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December 21st, 2016, 04:03 PM
While Garrett certainly has credentials, the one thing that would bother me is the appearance of "moving on up" and Lafayette being a short term gig

At age 51 (52 by the beginning of spring practice) it bothers me that your description may not be in his future. What you describe is exactly what Lafayette needs at this point. We are up to ... here. ... with job for life coaches. We need someone who is in a hurry to make a reputation.

December 21st, 2016, 04:04 PM
The press release names Garrett, along with Lamb of Harvard and Perry of Princeton as the three finalists who were all interviewed this past week.

That jives with the information from the Lafayette board from two days ago. Those guys know their stuff. You should log in over there sometime.

December 21st, 2016, 04:23 PM
While Garrett certainly has credentials, the one thing that would bother me is the appearance of "moving on up" and Lafayette being a short term gig hoping he turns around the mojo in 2-3 years and moves on. He's had a taste of the BCS level, along with the NFL, and I would be skeptical of any long term intentions.

I really don't think Pards supporters have anything to worry about with this. John has mentioned that he was sick of moving his family around. Unfortunately, with Rocco leaving UR, he was probably going to have to do it again, no matter what happened with Lafayette.

Bogus Megapardus
December 21st, 2016, 04:55 PM
John Garrett Press Conference, 6:00 PM


December 21st, 2016, 05:18 PM
While Garrett certainly has credentials, the one thing that would bother me is the appearance of "moving on up" and Lafayette being a short term gig hoping he turns around the mojo in 2-3 years and moves on. He's had a taste of the BCS level, along with the NFL, and I would be skeptical of any long term intentions.

NDSU has had a bunch of coaches that moved up. Most notably the just fired Jacksonville Jaguar head coach. Ron Erhardt had a super bowl as an OC. Darrell Mudra was a CFL head coach. Don Morton was Wisconsin HC.

Nothing wrong with hiring aspirational coaches. Bohl will probably be moving up from Wyoming soon. Coach Klieman the current HC will start to get looked at for G5 next year. The success remains for the most part.

Bogus Megapardus
December 21st, 2016, 08:51 PM
NDSU has had a bunch of coaches that moved up. Most notably the just fired Jacksonville Jaguar head coach. Ron Erhardt had a super bowl as an OC. Darrell Mudra was a CFL head coach. Don Morton was Wisconsin HC.

Nothing wrong with hiring aspirational coaches. Bohl will probably be moving up from Wyoming soon. Coach Klieman the current HC will start to get looked at for G5 next year. The success remains for the most part.

We could only dream of NDSU's success. Coach Garrett, at this evening's press conference, said he's looking for "renaissance men" to fill the roster. I'm hoping he finds a few to round out his staff as well.

December 21st, 2016, 10:10 PM
Finally, now we don't know what the play will be on third and short.

December 21st, 2016, 11:11 PM
http://www.anygivensaturday.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24232&stc=1A stretch perhaps, but can we expect (hope) for something similar on the Lafayette side-lines next season?

Bogus Megapardus
December 21st, 2016, 11:14 PM

A stretch perhaps, but can we expect (hope) for the something similar on the Lafayette side-lines next season?

Not on my watch. xsmhx xsmhx xsmhx

December 21st, 2016, 11:18 PM
C'mon Bogey.....baby steps

December 22nd, 2016, 12:08 AM
Speaking of Bryant, have a good source who tells me they will likely be hiring Cory Bailey (assistant at Coastal and former Assumption HC).

Damn big mistake, too. They should have hired Ed Argast, Colgate '78.

Bogus Megapardus
December 22nd, 2016, 07:17 AM
C'mon Bogey.....baby steps

The only thing I hate more than Lehigh is the Dallas Cowboys. And that's only because I've hated them longer.

Lehigh Football Nation
December 22nd, 2016, 10:43 AM
The only thing I hate more than Lehigh is the Dallas Cowboys. And that's only because I've hated them longer.

Repeat after me: "Lehigh, 2016 Patriot League Champions"

December 23rd, 2016, 11:02 AM
Corey Bailey was an all league center for Fordham, the new birthplace od coaches see Coastal Carolina, Penn State and Green Bay!

December 23rd, 2016, 02:45 PM
Seems like a solid improvement for Lafayette. Time to right the ship there now.

December 23rd, 2016, 03:28 PM
Congrats Pards!

December 26th, 2016, 01:14 PM
Bruce McCucheon (yes, THAT Bruce McCucheon) gave all of us long suffering Lafayette fans one of our best holiday gift packages ever:

· - A long overdue termination of a tired, stale football coach who was performing at a part-time pace. Thanks, Bruce, we really didn’t know you had it in you.

· - Putting together a professional “big time” search to find a successor.

· - Looking outside the box – and, by Lafayette standards, way outside the box – for that successor.

· - Making one of those outside the box candidates the new head football coach. In a perfect for the season decision, not word one has been uttered against John Garrett – not even on the Lafayette board where axes and pitchforks have been sharpened and at the ready for many a year. He looks like the right guy at the right place at the right time.

· - Bruce has stated that Coach Garrett will have all of the resources at his disposal to get the job done. Most of us are still on cloud nine and interpret this to mean that the new assistant coaches will receive pay envelopes containing more than chits for unsold Doritos from the Fisher concession stand and a few McDonald’s coupons.

· - But most of all buried at the bottom of our holiday goody bag and tied up in a shiny maroon and white bow is the best gift of all – HOPE. It’s been a long time since we’ve had much of that.

The Lafayette faithful ended the week nestled all snug in their beds while visions of real football danced in their heads. Most seem convinced that Leopard Nation has emerged from its long nightmare. I don’t take issue with their convictions and dreams. I have no inside information to make me claim otherwise. Still, …

I’ve been following the stagnation and decline of Lafayette athletics longer than most. I’ve been duped, tricked, bamboozled and swindled too many times by the powers that be in Markle Hall – and before that in Pardee Hall – to bow before them, accept their offerings, and meekly slink into a corner to tear off the wrapping paper to find … Why now? What’s suddenly happened to make for a 180 degree turn? What’s changed? Why should I/we believe that a culture that created “win, but don’t win so much that you will embarrass us” is now determined to find athletic glory? Has the Faculty Senate had a mass lobotomy? Has McCucheon's LGBT boss been sent back to her old job of assigning dorm rooms? Has the President of the College suddenly learned that you don't kick a touchdown? Has the supremely disinterested Board of Trustees been tied to their chairs to watch looped reruns of The Big Hurt?

This is a serious question. I’m asking those of you who care and honestly know something to answer a simple two word question: WHY NOW? No dreams and BS. Give me something to believe in.

December 26th, 2016, 03:25 PM
This is a serious question. I’m asking those of you who care and honestly know something to answer a simple two word question: WHY NOW? No dreams and BS. Give me something to believe in.

A thought: because with scholarships the Patriot League is inexorably moving where every other conference has gone, and one which egalitarians like Likins and Brooks probably feared: there will soon be haves and have-nots.

Why does Iowa State never win the Big 12, or Kentucky never win the SEC? Is it just dumb luck that Virginia has won the ACC title twice since 1954, or, closer to home, that Cornell shares a total of two titles? We're not talking about a Kansas or a Wake Forest or even a Columbia, each of whom draws the short straw in football. These are schools which put forth 100% to compete, and always fall short. They are among the "have-nots" in their respective conference, where they are out-spent, out-hustled for coaches, or just aren't top of mind for elite recruits. The best recruits want to play at USC, not Washington State.

There was a time when four, five or sometimes six PL schools had a gentleman's chance of competing for the title every year. No longer. Colgate and Lehigh have jumped to the front of the line--to the chagrin of some of the PL's tweed-coat crowd, they will do whatever it takes to win. Fordham led the way. Lafayette probably figured to either step up now (as opposed to Holy Cross, who kicked the can with Gilmore into 2017), or settle for a permanent back seat in the league with Bucknell and Georgetown.

When push comes to shove in football, you either spend more, accept that you're not going to win, or realign into another conference to reset expectations. The Last Amateurs are now at this stage.

Bogus Megapardus
December 26th, 2016, 04:30 PM
There was a time when four, five or sometimes six PL schools had a gentleman's chance of competing for the title every year. No longer. Colgate and Lehigh have jumped to the front of the line--to the chagrin of some of the PL's tweed-coat crowd, they will do whatever it takes to win. Fordham led the way. Lafayette probably figured to either step up now (as opposed to Holy Cross, who kicked the can with Gilmore into 2017), or settle for a permanent back seat in the league with Bucknell and Georgetown.

This is a keep-up-with-the-Jones league. I have every reason to believe that four, five of six schools have a gentleman's chance of winning every year. It's the same in PL basketball. The Hoyas have proved themselves competitive; Georgetown has to do it without scholarship because if Georgetown allowed football scholarships they wouldn't be in the PL.

The Hoyas have beaten every PL member since joining the league, save for one. And I have a gut feeling Lehigh's number is coming up soon enough.

December 26th, 2016, 04:42 PM
The Hoyas have beaten every PL member since joining the league, save for one.


Franks Tanks
December 26th, 2016, 04:48 PM
A thought: because with scholarships the Patriot League is inexorably moving where every other conference has gone, and one which egalitarians like Likins and Brooks probably feared: there will soon be haves and have-nots.

Why does Iowa State never win the Big 12, or Kentucky never win the SEC? Is it just dumb luck that Virginia has won the ACC title twice since 1954, or, closer to home, that Cornell shares a total of two titles? We're not talking about a Kansas or a Wake Forest or even a Columbia, each of whom draws the short straw in football. These are schools which put forth 100% to compete, and always fall short. They are among the "have-nots" in their respective conference, where they are out-spent, out-hustled for coaches, or just aren't top of mind for elite recruits. The best recruits want to play at USC, not Washington State.

There was a time when four, five or sometimes six PL schools had a gentleman's chance of competing for the title every year. No longer. Colgate and Lehigh have jumped to the front of the line--to the chagrin of some of the PL's tweed-coat crowd, they will do whatever it takes to win. Fordham led the way. Lafayette probably figured to either step up now (as opposed to Holy Cross, who kicked the can with Gilmore into 2017), or settle for a permanent back seat in the league with Bucknell and Georgetown.

When push comes to shove in football, you either spend more, accept that you're not going to win, or realign into another conference to reset expectations. The Last Amateurs are now at this stage.

Not sure I see your point. Iowa Stats stinks because the compete with Texas and Oklahoma (and Iowa and Nebraska for recruits) and nobody wants to go there. Kansas State was one of the worst programs in America for decades, but the right coach was able to win there.

Also why are scholarships so different from the need based days? Some schools spent more on aid and the program than others in those days as well. Also Colgate and Lehigh are not dominating. Lehigh was good this year and Colgate good last year. Lafayette and Holy Cross both have the scholarships and resources to be much better than they have been recently, and had I believe the weakest coaching in the league. Both schools should compete much better with better coaching.

December 26th, 2016, 05:33 PM
The Hoyas have proved themselves competitive; Georgetown has to do it without scholarship because if Georgetown allowed football scholarships they wouldn't be in the PL. The Hoyas have beaten every PL member since joining the league, save for one. And I have a gut feeling Lehigh's number is coming up soon enough.

Appreciate the optimism, but 15 losing seasons in 16 years does not "competitive" make for a school that never had more than three straight losing seasons from 1881 to 2000. Yes, they used to win in Washington, or at least keep things respectable.

Over those 16 years...

Bucknell 4-12
Colgate: 1-13
Fordham: 2-14
Holy Cross: 4-12
Lafayette: 4-12
Lehigh: 0-16
Total 15-79 (.159)

Not even Frank Tavani could have withstood those numbers.

Not much in the way of progress can be seen for 2017. The offense was 121st of 122 teams nationally. So far, very few announced commitments. Besides, Bagnoli won't lose three straight years to the Hoyas, which means without some changes it's Davidson, Marist, and nine games swimming upstream.

December 26th, 2016, 07:08 PM
Good thoughts from DFW, Bogie and Tanks, but none of it answers my question - WHY NOW? The administration, the culture, the environment consists of the same cast of characters who have never seemed to give a rat's rear end about "keeping up with the Joneses" in athletics. It always seemed that the behinder they fell, the better they felt. So, what's changed?

December 26th, 2016, 07:21 PM
Not even Frank Tavani could have withstood those numbers.



December 26th, 2016, 08:22 PM
Still befuddled by the Gilmore retention....sadly, it had to be a $$$ decision. It's really disappointing because, barring a miracle, we will be looking for a new coach next year.

Very disappointing....first major chink in wunderkind AD Nate Pine's armour imo.

December 26th, 2016, 08:44 PM
Good thoughts from DFW, Bogie and Tanks, but none of it answers my question - WHY NOW? The administration, the culture, the environment consists of the same cast of characters who have never seemed to give a rat's rear end about "keeping up with the Joneses" in athletics. It always seemed that the behinder they fell, the better they felt. So, what's changed?
Pressure. Certainly not public or fan opinion. Definitely pressure. The only question is from where.

December 26th, 2016, 10:19 PM
Good thoughts from DFW, Bogie and Tanks, but none of it answers my question - WHY NOW? The administration, the culture, the environment consists of the same cast of characters who have never seemed to give a rat's rear end about "keeping up with the Joneses" in athletics. It always seemed that the behinder they fell, the better they felt. So, what's changed?
Presidents love to crow about their commitment to academics over athletics right up until their rival kicks their tail too many years in a row (with no end in sight). Imo you can thank Lehigh

NE Leopard
December 27th, 2016, 05:49 AM
Good thoughts from DFW, Bogie and Tanks, but none of it answers my question - WHY NOW? The administration, the culture, the environment consists of the same cast of characters who have never seemed to give a rat's rear end about "keeping up with the Joneses" in athletics. It always seemed that the behinder they fell, the better they felt. So, what's changed?

Maybe the administration finally figured out that they need a return on their investment for scholarships and the decreased donations and outside funding was finally hitting home (for AB and the BOT). Maybe they just felt the kids deserved better. Who knows...in the end the change of direction is encouraging and exactly what was needed. There is now hope in Pardville.

December 27th, 2016, 07:44 AM
Maybe the administration finally figured out that they need a return on their investment for scholarships and the decreased donations and outside funding was finally hitting home (for AB and the BOT). Maybe they just felt the kids deserved better. Who knows...in the end the change of direction is encouraging and exactly what was needed. There is now hope in Pardville.

I think the answer to Carney's question is multiple, as are most real answers. From what I heard there has been a lot of internal pressure, applied by the president on the athletics department, because of the decrease in donations and alumni involvement. I am not sure if Byerly likes athletics or she is just motivated by the huge capital campaign, but whatever the reason it is her office driving the competition committee and the Tavani move. You can only have so many sports finish with losing records before alumni stop showing up or opening their wallets. Lafayette had hit that point.

December 27th, 2016, 09:03 AM
Sorry, Fordham, but I have never gotten the impression that the real powers-that-be in Easton care much about The Rivalry or anything that goes on in Bethlehem (although they loved confiscating ALL of the money from 150 at Yankee Stadium). RichH and LeopardBall are probably onto something however. Quoting that great line from "All the President's Men," "Follow the money." One bank account or another probably isn't being stuffed with enough green, and that is probably the "pressure" that RichH questions. It will be interesting to see if non (not necessarily anti) athletics President Byerly eliminates the LGBT buffer between her and the AD after "the study" is completed in April.

December 27th, 2016, 12:09 PM
Still befuddled by the Gilmore retention.

As are we all. This may be yet another "Follow the money" situation, but I have no idea what that means. Buyout? There was heavy betting in early November that Gilmore was as good as gone, and that Tavani could stay as long as he wanted. Only suckers bet on sure things.

Bogus Megapardus
December 27th, 2016, 04:40 PM
I am not sure if Byerly likes athletics or she is just motivated by the huge capital campaign.

I think Alison Byerly genuinely likes athletics. She's witnessed the deafening crowd at a PL basketball final and 50,000 fans at LL#150. Try to compare that to what she might have seen at Middlebury, which (athletics aside) is a "peer" institution. Byerly is something of a renaissance woman, with a sense of humor and a passion for the college experience, who is very comfortable in her own skin. If being a rah-rah cheerleader for the Pards causes her NESCAC academia colleagues to turn up their noses, I think she couldn't care less.

Lehigh Football Nation
December 27th, 2016, 06:09 PM
Good thoughts from DFW, Bogie and Tanks, but none of it answers my question - WHY NOW? The administration, the culture, the environment consists of the same cast of characters who have never seemed to give a rat's rear end about "keeping up with the Joneses" in athletics. It always seemed that the behinder they fell, the better they felt. So, what's changed?

I think it was the emptied home side after halftime of this year's Rivalry game at home. That and the fact that it wasn't a sellout, the first since forever. Personally, I think that lit some fires under people's asses.

December 27th, 2016, 06:17 PM
Pretty amazed that Gimore survived. Not sure how many coaches go 13 years at a school with a losing record and suddenly turn it around--he has won more than seven games once in that time. 10-20 in the league over the past five years. You bring in a guy like Garrett and anything feels possible.

As for having Middlebury roots, that's probably a good place so someone to see what winning can do to a campus. Here is a page showing 33 Div III national champions in the past 30 years. That's a school playing to win.


December 27th, 2016, 09:09 PM
I think it was the emptied home side after halftime of this year's Rivalry game at home. That and the fact that it wasn't a sellout, the first since forever. Personally, I think that lit some fires under people's asses.

We've been down this road before, LFN. You turdy guys think that the world begins and ends with you. It just has to be about Lehigh. What else could it possibly be? BEEEEEEEEEEP! - You're wrong. The people who call the shots in Easton just don't care about you and yours. They guys who have pinned the reason for whatever change of hearts exists on the money trail are, in my opinion, headed in the right direction.

December 28th, 2016, 02:14 AM
We've been down this road before, LFN. You turdy guys think that the world begins and ends with you. It just has to be about Lehigh. What else could it possibly be? BEEEEEEEEEEP! - You're wrong. The people who call the shots in Easton just don't care about you and yours. They guys who have pinned the reason for whatever change of hearts exists on the money trail are, in my opinion, headed in the right direction.

carney just told you to go **** yourself lfn....

carney in the future all you must say to lfn besides "bless his heart" is....

"Hillary In A Landslide"

December 28th, 2016, 04:13 PM
Is Tavani gone or was he reassigned?

Franks Tanks
December 28th, 2016, 06:15 PM
Is Tavani gone or was he reassigned?

He is gone. Despite what some said he didn't have tenure. It was officially announced as a retirement, but we all know he was let go.

December 28th, 2016, 08:16 PM
He is gone. Despite what some said he didn't have tenure. It was officially announced as a retirement, but we all know he was let go.

I believe that is for the best.

December 29th, 2016, 03:53 PM
I believe that is for the best.

Will be interesting to see if Frank latches on to some "local" program to keep his hand in the game, even at the high school level. He's been in Easton so long, I don't know if he would be looking to move, although with his kids grown it might not matter.

December 30th, 2016, 07:22 AM
Will be interesting to see if Frank latches on to some "local" program to keep his hand in the game, even at the high school level. He's been in Easton so long, I don't know if he would be looking to move, although with his kids grown it might not matter.

No one wants him on their staff. And no one is going to hire him as a head coach anywhere. He has a fully vested college pension, his wife still works for the school, and he still rents the same house from the college that he has for 20 years. My guess is that he retires, unhappily, and sits on his front porch and angrily looks at the field on game days. Literally the only thing I could see is one of the local high schools allowing him to be a position coach or something, but I think that most of the local head coaches dislike him quite a bit.

Franks Tanks
December 30th, 2016, 08:08 AM
No one wants him on their staff. And no one is going to hire him as a head coach anywhere. He has a fully vested college pension, his wife still works for the school, and he still rents the same house from the college that he has for 20 years. My guess is that he retires, unhappily, and sits on his front porch and angrily looks at the field on game days. Literally the only thing I could see is one of the local high schools allowing him to be a position coach or something, but I think that most of the local head coaches dislike him quite a bit.

Yup. I also think Frank doesn't even like coaching football very much. He liked making money, being in charge and acting like a tough guy. If he liked coaching he would've learned how to coach at some point over the last 40 years, and I don't see him doing it for free.

December 30th, 2016, 08:22 AM
Will be interesting to see if Frank latches on to some "local" program to keep his hand in the game, even at the high school level. He's been in Easton so long, I don't know if he would be looking to move, although with his kids grown it might not matter.

He was quoted at some time this year (long before he was fired) that, when retired, he would move to his house at the beach.

December 30th, 2016, 12:23 PM
As my first post maybe I can share a little insight on Coaches Tavani and Garrett. My son was lucky enough to be recruited by both coaches over the summer and in our meeting with Tavani we asked about job security and his response was " I don't even have to win to keep my job, as long as my kids do well academically". We loved the school and his would be position coach but we both had concerns about the program's commitment to winning. My son was very close to committing to Richmond as he felt he would have an opportunity to compete for a championship. The staff at Richmond "expected" to win and Coach Garrett was very impressive. Good Luck !

Bogus Megapardus
December 30th, 2016, 03:58 PM
his response was " I don't even have to win to keep my job, as long as my kids do well academically"

May we quote you on that?

December 30th, 2016, 11:33 PM
As my first post maybe I can share a little insight on Coaches Tavani and Garrett. My son was lucky enough to be recruited by both coaches over the summer and in our meeting with Tavani we asked about job security and his response was " I don't even have to win to keep my job, as long as my kids do well academically". We loved the school and his would be position coach but we both had concerns about the program's commitment to winning. My son was very close to committing to Richmond as he felt he would have an opportunity to compete for a championship. The staff at Richmond "expected" to win and Coach Garrett was very impressive. Good Luck !

Wow. Very insightful. Tavani's statement may also have reflected overall culture at LC, which may see the beginning of a change. So where did your son end up??

Go Green
December 31st, 2016, 12:27 PM
Pretty amazed that Gimore survived..

He beat Harvard.

Yale retained its own coach for the same reason.

January 1st, 2017, 08:10 AM
Wow. Very insightful. Tavani's statement may also have reflected overall culture at LC, which may see the beginning of a change. So where did your son end up??
He decided to play for Yale next year. In fairness to Coach Tavani he knew academics were important in my son's decision so I am sure that had something to do with the context of his recruiting pitch. Happy New Year!

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

January 1st, 2017, 09:23 AM
Who would have guessed this thread would make a second year?

Anyway, it seems Lafayette can now sell the future instead of the past, though Garrett is not likely to retire on College Hill.

Holy Cross seems to have kicked the can on Gilmore but there's not much room left to kick.

Bogus Megapardus
January 1st, 2017, 10:57 AM
He decided to play for Yale next year. In fairness to Coach Tavani he knew academics were important in my son's decision so I am sure that had something to do with the context of his recruiting pitch. Happy New Year!

The go-to sales pitch vs Yale (and Penn) used to be that Lafayette gives you real professors while at Yale and Penn your kid gets an underpaid TA who'd rather not have to teach. That one didn't work, huh? xdrunkyx

Pards Rule
January 5th, 2017, 03:43 PM
May we quote you on that?

Wow...no words!! Well, John Garrett has the reigns now.

Bogus Megapardus
January 13th, 2017, 03:36 PM
Georgetown DC Luke Thompson now is Lafayette's DC.


January 13th, 2017, 09:08 PM
Georgetown DC Luke Thompson now is Lafayette's DC.


seems like a very good hire, based on Hoyas D performance at least

January 13th, 2017, 09:58 PM
Georgetown DC Luke Thompson now is Lafayette's DC.

Well, there goes another three-win season. Seriously--Georgetown without a defense is a 0-11 candidate.

Bogus Megapardus
January 13th, 2017, 10:15 PM
Well, there goes another three-win season. Seriously--Georgetown without a defense is a 0-11 candidate.

Hoyas had the PL's top defense. I actually feel badly now.

I'm guessing that Thompson heard on the down-low that the money for Cooper Field already had been spent on social and climate justice initiatives, and that the home slate for 2017 would be played in the Georgetown Visitation parking lot.

January 13th, 2017, 10:28 PM
Not a good portent of how things being perceived in Hoya land by taking a sideways position with a fellow league member.

January 14th, 2017, 08:02 AM
Garrett's staff hires have not gone quite as I expected - but then I have no idea what I expected. He seems to have assembled a group of relatively young go-getters without loads of experience, but who want to move on in their careers. The combination of Garrett and Bartel focusing on QBs should be a tough duo to beat on the recruiting trail. (Some expect that Garrett will perform many of the OC duties himself, while Bartel will deal with QBs.) No doubt that there will be a new attitude and enthusiasm come September. Can't wait to see what happens.

January 14th, 2017, 08:10 AM
Not a good portent of how things being perceived in Hoya land by taking a sideways position with a fellow league member.

Maybe, but

a move to scholarship football,

hooking up with a new coach and staff that promise to be shooting for the moon,


probably an increase in pay, but even without it, a move from the high rent district in the DC area to a much lower cost of living in eastern PA.

Pards Rule
January 14th, 2017, 10:46 AM
Welcome Luke Thompson!

January 14th, 2017, 11:23 AM
Well, there goes another three-win season. Seriously--Georgetown without a defense is a 0-11 candidate.

Georgetown replaced him with Kevin Doherty, their special teams coach. I think this is a good hire, Kevin has some coaching experience at Syracuse, spent 9 years with Murphy at Harvard, and was a head coach. He brings with him defensive experience and teaches and motivates kids well. Sorry to see Thompson go, but Doherty is a solid coach and person. Hoya defensive tradition will live on.


January 15th, 2017, 01:55 PM
Maybe, but

a move to scholarship football,

hooking up with a new coach and staff that promise to be shooting for the moon,


probably an increase in pay, but even without it, a move from the high rent district in the DC area to a much lower cost of living in eastern PA.

Tru 'dat. I have friends in the DC are who's house is over a $1M and around here would go for $300K.

January 15th, 2017, 05:23 PM
Georgetown replaced him with Kevin Doherty, their special teams coach. I think this is a good hire, Kevin has some coaching experience at Syracuse, spent 9 years with Murphy at Harvard, and was a head coach. He brings with him defensive experience and teaches and motivates kids well. Sorry to see Thompson go, but Doherty is a solid coach and person. Hoya defensive tradition will live on.

Nothing against Doherty, but that's not a winning argument. Elliot Uzelac and Jim Miceli had lots of experience but they were remarkably ineffective as coordinators. Doherty coached one season at St. Francis and was 0-10, and is not going to bring new ideas in the door. No one fears Georgetown's defense when the offense is as poor as it is.

The Hoyas scored an average of nine points a game in PL action last season. All the defense in the world doesn't fix that. Georgetown needs a Dave Patenaude-styled OC who will shake things up. Absent that, and no one in the Patriot League wants to say it publicly, the recruiting imbalance will make this situation even worse.

January 15th, 2017, 06:04 PM
Nothing against Doherty, but that's not a winning argument. Elliot Uzelac and Jim Miceli had lots of experience but they were remarkably ineffective as coordinators. Doherty coached one season at St. Francis and was 0-10, and is not going to bring new ideas in the door. No one fears Georgetown's defense when the offense is as poor as it is.

The Hoyas scored an average of nine points a game in PL action last season. All the defense in the world doesn't fix that. Georgetown needs a Dave Patenaude-styled OC who will shake things up. Absent that, and no one in the Patriot League wants to say it publicly, the recruiting imbalance will make this situation even worse.

Coaching is a matter of teaching your system and motivating your players. The little I know of Doherty, he can do both. Didn't know Uzelac coached at GU, played against him as a player when he coached at Western Michigan (they weren't real good).

I agree about the Hoya offense. I hear Tim Barnes is coming back at QB, but still need a consistent running game. I agree that things need to be shaken up a bit, some creativity on offense.

January 17th, 2017, 09:03 PM
Tavani was the clown that told Delaware fans that Brock was doing things the right way. xlolxxlolxxlolxxlolx