View Full Version : Jim Rome pushing Playoffs (Again).

January 2nd, 2007, 04:38 PM
He's interviewing Zabransky (Boise State QB) in a moment, and then I believe he will take shots at the BCS. Sounds good to me. :)

January 2nd, 2007, 05:47 PM
Would FBS changing to playoffs hurt us? Somehow they would then have to make a difference between FBS playoff champion and FCS playoff champion. How would they do that?

Marcus Garvey
January 2nd, 2007, 06:38 PM
What's everybody's beef with the BCS? It works exactly as planned....
The 6 major conferences get to hog virtually all of the major bowl money.

Well done I say! They've successfully thrown the rest of the country off the scent by masquerading this thing as "No. 1 vs No 2" showdown for some sort of championship.:thumbsup:

January 3rd, 2007, 08:05 AM
You're right it's all about money. They're so happy bathing in it they're blind to the fact they could make even MORE $$ with a playoff system.

Marcus Garvey
January 3rd, 2007, 10:57 AM
You're right it's all about money. They're so happy bathing in it they're blind to the fact they could make even MORE $$ with a playoff system.

That point is very very very much in doubt. Nobody is sure if a playoff will generate more money. The month long hype for the BCS bowl games helps generate the support and drums up TV viewership. You can't get a long "hype period" with a playoff. What they are sure of is the massive amounts of money they're making now. Dropping the bowls could be the same as killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.

If I'm A.D. or president of a BCS university, I'd vote no to a playoff. It's not a hard decision. It may not be popular with the fans, but it's the smart move.

January 3rd, 2007, 11:18 AM
That's a shallow view. March Madness makes a lot more money than Bowl games do. Heck, if a team isn't in one of the BCS bowl games they actually lose money on the game.

Yes, I agree they are content with the $$ they make currently, however, I think they can make much more with a playoff. First of all, all the minor (non-BCS) bowl games would still exist even under a playoff format.

Second, the fear the schools have a playoff is the loss of control. All that needs to happen is to set it up as favorable for the BCS leagues as possible. What their main fear is is the distribution of the wealth. Conquer that & you have a playoff system. All the academic & length of season arguments have proven to be BS. It's all about $$.

Marcus Garvey
January 3rd, 2007, 02:38 PM
Yes, I agree they are content with the $$ they make currently, however, I think they can make much more with a playoff. First of all, all the minor (non-BCS) bowl games would still exist even under a playoff format.

Second, the fear the schools have a playoff is the loss of control. All that needs to happen is to set it up as favorable for the BCS leagues as possible. What their main fear is is the distribution of the wealth. Conquer that & you have a playoff system. All the academic & length of season arguments have proven to be BS. It's all about $$.

You think they'd make money, but neither you, nor I, nor anyone can say for cetain. Why risk a $14 Million payoff that's a sure thing for something that could be less? Playoff $$$ is a big unknown. If the playoffs generate less money for the conferences, and athletic departments descend deeper into the red, trustees are going to get upset. University presdients don't get to be where they are by taking stupid chances.

Remember, the money would have to be shared by all conferences, same as the basketball tournament, thus diluting the take. That's the only comparison you can make between basketball playoffs and a theoretical football playoff. March madness involves 63 games, all tellivised.

Count me as in the minority of people who just don't care if there's a playoff or not.

Historically, big time college football has been about the few trying to hoarde all the money. In the 70's, before Men's basketball became a huge revenue sport through March Madness, the big time conferences discussed leaving the NCAA to form their own association. It was an attempt to generate big TV revenues without having to share with the little guys. That's what the BCS is, and it's very effective at it.

January 3rd, 2007, 03:03 PM
Would FBS changing to playoffs hurt us? Somehow they would then have to make a difference between FBS playoff champion and FCS playoff champion. How would they do that?

They'd have to come up with some earth-shattering distinction like "Division I-A" and "Division I-AA".

January 3rd, 2007, 04:14 PM
This subject can be argued either way. IMHO no playoffs is BS. As for this fan, I am proud of myself. I only watched bowl games not on ESPN. ESPN's lack of respect for FCS totally pissed me off. All those bowl games are irrelevant to me if there is nothing on the line. Had the bowl games been in a playoff format, I guarantee I would have viewed EVERY game involving a playoff system, regardless of who was broadcasting.
I would not have resisted those games in that format!!!!

When I made this decision, I was wondering if I could actually stay committed to it. I did, and to be honest, I did not, do not, nor will not ever miss viewing a measly no name bowl game again.

As for the hype, to me it has always been counter productive. After 3 to 4 days of hearing about these games and bowl games, I lose my interest.
I do not want to hear about them over and over for a whole damn month!!!! I tune ESPN "out" anytime they have pregame coverage for a game to be played more than 1 week away. IE, I can handle the 1st few days of hype and the last few days, so basically over that 4 weeks, "I do not care for 3 of the 4 weeks!"

My interest in bowl games would be much higher with 100% guarantee in my viewing in a playoff format. As it is, I do not even bother recording any of those game. In a playoff format, I would either watch or record every game involving the playoffs. For games not involving the playoffs, I may view them out of courtesy sake to the networks giving us the playoffs. SCREW THE B(c)S!!!!! As for this fan, the way it is loses my interest, in turn $$$$$$$$ to those advertisers.

January 3rd, 2007, 04:18 PM
Also note that if I have to chose rivaling companies or products, when push comes to shove, I will choose a company or product supporting a playoff system verses one that does not!!!! IE companies that advertise for FCS playoffs will get my $ before those that do not!!!!

January 3rd, 2007, 04:23 PM
Also note that if I have to chose rivaling companies or products, when push comes to shove, I will choose a company or product supporting a playoff system verses one that does not!!!! IE companies that advertise for FCS playoffs will get my $ before those that do not!!!!

Any companies in particular that you have in mind?

January 3rd, 2007, 04:27 PM
You think they'd make money, but neither you, nor I, nor anyone can say for cetain. Why risk a $14 Million payoff that's a sure thing for something that could be less?

You do have to keep in mind the conferences already pool their money for bowl appearances. Ohio State may be given $14M or whatever it is for playing in AZ but they only see 1/11th of that $$.