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September 8th, 2016, 03:32 PM
Nice story.

Did you think that up yourself?

I dont think many dispute the fact that there was a man named jesus who walked the planet that may of had a profound effect on the people who followed him.

Most disputes involve the stories and the whole god thing, building an arch etc etc etc. Not to mention the veracity of those who told the stories and those who have interpreted them and the interpretation over the last couple of thousand years.

Bison Fan in NW MN
September 8th, 2016, 05:55 PM
I dont think many dispute the fact that there was a man named jesus who walked the planet that may of had a profound effect on the people who followed him.

Most disputes involve the stories and the whole god thing, building an arch etc etc etc. Not to mention the veracity of those who told the stories and those who have interpreted them and the interpretation over the last couple of thousand years.

Like I have said to others that do not believe......why do you even care?