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December 6th, 2016, 10:35 AM
Oh and just putting this out on the web to answer any questions about Championships. SHSU does have a National Championship from 1964, The U claims an NAIA NC.

December 6th, 2016, 10:39 AM
Oh and just putting this out on the web to answer any questions about Championships. SHSU does have a National Championship from 1964, The U claims an NAIA NC.

Don't forget the ladies bowling title

December 6th, 2016, 10:40 AM
Absolutely, man. It's a great post and I respect that opinion. The only issue I have with SHSU fans is when they try to bring other teams down, especially by attacking their opponents. Oh and also anytime MK tries to make a "meme". Also, I have a sneaking suspicion that he pronounces that word "me-me".

No use in bringing other teams down, like I stated every team has the belief and the right to feel that they will win every game. With MK, he is truly an ultimate fan, extremely knowledgeable and he is confident in the eye test, He has a very good football IQ. Do not mistake MK's confidence with cockiness. However, He is the guy at the tailgate that you def have to keep an eye out for.

The last part of your post actually made me Laugh Out Loud! "LOL" if you will.

December 6th, 2016, 10:41 AM
Don't forget the ladies bowling title
Yes they are really good!

December 6th, 2016, 10:42 AM
Don't forget the ladies bowling title

Oh yeah, Can't forget that. BTW speaking of the bowling program, one of the best. Bowling Coach Brad Hagen is a graduate from Morehead State and a good buddy of mine. Ok, back to foosball

December 6th, 2016, 10:44 AM
Yes they are really good!

https://cdn1.lockerdome.com/uploads/d6a4b760fc1796bed78dcf2c9181f960b7350ee10634d44797 2829db06c0217a_large

December 6th, 2016, 10:48 AM
I don't think your dline will be near the caliber of Chatty's or UCA's. A point I've also made several times and nobody has responded otherwise so I'm assuming it's true.

have you watched us pummel both of UNH's QBs from start to finish? if not, you might want to try that first.

December 6th, 2016, 10:51 AM
https://cdn1.lockerdome.com/uploads/d6a4b760fc1796bed78dcf2c9181f960b7350ee10634d44797 2829db06c0217a_large


December 6th, 2016, 10:53 AM

8 year olds, dude.

December 6th, 2016, 11:07 AM
This has to be a joke right....for the love of god tell me this is a troll post....if so...bravo. If not....then your just a compilete dumbass.

Wow - I don't believe I've ever seen such angst as this SHSU fan trying not to accept a sincere compliment.

December 6th, 2016, 11:36 AM
Go play some Dominoes in your shredded Abercombie Jeans, KK.

Nope, that's the insecure and stupid SHSU football twitter that is just DYING to give us bulletin board material.

Bro, that's my bad for not being here last night to scare MK away. Unlike him, I actually have a social life.

MK, you still haven't responded to my bet proposal: loser lets the other person create a new signature for them (within AGS rules). What do you say?

I apologize for not seeing your bet. I was prolly in the process of reminding Mrs Mk of why she married me, ain't it ain't my money. What timeframe are you thinking about?

And scare me away? come on bro. You can do better.

Social life? I'm a multitasker. Last night i finished decorating the Cmas tree, watched a few new episodes of Trailer Park boys, and serviced Mrs MK. All while playing with you guys.

Explain your timeframe, make a public apology for your last two stupid cracks at me, and i will accept your bet. But i also want to choose new avatars for each.


December 6th, 2016, 11:37 AM
Also, you guys are one lucky fumble bounce away from not even being in this thread. If the ball bounces towards a UTC DLine on the play JB got injured, UTC has the ball on the 15.

And if we hadn't overthrown two more wide open Td's....never mind...this is a stupid game. I forgive you.


December 6th, 2016, 11:40 AM
Wait, really?

MK -> http://i.imgur.com/hTpxko8.gif

Exactly. I think this message board is a crappy suck fest of internet bullies mostly from the MVFC. There is not reasonable person who would want to participate in conversation that doesn't not include their own team. There's a big world out there.

And you question MY social life? lol. wow.


December 6th, 2016, 11:42 AM
So why are you here? You are just too


Because it's fun when it matters.


December 6th, 2016, 11:44 AM
Yes, but he didn't call it a "fact". I was arguing semantics, not the validity of your claim.



December 6th, 2016, 11:45 AM
Awww, does MK need a safespace?

No wonder they call it SOFT HOUSTON STATE

I don't need anymore safe spaces, I have your mom.


December 6th, 2016, 11:49 AM
If all SHSU fans were like you, Serpentor and TheEagle, it'd be a non-issue. MK and Fmrbearkat, however...

Oh and now they whiney little biotch is crying to Kat fans to make it stop.

You are a ferking joke.

You are the one that started the ****e show. So go faughk yourself.

lol. Al Gore had no idea there would be so many little pansies on his internet or he wouldn't have invented it.


December 6th, 2016, 11:49 AM
AGS is the most biased, idiotic over the top SHSU hating message board on planet earth

You know exactly why that is, right? It's due to SHSU fans acting like complete Dbags and making everyone hate them and their team. I completely agree that there is a clear bias against SHSU and they probably don't get treated fairly compared to other teams... but do you think that's just by accident or out of some unfounded hate for SHSU? No... it's because the majority of SHSU posters are idiots and pompous ***holes. Every fan base has them, but they're usually in the minority. Clearly not the case for Sammy's posters on here.

December 6th, 2016, 11:50 AM
I don't need anymore safe spaces, I have your mom.

www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)

LOL, I'm telling Mrs. K. Your smack talk is still as weak as your SOS.

As for our bet, I've already promised my avatar to BNation if we lose. Signatures is all I'm offering. Deal?

December 6th, 2016, 11:52 AM
Oh and now they whiney little biotch is crying to Kat fans to make it stop.

You are a ferking joke.

You are the one that started the ****e show. So go faughk yourself.

lol. Al Gore had no idea there would be so many little pansies on his internet or he wouldn't have invented it.

www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)


I huwt his fweeeelingsssss

December 6th, 2016, 11:52 AM

- - - Updated - - -

Man, of all the things I can say about the SHSU fanbase, and there are plenty, you sure are confident.

Why not? This is sports boss man, not real life. No one loses their jobs other than stupid coaches that deserved it anyway. No ones kids go without food or clothes. It's supposed to be fun, so have some and stope crying. If you can't take it, stop egging it on. I'm having fun, not sure why you aren't.


December 6th, 2016, 11:54 AM
https://i.imgflip.com/1fg8lo.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/1fg8lo)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)

Now this guy gets it! That's Gold right there!!


December 6th, 2016, 11:55 AM
You know exactly why that is, right? It's due to SHSU fans acting like complete Dbags and making everyone hate them and their team. I completely agree that there is a clear bias against SHSU and they probably don't get treated fairly compared to other teams... but do you think that's just by accident or out of some unfounded hate for SHSU? No... it's because the majority of SHSU posters are idiots and pompous ***holes. Every fan base has them, but they're usually in the minority. Clearly not the case for Sammy's posters on here.

As I said earlier, their fans do their team a disservice. SHSU deserves better fans.

Why not? This is sports boss man, not real life. No one loses their jobs other than stupid coaches that deserved it anyway. No ones kids go without food or clothes. It's supposed to be fun, so have some and stope crying. If you can't take it, stop egging it on. I'm having fun, not sure why you aren't.

www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)

Did you quote the wrong post here? WTF are you talking about? Where was I crying? You're the one that's butthurt.

- - - Updated - - -

MK, head to the doctor bro:


December 6th, 2016, 11:55 AM
Yeah you can go back and read every message I've posted on here this year and I'll promise you I've posted more football knowledge than you've got up in that little brain of yours. I posted every reason I thought we'd win last week, admitted that I was wrong about a few things, posted very logical reasons why I thought this team COULD still win this week but also said I feel it's a toss up game JB at 80% or with our back up.

The only time I troll post is in response to asinine posts by others and I usually will make it pretty clear when I post something stupid (as in I'm trying to make you mad or I'm trying to make somebody in this place laugh.)

For whatever jackass said Samford was actually better than UCA at the end of the season from a game that happened in week 2/3 to saying we proved we were AS good as the 4th best team or whatever non sense is just begging me to be an asshole. Fact is the Kats have been the 2nd winningest fcs team in the last 6 years and yes that matters because there is a core group that has been deep deep in the playoffs every year they have been here and knows how to win. If we had been getting knocked out in first round every year I wouldn't feel we would have a shot vs JMU on Friday.

Kats played what "appears" to be a soft schedule and unlike what longhorn's dumbass thinks New Mexico obviously did get scared to play us and that effed up our strength. Oh well....what did we do? Beat every single team on a schedule that was in front of us by ALOT!! We had zero hiccups against anybody much less a poor team like port state/William and Mary. We had zero close games until last week. Which if you look at our record we have always had tough games 2nd round after a bye week. And then we roll on and don't look back.

If JB was healthy yes I would take the kats +14-21 but with our current QB situation I'm not as confident and If you actually think a prime time playoff game is anywhere close to the the same situation as playing Nova in conference with nobody in the stands watching then your nuts. Not because it's actually harder to do but with 19 year olds and nerves you just never know. I still feel we will be ok and it's only because of our WR's and the fact I don't think your dline will be near the caliber of Chatty's or UCA's. A point I've also made several times and nobody has responded otherwise so I'm assuming it's true.

If you post jackass comments I will respond like a jackass 👍



December 6th, 2016, 11:58 AM
Absolutely, man. It's a great post and I respect that opinion. The only issue I have with SHSU fans is when they try to bring other teams down, especially by attacking their opponents. Oh and also anytime MK tries to make a "meme". Also, I have a sneaking suspicion that he pronounces that word "me-me".

Wow look at who got soft and personal so quickly. Let that run through you cup cake. Let it get all up inside you. Your obsessed. Get over me. You don't have to keep engaging me or quoting me. All press is good press after all.


December 6th, 2016, 12:00 PM
As I said earlier, their fans do their team a disservice. SHSU deserves better fans.

Did you quote the wrong post here? WTF are you talking about? Where was I crying? You're the one that's butthurt.

- - - Updated - - -

MK, head to the doctor bro:


I'm not the one with my tampon falling out crying to your fan base to gather support to make you leave me alone. lol. You for sure are a woman. There is ZERO doubt about that now.


December 6th, 2016, 12:01 PM
As I said earlier, their fans do their team a disservice. SHSU deserves better fans.

Did you quote the wrong post here? WTF are you talking about? Where was I crying? You're the one that's butthurt.

- - - Updated - - -

MK, head to the doctor bro:


You are just a sad idiot. lol. But, you make me laugh so carry on.


December 6th, 2016, 12:02 PM
I've missed two road games in three years, have missed zero home games. I donate, i purchase season tickets. I support the baseball and basketball team the same as football

And i tell pretentious, whiny little yankee ladies to STFU when they start flapping labias all over the internet ...yeah...shsu teams and fans hate me. lol.


December 6th, 2016, 12:04 PM
Oh and Dukie, of i decided to lay one on you, saying no wouldn't help you. You might resist a little a first, but you'd cave. For sure.


December 6th, 2016, 12:05 PM
Wow look at who got soft and personal so quickly. Let that run through you cup cake. Let it get all up inside you. Your obsessed. Get over me. You don't have to keep engaging me or quoting me. All press is good press after all.

www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)


And LOL, I'm sure everyone knows how you feel about all press with your spamming of terrible, nonsensical posts. Literally I'm being thanked left and right in PMs for keeping you confined to just this thread. I'm getting so many rep points for abusing you in an out of this thread. I get why you're telling me to stop quoting you, because you're tired of GETTING WORKED, SON.


December 6th, 2016, 12:05 PM
I've missed two road games in three years, have missed zero home games. I donate, i purchase season tickets. I support the baseball and basketball team the same as football


December 6th, 2016, 12:06 PM
You know how to tell when someone has absolutely lost it on the internet and can't figure out a way to make it all stop....

....when they start reaching out to opposing fans to try and gain support to to help them run someone off and then taunt said guy about why they would want to leave. lololol





December 6th, 2016, 12:07 PM
I've missed two road games in three years, have missed zero home games. I donate, i purchase season tickets. I support the baseball and basketball team the same as football

And i tell pretentious, whiny little yankee ladies to STFU when they start flapping labias all over the internet ...yeah...shsu teams and fans hate me. lol.

www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)

??!!?!? Did we enter MK therapy hour? It's okay, son, lay down on the couch and let out your FEELINGS.


December 6th, 2016, 12:08 PM
Well...back to work. Catch you later PookieDukie!


December 6th, 2016, 12:09 PM
You know how to tell when someone has absolutely lost it on the internet and can't figure out a way to make it all stop....

....when they start reaching out to opposing fans to try and gain support to to help them run someone off and then taunt said guy about why they would want to leave. lololol




www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)

Where did I reach out to opposing fans? I haven't even reached out to JMU fans. I don't need anyone to support me in my complete and utter destruction of you. It's just too easy.


- - - Updated - - -

Well...back to work. Catch you later PookieDukie!

www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)


December 6th, 2016, 12:11 PM
Before i go i'll just leave this here,

If there is any legitimate SHSU fan on here that dislikes the way i have repped our fan base on AGS then please say so, and i'll sign off for good.

If i've embarrassed anyone in anyway, please say so.

The last thing i want is to upset my own.

But if no one pipes up by Friday, then Dirty Dukes and Dukie95 or whatever is name is needs to delete their accounts forever

How about that for a bet PookieDukie? You game?


December 6th, 2016, 12:12 PM
You know how to tell when someone has absolutely lost it on the internet and can't figure out a way to make it all stop....

www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)

OOOOOOOO I got this one.....
...when someone makes 10 posts in a row?

December 6th, 2016, 12:13 PM
Before i go i'll just leave this here,

If there is any legitimate SHSU fan on here that dislikes the way i have repped our fan base on AGS then please say so, and i'll sign off for good.

If i've embarrassed anyone in anyway, please say so.

The last thing i want is to upset my own.

But if no one pipes up by Friday, then Dukie95 needs to delete his account forever

How about that for a bet PookieDukie? You game?

www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)


December 6th, 2016, 12:14 PM
Where did I reach out to opposing fans? I haven't even reached out to JMU fans. I don't need anyone to support me in my complete and utter destruction of you. It's just too easy.


- - - Updated - - -


Oh. Now not only are you a woman, but you are also on drugs.


December 6th, 2016, 12:16 PM

And LOL, I'm sure everyone knows how you feel about all press with your spamming of terrible, nonsensical posts. Literally I'm being thanked left and right in PMs for keeping you confined to just this thread. I'm getting so many rep points for abusing you in an out of this thread. I get why you're telling me to stop quoting you, because you're tired of GETTING WORKED, SON.


Nah. I'm just trying to save you some stress. I'm all good.

And i call your bluff, show us these PMS.

Cuz all that sound like to me is weakness from those that i've ground into powder the last month or so. They hang any more.

Show us.


December 6th, 2016, 12:16 PM
Ps, you have to say something funny for at least relevant to be winning bro.


December 6th, 2016, 12:18 PM
Before i go i'll just leave this here,

If there is any legitimate SHSU fan on here that dislikes the way i have repped our fan base on AGS then please say so, and i'll sign off for good.

If i've embarrassed anyone in anyway, please say so.

The last thing i want is to upset my own.

But if no one pipes up by Friday, then Dirty Dukes and Dukie95 or whatever is name is needs to delete their accounts forever

How about that for a bet PookieDukie? You game?

www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)


Wait, that's all it would take?! SHSU fans... assemble!


Kidding, I actually find you entertaining most of the time, my only gripe would be that you post too often and it wears on a guy, but I just take a break and come back for more later. xdrunkyx

December 6th, 2016, 12:18 PM

Heres where you cried since you forgot.

"We wike you guyz but dis MK is too much. Pweez do somefing to make him go away. He hurt us feewings"


December 6th, 2016, 12:20 PM

Wait, that's all it would take?! SHSU fans... assemble!


Kidding, I actually find you entertaining most of the time, my only gripe would be that you post too often and it wears on a guy, but I just take a break and come back for more later. xdrunkyx

Aaaand let the backpedaling begin!!





December 6th, 2016, 12:21 PM

Heres where you cried since you forgot.

"We wike you guyz but dis MK is too much. Pweez do somefing to make him go away. He hurt us feewings"

www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)

You have the reading comprehension of a Kindergartner. How is that crying? Dude, you are so dumb. This is why everyone hates you guys.

December 6th, 2016, 12:21 PM
So you guys biotch cuz we go away and don't post enough and call us novemberists....and now you cry because we post too much.

My GAWD i had no idea i was posting back and forth with my wife!!


December 6th, 2016, 12:22 PM
Aaaand let the backpedaling begin!!




www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)

http://p.fod4.com/p/media/5c597eb60b/dVJNUJlVS6yeyEYhtJIL_Confused%20Mark%20Wahlberg.gi f

December 6th, 2016, 12:23 PM
buh bye! you lost


December 6th, 2016, 12:23 PM
So you think your schedule is strong?I explained why I thought the conference was assumed weak because of a 9 game schedule and everybody playing an fbs leaving 1 game for each team usually in the first week or 2 of the season to be judged upon. When you play a 9 game schedule and have 2 teams run the table 1 team only lose to the top 2 teams. 2 teams finish really bad and a couple that beat up on each other there is no way to fairly judge the conference. There's not enough wins to go around when your playing assumed losses vs fbs games and then beating up on each other the rest of the time. If there were 3 or even 4 non conference games with them spaced out a little like most every other schools play then its a little easier to judge.

I think if the Nicholl's coaches can get those guys to put in the work this off-season then they will be a playoff team next year depending on if they play two FBS games again this year. McNeese is pretty young I believe and were a playoff team last year and Southeastern is usually only a transfer away or three away from making a move. So realistically we could get 4 in next year. But to do that we are going to have to have several teams with 1-10 2-9 3-8 records because there is simply not enough wins to go around when you factor in a presumed fbs loss.

Yes the bottom part of our conference sucks something awful but that's what happens when you have 3 new schools added to the normal 1 or 2 that are in the downswing of the pendulum. Take out the 3 new programs and our conference doesn't look much different than yours. Now by taking away those 3 it would give 2 other games per school to get the money game and 3 games left to prove is your conference is worth a ****. Your just assuming they suck but there's really not enough to definitively say its true or not.Until our conference splits into divisions or something then we will always appear to have a weak conference if every school continues to schedule fbs games.

December 6th, 2016, 12:25 PM
Sorry to talk football... but does anyone have a guess on what the total will be on this game? Has to be in the 70s... maybe 80s?

December 6th, 2016, 12:25 PM
ok i don't want DukiDuke to be upset so i'll take a two day break to let him rest up and gather himself.

See you guys Friday.


December 6th, 2016, 12:26 PM
Sorry to talk football... but does anyone have a guess on what the total will be on this game? Has to be in the 70s... maybe 80s?

100+ Bank it.

December 6th, 2016, 12:28 PM
100+ Bank it.

That could be the outcome, but I'm talking the posted total in vegas (or offshores). I'm hoping it comes in around mid 70, because I'll hammer it. However, I'm thinking a posted total in the high 80s isn't out of the realm of possibility.

December 6th, 2016, 12:28 PM
I explained why I thought the conference was assumed weak because of a 9 game schedule and everybody playing an fbs leaving 1 game for each team usually in the first week or 2 of the season to be judged upon. When you play a 9 game schedule and have 2 teams run the table 1 team only lose to the top 2 teams. 2 teams finish really bad and a couple that beat up on each other there is no way to fairly judge the conference. There's not enough wins to go around when your playing assumed losses vs fbs games and then beating up on each other the rest of the time. If there were 3 or even 4 non conference games with them spaced out a little like most every other schools play then its a little easier to judge.

I think if the Nicholl's coaches can get those guys to put in the work this off-season then they will be a playoff team next year depending on if they play two FBS games again this year. McNeese is pretty young I believe and were a playoff team last year and Southeastern is usually only a transfer away or three away from making a move. So realistically we could get 4 in next year. But to do that we are going to have to have several teams with 1-10 2-9 3-8 records because there is simply not enough wins to go around when you factor in a presumed fbs loss.

Yes the bottom part of our conference sucks something awful but that's what happens when you have 3 new schools added to the normal 1 or 2 that are in the downswing of the pendulum. Take out the 3 new programs and our conference doesn't look much different than yours. Now by taking away those 3 it would give 2 other games per school to get the money game and 3 games left to prove is your conference is worth a ****. Your just assuming they suck but there's really not enough to definitively say its true or not.Until our conference splits into divisions or something then we will always appear to have a weak conference if every school continues to schedule fbs games.

I agree with your outlook on Nicholl's, was really impressed with their play at UGA (grew up a Dawg fan before attending JMU), but whether it was in your control or not you still didn't play an FBS team and did schedule a D2. I don't agree if you take away the weakest 3 teams that you guys would be on the level of the CAA, which has a history of National Championships and being one of the top ranked conferences.

December 6th, 2016, 12:29 PM

December 6th, 2016, 12:29 PM
have you watched us pummel both of UNH's QBs from start to finish? if not, you might want to try that first.Thank you for the response as again I admitted earlier I haven't seen much JMU football this year and said specifically Im assuming there dline isn't on the level of 2 of the 3 best dlines in the country. Another part of my assumption is i read earlier that y'all only had 15 sacks ALL year...that doesn't sound like anybody got pummeled especially not for an entire game. What would you say it the reason for such few sacks?

December 6th, 2016, 12:29 PM
ok i don't want DukiDuke to be upset so i'll take a two day break to let him rest up and gather himself.

See you guys Friday.

www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)

Bro you running away scared? Also you said you were leaving like 8 posts ago, I used a special gif and everything.

December 6th, 2016, 12:32 PM
Is it really only Tuesday? That's it, I'm out of here until Friday...


December 6th, 2016, 12:35 PM
More message board material, SHSU admin already accepting ticket requests for the Championship:


Big Duke
December 6th, 2016, 12:42 PM
Sorry to talk football... but does anyone have a guess on what the total will be on this game? Has to be in the 70s... maybe 80s?
Massey has it at 93.5 JMU -2 1-2

December 6th, 2016, 12:49 PM
I agree with your outlook on Nicholl's, was really impressed with their play at UGA (grew up a Dawg fan before attending JMU), but whether it was in your control or not you still didn't play an FBS team and did schedule a D2. I don't agree if you take away the weakest 3 teams that you guys would be on the level of the CAA, which has a history of National Championships and being one of the top ranked conferences.If it didn't come out that way I meant the bottom 2/3 in every conference the Elon's and NWST's and other bottom dwellers. Then there are a couple middle of the road teams and a couple good ones. The middle of the road teams will NEVER have a chance to prove themselves in any year if they even hick-up once in 1 very early season game (like UCA did except they were able to run conference -1). One shot....thats it.

December 6th, 2016, 12:49 PM
That could be the outcome, but I'm talking the posted total in vegas (or offshores). I'm hoping it comes in around mid 70, because I'll hammer it. However, I'm thinking a posted total in the high 80s isn't out of the realm of possibility.

My guess on the posted O/U is 84.5 or so. It won't be in the 70's, that would be too easy. And I think 89 is a possibility too. But that's gonna be dangerous because of the weather. Personally, I would be wary of anything over 85.

December 6th, 2016, 12:51 PM
More message board material, SHSU admin already accepting ticket requests for the Championship:


Season ticket holders have to commit to purchasing all playoff games in order to be guaranteed natty tickets. This is only an extension of that. They are likely trying to figure out ahead of time how many to request from the NCAA for their own sales. Don't read too much into this. I bet every school still playing is doing some variation of the same thing.

Personally, I will purchase more than my season ticket norm because I have friends that will make the trip who aren't season ticket holders. This allows them to sit with us.

December 6th, 2016, 01:34 PM
Season ticket holders have to commit to purchasing all playoff games in order to be guaranteed natty tickets. This is only an extension of that. They are likely trying to figure out ahead of time how many to request from the NCAA for their own sales. Don't read too much into this. I bet every school still playing is doing some variation of the same thing.

Personally, I will purchase more than my season ticket norm because I have friends that will make the trip who aren't season ticket holders. This allows them to sit with us.

Yeah I need to figure out my NC plans

December 6th, 2016, 01:38 PM
Yeah I need to figure out my NC plans

If JMU beats us as bad as they SHOULD, we can go watch the Bowling Natty together.

December 6th, 2016, 01:40 PM
If JMU beats us as bad as they SHOULD, we can go watch the Bowling Natty together.

Sam has one and SFA has one. I'd like to see a Sammy/SFA final but not sure our girls are as solid this year

Big Duke
December 6th, 2016, 01:43 PM
Just saw this: "Didnt realize SHSU will be the worst ranked Defense we have faced all year"

December 6th, 2016, 02:35 PM
So you guys biotch cuz we go away and don't post enough and call us novemberists....and now you cry because we post too much.

My GAWD i had no idea i was posting back and forth with my wife!!

www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)

90% of your posts have zero substance and the other 10% are the same **** you've been spewing for the past two months. You know constantly repeating yourself is a sign of dementia right?

Why don't you just start a thread called "MilleniumKat's Echo Chamber" since you clearly get yourself off to your own trolling. This **** was funny like the first 5 times you did it. Now you're just driving people away that actually want to talk about football. Congrats.

December 6th, 2016, 02:37 PM
Lol...correct, and the most prolific offense the Dukes have faced is the 4-7 Pioneer League Morehead State Eagles. In fact...

Scoring offenses faced:

#17 Chatt
#19 UCA
#27 McNeese
#35 SFA
#36 Nicholls
#43 SELA
#58 UIW *** Transitional/Reclassified
#60 ACU *** Transitional/Reclassified
#84 TxSo
#96 Lamar
#105 HBU

#23 Morehead State
#33 Richmond
#46 UNH
#75 Nova
#88 Central Conn St
#88 Maine
#90 W&M
#92 Delaware
#110 RI
#120 Elon

So for all the snarls about playing UIW & Abilene Christian (rightfully so, by the way) you guys played 7 teams with lower scoring point totals than BOTH of those programs. SEVEN.

JMU scoring D: 23.3
Sam scoring D: 26.8

And, of course, this all means NOTHING leading up to Friday. Gotta love FCS playoffs!

December 6th, 2016, 02:39 PM
Weird it is the Quarterfinals of the playoffs and both teams are facing their toughest competition of the season... xcoffeex

December 6th, 2016, 02:40 PM
Lol...correct, and the most prolific offense the Dukes have faced is the 4-7 Pioneer League Morehead State Eagles. In fact...

Scoring offenses faced:

#17 Chatt
#19 UCA
#27 McNeese
#35 SFA
#36 Nicholls
#43 SELA
#58 UIW *** Transitional/Reclassified
#60 ACU *** Transitional/Reclassified
#84 TxSo
#96 Lamar
#105 HBU

#23 Morehead State
#33 Richmond
#46 UNH
#75 Nova
#88 Central Conn St
#88 Maine
#90 W&M
#92 Delaware
#110 RI
#120 Elon

we played SELA?

December 6th, 2016, 02:45 PM
we played SELA?

Dammit - no, trying to get some work done too. Just recognized the crappy name. To my point though, had we played them, that would have been the 3rd best offense JMU played all year.

December 6th, 2016, 02:51 PM
Dammit - no, trying to get some work done too. Just recognized the crappy name. To my point though, had we played them, that would have been the 3rd best offense JMU played all year.

I figured you must have been doing something else to miss that!

December 6th, 2016, 02:58 PM
Weird it is the Quarterfinals of the playoffs and both teams are facing their toughest competition of the season... xcoffeex


December 6th, 2016, 03:03 PM
Dammit!! I going to have to quit reading this thread before I get fat from all the popcorn. ;)

Yeah, and I know McNeese sucked this season.


December 6th, 2016, 03:04 PM
Dammit!! I going to have to quit reading this thread before I get fat from all the popcorn. ;)

Yeah, and I know McNeese sucked this season.


Yeah, but yall will be back to boost up our conference next year.

December 6th, 2016, 03:07 PM
Lol...correct, and the most prolific offense the Dukes have faced is the 4-7 Pioneer League Morehead State Eagles. In fact...


And, of course, this all means NOTHING leading up to Friday. Gotta love FCS playoffs!

These were the only parts of this post I read xthumbsupx

December 6th, 2016, 03:20 PM
If JMU beats us as bad as they SHOULD, we can go watch the Bowling Natty together.

this dire prediction from Samkat must mean Briscoe is not healthy?

December 6th, 2016, 03:22 PM
Actually, Briscoe's MRI came back negative & he'll be good to go.

But JMU played people & we didn't. And a group of 32-34 yr old men won a title for their school 12 years ago. Know what I mean, Hen??

December 6th, 2016, 03:23 PM
Lol...correct, and the most prolific offense the Dukes have faced is the 4-7 Pioneer League Morehead State Eagles. In fact...

Scoring offenses faced:

#17 Chatt
#19 UCA
#27 McNeese
#35 SFA
#36 Nicholls
#43 SELA
#58 UIW *** Transitional/Reclassified
#60 ACU *** Transitional/Reclassified
#84 TxSo
#96 Lamar
#105 HBU

#23 Morehead State
#33 Richmond
#46 UNH
#75 Nova
#88 Central Conn St
#88 Maine
#90 W&M
#92 Delaware
#110 RI
#120 Elon

So for all the snarls about playing UIW & Abilene Christian (rightfully so, by the way) you guys played 7 teams with lower scoring point totals than BOTH of those programs. SEVEN.

JMU scoring D: 23.3
Sam scoring D: 26.8

And, of course, this all means NOTHING leading up to Friday. Gotta love FCS playoffs!

Interesting, and I certainly appreciate the appropriate use of stats, not smack.

This doesn't account for the strength of schedule that those stats were collected on. We allowed 7 to Morehead state. Morehead's QB is ranked #5 in FCS in total yards (3404), but managed just 125 against JMU. Is our D that good, or is the rest of the Pioneer just terrible? I think we'd both agree it's the latter.

There is no doubt that this will be a tough game for both sides, and it's going to be fun and I'm glad it's a home game for JMU.

The Pud
December 6th, 2016, 03:31 PM
Interesting, and I certainly appreciate the appropriate use of stats, not smack.

This doesn't account for the strength of schedule that those stats were collected on. We allowed 7 to Morehead state. Morehead's QB is ranked #5 in FCS in total yards (3404), but managed just 125 against JMU. Is our D that good, or is the rest of the Pioneer just terrible? I think we'd both agree it's the latter.

There is no doubt that this will be a tough game for both sides, and it's going to be fun and I'm glad it's a home game for JMU.

This definitely will be hard fought game for both teams. Heck, this is the game of the week as you guys were selected to play on Friday night in Prime Time. Good luck to both teams!

December 6th, 2016, 03:37 PM
Actually, Briscoe's MRI came back negative & he'll be good to go.

But JMU played people & we didn't. And a group of 32-34 yr old men won a title for their school 12 years ago. Know what I mean, Hen??

uhhh, yea I guess.... your still sand baggin after all the heavy rains last Saturday....

glad to hear Briscoe is healthy, but just because the MRI came back negative doesn't mean he's feeling right....

Schor is a winner now, be careful he will make life tough for you guys

December 6th, 2016, 03:37 PM
Actually, Briscoe's MRI came back negative & he'll be good to go.

But JMU played people & we didn't. And a group of 32-34 yr old men won a title for their school 12 years ago. Know what I mean, Hen??

ugh. just stop.

The Pud
December 6th, 2016, 03:38 PM
uhhh, yea I guess.... your still sand baggin after all the heavy rains last Saturday....

glad to hear Briscoe is healthy, but just because the MRI came back negative doesn't mean he's feeling right....

Schor is a winner now, be careful he will make life tough for you guys

That Schor kid is a competitor! The Pod is very impressed with JMU offensive attack. Should be a very exciting game to watch! Keys to victory will be turnovers and penalties.

December 6th, 2016, 04:05 PM
Sorry to talk football... but does anyone have a guess on what the total will be on this game? Has to be in the 70s... maybe 80s?

No, I don't think JMU will score 80. Maybe 60+...Kats will be on the sidelines huddled to keep warm, but won't score. xthumbsupx

December 6th, 2016, 04:24 PM
Look, the most important stat here is the Sam Houston halftime snapshot vs the teams that wear purple:

vs SFA (42-7)
vs ACU (27-0)
vs NwSt (41-13)
vs UCA (38-10)

December 6th, 2016, 04:25 PM
so who has the coaching edge... let's say it's nip n tuck late in the 4th quarter, who do you go with .... KC and Longo or Houston?

December 6th, 2016, 04:30 PM
so who has the coaching edge... let's say it's nip n tuck late in the 4th quarter, who do you go with .... KC and Longo or Houston?

I'm not familiar enough with Houston to judge, but Keeler has won a few late and close since he has been here.

December 6th, 2016, 04:35 PM

Both cut their teeth early in their career in the Div II-III ranks

Keeler is 18-5 in FCS Playoffs (6-2 @ Sam)

Houston is 2-1 in FCS Playoffs (1-0 @ JMU)

I'm sure both have been in big games. A 4th quarter nail-biter would be pretty damn exciting Fri night...

December 6th, 2016, 04:52 PM
why did Briscoe attempt an extra point against ACU?

December 6th, 2016, 04:56 PM
Because Johnny Football did against us a couple years back

Professor Chaos
December 6th, 2016, 04:59 PM
Will be a Big Sky officiating crew for this game.

December 6th, 2016, 05:27 PM
Briscoe MRI came back clear. Very sore but should play. Good news for Kats, Bad news for Dirty Dukie and his Avatar.

December 6th, 2016, 05:38 PM
Briscoe MRI came back clear. Very sore but should play. Good news for Kats, Bad news for Dirty Dukie and his Avatar.

If he is very sore but plays it could be good for JMU.

December 6th, 2016, 05:45 PM
If he is very sore but plays it could be good for JMU.

Very sore now, he will be getting better as the week goes and would'nt rule out a cortisone shot and some character..

The Pud
December 6th, 2016, 05:47 PM
Wow, this thread has 60 pages and the game is still 3 days away!

December 6th, 2016, 06:11 PM
Wow, this thread has 60 pages and the game is still 3 days away!

56% of the posts are MK

December 6th, 2016, 07:19 PM
56% of the posts are MK


December 6th, 2016, 07:23 PM
Wooh buddy.... this went from 8 pages to 60 in a day and half....
What bloody well happened?

December 6th, 2016, 07:42 PM
Wooh buddy.... this went from 8 pages to 60 in a day and half....
What bloody well happened?

I only have 12 pages. Up your posts per page in settings.

December 6th, 2016, 08:21 PM
I know MK real well. He's a blast to tailgate with
Sometimes he just needs to eat a snickers.

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk

December 6th, 2016, 08:28 PM
If i put my NDSU fandom aside, This is the game I'm most excited for. I have no idea how it's going to go but dang will it be exciting! Hope SHSU gets the QB back. If it was already mentioned he'd go i didn't read the previous friggin 60 pages. my bad

December 6th, 2016, 08:41 PM
Look, the most important stat here is the Sam Houston halftime snapshot vs the teams that wear purple:

vs SFA (42-7)
vs ACU (27-0)
vs NwSt (41-13)
vs UCA (38-10)


If he is very sore but plays it could be good for JMU.

True. Also, I'd like to say I didn't think your avatar could get any better, but what a pull!

December 6th, 2016, 08:43 PM
I'm getting so many rep points

Cool! Are those like Camel Cash? I bet you can redeem them for some wicked awesome prizes!

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk

December 6th, 2016, 08:59 PM
If SH does what it has done all year and wins Friday night, are they still an overrated team from a ****ty conference who has more road playoff wins and the 2nd most playoff wins in the last 6 years excluding the 5 time Nat Champions? Asking for a friend....

December 6th, 2016, 09:08 PM
If SH does what it has done all year and wins Friday night, are they still an overrated team from a ****ty conference who has more road playoff wins and the 2nd most playoff wins in the last 6 years excluding the 5 time Nat Champions? Asking for a friend....

As much as they have attempted to put together a high school schedule, it does not appear that Sam State has played a game on a Friday night yet. So it's tough to tell. Let your friend know this.

December 6th, 2016, 09:10 PM

True. Also, I'd like to say I didn't think your avatar could get any better, but what a pull!

I went to the basement for that one. xthumbsupx

December 6th, 2016, 09:22 PM
Time to kick this thread up a notch........SAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TFM Girls ‏@TFMgirls (https://twitter.com/TFMgirls) May 13 (https://twitter.com/TFMgirls/status/731244498508877824)
Sam Houston State University and Texas A&M putting on for the lone star state.


3 replies51 retweets395 likes




@TFMgirls (https://twitter.com/TFMgirls) @SHSU_ADPI (https://twitter.com/SHSU_ADPI)

December 6th, 2016, 09:40 PM
Time to kick this thread up a notch........SAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TFM Girls ‏@TFMgirls (https://twitter.com/TFMgirls) May 13 (https://twitter.com/TFMgirls/status/731244498508877824)
Sam Houston State University and Texas A&M putting on for the lone star state.


3 replies51 retweets395 likes




@TFMgirls (https://twitter.com/TFMgirls) @SHSU_ADPI (https://twitter.com/SHSU_ADPI)

You have no idea what you're up against. This is another battle you are about to lose.

December 6th, 2016, 09:43 PM
You have no idea what you're up against. This is another battle you are about to lose.
Oh I highly doubt that.

December 6th, 2016, 09:59 PM
Oh I highly doubt that.

Finally something we can all get on board with...

Let the games begin.

December 6th, 2016, 10:02 PM

I found this photo of the winner of the Ms. JMU pageant on the Google machine. #Hottie

December 6th, 2016, 10:04 PM
As much as they have attempted to put together a high school schedule, it does not appear that Sam State has played a game on a Friday night yet. So it's tough to tell. Let your friend know this.

Hold on, BHCE, a High School schedule in Texas very well could be considerably stronger than the schedule the BearKats actually did play. :D

December 6th, 2016, 10:26 PM
If SH does what it has done all year and wins Friday night, are they still an overrated team from a ****ty conference who has more road playoff wins and the 2nd most playoff wins in the last 6 years excluding the 5 time Nat Champions? Asking for a friend....

Yes. Next question.

December 6th, 2016, 10:28 PM
As much as they have attempted to put together a high school schedule, it does not appear that Sam State has played a game on a Friday night yet. So it's tough to tell. Let your friend know this.

Damn. Spidey's got a flamethrower tonight. They're getting burnt.

December 6th, 2016, 10:37 PM
Cool! Are those like Camel Cash? I bet you can redeem them for some wicked awesome prizes!

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk

They are SH Green Stamps.....

December 6th, 2016, 10:44 PM
Time to kick this thread up a notch........SAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TFM Girls ‏@TFMgirls (https://twitter.com/TFMgirls) May 13 (https://twitter.com/TFMgirls/status/731244498508877824)
Sam Houston State University and Texas A&M putting on for the lone star state.


3 replies51 retweets395 likes




@TFMgirls (https://twitter.com/TFMgirls) @SHSU_ADPI (https://twitter.com/SHSU_ADPI)

You have no idea what you're up against. This is another battle you are about to lose.

So much promise at this point............ and then nothing. xsplatx

December 6th, 2016, 11:00 PM
Time to kick this thread up a notch........SAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TFM Girls ‏@TFMgirls (https://twitter.com/TFMgirls) May 13 (https://twitter.com/TFMgirls/status/731244498508877824)
Sam Houston State University and Texas A&M putting on for the lone star state.


The girls are from Texas A&M. The dork in the back paying them absolutely no attention is from SHS.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
December 6th, 2016, 11:03 PM
Two coaches who might get a phone call from Temple. Interesting....

December 7th, 2016, 05:28 AM
Having seen both teams play this season, Dukes will get on roll and send Sammy home disappointed. Pulling for the Dogs to beat the Cats this week

December 7th, 2016, 06:33 AM
The most impressive part of this match-up is the fact that it's uniting JMU and UR fans.
"Nobody bullies my brother but me!"

December 7th, 2016, 06:37 AM
Time to kick this thread up a notch........SAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TFM Girls ‏@TFMgirls (https://twitter.com/TFMgirls) May 13 (https://twitter.com/TFMgirls/status/731244498508877824)
Sam Houston State University and Texas A&M putting on for the lone star state.


3 replies51 retweets395 likes




@TFMgirls (https://twitter.com/TFMgirls) @SHSU_ADPI (https://twitter.com/SHSU_ADPI)

You sure that isn't the ball girl from Abilene Christian?!

December 7th, 2016, 06:37 AM
The most impressive part of this match-up is the fact that it's uniting JMU and UR fans.
"Nobody bullies my brother but me!"

I counter your Richmond fans with our Delaware fans!!!

December 7th, 2016, 06:52 AM
Time to kick this thread up a notch........SAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TFM Girls ‏@TFMgirls (https://twitter.com/TFMgirls) May 13 (https://twitter.com/TFMgirls/status/731244498508877824)
Sam Houston State University and Texas A&M putting on for the lone star state.


3 replies51 retweets395 likes




@TFMgirls (https://twitter.com/TFMgirls) @SHSU_ADPI (https://twitter.com/SHSU_ADPI)

Hate to see this thread become unfair and unbalanced...

TFM Girls ‏@TFMgirls (https://twitter.com/TFMgirls) Jul 21 (https://twitter.com/TFMgirls/status/756227889033416708)
James Madison University bod.


TFM Girls ‏@TFMgirls (https://twitter.com/TFMgirls) Aug 9 (https://twitter.com/TFMgirls/status/763111937932525568)
James Madison University hottie.

December 7th, 2016, 07:01 AM
http://totalfratmove.com/instagram-babe-of-the-day-kaila-from-sam-houston-state-university/ xbowx

December 7th, 2016, 07:08 AM
http://totalfratmove.com/instagram-babe-of-the-day-kaila-from-sam-houston-state-university/ xbowx

We are not worthy!

December 7th, 2016, 07:17 AM
Balance, SK...Balance





December 7th, 2016, 07:21 AM

Talk tough, act tough...

But ultimately still need tampons to get through the month.


December 7th, 2016, 07:27 AM

Thank you for admitting this finally and saving SHSU fans a lot of time and data usage.

All we ever wanted was for someone to admit this. And it finally happened. I just never guessed it would be a fan of a CAA team. That did take me by surprise. But ultimate very refreshing i must say.


December 7th, 2016, 07:33 AM


I'll just leave these here. Eat em Up KATS!

December 7th, 2016, 07:39 AM
While I like any red blooded human male love the female pictures it has made it a little hard to browse this thread while at work which could make today rough at work today.

December 7th, 2016, 07:40 AM
I counter your Richmond fans with our Delaware fans!!!

.....WE'LL BE WHIFF YA'S....TRIPPER........xnodx.....xrotatehx.....xhi ghfivex.....xwavex.....xlovex.......xsmileyclapx.. ....xhugx......xsalutex........xhandshakex......xb owx..........xhypedx........xbeerchugx............ ......xcoolx.......BRAWK!

December 7th, 2016, 08:20 AM
.....WE'LL BE WHIFF YA'S....TRIPPER........xnodx.....xrotatehx.....xhi ghfivex.....xwavex.....xlovex.......xsmileyclapx.. ....xhugx......xsalutex........xhandshakex......xb owx..........xhypedx........xbeerchugx............ ......xcoolx.......BRAWK!

This thread is one of the biggest **** shows I have ever seen, I can't look away!!!

This game is going to be yyyuuuuuuggggggeeeee!!!!!!! Kats win 45-42 with FG to win in last minute.

December 7th, 2016, 08:48 AM
Having seen both teams play this season, Dukes will get on roll and send Sammy home disappointed. Pulling for the Dogs to beat the Cats this week

Translation: I'm praying JMU win's by ALOT so I can believe we have a shot in Huntsville next season....

December 7th, 2016, 08:56 AM
I counter your Richmond fans with our Delaware fans!!!


December 7th, 2016, 08:57 AM




So Jmu fans come out of the gate in thread ooozing with confidence and smack talk but started crying when shsu fans did the same

I make a one post in response to injury excuses in reference to Briscoe and Then instantly butt hurt name calling begins...


So just to check facts on this, i went back and looked at the colgate vs jmu thread from 2015 and guess what I found?

1. I found CAA, PL and MVFC fans throwing up sandbags on behalf of JMU due to losing Vlad Lee. Even saw
old Dylan (Kingpin28 or whatever) making excuses for JMU despite all his tough talk about excuses being unacceptable in football.
2. Oh yeah, a couple are in fact JMU fans btw.
3. Didn't notice any posts from Dukie95 or Dirty dukes. Odd i thought. I know that Dirtydukes has been a member since 2006, not sure about Dukie95.









So, what makes DirtyDukes qualified to name call about his fans or others NOT making excuses for his teams QB injury when he wasn't even on the board to back up his facts?

Did he and Dukie95 give up on their team because of said injury PRIOR to said playoff game? So if novemberists go away following a playoff loss, what exactly does AGS call biotches that quit due to injury? Not even trying? Not even supporting? That doesn't sound like fans to me, that sounds like something bleedy women do.




December 7th, 2016, 09:00 AM




So Jmu fans come out of the gate in thread ooozing with confidence and smack talk but started crying when shsu fans did the same

I make a one post in response to injury excuses in reference to Briscoe and Then instantly butt hurt name calling begins...


So just to check facts on this, i went back and looked at the colgate vs jmu thread from 2015 and guess what I found?

1. I found CAA, PL and MVFC fans throwing up sandbags on behalf of JMU due to losing Vlad Lee. Even saw
old Dylan (Kingpin28 or whatever) making excuses for JMU despite all his tough talk about excuses being unacceptable in football.
2. Oh yeah, a couple are in fact JMU fans btw.
3. Didn't notice any posts from Dukie95 or Dirty dukes. Odd i thought. I know that Dirtydukes has been a member since 2006, not sure about Dukie95.









So, what makes DirtyDukes qualified to name call about his fans or others NOT making excuses for his teams QB injury when he wasn't even on the board to back up his facts?

Did he and Dukie95 give up on their team because of said injury PRIOR to said playoff game? So if novemberists go away following a playoff loss, what exactly does AGS call biotches that quit due to injury? Not even trying? Not even supporting? That doesn't sound like fans to me, that sounds like something bleedy women do.



www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)



December 7th, 2016, 09:07 AM


good thing too bad others will. lol buh bye!


December 7th, 2016, 09:11 AM
good thing too bad others will. lol buh bye!

www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)

Buh bye? Are you leaving again like when I ran you out of here yesterday? You going to retreat to twitter with the rest of your Soft Houston State Clowns?

December 7th, 2016, 09:14 AM
Buh bye? Are you leaving again like when I ran you out of here yesterday? You going to retreat to twitter with the rest of your Soft Houston State Clowns?

Had to do research. i thought you liked facts? lolololololol guess not.


December 7th, 2016, 09:19 AM
Had to do research. i thought you liked facts? lolololololol guess not.

www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)

How is quoting what other JMU posters said LAST SEASON and attributing it to me considered facts? Again, you're bringing up last season because you guys haven't done JACK this season. Standard MK. Why don't you make us some more of your terrible me-mes.


December 7th, 2016, 09:38 AM
While I like any red blooded human male love the female pictures it has made it a little hard to browse this thread while at work which could make today rough at work today.

Sorry. What can I say? I just want to make America Great Again

There's more where this comes from but we gotta wait until JMU responds in kind. I know there's more than two lovely ladies up that way.

December 7th, 2016, 09:41 AM
Enough of this football talk, where are the pics of the chics?

http://data.whicdn.com/images/130267181/large.gif (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjU1LPUtuLQAhUBZyYKHb-JAtcQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hercampus.com%2Fschool%2Fscra nton%2F7-ways-stay-awake-class&bvm=bv.140496471,d.cGc&psig=AFQjCNHv7kgAczLApgJadphAF6EtVDZYdQ&ust=1481211867843710)

December 7th, 2016, 09:43 AM
I've heard a lot of things in my day but "Soft Houston State" has got to be the lamest I've ever heard.

I mean come up with something better than that... #weaksauce

December 7th, 2016, 09:50 AM
I've heard a lot of things in my day but "Soft Houston State" has got to be the lamest I've ever heard.

I mean come up with something better than that... #weaksauce

But it fits you guys to a T! I must have hit a nerve...

December 7th, 2016, 09:52 AM
But it fits you guys to a T! I must have hit a nerve...

Nope. I really don't care what you call us. Just didn't want you looking like the kid that's listening to nickleback on your CD player trying to be cool.

Don't try so hard buddy... just relax and let it come to you.

You are cool.

December 7th, 2016, 09:57 AM
Nope. I really don't care what you call us. Just didn't want you looking like the kid that's listening to nickleback on your CD player trying to be cool.

Don't try so hard buddy... just relax and let it come to you.

You are cool.

LOL. Coming from the biggest troll fanbase on the planet whose only goal is to try and get as much respect as not deserved as possible, that's rich.

December 7th, 2016, 09:59 AM
The most impressive part of this match-up is the fact that it's uniting JMU and UR fans.
"Nobody bullies my brother but me!"

thought I would see a fan base be able to do this....

December 7th, 2016, 10:00 AM
LOL. Coming from the biggest troll fanbase on the planet whose only goal is to try and get as much respect as not deserved as possible, that's rich.

Cool Story Bro.

December 7th, 2016, 10:00 AM
They still hate you

December 7th, 2016, 10:10 AM
How is quoting what other JMU posters said LAST SEASON and attributing it to me considered facts? Again, you're bringing up last season because you guys haven't done JACK this season. Standard MK. Why don't you make us some more of your terrible me-mes.


Fact stated by MK: JMU fans made excuses last year

Fact denied by DaisyDukes: No they did not idiot

Fact confirmed by MK: Yes they did, here's the proof along with fans of other teams

Fact additionally confirmed: You weren't even supporting your team during that difficult time.

You are a fair weather fan and a disappointment to your fan base. JMU program is to good to have wishy washy fans like you.


December 7th, 2016, 10:13 AM
Fact stated by MK: JMU fans made excuses last year

Fact denied by DaisyDukes: No they did not idiot

Fact confirmed by MK: Yes they did, here's the proof along with fans of other teams

Fact additionally confirmed: You weren't even supporting your team during that difficult time.

You are a fair weather fan and a disappointment to your fan base. JMU program is to good to have wishy washy fans like you.

www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)

Bahahaha. Not supporting my team? I've been to every playoff game since I began attending college but 1. Just because I wasn't posting on AGS doesn't mean I wasn't supporting my team. Are you coming up to the game this week? I'll be there. You coming?

December 7th, 2016, 10:16 AM
Why am I still reading this thread? Its like I prefer pain and suffering...

Decent marketing by JMU to get the fans there for a Friday night game over social media. Got to remember that Finals are next week so 'some' students think that is important. Me, I would already be tailgaiting...

Last game this late/ cold was Montana semi's in '08 (high for the day was upper 20's and was a night game). Old stadium but still crammed 18K I think in that night. Should be a great atmosphere!

December 7th, 2016, 10:17 AM
The amount of dumbassery in this thread just...it's just beautiful.

December 7th, 2016, 10:18 AM
Fact stated by MK: JMU fans made excuses last year

Fact denied by DaisyDukes: No they did not idiot

Fact confirmed by MK: Yes they did, here's the proof along with fans of other teams

Fact additionally confirmed: You weren't even supporting your team during that difficult time.

You are a fair weather fan and a disappointment to your fan base. JMU program is to good to have wishy washy fans like you.

www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)

Since you joined AGS less than 60 days ago, isn't the fact that you are a fair weather fan troll? Are you really debating 'facts' on a message board that does not involve statistics but posters prior posts?

Can't we get to the game? Its under 72 hours away....

December 7th, 2016, 10:21 AM
Bahahaha. Not supporting my team? I've been to every playoff game since I began attending college but 1. Just because I wasn't posting on AGS doesn't mean I wasn't supporting my team. Are you coming up to the game this week? I'll be there. You coming?

Yes it does for the purposes of AGS discussion that makes you a weak sauce, 10 year veteran who is a novemberist


December 7th, 2016, 10:21 AM
Since you joined AGS less than 60 days ago, isn't the fact that you are a fair weather fan troll? Are you really debating 'facts' on a message board that does not involve statistics but posters prior posts?

Can't we get to the game? Its under 72 hours away....

I'll admit to being a troll. no problem.

Just admit to making excuses.

And this can all go away.


December 7th, 2016, 10:23 AM
I'll admit to being a troll. no problem.

Just admit to making excuses.

And this can all go away.

www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)

The fact that you have almost 1000 posts in less than 2 months is..well...get a job hippy.

December 7th, 2016, 10:25 AM
MK you never answered my question, are you coming to the game?

December 7th, 2016, 10:32 AM
MK you never answered my question, are you coming to the game?

You never answered my question?

December 7th, 2016, 10:33 AM
You never answered my question?

You didn't ask a question you idiot.

December 7th, 2016, 10:33 AM
The fact that you have almost 1000 posts in less than 2 months is..well...get a job hippy.

So again, post too little, weak poster, post too much, you have no life.

Can someone please provide me with the correct daily number?

I don't want to be out of compliance.


December 7th, 2016, 10:37 AM
You didn't ask a question you idiot.

My whole post was a giant question, and you just can't read between the lines and answer it. That's not my fault.

And your back to name calling like a 9 year old. So whose butt hurt now? lol

btw...i'm still laughing at you. hahahah a.


December 7th, 2016, 10:37 AM
MK you never answered my question, are you coming to the game?

BUMP, hey MK, you coming to the game?

December 7th, 2016, 10:38 AM
My whole post was a giant question, and you just can't read between the lines and answer it. That's not my fault.

And your back to name calling like a 9 year old. So whose butt hurt now? lol

btw...i'm still laughing at you. hahahah a.

www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)


At least I'm not using English like a 9 year old. Speaking of, it's appropriate to use a question mark if you're asking a question. So what was your question?

Are you coming to the game?

December 7th, 2016, 10:40 AM
You stated you wanted facts, not smack talk, so i provided them.

Those facts drive you off of a cliff and you've regressed back to middle school.

Don't ask for what you can't handle.


December 7th, 2016, 10:42 AM
You stated you wanted facts, not smack talk, so i provided them.

Those facts drive you off of a cliff and you've regressed back to middle school.

Don't ask for what you can't handle.

www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)

Bro I'm just asking you what your question was since you didn't ask one.

Also, are you coming to the game? Seems like you're the one who can't handle stuff. Are you coming to the game?

December 7th, 2016, 10:45 AM
Bro I'm just asking you what your question was since you didn't ask one.

Also, are you coming to the game? Seems like you're the one who can't handle stuff. Are you coming to the game?

Say your sorry for calling me an idiot twice and i'll forgive you. I'm a forgiving person.


December 7th, 2016, 10:50 AM
Say your sorry for calling me an idiot twice and i'll forgive you. I'm a forgiving person.

www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)


That's hard for me to do when you keep making the same mistake. Did you figure out the question you want to ask me? I have one for you:

Are you coming to the game?

December 7th, 2016, 10:50 AM
Mods, why is MK still here?

MK, if you cannot be a productive member of the game conversation that is happening on Friday, why are you here?

Are you going to the game?!?!?!?

December 7th, 2016, 11:01 AM
I hate to get off topic, but how about the game this Friday night? Should be a good one!

December 7th, 2016, 11:01 AM

That's hard for me to do when you keep making the same mistake. Did you figure out the question you want to ask me? I have one for you:

Are you coming to the game?

you know how i know you've derailed? when you start worrying about spelling on a message board when you know people use phones with auto correct.



December 7th, 2016, 11:03 AM
you know how i know you've derailed? when you start worrying about spelling on a message board when you know people use phones with auto correct.


www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)

LOL, so you're (see what I did there) blaming it on your phone's autocorrect? Okay, buddy.

Hey MK are you coming to the game?

December 7th, 2016, 11:22 AM
LOL, so you're (see what I did there) blaming it on your phone's autocorrect? Okay, buddy.

Hey MK are you coming to the game?

I'm just saying i don't give a **** about spell check on the internet. lol. it's not 1945 anymore bro. hahah.

You keep asking that, it's starting to sound threatening.
You've already resorted to name calling and now you are requesting my whereabouts.

i'll be watching my back moving forward.


December 7th, 2016, 11:24 AM
I hate to get off topic, but how about the game this Friday night? Should be a good one!

Totally agree! I hope it's not a blowout one way or the other. Both programs are set up to give the nation one hell of a show. I think whoever wins could be the the team to knock off the Bison. If neither can, then it's another ring for NDSU. imho.


December 7th, 2016, 11:32 AM
So again, post too little, weak poster, post too much, you have no life.

Can someone please provide me with the correct daily number?

I don't want to be out of compliance.

www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)

I didn't say you had no life. I said get a job. Big difference my knife making friend.

December 7th, 2016, 11:43 AM
I didn't say you had no life. I said get a job. Big difference my knife making friend.

I have too many jobs. Waffle House Fry Cook, Bladesmith, Man Whore...i stay busy. I'm just good at multitasking.


December 7th, 2016, 12:08 PM
I'm just saying i don't give a **** about spell check on the internet. lol. it's not 1945 anymore bro. hahah.

You keep asking that, it's starting to sound threatening.
You've already resorted to name calling and now you are requesting my whereabouts.

i'll be watching my back moving forward.

www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)

Guess you're a fairweather fan that's not supporting the team, then.

December 7th, 2016, 12:11 PM
I have too many jobs. Waffle House Fry Cook, Bladesmith, Man Whore...i stay busy. I'm just good at multitasking.

www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)

You forgot your most important job...being a complete f***ing loser!

Do we have a single active mod on this site? This guy should've gotten the ban-hammer two weeks ago.

You are cancer MK.

December 7th, 2016, 12:14 PM
Guess you're a fairweather fan that's not supporting the team, then.

Weak deflection. And using my material eh? Did i say middle school? You just dropped to elementary. If you keep it up, you'll be back in the vaginal canal by the end of the day.


December 7th, 2016, 12:16 PM
You forgot your most important job...being a complete f***ing loser!

Do we have a single active mod on this site? This guy should've gotten the ban-hammer two weeks ago.

You are cancer MK.

Why? I'm not doing anything that hasn't been done before.

I have made no threats.

And fwiw, only JMU fans have cried for my dismissal. Thus proving that CAA fans are the softest on AGS.....which surprises no one ever.


December 7th, 2016, 12:20 PM
MK still hasn't answered the question.....

its a simple question but keeps being deflected

MK , Are you coming to the game?


December 7th, 2016, 12:20 PM
I've stuck to threads involving my own team when it comes to smack talk. Imho, i have never started said trash talk. But have mastered the art of finishing it.

Having two of you now crying for big brother to remove me is proof of that defeat.

If the mods want to remove me, that is their right, but other than using political jargon early, i've received no spankings from said modzies. So i can only assume that they are ok with me.

MVFC and OVC fans stated that while I annoyed them, they appreciated my banter.

You guys are just babies. Babies.


December 7th, 2016, 12:22 PM
I honestly don't understand the hate. I enjoy the daily banter. In this season of blessings and thankfulness, im glad that our brave men and women over seas are protecting our rights to gripe about FCS football.

But i guess it goes to show that JMU fans hate America, Freedom and the brace men and women protecting our rights.


December 7th, 2016, 12:22 PM
Why? I'm not doing anything that hasn't been done before.

I have made no threats.

And fwiw, only JMU fans have cried for my dismissal. Thus proving that CAA fans are the softest on AGS.....which surprises no one ever.

www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)

You've made multiple threads unreadable. I think that's plenty ban worthy. There's banter, and then there's the non-stop, steaming piles of **** coming from your IP address.

December 7th, 2016, 12:26 PM
MK still hasn't answered the question.....

its a simple question but keeps being deflected

MK , Are you coming to the game?


As soon as dirty dukes answers why he abandoned his team on AGS during the playoffs last season when things looked bleak and why he didn't come on here and smack everyone around who was blaming Lee's injury for the reason JMU was going to lose then i will consider answering the question. If he can't set up his own jokes, i'm not going to help him.

Oh and FYI, Shsu beat the **** out of Colgate with our Backup QB, Jeremiah Briscoe. We lost our starter, Jared Johnson the week before. And we didn't start sandbagging the week before our game with them because we believe in our ENTIRE roster.



December 7th, 2016, 12:36 PM
As soon as dirty dukes answers why he abandoned his team on AGS during the playoffs last season when things looked bleak and why he didn't come on here and smack everyone around who was blaming Lee's injury for the reason JMU was going to lose then i will consider answering the question. If he can't set up his own jokes, i'm not going to help him.

Oh and FYI, Shsu beat the **** out of Colgate with our Backup QB, Jeremiah Briscoe. We lost our starter, Jared Johnson the week before. And we didn't start sandbagging the week before our game with them because we believe in our ENTIRE roster.


www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)

Dear MK, I think we've been too hard on you. Given how much you're able to post with your mental deficiency, you really are quite an impressive specimen.

I never abandoned my team; I didn't post often on AGS until recently. I did, however, join back in 2006, and you seem to have only been ruining the site since this year.

Here you are again bringing up last year, because you have nothing to point to this year. Your team is soft, your smack talk is soft, and you're soft.


December 7th, 2016, 12:36 PM
You've made multiple threads unreadable. I think that's plenty ban worthy. There's banter, and then there's the non-stop, steaming piles of **** coming from your IP address.

You have already tapped out. You have nothing to say. BUT, you are free to sign off anytime you want. I'm met texting you, stalking you on Twitter or Facebook or sending emails or DM's. You are free to walk away anytime.


December 7th, 2016, 12:38 PM
You have already tapped out. You have nothing to say. BUT, you are free to sign off anytime you want. I'm met texting you, stalking you on Twitter or Facebook or sending emails or DM's. You are free to walk away anytime.

www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)

Like you did yesterday when you got your feelings hurt?

December 7th, 2016, 12:39 PM
You've made multiple threads unreadable. I think that's plenty ban worthy. There's banter, and then there's the non-stop, steaming piles of **** coming from your IP address.

To be fair to MK, there's a large pile of the same coming from IP addresses around Richmond too. Let's not pretend this has been a one man show here.

December 7th, 2016, 12:39 PM
You've made multiple threads unreadable. I think that's plenty ban worthy. There's banter, and then there's the non-stop, steaming piles of **** coming from your IP address.

At the end of the day. If you are now ready to let the garbage end, then i'm ready to get back to football whenever you are.

So stop crying for the eject button, and just state that you are done.


December 7th, 2016, 12:40 PM
To be fair to MK, there's a large pile of the same coming from IP addresses around Richmond too. Let's not pretend this has been a one man show here.


December 7th, 2016, 12:40 PM
Like you did yesterday when you got your feelings hurt?

Exactly. I needed time to fact check...i just thought it would take longer than it did. So thanks for that.


December 7th, 2016, 12:42 PM
Exactly. I needed time to fact check...i just thought it would take longer than it did. So thanks for that.

www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)

A look in at MK fact checking yesterday:


December 7th, 2016, 12:44 PM

I, MK, am officially sorry for any damage i have caused.

I am ready to let by sleeping Dogs lay (no pun intended)

I claim full responsibility for my actions and poor taste

I am now ready to turn over a new leaf and just talk pure sports an football from here on out.

I forgive the name calling and rude speak. I also forgive the calling for my head.

I'm sorry, let's move forward in peace.

Let's see who the first will be to step over that line.


December 7th, 2016, 12:47 PM

I, MK, am officially sorry for any damage i have caused.

I am ready to let by sleeping Dogs lay (no pun intended)

I claim full responsibility for my actions and poor taste

I am now ready to turn over a new leaf and just talk pure sports an football from here on out.

I forgive the name calling and rude speak. I also forgive the calling for my head.

I'm sorry, let's move forward in peace.

Let's see who the first will be to step over that line.

www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)

If you truly mean this, I'd like to extend the following olive branch: say what you will about old MK, at least he hasn't said anything bigoted or homophobic or misogynistic like the rest of the SHSU gang. I respect you for that, at least, MK.

December 7th, 2016, 12:49 PM
If you truly mean this, I'd like to extend the following olive branch: say what you will about old MK, at least he hasn't said anything bigoted or homophobic or misogynistic like the rest of the SHSU gang. I respect you for that, at least, MK.


I do mean it, and this shows how excited I now am!


December 7th, 2016, 12:51 PM

I do mean it, and this shows how excited I now am!

www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)


December 7th, 2016, 12:51 PM

I do mean it, and this shows how excited I now am!


Ok. If this doesn't make you laugh then you definitely voted for Clinton.

December 7th, 2016, 12:52 PM
If you truly mean this, I'd like to extend the following olive branch: say what you will about old MK, at least he hasn't said anything bigoted or homophobic or misogynistic like the rest of the SHSU gang. I respect you for that, at least, MK.

Yeah thankfully he's only limiting his vitriol to sexist comments belittling women. We shouldn't paint a broad brush over all demographics and limit it to just one kind.

December 7th, 2016, 01:00 PM
If you truly mean this, I'd like to extend the following olive branch: say what you will about old MK, at least he hasn't said anything bigoted or homophobic or misogynistic like the rest of the SHSU gang. I respect you for that, at least, MK.
You forgot islamaphobic, racist, ect...we're deplorables and you're a special snowflake that needs a safe space...we get it.

JMU fans are the biggest pussies we've ever faced. Can't wait to play teams with male fans again. Bison and Jackrabbits aren't nearly this soft.

December 7th, 2016, 01:02 PM
You forgot islamaphobic, racist, ect...we're deplorables and you're a special snowflake that needs a safe space...

Guess you don't know what the word bigoted means, huh?

December 7th, 2016, 01:03 PM
As soon as dirty dukes answers why he abandoned his team on AGS during the playoffs last season when things looked bleak and why he didn't come on here and smack everyone around who was blaming Lee's injury for the reason JMU was going to lose then i will consider answering the question. If he can't set up his own jokes, i'm not going to help him.

Oh and FYI, Shsu beat the **** out of Colgate with our Backup QB, Jeremiah Briscoe. We lost our starter, Jared Johnson the week before. And we didn't start sandbagging the week before our game with them because we believe in our ENTIRE roster.


www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)

MK = Donald Trump?

I'm pretty sure most of what he has said on this thread correlates EXACTLY to debates/ tweets The Donald has done. Now I know why nothing we say sticks to him... (please no political debate!!!!)

Show your taxes = not until the audit is done

ARE YOU COMING TO THE GAME = Not until I find out why you didn't post on AGS last year after a playoff loss

December 7th, 2016, 01:04 PM
You forgot islamaphobic, racist, ect...we're deplorables and you're a special snowflake that needs a safe space...we get it.

JMU fans are the biggest pussies we've ever faced. Can't wait to play teams with male fans again. Bison and Jackrabbits aren't nearly this soft.


Bison Fan in NW MN
December 7th, 2016, 01:05 PM
This thread is pure gold!!!



December 7th, 2016, 01:06 PM

I do mean it, and this shows how excited I now am!

www.MKsavedAGS.com (http://www.MKsavedAGS.com)

Okay this made me laugh.

If you truly mean this, I'd like to extend the following olive branch: say what you will about old MK, at least he hasn't said anything bigoted or homophobic or misogynistic like the rest of the SHSU gang. I respect you for that, at least, MK.

And this is true... maybe he has a few redeeming qualities.

Trying to get this thread back on track, here are some topics I'd like to see discussed more:
1. Weather - The forecast (http://www.accuweather.com/en/us/harrisonburg-va/22802/hourly-weather-forecast/336229?hour=65) has trended colder. Game time temp looks to be around 25 with a windchill hovering around 20. Which team does this affect more? Will Briscoe's shoulder be sore in the cold? I know SHSU has played in some cold games in the past couple years, but this is going to be pretty brutal.
2. Home field advantage for JMU, how many do we expect for the game? what's the largest (loudest) away crowd SHSU has played in front of recently?

December 7th, 2016, 01:06 PM

Typical snowflake. Always thinking about another man's dick.

December 7th, 2016, 01:07 PM
Typical snowflake. Always thinking about another man's dick.

December 7th, 2016, 01:16 PM
Okay this made me laugh.

And this is true... maybe he has a few redeeming qualities.

Trying to get this thread back on track, here are some topics I'd like to see discussed more:
1. Weather - The forecast (http://www.accuweather.com/en/us/harrisonburg-va/22802/hourly-weather-forecast/336229?hour=65) has trended colder. Game time temp looks to be around 25 with a windchill hovering around 20. Which team does this affect more? Will Briscoe's shoulder be sore in the cold? I know SHSU has played in some cold games in the past couple years, but this is going to be pretty brutal.
2. Home field advantage for JMU, how many do we expect for the game? what's the largest (loudest) away crowd SHSU has played in front of recently?

If you came here to talk about the game, you're gonna be disappointed.

The Pud
December 7th, 2016, 01:19 PM
wtf........71 pages to this thread and the game is still 2 days away? wow! just wow!

December 7th, 2016, 01:19 PM
If Briscoe is so good why wasn't he the starter last year? Seems like SHSU could be making a run towards their 2nd straight Championship if Keeler had only played him.

December 7th, 2016, 01:19 PM
wtf........71 pages to this thread and the game is still 2 days away? wow! just wow!

And about a page of talk about the game.

December 7th, 2016, 01:20 PM
If you truly mean this, I'd like to extend the following olive branch: say what you will about old MK, at least he hasn't said anything bigoted or homophobic or misogynistic like the rest of the SHSU gang. I respect you for that, at least, MK.

Yeah....don't be lumping 2/3 posters into "the rest of the gang"

December 7th, 2016, 01:21 PM
Back up RT against PJ Hall? Damn this going to be ugly.

December 7th, 2016, 01:22 PM
Okay this made me laugh.

And this is true... maybe he has a few redeeming qualities.

Trying to get this thread back on track, here are some topics I'd like to see discussed more:
1. Weather - The forecast (http://www.accuweather.com/en/us/harrisonburg-va/22802/hourly-weather-forecast/336229?hour=65) has trended colder. Game time temp looks to be around 25 with a windchill hovering around 20. Which team does this affect more? Will Briscoe's shoulder be sore in the cold? I know SHSU has played in some cold games in the past couple years, but this is going to be pretty brutal.
2. Home field advantage for JMU, how many do we expect for the game? what's the largest (loudest) away crowd SHSU has played in front of recently?
I think the cold will benifit JMU. Their menstrual blood will likely freeze preventing further embarrassment.

It won't be as noticeable rolling down their legs.

December 7th, 2016, 01:24 PM
Back up RT against PJ Hall? Damn this going to be ugly.

Hope the refs know how to call holding!!

December 7th, 2016, 01:27 PM
Okay this made me laugh.

And this is true... maybe he has a few redeeming qualities.

Trying to get this thread back on track, here are some topics I'd like to see discussed more:
1. Weather - The forecast (http://www.accuweather.com/en/us/harrisonburg-va/22802/hourly-weather-forecast/336229?hour=65) has trended colder. Game time temp looks to be around 25 with a windchill hovering around 20. Which team does this affect more? Will Briscoe's shoulder be sore in the cold? I know SHSU has played in some cold games in the past couple years, but this is going to be pretty brutal.
2. Home field advantage for JMU, how many do we expect for the game? what's the largest (loudest) away crowd SHSU has played in front of recently?
1. It was really cold in Philly a couple years ago for the Nova game. In 2012 we played at Montana State and Eastern Washington, not that any current players were on that team. Briscoe seems to be find just sore, I think by Friday his arm won't be affected by the cold. I think keeping the hands warm will be the biggest impact on either qb.
2. The loudest crowd would be NDSU a couple of years ago. McNeese last year in the playoffs.

December 7th, 2016, 01:29 PM
This thread is pure gold!!!



December 7th, 2016, 01:29 PM
If Briscoe is so good why wasn't he the starter last year? Seems like SHSU could be making a run towards their 2nd straight Championship if Keeler had only played him.

Because he was an incoming transfer behind the 2014 All Conference QB who ended up as the SLC offensive Player of the Year, Jared Johnson. Yet he was good enough to split time from said QB.


The Pud
December 7th, 2016, 01:29 PM
Back up RT against PJ Hall? Damn this going to be ugly.


Do not forget about 5 Star DE DerickRoberson (transfer from University of Texas) who is only a Soph, Mouf Adebo who is only a Jr., LuisCarreno (Sr.), 4 Star recruit Marcus Loud (transfer from Missouri) who is only a Jr. , 3 Star recruit Kahlil Welsh (transfer from Wake Forest) who is a Freshman..........Sammy has some serious talent at DE this year and for years to come apparently.

December 7th, 2016, 01:31 PM
Because he was an incoming transfer behind the 2014 All Conference QB. Yet he was good enough to split time from said QB.

No JMU avatar from her this week? I guess it hasn't been going well...

December 7th, 2016, 01:32 PM
No JMU avatar from her this week? I guess it hasn't been going well...

I think that was PantherRob? Not sure if both do that or not. But PantherRob is JMU'd out.


December 7th, 2016, 01:32 PM

Do not forget about 5 Star DE DerickRoberson (transfer from University of Texas) who is only a Soph, Mouf Adebo who is only a Jr., LuisCarreno (Sr.), 4 Star recruit Marcus Loud (transfer from Missouri) who is only a Jr. , 3 Star recruit Kahlil Welsh (transfer from Wake Forest) who is a Freshman..........Sammy has some serious talent at DE this year and for years to come apparently.

do you actually recruit high school kids or just take transfers?

The Pud
December 7th, 2016, 01:33 PM
do you actually recruit high school kids or just take transfers?

upon reviewing Sammy's roster it appears they recruit high school kids and take transfers sir. :Dxnodxxthumbsupx

December 7th, 2016, 01:35 PM
I think the cold will benifit JMU. Their menstrual blood will likely freeze preventing further embarrassment.

It won't be as noticeable rolling down their legs.

Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

December 7th, 2016, 01:35 PM
I thought SHSU was D2 this year?

December 7th, 2016, 01:48 PM
Okay this made me laugh.

And this is true... maybe he has a few redeeming qualities.

Trying to get this thread back on track, here are some topics I'd like to see discussed more:
1. Weather - The forecast (http://www.accuweather.com/en/us/harrisonburg-va/22802/hourly-weather-forecast/336229?hour=65) has trended colder. Game time temp looks to be around 25 with a windchill hovering around 20. Which team does this affect more? Will Briscoe's shoulder be sore in the cold? I know SHSU has played in some cold games in the past couple years, but this is going to be pretty brutal.
2. Home field advantage for JMU, how many do we expect for the game? what's the largest (loudest) away crowd SHSU has played in front of recently?

1. JB will probably be sore, but should not be a problem with the intensity of the game.
2. Largest crowd lately would be Battle of the Piney Woods versus SFA - like 28K give or take. more than half of that being SHSU fans. Largest AWAY crowd lately would more than likely be JSU last year!

POD Knows
December 7th, 2016, 02:00 PM
If you truly mean this, I'd like to extend the following olive branch: say what you will about old MK, at least he hasn't said anything bigoted or homophobic or misogynistic like the rest of the SHSU gang. I respect you for that, at least, MK.

OK, so you are a member of the PC leftist DB thought police. I am on MK's side now. Go kats.

December 7th, 2016, 02:02 PM
Looks like we shouldn't show up. Last five years and this year so far have been a total fluke. I'll call Keeler and petition to throw in the towel. Don't want to go and get embarrassed....

December 7th, 2016, 02:07 PM
Looks like we shouldn't show up. Last five years and this year so far have been a total fluke. I'll call Keeler and petition to throw in the towel. Don't want to go and get embarrassed....

You're right. You shouldn't.

December 7th, 2016, 02:09 PM
So, DirtyDukes,

I feel as if i now owe you an answer to your question.

The answer is sadly, no, i will not be able to make the game.

...i'll pause for a moment while you absorb your sadness...lol

You see, i am not able to take vacation past December 15 due to work provisions.

The blunder that i made was that i gambled on a higher seeding and expected more home games so I spent my remaining vacation days on the trip to Natichoces, LA to watch the SHSU vs NWST game with Mrs MK and Mini MK.

So, when the committee announced us at #5, you can now see where my TRUE fury derived. It had less to do with respect, and more to do with wasted PTO.

I have since penned a strongly worded letter to the committee requesting they reimburse me for said PTO days.

Although i have as of yet not heard a response, i feel that in time, they will see things my way, and cut a check.

This is my life...😔


December 7th, 2016, 02:11 PM
OK, so you are a member of the PC leftist DB thought police. I am on MK's side now. Go kats.

So, DirtyDukes,

I feel as if i now owe you an answer to your question.

The answer is sadly, no, i will not be able to make the game.

...i'll pause for a moment while you absorb your sadness...lol

You see, i am not able to take vacation past December 15 due to work provisions.

The blunder that i made was that i gambled on a higher seeding and expected more home games so I spent my remaining vacation days on the trip to Natichoces, LA to watch the SHSU vs NWST game with Mrs MK and Mini MK.

So, when the committee announced us at #5, you can now see where my TRUE fury derived. It had less to do with respect, and more to do with wasted PTO.

I have since penned a strongly worded letter to the committee requesting they reimburse me for said PTO days.

Although i have as of yet not heard a response, i feel that in time, they will see things my way, and cut a check.

This is my life...

www.KinderGentlerMK.edu (http://www.KinderGentlerMK.edu)

That sucks, would love to have welcomed you to our tailgate.

December 7th, 2016, 02:40 PM
That sucks, would love to have welcomed you to our tailgate.

This thread is truly getting weird...

Check your temperature?

Being over 6 hours away and the craziest time of the year for work, I put all my eggs in the NC bucket. That would be a rough convo with work/ wife but I would be able to swing it (hopefully with work/ wife still there when I get back).

Now, just have to cross my fingers we get back there! One step at a time...

December 7th, 2016, 04:20 PM
1. Weather - The forecast (http://www.accuweather.com/en/us/harrisonburg-va/22802/hourly-weather-forecast/336229?hour=65) has trended colder. Game time temp looks to be around 25 with a windchill hovering around 20. Which team does this affect more? Will Briscoe's shoulder be sore in the cold? I know SHSU has played in some cold games in the past couple years, but this is going to be pretty brutal.

I'll be honest, weather isn't a major factor in my eyes. If anything it's even for both teams. This will be the coldest weather BOTH teams have faced all year.

It's a football game not a snow shoveling competition.

The Pud
December 7th, 2016, 04:25 PM
I'll be honest, weather isn't a major factor in my eyes. If anything it's even for both teams. This will be the coldest weather BOTH teams have faced all year.

It's a football game not a snow shoveling competition.

From my research it seems Sammy has fared well in cold weather games (Montana St, EWU, Nova just to name a few recent games).

Hoboken Dukes
December 7th, 2016, 04:38 PM
dear Lord friday can't get here soon enough.

December 7th, 2016, 05:36 PM
The most impressive part of this match-up is the fact that it's uniting JMU and UR fans.
"Nobody bullies my brother but me!"

I laughed.

December 7th, 2016, 05:40 PM
I'll be honest, weather isn't a major factor in my eyes. If anything it's even for both teams. This will be the coldest weather BOTH teams have faced all year.

It's a football game not a snow shoveling competition.

I wouldn't say it's even. It might be the coldest for both teams, but the east coast has already had a number of cold shots in the past month. We've had sub-freezing lows since late October....Huntsville hit 80 a little over a week ago. Very different climates.

AND there's ~5% less oxygen available at our altitude :D Not quite the Denver effect (~15%) but it's got to count for something.

Disclaimer: I'm a huge weather nerd.

December 7th, 2016, 05:51 PM
Is longhorn lurking here so he can quote somebody from page 5 of this thread to tell them they got their predicted score wrong? Want to make sure he's at least consistent.

December 7th, 2016, 05:55 PM


I'll just leave these here. Eat em Up KATS!

Ole Tana, she dated a few of my good buddies and married the slap ya mama guy haha.

December 7th, 2016, 05:56 PM
I wouldn't say it's even. It might be the coldest for both teams, but the east coast has already had a number of cold shots in the past month. We've had sub-freezing lows since late October....Huntsville hit 80 a little over a week ago. Very different climates.

AND there's ~5% less oxygen available at our altitude :D Not quite the Denver effect (~15%) but it's got to count for something.

Disclaimer: I'm a huge weather nerd.

The lack of oxygen makes sense now. :D

Big Duke
December 7th, 2016, 07:16 PM

December 7th, 2016, 07:26 PM
Man. You just had to bring up the band. Perhaps i'll switch allegiances back to the scheduling-challenged from down south.

Big Duke
December 7th, 2016, 07:32 PM
Just loved the quote. It made me laugh.

The Pud
December 7th, 2016, 07:33 PM
funny stuff................this is how legends are made

December 7th, 2016, 08:27 PM


I'll just leave these here. Eat em Up KATS!

Ole Tana, she dated a few of my good buddies and married the slap ya mama guy haha.

She's a real beauty. I was hoping the JMU guys would continue but they most have run out.

Maybe I'll post more tomorrow to show them what they are missing down this way.

December 7th, 2016, 08:32 PM

I asked my 1 month old son what he thought about JMU. He laughed and said make sure I have a coat for Fargo!
And yes that's actually my son but not my computer skills.

December 7th, 2016, 10:38 PM
KA Kat drop the mic bro!!

Hoboken Dukes
December 7th, 2016, 11:59 PM
Everyone on here knows how the internet works. Some more than others, clearly. You can type in "JMU" + "Schmokeshow" at your leisure, plenty of results I'm sure.

No need to further muddle a brutal thread with pics of "so and so girl that dated my frat bro Cool Slappy Jazz Hands Brah. It was the coolest watching them date."

The Pud
December 8th, 2016, 06:32 AM
Everyone on here knows how the internet works. Some more than others, clearly. You can type in "JMU" + "Schmokeshow" at your leisure, plenty of results I'm sure.

No need to further muddle a brutal thread with pics of "so and so girl that dated my frat bro Cool Slappy Jazz Hands Brah. It was the coolest watching them date."
