View Full Version : Lehigh @ New Hampshire (Winner to JMU)

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The Pud
November 28th, 2016, 08:49 AM
Definitely impressed with how easy UNH handled Lehigh. I think UNH will defeat JMU in a close battle and move on to face Sammy in Texas. Just a feeling I have.

November 28th, 2016, 08:58 AM
Definitely impressed with how easy UNH handled Lehigh. I think UNH will defeat JMU in a close battle and move on to face Sammy in Texas. Just a feeling I have.


Lehigh Football Nation
November 28th, 2016, 09:47 AM
One of Riese's INTs was a good-old-fashioned jumping of the route by LB Evan Harvey, which I thought was a great individual play by Harvey.

Montogmery's INT I believe came off of a tipped ball.

The final one was on 4th down, Riese trying to make something happen and McCloskey ended up with the ball, pretty much a zero-sum play.

Riese statistically had a pretty good day - there were two or three passes that were absolutely perfect and indefensible, much to his credit. But UNH won the ball by shredding Lehigh's front six on the ground. One INT clearly needs to be thrown out, it was inconsequential, but Riese mostly was asked to win the game by handing the ball off to Crossan, taking off with it occasionally, and making Lehigh pay when they overcommitted to the run. At that he was very good.

November 28th, 2016, 11:07 AM
Congrats to LU on the PL Championship. Wish you could have got/gotten it done today for the good of the league and yourselves. Good luck to UNH next week..

+1. These things happen.

November 28th, 2016, 11:10 AM

Exactly how the JMU fans felt when they heard their Dukies were playing New Hampsha !

November 28th, 2016, 11:13 AM
Exactly how the JMU fans felt when they heard their Dukies were playing New Hampsha !

LOL. Yeah right, buddy. Everyone wanted UNH cuz we knew we could dominate you guys again and close the game out this time.

November 28th, 2016, 11:17 AM
One of Riese's INTs was a good-old-fashioned jumping of the route by LB Evan Harvey, which I thought was a great individual play by Harvey.

Montogmery's INT I believe came off of a tipped ball.

The final one was on 4th down, Riese trying to make something happen and McCloskey ended up with the ball, pretty much a zero-sum play.

Riese statistically had a pretty good day - there were two or three passes that were absolutely perfect and indefensible, much to his credit. But UNH won the ball by shredding Lehigh's front six on the ground. One INT clearly needs to be thrown out, it was inconsequential, but Riese mostly was asked to win the game by handing the ball off to Crossan, taking off with it occasionally, and making Lehigh pay when they overcommitted to the run. At that he was very good.

LU just flat out sucked!! stunk the field up and instead of raising the stature of the PL (like gate last year) they diminished further!!
time to get coaches in the PL that know what the heck they're doing with FCS scholarship football!!!!!!!!!
that game was a disgrace!!

November 28th, 2016, 11:20 AM
LOL. Yeah right, buddy. Everyone wanted UNH cuz we knew we could dominate you guys again and close the game out this time.

B.S and you know it! Check out the poll "Who do you want to face in Round 2" Thread on http://csnbbs.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=685

You guys are scared _ _ _ _less of going one and done 3 years in a row!

November 28th, 2016, 11:26 AM
Did you really quote me my own thread? If you read the thread, most people preferred Lehigh because a) our NC run started there in 04, b) they wanted revenge on the PL for Colgate, or c) respect for UNH. Regardless, we're not worried - we will take care of business. You'll see a JMU team unlike the one you saw in Durham.

November 28th, 2016, 11:45 AM
We chose Lehigh because we knew they were the lesser team, and we were right. It's always tough to beat a team twice, so there's really no surprise there. But to say we're scared to face UNH is wrong. Our team definitely has a lot to play for. That win in Durham didn't sit well with our coaches or our team. They will not be the same team that UNH played in the 4th quarter, and I can guarantee that.

November 28th, 2016, 11:54 AM
Here is what lies ahead on Saturday for UNH https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/64/26/35/6426358ac1ffa98e4078062edb3a3832.jpg but I hope they bring it, cause I'm ready for a good football game....dont lay down like Lehigh did and lay an egg.

November 28th, 2016, 12:28 PM
According to the the transitive property we should drop to DIII

November 28th, 2016, 12:55 PM
According to the the transitive property we should drop to DIII

or hire head coaches like joe moorehead and pay them!!! to get the league on the right path!!
if you're going to spend on schollies you must spend on HC's otherwise the money is being flushed (imo)

November 28th, 2016, 12:58 PM
andy coen (along with big frank & tommy boy, may as well throw in susan too) should be embarrassed and ashamed to show their faces!!
coen for yet another AWFUL playoff (lack of) effort and the others for ongoing AWFUL season after season!!!

Go Lehigh TU Owl
November 28th, 2016, 03:59 PM
andy coen (along with big frank & tommy boy, may as well throw in susan too) should be embarrassed and ashamed to show their faces!!
coen for yet another AWFUL playoff (lack of) effort and the others for ongoing AWFUL season after season!!!

Another awful playoff performance? You've lost it. It was a terrible performance no doubt but Coen's previous two showings were fine. Hopefully this raises the bar for next year.

November 28th, 2016, 04:37 PM
Another awful playoff performance? You've lost it. It was a terrible performance no doubt but Coen's previous two showings were fine. Hopefully this raises the bar for next year.

Awful for sure. I do question Coen's ability to motivate/prepare his players at times. Always seem to be slow starters,(Monmouth & Nova) and often lay eggs in big games. I think he could help himself immensely by finding a NEW D.C!

November 28th, 2016, 06:32 PM
Welp, apparently coach mac says Knight will start if he is healthy. 50-2 DUKES
Hate coach mac's stance on people coming back from injury, Riese won the maine game and a playoff game, just play the hot hand who the team responds to more. I hope knight isn't ready to go

November 28th, 2016, 06:41 PM
This is definitely him trying to play along with Houston's gamemanship of "we'll see" if Schor plays. Nothing more.xcoffeex

November 28th, 2016, 07:53 PM
I think you know its not the same UNH team either, you should be favored but you should not be over confident.

We chose Lehigh because we knew they were the lesser team, and we were right. It's always tough to beat a team twice, so there's really no surprise there. But to say we're scared to face UNH is wrong. Our team definitely has a lot to play for. That win in Durham didn't sit well with our coaches or our team. They will not be the same team that UNH played in the 4th quarter, and I can guarantee that.

November 28th, 2016, 09:14 PM
andy coen (along with big frank & tommy boy, may as well throw in susan too) should be embarrassed and ashamed to show their faces!!
coen for yet another AWFUL playoff (lack of) effort and the others for ongoing AWFUL season after season!!!

Lehigh was very competitive in all of their play-off performances before this one. Not only that, but Lehigh, Fordham and Colgate have advanced in the tournament in the recent past - Colgate to the Final Eight just last year. The PL is going to be all right. The member schools are still adjusting to scholarships.

November 28th, 2016, 09:26 PM
This is definitely him trying to play along with Houston's gamemanship of "we'll see" if Schor plays. Nothing more.xcoffeex

November 28th, 2016, 09:33 PM
No he always does this, and unlike your situation we don't knight to play if hes good to go. Also coach mac is "loyal" to starters even if their replacements out perform them. So if knight is good to play he will start, which im praying is not the case

November 29th, 2016, 07:26 AM
Lehigh was very competitive in all of their play-off performances before this one. Not only that, but Lehigh, Fordham and Colgate have advanced in the tournament in the recent past - Colgate to the Final Eight just last year. The PL is going to be all right. The member schools are still adjusting to scholarships.

yes, and i did NOT include gate(hunt) or FU (we'll see now with moorehead gone) in that group.
"very competitive" is a term for teams that loose!!!!!

November 29th, 2016, 08:39 AM

We playing stump this Saturday?

November 29th, 2016, 08:42 AM
Originally Posted by Go...gate http://www.anygivensaturday.com/images/SeamusLight/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.anygivensaturday.com/showthread.php?p=2424218#post2424218) Lehigh was very competitive in all of their play-off performances before this one.

LU has never won more than 1 playoff game....never made it out of the 2nd round and every 2nd round game they made it to they were crushed

November 29th, 2016, 08:54 AM
What lot?

Lehigh Football Nation
November 29th, 2016, 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by Go...gate http://www.anygivensaturday.com/images/SeamusLight/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.anygivensaturday.com/showthread.php?p=2424218#post2424218) Lehigh was very competitive in all of their play-off performances before this one.

LU has never won more than 1 playoff game....never made it out of the 2nd round and every 2nd round game they made it to they were crushed

Wow, they only beat UNI at the UNI dome and the CAA champions Towson, with a future NFL running back in Terrance West, in Maryland. What a horrible record! xrolleyesx

Meanwhile, Georgetown and Bucknell are waiting for their first-ever playoff appearances, and Lafayette and Holy Cross are waiting for their first-ever playoff victories.

Criticize the performance in this year's playoff game if you must - there's plenty to criticize - but criticizing the program for not being able to go on the road to win at North Dakota State, 2000s Furman, etc., that's ridiculous.

Exactly two Patriot League teams in the history of the playoffs went further than the 2nd round. Colgate's 2003 team and last year's Colgate team. The 2003 team was undefeated regular season and was seeded, so they had two home games (and elected to go to Florida to face FAU for the semifinal, quite understandable). So only one Patriot League team has gone on the road in consecutive weeks and beaten two ranked teams.

November 29th, 2016, 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by Go...gate http://www.anygivensaturday.com/images/SeamusLight/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.anygivensaturday.com/showthread.php?p=2424218#post2424218) Lehigh was very competitive in all of their play-off performances before this one.

LU has never won more than 1 playoff game....never made it out of the 2nd round and every 2nd round game they made it to they were crushed

Lehigh made it to the final 8 in 2011, 1998, 2000 & 2001. The game in '98 was the most competitive (21-27). The 2011 team had the misfortune of playing at NDSU and lost 24-0, certainly not much worse than most other teams have done.

Colgate made it to the final 8 last year. In 2003, they made it to the finals. Still the gold standard for PL playoff performances. Other than that they never made it past the final 8. I don't believe Fordham has made it to the final 8 yet (speak up if I'm wrong)

The reason Gate had to win two games to get to the final 8 is because the number of teams has increased to 24. Please stop spouting off nonsense. Yes, Lehigh got destroyed vs. UNH. Stop it at that and you wouldn't sound so dumb.

November 29th, 2016, 09:12 AM
Exactly two Patriot League teams in the history of the playoffs went further than the 2nd round. Colgate's 2003 team and last year's Colgate team. The 2003 team was undefeated regular season and was seeded, so they had two home games (and elected to go to Florida to face FAU for the semifinal, quite understandable). So only one Patriot League team has gone on the road in consecutive weeks and beaten two ranked teams.

since the context of my comment(s) is that the entire league needs to step it up...a lot!!! your last paragraph correctly agrees with my opinion!
ONE PL team has EVER won more than ONE playoff game EVER!
with 4 scholarship classes you can not get blown out in the 1st round, you just can't!!
the PL needs to improve their product!

November 29th, 2016, 09:16 AM
Lehigh made it to the final 8 in 2011, 1998, 2000 & 2001. The game in '98 was the most competitive (21-27). The 2011 team had the misfortune of playing at NDSU and lost 24-0, certainly not much worse than most other teams have done.

Colgate made it to the final 8 last year. In 2003, they made it to the finals. Still the gold standard for PL playoff performances. Other than that they never made it past the final 8. I don't believe Fordham has made it to the final 8 yet (speak up if I'm wrong)

2011 LU was shut out 24 - 0 in the 2nd round, 2001 LU lost 34 -17 in round 2, in 2000 they lost 47 -22 in round 2 and in 1998 they lost 27 - 21 in round 2



1979 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1979_NCAA_Division_I-AA_football_season#Postseason)
National Championship Game
Murray State
Eastern Kentucky
W 28–9
L 7–30

1980 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1980_NCAA_Division_I-AA_football_season#Postseason)
Eastern Kentucky
L 20–23

1998 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1998_NCAA_Division_I-AA_football_season#Postseason)
First Round
W 24–23
L 21–27

1999 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_NCAA_Division_I-AA_football_season#Postseason)
First Round
L 15–27

2000 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_NCAA_Division_I-AA_football_season#Postseason)
First Round
Western Illinois
W 37–7
L 22–47

2001 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2001_NCAA_Division_I-AA_football_season#Postseason)
First Round
W 27–24
L 17–34

2004 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_NCAA_Division_I-AA_football_season#Postseason)
First Round
James Madison
L 13–14

2010 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_NCAA_Division_I_FCS_football_season#Postseaso n)
First Round
Second Round
Northern Iowa
W 14–7
L 20–42

2011 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_NCAA_Division_I_FCS_football_season#Postseaso n)
Second Round
North Dakota State
W 40–38
L 0–24

2016 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_NCAA_Division_I_FCS_football_season#Postseaso n)
First Round
New Hampshire

The reason Gate had to win two games to get to the final 8 is because the number of teams has increased to 24. Please stop spouting off nonsense. Yes, Lehigh got destroyed vs. UNH. Stop it at that and you wouldn't sound so dumb.

2011 LU was shut out 24 - 0 in the 2nd round, 2001 LU lost 34 -17 in round 2, in 2000 they lost 47 -22 in round 2 and in 1998 they lost 27 - 21 in round 2



1979 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1979_NCAA_Division_I-AA_football_season#Postseason)
National Championship Game
Murray State
Eastern Kentucky
W 28–9
L 7–30

1980 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1980_NCAA_Division_I-AA_football_season#Postseason)
Eastern Kentucky
L 20–23

1998 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1998_NCAA_Division_I-AA_football_season#Postseason)
First Round
W 24–23
L 21–27

1999 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_NCAA_Division_I-AA_football_season#Postseason)
First Round
L 15–27

2000 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_NCAA_Division_I-AA_football_season#Postseason)
First Round
Western Illinois
W 37–7
L 22–47

2001 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2001_NCAA_Division_I-AA_football_season#Postseason)
First Round
W 27–24
L 17–34

2004 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_NCAA_Division_I-AA_football_season#Postseason)
First Round
James Madison
L 13–14

2010 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_NCAA_Division_I_FCS_football_season#Postseaso n)
First Round
Second Round
Northern Iowa
W 14–7
L 20–42

2011 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_NCAA_Division_I_FCS_football_season#Postseaso n)
Second Round
North Dakota State
W 40–38
L 0–24

2016 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_NCAA_Division_I_FCS_football_season#Postseaso n)
First Round
New Hampshire

November 29th, 2016, 09:17 AM
What lot?

The ONLY lot! P-Lot!

November 29th, 2016, 09:19 AM
Exactly two Patriot League teams in the history of the playoffs went further than the 2nd round. Colgate's 2003 team and last year's Colgate team. The 2003 team was undefeated regular season and was seeded, so they had two home games (and elected to go to Florida to face FAU for the semifinal, quite understandable). So only one Patriot League team has gone on the road in consecutive weeks and beaten two ranked teams.

since the context of my comment(s) is that the entire league needs to step it up...a lot!!! your last paragraph correctly agrees with my opinion!
ONE PL team has EVER won more than ONE playoff game EVER!
with 4 scholarship classes you can not get blown out in the 1st round, you just can't!!
the PL needs to improve their product!

I think part of the reason we got destroyed this year was because we ran roughshod through two very weak leagues (PL & Ivy) and put up ridiculous numbers. It did not prepare us for the reality of postseason football. Everyone telling the guys how great they were. Anytime you come into the playoffs like that, its going to end badly. You need to pack a lunch, an attitude and come ready to grind to win in the playoffs.

Lehigh Football Nation
November 29th, 2016, 09:20 AM
Exactly two Patriot League teams in the history of the playoffs went further than the 2nd round. Colgate's 2003 team and last year's Colgate team. The 2003 team was undefeated regular season and was seeded, so they had two home games (and elected to go to Florida to face FAU for the semifinal, quite understandable). So only one Patriot League team has gone on the road in consecutive weeks and beaten two ranked teams.

since the context of my comment(s) is that the entire league needs to step it up...a lot!!! your last paragraph correctly agrees with my opinion!
ONE PL team has EVER won more than ONE playoff game EVER!
with 4 scholarship classes you can not get blown out in the 1st round, you just can't!!
the PL needs to improve their product!

Fair enough on that point. Acknowledge too that a ton of this has to do with home games. It is no coincidence that the only Patriot League appearance in the FCSNCG came from an undefeated, seeded team that had two home games. When your champion goes on the road every year, it's a huge disadvantage.

But seeds aren't the whole story. Lafayette, Lehigh, Fordham need to bid for non-seeded home games and get them. They need to look at a place like New Hampshire and see it as a competition. Give the FCS Committee a compelling reason to choose Murray Goodman over UNH - like, hey, we average more than 10,000 fans a game, or, we have a state-of-the-art stadium. It's not enough to say "we're never going to compete with Delaware in attendance, so we shouldn't try."

November 29th, 2016, 09:21 AM
2011 LU was shut out 24 - 0 in the 2nd round, 2001 LU lost 34 -17 in round 2, in 2000 they lost 47 -22 in round 2 and in 1998 they lost 27 - 21 in round 2



1979 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1979_NCAA_Division_I-AA_football_season#Postseason)
National Championship Game
Murray State
Eastern Kentucky
W 28–9
L 7–30

1980 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1980_NCAA_Division_I-AA_football_season#Postseason)
Eastern Kentucky
L 20–23

1998 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1998_NCAA_Division_I-AA_football_season#Postseason)
First Round
W 24–23
L 21–27

1999 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_NCAA_Division_I-AA_football_season#Postseason)
First Round
L 15–27

2000 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_NCAA_Division_I-AA_football_season#Postseason)
First Round
Western Illinois
W 37–7
L 22–47

2001 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2001_NCAA_Division_I-AA_football_season#Postseason)
First Round
W 27–24
L 17–34

2004 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_NCAA_Division_I-AA_football_season#Postseason)
First Round
James Madison
L 13–14

2010 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_NCAA_Division_I_FCS_football_season#Postseaso n)
First Round
Second Round
Northern Iowa
W 14–7
L 20–42

2011 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_NCAA_Division_I_FCS_football_season#Postseaso n)
Second Round
North Dakota State
W 40–38
L 0–24

2016 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_NCAA_Division_I_FCS_football_season#Postseaso n)
First Round
New Hampshire

You say round two, I say quaterfinals. Regardless of what round, they still made it to the final 8. Colgate made it to the final 8 last year, it just took them two games to do so. Do you not understand this or you just being an ass now?

November 29th, 2016, 09:27 AM
You say round two, I say quaterfinals. Regardless of what round, they still made it to the final 8. Colgate made it to the final 8 last year, it just took them two games to do so. Do you not understand this or you just being an ass now?

ha!! winning one game (and NEVER winning more than ONE game) is not the same as winning TWO games
Do you understand this or you just being an ass now?

November 29th, 2016, 09:48 AM
I think part of the reason we got destroyed this year was because we ran roughshod through two very weak leagues (PL & Ivy) and put up ridiculous numbers. It did not prepare us for the reality of postseason football. Everyone telling the guys how great they were. Anytime you come into the playoffs like that, its going to end badly. You need to pack a lunch, an attitude and come ready to grind to win in the playoffs.

Hmmmmm, who does this remind me of?? Kats got my tongue, I guess.

November 29th, 2016, 10:02 AM
Hmmmmm, who does this remind me of?? Kats got my tongue, I guess.

http://www.killthehydra.com/wp-content/uploads/see-what-you-did-there-star-trek1.jpg (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiAoP-fq87QAhUJ2IMKHUf5DLIQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.killthehydra.com%2Fmemes%2Fi-see-what-you-did-there-23-pics%2F&psig=AFQjCNHTWi008F2OXgCuuxJI6HAa3v0vqA&ust=1480521677803203)

November 29th, 2016, 10:45 AM
2011 LU was shut out 24 - 0 in the 2nd round, 2001 LU lost 34 -17 in round 2, in 2000 they lost 47 -22 in round 2 and in 1998 they lost 27 - 21 in round 2



1979 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1979_NCAA_Division_I-AA_football_season#Postseason)
National Championship Game
Murray State
Eastern Kentucky
W 28–9
L 7–30

1980 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1980_NCAA_Division_I-AA_football_season#Postseason)
Eastern Kentucky
L 20–23

1998 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1998_NCAA_Division_I-AA_football_season#Postseason)
First Round
W 24–23
L 21–27

1999 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_NCAA_Division_I-AA_football_season#Postseason)
First Round
L 15–27

2000 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_NCAA_Division_I-AA_football_season#Postseason)
First Round
Western Illinois
W 37–7
L 22–47

2001 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2001_NCAA_Division_I-AA_football_season#Postseason)
First Round
W 27–24
L 17–34

2004 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_NCAA_Division_I-AA_football_season#Postseason)
First Round
James Madison
L 13–14

2010 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_NCAA_Division_I_FCS_football_season#Postseaso n)
First Round
Second Round
Northern Iowa
W 14–7
L 20–42

2011 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_NCAA_Division_I_FCS_football_season#Postseaso n)
Second Round
North Dakota State
W 40–38
L 0–24

2016 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_NCAA_Division_I_FCS_football_season#Postseaso n)
First Round
New Hampshire

So, in the PL era, Lehigh is 3-3 against CAA Champions, and 2-1 vs. MVFC Champs, all but one game being the road team. Add the fact that we have a tendency to run into finalists (often champions) in the first two rounds, and that's not a bad record. Now, does the league need to improve? Absolutely, and it comes with adequate commitment when it comes to improved coaching. Forget lights for stadiums, forget high dollar bids to host opening round matchups. That money needs to be spent on attracting and keeping high quality coaching staffs.

Doc QB
November 29th, 2016, 12:09 PM
I think part of the reason we got destroyed this year was because we ran roughshod through two very weak leagues (PL & Ivy) and put up ridiculous numbers. It did not prepare us for the reality of postseason football. Everyone telling the guys how great they were. Anytime you come into the playoffs like that, its going to end badly. You need to pack a lunch, an attitude and come ready to grind to win in the playoffs.

And you have to look at UNH and give them some serious credit for being READY. They were not sure they would get in at 7-4, let alone a home game. I am sure their head coach put in their heads all week that they were bubble guys, had a TON to prove to the FSC Nation, and after Colgate loss last year, even more motivation. Their coach had them ready from the jump. Lehigh was not. Hats off to UNH, they took it too us even though I thought we should have matched up well. Pretty nice statement going into JMU. And yes, in Lehigh's playoff past we have lost to the eventual champ or runner-up...bodes well for UNH, right?

I am disappointed that we didn't show up. I know we had guys out, but we did throughout the year and played through it well. This game was reminiscent of Monmouth to start the year, and a couple of LU-Laf games in past where we showed up flat and gave ourselves no chance. And, UNH took advantage and made us pay like a good team will, pounded us, and made a statement. Really hoped this was a year to perform like 'Gate last year, thought we had the horses. But we were short. With scholarships. And the PL-CAA gap, when you look at the score, still looks cavernous. For Lehigh, I don't think it truly is talent wise, but the final score on that day sure made it feel cavernous. Disappointing.

November 29th, 2016, 12:15 PM
And you have to look at UNH and give them some serious credit for being READY. They were not sure they would get in at 7-4, let alone a home game. I am sure their head coach put in their heads all week that they were bubble guys, had a TON to prove to the FSC Nation, and after Colgate loss last year, even more motivation. Their coach had them ready from the jump. Lehigh was not. Hats off to UNH, they took it too us even though I thought we should have matched up well. Pretty nice statement going into JMU. And yes, in Lehigh's playoff past we have lost to the eventual champ or runner-up...bodes well for UNH, right?

I am disappointed that we didn't show up. I know we had guys out, but we did throughout the year and played through it well. This game was reminiscent of Monmouth to start the year, and a couple of LU-Laf games in past where we showed up flat and gave ourselves no chance. And, UNH took advantage and made us pay like a good team will, pounded us, and made a statement. Really hoped this was a year to perform like 'Gate last year, thought we had the horses. But we were short. With scholarships. And the PL-CAA gap, when you look at the score, still looks cavernous. For Lehigh, I don't think it truly is talent wise, but the final score on that day sure made it feel cavernous. Disappointing.

Yes, UNH was the other part. Hats off to them. They came in well coached and with a chip.

November 29th, 2016, 02:23 PM
Do any of these teams even have a shot at beating JMU?

Lehigh Football Nation
November 29th, 2016, 02:46 PM
Do any of these teams even have a shot at beating JMU?

Only one does now.

November 29th, 2016, 04:06 PM
ha!! winning one game (and NEVER winning more than ONE game) is not the same as winning TWO games
Do you understand this or you just being an ass now?

Uh, perhaps Colgate doesn't win 2 playoff games in 2015 if the field is smaller, as it was in the years Lehigh reached the quarterfinals??? Lehigh didn't need to win 2 games to reach the 2011 quarters because it was ranked high enough by the committee, in the 9 to 12 range in a year with a 20 team field, to not have to play a 1st round game.

Who is it being the ass again?

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November 29th, 2016, 05:48 PM
Uh, perhaps Colgate doesn't win 2 playoff games in 2015 if the field is smaller, as it was in the years Lehigh reached the quarterfinals??? Lehigh didn't need to win 2 games to reach the 2011 quarters because it was ranked high enough by the committee, in the 9 to 12 range in a year with a 20 team field, to not have to play a 1st round game.

Who is it being the ass again?

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What is your point?

November 29th, 2016, 06:15 PM
What is your point?

There's absolutely no knock on Colgate in any of this. This is all in reply to cfbfan. Lehigh and Colgate have both represented the league well in years past, just not this year.

November 29th, 2016, 06:29 PM
What is your point?

That a quarterfinal appearance, regardless whether a team needed 1 or 2 wins to get there, is still a quarterfinal appearance.

My comment wasn't meant to knock last year's Colgate team; it was meant to point out the 2011 Lehigh team wasn't bracketed to need to play two games to reach the quarterfinals (something that is no longer true for a team outside the top 8 seeds).

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November 29th, 2016, 07:42 PM
OK, many thanks. I just think the conference may have been a little down this year. We in the PL have a lot to learn regarding granting scholarships and using them properly (especially with a ridiculous roster limitation) to build a consistently solid program.

Let's not take anything away from UNH, either. Sounds like they are on a mission. Next week will be a hell of a good game.

November 29th, 2016, 09:47 PM
So, in the PL era, Lehigh is 3-3 against CAA Champions, and 2-1 vs. MVFC Champs, all but one game being the road team. Add the fact that we have a tendency to run into finalists (often champions) in the first two rounds, and that's not a bad record. Now, does the league need to improve? Absolutely, and it comes with adequate commitment when it comes to improved coaching. Forget lights for stadiums, forget high dollar bids to host opening round matchups. That money needs to be spent on attracting and keeping high quality coaching staffs.

UMass, JMU and NDSU. The JMU loss in 2004 is the most galling in losing by 1 point to the eventual National Champ on one of the most BS calls in history that gave JMU 7 shots from the one yard line. No question that for Lehigh, or any PL team, to avoid having to always go on the road we need to step up our game by way of facilities in order to have a reasonable shot at winning a bid for a home game.

November 29th, 2016, 09:51 PM
UMass, JMU and NDSU. The JMU loss in 2004 is the most galling in losing by 1 point to the eventual National Champ on one of the most BS calls in history that gave JMU 7 shots from the one yard line. No question that for Lehigh, or any PL team, to avoid having to always go on the road we need to step up our game by way of facilities in order to have a reasonable shot at winning a bid for a home game.

Oh, man. I remember being at that game and just thinking no way are they giving us that. I will say we would have had a chance to go for it on 4th if the flag wasn't thrown.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
November 29th, 2016, 10:06 PM
UMass, JMU and NDSU. The JMU loss in 2004 is the most galling in losing by 1 point to the eventual National Champ on one of the most BS calls in history that gave JMU 7 shots from the one yard line. No question that for Lehigh, or any PL team, to avoid having to always go on the road we need to step up our game by way of facilities in order to have a reasonable shot at winning a bid for a home game.

Well said!

I think Saturday's game against UNH was a complete aberration. Similar to Lehigh leading Fordham 51-9 at one point. Sometimes you simply get your butts kicked and in general, Lehigh never got run like that in the playoffs before. Yeah they lost by 20+ points before but some of those games were rather competitive. The NDSU game was still for the taking until the failed fake FG. Even the UD game in 2010 was close iirc until UD went on a quick burst late in the 3rd quarter. The only game I really remember them getting physically whipped was against Furman in 2001. Their OL just destroyed the Lehigh front 7 front the get go.

Lehigh and the rest of the PL need to step up and host these games. I don't think the players deserve to be shipped away even if it saves a few pennies. I thope Coen's open disappointment about having to travel to UNH sent a message. If Sterrett was there on Saturday he had to be impressed by Lehigh's turnout as well as be rather indifferent to UNH's stadium/crowd. After what happened this year, what are the odds Lehigh finally adds lights? 50/50?

Since past playoff results never seems to help the PL, this loss shouldn't hurt the league. Or wishful thinking suggests that. Lehigh and Fordham both have the potential to be really good next year imo. Lehigh's schedule in 2017 should be interesting. Hopefully there's 2 CAA opponents and 3 Ivies.....

Next year the expectation should be for 2011 type season (Top 10 team). Lehigh is rarely a one hit wonder ( unlike Colgate, going back to 2004). The Mountain Hawks usually string together a run of good years...

November 30th, 2016, 10:29 AM
Oh, man. I remember being at that game and just thinking no way are they giving us that. I will say we would have had a chance to go for it on 4th if the flag wasn't thrown.

The flag was thrown at the end of the fourth down play. That is why the Lehigh player, who made the stop, was so excited when he jumped up and bumped the player. Then the Dukes got another set of downs and scored on third down.

November 30th, 2016, 10:33 AM
Well said!

I think Saturday's game against UNH was a complete aberration. Similar to Lehigh leading Fordham 51-9 at one point. Sometimes you simply get your butts kicked and in general, Lehigh never got run like that in the playoffs before. Yeah they lost by 20+ points before but some of those games were rather competitive. The NDSU game was still for the taking until the failed fake FG. Even the UD game in 2010 was close iirc until UD went on a quick burst late in the 3rd quarter. The only game I really remember them getting physically whipped was against Furman in 2001. Their OL just destroyed the Lehigh front 7 front the get go.

Lehigh and the rest of the PL need to step up and host these games. I don't think the players deserve to be shipped away even if it saves a few pennies. I thope Coen's open disappointment about having to travel to UNH sent a message. If Sterrett was there on Saturday he had to be impressed by Lehigh's turnout as well as be rather indifferent to UNH's stadium/crowd. After what happened this year, what are the odds Lehigh finally adds lights? 50/50?

Since past playoff results never seems to help the PL, this loss shouldn't hurt the league. Or wishful thinking suggests that. Lehigh and Fordham both have the potential to be really good next year imo. Lehigh's schedule in 2017 should be interesting. Hopefully there's 2 CAA opponents and 3 Ivies.....

Next year the expectation should be for 2011 type season (Top 10 team). Lehigh is rarely a one hit wonder ( unlike Colgate, going back to 2004). The Mountain Hawks usually string together a run of good years...

Very true. Our offense should be great next year with almost all starters back (Mayes was a quasi-starter). Defense returns a lot, with one major exception which will require the underclassmen to really step up, and that is at LB where we lose 3/4. Caslow's absence on Saturday stuck out 'biggly". Special teams also all return as well. We certainly have the potential to be in the Top 10 next year.

November 30th, 2016, 11:53 AM
IMO, with Bragalone and Pelletier both returning and Mayes with still eligibility, that's a clear PL favorite.

That said, frankly, from what I saw with Melville and Colgate, I'd thought they'd have won the PL this year. Shows what I know.

I think where the PL is still growing is in depth. I'm no expert on the PL, but when UNH played Holy Cross, that was a potential playoff team. Then Pujals goes down and that's a bottom-tier team. I think the top-tier talent can compete with the CAA but the depth is a real problem. That will hopefully change in a few more years.

Lehigh Football Nation
November 30th, 2016, 12:38 PM
IMO, with Bragalone and Pelletier both returning and Mayes with still eligibility, that's a clear PL favorite.

That said, frankly, from what I saw with Melville and Colgate, I'd thought they'd have won the PL this year. Shows what I know.

I think where the PL is still growing is in depth. I'm no expert on the PL, but when UNH played Holy Cross, that was a potential playoff team. Then Pujals goes down and that's a bottom-tier team. I think the top-tier talent can compete with the CAA but the depth is a real problem. That will hopefully change in a few more years.

Excellent point, and I agree. You know what would really help with depth? Redshirting.

November 30th, 2016, 01:29 PM
Very true. Our offense should be great next year with almost all starters back (Mayes was a quasi-starter). Defense returns a lot, with one major exception which will require the underclassmen to really step up, and that is at LB where we lose 3/4. Caslow's absence on Saturday stuck out 'biggly". Special teams also all return as well. We certainly have the potential to be in the Top 10 next year.

unless someone has a med shirt, we lose 4/4 LB/rover

November 30th, 2016, 01:34 PM
IMO, with Bragalone and Pelletier both returning and Mayes with still eligibility, that's a clear PL favorite.

That said, frankly, from what I saw with Melville and Colgate, I'd thought they'd have won the PL this year. Shows what I know.

I think where the PL is still growing is in depth. I'm no expert on the PL, but when UNH played Holy Cross, that was a potential playoff team. Then Pujals goes down and that's a bottom-tier team. I think the top-tier talent can compete with the CAA but the depth is a real problem. That will hopefully change in a few more years.

depth may be a problem, but I thought we had more depth this year than in past, starting QB hurt and backup shines, CB out with concussion and back up filled very well, able to rotate 5 and 6 DL, back up RBs stepped in nicely to spell Brags, limited roster size may have been a practice problem but I have no insight on that

November 30th, 2016, 03:45 PM
This game is over, make a new PL offseason thread please

Lehigh Football Nation
November 30th, 2016, 04:11 PM
This game is over, make a new PL offseason thread please

You must be new here.

November 30th, 2016, 04:50 PM
This game is over, make a new PL offseason thread please

Hope this helps!!!


November 30th, 2016, 11:03 PM
IMO, with Bragalone and Pelletier both returning and Mayes with still eligibility, that's a clear PL favorite.

That said, frankly, from what I saw with Melville and Colgate, I'd thought they'd have won the PL this year. Shows what I know.

I think where the PL is still growing is in depth. I'm no expert on the PL, but when UNH played Holy Cross, that was a potential playoff team. Then Pujals goes down and that's a bottom-tier team. I think the top-tier talent can compete with the CAA but the depth is a real problem. That will hopefully change in a few more years.

That has always been our problem. Even before schollies. Our starters could usually play with most, but by the fourth quarter, we'd be worn down due to lack of depth to give starters a blow with a measurable drop off. Plus the lack of red-shirting is significant. That extra year in the weight room and getting acclimated can have a major impact. I doubt PL will ever go to RS other than the medical exception that currently exists. So it will always be a bit of an uphill struggle, but that is what we bargained for. The only alternative is to go the IL route and not compete in the NCAAs but have a separate 'bowl' game with the Ivies and I don't see that occurring. I think most people like the challenge of "playing up". For the PL, sports is not an "end all" but supposed to be part of the total process; so from a philosophical standpoint, I don't see anything changing much. We should be a bit better through the schollies and pull some surprises, and maybe have a "magical" year every now and then, like Colgate did in 2003.

December 1st, 2016, 06:51 AM
Gotta beat that Lafayette @ New Hampshire game thread. Lets go boys!!!!

Man, Lehigh and Lafayette will compete at anything, even if they have to drag UNH into a game thread competition.

December 1st, 2016, 07:42 AM
That has always been our problem. Even before schollies. Our starters could usually play with most, but by the fourth quarter, we'd be worn down due to lack of depth to give starters a blow with a measurable drop off. Plus the lack of red-shirting is significant. That extra year in the weight room and getting acclimated can have a major impact. I doubt PL will ever go to RS other than the medical exception that currently exists. So it will always be a bit of an uphill struggle, but that is what we bargained for. The only alternative is to go the IL route and not compete in the NCAAs but have a separate 'bowl' game with the Ivies and I don't see that occurring. I think most people like the challenge of "playing up". For the PL, sports is not an "end all" but supposed to be part of the total process; so from a philosophical standpoint, I don't see anything changing much. We should be a bit better through the schollies and pull some surprises, and maybe have a "magical" year every now and then, like Colgate did in 2003.

I know this has been covered before, but would someone please explain to me why redshirting is such a big deal anymore? The three that don't have significant graduate programs are Colgate, Holy Cross, and Lafayette. Lafayette I understand, but don't Colgate and Holy Cross have a history of redshirting before the PL era? Are we really holding back because of one school? I also think many are underestimating the effect roster limits has on our depth. It effects more than practice. At some positions, when you go three deep, there is no three deep. I honestly just don't get the justification for limiting the number of walkons at all.

December 1st, 2016, 09:58 AM
I know this has been covered before, but would someone please explain to me why redshirting is such a big deal anymore? The three that don't have significant graduate programs are Colgate, Holy Cross, and Lafayette. Lafayette I understand, but don't Colgate and Holy Cross have a history of redshirting before the PL era? Are we really holding back because of one school? I also think many are underestimating the effect roster limits has on our depth. It effects more than practice. At some positions, when you go three deep, there is no three deep. I honestly just don't get the justification for limiting the number of walkons at all.

A rational reason? None. Redshirting ban was an academic demand on the table along with the AI. Some Presidents wanted to maintain as much of Ivy Lite azls possible. More concerned with Ivy cachet than athletics. Secondary reason was $ for a few members. Same ones who demanded 60 cap. Shirting does not increase schollies or change cost of aid. It merely shifts it out a year. The trabsition likely would increase cost insofar as coach would not have some or all of those recruits available to play.
My opinion,if PL is as serious about a new football member as it claims, PL will have a few each yr with a set max . parhaps up to 5 per year with no more than 20 total.

December 1st, 2016, 01:03 PM
I know this has been covered before, but would someone please explain to me why redshirting is such a big deal anymore? The three that don't have significant graduate programs are Colgate, Holy Cross, and Lafayette. Lafayette I understand, but don't Colgate and Holy Cross have a history of redshirting before the PL era? Are we really holding back because of one school? I also think many are underestimating the effect roster limits has on our depth. It effects more than practice. At some positions, when you go three deep, there is no three deep. I honestly just don't get the justification for limiting the number of walkons at all.

I have been following Colgate football for decades and we have never red-shirted.

December 1st, 2016, 01:19 PM
A rational reason? None. Redshirting ban was an academic demand on the table along with the AI. Some Presidents wanted to maintain as much of Ivy Lite azls possible. More concerned with Ivy cachet than athletics. Secondary reason was $ for a few members. Same ones who demanded 60 cap. Shirting does not increase schollies or change cost of aid. It merely shifts it out a year. The trabsition likely would increase cost insofar as coach would not have some or all of those recruits available to play.
My opinion,if PL is as serious about a new football member as it claims, PL will have a few each yr with a set max . parhaps up to 5 per year with no more than 20 total.

An interesting stat regarding red shirting is that the wrestling team instituted it back after the BOT began allowing merit scholarships for wrestling. Since then, the quality of the program has improved both athletically AND academically. Indeed last year, over half of the team had over 3.00 GPAs, and we're talking some serious majors. Giving the extra year in such a demanding sport, really helps when the academic load is also demanding.

The Boogie Down
December 1st, 2016, 05:57 PM
Gotta beat that Lafayette @ New Hampshire game thread. Lets go boys!!!!

Man, Lehigh and Lafayette will compete at anything, even if they have to drag UNH into a game thread competition.

Just 202 pages to go xeyebrowx

All jokes aside, I wonder how many of the "too many PL threads" here would be up if it wasn't simply for Leh/Laf fans?

December 2nd, 2016, 12:38 AM
I have been following Colgate football for decades and we have never red-shirted.

Thanks, didn't know.

December 2nd, 2016, 10:19 PM
Bump xsmiley_wix