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December 22nd, 2016, 09:51 AM
https://media.tenor.co/images/8d07c79e2995474dbdc77530167de5b6/raw (https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjL3anskojRAhWM5oMKHV_xBKYQjRwIBw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tenor.co%2Fview%2Fquickly-thatescalatedquickly-joker-thedarkknight-darkknight-gif-5841756&psig=AFQjCNFlWAK7VXM28vxzfWCbXjPw6cK4Yg&ust=1482507968260743)


December 22nd, 2016, 09:51 AM
https://media.tenor.co/images/8d07c79e2995474dbdc77530167de5b6/raw (https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjL3anskojRAhWM5oMKHV_xBKYQjRwIBw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tenor.co%2Fview%2Fquickly-thatescalatedquickly-joker-thedarkknight-darkknight-gif-5841756&psig=AFQjCNFlWAK7VXM28vxzfWCbXjPw6cK4Yg&ust=1482507968260743)

When conservative homophobes and liberal virtue signallers collide...

December 22nd, 2016, 09:54 AM

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December 22nd, 2016, 09:58 AM
http://i2.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/021/656/csfetuk.JPG (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwj53s-8lYjRAhVJ9IMKHQamC30QjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fknowyourmeme.com%2Fmemes%2Fsafety pin-safety-pin-movement&psig=AFQjCNFKhpB0l5JUKP5VoTxzI_Z4bnakhw&ust=1482508698453591)

December 22nd, 2016, 10:05 AM
Jesus, talk about being oversensitive to crepe paper. Do you still need a safe space from where we threw our terrible streamers in your stadium in 2006? And beating us by 4 on a bull**** ball placement on 4th down is not an ass whooping. If you want ass-whoopings, look at what we did to Soft Houston State. And I don't believe for a second if our roles had been reversed that YSU fans wouldn't have been mad about going to the #4 as the #5. So shut the **** up you ignorant Ohio piece of ****. I know you're still butthurt from having to go to school in the taint of America, but deal with.

I know it's difficult for closeted guys like yourself to look too closely to these pictures since you'll accidentally get a boner and out yourself, but I'm not surprised that you can't tell the difference between confetti and streamers. Must be that great Youngstown Coal Education you got you stupid ****.

I'm just trying to wear out my welcome. Season is almost over.

December 22nd, 2016, 10:07 AM
24239You should Change your name to Penguin Pride

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December 22nd, 2016, 10:08 AM
http://i2.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/021/656/csfetuk.JPG (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwj53s-8lYjRAhVJ9IMKHQamC30QjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fknowyourmeme.com%2Fmemes%2Fsafety pin-safety-pin-movement&psig=AFQjCNFKhpB0l5JUKP5VoTxzI_Z4bnakhw&ust=1482508698453591)

I just love it that JMU is being painted as the "liberal" group. JMU's president would love it too but I digress. On our own boards there are only three or four liberal posters and we get tarred and feathered every time we say anything that hints at such a label. But you're damned right we're arrogant, because JMU is great, the Commonwealth is pretty great most of the time, and Dirty is correct, Youngstown is the taint's taint.

December 22nd, 2016, 10:13 AM
Man, we were going good...now we've got two weeks of this.

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December 22nd, 2016, 10:18 AM
I just love it that JMU is being painted as the "liberal" group. JMU's president would love it too but I digress. On our own boards there are only three or four liberal posters and we get tarred and feathered every time we say anything that hints at such a label. But you're damned right we're arrogant, because JMU is great, the Commonwealth is pretty great most of the time, and Dirty is correct, Youngstown is the taint's taint.

Well at least this time someone in Frisco will clean up your fairy litter. Interesting you have diversity considering your university is named after a slave owner.

December 22nd, 2016, 10:24 AM

With all do respect, to everyone it is all in good fun. I don't really hate the JMU fans. I get that its your tradition.

December 22nd, 2016, 10:27 AM
Man, we were going good...now we've got two weeks of this.

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Hoboken Dukes
December 22nd, 2016, 10:28 AM
Love when some flyover state mouth breather starts popping off.

December 22nd, 2016, 10:37 AM

Penisguin Power you advertising again?

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December 22nd, 2016, 10:37 AM
Love when some flyover state mouth breather starts popping off.

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/b5/38/70/b53870de4d30e3a53a53865d43deeebc.gif (https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwi-ua3xnYjRAhWb0YMKHcZzAIYQjRwIBw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fjessbessr%2F gifs-american-psycho%2F&bvm=bv.142059868,d.amc&psig=AFQjCNFuCUcl-ejS4s5KsHbW7ytp-NCpTg&ust=1482510920586749)

December 22nd, 2016, 10:45 AM
It was all going well until Penguin Power had to take a **** all over this thread.

December 22nd, 2016, 10:45 AM
Ehhhhh......reading along with the last three playoff threads involving JMU, I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I'm pretty ****ing happy that it wasn't JMU who went on NDSUs run of 5 straight. Talk about obnoxious. I thought bison fans were a pain in the ass till I started reading JMU and SHSU fans posts. Sweet 8lb 6oz baby Jesus.

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https://az616578.vo.msecnd.net/files/2016/04/18/635966095556533349-1333778588_6359645300130597221883712010_anigif_enh anced-buzz-14064-1398051212-12.gif (https://www.theodysseyonline.com/when-you-love-coffee-too-much)

Penguin Nation
December 22nd, 2016, 11:01 AM
I like JMU so much I married an alumni and root for the Dukes versus any non-MVFC team. But what happened to your fight song? "Whoop-de-do?" Were you guys burning one when you made this trite jingle? Did you think no one would notice that you only have one stanza that you keep repeating? It's not as bad as listening to a Hillary laugh but c'mon man.

Listen at your own risk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nZ7RolGw3w

December 22nd, 2016, 11:08 AM
I like JMU so much I married an alumni and root for the Dukes versus any non-MVFC team. But what happened to your fight song? "Whoop-de-do?" Were you guys burning one when you made this trite jingle? Did you think no one would notice that you only have one stanza that you keep repeating? It's not as bad as listening to a Hillary laugh but c'mon man.

Listen at your own risk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nZ7RolGw3w

I guess you weren't a music theory major...

Also, not sure who made that video but whatever they have in parenthesis are not what is actually said. Actually the poster of the video says so.

Thumper 76
December 22nd, 2016, 11:20 AM
. But you're damned right we're arrogant, because JMU is great, the Commonwealth is pretty great most of the time, and Dirty is correct, Youngstown is the taint's taint.

So great that the Sunbelt picked Coastal Carolina over you xcoffeex

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December 22nd, 2016, 11:37 AM
So great that the Sunbelt picked Coastal Carolina over you xcoffeex

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I know we live in a country that doesn't care about facts, but here you go.

December 22nd, 2016, 12:00 PM
where do you see streamers in the top picture? I see confetti. does that make NDSU fans gay for having confetti in Frisco the last 5 years?
Full disclosure, that's the NCAA's doing, not NDSU. So if the Penguins win,they'll have some confetti. Then you can give them **** :)

December 22nd, 2016, 12:00 PM
Jesus, talk about being oversensitive to crepe paper. Do you still need a safe space from where we threw our terrible streamers in your stadium in 2006? And beating us by 4 on a bull**** ball placement on 4th down is not an ass whooping. If you want ass-whoopings, look at what we did to Soft Houston State. And I don't believe for a second if our roles had been reversed that YSU fans wouldn't have been mad about going to the #4 as the #5. So shut the **** up you ignorant Ohio piece of ****. I know you're still butthurt from having to go to school in the taint of America, but deal with.

I know it's difficult for closeted guys like yourself to look too closely to these pictures since you'll accidentally get a boner and out yourself, but I'm not surprised that you can't tell the difference between confetti and streamers. Must be that great Youngstown Coal Education you got you stupid ****.

Roles reversed? In 2006 Youngstown won the MVFC.

December 22nd, 2016, 12:01 PM
Ehhhhh......reading along with the last three playoff threads involving JMU, I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I'm pretty ****ing happy that it wasn't JMU who went on NDSUs run of 5 straight. Talk about obnoxious. I thought bison fans were a pain in the ass till I started reading JMU and SHSU fans posts. Sweet 8lb 6oz baby Jesus.

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Just imagine what it'll be like if they win...It might be the greatest team ever. And probably already declared a dynasty :)

December 22nd, 2016, 12:03 PM
It should be a good game.

December 22nd, 2016, 12:59 PM
The only good Dukes is Daisyxthumbsupx


December 22nd, 2016, 01:18 PM
The only good Dukes is Daisyxthumbsupx


Nothing wrong with those Dukes. Was she drug tested?

December 22nd, 2016, 01:20 PM
I'll drink to that ,Red. Sometime I'll tell you about the Daisy Duke I tapped at Morehead. You'll recall all the Morehead days..... bootleggers & all ! xthumbsupx

December 22nd, 2016, 01:23 PM
I'll drink to that ,Red. Sometime I'll tell you about the Daisy Duke I tapped at Morehead. You'll recall all the Morehead days..... boothleggers & all ! xthumbsupx

Yes sir really a good time in those hills. Going to Frisco? Don't let our buddy keep you from going xpeacex

December 22nd, 2016, 01:28 PM
Will the weather play a factor?
Will field conditions be good, previous years have had some doubt.
How many more players will be suspended from both teams?

Penguin Nation
December 22nd, 2016, 01:33 PM
The only good Dukes is Daisyxthumbsupx


Are we not going to talk about all of that hairy peach fuzz on her shoulders and arms? This isn't the Amazon.

December 22nd, 2016, 01:42 PM
Are we not going to talk about all of that hairy peach fuzz on her shoulders and arms? This isn't the Amazon.

xnonono2x "IF" you noticed that, you're probably throwing streamers. Are you sure you root for the right team xbangx

December 22nd, 2016, 01:58 PM
Are we not going to talk about all of that hairy peach fuzz on her shoulders and arms? This isn't the Amazon.

Im guessing you would be more interested in the pole then the dancer.

December 22nd, 2016, 02:01 PM
The only good Dukes is Daisyxthumbsupx


Looks like she was in the weight room all season and just got in form for the championship.

Penguin Nation
December 22nd, 2016, 02:19 PM
xnonono2x "IF" you noticed that, you're probably throwing streamers. Are you sure you root for the right team xbangx

I'm the team captain of the "right" team. My better half makes her look like Rosie O'Donnell.

December 22nd, 2016, 02:32 PM
Sorry, Red, but I won't be going to Frisco. I've made my stand because of the AD and will hold to it till he is gone. I note that part of that "banning" on the other board is because the owner there is his butt kisser and drags the entire program down with all threats he makes against the other posters who "fail to toe the line".

I'll watch on TV. Good luck to YSU as I see they have a shot at winning it again. If in Frisco, behave yourself !!xnodx But I know better !

December 22nd, 2016, 02:42 PM
Sorry, Red, but I won't be going to Frisco. I've made my stand because of the AD and will hold to it till he is gone. I note that part of that "banning" on the other board is because the owner there is his butt kisser and drags the entire program down with all threats he makes against the other posters who "fail to toe the line".

I'll watch on TV. Good luck to YSU as I see they have a shot at winning it again. If in Frisco, behave yourself !!xnodx But I know better !

You have to admit Pelini has done a good job coaching this year

December 22nd, 2016, 02:54 PM
Sorry, PP. Pelini is still over ranked. Tell me this time next year how you liked his coaching after the bottom falls out next season. Its going to be ugly. Hate to say it ,but Monty has saved their bacon late in the season. That and the D full of FBS transfers ( who leave). Recruiting has not been his strong suit. They will need a ton of transfers to survive next year.

Thumper 76
December 22nd, 2016, 02:59 PM
Sorry, PP. Pelini is still over ranked. Tell me this time next year how you liked his coaching after the bottom falls out next season. Its going to be ugly. Hate to say it ,but Monty has saved their bacon late in the season. That and the D full of FBS transfers ( who leave). Recruiting has not been his strong suit. They will need a ton of transfers to survive next year.

Good god man he turned them around from a team that got worked in Fargo and Brookings to the Natty. What does he have to do to make ya happy?

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December 22nd, 2016, 03:01 PM
Sorry, Red, but I won't be going to Frisco. I've made my stand because of the AD and will hold to it till he is gone. I note that part of that "banning" on the other board is because the owner there is his butt kisser and drags the entire program down with all threats he makes against the other posters who "fail to toe the line".

I'll watch on TV. Good luck to YSU as I see they have a shot at winning it again. If in Frisco, behave yourself !!xnodx But I know better !

Go to Frisco. You never know when you'll be back there. I said that five years ago...... I suppose that's a bad example. xdrunkyx

Seriously, I'm with you 100% on your AD, but not going out of spite for him is the wrong reason to stay home.

December 22nd, 2016, 03:11 PM
BT -- I have been to all the other NC YSU played in. Had fun times, so I've done it before, including "staying" at the "storage room" at the Holiday Inn in Huntington when we trusted another to take care of accommodations. A story for all time.

I look for YSU to have a good shot at winning, but the AD remaining employed means I'll be home and watching on TV. My boycott is total.

December 22nd, 2016, 03:13 PM
Go to Frisco. You never know when you'll be back there. I said that five years ago...... I suppose that's a bad example. xdrunkyx

Seriously, I'm with you 100% on your AD, but not going out of spite for him is the wrong reason to stay home.

I agree. Getting secondary market tickets, staying at a non-sanctioned school hotel and having fun at the game does not benefit the YSU AD in ANY way. Get down there with some purple and gold on at least! xthumbsupx

Penguin Nation
December 22nd, 2016, 03:22 PM
Hey Paladin, moRon is there for life unfortunately. If you wait until he's gone, you'll wait forever. The ticketgate scandal ranks up there with Martingate, Hillgate, Slocumgate, renewing Heacockgate.....so many examples of incompetence for one AD. its unreal. I was in Ytown last week and even considered going to see the MBB team play Niagara....as much as they are unworthy of my time......but not unexpectedly something better came up.....anyway do what you want...don't let a doofus that somehow became AD stop you.

December 22nd, 2016, 04:17 PM
BT -- I have been to all the other NC YSU played in. Had fun times, so I've done it before, including "staying" at the "storage room" at the Holiday Inn in Huntington when we trusted another to take care of accommodations. A story for all time.

I look for YSU to have a good shot at winning, but the AD remaining employed means I'll be home and watching on TV. My boycott is total.

Let me give you some unsolicited advice. Go to the game, have fun, support your team, make great memories, be happy. Dont worry about hurt feelings, taking a stand, etc.

We will all be in the ground someday and then it's too late. Grudges are pointless

December 22nd, 2016, 04:20 PM
Hey Paladin, moRon is there for life unfortunately. If you wait until he's gone, you'll wait forever. The ticketgate scandal ranks up there with Martingate, Hillgate, Slocumgate, renewing Heacockgate.....so many examples of incompetence for one AD. its unreal. I was in Ytown last week and even considered going to see the MBB team play Niagara....as much as they are unworthy of my time......but not unexpectedly something better came up.....anyway do what you want...don't let a doofus that somehow became AD stop you.

Being quite unfamiliar with YSU's interworkings why do you say he is there for life? Is he a Tressel guy? I would think if things keep popping up with this guy they would have to get rid of him at some point...

December 22nd, 2016, 04:25 PM
He was the TE on the 1991 team

Penguin Nation
December 22nd, 2016, 04:40 PM
Being quite unfamiliar with YSU's interworkings why do you say he is there for life? Is he a Tressel guy? I would think if things keep popping up with this guy they would have to get rid of him at some point...

Your helmet rocks. Did you see Bo coach in Lincoln?

It's a long story with our AD, but the short version is serial whopping errors in judgment that have cost the University immensely, financially and otherwise, and yet he remains there with not even a whisper from the local media. Tressel guy? idk. He was Tressel's successor as AD, and remains there after Tressel's return. I assume JT approves of his mismanagement. There is a defeatist attitude in the Athletic Department, the University, and even the city itself that "this is the best we can hope for." The mayor of Ytown recently plead guilty to misdemeanor corruption charges, and shortly after announced plans to seek re-election. My guess is he'll win...as FUBAR as that is.

December 22nd, 2016, 04:51 PM
This is going to be a really good game. YSU has surpassed my expectations every week since beating Samford. I will say that YSU’s offensive line was too much for JSU, Wofford, and EWU. In the second half of those three games, the O-line was creating massive holes, and when you have a back like Webb who can take it the distance every time he touches the ball, that will create big problems. Will those holes open up against JMU? I don’t know.

On the other side of the ball, the 3 week break will be enormous for Penguins DE (Nebraska transfer)- Avery Moss. Moss and Rivers have teamed up on both ends and have done an exceptional job all year long. WVU’s coach said that they were the two best DE’s West Virginia will play all season. A healthy Moss and Rivers has created a lot of pressure against opposing teams this year. The interior line has been solid all year, but have been overshadowed by the star DE’s. However, if there’s one thing Bo knows, it’s defense. I expect a great game plan, and a heck of a game. No prediction on the winner, but I will say it will be decided by a TD or less.

GO GUINS! No matter what, you’ve exceeded my expectations. There’s only one thing left to do. Win the whole damn thing.

Hoboken Dukes
December 22nd, 2016, 07:55 PM
Apologies if this has been posted elsewhere but what is the sitch with the teams entering the stadium before the game? Read they enter from west side. Anyone know around what time that happens?

December 22nd, 2016, 08:04 PM
Apologies if this has been posted elsewhere but what is the sitch with the teams entering the stadium before the game? Read they enter from west side. Anyone know around what time that happens?

Yep. West side. Should be your home side. They'll post each teams stadium entrance time closer to game time. Approximately 2 hrs b4 kickoff iirc.

Hoboken Dukes
December 22nd, 2016, 08:23 PM
Yep. West side. Should be your home side. They'll post each teams stadium entrance time closer to game time. Approximately 2 hrs b4 kickoff iirc.

Thank you.

December 22nd, 2016, 09:50 PM
Apologies if this has been posted elsewhere but what is the sitch with the teams entering the stadium before the game? Read they enter from west side. Anyone know around what time that happens?

According to the schedule of events......

830 YSU

845 JMU


December 23rd, 2016, 09:15 AM
According to the schedule of events......

830 YSU

845 JMU


Team and MRD's could do a dawn-patrol Dog Walk through the Red Lot since this is a home game.

December 23rd, 2016, 09:57 AM
Yep. West side. Should be your home side. They'll post each teams stadium entrance time closer to game time. Approximately 2 hrs b4 kickoff iirc.

Last year the teams got off their buses and walked the same route to the stadium - that's why they are at two different times. The sidewalk will be roped off - it's pretty obvious where it is.

December 23rd, 2016, 09:59 AM
Last year the teams got off their buses and walked the same route to the stadium - that's why they are at two different times. The sidewalk will be roped off - it's pretty obvious where it is.

Hope everyone get a good night sleep everything seems so early... I'm sure that's espn decision for tv reasons... but this game really should be later in the day...guess that's the only time slot they wanted us in

December 23rd, 2016, 10:05 AM
Hope everyone get a good night sleep everything seems so early... I'm sure that's espn decision for tv reasons... but this game really should be later in the day...guess that's the only time slot they wanted us in
Been saying this for years. Really wished it was a 1 PM Central kick off. That morning flies by. But they don't want to compete with the NFL Wild Card games. In 2012 and 2013 it was noon, 2014 was 1 PM which was awesome. Then 2015 back to noon. And 2016 was first year at 11. Ugh.

December 23rd, 2016, 10:35 AM
Been saying this for years. Really wished it was a 1 PM Central kick off. That morning flies by. But they don't want to compete with the NFL Wild Card games. In 2012 and 2013 it was noon, 2014 was 1 PM which was awesome. Then 2015 back to noon. And 2016 was first year at 11. Ugh.

So I'm guessing the majority of tailgating is done after the game if you win of course? I'll be lucky to wake up and make it to the stadium by 11

December 23rd, 2016, 10:37 AM
So I'm guessing the majority of tailgating is done after the game if you win of course? I'll be lucky to wake up and make it to the stadium by 11
People definitely stick around after and have a good time. Mid afternoon in Texas is usually pretty comfortable and a great time for a few more beers. Plus like any major event, traffic is a zoo leaving anyway so you may as well relax. We have also done the opposite and hauled ass over to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the NFL games.

December 23rd, 2016, 10:43 AM
People definitely stick around after and have a good time. Mid afternoon in Texas is usually pretty comfortable and a great time for a few more beers. Plus like any major event, traffic is a zoo leaving anyway so you may as well relax. We have also done the opposite and hauled ass over to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the NFL games.
Either sound fun....of course y'all have never had to deal with losing that game last five years.....and where all ready to celebrate instead of jumping off a bridge or go back to your hotel and cry in the shower. I think I'd stick around to celebrate and stream the NFL games on my pad.... Then if it dies down at stadium hit the bars...

December 23rd, 2016, 10:45 AM
Either sound fun....of course y'all have never had to deal with losing that game last five years.....and where all ready to celebrate instead of jumping off a bridge or go back to your hotel and cry in the shower. I think I'd stick around to celebrate and stream the NFL games on my pad.... Then if it dies down at stadium hit the bars...
This is true. I've debated with myself quite a bit which would have frustrated me more - losing in the semi final like we did, or losing in Frisco. I think losing in Frisco would actually have pissed me off more

POD Knows
December 23rd, 2016, 10:58 AM
So I'm guessing the majority of tailgating is done after the game if you win of course? I'll be lucky to wake up and make it to the stadium by 11

Hell, no, we would be set up by 6:00 a.m. and get a solid 5 hours of tailgating. Man up, this is the Championship.

December 23rd, 2016, 11:57 AM
BTW, thanks Penguin Nation for posting the real story on the Ticketgate scandal over on the other site. It may be removed there, you know how that buttkissing jerk is.. You might want to post it here.

In the process of forming a YSU party at my home for those who want to watch on big screen TV and party. The AD may not take care of the fans, but we got our means.

December 23rd, 2016, 12:04 PM
BTW, thanks Penguin Nation for posting the real story on the Ticketgate scandal over on the other site. It may be removed there, you know how that buttkissing jerk is.. You might want to post it here.

In the process of forming a YSU party at my home for those who want to watch on big screen TV and party. The AD may not take care of the fans, but we got our means.

can u post it here....

December 23rd, 2016, 12:09 PM
Hell, no, we would be set up by 6:00 a.m. and get a solid 5 hours of tailgating. Man up, this is the Championship.
Ha yeah u right... I just prefer drink on the other side of 6 am.... as in staying up til 6am drinking .not waking up and drinking at 6am....going have try go bed early the night before I guess... I'm older now can't stay up late drinking night before and get up early drinking....I'm sure y'all North dakotians can do all that but dam to much for me.... I'm good for a nice 18 hour binge but have to be well rested befor I start and take a day after to recover....

December 23rd, 2016, 12:24 PM
Ha yeah u right... I just prefer drink on the other side of 6 am.... as in staying up til 6am drinking .not waking up and drinking at 6am....going have try go bed early the night before I guess... I'm older now can't stay up late drinking night before and get up early drinking....I'm sure y'all North dakotians can do all that but dam to much for me.... I'm good for a nice 18 hour binge but have to be well rested befor I start and take a day after to recover....
You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning!xthumbsupx

December 23rd, 2016, 12:43 PM
Ha yeah u right... I just prefer drink on the other side of 6 am.... as in staying up til 6am drinking .not waking up and drinking at 6am....going have try go bed early the night before I guess... I'm older now can't stay up late drinking night before and get up early drinking....I'm sure y'all North dakotians can do all that but dam to much for me.... I'm good for a nice 18 hour binge but have to be well rested befor I start and take a day after to recover....

Oh come on! The party begins Thur. afternoon and ends Sun. morning. :) Good luck and have fun!

Penguin Nation
December 23rd, 2016, 12:43 PM
BTW, thanks Penguin Nation for posting the real story on the Ticketgate scandal over on the other site. It may be removed there, you know how that buttkissing jerk is.. You might want to post it here.

In the process of forming a YSU party at my home for those who want to watch on big screen TV and party. The AD may not take care of the fans, but we got our means.

funny....I knew that post would be deleted. I gave it a half-life of one hour. Here's my response:

The reason I posted the link to the entire manual and an excerpt was so there were no inferences. Instead there was transparency and full validation of my claims. What you did, as I expected you to, was delete the information so that you can cover up the anti-YSU ineptitude and dishonesty of our Athletic Department. This manual from the NCAA is a smoking gun that: a) massive mistakes were made in this historic event, and b) the Athletic Department lied to cover up their errors.

Again, here is the content of the NCAA manual. The only reason to delete it a second time is to censor information from the readership of this forum.


Not later than Sunday, December 18 each institution shall inform Trina Simerly how many tickets
they would like for the championship game (and their locations). Confirmed sales only will be
printed and shipped via next-day delivery to each institution by AXS. Ticket links will be provided
to ticket managers for the remaining block (with Flash Seats as the required method of delivery).
A participating institution may return any unsold tickets. They will need to inform Trina Simerly at
the NCAA ([email protected]; 317-917-6516) of the number of electronic tickets to be returned
and their location no later than 5 p.m. Eastern time Monday, December 26. No hard ticket returns
will be accepted. Once the competing institutions release the tickets being retained, the NCAA and
Team Frisco may use them for sale to the general public.
The NCAA will invoice the participating institutions for all tickets taken and payment will be due
to the NCAA not later than 30 days after the date of the championship game.

"Confirmed sales only will be printed and shipped" Those are hard tickets that are already paid for. I'm not sure of many scenarios of why there would be refunds and a loss.

Non-hard tickets are e-tickets, sold by Flash Seats, and unsold ones can be returned by 26 December...still 3 days away...but we can't cuz the AD already gave these to JMU...and JMU already sold them.

We had until 30 days after 7 January 2017 to pay for anything......a risk-free loan courtesy of the NCAA.

Again, this is the smoking gun of costly ineptitude and trafficking of a lie to the public. I post this as an alumni and life-long fan. To delete this is to support those who lie and hurt the University. Your call.

December 23rd, 2016, 12:51 PM
Wow....thanks for posting that....so they could have took the 4000 allotment sold 3000 of them and returned 1000 if they didn't sell before the 26th.... I mean dam that's like having them on consignment... YSU essentially turned this into a home game for JMU... either because they didn't know the rules or where to stupid to understand them...This wasn't about we don't want to lose money... if they had like 10 days to sell what they could without penetaly or commitment to the 4000

doesnt really make sense logically...why wouldn't you take 4000 return what didn't sell?

Penguin Nation
December 23rd, 2016, 01:00 PM
Wow....thanks for posting that....so they could have took the 4000 allotment sold 3000 of them and returned 1000 if they didn't sell before the 26th.... I mean dam that's like having them on consignment... YSU essentially turned this into a home game for JMU... either because they didn't know the rules or where to stupid to understand them...This wasn't about we don't want to lose money... if they had like 10 days to sell what they could without penetaly or commitment to the 4000

Its hard to find this degree of incompetence and dishonesty. After reading the NCAA manual, read the multiple lies the SID told the local media...who never questioned the misinformation: http://www.vindy.com/news/2016/dec/21/ysu-sells-out-tickets-championship-game/ In case that gets deleted also, I'll post part of it here:

YSU was required to put a bid in for tickets right after its second-round win over Jacksonville State on Dec. 3, said YSU Sports Information Director Trevor Parks. YSU set aside $75,000 for the bid, which turned into 1,000 seats, which went quickly.

If YSU would have purchased seats that didn’t sell, the school would have been on the hook for them financially.

“You just had to try to get a feel for what makes sense,” Parks said. “You had to give them a number you knew you could meet.”

December 23rd, 2016, 01:08 PM
Yeh that is straight up lies.... this story needs to be heard... and y'all as fans and alumni deserve answers to this. I feel sorry for you guys that they dropped the ball so much..but I can't say that I'm not happy most of the stadium will be purple... If YSU wins the game the ticket situation will all be forgotten... When they lose the game I have a feeling this could blow up into a bigger story or at least an excuse for everyone to bitch about more

December 23rd, 2016, 01:17 PM
The YSU board is a good read.

"PN you ruin everything" xlolx

Your AD is incompetent. That's just a fact whether the Mods over there want to admit it or not.

Nice work, PN, at least it's getting out and more fans are starting to realize how badly they mishandled this whole thing.

Penguin Nation
December 23rd, 2016, 01:32 PM
Thanks BT. Whenever I don't grab pom poms and cheerlead there, I get threatened with banning, and my posts get deleted or edited. It's hilarious.

December 23rd, 2016, 01:56 PM
Thanks BT. Whenever I don't grab pom poms and cheerlead there, I get threatened with banning, and my posts get deleted or edited. It's hilarious.

It's actually kind of funny seeing even your board-admin guy "1AA" slowly come to terms in that last post - keep up the good work! We used to have a big apologist/hater divide when FBS seemed an option, but it's calmed down with the on-field success the last couple of years and no more room at the FBS Inn - and Inn that looks increasingly undesirable based on things like the crowd at this Popeye's Bahamas Bowl fiasco by the way.

Penguin Nation
December 23rd, 2016, 02:04 PM
It's actually kind of funny seeing even your board-admin guy "1AA" slowly come to terms in that last post - keep up the good work! We used to have a big apologist/hater divide when FBS seemed an option, but it's calmed down with the on-field success the last couple of years and no more room at the FBS Inn - and Inn that looks increasingly undesirable based on things like the crowd at this Popeye's Bahamas Bowl fiasco by the way.

I was just thinking that...I'd rather be FCS and in the playoffs than G5 in a joke toilet bowl. FWIW, my wife is a JMU alum....i'd o/w be pulling for you guys.

December 23rd, 2016, 02:57 PM
Thanks BT. Whenever I don't grab pom poms and cheerlead there, I get threatened with banning, and my posts get deleted or edited. It's hilarious.

On the home board we bitch about pom pons (pom poms) and the correct way to spell it. xlolx That place would be pretty boring if we didn't bitch about stuff. Honestly if a game goes by that our OC isn't called incompetent I would assume the site had melted down. xlolx

December 23rd, 2016, 03:00 PM
It's actually kind of funny seeing even your board-admin guy "1AA" slowly come to terms in that last post - keep up the good work! We used to have a big apologist/hater divide when FBS seemed an option, but it's calmed down with the on-field success the last couple of years and no more room at the FBS Inn - and Inn that looks increasingly undesirable based on things like the crowd at this Popeye's Bahamas Bowl fiasco by the way.
I was wondering if many people were still all in on FBS for JMU.

December 23rd, 2016, 03:14 PM
Still on it. If you haven't visited JMUs home board we have over 2000 pages on it😭

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Penguin Nation
December 23rd, 2016, 03:40 PM
FWIW....the poll results looks scary but >70% thought EWU was going to win....so we got that going for us. xthumbsupx

December 23rd, 2016, 03:53 PM
I saw a great interview from Bison media and NDSU head coach. I think he feels they could have won that game, but gave JMU credit and said he was rooting for YSU

December 23rd, 2016, 04:11 PM
I saw a great interview from Bison media and NDSU head coach. I think he feels they could have won that game, but gave JMU credit and said he was rooting for YSU

If Chris Kleiman just openly picked ysu to win, I'd be really worried as a ysu fan. That's the bulletin board material that you don't want going out.

December 23rd, 2016, 04:36 PM
If Chris Kleiman just openly picked ysu to win, I'd be really worried as a ysu fan. That's the bulletin board material that you don't want going out.

I’m pretty sure the post says he’s rooting for YSU, not that he thought they were going to win. MVFC teams stick together. Anyways, If you need bulletin material in the FCS national championship, you weren’t ready in the first place. I don’t believe in that bs.

December 23rd, 2016, 05:08 PM
I’m pretty sure the post says he’s rooting for YSU, not that he thought they were going to win. MVFC teams stick together. Anyways, If you need bulletin material in the FCS national championship, you weren’t ready in the first place. I don’t believe in that bs.

Coach Houston has turned words around to play the disrespect card many times this season and it clearly works. You'd be better off hoping no one says anything one way or another.

December 23rd, 2016, 05:26 PM
Coach Houston has turned words around to play the disrespect card many times this season and it clearly works. You'd be better off hoping no one says anything one way or another.

No matter what happens, I will not come back on this board and say YSU lost the game because of that darn bulletin board. Players win and lose games. But hey, I can spin it and say its a good thing that NDSU’s coach thinks they should of won. That means YSU has a chance against JMU :)

December 23rd, 2016, 05:29 PM
No matter what happens, I will not come back on this board and say YSU lost the game because of that darn bulletin board. Players win and lose games. But hey, I can spin it and say its a good thing that NDSU’s coach thinks they should of won. That means YSU has a chance against JMU :)

They really don't have a chance.... the only thing that can stop our offense is penalties or turnovers... but it still doesn't matter cause our defense will shut you down any way and our special teams will prolly get a punt or kickoff return...

December 23rd, 2016, 05:39 PM
He didn't say YSU was going to win. He just said he was rooting for YSU. He said JMU was the better team when they played.

However, just so you know, the precedent was set by the CAA when Maine's head coach told Mickey Matthews they would beat YSU in 2006 in the playoffs

Penguin Nation
December 23rd, 2016, 05:44 PM
They really don't have a chance.... the only thing that can stop our offense is penalties or turnovers... but it still doesn't matter cause our defense will shut you down any way and our special teams will prolly get a punt or kickoff return...

No chance? That's disconcerting. :) Did you steal that from the EWU thread?

December 23rd, 2016, 06:51 PM
No chance? That's disconcerting. :) Did you steal that from the EWU thread?

Sounded strangely familiar. SHSU?

December 23rd, 2016, 07:12 PM
The Bison are my second favorite team. If YSU gave up football I would be a bison fan. Maybe I am a closet Bison fan already

December 23rd, 2016, 07:18 PM

Please just shut up and go back in your hole for another 8 years. Looking for actual discussion not trolling.

YSU looks like it will be a good matchup. If we can contain the run, it will be interesting on the receiver corner match ups.

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December 23rd, 2016, 07:29 PM
They really don't have a chance.... the only thing that can stop our offense is penalties or turnovers... but it still doesn't matter cause our defense will shut you down any way and our special teams will prolly get a punt or kickoff return...

There ya go! Get a little fired up. I like it

December 23rd, 2016, 07:30 PM
Marshall could be special. i don't get excited about every transfer, but i'm cautiously optimistic about this one. his dad, Warren Marshall, is JMU's all-time leader in career rushing yards (and we've had some good ones) and an '01 inductee into the JMU Sports Hall of Fame. he's got good bloodlines. besides that, i'm honestly not sure how good Abdullah is. when ALL of your running backs look really good, it seems like it's more a reflection on the OL. not saying Abdullah's not good, i'm just saying it's difficult to tell how good. the only teams that really shut the running game down were UNH and Nova, and it's because they beat our OL at the point of attack.

Warren Marshall:

I hate to pick on a fellow JMU fan, but if you can't tell how special Abdullah is, you don't know much about football. JMU's OL is very good, but it's not "just" the OL. Abdullah is the real deal.

As for the GT transfer, yes, he is the son of the all-time leading rusher in JMU history, but he's also transferring to JMU after having been the top rusher for GT the past two seasons, with a cumulative total of over 1,200 yards gained in his Freshmen and Sophomore years. He's good, and he's faster than Abdullah.

December 23rd, 2016, 07:45 PM

Please just shut up and go back in your hole for another 8 years. Looking for actual discussion not trolling.

YSU looks like it will be a good matchup. If we can contain the run, it will be interesting on the receiver corner match ups.

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Cary you joined this year and have 18 posts...delete your account and get off the dukes bandwagon... I created this thread and have been a member 10 years... Ill dam sure say what I want unless URsus or another mod say I can't... certainly not listening to your newbie ass...it also wasn't close to trolling.its my opinion....which most of the time I'm actually highly accurate on... If you like to see trolling keep going with your mouth I'm sure you can drag it out of me fairly quickly

December 23rd, 2016, 07:56 PM
I hate to pick on a fellow JMU fan, but if you can't tell how special Abdullah is, you don't know much about football. JMU's OL is very good, but it's not "just" the OL. Abdullah is the real deal.

As for the GT transfer, yes, he is the son of the all-time leading rusher in JMU history, but he's also transferring to JMU after having been the top rusher for GT the past two seasons, with a cumulative total of over 1,200 yards gained in his Freshmen and Sophomore years. He's good, and he's faster than Abdullah.

abdullah credited his o line after the ndsu game .. said his momma could run through them holes....didn't come off as smack talk just a compliment to the o line....if we get kirsch back we will be unstoppable...even though Cary doesn't seem to think so...

Thumper 76
December 23rd, 2016, 09:08 PM
The Bison are my second favorite team. If YSU gave up football I would be a bison fan. Maybe I am a closet Bison fan already

And now I hate you. See. Look at what you did.

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December 23rd, 2016, 09:15 PM
abdullah credited his o line after the ndsu game .. said his momma could run through them holes....didn't come off as smack talk just a compliment to the o line....if we get kirsch back we will be unstoppable...even though Cary doesn't seem to think so...

Offensively we will be fine. My concerns are with the defense based on Youngstowns ability to utilize short yardage passing to open the run game. If it was EWU, it would be a cakewalk for Abdullah. Youngstown is a bit better defensively against the run so we will need a bit out of Kloo and Schiele for short yardage conversions.

I see the game being in the neighborhood of 31- 24 JMU.

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December 23rd, 2016, 09:43 PM
Offensively we will be fine. My concerns are with the defense based on Youngstowns ability to utilize short yardage passing to open the run game. If it was EWU, it would be a cakewalk for Abdullah. Youngstown is a bit better defensively against the run so we will need a bit out of Kloo and Schiele for short yardage conversions.

I see the game being in the neighborhood of 31- 24 JMU.

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You give them to much credit... did u see how the wr for EWU did basically what they wanted.... yeh Schor will do the same when they try stop Abdullah... pick your poison...in this case with their suspensions. They won't be able stop it...have u watched any games this year.... the only team that came close to stopping us in the fcs was Villanova. And that's cause Schor got hurt....our d has be absolutely fantastic giving up an average of 13.4 points a game for the last 5 games... this will easily be a 3 score win... 42-17 is my prediction

December 23rd, 2016, 11:35 PM
just noticed that YSU was founded in 1908. same year as JMU. just a random tidbit to throw out there.

December 24th, 2016, 08:16 AM
It's actually kind of funny seeing even your board-admin guy "1AA" slowly come to terms in that last post - keep up the good work! We used to have a big apologist/hater divide when FBS seemed an option, but it's calmed down with the on-field success the last couple of years and no more room at the FBS Inn - and Inn that looks increasingly undesirable based on things like the crowd at this Popeye's Bahamas Bowl fiasco by the way.

Just a note, question, comment but no concerns -

The Delaware AD made a similar gaff back in 2007, don't know the details but it sounds similar to what YSU just did with the tickets, so it's not the first time that this sort of thing has happened unfortunately, none to smart for college boys

JMU fans - why are you still FCS? Unlike Delaware, I thought your admin was gearing up for the move...Lets's start a new FBS Conference.....replace half of the CAA bottom feeders and plug in Army, Idaho, Buffalo, UMass, New Mexico State, call it the Wright Brothers Conference... meaning we have airplanes now, forget about the Bus rides...

The Bahama Bowl - what was the attendance anyway? there were 6 cruise ships docked in San Juan yesterday and about 30,000 people walking around with nothing to do except buy a few shirts and slam a few before they had to stagger back to the boat..... Puerto Rico is a better option than Nassau for a bowl game.... besides no passport required...... a lot more booze down here than in the Bahamas, place would never run dry even if 20,000 drooling Bison fans showed up....

December 24th, 2016, 08:31 AM
President Jon Alger is the reason why JMU isn't FBS yet. We've turned down opportunities to pursue just about every G5 save for the AAC or MWC over the past decade. Previous president Rose wouldn't entertain it either. We have an extremely risk averse administration.
Part of it is simply $$. We have the highest % student athletic fees of any Fcs football school and an athletic budget comparable to high end G5 schools.
The VA general assembly also just passed a bill limiting G5 FBS schools to a maximum of 55% student fee subsidies. That's tough to pull off without P5 revenue.

December 24th, 2016, 09:33 AM
I can't see how a team goes into Fargo & knocks off the 5-time defending champion only to stub their toe in the championship game.

The Dukes have a little much to lose this game. YSU is formidable & capable, but it's JMU when the final horn sounds.

I see it JMU 31-10.

December 24th, 2016, 10:09 AM
I can't see how a team goes into Fargo & knocks off the 5-time defending champion only to stub their toe in the championship game.

The Dukes have a little much to lose this game. YSU is formidable & capable, but it's JMU when the final horn sounds.

I see it JMU 31-10.

Yes I completely agree. If we play to our potential so far in these playoffs and really this entire season, there's no way the Dukes don't win on January 7th.
We'd have to have a bad game of penalties, turnovers and big scoring plays allowed by our defense to fall.
I know, I know. Any given Saturday.

December 24th, 2016, 11:36 AM
YSU has no chance. Blowout coming. Blah, blah, blah.

December 24th, 2016, 11:58 AM
YSU has no chance. Blowout coming. Blah, blah, blah.
At least you know what's coming and are honest with yourself... It was a Great ride this year for the penguins... Truley are building something...maybe next year you can actually beat ndsu or sdsu well prolly not but congrats on making it to the final...

December 24th, 2016, 01:02 PM
At least you know what's coming and are honest with yourself... It was a Great ride this year for the penguins... Truley are building something...maybe next year you can actually beat ndsu or sdsu well prolly not but congrats on making it to the final...

It was a great ride they said... In the process of building something special they said... maybe next year they said.... congrats for making it this far they said

December 24th, 2016, 01:06 PM
It was a great ride they said... In the process of building something special they said... maybe next year they said.... congrats for making it this far they said


Merry Christmas here is a box of tissues they said.....

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December 24th, 2016, 01:19 PM

Merry Christmas here is a box of tissues they said.....

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I thought you guys used all those up in this game :)



December 24th, 2016, 01:32 PM
I thought you guys used all those up in this game :)



You might be right but don't worry.... there will be plenty of streamers tossed in your section. You can just as easy use those to dry your tears...

December 24th, 2016, 01:44 PM
You might be right but don't worry.... there will be plenty of streamers tossed in your section. You can just as easy use those to dry your tears...

Or wipe my ass with them.

December 24th, 2016, 01:52 PM

Merry Christmas here is a box of tissues they said.....

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That is a cute box, where’d you find that?

December 24th, 2016, 01:54 PM
Or wipe my ass with them.
Do whatever you want with them I'm sure there will be plenty of streamers to do both for your 1000 -2000 fans

December 24th, 2016, 01:56 PM
Do whatever you want with them I'm sure there will be plenty of streamers to do both for your 1000 -2000 fans

OUCH.... Low Blow....


The Yo Show
December 24th, 2016, 03:08 PM
You know I will bet good money that more YSU fans buy tickets from bison fans than our own athletic department for this game. xlolx

December 24th, 2016, 03:12 PM
At least you know what's coming and are honest with yourself... It was a Great ride this year for the penguins... Truley are building something...maybe next year you can actually beat ndsu or sdsu well prolly not but congrats on making it to the final...

Pretty good ride for JMU as well. Its not like youve been a perrenial power knocking on the natty door.

December 24th, 2016, 05:35 PM
Pretty good ride for JMU as well. Its not like youve been a perrenial power knocking on the natty door.

Yup, they haven't even won it yet but some of their fans act like they have won the last five in a row! ��

December 24th, 2016, 06:53 PM
They're just having some fun

December 24th, 2016, 08:09 PM
Yup, they haven't even won it yet but some of their fans act like they have won the last five in a row! 

No some of us are acting like we knocked off the 5 time champs in their home...oh and that did happen.

- - - Updated - - -

December 24th, 2016, 08:16 PM
No some of us are acting like we knocked off the 5 time champs in their home...oh and that did happen.

- - - Updated - - -

When did you ever need an excuse?????xcoffeex

December 24th, 2016, 08:24 PM
No some of us are acting like we knocked off the 5 time champs in their home...oh and that did happen.

- - - Updated - - -

Congratulations and thank you for peaking in the semis.

December 24th, 2016, 08:29 PM
No some of us are acting like we knocked off the 5 time champs in their home...oh and that did happen.

- - - Updated - - -

You sounds like you are wet behind the ears. Get some humility. It will be fun if you are curb stomped.

December 24th, 2016, 08:30 PM
Congratulations and thank you for peaking in the semis.

If you haven't noticed we are undefeated in the fcs this year...We have been peaking since day 1.. There is nothing YSU can do to stop this freight train.This is a team of destiny you either going to get run over or get out of the way and lay down...

December 24th, 2016, 08:33 PM
You sounds like you are wet behind the ears. Get some humility. It will be fun if you are curb stomped.
hahahhah...... and whose going do that... some internet tough guy..has nothing to do with humility when what I say happens...

December 24th, 2016, 08:39 PM
hahahhah...... and whose going do that... some internet tough guy..has nothing to do with humility when what I say happens...

Whos been acting like an internet tough guy?

December 24th, 2016, 08:41 PM
Whos been acting like an internet tough guy?
Well not sure if he meant me physically getting curbstomped or jmu getting blown out?

December 24th, 2016, 08:57 PM
Well not sure if he meant me physically getting curbstomped or jmu getting blown out?

Its not about you unless you want it to be. Your Team is in a good spot. You as a fan dont need to be a jerk about it.

December 24th, 2016, 09:00 PM
Its not about you unless you want it to be. Your Team is in a good spot. You as a fan dont need to be a jerk about it.
You make like to sit back and talk Xs and Os. But me personally I like a little smack thrown in... So if you don't like reading it just block me...Also it's my true opinion that JMU is going to blow them out.... so I'm come on here and say that

December 24th, 2016, 09:06 PM
You make like to sit back and talk Xs and Os. But me personally I like a little smack thrown in... So if you don't like reading it just block me...Also it's my true opinion that JMU is going to blow them out.... so I'm come on here and say that

Nothing the matter with a little smack. But for some reason you seem to take it to a different level. I guess you just cant help yourself.
I wish your team well as I do YSU.

December 24th, 2016, 09:22 PM
If you haven't noticed we are undefeated in the fcs this year...We have been peaking since day 1.. There is nothing YSU can do to stop this freight train.This is a team of destiny you either going to get run over or get out of the way and lay down...
Cool story bro! Heard that from #3 Jacksonville State too and we knocked them off 40-24.

I am fine when people are confident, but don't go missing if the unthinkable, as I'm sure you would describe it, happens 1/7/2017 and YSU wins its 5th title.

December 24th, 2016, 09:28 PM
Nothing the matter with a little smack. But for some reason you seem to take it to a different level. I guess you just cant help yourself.
I wish your team well as I do YSU.

Smack is aka "flair" for a JMU fan like yourself and his streamers

December 24th, 2016, 09:34 PM
Smack is aka "flair"


December 24th, 2016, 09:36 PM
Cool story bro! Heard that from #3 Jacksonville State too and we knocked them off 40-24.

I am fine when people are confident, but don't go missing if the unthinkable, as I'm sure you would describe it, happens 1/7/2017 and YSU wins its 5th title.
Yeh bro we heard that from#1 ranked shsu too.... we all know how that ended...then guess what we heard next bro..how ndsu beat Iowa..... how that turn out?

Sorry if my smack goes over board sometimes....Here is a peace offering we can all share in....24255

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December 24th, 2016, 09:39 PM

I can't think of a more perfect reply

December 24th, 2016, 09:46 PM
If you haven't noticed we are undefeated in the fcs this year...We have been peaking since day 1.. There is nothing YSU can do to stop this freight train.This is a team of destiny you either going to get run over or get out of the way and lay down...

You do an excellent job of making SHSU Novembrists and Chattown bearable and enjoyable. You still have not learned about being humble in victory have you? So what happens when YSU wins, what will you do?

December 24th, 2016, 09:55 PM
You do an excellent job of making SHSU Novembrists and Chattown bearable and enjoyable. You still have not learned about being humble in victory have you? So what happens when YSU wins, what will you do?

I am actually very humble in victory....Just not online... online I like to stir the pot and rile people up...If jmu loses I will Flip the channel to the warriors game and watch the best basketball team ever assembled24256

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December 24th, 2016, 10:30 PM
I am actually very humble in victory....Just not online... online I like to stir the pot and rile people up...If jmu loses I will Flip the channel to the warriors game and watch the best basketball team ever assembled24256

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Actually you are doing neither. All you are doing is showing your azz. But I find it strange and sad that that is your intent for being here. Plus you act differently when on the internet than you do in person? That in itself speaks volumes.

December 24th, 2016, 11:03 PM
I don't see how YSU is going to win this game without some help/luck JMU offensively is as good as EWU passing with a better running game. Their defense is playing lights out(way better than EWU's) also and just beat the bison at home with all that comes with playing in the fargo dome. I'm not saying it will be a blowout, but Im having a hard time trying to figure out how YSU wins if JMU plays well. JMU would have to implode more than the 1 turnover and 90224723894734895 false starts they had at the dome, which still wasn't enough. Not trying to knock YSU its been one hell of a run for you guys. Also Merry Christmas everyone!

December 24th, 2016, 11:10 PM
I don't see how YSU is going to win this game without some help/luck JMU offensively is as good as EWU passing with a better running game. Their defense is playing lights out(way better than EWU's) also and just beat the bison at home with all that comes with playing in the fargo dome. I'm not saying it will be a blowout, but Im having a hard time trying to figure out how YSU wins if JMU plays well. JMU would have to implode more than the 1 turnover and 90224723894734895 false starts they had at the dome, which still wasn't enough. Not trying to knock YSU its been one hell of a run for you guys. Also Merry Christmas everyone!

One is they dont want to get in to a shoot out. So they will need to stop the big plays. Stop the explosive plays and control the clock they will have a chance. JMU is a very good team so they will also need to take advantage of any opportunity they are given.

December 24th, 2016, 11:57 PM
Ugh alexale23.... chattamocs needs some help down there in TN right? Can we please act like a human being at least virtually for those JMU fans who have been on this board for the last 8 years EVERY year?!?!?!?

December 25th, 2016, 07:40 AM
No doubt JMU is the much better team with the better Head Coach...

having said that, I'm having visions of the JMU Run game being slowed by the sod.... when is the last time JMU played on a slow grass track and potentially with large muddy craters in it? field conditions could be the equalizer in this game for YSU, and don't sleep on Bo not being able to pull some strings with his Italian connections in Frisco to ensure the field is slow..... don't think there wont be a low level mobster negotiating a price with the local irrigation company for a little Midnight Rain fall that wasn't in the local weather forecast.....

POD Knows
December 25th, 2016, 08:05 AM
No doubt JMU is the much better team with the better Head Coach...

having said that, I'm having visions of the JMU Run game being slowed by the sod.... when is the last time JMU played on a slow grass track and potentially with large muddy craters in it? field conditions could be the equalizer in this game for YSU, and don't sleep on Bo not being able to pull some strings with his Italian connections in Frisco to ensure the field is slow..... don't think there wont be a low level mobster negotiating a price with the local irrigation company for a little Midnight Rain fall that wasn't in the local weather forecast.....

That is how NDSU beat Towson a few years back, the Sons of Norway leaned on the Mayor of Frisco in an effort to mess up the field in order to slow down T West. It didn't work that well as he ran for over 100 yards but we still won.

December 25th, 2016, 09:46 AM
That is how NDSU beat Towson a few years back, the Sons of Norway leaned on the Mayor of Frisco in an effort to mess up the field in order to slow down T West. It didn't work that well as he ran for over 100 yards but we still won.

funny... Sons of Norway..... the thing is Towson was by far the weakest team you saw on the 5 year run.... maybe the SON got involved in the Illinois State game though....

December 25th, 2016, 10:40 AM
No doubt JMU is the much better team with the better Head Coach...

having said that, I'm having visions of the JMU Run game being slowed by the sod.... when is the last time JMU played on a slow grass track and potentially with large muddy craters in it? field conditions could be the equalizer in this game for YSU, and don't sleep on Bo not being able to pull some strings with his Italian connections in Frisco to ensure the field is slow..... don't think there wont be a low level mobster negotiating a price with the local irrigation company for a little Midnight Rain fall that wasn't in the local weather forecast.....

I think YSU has equal team speed. That is the difference between NDSU and YSU. We are a little lighter and faster, which doesn't bode well when you get into a bludgeon match with them. I think you will be surprised by the team speed. If we can stay away from turnovers we have a chance for sure. Against NDSU and SDSU early turnovers changed the complexion of the games and We hand major issues at QB. Those issues are fixed and I think we have a different team as a result. However, we are nearly as big as JMU you on the lines

December 25th, 2016, 11:55 AM
I think YSU has equal team speed. That is the difference between NDSU and YSU. We are a little lighter and faster, which doesn't bode well when you get into a bludgeon match with them. I think you will be surprised by the team speed. If we can stay away from turnovers we have a chance for sure. Against NDSU and SDSU early turnovers changed the complexion of the games and We hand major issues at QB. Those issues are fixed and I think we have a different team as a result. However, we are nearly as big as JMU you on the lines

Equal team speed? The proof of that will have to be proven on the field. Color me very sceptical of your perception.

As for playing on natural turf, neither team has much (if any) experience with it. That could be a factor, depending on how the teams adapt. If an equipment manager gets the wrong shoe or length of the cleat wrong it could make a huge difference.

The only x-factor that IMO keeps this game close is weather. If it's rainy and JMU can't pass then the game may be close. If Schor and his receivers are fully operational, it's a runaway.

December 25th, 2016, 11:58 AM
Equal team speed? The proof of that will have to be proven on the field. Color me very sceptical of your perception.

As for playing on natural turf, neither team has much (if any) experience with it. That could be a factor, depending on how the teams adapt. If an equipment manager gets the wrong shoe or length of the cleat wrong it could make a huge difference.

The only x-factor that IMO keeps this game close is weather. If it's rainy and JMU can't pass then the game may be close. If Schor and his receivers are fully operational, it's a runaway.

How exactly do you know? You have no basis

December 25th, 2016, 12:02 PM
So you had a good game against NDSU and beat some other overrated teams early in the playoffs. You defense throughout the year was not overly impressive

December 25th, 2016, 12:09 PM
How exactly do you know? You have no basis

That's a serious question? No one "knows exactly"...this is a game, not a common science formulae. Two teams line up and play the game, then you "know." Having personally played FB at all levels, however, and having watched all levels for nearly 60 years, makes for an excellent "basis " for my opinion. From my vantage point, the eye test says this game won't be much of a contest.

December 25th, 2016, 12:16 PM
So you had a good game against NDSU and beat some other overrated teams early in the playoffs. You defense throughout the year was not overly impressive

So UNH and SHSU were overrated? Okay. And then winning on the road against NDSU, and also on the road during the regular season against three playoff teams was also overrated? Including shutting down Villanova, who boasts a top ten D, and JMU won with a true Freshman QB.

Keep telling yourself whatever you want to believe. YSU has enjoyed a great (and surprising) season. It's most likely to end with a lopsided loss to JMU on 1/7/17.

December 25th, 2016, 12:31 PM
So UNH and SHSU were overrated? Okay. And then winning on the road against NDSU, and also on the road during the regular season against three playoff teams was also overrated? Including shutting down Villanova, who boasts a top ten D, and JMU won with a true Freshman QB.

Keep telling yourself whatever you want to believe. YSU has enjoyed a great (and surprising) season. It's most likely to end with a lopsided loss to JMU on 1/7/17.

This is exactly what is wrong with JMU fans. Same was said in 2006 when we beat you. Keep running your mouth

December 25th, 2016, 12:35 PM
I will qualify that....... not all JMU fans.

December 25th, 2016, 12:36 PM
This is exactly what is wrong with JMU fans. Same was said in 2006 when we beat you. Keep running your mouth

I'll be here after the game, come what may. Will you?

December 25th, 2016, 12:41 PM
I'll be here after the game, come what may. Will you?

Question for you is why do certain schools in the CAA always run their mouth about their teams? Is that an East Coast thing? I heard the same **** in 2006.......on and on and on. Then you lose and there is silence. I don't get it. I have always been taught to respect the opponent. I certainly am not teaching my children what you preach. I will be here. I will be in Frisco so we can meet in there if you would like.

December 25th, 2016, 12:49 PM
I will be in Frisco so we can meet in there if you would like.




December 25th, 2016, 12:52 PM
Question for you is why do certain schools in the CAA always run their mouth about their teams? Is that an East Coast thing? I heard the same **** in 2006.......on and on and on. Then you lose and there is silence. I don't get it. I have always been taught to respect the opponent. I certainly am not teaching my children what you preach. I will be here. I will be in Frisco so we can meet in there if you would like.

Hmmm....ever read the MVFC threads?? The almighty posters from other MVFC teams that are merely parasites to the NDSU run. They treat the CAA like it's the Pioneer League.

I'm not here to denigrate YSU. I do think JMU is the better team & beating NDSU in Fargo in December is very impressive. Something you MVFC teams can't do, but complain when you are sent there due to regionalization.

MVFC top to bottom is the best conference, but the top of the CAA is trouble for anyone in the FCS annually.

Good luck in Frisco. My $$$ is on the dragon slayer JMU.

December 25th, 2016, 12:52 PM
Question for you is why do certain schools in the CAA always run their mouth about their teams? Is that an East Coast thing? I heard the same **** in 2006.......on and on and on. Then you lose and there is silence. I don't get it. I have always been taught to respect the opponent. I certainly am not teaching my children what you preach. I will be here. I will be in Frisco so we can meet in there if you would like.

If stating my reasons for expecting a big JMU win is "running my mouth" then I'm guilty as charged. If the game turns out as I see it (based on the the facts as I see them), then I suggest you're quilty of being hyper-sensitive.

The game will serve as proof as to whether I'm right or wrong. I speak only for myself, but one thing is indisputable; the game will be played in 2017 on a neutral field, not 2006.

December 25th, 2016, 12:53 PM
Hey citdog..... my good friend was telling me when he was at vmi.they stole y'all jeep and at halftime drove it all over the field.... crazy any footage of that? wish everyone had camera phones back then...

December 25th, 2016, 12:59 PM
Is it really a neutral field when JMU fans are outnumbering YSU fans by at least 7 to 1?

December 25th, 2016, 01:27 PM
Is it really a neutral field when JMU fans are outnumbering YSU fans by at least 7 to 1?

Excellent point. xthumbsupx

Gil Dobie
December 26th, 2016, 08:11 AM
YSU beat 2 seeds on the road so far, and scored 40 points in each game. The offensive changes they made after the NDSU game appear to be working. Their defense is similar in toughness to NDSU. My guess is YSU 40, JMU 34.

December 26th, 2016, 08:39 AM
I believe earlier in the postseason, someone posted the national total defense stats of the entire field. Ewu was either the worst defense of the seeds or the worst of the entire field, I forget which.
No one bothers to point that out when highlighting ysu's impressive win over ewu. Their poor defense was on display in that late game meltdown. They almost lost to psu prior to the postseason too.

December 26th, 2016, 08:43 AM
I believe earlier in the postseason, someone posted the national total defense stats of the entire field. Ewu was either the worst defense of the seeds or the worst of the entire field, I forget which.
No one bothers to point that out when highlighting ysu's impressive win over ewu. Their poor defense was on display in that late game meltdown. They almost lost to psu prior to the postseason too.

Attempting to be fair and balanced: Richmond (albeit injured & Cocko 1/2 way to Delaware) was shutout by EWU.

December 26th, 2016, 09:10 AM
Attempting to be fair and balanced: Richmond (albeit injured & Cocko 1/2 way to Delaware) was shutout by EWU.

Yes and in addition to the two factors you pointed out, it was the second long trip in as many weeks for ur, the field and weather conditions may have been worse and UR just couldn't have played a sloppier game. It had spider turnovers galore. They threw in the towel after a certain point in that game.

Gil Dobie
December 26th, 2016, 11:24 AM
I believe earlier in the postseason, someone posted the national total defense stats of the entire field. Ewu was either the worst defense of the seeds or the worst of the entire field, I forget which.
No one bothers to point that out when highlighting ysu's impressive win over ewu. Their poor defense was on display in that late game meltdown. They almost lost to psu prior to the postseason too.

Some one must be pointing that out to some one, because 66% of the people on here think JMU will win. I'm a homer, pulling for the MVFC, so take that into account.

December 26th, 2016, 11:53 AM
So when I was in Vegas in August, I had ventured over to the sports book. I found the FCS Championship odds at that point. Forgot I had taken that sheet home with me. Here are the odds from before the season to win the championship.


December 26th, 2016, 12:51 PM
So when I was in Vegas in August, I had ventured over to the sports book. I found the FCS Championship odds at that point. Forgot I had taken that sheet home with me. Here are the odds from before the season to win the championship.


so how much did u lose betting on ndsu.. wish I had bet 10k on jmu

December 26th, 2016, 01:27 PM
so how much did u lose betting on ndsu.. wish I had bet 10k on jmu
$300. However, that still leaves me up quite a bit over the last 4 years (didn't bet the first two).

December 26th, 2016, 01:35 PM
$300. However, that still leaves me up quite a bit over the last 4 years (didn't bet the first two).

Alexale the Greek has some inside information for next year...I'll release this one time free pick to all ags users...This is an exclusive guaranteed lock.

Bet the farm JMU 2017/2018 national champs

Thumper 76
December 26th, 2016, 01:46 PM
. wish I had bet 10k on jmu
Wow what a revelation. You're like Nostradamus.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

December 26th, 2016, 01:49 PM
Wow what a revelation. You're like Nostradamus.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yep sure was right when I said ndsu would blow out sdsu....then jmu would crush ndsu.... pretty accurate predictions so far..... least lot more then what u thought

December 26th, 2016, 02:14 PM
Yep sure was right when I said ndsu would blow out sdsu....then jmu would crush ndsu.... pretty accurate predictions so far..... least lot more then what u thought

"Crush". Seriously?

Thumper 76
December 26th, 2016, 05:21 PM
Yep sure was right when I said ndsu would blow out sdsu....then jmu would crush ndsu.... pretty accurate predictions so far..... least lot more then what u thought

Right over your head.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The Yo Show
December 26th, 2016, 07:13 PM
And for your next prediction, JMU will beat the penguins 42-10?

December 26th, 2016, 08:26 PM
And for your next prediction, JMU will beat the penguins 42-10?
My prediction several pages ago was 42-17 JMU.... YSU prolly will get a late 4th quarter garbage score...

December 26th, 2016, 09:19 PM
So when I was in Vegas in August, I had ventured over to the sports book. I found the FCS Championship odds at that point. Forgot I had taken that sheet home with me. Here are the odds from before the season to win the championship.


Technically tied for the second worse odds of any team! Austin Peay, not to mention DELAWARE had a worse payout than us...

December 27th, 2016, 08:31 AM
I'm the team captain of the "right" team. My better half makes her look like Rosie O'Donnell.


You'll be easy to spot in Frisco then! I'm awful proud of my better half but OK xthumbsupx

December 27th, 2016, 11:31 AM
. when is the last time JMU played on a slow grass track and potentially with large muddy craters in it?

2004 National Championship Game I'd guess.

So you had a good game against NDSU and beat some other overrated teams early in the playoffs. You defense throughout the year was not overly impressive

Your whole team has not been overly impressive throughout the year. How the **** can you argue that our defense wasn't impresive throughout the year when EVERY Pengu fan is saying "well we've come on late in the season!"

I know everyone thinks I'm a troll and homer but the Dukes win this by 30. 45-14.

December 27th, 2016, 12:57 PM
2004 National Championship Game I'd guess.

Your whole team has not been overly impressive throughout the year. How the **** can you argue that our defense wasn't impresive throughout the year when EVERY Pengu fan is saying "well we've come on late in the season!"

I know everyone thinks I'm a troll and homer but the Dukes win this by 30. 45-14.
I'll take that line. $100 friendly bet?

December 27th, 2016, 02:35 PM
2004 National Championship Game I'd guess.

Your whole team has not been overly impressive throughout the year. How the **** can you argue that our defense wasn't impresive throughout the year when EVERY Pengu fan is saying "well we've come on late in the season!"

I know everyone thinks I'm a troll and homer but the Dukes win this by 30. 45-14.

I'll also take that line, and I’ll be in frisco. We can meet up at a local saloon afterwards. $100?

December 27th, 2016, 07:01 PM
I'll also take that line, and I’ll be in frisco. We can meet up at a local saloon afterwards. $100?
I read this post first without any previous context. It reads differently.

December 28th, 2016, 01:37 PM
2004 National Championship Game I'd guess.

Your whole team has not been overly impressive throughout the year. How the **** can you argue that our defense wasn't impresive throughout the year when EVERY Pengu fan is saying "well we've come on late in the season!"

I know everyone thinks I'm a troll and homer but the Dukes win this by 30. 45-14.

Hahahaha oh my lord.

December 28th, 2016, 02:30 PM
I read this post first without any previous context. It reads differently.

A hundred bucks a line??? Must be some SUPER booger sugar!


December 28th, 2016, 04:54 PM
A hundred bucks a line??? Must be some SUPER booger sugar!

a line worthy of Robin Williams himself.

December 29th, 2016, 10:53 AM
Hahahaha oh my lord.

NDSU beat YSU by 21.

JMU beat NDSU by 10.

If you have faith in the transitive property, 31 isn't out of the question.

I personally think JMU beats YSU by 10-15, but I wouldn't be shocked if it's 30.

December 29th, 2016, 11:11 AM
NDSU beat YSU by 21.

JMU beat NDSU by 10.

If you have faith in the transitive property, 31 isn't out of the question.

I personally think JMU beats YSU by 10-15, but I wouldn't be shocked if it's 30.

The NDSU game was closer than the score would indicate and YSU was breaking the the 4th QB. Once he got comfortable about 4 games later the offense came alive

The Yo Show
December 29th, 2016, 11:14 AM
I myself see this as being a close game, regardless of which team wins. I would be surprised if the final score wasn't close.

December 29th, 2016, 11:43 AM
NDSU beat YSU by 21.

JMU beat NDSU by 10.

If you have faith in the transitive property, 31 isn't out of the question.

I personally think JMU beats YSU by 10-15, but I wouldn't be shocked if it's 30.
https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/a8/08/63/a80863f15e46b7397dc9d2cc469961df.gif (https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjRsOf1-ZnRAhUI5YMKHf7UDMcQjRwIBw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2F03h17%2Fstup id-gifs%2F&bvm=bv.142059868,d.amc&psig=AFQjCNFgjx9JLMV5jn5R47_94s88Etg31w&ust=1483119681925696)

December 29th, 2016, 12:35 PM
NDSU beat YSU by 21.

JMU beat NDSU by 10.

If you have faith in the transitive property, 31 isn't out of the question.

I personally think JMU beats YSU by 10-15, but I wouldn't be shocked if it's 30.

YSU's offense wasn't doing much of anything at that point in the season. I think that was one of Wells first games back as the starting QB. They were a run dominate team and their offense is much improved since that game. We jumped out to a 17 point lead early in that game thanks to a couple YSU turnovers. YSU also missed a couple FG's. Other then that first quarter it was a pretty even defensive affair. That was 5-6 games ago so I'd take that with a grain of salt. I do think JMU wins by a couple TD's and depending on TO's or what have you it could get out of hand one way or the other but I wouldn't be overly confident either.

December 29th, 2016, 12:54 PM
Many teams had prepared for a dual threat QB at YSU. However, YSU went with Wells who is pure passer and changed up the O from an all the time Spread to putting the QB under center. This change caught most off guard. The D remained solid. I'm not high on Wells, but the OC has tailored the game to fit his talents and minimize his weaknesses. YSU is now a different team and it shows with them beating several seeded teams. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but I see a close game. Win or lose, YSU should be in it most of the way.

December 29th, 2016, 03:39 PM
I myself see this as being a close game, regardless of which team wins. I would be surprised if the final score wasn't close.

I agree. YSU is too strong up front on D for this to be a the kind of game JMU has had in their blowouts this year where huge plays in the running game start piling up (e.g. Soft Houston St.). JMU has always found ways to beat teams in the passing game when forced to, but those games were the closer ones (e.g. UNH-1, Maine, NDSU). And YSU seems committed enough to running the ball on offense that there just aren't likely to be enough possessions for any kind of runaway. In my mind, no reason to think this will be much different than JMU/NDSU game unless there are big turnover issues.

December 30th, 2016, 06:20 AM
Other than NDSU, I can't recall a team this year having success running up the middle against the interior of our DL. NDSU's success wasn't all game long either... they broke a real long TD run up the middle and had a bit of success on a few other drives running up the gut. Most of the success teams have had have been around the outside of our DL. Not sure that means much of anything, but it will be interesting to see who wins the line of scrimmage and whether Abdullah can get through the heart of that talented YSU DL.

Edit to add... JSU did have success running up the middle, but it was pretty much utilizing Jenkins on a bunch of read options. So I do stand corrected.

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 30th, 2016, 11:30 AM
Pellini has YSU rolling along and I think they bring home #5.

Valley team all the way!

December 30th, 2016, 12:48 PM
...Valley team all the way!

Ha, 100% chance of that.


December 31st, 2016, 08:17 AM
if YSU wins, they will set the all-time single season record for postseason wins by a D-1 team. right?

December 31st, 2016, 08:43 AM
Dunno, still think that JMU's side of the bracket was much superior to YSU's so I picked JMU.

Regardless, I'm really impressed with YSU.

December 31st, 2016, 09:23 AM
I'm sure it'll start an Internet fight, but whose playoff SOS was better?
Samford was a borderline playoff team and it showed. Jsu may have been the most undeserving seed and it showed. Wofford was definitely a surprise but with a run only offense, very one dimensional. Then ewu was perhaps a tad overrated at #2 and should have won, but ultimately choked it away down the stretch.
Unh was also a borderline playoff team but then won a game, advanced to play JMU, took an early lead on a turnover but then it was all JMU dominating from there.
Shsu was the second most overrated seed and was quickly exposed in another dominant effort.
Ndsu is ndsu. Five time champs and one of the most hostile environments in all of cfb. A 10 point, hard fought win.

January 1st, 2017, 08:44 AM
Dunno, still think that JMU's side of the bracket was much superior to YSU's so I picked JMU.

Regardless, I'm really impressed with YSU.

If only our Hail Mary had been two yards further......

January 1st, 2017, 11:09 AM
I'm sure it'll start an Internet fight, but whose playoff SOS was better?
Samford was a borderline playoff team and it showed. Jsu may have been the most undeserving seed and it showed. Wofford was definitely a surprise but with a run only offense, very one dimensional. Then ewu was perhaps a tad overrated at #2 and should have won, but ultimately choked it away down the stretch.
Unh was also a borderline playoff team but then won a game, advanced to play JMU, took an early lead on a turnover but then it was all JMU dominating from there.
Shsu was the second most overrated seed and was quickly exposed in another dominant effort.
Ndsu is ndsu. Five time champs and one of the most hostile environments in all of cfb. A 10 point, hard fought win.
I'm looking forward to this game and give JMU the edge but your argument regarding playoff SOS can easily be flipped.
UNH was a borderline playoff team and it showed after they won an easy 1st round matchup.
SHSU was the most overrated seed and it showed.
NDSU was the 5 time defending champs and JMU deserves credit for beating them in a hostile environment but this year's NDSU team didn't seem to be peaking the way past year's teams did. They were vulnerable and JMU took advantage of that.

Bogus Megapardus
January 1st, 2017, 11:31 AM
James Madison looked like a steamroller for most of this season and seems ready for glory. But that Youngstown performance up at cold and snowy Eastern Washington was the gutsiest thing I'd seen all year.

I'm going with guts over glory and picking Youngstown State.

January 1st, 2017, 11:56 AM
I'm looking forward to this game and give JMU the edge but your argument regarding playoff SOS can easily be flipped.
UNH was a borderline playoff team and it showed after they won an easy 1st round matchup.
SHSU was the most overrated seed and it showed.
NDSU was the 5 time defending champs and JMU deserves credit for beating them in a hostile environment but this year's NDSU team didn't seem to be peaking the way past year's teams did. They were vulnerable and JMU took advantage of that.

You could flip it, but I won't hold much weight.

At least unh was a borderline playoff team from a better conference that also won a game and got to the 2nd round? SU can't say that.

You can't build too much of an argument that jsu is better than shsu. Not only did shsu get to the quarterfinals and a playoff win, but shsu just looked better in their two games than jsu did in their one game. The slc and ovc are tit for tat conference strength too. Hell even the slc had two playoff participants.

Ewu was even more vulnerable than ndsu with their poor defense. It is what cost them the game when they couldn't get a stop.

January 1st, 2017, 01:18 PM
I'm looking forward to this game and give JMU the edge but your argument regarding playoff SOS can easily be flipped.
UNH was a borderline playoff team and it showed after they won an easy 1st round matchup.
SHSU was the most overrated seed and it showed.
NDSU was the 5 time defending champs and JMU deserves credit for beating them in a hostile environment but this year's NDSU team didn't seem to be peaking the way past year's teams did. They were vulnerable and JMU took advantage of that.

UNH made it look easy, but it was a pretty good Lehigh team they dismantled. Give them some credit.

January 1st, 2017, 01:55 PM
UNH made it look easy, but it was a pretty good Lehigh team they dismantled. Give them some credit.

No credit to Lehigh from an MVFC fan. You should know that by now.

January 1st, 2017, 02:05 PM
You could flip it, but I won't hold much weight.

At least unh was a borderline playoff team from a better conference that also won a game and got to the 2nd round? SU can't say that.

You can't build too much of an argument that jsu is better than shsu. Not only did shsu get to the quarterfinals and a playoff win, but shsu just looked better in their two games than jsu did in their one game. The slc and ovc are tit for tat conference strength too. Hell even the slc had two playoff participants.

Ewu was even more vulnerable than ndsu with their poor defense. It is what cost them the game when they couldn't get a stop.
I don't think it's that clear cut and valid arguments can be made regarding YSU's playoff SOS. Yes UNH won a game but it could be argued that they had the benefit of playing against a weaker 1st round opponent than SU. Picking who was more overrated between JSU and SHSU is really 50/50 but you can't definitively say that one was more undeserving than the other. Who was more vulnerable between EWU and NDSU is also debatable and EWU did fine against Richmond. YSU beat both JSU and EWU on the road. Point is you can make reasonable arguments that both JMU and YSU had a tougher road to the finals.

UNH made it look easy, but it was a pretty good Lehigh team they dismantled. Give them some credit.
I'm not trying to disrespect Lehigh just pointing out the pigeons who are puffing up their favorite's resume while poo-pooing the opponents.

Based on their accomplishments, JMU should be favored but it isn't as cut and dried as some would like to make it seem.

January 1st, 2017, 02:15 PM
No credit to Lehigh from an MVFC fan. You should know that by now.

I'm a UNI fan first and foremost and as such I respect Lehigh and what they can accomplish.

I do find it interesting that after all of the complaining about MVFC fans riding on the NDSU bandwagon a lot of CAA fans seem to be jumping onto JMU's wagon in a very similar fashion.

January 1st, 2017, 02:30 PM
I'm a UNI fan first and foremost and as such I respect Lehigh and what they can accomplish.

I do find it interesting that after all of the complaining about MVFC fans riding on the NDSU bandwagon a lot of CAA fans seem to be jumping onto JMU's wagon in a very similar fashion.

What are you talking about? Apples to oranges dude. The fans from other MVFC programs have a parasitic view when it comes to their success. Solid program like the rest of us, but with way high opinion of their stature.

We in the CAA have shared the wealth over the years. It's JMU this season. Why wouldn't we root for them? We have our rivalries. The wealth has been shared in the CAA. Prior to the NDSU run it was the CAA with one team after another making a title run most years.

It really hasn't changed for us other than a major obstacle emerged in the NDSU dynasty.

So we root for JMU. As we would for any other CAA Program in the finals. JMU of all the CAA teams has the capability of making a multiple year run, but 1st things 1st. Beat the redheaded step child of the almighty MVFC.

Go Dukes!

January 1st, 2017, 03:10 PM
What are you talking about? Apples to oranges dude. The fans from other MVFC programs have a parasitic view when it comes to their success. Solid program like the rest of us, but with way high opinion of their stature.

We in the CAA have shared the wealth over the years. It's JMU this season. Why wouldn't we root for them? We have our rivalries. The wealth has been shared in the CAA. Prior to the NDSU run it was the CAA with one team after another making a title run most years.

It really hasn't changed for us other than a major obstacle emerged in the NDSU dynasty.

So we root for JMU. As we would for any other CAA Program in the finals. JMU of all the CAA teams has the capability of making a multiple year run, but 1st things 1st. Beat the redheaded step child of the almighty MVFC.

Go Dukes!
So in other words - yes we're doing the same thing that we accuse MVFC fans of but we say it isn't really the same so it's ok for us but not for you. xnutsx

January 1st, 2017, 03:25 PM
So in other words - yes we're doing the same thing that we accuse MVFC fans of but we say it isn't really the same so it's ok for us but not for you. xnutsx

I'll type this slowly in the hopes you get it. Fans of other MVFC teams have latched on to NDSU (not YSU) to tell the rest of us how great all your teams are.

The truth is only one was/is great. The rest are just like all the rest of us. Fans from other MVFC teams are no worse or better than teams from other conferences. Sometimes you make to the finals like YSU & sometimes you don't. Just like us. Get it?

You rooting for YSU is fine although many disown them in these very threads.

No one in the CAA would say they are invincible just because 1 team wins all the time. We don't have that luxury as NDSU is in your conference. Many in the MVFC push SDSU, UNI, ISUr, etc. down our throats as they were NDSU. That's it plain & simple.

I'll speak only for myself. I don't buy the dominance outside NDSU. It's gravy that it was JMU that broke the streak, but no one here from the CAA is claiming being the greatest FCS conference.

I'm of the opinion that it really doesn't matter how deep your conference is as long as your team can win consistently. Of course, now guys like Thumper cry that they never get a chance to win because they are a 3 hour ride to Fargo. The real answer is they weren't good enough. JMU was. Teams from the MVFC are good, but not unbeatable. That's what you guys cry about all the time that regionalization robs you of having all 4 teams in the semis. It's BS. NDSU is/was the gold standard. The rest of you are no better or worse than the rest of us.

I've written this for almost 3 years. I've tried to express it in almost every thread I post. So hopefully you can understand this. I went slow.

PS: would you like me to root for YSU to make you feel better?

January 1st, 2017, 05:52 PM
It's pretty simple. If NDSU wasn't around the past 5 years, the titles would be split between the SLC, Socon, CAA and MVFC. There would be no dominant conference. It's been the Bizun show for the past 5 years. That may not be over yet. As for the middle / bottom of the conferences, who really cares.

January 1st, 2017, 06:15 PM
For all the marbles..... Who is going take it?Im still pissed about the first round loss in 2006... 35-31... Winning in Frisco will certainly make up for it.

I'm still pissed about the first round loss in 2004! But I'm still voting for your guys. (;-)

January 1st, 2017, 06:25 PM
I'll type this slowly in the hopes you get it. Fans of other MVFC teams have latched on to NDSU (not YSU) to tell the rest of us how great all your teams are.

The truth is only one was/is great. The rest are just like all the rest of us. Fans from other MVFC teams are no worse or better than teams from other conferences. Sometimes you make to the finals like YSU & sometimes you don't. Just like us. Get it?

You rooting for YSU is fine although many disown them in these very threads.

No one in the CAA would say they are invincible just because 1 team wins all the time. We don't have that luxury as NDSU is in your conference. Many in the MVFC push SDSU, UNI, ISUr, etc. down our throats as they were NDSU. That's it plain & simple.

I'll speak only for myself. I don't buy the dominance outside NDSU. It's gravy that it was JMU that broke the streak, but no one here from the CAA is claiming being the greatest FCS conference.

I'm of the opinion that it really doesn't matter how deep your conference is as long as your team can win consistently. Of course, now guys like Thumper cry that they never get a chance to win because they are a 3 hour ride to Fargo. The real answer is they weren't good enough. JMU was. Teams from the MVFC are good, but not unbeatable. That's what you guys cry about all the time that regionalization robs you of having all 4 teams in the semis. It's BS. NDSU is/was the gold standard. The rest of you are no better or worse than the rest of us.

I've written this for almost 3 years. I've tried to express it in almost every thread I post. So hopefully you can understand this. I went slow.

PS: would you like me to root for YSU to make you feel better?

Yes, very well stated. I have always felt the CAA was the best conference in FCS in terms of quality spread throughout the conference. Most conferences will have two or three top schools in any given year that could hold their own against most anyone else from other conferences. CAA typically has a half a dozen schools who are in the hunt every year. NDSU has had such a gilded ride that the shine has added some glow to their entire conference, and as well it should. The MVC has some excellent programs besides the Bison, I think they have received some of the glow from the Bison. Similar to the way the SoCon received a lot of glow from App. State and Ga.Southern for many years.

January 1st, 2017, 06:54 PM
Out of conference records speak for themselves. Period.

January 1st, 2017, 08:04 PM
I like JMU in this one. YSU is NDSU-lite. JMU handled NDSU....they will handle YSU.

EDIT: By the way, I will be at the game looking for the hard-core fans doing the early tailgating. Weather is supposed to cold but dry. Perfect for a natty. Look for the guy in SHSU gear.

January 1st, 2017, 08:21 PM
I'll type this slowly in the hopes you get it. Fans of other MVFC teams have latched on to NDSU (not YSU) to tell the rest of us how great all your teams are.

The truth is only one was/is great. The rest are just like all the rest of us. Fans from other MVFC teams are no worse or better than teams from other conferences. Sometimes you make to the finals like YSU & sometimes you don't. Just like us. Get it?

You rooting for YSU is fine although many disown them in these very threads.

No one in the CAA would say they are invincible just because 1 team wins all the time. We don't have that luxury as NDSU is in your conference. Many in the MVFC push SDSU, UNI, ISUr, etc. down our throats as they were NDSU. That's it plain & simple.

I'll speak only for myself. I don't buy the dominance outside NDSU. It's gravy that it was JMU that broke the streak, but no one here from the CAA is claiming being the greatest FCS conference.

I'm of the opinion that it really doesn't matter how deep your conference is as long as your team can win consistently. Of course, now guys like Thumper cry that they never get a chance to win because they are a 3 hour ride to Fargo. The real answer is they weren't good enough. JMU was. Teams from the MVFC are good, but not unbeatable. That's what you guys cry about all the time that regionalization robs you of having all 4 teams in the semis. It's BS. NDSU is/was the gold standard. The rest of you are no better or worse than the rest of us.

I've written this for almost 3 years. I've tried to express it in almost every thread I post. So hopefully you can understand this. I went slow.

PS: would you like me to root for YSU to make you feel better?

Could you please type a little more slowly? I’m still not getting it.

Or maybe it’s not me and it’s you? You keep spitting out your arguments and thinking that you’re right because like-minded people are agreeing with you while disregarding the arguments of those who disagree with you. Why don’t you take a minute and consider the possibility that there is validity in the opposing argument as well?

Clenz and others have posted solid statistics on the MVFC’s OOC record over the past 5-10 years that make a pretty persuasive argument that it isn’t just NDSU that makes the conference great. Maybe NDSU was ready and able to win those 5 straight titles because they were tempered in the forge of the MVFC. Maybe the relationship isn’t parasitic as you have stated but symbiotic. NDSU (and SDSU) have forced UNI, ISUr, YSU, etc. to get better and the competition that has ensued has improved all of them. NDSU might be the standard bearer but they aren’t alone in making the MVFC a great conference.

To your point, NDSU has clearly been the cream of the crop and UNI, SDSU, ISUr, YSU haven’t been that different from the top of the CAA, Big Sky, SoCon, etc. But that’s elite company so I don’t take the comparison as the insult you seem to think all MVFC fans do.

IMO regionalization has hurt the MVFC (and Big Sky and SLC) teams. Our first round matchups tend to be a little more difficult. But I understand why the NCAA does it and we just have to beat who they put in front of us which we (UNI) haven’t been able to do yet.

Root for who you want to root for. I still haven’t decided who I’m rooting for. Yes YSU is a conference mate but I have friends and family with connections to JMU.

Thank you for going slow. I really appreciate it when you eastern elites work so hard to try to explain things to us simpletons here in flyover country. ;)

January 2nd, 2017, 08:45 AM
It's pretty simple. If NDSU wasn't around the past 5 years, the titles would be split between the SLC, Socon, CAA and MVFC. There would be no dominant conference. It's been the Bizun show for the past 5 years. That may not be over yet. As for the middle / bottom of the conferences, who really cares.


POD Knows
January 2nd, 2017, 09:02 AM
It's pretty simple. If NDSU wasn't around the past 5 years, the titles would be split between the SLC, Socon, CAA and MVFC. There would be no dominant conference. It's been the Bizun show for the past 5 years. That may not be over yet. As for the middle / bottom of the conferences, who really cares.

Nah, some other MVFC team that we were forced to play in the playoff's would have won the Natty, UNI in 2015, SDSU in 2014, SDSU in 2012.


January 2nd, 2017, 09:18 AM
Nah, some other MVFC team that we were forced to play in the playoff's would have won the Natty, UNI in 2015, SDSU in 2014, SDSU in 2012.


Pretty much sums it up for how the arrogant MVFC posters feel about the rest of us.


January 2nd, 2017, 09:44 AM
Out of conference records speak for themselves. Period.


POD Knows
January 2nd, 2017, 09:53 AM
Pretty much sums it up for how the arrogant MVFC posters feel about the rest of us.


Another guy who doesn't get it. Sad

January 2nd, 2017, 10:12 AM
Nah, some other MVFC team that we were forced to play in the playoff's would have won the Natty, UNI in 2015, SDSU in 2014, SDSU in 2012.


You forgot some MVFC team would have beaten Alabama this year.

POD Knows
January 2nd, 2017, 10:14 AM
You forgot some MVFC team would have beaten Alabama this year.

Still doesn't get it, but keep going, you are on a roll.

January 2nd, 2017, 01:33 PM
You forgot some MVFC team would have beaten Alabama this year.


January 2nd, 2017, 03:49 PM
Over the last 5 years, name another conference in the FCS that would be better than these 5 teams in the MVFC.

3. UNI
4. Illinois State
5. YSU

By the way... take a look at the preseason MVFC rankings. Name another conference where preseason #5 would play in the National Championship. Don’t worry... I’ll wait.

2016 Valley Football Preseason Poll
Team (first-place votes) Points
1. North Dakota State (37) 388
2. UNI (2) 343
3. South Dakota State 284
4. Illinois State 274
5. Youngstown State 254
6. Western Illinois 176
7. South Dakota 146
8. Southern Illinois 124
9. Indiana State 115
10. Missouri State 41

January 2nd, 2017, 03:56 PM
By the way... take a look at the preseason MVFC rankings. Name another conference where preseason #5 would play in the National Championship. Don’t worry... I’ll wait.

2016 Valley Football Preseason Poll
Team (first-place votes) Points
1. North Dakota State (37) 388
2. UNI (2) 343
3. South Dakota State 284
4. Illinois State 274
5. Youngstown State 254
6. Western Illinois 176
7. South Dakota 146
8. Southern Illinois 124
9. Indiana State 115
10. Missouri State 41

Is this a joke? preseason polls have zero relevance now. UNI was picked to be #2 and how did that end up for them.

JMU was picked to be #3 behind W&M and Richmond too. woop-di-do

JMU Newbill
January 2nd, 2017, 03:59 PM
Over the last 5 years, name another conference in the FCS that would be better than these 5 teams in the MVFC.

3. UNI
4. Illinois State
5. YSU

By the way... take a look at the preseason MVFC rankings. Name another conference where preseason #5 would play in the National Championship. Don’t worry... I’ll wait.

2016 Valley Football Preseason Poll
Team (first-place votes) Points
1. North Dakota State (37) 388
2. UNI (2) 343
3. South Dakota State 284
4. Illinois State 274
5. Youngstown State 254
6. Western Illinois 176
7. South Dakota 146
8. Southern Illinois 124
9. Indiana State 115
10. Missouri State 41

I'd put JMU, UR, UNH, Villanova, and W&M up against those five most years. This year I think the CAA would lose that battle, but in past years, I think the conferences are similar.

January 2nd, 2017, 04:04 PM
Is this a joke? preseason polls have zero relevance now. UNI was picked to be #2 and how did that end up for them.

JMU was picked to be #3 behind W&M and Richmond too. woop-di-do

It's a never ending battle against some of these MVFC numb nuts.....

January 2nd, 2017, 04:36 PM
CAA-MVFC playoff matchups beginning with the NDSU run in 2011. (before that it was several CAA championships so I'm sure that wouldn't help the MVFC cause so we'll leave it out)

NDSU 26 JMU 14

No games

NDSU 52 UNH 14
NDSU 35 Towson 7

ISUr 21 UNH 18

Richmond 39 ISUr 27
NDSU 33 Richmond 7

SDSU 10 Villanova 7
JMU 27 NDSU 17

MVFC: 6-2
NDSU: 4-1
Other MVFC: 2-1

You can make up your own minds whether CAA playoff teams don't stand a chance against the mighty MVFC. Looks to me Bison centric dominance, but plenty MVFC fans think different.

Thumper 76
January 2nd, 2017, 04:47 PM
CAA-MVFC playoff matchups beginning with the NDSU run in 2011. (before that it was several CAA championships so I'm sure that wouldn't help the MVFC cause so we'll leave it out)

NDSU 26 JMU 14

No games

NDSU 52 UNH 14
NDSU 35 Towson 7

ISUr 21 UNH 18

Richmond 39 ISUr 27
NDSU 33 Richmond 7

SDSU 10 Villanova 7
JMU 27 NDSU 17

MVFC: 6-2
NDSU: 4-1
Other MVFC: 2-1

You can make up your own minds whether CAA playoff teams don't stand a chance against the mighty MVFC. Looks to me Bison centric dominance, but plenty MVFC fans think different.

The last three years have had 1 CAA team in the natty and 3 different MVFC teams. Pretty telling. Take out NDSU and it's 2-1. But I know facts get in the way of your crusade.

2014: NDSU ISUr
2015: NDSU JSU
2016: YSU JMU

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January 2nd, 2017, 05:07 PM
The last three years have had 1 CAA team in the natty and 3 different MVFC teams. Pretty telling. Take out NDSU and it's 2-1. But I know facts get in the way of your crusade.

2014: NDSU ISUr
2015: NDSU JSU
2016: YSU JMU

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Pick the time frame that works for you. Care to go back to 2007? The point is MVFC sans the NDSU dynasty is the best, but not dominant.

Remember Thumper this is about the Wings not Paul McCartney.

Thumper 76
January 2nd, 2017, 05:13 PM
Pick the time frame that works for you. Care to go back to 2007? Remember Thumper this is about the Wings not Paul McCartney.

Oh I'm sorry I thought we were talking about recent history, my bad. Reality is the rest of the MVFC has done better than most other conferences and just as well as the CAA in this 5 year run, and that's dropping our best team over that time frame. So if we do the same for the CAA, how does it look? You just keep on your crusade to try to make the MVFC seem weak without NDSU, but that's just false.

January 2nd, 2017, 05:18 PM
i've heard a lot of stuff about the Frisco turf being really bad. it looks fantastic in the pictures. what am i missing?

January 2nd, 2017, 05:23 PM
Pick the time frame that works for you. Care to go back to 2007? The point is MVFC sans the NDSU dynasty is the best, but not dominant.

Remember Thumper this is about the Wings not Paul McCartney.

Caa was the best conference last decade. We get it. The Valley is tops this decade. Dominant, maybe not, that's subjective but the records tell the truth. That being said, the CAA has always been tough. No disrespect here. So ....... Gangtackle, give it a rest, you have been arguing this crap for weeks!

Thumper 76
January 2nd, 2017, 05:24 PM
Caa was the best conference last decade. We get it. The Valley is tops this decade. Dominant, maybe not, that's subjective but the records tell the truth. That being said, the CAA has always been tough. No disrespect here. So ....... Gangtackle, give it a rest, you have been arguing this crap for weeks!

Ever heard of a little thing called ECB? It's rearing its ugly head again, or at least trying to.

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January 2nd, 2017, 05:25 PM
Ever heard of a little thing called ECB? It's rearing its ugly head again, or at least trying to.

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Thumper 76
January 2nd, 2017, 05:26 PM

It's adorable how hard you try

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January 2nd, 2017, 05:27 PM
It's adorable how hard you try

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Thumper 76
January 2nd, 2017, 05:28 PM


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January 2nd, 2017, 05:31 PM
i've heard a lot of stuff about the Frisco turf being really bad. it looks fantastic in the pictures. what am i missing?

It was only bad the year we played Towson. They resod the field and didnt cover it. They then had a freeze and the roots never took. So they painted it green. The real problem was the turf rolled up with any pressure what so ever. It was atrocious. It actually hampered the running game and Terrance West from Towson. Chunks of turf were torn up on every play. At every time out a whole team of people would rush the field to replace the divots.

January 2nd, 2017, 05:50 PM
Caa was the best conference last decade. We get it. The Valley is tops this decade. Dominant, maybe not, that's subjective but the records tell the truth. That being said, the CAA has always been tough. No disrespect here. So ....... Gangtackle, give it a rest, you have been arguing this crap for weeks!

I would, but some of your MVFC fan base always makes some stupid post that I feel must be corrected.

January 2nd, 2017, 05:54 PM
I would, but some of your MVFC fan base always makes some stupid post that I feel must be corrected.

Stupid is as stupid does!

January 2nd, 2017, 05:57 PM
Stupid is as stupid does!

Thanks for checking in Forrest.

January 2nd, 2017, 06:34 PM
Thanks for checking in Forrest.

Somebody has to when you need correcting. Oh wait ? What? xthumbsupx

JMU Newbill
January 2nd, 2017, 06:39 PM
It was only bad the year we played Towson. They resod the field and didnt cover it. They then had a freeze and the roots never took. So they painted it green. The real problem was the turf rolled up with any pressure what so ever. It was atrocious. It actually hampered the running game and Terrance West from Towson. Chunks of turf were torn up on every play. At every time out a whole team of people would rush the field to replace the divots.

Sounds a hell of a lot like our game in Chattanooga in 2004.

January 2nd, 2017, 06:42 PM
Somebody has to when you need correcting. Oh wait ? What? xthumbsupx

Taking a break from ice fishing? Eh... xpeacex

January 2nd, 2017, 06:46 PM
Taking a break from ice fishing? Eh...

Havent been out. I will wait until we get a little more ice. This next week we are supposed to have some sub zero temps. Then I will feel more comfortable going out---dontcha know.

January 2nd, 2017, 06:48 PM
Havent been out. I will wait until we get a little more ice. This next week we are supposed to have some sub zero temps. Then I will feel more comfortable going out.

Have fun!

January 2nd, 2017, 08:34 PM
I'm still pissed about the first round loss in 2004! But I'm still voting for your guys. (;-)

C'mon! That was such a great game! So glad I made that 1!

Thanks for the support!

January 2nd, 2017, 08:42 PM
I think what Gang is trying to say is our CONFERENCE has been great. Really, who has been the best team over the past 10 years? JMU? UNH? Nova? Richmond? Not to mention UD, W&M and even Towson... we have 2 bottom feeders yes, but out of 12 I'll take it. The MVFC can't get over NDSU. The SEC is NOT that good lately but Bama masks it pretty well right?

Thumper 76
January 2nd, 2017, 09:19 PM
I think what Gang is trying to say is our CONFERENCE has been great. Really, who has been the best team over the past 10 years? JMU? UNH? Nova? Richmond? Not to mention UD, W&M and even Towson... we have 2 bottom feeders yes, but out of 12 I'll take it. The MVFC can't get over NDSU. The SEC is NOT that good lately but Bama masks it pretty well right?

Or it means none of your teams have been able to keep a stretch of being a high level program for more than a year or two. How many of those teams have been consistently a top ten team over that period. Just because you have a rotation of good teams doesn't mean your conference is better, it means your programs don't have any consistency.

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January 2nd, 2017, 09:30 PM
Or it means none of your teams have been able to keep a stretch of being a high level program for more than a year or two. How many of those teams have been consistently a top ten team over that period. Just because you have a rotation of good teams doesn't mean your conference is better, it means your programs don't have any consistency.

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Thumper, Thumper, Thumper....just when we were making some progress.... the only consistency here is NDSU taking the Silly Wabbits to the slaughter house each December. You can set your watch to it.

How's your hoops team?

Thumper 76
January 2nd, 2017, 10:04 PM
Thumper, Thumper, Thumper....just when we were making some progress.... the only consistency here is NDSU taking the Silly Wabbits to the slaughter house each December. You can set your watch to it.

How's your hoops team?

Ok point me in the direction of the CAA team that's been consistently in the playoffs and goes deep more than once before fading into obscurity for years. UD? UNH? They haven't made a run of note for years, but they are the best bet at being consistent. Nova? Y'all have one run and in the playoffs like three times in ten years. W&M? JMU? They have a natty but haven't been real deep till this year really.

Our hoops team is not great.

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January 3rd, 2017, 01:49 AM
You forgot some MVFC team would have beaten Alabama this year.

Tricorder reads strong butthurt emanating from the east coast, Captain.

January 3rd, 2017, 03:54 AM
Tricorder reads strong butthurt emanating from the east coast, Captain.

How many times do I have to tell ya to lay off the hookah over there in Cairo? It's kills brain cells. xpeacex

January 3rd, 2017, 03:59 AM
How times do I have to tell ya to lay off the hookah over there in Cairo? It's kills brain cells. xpeacex


January 3rd, 2017, 04:16 AM
Ok point me in the direction of the CAA team that's been consistently in the playoffs and goes deep more than once before fading into obscurity for years. UD? UNH? They haven't made a run of note for years, but they are the best bet at being consistent. Nova? Y'all have one run and in the playoffs like three times in ten years. W&M? JMU? They have a natty but haven't been real deep till this year really.

Our hoops team is not great.

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1st of all. I'll continue to repeat myself and say that I've never written that the CAA was better than the MVFC during the NDSU run. All I'll ever written is that besides NDSU the rest of you are no better than the top teams in the CAA. That hurts feelings from South Dakota to Egypt apparently.

I think what you say is what makes the CAA one of the better conferences. We have a lot of teams with a few exceptions that are very close to either making the playoffs each year or sitting at home. The CAA has UNH, Villanova, JMU, Richmond,W&M that duke it out every year not knowing who is the best team in conference. Right behind that group are teams that join the dance every once in awhile or getting damn close like Towson, Maine, Stony Brook, & now Albany. Delaware will be back soon with Rocco. Really only Elon & Rhody have had no chance over here & that may change with the new coach @ Elon over time.

What you may think is a negative is in my eyes seen as a positive for the CAA. Every year 6-8 teams are close enough to think they will make a playoff run. When I look at our upcoming schedule it's hard to say sans Rhody & Elon that a game is an automatic win. That's our consistency. You see that as a weakness? So be it. Another agree to disagree moment.

Sorry to hear about your hoops team. I think ours is pretty good. Ask your buddies from Omaha what they think? xpeacex

PS: who besides NDSU goes deep into the playoffs consistently from the MVFC? Please don't give me the "would've, could've, should've regionalization stops us from being somebody" argument again. Please.