View Full Version : 11/15 Selection Committee Top 10

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November 16th, 2016, 07:01 PM
The Sammy fans will disappear

What would be the draw to hang around? Nothing else on this site but an MVFC suck fest. They got better porn on the internet bro.

"You Can't run with #81!"

November 16th, 2016, 07:06 PM
How can a team be seeded Number One when it may lose the conference outright title to an unseeded team?

"You Can't run with #81!"

Competition. How can Ohio State be number 2 in the college football playoff when they might not even win their division of the Big Ten?

November 16th, 2016, 07:07 PM
Competition. How can Ohio State be number 2 in the college football playoff when they might not even win their division of the Big Ten?
Because **** Michigan.

November 16th, 2016, 07:07 PM
How can a team be seeded Number One when it may lose the conference outright title to an unseeded team?

"You Can't run with #81!"

Has a team that didn't win their conference title ever been the #1 seed?

November 16th, 2016, 07:10 PM
If NDSU beats USD they'll be getting a conference title trophy but not the autobid...unless SDSU loses.

November 16th, 2016, 07:10 PM
Competition. How can Ohio State be number 2 in the college football playoff when they might not even win their division of the Big Ten?

Is number two the same as number 1?

"You Can't run with #81!"

November 16th, 2016, 07:11 PM
So instead of answering the question, you guys stretch out and grab other woes as an excuse to justify?? Typical.

"You Can't run with #81!"

November 16th, 2016, 07:12 PM
"Well it's ok for this to be stupid and nonsensical because Well...hey look...these guys do it to so it's ok!"

"You Can't run with #81!"

November 16th, 2016, 07:14 PM
Has a team that didn't win their conference title ever been the #1 seed?

Has a team with this bad of a schedule ever whined this much? ;)

- - - Updated - - -

Is number two the same as number 1?

"You Can't run with #81!"

Boo hoo.

November 16th, 2016, 07:26 PM
How can a team be seeded Number One when it may lose the conference outright title to an unseeded team?

"You Can't run with #81!"

The only way NDSU loses the conference outright title would be to lose this weekend. We aren't number 1 if we lose this weekend. If you are talking about the auto. That doesn't mean jack except who is automatically in the field.

November 16th, 2016, 07:30 PM
Lets face the fact that no mater how many stats, strength of opponents, win loss record.......... you consider in the end where a team is seeded will always have a strong component of opinion as part of the ranking. A teams history/reputation will influence that.

November 16th, 2016, 08:31 PM
The only way NDSU loses the conference outright title would be to lose this weekend. We aren't number 1 if we lose this weekend. If you are talking about the auto. That doesn't mean jack except who is automatically in the field.

So Co-Champions then? You must be proud.

"You Can't run with #81!"

November 16th, 2016, 08:32 PM
Has a team with this bad of a schedule ever whined this much? ;)

- - - Updated - - -

Boo hoo.

How does a fan of a 5 loss annual choke fest have **** to say?

"You Can't run with #81!"

November 16th, 2016, 08:35 PM
So Co-Champions then? You must be proud.

"You Can't run with #81!"

It's better than runner up t-shirts.

November 16th, 2016, 08:35 PM
My mistake, i see that you are a UCA fan this week? Great choice. How many choices is that for you this year? I guess latching on to the hopes of other teams in weak conferences is what you have to do to make it through a meaningless close to your season is better than nothing i suppose.

"You Can't run with #81!"

November 16th, 2016, 08:36 PM
How does a fan of a 5 loss annual choke fest have **** to say?

"You Can't run with #81!"

It comes with being an educated grown up. You won't see me whining if we don't make the playoffs.

November 16th, 2016, 08:36 PM
It comes with being an educated grown up. You won't see me whining if we don't make the playoffs.

Of course not, you've come to expect it. We at shsu expect more.

"You Can't run with #81!"

November 16th, 2016, 08:37 PM
My mistake, i see that you are a UCA fan this week? Great choice. How many choices is that for you this year? I guess latching on to the hopes of other teams in weak conferences is what you have to do to make it through a meaningless close to your season is better than nothing i suppose.

"You Can't run with #81!"
Nothing to do with supporting the teams that play a certain fan base that may be super obnoxious.

- - - Updated - - -

Of course not, you've come to expect it. We at shsu expect more.

"You Can't run with #81!"

Just not of your schedule? Got it.

November 16th, 2016, 08:40 PM
Nothing to do with supporting the teams that play a certain fan base that may be super obnoxious.

- - - Updated - - -

Just not of your schedule? Got it.

Obnoxious? Is that what you call people that tell you to take your stupid latch key bull**** and shove it up your arse? okey doke!!

Man, if it wasn't for being in the MVFC with a talented program like NDSU, or teams that may beat shsu, you pretty much would have nothing more to do than post on Golden Girls fan sites all night huh? There is a God! And he loves PantherBoob just the same!

"You Can't run with #81!"

November 16th, 2016, 08:44 PM
Obnoxious? Is that what you call people that tell you to take your stupid latch key bull**** and shove it up your arse? okey doke!!

Man, if it wasn't for being in the MVFC with a talented program like NDSU, or teams that may beat shsu, you pretty much would have nothing more to do than post on Golden Girls fan sites all night huh? There is a God! And he loves PantherBoob just the same!

"You Can't run with #81!"

I guess some of us just enjoy FCS football and don't hide with our heads in the sand.xrolleyesx

November 16th, 2016, 08:57 PM
Obnoxious? Is that what you call people that tell you to take your stupid latch key bull**** and shove it up your arse? okey doke!!

Man, if it wasn't for being in the MVFC with a talented program like NDSU, or teams that may beat shsu, you pretty much would have nothing more to do than post on Golden Girls fan sites all night huh? There is a God! And he loves PantherBoob just the same!

"You Can't run with #81!"

I thought the obnoxious comment was pretty self explanatory. Nice try at deflection with your non-sensical retort. Youre off your game. Quit trying so hard.

November 16th, 2016, 10:40 PM
My mistake, i see that you are a UCA fan this week? Great choice. How many choices is that for you this year? I guess latching on to the hopes of other teams in weak conferences is what you have to do to make it through a meaningless close to your season is better than nothing i suppose.

"You Can't run with #81!"

UNI played darn near the toughest schedule in the country, and just came up short in a few games. The panthers would motorboat their way through your conference.

POD Knows
November 16th, 2016, 11:10 PM
UNI played darn near the toughest schedule in the country, and just came up short in a few games. The panthers would motorboat their way through your conference.

Yep, and it would even be close

November 16th, 2016, 11:21 PM
Obnoxious? Is that what you call people that tell you to take your stupid latch key bull**** and shove it up your arse? okey doke!!

Man, if it wasn't for being in the MVFC with a talented program like NDSU, or teams that may beat shsu, you pretty much would have nothing more to do than post on Golden Girls fan sites all night huh? There is a God! And he loves PantherBoob just the same!

"You Can't run with #81!"

* okee dokee

November 16th, 2016, 11:24 PM
Yep, and it would even be close

Seal clubbing comes to mind.

November 17th, 2016, 04:44 AM

Another tool?

November 17th, 2016, 05:15 AM
The only way NDSU loses the conference outright title would be to lose this weekend. We aren't number 1 if we lose this weekend. If you are talking about the auto. That doesn't mean jack except who is automatically in the field.

If you tie for the title but lose to the other co-champ claiming you are conference champs is lame. We have clinched a tie for the OVC but if we lose to UTM then screw it.

It is an interesting question, has an at-large selection ever been the #1 seed? I have no issue if they do get it, I was just wondering.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

November 17th, 2016, 07:50 AM
I don't know about #1 for sure, but the at large has been seeded over the conference autobid many times.

November 17th, 2016, 07:52 AM
Competition. How can Ohio State be number 2 in the college football playoff when they might not even win their division of the Big Ten?
They have a higher SOS. Remember ranking are based on SOS not the best team.

Mississippi has the best college football in America and should be awarded the National Championship with their schedule.

November 17th, 2016, 08:02 AM
They have a higher SOS. Remember ranking are based on SOS not the best team.

Mississippi has the best college football in America and should be awarded the National Championship with their schedule.

No, no, no. It's San Diego or NCA&T. I'm moving them up to 5 and 6 in next week's poll.

November 17th, 2016, 08:13 AM
Geez folks.....This is my first year on this forum and I have to be honest I have never seen a teams fans/AGS members "CRY" so much than those that root for SHSU, just on that note I am hoping for UCA to beat them this weekend...not because theres some outlying possibility that if SHSU wins they might jump my team but just so that we don't hear all the bickering from them about how "WRONGED" they were in the polls/Seedings.
Now I duly expect that if Citadel beats UNC they will jump into the top 4 probably #1 or #2 would be my bet and everyone else even if they won out would drop one spot, but that to be honest is a steep bill to fill but could happen.
But damn SHSU folks give it a rest.

November 17th, 2016, 08:35 AM
Geez folks.....This is my first year on this forum and I have to be honest I have never seen a teams fans/AGS members "CRY" so much than those that root for SHSU, just on that note I am hoping for UCA to beat them this weekend...not because theres some outlying possibility that if SHSU wins they might jump my team but just so that we don't hear all the bickering from them about how "WRONGED" they were in the polls/Seedings.
Now I duly expect that if Citadel beats UNC they will jump into the top 4 probably #1 or #2 would be my bet and everyone else even if they won out would drop one spot, but that to be honest is a steep bill to fill but could happen.
But damn SHSU folks give it a rest.


November 17th, 2016, 08:41 AM
Geez folks.....This is my first year on this forum and I have to be honest I have never seen a teams fans/AGS members "CRY" so much than those that root for SHSU, just on that note I am hoping for UCA to beat them this weekend...not because theres some outlying possibility that if SHSU wins they might jump my team but just so that we don't hear all the bickering from them about how "WRONGED" they were in the polls/Seedings.
Now I duly expect that if Citadel beats UNC they will jump into the top 4 probably #1 or #2 would be my bet and everyone else even if they won out would drop one spot, but that to be honest is a steep bill to fill but could happen.
But damn SHSU folks give it a rest.

I'm now rooting for Elon to beat JMU, not because it helps us, but specifically because of this post.

November 17th, 2016, 08:51 AM
Geez folks.....This is my first year on this forum and I have to be honest I have never seen a teams fans/AGS members "CRY" so much than those that root for SHSU, just on that note I am hoping for UCA to beat them this weekend...not because theres some outlying possibility that if SHSU wins they might jump my team but just so that we don't hear all the bickering from them about how "WRONGED" they were in the polls/Seedings.
Now I duly expect that if Citadel beats UNC they will jump into the top 4 probably #1 or #2 would be my bet and everyone else even if they won out would drop one spot, but that to be honest is a steep bill to fill but could happen.
But damn SHSU folks give it a rest.

Mr. Flyrod, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

November 17th, 2016, 08:53 AM

November 17th, 2016, 09:16 AM
Mr. Flyrod, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Rambling now?
Points? you mean we are playing for points here on the forum, oh didnt know this board was a competition also.
Listened? Oh i must have forgotten to turn up the volume on my PC....Cause all I see is a bunch of text.
But as you can see from responses I got they are quite 'Sensitive" about the whole thing.
and for Serpentor you can Root for whomever you like its a free world.

Maybe I should have not used "Cry" "Bickering""Wronged' since they could be considered politically incorrect this day and age. should have used "voice their opinion" "frequent posting""Inaccurate decision"

Bisonator pass me a "Bag of Popcorn" please... cause im gonna sit back and watch.

Good Luck to all the teams out there.

November 17th, 2016, 09:22 AM
Rambling now?
Points? you mean we are playing for points here on the forum, oh didnt know this board was a competition also.
Listened? Oh i must have forgotten to turn up the volume on my PC....Cause all I see is a bunch of text.
But as you can see from responses I got they are quite 'Sensitive" about the whole thing.
and for Serpentor you can Root for whomever you like its a free world.

Maybe I should have not used "Cry" "Bickering""Wronged' since they could be considered politically incorrect this day and age. should have used "voice their opinion" "frequent posting""Inaccurate decision"

Bisonator pass me a "Bag of Popcorn" please... cause im gonna sit back and watch.

Good Luck to all the teams out there.

I guess you're not with the program on your 1990's Adam Sandler movies. It's ok. Carry on with your NON-ranting!

November 17th, 2016, 09:25 AM
I guess you're not with the program on your 1990's Adam Sandler movies. It's ok. Carry on with your NON-ranting!

I thought it was a reference to Harry Potter...


November 17th, 2016, 09:35 AM
I thought it was a reference to Harry Potter...


Bahaha or that

November 17th, 2016, 10:00 AM
I guess you're not with the program on your 1990's Adam Sandler movies. It's ok. Carry on with your NON-ranting!

May God have mercy on his soul for not being able to quote Billy Madison. Kids these days...

November 17th, 2016, 11:12 AM
If you tie for the title but lose to the other co-champ claiming you are conference champs is lame. We have clinched a tie for the OVC but if we lose to UTM then screw it.

It is an interesting question, has an at-large selection ever been the #1 seed? I have no issue if they do get it, I was just wondering.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

We've been co-champs 3 out the last five years. I know that's lame, but we are getting better. Maybe next year will be our year. xthumbsupx

In those three years, I can't remember who got the auto (mainly cuz it doesn't matter) but we were the higher seed 2 of those years, last year we were seeded one spot lower than ISU.

Also, the two years we were out right champions we were the no. 1 seed, although one of those years we were also 7-1 in the conference.

November 17th, 2016, 11:16 AM
May God have mercy on his soul for not being able to quote Billy Madison. Kids these days...

No joke eh, Ferkin Hosers!

November 17th, 2016, 11:20 AM
Geez folks.....This is my first year on this forum and I have to be honest I have never seen a teams fans/AGS members "CRY" so much than those that root for SHSU, just on that note I am hoping for UCA to beat them this weekend...not because theres some outlying possibility that if SHSU wins they might jump my team but just so that we don't hear all the bickering from them about how "WRONGED" they were in the polls/Seedings.
Now I duly expect that if Citadel beats UNC they will jump into the top 4 probably #1 or #2 would be my bet and everyone else even if they won out would drop one spot, but that to be honest is a steep bill to fill but could happen.
But damn SHSU folks give it a rest.

You have to remember SHSU has been quite good for several years and is deserving of some respect. They have had probably the second best run in the last 4 or 5 years, just NDSU has had a better one. SHSU has proven itself in the playoffs as being a top quality team and more than likely will again this year.

November 17th, 2016, 11:21 AM
SHSU should be a top 4 seed if they beat UCA. I do think that would be the final correction the committee makes if all the top teams win again.

November 17th, 2016, 11:30 AM
SHSU should be a top 4 seed if they beat UCA. I do think that would be the final correction the committee makes if all the top teams win again.

I will agree, SHSU wins and we go to #3 I would think. Don't tell me the committee doesn't look at past years playoff results.

November 17th, 2016, 11:37 AM
I will agree, SHSU wins and we go to #3 I would think. Don't tell me the committee doesn't look at past years playoff results.I think that gives them too much credit...they do as little research as possible. :D

November 17th, 2016, 11:42 AM
SHSU should be a top 4 seed if they beat UCA. I do think that would be the final correction the committee makes if all the top teams win again.

What's your rationale that SHSU deserves to be higher than The Citadel, James Madison, NDSU, and/or Eastern Washington?

November 17th, 2016, 11:45 AM
Is there a potential for us to get leapfrogged again this week and end up without a first round bye? Obviously we have to beat W&M, but assuming we do, does anyone think we might lose that bye? And conversely, does anyone think we go back to 7 with a convincing win?

November 17th, 2016, 11:46 AM
You have to remember SHSU has been quite good for several years and is deserving of some respect. They have had probably the second best run in the last 4 or 5 years, just NDSU has had a better one. SHSU has proven itself in the playoffs as being a top quality team and more than likely will again this year.

This! Every year we hear "SHSU doesn't play anybody" and they're not one of the top teams because of that weak strength of schedule. Well, they've been the 2nd best playoff team in the past 5 years. They've made at least the semis in 4 of the past 5 years and haven't been seeded since that first year. So when they get a chance to "play somebody" they do very well, and on the road to boot.

November 17th, 2016, 11:49 AM
You have to remember SHSU has been quite good for several years and is deserving of some respect. They have had probably the second best run in the last 4 or 5 years, just NDSU has had a better one. SHSU has proven itself in the playoffs as being a top quality team and more than likely will again this year.

There was no disrespect intended or directed to the team and their accomplishments. Just seemed like alot of chatter about it from the same folks on here saying the same thing again and again. that was my point.
Their record in wins/losses speaks for itself and stands merit for sure. Not doubting any of that....
its pretty damn hard to go undefeated or even just 1 loss in any league these days.
If the committee feels they deserve a higher ranking after saturday so be it...

There are a number of deserving teams this year and the quarterfinals rounds will be quite interesting and should provide some exciting games.

So, I guess what i said kinda felt like to them I was pissin in their cornflakes.....Well I'm sorry then.
Must have woke up on wrong side of bed this morning when I posted.

November 17th, 2016, 11:50 AM
I guess some of us just enjoy FCS football and don't hide with our heads in the sand.xrolleyesx

who's hiding?

"There is no MK, only Zuul!"

November 17th, 2016, 11:51 AM
If you tie for the title but lose to the other co-champ claiming you are conference champs is lame. We have clinched a tie for the OVC but if we lose to UTM then screw it.

It is an interesting question, has an at-large selection ever been the #1 seed? I have no issue if they do get it, I was just wondering.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

We call that a "Participation ribbon"

"There is no MK, only Zuul!"

November 17th, 2016, 11:52 AM
Is there a potential for us to get leapfrogged again this week and end up without a first round bye? Obviously we have to beat W&M, but assuming we do, does anyone think we might lose that bye? And conversely, does anyone think we go back to 7 with a convincing win?

I don't think so. I think with a win you guys should cement your spot in the top 8. You probably can get back to seven just because Sam Houston or Central Arkansas will lose.

November 17th, 2016, 12:05 PM
While there may be some movement in positions, don't expect JMU or Richmond to change from where they are, the SC would love to see a semi-final rematch in Harrisonburg should both teams make it that far. Of course, the spiders would have to conquer the Fargodome in such a scenario.

Its probably a suicide mission (especially with so many starters injured), but i'd love another shot in Fargo.

November 17th, 2016, 12:06 PM
Is there a potential for us to get leapfrogged again this week and end up without a first round bye? Obviously we have to beat W&M, but assuming we do, does anyone think we might lose that bye?

UCA wins in OT
SDSU wins by 40
We win by blocking the go ahead extra point and running it back for 2.

As to your second question, if UCA loses a non-nail-biter, and we have a solid win, I think we move up to 7.

November 17th, 2016, 12:12 PM
What's your rationale that SHSU deserves to be higher than The Citadel, James Madison, NDSU, and/or Eastern Washington?

What does being rational have to do with anything? The "Committee" most def looks at past playoff experience. I know our SOS is ****, but beating UCA on Saturday gets us going for another run through the FCS playoffs and me thinks the "Committee" will pus us in position to do that. Also, if you haven't heard, OUR OFFENSE IS THE BOMB.COM!

November 17th, 2016, 12:51 PM
Is there a potential for us to get leapfrogged again this week and end up without a first round bye? Obviously we have to beat W&M, but assuming we do, does anyone think we might lose that bye? And conversely, does anyone think we go back to 7 with a convincing win?

I'd love another round between Richmond and my Bison. Just win baby, and we'll face you again!

November 17th, 2016, 12:53 PM
What does being rational have to do with anything? The "Committee" most def looks at past playoff experience. I know our SOS is ****, but beating UCA on Saturday gets us going for another run through the FCS playoffs and me thinks the "Committee" will pus us in position to do that. Also, if you haven't heard, OUR OFFENSE IS THE BOMB.COM!
SHSU has had a top 5 offense in 4 of the last 5 years. Congrats!

Point is we've seen this before. xcoffeex

November 17th, 2016, 01:01 PM
SHSU has had a top 5 offense in 4 of the last 5 years. Congrats!

Point is we've seen this before. xcoffeex

Yes you're correct

November 17th, 2016, 01:05 PM
We call that a "Participation ribbon"
And SHSU knows a lot about participation ribbons! (Tee hee)

November 17th, 2016, 01:06 PM
And SHSU knows a lot about participation ribbons! (Tee hee)

Yes, we've got a couple of runner up shirts, i might have your size. Let me check.

November 17th, 2016, 01:10 PM
Yes, we've got a couple of runner up shirts, i might have your size. Let me check.

I'd take one. Only SLC shirts I have are McNeese and UCA.

November 17th, 2016, 01:17 PM
I'd take one. Only SLC shirts I have are McNeese and UCA.

How's that working out? For them? You've destroyed the seasons of two teams this year, now you're going for the trifecta? Impressive.

"There is no MK, only Zuul!"

November 17th, 2016, 01:24 PM
How's that working out? For them? You've destroyed the seasons of two teams this year, now you're going for the trifecta? Impressive.

"There is no MK, only Zuul!"

Does it hurt being so stupid?

November 17th, 2016, 01:25 PM
What's your rationale that SHSU deserves to be higher than The Citadel, James Madison, NDSU, and/or Eastern Washington?

I think SHSU has a really good team, possibly the best offense in the FCS. If they thumped UCA I would put them at #3 but that is heavily leaning on the eye test but at least that would give me a game that I can use to confirm it.

November 17th, 2016, 01:37 PM
How's that working out? For them? You've destroyed the seasons of two teams this year, now you're going for the trifecta? Impressive.

"There is no MK, only Zuul!"

I've had them both for 2-4 years. ;)

November 17th, 2016, 01:39 PM
I think SHSU has a really good team, possibly the best offense in the FCS. If they thumped UCA I would put them at #3 but that is heavily leaning on the eye test but at least that would give me a game that I can use to confirm it.

I get that if Sammy comes out and thumps UCA and then stands on their throat, but if UCA makes a game of it. With JMU, The Citadel, and JSU all also undefeated and all having harder schedules it's tough for me to justify they deserve a top 4 spot.

Really barring an unexpected lose and/or a somewhat more possible SHSU loss, the top 6 are all very good teams. Probably the best top 6 in long while.

November 17th, 2016, 01:47 PM
I get that if Sammy comes out and thumps UCA and then stands on their throat, but if UCA makes a game of it. With JMU, The Citadel, and JSU all also undefeated and all having harder schedules it's tough for me to justify they deserve a top 4 spot.

Really barring an unexpected lose and/or a somewhat more possible SHSU loss, the top 6 are all very good teams. Probably the best top 6 in long while.

Are you sure JMU and JSU are undefeated or are you now disqualifying FBS loses? Are you only counting FBS wins? Seems odd!

November 17th, 2016, 01:47 PM
I get that if Sammy comes out and thumps UCA and then stands on their throat, but if UCA makes a game of it. With JMU, The Citadel, and JSU all also undefeated and all having harder schedules it's tough for me to justify they deserve a top 4 spot.

Really barring an unexpected lose and/or a somewhat more possible SHSU loss, the top 6 are all very good teams. Probably the best top 6 in long while.

Yeah, this is easily the strongest the FCS has been at the top in sometime. It is hard for me to seed SHSU until I know how that game goes down but I would put them over JSU with a win over UCA. JSU hasn't exactly done a whole lot either.

November 17th, 2016, 01:52 PM
Ok, does anyone sober here honestly think that Sam should be seeded higher than NDSU? Just curious.

November 17th, 2016, 01:54 PM
Ok, does anyone sober here honestly think that Sam should be seeded higher than NDSU? Just curious.

I don't. I have NDSU at #2

November 17th, 2016, 01:56 PM
What happens if SHSU losses?

full meltdown mode will remain, cause if its close... SHSU still gets a seed.

November 17th, 2016, 02:06 PM
Ok, does anyone sober here honestly think that Sam should be seeded higher than NDSU? Just curious.

No, I think most of us SHSU folks will agree. However, I wouldn't put it out if the realm of possibility that the committee automatically makes NDSU and EWU #1 and #2. The committee has done crazy **** before.

November 17th, 2016, 02:07 PM
I don't. I have NDSU at #2

Who do you have at #1? Eastern Washington? I know they have played well and their loss to NDSU is a better loss than NDSU at home to SDSU however NDSU has the head to head win and tougher SOS so I'm not buying them as #1 unless SU loses.

- - - Updated - - -

No, I think most of us SHSU folks will agree. However, I wouldn't put it out if the realm of possibility that the committee automatically makes NDSU and EWU #1 and #2. The committee has done crazy **** before.
If they both win out I'd have a hard time arguing that they don't deserve the 1 and 2 seeds.

November 17th, 2016, 02:07 PM
Does it hurt being so stupid?

Ask your mom.

"There is no MK, only Zuul!"

November 17th, 2016, 02:08 PM
Yeah, this is easily the strongest the FCS has been at the top in sometime. It is hard for me to seed SHSU until I know how that game goes down but I would put them over JSU with a win over UCA. JSU hasn't exactly done a whole lot either.


"There is no MK, only Zuul!"

November 17th, 2016, 02:10 PM

"There is no MK, only Zuul!"

Thumper 76
November 17th, 2016, 02:10 PM
Question for you experts:

If UCA loses to Sam by 3 and has a resume that includes:
Beating an FBS 4 time conference champion.
Losing to Samford but actually outplaying them.
Losing to Sam Houston but keeping it that close.
Winning all the other 8 games.

After replacing 30+ players and some coaches.

Do they get an 8 seed? Or drop out?

What seed would they get if they won against Sam? Would they even move up?
I know you usually campaign for uca every week bear, but this is so bad it made me nauseous.

Go undefeated.
Oh ffs. If SDSU has the same schedule as you they would average 60 ppg. I'll look up some stats tonight to prove it.

A radio host is not a valid source for their seeding decisions.
Maybe not, but when they ask you questions regarding your logic and you can't answer with anything besides these wouldn't be our seeds if it ended today, maybe you realize how bad your rankings were.

You mean a voting member of the Stats FCS T25 poll is not a valid source for a top 10 discussion?

Alright. I guess no one is a valid source.
I agree, but I'm glad I was sitting for you to give Jorgenson credit....

So does the SLC get anymore respect now nationally? Have we moved up in "perceived" strength? xlolx

Sweet Jesus xlolx

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November 17th, 2016, 02:13 PM
SHSU has had a top 5 offense in 4 of the last 5 years. Congrats!

Point is we've seen this before. xcoffeex

No you haven't. You've seen good running shsu teams, with so-so passing attacks with subpar WR and QB combination. Don't go lumping everything together. Past teams are the past. This is a new look. If you hate t, fine, but don't say it's the same. Just exposes you as a Score Browser rather than a game analyzer.

"There is no MK, only Zuul!"

November 17th, 2016, 02:13 PM
Ok, does anyone sober here honestly think that Sam should be seeded higher than NDSU? Just curious.

Nope. Not here. My only issue is JSU.

"There is no MK, only Zuul!"

November 17th, 2016, 02:18 PM
Ok, does anyone sober here honestly think that Sam should be seeded higher than NDSU? Just curious.

No. I would seed 1. EWU 2. NDSU 3. Citadel 4. SHSU

November 17th, 2016, 02:22 PM
Yeah, this is easily the strongest the FCS has been at the top in sometime. It is hard for me to seed SHSU until I know how that game goes down but I would put them over JSU with a win over UCA. JSU hasn't exactly done a whole lot either.

I agree with JSU. If the Gamecocks were walking through their schedule like they did last year I would be more impressed. The Citadel and James Madison just played such stronger schedules. Like you this weekends game will tell me a lot about SHSU, although win lose or draw it's still just one game. To where is, with most teams we usually get at least a couple of games to see them against playoff caliber competition.

November 17th, 2016, 02:23 PM
Ask your mom.

"There is no MK, only Zuul!"

Is that you Cluck U?

November 17th, 2016, 02:24 PM
No. I would seed 1. EWU 2. NDSU 3. Citadel 4. SHSU

I hear ya. I wouldn't argue that seeding for most part. I'll take the 1 or 2 seed. I still think NDSU should be seeded above EW though

November 17th, 2016, 02:25 PM
I agree with JSU. If the Gamecocks were walking through their schedule like they did last year I would be more impressed. The Citadel and James Madison just played such stronger schedules. Like you this weekends game will tell me a lot about SHSU, although win lose or draw it's still just one game. To where is, with most teams we usually get at least a couple of games to see them against playoff caliber competition.

But, as has been oft repeated, we can only play who is in front of us.

November 17th, 2016, 02:28 PM
I agree with JSU. If the Gamecocks were walking through their schedule like they did last year I would be more impressed. The Citadel and James Madison just played such stronger schedules. Like you this weekends game will tell me a lot about SHSU, although win lose or draw it's still just one game. To where is, with most teams we usually get at least a couple of games to see them against playoff caliber competition.

And the crawfishing begins....We went from "See how do vs UCA then we shall see" to..."But but but...it's only only game"

Nah!! It will be the 11th game! None with a loss....IF we win of course.

Not surprised. One thing i've learned about AGS veterans is that they always leave the backdoor open...just in case they need to slip out.

"There is no MK, only Zuul!"

November 17th, 2016, 02:28 PM
But, as has been oft repeated, we can only play who is in front of us.

Yep that is well understood. Just like UNI, who played a brutal schedule, I don't fault teams for their schedule. A lot of times they have very little control over it. However, the schedule needs to be a factor when trying to gauge their ranking and/or seed.

November 17th, 2016, 02:29 PM
I know you usually campaign for uca every week bear, but this is so bad it made me nauseous.

FBS win.
Playing for a conference title.
IN the playoffs.
One of the best defenses in the FCS.

Let me get you a safe space, some play dough, and a comfort dog for your condition while the rest of us enjoy and state the merits of our team's accomplishments on the way to Frisco. xrolleyesx What a whiny basketcase....geez. xrolleyesx

November 17th, 2016, 02:34 PM
And the crawfishing begins....We went from "See how do vs UCA then we shall see" to..."But but but...it's only only game"

Nah!! It will be the 11th game! None with a loss....IF we win of course.

Not surprised. One thing i've learned about AGS veterans is that they always leave the backdoor open...just in case they need to slip out.

"There is no MK, only Zuul!"

That point is a double edge sword. If you guys get smacked in the face by the bears it doesn't necessarily mean your garbage either.

You've been here for about a month now. I don't know why every little comment has to get your panties in a wad.

F'N Hawks
November 17th, 2016, 02:39 PM
FBS win.
Playing for a conference title.
IN the playoffs.
One of the best defenses in the FCS.

When looking at it, UCA beat Arkansas State, who was 0-3 and obviously playing poorly at the time, but has turned it around to 5-4....and one team with a winning record - SELA. Southern Utah beat SELA, for reference. The entire resume is not off the charts seed worthy, IMO.

November 17th, 2016, 02:42 PM
Who do you have at #1? Eastern Washington? I know they have played well and their loss to NDSU is a better loss than NDSU at home to SDSU however NDSU has the head to head win and tougher SOS so I'm not buying them as #1 unless SU loses.

- - - Updated - - -

If they both win out I'd have a hard time arguing that they don't deserve the 1 and 2 seeds.



Cal Poly beating SDSU makes the NDSU loss look worse to me. I also think the injuries NDSU has had keeps me from the #1 seed. I don't really look at SOS as much because teams can't help who their conference foes are.

November 17th, 2016, 02:42 PM
SHSU is a very good team, we think. Trouble is without a lot of quality competition it is difficult to tell just how good they are. This has been said over and over, nothing new. Which is why i'm comfortable right now with where they sit in the rankings for the most part. If they play very well and crush UCA we really have to reevaluate and I wouldn't be surprised if they were big movers the last week if they do well. I could see them anywhere from 1-4 with a victory.

F'N Hawks
November 17th, 2016, 02:44 PM
I, as a UND fan, want nothing to do with SHSU. That offense can get rolling and become a runaway train. I think they are pretty damn good from the little I have seen and read.

November 17th, 2016, 02:46 PM
I'd love another round between Richmond and my Bison. Just win baby, and we'll face you again!

Many spiders are hoping for this, myself included. Who doesn't want to be the one to knock off the champs. We ended App State's run, so it would only be right!

Thumper 76
November 17th, 2016, 02:51 PM
FBS win.
Playing for a conference title.
IN the playoffs.
One of the best defenses in the FCS.

Let me get you a safe space, some play dough, and a comfort dog for your condition while the rest of us enjoy and state the merits of our team's accomplishments on the way to Frisco. xrolleyesx What a whiny basketcase....geez. xrolleyesx

xlolx wow gotta dig to safe space accusations cause you're the one who looks pathetic? You prove my point. Stop trying so hard your team has a good resume and is a top ten team to the committee. Trying to pump up a mediocre at best FBS win and a loss when you have an actual resume that's pretty solid is just sad.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

November 17th, 2016, 02:54 PM
Many spiders are hoping for this, myself included. Who doesn't want to be the one to knock off the champs. We ended App State's run, so it would only be right!

What would be right would be for SHSU to do it. We are 1 and 4 against them in all games played. 3 of the 5 being close games in which SHSU went 1 out of 3. We are due to knock off the bizon!

November 17th, 2016, 02:54 PM
That point is a double edge sword. If you guys get smacked in the face by the bears it doesn't necessarily mean your garbage either.

You've been here for about a month now. I don't know why every little comment has to get your panties in a wad.

I agree. Just testing you. You pass. Carry on.
I'm blunt. That's just how i am. Nothing personal. If you guys want this to be a bridge club board then let me know how to delete my account asap.

Have you ever gone all day with wadded panties? not cool

"There is no MK, only Zuul!"

November 17th, 2016, 02:58 PM
Many spiders are hoping for this, myself included. Who doesn't want to be the one to knock off the champs. We ended App State's run, so it would only be right!

Yes, why not? I don't think NDSU cares about who it plays.

November 17th, 2016, 02:59 PM
Yes, why not? I don't think NDSU cares about who it plays.

with very good reason.

November 17th, 2016, 02:59 PM
Yes, why not? I don't think NDSU cares about who it plays.New teams coming through the dome would be nice...

November 17th, 2016, 03:01 PM
What would be right would be for SHSU to do it. We are 1 and 4 against them in all games played. 3 of the 5 being close games in which SHSU went 1 out of 3. We are due to knock off the bizon!

That's a lot of chances!

November 17th, 2016, 03:04 PM
New teams coming through the dome would be nice...

What about the recently traditional matchups with OOC like an SHSU? You know you'd love to see that again.

ursus arctos horribilis
November 17th, 2016, 03:06 PM
Figure this is a good place to put an interview with last years selection chair.


November 17th, 2016, 03:08 PM
What about the recently traditional matchups with OOC like an SHSU? You know you'd love to see that again.Always glad to play Sam Houston. New teams coming to the dome usually is quite an advantage to NDSU, though. Main thing is I don't want conference teams...anything but that.

November 17th, 2016, 03:10 PM
Always glad to play Sam Houston. New teams coming to the dome usually is quite an advantage to NDSU, though. Main thing is I don't want conference teams...anything but that.

I'd love to see NDSU down in Huntsville. Not likely this year unless some wild and crazy **** happens. When the Montana's came down in 2011 it was a pretty good time.

November 17th, 2016, 03:23 PM
JMU deserves a 4 seed at worst.

November 17th, 2016, 03:26 PM
I'd love to see NDSU down in Huntsville. Not likely this year unless some wild and crazy **** happens. When the Montana's came down in 2011 it was a pretty good time.
Montana/SHSU ended up a good game, after the Griz spotted you a 21 point first quarter lead... ;)

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

November 17th, 2016, 03:27 PM
No you haven't. You've seen good running shsu teams, with so-so passing attacks with subpar WR and QB combination. Don't go lumping everything together. Past teams are the past. This is a new look. If you hate t, fine, but don't say it's the same. Just exposes you as a Score Browser rather than a game analyzer.

"There is no MK, only Zuul!"

Here's the thing. You also had one of the best defensive teams in 2011. That was without question your best team ever IMO. This years team defense does not look good at all in comparison. You can say it's a lot of garbage time stuff but that wasn't the case against McNeese. We'll see how the game against UCA goes but IMO you Sammy fans better be hoping your offense keeps scoring 45+ a game.

November 17th, 2016, 03:29 PM
Fair question, for those that think Sammy would be above JMU or El Cid, where would a UCA W, no matter how it is earned, be compared to the best both have had? UR and maybe Chatty would be final ranked above a 2 loss UCA. Would ANY of their others wins crack a JMU/ El Cid top 3/4?

JMU (all on road) - UR, Nova, Maine, UNH
El Cid - Chatty, Samford, Wofford

I think that is the point. SHSU is not a true paper tiger like Baylor but both them and WVU were not ranked highly before they lost due to crappy schedules. JMU/ Citadel solidified who they are (only losses potentially to a good FBS team which SHSU did not have 1 on the schedule). 1 game by SHSU would just prove they could show up once in 11 games...

November 17th, 2016, 03:33 PM
xlolx wow gotta dig to safe space accusations cause you're the one who looks pathetic? You prove my point. Stop trying so hard your team has a good resume and is a top ten team to the committee. Trying to pump up a mediocre at best FBS win and a loss when you have an actual resume that's pretty solid is just sad.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz..... your fixation with this team is....well, strange. All year long we hear how horrible the SLC is, how even Sammy is the only hope for that conference and it is weak case, and a team that had a 7-4 record last year was left out for a 6-5 team and you don't expect its fans to try to make a national case for it? What planet do you live on? In the eyes of the voters we might as well be the PL. Keep reading my promotions, even if we lose Saturday. I'm here in the off-season too. Don't forget to tip your waiter. xlolx

November 17th, 2016, 03:37 PM
Fair question, for those that think Sammy would be above JMU or El Cid, where would a UCA W, no matter how it is earned, be compared to the best both have had? UR and maybe Chatty would be final ranked above a 2 loss UCA. Would ANY of their others wins crack a JMU/ El Cid top 3/4?

JMU (all on road) - UR, Nova, Maine, UNH
El Cid - Chatty, Samford, Wofford

I think that is the point. SHSU is not a true paper tiger like Baylor but both them and WVU were not ranked highly before they lost due to crappy schedules. JMU/ Citadel solidified who they are (only losses potentially to a good FBS team which SHSU did not have 1 on the schedule). 1 game by SHSU would just prove they could show up once in 11 games...

Hopefully we can play JMU in the playoffs.

November 17th, 2016, 03:39 PM
Here's the thing. You also had one of the best defensive teams in 2011. That was without question your best team ever IMO. This years team defense does not look good at all in comparison. You can say it's a lot of garbage time stuff but that wasn't the case against McNeese. We'll see how the game against UCA goes but IMO you Sammy fans better be hoping your offense keeps scoring 45+ a game.

2011 was a Great team, Defense, Running Back, Offensive Line...However the QB of that team was not a good QB. Bell was, should i say it a "game manager". I am going to get so much **** from SHSU faithful.

November 17th, 2016, 03:41 PM
Fair question, for those that think Sammy would be above JMU or El Cid, where would a UCA W, no matter how it is earned, be compared to the best both have had? UR and maybe Chatty would be final ranked above a 2 loss UCA. Would ANY of their others wins crack a JMU/ El Cid top 3/4?

JMU (all on road) - UR, Nova, Maine, UNH
El Cid - Chatty, Samford, Wofford

I think that is the point. SHSU is not a true paper tiger like Baylor but both them and WVU were not ranked highly before they lost due to crappy schedules. JMU/ Citadel solidified who they are (only losses potentially to a good FBS team which SHSU did not have 1 on the schedule). 1 game by SHSU would just prove they could show up once in 11 games...

You're going to be so pissed when JMU and El Cid are ranked behind SHSU after we beat UCA! I love it.

November 17th, 2016, 03:48 PM
2011 was a Great team, Defense, Running Back, Offensive Line...However the QB of that team was not a good QB. Bell was, should i say it a "game manager". I am going to get so much **** from SHSU faithful.

NDSUs QB for that year, Jensen, was also regarded as a game manager. He is still thought of as being one of NDSU's best QBs ever despite that game manager tag.

November 17th, 2016, 03:48 PM
Here's the thing. You also had one of the best defensive teams in 2011. That was without question your best team ever IMO. This years team defense does not look good at all in comparison. You can say it's a lot of garbage time stuff but that wasn't the case against McNeese. We'll see how the game against UCA goes but IMO you Sammy fans better be hoping your offense keeps scoring 45+ a game.

That defense scored ZERO points. Not did it help our anemic offense score. so. gotta score or you can't win. No thanks. You can keep that team.

you guys just like defensive teams more. that's cool. i prefer teams that can score. just me.

"There is no MK, only Zuul!"

November 17th, 2016, 03:50 PM
Hopefully we can play JMU in the playoffs.

You're going to be so pissed when JMU and El Cid are ranked behind SHSU after we beat UCA! I love it.

If it wasn't for toothpaste last year woulda saw you in the 'burg....

I would be because reason goes out the window. Not my soapbox for my team but facts and figures...

November 17th, 2016, 03:52 PM
2011 was a Great team, Defense, Running Back, Offensive Line...However the QB of that team was not a good QB. Bell was, should i say it a "game manager". I am going to get so much **** from SHSU faithful.

Not from me, Flanders was the star of that team. This year's offense with that year's defense, we would make every team look like a cupcake.

November 17th, 2016, 03:56 PM
If it wasn't for toothpaste last year woulda saw you in the 'burg....

I would be because reason goes out the window. Not my soapbox for my team but facts and figures...

Well toothpaste was really not that good...maybe JMU has a defense this year? I have not watched any JMU games this year so I wouldn't know. The CAA really needs a ESPN 3 deal.

November 17th, 2016, 03:57 PM
That defense scored ZERO points. Not did it help our anemic offense score. so. gotta score or you can't win. No thanks. You can keep that team.

you guys just like defensive teams more. that's cool. i prefer teams that can score. just me.

"There is no MK, only Zuul!"

Defense wins championships. You can keep the offensive mentality though.

November 17th, 2016, 04:10 PM
2011 was a Great team, Defense, Running Back, Offensive Line...However the QB of that team was not a good QB. Bell was, should i say it a "game manager". I am going to get so much **** from SHSU faithful.

I agree with you.

November 17th, 2016, 04:12 PM
NDSUs QB for that year, Jensen, was also regarded as a game manager. He is still thought of as being one of NDSU's best QBs ever despite that game manager tag.

He was a lot better than Bell. Jensen at least got a look at an NFL camp. Bell dropped right into his dad's HS coaching staff.

November 17th, 2016, 04:20 PM
Well toothpaste was really not that good...maybe JMU has a defense this year? I have not watched any JMU games this year so I wouldn't know. The CAA really needs a ESPN 3 deal.

C'mon! You don't get the MASN or SNY there in Texas? :p

With some of the games they air on ESPN3 you'd think they would give us money to actually air ours in real stadiums in the CAA compared to some of the dumpster fires they put on. I had more people at my house last night than the E. Michigan game they aired on TV (no, I did not have a party either as it was just my wife & daughter...)

But yes, we found 11 guys to play on the other side of the ball this year... we are not a bend & break D and control the clock a little more as we aren't going 100mph every second on Offense

November 17th, 2016, 04:25 PM
Not from me, Flanders was the star of that team. This year's offense with that year's defense, we would make every team look like a cupcake.

Same could be said with the 2013 Bison PLUS Carson Wentz

Thumper 76
November 17th, 2016, 04:37 PM
ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz..... your fixation with this team is....well, strange. All year long we hear how horrible the SLC is, how even Sammy is the only hope for that conference and it is weak case, and a team that had a 7-4 record last year was left out for a 6-5 team and you don't expect its fans to try to make a national case for it? What planet do you live on? In the eyes of the voters we might as well be the PL. Keep reading my promotions, even if we lose Saturday. I'm here in the off-season too. Don't forget to tip your waiter. xlolx

No fixation, just reading the thread. Call it as I see it, sure is easy to get your panties in a twist over it though. You going to keep throwing a tantrum cause I called you out or are you better now?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

November 17th, 2016, 04:47 PM
NDSUs QB for that year, Jensen, was also regarded as a game manager. He is still thought of as being one of NDSU's best QBs ever despite that game manager tag.
He is a backup in one of the best CFL teams. They are grooming him for a starting position. I think that year's version of Brock Jensen was a game manger. He was solid in 2013.

November 17th, 2016, 04:53 PM
He was a lot better than Bell. Jensen at least got a look at an NFL camp. Bell dropped right into his dad's HS coaching staff.

Correct, he was good and got the job done. But with the QB's we've had the last 3 years he is the 4th guy.

Like MK, I take 2011 defense and put 2016 offense with it and good lawd that would a team for the ages.

November 17th, 2016, 05:27 PM
2011 was a Great team, Defense, Running Back, Offensive Line...However the QB of that team was not a good QB. Bell was, should i say it a "game manager". I am going to get so much **** from SHSU faithful.


"There is no MK, only Zuul!"

November 17th, 2016, 05:31 PM
No fixation, just reading the thread. Call it as I see it, sure is easy to get your panties in a twist over it though. You going to keep throwing a tantrum cause I called you out or are you better now?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Why don't you go ahead and enlighten us heathens as to what you golden cocked lip flappers consider an acceptable response to constant degradation and dismissal?

Is "Thank you sir, may i have another?" what you are looking for? ****! Are there no men in your damn part if the country? You girls act like no one has ever told you to go eff yourself in your entire life! Maybe that's what's wrong with y'all?

"There is no MK, only Zuul!"

Thumper 76
November 17th, 2016, 05:38 PM
Why don't you go ahead and enlighten us heathens as to what you golden cocked lip flappers consider an acceptable response to constant degradation and dismissal?

Is "Thank you sir, may i have another?" what you are looking for? ****! Are there no men in your damn part if the country? You girls act like no one has ever told you to go eff yourself in your entire life! Maybe that's what's wrong with y'all?

"There is no MK, only Zuul!"

Jesus Christ you SLC guys are a bunch of soft little twats aren't you. Someone points out something's and it's rivers of tears. What constant degradation has UCA been receiving. I said he looks silly trying to prop up things he doesn't have to and it looks pathetic. Jesus, at least I know where all the tissues go to from the paper mill my uncle works at, thanks for keeping them in business.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

November 17th, 2016, 05:40 PM
Jesus Christ you SLC guys are a bunch of soft little twats aren't you. Someone points out something's and it's rivers of tears. What constant degradation has UCA been receiving. I said he looks silly trying to prop up things he doesn't have to and it looks pathetic. Jesus, at least I know where all the tissues go to from the paper mill my uncle works at, thanks for keeping them in business.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Do i sound sad? Bro I'm happy! This is just my passionate voice! Sometimes i have trouble controlling the volume of said voice, but i'll have to trust you to cut through to the core of the question/statement and disregard the colorful undertones. Carry on.

"There is no MK, only Zuul!"

November 17th, 2016, 05:41 PM
Don't fret Thumpy, Old MK will be gone soon enough. The scheduling Gawds will catch up to us soon and you guys will be rid of me for about 8 months. You can spend that time training for my return.

"There is no MK, only Zuul!"

Thumper 76
November 17th, 2016, 06:42 PM
Don't fret Thumpy, Old MK will be gone soon enough. The scheduling Gawds will catch up to us soon and you guys will be rid of me for about 8 months. You can spend that time training for my return.

"There is no MK, only Zuul!"

Sure, or

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

November 17th, 2016, 10:41 PM
Don't fret Thumpy, Old MK will be gone soon enough. The scheduling Gawds will catch up to us soon and you guys will be rid of me for about 8 months. You can spend that time training for my return.

"There is no MK, only Zuul!"

You give yourself way to much credit. We actually look at you like a bad case of diarrhea.
Its inconvenient and smells bad. But you can live with it as it wont kill you and in time it just eventually goes away. Then with the flush of the toilet you are gone until the next group of zipper heads discovers this venue and tries to enlighten us on the virtues of their team who just beat no-name u. Then its the same. Flush, wash, rinse, repeat. Next.

November 18th, 2016, 12:00 AM

November 18th, 2016, 06:50 AM
Does UCA get a boost for beating a FBS Conference champ?
Was fun watching Ark State beat the brakes off of troy.

November 18th, 2016, 09:14 AM
I'm now rooting for Elon to beat JMU, not because it helps us, but specifically because of this post.


Hopefully we can play JMU in the playoffs.


November 18th, 2016, 09:31 AM
C'mon! You don't get the MASN or SNY there in Texas? :p

With some of the games they air on ESPN3 you'd think they would give us money to actually air ours in real stadiums in the CAA compared to some of the dumpster fires they put on. I had more people at my house last night than the E. Michigan game they aired on TV (no, I did not have a party either as it was just my wife & daughter...)

But yes, we found 11 guys to play on the other side of the ball this year... we are not a bend & break D and control the clock a little more as we aren't going 100mph every second on Offense

I tried to watch some of the EWU/poly stream. It was Basically unwatchable with the quality and commentators. If the ****ty old alc can get an ESPN 3 deal then explain how the Css and big sky don't!!!

Professor Chaos
November 18th, 2016, 09:46 AM
I tried to watch some of the EWU/poly stream. It was Basically unwatchable with the quality and commentators. If the ****ty old alc can get an ESPN 3 deal then explain how the Css and big sky don't!!!
Because they have network contracts with NBC Sports and Root Sports not ESPN or any of it's affiliates.

November 18th, 2016, 11:11 AM
I tried to watch some of the EWU/poly stream. It was Basically unwatchable with the quality and commentators. If the ****ty old alc can get an ESPN 3 deal then explain how the Css and big sky don't!!!
With you here. Everything about Cal Polys stream is unwatchable, a shame in this day and age really.

F'N Hawks
November 18th, 2016, 11:16 AM
With you here. Everything about Cal Polys stream is unwatchable, a shame in this day and age really.

Should have seen it last year and well, years before that. They would zoom in so we could only see the Tackles. Then, when the play was going they would switch cameras. It was the worst, ever. No idea what was going on.

November 18th, 2016, 11:20 AM
Does UCA get a boost for beating a FBS Conference champ?
Was fun watching Ark State beat the brakes off of troy.
FBS teams getting big wins only helps you if you're the Bison.

But it was fun seeing Troy get dumptrucked at home.

Thumper 76
November 18th, 2016, 11:24 AM
FBS teams getting big wins only helps you if you're the Bison.

But it was fun seeing Troy get dumptrucked at home.

Yeah those two wins are sure equal.....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

November 18th, 2016, 11:39 AM
Because they have network contracts with NBC Sports and Root Sports not ESPN or any of it's affiliates.

Funny thing is even ESPN3 doesn't prevent crappy streams. Just watch any Indiana State or WIU game on there sometime.

ursus arctos horribilis
November 18th, 2016, 11:54 AM
Funny thing is even ESPN3 doesn't prevent crappy streams. Just watch any Indiana State or WIU game on there sometime.

I was reading that and thinking the same thing. An ESPN contract doesn't do jack **** for what a home team provides as the stream. I know when Fullerton was with the BSC he had said that there was a new standard going into place to bring all low quality crap like that up to the level of the better scholls streaming in the conference so hope it happens right away.

It should be embarassing to schools like Cal Poly, Idaho State, etc. that the product is that poor.

November 18th, 2016, 12:00 PM
Defense wins championships. You can keep the offensive mentality though.

We didn't win the championship these years, but my favorite Leatherneck team that I saw was probably '98. Gave up only 12.5 points per game that season. '96 and '97 weren't bad either...both under 20 points per game.

I love watching a good defense completely shut down an offense that may have previously thought were good.

November 18th, 2016, 12:04 PM
Way to go UCA. This is why SunBelt teams aren't ranked.

Sent from my VS986 using Tapatalk

November 18th, 2016, 01:21 PM
FBS teams getting big wins only helps you if you're the Bison.

But it was fun seeing Troy get dumptrucked at home.

So true. I get a kick watching them justify the unranked Iowa win was better than EWU's Wash St win which is in the current AP poll.

Both are much better than Troy though.

POD Knows
November 18th, 2016, 01:25 PM
So true. I get a kick watching them justify the unranked Iowa win was better than EWU's Wash St win which is in the current AP poll.

Both are much better than Troy though.

Who said the NDSU win over Iowa is a better win that the EWU win over Washington State.

November 18th, 2016, 01:28 PM
FBS teams getting big wins only helps you if you're the Bison.

But it was fun seeing Troy get dumptrucked at home.
LOL at Troy = Michigan. Maybe time to lay off the crack xeyebrowx

Thumper 76
November 18th, 2016, 01:30 PM
So true. I get a kick watching them justify the unranked Iowa win was better than EWU's Wash St win which is in the current AP poll.

Both are much better than Troy though.

Nobody's doing that.....

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November 18th, 2016, 01:30 PM
So true. I get a kick watching them justify the unranked Iowa win was better than EWU's Wash St win which is in the current AP poll.

Both are much better than Troy though.

Source, or are you just trying to start some more drama?

POD Knows
November 18th, 2016, 01:34 PM
Nobody's doing that.....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You are right and I think most people were citing the better FBS win for EWU as a justification for the spot ahead of the Bison in the poll.

November 18th, 2016, 01:35 PM
FBS teams getting big wins only helps you if you're the Bison.

But it was fun seeing Troy get dumptrucked at home.

https://cdn.meme.am/instances/500x/52579927.jpg (https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjmv4ywhrPQAhWDRCYKHbXjCZgQjRwIBw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fmemegenerator.net%2Finstance%2F5 2579927&psig=AFQjCNH5o2yoHb7GTgmnH7yN9-4b9Ad7NA&ust=1479584068104233)

November 18th, 2016, 01:39 PM
You are right and I think most people were citing the better FBS win for EWU as a justification for the spot ahead of the Bison in the poll.

Maybe that was it, I'm not doing the research thru all the Bison posts to find it.

POD Knows
November 18th, 2016, 02:03 PM
Maybe that was it, I'm not doing the research thru all the Bison posts to find it.

You would have to be a big assed Bison homer to try and make that agreement but stranger things have happened.

November 18th, 2016, 08:57 PM
They got their #1 rating back from the committee, so at least that quieted the tears. For now.....

I wasn't inthe......we should be number 1 camp. I was inthe....you shouldn't be rated as high as you were. Most felt that way also. So there were no tears to shed.

November 19th, 2016, 12:42 AM
You give yourself way to much credit. We actually look at you like a bad case of diarrhea.
Its inconvenient and smells bad. But you can live with it as it wont kill you and in time it just eventually goes away. Then with the flush of the toilet you are gone until the next group of zipper heads discovers this venue and tries to enlighten us on the virtues of their team who just beat no-name u. Then its the same. Flush, wash, rinse, repeat. Next.

You wish that were true. You know, attempted dismissal is universally accepted as the weakest response to an online debate. Weak sauce.

"There is no MK, only Zuul!"