017, 04:05 PM
Quit proving why every other fan base hates you.


October 12th, 2017, 04:09 PM
We could just take them out completely and put seat numbers on the metal bench and not have to change seating capacity. However, once fans have something, to take it away isn't possible without massive freak outs.

I wonder if they could do something like SDSU did (metal backs, see pic) without having to meet standards. Although, if they're comfortable, I could really care less what color they are. I don't think it looks that bad.


October 12th, 2017, 04:21 PM
I wonder if they could do something like SDSU did (metal backs, see pic) without having to meet standards. Although, if they're comfortable, I could really care less what color they are. I don't think it looks that bad.

That's what UNI has - ours are just curved. I'm not sure there is a drop in replacement for a seat that is 39-40 years old.

At that point, again, you're getting into re-engineering what is being done and costs start to skyrocket.

October 12th, 2017, 04:46 PM
I wonder if they could do something like SDSU did (metal backs, see pic) without having to meet standards. Although, if they're comfortable, I could really care less what color they are. I don't think it looks that bad.

Well, they are better than when it was just sitting on concrete with no backs.

But you are still sitting on a metal bench with a hard plastic back, curved though it may be. But stupidly, stupidly durable through 39 years of kids climbing on them and drunks falling on them. And the gum ... oh, the gum that has been scraped from the bottom of those things.

As much as most of us would like to see them only purple and gold, the real goal is to never see them at all, at least during games (butts in seats).

October 12th, 2017, 05:00 PM
Original seats. It was the mid 70s. You do the math.

What many don't realize is that it's not the full seat, it's just the back.

As for why they haven't been replaced? No one is really sure yet. Our previous AD stated it was cost prohibitive to take them off and have them painted for the ROI. I think he quoted $500k to have someone take seat backs off and paint them and re-install them. Not that the $500k itself was the issue, it sounded like the ROI wasn't worth the short term costs when funding for other capitol investments. They also aren't just screwed in. The seats are riveted to the upright. Takes extra work to get them out.

The idea of just replacing them was shot down. ADA standards have changed since the 70s. To "install new seats" means new ADA standards have to be met. Means taking seats out of the dome. The Walkup Skydome at NAU (similar to both UNI and Dakota domes) put new seats in a handful of years ago. Had to meet to seat standards. Went from over 15,000 seats to 10,000 seats. I'm not a math wizard, but based on that they had to add about 7" per seat to make it to new ADA standard. If my math isn't wrong (and it easily could be) going that route would take the UNIDome down to about 11,000 seats.

Yes, it's cheating the code, but everyone does similar things.

We could just take them out completely and put seat numbers on the metal bench and not have to change seating capacity. However, once fans have something, to take it away isn't possible without massive freak outs.

at least if we went to 11,000 we might be able to fill the place again. :)

October 12th, 2017, 05:56 PM



October 12th, 2017, 10:02 PM



Who you calling peasant?


October 12th, 2017, 10:21 PM
Who you calling peasant?



October 13th, 2017, 12:16 AM
If they get the dome to 16k, and add everything they are talking about they will get another 40 years out of it.

It would take a miracle to get it to 16k since it is smaller than the UNI Dome, and any new eating would be subject to ADA. Realistically it would max out at about 12k.

Thumper 76
October 13th, 2017, 12:35 AM



All 17 of USD's sports started in 2016.

The jealousy of jacks fans still amazes me. How did USD announce FCOA any different than the mighty bunny turds? The local media markets all picked up the stories for both schools. You act like USD tried getting it on ESPN or did something different. Grow up. Quit proving why every other fan base hates you.

Ok miss dramatic. Whatever floats your tiny boat on your river of tears. Better warn Sioux City that the Missouri is about to rise with your crying.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

October 13th, 2017, 06:33 AM
It would take a miracle to get it to 16k since it is smaller than the UNI Dome, and any new eating would be subject to ADA. Realistically it would max out at about 12k.

I would think less than 12,000. Clenz Estimated the uni dome at around 11,000 if we had to meet ADA.

October 13th, 2017, 07:25 AM
I would think less than 12,000. Clenz Estimated the uni dome at around 11,000 if we had to meet ADA.
My math isn't exact but it's close.

Current ADA code states 21 inch seats.

The Walkup Skydome had 15,000 seats. To meet ADA they had to cut it to 10,000. 10,000*21=210,000 inches worth of seat. Best guess means they had about 210,000 inches worth of seat for 15,000 seats. 210,000/15,000=14. That's a 7 inch difference per seat.

I have no idea if the Walkup Skydome had 14" seats, if aisles were widened, or anything like that. Again, very rough math.

However, the UNIDome has 16,324 fixed seats. I'm not a small person, and I stand on the north concourse to watch games so my memory of the width of the UNIDome seats isn't perfect. However, 14 inches (between the seat back uprights) seems pretty close. That gives the UNIDome 228,536 inches of bleachers. If we are forced to meet ADA standards with whatever we do to make them not 1970s rainbow we are down to 10,882.66666667 seat spaces.

Quick math (again, not perfect because many reasons) shows the DakotaDome currently has just 140,000 inches of bleachers. If they are forced to go to the current 21" code they are down to 6,666,6666667 seat spaces. I suppose they can find room for more, but given it's a round concrete structure (just like the UNIDome) they'd have to blow a side completely out to add seats/space (just like the plan is for the UNIDome).

Another thing to keep in mind with the DakotaDome is that the seats don't extend the full length of the field, like they do in the UNIDome or Skydome. They stop about the 7 yardline on each side to allow for things to get in and out of the surface.


Compare that to the UNIDome

or the Skydome

This isn't to say there isn't room hiding in the DakotaDome - I won't pretend to be an expert with how every inch of that building is used, but I can't imagine where 6,000 more seats are coming from, even at the 1970s ADA standards, without blowing an entire side of the dome out and starting over.

October 13th, 2017, 07:52 AM
Ok miss dramatic. Whatever floats your tiny boat on your river of tears. Better warn Sioux City that the Missouri is about to rise with your crying.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Sorry for Yote84 to call out jacks29 when he was trying to degrade USD and was proven wrong. I guarantee if 84 would have said something incorrect about the almighty Moo U he would have been crucified. But you know, double standards don't apply at the cow college.

October 13th, 2017, 08:13 AM
Ok miss dramatic. Whatever floats your tiny boat on your river of tears. Better warn Sioux City that the Missouri is about to rise with your crying.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

When your tool bag fan base comes on trying to make **** up that isn't true? Yea you get called out Humper76.

Talking about small dick complexes. I haven't met an wabbit fan whose dick hangs longer than their balls. Most insecure fan base in the nation. Example randomly squeezing a basketball upgrade photo into this football thread. Shouldn't you be trying to defend other false claims instead like that Moo U invented cookies and cream ice cream?

October 13th, 2017, 08:21 AM
My math isn't exact but it's close.

Current ADA code states 21 inch seats.

The Walkup Skydome had 15,000 seats. To meet ADA they had to cut it to 10,000. 10,000*21=210,000 inches worth of seat. Best guess means they had about 210,000 inches worth of seat for 15,000 seats. 210,000/15,000=14. That's a 7 inch difference per seat.

Do they go by what I tell my wife 7 inches is or do they use an actual ruler?

if its the first one, you could probably get about 23,000 seats in there.

October 13th, 2017, 08:40 AM
When your tool bag fan base comes on trying to make **** up that isn't true? Yea you get called out Humper76.

Talking about small dick complexes. I haven't met an wabbit fan whose dick hangs longer than their balls. Most insecure fan base in the nation. Example randomly squeezing a basketball upgrade photo into this football thread. Shouldn't you be trying to defend other false claims instead like that Moo U invented cookies and cream ice cream?
Just curios, but how many wabbit fans have you met, and how did you obtain knowledge?xchinscratchx

October 13th, 2017, 08:44 AM
Do they go by what I tell my wife 7 inches is or do they use an actual ruler?

if its the first one, you could probably get about 23,000 seats in there.


October 13th, 2017, 08:49 AM
Haha. One should not assume all posters on here are male.

I may be the female Harvey Weinstein of South Dakota.

October 13th, 2017, 09:07 AM



All 17 of USD's sports started in 2016.

The jealousy of jacks fans still amazes me. How did USD announce FCOA any different than the mighty bunny turds? The local media markets all picked up the stories for both schools. You act like USD tried getting it on ESPN or did something different. Grow up. Quit proving why every other fan base hates you.

Did you bother to read the actual document from the BOR? Or is the math difficult for you to understand? You did graduate, or at least maybe you attend(ed) a liberal arts University. All 17, partially funded, as your athletic department catches up over a 3 year period beginning in 2016. You will not be fully funding FCOA until 2019.

Grow up? Funny stuff coming from a USD fan. Jealous? Of what? USD? That's even funnier.

October 13th, 2017, 09:12 AM
MVFC Week 7 Preview (http://thefcswedge.com/mvfc/mvfc-week-7-preview-2/)

October 13th, 2017, 09:33 AM
When your tool bag fan base comes on trying to make **** up that isn't true? Yea you get called out Humper76.

Talking about small dick complexes. I haven't met an wabbit fan whose dick hangs longer than their balls. Most insecure fan base in the nation. Example randomly squeezing a basketball upgrade photo into this football thread. Shouldn't you be trying to defend other false claims instead like that Moo U invented cookies and cream ice cream?

Easy little brother... I know you feel like you're on top of the world right now, because it looks like you're going to have a winning conference record for the first time ever. Congratulations for finally growing up and playing ball like the big boys. Now go sit in your corner until you figure out how to handle your success so you don't sound like a bunch of blubbering douche bags every time you post.

October 13th, 2017, 09:53 AM
What's all that **** hanging from the roof of the Dakota Dome? That's surely for acoustics, I hope....

October 13th, 2017, 09:55 AM
MVFC Week 7 Preview (http://thefcswedge.com/mvfc/mvfc-week-7-preview-2/)
Good stuff there Scott!

October 13th, 2017, 10:09 AM
Good stuff there Scott!
Here here, nice work sir.

October 13th, 2017, 10:09 AM
What's all that **** hanging from the roof of the Dakota Dome? That's surely for acoustics, I hope....
It is.

It's something I wish UNI would look into (maybe they have). Those types of things are in pretty much every large structure. The FargoDome has them as well actually, just not as many or predominately placed. I know I've seen them there.

They absorb sound/echo/reverb.

Outside of covering up a cement wall that is the purpose of those giant black curtains as well. Sound absorption.

UNI needs them badly. A concrete dome with a rounded metal roof and metal seats makes it loud as hell in there. It also makes the PA/band sound horrific.

https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS748US748&biw=1600&bih=809&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=hanging+sound+baffle&oq=hanging+sound+baffle&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0j0i8i30k1.2197.2313.0.2583. (https://www.google.com/search?q=sound+baffles+from+dome&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS748US748&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjuxOim8O3WAhVDxYMKHUEcBAoQ_AUIDCgD&biw=1600&bih=809)

October 13th, 2017, 10:10 AM
Easy little brother... I know you feel like you're on top of the world right now, because it looks like you're going to have a winning conference record for the first time ever. Congratulations for finally growing up and playing ball like the big boys. Now go sit in your corner until you figure out how to handle your success so you don't sound like a bunch of blubbering douche bags every time you post.

Little brother. Rich from a guy who had to go to USD to get a grad degree.

October 13th, 2017, 10:12 AM
Did you bother to read the actual document from the BOR? Or is the math difficult for you to understand? You did graduate, or at least maybe you attend(ed) a liberal arts University. All 17, partially funded, as your athletic department catches up over a 3 year period beginning in 2016. You will not be fully funding FCOA until 2019.

Grow up? Funny stuff coming from a USD fan. Jealous? Of what? USD? That's even funnier.

Look at the dates of each and tell me which of them is more recent. Don't you have to shine up your lifted Dodge for Homo days tomorrow?

October 13th, 2017, 10:12 AM
Easy little brother... I know you feel like you're on top of the world right now, because it looks like you're going to have a winning conference record for the first time ever. Congratulations for finally growing up and playing ball like the big boys. Now go sit in your corner until you figure out how to handle your success so you don't sound like a bunch of blubbering douche bags every time you post.

Haha. Little brother. Hilarious coming from an SDSU grad that probably works a ****tier job than Humper76. How's your trailer in Dells?

Handle success? find one USD poster who is being cocky about our football success this year. If anything they have been extremely humble and have not called all of their opponents stupid nicknames my kid could think of like wabbit posters.

Your dick must be smaller than humpers with how insecure you are.

October 13th, 2017, 10:15 AM
I don't remember a single USD fan coming on here and talking any smack about this season, but keep telling lies.

POD Knows
October 13th, 2017, 10:20 AM
I don't remember a single USD fan coming on here and talking any smack about this season, but keep telling lies.JFC, up your game, don't be shy you pansies. xthumbsupx

October 13th, 2017, 10:23 AM
I don't remember a single USD fan coming on here and talking any smack about this season, but keep telling lies.
There was also only about 7 posts a year from USD fans before the last 2 months.

None of ya'll had the balls to really show up with any consistency before you were good.

October 13th, 2017, 10:26 AM
JFC, up your game, don't be shy you pansies. xthumbsupx
Haha so much this ^
Drop a bomb or 17 on here occasionally, its fun xsmiley_wix

October 13th, 2017, 10:27 AM
There was also only about 7 posts a year from USD fans before the last 2 months.

None of ya'll had the balls to really show up with any consistency before you were good.

Honestly I did not know AGS even existed until last year.

October 13th, 2017, 10:29 AM
JFC, up your game, don't be shy you pansies. xthumbsupx

I'm not much of a smack talker unless someone brings it upon themselves. I am new to this whole online forum thing, and am not much into the banter. I more like to read for info on other teams that I do not know much about.

October 13th, 2017, 10:30 AM
Honestly I did not know AGS even existed until last year.

Did you know usd had a football team before last year?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

October 13th, 2017, 10:31 AM
I didn't know USD's dicks were so much bigger than the insecure wabbit fans at the time. Now that I do I will be around more.

October 13th, 2017, 10:31 AM
Honestly I did not know AGS even existed until last year.

Your join date and your statement don't make sense.

October 13th, 2017, 10:33 AM
Sorry 2 years ago, doesnt feel that long. Still a lot shorter than 90% who post here.

October 13th, 2017, 10:38 AM
Little brother. Rich from a guy who had to go to USD to get a grad degree.

You do have a respectable business school. There's no denying that.

Haha. Little brother. Hilarious coming from an SDSU grad that probably works a ****tier job than Humper76. How's your trailer in Dells?

Handle success? find one USD poster who is being cocky about our football success this year. If anything they have been extremely humble and have not called all of their opponents stupid nicknames my kid could think of like wabbit posters.

Your dick must be smaller than humpers with how insecure you are.

Yes, I got my EE from SDSU and MBA from USD and now I live in a trailer. You got me.

I mentioned handling success because I was giving you the benefit of the doubt in thinking that might be the reason for your stupid posts. Apparently I was wrong.

October 13th, 2017, 10:38 AM
It is.

It's something I wish UNI would look into (maybe they have). Those types of things are in pretty much every large structure. The FargoDome has them as well actually, just not as many or predominately placed. I know I've seen them there.

They absorb sound/echo/reverb.

Outside of covering up a cement wall that is the purpose of those giant black curtains as well. Sound absorption.

UNI needs them badly. A concrete dome with a rounded metal roof and metal seats makes it loud as hell in there. It also makes the PA/band sound horrific.

https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS748US748&biw=1600&bih=809&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=hanging+sound+baffle&oq=hanging+sound+baffle&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0j0i8i30k1.2197.2313.0.2583. (https://www.google.com/search?q=sound+baffles+from+dome&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS748US748&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjuxOim8O3WAhVDxYMKHUEcBAoQ_AUIDCgD&biw=1600&bih=809)

Yea they do. I was at the game with my parents and they were complaining about it being so freakin' loud in there (and my dad plays drums in a rock band nearly every weekend, so it's not like they're this guy (https://expressionsthroughmusic.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/old-guy-turn-down-th-music-meme.jpg)). Everything was just so "booming". Loud is fine, but the echoey/boomy-ness makes it hard to hear...hard to hear the announcer, hard to hear the band. We decided that they needed to throw foam sound diffusing panels up on all the concrete surfaces (here's some nice dark purple and dark grey ones that would look good and fit the color scheme (https://homefoam.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/purple-charcoal-acoustic-wedge-soundproofing-studio-foam-tiles.jpg)). Do that, plus hang some of like what USD has in their roof from the metal part of the UNI-Dome and it would sound a lot better. Tie it into the color scheme...make 'em gold banners, write Northern Iowa Panthers lengthwise on them in purple.

It'd still be very loud, but it wouldn't echo quite as bad.

October 13th, 2017, 10:38 AM
All this dick talk in here...


October 13th, 2017, 10:43 AM
It is.

It's something I wish UNI would look into (maybe they have). Those types of things are in pretty much every large structure. The FargoDome has them as well actually, just not as many or predominately placed. I know I've seen them there.

They absorb sound/echo/reverb.

Outside of covering up a cement wall that is the purpose of those giant black curtains as well. Sound absorption.

UNI needs them badly. A concrete dome with a rounded metal roof and metal seats makes it loud as hell in there. It also makes the PA/band sound horrific.

https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS748US748&biw=1600&bih=809&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=hanging+sound+baffle&oq=hanging+sound+baffle&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0j0i8i30k1.2197.2313.0.2583. (https://www.google.com/search?q=sound+baffles+from+dome&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS748US748&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjuxOim8O3WAhVDxYMKHUEcBAoQ_AUIDCgD&biw=1600&bih=809)

I hope to make a game at UNI one of these years as I can't make it this year. I never knew there was a window in the middle of the roof, that is pretty cool.

POD Knows
October 13th, 2017, 10:46 AM
I'm not much of a smack talker unless someone brings it upon themselves. I am new to this whole online forum thing, and am not much into the banter. I more like to read for info on other teams that I do not know much about.I think a dropped my first mother****er on my second post.

October 13th, 2017, 10:47 AM
I didn't know USD's dicks were so much bigger than the insecure wabbit fans at the time. Now that I do I will be around more.

You sure talk about dicks a lot. Is this one of those scenarios where you feel like if you keep saying it enough times, eventually people might believe it?

October 13th, 2017, 10:49 AM
Yea they do. I was at the game with my parents and they were complaining about it being so freakin' loud in there (and my dad plays drums in a rock band nearly every weekend, so it's not like they're this guy (https://expressionsthroughmusic.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/old-guy-turn-down-th-music-meme.jpg)). Everything was just so "booming". Loud is fine, but the echoey/boomy-ness makes it hard to hear...hard to hear the announcer, hard to hear the band. We decided that they needed to throw foam sound diffusing panels up on all the concrete surfaces (here's some nice dark purple and dark grey ones that would look good and fit the color scheme (https://homefoam.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/purple-charcoal-acoustic-wedge-soundproofing-studio-foam-tiles.jpg)). Do that, plus hang some of like what USD has in their roof from the metal part of the UNI-Dome and it would sound a lot better. Tie it into the color scheme...make 'em gold banners, write Northern Iowa Panthers lengthwise on them in purple.

It'd still be very loud, but it wouldn't echo quite as bad.
Now that I've done thinking on it, I know it's been talked about before. Again, it's the cost associated with it. It's also our previous ADs being so tight with everything they weren't willing to upgrade things. We were still using the original score boards until 3 years ago when we got that 30x100 video board - which was done only because we got a massive grant from somewhere and the High School Athletic Association paying for it.

The turf we got in 09 was due to the Black Hawk County Gaming Association paying for it through a grant. Our old AD was too cheap to do it correctly and he completely ruined the turf and voided the warranty on it within 3 months by cutting it to use old rollers. That's not a lie. It was horrific. Our new AD came in last year and Patty V visited for senior day last year. Told our AD that we must have new turf by this fall or play all of our games on the road - from what I was told. We got new turf. We were run by guys that though Scrooge spent too much money and was too nice to employees

October 13th, 2017, 10:51 AM
I hope to make a game at UNI one of these years as I can't make it this year. I never knew there was a window in the middle of the roof, that is pretty cool.
It's not clear. Can't see through it. It does let in a ton of natural light. We could play day games without any lights on. We don't, but we could.

It creates an amazing look at night from outside though. You can see it for MILES as your driving into CF when lights are on. It's pretty awesome

October 13th, 2017, 10:54 AM

October 13th, 2017, 10:54 AM
Now that I've done thinking on it, I know it's been talked about before. Again, it's the cost associated with it. It's also our previous ADs being so tight with everything they weren't willing to upgrade things. We were still using the original score boards until 3 years ago when we got that 30x100 video board - which was done only because we got a massive grant from somewhere and the High School Athletic Association paying for it.

The turf we got in 09 was due to the Black Hawk County Gaming Association paying for it through a grant. Our old AD was too cheap to do it correctly and he completely ruined the turf and voided the warranty on it within 3 months by cutting it to use old rollers. That's not a lie. It was horrific. Our new AD came in last year and Patty V visited for senior day last year. Told our AD that we must have new turf by this fall or play all of our games on the road - from what I was told. We got new turf. We were run by guys that though Scrooge spent too much money and was too nice to employees

See if you can get a sponsorship by Starkey Hearing Aid company. They're headquartered just south of Minneapolis: http://www.starkey.com/

I hope to make a game at UNI one of these years as I can't make it this year. I never knew there was a window in the middle of the roof, that is pretty cool.

Used to be all fabric, I think...pressurized so it was air-supported. They redid it in the late '90s. First game I went to there we had to go through double doors to get in because of it.

October 13th, 2017, 10:55 AM
It is.

It's something I wish UNI would look into (maybe they have). Those types of things are in pretty much every large structure. The FargoDome has them as well actually, just not as many or predominately placed. I know I've seen them there.

They absorb sound/echo/reverb.

Outside of covering up a cement wall that is the purpose of those giant black curtains as well. Sound absorption.

UNI needs them badly. A concrete dome with a rounded metal roof and metal seats makes it loud as hell in there. It also makes the PA/band sound horrific.

https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS748US748&biw=1600&bih=809&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=hanging+sound+baffle&oq=hanging+sound+baffle&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0j0i8i30k1.2197.2313.0.2583. (https://www.google.com/search?q=sound+baffles+from+dome&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS748US748&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjuxOim8O3WAhVDxYMKHUEcBAoQ_AUIDCgD&biw=1600&bih=809)

Found this in an old Northern Iowan (the UNI student newspaper) from 1971 (pre-UNI Dome) and I figured that they must have moved that sound system into the Dome to save money ...

Though, to be fair, I read reports on Panthernation of the sound being much better for the first home game this year.

It has long been an issue with the UNI Dome. Concerts were especially horrible.

October 13th, 2017, 11:15 AM
Used to be all fabric, I think...pressurized so it was air-supported. They redid it in the late '90s. First game I went to there we had to go through double doors to get in because of it.
Collapsed twice (maybe three times). The last time they finally put the permanent structure on it.


The dome was inflated in October 1975. Had a few issues right inflation

In 1977 a heavy storm rolled through and ripped it apart

It was repaired and stayed perfect until 1994. We had a Metrodome situation 19 years before the Metrodome situation. Snow collapsed the roof.


At that point the new roof fundraising started and was kick-started by the 5 million in insurance money. Cost was about 11.8m. Construction started in 1998, wasn't finished until 2002. Well, the roof was done but not well. It took until 2002 to get most of the issues worked out with it (and there were still pretty significant leaking issues until 2009-2010 when that roof was replaced again by a new PVC type roof after a massive hail storm destroyed the metal exterior.

Photos from the construction

New PVC type roof

I've been a proponent of getting rid of the roof all together and just using the walls. Or opening the top, ala Coybow Stadium.

October 13th, 2017, 11:16 AM
I thought UNI got new turf when they put in the walkway on the one end zone?

What was so bad about the old one? padding? falling apart because they cut it?

October 13th, 2017, 11:26 AM
I thought UNI got new turf when they put in the walkway on the one end zone?

What was so bad about the old one? padding? falling apart because they cut it?
Had sandpaper turf through 08. New stuff in 09 and then again this year

The issue UNI has run into is storage. The sand paper turf could be rolled, easily, by rollers we had and stored under our stands. The new stuff was VERY heavy. It was cheap. Wasn't designed to be rolled into small rolls that would fit where we store the turf. Had a ton of infill. Too heavy for the rollers we had. Rather than spend the money on the proper equipment to roll it our old AD decided to cut the turf into thirds. This void the warranty. It also mean seams didn't match up, yard lines, endzone lines, etc.. were never straight. I mean, very visibly off. There were also seams that were wide enough for feet to fit completely in them. It was atrocious. All because our AD wouldn't spend the money to for the correct roller.

Our new stuff is what NDSU and USD have. Easy to take care of.

October 13th, 2017, 11:41 AM
Thanks for the knowledge and pics Clenz, good stuff xthumbsupx

October 13th, 2017, 11:56 AM
Collapsed twice (maybe three times). The last time they finally put the permanent structure on it.


The dome was inflated in October 1975. Had a few issues right inflation

In 1977 a heavy storm rolled through and ripped it apart

It was repaired and stayed perfect until 1994. We had a Metrodome situation 19 years before the Metrodome situation. Snow collapsed the roof.


At that point the new roof fundraising started and was kick-started by the 5 million in insurance money. Cost was about 11.8m. Construction started in 1998, wasn't finished until 2002. Well, the roof was done but not well. It took until 2002 to get most of the issues worked out with it (and there were still pretty significant leaking issues until 2009-2010 when that roof was replaced again by a new PVC type roof after a massive hail storm destroyed the metal exterior.

Photos from the construction

New PVC type roof

I've been a proponent of getting rid of the roof all together and just using the walls. Or opening the top, ala Coybow Stadium.

At least three times.

It was initially inflated on 10/31/75 and the next day a storm nailed it, then a mechanical failure during a rainstorm deflated it in June of '77.

There is a great history on the Rod Library site:

And a chronology:

October 13th, 2017, 12:25 PM

Do you know what the size difference is between the UNIDome and the Dakotadome? Not seating capacity but square footage or width x depth of the concrete walls for both structures? Couldn't find anything online.

October 13th, 2017, 12:40 PM

Do you know what the size difference is between the UNIDome and the Dakotadome? Not seating capacity but square footage or width x depth of the concrete walls for both structures? Couldn't find anything online.

Google maps shows that the Dakotadome is about 410 ft. wide (approx. 168k sq. ft.) compared to the UNIDome at about 475 ft. (approx. 226k sq. ft.). The sq. ft. numbers are off because the buildings aren't square, but they are similar in shape, so it gives a rough estimate to compare the 2 buildings.

October 13th, 2017, 12:57 PM

Do you know what the size difference is between the UNIDome and the Dakotadome? Not seating capacity but square footage or width x depth of the concrete walls for both structures? Couldn't find anything online.
Exact detentions? No idea. So here's what I did.

Google maps. Both domes scaled to 100FT. Crop everything except the roof/top and outermost rim and overlaid them. The difference is pretty significant. It looks like the entire DakotaDome could 100% fit inside the inside walls of the UNIDome with room to spare

Dakota Dome


DakotaDome overlaid no the UNIDome

Done with the domes replaced by colors to avoid the reflection of white roofs DakotaDome in red, UNIDome in purple

Wall widthis probably essentially the same.
Height? I'll have to do some looking. From photos it looks like the dome is taller.

October 13th, 2017, 01:03 PM
Is the UNIDome sunk in the ground at all? The Dakotadome goes into the ground. maybe 40 or 50 feet. Which is weird because that was the reason the basketball arena had to be build above ground. The water table was too high.

October 13th, 2017, 01:13 PM
Is the UNIDome sunk in the ground at all? The Dakotadome goes into the ground. maybe 40 or 50 feet. Which is weird because that was the reason the basketball arena had to be build above ground. The water table was too high.

Kind of ...

Cutaway of plan from 1974:


Photo of construction from north side:


(which includes the fundraising, lawsuits, opposition and how one student group proposed to name it after Richard Nixon)

October 13th, 2017, 01:21 PM
It's built on a hill. It's neither above or below ground and it is both above and below ground. Can't really describe it.

The east and west sides are "under ground". You concourse level is the mid point of the dome for rows. From that point to the floor, if we could make it a straight line, is probably 40 feet?

The entire north side of the dome is above ground

The south side is like 25% underground as it would be like row 15 if talking row height. You can enter there but you have to go up steps to get to the concourse level.

Old photo facing the south side of the building. You can see doors going outside, steps to the floor and steps going up to concourse level.


Street view of the east side of the dome
https://www.google.com/maps/@42.5156313,-92.465516,3a,75y,275.35h,83.52t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sLs8ABVS0wdRXr1k7LQ6tsQ!2e0!6s% 2F%2Fgeo3.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DLs8ABVS0wdRXr 1k7LQ6tsQ%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_ sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26y aw%3D114.1584%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312 !8i6656

Street is probably just above field level

Thumper 76
October 13th, 2017, 01:30 PM
When your tool bag fan base comes on trying to make **** up that isn't true? Yea you get called out Humper76.

Talking about small dick complexes. I haven't met an wabbit fan whose dick hangs longer than their balls. Most insecure fan base in the nation. Example randomly squeezing a basketball upgrade photo into this football thread. Shouldn't you be trying to defend other false claims instead like that Moo U invented cookies and cream ice cream?

Yeah, citing a BOR document=making **** up xlolx


Oh here I’ll squeeze in a photo of our football stadium that makes the dump look like even more of a treatment plant




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Thumper 76
October 13th, 2017, 01:31 PM
Little brother. Rich from a guy who had to go to USD to get a grad degree.

Rich coming from the school that has the med and law school and still manages to be ranked lower nationally than SDSU is.

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October 13th, 2017, 01:37 PM
Like Clenz said, where those doors are is "ground level" on that side of the dome, here's where those come out: https://www.google.com/maps/@42.5145141,-92.4664252,55a,35y,308.84h,60.47t/data=!3m1!1e3!5m1!1e4

The part where the vertical ridges on the outside stop is just above the doors leading outside. If you follow them around the building, you see that on the east side and west side, those ridges stop at ground level (because the ground comes up around the stadium on those sides), but on the north side, the "ground" is about level with where the field is...well below those ridges:

Here's another good view of it that shows how much you have to go up from the parking area or road to get to the east entrances: https://www.google.com/maps/@42.5169293,-92.4652928,36a,35y,228.37h,72.83t/data=!3m1!1e3!5m1!1e4
(note the sets of steps on the sidewalk heading up the hill).

If the water table is below the road next to it, then you'd have to dig down from the field to get there, even though there is "ground" at a higher level directly around it.

Oh, and if we're doing crappy photos of stadiums, I think I win...

October 13th, 2017, 01:42 PM
Careful humper76. Your penis is getting smaller again dicknocchio. Must be smoke break at your ****ty job or something.

I think you meant to put a picture of Caughlin Alumni Stadium up.

October 13th, 2017, 01:45 PM
Like Clenz said, where those doors are is "ground level" on that side of the dome, here's where those come out: https://www.google.com/maps/@42.5145141,-92.4664252,55a,35y,308.84h,60.47t/data=!3m1!1e3!5m1!1e4

The part where the vertical ridges on the outside stop is just above the doors leading outside. If you follow them around the building, you see that on the east side and west side, those ridges stop at ground level (because the ground comes up around the stadium on those sides), but on the north side, the "ground" is about level with where the field is...well below those ridges:

Here's another good view of it that shows how much you have to go up from the parking area or road to get to the east entrances: https://www.google.com/maps/@42.5169293,-92.4652928,36a,35y,228.37h,72.83t/data=!3m1!1e3!5m1!1e4
(note the sets of steps on the sidewalk heading up the hill).

If the water table is below the road next to it, then you'd have to dig down from the field to get there, even though there is "ground" at a higher level directly around it.

Oh, and if we're doing crappy photos of stadiums, I think I win...

No just Moo U fans trying to tell everyone how sweet and cool they are again. They wont start talking **** about WIU until they start playing you in a few weeks.

Should be pulling high schools stories out any minute now.

October 13th, 2017, 01:49 PM
No just Moo U fans trying to tell everyone how sweet and cool they are again. They wont start talking **** about WIU until they start playing you in a few weeks.

Should be pulling high schools stories out any minute now.

Wow.....you guys are complete twats just like UND fans. xlolx

October 13th, 2017, 02:19 PM
FWIW here's the Fargo, Dakota and UNI Domes


October 13th, 2017, 02:27 PM
Careful humper76. Your penis is getting smaller again dicknocchio. Must be smoke break at your ****ty job or something.

I think you meant to put a picture of Caughlin Alumni Stadium up.


October 13th, 2017, 04:34 PM
Is the UNIDome sunk in the ground at all? The Dakotadome goes into the ground. maybe 40 or 50 feet. Which is weird because that was the reason the basketball arena had to be build above ground. The water table was too high.

Maybe thats why your swimming pool is down there in the basement of the dakota dome.

POD Knows
October 13th, 2017, 04:49 PM
Rich coming from the school that has the med and law school and still manages to be ranked lower nationally than SDSU is.

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkIs USD ranked below UND because UND is the region benchmark for Law and Medical malpractice.

POD Knows
October 13th, 2017, 04:51 PM
No just Moo U fans trying to tell everyone how sweet and cool they are again. They wont start talking **** about WIU until they start playing you in a few weeks.

Should be pulling high schools stories out any minute now.Holy Crap, Moo U is weak smack, JFC, come up with something original, I am embarrassed for you.

Thumper 76
October 13th, 2017, 05:07 PM
Holy Crap, Moo U is weak smack, JFC, come up with something original, I am embarrassed for you.

It wasn’t the fact that he was talking about penis size on the Internet? xlolx

Fun side fact, the cowbell tradition started at SDSU in the 20’s to mock their weak smack of calling SDSU moo u.

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Thumper 76
October 13th, 2017, 05:09 PM
Careful humper76. Your penis is getting smaller again dicknocchio. Must be smoke break at your ****ty job or something.

I think you meant to put a picture of Caughlin Alumni Stadium up.

They don’t call it the one inch wonder for nothing. On the other hand, our stadium IS much larger. And our fanbase. And our number of conference wins. And the number of consecutive weeks in the top 25. And our indoor facility.

What’s not larger is the number of guys putting so much effort into being an Internet tough guy that it hurts to watch. xlolx

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October 13th, 2017, 05:12 PM
They don’t call it the one inch wonder for nothing. On the other hand, our stadium IS much larger. And our fanbase. And our number of conference wins. And the number of consecutive weeks in the top 25. And our indoor facility.

What’s not larger is the number of guys putting so much effort into being an Internet tough guy that it hurts to watch. xlolx

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I think your engineering grads make more than their liberal arts grads....

October 13th, 2017, 05:45 PM

October 13th, 2017, 06:12 PM
Is USD ranked below UND because UND is the region benchmark for Law and Medical malpractice.

What's getting lost here......is that all of these guys are state school peasants. :D

October 13th, 2017, 06:22 PM
What's all that **** hanging from the roof of the Dakota Dome? That's surely for acoustics, I hope....
We have those too. They are blank banners that we bought for championships

October 13th, 2017, 06:23 PM
Man, the last few pages have been sad. Weakest rivalry smack ever.

Professor Chaos
October 13th, 2017, 06:29 PM
Holy Crap, Moo U is weak smack, JFC, come up with something original, I am embarrassed for you.
I don't know, dicknocchio is pretty original. I let out a slight titter when I read that.

October 13th, 2017, 06:43 PM
I don't know, dicknocchio is pretty original. I let out a slight titter when I read that.

Don't encourage him, otherwise we'll have dick smack for days on here. (Both what he talks about and a good nickname for him)

Coyote Fan
October 13th, 2017, 06:59 PM
The Dakota Dome total capacity is not 10,000 like USD claims nor are the crowds above 9000 like USD claims. I counted the seats myself in one section and I estimated that East side grand stand to be about 5900 and the west side bleachers hold about 1600. The actual capacity of the dome as it is now is close to 7500 even though it is said to be 10,000. Last week the dome was sold out but the butts in the seats were probably close to 7000 and it might have been even a few less than that. The bleachers were not totally full, although close and I believe when I saw the TV broadcast I saw a few empty seats on the main grand stand eventhough it was said to be sold out. If USD is to get to even 15K after they take out the west side bleachers they would need to add 9000 additional seats which I don't think would be possible. Adding about 6K to the west side would put the capacity close to 12K but I don't believe getting over 15K may even be possible unless there was a very wide and high addition to the west side.

October 13th, 2017, 07:13 PM
The Dakota Dome total capacity is not 10,000 like USD claims nor are the crowds above 9000 like USD claims. I counted the seats myself in one section and I estimated that East side grand stand to be about 5900 and the west side bleachers hold about 1600. The actual capacity of the dome as it is now is close to 7500 even though it is said to be 10,000. Last week the dome was sold out but the butts in the seats were probably close to 7000 and it might have been even a few less than that. The bleachers were not totally full, although close and I believe when I saw the TV broadcast I saw a few empty seats on the main grand stand eventhough it was said to be sold out. If USD is to get to even 15K after they take out the west side bleachers they would need to add 9000 additional seats which I don't think would be possible. Adding about 6K to the west side would put the capacity close to 12K but I don't believe getting over 15K may even be possible unless there was a very wide and high addition to the west side.
Never have seen the 10K capacity questioned, nice info. Why lie about that?

October 13th, 2017, 08:50 PM
Never have seen the 10K capacity questioned, nice info. Why lie about that?

I was curious about our stadium today with the talk of capacity and stuff. Did a bit of counting and slightly generous estimating and I don't see how we can claim to have any more than 12,000 seats tops...including the band. If we jam-packed the stadium itself AND put a bunch of people on the surrounding hillsides, we could maybe hit 14k....but we're listed at over 16k capacity.

Now, to be fair, our East side bleachers were redone a decade or so ago and they didn't change our listed capacity, so it's possible we had space for a few more with the old bleachers.

I've also seen photos of said stands, hillsides, track, and area around the end zones absolutely packed from games back in the 70s, so it's possible that our record of just under 20k actually happened, but I think our listed capacity is probably off a bit as well.

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Coyote Fan
October 13th, 2017, 09:44 PM
Never have seen the 10K capacity questioned, nice info. Why lie about that?

I really don't think people would take the time to question it. I am a facts type of person whether that furthers the cause I care about or not. I suppose if they are counting 2500 standing room only spaces around the field they could claim 10,000. I counted actual seats and added a few extra seats for where the bleachers are on the grand stand side. I also added 100 spots to the party deck which is not very big and I doubt 100 people could have a view of the field if there were tables setup around that area. What is interesting is that the WNIT title game in the dome was just as packed as any football game and they announced a crowd of just over 7400 for that game which is probably very similar to what the football crowd should be announced at. I think they have done it for years and want to make themselves look better than what they are. I am very anti-exaggeration and in life it happens all the time. On the Coyote board I broke down exactly how I came to what my estimation of what the capacity is.

October 13th, 2017, 09:49 PM
I really don't think people would take the time to question it. I am a facts type of person whether that furthers the cause I care about or not. I suppose if they are counting 2500 standing room only spaces around the field they could claim 10,000. I counted actual seats and added a few extra seats for where the bleachers are on the grand stand side. I also added 100 spots to the party deck which is not very big and I doubt 100 people could have a view of the field if there were tables setup around that area. What is interesting is that the WNIT title game in the dome was just as packed as any football game and they announced a crowd of just over 7400 for that game which is probably very similar to what the football crowd should be announced at. I think they have done it for years and want to make themselves look better than what they are. I am very anti-exaggeration and in life it happens all the time. On the Coyote board I broke down exactly how I came to what my estimation of what the capacity is.
Amen brother, amen!
Would be a very ambitious project but be cool to have fans of teams spend some time and actually count real seats vs reported capacity. Bet the outcome would be very surprising.

October 13th, 2017, 10:21 PM
Amen brother, amen!
Would be a very ambitious project but be cool to have fans of teams spend some time and actually count real seats vs reported capacity. Bet the outcome would be very surprising.

I gotta go spend some quality time out at our stadium and do some counting. Just gotta find a spare hour or so to do it.

Yote 53
October 13th, 2017, 11:46 PM
There was also only about 7 posts a year from USD fans before the last 2 months.

None of ya'll had the balls to really show up with any consistency before you were good.
I've been here verbally sparring with you for years Clenz. I also haven't talked any junk about our season so far. The conference is a meat grinder, things can go bad in a hurry. No need to tempt fate.

Yote 53
October 14th, 2017, 12:05 AM
Where Coyote Fans counting method falls on its face is that all tickets to USD games are electronically scanned in, every single one including student tickets. You don't have to do a crowd estimate or count seats when you can simply look at the computer screen and see the number of tickets scanned, including which tickets are scanned. They can tell you if season ticket holders are actually using the purchased tickets or not, etc. The attendance counts are correct these days. They were suspect in the past, but not anymore.

October 14th, 2017, 01:23 AM
The state of Indiana is giving us $37.5M to renovate Hulman Center (basketball arena) we need like $50M total for it.

For $20M we could probably get a nice football stadium on campus.


Professor Chaos
October 14th, 2017, 02:14 AM
Where Coyote Fans counting method falls on its face is that all tickets to USD games are electronically scanned in, every single one including student tickets. You don't have to do a crowd estimate or count seats when you can simply look at the computer screen and see the number of tickets scanned, including which tickets are scanned. They can tell you if season ticket holders are actually using the purchased tickets or not, etc. The attendance counts are correct these days. They were suspect in the past, but not anymore.
We'll see if that's the case if you guys get a playoff home game this year. Schools tend to get their attendance reporting accurate in a hurry when they have to send 75% of their paid attendance revenue to the NCAA because if they over report at all they're basically taking money out of their own pocket.

It's like clockwork every playoff season where some fans comment how low attendance was reported to be given the crowd didn't "look" any smaller to them than a normal regular season game where attendance was reported significantly higher.

October 14th, 2017, 08:27 AM
Where Coyote Fans counting method falls on its face is that all tickets to USD games are electronically scanned in, every single one including student tickets. You don't have to do a crowd estimate or count seats when you can simply look at the computer screen and see the number of tickets scanned, including which tickets are scanned. They can tell you if season ticket holders are actually using the purchased tickets or not, etc. The attendance counts are correct these days. They were suspect in the past, but not anymore.

Just because they can see the number doesn’t mean they report that number.

I worked in the UNI ticket office for 3 years. I’m well aware of how attendance numbers get reported. It’s never correct. Ever. Anywhere. For any event. That’s not a UNI thing. That’s a industry standard.

October 14th, 2017, 10:17 AM
Just because they can see the number doesn’t mean they report that number.

I worked in the UNI ticket office for 3 years. I’m well aware of how attendance numbers get reported. It’s never correct. Ever. Anywhere. For any event. That’s not a UNI thing. That’s a industry standard.

Id like to know how many were at our home games this year. We had 4600 at both. Going off what it looked like compared to what they said in the past i thought game 1 was 8000 and game 2 was 2000. I think they report tickets sold but who knows

October 14th, 2017, 11:27 AM
Rich coming from the school that has the med and law school and still manages to be ranked lower nationally than SDSU is.

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I would love to know what your major was. All I can attest to is the business school. I've had friends attend SDSU for two years then transfer to USD to attend the business school. They likened the State business program to High School.

October 14th, 2017, 11:51 AM
I really don't think people would take the time to question it. I am a facts type of person whether that furthers the cause I care about or not. I suppose if they are counting 2500 standing room only spaces around the field they could claim 10,000. I counted actual seats and added a few extra seats for where the bleachers are on the grand stand side. I also added 100 spots to the party deck which is not very big and I doubt 100 people could have a view of the field if there were tables setup around that area. What is interesting is that the WNIT title game in the dome was just as packed as any football game and they announced a crowd of just over 7400 for that game which is probably very similar to what the football crowd should be announced at. I think they have done it for years and want to make themselves look better than what they are. I am very anti-exaggeration and in life it happens all the time. On the Coyote board I broke down exactly how I came to what my estimation of what the capacity is.
Coyote Fan, you are hereby served with warning that your user name does not meet University of South Dakota fan message board naming standards. It must be Yote or Yotes followed by 2 numbers. Any other name is considered seditious. Please ignore CitDog's defense of your inalienable right to sedition and change your user name or face re-assimilation into the Coyote Collective. ;)

October 14th, 2017, 03:44 PM
Its kind of a circus today

October 14th, 2017, 03:51 PM
The Valley right now


October 14th, 2017, 04:02 PM
WTF is going on today? Every team that should be winning is getting their ass kicked. I hope that changes tonight!xeyebrowx

October 14th, 2017, 04:03 PM
Check that, at least USD is holding serve.xlolx

October 14th, 2017, 04:06 PM
Check that, at least USD is holding serve.xlolx

We have a corner that couldnt cover me......or Stephen Hawking

October 14th, 2017, 04:08 PM
We have a corner that couldnt cover me......or Stephen Hawking
USD is legit. They are scary good right now.

Professor Chaos
October 14th, 2017, 04:09 PM
Streveler 26-31 for 324 yards and 4 TDs. Also 8 carries for 82 yards and another TD.

He's kinda good and stuff...

October 14th, 2017, 04:13 PM
Streveler 26-31 for 324 yards and 4 TDs. Also 8 carries for 82 yards and another TD.

He's kinda good and stuff...

I love that the Golfers chose Nelson and Leidner over Streveler. Nothing better than seeing the Golfers swing and miss hard.

October 14th, 2017, 04:17 PM
I love that the Golfers chose Nelson and Leidner over Streveler. Nothing better than seeing the Golfers swing and miss hard.

I love watching goofer fans cry.

October 14th, 2017, 04:19 PM
I love watching goofer fans cry.

Those damn hipsters I tell ya... xlolx

October 14th, 2017, 04:44 PM
God I hope Murray State is added to the conference next season. We need someone we have a chance of beating. I'm sure Missouri State and Southern Illinois feel the same way even though they're both winning right now.

Maybe we should go to the OVC. Eastern Illinois is well on their way to being 4-0 in that league.

October 14th, 2017, 05:07 PM
SDSU is really struggling down 38-12 while Missouri State has squandered their lead and now the game is tied at 21.

Professor Chaos
October 14th, 2017, 05:47 PM
Jaelon Acklin for WIU is a dude! Man is he a playmaker!

October 14th, 2017, 05:52 PM
Jaelon Acklin for WIU is a dude! Man is he a playmaker!

No reason to believe he is not in the conversation for OPOY if he can keep this up.

October 14th, 2017, 06:01 PM
MSU 30
WIU 35
8:25 left

2-pt conversion unsuccessful
This one is going down to the wire.

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October 14th, 2017, 06:05 PM
Our guy could have let the kickoff go out, but no....gotta grab it at the 2.

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October 14th, 2017, 06:23 PM
Our guy could have let the kickoff go out, but no....gotta grab it at the 2.

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It looks like weather is about to cut loose there

October 14th, 2017, 06:25 PM
It looks like weather is about to cut loose there

It just did. Game postponed. Most of us made it to the student union or rec center before the monsoon hit.


Those are the stadium lights behind the flag and trees.


October 14th, 2017, 06:35 PM
[QUOTE=ST_Lawson;2547424]It just did. Game postponed. Most of us made it to the student union or rec center before the monsoon hit.


Those are the stadium lights behind the flag and trees.


Did they say theyre going to wait for the storm to pass or finish the game a different day? Anyone know the rule for when it is considered a win if called by weather?]

October 14th, 2017, 06:39 PM
[QUOTE=ST_Lawson;2547424]It just did. Game postponed. Most of us made it to the student union or rec center before the monsoon hit.


Those are the stadium lights behind the flag and trees.


Did they say theyre going to wait for the storm to pass or finish the game a different day? Anyone know the rule for when it is considered a win if called by weather?]
I’m pretty sure they will wait it out

October 14th, 2017, 06:40 PM
Did they say theyre going to wait for the storm to pass or finish the game a different day? Anyone know the rule for when it is considered a win if called by weather?

I think they'll resume play in maybe 30-45.

It's just a single line going through. Once it's past they'll restart.

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October 14th, 2017, 06:44 PM
I am hoping so too but I believe we still have a grass field and that is what I am more worried about if the field will be playable after the storm.

October 14th, 2017, 06:44 PM
I am hoping so too but I believe we still have a grass field and that is what I am more worried about if the field will be playable after the storm.

No, turf. Took out the grass after the 2010 monsoon season. It'll be slippery though.

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October 14th, 2017, 06:48 PM
okay well i have to make a trip back down because I was there pre turf!

October 14th, 2017, 06:49 PM
Time to bring up the NDSU and YSU game on my phone. Thank you watchESPN app.

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October 14th, 2017, 07:29 PM
Leathernecks and Bears heading back on the field to start warming up again. Maybe 20-30 minutes until we start up.

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October 14th, 2017, 07:48 PM
Back underway

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Thumper 76
October 15th, 2017, 02:57 AM
Just because they can see the number doesn’t mean they report that number.

I worked in the UNI ticket office for 3 years. I’m well aware of how attendance numbers get reported. It’s never correct. Ever. Anywhere. For any event. That’s not a UNI thing. That’s a industry standard.

I would love to know what your major was. All I can attest to is the business school. I've had friends attend SDSU for two years then transfer to USD to attend the business school. They likened the State business program to High School.
Not sure what this has to do with the price of tea in China when we’re talking national rankings, but I can guarantee I’m not going to GAF about giving any information about myself out to people who apparently stalk me on the internet, talk about my penis size, and call me humper xlolx

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October 15th, 2017, 08:31 AM
We have a corner that couldnt cover me......or Stephen Hawking


I'm so going to use that one.....couldn't cover Stephen Hawking...xbowx

October 15th, 2017, 03:08 PM

I'm so going to use that one.....couldn't cover Stephen Hawking...xbowx

I suspect you will see him next week

October 15th, 2017, 09:31 PM
Hey MVFC people. I'm looking for someone who might be interested in being my backup for writing the MVFC articles on thefcswedge.com.
It'd be rare that you'd be called upon to write something, but in case something happens to me, we want to make sure that the blog retains consistency in what gets posted and when.
As most of you have probably noticed, I usually do a preview article that goes up either Thursday or Friday before the weekend games, and I'll do a recap article that usually goes out Monday morning, but occasionally Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning.

Let me know if you're interested and we'll see what we can work out.


October 15th, 2017, 09:57 PM

Not sure what this has to do with the price of tea in China when we’re talking national rankings, but I can guarantee I’m not going to GAF about giving any information about myself out to people who apparently stalk me on the internet, talk about my penis size, and call me humper xlolx

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Translation: I'm embarrassed of my degree.

October 15th, 2017, 10:38 PM
Translation: I'm embarrassed of my degree.

USD: the Harvard of Vermillion.......wicked awesome! xlolx

October 15th, 2017, 11:46 PM
USD: the Harvard of Vermillion.......wicked awesome! xlolx

Translate: I wasn't smart enough to become an engineer

October 16th, 2017, 09:10 AM
Week 7 Recap: http://thefcswedge.com/mvfc/mvfc-week-7-in-review/

October 16th, 2017, 10:07 AM
Translate: I wasn't smart enough to become an engineer


Ouch you got me good.

October 16th, 2017, 10:09 AM

Ouch you got me good.

Stop. xlolx Really though....how hard is it to get in any of the "big 4" Dakota schools? Don't they practically ****ing beg for enrollment? xlolx

October 16th, 2017, 10:20 AM
Stop. xlolx Really though....how hard is it to get in any of the "big 4" Dakota schools? Don't they practically ****ing beg for enrollment? xlolx

All are above 80%. USD is second highest.

It’s not hard to get into any of them.

I grew up in NW Iowa. Everyone from my area goes there. They were the fall back to Iowa and Iowa State.


October 16th, 2017, 10:24 AM
I looked up EIU 50% and ISUb 82%

I have to assume EIU's application rate is about .00001% because I have never heard of someone not being accepted there and at this point I cant fathom why they wouldnt accept someone.

October 16th, 2017, 10:26 AM

Ouch you got me good.

That's enough of that USD snobbery.

October 16th, 2017, 10:34 AM
That's enough of that USD snobbery.

Fair enough, let's move on then.

October 16th, 2017, 10:34 AM
I looked up EIU 50% and ISUb 82%

I have to assume EIU's application rate is about .00001% because I have never heard of someone not being accepted there and at this point I cant fathom why they wouldnt accept someone.

Ditto...Western is at 59% as of Fall 2016, but to not be able to get into Western....um....damn.

October 16th, 2017, 10:37 AM
Ditto...Western is at 59% as of Fall 2016, but to not be able to get into Western....um....damn.

I would assume 10% of apps are South Harmon Institute of Technology quality, but if you have an ACT score and a pulse, they will take you. I never said you would graduate....but they will let you spend money trying.

October 16th, 2017, 10:43 AM
When it comes to schools that are in the mvfc it’s be interesting to see enrollment rate vs acceptance rate.

Why? Tells you about who is a fallback school and who isn’t.

Those are tough to find because schools don’t want that known. It’s why most schools have such a high rate. Kids will apply to 10 schools. Can only pick 1. Need to accept a ton to get enrollment.

Retention rate is also a good number to look at. Tells you what freshman think about their time on campus.

Enrollment rate is impossible to find for many. Used to be easy to find.

Retention rates:
UND 81%
SDSU 78%
NDSU 78%
USD 76%

FWIW, since I'm a UNI fan I'll add our numbers https://www.usnews.com/best-colleges/uni-1890

Acceptance rate: 82%
Retention rate: 84%

October 16th, 2017, 10:57 AM
Did you graduate high school: no/yes
Did you get a GED: no/yes
4+4 equals which of the following: a. 3.14 b. 8 c. Jello d. i can pay my bills in cash

October 16th, 2017, 10:59 AM
Did you graduate high school: no/yes
Did you get a GED: no/yes
4+4 equals which of the following: a. 3.14 b. 8 c. Jello d. i can pay my bills in cash

What's the cash for? Those loans are guaranteed!

Yote 53
October 16th, 2017, 12:19 PM
Did you graduate high school: no/yes
Did you get a GED: no/yes
4+4 equals which of the following: a. 3.14 b. 8 c. Jello d. i can pay my bills in cash

For colleges these days either B or D or both are acceptable answers.

October 16th, 2017, 12:24 PM
i think for Jucos there is 1 question:
Can you read this question (please be honest): Y/N.....maybe

October 16th, 2017, 12:45 PM
Stop. xlolx Really though....how hard is it to get in any of the "big 4" Dakota schools? Don't they practically ****ing beg for enrollment? xlolx
Back in the day I think the only entrance requirement was a heartbeat.

October 16th, 2017, 01:01 PM
For colleges these days either B or D or both are acceptable answers.


October 16th, 2017, 01:02 PM
Illinois State Fall 2016 acceptance rate 89%
81.1% of fall 2015 new first time in college students persisted to their second year72.2% of first time in college students in fall 2010 graduated within 6 years

October 16th, 2017, 01:05 PM
Updated power ranking imo:


YSU and WIU seem to be neck and neck, with YSU slightly ahead.

SIU and SDSU seem to be at the same level currently.

ISUr is surprisingly bad, but probably not worst than the bottom 2.

October 16th, 2017, 01:11 PM
Back in the day I think the only entrance requirement was a heartbeat.
A BOT could get into UND's online program. :D

Professor Chaos
October 16th, 2017, 01:33 PM
Updated power ranking imo:


YSU and WIU seem to be neck and neck, with YSU slightly ahead.

SIU and SDSU seem to be at the same level currently.

ISUr is surprisingly bad, but probably not worst than the bottom 2.
Agree for the most part. SDSU did wipe the field with SIU so I'd still put SDSU at 6. 1-2 are neck and neck and elite. 3-4 are neck and neck and very good. 5-8 are a jumble of mediocrity. 9-10 are well behind the rest.

October 16th, 2017, 01:36 PM
Agree for the most part. SDSU did wipe the field with SIU so I'd still put SDSU at 6. 1-2 are neck and neck and elite. 3-4 are neck and neck and very good. 5-8 are a jumble of mediocrity. 9-10 are well behind the rest.
Remember UNI was 7 seconds away from beating your "VERY GOOD" and gets a crack at your next "very good" this weekend.

Professor Chaos
October 16th, 2017, 02:11 PM
Remember UNI was 7 seconds away from beating your "VERY GOOD" and gets a crack at your next "very good" this weekend.
Yeah, there's still a lot of teams that can prove a whole heck of a lot over this last month of the regular season. In my estimation there's 8 teams that not only have shots at the playoffs but have a shot at a seed if they win out. However, just through the necessary attrition at least 3 (and maybe even 4) of those teams aren't even going to make the playoffs.

October 16th, 2017, 03:20 PM
I love that the Golfers chose Nelson and Leidner over Streveler. Nothing better than seeing the Golfers swing and miss hard.

Not sure how they missed on him either. If they would have kept Streveler as a QB all 3 year he would probably be even better yet.

Being serious here but the Gophers have missed on a lot of talent in their own back yard recruiting wise too. The likes of Michael Floyds etc. It amazes me they are never good in football or basketball when they have a top 5 enrollment nationally every year.

October 16th, 2017, 03:46 PM
Yea but SDSU is the only school out of all mentioned that lets kids in with an embarrassing ACT composite score of 18. That's how Humper's dumb ass got a degree in hospitality management with a minor in social media.

October 16th, 2017, 03:52 PM
Yea but SDSU is the only school out of all mentioned that lets kids in with an embarrassing ACT composite score of 18. That's how Humper's dumb ass got a degree in hospitality management with a minor in social media.
You don't know what social media managers get paid, do you?

Social media falls under marketing or communication, depending on the school. Things are changing. Social Media Managers make like 60K plus these days as an average salary.

Sure, it's not six figures, but that's not bad work to **** around on facebook, linked, twitter, etc...

Depending where you are/what your duties are there are some that make 90K+.

Entry level is like 50K


October 16th, 2017, 03:56 PM
Yea but SDSU is the only school out of all mentioned that lets kids in with an embarrassing ACT composite score of 18. That's how Humper's dumb ass got a degree in hospitality management with a minor in social media.

Time to move on 84... Thumper is already on suicide watch after the egg they laid on Hobo Day.

October 16th, 2017, 04:05 PM
Time to move on 84... Thumper is already on suicide watch after the egg they laid on Hobo Day.

You guys are pathetic. I'd tell you to act like you've been there before (winning), but I cant. xlolx

October 16th, 2017, 05:32 PM
A BOT can get into UND's online program. :D

FYP xthumbsupx

October 16th, 2017, 05:34 PM
Not sure how they missed on him either. If they would have kept Streveler as a QB all 3 year he would probably be even better yet.

Being serious here but the Gophers have missed on a lot of talent in their own back yard recruiting wise too. The likes of Michael Floyds etc. It amazes me they are never good in football or basketball when they have a top 5 enrollment nationally every year.

Minnesota Sports...amirite?

October 16th, 2017, 05:36 PM
You don't know what social media managers get paid, do you?

Social media falls under marketing or communication, depending on the school. Things are changing. Social Media Managers make like 60K plus these days as an average salary.

Sure, it's not six figures, but that's not bad work to **** around on facebook, linked, twitter, etc...

Depending where you are/what your duties are there are some that make 90K+.

Entry level is like 50K


That is an interesting field of work. Never knew much about what they did till I started my current role and now I work with them on a semi-regular basis. What they do is interesting enough that I would consider it as a second career. There is a lot more that goes into their roles then just checking/posting things on social media.

Thumper 76
October 16th, 2017, 06:06 PM
Yea but SDSU is the only school out of all mentioned that lets kids in with an embarrassing ACT composite score of 18. That's how Humper's dumb ass got a degree in hospitality management with a minor in social media.

Time to move on 84... Thumper is already on suicide watch after the egg they laid on Hobo Day.

Jesus, ladies I’m married you can stop fighting over me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Bison Fan in NW MN
October 16th, 2017, 06:08 PM
That is an interesting field of work. Never knew much about what they did till I started my current role and now I work with them on a semi-regular basis. What they do is interesting enough that I would consider it as a second career. There is a lot more that goes into their roles then just checking/posting things on social media.

My daughter got her degree in Strategic Communications. She is at an internship doing marketing, communications, social media, business and others I guess. She does all kinds of things. She says it is a good field to get into.

October 16th, 2017, 06:28 PM
My daughter got her degree in Strategic Communications. She is at an internship doing marketing, communications, social media, business and others I guess. She does all kinds of things. She says it is a good field to get into.

From what I can tell, it is. Today corporations are really watching their image much more closely and there is always somebody watching what people post to the corporate social pages, etc. Especially now days when there is a lawsuit and the attorneys start using your own posts (or customers) against you in court.

October 16th, 2017, 08:19 PM
From what I can tell, it is. Today corporations are really watching their image much more closely and there is always somebody watching what people post to the corporate social pages, etc. Especially now days when there is a lawsuit and the attorneys start using your own posts (or customers) against you in court.

The field is exploding. It’s growing. It’s brand new. Facebook and Twitter are still really less than a decade old. Only a couple years old for news and business purposes.

Smart companies are dumping tons of money into social media marketing and strategy.

October 16th, 2017, 09:15 PM
Not sure how they missed on him either. If they would have kept Streveler as a QB all 3 year he would probably be even better yet.

Being serious here but the Gophers have missed on a lot of talent in their own back yard recruiting wise too. The likes of Michael Floyds etc. It amazes me they are never good in football or basketball when they have a top 5 enrollment nationally every year.

Floyd, IIRC, went to Notre Dame so it is not like they missed but more of the better teams came calling.


October 16th, 2017, 09:19 PM
5dimes.com odds for Oct. 21

SDSU -22.5
at MSU

SIU -13.5
at Ind state

WIU at
NDSU -12.5

USD -10
at Il State

YSU -1.5
at UNI

October 16th, 2017, 09:19 PM
Floyd, IIRC, went to Notre Dame so it is not like they missed but more of the better teams came calling.

He did go to Notre Dame. He was a top 25 player in the country. Had offers from Florida, Iowa, Louisville, Miami (FL), Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio State, Wisconsin.

Sure, MN needs to start finding ways to keep home town kids around, but it's tough to convince a kid to pass on those offers.

October 16th, 2017, 09:22 PM
He did go to Notre Dame. He was a top 25 player in the country. Had offers from Florida, Iowa, Louisville, Miami (FL), Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio State, Wisconsin.

Sure, MN needs to start finding ways to keep home town kids around, but it's tough to convince a kid to pass on those offers.As much as some Gopher fans think they are a top level team the Gophers are on a lower than most those other teams.


Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

October 16th, 2017, 09:25 PM
As much as some Gopher fans think they are a top level team the Gophers are on a lower than most those other teams.


Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Iowa - by many measures, as much as I hate to admit it - is a too 25-30 all time program. Even they lose 5* kids to Michigan, Notre Dame, Oregon, Ohio State, etc... when they come calling. Iowa has a freaking lockdown on this state for any kid they want. Doesn't matter when those places come calling

October 16th, 2017, 09:27 PM
5dimes.com odds for Oct. 21

SDSU -22.5
at MSU

SIU -13.5
at Ind state

WIU at
NDSU -12.5

USD -10
at Il State

YSU -1.5
at UNI

These 2 are what stick out to me, but the one in red just seems like a complete miss. I'd take that bet in a heartbeat that USD wins by more than 10.

October 16th, 2017, 09:32 PM
Iowa - by many measures, as much as I hate to admit it - is a too 25-30 all time program. Even they lose 5* kids to Michigan, Notre Dame, Oregon, Ohio State, etc... when they come calling. Iowa has a freaking lockdown on this state for any kid they want. Doesn't matter when those places come calling

Agreed. Something about Iowa, Wisconsin and NDSU (different level I know) but they tend to have a lock down in their respective states. Probably Nebraska as well. There are more I am sure.

Minnesota is not that type of school. Why not? Good question. Limited success?


October 16th, 2017, 09:34 PM
These 2 are what stick out to me, but the one in red just seems like a complete miss. I'd take that bet in a heartbeat that USD wins by more than 10.

Is the USD at Illinois State game a trap game? ISU at home, with a backed into a corner mentality and USD feeling too good about themselves?


October 16th, 2017, 09:36 PM
Road game in the MVFC in late October with UNI the next week coming off of a massive beat down of a team the week before. Not only that the team you're playing seems ded. Crushed the week before. 2 straight losses. Confidence low.

Certainly smells like a trap

October 16th, 2017, 09:40 PM
Agreed. Something about Iowa, Wisconsin and NDSU (different level I know) but they tend to have a lock down in their respective states. Probably Nebraska as well. There are more I am sure.

Minnesota is not that type of school. Why not? Good question. Limited success?


This is how I view it.

All of the B1G teams in the West (the west half of the division to be specific) have a chance at winning the National Title every 4 years or so and a B1G West Title every year, EXCEPT, Minnesota.

-Wisconsin is always in the hunt for the West title.
-Nebraska, if they can get their problems figured out, is a perennial top 25 program and challenger.
-Iowa, let the B1G championship slip out of their hands in 2015 and in 2014, was 1 score away from going to the B1G championship.
-Minnesota, row the boat?

The problem is, why would an athlete, who is not good enough to get into those 3 schools, choose Minnesota when they can choose NDSU where they will get the playing time and compete for a National Title every year? Some athletes cannot handle their ego being damaged and need that "FBS" moniker next to their name, so they will choose the incompetent schools who will finish .500 and lose the rivalry games, rather than going to an "FCS" school and parading around the field as D1 champions. This is why, IMO Minnesota will continue to lose. Until they can bridge the gap between those 3 "rival" schools in the B1G athletes will choose the FCS over Minnesota since they spotlight is not as big, but a D1 championship lasts forever.

October 16th, 2017, 09:41 PM
Road game in the MVFC in late October with UNI the next week coming off of a massive beat down of a team the week before. Not only that the team you're playing seems ded. Crushed the week before. 2 straight losses. Confidence low.

Certainly smells like a trap

Agreed on all points you made plus in the history of the Gateway/MVFC how many undefeated conference teams have their been? Even in all of NDSU's great years there was only 1 undefeated MVFC team and that season had one game that they could have easily lost.


October 16th, 2017, 09:43 PM
Is the USD at Illinois State game a trap game? ISU at home, with a backed into a corner mentality and USD feeling too good about themselves?


Road game in the MVFC in late October with UNI the next week coming off of a massive beat down of a team the week before. Not only that the team you're playing seems ded. Crushed the week before. 2 straight losses. Confidence low.

Certainly smells like a trap

Clenz beat me to it, but I still feel like a -10 spread is a weak spread against USeD as of right now. After seeing how much of a paper tiger ISUr really was, they have nothing left to lose, but if their defense decides not to show up, this game will get ugly. These people make money off of spreads like these, but I just think that -10 is a hard bite o not take, for anyone who follows the Valley football.

October 16th, 2017, 09:45 PM
Agreed on all points you made plus in the history of the Gateway/MVFC how many undefeated conference teams have their been? Even in all of NDSU's great years there was only 1 undefeated MVFC team and that season had one game that they could have easily lost.

SIU 08
UNI 07
SIU 04
WIU 97
UNI 96
UNI 94
WIU 88
UNI 87
UNI 85

The Gateway wasn't real strong outside of UNI, on a consistent basis, until about 2000. A couple teams jumped up here or there, but it was mostly UNI and the rest

So, 11 times in 32 (including this year) seasons

October 16th, 2017, 09:49 PM
SIU 08
UNI 07
SIU 04
WIU 97
UNI 96
UNI 94
WIU 88
UNI 87
UNI 85

The Gateway wasn't real strong outside of UNI, on a consistent basis, until about 2000. A couple teams jumped up here or there, but it was mostly UNI and the rest

So, 11 times in 32 (including this year) seasons

Thanks for the facts about undefeated MVFC/Gateway teams. Still it is hard for me to believe that USD will go undefeated (I think USD loses in Fargo as well) and even in many of NDSU's great years they still lost 3 games (2011 YSU, ISU in 2012 and USD in 2015) they still lost to a team that shocked everyone.


October 16th, 2017, 09:55 PM
Thanks for the facts about undefeated MVFC/Gateway teams. Still it is hard for me to believe that USD will go undefeated (I think USD loses in Fargo as well) and even in many of NDSU's great years they still lost 3 games (2011 YSU, ISU in 2012 and USD in 2015) they still lost to a team that shocked everyone.


I'd like to volunteer to be this year's "shocker". We'll beat you this Saturday (don't worry, you won't drop much, we're ranked pretty well too), then you can just sweep the rest of the season and win the championship. Cool?

October 16th, 2017, 09:58 PM
I'd like to volunteer to be this year's "shocker". We'll beat you this Saturday (don't worry, you won't drop much, we're ranked pretty well too), then you can just sweep the rest of the season and win the championship. Cool?

If the season ends in a National Championship than that sounds awesome.


Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

October 16th, 2017, 10:25 PM
If the season ends in a National Championship than that sounds awesome.


Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk


October 16th, 2017, 11:09 PM
Also fun fact

Only twice has the conference champ had more than 1 conference loss.

2010: UNI 6-2
2005: UNI, YSU, SIU 5-2...UNI got the autobid.

For all the yearly talk of "Tough conference, gonna be a 2 or 3 loss team that could win it" and all that other **** - it's extremely rare. 2 times in 32 seasons.

October 17th, 2017, 07:36 AM
You guys are pathetic. I'd tell you to act like you've been there before (winning), but I cant. xlolx

It's not even smack. We are told to smack by one poster and not to by you. I guess the difference is you are in bed with Humper.

- - - Updated - - -

I would not be surprised if the Yotes lose on the road this week... Normal is always a tough place to play.

Bison Fan in NW MN
October 17th, 2017, 07:43 AM
It's not even smack. We are told to smack by one poster and not to by you. I guess the difference is you are in bed with Humper.

- - - Updated - - -

I would not be surprised if the Yotes lose on the road this week... Normal is always a tough place to play.

USD is having a great season so far but it sure seems like everything offensively centers around Streveler. Take him away and would USD be the same team?

October 17th, 2017, 07:46 AM
USD is having a great season so far but it sure seems like everything offensively centers around Streveler. Take him away and would USD be the same team?

Of course not. You also can't overlook how much the defense has improved from last year. Simmons is a good backup, I'd say we would still be a very tough team to beat. Take away anyone's starting QB and they aren't as good of a team. Luckily USD has two good QBs...We will be hearing this all year, I guess everyone can keep hoping Streveler gets hurt.

October 17th, 2017, 07:47 AM
It's not even smack. We are told to smack by one poster and not to by you. I guess the difference is you are in bed with Humper.

- - - Updated - - -

I would not be surprised if the Yotes lose on the road this week... Normal is always a tough place to play.

Yes...that hostile environment in Normal... xsmiley_wix

October 17th, 2017, 07:47 AM
Not saying you are hoping for that, but I am sure there are those who are.

Bison Fan in NW MN
October 17th, 2017, 07:54 AM
Not saying you are hoping for that, but I am sure there are those who are.

I want Streveler 100% when they play the Bison.

The season is a grind and all those hits add up. Redbirds will be tough at homs.

October 17th, 2017, 08:04 AM
Also fun fact

Only twice has the conference champ had more than 1 conference loss.

2010: UNI 6-2
2005: UNI, YSU, SIU 5-2...UNI got the autobid.

For all the yearly talk of "Tough conference, gonna be a 2 or 3 loss team that could win it" and all that other **** - it's extremely rare. 2 times in 32 seasons.

In 2010 when UNI won the conference with a 6-2 record 6 of the nine teams went 4-4 in conference play. Damn, talk about parity!

October 17th, 2017, 08:14 AM
That year UNI was 6-1 going into the final week and already had the conference title wrapped up. It was on a cold and soggy day in Macomb. The field was attrocious.

UNI looked like a team that had already won a conference title with nothing to play for. WIU was fighting for a playoff spot. UNI played the starters about 4 series before it pulled them due to field conditions.

On a good field with UNI trying that is probably another 7-1 season for the champion, but it wasn't and it isn't.

October 17th, 2017, 08:51 AM
That year UNI was 6-1 going into the final week and already had the conference title wrapped up. It was on a cold and soggy day in Macomb. The field was attrocious.

UNI looked like a team that had already won a conference title with nothing to play for. WIU was fighting for a playoff spot. UNI played the starters about 4 series before it pulled them due to field conditions.

On a good field with UNI trying that is probably another 7-1 season for the champion, but it wasn't and it isn't.

Then in the playoffs:
4-4 NDSU wins two games.
5-3 WIU wins their first game.
6-2 UNI loses their 1st round game.

Granted UNI and WIU were eliminated in the same round I believe.

October 17th, 2017, 08:52 AM
Then in the playoffs:
4-4 NDSU wins two games.
5-3 WIU wins their first game.
6-2 UNI loses their 1st round game.

Granted UNI and WIU were eliminated in the same round I believe.

That was not a good UNI team. That was a pretty bad year in the conference overall.

October 17th, 2017, 08:59 AM
The problem is, why would an athlete, who is not good enough to get into those 3 schools, choose Minnesota when they can choose NDSU where they will get the playing time and compete for a National Title every year? Some athletes cannot handle their ego being damaged and need that "FBS" moniker next to their name, so they will choose the incompetent schools who will finish .500 and lose the rivalry games, rather than going to an "FCS" school and parading around the field as D1 champions. This is why, IMO Minnesota will continue to lose. Until they can bridge the gap between those 3 "rival" schools in the B1G athletes will choose the FCS over Minnesota since they spotlight is not as big, but a D1 championship lasts forever.

If kids chose a MAC school it shouldnt even be close to a question why they would choose Minnesota.

October 17th, 2017, 09:02 AM
That year UNI was 6-1 going into the final week and already had the conference title wrapped up. It was on a cold and soggy day in Macomb. The field was attrocious.

UNI looked like a team that had already won a conference title with nothing to play for. WIU was fighting for a playoff spot. UNI played the starters about 4 series before it pulled them due to field conditions.

On a good field with UNI trying that is probably another 7-1 season for the champion, but it wasn't and it isn't.

We call that the "Monsoon Season" year. Every single home game that season...it rained at least some of the game and two of the games were absolute downpours for much of them. That was also the last year we had a real grass surface. I'm not sure they would have been able to get that playing surface back to a usable state after that year anyway.

October 17th, 2017, 09:06 AM
Iowa - by many measures, as much as I hate to admit it - is a too 25-30 all time program. Even they lose 5* kids to Michigan, Notre Dame, Oregon, Ohio State, etc... when they come calling. Iowa has a freaking lockdown on this state for any kid they want. Doesn't matter when those places come calling

Iowa does not always get kids when those big programs come calling. I am sure there are more, but Iowa had a commitment from Ross Pierschbacher (Cedar Falls) until Nick Saban came calling.

October 17th, 2017, 09:16 AM
That was not a good UNI team. That was a pretty bad year in the conference overall.
That was a horrific UNI team.

I know this team went 5-6 last year, but that 2010 team would have lost to last years UNI team - and our 2012 5-6 team

October 17th, 2017, 09:20 AM
That was not a good UNI team. That was a pretty bad year in the conference overall.

NDSU lost to UNI early in the season and held the Bison to -40 yards rushing. We had been in the League 3 years and were 0-3 against the Panthers. Two months later NDSU loses to MSU 3-0 in our last regular season game. I remember thinking we were years away from challenging for a conference title. Somehow we got an invited to the playoffs. A couple of weeks later were are a bad call away from making the semi's. Things can change...quickly!

Professor Chaos
October 17th, 2017, 09:27 AM
We call that the "Monsoon Season" year. Every single home game that season...it rained at least some of the game and two of the games were absolute downpours for much of them. That was also the last year we had a real grass surface. I'm not sure they would have been able to get that playing surface back to a usable state after that year anyway.
I remember something similar in 2009 when NDSU went there. IIRC there were practically potholes in the grass as the game wore on. FGs were non-existent and even XPs were tough. NDSU won 14-7... ugly game in an ugly year (for both teams).

Yote 53
October 17th, 2017, 09:31 AM
My daughter got her degree in Strategic Communications. She is at an internship doing marketing, communications, social media, business and others I guess. She does all kinds of things. She says it is a good field to get into.

I've always thought of it as a propaganda type position. Use multiple platforms to present your product/company in a positive way, or change the narrative and spin it positive if it is viewed negatively. Basically like being the Information Minister. Of course then there is the field of politics where people are paid to go on sites (such as this one) and shill for on party or another, change the narrative, spin, influence.

Personally, for all of the good things it has done (like places like this), I have come to hate social media because it gives every dumba$$ with a stupid opinion a soapbox on a global stage.

Professor Chaos
October 17th, 2017, 09:34 AM
I've always thought of it as a propaganda type position. Use multiple platforms to present your product/company in a positive way, or change the narrative and spin it positive if it is viewed negatively. Basically like being the Information Minister. Of course then there is the field of politics where people are paid to go on sites (such as this one) and shill for on party or another, change the narrative, spin, influence.

Personally, for all of the good things it has done (like places like this), I have come to hate social media because it gives every dumba$$ with a stupid opinion a soapbox on a global stage.
I think that's what makes the profession vastly different depending on who you're working for. It would be fulfilling to do that kind of work for someone like the United Way or the V Foundation. Doing it for someone like DirecTV or Comcast.... not so much.

Bison Fan in NW MN
October 17th, 2017, 09:37 AM
NDSU lost to UNI early in the season and held the Bison to -40 yards rushing. We had been in the League 3 years and were 0-3 against the Panthers. Two months later NDSU loses to MSU 3-0 in our last regular season game. I remember thinking we were years away from challenging for a conference title. Somehow we got an invited to the playoffs. A couple of weeks later were are a bad call away from making the semi's. Things can change...quickly!

NDSU had talent that year but needed to learn how to win.

UNI was the measuring stick when NDSU came into the league. NDSU got taken to school on what it takes to win in this league.

October 17th, 2017, 09:40 AM
I remember something similar in 2009 when NDSU went there. IIRC there were practically potholes in the grass as the game wore on. FGs were non-existent and even XPs were tough. NDSU won 14-7... ugly game in an ugly year (for both teams).

Yea...the 1-win season...that was rough. Our only win was the season opener against Sam Houston State. That was the year of all the issues with Coach Patterson being essentially forced out, Matt Barr got injured and was out most of the season (he was #2 in Peyton Award voting the next year), and the only time I've seen us lose at Northern Illinois (that was year #3 of Coach Kill at NIU, right before he went to Minnesota).

Bison Fan in NW MN
October 17th, 2017, 09:42 AM
I've always thought of it as a propaganda type position. Use multiple platforms to present your product/company in a positive way, or change the narrative and spin it positive if it is viewed negatively. Basically like being the Information Minister. Of course then there is the field of politics where people are paid to go on sites (such as this one) and shill for on party or another, change the narrative, spin, influence.

Personally, for all of the good things it has done (like places like this), I have come to hate social media because it gives every dumba$$ with a stupid opinion a soapbox on a global stage.

She loves to write so some type of social media is right up her alley. The owners of the business are two early 30s guys that started it right after college. All young people working there....they have clients all over the country. This social media age is booming and I'm just old to jump on...lol

I'll stick to my old school beekeeping....lol

Yote 53
October 17th, 2017, 09:45 AM
USD is having a great season so far but it sure seems like everything offensively centers around Streveler. Take him away and would USD be the same team?

First, Streveler is a beast. He's not your typical QB in that when a LB or DB lines up to tackle him it is often times Strev that is delivering the blow. Still, anybody can get injured at anytime. Simmons, the backup, is a very good QB, different than Strev, but still very good. The kid has a cannon for an arm. USD may not have one prominent receiver but they are very deep at the position as you have seen with how Strev spreads the ball around. Simmons would step in and now defenses would have to deal with a QB with a strong, accurate arm, can throw the deep ball, and has the ability to carve up your defense through the air.

A year ago when Strev was completing more TD passes to the opposing team than his own I was an advocate for moving him out to the slot and putting Simmons in. I thought Simmons was the better QB, and part of me still believes that he will end up being the better QB, but his time will come starting next year. If we suffer an injury and Strev goes down it is comforting to know that the Yotes have a more than capable backup. He would start on most teams.

October 17th, 2017, 09:46 AM
I think that's what makes the profession vastly different depending on who you're working for. It would be fulfilling to do that kind of work for someone like the United Way or the V Foundation. Doing it for someone like DirecTV or Comcast.... not so much.
He literally described every marketing and public relation job in the history of the world. I don't know how old Yote 53 is, but I would guess it's >35 or 40

The being paid to go on sites and shill also aren't social media managers. Those are people with limited to know education beyond high school, getting paid low wages.

It's abundantly clear there is no grasp of what a real social media manager does.

Let's pretend he's right (he's not, but okay). Do you have any idea the kind of skill it takes to go on Twitter and create a 140 character message that is meaningful and will reach an audience? The amount of market research, audience testing, planning, etc... that go into these things is every bit - actually at this point significantly more - than it was at any point in human history.

There are small businesses that become wildly successful because they take a brilliant approach to new/social media. University athletic departments are dumping significant marketing resources into what is being called "New Media" - which is basically social media on steroids.

It's not just "Send this tweet and this facebook post". It's a full blown marketing and communication degree with an emphasis on social media and how humans react to social media.

It's incredible, really. I wish it was a thing a decade ago when I was in school.

October 17th, 2017, 09:52 AM
She loves to write so some type of social media is right up her alley. The owners of the business are two early 30s guys that started it right after college. All young people working there....they have clients all over the country. This social media age is booming and I'm just old to jump on...lol

I'll stick to my old school beekeeping....lol
Nailed it. The business model is changing, and fast.

Going away are the days of crusty old men in suits on the top level of a building pulling chains while minions below are seen as replaceable worker bees.

The study of management is going away. It's being replaced by the study of leadership.
Gone is the days of print ads. In are the days of digital ads.
In are the days of controlling the narrative before the narrative has a chance to be made.

The days of massive companies pushing around all of the little business are starting to dwindle. People are rejecting that as social media and these new marketing strategies come around. The next 10-15 years are going to be interesting to watch. A number of businesses - old and new school - will fail. It will be interesting to see which are willing to adapt to the changing climate faster - I'd bet it's not those who refuse to embrace social media. Not just use it, but fully embrace it.

Yote 53
October 17th, 2017, 09:55 AM
He literally described every marketing and public relation job in the history of the world. I don't know how old Yote 53 is, but I would guess it's >35 or 40

The being paid to go on sites and shill also aren't social media managers. Those are people with limited to know education beyond high school, getting paid low wages.

It's abundantly clear there is no grasp of what a real social media manager does.

Let's pretend he's right (he's not, but okay). Do you have any idea the kind of skill it takes to go on Twitter and create a 140 character message that is meaningful and will reach an audience? The amount of market research, audience testing, planning, etc... that go into these things is every bit - actually at this point significantly more - than it was at any point in human history.

There are small businesses that become wildly successful because they take a brilliant approach to new/social media. University athletic departments are dumping significant marketing resources into what is being called "New Media" - which is basically social media on steroids.

It's not just "Send this tweet and this facebook post". It's a full blown marketing and communication degree with an emphasis on social media and how humans react to social media.

It's incredible, really. I wish it was a thing a decade ago when I was in school.

44, so you were pretty close.

Bison Fan in NW MN
October 17th, 2017, 09:57 AM
First, Streveler is a beast. He's not your typical QB in that when a LB or DB lines up to tackle him it is often times Strev that is delivering the blow. Still, anybody can get injured at anytime. Simmons, the backup, is a very good QB, different than Strev, but still very good. The kid has a cannon for an arm. USD may not have one prominent receiver but they are very deep at the position as you have seen with how Strev spreads the ball around. Simmons would step in and now defenses would have to deal with a QB with a strong, accurate arm, can throw the deep ball, and has the ability to carve up your defense through the air.

A year ago when Strev was completing more TD passes to the opposing team than his own I was an advocate for moving him out to the slot and putting Simmons in. I thought Simmons was the better QB, and part of me still believes that he will end up being the better QB, but his time will come starting next year. If we suffer an injury and Strev goes down it is comforting to know that the Yotes have a more than capable backup. He would start on most teams.

It will be an interesting matchup between Streveler and 250 lb DeLuca.

Simmons is probably good but there is bound to be some drop off if Streveler goes down.