View Full Version : Where Do Your Players Come From?
Gil Dobie
July 13th, 2005, 04:17 PM
North Dakota State players are mainly from Minnesota, North Dakota and Wisconsin.
Here are the stats, including recruits.
32 Minnesota
20 North Dakota
14 Wisconsin
6 South Dakota
6 Illinois
5 Texas
3 Arizona
3 Florida
2 Nebraska
2 Mississippi
1 California
1 Ohio
July 13th, 2005, 04:22 PM
All of our boys are from Texas here at SHSU. I think you'll find that true for other Texas I-AAs as well outside of a player or two...
Gil Dobie
July 13th, 2005, 04:30 PM
All of our boys are from Texas here at SHSU. I think you'll find that true for other Texas I-AAs as well outside of a player or two...
I kind of suspected that. Fargo is on the border of ND and Minnesota, so we get a lot of talent from the other side of the Red River(Of the North).
July 13th, 2005, 04:32 PM
Furman 2004 Roster
Ga 34
SC 26
NC 16
Tn 7
Fla 5
Al 3
Va 1
Ok 1
Furman does really well in Atlanta and Northern Georgia. Probably not surprising considering Greenville is closer to the North Carolina and Georgia borders than it is to other urban areas in SC.
July 13th, 2005, 04:37 PM
For UC Davis, it looks like our entire roster is from California according to the 2005 prospectus.
July 13th, 2005, 04:38 PM
Delaware... from last year's roster...
PA -19
NJ - 11
VA - 11
GA - 8
DE - 8
MD - 7
FL - 7
NY - 5
CA - 2
MI - 2
ID -1
TX - 1
CT - 1
UD's prime area has always been PA and NJ... but since KC took over the Hens have recruited GA... VA and FL pretty well.
July 13th, 2005, 04:52 PM
Drake Returners for this year... Don't have the freshman yet
Minnesota 6
Kansas 5
Iowa 36
Missouri 9
Illinois 17
Colorado 2
Nebraska 1
July 13th, 2005, 05:03 PM
Last years Griz team...
Montana - 41
California - 15
Washington - 12
Colorado - 6
Idaho - 4
Oregon - 3
Kansas - 2
Utah - 1
Arizona - 1
Nebraska - 1
Canada - 1
July 13th, 2005, 05:21 PM
South Carolina-56
North Carolina-22
July 13th, 2005, 05:48 PM
Northeast (NY, NJ, PA, MA) with a nice dash of GA and FL to quicken us up!
July 13th, 2005, 06:02 PM
An interesting way to do it is to look at distances of home towns from campus. McNeese is near the Texas/Louisiana border and just about all their players come from those two states. I don't remember the specifics but in 2003 we got in one of those discussions about talent density and I looked at the average distance to players' home towns for McNeese, Georgia Southern, Youngstown State, and Florida Atlantic. The average distance between school and players' home towns was smaller for McNeese than any of those schools. And that's saying something with Florida Atlantic being in the Miami area. McNeese is very much a "home grown talent" team.
If you get as obsessive about running numbers as I do and want to see what your teams' "school to players' home towns" average is, you can use (http://) to get the straight line, "as the crow flies" distance between two cities/towns.
July 13th, 2005, 06:40 PM
Montana St.
MT 25
CA 25
ID 1
OR 6
WA 5
FL 2
TX 1
July 13th, 2005, 06:43 PM
South Dakota State:
SD 31
IA 18
MN 16
NE 13
AZ 5
KS 2
CA 1
WI 1
Sly Fox
July 13th, 2005, 06:48 PM
Here's where the Flames come from:
Virginia - 27
Florida - 18
Pennsylvania - 7
Georgia - 6
North Carolina - 5
Ohio - 4
California - 3
South Carolina - 3
Alabama - 2
Arizona - 2
Maryland - 2
Tennessee - 2
Washington - 2
Minnesota - 1
Mississippi - 1
New Jersey - 1
New York - 1
Texas - 1
Wisconsin - 1
Canada - 2
That's 19 states by my count with a couple from the Great White North, eh?
As for the distance, that is far too much work to calculate for our kids. Let's just say its a long way for most of our players.
July 13th, 2005, 07:02 PM
July 13th, 2005, 07:06 PM
Ok, this is my count by state on the 2004 roster for McNeese:
LA - 48
TX - 13
MS - 1
FL - 1
I know the numbers are low (right at 63) but that's the 2004 roster at the school's web site.
July 13th, 2005, 07:13 PM
If you get as obsessive about running numbers as I do and want to see what your teams' "school to players' home towns" average is, you can use (http://) to get the straight line, "as the crow flies" distance between two cities/towns.
Thanks for the link! That is a cool site and tool to use! I ran the numbers a month ago to see how far I was from San Marcos being up here in Seattle and it came up with 2416 according to and indo came up with 1785 and I believe it! Nothing direct in getting up here...
July 13th, 2005, 08:03 PM
Nova '05 Roster
FL- 9
NY- 6
MD- 5
MA- 4
OH- 4
GA- 2
CT- 1
DE- 1 :confused:
KY- 1
MI- 1
RI- 1
WA- 1
July 13th, 2005, 09:24 PM
Lehigh's 2004 roster:
New Jersey--17
New York----4
New Hampshire-1
North Carolina--1
South Carolina-1
West Virginia-1
July 13th, 2005, 09:49 PM
Normally we will have 4 or 5 from Fla, 2 or 3 from Miss, and balance from Alabama and Georgia. We do have one from Alaska now.
July 13th, 2005, 09:49 PM
W&M's Roster
VA - 53
PA - 14
MD - 6
NJ - 5
NC - 5
DE - 3
OH - 2
SC - 2
FL - 2
DC - 2
CA - 1
WI - 1
CT - 1
WA - 1
MA - 1
Go Lehigh TU Owl
July 13th, 2005, 09:53 PM
Lehigh's 2004 roster:
New Jersey--17
New York----4
New Hampshire-1
North Carolina--1
South Carolina-1
West Virginia-1
Wow, i had no idea as to how diverse the team had become. That's 24 different states, half of the contiguos(sp??) USA. I don't know if any other school other then maybe one of the Ivy's can top that.
July 13th, 2005, 10:26 PM
Lehigh as a university has become more national in scope starting back in the 1990's when then-President Likens undertook to make Lehigh a "Stanford of the East" (his old alma mater), and indeed that has happened. The geographical diversity reflects the student body. When I attended 90% of the school came from PA, NJ and NY. The increase in the SAT scores and PL criteria has also made LU so much tougher to get in, requiring Lehigh to cast a wider net to get the same number of recruits to meet the admissions standards. This also costs a lot more money and therefore, the need to start the Athletics Partnership to get alums to contribute to this effort.
July 13th, 2005, 11:14 PM
July 13th, 2005, 11:15 PM
GSU player geographical data:
86 from Georgia
19 from Florida
4 from South Carolina
2 from Alabama
1 from Virginia
1 from North Carolina
1 from Colorado
July 13th, 2005, 11:30 PM
Here's the breakdown of JSU's 2004 roster:
Alabama - 50
Georgia - 18
Florida - 6
Alaska - 1
Mississippi - 1
Tennessee - 1
15 players, or 19 percent, are from within 50 miles of Jacksonville. 36 players, or 47 percent, are from within 100 miles. All are from within 300 miles, except for the kid from Alaska. On the map below, each red dot represents a player's hometown.
July 13th, 2005, 11:48 PM
July 14th, 2005, 02:01 AM
Georgia surprises me... and no Alabama or Tennessee...
July 14th, 2005, 02:02 AM
Here's the breakdown of JSU's 2004 roster:
Alabama - 50
Georgia - 18
Florida - 6
Alaska - 1
Mississippi - 1
Tennessee - 1
15 players, or 19 percent, are from within 50 miles of Jacksonville. 36 players, or 47 percent, are from within 100 miles. All are from within 300 miles, except for the kid from Alaska. On the map below, each red dot represents a player's hometown.
Nice work! How did you come up with this??? And how do you get a kid from alaska to come to alabama?
Big Dawg
July 14th, 2005, 02:06 AM
I give you numbers tomorrow, but it's pretty safe to say that Florida dominates the roster.
July 14th, 2005, 03:40 AM
Georgia surprises me... and no Alabama or Tennessee...
We recruit Georgia because our head coach (Dennis Roland) is from there and obviously has recruiting ties.
Our primary recruiting focus is south Louisiana, south Mississippi and the Mississippi junior colleges but we'll venture out if we have a contact somewhere. We don't spend much time Alabama or Tennessee.
Honestly, we don't have to go much outside of a 50-mile radius to find quality I-AA players.
July 14th, 2005, 04:04 AM
Eastern Washington Breakdown (2005)
I think its safe to say EWU is home grown... :)
Washington - 78 - 82%
California - 8 - 8%
Oregon - 3 - 3%
Idaho - 3 - 3%
Hawaii - 1 - 1%
Michigan - 1 - 1%
British Columbia - 1 - 1%
Husky Alum
July 14th, 2005, 06:22 AM
Northeastern's 2005 Breakdown...
MA 30
FL 6
NJ 6
NY 6
CT 5
MD 4
PA 4
VA 4
NH 3
OH 2
GA 2
AZ 1
Aruba 1
CA 1
DE 1
IN 1
ME 1
July 14th, 2005, 07:49 AM
Nice work! How did you come up with this??? And how do you get a kid from alaska to come to alabama?
His dad played at JSU.
July 14th, 2005, 08:03 AM
Cocky, the BIG question is: How did you produce that map?
July 14th, 2005, 08:03 AM
26- Illinois
15- Florida
7- Wisconsin
6- California
4- Texas
3- Georgia
1- Tennessee
1- Indiana
1- Oklahoma
1- Mississippi
1- Kentucky
1- Ohio
1- Michigan
1- New Mexico
July 14th, 2005, 08:23 AM
Alot of players are from Maryland, VA, and Florida
These stats are based on last year's roster.
Maryland 16
Florida 13
Virginia 10
North Carolina 9
Pennsylvania 7
California 6
Michigan 5
DC 4
Colorado 3
Connecticut 3
New York 3
Texas 2
Alabama 2
Nevada 1
New Jersey 1
Delaware 1
South Carolina 1
July 14th, 2005, 08:38 AM
Albany, including the spring roster and incoming recruits:
NY 74
NJ 14
Germany 1
Penn. 3
Mass. 1
NC 1
NH 1
CT 1
VA 1
FL 1
CA 1
TX 1
IL 1
July 14th, 2005, 10:07 AM
Cocky, the BIG question is: How did you produce that map?
That wasn't me. That was JaxSinfonian. A quality education from a great institution and I think he is a media man by profession help him produce that impressive map.
I'm lucky to post correctly.
Red Hawk
July 14th, 2005, 11:05 AM
Mostly Missouri, with the remainder from Florida, Texas and California. We also have one kid from New Zealand.
July 14th, 2005, 12:57 PM
Northern Arizona:
California 29 (almost all from I-AA free Southern CA)
Arizona 19
Oregon 4
Texas 3
Florida 2
Nevada 2
Colorado 1
Indiana 1
July 14th, 2005, 01:44 PM
Fordham 2005 Roster plus 2005 Recruits
NJ 20
Florida 19
NY 13
PA 12
Ohio 8
MD 4
Va 3
TX 3
CT 3
MA 2
Wash DC 1 (starting QB)
Utah 1
GA 1
Ill 1
RI 1
NH 1
Canada 1
July 14th, 2005, 07:00 PM
Fordham 2005 Roster plus 2005 Recruits
NJ 20
Florida 19
NY 13
PA 12
Ohio 8
MD 4
Va 3
TX 3
CT 3
MA 2
Wash DC 1 (starting QB)
Utah 1
GA 1
Ill 1
RI 1
NH 1
Canada 1
Not surprising at all. Your staff literally lives in Florida recruiting the ***** out of that state. You are also able to admit more than some of the rest of the PL's due to the admissions criteria formula.
July 14th, 2005, 09:56 PM
UNH using 2004 Roster
16 - Mass.
16 - PA
13 - NY
11 - NH
9 - CT
8 - NJ
6 - Vermont
3 - California
3 - Quebec
2 - Maine
2 - RI
1 - NC
1 - KY
1 - Sweden
July 14th, 2005, 10:17 PM
Georgia surprises me... and no Alabama or Tennessee...
There's not nearly the amount of high school football talent in Alabama or Tennessee as there is in Georgia.
July 15th, 2005, 09:04 AM
Not surprising at all. Your staff literally lives in Florida recruiting the ***** out of that state. You are also able to admit more than some of the rest of the PL's due to the admissions criteria formula.
Mountain Hawk (nee NGINEER) I am more surprised at a stereotyping remark inferring a correlation between the number of Fl. recruits and a lowering of admission standards at FU. Thought all the Lehigh grads were politically correct.
July 15th, 2005, 11:07 AM
The national champions have a roster dominated by Virginia players, but there are a lot of states represented:
Virginia 52
Maryland 11
Georgia 5
North Carolina 5
Florida 3
New Jersey 3
Pennsylvania 3
Massachusetts 2
Arkansas 1
Delaware 1
Kentucky 1
New York 1
Rhode Island 1
July 15th, 2005, 04:28 PM
Not surprising at all. Your staff literally lives in Florida recruiting the ***** out of that state. You are also able to admit more than some of the rest of the PL's due to the admissions criteria formula.
If the other Patriot League schools wanted to expend the effort and money to find players in Florida that would be good enough to help their I-AA teams and meet their admissions standards I think they could find them.
July 15th, 2005, 07:13 PM
Not surprising at all. Your staff literally lives in Florida recruiting the ***** out of that state. You are also able to admit more than some of the rest of the PL's due to the admissions criteria formula.
Mountain Hawk (nee NGINEER) I am more surprised at a stereotyping remark inferring a correlation between the number of Fl. recruits and a lowering of admission standards at FU. Thought all the Lehigh grads were politically correct.
ngineer - I have to disagree here. I don't think there's necessarily any correlation between the two. I just counted and Colgate has 16 players from Florida on the fall roster. Fordham has decided to place their efforts in the Sunshine state and it looks like they've been successful. Selling NYC to a recruit from a city down south might be easier than Bethlehem or Hamilton too.
July 15th, 2005, 10:36 PM
Northwestern State
LA - 51
Tx - 21
MS - 1
Utah - 1
July 15th, 2005, 10:53 PM
ngineer - I have to disagree here. I don't think there's necessarily any correlation between the two. I just counted and Colgate has 16 players from Florida on the fall roster. Fordham has decided to place their efforts in the Sunshine state and it looks like they've been successful. Selling NYC to a recruit from a city down south might be easier than Bethlehem or Hamilton too.
I just know there have been a number of Floridians who ended up in the Bronx that we could not even approach due to Admissions saying 'forget it.'
Jealous? A little. One can cover up a lot of deficiencies with speed, and we could use some.
July 16th, 2005, 12:06 AM
From the spring roster, WCU looks like this:
NC - 48
GA - 15
SC - 8
FL - 1
VA - 1
NV - 1
NJ - 1
Ontario - 1
July 16th, 2005, 12:12 AM
Virginia is an amazing state in terms of football talent... VT and UVa are dominated by Va players....then add in JMU, W&M, Hampton, and the rest of the 1-AA Va schools.....then add the Mid-Atlantic schools that mine the area.
there is a lot of talent in Va.....its a big reason that a lot of people feel that VA can and should field a third 1-A team. JMU should be that 3rd team, but we love our current situation with UD and W&M.
July 17th, 2005, 08:11 AM
A good place to list the last breakdown I saw of where NFL players come from ( (http://) ). It's from 2004 so the details have changed some but I've seen these things over the years and the rankings should conintue to be similar.
Top 10, Total NFL Player Production
CA 194
FL 187
TX 181
GA 94
LA 74
OH 68
PA 61
SC 52
IL 51
MS 49
Top 10, NFL players produced per 1 million population
MS 17.06
LA 16.51
SC 12.66
HI 12.05
FL 11.19
GA 10.98
AL 9.81
TX 8.31
NE 7.52
IA 7.49
I think there's a tendency for fans of Louisiana institutions to also think being in a talent-rich area means their schools should be I-A. But you have to consider the number of I-A schools already recruiting the area.
In Virginia, if more schools go I-A, they're not normally going to beat out Virginia Tech, Virginia or other more established I-As for players. What's going to happen most of the time is that players that would've been I-AA recruits will instead be I-A recruits. When you start a new I-A program that automatically means that 80 some-odd recruits who otherwise wouldn't have been I-A recruits will be.
July 17th, 2005, 08:29 AM
all 70+ kids in the football program are from the the Lone Star State. :nod:
July 17th, 2005, 09:11 AM
all 70+ kids in the football program are from the the Lone Star State. :nod:
Even the WR transfer from VT? :confused:
July 17th, 2005, 01:59 PM
Even the WR transfer from VT? :confused:
yes, Malone is from Friendswood.
July 18th, 2005, 08:17 AM
I just know there have been a number of Floridians who ended up in the Bronx that we could not even approach due to Admissions saying 'forget it.'
But doesn't that street run both ways? Haven't there been some recruits that decided on Lehigh because Admissions said "OK, we'll stretch." I mean, a door was opened to them at a school that normally would be closed strictly because of football. I know that's a factor for recruits deciding to get a degree from Colgate.
July 18th, 2005, 08:32 AM
G-W is only 3 hrs from Atlanta, so no surprise that 31 players hail from Georgia as of last year. Usually NC and SC are next, and according to last year's online roster they were in the 17-18 range in those states.
July 18th, 2005, 11:16 AM
Last years Griz team...
Montana - 41
California - 15
Washington - 12
Colorado - 6
Idaho - 4
Oregon - 3
Kansas - 2
Utah - 1
Arizona - 1
Nebraska - 1
Canada - 1
Wow. :eek: This was very shocking. I follow Montana from a distance, but never would have thought the majority of their players were from Montana. I would have guess Cali. It’s not like Montana is a football hotbed like CA, FL, OH, and TX. Yet they are one of the best teams in 1AA year in year out.
July 18th, 2005, 12:05 PM
I could be wrong, but my impression is that if you're a kid growing up in MT, you have 2 choices. Given the historical strength of the program, I would imagine there is many a kid that dreams of playing for the Griz.
If a single program can consistantly draw the top kids from it's state, there isn't as great of a need to look elsewhere for talent!
July 18th, 2005, 04:59 PM
UNI's Breakdown:
65 Iowa
11 Missouri
7 Minnesota
3 Wisconsin
3 Oklahoma
3 Illinois
2 Florida
2 Pennsylvania
2 Nebraska
1 New Jersey
1 Indiana
1 Texas
1 Idaho
1 South Dakota
Bolded are Iowa and the states that border Iowa
July 18th, 2005, 11:58 PM
Maine's 2005 Roster breakdown:
New Jersey - 25
Maine - 17
New York - 16
Pennsylvania - 9
Massachusetts - 7
Connecticut - 6
Delaware - 2
Virginia - 2
California - 1
Maryland - 1
North Carolina - 1
Rhode Island - 1
July 19th, 2005, 11:12 PM
Cocky, the BIG question is: How did you produce that map?
Not too hard at all. It just takes a little computer knowledge and the right software. Microsoft's Streets & Trips will import several types of database/spreadsheet files, and as long as there is at least a city & state component it'll plot the information on a map for you. I just pasted the 2004 roster from ( into Excel, cleaned it up a bit, and imported it into S&T. After that all I had to do was draw the circles on top with the radii, and capture a screen shot to paste into Photoshop and save as a jpg. Took about 30 minutes. The longest part was cleaning up the roster.
Any questions? Of course, now that I've posted the instructions, I expect to see maps from everyone up here. Right?
July 19th, 2005, 11:19 PM
Last years Griz team...
Montana - 41
California - 15
Washington - 12
Colorado - 6
Idaho - 4
Oregon - 3
Kansas - 2
Utah - 1
Arizona - 1
Nebraska - 1
Canada - 1
This season we have a boy from good 'ol Tennessee. The Titans head coaches son.
July 19th, 2005, 11:39 PM
Wow. :eek: This was very shocking. I follow Montana from a distance, but never would have thought the majority of their players were from Montana. I would have guess Cali. It’s not like Montana is a football hotbed like CA, FL, OH, and TX. Yet they are one of the best teams in 1AA year in year out.
Football is the top sport here. All the good athletic kids play starting in Pee Wee football leagues. They don't get side tracked to Hockey or LaCrosse here, the Football coaches get the best kids. Even though we have only a million population the schools play some pretty good football.
July 19th, 2005, 11:53 PM
No, the BIG question is:
How do you pronounce Missouri? Is it Missou-ree or Missour-rah?
For the record I say Missou-rah.
July 20th, 2005, 10:27 AM
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