View Full Version : Michael Vick, the Dope Smuggler
January 18th, 2007, 07:51 AM
Seriously, with the amount of money he makes why can't he:
1) Just buy some good dope when he lands; or
2) Pay a friend or associate to buy the drugs for him and drive/boat it there; or
3) Deliver it via FedEx or UPS...they are the biggest drug dealers in the world after all :D; or
4) Not smoke dope :confused:
January 18th, 2007, 10:28 AM
your thread title would have been more accurate if you had just posted 'Michael Vick, the Dope'
January 18th, 2007, 10:31 AM
a special water bottle with a hidden compartment? Thats hilarious
January 18th, 2007, 11:01 AM
January 18th, 2007, 11:04 AM
this has "Whizzinator" quality entertainment written all over it!
Matt Schaub, you're up!
January 18th, 2007, 01:55 PM
Ridiculous is simply the way to put it. Why do these guys make millions, then take crazy freakin risks that could end their careers with possible jail time? I mean if you're going to use, do it in an inconspicous place like your own home or a well trusted friends place.
It's like when, I think it was Leon Lett of the Cowboys, got busted for an enormous amount of pot, like 100 pounds or something, IN HIS CAR while he was driving around! Why is someone like that going to pick up that much weed? Couldn't he have it brought to him? Idiots.....
January 18th, 2007, 02:47 PM
Ridiculous is simply the way to put it. Why do these guys make millions, then take crazy freakin risks that could end their careers with possible jail time? I mean if you're going to use, do it in an inconspicous place like your own home or a well trusted friends place.
It's like when, I think it was Leon Lett of the Cowboys, got busted for an enormous amount of pot, like 100 pounds or something, IN HIS CAR while he was driving around! Why is someone like that going to pick up that much weed? Couldn't he have it brought to him? Idiots.....
That was Nate Newton, after he was done playing & he was selling it. But he was still an idiot.
January 18th, 2007, 03:49 PM
Let's turn this thread into the Michael Vick: Bust? discussion.
Vick is the highest paid player in the league. I personally feel there are only a handful of teams with worse QB situations.
January 18th, 2007, 04:24 PM
He shoulda smoked the weed with the guys who took it away.
Seriously, who forgot to tell Vick that they don't like liquids on planes? :D
January 18th, 2007, 05:56 PM
a special water bottle with a hidden compartment? Thats hilarious
Sounds like a bong to me.:rotateh:
catamount man
January 18th, 2007, 06:05 PM
You said it. I know a man who is a bus driver for one of those charter bus companies and the guy has driven various sports teams from both college ranks and the NFL and he told me the most pompous jerk of them all, that he has ever met, was Michael Vick. His company was providing buses for the Falcons when they were in training camp at Furman and Vick loved to hit the titty bars in Greenville, SC after the day's events.
To and from various places, Vick kept talking to teammates and the guy I know, his name is Jeff, like they were scum of the earth. I don't see why athletes can't just leave the weed alone myself. I guess they play off the bling-bling dope rap image?!
The fans in Atlanta had it right when they gave him half of the peace sign.
January 18th, 2007, 07:05 PM
What we ought to be disturbed about is that marijuana is illegal to being with. Saw something on it on the History Channel the other night. It was consistent with my belief that the whole history of the marijuana prohibition is a story of misrepresentation. It's absolutely ridiculous that people can't buy and use marijuana legally.
January 18th, 2007, 11:42 PM
I would be hitting the bong if I knew VanGorder was coming too...I feel your pain Vick atleast he will be coaching just the line backers.
January 19th, 2007, 07:49 AM
Atlanta is a better team with Schaub on the field anyways IMO
January 19th, 2007, 10:09 AM
If I'm Petrino this is a perfect excuse to trade Vick.
I'm sure he's worth some draft picks to someone.
The extra picks will help Petrino get more of his type of players to build on.
January 19th, 2007, 10:20 AM
First off, he shouldn't be doing drugs at all.
Second, he could of made it real easy and rented a private jet to wherever he was going. He has the money to do it. What was he doing flying commercial anyway.
January 19th, 2007, 10:25 AM
All the weed is clouding his judgement:eek:
January 19th, 2007, 10:27 AM
Ridiculous is simply the way to put it. Why do these guys make millions, then take crazy freakin risks that could end their careers with possible jail time? I mean if you're going to use, do it in an inconspicous place like your own home or a well trusted friends place.
It's like when, I think it was Leon Lett of the Cowboys, got busted for an enormous amount of pot, like 100 pounds or something, IN HIS CAR while he was driving around! Why is someone like that going to pick up that much weed? Couldn't he have it brought to him? Idiots.....
Who was the last professional athlete that actually did jail time for possession?
Go ahead, I'll wait.....
xcoffeex xcoffeex xcoffeex xcoffeex xcoffeex xcoffeex xcoffeex
January 19th, 2007, 10:32 AM
Who was the last professional athlete that actually did jail time for possession?
Go ahead, I'll wait.....
xcoffeex xcoffeex xcoffeex xcoffeex xcoffeex xcoffeex xcoffeex
Dexter Manley comes to mind.
Of course, I know you'll say "while still a professional athlete." ;)
Didn't Jamal Lewis do some time in the offseason? If I remember correctly, he wasn't convicted of possession, but was convicted of aiding/abetting or something like that.
January 19th, 2007, 10:38 AM
From what i have heard on ESPN when PEtrino was hired he was told if Vick isnt the QB the team needs they would trade him. Yesterday the owner, GM and Petrino all lashed out at Vick about the airport incident and ESPNs Mortenson is now saying Atlanta who was likely to trade Schaub before the draft will now keep him which could signal the beggining of the end for Vick in Atlanta.
January 19th, 2007, 11:01 AM
Who was the last professional athlete that actually did jail time for possession?
Go ahead, I'll wait.....
xcoffeex xcoffeex xcoffeex xcoffeex xcoffeex xcoffeex xcoffeex
Wasn't Eugene Robinson(color guy for the Carolina Panthers radio network, and a bad one at that) caught in his hotel room in Atlanta with hookers and drugs??
January 19th, 2007, 12:30 PM
Wasn't Eugene Robinson(color guy for the Carolina Panthers radio network, and a bad one at that) caught in his hotel room in Atlanta with hookers and drugs??
The night before the superbowl, at that!:nod:
January 19th, 2007, 12:37 PM
Who was the last professional athlete that actually did jail time for possession?
Go ahead, I'll wait.....
xcoffeex xcoffeex xcoffeex xcoffeex xcoffeex xcoffeex xcoffeex
How about this guy?
January 19th, 2007, 12:40 PM
(color guy for the Carolina Panthers radio network, and a bad one at that)
He sounds like a high school thug calling the game. More like a wrestling announcer than football.
January 19th, 2007, 12:48 PM
He sounds like a high school thug calling the game. More like a wrestling announcer than football.
The Panthers have had some rediculous thingsgoing on around their organization... (Ray Carruth, CHeerleaders, and let's not forget He Hate Me)
Back to the topic:
Michael Vick is a thug just like his brother. :twocents:
January 19th, 2007, 01:51 PM
The Panthers have had some rediculous thingsgoing on around their organization... (Ray Carruth, CHeerleaders, and let's not forget He Hate Me)
Back to the topic:
Michael Vick is a thug just like his brother. :twocents:
You forgot about Fred Lane being murdered by his wife, and the two drunks, Kerry Collins and Todd Sauerbrun.
Both Vicks are thugs.
January 19th, 2007, 02:56 PM
Who was the last professional athlete that actually did jail time for possession?
Go ahead, I'll wait.....
Michael Irvin
Lawrence Taylor
Daryl Strawberry
Jamal Lewis
half of the Cincinnati Bengals roster
Just to name a few off the top of my head
January 20th, 2007, 11:34 PM
If I'm Petrino this is a perfect excuse to trade Vick.
I'm sure he's worth some draft picks to someone.
The extra picks will help Petrino get more of his type of players to build on.
I guess a phone call to the Raiders is in order.
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