View Full Version : MVSU Delta Devils @ NDSU on 9/2

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August 30th, 2017, 05:12 PM
I might take Friday off.....ill have my 4 year old on Sat...party hard. xlolx

Did I just read this right? BF02 taking time off? Oh boy!

BTW, if any of you are in downtown fargo friday night, you might see me stumbling around.

August 30th, 2017, 05:14 PM
Did I just read this right? BF02 taking time off? Oh boy!

BTW, if any of you are in downtown fargo friday night, you might see me stumbling around.

Like this?


August 30th, 2017, 05:38 PM
Did I just read this right? BF02 taking time off? Oh boy!

BTW, if any of you are in downtown fargo friday night, you might see me stumbling around.

Key word is "might". Signs point to "NO"....too much **** to do at work. I'm closing out the month tomorrow and I think I've got a skeleton crew on Friday as it is already.

August 30th, 2017, 05:52 PM
Like this?


Eventually you might get it through your head that I am not a free loader.

Key word is "might". Signs point to "NO"....too much **** to do at work. I'm closing out the month tomorrow and I think I've got a skeleton crew on Friday as it is already.

So that is a yes to mini-golf?

August 30th, 2017, 07:14 PM
Like this?


Eventually you might get it through your head that I am not a free loader.

Everybody has to make a living somehow......................

August 30th, 2017, 07:17 PM
Everybody has to make a living somehow......................

Well ever since the city of Fargo kicked me off my corner on Friday's and Saturday's I have been doing construction work with terrazzo, square tile, and concrete work down in the Twin Cities.

August 30th, 2017, 07:38 PM
Well ever since the city of Fargo kicked me off my corner on Friday's and Saturday's I have been doing construction work with terrazzo, square tile, and concrete work down in the Twin Cities.

I heard the real money is in rectangular tile.

August 30th, 2017, 07:47 PM
I heard the real money is in rectangular tile.

As long as I get down and dirty, that is all that matters.

And I know you are just having a good time. I hate being a millennial. Absolutely hate it.

August 30th, 2017, 07:48 PM
As long as I get down and dirty, that is all that matters.

And I know you are just having a good time. I hate being a millennial. Absolutely hate it.

August 30th, 2017, 08:19 PM
As long as I get down and dirty, that is all that matters.

Whoa! TMI!!!

August 30th, 2017, 08:23 PM
Whoa! TMI!!!

Here is KP on the Bachelorette


August 30th, 2017, 08:26 PM
Whoa! TMI!!!

Well when you work with terrazzo, you have to get down on the terrazzo and you eventually get dirty due to the slurry.

August 30th, 2017, 08:27 PM
Here is KP on the Bachelorette


As long as I win.

Bison Fan in NW MN
August 31st, 2017, 01:27 PM
Had my Bison 1660 app on. The show was going to have the Devils head coach on but I don't think he made it on....i missed a break. It sounds like some true freshman are playing and there are a lot of new guys.

Gil Dobie
August 31st, 2017, 02:02 PM
I'm ready for some football.

August 31st, 2017, 03:36 PM
I'm ready for some football.

Still one the greatest plays in all of college football.

August 31st, 2017, 03:38 PM
I expect a blowout.

Devils by 47. :D

POD Knows
August 31st, 2017, 03:38 PM
I'm ready for some football.
http://assets.sbnation.com/assets/3133611/kstatefail.gifI love how that Keller kid #44 just gets destroyed on the outside there.

August 31st, 2017, 03:41 PM
I love how that Keller kid #44 just gets destroyed on the outside there.

Keeping the pads low. It's all about Pad level xnodx

August 31st, 2017, 03:48 PM
I expect a blowout.

Devils by 47. :D

If that happens, I think we shut down the FCS season and we all just re-enact this.


Bison Fan in NW MN
August 31st, 2017, 04:04 PM
IIRC, someone over on BV mentioned the Devils are only at 39 schollies....wow.

Maybe they would be better off at D2.

Hope the game is injury free on both sides.

August 31st, 2017, 04:56 PM
I love how that Keller kid #44 just gets destroyed on the outside there.

Well timed trap block.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

September 1st, 2017, 07:07 AM
Here is an article I saw on Bisonville about MVSU and their conference.



POD Knows
September 1st, 2017, 07:11 AM
Here is an article I saw on Bisonville about MVSU and their conference.


DeweyGreat, then we better drop 70 on these guys, none of this 35 - 7 crap.

September 1st, 2017, 08:02 AM
Here is an article I saw on Bisonville about MVSU and their conference.


Sad state of affairs for those schools. How the mighty have fallen from their glory days. They are more concerned with how good the band looks than the health and well being of the football teams. Based on the story, most of those schools should probably drop football all together, the heck with going to Div II.

September 1st, 2017, 08:40 AM
Sad state of affairs for those schools. How the mighty have fallen from their glory days. They are more concerned with how good the band looks than the health and well being of the football teams. Based on the story, most of those schools should probably drop football all together, the heck with going to Div II.
Based on when MVSU came to JSU their bands aren't even good either.

We sent MVSUs band into shock.

September 1st, 2017, 10:03 AM
I need these guys to be the band that NDSU runs out to. This video is legendary.


September 1st, 2017, 10:31 AM
This "game" is going to suck....not even looking forward to it

September 1st, 2017, 11:15 AM
I'm dropping NDSU 1 spot for every point they give up.

September 1st, 2017, 11:20 AM
I love how that Keller kid #44 just gets destroyed on the outside there.

Should've been a chop block. TE has a nice low single on him. No wonder he got blown up.

POD Knows
September 1st, 2017, 11:28 AM
Should've been a chop block. TE has a nice low single on him. No wonder he got blown up.Upon further review, yes, it could have been a chop block, I watched the video on my yuge 2" screen on my iPhone 5

September 1st, 2017, 01:02 PM
Unused student tickets and returned visitor tickets still available.....I guess if someone wanted a shot to get into the building, now is a time to do it! I bet a bunch of season tickets go unused this weekend too...

September 1st, 2017, 01:37 PM
I tried to buy one from MVSU. Couldn't.

I don't think they even tried to sell them.

September 1st, 2017, 02:19 PM
I tried to buy one from MVSU. Couldn't.

I don't think they even tried to sell them.

And I imagine all were sent back to NDSU. I'll be curious if we even put a dent in them.

September 1st, 2017, 10:08 PM
I'll arrive sometime after noon. I'll wear an orange Houston Astros cap because if I wore a Bison one it would be like thousands of others. Grey NDSU basketball t-shirt, yellow shorts, lost look on my face. Please direct me to the FCS flag........

September 1st, 2017, 10:32 PM
I'll arrive sometime after noon. I'll wear an orange Houston Astros cap because if I wore a Bison one it would be like thousands of others. Grey NDSU basketball t-shirt, yellow shorts, lost look on my face. Please direct me to the FCS flag........

I told you where they meet. Did you not see my PM?

September 1st, 2017, 10:34 PM
I told you where they meet. Did you not see my PM?

Are you using one of our tickets?

September 1st, 2017, 11:26 PM
I told you where they meet. Did you not see my PM?

Same area as last year? I will stop by.


Bison Fan in NW MN
September 2nd, 2017, 04:01 AM
Game day finally is here.....the offseason has been way too long....:(


September 2nd, 2017, 06:30 AM
Here is an article I saw on Bisonville about MVSU and their conference.


That article is mostly a bunch of sterotypes

September 2nd, 2017, 06:52 AM
Are you using one of our tickets?

Yes- I hope so!

September 2nd, 2017, 06:53 AM
I told you where they meet. Did you not see my PM?

Yes, but if I'm staring at something else I may walk right on by.......you know I can be distracted.

Bison Fan in NW MN
September 2nd, 2017, 07:24 AM
Yes, but if I'm staring at something else I may walk right on by.......you know I can be distracted.

See you at the tailgate!

September 2nd, 2017, 08:48 AM
Yes- I hope so!

I know you are! :D The POD floated a rumor that Kingpin spoke for another one. I'm the "courier". xlolx

September 2nd, 2017, 08:49 AM
Swing by the On The Prairie tailgate, Ill be there drinking some damn fine craft beers from Drumconroth Brewey made in Mapleton ND. (Gotta plug my friends Brewery) ;)

F lot if anyone is interested

September 2nd, 2017, 12:51 PM
Kingpin is Widowmaker


September 2nd, 2017, 01:49 PM
Kingpin is Widowmaker



September 2nd, 2017, 02:44 PM
This doesn't even look like a fair game. 7-0 NDSU

September 2nd, 2017, 02:56 PM
This doesn't even look like a fair game. 7-0 NDSU

Why are the Bison playing these guys???? Bison will crush them but it was worth tuning in for the beginning when they got a delay of game ON THE KICK-OFFxlolx How do you do that?

September 2nd, 2017, 02:58 PM
Clenz Valley State 0

September 2nd, 2017, 02:58 PM
We are softening them up for when you guys play them next week, underdawg. :)

September 2nd, 2017, 03:01 PM
when they got a delay of game ON THE KICK-OFFxlolx How do you do that?

I've never seen that before on an opening kickoff

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

September 2nd, 2017, 03:04 PM
Why are the Bison playing these guys???? Bison will crush them but it was worth tuning in for the beginning when they got a delay of game ON THE KICK-OFFxlolx How do you do that?

No one wants to play us. G5 won't even take calls from us. Rest of the FCS avoids us too. Pac 12 will avoid us too once we beat them/ give them a scare. Big 12/ 10 won't play us anymore. You got ideas?

September 2nd, 2017, 03:04 PM

POD Knows
September 2nd, 2017, 03:05 PM
Yea. Just yea.

September 2nd, 2017, 03:06 PM
21-0 NDSU. This is why I didn't I go do a 14er today?

September 2nd, 2017, 03:08 PM

September 2nd, 2017, 03:12 PM
23-0...lol. snap over MVSU punters head

September 2nd, 2017, 03:12 PM
I hate this, but no one wants to play us at home and no FBS will have us on the road. Hats off to Chuck South, Montana and EWU for past and future games

Professor Chaos
September 2nd, 2017, 03:13 PM
I've never felt this dirty cheering for the Bison. It's like cheering for the bully to beat up the kid with down syndrome.

September 2nd, 2017, 03:14 PM
I feel for the Delta Devils. Getting thrown at a top 50ish team in football with about 38 full scholarships. I don't think they could beat the NDSU 3rd team.

September 2nd, 2017, 03:14 PM

September 2nd, 2017, 03:17 PM
30-0 with 12 minutes into the 1st quarter.

September 2nd, 2017, 03:17 PM
Looks like NDSU is pushing kids off swing sets. Hope you guys feel good about yourselves. xsmileyclapx

September 2nd, 2017, 03:19 PM
This is just sad....at least they are well compensated for this beating

September 2nd, 2017, 03:23 PM
Looks like NDSU is pushing kids off swing sets. Hope you guys feel good about yourselves. xsmileyclapx Nobody at NDSU feels good about this. At least MVSU is getting some needed $.

September 2nd, 2017, 03:24 PM

September 2nd, 2017, 03:24 PM
I am not sure these guys could give Missouri State/ Indiana State any kind of game. Damn shame.

September 2nd, 2017, 03:27 PM
NDSU going for 120-0? Are we going to see NDSU taking knees in the 2nd half?

September 2nd, 2017, 03:27 PM
223-0 OR BUST!

September 2nd, 2017, 03:27 PM

September 2nd, 2017, 03:33 PM
I am not sure these guys could give Missouri State/ Indiana State any kind of game. Damn shame.

The Bears Offense put up 35 points on Missou in the first half today

September 2nd, 2017, 03:35 PM

September 2nd, 2017, 03:36 PM
I am not sure these guys could give Missouri State/ Indiana State any kind of game. Damn shame.

Not sure they could give Moorhead State a game.

September 2nd, 2017, 03:37 PM
NDSU should see how many points they can score. Forget decently.

September 2nd, 2017, 03:38 PM
Stick is done for the day.

September 2nd, 2017, 03:38 PM
lol. good game.

September 2nd, 2017, 03:44 PM
Missed FG by NDSU. Still 37-0.

September 2nd, 2017, 03:46 PM

September 2nd, 2017, 03:46 PM
NDSU will not run this up.......

September 2nd, 2017, 03:50 PM
Refs helping out MVSU. Oh well NDSU offense needed some rest.

September 2nd, 2017, 03:51 PM
Kind of like the kick catch interference that was kick catch interference

September 2nd, 2017, 03:54 PM

September 2nd, 2017, 03:56 PM

September 2nd, 2017, 03:57 PM
NDSU will not run this up.......
They may not have a choice unless they start punting on first down.

POD Knows
September 2nd, 2017, 03:58 PM
Pissed about that first down MVSU got. Bogus. Terrible call, ****ing refs. **********s. Sorry for the rant. I am bored and might go home and mow the yard. Freaking ****ty refs :D

September 2nd, 2017, 03:58 PM
They may not have a choice unless they start punting on first down.

Yeah our 2nd string started the 2nd quarter..at this rate our cheer team will be starting the 4th quarter.

September 2nd, 2017, 04:00 PM
Yeah our 2nd string started the 2nd quarter..at this rate our cheer team will be starting the 4th quarter.

September 2nd, 2017, 04:04 PM
Dropping in my poll 7 spots.

September 2nd, 2017, 04:04 PM
We scored. We win

Suck it

September 2nd, 2017, 04:05 PM

September 2nd, 2017, 04:05 PM
You bet I jumped up and yelled as he scored.

Got a few looks, DGAF

September 2nd, 2017, 04:13 PM
It's insulting that NDSU isn't trying to score. Wasting time.

September 2nd, 2017, 04:13 PM
I hate these games..........Ill be surprised if the Bison do ANYTHING in the second half.

POD Knows
September 2nd, 2017, 04:14 PM
Terrible. Special teams have sucked balls today. Great start for Pederson.

September 2nd, 2017, 04:14 PM
Missed 2 FG's wonderful.

September 2nd, 2017, 04:16 PM
Dropping in my poll 7 spots.

September 2nd, 2017, 04:17 PM

Its kinda a joke. I was gonna drop them 1 spot for every point scored by MVSU.

September 2nd, 2017, 04:19 PM
Its kinda a joke. I was gonna drop them 1 spot for every point scored by MVSU.
Sounds fair to me.

September 2nd, 2017, 04:19 PM
It's insulting that NDSU isn't trying to score. Wasting time.

More important at this time for NDSU to get those back up players time on the field. It is a long season and those players need real game experience. Scoring more points is not so important as getting everyone into the game to execute plays.

September 2nd, 2017, 04:20 PM
NDSU has no business in the Top 10 because MVSU scored 7 IMO.

- - - Updated - - -

More important at this time for NDSU to get those back up players time on the field. It is a long season and those players need real game experience. Scoring more points is not so important as getting everyone into the game to execute plays.

They are trying not to score with the backups. I have no problem with playing the backups.

POD Knows
September 2nd, 2017, 04:21 PM
I am going to drop them as well if they take the second half off. It will be
based on the quality of win. This game should be 60 to nothing and if they are going to sleep walk through 2
and a half quarters of football then **** it. Our subs should destroy these guys.

September 2nd, 2017, 04:35 PM

September 2nd, 2017, 04:50 PM

September 2nd, 2017, 04:54 PM

Going for 100-7? I don't know how to feel.

September 2nd, 2017, 04:58 PM
What's the largest margin of victory in NDSU's D1 history?

September 2nd, 2017, 05:00 PM
I have never been a fan of laying off, or taking your foot off the gas. NDSU does not need to run explosive plays, but they should always be trying to make every play gain yardage or score (basically be a productive play). No need to throw a 50 yard pass, but do not just run it up the middle into a defense that is playing 11 in the box. If NDSU (or any other team for that matter) wins a game 100-7 then so be it. Don't go throwing the old saying of they were trying to embarrass the other team. How about the other team not embarrass themselves, it isn't the fault of NDSU or any other team if their competition isn't any better than the local freshman high school team.

September 2nd, 2017, 05:03 PM
65-7 NDSU

September 2nd, 2017, 05:03 PM
DII was 80 - 0 moorhead state in 2000

September 2nd, 2017, 05:05 PM
What's the largest margin of victory in NDSU's D1 history?

66-7 against PV A&M

POD Knows
September 2nd, 2017, 05:05 PM
DII was 80 - 0 moorhead state in 2000Moorhead State was better than these guys

September 2nd, 2017, 05:06 PM
I have never been a fan of laying off, or taking your foot off the gas. NDSU does not need to run explosive plays, but they should always be trying to make every play gain yardage or score (basically be a productive play). No need to throw a 50 yard pass, but do not just run it up the middle into a defense that is playing 11 in the box. If NDSU (or any other team for that matter) wins a game 100-7 then so be it. Don't go throwing the old saying of they were trying to embarrass the other team. How about the other team not embarrass themselves, it isn't the fault of NDSU or any other team if their competition isn't any better than the local freshman high school team.

No injuries and a fast clock is the best anyone can hope for

September 2nd, 2017, 05:21 PM
Just like the Prairie View game.....NDSU won't score in the 4th.

September 2nd, 2017, 05:27 PM
the real question is why is North Dakota state scheduling these pathetic games

September 2nd, 2017, 05:30 PM
the real question is why is North Dakota state scheduling these pathetic games

Because teams (like Delaware) don't have the balls to sign the contract

September 2nd, 2017, 05:30 PM
the real question is why is North Dakota state scheduling these pathetic games

Patsy home game.

September 2nd, 2017, 05:34 PM
Because teams (like Delaware) don't have the balls to sign the contract


North Dakota State Adds Delaware to 2018, 2019 Football SchedulesWednesday, August 10, 2016 12:10 p.m. CDT
North Dakota State men's basketball program adds two more recruits to 2016 class. (Courtesy of NDSU Athletics)FARGO, N.D. (NDSU Athletics) – North Dakota State University and the University of Delaware have agreed to a two-game contract for football games in the 2018 and 2019 seasons.
NDSU will host the Blue Hens in the season opener Sept. 1, 2018, at Gate City Bank Field at the Fargodome. The Bison play at Delaware Stadium in Newark on Sept. 14, 2019.
These will be the first two meetings between North Dakota State and Delaware, which plays in the Colonial Athletic Association.

September 2nd, 2017, 05:35 PM

September 2nd, 2017, 05:36 PM
the real question is why is North Dakota state scheduling these pathetic games

NDSU is destroying Mississippi Valley State but I give them credit for coming here for a game. MVSU needs the money and NDSU needs a D1 game.

Many others don't have the courage to do it. Or buy out the contract (Looking at you MSU).


POD Knows
September 2nd, 2017, 05:36 PM
the real question is why is North Dakota state scheduling these pathetic gamesdidnt you guys just play Delaware State

September 2nd, 2017, 05:38 PM
The injury to 4th string running back Demaris Purifoy did not look good. Looked like his knee buckled when he tried to cut near the line of scrimmage.

It was a great day for tailgating and my son is loving the game while hanging out with Grandpa and dad.


September 2nd, 2017, 05:42 PM
didnt you guys just play Delaware State

It is similar to us playing GFCC.


September 2nd, 2017, 05:43 PM
Good grief.

Lock Haven could beat the Delta Devils.

September 2nd, 2017, 05:48 PM

North Dakota State Adds Delaware to 2018, 2019 Football Schedules

Wednesday, August 10, 2016 12:10 p.m. CDT
North Dakota State men's basketball program adds two more recruits to 2016 class. (Courtesy of NDSU Athletics)FARGO, N.D. (NDSU Athletics) – North Dakota State University and the University of Delaware have agreed to a two-game contract for football games in the 2018 and 2019 seasons.
NDSU will host the Blue Hens in the season opener Sept. 1, 2018, at Gate City Bank Field at the Fargodome. The Bison play at Delaware Stadium in Newark on Sept. 14, 2019.
These will be the first two meetings between North Dakota State and Delaware, which plays in the Colonial Athletic Association.

Welcome to the Fargodome! xthumbsupx Unfortunately we can't find enough of these matchups so we are stuck with crap like today

September 2nd, 2017, 05:58 PM
the real question is why is North Dakota state scheduling these pathetic games

Who did Delaware play today?

September 2nd, 2017, 06:08 PM
didnt you guys just play Delaware State

Yes :D

- - - Updated - - -

Who did Delaware play today?

We played Thursday

September 2nd, 2017, 06:12 PM
the real question is why is North Dakota state scheduling these pathetic games

It's a public service to get 80 or so student athletes a vacation from Mississippi. 😀

September 2nd, 2017, 07:55 PM
Yes :D

- - - Updated - - -

We played Thursday


September 2nd, 2017, 09:00 PM
It is similar to us playing GFCC.


nope, Del State is an FCS win

September 2nd, 2017, 09:06 PM
nope, Del State is an FCS winGFCC is my name for that school in Grand Forks:-)

So was Mississippi Valley State.


Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

September 2nd, 2017, 09:56 PM
Well, that was special.

September 3rd, 2017, 04:11 AM
Wow just wow. I was more interested in Twitter while watching the game.

September 3rd, 2017, 05:08 AM
Because teams (like Delaware) don't have the balls to sign the contract

Swing and a miss.

Looking forward to our games against NDSU.

September 3rd, 2017, 05:21 AM
I repeatedly blacked out and regained consciousness on replays of bison TDs. I think I finally stopped waking back up around 40ish to 7. Missed absolutely nothing.

September 3rd, 2017, 07:59 AM
As the guy on 1660 radio said on the post game show on my drive home- "It was a great day for tailgating". I certainly enjoyed visiting with the AGS Bison fans (and Clenz!) before and during the game. This is a big time experience that a lot of FBS schools would love to have.

And yes, the women look a lot better wearing shorts than parkas!

September 3rd, 2017, 04:19 PM
As the guy on 1660 radio said on the post game show on my drive home- "It was a great day for tailgating". I certainly enjoyed visiting with the AGS Bison fans (and Clenz!) before and during the game. This is a big time experience that a lot of FBS schools would love to have.

And yes, the women look a lot better wearing shorts than parkas!

Why didn't you stop by?

September 3rd, 2017, 05:15 PM
GFCC is my name for that school in Grand Forks:-)

So was Mississippi Valley State.


Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

I see, I figured anything with CC on the end had to be a Community College and I don't know of any that are FCS, but Bison fans have to admit.... bringing the Delta Devils to Fargo for a game is just shameful.... haha

POD Knows
September 3rd, 2017, 05:23 PM
I see, I figured anything with CC on the end had to be a Community College and I don't know of any that are FCS, but Bison fans have to admit.... bringing the Delta Devils to Fargo for a game is just shameful.... hahaSo is Delaware State

September 3rd, 2017, 05:30 PM
So is Delaware State

agree 100 pct, and the Hornets we're brought to Fargo..... We play them as the "in state route 1 rivalry" which is a joke in itself

POD Knows
September 3rd, 2017, 05:32 PM
agree 100 pct, and the Hornets we're brought to Fargo..... We play them as the "in state route 1 rivalry" which is a joke in itselfMessing with you, I agree on the game with MVSU, but we have a hard time getting teams to pick up the phone, if you know what I mean. The Robert Morris game will probably be just as bad and if EWU plays like they did against Texas Tech against NDSU next weekend, that could be a 50 point blow out as well.

September 3rd, 2017, 05:45 PM
Why didn't you stop by?

Sorry, I should have. Missed Bison Fan in NW MN too. I'll need to get a map next time to say hello to everyone.

September 3rd, 2017, 05:48 PM
Messing with you, I agree on the game with MVSU, but we have a hard time getting teams to pick up the phone, if you know what I mean. The Robert Morris game will probably be just as bad and if EWU plays like they did against Texas Tech against NDSU next weekend, that could be a 50 point blow out as well.

I know POD, I'm not all riled up.... haha, are you telling me your bringing Robert Morris to Fargo again, you guys are like mother birds after eating at the Magnolia bakery.... regurgitated cupcakes now just give Alabama a call, I would watch

Gil Dobie
September 3rd, 2017, 06:33 PM
Sorry, I should have. Missed Bison Fan in NW MN too. I'll need to get a map next time to say hello to everyone.

No kidding

Gil Dobie
September 3rd, 2017, 06:34 PM
I know POD, I'm not all riled up.... haha, are you telling me your bringing Robert Morris to Fargo again, you guys are like mother birds after eating at the Magnolia bakery.... regurgitated cupcakes now just give Alabama a call, I would watch

Still waiting for an answer from Bama, but GSU ruined it for everyone with the "but bama" crap.

Gil Dobie
September 3rd, 2017, 06:44 PM
I know POD, I'm not all riled up.... haha, are you telling me your bringing Robert Morris to Fargo again, you guys are like mother birds after eating at the Magnolia bakery.... regurgitated cupcakes now just give Alabama a call, I would watch

Both played patsies this weekend, computer rankings had Delaware State at #250 and MVSU 252 out of 254 football teams in Division I.

September 3rd, 2017, 06:49 PM
Both played patsies this weekend, computer rankings had Delaware State at #250 and MVSU 252 out of 254 football teams in Division I.

too very bad football teams, Del State vs Miss Valley would of been a great match up...

September 3rd, 2017, 06:50 PM
I would rather see more home and home series with playoff contenders although some people don't like givin up home games.

September 3rd, 2017, 07:24 PM
Kingpin is Widowmaker



Alright UAH, now I just got to get to 7000 now I guess. Still don't know how I am The Widowmaker

POD Knows
September 4th, 2017, 06:59 AM
I know POD, I'm not all riled up.... haha, are you telling me your bringing Robert Morris to Fargo again, you guys are like mother birds after eating at the Magnolia bakery.... regurgitated cupcakes now just give Alabama a call, I would watchLove to play Alabama, it would give me reason to go down there for the only time in my life. Never been to Alabama. They will never play us but it would be interesting to know if there has ever been contact between the two schools. They should have played each other early after they both won the Natty, it would have been an interesting story. Probably not a very good game but who knows.

Bison Fan in NW MN
September 4th, 2017, 07:11 AM
Sorry, I should have. Missed Bison Fan in NW MN too. I'll need to get a map next time to say hello to everyone.

I was walking around where I thought 02 and POD Knows were and couldn't find you guys. I didn't have anyone's cell number so I must have looked like a lost kid out there looking around...xlolx

Oline had some great food and I stopped at bisonbacker's tailgate also.

Bison Fan in NW MN
September 4th, 2017, 07:12 AM
I would rather see more home and home series with playoff contenders although some people don't like givin up home games.

You want to give up a home game to travel somewhere else?


POD Knows
September 4th, 2017, 07:14 AM
I was walking around where I thought 02 and POD Knows were and couldn't find you guys. I didn't have anyone's cell number so I must have looked like a lost kid out there looking around...xlolx

Oline had some great food and I stopped at bisonbacker's tailgate also.I was at the Horny Bison lot till about noon had some awesome food and walked down to a spot just south of there and then took my granddaughter to the bouncy houses for a while. Have to catch you at the Robert Morris game.

Bison Fan in NW MN
September 4th, 2017, 07:25 AM
I was at the Horny Bison lot till about noon had some awesome food and walked down to a spot just south of there and then took my granddaughter to the bouncy houses for a while. Have to catch you at the Robert Morris game.

I will be there and find your crew this time. Brought honey for everyone so I was walking around swearing at myself because I didn't get anyone's cell number. Kingpin sent me a text later when I was already in the dome......I left with about 5 minutes left in the 3rd quarter and went to where I thought you guys might be but didn't find anyone.

I'll find you guys at the RMU game.

September 4th, 2017, 07:25 AM
I was walking around where I thought 02 and POD Knows were and couldn't find you guys. I didn't have anyone's cell number so I must have looked like a lost kid out there looking around...xlolx

Oline had some great food and I stopped at bisonbacker's tailgate also.

I walked around looking for the AGE flag but I didn't see it anywhere.

Bison Fan in NW MN I will send you a pm with my cell so we can meet up before the Robert Morris game.


Bison Fan in NW MN
September 4th, 2017, 07:36 AM
I walked around looking for the AGE flag but I didn't see it anywhere.

Bison Fan in NW MN I will send you a pm with my cell so we can meet up before the Robert Morris game.


Got it!

I went to pick up my daughter after the game to go to BWWs and she said, "what is all this honey for in the back seat"........xlolx:D

I'll bring it for all you guys for the RMU game.


September 4th, 2017, 08:29 AM
I will be there and find your crew this time. Brought honey for everyone so I was walking around swearing at myself because I didn't get anyone's cell number. Kingpin sent me a text later when I was already in the dome......I left with about 5 minutes left in the 3rd quarter and went to where I thought you guys might be but didn't find anyone.

I'll find you guys at the RMU game.

Yeah we were over with IBY and Clenz and it was so loud that I never heard my phone even ring. That was all my fault.

I walked around looking for the AGE flag but I didn't see it anywhere.

Bison Fan in NW MN I will send you a pm with my cell so we can meet up before the Robert Morris game.


I thought there was going to be an AGS flag, but I was wrong. I know last year that had it up a few times.

Got it!

I went to pick up my daughter after the game to go to BWWs and she said, "what is all this honey for in the back seat"........xlolx:D

I'll bring it for all you guys for the RMU game.



September 4th, 2017, 02:45 PM
I was walking around where I thought 02 and POD Knows were and couldn't find you guys. I didn't have anyone's cell number so I must have looked like a lost kid out there looking around...xlolx

Oline had some great food and I stopped at bisonbacker's tailgate also.

He sure did and we had a great time visiting not to mention the Honey and BBQ sauce. Can't thank you enough that was more than generous. Tailgate was the highlight of the day!!!

September 4th, 2017, 04:53 PM
I must have been to the Horny Bison tailgate too soon.

I spent most time at the Bison Bullpen. Some time at the Horny Bison, and the. About 7 others as I walked around. Spent most of the day answering why I was wearing a MVSU shirt.

I think many thought I was just a UND troll.

September 4th, 2017, 04:57 PM
You want to give up a home game to travel somewhere else?


I would if they came down to Texas to play some of the cupcakes down here.

September 4th, 2017, 05:05 PM
I think many thought I was just a UND troll.

I was wearing a NDSU shirt and people thought I was a troll from under a bridge.

September 4th, 2017, 05:06 PM
I was wearing a NDSU shirt and people thought I was a troll from under a bridge.

That Houston hat is why people thought you might be trolling.

September 4th, 2017, 05:36 PM
That Houston hat is why people thought you might be trolling.

I have been told that my walk reminds them of Nolan Ryan. But when I throw it reminds them of Venus de Milo.

September 4th, 2017, 06:45 PM
I have been told that my walk reminds them of Nolan Ryan. But when I throw it reminds them of Venus de Milo.

My ability to throw a baseball is there, a football, now that is a completely different story.

September 4th, 2017, 07:13 PM
I must have been to the Horny Bison tailgate too soon.

I spent most time at the Bison Bullpen. Some time at the Horny Bison, and the. About 7 others as I walked around. Spent most of the day answering why I was wearing a MVSU shirt.

I think many thought I was just a UND troll.

I did see a middle aged lady wearing a purple UNI shirt.

I figured it wasn't you :D


The Pud
September 4th, 2017, 07:56 PM
Do they not realize that this MVSU team has won 7 games total since 2013? I don't recall hearing anything but "powderpuff" when referring to Sammy's game vs TSU last year. Anyone else see that crap?

September 4th, 2017, 08:01 PM
Do they not realize that this MVSU team has won 7 games total since 2013? I don't recall hearing anything but "powderpuff" when referring to Sammy's game vs TSU last year. Anyone else see that crap?

Show me where ANY Bison fan didn't think this game was a complete joke.

September 4th, 2017, 08:14 PM
Show me where ANY Bison fan didn't think this game was a complete joke.

Agreed. Every Bison fan knew this game would be an absolute whooping and it was.

Like I have said before I give credit to MVSU for agreeing to come to Fargo for a game. Many other teams will not.

MVSU needs the money and NDSU needed a FCS home game, plain and simple.


September 4th, 2017, 08:34 PM
Show me where ANY Bison fan didn't think this game was a complete joke.

Surprise surprise, another NDSU hater losing their **** since NDSU has 2 cupcakes out of 11 on their schedule instead of 9 out of 11 like SHSU.

Bison Fan in NW MN
September 4th, 2017, 09:03 PM
Do they not realize that this MVSU team has won 7 games total since 2013? I don't recall hearing anything but "powderpuff" when referring to Sammy's game vs TSU last year. Anyone else see that crap?

LOL....what is SHSU's SOS??


September 4th, 2017, 09:30 PM
My ability to throw a baseball is there, a football, now that is a completely different story.

I used to have a contest with another outfielder to see who could get the most outfield assists. It wasn't as difficult as it sounded since our pitching allowed a lot of opportunities. We played against guys who thought they were Usain Bolt. Either hit the cutoff man or forget about the guy who is going to score anyway, throw a pump fake and get hitter trying to advance. So many of them didn't learn.......

Lucky for me my catching a football ability was better than my throwing one.

September 4th, 2017, 09:31 PM
LOL....what is SHSU's SOS??


Sounds like SHSU wants to get St. Scholastica on next years schedule.

September 4th, 2017, 09:32 PM
Sounds like SHSU wants to get St. Scholastica on next years schedule.

Yeah, holy **** what did they lose to St. John's like 98-0?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

September 4th, 2017, 09:40 PM
Yeah, holy **** what did they lose to St. John's like 98-0?

Yep- I bet that they sold a lot of Johnnie Bread at St. John's that day.


September 4th, 2017, 09:45 PM
Yep- I bet that they sold a lot of Johnnie Bread at St. John's that day.


Holding out for that University of Jamestown/NDSU football game. Schools already play in hockey...it just makes sense. :D xlolx

September 5th, 2017, 06:11 AM
It's a public service to get 80 or so student athletes a vacation from Mississippi. 😀

The visiting team always wins in Fargo because when the game is over they get to leave.

POD Knows
September 5th, 2017, 07:08 AM
The visiting team always wins in Fargo because when the game is over they get to leave.
Yea and MVSU gets Carbondale this weekend. It is cruel and unusual punishment

September 5th, 2017, 08:38 AM
The visiting team always wins in Fargo because when the game is over they get to leave.

https://media.tenor.com/images/828c0eb79ff0998b4e09e136a29cc34d/tenor.gif (https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwi_vImylY7WAhVmhlQKHfgMCPwQjRwIBw&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftenor.com%2Fsearch%2Fstretch-yawn-gifs&psig=AFQjCNFNo0MXSvuNXd5o40KoFpd1BAsrvg&ust=1504704883744742)

September 5th, 2017, 08:07 PM
The visiting team always wins in Fargo because when the game is over they get to leave with a bigger payday than if they had a home game.

September 5th, 2017, 08:25 PM
The visiting team always wins in Fargo because when the game is over they get to leave.

Oh the joys of getting back home to the lovely pig stench of little Egypt. xcoolx

Bison Fan in NW MN
September 5th, 2017, 09:51 PM
The visiting team always wins in Fargo because when the game is over they get to leave.

Did you think of that all by yourself?