View Full Version : Doin' Frisco

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January 13th, 2017, 11:33 AM
I like Frisco overall other than the fact that its further than Chattanooga.
My only two complaints are that once you left Frisco, no one has a clue any game was going on (I expected this but ndsu fans made it seem like all of dfw cared). The stadium was awful and I hate to say it, but that's pretty important.
They ran out of beer on one side. Did no one tell them we were a party school?
Long concession lines that didn't move. I had to give up even trying to get anything from them. They appeared under staffed.
It was very difficult to move around the concourse because apparently 14k is too much for 2/3 of the stadium space to handle. It's better than being empty, I know.
The endzone construction was an eyesore. In addition to that making the stadium unqualified to host this year, we can't get a tarp or something to cover it up?
Finally, the blue lot had no portapotties in it and we had to walk to the other lots to access some. They handed out no trashbags and had no trash cans so they were left with a trashed parking lot.
It could've been worse, but talk about a completely unprepared stadium. It's like they haven't seen a 14k crowd in the last six years....

Won a national championship and the only thing I got was a reason to bitch....


January 13th, 2017, 11:41 AM
I like Frisco overall other than the fact that its further than Chattanooga.
My only two complaints are that once you left Frisco, no one has a clue any game was going on (I expected this but ndsu fans made it seem like all of dfw cared). The stadium was awful and I hate to say it, but that's pretty important.
They ran out of beer on one side. Did no one tell them we were a party school?
Long concession lines that didn't move. I had to give up even trying to get anything from them. They appeared under staffed.
It was very difficult to move around the concourse because apparently 14k is too much for 2/3 of the stadium space to handle. It's better than being empty, I know.
The endzone construction was an eyesore. In addition to that making the stadium unqualified to host this year, we can't get a tarp or something to cover it up?
Finally, the blue lot had no portapotties in it and we had to walk to the other lots to access some. They handed out no trashbags and had no trash cans so they were left with a trashed parking lot.
It could've been worse, but talk about a completely unprepared stadium. It's like they haven't seen a 14k crowd in the last six years....

At least you had beer. They never sold beer at any of the previous nattys.

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January 13th, 2017, 12:56 PM
Oh excuse me. How ungrateful am I? I mean, it could've been in the middle of a cow pasture after all.

No, the stadium was amazing and definitely didn't have a second tier feel to it. The NCAA really laid out the red carpet for FCS.

Does that sound better? Great.

January 13th, 2017, 07:08 PM
On a scale of 1 to 10 picking Frisco is probably a 7 to 7.5 overall. Are you going to get top of the line restaurants... the answer is no. But there are good places to eat and as some have suggested you will likely get some very good bbq. Prices in the area are generally reasonable but with that comes limited upside on the upper end hotels/bars/entertainment....you will have to stay in downtown Dallas for anything upscale. The area is clean (bonus) and safe (bonus).. There is reasonable nightlife but not great nightlife (mostly sport bars). Given the diverse fan base that attends the national championship game the Frisco area is a safe but not great pick. I would personally like to see it move around to someplace this is a little more exciting from my perspective but I understand the choice.

On another note I think it is outrageous that the FCS national championship was played at a stadium that was under construction. I don't care where the stadium is located. Can you image any FBS national championship game, or even any bowl game, being played at a soccer stadium that was under construction. How could they have let this happen? The NCAA at times takes a lot of heat for things they do not control. This, however, was completely in their control. WTF!! I get the game is second rate/tier but they don't have to treat as if it is completely worthless/meaningless. F the NCAA.

January 13th, 2017, 08:25 PM
Oh excuse me. How ungrateful am I? I mean, it could've been in the middle of a cow pasture after all.

No, the stadium was amazing and definitely didn't have a second tier feel to it. The NCAA really laid out the red carpet for FCS.

Does that sound better? Great.

Did you honestly think the NCAA would roll out the red carpet? They care about the FBS and that is it.

The NCAA let the championship be at a soccer stadium that is under construction becuase...they...do...not...care.


January 14th, 2017, 12:38 PM
That's my main gripe about Toyota Stadium. The construction. I get it, you're renovating to add a soccer hall of fame. Great, I'm sure it'll be nice and I'll check it out in a future year (hopefully). IMO the construction should've been enough to void their ability to host it this past season and it should've been temporarily moved to a larger venue somewhere else in the country.

If this happened to even a top half tier bowl game, there would've been a national uproar by fans and the media that they allowed them to play in a construction zone with 25% of the capacity gone. It's the fact that the NCAA didn't even bother to do anything about it that really drives home how they prioritize the FCS.

Oh yeah, btw the playoffs were still regional and we all knew that was just lip service.

January 14th, 2017, 12:41 PM
With that being said, Frisco was great overall and aside from moving it back to Chattanooga or maybe entertaining whatever Little Rock, AR was offering (I doubt it'll be better overall than DFW), I say keep it in Frisco. Missoula or Spokane? No thanks. Bigger stadiums but that's it. It's January and it's cold.

January 14th, 2017, 07:15 PM
Frisco is not the answer. I would entertain any other location. Sure this is no surprise to anyone who knows my love for Frisco.
Hell even the good horse farms have left Frisco.

January 17th, 2017, 10:35 AM
Frisco is not the answer. I would entertain any other location. Sure this is no surprise to anyone who knows my love for Frisco.
Hell even the good horse farms have left Frisco.

https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/08CGTJ6NKKdpkowHmsfkxrPqF-I/fit-in/1024x1024/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2015/05/13/906/n/24155406/3f928e111c0ac4ee_crying/i/When-baby-wont-stop-crying.gif (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwib2t36zcnRAhVq4oMKHfmEBrMQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.popsugar.com%2Fmoms%2FFirst-Child-vs-Second-Told-GIFs-37475862&bvm=bv.144224172,d.amc&psig=AFQjCNG5qHnR50i77oCQdiY5y-hk-j1BkA&ust=1484757175285011)