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December 10th, 2016, 09:25 PM
Woohoo! I can go! Uncomfortable girlfriend talk averted! Thank you FCS Scheduling!

That's why you got to roll single man. You are only on your own time and can crash wherever and whenever you want. But as much as I love hockey and can't live without, I am pretty sure it's my religion, the Bison should always come before the Force.

December 10th, 2016, 09:27 PM
A bison with a heterosexual relationship...... strange occurrence according to fun facts

Are gay jokes your "Go-To"? Wow, so much for being impressed. At least if you are going to try to offend me, bring something of worth to the table. Good smack talk is always great when you can make the person you are talking smack to laugh with you even though it is at their expense. Crawl back in your hole until you have something funny to say. xcoffeex

December 10th, 2016, 09:31 PM
Are gay jokes your "Go-To"? Wow, so much for being impressed. At least if you are going to try to offend me, bring something of worth to the table. Good smack talk is always great when you can make the person you are talking smack to laugh with you even though it is at their expense. Crawl back in your hole until you have something funny to say. xcoffeex

have u even said anything funny... I don't think so either.... your smack is weak even if you and your bison bois all try team up on me.... I did expect that...I know you bois stick together

December 10th, 2016, 09:32 PM
have u even said anything funny... I don't think so either.... your smack is weak even if you and your bison bois all try team up on me.... I did expect that...I know you bois stick together

Where did your dad touch you?

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 10th, 2016, 09:34 PM
Where did your dad touch you?


In the "naughty" place....xlolx

Thumper 76
December 10th, 2016, 09:34 PM
Are gay jokes your "Go-To"? Wow, so much for being impressed. At least if you are going to try to offend me, bring something of worth to the table. Good smack talk is always great when you can make the person you are talking smack to laugh with you even though it is at their expense. Crawl back in your hole until you have something funny to say. xcoffeex

At least I manage to cross into the "mildly entertaining" zone occasionally when I talk **** to you guys.

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Thumper 76
December 10th, 2016, 09:36 PM
Shut up skank and go make me a sammie. :D

You know damn well I don't know how to cook

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December 10th, 2016, 09:37 PM
At least I manage to cross into the "mildly entertaining" zone occasionally when I talk **** to you guys.

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Now you are just on their nuts trying to ride the coat tails of the bison.... even though you in the south you still in bison country

December 10th, 2016, 09:37 PM
I have a similar situation. Girlfriend has Fargo Force (hockey team) tickets lined up and really wants to go. If I can get out of that, I will be on the field for game. I got to do some smooth talking, I don't want to miss this game!!!
You're kidding right??? Fargo Force vs a semifinal game??? She must be threatening to cut the sex off if you're even debating this at all.

Wait, there are plenty of other girls for sex. Move on and go to the Bison game xthumbsupx

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 10th, 2016, 09:37 PM
At least I manage to cross into the "mildly entertaining" zone occasionally when I talk **** to you guys.

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I approve!!


December 10th, 2016, 09:42 PM
You're kidding right??? Fargo Force vs a semifinal game??? She must be threatening to cut the sex off if you're even debating this at all.

Wait, there are plenty of other girls for sex. Move on and go to the Bison game xthumbsupx

Not Fargo Force vs. the Bison game. Not like I said, "yeah, I would rather go to the force game". lol, just figured I would be able to do both. I avoided having to have that convo of skipping the hockey game being the game is on Friday anyhow.

December 10th, 2016, 09:44 PM
You know damn well I don't know how to cook

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Tell that to the steaks we had... Pure bliss.

December 10th, 2016, 09:47 PM
If a woman I was dating said we were missing a Bison game for anything other than a wedding or funeral, I would look at her and ask very politely, "Do tell, I would love to know why you are ripping my soul apart?"

Thumper 76
December 10th, 2016, 09:49 PM
Now you are just on their nuts trying to ride the coat tails of the bison.... even though you in the south you still in bison country

You realize that this would be physically impossible to be on their nuts and riding coat tails. Pick a team dude. This sauce is some weak **** here.

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December 10th, 2016, 09:49 PM
If a woman I was dating said we were missing a Bison game for anything other than a wedding or funeral, I would look at her and ask very politely, "Do tell, I would love to know why you are ripping my soul apart?"

You would say "yes ma'am.....sorry for questioning your authority....can we still have the sexy time now?" xlolx

December 10th, 2016, 09:55 PM
So you must have missed that NDSU curb stomping of SDSU who had a better overall team than that high school wannabe air raid offense? Keep telling yourself that, but ask any of the Semi-Final or Finals team in Georgia Southern 2x, Richmond, Towson, Jacksonville State, Sam Houston State 3x, UNH, ISUr. Each one of these teams thought that "NDSU has not seen this type of offense before," and you know what, they have and they win. 18-0 at the dome. Keep spewing your rhetoric but you are just another notch on the belt that is NDSU. It's alright to be a homer, but you need to accept that your dreams will go to die next weekend.

I have a favor to ask. Think you could get your HC to share a little of what you're smoking? xthumbsupx I'm sure JMU's locker room bulletin board has plenty of room to post all the inane game predictions you and other NDSU homers would like to share.

SH was spouting they were going to "curb stomp" every opponent foolish enough to get in their way, but all good things do come to an end, don't they? Including NC runs. When the dust settles on Friday night, and NDSU is facing the short end of a losing scoreboard, I hope ESPN invites the Bison to play JMU in Harrisonburg at the start of next season, so JMU can beat you again.

December 10th, 2016, 09:55 PM
You would say "yes ma'am.....sorry for questioning your authority....can we still have the sexy time now?" xlolx

Give me a beer or 10 and I would stumble with those words and end up saying my original post of having my soul rip apart. AND then follow it up with the "how about the sexy time now?" To which it would be a death glare and somehow I would end up walking home.

December 10th, 2016, 09:56 PM
You would say "yes ma'am.....sorry for questioning your authority....can we still have the sexy time now?" xlolx

I was hoping if I did have that convo, that it would go something like "oh no problem, those Force tickets were cheap. I know you are a huge Bison fan and planned to go the game. I will just cancel the babysitter and we can go another time." .....and then with the offer of sexy time. LMAO

December 10th, 2016, 09:59 PM
I have a favor to ask. Think you could get your HC to share a little of what you're smoking? xthumbsupx I'm sure JMU's locker room bulletin board has plenty of room to post all the inane game predictions you and other NDSU homers would like to share.

SH was spouting they were going to "curb stomp" every opponent foolish enough to get in their way, but all good things do come to an end, don't they? Including NC runs. When the dust settles on Friday night, and NDSU is facing the short end of a losing scoreboard, I hope ESPN invites the Bison to play JMU in Harrisonburg at the start of next season, so JMU can beat you again.

That's laughable since I would say I am not as big of a homer as you would think. But keep believing what you want. I am not doubting JMU is solid, in fact I had them in my top 3, with El Cid 4 and SHSU 5 and JSU 6. I seriously believed the only team better than NDSU was who I had in my #1, EWU. But after this game against SDSU, the rhetoric of "you have never seen this" comes back into play. I was not convinced, but now I am. Also, considering we have POD Knows and his #bookit there is no way JMU wins. It is a fact, ask Thumper 76 if you do not believe it.

December 10th, 2016, 10:02 PM
If a woman I was dating said we were missing a Bison game for anything other than a wedding or funeral, I would look at her and ask very politely, "Do tell, I would love to know why you are ripping my soul apart?"
There is not a woman on the planet that I would miss a football game for. For any reason.

December 10th, 2016, 10:04 PM
For a bison? Unless you're Liberace I'd assume you'd at least need one of these...


Seriously.......why do JMU fans know so much about gays and butt sex? Creepy

December 10th, 2016, 10:04 PM
There is not a woman on the planet that I would miss a football game for. For any reason.
We know.......the bison don't know what borders are they roam your way too

December 10th, 2016, 10:05 PM
There is not a woman on the planet that I would miss a football game for. For any reason.

I already did for the bride and groom this week(end). Thats why I am in Bozeman. I missed the NDSU vs SDSU game for it, but I would do it all over again. Only wedding and funeral have legitimate reasons as to why I would miss one.

December 10th, 2016, 10:07 PM
So, any chance there is another Star Wars intro for the NDSU/JMU game next Friday? xlolx


December 10th, 2016, 10:07 PM
I already did for the bride and groom this week(end). Thats why I am in Bozeman. I missed the NDSU vs SDSU game for it, but I would do it all over again. Only wedding and funeral have legitimate reasons as to why I would miss one.
You are dead to me....................see you Friday night

December 10th, 2016, 10:09 PM
I have a favor to ask. Think you could get your HC to share a little of what you're smoking? xthumbsupx I'm sure JMU's locker room bulletin board has plenty of room to post all the inane game predictions you and other NDSU homers would like to share.

SH was spouting they were going to "curb stomp" every opponent foolish enough to get in their way, but all good things do come to an end, don't they? Including NC runs. When the dust settles on Friday night, and NDSU is facing the short end of a losing scoreboard, I hope ESPN invites the Bison to play JMU in Harrisonburg at the start of next season, so JMU can beat you again.

Naw.....don't call us, we'll call you if we need a game. xthumbsupx Just be sure to say yes this time. xlolx

December 10th, 2016, 10:12 PM
You are dead to me....................see you Friday night

It was all inclusive snowboarding, skiing, lodging at the Misty Chalet, food, liquor, airfare, all for 350 dollars. It was also my old roommate. But I look forward to seeing you on Friday Night as well. His grandfather and parents kicked in to help out a lot. I had never been in this part of Montana and he planned it for over a year.

I think I will be able to make it up to you though.

December 10th, 2016, 10:12 PM
JMU, you should hope the force is with you.... although I would prefer us to be the good guys in this movie.


Hoboken Dukes
December 10th, 2016, 10:23 PM
That 4th and inches vs Youngstown. Fumble on Appy's 9 yard line. 4 turnovers and Landers going out vs Montana. For all the good luck we had in '04, we have long since evened out the scale. Much respect to NDSU, can't hate on any of that.

But Saturday, wooooooo-weeeee, Saturday it ends.

Go Dukes.

December 10th, 2016, 10:24 PM
That 4th and inches vs Youngstown. Fumble on Appy's 9 yard line. 4 turnovers and Landers going out vs Montana. For all the good luck we had in '04, we have long since evened out the scale. Much respect to NDSU, can't hate on any of that.

But Saturday, wooooooo-weeeee, Saturday it ends.

Go Dukes.

Or Friday....but probably not.

December 10th, 2016, 10:25 PM
I have a favor to ask. Think you could get your HC to share a little of what you're smoking? xthumbsupx I'm sure JMU's locker room bulletin board has plenty of room to post all the inane game predictions you and other NDSU homers would like to share.

SH was spouting they were going to "curb stomp" every opponent foolish enough to get in their way, but all good things do come to an end, don't they? Including NC runs. When the dust settles on Friday night, and NDSU is facing the short end of a losing scoreboard, I hope ESPN invites the Bison to play JMU in Harrisonburg at the start of next season, so JMU can beat you again.
Why the **** is a Longhorn fan posting in here? Shouldn't you be over on the losers thread?xlolx

December 10th, 2016, 10:27 PM
That 4th and inches vs Youngstown. Fumble on Appy's 9 yard line. 4 turnovers and Landers going out vs Montana. For all the good luck we had in '04, we have long since evened out the scale. Much respect to NDSU, can't hate on any of that.

But Saturday, wooooooo-weeeee, Saturday it ends.

Go Dukes.

I wouldn't count on that happening.

Hoboken Dukes
December 10th, 2016, 10:28 PM
Friday, wooooo-weeeee, it ends.

December 10th, 2016, 10:31 PM
Friday, wooooo-weeeee, it ends.
Lol it's cute seeing how confident you are... Poor jmu has no idea..

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 10th, 2016, 10:33 PM
Friday, wooooo-weeeee, it ends.

Pace yourself now....those whooping 72 posts in a decade are real impressive....xthumbsupx

Better take a break now!

December 10th, 2016, 10:36 PM
Pace yourself now....those whooping 72 posts in a decade are real impressive....xthumbsupx

Better take a break now!

Good catch....lol

December 10th, 2016, 10:37 PM
I have a favor to ask. Think you could get your HC to share a little of what you're smoking? xthumbsupx I'm sure JMU's locker room bulletin board has plenty of room to post all the inane game predictions you and other NDSU homers would like to share.

SH was spouting they were going to "curb stomp" every opponent foolish enough to get in their way, but all good things do come to an end, don't they? Including NC runs. When the dust settles on Friday night, and NDSU is facing the short end of a losing scoreboard, I hope ESPN invites the Bison to play JMU in Harrisonburg at the start of next season, so JMU can beat you again.
I know I would need posts from a message board on the bulletin board to get fired up for a semi final game.xcoffeex Are you in the band?

Hoboken Dukes
December 11th, 2016, 12:19 AM
Pace yourself now....those whooping 72 posts in a decade are real impressive....xthumbsupx

Better take a break now!
You joined in '08. I'm OG compared to you son.

It ends on Friday.

December 11th, 2016, 12:21 AM
You're right. Cuz volume dictates impressiveness. You're going down

If NDSU's defense plays like they did today, next week, I don't see JMU touching 20 points.

December 11th, 2016, 12:45 AM
your response tells me you have zero smack talk ability...Try practicing some more before you jump into the big leagues.. Ask some of your older members here..... Your Smack King has returned. Now get on your knees and bow.

With all your gay talk you seem to know a lot about being on your knees. xcoffeex

Professor Chaos
December 11th, 2016, 12:49 AM
Different year, same ****.

Random NDSU opponent fan: This is clearly this best offense/defense/QB/RBs/WRs/punter/waterboy/ballgirl/CAA team/SOCON team/Big Sky team/team speed/team power/team Tecmo Bowl players/etc.

Random NDSU fan: We've heard the same damn thing year... after year... after year... after year... after year... after year.?

This thread is probably gonna have 1000 posts by mid-week and all of it is just going to be the same. damn. ****.

December 11th, 2016, 12:55 AM
Different year, same ****.

Random NDSU opponent fan: This is clearly this best offense/defense/QB/RBs/WRs/punter/waterboy/ballgirl/CAA team/SOCON team/Big Sky team/team speed/team power/team Tecmo Bowl players/etc.

Random NDSU fan: We've heard the same damn thing year... after year... after year... after year... after year... after year.?

This thread is probably gonna have 1000 posts by mid-week and all of it is just going to be the same. damn. ****.
Except that this Alexis bitch is far less entertaining than all the whiny Sammy bitches. S/he is just... dumb.

Red & Black
December 11th, 2016, 12:56 AM
I will say that if JMU doesn't beat NDSU next week, they're going to win six in a row. I don't see Wofford, YSU, EWU or UR being able to beat them.

It took a missed FG for them to beat us earlier on this year.

December 11th, 2016, 01:39 AM
Title run actually began at EWU in 2010....

And will end with EWU in 2016. :D

EDIT: Well, technically 2017.

December 11th, 2016, 06:19 AM
Why the **** is a Longhorn fan posting in here? Shouldn't you be over on the losers thread?xlolx
Careful calling the Longhorns losers they almost backed into a bowl game

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 11th, 2016, 06:33 AM
You joined in '08. I'm OG compared to you son.

It ends on Friday.


Up to 73 posts now....are you winded yet?

December 11th, 2016, 07:11 AM
Is there not a single bison fan that is willing to actually talk about how you can be beat or are you too afraid that the Internet tough guys will tell you you're not a real fan?

Screw talking football. "WE'RE INVINCIBLE! That's all you need to know. In fact, go ahead and just forfeit the game and don't show up. We've already won the title this year".

Does that sum this bull**** thread up?

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 11th, 2016, 07:20 AM
Is there not a single bison fan that is willing to actually talk about how you can be beat or are you too afraid that the Internet tough guys will tell you you're not a real fan?

Screw talking football. "WE'RE INVINCIBLE! That's all you need to know. In fact, go ahead and just forfeit the game and don't show up. We've already won the title this year".

Does that sum this bull**** thread up?

JMU looked like world beaters against a over rated SHSU team that gives up at the first punch in the mouth.

Sure, JMU is a very good team and so are the Bison, I suspect it will be a good game.

Can JMU handle the noise? When teams come to the FD for the first time, they always have trouble with the noise.

IMO, this is a better match up for the Bison compared to a pass happy SDSU or EWU.

Maybe NDSU's streak ends on Friday night but it will be a dogfight for JMU to win. Any JMU fan that thinks they are going to come into Fargo and roll this team is crazy. NDSU is head and shoulders better than SHSU.

JMU has the team to beat NDSU: balanced offense and tough defense. Now can they do it?

December 11th, 2016, 07:21 AM
Hey, I tried to provide a fun fact!

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December 11th, 2016, 07:24 AM
Is there not a single bison fan that is willing to actually talk about how you can be beat or are you too afraid that the Internet tough guys will tell you you're not a real fan?

Screw talking football. "WE'RE INVINCIBLE! That's all you need to know. In fact, go ahead and just forfeit the game and don't show up. We've already won the title this year".

Does that sum this bull**** thread up?

Unfortunately, they've earned that right.

That said, Bison fans would be wise to realize that this JMU team is FAR better than the UR club that came up for the Semifinal next year.

Huge test.

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 11th, 2016, 07:28 AM
Unfortunately, they've earned that right.

That said, Bison fans would be wise to realize that this JMU team is FAR better than the UR club that came up for the Semifinal next year.

Huge test.

For both teams.

December 11th, 2016, 07:40 AM
Unfortunately, they've earned that right.

That said, Bison fans would be wise to realize that this JMU team is FAR better than the UR club that came up for the Semifinal next year.

Huge test.

Fans on a message board have earned a right? They're just watching a winning program. That's not exactly hard to do. Just ask Yankee fans.

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 11th, 2016, 07:46 AM
Fans on a message board have earned a right? They're just watching a winning program. That's not exactly hard to do. Just ask Yankee fans.

Well then, give us your enlightened breakdown of this game.....xrolleyesx

December 11th, 2016, 07:52 AM
A heads up to any JMU fans making the trip to Fargo. Current forecast for Friday is 3 to 5 inches of snow, with a fair bit of wind. Driving in might be a sketchy proposition.

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 11th, 2016, 07:53 AM
A heads up to any JMU fans making the trip to Fargo. Current forecast for Friday is 3 to 5 inches of snow, with a fair bit of wind. Driving in might be a sketchy proposition.

.....just another day in the upper Midwest......xthumbsupx

December 11th, 2016, 07:56 AM
Is there not a single bison fan that is willing to actually talk about how you can be beat or are you too afraid that the Internet tough guys will tell you you're not a real fan?

Screw talking football. "WE'RE INVINCIBLE! That's all you need to know. In fact, go ahead and just forfeit the game and don't show up. We've already won the title this year".

Does that sum this bull**** thread up?

Then talk football. Plenty of us will have a football conversation with you. So far we are just getting a really weird obsession with homosexual beastilaty from the JMU side.

What offense/defense do you guys run?

December 11th, 2016, 08:02 AM
Then talk football. Plenty of us will have a football conversation with you. So far we are just getting a really weird obsession with homosexual beastilaty from the JMU side.

What offense/defense do you guys run?

The good kind...

Seriously, on offense we're obviously pretty balanced and I think Houston and his staff do a great job of adjusting as necessary. We'll try to run first before going to the pass.

For instance, Friday night we ran 64 times for 356 yards and threw 19 passes. Obviously not much need for adjustment.

But in the first round game against UNH we passed it 39 times for 408 yards and ran it 48 times for 159 yards. So we didn't abandon the run but used it to set up the pass when we weren't gashing big plays with it.

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Professor Chaos
December 11th, 2016, 08:06 AM
Is there not a single bison fan that is willing to actually talk about how you can be beat or are you too afraid that the Internet tough guys will tell you you're not a real fan?

Screw talking football. "WE'RE INVINCIBLE! That's all you need to know. In fact, go ahead and just forfeit the game and don't show up. We've already won the title this year".

Does that sum this bull**** thread up?
Well, SDSU knew exactly how the Bison can be beat and you saw how that worked out. How to beat the Bison isn't a big mystery. You need to win on 3rd down (hence controlling the football), take care of the ball and win the turnover battle, and convert redzone trips into TDs. If JMU does that on Friday they should be headed to Frisco.

...much easier said than done.

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 11th, 2016, 08:15 AM
JMU is #3 in the FCS in total offense: 532 yards/game with 291 being rushing yards.

If JMU can run for that kind of yardage they certainly will win. Will they do it? Really doubt they will sniff anything close to that on Friday. But if they can mix it up and keep the Bison defense off guard they will have a good day.

I'm looking forward to the match up of JMU's offense vs Bison defense.

The Bison are #9 in total defense and #3 in scoring defense.

IMO, the Bison should be able to move the ball on the JMU defense, they give up 348 yards/game.

Southern Bison
December 11th, 2016, 08:20 AM
Like I said earlier, JMU is built alot like SDSU, UNI, and other MVFC schools. The Bison will game plan to a SDSU/YSU/WIU type team.

If JMU's D can't get us off the field on 3rd downs, I would expect to see a game similar to yesterday.

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December 11th, 2016, 08:26 AM
That's laughable since I would say I am not as big of a homer as you would think. But keep believing what you want. I am not doubting JMU is solid, in fact I had them in my top 3, with El Cid 4 and SHSU 5 and JSU 6. I seriously believed the only team better than NDSU was who I had in my #1, EWU. But after this game against SDSU, the rhetoric of "you have never seen this" comes back into play. I was not convinced, but now I am. Also, considering we have POD Knows and his #bookit there is no way JMU wins. It is a fact, ask Thumper 76 if you do not believe it.

xlolx If "the POD" has given the green light to the Bison I know you must be worried! Has that numbskull ever gotten any prediction correct?

December 11th, 2016, 08:32 AM
JMU is #3 in the FCS in total offense: 532 yards/game with 291 being rushing yards.

If JMU can run for that kind of yardage they certainly will win. Will they do it? Really doubt they will sniff anything close to that on Friday. But if they can mix it up and keep the Bison defense off guard they will have a good day.

I'm looking forward to the match up of JMU's offense vs Bison defense.

The Bison are #9 in total defense and #3 in scoring defense.

IMO, the Bison should be able to move the ball on the JMU defense, they give up 348 yards/game.

I think the key will be when JMU throws the ball. NDSU is #29 in pass efficiency defense and #52 in passing yards allowed (although that's probably a little skewed because they play from ahead for so long). Bryan Schor is the top QB in the country in pass efficiency.

I fully expect them to be able to stop the run initially, but the key for us will to be able to throw it. To win I think we're going to have to have a game where we throw it 40-50 times and Schor will have to be as efficient as he has been all year.

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December 11th, 2016, 08:34 AM
Like I said earlier, JMU is built alot like SDSU, UNI, and other MVFC schools. The Bison will game plan to a SDSU/YSU/WIU type team.

If JMU's D can't get us off the field on 3rd downs, I would expect to see a game similar to yesterday.

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I agree that 3rd down conversions will be key for both teams. If JMU can't force NDSU to punt, and vice versa, the other team is likely to have a long day. If NDSU can't get JMU off the field, and the Bison are punting 2 out of every 3 possessions, expect to see JMU put up arena like numbers on the scoreboard.

- - - Updated - - -

December 11th, 2016, 08:34 AM
I think the key will be when JMU throws the ball. NDSU is #29 in pass efficiency defense and #52 in passing yards allowed (although that's probably a little skewed because they play from ahead for so long). Bryan Schor is the top QB in the country in pass efficiency.

I fully expect them to be able to stop the run initially, but the key for us will to be able to throw it. To win I think we're going to have to have a game where we throw it 40-50 times and Schor will have to be as efficient as he has been all year.

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QB run game......running between the tackles with a RB is going to be tough sledding.

December 11th, 2016, 08:36 AM
QB run game......running between the tackles with a RB is going to be tough sledding.

That too. Schor is probably gonna have to pull it on the option more times than not to try and keep the box honest.

And we really don't run between the tackles that much. More off tackles stuff and sweeps, but I think it's gonna be tough regardless.

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December 11th, 2016, 09:02 AM
So, all your talk of a big return and all you do is repeat yourself? I talk better smack to Bison fans in a coma.

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Plus you have better graphics. xthumbsupx

December 11th, 2016, 09:06 AM
That too. Schor is probably gonna have to pull it on the option more times than not to try and keep the box honest.

And we really don't run between the tackles that much. More off tackles stuff and sweeps, but I think it's gonna be tough regardless.

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The QB run game can force NDSU to spy and slow the pass rush. It opens up the passing attack....especially TEs and the middle of the field. DeLuca at the MLB position was a perfect Tampa 2 LB in coverage....his replacement struggles athletically in that facet. When I say "run between the tackles", it is more or less about a traditional rushing offense. NDSU's D is more than capable of running downhill and bottling that up.

December 11th, 2016, 09:13 AM
The QB run game can force NDSU to spy and slow the pass rush. It opens up the passing attack....especially TEs and the middle of the field. DeLuca at the MLB position was a perfect Tampa 2 LB in coverage....his replacement struggles athletically in that facet. When I say "run between the tackles", it is more or less about a traditional rushing offense. NDSU's D is more than capable of running downhill and bottling that up.

We do have a big TE in Kloosterman that can give teams trouble, particularly with play action. If your LBs start to suck in on PA, we'll take a shot down the seam with Kloo.

Defensively, we're just gonna have to be "bend don't break" which is really hard to do with the NDSU offense. We've been really good about keeping our assignments and playing team defense the past few games, so hopefully that helps with some of the option stuff you all run, but we're gonna give up some yards and some points, we just can't get in a big hole where there's a lot of pressure on the D and the O doesn't have time to come back...

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December 11th, 2016, 09:14 AM
I think the key will be when JMU throws the ball. NDSU is #29 in pass efficiency defense and #52 in passing yards allowed (although that's probably a little skewed because they play from ahead for so long). Bryan Schor is the top QB in the country in pass efficiency.

I fully expect them to be able to stop the run initially, but the key for us will to be able to throw it. To win I think we're going to have to have a game where we throw it 40-50 times and Schor will have to be as efficient as he has been all year.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'm going to disagree with my fellow JMU fan. JMU does not need to throw the ball 40-50 times to win. JMU's OL is the real deal, and our RBs are too. JMU can run on anyone. Should NDSU coaches decide, however, that the path to victory is to sell out and stop the run, then JMU will throw the ball. Mike Houston isn't stubborn, nor is our OC. JMU will take what the other team decides to give up. Pick your poison. The problem is the Bison will not be able to stop everything.

Richmond and New Hampshire thought stopping the run was the route to victory, and Schor picked them apart. And while all respect is due the 5 time national champs, Villanova's D was much better than the Bison's this year. And JMU beat Nova with a true freshman QB and a fast improving D.

It's been interesting watching the JMU team mature this season, and how just recently JMU's winning ways have begun to sway some of the early-season doubters. The previous two years of JMU's early exits from the playoffs had many people convinced JMU was a "soft" team, built around a system that highlighted the skills of just one special player (Vad Lee). And those doubters would be correct in holding those doubts. That doubt was further reinforced with a new HC and staff, and a new QB not named Lee. Well, surprise surprise! JMU ain't soft no more. Schor has actually developed into a better QB than Vad Lee (not a better athlete mind you, but a better QB), and the defense has finally begun to play up to their abilities (like the Mickey Matthews defenses of yesterday). Yet now, JMU has one hell of a good offense to match with the D. And special teams are playing like the legendary Virginia Tech "Beamer Ball" teams that were so deadly a decade ago. That might have something to do with the presence of a former long-term VT coach on JMU's sideline, as well as the rest of a very seasoned staff under Mike Houston's direction.

True Bison fans will remember the last (and only other) game JMU played at your place. The final margin of victory was closer than any other Bison win in the playoffs that year, and that was against a much better Bison team, and a much less explosive JMU team.

I won't be surprised if the Bison win the contest, but I would be disappointed because it means JMU will have made uncharacteristic mistakes. The Bison will be favored, because that's how betting parlors gauge these things. But if JMU plays its normal game, and the Bison play their normal excellent brand of playoff football, the home winning streak and string of NCs ends on Friday.

December 11th, 2016, 09:25 AM
We do have a big TE in Kloosterman that can give teams trouble, particularly with play action. If your LBs start to suck in on PA, we'll take a shot down the seam with Kloo.

Defensively, we're just gonna have to be "bend don't break" which is really hard to do with the NDSU offense. We've been really good about keeping our assignments and playing team defense the past few games, so hopefully that helps with some of the option stuff you all run, but we're gonna give up some yards and some points, we just can't get in a big hole where there's a lot of pressure on the D and the O doesn't have time to come back...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Once again, I feel compelled to weigh-in on a fellow JMU fan's post. I agree about our starting TE. He's a true talent. My addition in response would be to amend the suggestion that JMU's defensive identity will be to "bend don't break"...perhaps that may have been true early in the season, but starting with the Villanova game, a light switch was thrown, and the JMU D has been playing an aggressive, attacking style. People saw it against SH, but it was also on display against New Hampshire. Now if Bison fans want to claim their O is better than SH or UNH I'll listen, but your team will have to prove it on the field. JMU's D will attack the Bison and not sit-back like fuzzy bunnies in soft zones ala SDSU.

December 11th, 2016, 09:32 AM
I'm going to disagree with my fellow JMU fan. JMU does not need to throw the ball 40-50 times to win. JMU's OL is the real deal, and our RBs are too. JMU can run on anyone. Should NDSU coaches decide, however, that the path to victory is to sell out and stop the run, then JMU will throw the ball. Mike Houston isn't stubborn, nor is our OC. JMU will take what the other team decides to give up. Pick your poison. The problem is the Bison will not be able to stop everything.

Richmond and New Hampshire thought stopping the run was the route to victory, and Schor picked them apart. And while all respect is due the 5 time national champs, Villanova's D was much better than the Bison's this year. And JMU beat Nova with a true freshman QB and a fast improving D.

It's been interesting watching the JMU team mature this season, and how just recently JMU's winning ways have begun to sway some of the early-season doubters. The previous two years of JMU's early exits from the playoffs had many people convinced JMU was a "soft" team, built around a system that highlighted the skills of just one special player (Vad Lee). And those doubters would be correct in holding those doubts. That doubt was further reinforced with a new HC and staff, and a new QB not named Lee. Well, surprise surprise! JMU ain't soft no more. Schor has actually developed into a better QB than Vad Lee (not a better athlete mind you, but a better QB), and the defense has finally begun to play up to their abilities (like the Mickey Matthews defenses of yesterday). Yet now, JMU has one hell of a good offense to match with the D. And special teams are playing like the legendary Virginia Tech "Beamer Ball" teams that were so deadly a decade ago. That might have something to do with the presence of a former long-term VT coach on JMU's sideline, as well as the rest of a very seasoned staff under Mike Houston's direction.

True Bison fans will remember the last (and only other) game JMU played at your place. The final margin of victory was closer than any other Bison win, and that was against a much better Bison team, and a much less explosive JMU team.

I won't be surprised if the Bison win the contest, but I would be disappointed because it means JMU will have made uncharacteristic mistakes. The Bison will be favored, because that's how betting parlors gauge these things. But if JMU plays its normal game, and the Bison play their normal excellent brand of playoff football, the home winning streak and string of NCs ends on Friday.

Read that again and think about it. Makes no sense. NDSU if they play their normal excellent brand of playoff football will send the dukes home with a "L". As to your follow up comment about NDSU having to prove it on the field they been doing that for the last 5 years. What has JMU done in the last 5 years?

POD Knows
December 11th, 2016, 09:34 AM
That's laughable since I would say I am not as big of a homer as you would think. But keep believing what you want. I am not doubting JMU is solid, in fact I had them in my top 3, with El Cid 4 and SHSU 5 and JSU 6. I seriously believed the only team better than NDSU was who I had in my #1, EWU. But after this game against SDSU, the rhetoric of "you have never seen this" comes back into play. I was not convinced, but now I am. Also, considering we have POD Knows and his #bookit there is no way JMU wins. It is a fact, ask Thumper 76 if you do not believe it.

I haven't dropped this on JMU yet and I might not, I have to be selective when I pull out the power as I don't want to dilute it. I generally use it only for strategic losses for SDSU and UND. I have to be careful, this kind of power is a dangerous thing in the hands of one man.

December 11th, 2016, 09:36 AM
I'm going to disagree with my fellow JMU fan. JMU does not need to throw the ball 40-50 times to win. JMU's OL is the real deal, and our RBs are too. JMU can run on anyone. Should NDSU coaches decide, however, that the path to victory is to sell out and stop the run, then JMU will throw the ball. Mike Houston isn't stubborn, nor is our OC. JMU will take what the other team decides to give up. Pick your poison. The problem is the Bison will not be able to stop everything.

Richmond and New Hampshire thought stopping the run was the route to victory, and Schor picked them apart. And while all respect is due the 5 time national champs, Villanova's D was much better than the Bison's this year. And JMU beat Nova with a true freshman QB and a fast improving D.

It's been interesting watching the JMU team mature this season, and how just recently JMU's winning ways have begun to sway some of the early-season doubters. The previous two years of JMU's early exits from the playoffs had many people convinced JMU was a "soft" team, built around a system that highlighted the skills of just one special player (Vad Lee). And those doubters would be correct in holding those doubts. That doubt was further reinforced with a new HC and staff, and a new QB not named Lee. Well, surprise surprise! JMU ain't soft no more. Schor has actually developed into a better QB than Vad Lee (not a better athlete mind you, but a better QB), and the defense has finally begun to play up to their abilities (like the Mickey Matthews defenses of yesterday). Yet now, JMU has one hell of a good offense to match with the D. And special teams are playing like the legendary Virginia Tech "Beamer Ball" teams that were so deadly a decade ago. That might have something to do with the presence of a former long-term VT coach on JMU's sideline, as well as the rest of a very seasoned staff under Mike Houston's direction.

True Bison fans will remember the last (and only other) game JMU played at your place. The final margin of victory was closer than any other Bison win in the playoffs that year, and that was against a much better Bison team, and a much less explosive JMU team.

I won't be surprised if the Bison win the contest, but I would be disappointed because it means JMU will have made uncharacteristic mistakes. The Bison will be favored, because that's how betting parlors gauge these things. But if JMU plays its normal game, and the Bison play their normal excellent brand of playoff football, the home winning streak and string of NCs ends on Friday.

We were fairly balanced run to pass when we played the Bison. SDSU was similar in their win, but far more productive in the running game than we were. So yes, considering how good JMU's rushing attack is, you'd think there are some plays to be made there. But I also wouldn't hesitate to pass first in order to set up the run or to abandon the run if it's not there and throw it all over the yard. NDSU is definitely more susceptible through the air.

Thumper 76
December 11th, 2016, 09:39 AM
1) If "the POD" has given the green light to the Bison I know you must be worried!

2)Has that numbskull ever gotten any prediction correct?
1)POD Knows is a different poster, not that twat from SHSU.

Plus you have better graphics. xthumbsupx
I try to keep my gif game stronk xlolx

I haven't dropped this on JMU yet and I might not, I have to be selective when I pull out the power as I don't want to dilute it. I generally use it only for strategic losses for SDSU and UND. I have to be careful, this kind of power is a dangerous thing in the hands of one man.
That's a special kind of hate, makes me feel all tingly on the inside that you save it just for us xlolx

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December 11th, 2016, 09:40 AM
xlolx If "the POD" has given the green light to the Bison I know you must be worried! Has that numbskull ever gotten any prediction correct?

You mean the original POD. Not that wannabe ****. This is THE POD. It's POD Knows btw.

December 11th, 2016, 09:40 AM
Read that again and think about it. Makes no sense. NDSU if they play their normal excellent brand of playoff football will send the dukes home with a "L". As to your follow up comment about NDSU having to prove it on the field they been doing that for the last 5 years. What has JMU done in the last 5 years?

It makes perfect sense to anyone not wearing Bison blinders. JMU is the better team. The Bison play their normal, excellent game, but they'll still get beat.

POD Knows
December 11th, 2016, 09:42 AM
xlolx If "the POD" has given the green light to the Bison I know you must be worried! Has that numbskull ever gotten any prediction correct?

Are you that ****ing dumb, this is a serious question.

December 11th, 2016, 09:43 AM
1)POD Knows is a different poster, not that twat from SHSU.

I try to keep my gif game stronk xlolx

That's a special kind of hate, makes me feel all tingly on the inside that you save it just for us xlolx

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

My sincere apology to the "real" Pod. xthumbsupx But if you've got some real mojo "Real Pod" you better use it now, because if not the Bison are going to get run out of their own stadium on Friday.

December 11th, 2016, 09:44 AM
I haven't dropped this on JMU yet and I might not, I have to be selective when I pull out the power as I don't want to dilute it. I generally use it only for strategic losses for SDSU and UND. I have to be careful, this kind of power is a dangerous thing in the hands of one man.

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.

We have faith that you will do the thing that is best for us.

December 11th, 2016, 09:46 AM
It makes perfect sense to anyone not wearing Bison blinders. JMU is the better team. The Bison play their normal, excellent game, but they'll still get beat.

Ignorance is bliss. This might be one of the dumbest things I have read outside of my signature.

POD Knows
December 11th, 2016, 09:48 AM
My sincere apology to the "real" Pod. xthumbsupx But if you've got some real mojo "Real Pod" you better use it now, because if not the Bison are going to get run out of their own stadium on Friday.

Nah, I think I will allow the guys on the field decide this game, playing God the last couple weeks has been a burden, both mentally and financially.

Bison roll in this one, without my assistance.

December 11th, 2016, 09:49 AM
It makes perfect sense to anyone not wearing Bison blinders. JMU is the better team. The Bison play their normal, excellent game, but they'll still get beat.

December 11th, 2016, 09:49 AM
Ignorance is bliss. This might be one of the dumbest things I have read outside of my signature.

Check back after the game when you'll have a little more time to examine why the Bison lost. You'll have the whole off-season for once to ponder your navel and dumb signature.

December 11th, 2016, 09:49 AM
Being the JMU Version of LakesBison.... Well, that's something to be proud of. xcoffeex

why do North Dakota fans constantly bring up Lakes Bison .... you boys must really miss this guy.... just saying

December 11th, 2016, 09:52 AM
Nah, I think I will allow the guys on the field decide this game, playing God the last couple weeks has been a burden, both mentally and financially.

Bison roll in this one, without my assistance.

Ok, I can respect the restraint in using a great power, but don't come crying a river when the Bison become extinct. You had your chance and were fairly warned.

December 11th, 2016, 09:56 AM
If NDSU's defense plays like they did today, next week, I don't see JMU touching 20 points.

they will have 20 by half time

December 11th, 2016, 09:58 AM
Read that again and think about it. Makes no sense. NDSU if they play their normal excellent brand of playoff football will send the dukes home with a "L". As to your follow up comment about NDSU having to prove it on the field they been doing that for the last 5 years. What has JMU done in the last 5 years?
They sir have perfected the art of NOT making it to the championship.
They also seem to think that they are unique in making claims that they are going to take down the Bison........IN THE PLAYOFFS. But fail to notice that no team has ever beaten the Bison in the Dome or on a Neutral field (in the D1 era). Sure, someone at some point in time is going to do it, but until it happens, the Bison are kings of the FCS. No team in the last 7 years has a better record (yes I am including 2010) than the Bison, including this year. You say your team is getting better week to week, well guess what, so are the Bison (and we were better than you at the start of the season to begin with), and NDSU has proven that they have a whole new level of play come the playoffs. So feel free to bring your little band of flute players and baton twirlers to the dome. Sure, there is a chance you might win, but the probability is that you are going lose.

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 11th, 2016, 10:04 AM
It makes perfect sense to anyone not wearing Bison blinders. JMU is the better team. The Bison play their normal, excellent game, but they'll still get beat.



Keep going Einstein!!

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 11th, 2016, 10:06 AM
they will have 20 by half time


December 11th, 2016, 10:06 AM
I wouldn't consider myself a blind homer......and am frequently accused of being a flagrant negative nancy. I had genuine concerns about this team going into the playoffs. The USD game was pretty "meh"....but the SDSU game lessened my concerns. This team hits another gear/flips a switch in the postseason that teams can't match...it's kinda scary. xlolx

December 11th, 2016, 10:09 AM
Check back after the game when you'll have a little more time to examine why the Bison lost. You'll have the whole off-season for once to ponder your navel and dumb signature.

You are starting to make me miss Chattown and MK. At least what they said, whether or not one could understand it, at least had some comical attitude behind it and made for some decent smack, you and your lover alexisale keep thinking your team is going to be the one to do it. If YSU beats EWU, which would be very nice, then the Bison just locked up their 6th title. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the only 2 teams that will beat NDSU in the playoffs are, NDSU and those pesky Eagles out in EWU. I've had them #1 for about half the season and they, unlike your beloved Dirty Dukes, have a solid chance at dethroning NDSU.

Carry on though if you must.

Theee Catrabbit
December 11th, 2016, 10:22 AM
I haven't dropped this on JMU yet and I might not, I have to be selective when I pull out the power as I don't want to dilute it. I generally use it only for strategic losses for SDSU and UND. I have to be careful, this kind of power is a dangerous thing in the hands of one man.

I don't think you will need it for this game. Still, it's pretty solid fact when you beat JMU that a NC is a lock. I se nothing to fear on the other side of the bracket

Top Dawg
December 11th, 2016, 10:27 AM
Anyone have an updated injury status? I don't believe JMU had any additional injuries against SHSU, plus with the additional week OL Kirsch may be available this week. The Bison seemed to have quite a few players leave the game yesterday, but I didn't see if they were just little nicks and if they got back in the game.

Also, another little "fun fact", former NDSU player Christian Dudzik is cousin of former JMU QB Drew Dudzik, who led JMU to victory over Virginia Tech in 2010.

Looking forward to a good game on Friday!

December 11th, 2016, 10:27 AM
The key to this game is for Schor to throw an interception to the Dline on the first drive. It's been our formula for success thus far.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

December 11th, 2016, 10:31 AM
I don't think you will need it for this game. Still, it's pretty solid fact when you beat JMU that a NC is a lock. I se nothing to fear on the other side of the bracket

Except the team that had over 500 yards of offense, turned it over 3 times and missed two field goals and lost in OT in the Fargo Dome? That beat Poly on the road by 21? That in the playoffs is giving up an average of 220 ypg, 7 ppg, and hasn't been scored on in almost 7 quarters?

December 11th, 2016, 10:46 AM
Except the team that had over 500 yards of offense, turned it over 3 times and missed two field goals and lost in OT in the Fargo Dome? That beat Poly on the road by 21? That in the playoffs is giving up an average of 220 ypg, 7 ppg, and hasn't been scored on in almost 7 quarters?
Key being you did ALL that and STILl lost. Should tell you something right there

December 11th, 2016, 10:46 AM
I don't think you will need it for this game. Still, it's pretty solid fact when you beat JMU that a NC is a lock. I se nothing to fear on the other side of the bracketThe NC is never a lock--the best team doesnt always win.Usually the better team loses when they think its a lock.

POD Knows
December 11th, 2016, 10:48 AM
The NC is never a lock--the best team doesnt always win.Usually the better team loses when they think its a lock.

What, are you trying to be funny.

December 11th, 2016, 10:56 AM
Is there not a single bison fan that is willing to actually talk about how you can be beat or are you too afraid that the Internet tough guys will tell you you're not a real fan?

Screw talking football. "WE'RE INVINCIBLE! That's all you need to know. In fact, go ahead and just forfeit the game and don't show up. We've already won the title this year".

Does that sum this bull**** thread up?
They will control the clock like they did yesterday and win going away

December 11th, 2016, 10:58 AM
Key being you did ALL that and STILl lost. Should tell you something right there

Made mistakes and still had a shot to win...on the road. And our defense is playing way better now.

December 11th, 2016, 11:07 AM
If a woman I was dating said we were missing a Bison game for anything other than a wedding or funeral, I would look at her and ask very politely, "Do tell, I would love to know why you are ripping my soul apart?"

you need higher standards and to quit speaking like a douche.

December 11th, 2016, 11:11 AM
Made mistakes and still had a shot to win...on the road. And our defense is playing way better now.
Ya and NDSU is playing so much worse. Or is it worser?��

December 11th, 2016, 11:13 AM
Ya and NDSU is playing so much worse👌

Let me go check and see if I said or implied anything of the sort.


December 11th, 2016, 11:14 AM
Let me go check and see if I said or implied anything of the sort.


December 11th, 2016, 11:14 AM
wow my first day back and you want start talking about moms.... let's get into it a lil slower young man... I have to pace my infractions to make it through the week young man... something seems a lil to familiar here.... u really just remind me of myself young man.... Wow, Ive been following AGS for years because of the insightfull analysis of FCS football, finally sign up to post and this crap is what I see.

December 11th, 2016, 11:18 AM
Let me go check and see if I said or implied anything of the sort.

We win first game. Your playing better. We're playing better. We win second game.

Seems logical enough to me

December 11th, 2016, 11:29 AM
Wow, Ive been following AGS for years because of the insightfull analysis of FCS football, finally sign up to post and this crap is what I see.

Thanks for your deep analysis.

December 11th, 2016, 11:30 AM
My sincere apology to the "real" Pod. xthumbsupx But if you've got some real mojo "Real Pod" you better use it now, because if not the Bison are going to get run out of their own stadium on Friday.
I'd like to hear your prediction on the score, please. I assume you're picking a large margin of victory with your comment of NDSU getting ran out of their own stadium. So just curious, how bad are we going to get beat?

December 11th, 2016, 11:34 AM
Pessimist me: 38-21 NDSU
Hopeful me: 42-21 JMU
Rational me: 41-38 either team

In essence, I don't see any team winning by more than 3 scores really.

December 11th, 2016, 11:39 AM
We win first game. Your playing better. We're playing better. We win second game.

Seems logical enough to me

I see "something to fear on the other side of the bracket" (post I was replying to). I have respect for all 4 teams left.

It's ok that you don't.

Big Duke
December 11th, 2016, 11:55 AM
I haven't dropped this on JMU yet and I might not, I have to be selective when I pull out the power as I don't want to dilute it. I generally use it only for strategic losses for SDSU and UND. I have to be careful, this kind of power is a dangerous thing in the hands of one man.

Fear the prediction of The Pod

SHSU by 14, they are just simply to awesome for words.


Oops, the ultimate power must be not so ultimate

December 11th, 2016, 12:05 PM
I can't pick against the Bison. They should win in a close one.

December 11th, 2016, 12:10 PM
Fear the prediction of The Pod

Oops, the ultimate power must be not so ultimate

You clearly don't understand how it works.

December 11th, 2016, 12:14 PM
Stonewall D, Add a poll to this thread.

Big Duke
December 11th, 2016, 12:18 PM
You clearly don't understand how it works.

Well last week, he picked SHSU and we won big. I kind of like the way it works

This week

IF NDSU beats SDSU they will roll JMU.

I guess that's good for a few TD victory by the Dukes, or is that not the way POD works this week?

December 11th, 2016, 12:19 PM
I see "something to fear on the other side of the bracket" (post I was replying to). I have respect for all 4 teams left.

It's ok that you don't.
Gee thanks. I really needed your approval.
The logic you're using is pretty much the same as mine. So you had to,approve I guess

December 11th, 2016, 12:25 PM
Made mistakes and still had a shot to win...on the road. And our defense is playing way better now.

Plus we are missing our two best defensive players from that game.

Some guys have short memories.

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 11th, 2016, 12:26 PM
Except the team that had over 500 yards of offense, turned it over 3 times and missed two field goals and lost in OT in the Fargo Dome? That beat Poly on the road by 21? That in the playoffs is giving up an average of 220 ypg, 7 ppg, and hasn't been scored on in almost 7 quarters?

NDSU's defense is playing much better now. Plus, there is no way the coaching staff runs a 3 man rush if both teams make it to the NC.

December 11th, 2016, 12:28 PM
Guys we all know this. Quit disrespecting though ��

December 11th, 2016, 12:40 PM
JMU looked like world beaters against a over rated SHSU team that gives up at the first punch in the mouth.

Sure, JMU is a very good team and so are the Bison, I suspect it will be a good game.

Can JMU handle the noise? When teams come to the FD for the first time, they always have trouble with the noise.

IMO, this is a better match up for the Bison compared to a pass happy SDSU or EWU.

Maybe NDSU's streak ends on Friday night but it will be a dogfight for JMU to win. Any JMU fan that thinks they are going to come into Fargo and roll this team is crazy. NDSU is head and shoulders better than SHSU.

JMU has the team to beat NDSU: balanced offense and tough defense. Now can they do it?

No, and it wont be close

December 11th, 2016, 12:46 PM
No, and it wont be close
You do understand the fcs undefeated Dukes will be playing and not the can't even make the playoff in 24 team field Griz. My prediction 31-21 dukes..... that sound familiar to you....

December 11th, 2016, 12:47 PM
Ignorance is bliss. This might be one of the dumbest things I have read outside of my signature.

If that is true the JMU guys walk around in a perpetual state of orgasm............anally induced of course. They seem to really like the butt play and talk of it often......dont believe me? Go back and read this thread..........they know way to much for it to be coincidence.

Stonewall D
December 11th, 2016, 12:50 PM
Stonewall D, Add a poll to this thread.
Great suggestion. Done. Although I started this thread before NDSU won on Saturday. I voted first for JMU . There will be a lot of good banter between the two sides.

POD Knows
December 11th, 2016, 12:52 PM
Fear the prediction of The Pod

Oops, the ultimate power must be not so ultimate

You don't get it

December 11th, 2016, 12:52 PM
Fun Fact: Carson Wentz's QB coach, John DeFilipo, is a former JMU QB.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No wonder his mechanics have sucked lately...They should have left him alone.

December 11th, 2016, 12:52 PM
If that is true the JMU guys walk around in a perpetual state of orgasm............anally induced of course. They seem to really like the butt play and talk of it often......dont believe me? Go back and read this thread..........they know way to much for it to be coincidence.

Yet here you are bringing it up again... does your lil baby D start to get chubby when u think of butt play...does those grizzly Montana mountain men make you get butterflys in your stomach...

December 11th, 2016, 12:53 PM
You do understand the fcs undefeated Dukes will be playing and not the can't even make the playoff in 24 team field Griz. My prediction 31-21 dukes..... that sound familiar to you....

Yes, I have had a month to watch other teams play, which is why I am very confident saying you guys wont be within 3 scores of NDSU, but its cute you think this will ever be a game!

Do you like green and gold anal beads? #youstartedit

Stonewall D
December 11th, 2016, 12:56 PM
I think JMU will ultimately prevail in the voting for this poll.

December 11th, 2016, 12:57 PM
Yet here you are bringing it up again... does your lil baby D start to get chubby when u think of butt play...does those grizzly Montana mountain men make you get butterflys in your stomach...

better to have butterflies in my stomach than the 3 quarts of bobcat batter you slurp down nightly? Its funny, I went to the JMU game last time Montana kicked your ass at home in the playoffs with your then "best team ever" we have "superman Ned Flanders" and I dont remember the fans being idiot **********s like you. The women were really easy though especially after that beat down....they needed some consoling and while you were shaft deep in the poop tunnel I obliged your JMU slits.


December 11th, 2016, 12:58 PM
Yes, I have had a month to watch other teams play, which is why I am very confident saying you guys wont be within 3 scores of NDSU, but its cute you think this will ever be a game!

Do you like green and gold anal beads? #youstartedit
Wow you really trying everything to try and recruit me to your team.... did you take the green and gold anal beads out the attic when you lost to cal poly or msu?

December 11th, 2016, 01:01 PM
Wow you really trying everything to try and recruit me to your team.... did you take the green and gold anal beads out the attic when you lost to cal poly or msu?

You start this thread off calling everyone fags and homos then wont own it? Very telling

December 11th, 2016, 01:01 PM
One safe prediction, JMU will hit for a long TD pass early in the game or could be Punt return to the house perfectly clean, get ready for the yellow flags that will come raining down JMU fans as it will be called back...... just wait for it

December 11th, 2016, 01:03 PM
One safe prediction, JMU will hit for a long TD pass early in the game or could be Punt return to the house perfectly clean, get ready for the yellow flags that will come raining down JMU fans as it will be called back...... just wait for it
Yeah well thats a good thing because it made up for the TD the refs took away from the Bison earlier. Balanced out a serious screw job to NDSU

December 11th, 2016, 01:04 PM
I think JMU will ultimately prevail in the voting for this poll.

Is this why?


Lame sauce recruiting votes. xlolx

December 11th, 2016, 01:07 PM
One safe prediction, JMU will hit for a long TD pass early in the game or could be Punt return to the house perfectly clean, get ready for the yellow flags that will come raining down JMU fans as it will be called back...... just wait for it

So if JMU breaks some big plays they were probably cheating.

Fair prediction. 😎

December 11th, 2016, 01:07 PM
Serious question...........

how good is the lb for ndsu that is hurt.. how much will him be out affect their defense

December 11th, 2016, 01:09 PM
Serious question...........

how good is the lb for ndsu that is hurt.. how much will him be out affect their defense

A lot, but he has been out since week 3.

December 11th, 2016, 01:09 PM
Serious question...........

how good is the lb for ndsu that is hurt.. how much will him be out affect their defense

He'll be drafted after next season, but we've played and won 9 of 10 games without him.

Stonewall D
December 11th, 2016, 01:10 PM
No. Because JMU is a larger school with a bigger fan base. They are also more passionate, on an individual basis, than NDSU fans.

December 11th, 2016, 01:11 PM
He'll be drafted after next season, but we've played and won 9 of 10 games without him.
What round do you think? If ndsu cheats enough and is dirty enough...and actually beats jmu.. will he come back for title game?

December 11th, 2016, 01:12 PM
Serious question...........

how good is the lb for ndsu that is hurt.. how much will him be out affect their defense
If you are talking about DeLuca he is a definite NFL prospect, if his shoulder surgery goes well he will be playing on Sundays. Great ILB and has serious cover skills, not to mention he plays with a nasty streak and takes that already good D to another level.


December 11th, 2016, 01:14 PM
The big injury question for NDSU is whether our SLB can play. He missed the SDSU game but was a game time decision.

December 11th, 2016, 01:16 PM
If you are talking about DeLuca he is a definite NFL prospect, if his shoulder surgery goes well he will be playing on Sundays. Great ILB and has serious cover skills, not to mention he plays with a nasty streak and takes that already good D to another level.


Ranked 353 and projected to not be drafted....

that still good Rank for fcs player...

Stonewall D
December 11th, 2016, 01:19 PM
Is this why?


Lame sauce recruiting votes. xlolx
Fair point I added a similar post on bisonville.com. I am going to enjoy the banter.

December 11th, 2016, 01:20 PM
eh JMU beat an overrated shsu team. Bison roll in this one.


December 11th, 2016, 01:21 PM
No. Because JMU is a larger school with a bigger fan base. They are also more passionate, on an individual basis, than NDSU fans.

I nominate this as the most preposterous post in AGS history.

December 11th, 2016, 01:22 PM
eh JMU beat an overrated shsu team. Bison roll in this one.

www.KinderGentlerMK.edu (http://www.KinderGentlerMK.edu)
Didn't just beat them... they ate their hearts... your qb is way over rated...jmu qb is the best in fcs

December 11th, 2016, 01:24 PM
Didn't just beat them... they ate their hearts... your qb is way over rated...jmu qb is the best in fcs

Lauletta is better. He isn't the best in the CAA.

POD Knows
December 11th, 2016, 01:25 PM
No. Because JMU is a larger school with a bigger fan base. They are also more passionate, on an individual basis, than NDSU fans.

Wow, unbelievably stupid, I am almost speechless.

December 11th, 2016, 01:26 PM
Wow, unbelievably stupid, I am almost speechless.

JMU fans will do that to you.........before the game.........................................never after

December 11th, 2016, 01:28 PM
NDSU will have is hands full against JMU. I think JMU wins this one. JMU has Richmond's defensive coordinator, who is very familiar with what you do.

We beat Richmond like 33-7, hope he puts together a another good gameplan

December 11th, 2016, 01:29 PM
Lauletta is better. He isn't the best in the CAA.
Yeh because lauletta won caa offensive player of the year right? And the out right caa championship?

December 11th, 2016, 01:29 PM
Guys we all know this. Quit disrespecting though 😘

I was reminding an SDSU fan how there's a team on the other side of the bracket that already took NDSU to OT in their house and is a good matchp and you felt it necessary to chime in. I'm sorry for the insensitivity, junior, and for not qualifying my post with 'NDSU is really good too, has also endured injuries, is playing better, and could win the rematch'.

I hope this helps you out. xlolx

December 11th, 2016, 01:33 PM
NDSU's defense is playing much better now. Plus, there is no way the coaching staff runs a 3 man rush if both teams make it to the NC.

Yep, NDSU has a knack for figuring it out the second time and shutting teams down. It would be fun to watch the adjustments and that chess match. Eastern has faced all sorts of looks to slow us up and we've been able to work with what's given whether it's quick strikes over the top, short passing game and slant routes, and even a few times where we opened up the run game.

YSU will be a big challenge for us and after that it only gets harder whether it's JMU or NDSU.

December 11th, 2016, 01:35 PM
Yeh because lauletta won caa offensive player of the year right? And the out right caa championship?

Don't care. Wentz didn't win that award either.

December 11th, 2016, 01:50 PM
I was reminding an SDSU fan how there's a team on the other side of the bracket that already took NDSU to OT in their house and is a good matchp and you felt it necessary to chime in. I'm sorry for the insensitivity, junior, and for not qualifying my post with 'NDSU is really good too, has also endured injuries, is playing better, and could win the rematch'.

I hope this helps you out. xlolx
Going through an awful lot to defend your "we lost u didn't really win" post

December 11th, 2016, 01:53 PM
Don't care. Wentz didn't win that award either.
Prolly cause he missed games.... To bad wentz isn't playing cause Easton in no where close to Carson.

December 11th, 2016, 01:56 PM
Prolly cause he missed games.... To bad wentz isn't playing cause Easton in no where close to Carson.
Four once your prolly right

December 11th, 2016, 01:57 PM
you need higher standards and to quit speaking like a douche.

Looks like I found the White Knight. I am sorry that I set my standards high and that I realize that if the woman I am with truly loves me and cares about me, then she will do what is necessary to make sure I am happy and vice-versa. I will never apologize for who I am since it has worked out quite well for the last almost 25 years.

December 11th, 2016, 02:00 PM
Looks like I found the White Knight. I am sorry that I set my standards high and that I realize that if the woman I am with truly loves me and cares about me, then she will do what is necessary to make sure I am happy and vice-versa. I will never apologize for who I am since it has worked out quite well for the last almost 25 years.

Oh stop with that ****. xlolx

December 11th, 2016, 02:00 PM
If that is true the JMU guys walk around in a perpetual state of orgasm............anally induced of course. They seem to really like the butt play and talk of it often......dont believe me? Go back and read this thread..........they know way to much for it to be coincidence.

I have read this entire thread up to this point. It is quite comical how much they love to talk about it.

December 11th, 2016, 02:04 PM
Oh stop with that ****. xlolx

I am going fishing and you keep turning up the radio. You are scaring all the fish away.

December 11th, 2016, 02:07 PM
Yeah well I think it's about time your Ronda Rousey met our Holly Holm. We may never win another playoff game again but I hope the rest of your fans, players, coaches, etc feel the same way you do. Sometimes the ego just needs to come up against the right opponent with the right strengths to expose your flaws. And despite your temerity, this year's team does have flaws. The biggest asset you have against us is that crowd and that noise. Though I'd rather play on a neutral field I'm excited about the title shot. Now where did I put my copy of Vision Quest?

Settle down Louden! The only similarity will be the bleeding won't stop and if you are playing some of Madonnas early music during the game!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

December 11th, 2016, 02:22 PM
Another baffling aspect of this thread is that so many non-NDSU fans are so eager to kiss some bizzzzzon butt. Good Lord. Have some self respect.

December 11th, 2016, 02:37 PM
Let's go Dukes!

Key to this game will be getting the Bison Offense off the field and getting the ball to the explosive O. Easier said than done. The physicality of the Bison Oline is demoralizing to most teams. JMU has a better shot than anyone of doing it though.

December 11th, 2016, 02:47 PM
Another baffling aspect of this thread is that so many non-NDSU fans are so eager to kiss some bizzzzzon butt. Good Lord. Have some self respect.
Kalm down. BiZon ass is nice ass

December 11th, 2016, 02:50 PM
It is also delicious.

December 11th, 2016, 02:51 PM
How do you know when your at a gay tailgate in Fargo ?

The bison hotdogs taste like shlt

December 11th, 2016, 02:54 PM
It is also delicious.
Seems like a lot of Dukers feel that way

December 11th, 2016, 02:54 PM
How do you know when your at a gay tailgate in Fargo ?

The bison hotdogs taste like shlt

So you do admit that you enjoy the company of other men? At least you are finally having your coming out moment. Good for you. No judgement here.

December 11th, 2016, 02:55 PM
How do you know when your at a gay tailgate in Fargo ?

The bison hotdogs taste like shlt
It's prolly not a phobia dude. Just come out of the closet

December 11th, 2016, 02:56 PM
So you do admit that you enjoy the company of other men? At least you are finally having your coming out moment. Good for you. No judgement here.

No that is pretty much your gay brain connecting fantasy dots

December 11th, 2016, 02:58 PM
Another baffling aspect of this thread is that so many non-NDSU fans are so eager to kiss some bizzzzzon butt. Good Lord. Have some self respect.

We are not kissing anyones ass. Its just that some of us do not have a horse in the race and can be objective. After watching both teams play all season I hva no problem not just saying JMU loses, but that you wont be within 3 scores if the game is played straight up. Naturally turnovers can change things, such as....if NDSU turns the ball over 3 or 4 times they only win by single digits.

You guys have no idea what you are dealing with in the playoffs when it comes to NDSU. If you play like you did against SHSU you will be blown out of that building because your intensity was nowhere close to where you need to be in Fargo.

December 11th, 2016, 02:58 PM
Looking forward to a great game! Let me be yet another (rational) JMU fan to apologize for the behavior of a few of our more casual fans on this thread. NDSU has the best program in FCS running, and one of a kind gameday facilities which stand in the way of any opposing teams victory. Glad our teams have the opportunity to play this weekend. Go Dukes!

December 11th, 2016, 02:58 PM
How do you know when your at a gay tailgate in Fargo ?

Its your tailgate?

December 11th, 2016, 02:59 PM

December 11th, 2016, 03:02 PM
Its your tailgate?

Good job use my material.... 31-21
get off the Bison nuts go post in the losers lounge

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 11th, 2016, 03:03 PM
What round do you think? If ndsu cheats enough and is dirty enough...and actually beats jmu.. will he come back for title game?


December 11th, 2016, 03:05 PM
**** man. If a 65-0 start to a football game isn't intense enough, then why does any team not located in Fargo even bother to field a football team? What a complete waste of student athletic fees across the country.

December 11th, 2016, 03:06 PM
Ok. So I'll check back later... thought this was the thread to discuss the American Tackle Football being played this coming Friday in Fargo. My bad. Carry on.

December 11th, 2016, 03:07 PM
Good job use my material.... 31-21
get off the Bison nuts go post in the losers lounge
He'll save you a seat

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 11th, 2016, 03:07 PM
How do you know when your at a gay tailgate in Fargo ?

The bison hotdogs taste like shlt


December 11th, 2016, 03:11 PM
Hey guys try writing original material not using stupid retread meme with pictures of your two dads.. I know it's hard to think on your feet.. but you guys are use to hard things so I'm sure you can come up with something

December 11th, 2016, 03:13 PM
Wentz loses another game.... so not clutch... sack fumble to lose again....

December 11th, 2016, 03:16 PM
Good job use my material.... 31-21
get off the Bison nuts go post in the losers lounge
I Know you are slow but I will go over this again.........in order to lose you actually have to play in the playoffs.............Montana didnt play

December 11th, 2016, 03:19 PM
I Know you are slow but I will go over this again.........in order to lose you actually have to play in the playoffs.............Montana didnt play
The griz didn't make the playoffs which by definition makes them and all their fans losers

December 11th, 2016, 03:20 PM
The griz didn't make the playoffs which by definition makes them and all their fans losers
Keep tryin man, you'll get there.

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 11th, 2016, 03:21 PM
Hey guys try writing original material not using stupid retread meme with pictures of your two dads.. I know it's hard to think on your feet.. but you guys are use to hard things so I'm sure you can come up with something

So the only time you grace this board with your worthless presence is when JMU has a decent year?

December 11th, 2016, 03:26 PM
JMU fans drinking alexale


Its a JMU thing......you wouldnt understand.

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 11th, 2016, 03:29 PM
The griz didn't make the playoffs which by definition makes them and all their fans losers


Montana has more conference titles than JMU has playoff wins.

If you want to talk about "losers", Montana is not one of them.

Try again.


December 11th, 2016, 03:29 PM
Going through an awful lot to defend your "we lost u didn't really win" post

Huh? I didn't come close to saying that. xlolx

Look, sometimes it's necessary to take a little extra time in explaining things to certain people who might be a little slow on the take. I'm considerate of my audience like that. xthumbsupx

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 11th, 2016, 03:31 PM
Huh? I didn't come close to saying that. xlolx

Look, sometimes it's necessary to take a little extra time in explaining things to certain people who might be a little slow on the take. I'm considerate of my audience like that. xthumbsupx

If both NDSU and EWU make it to Frisco, will EWU even sell their allotment of tickets?

I'd say 90% Bison fans at that match up.

December 11th, 2016, 03:32 PM
If both NDSU and EWU make it to Frisco, will EWU even sell their allotment of tickets?

I'd say 90% Bison fans at that match up.

They have 17 fans, I am sure at least 9 of them are diehard and will travel

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 11th, 2016, 03:34 PM
They have 17 fans, I am sure at least 9 of them are diehard and will travel

I would love to see a Griz/Bison match up someday.....20K from each school. Frisco is too small for that game.

December 11th, 2016, 03:35 PM
They have 17 fans, I am sure at least 9 of them are diehard and will travel

We're up to 123 now so you can kindly piss off.

December 11th, 2016, 03:39 PM
I would love to see a Griz/Bison match up someday.....20K from each school. Frisco is too small for that game.
Dont hold your breath waiting for us, Bison will have 5 more NCs before we get relevant again.

- - - Updated - - -

We're up to 123 now so you can kindly piss off.
Sure you do.....................that number is just nut

December 11th, 2016, 03:46 PM
Dont hold your breath waiting for us, Bison will have 5 more NCs before we get relevant again.

- - - Updated - - -

Sure you do.....................that number is just nut

I see what you did there...xsmhx

December 11th, 2016, 03:54 PM
Dont hold your breath waiting for us, Bison will have 5 more NCs before we get relevant again.

- - - Updated - - -

Sure you do.....................that number is just nut

So when does Stitt go and you get back to the mid 90s-early 00s? It really sucks that UM has gone downwards recently, since that is a NC I would not miss. They could easily move that one up to Apogee Stadium in Denton and both fan bases would fill that out.

December 11th, 2016, 04:01 PM
We're up to 123 now so you can kindly piss off.


December 11th, 2016, 04:03 PM

We're up to that decibel level now on third downs.

December 11th, 2016, 04:14 PM
So when does Stitt go and you get back to the mid 90s-early 00s? It really sucks that UM has gone downwards recently, since that is a NC I would not miss. They could easily move that one up to Apogee Stadium in Denton and both fan bases would fill that out.

I dont get the Montana myth that our fan base travels well.

Sure I do, but even at any of our NC appearances I have never been around more than 5-6k and I am being really generous saying that. I have been to 2 NDSU games in Frisco and you guys bring 3 or 4 times that amount. Its really unbelievable walking through the tailgating in Frisco and its just like it is in Fargo. Would Montana bring more than the 500-600 that JMU would? Yes but we are nothing close to NDSU on the field or off.

If we did play a NC game you would still have 20k in Frisco and we might bring 2-3k.

December 11th, 2016, 04:25 PM
Huh? I didn't come close to saying that. xlolx

Look, sometimes it's necessary to take a little extra time in explaining things to certain people who might be a little slow on the take. I'm considerate of my audience like that. xthumbsupx
Pretty boring on you're own game thread huh? It's understandable you'd like to hang out with winners

December 11th, 2016, 04:25 PM
I dont get the Montana myth that our fan base travels well.

Sure I do, but even at any of our NC appearances I have never been around more than 5-6k and I am being really generous saying that. I have been to 2 NDSU games in Frisco and you guys bring 3 or 4 times that amount. Its really unbelievable walking through the tailgating in Frisco and its just like it is in Fargo. Would Montana bring more than the 500-600 that JMU would? Yes but we are nothing close to NDSU on the field or off.

If we did play a NC game you would still have 20k in Frisco and we might bring 2-3k.

Not taking shots at all, but how much is based off of the general mediocrity, in relation to the 90s and early 00s, that has persisted? I got to believe, or at least I want to believe, that out of those 25K fans that show up on Saturdays and having half, or more than half of the state behind UM, that UM could pull 15-20K for a NC.

I could be wrong, but between, UD (before this debacle of the last 5-10 years), NDSU, UM, and maybe JMU, that they could bring a minimum 10K with them.

Other than that, I look forward to seeing you at the rigs on Friday.

December 11th, 2016, 04:34 PM
Not taking shots at all, but how much is based off of the general mediocrity, in relation to the 90s and early 00s, that has persisted? I got to believe, or at least I want to believe, that out of those 25K fans that show up on Saturdays and having half, or more than half of the state behind UM, that UM could pull 15-20K for a NC.

I could be wrong, but between, UD (before this debacle of the last 5-10 years), NDSU, UM, and maybe JMU, that they could bring a minimum 10K with them.

Other than that, I look forward to seeing you at the rigs on Friday.

You dont need to worry about offending me I am not a sensitive little snowflake JMU fan.

There is no way we would get 15-20k to NC games unless you were counting 3 seasons cumulative. Minus the Ewu and MSU games we dont get much more than 1k at away games as it is or in the past. I dont think this has anything to do with the current state of our program, I was living in the past to give you those numbers, its nowhere near that now.

Friday is gonna be a hell of a day

December 11th, 2016, 04:37 PM
Pretty boring on you're own game thread huh? It's understandable you'd like to hang out with winners

This one will have more action and I'm interested in both games. Just made a reply to a Jack's fan and have been trying to consider your feelings ever since...


December 11th, 2016, 04:46 PM
You dont need to worry about offending me I am not a sensitive little snowflake JMU fan.

There is no way we would get 15-20k to NC games unless you were counting 3 seasons cumulative. Minus the Ewu and MSU games we dont get much more than 1k at away games as it is or in the past. I dont think this has anything to do with the current state of our program, I was living in the past to give you those numbers, its nowhere near that now.

Friday is gonna be a hell of a day

That's hard to believe that UM can't get 1k to go to an away game like ISUo and UI (once they rejoin) considering they are only 5 hours and 4 hours away. That would be like traveling from NDSU to Vermintown for a USeD game.

I already took a half day at work and should be done by 1-2pm or so.

December 11th, 2016, 04:46 PM
Looking forward to a great game! Let me be yet another (rational) JMU fan to apologize for the behavior of a few of our more casual fans on this thread. NDSU has the best program in FCS running, and one of a kind gameday facilities which stand in the way of any opposing teams victory. Glad our teams have the opportunity to play this weekend. Go Dukes!
Thanks and best of luck to you. May the best team win.

December 11th, 2016, 05:00 PM
That's hard to believe that UM can't get 1k to go to an away game like ISUo and UI (once they rejoin) considering they are only 5 hours and 4 hours away. That would be like traveling from NDSU to Vermintown for a USeD game.

I already took a half day at work and should be done by 1-2pm or so.

I am going to try and get there Thursday night..............if the roads suck I am not going. I have a 9 hour drive from where I am at to get back to Montana the week of Christmas. If I go to Fargo I have a 16 hour drive.

December 11th, 2016, 05:03 PM
NDSU's defense is playing much better now. Plus, there is no way the coaching staff runs a 3 man rush if both teams make it to the NC.

Go right ahead. More big TDs, less 6-12 yard gainers. Pick your poison.

December 11th, 2016, 05:12 PM
This one will have more action and I'm interested in both games. Just made a reply to a Jack's fan and have been trying to consider your feelings ever since...

Nice job you can google things. Big day in your world.

December 11th, 2016, 05:14 PM
I am going to try and get there Thursday night..............if the roads suck I am not going. I have a 9 hour drive from where I am at to get back to Montana the week of Christmas. If I go to Fargo I have a 16 hour drive.

Yeah the weather has been blizzard in western/central ND but the weather in Montana has been solid the past few days.

December 11th, 2016, 05:30 PM
That's hard to believe that UM can't get 1k to go to an away game like ISUo and UI (once they rejoin) considering they are only 5 hours and 4 hours away. That would be like traveling from NDSU to Vermintown for a USeD game.

I already took a half day at work and should be done by 1-2pm or so.
What the hell is this! Amateur tailgating hour? You'll miss the first hour and a half with an attitude like that. Plus you'll miss the first hour and a half table gating at BWW. You either plan on consuming copious amounts of Fireball upon your arrival, or you plan on going in sober. Only one of those two are an acceptable answer you know.

December 11th, 2016, 05:32 PM
Go right ahead. More big TDs, less 6-12 yard gainers. Pick your poison.

No doubt if both teams make it to the National Championship either team will be worthy of winning that game. Hard to say either team would be a clear cut winner before the game starts.

December 11th, 2016, 05:34 PM
No doubt if both teams make it to the National Championship either team will be worthy of winning that game. Hard to say either team would be a clear cut winner before the game starts.


December 11th, 2016, 06:31 PM
Is this why?


Lame sauce recruiting votes. xlolx

That guy is such a tool.

December 11th, 2016, 06:33 PM
Go right ahead. More big TDs, less 6-12 yard gainers. Pick your poison.

Hey its the Chattown of EWU! Everyone say hi.

December 11th, 2016, 06:37 PM
What the hell is this! Amateur tailgating hour? You'll miss the first hour and a half with an attitude like that. Plus you'll miss the first hour and a half table gating at BWW. You either plan on consuming copious amounts of Fireball upon your arrival, or you plan on going in sober. Only one of those two are an acceptable answer you know.

Well some of us are still in school are supervisors on campus at a chinese restaurant and have already given his associates time off so they can travel home to China and India. I will get there when I get there.

December 11th, 2016, 06:43 PM
Lauletta is better. He isn't the best in the CAA.

Schor is sneaky good and gives you more than lauletta ..... Schor is a winner

December 11th, 2016, 06:47 PM
Well some of us are still in school are supervisors on campus at a chinese restaurant and have already given his associates time off so they can travel home to China and India. I will get there when I get there.
Ok, so it's lots of fireball. Fair enough :)

December 11th, 2016, 06:52 PM
Yeah well thats a good thing because it made up for the TD the refs took away from the Bison earlier. Balanced out a serious screw job to NDSU

ok, but the refs are intimidated by the Fargo dome and have been calling back big plays on Bison opponent's for the past 5 years it seems...

December 11th, 2016, 07:11 PM
ok, but the refs are intimidated by the Fargo dome and have been calling back big plays on Bison opponent's for the past 5 years it seems...

That sounds like loser talk to me.

I have been to several games over the last few seasons and if anything the refs error on the side of opponents, it just doesnt matter if NDSU has a few TDs called back or BS penalties they win anyway. Sorry for being unbiased.

December 11th, 2016, 07:13 PM
ok, but the refs are intimidated by the Fargo dome and have been calling back big plays on Bison opponent's for the past 5 years it seems...

Yeah that's itxrolleyesx

December 11th, 2016, 07:26 PM
ok, but the refs are intimidated by the Fargo dome and have been calling back big plays on Bison opponent's for the past 5 years it seems...
This so ****ing lame. NDSU usually has more penalties then the opponent. But I know how you love to troll so keep clucking hen.

December 11th, 2016, 07:29 PM
Schor is sneaky good and gives you more than lauletta ..... Schor is a winner

Sneaky good like put up monster numbers in an up tempo spread offense making real quick first read throws. Looks good on the stat sheet, but if you watch the two Lauletta is the better quarterback.

BTW, they are going to need to change stuff up this week. They won't be able to have near the verbal communication they currently are using.

December 11th, 2016, 07:29 PM
This so ****ing lame. NDSU usually has more penalties then the opponent. But I know how you love to troll so keep clucking hen.

just wait for it.... you know it happens.... way to much

December 11th, 2016, 07:30 PM
ok, but the refs are intimidated by the Fargo dome and have been calling back big plays on Bison opponent's for the past 5 years it seems...

Intimidation? Cmon we aren't savages. We pay them off. xthumbsupx

December 11th, 2016, 07:30 PM
just wait for it.... you know it happens.... way to much
You see what you want to see.

December 11th, 2016, 07:37 PM
Sneaky good like put up monster numbers in an up tempo spread offense making real quick first read throws. Looks good on the stat sheet, but if you watch the two Lauletta is the better quarterback.

BTW, they are going to need to change stuff up this week. They won't be able to have near the verbal communication they currently are using.

Ive watched them both more than I wanted to, Lauletta is probably the better pure passer but if you need to win one game go with Schor....he can beat you with his feet, arm and brain

- - - Updated - - -

You see what you want to see.

we all do including you

December 11th, 2016, 07:38 PM
No doubt Lauletta is the better QB, anyone that knows anything about football would agree.

December 11th, 2016, 07:39 PM
Sneaky good like put up monster numbers in an up tempo spread offense making real quick first read throws. Looks good on the stat sheet, but if you watch the two Lauletta is the better quarterback.

BTW, they are going to need to change stuff up this week. They won't be able to have near the verbal communication they currently are using.

Which games have you seen Schor and Lauletta play and what do you like better about Lauletta?

They're both really good, but Schor's more mobile and I'd put his deep ball against anybody when receivers are one on one. I think Lauletta's got the stronger arm and maybe better pocket presence, but Schor's rarely in the pocket for a long time. Granted, I'm biased, but I'd still like your assessment and won't even say you're wrong because we can see different things.

And Schor leads the country in completion percentage AND yards per attempt, so it's not like he's throwing all quick strike passes - but he is benefiting from some good YAC from the receivers.

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December 11th, 2016, 07:41 PM
No doubt Lauletta is the better QB, anyone that knows anything about football would agree.

again, you couldn't pick out either QB in a line up .... Schor is the better QB... Watch closer

December 11th, 2016, 07:47 PM
Is this why?


Lame sauce recruiting votes. xlolx

I have my very own thread over there, JMU fans love me xcoffeex


There was one sensible UD poster, Caribbean Hen, arguing with about 5 other UD idiots who don’t know jack squat about football...


Quote:Delaware is 92 after the loss to WM. But the same ranking is definitely off since they now have JMU ranked 13 ahead of Sam Houston at 14 - absurd - sorry to say it but JMU is not ready to compete against the true top ten - SHS would blow them off the field.

Quote:I agree completely. JMU is over rated by a huge margin. Some at gh like to cheer for teams in CAA but after reading the many slam comments from their fans on their forum around our game this year - im wishing them to stay perfectly healthy so they have no excuses when they face the real top 10 teams or rather team, singular, because they will be crushed and embarrassed the first time up, whoever the opponent is.

Quote:SHS - JMU will crumble as well as they are over rated. JMU has a little bit of speed, a good qb and a decent D and not a lot more. That was enough to embarrass us but its not enough to compete with teams out west.

Quote: - we wont see this game because over rated JMU will be knocked out b4 getting to play SHS - but if they did play them it would be like SHS was the only team on the field, trust me... complete blowout.
'Cluck U':

Quote:SHSU would, indeed, blow JMU off the field.

Quote:Cripes...JMU has little defense...from start to finish. SHSU would rarely have to punt...and if they did, SHSU's punter is a really good one...in fact, he might be better than last' year's punter (remember everyone here said that our guy was the best punter....and I kept telling everyone that Sammy's was better...guess which one is in the pros playing for the Jets :D ).

SHSU has a much better DL (remember everyone here was touting Woodson...PJ Hall is a world better, Adebo was FR All American and is back from injury, and they have a DE transfer from Texas, Roberson, that is light years ahead of anything we have...and that is just the start - lots of depth), SHSU has a better OL than JMU, a better fleet of WRs, and RBs that match JMUs duo). The list goes on...it wouldn't be close.
Blow out definition? By 20+...easy.

December 11th, 2016, 07:50 PM
And Schor leads the country in completion percentage AND yards per attempt, so it's not like he's throwing all quick strike passes - but he is benefiting from some good YAC from the receivers.

.....and from playing deep in blowout games against some feeble FCS opponents. A story for another day. Go Dukes!!

Theee Catrabbit
December 11th, 2016, 08:00 PM
I have read most of the thread.....

https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=OIP.M02b9d1798554a3620b60ef301dac73b1o0&w=299&h=228&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0&r=0 (https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=the+deer+hunter&view=detailv2&&id=40259E8F61F1BFB48EF023FD85851CFF6357DB33&selectedIndex=16&ccid=ArnReYVU&simid=607993235230229995&thid=OIP.M02b9d1798554a3620b60ef301dac73b1o0)

I'm out.....

December 11th, 2016, 08:01 PM
Which games have you seen Schor and Lauletta play and what do you like better about Lauletta?

They're both really good, but Schor's more mobile and I'd put his deep ball against anybody when receivers are one on one. I think Lauletta's got the stronger arm and maybe better pocket presence, but Schor's rarely in the pocket for a long time. Granted, I'm biased, but I'd still like your assessment and won't even say you're wrong because we can see different things.

And Schor leads the country in completion percentage AND yards per attempt, so it's not like he's throwing all quick strike passes - but he is benefiting from some good YAC from the receivers.

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I've watched Lauletta in the dome and I get to see Schor in person on Friday. That will be a pretty good bench mark for both in my book to give them a fair assessment.

With Schor you get the dual threat aspect, but he's not as dangerous as say Eli Jenkins is with his legs. After that I would give all other points to Lauletta. I'm not a huge fan of stats when looking at talent especially when Lauletta runs a more traditional offense and Schor is running an up tempo spread offense.

And I'm not hating on Schor. I saw Lauletta first hand in the Fargodome and despite Richmond looking pretty poor. I thought he did very well with what was around him and the environment he was in. I've seen many quarterbacks fold in the Fargodome. Time will tell. We will get to see how Schor does soon.

December 11th, 2016, 08:03 PM
again, you couldn't pick out either QB in a line up .... Schor is the better QB... Watch closer

I dont need to there is really no comparison. Lauletta is the better QB in every way that matters

December 11th, 2016, 08:15 PM
I dont need to there is really no comparison. Lauletta is the better QB in every way that matters


December 11th, 2016, 08:18 PM

he doesn't have a reason, he's just a troll

December 11th, 2016, 08:26 PM
I've watched Lauletta in the dome and I get to see Schor in person on Friday. That will be a pretty good bench mark for both in my book to give them a fair assessment.

With Schor you get the dual threat aspect, but he's not as dangerous as say Eli Jenkins is with his legs. After that I would give all other points to Lauletta. I'm not a huge fan of stats when looking at talent especially when Lauletta runs a more traditional offense and Schor is running an up tempo spread offense.

And I'm not hating on Schor. I saw Lauletta first hand in the Fargodome and despite Richmond looking pretty poor. I thought he did very well with what was around him and the environment he was in. I've seen many quarterbacks fold in the Fargodome. Time will tell. We will get to see how Schor does soon.

I agree on the stats not telling the whole story. I've seen both play and I honestly couldn't tell you who is the "better" quarterback. They both serve their systems well, I just don't know how somebody could say one is clearly better than the other.

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December 11th, 2016, 08:30 PM
It took a missed FG for them to beat us earlier on this year.

Granted NDSU has to take care of the game at hand in JMU; I'd be more worried about an EWU rematch than a matchup with JMU in general.

December 11th, 2016, 08:35 PM
I agree on the stats not telling the whole story. I've seen both play and I honestly couldn't tell you who is the "better" quarterback. They both serve their systems well, I just don't know how somebody could say one is clearly better than the other.

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They are very different that's for sure.

Dual threat up tempo spread vs. Pure pocket passer in a pro style offense.

December 11th, 2016, 08:36 PM
.....and from playing deep in blowout games against some feeble FCS opponents. A story for another day. Go Dukes!!

another day? you say this every day.

December 11th, 2016, 08:38 PM
they will have 20 by half time

Really? You think if NDSU's defense played like they did Sadurday vs. SDSU, JMU will have 20 points at half time?xeyebrowx

December 11th, 2016, 08:42 PM
I agree on the stats not telling the whole story. I've seen both play and I honestly couldn't tell you who is the "better" quarterback. They both serve their systems well, I just don't know how somebody could say one is clearly better than the other.

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I would pick schor. From the games lolly loses, he throws a pick then gets in a slump and throws 2 more picks.

December 11th, 2016, 08:45 PM
he doesn't have a reason, he's just a troll

He's had to watch Meyer, Nichols, Bo Levi Mitchell, Vernon Adams, and Gage Gubrud over the last 12 years. He knows quarterbacks....

December 11th, 2016, 08:48 PM
Really pulling for a JMU vs. EWU final so GO DUKES.

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 11th, 2016, 08:51 PM
Go right ahead. More big TDs, less 6-12 yard gainers. Pick your poison.



December 11th, 2016, 08:57 PM
Really? You think if NDSU's defense played like they did Sadurday vs. SDSU, JMU will have 20 points at half time?xeyebrowx

Yes, didn't Coastal Carolina put up thirty something on your boys a few years ago?

December 11th, 2016, 09:00 PM


Ask Washington State what it's like to play press man against EWU...

December 11th, 2016, 09:02 PM

Simple.....when evaluating a QB you have to focus on feet, directional movement, weight transfer and ball position.

You focus on feet, hips and hand position at the release point.

Lauletta has a slightly longer delivery but rarely has trouble staying short throught the throwing pocket. He could try to change the ball position and hold it further away from his ear to try and shorten backward movement but muscularly it is hard to get the arm slot and length shortened. That is the only flaw in Laulettas game but its so minor right now I wouldn't even worry about it. Lauletta IMO makes better pre-snap reads/more consistently. Lauletta has the overall stronger arm IMO

Schor has some things that are nice about his game as well, more mobility and a slightly shorter delivery....quicker release. My biggest problem with Schor is his footwork is inconsistent, he throws off his tip toes quite often as well as his back foot. He needs to work on weight transfer and footwork to be more consistent. Mechanically he is sound.

Both QBs are juniors so there is time for them to work hard over the summer at weaknesses then who knows but right now its not close Lauletta is the more polished player in virtually every aspect you want from a QB.