View Full Version : Another Columnist Bashes FCS/NCAA Name Change
December 29th, 2006, 05:49 PM
Good news is we have several options to make sure this hack sees the light. We can leave comments on the page or we can e-mail him at
[email protected]. Oddly enough, this fellow is a high school coach. Aren't some of his athletes heading to these FCS schools? What a bonehead!
Anyhow, this article talks about the NCAA being all 'warm and fuzzy'. Says that FCS schools, were evidently "unhappy with their junior label." When discussing the Div I National Champion Appalachian St, he asks, "Appalachian State? A school in Boone, N.C.? What happened to Florida and Ohio State, you ask?"
What a moron...have fun with this one...I'm going to post my remarks...:thumbsup:
December 29th, 2006, 05:55 PM
While I do think this guy is a complete moron, I just wish we would drop the subdivision part. Just call 1-A the Bowl Division and 1-AA the Playoff Division. No "sub" period!
December 29th, 2006, 06:07 PM
I wrote:
Mr. Messner,
You wrote:
"Two weeks ago, the NCAA announced that Appalachian State would be the first team to take home the newly named NCAA Division I Football Championship."
That was announced in August of this year, not two weeks ago. This is not a recent change.
"Only the words "Bowl" and Championship" are different."
Seems appropriate to me. One group plays for the NCAA championship and the other play in bowls. This is not a change.
"And to make matters even worse, Division I-AAA (non-football schools) teams are now to be referred to as Division I."
They have always been Division I, this is not a change.
"Why throw the word "subdivision" into the fray?"
I-A, I-AA and I-AA were all subdivisions of Division I in football. This is not a change.
"So what happens with Division II and III?"
Division II and III have no subdivisions. This is not a change.
"Enjoy watching the Football Bowl Subdivision Bowl Championship Series National Championship title game next week."
The FBS is an NCAA classification, the BCS is not. This is not a change. They do not belong in the same name. The FBS does not play for an NCAA championship. I will not be watching the Fritos Tostitos Dominos Oreos Burritos Lamo Yucko "national championship" game because it is a ficticious and unrecognized title. If and when the FBS wants a recognized champion they will do it like all other NCAA sports do it, through a tournament where the champion is decided by play.
December 29th, 2006, 06:09 PM
Do you have a list someone of all the columists who hate you for all the emails like this that you send?
That being said, great job. :thumbsup:
December 29th, 2006, 06:12 PM
Nice shot, Ralph!
December 29th, 2006, 06:26 PM
Do you have a list someone of all the columists who hate you for all the emails like this that you send?
We should compile a list of columnists we don't like... :)
Of course, we do have columnists we do like too... :)
I provided a link to AGS!
December 30th, 2006, 01:17 PM
received this email:
Mr. Wallace:
Your points are well-taken, however the article was simply an extension of many columns I've written ine regard to misguided NCAA decisions over the past few years that defy logic such as the " Fritos Tostitos Dominos Oreos Burritos Lamo Yucko "national championship". I agree whole-heartedly with that one!
I was simply trying to relay the idiocy of it all and the reason for the switch being a group of whiners. When I said, "What happens to Division II and III"?, it was to the numerical inferiority label given to them while the NCAA felt compelled to scratch the I-AA for the same reason.
The next ridiculous NCAA decision to which I will take aim will be the Title IX reasoning for possibly prohibiting male practice players from Division I women's basketball practices.
Thanks for the email.
Graham Messner
December 30th, 2006, 02:43 PM
Could he have dodged your comments anymore in that reply?
December 31st, 2006, 10:00 AM
At least he got a reply. I'm still awaiting one from the Morning Call's sports editor who I wrote to last week for the continued use of I-AA in their columns and reporting.
December 31st, 2006, 04:00 PM
At least he got a reply. I'm still awaiting one from the Morning Call's sports editor who I wrote to last week for the continued use of I-AA in their columns and reporting.He and I exchanged a few more emails after that too.
He wrote "I may just do that companion article as the I-AA, Division II and III are the only ones that really know what playing for a true college title means."
December 31st, 2006, 04:04 PM
At least he got a reply. I'm still awaiting one from the Morning Call's sports editor who I wrote to last week for the continued use of I-AA in their columns and reporting.
Wouldn't it be easier to just call it "Division I"?
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