View Full Version : NDSU Does It With Depth/Players - NOT With Stars
July 21st, 2016, 02:22 PM
From what I've seen of the Bison on TV, there is lots of truth in this article, BUT they also have some "star power" to go along with it.
July 21st, 2016, 02:42 PM
Accurate article is accurate.
However we literally just had the #2 NFL draft pick - and have had someone from our teams go to the NFL the past 3 or 4 years. So not exactly the best timing on Kolpack's part.
July 21st, 2016, 03:05 PM
Accurate article is accurate.
However we literally just had the #2 NFL draft pick - and have had someone from our teams go to the NFL the past 3 or 4 years. So not exactly the best timing on Kolpack's part.
Yet we went 8-0 without Wentz so it kind of is what he's getting at. Sure there are some "star" players sprinkled in but those alone are not going to get you a championship. You need depth to survive the season and playoff format.
July 21st, 2016, 04:02 PM
Yet we went 8-0 without Wentz so it kind of is what he's getting at. Sure there are some "star" players sprinkled in but those alone are not going to get you a championship. You need depth to survive the season and playoff format.
Menard Smith Tanguay DeLuca all stars on d. Haeg Wentz Stick Sheppard Johnson on offense. I'd say all those guys were stars last year. NDSU had a ton of star power the last 6 season. The secret to the success is the depth though because the whole team plays as a cohesive unit. Kinda true and kinda not for the article.
Professor Chaos
July 21st, 2016, 04:56 PM
I think NDSU has had plenty of star players... to the detriment of these preseason lists because they're driven primarily by stats. On defense it's hard to rack up 150 tackles or 20 TFLs at NDSU because 1) you don't see a ton of plays on the field when your offense's TOP is 35+ minutes on average and 2) said depth means that you'll likely be splitting time for the defensive snaps that are available. Of offense, it's hard for QBs, TEs, and WRs to rack up the impressive numbers that garner preseason recognition because they're only throwing the ball 15-25 times a game.
It may sound homerish but I think you put any of about 15 of NDSU's best returning players on say Indiana St and they're consensus first team all-conference picks because that kind of talent will stick out much more on a team that lacks the depth that NDSU has. What's remarkable about NDSU's success is the fact that they've been able to recruit players of the caliber they have while getting them to buy into the team system they're running at the expense of individual accomplishments. Winning championships helps but they had to get players to buy into that system before they started winning championships.
July 21st, 2016, 05:59 PM
Let's be real, NDSU might not get a lot of preseason accolades, but we send players to the nfl and cfl every single year. To say they weren't fcs level stars is bull****.
NY Crusader 2010
July 21st, 2016, 06:51 PM
Let's be real, NDSU might not get a lot of preseason accolades, but we send players to the nfl and cfl every single year. To say they weren't fcs level stars is bull****.
NDSU is just a classic example of team football for any level. They're not one-dimensional or even multi-dimensional. They manage to dominate every facet of the game week after week, especially when it counts the most. Even after changing coaches, which is that much more impressive.
July 21st, 2016, 06:53 PM;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxITEhUTExMWFRUWFxoYGBgXFxoaGBUbGh8WFhcWFx cYHSggGB0lGxUXITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMtNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GxAQGy0mICYvLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS 0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLf/AABEIAMIBBAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAwEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAABQMEBgECBwj/xAA9EAABAwIEBAMGAwYFBQAAAAABAAIDBBEFEiExBkFRYSJxgR MykaGx8ELB0QcUM1Jy4SNic5KiFSQ0gvH/xAAaAQADAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwQCAQUG/8QALxEAAgIBBAECBAUEAwAAAAAAAAECEQMEEiExQRMiBTJRcUJ hgbHwMzSRwRQVI//aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A Nr0xxBuFdxOjEZ0PoqCzGSkrQZMbg6Y0/6ndtjv5Ja43N15QtGLPTG3NloqFjmDss611jcLSUdQHBIzWW6W qL8IzhLsWodFdglyqji9XYaJEbvgqdJcmdIQgriuPJffAIQhBw EIQgAQhCABTR0ryLgKJO8IxBg8LjbTf8libaXA7DGEn7hPJC5u 4svC0eKxMtmuNe6zr91zHPcbzYYwVpjTA8S9mcp2KZ4lUXGnRZ daGmF2C/T7KxkirsZp5txoz7xY2XlWa9oDzZV06LtEuRVNokhhc7YLzIwg 6ra8OYQDH5i6hxnAxv8ABFHW KMahSzxZTZRLosEIQgAU9EwF4B2vqoE04ZohNUxxk2BOvog7Hs 2FJE3KLN08kL6VRYAxrAA0WQsbR 8/PmI1GdxVRNYqAOF 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I'm just here for the NDSU circle jerk xdrunkyx
NY Crusader 2010
July 21st, 2016, 07:08 PM;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxITEhUTExMWFRUWFxoYGBgXFxoaGBUbGh8WFhcWFx cYHSggGB0lGxUXITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMtNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GxAQGy0mICYvLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS 0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLf/AABEIAMIBBAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAwEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAABQMEBgECBwj/xAA9EAABAwIEBAMGAwYFBQAAAAABAAIDBBEFEiExBkFRYSJxgR MykaGx8ELB0QcUM1Jy4SNic5KiFSQ0gvH/xAAaAQADAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwQCAQUG/8QALxEAAgIBBAECBAUEAwAAAAAAAAECEQMEEiExQRMiBTJRcUJ hgbHwMzSRwRQVI//aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A Nr0xxBuFdxOjEZ0PoqCzGSkrQZMbg6Y0/6ndtjv5Ja43N15QtGLPTG3NloqFjmDss611jcLSUdQHBIzWW6W qL8IzhLsWodFdglyqji9XYaJEbvgqdJcmdIQgriuPJffAIQhBw EIQgAQhCABTR0ryLgKJO8IxBg8LjbTf8libaXA7DGEn7hPJC5u 4svC0eKxMtmuNe6zr91zHPcbzYYwVpjTA8S9mcp2KZ4lUXGnRZ daGmF2C/T7KxkirsZp5txoz7xY2XlWa9oDzZV06LtEuRVNokhhc7YLzIwg 6ra8OYQDH5i6hxnAxv8ABFHW KMahSzxZTZRLosEIQgAU9EwF4B2vqoE04ZohNUxxk2BOvog7Hs 2FJE3KLN08kL6VRYAxrAA0WQsbR 8/PmI1GdxVRNYqAOF 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I'm just here for the NDSU circle jerk xdrunkyx
13 months a year on this board...
July 21st, 2016, 07:57 PM
Any dutch rudder action going on? :D
July 22nd, 2016, 01:02 AM
Some of you missed the point. He is saying they don't have many players who get All American or All Conf recognition. He didn't say anything about not having talent or players going to the NFL.
July 22nd, 2016, 01:37 AM
Some of you missed the point. He is saying they don't have many players who get All American or All Conf recognition. He didn't say anything about not having talent or players going to the NFL.
The other point is-----all the other team placed many players on the preseason awards list. NDSU did not. BUT during the season our players out performed the supposed stars on the preseason awards list.
July 22nd, 2016, 01:40 AM
Accurate article is accurate.
However we literally just had the #2 NFL draft pick - and have had someone from our teams go to the NFL the past 3 or 4 years. So not exactly the best timing on Kolpack's part.
Look at preseason prediction. Post season is after the fact.
July 22nd, 2016, 07:37 AM
Whats harder?
winning 5 straight national titles with a championship history, large fanbase (FCS scale), plenty of resources, fertile recruiting ground, NFL draft pedigree, good indoor stadium
making the playoffs 12 straight years with virtually no stadium, no fertile recruiting base, small fan base, hockey first school, no championship pedigree, and virtually zero NFL draft pedigree
Bison Fan in NW MN
July 22nd, 2016, 07:40 AM
Whats harder?
winning 5 straight national titles with a championship history, large fanbase (FCS scale), plenty of resources, fertile recruiting ground, NFL draft pedigree, good indoor stadium
making the playoffs 12 straight years with virtually no stadium, no fertile recruiting base, small fan base, hockey first school, no championship pedigree, and virtually zero NFL draft pedigree
Not even close: winning 5 titles in a row
Professor Chaos
July 22nd, 2016, 07:43 AM
If I recall correctly Carson Wentz never made a (non-academic) All-America team. I recall Izzo making a pretty big stink about how Wentz was snubbed last preseason and, due to his missed time last year, he never made any postseason lists either.
POD Knows
July 22nd, 2016, 07:58 AM
Whats harder?
winning 5 straight national titles with a championship history, large fanbase (FCS scale), plenty of resources, fertile recruiting ground, NFL draft pedigree, good indoor stadium
making the playoffs 12 straight years with virtually no stadium, no fertile recruiting base, small fan base, hockey first school, no championship pedigree, and virtually zero NFL draft pedigree
New Hampshire has a hockey team??
July 22nd, 2016, 08:08 AM
Not even close: winning 5 titles in a row
Sure, winning 5 titles is harder than making the playoffs for 12 straight years, if thats all you take away from it.
However what NDSU is working with is A LOT more than what these other schools start with. Coach Mac is a miracle worker.
July 22nd, 2016, 08:09 AM
New Hampshire has a hockey team??
It stinks
POD Knows
July 22nd, 2016, 08:20 AM
It stinks
I was just breaking your balls, I know you guys have a hockey team, I root for you when you play against UND. xnodx
July 22nd, 2016, 08:23 AM
I was just breaking your balls, I know you guys have a hockey team, I root for you when you play against UND. xnodx
Haha, i knew that. Im hoping the hockey team sucking brings those fans over to the football program.
POD Knows
July 22nd, 2016, 08:29 AM
Haha, i knew that. Im hoping the hockey team sucking brings those fans over to the football program.
Just to stay on topic, making the playoffs 12 years in a row is a pretty good deal but 5 Natty's in row, epic.
July 22nd, 2016, 09:06 AM
It may sound homerish but I think you put any of about 15 of NDSU's best returning players on say Indiana St and they're consensus first team all-conference picks because that kind of talent will stick out much more on a team that lacks the depth that NDSU has.
There are two sides to this. If they aren't surrounded by the talent will they be as good? So a linebacker who has no d line to take up blocks for him does he make the same plays?
Obviously, there are those players that would shine no matter what, but there are also some players who are stars because they are surrounded by stars.
July 22nd, 2016, 09:28 AM
I find it amazing that NDSU has had such great success at the FCS level the last 5 years without taking in many transfers. They've identified top talent that was overlooked by FBS schools, gotten them to buy into the system and they've won big the last 5 years with their high school recruits.
July 22nd, 2016, 10:03 AM
Whats harder?
winning 5 straight national titles with a championship history, large fanbase (FCS scale), plenty of resources, fertile recruiting ground, NFL draft pedigree, good indoor stadium
making the playoffs 12 straight years with virtually no stadium, no fertile recruiting base, small fan base, hockey first school, no championship pedigree, and virtually zero NFL draft pedigree
Our recruiting is @ a national level. Anyone theoretically has a shot at these kids.
July 22nd, 2016, 10:15 AM
"Depth" is overrated. It's an advantage, but if I had a choice between my top 5 players being better than the opponents top 5 players and having a better second string than my opponent I would take the former every time. If you want a case study, see Georgia Southern and App State being top 10 or 15 G5 teams with well under 83 scholarships in 2014.
IMO, NDSU succeeds for the same reason Alabama does...they out-recruit most everyone else and they play good defense. Playing with pro-style offenses is an insane idea when your opponents have better talent than you do but when you've got a talent advantage and you play good defense winning becomes easier.
Bison Fan in NW MN
July 22nd, 2016, 10:16 AM
Whats harder?
winning 5 straight national titles with a championship history, large fanbase (FCS scale), plenty of resources, fertile recruiting ground, NFL draft pedigree, good indoor stadium
making the playoffs 12 straight years with virtually no stadium, no fertile recruiting base, small fan base, hockey first school, no championship pedigree, and virtually zero NFL draft pedigree
NDSU doesn't have any more advantage compared to any other school that offers the full complement of 63 scholarships.
In fact they are probably at a disadvantage with population and location. NDSU has been successful in spite of that.
July 22nd, 2016, 10:24 AM
You can beat talent with technique and execution. It's a proven fact at every level. The most talented teams don't always win. The 2015 USD/NDSU game is a perfect example. I don't think anyone believes USD was more talented then NDSU last season.
July 22nd, 2016, 11:07 AM
You can beat talent with technique and execution. It's a proven fact at every level. The most talented teams don't always win. The 2015 USD/NDSU game is a perfect example. I don't think anyone believes USD was more talented then NDSU last season.
Bingo. That is how we won a share of the SOCON title last year. That is how we usually win. We don't have many flash players, but some always rise to the top obviously. Technique and execution are key. Our entire Offense (and Defense) demonstrated this beautifully last year against South Carolina, a team who obviously has much more talent.
July 22nd, 2016, 11:11 AM
"Depth" is overrated. It's an advantage, but if I had a choice between my top 5 players being better than the opponents top 5 players and having a better second string than my opponent I would take the former every time. If you want a case study, see Georgia Southern and App State being top 10 or 15 G5 teams with well under 83 scholarships in 2014.
IMO, NDSU succeeds for the same reason Alabama does...they out-recruit most everyone else and they play good defense. Playing with pro-style offenses is an insane idea when your opponents have better talent than you do but when you've got a talent advantage and you play good defense winning becomes easier.
Well it helps when your Top 5 is better than their's AND you have the depth advantage. Which is something that both NDSU and Alabama have built up.
July 22nd, 2016, 11:26 AM
NDSU doesn't have any more advantage compared to any other school that offers the full complement of 63 scholarships.
In fact they are probably at a disadvantage with population and location. NDSU has been successful in spite of that.
Sounds true, but even if UNH went head to head with said schools on a national level, its the other "resources" that keep UNH at a disadvantage to compete for these kids. NDSU has a better stadium, better shot at the NFL, bigger fan base, championship history, and probably a similar education. How would UNH look stacked up to an 18 yr old from Florida? Both places are cold, both are near major cities, both are FCS, but UNH has really no advantages over NDSU.
When it comes to location, I could argue that UNH has a tougher time because we are competing with not only a TON of FBS schools, but a TON of FCS schools on the east coast. Way more recruiting competition to deal with. We too recruit on a national level (California, Florida, Georgia, VA, Texas) just to stay afloat.
UNH wins on depth but technique and scheme. Our kids are slower and smaller, so they have to play smarter. Doing that 12 years in a row is quite impressive (although the playoff field has grown the last few years).
July 22nd, 2016, 02:48 PM
Winning 5 consecutive national championships is far more impressive than making a now 24 team playoff field 12 times. Now getting that out of the way, IMO the football programs have a lot in common. Both programs have a tried and true recruiting niche that they have exploited for years. Both teams focus on the long term by bringing in players that fit the program and focusing on player development. UNH redshirts a lot of kids every year, and every year we act surprised when a bunch of them step up and start contributing once they take off the redshirt. UNH also gives younger guys playing time for developmental purposes more than many programs. UNH and NDSU teams are disciplined and the coaches are serious about enforcing school and team rules. UNH just announced that consensus 1st team AA TE, Jordan Powell, will be suspended 6 games for "Team and University rule infractions". How many times have we seen players of that caliber get a wrist slapped for more serious issues? Both teams know how to get the best out of the kids they recruit for their programs. They challenge the players to do the right thing, make the right decisions both on the field and in other endeavors and hold them accountable. When they measure up, they treat them like respected and valued team members, family really. Long term success, season after season, can't be an accident. There is a whole more to building and sustaining a winning program than convincing a few of the highest rated HS recruits and the most disgruntled FBS athletes to transfer.
July 22nd, 2016, 03:14 PM
Winning 5 consecutive national championships is far more impressive than making a now 24 team playoff field 12 times. Now getting that out of the way, IMO the football programs have a lot in common. Both programs have a tried and true recruiting niche that they have exploited for years. Both teams focus on the long term by bringing in players that fit the program and focusing on player development. UNH redshirts a lot of kids every year, and every year we act surprised when a bunch of them step up and start contributing once they take off the redshirt. UNH also gives younger guys playing time for developmental purposes more than many programs. UNH and NDSU teams are disciplined and the coaches are serious about enforcing school and team rules. UNH just announced that consensus 1st team AA TE, Jordan Powell, will be suspended 6 games for "Team and University rule infractions". How many times have we seen players of that caliber get a wrist slapped for more serious issues? Both teams know how to get the best out of the kids they recruit for their programs. They challenge the players to do the right thing, make the right decisions both on the field and in other endeavors and hold them accountable. When they measure up, they treat them like respected and valued team members, family really. Long term success, season after season, can't be an accident. There is a whole more to building and sustaining a winning program than convincing a few of the highest rated HS recruits and the most disgruntled FBS athletes to transfer.
Sheesh I commend the UNH staff for sticking to their morals and upholding ALL PLAYERS accountable for their actions. Most teams will hand that slap on the wrist down to star players and give a multiple game suspension to a reserve guy. This sets the standard and lets the other 89 members of the team know that nobody is above the rules and all are subjected to the same consequences.
July 22nd, 2016, 05:56 PM
I root for you when you play against UND. xnodx
Funny I root for UNH when they play the susies too...along with every other team that the Fawks play.
July 22nd, 2016, 06:05 PM
Whats harder?
winning 5 straight national titles with a championship history, large fanbase (FCS scale), plenty of resources, fertile recruiting ground, NFL draft pedigree, good indoor stadium
making the playoffs 12 straight years with virtually no stadium, no fertile recruiting base, small fan base, hockey first school, no championship pedigree, and virtually zero NFL draft pedigree
To me it is 5 National Championships in a row. All it would have taken was a bad bounce against SHSU the first time, a play or two by GSU in 2012, Illinois State making a play or two in 2014 or UNI making a few more plays in the 2015 playoff game.
I also am certainly not taking anything away from what New Hampshire has done with making 12 straight playoffs. A very impressive feat. That is a great measure of success IMHO. UNI and Montana are in a similar situation as far as I am concerned. Year in and year out top performers.
I am just happy as heck to have been in Frisco when NDSU has won those NC's.
July 22nd, 2016, 06:12 PM
Montana had what, like 85 straight years in the playoffs as they were taking lunch money from the defenseless children in the Sky for many years. That at was a nice streak too, but would have been more impressive if it had resulted in more championships.
Certainly more balance in the Sky today.
July 22nd, 2016, 06:51 PM
Montana had what, like 85 straight years in the playoffs as they were taking lunch money from the defenseless children in the Sky for many years. That at was a nice streak too, but would have been more impressive if it had resulted in more championships.
Certainly more balance in the Sky today.
Seeing the cluster**** that was everyone's rankings that is an understatement. Which is compounded by unbalanced scheduling. When everyone is done playing we'll still never know who's really 2 though 6 in the league.
July 22nd, 2016, 10:59 PM
you guys are far and above FCS, move along now
July 22nd, 2016, 10:59 PM
you guys are far and above FCS, move along now where?
July 22nd, 2016, 11:06 PM
Montana had what, like 85 straight years in the playoffs as they were taking lunch money from the defenseless children in the Sky for many years. That at was a nice streak too, but would have been more impressive if it had resulted in more championships.
Certainly more balance in the Sky today.
Montana had 17 straight playoff appearances, won the National Championship 2 times and lost in the National Championship game five times. I would day that is a very impressive resume.
July 22nd, 2016, 11:37 PM
Alright....I keep thinking about this. Stars as in conference awards? Its tough to win stats wars when you have a stable of RBs and only one ball carrier to tackle on D. The fact that Emanuel won the Buchanan with how little the Bison D is on the field plus the supporting cast he had is amazing (one would argue it could take attention away from him, but the stat point still stands).
That being said....if we are talking "talent" at the next level...Kolpack jumped the shark (hidding from the wrath of using that phrase xlolx )
The 2013 NDSU Bison....GOAT
Brock Jensen (Tried out with Miami and currently with the Ottawa Redblacks) - All time leader in wins as a FCS QB....wasn't even the best QB on the team.
Carson Wentz (2nd overall pick with the Eagles) - He's pretty good.
John Crockett (Green Bay Packers) - Pretty good....split carries with...
Sam Ojuri and a 3rd in Morlock his senior year...2 1,000 yard rushers in 2014.
Ryan Smith (Winnipeg Blue Bombers) - Awesome slot receiver
Zach Vraa - Guy has 5 rings and played forever... xlolx
Andrew Bonnet (Cincinnati Bengals) - hurdling monster
Billy Turner (Miami Dolphins) - Starting LT
Joe Haeg (Indianapolis Colts) - Starting RT at the time...moved to LT when Turner graduated
TBD on guys like Zack Johnson, Landon Lechler, and Austin Kuhnert yet....NDSU knows how to make them.
Ben LeCompte (Chicago Bears) - GOAT...
Kyle Emanuel (San Diego Chargers) - Buchanan winner
Cole Jirik - staple on the other side. Did spend some time in Canada.
Nate Tanguay - TBD, but I'm thinking he gets a shot when his time comes.
Nick DeLuca - another TBD...
Throw in guys like Olson, Littlejohn, Beck, Stumpf, etc......LBs everywhere
Dudzik and Heagle.....won more championships than losses in their careers as 4 (5 if you include Heagle's medical year) year starters. Georgia Southern fans remember Heagle...
Marcus Williams (New York Jets)
CJ Smith (Philadelphia Eagles)
Good luck...... xlolx
I know I'm missing others, but the thought that NDSU is winning without top tier talent/stars is a bit much...
July 22nd, 2016, 11:51 PM
Pretty sure Ojuri is into his 3rd season in the CFL
If you search North Dakota State you will see 3 players on teams from that 2013 team.
July 22nd, 2016, 11:56 PM
Pretty sure Ojuri is into his 3rd season in the CFL
I knew he went to the CFL (Hamilton right?), but I didn't realize he was still around.
EDIT: Just looked...he's not around that I can see.
July 22nd, 2016, 11:58 PM
Yeah he was a railcat, he is on the BCLions right now.
Currently active in the NFL
North Dakota State
Andrew Bonnet (
Cincinnati Bengals (
John Crockett (
Green Bay Packers (
Running Back
Kyle Emanuel (
San Diego Chargers (
Joe Haeg (
Indianapolis Colts (
Offensive Tackle
Ramon Humber (
New England Patriots (
Ben LeCompte (
Chicago Bears (
C.J. Smith (
Philadelphia Eagles (
Billy Turner (
Miami Dolphins (
Carson Wentz (
Philadelphia Eagles (
Marcus Williams (
New York Jets (
I mean NDSU has 13 active NFL/CFL players right now, and has several others that were in the league very recently like Mays, Dahl, and Schommer
IDK what is typical of an FCS school, but I would bet this is probably on the upper end.
July 23rd, 2016, 12:04 AM
(the other team that brought themselves into the comparison)
New Hampshire
Corey Graham (
Buffalo Bills (
R.J. Harris (
New Orleans Saints (
Wide Receiver
Jared Smith (
Dallas Cowboys (
Offensive Lineman
- - - Updated - - -
North Dakota
Will Ratelle (
Atlanta Falcons (
South Dakota
Tom Compton (
Atlanta Falcons (
Offensive Tackle
Drew Iddings (
Oakland Raiders (
Defensive Lineman
Tyler Starr (
Atlanta Falcons (
South Dakota State
Adam Vinatieri (
Indianapolis Colts (
Place kicker
Bryan Witzmann (
New Orleans Saints (
Offensive Tackle
Zach Zenner (
Detroit Lions (
Running Back
- - - Updated - - -
Northern Iowa
Makinton Dorleant (
Green Bay Packers (
L.J. Fort (
Pittsburgh Steelers (
Deiondre' Hall ('-hall)
Chicago Bears (
Austin Howard (
Oakland Raiders (
Offensive Tackle
David Johnson (
Arizona Cardinals (
Running Back
Terrell Sinkfield (
Minnesota Vikings (
Wide Receiver
Xavier Williams (
Arizona Cardinals (
Nose Tackle
July 23rd, 2016, 12:06 AM
Colt Anderson (
Buffalo Bills (
Dan Carpenter (
Buffalo Bills (
Place kicker
Brock Coyle (
Seattle Seahawks (
Tyrone Holmes (
Jacksonville Jaguars (
Defensive End
Trumaine Johnson (
Los Angeles Rams (
Jamaal Jones (
San Diego Chargers (
Wide Receiver
Marc Mariani (
Chicago Bears (
Wide Receiver
William Poehls (
Tennessee Titans (
Offensive Tackle
Chase Reynolds (
Los Angeles Rams (
Running Back
Ben Roberts (
Tennessee Titans (
Wide Receiver
Jordan Tripp (
Jacksonville Jaguars (
Zack Wagenmann (
Arizona Cardinals (
Montana State
Bryson Keeton (
null Unknown (
Mike Person (
Atlanta Falcons (
Beau Sandland (
Carolina Panthers (
Tight End
John Weidenaar (
Cincinnati Bengals (
Offensive Lineman
July 23rd, 2016, 12:09 AM
recent championship opponents
Jacksonville State
Chris Landrum (
San Diego Chargers (
Defensive End
Devaunte Sigler (
Pittsburgh Steelers (
Defensive Tackle
Illinois State
Shelby Harris (
New York Jets (
Defensive End
Michael Liedtke (
New York Jets (
Cameron Meredith (
Chicago Bears (
Wide Receiver
James O'Shaughnessy ('shaughnessy)
Kansas City Chiefs (
Tight End
Nate Palmer (
Tennessee Titans (
David Perkins (
Seattle Seahawks (
Defensive End
Tre Roberson (
Minnesota Vikings (
Colton Underwood (
Oakland Raiders (
Jermon Bushrod (
Miami Dolphins (
Offensive Tackle
Jordan Dangerfield (
Pittsburgh Steelers (
Ryan Delaire (
Carolina Panthers (
Defensive End
Tye Smith (
Seattle Seahawks (
Terrance West (
Baltimore Ravens (
Running Back
Sam Houston State
Lachlan Edwards (
New York Jets (
Mikell Everette (
Cleveland Browns (
Defensive Back
Josh McCown (
Cleveland Browns (
Daxton Swanson (
Dallas Cowboys (
Defensive Back
- - - Updated - - -
Clearly Montana is the star power team. :)
July 23rd, 2016, 12:11 AM
I knew he went to the CFL (Hamilton right?), but I didn't realize he was still around.
EDIT: Just looked...he's not around that I can see.
Jensen, Brock (
North Dakota State
Ojuri, Sam (
North Dakota State
Smith, Ryan (
North Dakota State
The CFL website lists him as having a team each year, including this one.
Bison Fan in NW MN
July 23rd, 2016, 08:34 AM
Sounds true, but even if UNH went head to head with said schools on a national level, its the other "resources" that keep UNH at a disadvantage to compete for these kids. NDSU has a better stadium, better shot at the NFL, bigger fan base, championship history, and probably a similar education. How would UNH look stacked up to an 18 yr old from Florida? Both places are cold, both are near major cities, both are FCS, but UNH has really no advantages over NDSU.
When it comes to location, I could argue that UNH has a tougher time because we are competing with not only a TON of FBS schools, but a TON of FCS schools on the east coast. Way more recruiting competition to deal with. We too recruit on a national level (California, Florida, Georgia, VA, Texas) just to stay afloat.
UNH wins on depth but technique and scheme. Our kids are slower and smaller, so they have to play smarter. Doing that 12 years in a row is quite impressive (although the playoff field has grown the last few years).
How do you know? Total assumptions. Has UNH ever gone head to head against NDSU for a recruit? Hard to come to that conclusion w/o the 2 schools competing against each other for recruits.
July 23rd, 2016, 11:12 AM
How do you know? Total assumptions. Has UNH ever gone head to head against NDSU for a recruit? Hard to come to that conclusion w/o the 2 schools competing against each other for recruits.
I agree, who knows exactly why a young man from California or Florida, or Texas would choose to go the NDSU or UNH. I've notices that many of the kids we recruit from those far off states have some connection to UNH, or at least the New England region. If the only criteria was playing for the most successful FCS program, NDSU is the obvious choice. While NDSU beats out UNH on this criteria, there are 120+ FCS programs that don't, so I don't see why that would put UNH at such a pronounced disadvantage. You're also right pointing out that UNH and NDSU rarely, if ever, have gone head to head for the same recruit. As far a geographical location, I'd have to give UNH the advantage. It has a classic New England campus, a short drive to the ocean and just a little longer to the mountains. It is also just a little over an hour driving distance to Boston. But again, does it really make much difference when we aren't even competing in the same market?
July 23rd, 2016, 11:29 AM
When it comes to location, I could argue that UNH has a tougher time because we are competing with not only a TON of FBS schools, but a TON of FCS schools on the east coast. Way more recruiting competition to deal with. We too recruit on a national level (California, Florida, Georgia, VA, Texas) just to stay afloat.
How could a handful of lightweights constitute a ton of FBS schools? Including New England, New York and New Jersey all I come up with is: Buffalo (which is really much closer to population centers of Ohio and Michigan) Boston College, UMass, UConn and Rutgers. Compared to the population of that 8 state region, that is very little FBS competition. However, we do have a TON of FCS competition for regional recruits.
July 23rd, 2016, 01:00 PM where?
Canadian football league...
July 23rd, 2016, 01:04 PM
Canadian football league...
About as likely as a FBS move right now. xlolx
July 23rd, 2016, 02:35 PM
Canadian football league...
I've said it before it would be a better "Geographical Footprint" xsmiley_wix
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