View Full Version : Wisconsin football players allege racial bias, demand change

November 7th, 2016, 11:06 PM
What now?


Franks Tanks
November 8th, 2016, 08:18 AM
If they want change do something that involves more than posting on social media.

November 8th, 2016, 09:34 AM
Change they can believe in?

November 8th, 2016, 10:53 AM
Clearly the african american community is drastically over represented in FBS football and D-I basketball. There should clearly be changes made to level the playing field to allow for members of underrepresented races to more fairly compete for these opportunities that can lead directly to high salaries and well paying careers that they are currently largely shut out of. 1/8 of the population should not be allowed to take up over 1/2 of these coveted positions. Clearly institutional racism is at play and must be corrected by giving raced based preference to members of underrepresented groups.

Franks Tanks
November 8th, 2016, 11:17 AM
Clearly the african american community is drastically over represented in FBS football and D-I basketball. There should clearly be changes made to level the playing field to allow for members of underrepresented races to more fairly compete for these opportunities that can lead directly to high salaries and well paying careers that they are currently largely shut out of. 1/8 of the population should not be allowed to take up over 1/2 of these coveted positions. Clearly institutional racism is at play and must be corrected by giving raced based preference to members of underrepresented groups.

Don't forget equal pay. The individuals who make it to the NBA should subsidize the salaries of their female counterparts, as that making more for the "same" services isn't fair.

November 8th, 2016, 01:33 PM
They demand "change", but don't really seem to know exactly what "change" they want.

November 8th, 2016, 03:27 PM
They demand "change", but don't really seem to know exactly what "change" they want.

The "change" they want comes in stacks of $100 denominations in their pockets.

November 9th, 2016, 02:38 PM
Those stupid black boys are beyond a level of dumb for subjecting themselves to attend an "institution" xlolx of higher-learning where there was historical and is current RACIAL HOSTILITY. I just knocked out 99.9999+% of american PWCUs w/ that statement. :D They look dumb as hell begging for some type of change in someone's fashionable home. That's their house, dummy. You're just a visitor. :D Duhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

November 11th, 2016, 09:55 AM
Didn't Ron Dayne and Jamar Fletcher say the same thing about Wisconsin back in the late 90s? This isn't just a Wisconsin problem. And honestly I don't know how you solve it.

November 18th, 2016, 12:45 AM
Those stupid black boys are beyond a level of dumb for subjecting themselves to attend an "institution" xlolx of higher-learning where there was historical and is current RACIAL HOSTILITY. I just knocked out 99.9999+% of american PWCUs w/ that statement. :D They look dumb as hell begging for some type of change in someone's fashionable home. That's their house, dummy. You're just a visitor. :D Duhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

Everybody is just a visitor. Some visit longer than others.
If they really feel that way then may be they need to move on to a school with safe spaces?

November 28th, 2016, 12:58 PM
Everybody is just a visitor. Some visit longer than others.
If they really feel that way then may be they need to move on to a school with safe spaces?

Yes, they should've attended Prairie View A&M University where I can ASSURE you they would not have been racially discriminated against due to their skin color and their simple ability to bounce a ball on a wooden court or run/tackle a ball on a 100yd football field. I couldn't agree w/ you more.

They look more dumb and stupid w/ every waning second that passes voluntarily subjecting themselves to racial hostility that coaching staffs hope to shelter them from on those "types" of campuses where that negative behavior is tolerated and prolly even advocated :D ;) . Naturally, the coaching staffs will attempt to shelter them from those types of negative events as the staffs' 6-fig salaries are solely dependent upon the athletic performance of the big strong bucks and now the APR-driven performance of them w/ their 'simple' majors lol. :D How dumb of them voluntarily seeking to be exploited for their physical prowess w/ their "general studies" major in tow. duhhhhhhhhhh

December 1st, 2016, 12:19 AM
Yes, they should've attended Prairie View A&M University where I can ASSURE you they would not have been racially discriminated against due to their skin color and their simple ability to bounce a ball on a wooden court or run/tackle a ball on a 100yd football field. I couldn't agree w/ you more.

They look more dumb and stupid w/ every waning second that passes voluntarily subjecting themselves to racial hostility that coaching staffs hope to shelter them from on those "types" of campuses where that negative behavior is tolerated and prolly even advocated :D ;) . Naturally, the coaching staffs will attempt to shelter them from those types of negative events as the staffs' 6-fig salaries are solely dependent upon the athletic performance of the big strong bucks and now the APR-driven performance of them w/ their 'simple' majors lol. :D How dumb of them voluntarily seeking to be exploited for their physical prowess w/ their "general studies" major in tow. duhhhhhhhhhh

Guess all those other 100 plus guys on the team feel they are being exploited? Do some research and tell me how many on the team are pursuing a general studies degree.

Im still trying to figure out how they were racially discriminated against. Help a brother out would ya?

December 7th, 2016, 11:30 AM
Guess all those other 100 plus guys on the team feel they are being exploited? Do some research and tell me how many on the team are pursuing a general studies degree.
Im still trying to figure out how they were racially discriminated against. Help a brother out would ya?

You'd have to ask them directly, bison. I do NOT speak w/ mentally inept coloreds, spooks, darkies, ni$$ers, spear chunkers, et al :D.

My assertion is overly substantiated.... why in sans hell does any sane "colored" xlolx allow themselves to be subjected to a racially discriminant and HOSTILE campus, just so they can "run a ball" or "bounce a ball?" smgdh xsmhx xsmhx xsmhx Common sense, is not too common. spencer and those like him would never E-V-E-R appear on the campus of Prairie View A&M University. We do NOT support or promote any SEMBLANCE of racial hostility, unlike predominant campuses who harbor graduates ;) and campus enrollees who secretly support those causes via their quiet and unassuming actions. Silence yields consent, I'm sure not many know that ;) . tee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee

White nationalist Spencer draws protests at Texas A&M
